- oj Serving The State University of lotctl and the People of Iowa City

Eltablished in 1868 Five Cents a Copy Member oC Associated Pre - AP ~ased Wire and Photo Servlee Jo a City. Jowa. Saturday. SeJU~r t. 1964i ==~~~~~~----~------~~~--~--~------I Civil Defense lAnd Another Thing • • • Jests Open Here Sunday To prepare tor the disaster emer· ,eJlCY that can happen in this area, CMI Defense week, Sept. 9· 15, in eooperation with merchants, busl· DelSmen and school , will trr to show Iowa CiUans how to prepare for an emergency. Authorities have cited the Rock H· S bland, ilL, arsenal, Burlington munitions works, and Cedar Rap· Int uez Integration Works lor Three ids industry as possible points of attack in a war. Iowa City, If nol C·· M directly, would serve as a hos· rlsls ay Cities Turn pltaJlzalion and evacuation center "What you do first in the fir.;1 few minutes of a disaster Is what counts," Lee Blodgett, CD radio of· Reach UN To Violence Ocer for Johnson County. said. STURlS, Ky. III _ An u;l,.tem. On this theory. students at City 'O~. DO~ ' .. _ BrltL'Ih orncinls pered mob turned Nerro .. tudent• •nil t' h Sch 00I wiU prepare .1.-u",m· Frl"-y.. nl"ht"'" sl-al d a malO' r back from another school Friday tel Ilh 'mul l d eme genc WI .. ... as Kentucky', nareup over ICbooI drillves during w a theSl week.a e r ~ - toally 1o" ... rbol. 111 Bo" Ira ... , hswitch hin l Su('z . policyill "Uhk h tron,dl inte e'..... tlon ,pread 'A... a _,,_"""""d "The students will not know when DELTA CHI MEMBER Brice O.kl.y. Al. 0.. MoIn ... ,Iv•• tn. yl.. ints t a BrilalD w 10 e t s· community. More National Guards. It wlll happen," George Bowman, pitch for hi. fr.t.rnity hi rv...... Carroll D... (eant.rI. Am ••, .nd put to thc UnJted NaUon~. m n were called up 10 meet the driving education Instructor at the John Dawl.y, R.pld City, 5ixt.. n of l' 5UI fr.t.mltlt. opened Rush Th fact that the Mend ml· mounllni crisIs. ~ school and safety director of Week actlvltl •• Frld.y. Fr.t.mlty memIMrshlp bilk will be dl.trlbut. Ion In Cairo nl'w ha reporl d A mob in Clay, 11 mU,s trom the public schools, said. "An alarm .d Tuesday. failure to win EaypUan Pr ident Sturtls, turned back a car btlngln, will be rung which is difCerent Garnal Abd t!1 !" r' air men! two Nerro grade school students to trom the usual lire bell. Students F · R h· to In rnaUclI\ I opt'ralion or the the Clay .chool. Later, the same on each noor of the thrce·story t' n t US In g canal und"rscol'Cd the Importance mob droye a ,roup of new paper· b\IIlcHng wllI move down one floor, ra er I Y of th n w pro!X> I. men from the to",n and sent motor. New • ",ith lirst floor students moving to I The ml I"n Is a (I\'e·naUon cycle riM'" alon, with their cars Mark I "lower ramps," Bowman explain· ,roup h ad d by Au trail an Prime to see tJuit they I tL FLATS, ed. 1inl t r Robt>rt Gordon Menu II, The newsmen were Ihl't'atened stream· "The drill can be used for any N 1955 F· Countri 5 r prl! 'nt d on it be- \10 Ith death. world' emergency, whether it be a tor· ears Igures sid s Au. tralla ore the Unit d Mrs, Irene Powell, principal of les .pel'l ..do or explosion." SI t s. Elhlopl3, Iran, and wed· th Ciay school, ,ald a Negro fam. salt nail Students at the high school will en. It spoke for an lS·nullon ,roup Uy had informed her that they be shown a film, "Survival Under The number of men participating in SUI rushlni activit! II this week that work d ou! Ihe plan In London would enroll two of tht-Ir YOW\i' AtomJc Attack" on Tuesday, he Is only slightly below that of previous y('ars, Clgures from the OUlce of for int mational control of th tera Friday, She said that word ,ald. Sanitation and lirst aid pam· Student Affairs show. t03-mil watl.'rway. ot out Friday mornln, and a ph1ets will be dlstrlbut d and post· Rumors on campus had placed tho e timatcd 260 rush es far below The Mendes gro p plan d to crowd lathered, ers will be placed around the lhat of oth 'r I ar , Estimates show t II N gAM'b ,u tod' ann d fly IdIooI and in the junior high and H hW"II Att d Ilbout 220 m n wer being rush d'i a r \IVU) ay One member of the mob dlouted, elementary schools. oeg I en Friday. the finl dl-Y oC rushing, In back to London Sunday. • "Thi& is a lood white tottn aod Plans for poslers and other pre· addition, about 40 JeWish rushc Th('r is a po Iblllly that For. wc're (loin, to keep 'It that "'ay, U parational matcrials hav not yet F t "f DO will bellin ru h tod:ty. Jewl h Ian cr tory Iwyn Uoyd may the National Guard and sWe po. been made {or other schools in the ra erm Y Inner peopl have been cel hrating th ny to N w York within u rortnl,ht lice are brouaht In, we C8ft lake city, Jewish N w Year. • it Brlwln dccld look lor a ClIre of them." The ground observer post on top Governor Leo Hoegh will att.end Last year lh re w r 286 rush. special m \!Ung oC thc Security Slale pollce will be lent til CIIlY o{ East Hall will be operating part n dinner at the Pi Kappa Alpha ees: in 19S4 ther were 278: in Council. The Brili. h wllnt to be (AP ",Irubo'o' today. of the week. The post is manned fraternity house at 6 p.m, tonight 1933, 262, Ronald Roskcns, a ist. sur , howey r, that UN consldera· TWO NEGRO GIRLS and. whit. youtft were 1M enly en" 'n eM cia" .t M.... h (W. V.,) Hl,h 5h1rtl•• where th racial trouble ;::me nights by members o( the wilh alumni and rushees as gu sts. not CDun elor in th ocnc, r port. tion of the Su 1: crLi will not bind 5c'-l Friday. A malorlty ., whit. parents ., .tuctt nts .t the K ...... ,ofH a boycott after the KMei w.. erupted rue.day, wat relMlvely AirUlYF MitCheROllTCSQ ua~tront' shuornorNarYt Hoegh was charter president of d. lhem to st~~,d dly U~y inblheECaccpt.0f lnt.,r.tecI. Only 110 .tuden" ., .....1 attnIIlment ., ... a~ 'rld.y. The,...,.. 2f N.. ,.. pupil. Quiet, National Guard tanu and 1101 orce um a . 0 'the fratt-rnity when it Cir t came . , I' h any nul' .".. ·c ac on y (y enroll_d. troops were strate,ically lodted In 1 of the squadron have returned h SUI . 1929 II Tllls year s flgure shows a s " t The Eden "o"ernmenl' ~ changln" .I.A ._..... Cl'td, II' on t e campus In • e al I th d II b f. It ..~ ..._ y to the SUI campus. was nam d top nation I Pi Kappa Irevers n upwar c m 0 empjlnls cam a demands mount· ."If peopre would volunteer Cor AI h . 1955 fJ rush e from the pr vlou three d at hom nnd obrolld for a UN The Weather Gov. A. 8. Chandler said he wu observation duty, the post could be APCtaer'"gradu' ating Croln the SUI years. This year's b lI,ure also role In peac\?Cul ttl ment of the prepared to place Slur,is under d I I "L R t mJght be expecled to e h1gher due, cri I·S. martial law. manne reau ar y, co upper. Law School , Hoenb entercd private 11 L CD chairman Baid. .. to expected Incrc d undcrgradu· At home lh,.. British Labor " they _ tho mob _ thil. tl\ey Ground CD spotters are used to low pJ;3ctice in Chariton and has ale enrollment. movcment ~an,~d olidly again t CI d un wait us out, they're "'oq;" spot low flying planes which might been attorney !!encral of Iowa. Of the 800 no1 Ibl pillces avail. the u of for without N sanc. OU Y he uld, ' Olber guesLJ at the lIanquet wlU ,. ~I escape detection by armed Corces be L H' k d' to f able in (ratem ty house:;, 550 wer lion. Th Uni d State3 for som It was II} Stureis TbundJT that radar. ~ren IC c r~on, If'C r 0 rIlled Mllrch 1 ot this year, Ros· day has been uraing Britain to and NEW HAVE ,Conn. IA'I _ Top Investigators brok up a long hudd] troops wltlP (iled bayonets drove ' a Five city department stores will alumni records, cnd aUorney. W!I· kens said. brine the disputc to lh UN. in th traiic Ruotolo baby case Friday without givilli the slil:htest hlnl path throulh I boWlin" peering make available CD pamphlets on I lIam Bartley, who was a candidate The 250 spaces remaining in The bi W.. tern POwl'rs appear of how clo they were to II solutioa. mob lor o1ne NegrO' stud~ntl, Tbe family preparations lor an emer· fo~ lieutenant governor in th June hou at the time hay Increased faced with th possible cour 5, Cool "The Inv ligation Is contlnu1ng," is all State's Atty. Abraham S. students railed to show up Fr1day ,eDcy: Aldens, Montgomery ward,', prlm~ry election: Ed Peterson, A.3, by now becau o{ som traternity accordin( to the informants: Ullman would say aCtcr a three· but they said they planned to be r Sears, Penneys and Younkers. Madnd, fraternIty preSident, Will members not returnine to campus. 1. Simply to ,"rorm the Security C U h Id hour conler nee in th New Haven there Monday, . 9rocery stores which will display welcome the guests, The number of m n indicating Council of what has h!lppen d to The high pressure arca that ourt p 0 S County Courthouse. An estimated 500 Guardsmen Items that should he included in a create the pres nl explosive situa· ha b en over th tate His orrJce become the center of were '-Aln, summoned to their unit" r they were lOter st d In rush on d the Iowaho~rlna City area eau in" .,.,,, E home emergency tood supply in· Joh n son' Asks early University opplication (orms lion In thl' Suez area. an '. operations with the di!covery of OVer the weekend. They ' wtll ))e elude the Ranch Market, Big B ",as 575 this year, he !!aid. Last 2. Ask t~e council l? co,ndemn ~ ~ngS::St~n~~~e ~r:~I;:~~:cr T t C the body of 6-week-old Cynthia taken to Camp Breckinrldie, near Means, and Hy·Vee. year 638 indicated interest: in Eiypt ror. it. act of nationalization, the mjdwe t. Q t. lh w atoor urncoa ase Ruotolo Thursday near a culvert in Stur,is, to stand by for any trouble Drugstores which will display 1954, 278: In 1953, 263, Again. th which BrltalO and France ca1\ an Lake Whitney. She had been stufe· 011 Monday, Items that should he included in slight upward trend was reversed. , act of, ,lunder and a brLach of In· bureau reported. WASHI'NGTO ,N IA'I _ The U.S. €(I ~ a plastic ba. wel,hted with a e" ...... took a Curther ,tip fri. home first aid kits include Ford Corporate . t<-rnational ubll,ations. Temperatures beran to climb roc.. 11* I Hopkins, the Rose drugstore, Whet· T~~ fall, only 16 of the 19 rra. Sinc Nas r took over the canal lowly nearer the season's nor· Court of M!1Itary Appeals upheld ~ lake is about rour miles from ~yJ! ~~:':~::'~d ~t ".~~ Itone's, and Pearsons. T Ch tc:rmltes on campus ar'. rushlllg. July 26 British lcaciers and spoke. mal Friday. Today's high will Friday the convicllon oC Claude J , New Haven and cbout 0 mDe from r- Today and Sunday a radio com· ax a nge Sigma Chi, Bela Theta PI and Phi men have lent thei r alilhority to be about 70. Batchelor of Kermit, T x., on three restrictive emercency me.s- munlcation demonstration unit will Della Theta were placed on con· the possible IlSC of force _ thou"h ParUy cloudy skies and mild charg s of helping the Communists the big Hamden department store ure•. be set up in a tent 011 the SUI Robert H. Johnson, SUI profea· d uc t pro b a ti ()n Itas spring.' only as a la t resort - In que t ..of weath er can bo expecte d ror the.,.... '''hlle a prl"Aner of war in Korea. whereparked w"Cynthi:1's' n she disappe--.1calTlage Satwas 1. A 7 p.m. curfew for .0 per. campus at the corner oC Clinton sOr oC economics and committee a settlement. weekend, the bureau said. No Batchelor, 25,yetr-old former in· urday 'K: iIn:u. SODa under 21, 8Ild Washington Stf'eets. member of the State Tax Study ---- rain was predicted (or the we k· 'fantry corporal, w.. couvlcted by The' baby's mother, 33-year-old 2. A ban on oufdeor pu&ll~ as . . Under the direction of radio oC· Commission, moved Friday that Pansy Train Derailment end. an Army court·martlal In 1954. He Eleanor told police she had lelt sembllel without a'permit ClJ)tained fleer Blodgett, the unit will demo the committee recommend his pro· Inl'ure, 37 in Indiana Spanked". is scrvlng a 2O-rear prison term. , Cynthia 'there while.he shopped in 41 hours in ad.vance, • y onstrate how contact will be main· posed change in corporation tax as ~ h He also w~ sentenced to a dis· the store with a neithbor. J. A ban on 11M 01 pubUc address tained with state and national de· lhe Tax Study Commission met WARSAW, [nd. II! - Nine cars Balloon Reae es honorable discharge and forCelture If investlg3lOrs tad~y suspects systems. fensc agencies in an emergency. h re Friday. of the PennsY)lIanla Railroad's Chi· I I k of pay and aJJowance~. in mind, they wrren't saying so. School atleftclance Fridayeantln. "Telephone facilities will prob· lIis plan would base the corpora· cngo·lo·New York Trailblazer were Sma I Time Operator 26 Mi es Into Sy ~ apf?Cals court tI the last reo Present at the coruerenee also ued its ste,d,y climb, as tit sto. ably be jammed with emergencies tion tax on payrolls, investments derailed Friday nJght at the east Found in Hideout sort 1n Dllli~ary ca~ , were State Police Capt. Victor dents _ Incluclinl aU 12 NeJl'Oe,s _ IDd the curious," Blodgett said. and sales. At present the tax for- edge oC Warsaw, and a railroad MINNEAPOLlS lftofI- A heli um· .Batchelor s la~er, J~I 'fl. Clarke, New Hann County Coroner reported for 'classei eompatal'With ''The radio seems always to get mula is based only on income from spokesman sald S7 persons were Iowa City police were alerted to filled plastic balloon soared to 142" Westbrook, said In San AntODlo, James J Corrir:an anti Hamden 266 Monday, Total enrollnltD1 is through. sales in Iowa. injured, none scrlously. be on the lookout for a petite red· 900 feet, about 62 4-5 miles, Friday Te~ ., that the court did not grant Police Chief Harry Burow!. 800. . . ' , Hln a war, Civil Defense will act Johnson estimated when he pro· The railroad said the injured In· bead at 4:44 p.m. Friday. to break all existing altitude rec· review of what he called the two The FBI o(ficiaJly stepped out oC The National Guard rno¥H In ~ an auxiliary to fire and police posed his plan to the committee cluded 13 passengers, four dining Shortly after the alert, the search ords for such bags, the University lDOIf,t ~porlant iSFues (It the case . the case Friday nighL 1t did so, It Sunday ",ith 633 tJ'OQJII and 10Janb departments. Cabs may be con- about two weeks ago thaL a change car employes and a nagman. was called 0[(. 0 Minnesota reported. - br~~wa5hlnil and due process e~plained, because of the absence to quell violence' which followed the tactiCd to act as emergency ambu· in the system would mean a tn/>, The parents of Laura Schaf, The research project Is aimed at of law. of any apparent interstate angles. AUi. r1 raCial In~gratlon tit ClItJ. I.nces," he noted as one example. ling or the corporation tax revenue POLIO PATIENT ' 1006 N. Summit St., told police gaining metcorological as well as Batehelor, II prisoner of the Chi· Barrows told 1l(wsmrn that the ton High School, . . . . "All the radio equipment is do· from three to nine mlllion dollars Deryl Flemilli, 25, of 151 River· their 6-year-old daughter was comic ray information from the nese Reds Crom Nov. 2, 1950,. to conference was devoted chiefly to In AustIn. Tex" Gov. AUa/l 'shiv. I\4ted by amateurs except for an a year. He said Friday, in support side Park, was discharged From found lying low behind the daveo· earth's upper atmosphere. Scien· Sept: 25, 1953, was one (,r 23 ~~ laking another look at the Cacts en told a new. conference UJat'bls emergency generator recently pur· of his plan, that.il would reduce by I the University Hospitals' polio port. She took refuge there when tists sald the data would be inval· soldiers who reCused r~~trJation already known ~o police and check. action in aeadlng Texu RatI'ettlO, chased by Civil Defense." During 52 per cent the amount of federal ward Thursday. Fleming was ad· she had played too late after school uable in shedding light on the prob- v.:hen the Korean armistice was ing different phases of Ute case. Mansfield Hieh School and ~ lUI»­ Ule display the radio setup will income tax paid by corporAtions. mitted Aug. 29 with non'paralytic was dismissed. She did not answer I ms of space travel and the Signed. He was the scc('nd. one. ot Friday afternoon, Mrs. Ruotolo St'QUent calm there, pro"e~r to ' be tr~smit messages from Iowa Cit· Johnson then proposed thaL as· polio. He Is city editor o( The I the caUs of her parents for fear of lanuching of artificial earth sat- these soldiers to change hIS mind and her two children left in an "wise ... particularly as &lmpar. i4J\s to people anywhere in the sessments of industrial corpora· Daily lowan. I a scolding. elJites. and decide to come bome. automobUe for an unanounced des- ed to \be Tell/le8ltle ,it\latioa 'Which &llmtry, he said. lions properties be haodle4 by the -~------.,.---:---.....,.:,,------tinaUon, presumably a friend's Is still in an uproar. ': , . In long range cooperation with commission. He asked Cor an im· house for some privacy. But mob preuure allo bloc~ ef~ the CD awareness drive, the local mediate decision by the committee k &h· k ElrUer, Hamden delectivCl bad. IQrII of 1hree.NtgrGeJ to reiWer.Jlt Red Cross will offer beginning first and said this would prevent uncer· I e Irs Du ,t y T0 BPIe opu a r- Tru rna n been seen removing \>e(Jclothing, a the TexarIIMY. T••• Juni~ Col· If!! and home nursing courses later tainties industries face on tax mat· crib and golt clubs from the Roo- ICie. About 50 "hlte persons, moat. this fall. Persons who want to en· tcrs. tolo home, which were whisked Iy students, formed a picket 'Nne t9 ron can contact the Red Cross. . . te d small tum awa, -the three. two .,. aod ]nformation headquarters {or a,. TB~ ASSOCIATED PIlUI slstant who spoke at the same for' l Hall fired ocr a quick repl~ to Tru'1 e~paign planning at his Liberty- away In a pnva car BU a a ,irl. Civil Defense wUl be in the Cham· State Rests Case Harry Truman blasted away at urn, I man, relerr~g to. Truman s . refer· vlUe, 01., home. . truck. School authorities in "ereer ber of Commeree office. President Eisenh(lwer Friday night Pyle posed this as the big ques· ence to preSidential populanty. He was reported tlgurin, on one CouIIty, W. Va" attemfUdlteeP "lnsl (hr"ls Olson in a talk to political scientists. A tion in the 1956 campaign: "Would "President eisenhower is popu· and per!'aps two ~ SW!"gl IDto Honey Water Fir. open Matoaka hiIb school ele- corea .... ry Burns Aga Republlcan told the same audience you really like to go back to things lar, I agree," HaU told a news- ~lifor:a beca~~ id~lSer~ t ' , meDtar7 and..jwIIor bith ill ~ Mr. Eisenhower has given the as they were before 1952?" man. "As president he has a great eve can Win eec on the face of a boycott thai keN I,. JEFFERSON IA'I -The slate rest· beca the d W· the I carries that pivotal state J.'stv Don't M.ox 7."1T ~ ....T Linn County ed its case Friday against Chri& American people "the linest years He said that use of rec· recor. e are IOmg to run on Ste did t ff ~ hundreds of ..bite pupill from "'OOGAN .., _ The plant of the M. .olson, forlrer Crawrord County of their lives." ord of the Eisenhower Admlnistra" record of the Eisenhower Admlnls· late veu:nFrlda~e ~la:u.. what HUNTINGTON, W. Va. 111_ Sev· clauea. h Truman, annAaring in Washing· tion "a phenomenally large portion tratlon. I think the people will want heS meDmed ",,' ___ .. _.. Ad. " tr enteen·year~ld Charles P 0 r t e r Crosses 1rft'e IIUrMd ~ '" .... County Mutual Creamery Co. supervisor who Is C arged with r..- of the people ..ouId say 'no: .. t contin 't .. ter ..UK:JlI ..... er I1\lIl1S a- N ...... , ___01 hI'A f 'd . d mi f bl' ton betore the Amerlcao Political 0 ue I . . . "rall "in the field of edu. climbed a tree in &earch oC boDey egro IC __ a w... =lie- .... destroyed by ire Fn ay conspU'acy an suse 0 pu IC Science A.ssoclatl·on, Imp'lied that The past four years, he said, Truman had something to say UaOt~lon urea and came down blistered, fri .... ten. school at ...... , La.; .... tEli ~&ht with a loss e:.limated at funds. "h bee the busl st d c .""- .\*Ul II Mr. Eisenhower is shirking his reo ave n among e an about his role in the campai~ "In 'three and I half years the ed and dripping wet. there had beea DO attempt ~ rel~ . ~ ~~~tarted in an attic Id~i~~~e ~~g~al:'~'! ~:a ~~ sponsibUity for the sake of main· most progre!~lve our country has alter conferring with DemocraUc total accomplishment Is a fact. His desire for honey ..as damp- Isler Negroes at the white public ~\'e the boiler room and at 9:30 til 10 a.m. Tuesday to give the de- laining personal popularity. ever known. . Chairman Paul BuUer. finding cooCereoee," he said. "We eoed Thursday nlibt af.er: schooll, >' , ~.\n., several hours after the fire fense time to lake a deposition The job 01 a leader is to lead, ~rumandm~nlended the EISen: "I've told 'em not to send me to already know the facts, Our need He uwed off a 11mb which feU At h.p.lI.. ..", Clrtuit JucIce ,!Ia discovered, only the brick {rom R. L. Miller of Tecumseh, the former PreSident said, and "it w : A ne lDi= ~r~f~ any place where I would do any Is not for fads but action on the on a gas lioe, The line burst and BenJamin MlchaellOll refilled • walll of the building were left Neb., ·a Cormer ~alesmall who sold Is more important to promote. the H:IISC a ai~ not the President harm," Truman told reporters, facta." ~aused a fIre which roared bilb plea oflelfelatioDlJt Georae Wash- 'rhe Coggsn (u-e department and Installed jacltstones for Craw· weUare of the country than it IS to hlmseU are 'relpollSible lor White He said he Is turning over 10 to I In another polltiu) development lIlto the tree, inJtoa WilUamI, a Slates ~, c.Iled for help from Central City. ford County Juring the time Olson preserv~ .one's personal popularity House ~ioft8. 20 lpeaking invilatiODJ a week to Friday the Democratic NaUooal' Firemen arrived and poured hUll that Anne AruDdel Cowib lie ~an and Prairieburg, and at the was a supervfj;)r. by avoiding. a controv~rsy . " , And he said it seems to have the Democr~tic . Nati~nal ~mmit. I Committee 8IIDOIIDced that S:ena· dreds 01 gallons of ",ater 011 tile fcreed to prevIde ~ ...... IJ' ' 1Ii12ht . of the blaze the Couan The county's purchases of jack· Truman did DOt menliod Mr. Ea- moved the Government fro m tee, which IS arran,mg 1lis cam- torS Hubert Humphrey (MlMJ treed Porter until the (U line for.mites IDCl NetrOeI~I_"QA'':'''_ ". ~atft supply WIIS exhausted. 'stones ~ .teel and concrete posts aenhower by name. Waahincton to New yorlt's Madi. paign schedule. , and Albert Gore (Tenn,) and Gov. could be sbut on, ''Tbia COIIIt," uI4 ~ . HOle lilies were run abouL 300 used for rip-l'appin, along stream Mr. Eisenhower's n a me got son avenue, headquarters for man)' Adlai EteveD50D, the Democratic Frank Clement .of Tennessee ,mIl .He wa~ ~ken to I hospital where "cIoeI not feel It baa an, rIaht ~ feet to the Buffalo river and water banks - are a key Issue in the prominent mention, however, from big adVertising alenciea, pre.tdential nominee, took a day begin campaiplni for Stevenson htl conditioD ..u clPcrlbed u DOt overrule ~ Supreme Court,of tIie .... pumped from tbercoach without any demonstrations. quantity politically today. DI",lbut.d by Kin,. Fe'!tu .... Syndlco!. Stevenson was known. Eise'l" , o hower can be viewed against the • • • • At this time four years ago. in background oC his record in oC(i~Pr< 1 Why. wc may ask, is the emphasis a lways on violence, . , short. two brand new figures were I.nterpreting the News- contending Cor the presidency. Stevenson has made his position o'\t when the greatest SOCiological change in the history of America When the campaigns opened. and the great issues abundantly clear (jeneral the publicity mills began to grind. in his voluminous speeches an~l ( is taking place in many cases without incident. two sharply contrasting pictures writings. emerged. Neither is reluctant this time . Eh Both men were reared in tlle scnhower. knowing the crushil}g Will Suez Crisis· burden of the presidency. made . Middle West. Stevenson in IJ1inois • Adlai and the Draft Eisenhower in Kansas. himseU available. Stevenson see~$ : \ confident. aggressive. far mom.· '" D mocra tic presidential hopeful Adlai Stevenson made a Gen.ral Notice. must be received at The But Eisenhower Was a country Dwight D. Eisenhower sure oC himseU. He probably ~Ilk Dally Iowan ollice. Roon1 201. COin. boy. and poor. Like his five broth· statement the othe.r day that I ft some people scratching their Split Big Three? munlcli'lions Center. by 8 a.m. lor pub· ers he wore hand-me·downs and joke less in this campaign. • I; lIeatlon Iho [allowing mornlnll. '11,ey' . . Some of the issues have chl\ngC~' 1 heads. Speaking before the 38th cOllvention of the American must be Iyped or 1.,lbly wrllten and knew the meaDlng oC the word of state. Edward Sletlinius and . I,ned; th.y will nol bc accepled by "business failure" through his (ath. There is no shoo ling in Korea nowrn Legion, Stevenson said: By WILLIAM L. RYAN ' .... 1 .. _....," ~ t,...... /~ Iphone. The Dally lowln re. To Open Meet SundaY'J I Perhaps Stevenson was b)'ing to woo the American moth­ Saturday _ 7:l\O a.m,-U:50 a.m. ger of Carm properties. served a British·French buildup of military ot-..."Il,,",.,~~,~t ""'="';;'; , Desks open at 8 a.m. ' . term as secretary of state in II .. Stevenson. up to the 11th hour at WATERLOO IA'I - The 3-day an· er, or the young men of the United States (those e ligible for strength' in the Mediterranean and Resorve •.•. 'METHODIST CHURCB I Th· sd" I F tu .••• Ie",."..... d Da'.q•• In,. $:30 p.m .• C•• tcrb.r, CI ... J'ubllahed delb .. xeept Bund.y .nd • .. .. • I serv ce ur a" even ng. ea r· . 'Ia.T C.&IlI'l'lAIt" CBV.OII Dr. L. L. D.... ln'l.n. "hil.I.r ..~ 8IId k ..1 h.OJlda)'. by Bt,uden, DAIl.l' IOWAN 1~I.VI'Oal r&OlII ZION ·LUTBRAJ( . C.Uac1I.' Pu~tlo~ Inc.. CommWlIcaUoIUI SCBOOL 0' lOVPAUIM ,,,CULTJr '-rile woman who doesn't gossip." point. qut Harry Wiater, .. t\R1 ed ~peaker at the ~nvention Is Dr. Til ...... ~.t ~i.~,~::'-.....t.r E.wer:II:~~·.;,:::a·I:!! ..~I.III.' ,J l __ .,.~. Icrw •• Entfted.. PllbU...... J..eol.r O. Bene 81...... -a __ 110 friends to speak ot." " AlVin Rogness. prcllicicnt of Luther lIall, A. 11 ..1111. M18I.I., .r £.... 11.. 1Ih1111 .. t. 81 ...... "T""...... aov. A.n. r . Pr.,.. I. Pa.I.. I leCCIIIIIo.elau ~tter .. ~.MtJ!!1l" ' Bdllorlal ...... A ....ur l1li. Sand.rlOn ...... b, B-naett ~e·rf.~ · b'~tr·I'-·'t-" "v -I . - :'~ 4i ~._.. .. y ,'llheo1ogieai SelninIll'Y. St Paul• .CJuI ... b . .Ii.~... L .' :l! •.•.. ' . . " . 101.· S'.Ulamyer. 81.ft A ....I.te 'foralD, W ...... ,. I ..... "'_'"'' .. • t IdIfl City. under Uli ~eH ~of· t::"oii : I Adv.rlislnll ..... , .. Il. 10M KtImtmr • O •..... ~ ...... r the To Unify Germany bus rider could Ira"e) to ouUying than $54.000 (or the UI Coli g o( dJrection of Dr. R. E. Hodge. a - areas of Omaha for 17'2 cents Fri· SPRINGFIELD. ill. I.ft-.Edward tediciM w r aecepted recently i tant prof r of internal rnedi· BONN LfI- West Germany made a direct appeal to the Soviet Union day, but the trip bome over the A. Epping. chief aide to ex·auditor by th finance committee of the cine Friday to join the West in a new campaign to r unite this divided COUD- same route would cost 22 cents. Onille E. Hodge. w sent need • State Board of Regents. I $lSO from Sigma Xi, a pational lO'. The Soviets let it be Imown qUickly they weren't buying the new L. G. BarDC$, president of the Friday 10 four to five )'ears i1l tate The amounts included: . cience (raternity. to purchase ~posal. Omaha Transit Co .. explained tbat prison on charges he conspired with $16,ISO from the Am ri an Can- equipment for research on biologi. A long-expected nole by Konrad Adenauer's government asked Ru - a fare Increase appro\'ed by the Hodge to leal more than ~, ooo cer Society for use in cancer r eo cn) rhythm in animals. The tudy sia to negotiate with the Western State Railway Commi ion applies in state funds . car~h . The grant will be admin- i und r the direction of Prof. G. Powers in an effort to break the only to trips oricinatin, in ebrss· Epping pleaded guilty to 53 !stcred by Dr. 'orman B. Nelson 'j Edgar Folk Jr., of the Physiology Stargazers stalemate in reunification efforts. ka. cou~of conspiring to obtain mon- medic I dean at SUI. Dt'partm nt. Identical notes were sent to Thus a passenger tarting in ey from the state. and Circuit $1 ..... (rom the 'ational Sei nce $1" from Dr. A1e~ C. Zarchy, Washington, London, Paris and Omaha for Council Bluffs pays 20 Judfe DeWitt Crow of Sangamon Foundation for re arch by proL I Hl'wlett , N. Y. The g!f~ wa made Moscow. An additional l)..pace me. C(·nts fare plus t cents for a trans· County t the ntence as four 10 R. E , K Uio. of the Bacteriology to the Coli g of MedlelJ1e .through Seek Riddle morandum went to the Russians fer. The Council Bluffs paS8('nger five years on each count. 'nIe sea· Department. Kallio's tudy will be tbe ~aUonal Fund for . ~edical Ed· outlining a plan for a demilitarized cornin, to Omaha pays 17~ cents t nees will run concurrently. l to attain gTeater und r tll/lding of ucation. buffer zone along the Oder·Nelsle and gets a transfer free-. Georg Carbary. special a 1st. the role which molecu1 contain· TtIt' gUts also included three 01 Canals' line as proposed by British Prime ant to the nllnols attorney general, ing only one carbon atom pLay in h<>aring aids from Zenith Radio Minister Eden at the 1955 Geneva said Epping will be eligible for pa. lWu growth. It g n raUy rcc- Corporation for u in the pnh·er. NEW YORK I.f'>-Sighting of sev· summit conference. role In 311 months. eral elusive "canals" on Mars was 62,075 V,·s,·t Eppings plea leav 46 other ognized that m t, and perhap an, sity' Hospital·School for Severely reported Friday by a Japanese ob· I Accepting the note from the tat h f f bM of the "growing" proct' . which Handicapped Children. The aids West German ambassador in Mo • e c arges 0 orgery. em • take pl4ce in the body's ti ue in· are valued at - each. ~:~~:'id~ur~ro~e t:~ser~:~;o~t o~; cow, Andrei A. Gromyko reported. Pool ,·n 1956 t.lement and conCidence game sUlI \'olve th body ' ulilization of mol . • Iy said "the remilitarization and pendi1lg. As l. Stat's Atty. J , Wal· neighbor planel. do Ackerman said the charges cu! cont ini t\\O e rbon 0 Other scientific stargazers told of suppression of freedom and rights" The econd be l year In the h15- will be prosecuted in the cour Ther i m indication th t mol Little Brown Church a huge dust cloud sweepl'ng over In West Germany has made reuni· to of .... r CI i ' f 1"- ~.- ' di b I cuI cont ining only on carbon fication impossible at this time. ry UK: owa Iy w mmrng 0 DC ,,\AU. S or nary us n Mars, si!\hting of white clouds. and Ipool was reached this year with a Epping was remanded to the cus· tom also may be invohed, but Donation Box Stolen a 'peculiar bright spot which one The Soviet Deputy foreign minis· tOlal of 62,075 person u Ing the tody of the Sangamon County her· very litUc i known about thi po. satd might be a visiting comet. ler clearly meant recent action by pool. iff with the court's un tion that ibility. H A LfI - A donation box Mars Friday night was beginning West Germany's constitutional In 1955 adml Ions to the pool he be taken Monday to U.S. Dis· I 51S_ from tm- L di Au ili ry which thiel'e m ticulously un· its long journey away from Earth cou rt declaring the Communist numbered 69,773-7,703 higher than trlet Court in Chicago. He pre· WHITE WATER IESIDE tIM fr.I,ht.r Sea,... mark. wb."...,e4 to th VIer J1 of Forei n War for crewed (rom a re r wall of the after coming its closest within 32 Party iUegal in his reference to this year's total , according to rec. vlou Iy drew a fi"e·yeat fed ral rectc ... Sonora Reef on which the y.... 1 hUM up 50 mil .. nortfI .. u in cancer re. carch. The grant fll m('(! Little Brown Church ncar years - 35,120,000 miles. suppression of rights. ords kept by Robert A. Lee. dLrec. ntence on charge .,owllli out of IMr. Friday when she tot "" cours. In foe whil. .n route from wa. awarde~ du~ing the ultiliarY,'s r is believ d to have contained But for several weeks It will be Russia shOwed no sign of baCk. tOr of the city recreation program. a 1l a-mllllon-' open 94 day. out of a pos Ible 98. Hintz. form r pre51~nt of th producer : ler. I Found tion for r ar h on rthri- church 1. n v r locked. port of such mar~ings, first ob· The pool is being dralned now after Southmoor Bank and Tru I Co. In served in 1877, and seen visuaUy position parties declined comment closing for the y ar on Monday. Chicago. Hjntz Is rvlDf a on ·to- b,f many astronomers since thcn. until they had studied the Soviet Swimming students taking part three year state sentence Bnd s ' comparable with " ,Intz'. H said On ' Day 81 a Word CHlLD C ARE iD our hom. I -2m ing asteroids. or to waterways en· Government have repeatedly ex· for the 1956-57 school year. Money Eppln" work d dIligently (or the '/'wo Days 11k' 3 Word gi)lpcred by intelligent Martians pressed their view that there can (or Ihe cholar hlp is provided by state a nd wa an unwitting tool of Three Days 12t a Word Help Won~d g Personal Leans to bring precious water from the be no real peace and security In th Aluminum Company or Amerl· 1I0d i' hilI 1. _ 33 tod Four Days • _. .. 14 ~ a Word "oortment for Rent E CXPER1ENC[J) ph·mbert. Larew Co Martion icecaps to underground Europe while the unjust and unnat· ea pp ng, wow uc ay. Five 0 y .... " IS\! a Word PERSONAL LOANS on ty~wrll~ .... D'. l4 3 FOR RENT: Pilon 1-:1292 Two·,.,.,m, ohonol,• .,I1 .•""no oqulpm~nl. and cities. ural division of Germany continues This I th econd year that the wa outwardly calm until sentence T n Days 201' Word newly d,,Io~k. from t~ pu •• TYPEWRITERS .. lin \IIll lu . ~I d 10-1 1 ~j g(muine international detente, basi ~ of th student's hilh chool ward J. Epping. and hiS brother, Display Ads Room. for Rent • Rental. Last Riles Held which they have so often described record ana examinations Indicating . Raben. ------~~~~~------• Repairs One In. rllon ' . Typing NICI: P OOM. '-nil. ',J Men 1 as the supreme aim of their policy, h~ ability In hi cho n fi Id. He 984' a Column Inch T YPINC: D IMI t202. I . IOR I WA NTED: Child ear" Dt I 3411 ., • Sales 1 ndayJ I For Frank Nixon than by agreeing to remove this Inust have elected to major in a 0 I Off I Five In rUons n Month, ach Authorized • loyal '3-<1ay an· main cause of ten Ion In Europe." sclCIlce - enilneering, chemistry, i ;c;a s in crtion 83¢ a Column Inch TYPlNG, Dial 1..0'129. 9-111\ Ignition --":'---" Deale, Adenauer's notes called for no mathematics or physics. Ten In crllon a Month, each AIfIO· WHITTIER, Calif. (.4'1 - A little Corburetorl 'ortabl.. Stancla,. Dis- I Quaker church was filled to capa­ ne'w Big Four summit conference. Studen\.& receiving the scholor· in rtlon 804' 11 Column Inch Miscellaneous for Sale GENERATORS STARTERS hCIle , city and a cross of white carna· Instead Uley proposed a series of ships arc: Enter Pleas TOR SALE: Bed.. In,le and dou bl,, : tions from President Eisenhowcr sccret mcetings among diplomats Robert Nelson, Cedar Rapid : J, Real Estale roU. " 'A)'.; (!he u; 'kitchen ute.n Itlll; Briggs & Stralton Motors Wi~el ';< \ dominated (lora I tributes, as {inaI operating througll regular diploma· Gllmcr Lunn, Ft. Madison ; WII· ,olr clllb,; Irt..... mlrrot; ClIm",', WASHINGTON ~'t'w() oll com· F01\. S I'.L£: H I~ h w.~ tron l"K~ ldul \UII,a, . Hock-Eyr Lean. 4535. 8-311 Pyramid Services Typewriter COa rItes were held Friday lor Frank t\\! cnannl)\s, 11am Voxman, Iowa City; E. Byron fo r uperm)r ~ e\,. mO lel. hoppln, pany lawyers pleaded innocent Bu), quality CO\.."KERS 0 1.1 4600 . ---10·6R A. Nixon, father of the nation's lfljr80lal , Iowa City; John Tonkin· ..,nter. b u InN olllet'•. ck t..ocal d in ---- 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 ~ ial 8· 1051 23 E. WOlhln(lfon son, Mt. Pleasant. Friday to a federal charge that • prov Iva tow of 0 'er tS.DOO . n~.r TTh8 10·611 T~ 1-1" vice-president. air b 10 .'pprcclot". Str phen. o n Home for Sole ..... ------~~-- Nixon, 77, died Tuesday night. they tried unlawfully to inlluence Rul 1:> 181 ... I'\e(I lIa, 111I • ..,orl. PhO,lt. Seek Highway Link ~. ------thc \'ote oC Sen. Francis Case IR · 6t'lO and :1643. ... J 1 Vice-President Richard Nixon and FOR SALE: New 1111«- and foo,­ LAFF·A·DAY hiH wife, Pat, sat with dozens or S.D. 1 by ofrering him a $2,500 cam· NiW3 a~d ·. -bedjPom homu [ mm~l· room hom , ,rody to m OVe In to . air pO Ion. ~~W c O.. P hone MIl. Larow Cotnp.lny. DGlI . I ·' members of the family at the Cun. In Sioux City Area City palin COntribution. Chief Judg Bolitha Laws heard 01-21 eral. Others attending were most· LINCOLN t.1'I - Iowa's Highway Iy old friends and townspeople. d the pleas of the defendants. John Department ask e d Nebraska's M. NerfofLcxington, Ncb.,andEI. An estimated 500 crowded into Highway Department Friday to co- ______Recor _ Live and Play the Fender the East Whittier Friends Church mer Palman of Au tin, Tex., and operate in getting federal approval fllaTH c,t Nov. 19 a.s t~e date for their and for the service. About 200 of them BENYSH1:K. Mr. pnd M n. Dou.I ... Mobile Home Way sat in the basement and heard Ihe of a "spur" on the proposed inter­ 438 W. Bo"ton t., a b

Lead at Akron FREDERICK, Md. III - Richbrd Francis Nallin. an umpire of the AKRON, Ohio I.tI-Arnold Palmer infamous 1919 , died moved into the lead all alone Fri­ Friday at the age or 78. day in the second round of the sixth I annual Rubber City Open, firing Nallin, an um. a four-under-par 68 for a 135 score pire for 17 years. always maintaiD­ in two days' work. ed he and his colleagues "had no suspiCion whatever" of any sellout That gave the Latrobe. Pa., golf· in the series bet ween Chicago and er, seeking his fifth tiUe since turn· Cincinnati. lng pro, a two-stroke margin over three competitors tied at 137. They Nallin began calling balls 8lId were Dave Douglas of Newark, strikes in the American League in Del., Don Fairchild of Casey, HI., _ 1915 and worked in Jpur World Ser­ aDd Ed Furgol oC St. Louis. ies before stepping down to the ID­ ternational League in 1932. He pet Fred Hawkins of EI Paso, Tex., in two years in the International, who matched Palmer'S 67 i.n Thurs­ then retired to a farm near Freder· day's 18 holes, took 74 strokes Fri­ ick. day to drop into a group of five tied at 141, down the list of lead· Nallin claimed it was his idea ers by 13 names. which Ban Johnson, then presidcat of the American League, inaugurat· Friday's test over the par-72, ed or assigning more than two u.· 6,620-yard Firestone Country Club pires to a game. Nallin said lie ,:. :.,. (~.:~r- ~. .(,-,~;,;, course trimmed the field of some (At' W ...._e, was lhe first man to umpire froll CUB P.te Whisenant alldea Into hem. and is ta..... eut by MllwaukH Braves catcher 150 entrants to the 90 low pros and third base In 1916. • • the 10 low amateurs. The cut.()(f Del Rice In the alxth Innln, in a .a"", Friday at Chicago. He attem.,ted to KO'" when Hoby L.ndrlth Funeral services will be cond~. .reuncled to ahortstop Johnny Log.n. The umpire II Bill J.ck.wskl. Chic .... WOfl, 5-G. score for the pros was 152; that Cor the amateurs 153. The $19,000 me· ed at st. John's Catholic Churdt dal play event wiods up Sunday. Monday at 10 a.m. Burial will '" in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Palmer Friday had his first b0- gie in 36 holes. That came on the 445-yard, par-4 ninth hole as he I Cubs Shutout Braves . came out of a trap and then missed a 12·foot putt. ...L IDllly 'ow... wnl Favored Carter FORMER IOWA END Jim F,...m.n, right, chatt with sporb writers Kaye Kenler, left, of tile Colum- Other than that, Palmer had lit­ bua, Ohi., Citizen .nd Gus Schr.. der .f the Cedar Rlpidl Gal.tte. Seventeen writers and Kenneth L. tle trouble with his putter. Among "Tug" Will.n, Big Ten commillioner, w .. tched I.wa pr.ctice Frida.,. morning. Decisions Summerlin his five birdies Friday, he sank one ------Jones~, 25-foot putt, one 2O-Cooter and two NEW YORK !A'I - Harold Carter Behind 5-0 lo-footers. Siege of Influenza of Linden, N. J ., set a relentless CHICAGO !A'I - Sam Jones and --;;;~~;;;;;;;;:::;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::::::::;;::::::;~::::;;I A brisk wind hampered the golf­ pace Friday night to hammer out the cellar·dwelling ers, despite many good scores. Ar­ a unanimous lo-round decision over momentarily halted Milwaukee's 'Iowa's Best Lineman' Hits ISC Gridmen nold and several others said that Detroit's Johnny Summerlin in a pennant drive Friday by handing it bothered them. AMES !A'I- About a fourth of the bllttle of heavyweight contenpers the league·leading Braves their at Madison Square Garden. • fourth straight loss 5-0. members of tile Iowa Stale foot­ Carter, outweighed 194 to 192~, Jones limited the Braves to seven bali squad were affected Friday was an 8-5 favorite despite the fact hits. He walked fOllr and struck Big Ten Roun.dup Suffers Leg Infection by a siege of influenza. out seven to boost his league·lead· AMEIUCAN LEAClUE NATIOll(AL LBAG\J! that Summerlin outpointed him OD W L Pel. GB ML Pc._ .. 08 May '23. The 22-year-old Carter, ing strikeout tolal to 148. Ne... York ...... 49 .6:11 University Hospil