NATO COllneil Backs No Appeasement In Talks With Reds Suggestions , For Berlin Talked Over 01 owon Sertling The State Universit~ of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit~ Preparations Made For London Meeting c..~lI.IUUSIJ~U III UIIIlI - r I e l..t~ lllS a Copy 1\ 'OCJale(l Press Lease(l Wlrt> aDd WlrelJt\otll" UnIted Pre s Inlernatton II Leased wire lowa city, lowa, Saturday, AprIl 4, L95Y

WASij~NGTON d Wednes­ Jerfer on. grams from European music festi­ ay for more than 200 (own high Vielor Blucdorn, national execu­ vals to be presented by the slation Clarinetisl Eugene Martin, A4, ]relan, G, Ottumwa. ! R. J. RuPpe, 1usic for the opera wa compos· Annual Luncheon Eldora, bassoonist Marjorie Ma­ sociology ar d by Lee Hoiby, Hoiby and Dun- cbool students who are expected tive direetor of Sigma Della Chi. during the month of April. In the Bruch work, Shinn wi~ be o attend "Prospective Teacher will be the principal speaker at a Beginning at 10:15 a.m.. the son, A4, Mason City, and pianist Friday. assisted on the viola by Fred Slav· The arUfae can have collaborated on anoth r 'For GOP Women )ay" at the SUI. dinner following the initiation. Britten program will be in two Janct Jamison, A4, Story City, ick, ass'!. professor and researcfi burial found opera. "The Witch." which was Th University program will be The six new professional mem­ parts. For the first portion, Brit­ will be performers on this week's pres nted at the international mu- To Be At Union )art of a statewide plan in which bers will be G. Wiley Beveridge, ten him elf will conduct The Royal "Recital Hall" program. Saturday director of the SUI Bureau of La private coli· county Iowa sic Cestival in Spoletto. Italy, in 12 colleges and universities will publisher, Williamsburg Journal­ Opera House Orchestra in Fou~ at 9:30 a.m. on WSVI . bor and Management. • said. June of 1958. The Iowa Council of Republican hold "Prospective Tcacher Days" Tribune ; Carl C. Caswell, publish­ Sea ] nterludes and Passacaglia Heard on Saturday's broadcast Harvey Soli berger, A3. Marion, Women for Johnson County will er, Clarinda Herald-Journal; Dan from Peter Grimes and Les Illu­ will be Homer Keller's "Five will presenl a flute recitaltTuesday A four in Duncan is also the author oC lile 1e igned to interest capable high 'a copper fir hold their annual luncheon on fon­ ')chool students in entering a pro· Perkes, oC the Associated Press, minations for High Voices and Pieces For Clarinet and Bassoon," at 4 p.m. at the North Music Hall. libretto for "La Grande Breteche," ular beads day at 12: 15 in Ihe Fountain Room ,{ram of teacher education at th, Des Moines ; Everett Streit, editor, String Orchestra, Op. 18. Tenor with soloists Eugene Marlin and ]nciuded in the program will be wilil music composed by Stanley were fou nd of the Union. 'nstitution of their choice. Clinton Herald; George Volger, Peter Pears wUl be soloist. Marjorie Mason, and Janet Jami­ "La Cheminee du Roi Rene," by Mrs. Stella Barker, state chair­ manager, Muscatine Broadcasting Brillen's Spring Symphony will son as accompanist. Also heard Darium Milhaud, "Sonata in A last fall. Registralion Cor SUI's Prospec­ Six other b man of Public Relation oC the Re­ Co. and president of the Iowa complete the program. With Ern­ will be Brahms "Sonata in F minor," by Bach, "Quartet in ~ 4 Navy Frogmen Stay 'ive Teacher Day will begin at 9 Ruppe ar publican Women Council, wlll be Broadcasters Association, and Lee est Ansermet conducting The Minor, Op. 120, NO.1," Eugene major. K. 285," by Mozart, and by 1.m. in th lobby of Iowa lemori- at the same Under Water 48 Hours the speaker and will talk on lile 11 Union and will be followed by a White, news director, radio station Royal Danish Chapel Choir will be Martin soloist, Janet Jamison ac­ "Sonatine." by Hans Werner role of women in politics, with par­ welcoming address by Dean E .T. KROS, Clinton. heard. Soloists will be soprano companist. Henze. NORFOLK, Va. 1.fI- Four water­ ticular emphasis on how Republi­ Peterson of the SUI College of New SUI student initiates will in­ Bluedorn Jennifer Vyvyan, contralto Norma Program coordinator for the Piano accomnanist will be James logged and slightly dazed Navy can women in Iowa can slrength­ elude Fred Hawker. A4, Tipton; Procter, and Peter Pears. Taggart, G, Milford, Neb., assistea Mortor frogmen popped to the surface of Education. Guest Speaker "Recital Hall " concerts is Marvin en their party in the next two Lloyd L. Smith, assistant profes­ Alan, Easton, G, Iowa City; Ben Thostenson, associate proressor of in the Milhaud selection by Charlet a swimming pool Friday. proud years. Black;;tock, A3. Kankakee, Possi or of education at SUI and chair­ 111.; ----- music. Ireland, A2, Ottumwa, oboe; Jon po ses ors oC a record - 48 hours Mrs. Phil Weldin, Wa hington, Donard Forsythe, A3, Plover; and man o( the program, ays the Piersol, A2, Ames, clarinet; under water. Iowa, fir t district presid nt of the Charles L. Day, A4, Grimes. Travel Information Two student recitals will be pre­ As ~roup will then be divided into sented Sunday in the North Music George Strombeck, A2, Mofine, "or cour e I'm tired and weary. Council oC Republican Women, will Law Review Ill., bassoon, and Wesley Fiala, but olilerwise J reel just nn ," install new members to the John­ IWO ections, one ror students with Book On Sale Hall. 3n interest in secondary teaching AI, Mason City, French horn. said 29-year-old Eugen S. Tinnin on County Council. They are: Dr. WAC Officer Are you interested in traveling At 2 p.m. an instrumental pro­ Assisting in the Mozart number or Houston, Tex., at the ide of lnd one for those interested in ele­ gram will be given by Donna Dub­ Olive Pearl Ritter, president, Mrs. abroad? If you are. a new publica­ will be Linda Wilmeth, AI, ]o w~ the heat d pool. "Sure. I'd like to Edwin D. Kurtz. vice-president. mentary teaching. Will Visit Lunch Monday bert, A4, Rochester, Minn., French SUI studt'nts speaking about tion of "Work, Study, Travel City. violin ; Richard Voots, ,viola ; do it again, if it was Cor the sam Mrs. Louis Lord, second vice-presi­ Abroad". is now available lo col­ horn, and Janice Jacobi, A3, Mar­ and Peggy Munro, M, Belt, cello. rea n." To prove "that we could dent, Mi s Grace Cochran, secre­ ')reparational ficlds to the group SUI Campus Student contributors to lile Iowa engo, lrumpet. Miss Dubbert will will include William Lillibridge, lege studenls (rom the United do it," aid one of the frogmen as tary, and Mrs. Richard J . Jones. Capt. Martha J. Thompson, of the Law Review and members of the States National Student Associa­ play "Vill anelle," by DuKas ; Ros­ they groped up the pool's ladder. treasurer. ~4, New Hampton : Glenn Sterling Women's Army Corps Officer SUI law faculty will attend a Law tion (uSNSA). sini's "Prelude Theme et Varia­ \3, and Majorie Wagner, A4. bolh Branch o( Headquarters, Fiflil Review Luncheon Monday at 12:30 In "Work, Study, Travel Aboard" tions pur Cor;" and "Trio, Op. 87 Academic Officers, )f Iowa City; and Lee Williams, U.S. Army. will visit SUI. April p.m. in the Hotel Jefferson dining readers wi ll find information con­ (Adagio)," by Beethoven-Gumbert. \2, and Dan Efner, both of Ottum­ 7, to interl'iew women interested room. cerning travel tours, passports, In the Beethoven-Gumbert ar­ Meeting At SUI va. in the Army commission program The speaker will be Dwight summer school sessions, and how rangement she will be assisted on I Following this meeting, the offered to women college gradu­ Brooke, editor-in-chief of the Iowa to obtain summer jobs abroad. the French horn by Karole Kindler, Principal academic officers ' of Morton, News Digest ;roup interested in secondary edu­ ates. Law Review before he graduated The publication may be obtained A3, Muscatine, and Wesley Fiala, the Big Ten universities and the Thursday ' at ion will meel for discussion ses­ During her stay in Iowa City from the SUI college of law in 1931. by writing USNSA Educational At, Mason City. University of Chicago are meetin, back to lions with students at SUI and Sa~urday at SUI to pursue a co­ Elizabeth Duncan Condemned Miss Thompson will be available He is now vice-president and gen­ Travel, Inc., 701 7th Ave., New Miss Jacobi will play Haydn's without in the vari­ operative research program which raculty representatives at the office of Colonel Max V. eral counsel for Bankers Life In­ York 36, N.Y. The cosl of the book­ "Concerto for Trumpet;" and ment. He To Die In Prison Gas Chamber !Jus areas. will exlend over the next four Kirkbride, Professor of Military surance Company, Des Moine's. let is $1. "Suite for Trumpet and Piano," available VENTURA, Calif. l.4'I - Doting molher Elizabelh Duncan was sen­ Students interested in elemenLary years. Science and Tactics. by William P. Latham. Both will asked hi t nced Friday to die for the weird hircd murder of her son' wife. education will observe four SUI Financed by a $254,000 grant Miss Thompson is the daughter be accompanied by pianist Linda In ~tudent teachers in their classes from the Carnegie Foundation of Her lined face showed not a flicker of emotion as she heard of C. Woody Thompson. Route 1, Eggert, A2, Marengo. er (R) thc words condemning her to the San Quentin Prison gas chamber. at the University Elementary Iowa City. direelor of the Bureau Good Listening- New York, Ule research will under· and said At 7:30 p.m .• ' Wildon J. Shinn, take to identify the contributions Standing besidc her was her attorney SOli Frank, 30 . Witncsses at School: Grctchcn Green, A4, and of Economic and Business Re­ chairman. " G, Franklin, La., will be heard in which the 11 universities make to her trial aid her jealous love Cor him drove her to arrange the mur­ Arlene Hunt, A4, bolh of Des search at SUI. She attended Carl­ for Morton Moines, and Dorothy House, M, ton College, Northfield, Minn., and a recitai consisting oC "Sonatine," the Midwest and their importance d r of the woman who had taken him away. Today On W 5 U I mous and 3nd Sharon Schmidt, A4, both of took graduate work here. by Gordon Jacob; Honegger's 10 Ihe tolal picture of American Olga Kupczyk Duncan, 30-year-old Canadian nurse who married \1uscatine. Discussions on the ob­ "Sonatine;" "Eight Pieces, Gp. me. Frank la t June 20, was kidnaped Crom her Santa Barbara apart· ,ervations nnd preparataion for SATURDAY SUPPLEMENT ex­ roli, news, weather and palm ment Nov. 17 and strangled. H r body was buried in a shallow road­ 'lemenlary teaching wi\l follow. pects to keep you laughing for readings. side grave. Afternoon sessions will consist three hours this afternoon. The EVENING CONCERT'S program ~f a program of musical selections University hours: one 10 four o'clock; the for tonight was inadvertantly listed Airman Still Claims He Was \Jy sur's Old Gold Singers. a film theme: Comedy Through the Ages in yesterday's Daily Iowan. Before 3n preparing for teaching careers, Calendar -from the ancient Greek farce, anyone goes through the trash for Bumped Because Of Colonel and an address by Don a I d Aristophanes' "The Birds," to the list of selections, here it is AGUDAS Acm~1 OONGREGATION FREE IIIETIIODIST CHAPBL TOKYO (A'I - An enlisted m<1n "I don't see how they could Rhoades, associate director of ad­ Rosalind Russell's "One Hundred again: Mozart's "Haffner" Sym­ 602 E. WashlnrtoD SI. 931 Third Ao •. SATURDAY. APRIL 4, 1959 Rabbi Sanker The Rev. James W. DanleD, PAlI.r disiIIgl'.. d Friday with an Air have cleared the colonel," said missions at SUI. His topic will be Ways to Lose a Man." phony, Symphonic Etudes by Frida, Service, 8 p.m. 10 •. m. Sunday Seh.ol. 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. - lIistory Con­ Schumann, Prokofiev's First Violin Allernalot wllh Hillel House 11 •. m . 1I1.rnlntr Worship Force report clearing a lieuten- one of the sil(. Airman Robert J. "Practical Considerations in Go­ other laughs are forthcoming Sabbath worsblp, Sdurday. 9 a.lD. , :30 p.m. Sunday Eoelllnr Servl.. ant colonel of a charge of bump- ing to College." 'ference - Senate Chamber, Old from W. C. Fields, Ben Turpin, Cocerto, and Holst's "The Planets." . . . Ing six Gis from a plane taking Kindl at his home in Saratoga Capitol. ASSE~IBLY OF FRIENDS Prospecti ve Teacher Day is S. J. Perelman and Bob and Ray. TEA TIME SPECIAL, from 4:00 GOD R. B. lIlithenor, CI.rit them home on emergency fur. Springs, N.Y. 12 to 5 p.m. - Iowa City State­ 4~2 S. Clinton SL. ~ponsored by Ihe University in co­ The comic spidt will further be p.m. to 5:30, will feature the suite, The Rev. Dan r\ll11er, Paltor Phon. 8-2571 loughs. " The investigators couldn't operation with thc Iowa Commis­ wide Editors Conference - House invoked by Dame Edith Evans, "Cuban Fire," by Johnny Rich­ MornlDI Worsblp, II a.m. Y.W.C.A. Room, low. IItem.rlal UII. Chamber, Old Capitol. E•• nrollille Sorolce. 7 p.m. 9:aO a.m. Me.Un, (or Worsblp The Air Foree blamed the whole have got the story from the guys ~ion on Teacher Education and John Gielgud and olhers in scenes ards. Performing artists are under 10 ::10 a.m. CI mixup at Tachikawa March 26 on workIng at Tachikawa air base. - 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. - CPC Con­ · . . ProCessional Standards. Crom eighteenth century comedy, the baton oC Stan Kenton. BETIIANY BAPTIST CHURCH • • • an administrative error. But the A staff sergeant at the passenger cert - Kingston Trio - Iowa Me­ B St .... FlIIh Ave" I.wa Cit,. GRACE UNITED and a riverboat troupe will revive Unltl~d Morntn, \Vorsblp Servlof, _:4ti investigating board said the offi· desk explained to the colonel that I morial Union. W8U1 - IOWA CITY 810 it / e IIIlSSIONAIlY CHURCH America's most mirthful melo­ Saturday, April 4. 1959 a.m. IBM Mus •• Une Ave. 8 p.m. - University Play - E.onlna: G.spel Sorolc., 7:S0 p.m, eel'. Lt. Col . Charles Platt Jr.. we had a higher priority than he drama, "The Drunkard." Even 8:00 MOl'rllnll Chapel Rt". Ra)'mond G. Sahmet, pastor Brooklyn "by his actions can· and his family did, but that didn't 106 Dental "The Imaginary Invalid" - Uni­ 8:15 News Bible Siudy Cla.s .. tor all "'., 9:CO .... 0' Sorol« '0:45 a.m. tribut.d to the confvsion." make any difference to him," versity Theatre. Anna Russell will try to get in the 8:30 Morning Serenade BETnEL AFRICAN METHODIST act with her own Italian opera, 8:45 One Man's Opinion CHURCH , p.m. Choir Practice Sunday, April 5 9:00 Know Vour Children U I S. Goyerno, St. 7:ao p.m. Evenln, Service Students HCballen,e of the Cross" 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Iowa City "Hamletto. " 9: 15 Midland Schools The Rev. Fred L. Penny, ra.tor Air Force Fires Third A more straight-Caeed treatment 9:30 Recital Hall 10 a.m. Sunday Sehool 1:80 p.m., Wodue.d.y Prayer .ud Blbl. Statewide Editors Conference - 10:00 Cue II '.m. Re,ulu Church Worship Service Sludy Successful Titan ICBM Finish Exams House Chamber, Old Capitol. of drama will pervade S.S. and I :00 Saturday Supplement Communion on fjrd Sunday of every CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. 1m - The Tilan ICBM. the Air Force's Lee Strasberg talks about The .:iJO Tea Time SPecial mODlb. HILLEL FOUNDAT10N Students in the SUI College oC 2:30 p.m. - Iowa Mountaineers 5:3!l News 1'!2 E •• I ~"tk.1 st. powerful new "second generation" rockel. shot over the Atlantic Fri­ Method, assisted by Rod Sleiger 5:45 Sportstlme • Frlh, 7:8~ p.m. ~.bbath ,S.rYlo .. Dentistry spent Thursday and Fri­ Film-Lecture - Stan Midgley - CnRlsTtAN REFORMED CHURCH day on the third highly successful test flight in a row. and Julie Harris, members of 6:00 Eventng Concert Conference Room No.1, "Colorado Today and Yesterday" 8:00 Music Iowa. MemorIal Union JEHOVAH'S WITNESSE8 J day taking examinations which will ~120 H St. A bright ball oC fire shortly after noon signaled the blast-oCC for - Macbride Auditorium. Strasberg's Actors' Studio. 9:45 News Final OUtst Minister - Lambertus Van Laar :jualify them for recognition as In additional recognition of seven· 10:00 SIGN OFF :1 p.m. "The Perfect Government r. what turn d out to be the third Titan triumph in the short space dentists in government agencies 7:45 p.m. - Iowa Mountaineers All Mankind" teenth ee.ntury comedy Larry Bar­ THE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4 p.m. Watchlower Study of two months. lnd 36 states. Film-Lecture "California Moun­ WSUI - IOWA CITY 91U it / c 8 rett and, Margaret Cutler will read Mond"y, April 6, 1959 1320 Klrit.wo.d Ave. Tu ••.. p.m., Book .Iudy The 9O-Coot rocket, shaped like a giant bullet, was fired at a The examinations, givcn by the taio Holiday" - Stan Midgley - 8:00 Morning Chapel Bible CI'~!I!I, 9 I.m. ThurJ., K p.m. Book Study English and French excerpts from 8:15 News Moruint' WorshIp, 10 a.m. Fri., 7:30 p.m., Ministry School National Board of Dental Examin­ Macbride Auditorium. ' Ennln, Worahlp Servl.e, 7:00 p ..... limIted range close to 300 miles. Later it was announced that "pre­ Jouvet's "Moliere;" this in recog­ 8:30 Modern American Drama FrI.. 8:30 ,.-111. Serv!ce Mee~ID' ers of the American Dental Asso­ Monday. April 6 9: liminary' data showed lile Tilan achieved all of its test objectives." 15 Morning Music MENNONITE CnUKOH ciation, were taken by 106 SUI den­ 4:30 p.m. - Co\1ege of Medicine nition of the current University 9:35 Bookshelf CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Several hours later a Bold Orien ballistic test rockel, capable or Theatre , "The Imaginary In· 10:00 News OF LATTER-DAY SAIN?:. 614 Clarit SI. tal students. Lecture. Dr. J. H. Louw. Profes­ 10:05 Music OJ 0 E. F.lrohlld SL. The Rev. Vlrl'll Brennaman, PalMr traveling 1,000 miles, was blasted toward a target some 700 miles Dr. George Easton, assistant sor of Surgery Medical School, valid." 12:00 Rhythm Rambles Prluthood, 9 a.m. Sunday School Hour, 0:45 a.m. Keep laughing, from one to four, 12:30 News Sunday Sthool, 10:80 a. .... Mornln, W.rshlp. 10 :43 a.m. oul over the Atlantic from beneath the wing of a B47 jet b rber. :lean in the College oC Dentistry, Cape Town, Soulh Africa - "In­ S.e-amoDL III.eLlnr, 6 p.m. "lma~ of Christ" 12 : 4~ News Background 7:80 p.m. Evenlug ServIce ~aid the examinations are given in testinal Atresia" - Medical Am­ on S.S. 1:.00 Mostly Music TEN TO ONE IT'S CUE: an in­ 2:00 The World ot Story cnURCH OF TilE NAZABI!NIi 7:1~ p.m, !\led., Mi.dweek ~ervico Crippled Turbo-prop Plane two parls. The Iirst parl is given phitheatre. 2:15 Music Bu.lIneloo .nd ClInlon Sta. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUI to sophomore students and is con­ 8 p.m. - Humanities Society - terview with Minneapolis Sym­ 2:30 Music Appreeinllon The Rev. G. M. Flela, Mlol.Ie, OHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTI Makes Safe Wheels-up Landing ProCessor Norman De Wilt, Uni­ phony conduclor, Antal Dorati; a 3:20 Music Sunday Sehool, 9;tft ".m. cerned with the basic sciences. 3:55 News MomlD, W.rlblp, 10:45 a.m. 22t ft,lelroae Al1e. • DETROIT (.f) - A crippled along a runway to lower friction versity of Minnesota - "Why, BBC presentation of the record Illeh.rd C. SeUorber" Mlaln.r Junior and senior sludents take lhe 4:00 Tea Time "Four-Dimension Love." Church Stbool, 0:30 a.m. and reduce the halard of fire. It 5:00 Children's St.orles 6:45 youth .nd Married Group. turbo-prop airlines "came down ,econd part which involves appli­ That's Philosophyl" - Senate industry from the Edison cylinder Mornlnr W~r5bIP. l~:SO a.m •• couldn't get one landing wheel 5: 15 SporlsUme 1:30 p .m. 8u nd a,. Eoonlol S.,vle. like a "ather" with .ight pas­ calion of dental techniques. Fifty­ Chamber, Old Capitol. to today's hi-fi; more comedy from 5:30 News Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Mld-W.ek SJlARON l:VANGELICAL down. so it land.d without any. Tuesday. April 7 Stan Freberg; songs by Julie 5:45 PreView M•• Llnl .nd Blbl. Slud,.. UNITED BRETlillEN CRUllOB sengers and th.... crewm.n Fri­ three students here took each part 6:00 Evening Concert Tb.uday, 8:aO p.m. Cbolr Ilohe ...a l PasMngers and crew had mo ... 7:30 p.m. - Hancher Oratorical Vemon with Bill Bell at the Kalona day in a Hf. wheels-up landing )f the exams. 8:00 Evening Feature · , , R••. Howard II . Marty, 1'... ., than two hours of anxious wait­ Dr. Easlon explained lhat the Contest - Senate Chamber. Old piano; and those old "regulars" 9:00 TrJo TH E CONGREGATIONAL ODURCH 0:110 a.m. Sunday School at Willow Run Airport. No on. 9:45 News FInal CU nLoD a nd J etferaOD Sired. ing in the air before Capt. Earl Capitol. Sports Roundtable, anli-rock n' 111: :\0 a.m. W.flhlp was hurt. cerllficate given aCter the exams 10:00 SIGN OFF The ROY. John G. Oralr, MIDII'.' "The Risen Cbrl8t Cha.nrM Lhea." D. Nygren brought down th. 21· have been passed can be used in 10:43 Cbu rth Sc bool 4 p.m. UnlYersU.,. Fellowship O: U, 10:4G a.m. Cburcb Sorvlc •. 7:80 p.m, Evenl"r ervlcc The four-engine Capital Air­ ton airlines. Nygr.n said: "It "Worlds t o Conquer" place of each state's own wrillen 8:30 p.m. ~ed" ch~lr rebea! 1I& 1 lines Viscount ,kidded In 011 a was iust a routine belly.landing. Il¥aminations. Wed" 7 p.m ., Sr. Choir cushion of foam spread 2,000 "et It cam. down like a "ather." Frl" 4: l ~ p.m. Sr. Cbolr ST. ANDREW PRESBYTEBIAlf About 6000 candidates across the University Bulletin Board CHURCII Sunsd and r.fe lro ~e A'Ye. counlry took the examinations this Unl.eralt, Ball'!tln Board neUce. must be received a t The Datly Jawan offlCle, 201 Comman'ea­ EVANG ELICAL FREE CHOllCB OF CORALVILLE Unlvtr.l!iltJ Uefrhtl Bergman Arrives In Hollywood week, Dr. Easlon said. tlen. C.nt.r, b, noon .f Iho da)' belo,e pu blledl.n. Tboy mu .1 b. typ.d and .Itr o. d b, an .dvl •• r er Tho Rev. W. R.b erl Oulberll.D, P• •I.t Paul E. Parker. Minllter f)'~(oer .r the orlaoll alloll belo,. publioized. )' urely aoclal function. are 00& eltclble for this naUeu. Sunday School, D:4r1 a.m. Church Scho ol, D ".m. Fourlh 0 ..... For Academy Awards Ceremony Wonhlp 8ervtee. 11 a.m. and Older Evenln, Service, 7:30 p ••• 0:4~ ... m. and 11 •• m. Third Grado ... HOLL YWOOD LfI-[ngred Berg- She blushed preltily when new - Vounl:cr INTEIlNAT IO NA I. ('ENTE R. "Sem­ be Cor man, chic and smiling graciously. men asked her about her altitude Benton will leclure on Ihe subjecl Fieldhouse wlil opened the re­ FAITH UNITED CnURCn Morolo, 'WorlShlp, 9:45 a.m. anel 11 .... inar on American 1..11." wil~ meet "LanguaGe Disorders I ParI II." All creDlional usc of SUI slUdenlS each . . . Friday ended a lO-year 'elC-impos- toward Ros ellinL Sunday al 7:30 p.m. Allen G. Bogue, interested naval oCtlcers arc Friday from I :30 to • p.m. and each (Evanrellcal and Reformed) ST. PA I,'S LUTllERAN OHOICa associate professor of Hlstory. will to aUend . Salurday (rom ; :30 10 5 p.m. In order JtW" L ower l\1usea.Une Rd. . ed exile from Hollywood. "Friendly," she said. "We have B, Eurenc Wehel, Pal tor MI ••• url S,.n od spea k on "The American lndlan In to gain admillance Into Ihe Nortll 404 E. Jetfersoa Sbe leCt ror a tempestuous ro- a very [riendly separation. Friend­ NEWCOMER L B WI meel Ihe Hi.lory of the Unllcd SIDles." DELTA PilI ALPIIA. honorary Ger­ Gymnasium on Salurdays. sludents R:"{'I ... m. Morntnr WOflblp D:n a.m. Sunda y School Sun aay S.ho ol. 10 '.m. mancc with [tallan director Ro- Iy separation - that sou nds like Monday, April 6, at 2 p.m. in the mDn fraternity, wJII meet on Tuesday, musl present Ihelr tD. ca,·d. to the 11 a.m, Divine Service THETA TAU pledlle class lour of April 7, at 8 p.m. in 122 Schaeffer penon-In-charge who will be localed LL a.m. Af~rnlnr "':,orl blp berto Rossellini. She returned on a Hollywood term." home oC Mrs. H. H. McCarty, 441 Chemical Engineering will be held Hall. Professor Fred Fehling wUI ncar Ihe North cale door. 6:30. p.m, S:udent ~ ea'le rlf 7 FlR.ST BA PTIST CIIUIlCH the arm oC a new husband, to par- Her husband, Lars Schmidt. Magowan Ave., to hear Mrs. F. C. prll al 4:30 p.m. Meet In front of speak on Thomas Mann's "The Con­ North Clinton a.nd Falrcbild 8l'. ST. THOMAS MORE CHAPEL the ChemJslry Bullding or go to (ession o(FeU" Krull." The pubUc n ticipate in Monday ni ght's Aca- Swedish husinessman. accompa- Blodi speak on the Brussels World R ev. G, Thorn .. FaUaruao, Mlnll ter 108 AleL .. SI. room 123 If late. All Theta Tau is invlled. APPLICATIONS are currently beinll Marlon Van Oyk, Unh'enlt,. ,\lork Monsll'nor S. D . R. Conwa,. Past.. demy Awards ceremony. nied her. Fair. She also will show slides. pledges are required to attend . accepled for enrollmen t In the Army 9:30 a .m . Church School Sunday 11...... 5:4~. 8, 9. 10 and It... READING l~tPROV EMENT - A new a.m. The 10 a.m. ma I 1.1 a Bllb 111 •• Advanced ROTC Prollram for the next 8:30, JO:4~ Morn'nl Wo ..!llp YOUNG IlEPUBLICANS wllt meet series o[ volunleer non-credll Read­ ochool year by the Army Adjutant, "A Date With Adverlih" lunl' b)' the conrreration. AprJl 7 at 7:30 p.m. In Ihe Senate fng Classes designed for jmprove­ room 4 of Ihe Armory. Addltlonal in­ 6:U p .m . Youth Fellowship OaJly IUI"'~'. U:Ub &;"", , a,'!'., 1:M .... Chamber of Old Capital. Senale Ma­ ment o[ speed and comprehension formation may be obtained by tele­ fi :4li p.m. Wed . Choir Rebea,..l wllJ begIn on Tuesday, April 7. They phonJnll ,,2487. Sllccessful completion ST. WENCE LA S CnURO. jorlly leader Jack Schroeder will o a. m. Sal. Junlo. Choir 6aO speak. wlU meet • days it week (no class 01 Ihls program leads to 11 commls­ E. Davonp.rt SI. 'Th~ TIoily Iowan on MondaVl' (or 6 week •. Enrollmenl .Ion as a second Ileutenant in the · . . . Th. Rev. Edward W. Nell,iI, 1' ••1., for 5 dlfferenl class hou rs ore Unl\ed Stales Army. FIR8T CHlltSTIAN OIlOaCR Su nft ay Mas,uI, 6:30 • m ., a a.m., 10 .... IIAWK~Y E !lTAt·.· l'OSl'flON .ppll­ oulslde Room 38 OAT now. II you 217 E. Iowa Ave. 11 :4a •. m. caUons are now being accepled {or have ony further questions, see Mrs. Th. Rev. A. O. ll.r.lchler Jr .. Pa.l.r Dally l\tass!s. " a.m;, '7:30 a,Z'. Page 2 SATURDAY, APRIL 4. 1959 Iowa City. Iowa next )leur. Applicants need not be Snavely , Room 35 OAT, or Mrs. 8CIIOLARSIIIP APPLICATIONS. Un­ S.lly A. thnllh. Mlnlslor ., Ed ••• Il.n journalism majors, but 110m. wrltlng Foster, Room 23 OAT. dergraduale stUdents inleresled In ob­ Ohurch Sf!hoot, It: 11\ a.m. for aU a,ea. TilE NITl; D U"RCB or photOgrDphlc experience would be taining Information about scholarship. K, IO :HO a.m. Worshlt) l H01 Lower Muse.tlne ft4, Th e Daily Iowan /I written and edited by students and is governed by a board of fioe student trustees elected by helplul. AppllcaUons shuld Jnelude a MEMBERS OF THE BAND AND lor the 1959-60 ochoa I year are ad­ " Faith Expl'eased In One Act" E. Eua:en. Wel •• I, Pa.t.r vised to check with th~ Office of S undar Sch oul, 9:4/'\ ... tn. thc student body and lour faculty trustecs appointed by the president of tTle Univerrity. The Daily Iowan s brief oulllne 01 experience In writing STU DENT TRIP C O l\ I~UTTEE: There Wed., 7 p~m .• Cllo!r pract!cc or photography. the position desired Student Allalrs. Requesla for scholar­ Mnrnln r Worttblp, 8:40 . n4 11 • .•• editorial policy. therefore. is fIOt an e:r:prCJsion 01 SUi administration policy or opinion, in any partlcllwr. wll l be a meeting at \I a.m. on Aprll shio! from students now tn . chool Bnd the appJJcant+s SUlnmer add ress. ol FIRST CHURCn ., ,.In. Eve.olDI \V0.rlblp 7 in the Board Room Old Capllol. 5, 19~t. App'Jeations musl be turned In to the It is requested that you. or your rep­ must be made belore June OF CIIBIST. SCIENTIST Hawkeye office. Room 210 Communi­ resentath'e be present at this meet­ 722 E. C.I1.~o sa. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHUaO. In tn~nthl, Sunday Seboul, J 1 a.m. ~20 low., .. per ,ur; at" p; ional building in vio· A statement released at the that hearing. by Ruppe and archeology students flolVer l.l'eds. Fishing and hunting lotion of a police ban. at the same site last fall. Ruppe same time aid the study is being But Libby siad nothing signifi. supplemented their simple diet. he The demon,tralors burned three conducted "in vicw of the con· cantly new has turn('d up since he BRANDTS One At Time said. prhate cars and overturn('d siderable public attention which reported in a callie peech will be James Oneota village sites have been several otl1l'l" . They al 0 over· By JOHN BARBOUR ha be n focused rec nlly on the March 13. that Soviet nuclear te ts 207 North Linn Neb .• assisted Morton Discusses found throughout the northeast turn£'d a police truck six blocks radiological health studies of the in the artic last Call were fol· by Charlet ' ble Job Associahrd Press Science Writer and southeast cornlrs of Iowa, {rom the congress plaza. Phone 8-0741 Poss. EXCELSJOR SPRINGS, fllo. IA'I- federal government." lowed by a virtual doubling of the oboe; Jon Ruppe said. Several Oneota sites Police ordered out nearly 2.000 Word of the Eisenhower-ordered radioactive content of the lrato· clarinet; "We are going to knock off can· have been found near Wapello As GOP Head cel'S one by one - not all in one men around lhe plaza to keep study came in the wake of pro­ sphere. MoUne. where summer field exploration 25 pbsals in and out of Congress that WASHINGTON (uP!) _ Scn. shot," a cancer researcher says. order along with assault cars. Fial~, was carried on by the sociology Thruston B. Morton (R.Ky.l. took "We didn't get all of bacterial two armor('d cars and firefighling the Public Health Service. an arm lind anthropology department, he units. of the Welfare Department. take I.,. a close look Friday at the GOP disease in one shot and wc're not said. Edward S. Rose over chieC responsibility for pro· students! Make our SHOP your Head· leadership. post he is expected to going to gel cancer that ",ay ei· The SUI Archeology Labora· A neptune lank praying color· ed water was also active. The tecting the nation from radiation quarters for buying Vitamin. - Inherit next week Irom retiring ther," Dr. George Moore oC Buf· tory has received aboul 500 speci· hazards. The AEC now has that you get we carry most brands - hllve Republican National Chairman falo. N.Y .• told this week's Ameri· mens in the past several years water was used to facilitale the our own product-Multiple Vitll' identification of riotl'r engaging primary responsibility. Meade Alcorn. can Cancer Society seminar. for study from individual collect· Nuclear Tests good meals: mins - Vitamins - Minerals - Morton and Alcorn held a Wash. He told of one patient who hlld or • Ruppe said. The department in criminal activity. At least two Liver Extract - THEN OF J)(!rson Wt rc hure by bursling Worldwide concern has been x· reasonable COURSE IIlIow us to fill your MILLER'S inglon breakfast conference which spreading cancer through her ha artifacts here from all over pressed aboul falloul from nuclear was described at GOP head. body. There were two tumors in Iowa . he continued. tear gas bomb . prices .. . Prescriptions- tests conducted by the United Come to Drug Shop Conoco Service quarters as a "general talk about her head. She was given a drug, One of the largest collection was The downtown area was in States, Britain and the Soviet Un· 9 Sen. Morton':) availability" for the and it cleared up one tumor - sent to the laboratory by a retir d chaos in the early vening a ion - the world'S three atomic DRUG SHOP chairmanship. but another, iust a few inches college profes or from Utah. It Peronist and Communist gong powers. MARS CAFE Corner of Capitol & Burlington 109 S. Dubuque St. Dial 2034 Morton. who flew into Washington away continued to grow. consisted of arrowheads. axe heads mingled with homegoing shoppers A dangerous element in this fall· Thursday night to sec Alcorn. flew This was just a dirCerent type and other stone tools from Henry and office workers. overturning back to Louisville, Ky. Friday of cancel' and had to be treated County. Iowa. The collection. whpn and burning cars in Mitre. DI· without making any formal state- with a different drug, said Dr. received weighed about 100 lbs .• agonal 'orle. Rivadavia and ment. He already had said he was ~loore. a rescarcher at the Ros· Ruppe said. oth('T artc-riol thoroughfares_ available for the job if the party well Park Memorial Institute in asked him to serve. Buffalo. In Kentucky. Sen. John S. Coop. Sume hints have been given by Women Spring Into Action er (R) forecast Morton's eleelion the body of a natural cancer·fight· SIFIEDABS Classified and said he "will make a great ing abiiily. Pets Business Ooportunities Aportment for Rent chairman." Cooper said support A halo of the body's disease Advertisin~ Rates tor Morton in Kcntucky "is unani- fighting white blood c('lIs is found Against" Excess Poundage WORD ADS PUREBRED CNmon Polic .. pupplel. L~::'~;' i~\." r~rr~~..,:O[rol~~·IB~~all~ NICELY {urnlshed apartment. Adults. S4~.00 8111. B.lwce" a:oo p.m. nnd road. 200 foot streel {ronwce. Larcw 715 rowo Ave. 4-11 mous and enthusiastic." all around a cancer in the body. One Day 8¢ Il Word '=1ii ______Iii •••• ; said Dr. Moore. By KATIE HARRIS OilS exercises guarantced to reduee 7 :00 p.m. 4·8 CO. 4-11 APARTMENT ror rent. 9965. {.13 Staff Writer thal cxll'a bit of fat wherever it Two Days .... _" 10¢ a Word r I This shows the body is trying to I"struc:tion Miscellaneous TWO room bachelor apartment. 11 W. fight the tumor - even vainly­ "Exercise five. waist ... stand may bt' . . . anywhere from til Three Days ...... 12¢ a Word Harrl""n. 9065. 4-10 Store Your ankle_~ to the chin. 10' and this fighting ability may be a rect . . ." Four Days 14¢ a Word BALLROOM dance on.. Wlldo 1953 32' Andenon HallS. Trailer. Mo. One ,er iou~ problem. docs aris Anen. E)( . 4764 or 7 to 8:30 p.m.. demo Excellent condllion. Phone ~058. Winter Clothes hopeful sign. It's pring again and about one· Five Days 15¢ a Word 8-5118. 5-~ 4.14 howev(\r - how to hear the record ~------A study of Ohio prison volun· third or the campus. known as the aho\'e the groans oC the ardent ex· Ten Day ...... 20¢ a Word BALLROOM dance I onto Swlnl COMPLETE sludent nu, ,Inl uniforms Typing. 8·2338. 5-2 In Our Modern teers, in iected with cancer cells, ,Iepa. lIml Youde Wurlu. Dial 9~85. like now. Site 10. Rea!lOnable. 90127. ------weaker set. has taken to exercis· One Month " 39¢ a Word showed that the young and ercisers. {·lllR 4.10 TYPINC . 9436. 4.18 ing. At one sorority. Alpha De)t Pi. (Minimum Charge 50¢) Storage Vaults healthy had the best natural reo [n nearly every sorority house or ------CHEMISTRY STUDENTS. portable ------~-~------TYPINC. IBM. 9202. 4-21 almost the whole house takes part Personol Loons typewrIter wllh chemical keyboard. Nothil1{!, To Pay sistance to cancer as well as women's dOI'm at is a mass of 4.( 4-17 sur in tllP activity. including til(> !louse· Phone 8-4744. TYPING. 8-4996. other diseases. PERSONAL loan. on Iypewrllers. ~~~------Until Next Fall bending and stretching, pulling and Phone 4191 phono,rophs. . poru equipment. GOLF clubs. 9436. 4.4 TYPING. 3174. 4-13RC Gem'rally. a panel of experts pushing girls doing their bcsl to mother. Every night at 10 :30 thc group ass('mbl!'s in the second THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES Hock.Eye Loan Co. Phone 4S35. 4·10R ----­ 4-12 Brown's agreed. medicine will find a pro- shape up their shapes. TYPEWRITERS. new or used. Wild TYPING. ncally done. 8-4931- floor hallway Lo begin their can· THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY Irade,·. TIm .... We.t Bunch. Iowa. 4-12 UNIQUE CLEANERS tective agent - perhaps a vaccine The biggest boon to the exercises Autos fot Sole THESIS and other. l.B.M. Reasonable. - against cancer before it finds is the phonograph record for reo tortions. ADVERTISING COPY . MAKE covored bell!. buckle. and ,uaronleed. 8-2442. 4-10 Di al 3663 216 E. College I A woman with a beautifully button. Sewlnit mDchtnel lOT rent. out what causes cancer. ducing. 11 contains about 15 strenu· 1948 rour door CI ... vrol~l. 54.000 miles. Singer Sewln" Cenler. 12S S. Dubuque. TYPINC. 3943. 4-lmC SWl't'l voiet' directs the girls Exce)l~nl m~chonlcal oondillon. Phone lH3. 4.10R ------Help Wonted $16000. 7393 evenln 4-8 TYPING - 6110. {·IOR through thl' l'xl'rcise record. Their faces. Iwistl'd frorn the strain of BABY .Ittpr needed to come to my 1955 Volk,,'·,'gen. Sun rooC. 310 S . Troiler for Sale TYPING.------8-1670. I -g home 8 lo ~: Flv!.' dav · a week lor Capllol. 8.5278. ..7 exercising show thcir determina· 2'. month •. 415 Flnkblne. 4-11 ----~ - 1955 Oldsmobile. lIolld y Coupe. 111\1 t 195? 30 ·rool Spartan Tralipr. Ex""llcnt Roommate Wonted tion as thry kl'ep time to th.c WANTED - Ho.tess tor parHlm. S)I. ,1400.00 Phone h. t4{B aIler condition. 8-0052. 4-4 BALLROOM musical slrains o( "Yellow Rose of work In Huddle. Conlact Mr •. Buech· 6:30 p.m. Guenlher. 4-8 ROOMMATE wanted by 2 law students 1er. Holel Je!fcrson . 4-1 19S2 37-rool Iraller. Excellenl cond!· who have alr.condltloned traUer. Trxas." and "Pop Goes the 1952 Dodie. Four door. RadIo and lion. 2 bedrooms. Phone 8-4300. 5-1 3057. 4.4 Well. el." WANTED : Student boys (or part Ume healer. Phone 5209. 4-4 HAWK work. Apply In person only be· 1953 SAFEWAY 36-foot Iraller. Clork The (\(fect of the exercises seems lween 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Maldrllt. Who Does It? Molhl en. Dennis Auto Court. MUl' TONIGHT to be questionable. Some gil'ls I' E . Wa shington 4·7 callne Ave. 4-4 Trailer Spoce * have gained weight where they ELECTRO LUX •• 1.. and servIce. O. K. ONE bedroom Trnvelo house trailer. MOBILE hom .. _ ..leo and .ervlce. * f-3(JR 10'" don't want to. and lost wherc they Pels for Sale Ihrl,. Phone 6684. Reasonable. Phone 0535. 4-4 Trailer movlnl, local and dlst. enjoy dancing to wanted to gam The mo t com· once. Denn). loIobU. Home Court (East). SELLING toy coUl~. . 8-2061. 4-14 House For Sale Lost ond Found Phone 4781. 4-..a man crfect to all has been sore aching muscles Ilnd stiff limbs. Rooms for Rent 2 BEDROOM homp and ".rBie In Unl· LOST : Moonslone rlni. Senllmenlal OGDEN FRAZIER v.rsl ly HellhlS by owner. Terms. vallie. Reward. Phone 7929. 1.7 Outstanding Careers ROOM lor men. Cia e In. SoH4 aCter Phone 8-1671. 4-4 the be'S' ;11 4 p.m 5·4R Insurance Work Wanted For Stenographers e ROOM. Clos.. III. Reasonable. Phone DIXIELAND POLKAS • SWING 78"3. 4-9 STUDENTS already Insured with Slate WANTt:D - Baby alliin, in my horne. Farm. may save 8ubslllntJal amounts 8.S17¥, 4-9 and Secretaries SINGLE or double room. Men ~883. a-2 by trans{errlng to local aceney rate.; GRAND OPENING APRIL 10th-11th Choice room. Man. Close. Dlnl 780S . 4-4 othera quaUr~lng can .ave Iso. Free il Interesting secretarial positions for Reservations Phone 8·5274 or 8-3298 inlervlew. 321 Kirkwood. 8-5~91; 8-2701. Ignition Ct'dar R,-plds lowa - 4-12 with one of the nation's leading t ROOMS Cor men . 8-5777. Carburetors - TONlTE _ manufacturers of refrigeration ROOM for «nl. male sludenl; showers. Where To Eat GENERATORS STARTERS oIt·street parkIng. 610 E. Church. 4-4 products. You will be associ· BEAT THE HIGH COST "Top 40" Dancing Party Briggb & Stralton Motora Door$ Open 1:15 TURKEY SANDWICHES and HOME· ated with a firm which has di s· I To Sell Items Quickly, All Enlrrldnlol Or.h ROOM for IIrll. 6848. 4-4 MADE PIES to 10 Maplecrest Sand. OF LIVING ------wlCh Shop. Hwy. 218 South. Acrost Pyramid Services tributors and dcalers across the Use An Iowan Want Ad WITH A MOBILE HOME PLEASANT IlnKle room. West '!~le~ {rom Ihe Airport. Phone S·1773. 4.14 m i; ":1-(1) Men. 6368. , , 62+ S. DubuqUb Dial 5723 nation. Yo\&. should be able to Selected from Our Large Stock THE BIG BEATS take shorthand or usc dicta­ -ENOl> of Models Now on Display "Doors Open 1: 15" phone equipment. The positions NOW MONDAY- Tar\'eI0 Marlette SATURDAY SPECIAL Nllw f oon Andu50n TYPEWRITERS RENT·A·CAR orIer varied opportunities for .. CDAS7 70 CDAS7 FUll 7007f Aft ~l .. r.htleld Student Rates SOc WANTED Richard !SOil Ro crafL , OR advancement. according t 0 Sbasta Travc-i "rallen with ID Card Two Full Time • REPAIRS your own abilities. Exccllent ljiIdniH FIRST IN SALES • SALES conditions, friendly people, "ENDS Because wt are CASHIERS • RENTALS RENT -A· TRUCK NOW TUESDAY" FIRST IN SERVICE company paid vacation, insur· snows - 1 :aU-!$:;!t) One Part Time Authorized ROYAL D"le, LICENSED ance and holidays. Modern G:!lO-7:~~-9:t~ GEORGE C. WILLIS Co. PORTABLES STANDARDS - FEATURE 0:23 - U. S. 01 East, Bettendorf. Iowa CASHIER cafeteria. Will help arrange This Saturday , transportation. Apply in person Hertz I)RlVE·ua System to Mr. Frank You ng, Director GRtoAT Apply In Person WIKEL BELl' II£1I/1iY! of Personnel. THE HllAJIJ()lJ!; COLLEGE FAVORITEI BENNERS TOWNCREST STOIlY A80IIT THE I.N p.e·R·S·O·N I SHOPPING CENTER TYPEWRITER CO. MAHER BROS. Amana Refrigeration, Inc. fARMEg PAUGIITfR ••• No Phone Ca ll s Amllna, Iowa Fi"-l"'iI"'~ Dial 8·1051 2 S. Dubuqui Phone 9696 IN A NAYGrIlCK! HARRY

lAMES Iy CHI C YOUNG Ul GOLDEN TROloll'ET BLONDIE A.ND NATIO~ALLr FAloIO\lS IN EASTMAN COLOR AND CINEMASCOP[ RELURDING ORCUESTIlA BuST AC LAlMBD OI/.EA'lIo.ST HOllfrtooPor • CO·HIT • nAND 0' .. CAato£ll VistaVislon • ANITA EKBERG ---_.-.------C(,XWWW1IJ.iil!i1' [~~iyVEEN·········· ~ :"'!:f..'iij,.:.. ::':.~~ TO·DAY'S TOP HN.....~ .. ············· · ·····r~E I TWOSOME I •.. AlUEO ARTISTS , .•.•.....•••..•.•..••.••••..• .i

PAY BOONE SHIRlEY -PLUS- Bugs Bunny "Martine JONES "Hareway To The Stars" CINEMASCO~t: '--____-'" COLOR: 1:1,. o. Lu.ll. (arors Swedish Jets Zoom "Special" When A Sexy face and Model Uses Her figure leave WALKER NOW ACADEMY Female Talents AWARD HE DUe HI5 Ends NOMINEE little PRIVACY9 Tuesday To Solve a FOXHOL.E UP WHEN WILt.: HE II ' ''' to be ON THE H)LL., LEA.R HE CAN'T S I ~ ... 5AID HAVE PRIVACY Jewel Robbery desired as L-----:I111111111~~\~~ HE WANTED IN THE A~MY'?! - p~IVACY Even Paris a glory Blushes! of her sexl" The piclure top. the bOo k) AS ONLY THE• FRENCH Th. plclure to pa Ihe play I WOULD DARE! '- N. Y. '0"

'Barbllry COllst Ilunny' RICHARDS AT IOWA STATE Finkbine Golf Courses AME:S IA'I - The R v. Bob Open Officially Today Hich(lrds, (ormerly olle or lhe Younkin-On A Limb world's top pole vaulters, will Chuck Zwiener. Iowa go\( coach speak at the Cardinal Key Lead· Leabo' s 2~OUt f Pinch Single announced Friday that the Fink· ership Day at ]owa State College Maior League Outlook bine courses, both old and new, April 16. will be officially opened for play today. Meet your friends The Gives Hawkeyes 5-4 Victory Prices will remain the same as last sea on - 85 cents for students, at the Annex. in the fourlh inning_ $1.10 [or faculty and staff. $1.60 BV LOU YOUNKIN Sophomore J ack Leabo drilled a solid pinch hit single to left center Titsworth's homer and third base· (or the public on weekdays and Beer just naturally s.-ts Editor field with two out and the bases man Bob Churchill's 2·run ingle $2.10 for the public on weekends tastes better at loaded in the seventb inning here in the second inning were the only Palmer Takes Masters Lead, and holidays. My . ixth place choice in the coming race, the Chi· Friday afternoon to give the Iowa damaging blows arc Rudeen who Season ti ckets can be purchased 'Doc' Connell's! walked none, struck out four and anytime beginning today. They are cago Cubs. finished in a ti for the o. 5 position last year with Sl. HBwkeyes a 5-4 ba.sebaU victory ov r Western IIIinoi . allowed only seven hits. $25 Cor students, $30 for student Loui . This year' Cubs will be about the same as the 1958 edition. Iowa coach Otto Vogel and WI Feden got the seventh inning In Bid For 2d Title In Row families, $35 for [acuity and staff, The Annex That m aos the Chicago entry has . Walt Moryn. mentor Guy Ricci had agreed to rally underway for Iowa by work· $45 for [acuity and staCf amities, AUGUSTA, Ga. I.f! - Arnoldviclor in more than 20 years. $50 or the public and $70 for public Ernie Bank . Al Dark. Ernie Banks. Lee Walls. Ernie Banks, Dale play a 7-inning contest in tead or ing relief hurler Micky Madison 26 E. College the usual nine because of the cold for a . After Weather· Palmer. a golfer with little regard Friday more than a haLf dozen families. Long. Ernie Banks, , Ernie Bank , Bobby Thomson and weather and high winds. The end Iy had fiied out, Bonstead ripped for golC's traditions, made his bid others had torn par to talters be· Ernie Bank . of the game was met with mixed another long drive to right field - Friday to become the first player fore Palmer, son of a veteran If mln.glr Bob Scheffing h.d thl. m.ny B.nk. in the ""Iup he emotions by the frozen fans­ this one falling in for a double. ever to win two Masters lourna- Latrobe. Pa. professional, finally DON/T LET THE PRICE would h.n no troubl. wiMI",,. Ho_ver, the,.. i. onJy one happy over the victory. but won· Peden stopping at third. Mike dering why everybody wa quitting ments in a row. e tabli hed himself as the leader. Ernl. Bonk, - l'sa's molt voluebl. pI.y.r. The slim shortstop bl ••t· Bougdanos was given an intention· two innings early. It was not an· Palmer took the lead at the haH· The result was probably the " 47 homers lut y,.r, drove in 129 runs .nd hit .313 be.ides fI,lding al walk and Klinger forced Peden FOOL YOUI nounced that the game would be at the plate on a chop to Churchill way point with rounds oC 71·70·14t lightest cluster oC players near the hi' position .dequ.t.IV. shortened. at third. That set the stage for on the wind·toughened, 6,900-yard top of the scoring list that the 25· Many people feel that low Th fnct that Elston was the only named is noteworthy­ L,.bo's bIll hit took, quality is synonymous witb Leabo's winning drive. Agusta National Course. Then he year-old Ma sters ever has seen. low price. It just isn't so. OUf and h is a relief hurler. The Cubs have a weakne s on the mound as Al Kling,r oH tte, hook. With tho Tho otteer H.wkey. run Wit a calmly said he wasn't concerned Alone in second place at 143 was tremendous volume allows us videnced by the fact that the starting pitcher was around at the finish score tied 3·3 In tte. top of tte, gift in tho ..cond inoi",. Aftetr Canada's Sta n Leonard, the first· to make less on each ham· , sixth, center fI.ld.r Klinger ml .. only 'n times in 154 games last eason. Elslon and his lefthanded ca­ KlintOr .nd AI Boulquet h.d Ii ... about tradition that a Masters win- day leader who finished with a 74. burger in order to sell more. hart, Bill Henry. saw plenty oC relieC action last year and should do judged 0 drive oH the b.t of the gled, Rudotn bounc" _ blIck ner doesn't repeat. Within two strokes of him - and fact. L,athernedcs' Fr,d TitwlOrth more of the arne in 1959. to Helm'ricks on the mound. Th. "I'm just concerned about win· only three or [our behind the lead· witte ttee rllult thot tte. b.1I roll.d ltOLL throw to tlCond bo .. forced Bo .. ning the tournament," he said. er - were more than a dozen a.nks H" H.lp, Plu, to tfIe for In In,ide the ~ ~.u . Banks had great support at the plate last year. Left fielder Moryl! quet, but shortstop L.rry V.... , N~-.J INrk home run ond • 4-3 In When he won last year with a players. ~ar as In to com the hit .264 with 26 homers nnd 77 runs batted in, center fielder Thomson KlintOr's def,n.. it must be SlIid hi' h.... pl... solid 284, he was the youngest Almost anyone of them was in III ~. doubl, pI.y, dropped the b.1I .nd po ition to bid for the title in the hit .283 with 21 home runs and 82 RBIs, right fielder Walls hit .304 with that onyone who CAullht 0 flV Red·halred Kli"9'r came III the way from 24 round·trippers and 72 RBIs anI · b.1I Friday deserved I p.t on remaining two rounds and even tlCond b ... to score. ..arne home runs and 75 runs ballin in. Add the The wind, ploVed such old gallery favorites as Ben ~f Nats Seek To Nix Hogan and Sam Snead, U.S. Open fir t ba eman Long hil .'nl with 20 · hlvoc with the b.1I onc, It was Iowa, which had played .882 de· JIlni. the fensive ball in its first six games, Champion Tommy Bolt and PGA Owner. on the way to ...tress of to this third ba eman Dark's .295 · Ilunched lleyw.rd. Billy 10es Swap went the distance without a bobble :-r-_Bri{ish average and the identical .259 marks Co-captain Roger Rudeen went C ham p ion Dow Finsterwald ~_ =~~~_~~~~~:;~~~~;;;;;;~~;;;~~~~~:;~~~ and looked especially sharp for ORLANDO, Fla. I.f! - President weren't clear out oC it. They were I- ~ peak by Sammy Taylor and Cal the routine for Iowa to gain his first win of the season against two this time of season. Bougdanos' Cal Griffith of the Washington in another big group at 147. a"atd tor Ne man and you can see the Cubs grab of a looping liner in short "Gigl." losses. The Hawks squared their Senators Friday said he will ask Only the 40 low scorers for the FREE! 10 F;i~~:: were certainly a Cormidable orren· season mark at 3-3-1, the first six center field in the first innIng reo first two rounds and those tied ID all, was baseball's Commissioner Ford sive crew. games being played under more suited in a double play when Tits' for 40th place will continue in the qt. 1J58. The ca tch is lhe Cubs had little favorable conditions against Ari· worth was caught straying too far Frick to void a deal in which the last two rounds of the tournament LAUNDRY LOADS ' Miss bench strength, negative pitching zona at Tucson. from second base and was one of Baltimore Orioles sent sore·armed today and Sunday. ~ l thC It was the first outing for West­ the fielding highlights oC the day. wOn and a poor season by second base Billy Lacs to the Nats. piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiij DAILY UI "I rookie . A Cuban. Taylor played winter ball in his native ern Illinois and il came close to Western lIlinois second baseman Griffith said tbe Senators' team Ilory of being a successful one. Frank Belline robbed Jerry land this year and led tbe league in hitting. In fact Taylor was the only physician had found Loes has an execut~d The Leatherneck starting pitcher, Mauren of a hit' with a fioe back· Turkey &Ham man in the league, which was well sprinkled with major leaguers, to incomplete rupture oC the right SATURDAY Chamber. hit over .300. His Cub average In '58 was only .235 and his fielding southpaw Dick Helmericks, left the hand stab of a ground ball in the l(Iven's fray at the end oC fiv e innings with fourth and Baldwin made a diving arm near the shoulder. The physi· DURING THE CELEBRATION OF OUR spotty. Dinner ,ent the score tied at 3·3. Helmericks catch of Klinger's wind blown foul cian recommended surgery. but family stvle So it appears thlt ScheHin, Is ,oing with the SlIme tllm thl. y,.r arate did not allow an earned run, but ball in the third for outstanding said there is only a SO·50 chance SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1959 10th ANNIVERSARY cOveted .nd kNping his fin,.rs cr".. d On hi' voung pitching .t.H. Chic.llo that is only technically speaking. LeaLherneck defensive plays. of recovery from the ailment. Municipal Hall Serving 11 :30 to 5:30 u,ne he I,d both I'lgues in hom, run, lo,t Y'Ar with 112, but Its pitchinll ...H Two of Iowa's three counters can The same teams meet in a Griffith added that Lee Mac· Adults $1.50 Children to 12 $.75 Free Coffee and Doughnuts All Day ' 1oAI ·/llm wo ...cond only to Los Angeles in lnoH,ctiv,n,,,. be traced directly to the hefty dou bleheader today beginning at Phail, Orioles' general manager, 'l1'hank The two rookie pitching sensations of 1957, Dick Drott and Moe slow·baner's inability to neither 1:.30 p.m. Righthander Bob Pearl had told him Loes' arm was sound St. Bernadettes iDg-me find the plate or his catch r. Drabowsky, did a complete about face in 1958. Drolt went from a 15-Ll and southpaw AI Bachman are before the Tuesday swap which told a Th, Howks scored in, tteo first expected to pitch for the Hawks, Catholic Church LAUNDROMAT ason to HI and was plagued by his constant inability to get the ball gave Baltimore righthander Vite crowd inNng when Don Peden ling I", Valentinetti. Tbeater. over the plate. Drabowsky. who was 13·15 in '57, slumped to 9·11 and mov.d' to ..cond on • wild pitch, "Gigi,' , as is the case with most of Lhe Cub , had more than a lillie con· to third on .n infield out .nd to /win the trol trouble. scored on .nother wild pitch. ID rl\ris" Elrned Run Av,rages So.r lowa'i tally in the fifth came ",aglie Gets 'OsCar soon Drabowsky's ERA shot from 3.53 to 4.50 in one year, Droll's earned whon Dick W•• therly ,ingl.d, of 10 set by run average went from 3.58 to a horrible 5.44. w.nt to Slconcl on • INISld ball iii 1939. bV c.tcher Doug P.ulson, to special Glen Hobbie, • rookie I.,t year, Wit ScheHinll', most r,li.blo ~ard Offer ' A third on I wild pitch by Paul stlrt,r. He finished witte 0 10-6 record .nd I respectable ERA of 3.75. .ngrld BonstNd th.t Wit h.uled down Oscar Dav, Hillmon was the onlV other deptndAbI. stlrting pitcher Sch.Hing FURNITURE AUCTION bV Titlworth for a sacrific. fiV. d.ucer h.d althoullh his record of 4-1 dot.n't ,how It. The longest drive oC the day be· For Coaching man's LefUlander was 7·10 after coming to Wrigley Field longed to WI first baseman Tilly from Milwaukee. He got r ight in the swing of things with the rest of Baldwin. Baldwin drove a Rudeen ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. tA'I - the Chicago slarters and finiShed with the high ERA o[ 4.76. pitch orr the top of the screen Sal Maglie, who helped pitch the fence on Melrose Avenue for a New York Giants, Brooklyn Dodg- Cu b hopes are high on two rookies who came up last September ers and Ne'Y York Yankees to To , and looked good. Jack Buzhnrdt. only 9·11 at AAA Portland, won three four pennants, is considering an " 1" withoul a loss. , the lirst pitcher in the majors this spring offer to serve as a pitcing coach Government in the St. Louis Cardinals farm to go the nine inning distance, split six decisions for the Cubs. Iowa system. Sox in exchange fa rreserve outfielder Chuck Tanner, could give the ~ - ~ Maglie said Friday the offer Lefthander Bob !Riverboat> Smith, acquired from the Boston Red Backs Detroit was made by Cardinal General Sox in excbange (or reserve outfielder Cbuck Tanner. Could give the Manager Bing Devine Thursday staff a boost from the port side. after announcement that the Red· Th, Also· For Olympics birds were giving the 42-year-old Sche CCing also has high hopes, or at least he says he does, Cor Dolan right·hander his unconditional re­ Nichols, Harry Perkowski and Elmer Singleton. Nichols was around WASHINGTON IA'I - An invi· lease. for awhile la l ycar and couldn·t get anybody out. Singleton, 38·year­ tation to hold the 1964 Olympic "1 promised Bing I'd think it old righthander, doesn't figure to help. Perkowski, 36. was 12-4 at AA Games at Detroit got official gov· over and let him know in two­ Fort Worth last year but the fact tbat he was found expendable by ernment backing Friday. three days," Maglie said. president Eisenhower signed a Maglie, apparently at the end of pitching-shy Cincinnati does not speak well for his talents, resolution passed by both houses the line, owns one oC the best life· Elston and Henry Corm an excellent bullpen, but will need help. of Congress declaring the U.S. time won-lost records in the rna· With the qualily of his starters. Scheffing may even need more reliev­ Government would welcome the jars with 119 victories and 62 de· ers than men to start games. Nichols, Singleton or Perkowski may be holding of the games in this coun­ feats. Last season his record was filling in in this capacity. try. only' 3·7. The International Olympic Com· Maglie said he knew nothing The strong point in tfIe w,.k pltchln, ,tllff il vouth. Alide '""' mittee will pick the site next about reports the Giants were in· P,rkowllei .nd Slngl.ton, H,nry Is oldelt It 31. Hlllmin .nl: EI, tfIe month. terested in re·acquiring im. Iton .re :It, Nichols 21, Phillips 25, Drlbowlki .nd Buuhllrdt 23, fIIIId mit counlties] Drott, Anderson and Hobbl. 22. M.ybe lilt ..Oson'l rough tre.t"'nt pie, to will h.v, t.ught tflem somethlnt, Shirts and Dry Cleaning ,...." w(thln The infield is set with Long, Tony Taylor, Banks and Dark from . The .,.1. first to third. Jim Marshall. a .'n2 hitler last year, will probablY be IN BY 9 a.m. prwldecl • the first base alternate. Other infield reserves will come from .fciimny i Gorly, former Minnesota slar Jerry Kindall and Bobby Adams. ~ams That two is the best of the lhree, but is 37 years old. OUT BY 4 p.m. consolidate Averill N,w Addition people; Tempermenlal Earl Averill, Jr., was picked up from Cleveland in LAUNDRY AND 01' more exchange for pitcher and outfielder Jim Bolger. An infield­ fa~; ' and er, Averill can also don the mask and mit and has an excellent of stick· DRY CLEANING ~ty, can ~r'\~' " ing wilb Ibe Cubs. Optn 7 ••m. Ie • p.m. " Tberp are From left to right in the outfield will be Moryn, Thomson and WaHs . II AcrOSI frOM I P,orsonl" • 315 E. M.rte.. ~take biJI" either T Chicago will need defensive and second line starters in the outfield and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ this is expected to come (rom Chick King, Bob Will and/or George Alt· ~ other a 1959 TODA V, APRI L 4 eliy, passed mann. King and Will hit .281 and .361 at Fort Worth last year, respec· Jfouse for tively, while Altmann was named the outstanding rookie at the team's ~mendment spring camp at Mesa, Ariz., ibis spring. TO BE HELD AT THE I,;lIUI)ty ab RENAULT willed to tl Rigbthanded swinging Neeman and lefty Sammy Taylor will alter· nate behind the plate. Morris Thacker, a .293 hiUer at Fort Worth, is Tho Secend F.ste.t Stllin, Import In U.S. The meas the likely No.3 . tpe oeccssar D.rk, .t 36, lind ThomMn, 35, will MOd occ...... 1 relt, but ... D,lIy.reeI In w~, but were filed Is no probI'm for the rest of tho .t...... Long i. 33, Tony ToVlor 22. C".r Rapi. BECK BUILDING MaBey of B.nks 21, Moryn 32, W.II, H, N.. _ 31 and s..mmy T.ylor 26. tiosoook of J If the pitching comes around the Cubs could be a real surprise this Complete with Formerly Meyers Motor Co, 11 E. Washington Street crais, year. However, sixth place seems the most logical final resting place , John H. A (or the Chicago National League representatives. HMter, defroster, penn.nont .ntl...... u, full t.nk ef ,0', ~ ~1156. hat polish 1_, tum .lgMI., town .nd cClUntry horn .nd CREDIT TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED AT SALE SITEI ~ted joill~ CAN SAVE THE electric wi pen. . YOU DON'T NEED CASHI 'We wife ~~~ pvcr tp low<~ I ONE HOUR MAlTINIZINO MONTHLY Per Month However, • WAYI I.el .... I.Ie .... :.: Y 0 U ••• I •••,.. •• p ••• COME BID! COME BUY! COME SAVE ON FURNITURE AT YOUR PRICEI ~Y8n . .. I~t cia: PAYMENTS '-J." 0 ...... !\IJ'IIed OVK"" ,help the D4: License Only $15.00 Per Year Married Students: Here's Your Chance 'I al Leon. 21ft ~UlIm ef all per ch.nge-21ft quam .ntI-...... , ~n" pretoct... 34" belew, ,""olt bAttery, tire. will run YESt This is the sale you've been waiting fori Absolutely the biggest furniture event in Iowa City in years'! ,""'th.t. 15 ...... 7tMl mil••• One of Iowa City's largest and finest furniture stares is offering you a chance to buy all the furniture you need AT YOUR PRICEI Every piece on the block will be a recognizable, nationally-advertised brand and =ceu~ Call STEVE PETERSON at 8-4660 Iowa City every piece must be soldl All sales will be final and delivery to your home will be made at cost. Doors will \.J "-me. be open at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, and you are invited to come in early and choose the furniture you want ,,~. a .... Bill • ., bofore the bidding startsl All regular retail prices plainly marked on each piecel Its your chance of a lifetime PaSsaie .. all ..... to buy finer furniture at low, low pricesl Come seel Come savel "11 vote. ::ll BAXTER !lUet~ by ~obnr Ayr) a .. Or'J MOTORS, INC. DI••••••• 1 •.Ift. .. , p.m. aM ' ..... all I ....' AUCTION TIME: 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. ,. ,\tbe .- ""'-s.tunIar A Ave. & 7th St. NE, Cedar. Ids DIal EM 3-0211 10 S. Dubuque III !I~~;~