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WED.0M.Y! §Teel

WED.0M.Y! §Teel

V- \ ■ 'V .

TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 19M Arcragt Ouiljr Net P rtu Rnnx Tht WtaUicr FACE SDREElf Fa r Um Waak Baton Fateaaa* HV.U. WaaOwr Oam a HmtrliP^r lEufttins ^ Jaaa It. IN t iieauttful gifts while PWr toalght, lew aeaw tt. f t t t Surprise Shower neath a large' *hlte bell, with 12,065 eemfortaMe temperature*, lew Til* family pot luck aupper of I Billwell, Murphy | AbHcnleeiftm High EmcrK^ncy Doctor* ahowera of pink alreamera and the choir member* of Emanuel. (erand Knight Maaahiar * t «ka A atit heaiMIty Theratoy. Rigli aeer M. AboutTown ' Lutheran Church u ill be held For Miss Miller miniature rainbow umbrella*. Wcdneaday. 6 p.m.. at the home of To Allend SchoolIn Typing Class Physicians of the Menrhpster A feature of the delicious lunch­ M anchester— ‘A .C ity o f Viflttga Charm Mr. aiid Mr*. Everett «Tohn«on, Medical Assn., who will re-* eon served by the hoatesse* waa a Vtr. iM i Mn. WlUlun F. Tag* spond to emergency calls to- Mias Lonl Mtller.'^47‘ ». Oiarter shower cake, mkde by Mr*. Hell- g ilt. *T1 Atom * St., w*r* vt*it*d Beelzebub Bd., South Wlndeor. Raymond Bldwell and Joaeph A serious amount of absenteeism ntorrcAv afternoon and evening Oak St., waa honored with a eur- stix>m and decorated writh tiny um- (deeaUlei AtoerOaiaf ea Pege M) tht* w«ek«iid by their »on, Sttort, Murphy, employe* In the office of among typing students marked the ' piisa mlecellaneou* shower Sunday ■ YOU UCX\% NO. n s (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1<5< PRICE nVE CENTS The midweek eervice* e*ch| Tax Asaesaor Henry Mutrle. will first day of Manchester ' High are Dr. Nicholas MacZlalo, tel. hi* wife. SUrr. *ad their children. 9-1616 snd Dr. Wllllam'Stroud. in honor of her approaching wad- f Surtln* *nd Norm*, who are liv­ I Wedneeday 7 ;30, at the Covenant ; attend the 12th Annual. School for School's summer program ye;ter- Guests were present from Michi­ tel. 9-4706. ding, Aug. 4. in Zion Lutheran 7 ing in OUlf. They returned Sun- Congregational Church will be in ; Connecticut Asseising Officer* at day. I Church to Donald Mastrahgelo of gan. Brooklyn. New York Q ty, charge Of the deacon* during the Officials warned that If those toy. bringing John Taggart. Mr. j the University of Connecticut from East Hartford. The parly was Rocky Hill,. East Hartford and And irs More Fun ahernce of the Rev. K. EJn»r; July 8 to 12, Mutrle announced to -: students who signed up for typing and Mr*. William Taggerf* *on. The piogram, ^-hlch laila six ' given at-,the home of ber aunt. thta town. with them for a two njontht vialti Rank, who 1* on vacation. d*>v 1 slriictlon fall to appear by to­ Estes Fails To Read ll Aloud! morrow they will be dropped. weeks, will end Aug. 3. Stm’ents ' Mr*. Frederick Schneider. 47 Murphy, who recently became a Charter Oak St., who was assisted' William U Zimmerman, asalft- GFS Sponaor* of St. Mary'*' Over 200 students had Indicated attend classes five days s week member of the office ataff. will fi-om 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The sum­ I by Mrs. Melvin R. Helletrom, Tacoma, Wash., June 27 4PI ant to the treaiairer of the Saving* Episcopal Church plan a picnic' take the beginner* course. Assess-' a desire to study typing under the. To Capture §teel mer school faculty consl^ita of cousin of the bride-elect. —Delegate* to ths National Bahk of Mancheater will be the supper for Friday at 6:30 p.m. at ment Procedme. Thst course in­ aumuier program, but more than ! the Columbia Lake cottage of Mf". 40 per rent qt these failed to at-' seven tea<-hers. Mies Miller unwrapped her latared Agaiatl Conference of Teacher Educa- apaaJcer at the Kiiyami meeting cludes lectures on laws controlling | ■ tlon and Professional fltan- -I ‘n uratoy, 12:15 p.ni. at the Coun­ Viola Trotter. Meipbers are re­ tend the first day's classes. assessmeijt, the market value con­ darda were asked to punctuate try Club. quested to bring their owm dishes cept. the'discovery, listing and Officials said that thoae stu­ VACATION RAIN? Home State and silverware. j. dents still absent tomorrow will THE NEWEST MODELS OF this sentence to make It make pricing ojf real and ,personal prop­ ^^Eliubeth ArdM sense: A *oa wa* bom Sunday in Hart­ erty. and'similar basic problems. be replaced by applicant* now on ELECTRIC RANGES If Rof, eoR ford Hoeptial to Mr. and Mr* Ed­ Bldn-ell w-ill attend the advanced a waiting list. Thera la a waiting ■y n iB ASSOCIATED PRESS That that is is that that is 179.95 UP not it not-but that that is not ward W’iereWrki. Another Recital ^ course, I which Includes work on list of atmut 45. ^ Co$metief * LEE M. SILVER5TEIN Forces of 'Gov. Frank ImprovM assessment administra­ Beside* typing atudenti, the ARE AT Clemtnt and Sen. Ebtes Is .not that that la no- la that TTw aon bom Thuretoy. June 21. tion. the assessor's place In munici­ aummer program includes about Ml 9.0431 that la that that i* not. By Piano Pupils Pettsrtoii's Kefauver (D-Tenn) reached How would you do It? Not In Hartford Hoeplta! to Mr. and pal government, exemption prob­ 13.5 taking mekeiip courses and 33 ISO CENTER ST. Mr*. Eldon W. Nenlle. 1*86 r>eep- lems, new methods snd systems. taking dri-er training. an agreement today whereby many of thet teacher* w ould, woed Dr., ha* been nam«d[ Thorn** The second in the aene*“bf re­ Tennessee delegates to the either. It was admitted later. Earl Nrvllle. ntal* by the piano pppil*. of . Joseph J. . Other ofllcera installed along a political friend of the Governor, Crafts, Linda A. Smith. Cecily 1. with Grand Knight Grsvell were said he would offer the resolution :’irm8 today laid a new con> England. Cynthia C. Post. Norman. Stanley S. Choman, deputy grand to tomorrow's state convention. By Saturday ;ract proposal before the verted (tom B. Fish. Caj-olyn M. Mahoney, knight; Francis Mahoney, chancel­ The resolution will say that the United Steelworkers Union in HURRY!! delegation should be "uninstructed rear-wheel to Dennis D. Keith, Patntla E. lor; Hebert J. Carvey, recording Washington. June 27 Pre*t- u i effort to.head off an Indus'- froDt-whcel Ballard, Julie Anna Evgn*. Pa­ aec^etary; Frank J. Philopena, So as to enable th^m to support and Gov. A. A. Rtbicoff, laft, o f Connectlcu\, and Gov. Dennis J. east TenneMce'* vote* for luch di^nt Eisenhower today signed into t'ry*wide strike at midnight pcopcUiog. oc tricia A. Dorn, Linda L. Ellia. warten; Joseph McCarthy, inside, Roberta o f Rhode Island, go Into a aide huddle at today's Na­ law eight bill, passed by Congress to all $-incb Judith E. Lawreno*,. Ddlorea M. guard; Dr, Jean I.om* Hebret, out­ Limited nomination for any Tennessean tional Governors' ConfSrenc* in Atlantil: City, as they started a Saturday. -- who has an opportunity to be nomi­ mostly minor ones land sat up Thtro waa no Immediat* infor­ ■Vork. Gloria M.. Trukaa, Meredi­ side guard; Charles J. McCarthy, New England campaign to win the Deihocratic vice presidential in bed for an hour-long conference ths A. Dutton. James A... Russl. treasurer; James P. Tierney. II- nated'* for either Preaident or 'Vice mation M to what the new pro­ $72.00 nomination for Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy of Massachu- with / his chief aide. Sherman Donnamale E. Dutton.-Donald T. nancisl secretary: Atly. John J. President. aetta. posal contained, but.lt was believad Bouffard. Rochelle D. Goldman, O'Connor, advocate; and Joseph Quantities It wa* . uncertain whether Ke- Adams, and Otliei assistants. Mean­ to call for a thraa-year contract- Sandra U McKsnney, Robert M. Gei-vals and Edmund Hindel, fauVer would return here for to­ while, While .House press secre­ With an hourly pay Inereaa* of 10 tary James C. Hsigertyliaid it IqdkS Haberem and Gary W. Ballard. trustee*. morrow's convention, as he pre­ cant* an hour for the first year. viously planned. now a* If the doctor*, plan to re­ A previous iniV.'Stry proposal, howL Stardily coo- The Kefauver-Clenient dliagree- lease th* President from Walter calling for a five-year contract Reed Army Hospital Saturday, gifacmd. Katily cleened. b ment buret out In the dpen earlier Nixori ^Forgotten’ with a TVi cent hourly pay boost Wrouqhf Iron Railings EIU lo Iiiilialc in the week, as the Senato'r sought Exactly three weeka after his, th# firat year, had been rejected $51.00 an endorsement of hi* oavn cam­ major abdominal operation- - . by the union as unaatisfaetbry. Porch Columns Hagerty addec' that "A s far as I ClaNs Wednesday: paign, which Clement; refused to Nagotiatora for- Dm three major VALLEY WELDING CO. grant. Thg Gpvernor normally con- By 20 GOP Chiefs know" the President will go direct­ steel firms and the union d la p la j^ WELDON DRUG CO* ly from the hospital t,o«hts Gettys­ For Free EaUmata Call Manchester Lodge of Elks will - trol* the atate delegation fVom this great amiability as they went Into Anthorlzed Dealer Democratic state. burg, P*., farm. today’s session, at which th* nav/ Olaatoabory ME S-tllS initiate It* first class-of candidates Continue* Progress M l MAIN 8T<~*MJ S-U21 ' of the year on Wednesday at the Demoeratle l^tum Atlantic City, N.J., June 27 (fl*)— ^Vice President Ni.\on tarma Wer* miggaatad. • Though it lacked a vote-pulling Earlier today, the President’* Tha negotiator* smilingly posed Lodge Home. turned up today as the forgotten man of 20 Republican gov­ doctors reported he had another' Cllffoi-d Hamlin, president of the i rohtest, a ret.iforced North Dakota together for photographs. ’ comfortable night and continues to Past Exalted Rulers Association 11 Democratic party wua making its ernors and White House officials urging President Eisen­ Earlier, one of the firnjs had of Connecticut, will be grand II heat showing tn many year* today hower to again. Nixon’s name was left o ff a formal state­ progress sattsfa-torily. announced it world start banking The two princii'al measures exalted ruler in heading the suite ' [ ae returns mounted slowly In the ment forwarded to Einenhower by- furnacas tonight at Gary, Ind., and CHICKEN BARBECUE ) of Initisting offtceis. Assisting i| state's primary election. GOP state executive* attendthg signed by Eisenhower deal, with totnorrow in the Pittsburgh area will he Arthur Roy, grsnd , With slightly under half the thcM^Sth annual .dovernor*' COh-V appropriations. againet the poselblllty of a etrike. esteemed loyal knight snd John ; pvacinct* reported, the Democratic fet'anee. ' ! One makes avallBble in the fiscal Other major producers were ex­ J year starting .*lily 1. 15.668,463.426 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL J. • LehSh. district deputy Con- i BRAND NEW - ALL NEW vote total wa* trailing the Repuh- They expressed "wholehearted T pected to follow suit In the move, nerticiit East. 1 liean rote by more than two to approval of the administration of for a number of exectlve bureaus, described as a j'Urely precaution­ SATURDAY, JUNE 30 Dinner will be sem-ed promptly ] one. If this trend continue*, how­ our great Republican President" boards, commissions ami other in­ ary one to prevent cooling tomaga at 6;30 p.m. to the ’ csndidstesr ever, it represent* a sharp upturn and pledged "our full support for dependent offices. It also adds $6 to the fumacas-'r" members and visiting Elks. Fol- .i In tiemocratic strength in a state hi* renominaUoh and re-election.” million to th* Prcslden.t’s Ths new offer wa* presented In TWO SITTINQS-4:30 and 0:30 T.M. lowing the scheduled meeting and <' normally a* Republican a* it is Merely an Overalght emergency relief funds, bringing written form and after a 40-mlnuta initiation, a buffet lun* h will be agricultural. In 'the primary .two GOP Gov. Fred Hall o f Kanias. the total no\.' available for disaster morning session the talks war* n - served'. ------who said he thought up the round- relief to |21.2bO.OOO. caasad.until this afternoon. OOMMONITY DAPTIST OHURCH (Continued on Page Heven). robin signed by all except absen­ ■rile only other measure of gen"- It w u understood th* com­ tee Ooy. George N. Craig of tn- eral intm-est signed waa a. 1117,- panies firat had htnachsd th* idea EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. diaaa, cbntantod that th* omiMton 804.058 appropriation for running Navy Divers Join Search for Dody Informally at y*iterday’a aeaaton, GENERAL of Ntxosi sa a canilidate'for.gs<>Wid Congress in^the next fiscal year. than draw it up in writing during 'BARBECUE,<1.50—SHORTCAKE and COFFEE, A5c Invirsion Plot placa on tha Uqk*t waa 'merely an Hage^illy said In answer lo -g . Kenneth Toner,r, on* of'nin* - ■ Navy divors aummonod yastarday from tha Bubmarin* Xaaa at th* night. :y SERVICE oversight, - queatipn that Eisenhower got a Groton to search for drdrowning ’vtctUn Alphona* Doiron, .43, Of Hartford, hiM his oquipmtnt adjuttbd It nuo was baUavsd Utnt in Uia Frankfuiicra and HamburKcra Will Be On . Former ^(jov. Howard .Pyle of nilL lepoit today on yesterday’* before ontortn|r CoviBtrvl o ^ t r Lake whare Doiron waa last gean Monday n i^ t HoliuMi Tbnor’aawak informal talks yastarday th* eom- ME A Srhate vote to boost Air Force ap­ is chief W a r r ^ j S i c e r Charlaa Rauatel, in chki'g* ef the operation, and OPO Richard Thomas pany nagoUhtors might hav* baan ^ . Bale During (hr Afternoon Nights ^ ^ s9 9 Plns FarU By Exiles Seen Arisona, im Blaenbower aide who got advance White House clear-- propriations $912,625,000' above the (behind Reuatic). ^ 1 * fourth Navy man I* unidontifled. __ \ Herald Photo by givan Indications that tha unlto TELJUAS-SIM anc* on Ui* statement; sara it just figure recommended by th* admin­ Tedfordi. * V ■ '''. would b* willing to mako concas- AUTOMATIC WASHER In Guatemala hadn’t oc cured to him that Klxon istration. "^■'■"1 ■ ———os—^4e—OM——oe«— -eesi^s^— a—^totoa—■— — sito—o———ea— a—M aiona along with th* steal produe- SUPER DE LUXE wasn't to be mentioned. The press secretary declined art tn hopes of staving oft a costly Pyle said he had not seen the comment on the Senate action ber •trika. V Guatemala, Jiinc 27 (JPi — The text of the resolution before he yond saying that Congress haa not Pravda Pjrmts Today’* negoUaUon meeting was J. w . h Ai^ Guatemalan government ciglma called White House aide*-who yet finally acted -an tndicatibn the World Reds Seen an hour 1st* in starting, possibly AN D' ^ knowing* of « “ tlW plot to in-1 ^w^^d b7dil«f'if '5 administration hopes to reduce the bacaua* the companies ware atUI i ataff Sherman Adam*-to get ad- ful OOP goyemor* and the Whit* increase in the Senate-House con­ Daily ^il^rker\ busily engaged in preparatioti of from El Salvador and Nicaragua. vancelkpproval of the proposed ac­ House staff' mefhbers for first ference. the offer. ' TRUSEAL Security (jhief Ismael Ortiz tion by the Republican Governors. place on the ticket 7 , Tribute to ,\dm. King De^rting Mosepw Sources close to the talk* had In­ Orellana said laat night the Army He said he got that approval "in Hall denied, with some reaerva- The Preaident look several other Quiz on Shift dicated that th* saaalon would re- ' was expecting the invasion "4tt any principle." tiona,. that he left Nixon’s name actions. One was an executive or­ volv* around th* poaalbllity o f a UNITE moment." He declared the plot­ compromiaa thr**-y*ar contract. "I never Saw the resolution off th* GOP manifest^ because of der directing that flags fly at half Moocow, Juno 27 (P/—Pravda Washington, June 27 lAb —Soc-;^, particular importance that ter* wanted to overthrow the gov­ signed by the Republican gover­ any possible party opposition to staff on all, government building*. today reprinted an article demand­ The agreement which expire* retary of State Dulles said today free world should maintain Saturday midnight wa* for two ernment. nors,"- Pyle said. "The question of 'renomination of the Vic* Pres­ ing to know what th* present 80- Ortia Orellana said the conspira­ he boliaves Moscow’s control over unity and its vigor. Much o f th* yaars. whether Nixon was mentioned In ident. (CoBtiiMifd OB Ppg Elghteeu) - 'yfet'leaders did. If anything, tn Communist parties outa'ids Ruasia responaiblUty for this rests upon cy waa linked with s student dem­ it never came up as far as I was "1 did BPtJeave Nixon out be­ atop the excesses e f the Isat years 'The union authorised a strike ef . onstration here Monday night that haa greatly weakened since the the United Statee. 650,000 ateciworkara then i f . no concerned." cause I fearetl that some Repub­ of Stalin's rule. * downgrading of Stalin.. "International compiuniant ia In BY^INDEPENDENT CONSUMER RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS ended in six deaths. Pteaident Eisenhower has said he would lican governor* would not Sign the. The organ of the Communist WED.0M.Y! Carlo* Castillo Arniaa, because of Dulles told a news conference a state of perplexity 4nd.At lnt»r- (Oeattaned aa Plaga Eighteen) ...... i be happy to run on any ticket that paper with his name on it," Hall Premier Plaus party reprinted an° article which We Give w qiiu > WIDE RTAMPS with THESE RFF^IIAUI! there is grave disasatiafaction nal- odds because certain basic auch dlaorders, put the Army In Nixon. But the omlaaion said In an Interview. Eugene Dennis wrote tor th* Neiy among pariy leaderships outside, truths have Caught up with it. One TO BRING YOU control of Guatemala veaterday. j rNlxon'a name from the. GOP ’The resolution wa* not In­ York Daily Worker, asking the He declared a 30-day atate of aiege indicate the Ruiala.'and also within the Soviet j.such truth is that comirtunism haa NATIVE.WAYIEST CHICKEN PARTS All White Porcelain 9 Pound Wash Tub tended as'an endorsement of the To Force New question;'' • Communist parly, with the' great difficulty In being an affec- suspending all constitutional gnar- vice Preaident ia not so highly re- A Quality ticket. It was 'just an expression It tvaa the first time the current Khruahchev-Bulganln regime. tive Instrument of Cold War with- aqteea'and im^sing military cen-1 g QP governor* of the goodwill ol^ the Republican leadership hg* been publicly criti­ The Soviet leadership,- Dulle* . out such iron discipline and brutal aorahip. Dutgoin* diapatchea w ere;»^ White .Houae .aaalstant* as he News Tidbits Aluminum. Window [elusive Automatic Safety Spin Lid governors for the, Piesident. The Vole iu Icelaud cized here, even by implication, asserted, haa been put Into an *1-; terrorism as Stalin employed. "The LEGS - : •> tightly reatricted. ' , , • may be in othed party circle*. thought of Nixon was never in my Culled from AP Wires and marks a radical shift in the The atudents had been protest- 1 Political Problem most impossible dilemma, * other truth is that such rule .will mind in drafting the resolution." Reykjavik, Iceland, June 27 iJP) traditional Soviet propaganda'at­ As. he.defined It, the failure of not be indefinitely tolerated by REG. 7»c Lighted Aptomatic TIME-LINE Control !ng a State of Alariii. a milder rpjjjj p<,go Communist party boss 'Nikita munist In and out of Ruasia. This before the Congress. . wife, Harriet, 44, and their aon, ’three etudents were killed on the force a new election in the fall. Khrushchev had made a secret re­ Robert, 1. One other rlilhl. Dtane, spot. "Two died later: weakened-, the central authority > "I 'recall that on Jan< 1, J950, The voting Sunday gave a coali­ port lo the 20th Communist party 8, was reported eritleally hurt. The goiTrnment said yesterday ' Scientists Show Concern tion of the Progressive and Social very gravely. Izveatia, the official organ o f the that a policeman also had bdep Att he same time Dulle* said 5Iovlet..Kovemment, hailed th'q new Democratic parties 25 seats in the (fiofitlniied on Page Elghtaea) VISIT SOVIET JET PLANT FRANKS $1;00 killed and his body had vanished | new • 32-member Althing (parlia­ these changes create serious prob­ year saying that it had cbm ■ "aa a Seventeen students and one police- | ment). These parties and the Com­ lems for the West. He made a •welcome and dear, guest" which Moscow, June 27 UTl — West­ REG. 49c Lb. man were reported woun'ded. .1On Effects of Radiation munists campaigned dn & dqmand new appeal for Western unity and would bring "^ew triumphs. The ern A ir Force leaders toured Eyewitnesses had said the police’’ ' , — ' — ^ - that U.S. force* be withdrawn strength, and declared these .are Soviet- i-amp, it said, • was "mulU- 80'viet aircraft factoriea, In the Moscow area tt>toy. starting flred submachine guns and pistols | (EIMTOK’H NOTE;, Concerneds-radiatjqn — at least in relatively from iKeir NATO defense air base esaential In order to den.v com- piying day by day;” It listed Po­ with a Jet engine plant. (ien. at the atudents^after the latter re- I almiit the real 'and potential ef- .large amounts could cause "pre and radar alation* in Iceland. Al­ Bulletins muniam fresh, victories in the land. Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Nathan Tnlnlng, l).N. Air Force fused to halt at -warning shot*. ; ferts of radiation In an acceler­ mature aging" in a person receiv­ though a NATO member, Iceland future. Rumania, Hun),ary, Albania, | Veal LEGS^^^e Reaponsibllity with 't.’.M. chief of staff, and fellow-tour­ Ortiz-Orellana declared yesterday 1 ating atomic age, acieOUat* urgent­ ing it. Also, that in sufficient haa ho armed force*, and the 'from the AP Wires .North Korea, Mongolia, China, and I thst -Communist* among the stu­ quantities and under certain con­ Dulles made his-appraisal in a East Germany aA ailCcess addi.-1 ist* wont through the huge, ' .." 't-'i*. REG. *»c. ly are searching , for ways and Aiiie mother grealei the extent of damage lo feat Australia * Jack Arkinstall, sociation. seat* giving extra representation 6-4; 11-13, 8-6 m third day's play seph L. Ranh Jr., chairman of Eastland reiterated the charge he Too can buy oae pepper pr a hundred • EXPANSION FRAME ON come* to the door snd cries: future generations, even though Amenrans for Democratic Action voiced ye.sterday that "there's MODEL AW450 Castillo Arms* him.self original­ .jS'.idespread effect* on the wo'rld's to upland dislricla to balance the of Wimbledon, - England, tennis DUKE STUNT STUNS OKOW’D la - Asian and Arab members of, gets a bit of a razzing from the That limits' be set on 'the aver­ Senate Armed Services Committee Congressmen say distorted Ameri- cbiiH's decisions as "pro-Cominu- Security prograiR to non-aensitive along the flag-waving crowd ef j THKE AR^ ,1 -DAY SPECIALS ONLy T ■ f tl)e United .Nation* railed a strate­ other kid;e in the bus- all of whom age amount...... of rsdiation ____ _ Anie'n-____ _ has recommended spending more ca'a position in atomic-electric nlst'l by Sens. Eastland, I D-Misa) Jobs, sharply disagreed. 1,000 persons. PAYMENTS AN U>W AS gy meeting on Algeria today, seek­ I are wearing the little bad|;es. just cans can receive in their reprodiic- money ofi Nike g'liided missile sites field, under Investlgatton by House and McCarthy (R^Wis) were clear Referring to the six Justices who ing„ a new way. to bring the 19- 1j Ilh* every other person,in the Unit- live-gland# especially from con- but holding back funds to biiild in­ Appropnationa Committee. evidence of a continuing drive ”tb joined tn the majority opinion, JORDAN CABINET DISSOLVED FREE $1.25 Per \5 eek month-old conflict in the French i ed State*,, young and old. j ception to age 30. the critical pe- stallations for t.he Navy-Air Force U.S. Ambassador John M. Alli- discredit the court. Rauh said "1 find the suggestion Amman. Jordan, June 27 (Jb— North African territory before th*| Such a scene is entirely IHcaly as rlod for reproduction of the spe- Tbilps missile. # c i, in Tokyo, declare* United Eastland. the subcommittee that men of thta character -could Jordan was without a pnrHa- PARKING world Organization. “ I ■ * recommendation made . cie*. The action yesterday gave the .States has-"no Intention" of keep­ chairman, broke in at this point, be following th* Commui\)st line or nkent today, and Premier Said TIm -1W .H A U OMI COR. MAIN and OAK STS. CORP. After. *-rU>>'-long procedural dc-1 by the National Academy of Sci-, And. as an aid In keeping tab* Arniyva tentative and possibly ing Okinawa permanently but and said; be pnvCommunlst la arrant non- Mufti hopi^ the now oae would Manmaarm CeMa- r bats, th e'11'Oatinn Security Coun-; ences recentl.v in its report on the on how much radiation each per- onl.v temporary vlctbr'y in an In­ adds American control will last •'That’a where you ar* wrong. Sana#." apprev* a peUcy isf cloanr rela- eil voted overwhelmingly with, real and potential hazards o f, aon .is. receijing iwhether from terservice ' rivalry over antiair­ as loag aa “threat and tension” Tlva Supram* Court has dls- Ha also said that CKiaf Juatic* Mena with ' the Egypt-Sjrrta* " 974 TRl'-SEAl,' PltOUt;jL'TN PHONE Ml 3.4123 Prance yesterday to. reject the radiation to present and future j atomic bomb teats, nuclear power craft missiles J ot home dsfensOr^- In Far'East exists . . Britain sec­ credltad Itself.” Earl Warran, -accuaad yaatardgy flWidl AinUa hloe and leaaa*. DIMNION Aeian-Arab demand for a full gcneratlona—th* degree of hazard planU, - medical X-rays, cosmic Th* committo* approved Army ond largest labor union, Amal-. But Eastland oald h* didn’t by Eaatland and MeOarthy ef fol­ tta* wHR Britpln. King Hnaaato MAIN ST. CORNER OK .MAI.N AND aaunell airing of th* Algerian dapending . In general an tha rays' In th* afmoaphar*, ar natu plana to spend 2136,700.000 for gamated Engineering JTnibn, rn- want to gat Into an argumant and lowing th* Oommuaiat Una, ‘‘baa dlaaihrad Em PtoHamato ataatoK OAK .STREE’fN amount e f axpeaure. jectn Cnnsmnnist bl4 80 gain its told RauH ta g o ahead with hia hi -Oetahar, ltS4, ht dH (' Pb

I . \ S . ■ - i- r^'". rf *f'. « Si *

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27, 19RS PAGE THREE P A C K T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 19M form *rf* smaller. So the whole; the dlfferenca beK M n life and ■uch famous figures aa Tennyson, mass of material shrinks a lltUa. death. ■ John Tuttle would never Police Push Curb BOAC Plane Toll Hi(« .3 2 Charlae Dlckena, Wordsworth, Sir E n g a g p ^ AuBtralia FIcmmIii Th* material la notably different have forgiven the hospital, hatl lU Scouts Visit Spots in London^ Robert Baden-Powell, and many New Kinds of Metals than when JiSde o f unaqueeaed MANC-HESTER New Cures Spark pharmacist not had tha new so- On-Teen Drinking Skytvaich Schedule London, Juh^ 27 (jPt — Two Force Evacuation others known to the liirl*. atoms. Dr. Klat’er said. Lubricat­ called "wonder drugs" available. more persons h^v* died of Injuries They were dlaappotntedjlhat the ing oil BO treated turns into a sub- Perhhpa John Tuttlk' never received In the crash of a British Get Photos of Royal Family Chapel of Rdyvard the .Confeesor, D’tive lufAl'-.t ftknea aomethtng like a grtndmr y-. : , N,". ,J paused to think that, like most Old Saybrook, June 27 iJt^ — Th# Tkursday, Jime 88 Overseas Aliwaya iBoACi liner Sydney, Auatralla, June 27 (iPi — which contain* the Coronation May Provide A-Jacket laat Sunday In northern . A fleet of trucks evacuated nearly wheel. Lead becomei a lubricant. f. - - -/'//I Hospital Cost fiise ot us, he was paying for hla assignment of a special aute po­ Midnight—2 a.m...... Rudolph Thomas Chair, the Slone of Sepne and'the Th* deaths raised the fatality to­ 1.000 realdirnta of North Wagga, By BMUjV m o t h «,4\1U—Vthe enormoua weight ot the earth's comes hard and scratchy. recreation, a lltUa at a time with­ 4 a.m .~6 a.m. .. ., .l ...... Volunteer* Needed some returned another day to a ^ of teenage drinkiiig at Long Island BOAC announced that a passen­ flood waters surged toward th6. Ftewlll the chief itulde; Queen toes of her hurbenJ, Sir Robert Naw kinds of m*lalt mad# out of i erual D r S S Kistler ^ the Uni- Some of theaa atranga under­ (KimXMDS NOTB; Thin la the.|rpatienta, the qther 80 percent be- out ever raaliilng tha full amount 6 a.m.T-8 a.m...... Jean Marcel, Ronald Uambolatl Kliwheth mnd other member* o f, B*den-Powell. the founder of Boy these. . t Sound ehore resorts was disclosed , Volunteer* Needed ger and a crew member, both I town today. , The resldenreiof Prime Mlniiter world material* may exhibit tough­ ''necoad of n aerlen of article* pab-| Ing occupied by Intricntn-antL-trx- he spent on them each year. 8 a.m.— 10 a m. ., the Royal Family, vleitln* tome 1 ScouUng. Needle** to »ey, the .ocel hydrogen or ammonia Will become Klaller ad ness and heat realatlnt.propertla* Unfortunately, hoapital. _bll|» with the flrat arrest! In the cam- 10 a.m.—12 Noon ...... Betty Ftvoatnaky. Helen ShepardBritonA died in a hoapital at Kano, i The overfloi^’lng Murrumbridge, Sir Anthony Eden at 10 Downing UalMd. by the JIaacbMter. HuaM penalye_..«)i Nigeria. There were 45 persona (rf tho famou* apoU in London and 1 »«>uU were quite grilled to meet a reality soon, a group of sclen- dressed a aympoaium on high tern to aid the conquest of atomic coma'Unexpectedly in on* lump pali^h. J Noon- 2 p.m...... '....V olunteers Needed Darling and Murray Rivera in SI. created lntere*t. hut of a dif­ na a public arrviec to give render* tories,. operating room*, radiology aboard the plane, en route (rom southwestern Australia have the friendliness and courte*y of] the rhle^ suide and thouphl her a tlata who deal In very high tern- peraturea, sponsored by Stanford power. Or new *xp*rim.-,nU with R better underataadlng ot hoapital and physical therapy and other de­ aum. That la why Mrs. Morrell Armed i^tth'a warrant from th* 2 p.in.—4 p.m. . . . Mrs. Harold Lord,'Oilve Chartier moat friendly and charming per. ferent kind. The building Itself 1* recommended to John Tuttle that Old Saybrook Justice Court, State 4 p.m.—6 p.ni. . . , ...... James Horgan Lagoa to London via Tripoli. Lib- created a lake covering hundreda. the Knplish T>eople have helped | not very outstanding, but ItiiW**: peratufes was told today .Riesearch. Instituta i^d the Uni- laboratory high preaoure* may raetlce la genaral aad Maaehester partments and units. son. creata others of promtac. Dr. Klat- h* and hla family Join a hoapltal- Policewoman Kathryn Haggerty 6 p.m,—8 p.m...... , ...... American I.,egton Auxiliary y«- of thousands of acres of rich graz­ make the first few day* on Ens-, here that seven of the Manchester ) Other arrange substances here­ veralty of California. £iemorlal Hoapital la particalar. There la'' no end lo these ad­ ing land in the Riverina District. Ileh 0011 moat enjoyable one* for ; Duke In Polo Match tofore unheard of p -ohably can be ' Hydrogen. Hall said. I* expected ler reported. vances and, therefore, no end to iaatlon plan Ilka Blue Cross for of the Westbrook Barracks yes­ 8 p.m.— 10 p.m., ,. .. Joseph Marcln girl* were lo*t, temporarily. The. Today'* arUeh 1* a conttaonUoa at PRIRMT IR lll’R DRIVER The Murray river near Mlldura the 11 member* of Senior Girl.; Two member* of the troop, Eve­ recovered from region* many to turn Into a metal when put Increasing coats in the future. The the prepayment of hospital bills terday arrested Mrs. Anne Moscjrf 10 p.m.—Midnighti.m.—Midnight ...... Mrs. Dorothy Steele, Isabel Ran , leaders started out for Girl Guide last wee'k'*. in which a man by 4he 35, proprietor of a retail. Ilqifor' now Is 60 miles wide. Scout Troop 1 travelin* In Europe lyn Harry and Patricia Wiley, did miles below ttpe earth's' siirface, undeV a pressure, of 7' million American rainbow trout trana- Job of safeguarding and improving to anticipate future emergencies. Sk>-watch Post located ont op of. Manchester Police Station.- Vol­ Headquarters, wKere the group name of John Tuttle wanted' to store, on a charge of selling to New Ulm, Mln'n. ()P) , The Rev. The floods' followed a weekend ■ this summer with their two lead­ not go to Hampton Court but In­ said one Investigator. pounds per square Inch. planted to New Zealand river* THESTOiV the- .health of people la never "So you see, Mr. Tuttle, we have unteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal Build­ stead went to visit a frlendat Hen- w«» expected for luncheon, telling kaow why be had t* pay $l7t. for; our money problems, too”, Mr*. minors. Otto Neudecker helped raise 19.000 of storms that caii.sed extensive er*. Soma of these substances of the Pressures aa high aa (3 million grow to weigh more than 2(| OF A COP bln aoa'* six-day stay at'the.,bo*-’! flniahed. There always are other ing, ManchMter-on Monday, Wednesday or Friday'from 1-5 p.m. ley-on-the-Thanies, »n,d while all the girl* to follow. After they ' Morrel concluded. "Our cost* are The minor, who State Police to buy a new school bus for Hyily property and crop damage. On Sunday. June 24, moat of the had gone some dlstant^e. It aa* future may helo researrhers to pounds per square Inch have been pounds. pitaL He learned that reason aiim- ; milestones ahead. members of the troop journeyed to there attended a polo match In produced on a laboratory scale by WHO USED determined by the coat of serving said showed Mr*. Moaca a fait* Trlnlly Catholic griide and high dUroveieil that seven girl* were lick the problem of making ron- her one wa* that 6S per cent ot . What will be the price of auch apiracy to obtain liquor by false Joe Sayoldl, Michigan State's If the United States still had tha Munpton Court to vlait the h is-, Il'ich the Duke of Edinburgh was tajnara for the .illlion-degree heat several scientists. you/ B rides, In spite o f the ill- birth certlAcate indicating he wa* school, then took over the wheel missing. Returning to 10 Downing HIS WIFE the hospital'* operating costs are new developments , in medicine? 25. wsa arrested on a charge of statement. versatile trackman, won the 1686 1900 tuberculosis death rate, about tone old palace of Henry VlII and pla.ving, and which wiy. attended of atomic energy. j Atoms Shrink n IJItls Hospital authorities expect an an­ creased daily rates for our serv- himself on the daily rounds. He by Queen Ellasbeth, Princess Mar­ St., the missing seven were found ASIAITFOl payroll expediture* tor the oerv- . lc*s, th* total inchme from pa­ procuring liquor by -false state­ Their cases, and that of ' Mrs. Drake Relays I2fl-yard high hurdle decided this was the most practi­ 300,000 more Americans would dt* other royalty and while there they there a-sttlng "for someone impor­ Rewearch Hampered 1 Atoma subjected to thla enor­ lee* of highly skilled personnel. To­ nual increase .of . flve percent in garet, Prince Charles and Princeai mous aqueese shrink a littia be­ tient* received by the nation's ment. Three companions, sI»o Moaca, are scheduled 'fo r court event in 0:14.2- -one tenth ot a sec­ cal way to help provide an educa­ of the disease every year than do calleis upon Lady Baden-Powell. tant" to come out. Atomic pou’er research at AKILUl! day some other faetor* affecting hospital costa 'for many years to^ Anne. They were able to taka jIc- cause the pressure drive* on* of hoapital* doe* not meet the ex­ minora, were charged with con- next *^esday evening. ond off the meet record. tion for hla parish atudentsL actually die ot It. who has an apartment In the _ \'l*lt Wax Work* present 1* hsmpercd by a Idck of your hospital bill are dlHciiased.) come — in aplte of every effort to' jMlact. She greeted the Connecti­ tures of the Quean and thrO iike their electron* Into th* nueleu*. MAN5FIELD penditure* for patient care." and hope the pictures will com* Two or three of the scout* near­ Ivorlng Pho’ o rontalnera. 'The toughest metals economise — unless a substantial cut scout* most heartily ahd in- ly had a "heart attack" at Mme. Catherine I . Boudreau melt at temperature* under 6,000 Th* nlactron* normally circle the letdown in oirr national economy John Tuttle had never fully out all right. nucleus Ilk* plsnets around a *un. (IsmCIMtWMs Mr*. Maiy Morrell, the admitting realized these hidden cost* which 'infiwniiiiTiimminiirTiininiiriniiTiniowimn o BinmMBMiBooiiin iiiinHinBiniiFiirirliiiBinmnifiniiinniBiirffiniiiwiiinPiniffwiniriiniBininiiniiiiiiioiilTiiiiBniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiBiniiiiBliiiioiiiiiiiiiffBiiiiniiiowoHOOOiilB Thussard's Wax Works, or so they degree*. Ceramic material*, made BHOWANI and credit manager of Manchester should take place. Other place* which the acouta If an *lectron in- an Inner orMt "Now for the third factor in he had only thought o f in. term* havef visited include Burhlngham said, when they tried to talk to a Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Bou mpatly of sand and metallic oxides, Memorial Hoapital, paused for a man on the stairway and found dreau of Boston, Maas., announce tolerate heat fairly well but are goe* Into the nueleu*. electrpn* In JUNCTION hospital coats, Mr. Tuttle,” Mrs. of a very expensive bed. He was Palace, Trafalgar Square. Weal- out*r orbit* ^ove cloTaer lit;' mak­ momenl. John Tuttle waa aittlng grateful for hi* son's recovery and minater Abbey, 10 Downing Hi., him to be made of wax. The fig­ the engagement of their daughter, too brlllle for practical use. Mix­ M (. VI oppoall* the desk In her small of- Morrell went on. "Being on a ing th* whole atom a little smaller budget, you and Mrs. Tuttle can eager.to join a hospitalization SHOP BOTH CONVENIENT KEITH STORES THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M., FOR SAYINBS! S a Jf a n d Madamt Tussard'a Wax ures of the great, including many Mlaa Catherine L. Bqudreau, to ture* of metals and ceramica, COl OH C INI MASCOPf American president*,' were most William E. Frey, son of Mrs. Mary I called cermets, have been tried but than befor*. These smaller atoma readily understand why the aver­ plan to protect hiz pockelbook in Works. • can closer to each other than "The aeron^ major factor re- lifelike, and some of the tableaux, Frey, « W eit St., and the late Ste­ I have not worked out well. Pin* "MAN WITS A OCh" age cost of hospital care per day the future. After discuaaing hli At Buckingham Palace, they before and tha moleclea that they aponaibl^.for. the hoapital'* high haa doubled In the last 10 .vears. present flnajicial predicament." such a* the beheading of Mary phen Frey. I The new metals will be made operatinif codta,” she continued, "la saw tha "Changing of the Guard,"- Queen of Scots, were almost too Miss Boudreau was graduated by squerslng atoms so hard that the same aa the cost, of living. Mrs. Morrell made It possible for a mbat .colorful ceremony. Some the tremendous advances medical Hospitals' need household items him to pay his son's bill in install- realistic. < from Roallndale. Maas., High they will shrink In aiae and form Bcience haa made In the laat few of the girls thought It p a s t fun So f»r, people have been very School, apd her fiance la a gradu­ substances, that behavt differently and services like food, fuel, linen, menta. to feed the pigeons at Trafalgar ye*ra.'» friendly and courteoui to the local ate o f Manchester High School. than those made out of unsqueezed soap and power, Your son had'all The problem o f hla luispital bill Square, the memortal to Lord Kd Might Have Died scouts and have been m oit inter­ A late fall wedding is planned. atoms, said Dr. H. Tracey Hall, of Qb of these during his short stay waa solved, but the hospital'a Nclaon, who commanded th4 Brit­ But for these, young Ed Tuttle Given On C.O.D. Deliveries ested In them and in showing them Brigham Young University, Provo, with us.” problem of operating coat re­ ish Fleet when It was victorious sonvethlng of London. Many time* Qijght have died from pneumonia, Supply Costs Tripplod mained, with every indication that over Napoleon’s forces -at Trafal­ UUh. the girl* are stopped by itrangers aa^wltl one out of '' three peraona Such item* have become more the future would make It even gar, but others were somewhat Substances like these probably and asked who they are, what they Dodd Testimonial not ao long aga—the .other two cxpensliy. The cost of *np|hl*a more' difficult. frighten^ by the hundreds of exist now deep Inside the earth, are planning, and are anxious to having been made by the squeei- taking about six weeks to recover. alone ha* almost tripled in the laat | (Next week’s article will dia- birda flying around, most of which cuaa modern anesthesia.) b*' helpful to them. .Dinner Scheduled ing effect on atoma ^ od u ced by Ed's doctor, however, could ad- 15 years. | ware so tama thay would perch miniater one of the new "wonder” Unllkle the Tuttles, Manchester I on the ehorjldera and arms of those |A)NO DISTANCE EDUCATION drug* like aureom.vcin, penicillin Memorisl Hospital cannot cut i RANGE & FUEL OIL feeding them. Hartford, Jun4 2J testi­ . and terfamycln to knock out pneu- down on luxurief in a pinch, b*-1 Perhaps aoilfia of the most Im- Green River. Wyo. W)-,-John V. ALEC SWNNESS Bernard, Green River school su­ monial dinner will be held here . Don't Worry About Tho ' monia in leas than a week. No won­ cause there are non*. Any. cut; praasivt things seen In Westmin- perintendent. lay* claim to some July 17 for U.S. Rep. Thomas J. RsIsi^Wc're indoor* . der these drugs ai'e costly. Much in necessary, supplies may 'mean '] atcr Abbey were, bealdea tbs D 'dd of West Hirrtfdrd. Connactl- i D R U C i m , research and clinical testing by R. E. WANDEU splandor and magnltuda of the kind of rechrd as a student com­ O V A L in H i* G R O V E muter. cufa only Denriocratlc member of experts had to be done flrit to The BOLAND OIL CO. andant edifica, tha burial placa o< Congress. Kouto 4— Farmington make their use safe for Ed Tuttle Building Each .weekend, Bernard makea a fhartaln S:4S ‘lam a Camera* 480-mlle 'round trip to Laramie to By the time tha dinner la held, and others like him. Dodd la expectet' to be the Demo­ Tonight Thru Hnturdsy Contractor work on hla doctor's degree In edu "THE WOMEN" 1 ss. ‘"ilJey Rodo W e * r—“ 10 Wanted Men"—Cartoann New advances in any of the MANCHESTER Don't Nogloct Slipping catlonal admlhlstratlon at the Cnt- crats' candidate to oppose the Re­ flelda of medicine add to the hoa- wRl* I P*nl* ca Am a Camera” aot ohown at MatlaM) Rosi— Robbers held The Democratic state convention specialists on the hospital payroll “ Bosiness Built On Don't be annoM an* embarri**** up a liquor store. The clerk was will make the nomination a week » MAT, S P.M. to bring these hitherto unknown Customer Satisfaction’* b* tueb bandlcapa. PASTOni, aa from Saturday, and Dodd haa no EASTWOOD alkaUae (aen-aotdl pcMrter to i^ d- handing over Slid when a .M)-cent M fj VV EVE. («NT. and cotiqilex medical procedures kla on your plate*, kiep* (al*e Meth piece accidentally dropped on the opposition. T n W V T - f r o .M 6:45 and t^hniques to the patient. Fail Inaurance Coverag* mnr* SimlT **t. Olve* oeaSStatieel- The chairman in charge of ar­ . WaVhb Tdirnr MMira That Js why last year tyvice as FOR HAiSHINE IBS of *eeurltT ta* BSded eenfett. rtoor. irELEYISION Tal. MI b-30.73 No sumny. aeoef. P*»ty taste er t*el- "Never mlnJl picking It up," one rangements for the dinner la M. llAirwere many people could be nursed bark After 5 :00 P.M. iBf. Oet PASTnrni teSe? et ear o f the holdup men told him. J. Blumenfeld of.Hartford, Dodd'S to hepith in hospitals than in 1935. SHOP SERVICE *ni* eeuater. "That'a youra.'* partner in a law firm. ‘Conquerors’ ‘Postmarked THE MOST S IA R M That is why the . number of 82 BALDWIN ROAD PROGRAMS laboratory examinations at Man­ til. MI9452S MANCHESTER. CONN. r«!*f for Danger’ chester Memorial Hospital more m N im ip ! than doubled from 30.200 in 1646 'S;ie. t:M 1:U. »:N to 68,300 In 19.1.5. Naturally, more Video Everyday — ROBERI. patients and quicker recoveries SUNDAY! All Rights Reserved — have made it ncces.<<8Ty for the MANCHESTER KNITTING MILLS H. T. Dickinson 4k Co., Inc. hospital to employ more person­ FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD Oisedntinued Floor Sargple "Ahtinader The Groat’* nel from time, to time. ’ me*** Mnt« 'Flian.Just Bed* FUEL. PURFOSES Di'amatlc KoUh Sal* Of One Of A Kind Sofas. All Siibjecf To P ^ r 'S a le ! All Sale* Another Indication of . these Final! No Cancellations, Exchanges Or Returns! No Hold Order*, ^m ediate Deliveries great new developments in hos­ TOP GRADE MEANS Must Be Accepted. Share These Deep Price Cuts! pital care is the fact that, con­ trary Co the belief of some people, X269.S0, VALUE! $100! Rs-nch $260.50 V A L T ^! Foam Cushion Sofa In a hospital is not mainly OLD COMPANY'S Casual Sofa In Olive Green contempo­ lovely gray/textured fabrica-wlth gold made, up of beds. Only 20 percent rary, Tapeatry thread, '‘‘haavy ^ a n e k of it*'space It assigned to beds for LEHIOH with one piece welted edges. full length Foam Tapered legs with . 5 0 . 5 0 e m e i i r ELECTRONICS Stekere and Oil Bdracre Sold, and Rubber, cuahlon, brass ferules, A $ 1 9 9 attached pillow 1’ S I 6 9 buy for you at,... tanrasnsn Oenrleed Promptly aad Bffleleatly. "tHE CONQUEROR' LABORATORIES arm* . > "COSMETICS $329.95-VAtaTE! Wing Bahk Colonial JOHN WAYNE — PLUS — $209.50 VALUBf Uiwsnn Sofa in green ^ We Carry AU the. Top Line* Sofa In stunning Beige print fabric with SUSAN HAYWARD textured fabric with round arms, Icirk 277 BROAD 8. E. WILLIS A SON, lie. _ ,, _ J, pleat skirting, i-e- kick pleat. Laiiex t MAIN ST. — TEL. Ml S-S125 ^ If vei-sible spring Foam Rubber T "■RAIN MACHINE" RADIO I ( I t V I S I 0 N kArthur DruY Storts.X cushions for lux- J ^ W 95 vanhefuFT filled cushions nn PATRICK BARR^ » A A A A Jh A A Jh Jh eh ^ deep , colt spring $ 1 6 9 ' iirious comfort. A , ■- I'kansft a Naw Hare*. C**a, quality value at Ck***cl is Hartltr*. Css*. base . . . PAnERNT CksBsd It Hpriaftlsid, Mas*. GLASS • sfXRTS SUNDAY ,..oe rowMi Ckaasfl t* New BrlUl*. Cm *. $219.50 VALUE! Lawson Sofa In heavier $.169.95 VALUE! Contemporary Design UDIES* SLIEVH.ESS Cksasrl U Waterktry, C***,,. grade Tapestry with deep, restful coil Oversize Sofa of 92" length with Foam "JUMPING JACK" Ckaaacl U Holrsks' slats. * Auto SafoPy Gleu with MARTIN nnd LEWIS 'spring construc­ Rubber Cuahlohs, • M irro rs tion throughout. textured * fgbrics "BOTANY BAY” |:(* « t) MICKEY MOCSB CLUB Save $30 on this In toast, ' skirt. KIDDIE MATINEE (ISt ri.IPPV THE CLOWN *. Gloss for Fumituro . 5 0 (») Ron RARKLEV . investment ib Impressive in sp- Tomorrow at 2 P .M . CSSI I'OMLIIV TIMI': To p s better home Itv- $ 1 8 9 pes ranee, value. $ 3 1 9 (SX) ITLM TH EATER Now . . . (&S) OUT WEST *ls proanii) Inr. . , l:M (»•> Sl'SIK J. A . W HITE CO . conoN IIS) COLE Ttll’RNAMENT Liborol Koirii Rudgot Torms . ^ U p to 2 Yoon to Pay (.U) LITTLE RASCALS SI BI8SELL 8Ts—MI t-18SS (:** I S) STAGE * ' ' —"Th- World's Mj.OjrsIsr' <:i> w e a t h e r T:U (18k APriRtR REVIEW TWILIGHT THEATER FRIENDA • :*S ( it ) -AnVEN Tt'RK TIME <83> HOLLYWOOD PBE8ENT8 ^ (Ml DIRECTOR'S PLAYHOUSB "N em b or FIto CberliaA "T T k .. Roocetts: .MAJOR Oat" Trreoa Wrlfbl. Paler BLOUSES Isorra. raitaal 8:38 ( THE AMAZING DUNMN- LOVELY WALL TO WALL iMAMHERSniN^ flKR APPLIANCES (M). FATHER KNOWS REST \ “ ■"".’ •.-•its' * ui (58) DRAMA 1:88 < N) MASUUERADE PARTY (18) M ILLIONAIRE T O M O IlT 8 ' S O ' ,* “ Tho Story of Rita'Kealay** Joan. l ohs. rapoal '^aytn^ thru JULY 7 ^ (11-88). TV TH EATER DISCOUNTS —•'Slur EUh" (.15) BAIMiE No. 314 (.VI) FIL.'* 8:38 ( 8-.13) EDDIE ARNOLD SHOW —<*ar«t: Calhv Carr Uft-88> I'VE GOT A SECRBT^ —4*arr> Mnnra ' FOR THREE ROOMS - -NORMAN’S 18:M ( 8-13-&3) ROKING —<'Arma1o i'oota vo. Ike Famodi Ur -ovcli Vonuiar HIU as 445 HartfbeTd Rnad Chmlaiil. 18 rd. taatbar- Wlilolla A TuE*y HolU Tel. MI B-469T w richl ^ Voaaa Isavoro. Golllnr lo Kaow (18-M) T V. HOUR la a . Bball We .llaa rof —Rohrrt Wofaor aad rem- ( ■> NrORT» ' aroo Milrhfll otar le "Tba- Installed with Padding. (18) TBA Oi-Rnw InrTdaRl" rapaat MUSICAL THEATRE <30 NFORT8 DIGGAT < DairiSATReR rcISEC'AST WALLINGFORD, CONN ( K) ITOKI.IJ SRTTN TODAY <33) NE'E’S QUALITY MEMORIALS en'on, tens (18) HPORTS KKVIKW Priced below original ( K) Nrrmo S7 (IN) M*:WN <33) WFATIIER-MIJStC 4&S) MAN t o . MAN wholesale cost! Ml8t C'O.MMKRCIAI. SHOW NEWS UP tHE nOtTR (&■> WEATHER FORECAAT (18-^ ) Ni|-:WK ft' , KIDDIE SHOW! (15) VESTE RD Ai*K NEH\«REEL Manchester. Memorisl Co. (SS) JOHN DALY AND T H E - From the Looms of Mohawk! A handsome new Broadloom of Nobody but Nobody can match this NEWS 0pp. East Cemetery extra durable visco.se carpet yarn.s . . . completely installed, (38) RPOBTA ^ TOMORROW 38) W FATH ERVANR Harrison St.— Ml B-98Q7 . with padding, at a thrilling low Keith price. Available in vslua . . . Shop . . . Compare! ( 8) IHJfNEVIiAXD' —•'A T fibolo to Jtiol A'hiui- choice of Show Starts 2 P»M. dloT H arrU " (38) THIS IS. YOUR LIFR H E s a i <181 PATTI PAOr 18:38 ‘ 38) .HAN UALLED *•%** — f e a t u r i n g — (11-38) JAYE P. MORGAN 18:48 ( N) SPORTS DESK (8.1) H O t'R FII.M (31) FAMOUS FIGHTS (88) RIG IDEA U:88 ( N) NEWS REPORTER Soble! Jade Greep! Bamboo Gold! (18-38) NEWS Sec for yourMlf theM auparbly tailored fine mt- J U N G L E J I M (11) FINAL EDITION , <3ff) NPJWR DoveGroy! Mink!-, Turquoise! Ann* Griffin Studio Eb (88) NIGHTCAP EDITION V—. ton blouMM in a tremendous selection of exciting 11:85 (13) SPORTS ROUNDUP (38) f ONNECTICUT R EPO RT Sondlewood! Beige! new Btylea and colors, ifundredejo choose fromT (M) PREVUES Child Photography :I 8 ( i - 18. 33) W E A T H E R j ' l 15 ( 8) LES PAUL A M ARY FORD Every one guaranteed washable, aanforiced and 'FORBIDDEN LANDS' and o n RIG SNOW Wall to wall installation by our factory trained mechanics in —“ Is Voar RoaoroioeB Rec< decorator shades, to rnake your rooms look larger, your home Adult Portraits aooary" FIRST QUALITY I Sizes 32 to 38. . (13) FILM more luxurious. Priced proportionately low for larger or smaller > — P L IS * «_ ^ (38) W EATHERVANE 11:18 ( I) NITECAP THEATER— rooms. 476 ^ l i i Street r^VSIrawmaa" (38) JJFK WITH E1.1IARETR YRUE-LIFE ADVENTURE - Tel. MI S-S288 11:38 (33-M) TONIGHT—StaVe Allaa 1:88 < I) NEWS O N L Y $3 W EEKLY . . TW O YEARS TO PAY! OPEN UNTIL 9 EVERY NIGHT — AND —

RETAIL SALESROOM 8 CARTOONS STORE HOURS . . .: Keith's .Manchester CInaed Mondays, c e MEMBERSHIP CARDS TO THE Open Thursday Nights Until t. Keith'* KniTTino miLLS r .K C C BALLOON BUSTERS CLUB East Hartfnrd.Open Dally From 19 A. M.' Keith Furniture Until 9 P. M., Close Saturdays A t 6. ... MANCHESTER GREEN, C0NNf^<7/7t///'/b/?)?f/ "■AUOON lUSTERS F R E E PARKING, 1115 MAIN ST. 317 MAIN ST. ON Use Our Own ParlUng Lota At Either. M Ilclipll 9 - 1 * 3 0 1 MG CONTlSr' Conveffleat; Store, Just ^ Step From Oar Debra, MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD Pirn—Com# Bsrijr—ChlMrsn IBs STAGE ■ \

t ; ■ f f V' ' . t- ' ) V' : ,7 Vv .. ■/ ; t. 1 V


MANCHES’l'fiR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. W eId NESDAY, JUNE 27. 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« W ED N ESD A Y. JUNE 27, 19B€ P A G E F IVE PA G E FOUB ^ ^ ------— ------^------:------" / James Raasevellr la Marry , About Town SUMMER SPECIALS irllinClCM** o llld C I0 The Hamilton Standard Sikipp Where you'rJ sure to find H is Secretary on^ Sundayi Club will be boat to tha ConntcU- ciit Philatelic Society at a plfnlc ; nothing-so-new... I ______i Milford, .lune 37 lA*' Wtthout meeting July 15 at Raycroft Walah NEW FASHIONS-Naturally! waiting for an autopsy ifport. \ js s Anttl**. June *T nn a formal rhatc.* of oxttrmr Pai k. The New England Pracancal • SERVICE Jamtf Rooaw-elt tD-Calff) anrt hla cnirlty. ho»»v»r, wtlh'oirt mention Medical Rjjiamlner William .1. H. and Stamp nuh. the Rhode laland of the earlier chai-Re*. MEIDITZBROS. FAMOUS LABELS-Always aacratary. Mm. Olad.va Irene Fischer aaid today he was con Phllaiellr Society and other' col­ Or«na, 'will he married Suhday Roosevelt alRo slRned an appli­ lectors will he Invited. The all-day I nothing-se-cool os afternoon 'at the home of hi* pa»- cation for a final decree Monday vinced that Robert Bilteyn. 29- affau will Include a chicken bar- 22 EAST CENTIR ST.. MANCHESUR LOWER PRICES-Of Course! tor friend, the mlnlater aaid yes- in Washmaton and alr-niailed it year-old D iilch' immigrant; 1 becue dinner,-a aporla program X’ tepdav. heie. Bill Superior Omirl .Iiidge strangled hla wife and shot him­ { and anacka. ^ - Rimer D Doyle aftina on the The Flev. Ceorse bi;on Piatt self. , naator of the Kpiaiopal ttiurch fiisl-comeT flisl-served principle, Altv. John D. LaBelle. Ally. o f the Advent, »aid the ceremony signed the application presented by 'T he bod ies'of Biiteyn and, his I.arold OarMty. Matthew M. wife, .laiqueline, also 2P. w ere D a rk M,is Roosevelt's lawver THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES *«iU he performed h\- a p**tor of I Morlaity and Wllllaih P. Qiilah Sr„ another denonitnation,- whont, he Railed to Keep In Touch found in tlieii thiee-room apart­ ate memhera of a committee or­ ment in the thlikly settled Fort' declined to identify. In her divorce testimony she tes­ ganizing a teatlmonlaj. dinner for Triinibiill shoie-fiont section of Third Marrlaite fpr Both tified that her husband remained ('.logreaanian Thomaa Dodd, to be (From ontf of America's Form st\^dnufoarers) COTTONS sway from home until 5 and 4 a m, Milford'Tuesday mfirnlng. held at the Statler Hotel, July 17. 0 \ SPORTS BRAS It will he the third m«;ri*Re for without explanation and often left . Her nei k badly biiiised. Ml*. both the 4R-year-old eldest *on of Bilteyn WHS found fully clothed the -late President f rsnhltn I' town and failed 'to keep-In touch Tlie Golden Age Club will meet with her. , dead on a bed. Her husband, a .27 Roosevelt and the S«-ye*r-olM BRIIMiK! in St. Ignace. Mich. i.Pi* Tlie priie 13.76 Imported to 20% by buying of Mr. and Mm. Howard WlUqn ^6x15x20 your Fall , c o a t * o f Main St., will eiUer New Britt ■ of highway frontage along the, Plea$o Bring Mea$urements i 10 colors Savins route leading t in for a dishwasher. : . ; . . Will Not Chip, Crack OPF REGULAR or Break! , . youra, now! Many, many PRICE! • 8 styles I .ri' . more from w()iich to chooae. Stparatf PROLON ani FLORENCE Piaeas 10 ceiors PROLON FLORENCE S p e c ia l DOWNTOWN . SIZES to 10 In'^Platter. Reg. $,‘t.95 ; .NOW $1 .6 5 8 Or.. Eruit. Reg. 8 0 c ___ .\6w D iscount's / • Sixes 32 to 38' •RED NARROW. MEDIUM ,'^ugar and Creamer. 4 0 s - • BEIGE Reg. $3.50...... NOW $1.25 Open Veg., Dish. Reg. $3.00 NOW $ 1 .5 0 On (Quantity • WHITE WIDE WIDTHS^ - 6'»” Salad; Reg. 7.ic .. .NOW 3 5 s Purcha.sen By Platter. Reg. f 3 .9 5 ...... ‘.N’OW $ 2 0 0 SchooLs, 10'4 ” Dinner Plato Churche* and ( O K m o . LEATHER COATS Reg. 11.25 ...... NOW 65 s 14 Or.. Bowl. Reg. ll.OCti.XOW 5 0 c • I l l Institutions > . You Pork Your % Reguloriy $79.99 ' 6 5 Just Say V- Cor at PumeH's — Fashion's biggest coat hews for Fall '56 la .“leather” . , . supple, casual, yet always dressy . . . toasty-wamri. yet NEIDITZ BROS. lurton's Pays the Ticket lightweight)-, These beauties -can ba washed with a damp SI m u B r o s ‘'CHARGE I F I cloth, can't ba matched for long wear, comfort, breath­ .1 22 lAST CINTIR S TR in TELEPHONE Ml T.S071 taking styling! Chooae white, black', blue.' Sizea f* ' • •••••••• H O E S L) ^ MONDAY. TUISDAY. WIDNtSDAY. SATURDAY 9 tf 6—THURSDAY. FRIDAY 9 1* 9 a il MAIN ST.. MANCHISTiR 1 % - .. ■ ' " ■ ■ . *

'•» ' .^7.re t ' • ■ / ,\ rTvJiiJ • r V... AY- . r

IfANCHESTER EVEKDfG HERALD, MANCHESTER. COIOt, WEDN^ESDAY, Jin4E 27, 1956 PAGEEBVEN ‘k MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27, 1958 lost nlgkt of a KCtT tankar In •aid, thia eountry would win K. UoR to au a B M itk . M ar* L to lU y Masked Assailants which 11 died: —Night Welch Bui he said by iH5»—the way waa Utrovigli tastifytng tha Panta- a sN O tA L H ouse Showdown' V ote Loohis 11 Airmen Die 1st U. Richard C KIm , '27. riO—You bet Your Ufe Estes Fails «rKM»>SM WHAT— WDRC—Johnny Doller things are going now—the Soviets gon said this' rata would be In- World Reds Seen Kill Greek Cypriot aircraft compiaadar, 2441 tfarriat , WCTH—Nlghl Miieic Lemay Sold Senate woud have the superior strategic creaaed. and,* before the Senate T V SER V IC E In Fuel Plane Avs., South Mlhneaj^lia 0,, Minn., Daily Radio WaTH—141« t;g»- air < force, . meaning long-rantfe voted yeatcrday,' the Air Ptorce On Bigger Veteran Pensions survived by widow, Marilyn Jean w o o o o i m WHAY —Nlghl Welch To Capture WTIO—lOM WllC-ryv^ Weythg bombers capable of hitting this raised from 8|00 to dOO Ua goal of S S S . S U S - ^ ^ Akaki, Cyprus, June IT UPi— and daughter, liftoa Ann, . 21 WDBO—IIM B M t«n Staaitord Tlfn* WDRC—Prow (Vmlercnce • On Extra SACFUnd^ country. Bd^'a by ited. Deserting Moscow Washington. June 27 —The^jwrt of the bill approved by the 'Three masked man antarad a cof­ Takeoff Crash months. WC.TH—Nlghl Mueic During thg next Ihreie years, he Eisenhower had aakad Congress TEL. HI house held hopes for a showdown Veterana Committee against fee shop in this mountain village 1st. Lt. Arthur J. Ctormer 'Jr., $:iG- l:«g- »p»» foUowing iinigrani acttcduin WHAY - Nr-rvcn . WHAY—Nlghl Velrh , said, the Soviets will have "twice for about |16lb billion for the Air vote today on bigger pensions to Teague's oppoalUbn. It features a laat night and fatally ahot Its 2-, co-., ahn of-Mr. A. J, Oar- WTIO—rned Weniig i ■y JAMRN MARIcOW • aa many" heavy bombers aa the Force. The House voted just umtor H o m e ^tate vaterans with a spionaor claiming $10S-B-mnnth penaloii for W'orld Greek .Cypriot proprietor aa he sat Roswell, N. M.. Jnne 27 — mer, 627 E. 41at Rt„ Cavannah, • n wppbad by tb« radio maaas*- VV’i'CC-^uod c;rtii)ni Good Mutle WDRC—Aini.e ii Anity—Muele Hell boasta^that the 1 Russtana ere dls- (tom% tram Page OM) .Insecurity Council, probably will A nta «M «r* aubjoct to cbanc* WKNB—Today tn Sporta WCTH—Nlghl Muelr. AP Newe Anhijrel United Statei. Thia got ‘a quick that figure, The Senate vote booet- decide In a few daya on a general that a toned-down veralon hat a War 1, H andICoraan War vat­ with friends. Bursting into flame Just seconds Ga. IVTIC—N««a WeeKrAffton, June 27 lAh — Gen. Buaded from war by this cbuntry'a reaction. Sen. Jackson (D-Washi "good chance" for passige. erans. / Others tn Michael Pilndroa’ shop after takeqfl, a four-engine Air witbout ooUca. WDRc’^aNow* "deterrent power", he'e talking of ed it UK 1164 billion. Almut >S 2nd Lt. Kenneth A. Fisher Jr,, WGTH—N«wt WHAY—Nlghl WMch ,i Curtis LeMey, the stocky, clger-1 called at once for “several btlllona" billion Elaenhowar’s I1S4 *>tl- Uoiui « d It said ’conimunlsm to ' C i T ’thL 'union The optimism <.arae from Rep. The measure also would Increase were riot molested. Police believe Force refueling tanker crashed and 2,^ second navigator, son of Mr. *‘trUAY—Muuc Ucrcoaat «;1»- WTIC—Chfl Huntley* the abiliiy of LeMay'g longrange more iq Air. Force funds. bonquering, ' eommunlam w ill'lE?' P**^*®*** Soviet Union. (CoaUaned fraaa Pige One) W, J. Bryan Dorn (D-SC). apionBor the gunmen were members of exploded list night, carrying 11 Wcxxj—Rtcord R*ru* ' WHAY—SporU iVDnC—Romeuf e Mooife chewing bogg ot the Strategic Air bombers to reach l^usaia and re­ lion waa intended for L«Uay’s I Bach proposal Tor visits back and years ago, Demorrata gpt only one payments to veterana for service- and Mri. K. A. .Fisher. 1302 Ebert WKNB-Balumnr, v, Chlcafo WCCC—Good fCronlnf Good MuilG WiiTH-Night Muelr. Thia was right down UeMay's atrkteglc command next year. triumph.* ' , t forth will have Vtf be decided on Its of a proposal to trim the proposed incurred injuries and to veterana’ ROKA, the Greek Cypriot under­ men to a fiery death. St., Winalon-Salem, N. C. WTIC—Widow Brown I»:lg- Commend whose long>renge bomb- taliate, with nuclear bomba. vote in 10. wldowK. The administration fig­ ground fighters for the union- WKNB—Ser^nad* WHAY—NIgtit Welch LeMay'a command-caljed SAC alley. .He asked the Senate for 14 The- extra billion voted by the l*ee Yeue fee Beds i merits but the 'hewr policy paper monthly-pep. >n rate. Jlis measure, The tanker, a Boeing KC07, was M. Sgt. Wallace H. Oroaa. 24. WpRO-Cnl Kolby WTIO—Btnctiy Sport* WTIC—ThI* U Moernw ; ers would have the Job of hitting billion m6re than the FUaenhower Senate will not stand unless the Despite their lack of ronteata, differing from one approved by.the ures it ,would cost more than tlT« wtth-Greece movement. loaded with highly inflammabM flight engineer, Rt. 2, Madiaon, V WCTH—Wniwork* WDPaC—Guy Lombardo rtussie B t once if war came, haa ia thli country'a first line of de­ ^ ..“But ever elnce then, there have ; will lay down guide linke/ WGTH—Conn. Sport Llfht WDRC—Rhihenre Moode administration requested. The Sen­ House also agrees to It. If not, Itoen lean yeara, eo far aa Com-: 6. He agrees with French the Democrats were expected to House Veterana Committee, has I Wlllon the first year, and a total Another mesked,gunman early, fuel for a Jet bomber refueling B. D., survived by widow Martha • *‘\fcAV—»lo«c Morchaal .. WCTH —.Mglil Muelr done a super-eelllng Job. i fense. It would algo be the first do better this time. For the past E:Sa- Ig:S«- , ate didn't buy LeUay'a full figures there will have to be a compro- muntot conquest 1; cbnrerned. The i Foreign Minister Christian Plneau, the support of the American Le-1 *to8 billion by the year 2000. today shot down Yannto HaJiyannI, above aoutheastern New Mexico. E. .Gross, and liaughter, Linda, S. WCXXJ—Rocord R«»u* WHaY—Dtnnsr Unto WHAY- Nlghl Welrh He u rg ^ the Senetdi'a to vote I lihe of defense for American al­ but yesterday voted the Air Force miae. But even if both House and 40 years, the. North Dakota glon and the Veterana of Foreign ' ’ Trim Pension Rale another Greek-Cypriot, on a street Every riiember of the crew T. Sgt. Bardel Crum, 36, boom WKNB—Bnllimorr ' » CbicMO WCCC—<;ood Kvonlng Good Mualo. more money for the Afr Force— | lies in Europe and elsewhere. unity and combined strength tt I who recently visiteci Washington, primary election has been a battle­ WTIC—P i . N. V, P»Mo WKNB—Serenade WTIC-Dominion Dev lUlui' nearly an extra billion. Senate agree, the Air Force may the free world made it impossible that Russian contacts with west- Wars (VFWi. Dont a new proposal would trim in Paphos, a nw** coast town. The periihed. The Alt- Force said today operator, Charnicoe. W. Va., sur­ WORC-C*l Kolby WTIC—K Cot* Gir* Club • WDRC—Romepi.e .Moode mostlv for his’ commend then 1 The 49-year old L-eMay care­ Hie bulk of this money—to be not get to use that extra billion. PINE PHARMACY ground for the Republican nomi­ Backers of still a third plan- the 1*’^^ ^* * ?'’ '’!*,!?, f month aaaallant escaped on e bicycle. It would probably be weeks, UT vived by hta wicow, Kelly Virginia • *. WOTH—WdiworlM WDRC—<»uy Lombardo WCTH-Nlghl Muelr f’resident Elsenhower. Secretary! fully prepared with facta, figures for international rom'munlsm, ern countries are a good thing be- nations between two factions. ’The in WGTH—BUI Stem v ie:«g- and forebodings — alarmed the spread over several years and to Eisenhower may decline to use with the Soviet Oommunist party | cause the mare the Rusaisn people creation of Chalrr.ian Olln E. i ***• ***** ■ *'*’•* ■*>out Hajiyannis' condition was de^ ever, before thee ause of the cause and daughter, Suaaii, 6. '" ^ A Y —B itty KtmbAll • :U- WHAY—Nlghl Welch of Defenee Wileon end Serf^etery aamire production—la intended for it. Just as President Truman once 444 CENTER ST, Republican nominees, barring .a Teague (D-Tex| which provides half to little more than a third of scribed as serious. Of the crash Is determined. . S. Sgt. Robert L Wallace, 36, WKNB—BnUiniftrr \« ChlCAfO WTIC IinnuhlMi Dev Relule of the Air Force Quarlea ghld wee Senators when he testified before JM Its so-called ’general ataff,’ to . realise the extent of freedoms in WHAY—Omner D*t* WDRC—Rnmenre Moode mrJilng the B52. this country’s refused to spend more Air Force | couple of coalition period's, were mainly aid to dlsah'ed veterana— tl billion the flrat year. In ' Athens, an authoritative Word of the tragedy was with­ bcom operator, 1712 ,N. "A" 8t., WrCC—Rocord Rrvl»w I WCi:c—Good Lveninf Good Mutle necessary. them this year oiv.,]the needs of go on from' year to year pickingother countries the more they will virtually certain winners over the In addition to dropping the pen­ ■ WTIC—Poppr* Youna WKNB—Serentdt WCTH—.Mght .Muelr SAC if this country hoped to keep long-range Jet bomber, which costa money than he thought It needed M l 9-9E14 up countries one by r ne. With th e; want freedom for themselves, conceded privately the odds were source claimed smalP firearms, held for several hours after the Tampa, Fla., survived by widow, WDRC—Col Kolby W*T1C—3 Star bxira iiite- The Senators accepted the Judg­ in his day, even though Congress Democratic candidates in the gen­ sion to IM a month, Dom'a new Sten guns and, automatic plstola crash. Tha commander at nearby Alda B. Wall'ace, and three chil­ WGTH—Woxworko WHAY- Night Welrh ment of I.eMay end voted the abreast of the Rligalana. about »8 mi’lton, apiece. lack of victorie.*., there is revolt against them as the Hoiiae braced WDRCWLowell Thomas WTIC—Newt voted. Iti i eral election. for a decision on the politically proposal would make a number of are being. .amugj;led from' 'Turkey Walker Air Force Base, where the dren, Cheril, 7; Celia, 8 and WGTH—Meet th* Artist WDRC-Ne»e money yesterday. / If war started tomorrow’, he The current rate of B.%2 produc- against the harsh discipline exem­ Thli year, however one of these other decreases. These Include **Uh a y —Betty Klkboll l.ib- plified by Stalin. As a result the hot legislation. to Turka on Cyprus. He aaid the plane was based, said it was im­ Samuel, 3. WCCC—Record Rortew WHAY—Kncor* TheHtef" WCTH—.Nlghl Mmlc GOP factions, the Non-Partisan cutting a propdacd bonus for over­ Greek government had received portant to determine Just which A.2.C. David G. Paul, 20, radio WKNB—Boltiniore TO Chicago WCt'C—inood KvoninR Good Muile 11:1&- Communist parties are in a state Red Leaders Gel League, moved into the Demo­ But Teague indicated he may seas veterana from 20 per rent to WTIC—The tVomoa WKNB—DlnnrrTJste WHA^' Nlghl Well h have a ’’surprise" which could in­ several reports that Turkey la send­ crew was aboard the plane before operator, son of Mra. Wave Sarah WTIC-Spiirle Flnel af discomfiture. cratic party, where k single slnte 10 per cent of the basic $00. making any announcement to WPRO-Col Kolby WTIC—Your Star Tonight WDRC—Kel Colhv fluence the fluid, election-year Rep. Ayres (R-Ohio) read to the ing arms to Turkish Cypriots who Takach, 503 Bates and Walls S t, WQT8 —Wggworki WDBC—Anion n Andy WCTH-Nlght Muelr "This is above all a time for the Appeal Extension of candidates was Indorsed. No In­ |)krllamentary situation. He would oppose union with Greece and who avoid alarming the entire base, a StubenviUe, Ohio. , ' WGTH—Fulton Lewti ll:gt- free nations to remain strong" in dependents died in the Democratic house a May 36 letter from Presi have clashed violently with Greek Strategic Air Comnriind installa­ *‘t?HAT—Roeord Rodeo t:U - WHAY Night Wnlrh . New Haven. June 27 (B A fed- riot specify In' an lnter\’lew what ident Eisenhower which Ayres . A.2.C. Douglas' Alston, 18, sec­ WCCC-IUeoTd R«»ie* W’HAY—Lncore Thentrr their unity. If the free world coun- ,eral Mrcult court of appeals Judge column. he had In mind. ___. Cypriots several times recently. tion where refueling missloni are ond radio operator, aim of Mr. and WKNB—BAMbedl gUUseo WCCC<^Good Evening Good Mustg . WTIC—Sierliglit Perenede triee eheuld .themselves lose the Bepiibllcaa Contest aaid shows Elsenhower would veto 'Ilie British have accused the flown tn great numbers daily. ,, WT1C-Ke»e WKNB—Dinner Dsl* WDRC—Kel fidhy had granted Tive Communist party House leaders tentatively ar­ the Dorn measure. Mra. James Alston, 1424 Huger SL, ■ WPRC—Newe , _ _ _ ^ . WTIC—Star Tonlglit “WCTH—Dentaluele strength ot unity, due to complac­ In contrast, a sharp cqnteat for ranged to start voting around mid- Greeks frequently of smuggling 'Workers In the Walker tower Columbia, 8. C. ' WGTtt—Bob And lU y Ibew WDRC—Amon n Andy II :m— . ency,. or because we are Just plain leaders until’' Oct. 16 to present the Governor nomination took Rep. Edith Noiirae Roger! WHAY—Night Welch afternoon after disposing of (Maas), the senior committee Re­ arms to the Greek Cypriots fight­ said the plane took off “in good A.2.C. Maiirica W. Boyd, 18, sec­ ■ tia— WGTH—E. P. Morgan WTIC—stnrllghi Serened, tired of helping each other, then arguments.,. shape in the theorttlcally united ing to end Britain's rule ot the shape" at 6:50 p!m. (MSTl. ond radio operator, son of Mr. anil WHAY—Scrcnede Itib- WDRC—Nlghl Owl inte|'natlona1 communism. would Republican party, John Davis. Mc- sonte other priority legislation. publican, countered that she la WCCC—Record Re»l«w WHAY—Sava a ur« The five were convicted in feder­ Yesterday's plans for deciding "firmly convinced" the President strategic island colony In the east Mra. Henry L. Boyd, S4F North»-: WKNB—Beoeball MAttnco WCCC—Good Evening Cjod Mualo gainTiope of new victories which al court there April 20 on con­ Clusky banker and party endorsee, Mediterranean. VICTIMS IDENTIFIED east St., Miami,jOklB. WTIC—lOSO Rodto LdUM WKNB—Dinner Dat* Television Proirrams would help it surmount its present faced strong Independent opposi’ the big measure in one day fell would sign it into law*, . WPRC—Cel Kolby_ Wnc—News of jh* World spiracy Charges and had been giv­ through in the face of demands Elsenhower's letter was writ­ Roswell, N. M., June 27 (/P|— (Names of two other vlctlma W G TH -B ob end Bey Bhow WDRC—Bing Crosby On Page Two trouble. , en until Friday for filing briefs. . tion from Ray Sclmell. Dlcklnton Tha Air Force today. Identltiad were withheld pending notlflcatim WGTH—Gabriel Heatter rancher and former Non-Parliaan for speechmaking time. Tliere waa ten to Teague'' before rival Fort Union in New Mexico haa *‘tniA Y — E«»y "The essential thing now is to Circuit court Judge Jerome M. a chance the final vote might not proposals took their present form. b^en made a nktidnal monument. theaa victims killed in tha crash of next of kin).,.- ^ ■ WCCO—Record Revleer WHAY—Save a Llf<^ maintain, siq>port vlnroualy, and Fpank said after a hearing held League leader,who elected to stay even, come today. '“ WKNB—Beerbell Metlnae WCCC—(?ood Evening Good Mualo Hnlinn yesterday, that the extenaion of in the Republican party The President said “I . . . believe WKNB—Dinner Date resourceriiUy adapt to * r

'i .. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. 1956 PAGENINB BIA^’CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2^. 1956 PAGE EIGHT Dsladul, Lioula L. Oaoek, MSs. Marion E. Stanley, Mm. Elale W. In Aaaonat, Maas., Joseph F. than anticipation of any epecifle SImmona Jr., Boitnn UnltaJr‘Nations, not to bast Rus- daiclilon. And it ahowa Rlaenhower development wdilch led him to Jurlel EL Hailwood. gtlens, Niles H. Wlckstrand, Allsn Recent Graduate Two Persons Die 32, and Kenneth IHanrlirBtrr gettltig fiv# out of tvery eight LongotoTell 482 Ndmes Placed on Roster Edward F. Horton, Lawrence C. ,R. Yale and Mrs. Ramona G. Yeo- Petty, 19, wem thrown clear when' ail^ but to do food, not to flfht D r o o d l e s withhold, anmninctm.ent until Mon­ House,----- m>—Mrs. Dora'F.----- •^.<1—.Kellner, trnrii.Wll mans. In Train Crashes their hay-loaded wagon pulled by S t ^ tomVnunlsm, but to fifht tl» voUa. againit Stevenson, exactly day. He served fi teiirn In the e Plan Group ’ By BUtiEB PBICB House before entering the Senate. Ham Landry, Mrs. Lillian 'liebmanv ^Bolton Jurors Nannrd a tra(ftor was struck by a New Eontin^ i|prali causta, not to florlly ourtelves. aa he did In t^e poll before hla Flaps Monday FdrTdlland Counly Jury Duty William D. Loethscher, Arthur B. Named for poeslbla jury duty Haven Railroad one car train at Party leaders wera aaid to be Boston, June 27 (F)~TVo'per­ Richmond's crossing. - To Me«t Tonight hut to fulfill modestly our own operation. What do the President'a counting on Uongo accepting rc- Ludke, Mrs. Gertrude H. PaUic. during the 1956-57 year are tha l« BIMCII ttrcel doctofa want belter than that? RoiJ^Ue^ June 27 (Special) —^A rthur Keller, Mrs. Delia A. b n i- Miss Lois E. Poirier, (Jharlea E. follojvlng 30 Bolton residents: sons were killed and two others Petty waa uninjured. Simmons lUncbo^tr. OwnT * obligations to civilisation, and to nomtnatlon at the district convan- Presaler 8r., Mre. Virginia E. narrowly escaped death In three said he suffered only bruisea. Bolton, Juna 27 (Special)—A. THOMAS F l^tRGUBQN Norwich, June 27 (gb —Atty. Jo­ tlon July 20 ,to keep him In the kamea (<4$a reaidenU of Tolland 6le, Mrs. Florence C. Krauae. Mra Warren R. A'drundsen, Mm. Mil­ buffet supper and biurineaa meet­ VALTER r FE8CU80N do'It %ll not becauaa of what the seph K. Loi.go. of this city who has Olive M. Ktause, Mrs. Pearl W. Sandberg, Mm. Mae Sayet, Mra. eeparate railroad mishaps yeater- Publiihtra Ru wtart. ■ • . Sl^lc Bypasses. three terms and .Is currently the t>laee($«n ^ e for Jury duty dur­ cSk, LasUa H. Mhnn. Weigel. Reginald J. Weat and Mm. Kevin M. Robinson, 12. son of latter seeks reflection In 1#68. ing .tiia 19US-57 year, according to Henrietta Yoat Bristol, 'nieodoj-r R. Cgddy, Ray­ Mr. and Mm. William J. Robinson Topeka, Kan. iA5 — Eighty new Institute of Planners will be held VoMIMibd *»tr7 Er.nlnt Democratic majority leader in the Dropping out of the Senate would Henry E. Marcham, darefice J. mond (Talhoun, Laurence- A. Con­ tonight at the home of Mr. and »££y> bbd iIolwijrA. u .State Senate, aaid today he hAs the ofrica d( Jotui H. Ycomane, Hehroa Lists tt Jiirom of Medford, waa killed when induetriea atarted operations . in Post Ottica, «l M«riehe»t#r vonA, •* How To Kill A Probe Private Sehool not bar the attorney from running Tolland Oounty C?lerk of courta. MeCTarthy, Mrs. Auguata ll Mc­ vene Jr.,. Rocco A. FlenOi Mre. struck by a Boston 4k Maine Rail­ thla predominantly agricultural Mrs. James Klar, Notch Rd. 6#C0tld n< gone sn far as to deride for lieutenant governor but a year Kinney, Mita Margaret S. Mclaan, Named to tha Jury list for 1956- Mildred Goldsnlder, Williant^ C. SUBaCIUPTION RATES When Senator Francis Case' of against running again hut chat J Of .the total, Vamon haa 60 57 am the following 32 Hebron road train at a Medford crossing. state In 1955. l^ e Kansas In­ . The 3.5-man group is working on PayaM* In Advanca . Transport Row out of political offlct would hot damea Uatedj (joventry and EUllng- Mrs. Catherine A. Preusa, Paul Haggis, Milton R. Hathaway, °Neil Dorval, 16, was struck and dustrial Development Commission flood problems and will establish a North Dakota originally revealed he will announce a derision Mon­ bolster such prospect. Preuaa and Henry Weber. , residents: eon P. Herrldk, Russell H. Hills' day. _-- • ton, 36 each; HahTon, 33; Andover, Albert E. Anderson. David Ap- killed by a Boston A Albany ex­ said it waa tha biggest new gain program for the year In addition O nt V aar »i?8 that he had rejected a I2.S00 cam­ The Democratic party, which Bolton and Oilumbla, 30 each. Coventry lists 3$ Thomas C Johnson, Mrs, Elsie M. press train at the Palmer railroad In eight years. ' Towns with leas tn elating officers. Klar is an an- SIX Momha Hartford, ■ June i7 — The Reports trojfn Hartford were Namea placed on juiy Hats from pelateln, Mrs. Mary Auguatp. Jones. Sbrca Hoiitha .• paign contribution predicated on that he already had told party w'ould like to strengthen Its slim Tha nainaa weire picked by jury TOomas C. Badora, Mra. .Frances yards. Police aaid he was taking a than lO.dOO population got 40 per glneer with the Connecticut De­ ua MobUi Stale Boal-d of Education yeAtcr- majority, In the Senate alnce Re­ eommtaaitmara Jarvle Clapp, El- Coventry Include: . short cut to hla hTtftie. cent oft he new plants. velopment Commlsiion. ',■ Waaklv .... his voting for the bill exeipptlng day declared a hands-off policy on leaUera he would not run. but he Eirneit L. Affricano Sr., Charlei M. Barrssso, Mason 8. Bolden, Mrs. Alice Id. E. L.ec, Clifford A. Stngla Copy aaid today that he had not gone publicans seem ture of control of Ungton; Mrs. Enuna OUl, Mana- Reuben H. Bosley, Mre. Rhth C. Loomis, Mario' Morra, Mrs. Ger­ natural gas from .federal .(^gulrf’- the question of public transporls- the House, hai been faced by ear­ field and Yeomana, Andover. b. Allen, Lawrence K. Allen, Mrs. member or lien, moat of his roljeaguea reacted so far. Asked .what might affect Anna C. Anderson, Mrs. Olga F. Boylngton. RayihOnd D. Davis, truds R. Noren, Norman J. Preuss, the associated PREffl llon for paroi hlal schools. ■Mexiran Eating .Meatball^ hla decision, Longo said that in lier announcements from Sen. Vernon Jurors listed Mrs. Esther P. Dlman, Mrs. Eliza­ Bruce G. Ronson, Mrs. Olga Saun­ Tha AaaoclataO Prcaa *• ej, if he, not the would-be giver The question Is presently mat­ With C hop Htirka Duane Lockard of New London Those on the Jury llita for the Becker, Mrs. Allnr B. Bennett, «nuu«r lo th« UM ot view,of his length oi' service he had Albert B. Bouffard, Oliver M. beth Dombrowaki, Frank E. ders, Mrs. Sarah B. Stephens, «U newt credit^ ^ JJ of the bribe, had been the crlmf-, ter for controversy in Meriden and (Overhead view)’ a feeling "some one else should and Sen. Patrick J. Ward of Hart­ tomlng year from Vernon Include: Dzicek, Sol Ellenberg, Miss Clara George M. Tomlinson. C?ourtnev C. in Hamden. This Droodle was thought up by Brown, John F. Chappelle, Alonso iK«t otherwise credited in iWi p»P" nal, Uie breaker of the rode. have it" but he said It was fur­ ford. the president pro tern, that WE HAVE J u 4t r e c e iv e d A Mrs. Mae < U Ahnert, Arthur J. Foreman, Eklward 8. Frans, Mrs. M. Ellis, Douglas Merritt Fellows, Tucker. Charles F. Volkert, Mrs. and also th« iccal n^tws pubiiihed here. Hamden this week denied a re­ Jules Kllot, a student at my old ther ronirideratlon of thli rather they wojiJd not seek reelectlon. Alley, Mrs. Bertha P. Backoftn, Doris V. West. Herbert J. Wilton All r ith l. of reputiUcatlon of .pjclal Tlie public, however, and the quest for public transportation for alma mater, the U. of M. at Ann SPECIAL ORDER OF i.uth L. French, Mrs. Gertrude A. Mrs. Doris P. Fish, Mrs. Esther dl*plt3S herein kara also rc.aryM Ernest F. Backofen, Mrs. Bernice Haven, Luclen A. Heckler, Henry Franks!, Alfred J. Heim, Dennis and Thomas Wilson. President too, were nslve enough pupils in a new Catholic school. ArbAr, Mich. And I like It because M. Bamforth, (Jlsirence E. .Ban- A. Keefe, Mrs. Eva Keleti. Janice Ft Murphejr What’s a summer Jhill aerrlca client ol N. E. A 8er»- to think that something rotten had ' Meriden announced recently It It has chop sticks In It and 1 hap­ torlh, Mrs. (^arlotte D. Bartley, O. Hilte, Mrs. Mildred C. Judatz, Columbia Jurors listed' • Ic^ luc. Tba could no longer provlile trans­ pen to be very fond of- Chinese Mm..Beatrice 8. Keller. Frank Kulynyck. James Law. Thirty Columbia reaidentsjisted tOlDll.nrr.Publiahera _ been uncovered, something that Mrs. Mabel Bateman, Mrs. Thera (Jarleton.P. King, Mrs. Elsa E. Harvey H. Uppincott, Clifford R. Miss Janice F. Murphey.'dai ^ Julius Malliawa Brwc>*l portation for parochial pupils. Food. I like all thoae oriental dish­ ■ ■ Sport Hats N Beach, Reuben Blonitlen, (jarl for possible Jury duty diiiirtg the ter of Mr. and Mm. Lincoln' Vork, Chlcaao or demanding invesllgnllng and The Slate board cited a ruling es, such ss "Moo Goo Gal Pan'’ and Koehler, Eugdne W, Latimer, Perry, Horace N. Porter, -Robert 19.56-57 year are as follows: member a u d it BUk EAU UF Oust in time for the Fourth of J^ly Holiday. ^ ft. Borg, Mrs. Laura M. 6rode'r, Thomaa D. McKinney, Wlnthrdp A. Price, Martin T. Sauer, Jared Murphey, 62 Ruascll St., was re­ imi CIRCULATIONS cleansing. The first investigation by the • attorney-general saying "War Shew Op," But my favorite CHICKEN BARBECUE h Frank Bronkie, Mrs. Hildegsrde Mm. Frances E. Bslley. Joseph cently graduated from the Kath­ that the problem la a local one. Chinese Dish la callfed "O W’ot Merriami Leslie K. Richardson B. Tennant Jr„ William H. Warn­ Bailey, Arthur B. Cobb. John Q. Tha Herald Priwine Comi.ny, liK.. acted as if it. unlike the public, E. Bronson, Abraham Brooks, arine GIbbe School, Boston, Maas. The hoard said 2.'i of Con- D af’" I Fortune Cooklea with Ixib- Si*., Cecil D. Robertaon, Herbert er, Mrs. Henrietta Bernals. Mrs. Cragln, Mm. Pemle E. Cmgln, aenmea no financial reaipon.ihllity fy thought Senator 'Caae had been STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Anna C. Burke, Mrs. Frances E Rose, Royden F. Smith Sr„ Mm. Ethel P. Hildlng and Emil O. Shs attended local schools and of comi ^ typographical errors appearing >n "d- necllcut's provide transportation ster Sauce; I I eat Chinese Cuisine LINENS IN ALL COLORS * ^ C | Q S Burke. *'■ ' Auston E. Emmons, Wilbur C. TMtUementi and other jeadhig mallar the criminal. But the public was for n'on-piiblie sehool , pupH.s. every Sunday night and I always Ruth E. Steulettc, Alanson E Moil Fletchei^, Earl G. Gardner. John graduated from Manchester High tn The Mancheetcr Evening Herald. SATURDAY, rJUNE M ■ WHILE THEY LA ST ...... | ■ v U Ronald’’ C, Burke, Henry- G. Stewart .Jr., Mm. Velma W. SO Named from Andover Schoql with tha class of 1954. . still not satfsfled, and eventually, Thai's 10 per cent of the ono-puh- buy It lo "tiike out" because that Bush, Mrs. H arriett' D. (Jarroll, R. Hansen, Henry R.l Haydeg Jr.. DIanlay advertlilng rlpa'na hours: with many, pious' protestations of Ilc aefaonl enrollment in the state. way I u.sually have a piece of egg MlIXIXEltS'-^ECdN'D n,OOR . / Strant, Mm. Helen M. ypton, Thirty Andover reeldents named Richard S. Jensen, Mrs. Edith E. r o r iVeaMatAv—.*! Monday—1 p.m.n m. FYldfty. Three other towns provide public Mrs. Ethel M. (Joleman, Mrs. Mil- Grant H. Vance, (Christian A. WSl,- to the juiy list for the 1056-57 Nan Shot in Triangle Row Jonr TSjeaday—1 p.m. Monday. Its holy Intent, the whole Senate roll or some Chow Mein left Over .■dred H. Connors, Miss Mgbd E. Klemark, Fred Klimack, Mrs. For-Wednesday—1 P m Tuesday. transportation H its available. for breakfast. And also when you TWO SITTINBS-5:M aed t:M P.M. DOURLE Id rfC GREEN STAMPS gold .Mrs. Helen 8. Westland, Gil­ year are as follows: Carol L. Ladd, Clinton I. ' Ladd, !!Mi JPor Tliuraday—1 p, .n Wedneaoay. wAa forced to vote Itself a full in- take It home In thosej,cardboard GIVEN WITH CASH SALES , « ^nrady, Mrs. M. Maud Cosgrove, bert W. WIttmann, Sherwood F. Richard H. Adams. Carl E. Bar- Lyndon E. Little, Mm. Pauline H. Watertown, June 27 |J5—Louis 6hmI smortiWM F or Friday—1 p. mm. Thursday. v'esllgation Into all the n.efaiioua Miss Elsie B. (Cummings, Mrs. Wright and George Zunner Jr. toh. Earl R. Bayllss, fi'rt. Ruth Lohr, Theodore A. Loughray. Pabey, 23, drove three mllea with a m. Friday. . containers It gives Hie f^d s spe­ COMMUNITYJAPTIST CHURCH ^atheHne Doharty, Mrs. Ashcah '^c'iS5?i^‘"d7idf:nCM aifled deadline: 10:30 A m a a ^ phaaes of lobbying and Influencing Marilyn Wc‘ a. fn. ______of leglalatlon. Mrs. Ruth C. Ektwards, Mrs. Rhoda The 36 BlUhgton residents whose J. Maynard, Mra. Edna L. Peter- Dat<* Report Sel BARBECUE, $l..'i0—SHORTCAKE and COFFEE, 6.5c names have been placed on the H. Brown, Joseph C. Burdick, aoUt (Tharlea I. RandalL Howard a policeman and blurtad out a That the Senate really meant '' B. English, Mrs. Genevieve C. Er- jury' lists for 1956-57 ere James C. W, Devlin, Hm. Beatrice statement Khat (Tharles Newman Wednesday, June 2?!? thf JW.IIAU COM tet, Mrs. Gladys F. Finley, Prandls C. Shumway. Solomon Binder, biialnesa In this'had to be doubted. Roxbury. June 27 -- Arthur Madisonvllle, Ky. -Gasoline Fnuikfiirtere and ffamburgers Will Be On Mrs. BeetVice 8. Aborn, Mrs. Lil­ C. Frankland, A. Eqrle Gallpo, Ralph J. Slate, James R. Spear­ Jr. of (Theanire shot him because worth to you? It would be a miracle If any real Miller, the play-writing fiance of spouted for 50 feet when a 3-lnch Sale During the Afternoon , MANCH99TSR COHM- j. . Flaherty, Mrs.ju Sophie M. lian M. Anderson, Solomon Baron, Clarence J. Goes, Edwin H. Grenon, Newman said Pabey waa "playli Flsmm, A rthur Friemlch. man, Robert J. 'Taggart. Jack H.*' Dollars Vs. Rubles study of lobbyists and conlrlbii- Marilyn Momo'c. says'.he will dia-I pipe broke at an oil company ■ CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS Miss Clem B. Beasley, Mrs. Doro John M. Hamilton Jr., Mri. Mar- Thompion, Ruaaelt H. Wheeler Jr. around" with hia estranged A few days ago. Secretary of close wedding plans Hridav i bulk plant. Tank trucks were RR.SRBVA'nONB CIA).SE J I ’NF. 2$ Mrs. Ursula A. Friedrich, Mrs? Uiy B. Barthold, Robert W. Blake, gat-et B. Hohraan- Mm. Deborah and Louia E, Wilbur. P i^ y , of Wateroury, waa rei tlons didn't wind up having some­ Phone MID-Oise or MI S-7561 Certrude <3olde, WlUiain H. (3unth- State Dulles turned a deaf ear. to Up to now nclliier he nor .Marl- by four of the .company a m Chester Blonlarz, George N. Brig­ §. Horne, Mr:i. Anne Z. Hudak. In fair condition at nearby v thing t«r-do with almost every lyn has said when or where they competitors, who succeeded In ,.er, George E. Mamipond; Mrs. ham, Clayton E. Carver, Thomaa J. Maxwell Hutchinson, Miss Helen bury Hoapital. Newman waa the plea of Korelpi Minister member of the Senate club. Be catching about 10,000 gallo'ns of Advertise in The Herald— It Pays Winnie M. Hanley, Mrs. Wells O. Connelly. Joseph Cohen, Raymond C. Jewett, Mre. Elisabeth M. Kel­ . A road with a base of mahogan^v charged with assault with** Intent will marry. 1 1 Ihntgu of France, who suggested sides, this is an election year, when Mlllrt promised new.smon yes­ the fuel from a 15.000-galIon tank. Hartmann, Frederick W. Hem- G. Dargis Sr., Whiter J. Pavis, ley, Mrs. Bernice.'N. LamberL logs and a aurface of aluminum to kill and aggravated assault. They restored the salvaged gas mann, Msa. Rose M. Hoermann, Geome W. Lange, Mm. Ethel M. ore runs SO miles from Paramaribo that, of all the foreign aid this campaign contributions are terday he will hohl a pre.ss confer­ Emil DeBortoli, Mm. Mary 8. De- country provides for th«^ world. It ence Friday lo tell about the wed­ after the pipe was repaired, then Mrs. Nellie C. Hunt, Mrs. Eldna H. Carll, Mrs. Ruby Q. Dietzel, Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. Lena Ringhoffer, tn Surinam, South America, to Its Arabia is bigger then the Uplted needed. How could the popti sena- resumed Ihelr^ jRt,errupled compe­ takes aix per cent o f Iti-and fun­ ding. But in return he asked them Johnston, Mrs. Henrietta Judge, Mildred O. Dowding, Joseph P. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Sprenkic, Miaa> airport SO miles away. States east of the Mlielesippl. torll wage their campaigns, if they lo relax their coverage of his tition. nel It through the United Nations. farmhouse home here, whore Mls.s . V pte.saed a nasty investigation (H NS TO WHEELBAKROWB Frow'mng on tVint suggestion, which .made everybody afraid lo Monroe Is a vlailor. Yesterday, Mil|er told reporters Tombstone, Arlz. (/P)—This old Secretary Dulles also frowned In- make a campaign contribution? ferenllaUy on a hopeful pronounce- that ilefinltely "there will ' be no gunflghter town’s realoretlon pro­ But the Senate voted Just such wedding this week." ject suffered a setback when some­ -Watkins Old Fashioned Ridnt, a few weeks earlier, by a thorough probe, anyway. Hav­ Reporters an(Mir to IkKir • All Wa^rfront we think we can -'win, over chan­ that will be a surprise. We, the Transportation Activitiw ■> iiii neling our good works through the public, are already beginning to forget. Neither political party has • Hot l.unch • Athletics—^Nature I,.ore they’re ’’all flavor”. . ^ United Nations. Vhere nobody in • Registered Nurse particular, but merely humanity, any Interest in having the Investi­ • .Arts and Craf gation get anyrvhere. The end vil­ on Staff' - - might win. • Mature."Kxperienced Ceramic.s tmi lain of The saga is likely to be the |i!i; Accordingly, w.e are at the mo- CbunscloTs • Overnight Kx|)erience Hi! ment running a race of dollars same villain it had at- the begin­ HANDY’S FRANKS • Many Other Special Events ' > i:Ht against rubles, with this particular ning—Senator Case, who was so i!i!i ' race following the Itinerary of naive as to'think there was some- CAMP SEASON rFEES Dmitri T. ^hepilov, new foreign thing wrong In hla belng^offered Period I—July 2-.Mily IS Season—8 ss'eeks .... $195, See tallies, like these on 4 big floors $2,500 for his vole. II—.lulv l«-.liil,v 'J7 Half Season—4 weeks 110.00 When it's hot and humid, minister of Russia. I I I — .Inly .sn-.xiig. in u v Are you planning a beach party, picnic, cookout, or When hs was in Egypt, with sn IV— Aug. IS-.\lig. 24 Qiiarier, Season—2 svka. 60.00 special tripjor July Fourth? Make sure you have plenty the real value of the right _ offer of wh.at seemed to be total “Extremely High” , John A. Dybcr. ,Phoiie or Write Howard W. Gold of Handy’s'Fi-anks on hand. These fresh, tasty suit is easiesf to,appreci­ Russian financing for thp, big new ’’His. spirits an(| mbrale are ex­ nirrrlor For Folder 50 Barry Road $366i2B COSHMAN $110.00 FANBAGK CHAIRS, 49.95 tremely high this mgrnlng." Slanehester, Pleated back classic.model with jnahogan.v legs. • frankfurts are easy to prepare, always delicious to eat. dam somebody is going t'b build' 24 I'rederlck ltd. j DINING ROOM, 249.00 J ... > w ate. Then, excellence Egypt, we slso were on hand with That IS one of this week's "medi­ Manchester,. Conn. To Conn. foam rubbe'c cushioning. (1) Charcoal brocade; .Mitchell S-4.n65 X lltch rll 9-5008 And, even if yoii’re hot picnicking or partying, opr proposition. Our -proposition cal bulletins" from the Pre.sidenl's (Old fashioned 54-inch Hutch with open .shelf’’ , (1) .sand and brown damask. of fabric, tailoring and hospital room. It Is a typical bul­ top, for di.splaying .vour choice glass and china, Handy’s Franks are great to have in- the house. ■wasn't for quite as big an amount. $110.00 LOUNGE CHAIRS. 49.95 * styling make the difference Our hope that It will be our help letin. There has been a remark­ a droploaf rudder table that opems to 48 x .54 They're all flayor because they’re made from ^ inches and an arm chair and ,5 side chairs make . Choice of six covers including green and rose - • Nasser selects over Russls’s de- able effe 'vescence about this par­ Nylon boucles and (1) in green taiiestijy. Law- choice meats delicately seasoned. Buy ... j , between a (jomfortable life liii , pends on two factors. W> hope ticular convalescence. The boyish up this fine 6 piece dining room, finished in, Handy’s Franks every time. ' Cushmjan famous red maple. sort slope-back arm (lesign w^h mahogany fin­ of good apoarance—and Nasser won't dare Insult us that laughter of the President and the ished legs; foam-rtlbber’seat cushions! girlish laughter of. Mrs. Elsen­ charply.. We hope that when he $278.00 18th CENTURY ' a sweltering season. That’s analyzes the Russian deal, he hower, the "spirits” which arc 1$I29.95UAYSTR0M DINETTE. 89.50 _ balances its'' atlractlona against "extremely high" have become al­ ’ BEDROOM, 198.00 • B!ack Coloranjic leg.s, I16*'ftlch round Daystrom- why it pays you to invest most InfecllmiSr^iQ that all the ite top in pink, extends to 36 x 54 inches. Resists : Us liabilities. One of Its sttrac- _ Beautiful bow-front" mahogany styling yi-a 5. In our Suihmer sliita. They tions is .that Nasser could uee rest of us feel like kicking up our draw'er chest, a double dresser with hanging' stains and harcl ii.^age. Four harp-back side Egyptian cotton to pay It off, heels Tn glee. What a wooderful, mirror and a Bill si/.c po.ster b(5(l have a paneled chairs in matching pink cover. 4(oep up your good appear­ while we can't take any from him. tonic world it Isl How.full of zlm headland rail foot. y $417.95 MODERN DINING ROOM. 229.00 and zest I ance, keep you cool and But it would be a very long trade Six pieces in beautiful wood tones,on beige fin­ ilKF de'al Involved, longer Uiiin Nas­ The last tlSie

/■ •' I' , •4 r V, MANCHESTER EVRNING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1968 PAGE ELEVEN PAGE TEN UAKCUESTER EVENING He RALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1956 McGuire Loses | of weapons teats, the disposal of For Present and Future wastes from atomic power plants, Work Progressing on Nike Sites in Area and the use of medical X-rays. New Lighting Will Brighten Democratic Bid Chotiner Set to Bare Weddings The idea is to keep Johnny Jones' radiation badge as unpeppered as Streets in Rockville Center In Wallingford Scientists ShowConcern possible. *■ - t . ■ Documents to Senate Pcltiffrcw-Rrown Wallingford, June Thai Next: Radiation Dlstributton. . Rockvll>, Juna" 77 (8p«cial)fcent lighting was. ehoaen over too Phyllla Mae Brown, daughter of **old guard" regained control of •’He was advised." MKHellan DoVntowR Rockville will take on varloua other t>]E^ "nciw In uae ^n- the D m ocratlc town committee in WMhinston,______, ...... aillrif 27 lA-. S»n- Mr. and Mra. Harry L. Brown. 12 | On Effects of Radiation many areas. HF said, It la the com­ atA McClell»nl^li (I>-Arki s^irt toiijv said, "he would hava to be recalled a .conaiderably brig|iter outlook at' a party primary yeatarday. Among later in all probability" for .qiiea- Cheater Dr., became the bride of | ing thing In the way of street tha loatng candidate! was former CaUfoml* Atton)»y Murray M. PlaiiK Completed ntght before the^ aummer ia over, lighting beceuse It afford! more Ef Chotiner h«» agreed to hand over tipning about the documents. Maiirlcd J. Pettigrew, aon of Mr. I (Continued from Page One) ■•■‘'recogniieable" genetic defects of U.8. Rap. John A. McGuire. to the Senate Invealtgaliona aub- In another aubcoiiimlttee in- and Mra. Charlea F. Pettigrew of i ------a mental or physical character due For 1931 Reunion saya Donald R. Wcekea, manager naticral-looking light. Bacauao of the long list of can­ commtttee Friday dociimenta deal­ qilirj-. McClellan told newsmen he u’..f I. . rathoactlva msterials In the to the increased radiation ex- of the local office of the Connecti­ Other types in commOn use aro didates, tabulation of papar bal­ ing with hl> I""’ prarlioe. will W alt for the White Houae to Wesl Hardford, In a single .n . | jj^oynd , the acadehiy recom-1 poaure of their parents. Moreover, cut Ught end I'ower Co. mercury vapor, which gives a blue- lots was not completed until ahort- green tint, and aodliim vapor, which Chotiner ha» denounced ae a reply to his demand for an « - ! ceremony performed by the TRev. '; ^tended; Wn additional l.gOO.OOO of them Arrangements are complete for Week'es made the itatement ly bofora 8 a.m. today. ••political ftatltng eiy)editlon.. the planation of how Robert J. Dono- i Clifford O. Simpson. In the Center That aome kind of national would carry, in their own "genes.' Manchester High Hchool's Class of when he waa asked the statue of a gives an orange-yellow tlnt.^The .Control of (h* committee was groiip’a inquiry inta-hia contacts j gained acceaa to what the Congregational Church, which was system be set up to keep a racord hidden defects which could come 1931 2Sth, reunion, which will be project his company and city offl-^ new fluorescent lights here will bo thrown opan to primary by decision with government agenclea in be-, Senator - deacrtbea •• aa aecret------papera decorated with pennies and white of every. American's cumulative to the fore in descendants over a held Saturday at the Mancheater cials have been worki.ig on ,to in -' the Aral of their type to be In- of the committee itaelf. Usually un­ -Jty half of cllenta. Chotiner haa In- for the prep,aratton of a forthcom­ gladioli, on June 16. exposure to. radiation—from the number of later generations, Country Club. stell several large lights In the stalled In northeastern Oonnectl- der the etate'e new law, tha con­ Vues elsted tliey were proper and t.hat . ing book, •■roaenhower-the Inalde Given Jnvmarrlage by her father, cradle to the grave. Ahd remember, auch defects In Final - reports were [riven Sun­ center. cut. power company, officials ssy. trolling faction In the party an- he never sought to use politic al in­ Story." the bride wore an Italian lace and One of the key scientialji In- all instances w-oiild be over and day eyenlng„ when the Reunion The lights 20 In all, each 20,000 Two fluoi escent llghtlnr "x - -* nounpeg its candidates for tha town fluence. .Aide Kefiiaea to Tealify net gown designed In a pflncess volved in the academy's report— above approximately aimilar num- Obmmfttee mft at the hor.ie of lumens strong, have been ordered ' tui'qs were Installed last fallln the committee.. If any party member * .Managed M\nn f antpaign Maxwell Rabb. an a«alatant to style. .She carried a prayer book Dr. Warren Weaver of the Rocks-'bera of defects produced by nat- Lennart Johnson. A .rapacity at­ from Wesllnghc.se Electric Corp.,: municipal parking Ic^t, on Schml opposes the candidates, he calls A widely known figure In Preaident (Claenhower who aenea with carnations and an orchid. feiler Foundation sees the poail-' ural radio-activity. tendance is expected, according to Weekes said. Delivery should be i St. whjeh are similar tn the lights for a primary. California ^litica. Chotiner man­ alao aa aecretary to the cabinet, Her matron of honor Mrs f K everyone wearing a "little How much radiation would be a rene Lazar Barrera, treasurer. sometime , wtlhiri, the next few 1 to be plkced In the center, In the Wallingford case, the aged A’ice Pre.sident Nixon s 1M2 refused to appear for subcommit-; Pettigrew of Colcheater,r-«iri...t.’r alaler-in-. 1. 1. r.inl film...... flip"r whlcH would...... record reror,7.7 ex-i "doubling ----- dose” ? • A full course dinner will follow weeks, and aa soon aa they arrive i Ae to cost of the project, Weekea town committee endorsed no can­ campaign. He also haa been active lee Questioning yesterday. He said law of the groom, wore a Wiie net pnai't* •<> the Invisible rays of this aeneticists figure It might well the class photograph, which \^ll be the pow'er company la prepared to ' .hjfOres had Txot been com- didates in that manner and called in campaigns for others. he did. not know* who. . . supplied^ ‘_11-^ sw.. the ' ...—waltx-length Is. gown and carried RiOnilratomic AM#.age. in*I'be somewhere Kaa*tl-*mnbetween .101A and, nrl ,80 AA taken promptly at 7 p.m. Souvenir inslall them. | pleted.' The city will not pay for instead for a primary, SMI The subcommittee, which Mc­ data to Donovan,*'White Houae blue carnatlona. Kathrvn Blown. Declaring siirh badges could be | "roentgens" — a roentgen being a I programs and memntnes Will be The lights, of the fluorescent' the lighting nxlurcs, but will pay “Old Guard" Democrats took 38 Clellan heads, has been looking (oi respondent for th^vNew York 12 Cheater Dr., the bride's sister, turned In to a central oflli e qYgry , n-».-urlng unit of radioactivity, I found at esrh graduate's place t\qje. villi run from the Union Com a yearly or monthly isle foi- their seats while the remaining 29 w ire Into't?hotiner'a affait* since hia Herald Tribune who took leave of and Carol Brown of Raat Hartford.; '"""th or aa for a listing of each ! How many roentgens ta the I setting. gregalional .Church to the Rock- 1 aervlcea, much like home owners ■put up- among the Weat Side r name cropped up a.a formeicoun- absence from that post to write the the bride's |-misln. were brides- person's radiation dose to date - popuAUon receiving now In its sex I Honored guests at the affair will vine Leader buildlag on E . and W. 1 purchgsc electric service from tha Dentocratic Club which controlled ael to some clothing inamifac- Weaver says: 'I glands ' ' “7 j be Wilfred J. 'Clarke and Charles book. , maids, . and' wore similar ,, wait*- , ...... _ j . Main Hta., and on Park PI. > company, the official explained. Aa the old committee and ntemberi of tureca the subcomniittec la in- I "Whether It will be done that The acienUits figure that the av­ I L "Pete” Wigren. Art McKay and One light will be plecM.at Union i .vet the rate haa not been act. he “WINDSOR” r A-24-parl serlallxation based on length net ,gowns of yellow and way or Ijustl in terms of radio­ toe Young Democratic dub. < veatlgatjng. the hook has appeared in the New plnk. leapeclively. erage over a 30-year-perlod would ; his orchestra .will provide tbe Church, one at the trafTc circle, aald. McGitire. who supported Repub­ In the course of testimony, logical records I based on'^doctors' be something over seven roentgens, ! music. Chotiner acknowledged that he York Herald Tribune. The beat man was Charles !•. X-rsy records, or computations by end three along the aoiith aide of lican Gov. John Lodge’s ra-clectlon UWN MOWER divided ss follows; Awawids will be piesenled to W. Main St. On B. Main St. four'* REI'ORT IN $Y)R.M ii)i J6M , ran last In hia diatrict. The made calls to the White House in in It. I>onov«n w rite, that Risen- Pettigrew of scientists of radiation in the st- 4.3 roentgens from nstursi ra- - the class member who traveled the behalf of some sirline clients. The power ’ In 19.A3 heesme so vexed ■ at • groom s brother. Ushers were moSpheie. for example I, this is a j units will be placed on 'the aoiith . winner In the district received 701 Hairy A. Brown. 12 Chester Di-.. dlosctivlty. I greatest distance to attend, the aide end six on the north aide. Be­ Jackson. \ . U., i/T In a decade Work la vprogreaaing rapidly at while well work hea already been to t' notice by the New Ibigland | White House said it found "no! ^ ^vhat "powerful right wing ’ Re- question of practicality. - ftrsl granciinuther, graduate mar- votes. McGuire gbt 472. He ran as Division. H M ar rbee I 3 $oentgrn.s from medical X*raya cause of the width of the street In or so the Northampton County an independent .of a sort. the Manchester NIKE control completed at the launching area. the slightejrtV Impropriety in Chot-I pViijhcaqs were doing to his 1 "'V'Welskopp, 107 Rld- "It is a little something of a and fluoroscopy. I rled the longest, the moat recently It ia not known at the present Persons who plan to attend the I *ir» nuisance to keep ’laiich a recordi. this area, the lights are placed on Clerk .of court will he needing a Of the 24,030 Democrats eligible center and the Olaatonbury Iner's contacts. _ ! gram in Congresa that he toyed | About one-tenth of s roentgen ! married, the c'ouple with the largi both aides, Weekes explained. Five 1 new supply of forma on which to time when Installation of the conference should notify J . L. 31c- | I The subcommittee then demand­ with the idea of forming a third At a reception for IM P*<’P'*'j yes. ljul it looks as though we are eat family^and the couple v.lth the to cast ballots in the primary, only iaunchipg site, with only Interior elaborate and highly complex con­ Henemln at tha New England Di- Sea tbk acaewny medel head leva g o o d e a r from "fqllout" due to atomic teats fixtures will Ije installed on Park ; Isaue capiases ad testificandum. /V Immediately following the cere- , j,,,a kind of future where ed that Chotiner list all of hia parly, even going "so far as to try ' youngest child. 1,264 turned out. trol and launching ayitema will vision. Army Engineer'^ Office, 160 | ■newer tadayl Eve Wsdet aad nee- mony, in Woodruff hall. ' i this Is an absolutely necessary ss conducted .so far. Note how P I,. , , i Back in 1887, about 1,000 conies work remaining on all but ona pieea i4eel «n44af bar ntaka ihert cllenta. Who had bualneaa w-ith the to ‘think'lip a name." much more we've been getting so Mrs. Hazel 'M'ells is general begin. Cauaewey St.. B'ston. goveViunent. .and' tell what he did. Church, Mrs. Brown receivef) informstion to know- New wood poles are beihg set | of the forms were printed. Thfl.' building at the local site, which it werl a( laws wewlsf, CeH lsf Donovan adds that Rlsenhower j far from ,X-:rsys ss compared with I chairman of the affair, wwhile now for the lights along the area..I clerk Issued one in April of this Maximum aafety precautions The engineers plan to ask bida I Thia Qiottner haa refused to do up dusty rose lace gown with while h„n,an belpga. If so. then we John Medlund will serve as toast- off Keenay St. south of the Garden will be taken when Army Nike Iwlfbt it adjndeblt (ram H " ta finally concluded that "hta heat I ccea.soi tes and a pink corsage. | ingenious enough to collect bombs. Because of the poor lighting pres- ! year, leaving six on hand, Strawberry Fete on conetructlon of eevera) groups I'/s". Medal are menatad ea a $* -T Deluxe to pow, saying it would be unfair hope’of attaining his goals was to ! master. Mrs. Lucille Mahoney Is Grove. personnel take over the areas. Ex- of single unit dwellinga of two and | 3 Mr^ Pettigrew wore a blue gown ently available In the downtown ] The form issued tn April was tha r ^ — ent a 14" iwstb. Real is to the cliehts. ' 7. It." But the academy says it Is con­ plosivea and fuel will be stored un­ persevere In trying to give the Re- v/lln .while secesaoriea and pink ; in charge qf decorations. area, the clt.'- began atudying the j first one thg clerk had needed in The Wexler Cohatruetton Co., three bedroom design. eqnleped wHb bell and m m McClellan aafd he .has talked I.,est you have the Ides that reo- cerned about the possibilities of in­ Listed for Bolton derground, and Are flghting equip­ bMr- piihllcan parly a new viewpoint enrsage. creased exposure as the atomic age possibility of Installing the fixtures 10 years. which waa contracted to build both The contracts will he a\-'arded I iofi im t Miy eperatien. Selld aest with' Chotlnfr by. telephone, and ognizea'ble genetic damage could­ the Manchester and Olaatonbury ment and personnel trained to use that the Beverly Hl|la lawi'ei- "has and a new romplexion.'' ...... When leaving for a wedding trip n't show up for centuries, look si advances- end It has cslled fc»r the Auto makers expect America to some time ago, I’leetlng with power j A capias ad leattficandum la an for whole defense areas. In the tree wkceli bare rebber (Iras. Super-Cuehidne MrClellan says his interest In if, Toronto, <'ans>ls. the biide «rt: tian Bervice at United Methodist Olaatonbury launching area, three tniastles. aubpoena.s have been issued. Donovan was given access to. se-1 white accessories Tlie couple will At present, shunt two per rent tonbury and the control site In n et cabinet minutes and other data be at home to llieir friends after Church, Bolton, will be served Sat­ units are nearing completion and The New Bna'Iand Division of Leak aswMdl Yea aeata 3wgta to newt tba 19fd aHa elfl- •'Cho|lner. he ssid,' Imaisled on of all babiea born In the United urday. Not only Will the event fes- Army ^ g in eers will hold a public Mancheater, 128 units will be built. of a kind which the adminlalration June 29 at 6 Oirlhinoie Dr.. Weel Stales have genetic defects caused work la progressing on launching Thirty-two of those units will be tag aa tbnsa OaadyMn. They're preferred by ear mobasa handing the papers to the. aub- ture Bolton strawberrie.'- in a apparatus itself. conference a*. 9:30 a.qi. Thursday commlttee rather than to tta staff has refused to turn rwer to his Hartford. , by nsliirsl rsdioMctivlty In the en- built in Glastonbury. Tha Army Tbay'rs tapn with mataeieui Aad nairta yadr ebaase la poa subcommittee, , The groom served two years In .1^ luscious shortcake, but the cake Both areas have beep fenced In at the Manger Hotel, Boston, to Iniwstlgators. , vipanment and possibly other na­ discuas housing at Nike aites. reportedly wants to acquire prop-1 lbaa( aa yoar Mr soa, at aaiaUadiag aavbias. OMta^deel World Wsr II, in Geriusny, snd tural causes. Itself will be homemade by mem- and completely cleared of trees. ; bers of (he society. The building on tot highest levdt At the conference, the engineeri erty owned by Mra Mery T. Rich­ bis—gat Oisdyisr’nfllm qaaSty S-T DtaLaae Sofsea is .now a member of the West Pnaalble NlliisUnns \ mond, 608 8. Main St. That prop-, A buffet lunch and social will fol­ Mias Doris Skinner who is at the local site, which will house will work up th'-final crltaria for ISadhbOi at them law prises oM e tkt Isle b Oaf 8 m oa K o r k v i l l e Hartford Fire Department. Mrs. Now, If the sex glands of man­ arty, on the saat side of Manehaa-1 low. ; chairman of toe event hns an­ radar and other Nike equipment, bid prc^aali to permit bidders to add aws aa Tabebm or Yobe-Typa. Rvenls Tonight Pettigrew attended local schools kind w-ere subjected to a "doybling ter Rd„ is about 10 acrea, which i snd \/l employed by Ssge-Allen chise" of man-made radiation — te nounced there will be two aittinga, overlooks Mancheater, Hartford present standard housing ' plant, \NeMi Jud^e Set A ham and strawberry supper 'j, at 5:30 and 6:30 p.n.. Mrs. W. Ar- and other diataht areas. including the latest conventional begins about 7(0 to 300 feet south | will be held at Rockville Baptist snd Co. that is, sn amount suflicient to of the town llifa. The bride's gtftUj) her matron of nold McKinney will be in charge An artesian well la being drilled precutting and custom-built ihoua- Church, sponsored by the Women's produce harmful genetic muta­ Neighbors have objected to con­ W H E B IA M tW \ To Start Duties honor was s pearl necklace and tions equal in number to those of the kitchen and Mra. Myrcdi at the local site.. In provide water Ing, when bids are taken on con­ Both Bbck 4«>-A may he otolslned si the door. ir being taken by Mra. John Ertck- Rbckville. June i7 (Spensli — •Hie annual Junior choir picnic gloom's gifts to his ushers snd born to Americans now living, pos­ nesa, theatrical and liocial leaders Atty.\Fr»ilcis T. O'Loughlln will best man were leather wsllels. sibly 200,000 of them would have i- J aon and Mra. .Michael Goldanider. Statue of Cohan yeeterday announced plana to erect Sidewall on SALEk beepmV'Judfe of Ciy(> Court Mon- of First Lutheran Church will be Deaths Last Night SovG yoMT ha^p*voG Wdo (Dooi vtwoA* held at 3:30 p.m. •s, a 376,000 statue of Cohar.' In Duffy hamew tar.lswe end terdaa. Cam- diy., filing a'Vacancy caused by Slight Accident ONE IN SIX FINED ' -Set on Broadway Square at Broadway and '6th St. Coitvuleiil Ionite a$hwm$tMw$tUyi the realimaUdn of A tty. Robert J. City Police investigated a slight "It's time Broadway gave ita New York, June 27 i/n—Borle Rgeon 'M*I 1. . •• accident tail night; but thade no - I Salem, Ore. (A**—Secretary of eternal regards to the man 'who Vermont, 63, head of the foreign | Atty. O'Loughlln received a New York, June 27 (FI—A's'.atue •ang 'Give My Regards to Broad- veralons department of Twentieth- commiaalon from Oov. A. A. Ribi-' arrest. ' Stale Earl T. Newbry reports that They said about $100 damage SPORT smrs ".!tone out of every six automobile of the late George 37. Oohan will a’ay,' ” said committee ehalmian Century-Fo? FlUn"“ 'Cbrp-. d*»<> I coff. yesterday, appointing him to be erected in the heart of the Great t'sear Hammeratein n , the show-' Monday. He was born In Rusna. the Judgeship until July, IB.IT, He was done when a milk truck driven . ( drivers in Oregon paid flnea last by John Splelman. West ftif,, El­ ’ ■ year for traffle lailv violaiions,. White Way he celebrated In the man. 'T has aaked Associate Judge Jolfh song. "Give My Regards to Broad­ Cohan, wlio waa an actor, dram- About 36 ;per cent of Americaivi I U S E O U R EASY PAY PLAN L. Moran to administer Ihe oath of lington. sldeswlpert a pai^ked car i He said the' total of 129,064 was belonging to John Kupchunoe. fn hoys ' slightj(,’ higher than the flgurc for way." • atlat. composer, director, singer over 66 years old have no income | efflee at the regular court session A conimittee of prominent' buei- and producer, died Nov. 6, 1942. of their own. Terms as low as S i 2 s a \N E E K ! Monday morning, after which he Windermere VillAge, Ellinglon. 1914. will take over his new duties. ' The aretdent occured on East Neighborhood Group Eleels St. near the Roosevelt Mills at Mrs. Mary French has been about 11:20 p.m. Splelman told po'- itBim -A-Rm A COLORS elected chairman of the -Tumble llce he was bll(i,ded by jighta from SUMMER TRAVEL SPECIALS FOOD SPOILED? Brook Neighborhood Group of an oncoming car and'pulled loo Vernon, afflllated with the Exten­ far to the right, striking the Ssve The Goodyear Way lu sion Serv'ice. Also elected were piirked vehicle. WATCH This Hufe 11 Cu. FL GE Refriferator Mra. Mary McDonald, vice chatr- Office In llnee manpMrs. Mary Mecca, secretary; The State Labor Department WARDS Mrs. Pauline Farr, treasurer; snd said today the Rockville office will HIGH ALLOWAHCES OH 824-828 Mrs. Ellen Rowe, publicity chalr- he closed July I. The.nffice will be m 4ft msn. open Tueedsy Inslesd. MAIN ST. InstallBtina Slated Extras! Chock our Iffiwoftt •The Women of the Moose will All^ Talent I vllle and A'jernnn p r k c ft Install recently elected ofllcers news'llema are nnw being handled Saturday a t' 7;30 p.m. at the thrniigb; The Manehealer F.veiling Moose Club, it yeas announced to­ Herald Rnekville Riireaii. Ineated N day. George Minor, governor of at 7 W. Main .HI., telephnne TRe- • MT 1954 snd 1955 MODELS the local lodge, will be In charge. mnnt S-SI86. Fraoeblscd dodder ON THE WerM’i lightMt TV-only 32 Iba Takd it upMain, dojhi- ■toln, all around the houie. Goee to the office, that turn- InfltoEofloe BLAIR'S LITTLE SHOP LASTEX SWIAASUITS ntar eottofo, baek to lehooL G-E fuahty features inehide locludodJii pMrleo ru t |ad cabinet, big ecreen, built-in antenne, two-way MANCHESTER .SHOPPING PLAZA - EA.ST CENTER .ST ‘Wtarferenea protaction. Dynepowar apeakar. Buy it for " - - -J-..] ■ ^ yoorealf—and ■■ a wendarful gift. ^ Froo florvico leay tereis evellable — Mheee erdnrt nccnfitMl. Cottons whh lastex pohtios MODEL! U fllN REG. $149.95 5-yoor guoremtoo 4 Reduced * ir D2!!!!l. America*s Favorite Car Can Be Yi^urs At Lowest Cost $ 139.95 POLO SHIRTS $1.50 .4nd Up UAW Sties 4 20. riVTT down to DONT MISS GOLF, RACING or BASEBALL' Ju$t Look A t These N E W C A R Prices AT THE BEACH! GO O-E TV.! FAN SPECIALSf r SPORT 6.1 IMN Fii tre- iiiiiwll SHIRTS D E L U X E 2 1 0 ' . * ' -^e-r B E L A I R / - -- ■ A Sizes,4 fo 20. , 1 ’• ' • awtaaallcaltyf Itar aaalag aaatalL M tat ‘ ■ * .'4 ■ha Oaratadat seekst gif die isae ilaa fl f . " 2-DOOR SEDIAN Wkta taaparaterg. itaa., tan fwai nsalf $1a95 AhiTUp $2202.30 $2315.30 GALLON JUG , ON. Wbaa tawpergtare drepa tan Iwaa PICNK KE CHEST Mm H o n . H'l partabla, tavarilblia and 4-DOOR SEDAN Att-lamkmm wki 3j|.9S> $1Q.95| aparetaf at 3 ipaada. O di fsard prstaali $2245.30 rw . If \ ^ ^ . • $2358,30 "Asree/rre” /Arer . ktrmgM teU J ■ ; . r. Sneari. Vntadfyi 3300 asbk taal ^ ob —V' • » N l-aat-. ' N^tondly odvMlistd 12.9S Rm m barafoeat er (eedt hat sr 2-DOOR HARDTOP rale far kavn at a tiaa. Caa- . Raiitfariad watarprMf chSil wtiti aiaerMn *59“ Whilt t«l»ctiR9 shirH pick $2353.30 $2466.30 plaMy raa-prMl.^wifk ribraelat ..da»kla-lt>iclirikraflniinivlaM U.vlafiaa. UfM aad aary ta amry. aidins Irey, Mtlal grain, eng boNla l u tailed Sirtn stylt — fpundotioii fit apanar. MtsHiTM 21* s 1 0 's 12' vatuf a fxiir of "Dickie" chiRos Otaaaiiii|7bndaaftd Ial.k. - /'J $2407.30 4-DOOR HARDTOP^. - $2520.30 Stdson’s ntwist colors, 32-38 or dungarees. j GaL 3-WAY % 6. E. lu n 4-DOOR STATION WAGON PORTABLE RADJOI ’ ' CIRCUUTIN6 FAN $2555.05 . $2774.05 Hare’s on ieacapHonal twin suit sola yeu can't . I" ' • . ' a ' miul Iby lagi. iheertM, bloomer sfylai—oN $ 2 ^ . 9 5 IMi MWfdv dadfitad drodetar k n eedy with floating brai, smooth flgura control. hta taaalaeaa Upper lea palt ak deWB SWIM TRUNKS and SNEAKERS , - y ■ Suita that head the oqua^ porodol Ono * suit won't moke o soaien—hurry in, got ONLY 38.10 DOW.V 31.25 A WEEK WILL COMPETE HIS SUMMER WARDROIE youri el Words big sovingi new I . ^ : ★ . ★ ■ • / . i^^oVe o^ote^^m, vMwe m t deggnf end Satan. Ibraa W ed awntb taOM. Iriae. la tarmwwy .fallaa. taed rsfalatai ek Sow. Na TV er radta kleta, DOUBLE S&H Green Stamps A U CARS COMPLETELY EQUIPPED WITH lA D IO , HEATCR. > (erance. aw* apaaiae ewbimf. nnltkad In darn* *59“ DEFROSTERS. SIGNAL tIGHTS .and AIRPOAM CUSHIONS Wf fctaclu Abe araltabta la eabraakabla aNOINM Given With Cash Sales - teawOm VteW ennftw tea rvoevf ^tateoaeo ' a e ole B e A A tA ti O fld-w *>•*»■ dlpaify blpSar. baapftaMlIy ctaor taM. VAtUf /. STORE OfEN ALL DAY MONDAY. JULY 2 STORK HOURS: F R E E CLO$ED WEDNESDAY. JULY 4 ' 8:30-5:30 Carter Chevrolet Co., Inc. Thur*. Until 9 P A R K IN O . A T R E M I (Photographed from stock—aboveFAMOUS / ' Your outhorisod Ckovrolot doolor for ovor 20 yoors. $8.98 “GREENTREE”.da^vtim'e dress in all Bizes.-lO to f-'-X'. SiHVICI STORI n$MAINnuEBT 2 0 , to 24* g. See this and many other new summer CEHOttSEsSON Manchdoieiv—TeL Ml t-SS90 O F l f O R k eettona—^from $3.98 to $17.98. N e . s = = = a . j 3 n MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER . Mlteholl 9.S290 -J- -WE OIVE OEEBlt STAMPS. mmma^^KMa^MMBiMMmaamBM^m , Open'Daily 9 to ft—'FridayAitd Saturday 9 to 9 - • h '■ . a n i l IH M I , 1 ' . ^ I i i m ‘ -V '( I

! / ■^4 . J '. <; I -I'. ■ t t- .‘'ki i T> ■\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. C0NN„ WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 1956 PAGE THIRTEEN MA^HESTEH EVElilNG HERALDj MANCHESTEE, OOMN, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 19B» FACE TWELVE Marine Recruiter . J o iB S F ir m iz: cloaed during the day. Ufa capilal the ho’me''and freedom from being Mouse to acco|n,ancs of-the axtra and Tampa. Fla., New Torje. Costa exiled except by court sentence. Takes Enlistments billion dollars'^ Air Foret money. Invasidn Plot lUca, Pgnama, Ouatamala - and .was cut off from contact with the A governme n,.t statement Before UrpMaad its version of the several Cuban cttlaa."hey turned reel of tiip country when comn'uni- charged "elemenia trying to over­ . Mahon bll), It w a s te d . on *a hne-sided over to the Interior Ministry docu­ catio^ employes widked off their throw p\ibllc order. . . are develop , T.SgL Mitchell J, Benbenek, lo­ Voice vote a move by Rep. Floody B y Exiles Seen ments they aalR indlckted the jobs. Ihg a lubveralve plot, and commit­ cal AtariiM Recruiter, announced (D-Fa/to add $1 billion. mosUy^ . tluotatlMB Funlahad By p lo tte r receiver# material aid Pable „oompanies maintained ting outragea' against. IV* end, today that ha ia now accepting from cLmmunlats. . appUaatlona for enlistment iitto rocuramant of /. interemi- Cabnni B MkMlabroek. lac. skeleton ataffa t- handle meHSges property.'" , ■ Force Funds Hike ital B83 je t bombers. ✓ BaakAtMlts In Guatem ala M exican' fedqgal police aaid the' abroad, but service'vaa delayed tha U..8. MarinaCorps for tha Bid Asked conspiracy's leaders .were Fidel and the'ra was no delivery of incom.- coming months. BgL Bcnbsnek also atatas that WsdtiBCton Jun« 27 (^>»—R«p.tfundi 'VoUd by thf Houm andsno / First National Bank Castro, a fugitive from a 10-year Ing cabiM. Telephone service was S t’RVIVAL REPORT $463,000 to thoaa voted by of Mancheiiter...... 28 >34 (Coariunod from Pag* Orie) Cuban sentence for leading a 195$ balteir here. Public utilities oper­ 'Holden Vine. Okie. iF) —The any man who ia quallfled can JCnhon (DrTtoc) A id today Uiat be- ““/fB ' nic Plague ‘Hartford National revolt' against Bat)sta,'v and nanaa the date of his enllaUnant In io n ba adviaat tbt Houm whelhar House for the Navy. . ated under police guardi. drivet walked away from this ac­ Sen. Bridcas (R-NH) sought/to Bank and Tpist Co. 30 . 82 ' two years ago. He ovarthrdw Com­ Ih-nesto Guevara Sams, an Ar­ Much of the violence -was di­ cident reported by the Oklahoma tha Mariass. He eleo w’lahea to to aecopt nMriy an axtra |l bil- K ili^C alifornian Conn. Bank and munist-backed President Jaeobo gentina who went to Mexico from emphaatae that the opportunities lioa for tba Air forca he wanU to add half a billion to E iaan h o \^ 'i rected against buses and street­ Highway Pftrol: ^ . Air f'orce requests in an cmioiis ‘Trust Co. . ...». 32'4 35>/4 Arbena Gusman. Guatemala aftei’ the fall of tpe llhe car went oui of . control, are numerous for tha high school RE-4/ chack on whethtf the Pentafon cars which ^tempted to.maintain move .-to stall off tha la r g ^ boost Uancheater Trust ... 65 ’ ■ Communist-supported government scheduled until midday. One major trav^ed 390 feet and Jumped a graduate ia the United States Ma­ will uaa it Fire Insurance 4>>mpaalea rina'Ckirpa. Tha Sanate, on a «-4(^ vole, de recommended by the Senate Ap. Sen Francisco, JuiM 27 iW - Bu­ New Arrests in Cuba of President Jaeobo Arbena Gut­ clash occurred in front of the -pen- 12-foot ditch, went on another 228 ^ina oaneie. I proprlations Committee addI babacked bonic plague was confirmed yes­ Aetna Fire ...... 6;» 68 man. The police aald Guevara Ser­ IteqdUry. ' where demonstrators feel and, tore out a 75-foot stretch Tha Marlaaa offer a 6-monlh, 2- elded yesterday that ^estd t Democratic Ica^rahip. Hartford Fire ...... ISO 160 Havana, Cuba, June 27 (Ah—TTie na also had been involved) In po­ year, 3-year, or 4-yoar tour of terday as the csluaa of the death wave of arrests of alleged plotters were'Stoning buses. Police fired of fence. ' \ ' Etaenhon’cr had not budget^, wu beaten 47-48 ^th tljree Of Andrew' Sakacs, 43, ofJPort National Fire ...... 127- 1.‘I7 litical movements In Panama arid warning volleys in thq air, then Then the car broke a power-line duty to quallfled young man. Oth­ enough asoney to build up U. S. ^ong

Chooie several from this bright gb(gxy of short- .sleeved styjes In celer-drenehed cotton foibHcs-*—oil cut for comfort. Completely washable— c o ^ stay- fresh tht^ugh ceuntlaM tubbingi. Quick to wash and dry, toe— need just e few strokes of cm iron. . / Connon wovtn stripo BEACH TOWEL ONE DOLLAR! Savings on fiiio-fobric shirts Usuol 22.50 Htddon •a- ■ < ' COTTON PLAIDS, Usually 2.49 ...... 1.37 35x68 inclit^^f fluffy ttrryl Yes, one dollar extra buys s. n o is WAEH 'N ' WEAR "G IN A " Cloth, Reg. 2.49 .,..1.99 Thick, jumbo both sheets for use R H Cast Rod regular 12.95. Hollywood Head- RATISTE. Sp'deed-Print Sheen, Usuolty ...... 1,64 . after shqwan end swims.' Pesh- board with the purchase of FANCY KNITS, Usually 1.9.8. Washable.'...... 1.19 lon’i newest cembinatien of eel-- COTTON SKIPDENT Shiiis . .>. New reduced... .99c •n -^ c c e n t for your beach ces- any’ twin m attress and box D A C R O N *-C O T T O N Knits, Usually $1...... 79c spring set. ; ' 5-5'A fk Rght ocHon ./ .-1 / seEd gloH '-red- wftb-. chremo guides, urbolay TO EVERY PERSON WHO'S A RORN , . RARGAIN HUNTER («m I who iM 't!) tip. 6uy a t bif saving I

'Gold Bond mnttrcao or box spring. Medium flrih. JQ year. ' .Merte twin stoe 89”.‘ Cdmplete gonranlM. .Fhll or" twin rise; HoUywoed, bed. 00 R«9. l .irKRM^Hi Beg. a.93, Reg. MAS. .Sale., Bate ' 36.00 - f . ' Strateh Maih N ^ o n t Cumberland Sleepy 'lItVaa.' Odd boa spring. Full or twin Plaid cover wjth plUbw bolster. 5.98 Picnic 8otktt $4 Tradt-!n Allowona on ^ 59.50. ^ ^ M Soron Plottic Cor Soot Covtrl £ : * " " " 29.00 Fully bistolltd— Rwg. 21.45 wHli flttingsfor 4 Ail Wlntor Kiiig Botttrios Kaatwet„ poaturized Tot 'n Wet prodf smooth top mat- Winlor King guerenteM range from 2'A to 5 full Teen Youth Bed. '*VA |C A Fetite, Avg, ’tau. AAedem lottke pattern oLwoven ploi- tresf;'Reg. lt.95. 3 9 3 yoorsi All Wj^ler King Roltaries tqudi or oxcood ont- Beg. 89A0. Sale / . 9 V Mc in c b ^ e of colorfotl rqdj.blue or pdea capacity of original oquipmant bottariss. Avail­ green. Finseel (artificial leather) trim. Pearlwick Hampers. Your Mapir RookraM Headboatd. Also in Taller Modes. able in 6 and ]2-vell typos to 6t any cor In town. cheloe of floor samples. As­ » with framr, fu lro r twin size, Only you will knew the Tough weed splint bos- sorted sizes. Beg. A A ^g 4995 34 5Q d')fference,when 15-da- kat eomplata with plastic 8J8 to lOBflrPale W a U U 1 ' nier, 60 gouge Nylons' dishes, rustproof steal' IHtb Beys' 2-Pc U BAN A SITS step ot your kpeasi Elas­ Mm Io dmet Four drawers fabric SKIPS for comfort, ocqnomyl . cutlary. 21 gl 1 a 11-In. ssMIi nsetal hardware to match La-Z-Boy Chair with "otto- tic top holds them up, -y - . matte" footrest. I I A ' C A for iummsr R A Y or DRESS-UP bed above. without garters. Neat r Beg.44.M. Bale W 7 . 7 9 Beg. 129,66. Sale* 1 1 1 7 - .^ W ' ^ ligh^tight'^long-wooring Crisp, cool celton or linen-like looms; new tones. Claaeic stylee for all the fam­ Group of Table I-amps. reyens. Nevajty printed shirts, ily, SO right, for sport, rasiiel wear. Brown, blue, others. r-» 18.95 i S . O O suspandfr shorts. .'Sizes 2-4. REG. to $10.99 VALUE Complttt Spin Outfit With elostic boxer shorts, 3-6x. Boys’ and Men's, Sj i'H ■ 'T-aS 7.95 Imto-Litt lonttrn liglt spin Tackk box netare Light with $ wa.v Dozens and dozens of versatile atyles, including dresses uiuolly 12.75 asyUch. Beg. 1.98. T C$ C New shipment ef A A M fdY summer, for travel,- for da.vtime, for afternoon and Ughts bstently. Fras- compact, spiliproof Bale / d V D after five wear! Choose from the finest cotton fabrics Pln-l,^ Lamps..From A alrJ# surtx^d fuel In throw- 639 •5. e in solids, checks, prints, plaid.s, in a variety of light and Rayon MESH Britfi PoihM STRARESS Bro I’s Fabric Oxford dark shade.s. Size.s for juniors, misse.s and women. jj ojvoy con bums 6 hrs. , usuali NOTICE: t 7 .9 6 Under-cup wiring for 1 A A WE WILL CLOSE FOB VArA'nONtKTAR’nNG JULY .2nd for summtr comfort for Uisurt woo^ NEW SUMMER 4A8 THBOCGHAJLY nth. OPEN JULY 12th. „ the finest fit yeull find. I# #0 6 '2 ‘' solid gloss spin rod. 4lrayt,iUMCtiom;holds A-l-G cups, 32 to 40. m conoN , ^ - n Anti-raveno, fuN spin White Wordf Softty Flom . Iota of goor, St)ollad BLOUSES real. 200 yds. 6-lb, lino. hook'n'Ioadorlioldorla Roilteod typo, 20- ^ - - 3 Airox lures. Rd. AH inofoL Orooa. PR. 2.69 (M id's Oxford 3.9S adn. fuso. Rosist 3 m. Q v ^ H O i V A R D ' S Meeh knit for aheorb- , ^ , Men! Hsre^s light, cool aiolsluro, drying. eney: elasHe leg style -A great buy at this for. _ freedom. \ SIcee comfort os you wont HI f low’salo pricel hi rad 2.44 SoiR euMiian crepe seiet. ' aiacEir caarM t a-M-u.'' 2 for’B " 3CIi else ...... *)$8e or bhw fobria § la^iM t t aoem. bhw. SIm 6-12. HfMAMfr. ‘ 'HI 94311 w \ t • ■' 1 . f TT . ,S( y ."3*?.■ -.y v - i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,* WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1966 Paget IS to 28 FACE FOUETEEN JffianrlirBtrr lEuTnitt^ If^ralb wrist, weift up through the center danced under a eroobar only • of the parachute to a cutting de­ Hoi Boyle Inches from the The moat Atom^Age Thrills with Hot Air vice which, when Jerked, severed PINE famous Limbo artist, however, is the rope to the balloon and (trop­ Findell lalrodueM Wright to Gavel ] Directors Approve Ordinance . "Stretch” Wilcox, who la six feet i c the man and parachute REXALL fHARMACY Parties Wait Tax Payaeats Dsb Board Finds three and has gone under a bar at groundward. A aandbag on top of ‘10,000 People Can’t 10 inches. He has the widest-fol- the balloon thcA ovartumad the Tax Oolleetor. Paul Cervini Changing Start of Fiscal Year IcqaTing because he mixes comedy balloon, letting the remaining today ieaued a reminder that Two Willing, with his gyrations. ' aFor Decision the second payment on the hot air out, and, the ball09n’ fell Biologicall ! Moneywisr, the beat of Limbo earthward.' Sick Room Supplisi 1#5« tax la due July 1. Tax­ The Board of Directors laa.t night 4tha same observation about Mra. limbo Like Me’ dancers at present hardly threat­ "I've landed on almost every­ Cotmttics Oh Demurrer payers have 30 day* after that To Buy La nd I voted-an ordinance which changes Natalie McIntosh, another absent ens to break Into the Fred Astaire thing,” he says. That Includes Sstent Medicines in which to.pay before interest I the fiscal year from an Aug. 15 Director. class. They have no difficulty stay­ the back of a horse hitched to a SUNDAYS -.• A.M TO a P M begins accruing on the un­ Ths Bohrd of Directors found It- i beginning to a July 1 start. Turklngton also expressed ths Trtal4«l. B.W.T. Th« i«- bar gels lower and lower, the danc­ ing marvelously slim. They don't buggy standing in front of a No dsdaion «m the demurrer in paid portion of the tax at the self in the dilemma last night of i Th* vote in favor was unani- opinion that if Director Pascal Poe tlvM hW€ hav« * wre curt for tx- er has to spread eagle hU legs mous. The six members of the had been at Friday's meeting he earn enough to eat themselves out church on Sunday morning. MAMCNItTia the suit by Bherweod O. Bowera rate a half of one cent a having two willing buyers for th# c«M w eig h t. They Juit Umbo U farther apart as he shuffles for­ of shape. One of Gaines' most spectacular against the town hhd been ren­ month. tame piece of property at L«ve Board present were Directors Her- would back the chance. ward. his deUcatety balanced body A folklore scholar here esti­ feats was the shooting of fire­ M itchell dered at deadline today, although Cervini also noted that no Lane and Center St. ry Flrato, Gilbert Barnes, Walter Prepwrlng Budget The Uaibo should be sweeplnf end head bent backward like a mated that ranking Limbo dancers works from his aerial trapese on 9-9114 lawyers In the cate held out some bill i. sent for the second pay­ Both are eager to bu,v the land i Mahoney, Vernon Hauschlld, Phil­ General Mana;;er Richard Mar­ the United SUtes. I'll jruarnntee weaving cobra. in the best Trinidad night club* a Fourth of July night. hope that the decliioii would be ment. The only tax bill la the at the appraised price of $1,400. | lip Harilaon and Harold A. Turk­ tin la now preparing a budget for. that any gtfl who practices the Thrdance puts a tortuous strain earn less than $30 a week take- handed down and the trial on the one mailed in starch. The Directors authorised Gen- j lngton. ’ the coming fiscal period which Umbo for aU weeks will have a M4 eiMTfe IT. MAMcmme ■tarta Aug. 15. The Directors must on'Ieig, stomach and back muscles. home pay. WOULD pAM EBB merita of the suit might stj(rt. eral Manager Richard Martin , to j Approval of the change Is a re­ waistline ak supple as a ftshl^i Before each effort the dancer To a vialtpr, however. Limbo The counsel wapts (o get the sell the land at that price plus the | versal of an. earlier decision, by approve a b-jdget for that 10 ' 4- wiorm. (Bather that or the be I month fiscal interim before Aug. loosens his body in wild leaps in dancing holds some wonderful poa Richmond. Va. (Sh—Chesterfield ease tried before the summer court '$30 apjfraisal cost. Martin indi­ the Boarff.'and ends weeks of dis­ in the hostltal with a mystified tune w ith a steel bend as he chanU aibllitles as an export to the session ends at 5 p.m. Friday. But, cussion of the matter marked by 1C. • doctor murmurln*. ‘'Malami how, County would like to dam the ebb cated he felt -that Raymond Ma-j his challenge to the other dancers: United' States. Not .lust to thin In water bill payments. Us BoaHl although Judge George Conway in About Town honc.v. who flrstHisked to bu.v the j inability of th* Director* and the The Directors have decided, in­ did you ever get yourself tied up "I want somebody to Limbo like down our overweight dames either. Superior Conrt for Hartford Coun- land, ahould be given the firat op- manager to come to an under­ formally, to collect about 3/Sths like a pretselTl” of Supervisors asked Its member me -Limbo. Limbo. Limbo like me! It could turn out to be a real of the Legislature to offer a bill . tv Is ready to hear th* case, It can- portunit.v, to buy It. standing about what the cost of the coat of operating the L'uvern- Wliat is the Liihbo ? It Is an an­ "But 10.000 people can't Limbo exciting new craxe. for the Ameri­ giving the water system a lien on n o l^ o jn unUl Judge John fitte r klondav in Mt. Mahoney wanted the land so the Chang* would b* to the tax­ •ment for that period in direct taxes cient African resembling the like me - Limbo, Limbo, Limbo like can teenager, It might even take property superior to all other in­ reportedly loaded down with Iwt Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. that he could move a house onto ; payers. sometime eariy In 1967. “The re­ h irt Jump. But instead of leaping me!" his mind off rock 'n' roll for terests. mlnuta motions, dscides on a de-, q „ ” jSS Parker 8t. it if he succeeded in submitting the , Several Directors admitted they maining 2/5tha will be borrowed 0%’er the crossbar, ypu dance under Once he-starU under the cross change--and who's agstpat that murrer high bid (or the house ow-ned b y ' were .confused about the change. paid back.,over six years. It, each time lowering the crossbar bar, however, the dancer hiis no The demurrer waa filed by Atty. Ralph Wethetell Jr., son of Mr. the State on W. Middle Tpke.' At ah informal meeting Friday, a Sometime after the budget la nearer to the floor. You wear energy for anything except hlS'Owm FOR REAL THRILLS - Milton Gaines ehows how he rod* on trapese Thurston Greene.. attorney for co- and Mrs. Ralph Wetherell. 230 where that highway is now being 'new explanation by General Man­ approved, the Board will deternina nothing but a swim suit and dance strained conlortfonc. Oddly enough, .WRONG NL'.MRER under hot air balloons. defendants In the case. Deming St., was one of four Con­ widened. The high bid, $2,653.13. ■ ager Richard Martin appeared to the mill rate for that early 1957 barefooted. despite its seeming monotony, the A demurrer is a motion which necticut 4-H Club members to st- however, was submitte

UANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1966 PAGE SEVENTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1966 even though the Californian* did dumping rubblah ai the town Laglaa at tha Owvtntry iaM t»> Benton Hill; Mra. Bteve Urain. motrew night at 6:80. run mit of their champagne before uniforms. BIx othera war. taken Andover Bunkar^'Hm and Rt. 6 west; Mra. roaAi.la. BomberSBon waa alao tha ar- Coventry * CoPtntry Arabs in U.N. Seek prisonci.. resting officer In this eaae. Tha Fireballs are sehadiUed ta LecturHr on BankinK thing* had well got underway. Henry Parklngton, Hickory Hill play Carlaon’a Diggers at Wright's Jaycees Whoop It Up There were plenty o6'Otfc*r refreah- Apottier M rebels were killed Court Cases and AiqSnwall Dr.; Mra. Andrew Eerie Skinner, Skinner Hill Rd;. near Montagnac, north of nemcen, Sale Will Benefit field tonight at 6:80 In Hm ment*. Debate on Algeria Gasper, Andover Center end He­ waa charged with maintenance of Apsessm^ts Set Navy Frogmen late yeaterday. At Hamia. west of a motor vehicla Junkyard. He waa game of the first round of tha The Jaycees llperalty sprinkled TIemcen. 16 others were killed. Un­ James Madden, no certain ad- Church Society bron Rd. to Boston HlU Rd.; Mra. Little League. (OsaUnsed fr s « Page Oae) Joseph Remeech J r . Hebron Rd. fined $20. with Judgment ' , By HbusiAg Units At Annual Conclave gaatronomic dcllghta with beauty. Push Hunt for official reports said students fiem drata, waa glvtn 80 days In the suspended to Jilly SO, by which There vk'era'Mf** America. Sharon tha Moslem University of TIemcen County Jail by Judga Waaley C. from Boston HlU Rd. west; end Manchealer K v aalag NeeaM flghUng, Its eausee and possible Andover, June 27 (Special)— Mre. J. R\issell Thompson, Long time all 'Junk automobilea must Oovantry June 27 (Special) Two Kansas City, Jun# 27 (^ —Th#' dlgloua arrangemants waa Nawton Kay Rltchl* ot Colorado; Mias IJrowned Man who had gone over to the rebel side Gryk in Town CJourt today on i Th# Catholic Ladlea' Soclcv/ o» St. be removed from the yard. Ths ar­ Andover earreapondeat, Mra. Paul private houaing davalopmants in B ^ a r, mamlier of th* Kansas City Alaska, and five or aU -other remedies. chargt of intoxication. Hill Rd. and vicinity. PfaasUehl, telephaae, Pngrim Jaycees turned a humdrOm June held out In fortified hill poaltlons Columba’s will hold a food sale resting officer waa Thomas town have voted to aaaeas proper­ eveninii Into New Tear's Eva laat Jayca* chapter. Baker, a alendar, tltUhta Among th* bualeit was Onlv the Soviet Union and Iran for five hoiu’s. New Arrival 2-4866. Oovtntry. Jun« ,J7 tSpecial)— voted'to put tha gueetion on the Madden was arraited yesterday Saturday aftamoon at 2 o'clock Gauthier. ty owners at ths rata of two mills night, tossing a mammoth party mild-mannerad fellow with horn­ th* Jaycaea’ Ml** Kante* City, Nary fropntn ranrvad thatr French forces are trying to seal naar tha Nathan Hals School by In tha basement of St. Oolumba's A daughter waa born to Mr. and A New Britain truck driver. against the 1966 Grand List to rimmed glaasoe. bagan to look Ilk* Angie 8nooka,\ a eomely 24-year- council's agenda. Two ether mem­ Mrs. Harry Sehort. of lAks Road. which probably' was the biggest, •aareh for tha body of Alphonaa the Algerlan-Moroccan border Patrolman Walter Outamer, poUca (3iurch In Columbia. Jease Regiatar, waa found not mast ths coat of building and noisist, shindig this city ever a haraaaed housewife aa th* party old Yrana World Airline* hoate**. bers. NationaUst China and Yugo- against Infiltration of Moroccans June 4 at Hartford Hospital. She PlfUined t)olron. 43, Hartford, in Covrntry ala\-ia. abstained while seven mem­ aald. Mra. Arthur Pepin, Columbia, is guilty of folowing too clean In 'maintaining private roada. saw. approachad. , "ily feet hurt," ipld MIsa Laka today, but Flra Chltf Dalmar to the rebel eatuM. chairman of the svent She will be has been named laien Mae. Her traffic. Tha GarHd Park Assn, and th* "Eight thousand peopi* and a Sii'Mks, smiling.bravely. "I've'been bers voted against It. They were Fined 812 each, Hobart C. Rus­ maternal grandmother la Mra. Boms 7.800 people, give or take I Pottar bald llttla hopa for tucceaa France. BriUin. the United, States, Tha rebels were also reiwrted sell, 23, of Smallwood Trail, Cov­ assisted by the following ' com­ Elected %t Bbya SUte On Tennis Courts Waterfront Park Aasn. took this saatlng capacity of 2.600,” h* hosteealng since Sunday, greeting raiding In an area comparatively Mae C. Helmer, of East Hartford. a thousand. Jammed the huge' of tha ranture. Australia, Belgium, Cuba aiidf Peru, entry, waa charged with, pasting a mittee: Mrs. Brian Minslga, Mrs. Frank Verpirauakas waa clacted actidn at recent maatings. Tha as- iNuement fioor of th# one-block-; groaned. "Of course, w* expect oodles at delegations. I’va got 26 ITje dlvara. aummonad from tna new to them, the Aumale-Medea Marcella J . Bsreomb, Mias AnnI TTie sheepbsks commutes will third aelectman of the Imaginary ' sassment ia in addiUop to the reg­ them to mill.” kisse* from arjivig official*, and Iranian delegate DJalal Abdoh. rad light; and Brie R. Nisbot, 18, meet this evening at the Sports The first chlldrca's and taen- square municipal garage for varl- ! U.8. Submarlna Baae at Naw Lon­ who carried the ball for the rest of district southeast and southwest of Miliar,. Mra. Paul Jurovaty and to#ff of Lincoln, at the Nutmeg ager'a dances of tha season wltl ha ular town tax. i Mill about they did. In platoons at least 66 ktsse* from delegate* Algiers Itself. Fragmentary re­ of East Hartford, waa charged men's QUb at 6:30 to prepsrs the out treats offered oy state delcga- { don, aat up an air compraaaor on the Asian-Arab bloc, conceded in with operating a motor yehicle Mra. Francis Minor, of Andover; Boys' State at the University of held Friday evening at tha West Mrs. Burton Hansen will collect tlena to th* National Junior Cham­ and regiments--encouragad. If not who Juit felt like It.” y in g s ports told of five farms burned grounds for tha annual sheepbake a raft about noon- naar the apot advance that the French had with defective equipment. Mrs. Thaodora Sanden, Mra. Connecticut In Storra. Side Tennle Ckiurta. The children's tha Gerald Park asaessments and ber of Commerce Convention, actually blasted Into motion, by a On* parly Ilk* laat night's would where Dolron ia baliaved to have enough backing to, bar debate on near Medea and two Moslems slain. Maurics Bolstridge, and Mra. which will be held on Saturday af­ He Is sponsored at Boys' Stats Mra. Charlea JedraiewakI In Wa­ 70-pl*c* marching band. Other unconfirmed reports told Nollea wera entered in two caaea. ternoon. danca will begin at 7:80. They will —•The Arkansan* flew In 60 drums sseni to suffice Yor a generation, drowned and be*an a wide awaap the Algerian altuaUon. He warned, They wera those of Miss Eathar Louts Soracchl, of C^ilumbla; and by the KIwshls Club of WUllmsn- dance until 8:80 whan the taen> terfront Park. I o' fried chicken In chartered •'•We’v* been working on th# ar­ but not for th# exuberant Jaycee*. of 60 rObels killed In an operation PtMuls Guilty la Court uV, and la the non of Mr. and Mrs. «f the lake'a bottom. however, that the majority had Matchatt, 87, of 81 BIssell St., Mrs. J. A. Mslecky and Mrs. Bart ager's will take over and they will Th* Waterfront Park group ha* rangements for month*," Baker They'll stag* a complete repeat Chief Pottar callad-off drafclnc west of Constantine between Guel- Andrew Verprquakaa, of Boaton also elected William Redlund and | plane*. better' "ponder the consequences charged with a rules of the road NIcolo, of Hebron. In trial Justice court Monday danca until 10:80. The dances, ’ ,m tana dished up thousands of told a reporter. "And look kt it. performance tonight. ^ quality apporel for tots, oparatlona. which had been ear­ which Indifference om the part of ma and Ain Belda Annual Outing evening Walter Wroblinski, 19, Hill Road. Charlea Bauer truateea for three everything's getting her# at the ned on yeaterday and Monday violation; and James . C. Bampos Roast Planned which are conducted by the Recrea­ hot dogs. , . the council might have In all Afri­ Jr., 28, of Springfield, Mas Tha annual Mothers' (3ub outing Hebron Rd,. pleaded guilty to a tion Department, will be auper- yeara and .Frederick O. Blaaell, for Potato chips, cold cirtp, and very last moment." ^ nlfht. to allow tha bottom of tha can and Asian countries. * charged with parking on a curve. will be held July 11 at Knofis's on charge of operating a motor A hot dog roast la planned for vlsad by James F. Herdic Jr., su­ "two years. • other goodies were dispensed 95* MAIN ST. fa^ySf girls and subtuens the regular troop meeting of the , . The American Legion Auxiliary Somebody cam# up ^with th# to settle. ^ . "We have concluded,'' Liodge Cervini Elected The charges faced by the da (Columbia L«kc. A charcoal steak vehicle while his right to operate perintendent of recreation, Otarlea S. william Knight llterallv hv th* barrel-full. ■omber Information that a load of “‘Totter also apaculated that un- said, "that consideration by the dinner will be aerved at 7 p.m. was suspended. He was fined 1100 Mariner Girl Scouts July 4 at has purchased six syringes and Th# Californians served 25 caaea ■ derwater currenta may have car­ fendsnta were made as ths result the home of Mrs. Herbert Englert, Dougan and Pat Taylor. . , shrimp was froaan aoUd. ’ ruersWRliSl Security Council at 'this time Post Commander of auto accidents Juna 16 and 21, Reservations, payabM In ad­ by Justice Charles Nicholson, with’ Tha children's dances will In­ four dozen hypodermic needle* for N. William Knight, vice preai­ of champagne. I ried Dolron'i body away from the would not contribute to that solu­ 160 remitted. State Trooper Clif­ Columbia, th* Public Health Nursing Assn, Miisouri did lUalf proud with "Thaw ’em out," Baker snapped. * AT LOW PRIORS * respectively. Assistant Prosecutor vance, will be accepted until July clude the Hokey Pokey, the Bun­ dant of the Mancheiter Tiiiet Co., 1 "I don’t know, but ionie people ex- search area. He also aald that the tion " 7 by seven members In ths follow­ ford Bombard waa the arresting Baseball Schedule use at tha Salk Polio vaccine, In charge of pi»bllc relation*, vtill quantities of milk, cheese, soft body mlRht be Jammed between John F. Cervlnl was elected William DsHan reromrtisnded the In the Tri-County Baseball ny ' Hop and the Mexican Hat I pect to feed the multitude* on "The policy of silence," he ss- commander of Dliworth-Cornell' nolle actions In both cases. ing areas: Mrs. Maxwell B.. Hutch­ officer. Dance. Mueic for both dances wi'U clinics. again lecture on "Banking" this drink*, and beer. South Carolina B u y ony on* of thraa o n d S A V E ! xocka at the bottom of the lake and serted, "Is an assault upon the Mrs. E. J. Brumbach, of An­ League, tha Andover senior boys Attending Laurel Girl* State pitched In with aaek-loads of I loaves »nd fl*he»,'' he *dded. "1 tArthur Drug Sturts^ itama Quey Post, No. 102. American LC' Nathan Tssh, ^9, of 7 Ford St, inson Jr., Andover Lake; Mrs. be by record. aummer at th# Univeralty of Con­ not accesalble by jrappllnj hooka. moral authority of this council." dover, was found not guilty of team will play tha Coventry this week under Auxiliary aponsor- shrimp. hope there'll be enough." r HOURS a A.M. to 11 P.M. a Kenneth Toner, one of the dlvara. glon laat night In electlona held at was granted a continuance until Willard Grenon, Rt. 6 east and necticut. But It all turned out splendidly, IkAAdhdhAAAAAA J Representatives o ' the Aslan- the Legion Home on Leonard St. ahlp are SIgrid Unnevold of Storra. ,The alx weeks’ course la con­ The man In.cl^arg* of the pro- said vialon at the lake bottom waa Arah group had Indicated private­ July 2 In his rasa. He is charged . and Kathleen Henry of Andover. betur today than yeaterday be­ He and tha rest of the slate of with speeding and’ passing a stop ducted for high achool Uachera ALLORIG. ly that thev nveer had any real new olTIcera will be Inatalled In Savlnga Stamp* purchartd by under a program foi workehop on BIRLT POLO SHIRTS cause of the overcast skies. hope of getting the Algerian prob­ sign. arhool .children In town under the ’< Dolron drowned Monday nl*ht September. family financial aecurUy educa­ OHr. 1.98. Sizea .1 to 6x> 7 to 14. atripoa, aolida, 1.9| to 2.91 lem on the council agenda, but had Cervlnl waa born aqd raised In auspice* of the unit’* national se­ tion and li aponaored by Th* In- 71 about 8:30 while flahln* alone In a mgde their move to focus Interna­ curity committee from^ovembfir twb-tonea. short olecvc, nlatveleas, three quar* boat on the lake. Two friends Manchester and Is s veteran of at.liite of Uf* Inauranc* In New tional attention on the situation. World War H. During the hoe- Hospital Checks throtigh May totaled 83.289.85. of York <31ty. The cour»e will r)in Ur alsaveii* famous makero. All colors. who had fished with him durinx The group Intended to go over tllltiea he waa a prisoner of war which 81,38(>.96 was at the Covsn- > the day did nbt accompany him on from July 2 through Aug. 3 and la the whole aitu*tion to sec how the for 18 month after his capture by try Granpnar School and 81,908.90 enrolling teacheri, from all of New hie last ouUnr. issue could be kept alive here. ‘Break’ Suspect Search operatlona were carried the Nails in Italy. He Is em­ the Robartaon School. Rngland, New York. New Jersey. Aslan and Arab delegates general­ ployed by the Connecticut Light Mrs. Charles Ralscb, Mrs. Mil­ Penneyl"*nl* and illinola, Includ- $ on for three houra Immediately ly acknowledged that an attempt and Power Co., where he haa Stafford Springs June 27 OIRLS’ SHORTS, DERMUDAS, foUowln* the tragedy and all day dred Judati and Mra. Ralph M. I J «m# exchange teacher from 1.69 would be made to bring the ques­ worked for 10 years. (Special I — A 28 year-old Elling­ ^•estetdav. So far only Dolron'a Burn* visited,th# U.S. Veteran* Augsburg, Germany* “ iiext to iiyself. tion before the U.N. Genera) As­ Other ofriccri elected laat night ton man waa aent to Norwich Home and HoapiUl in Newington Saventeen other lecturers will TAPERED SUOKS hat beating his fishing license has sembly this winter. wera Francis Lsary, Senior vice State Hospital on an emargency gbeeh recovered. recently. present talks on varlsd subjects^ Orig. 1.98 to 2.98. 8iBC« 8 to fix. 7 to 14. . . . The Assembly put the question commander; E. Samuel Moaeley, committment this morning after Mrs. Burns and-. Mra. Stanley • graduate of Rutgers Univer­ on Its agenda last fall but finally Junior vice commander; Eugene )ic broke Into a Stafford home and Harris were named co-chairmen sity Graduate School of Banking, Poplina, chinos, cotton MlNirdinM. All styles, Each dropped it after France boycotted Freeman, adjutant; Charles Ro- may be questioned regarding car Monday pight of the annual picnic class of 1947, and of th# American aanforixed, washable. all assembly meetings. France msnowskl, flnsnea officer; William thefta in New Hampshire later to­ Thefts of sBikes July 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the home Institute of Banking. New, York contends that Algeria Is an Inte Pitkin, chaplain; Llbero Palino, day. of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Snow. chapter, Knight 1a presently serv­ I rike'BiULW About 3 a.m. Ernest Whipple, Increasing Here gral part of France and not a sub aaalstant adjutant: Everett Ken­ Mrs. Judats waas elected aa ing on the Public Relation* Com­ Ject for international action. nedy, service officer; Richard 28. Sandy Beach Rd., Ellington, mittee of the ConecUcut Bankers wss taken into cuatvidy by State aiatant chaplain recently. U.S. delegate Henry Cabot Veriszl. historian; Orin Mathewa, BUs* Dart Honored Assn.; has conducted the "Money OIRLS’ SUEVELESS BLOUSES Chief Herman O. Schendel Ltodge Jr. told the council the sergeant at arms. T.rooper Joseph Koss and Patrol­ and Banking" summary course man Francis Barselesu of Stafford MIsa Lypne Belle Dart, daugh­ Solida, prints, plaida, atrlpea. MaRy short Issued a warning today to bicycle United States r'ooka to the day Delegates elected to the State ter of Mri' ani^ Mrs. George Dart, for Juniors the-U st “IWb years at FOR when a liberal and Just solution Convention to be held In Hartford, Burrough Police for breaking Into sleeve atylqa included. Sixes S to 6x, 7 to 14. owners to • watch your bikes." The South St., has concluded her Manchester High School under the 3 >5 usual summer upsurge of such will be found which will enable all Aug. 2-4, Included Cervlnl, Henry the home of Mrs. VlCtoHs Sfreddo direction of Harry Maidment's Orif. 1.98 to 2.98, Pesslnl, Robert Petersen, Earl on Highland Terrace. studies a‘ Howard Se-.ntnsry, West thefU has already begun, he people In Algeria to live together Bridgewater, Mask, ,-i Economics clai.aes; and last added.' 111 peace ahd harmony.” Petersen, I.,eary. Moseley, Francis He was brought to the State Po­ January and Febniary waa co­ Miner and Psltno. lice barracks and after a medical She received the highest cltixen- i-Kl- One incident involved # newaboy. An Algerian Nationalist spokes­ ■hip honors. The Alpha Award ordinator of the Family Financial man proposed today that U.N. sec­ A large dumber of I.eginn mem­ examination waa committed to the whose bicycle, and a load of and a service award. Management Forum held locally aa papers, were reported missing to retary General Dag Hammarskjold bers were on hand for, the elec­ Norwich Hospital observation. part of ,the high achool Adult police yesterday. Two bike thefts appoint undersecretary. Ralph tions. The new officers will be Later today members of the GIRLS' 3 to *x amis' .**, i.ti ENTIRE STdCK New Hampshire State Police are |MaiicliM,ter Evening Herald Education Program. 2 were reported yesterday and one Bunche as mediator for Algeria, installed by the First District De­ For the first time, Knight will subject to French agreement." gree Team. expected at the barrackt to deter­ Coventry correapondeat, Mrs. C. L. of this# missing bicycles was re­ little, tetephoee Pilgrim 3-6881. introduce to thl* workshop group Summer covered, but not Jhe newsboy's Secretary General Moulay Mer' mine whether or not Whlppla la hla own prepared course on Bank­ Swim Cotton bike. bah of the Algerian National the man soaght In with ing Finance - a new typ4 of educa­ Schendel said he expecU more movement aald Bunche should Pari of Offering the theft of several automobiles in New Hampshire. Song, Ftsncis Extended Forecast tional program fbr high , school Dresses ^ bicycle thefts will be reported dur­ supervise a cease-fire and elec­ level teaching (either Junior or Suits Skirts ing the summer school-vacation tions, assisted by experts from Al Church Stolen and Alfred, both In their early aehlor). *11)* flannelboard preaenta- „ months than during the rest of neutral nations." He telegraphed thirties, subdued ^\’htpple and held Five dSy forecast Issued by U.S. tlon of the banking story used in the year- Hammarakjold from Zurich Swlt- Theft Sunday of about half the him for police. t Weather Bureau for Thursday the high achool course will also be Pecfucedf "And more of these incidents serland. Through Monday. ,, scheduled as part of the lecture collection gathered during one of Temperktures will average 2 to 1.98 1.99 „ will take place at Salte~'s Pond A French government spokes­ the services at St, Jam es' Oiurch course. _ Orig. S.98 to 8.98 and Globe Hollow than anywhere man comnaented In Paris, "We that day was reported today by Indrpriidrilt IJninn Wins B degree* below normal. Bradley else,” he said. He explained that won't accept any foreign Interven­ police. Field normal 1* 72. gooler Thurs­ Some iee6*men coat small seeds Sixea 8 to 14 ...... 2 .9 8 Sixes 7 to 14. Prints, a swimmer will often take any tion in Algeria, wherever It comes Chief Herman O. Schendel said Torrlngton, June 27 lyp)—The In- day ant) Friday, warmer Saturday with clay to aid In proper planting.. solids, flares, unprossed “ bicycle in eight and ride It home. from." He said when free elections the money, |n bags at the time, ternetlonsl Union of Mine, Mill A [ and cooler again by Monday. Show- An outatahdinff array of 1.99 ..3.99 Meet of the 2-whcelera are later became poesible there, they would waa taken from a small room off Smelter Workers, an independent sra and thunderstorms over ■ the colorful nuita In cottons. pleats. From regular . •) recovered. be supervised by French parlia­ the main portion of the church dur­ union, yesterday won re-electlo#sa weekend total reiafsll >i to 1 inch. Beautifully styled .. . . stock. mentary missions representing all ing the service. bargaining agent for the 921 work­ Sixes 1 to S, S to 6x, 7 to political psAles. He added that the offerings were ers at the American Brass Co. SMAR'T BIRDS. Color fast. I Orig. 4.98 and .5.98 . .5.99 14. Cottons, sheers, ny­ OFF THE COVV |l'l In view of the Mats celebrant for here, scoring 500 votes on the Na­ Soper Champjoiis Teen sizes ...fro m 5.98 | Subtfcna ....fro m 2.99 lons. ______I -■ 67 Robda Killrd ail but a very few minutes during tional Labor Relations Bosrd bal-1 Geary, Okls. (A’)--Ammon Owen new! Dallas (Ah —A maid i:(^esqed the service. U was In this short in­ lot. The United Aulo Workers I* convinced the early bird gels th# Algiers, Algeria, June 27 lA’i-- to police that she started a 810.- terval the money disappeared.*' scored 336. The United Steelwork­ worm because he ia smarter. X 000 fire in a fashionable home to Three operations In. the Orsn area Investigation of the theft Is con­ ers of America scored 10. SALi PRICED for a LimitoH time While plowing hi* field, he no­ rover the theft of a suit and a of western Algeria near the Moroc­ tinuing. ticed a flock of Inland gulla follow­ ^olwiAcnaV ‘TODDins'clin I REG. 1.19 to1.*9 oaAt.inM i.n 8160 pair of cuff links the gave to can border late yeaterday and early ing him and flying down and bot- ' a boy friend. today resulted In 67 rebels killed tiing up the worm* from the I SOYS' PLISSE lO Y S , 3 t*12 . The boy friend, who waa wear­ end "many" weapons aelsed, the turned furrow.*. Can Can ing the trousers of the stolen suit French reported^ The next-f morning,, when he got; etisLic when questioned by police, said -The biggest clash occurred early hack to the field the gull* flew In , ^ ^ p o r f Swini ha couldn't return the «\iff links. today near the’ village of Nedro- to wait for him to do hla plowing. ; h,osrtry "I gave them to another girl n.ah, where *27 rebels wera killed, I Sun Suit* friend," ha said. 21 of wheel wera clad In Ancy LENORFS Sets .

\. M a r e n d a z M 2«i9»if 2 For \.• *11 rnylon , 1..50 SIZE 6.00-16 Hock plus tax 1.98 .n* 2.98 ! ' 1.99 PRE th VALUES TRAVEL ARENCY Xtull- looltd and aid racoppobla tira • fb)l liihiontd SJxts 5 to 8. Printed nr 4 • no sytthoit ntodod Short sleeve shirt and •f your wolstlino «« 18 Asvlum Rt„ Hartford .solids by a -famous mak­ M akM tiM T«r. CHapel 7-5857 • 2 iisHon ihidoi Pretty rumba tier sun boxer swim trunk in er. Short sleeves, A ler- linen weaves . . . by a N* losfir sitd tkof ksow ye* i|iisr tkis suits in new np-iron cot- | rific buy. 1 Ufttimo Quoront— Authorized ARents For AH ton nr quick drying . famous maker. Limited Rail, Air and Steamship YOU m AU m sc m m ‘ i t dacron. Sixes t to 5, . I Compare Anywhere I quantity. BATHING SUITS Lines in " B M " M U 'S U i m Y I M All These ftatunsl HAROLD EBLLS li'i (he most for your money . . . Tireatone SUPER CHAMPIONS IVlanchester Agent Frescripeion Pharmacy premium coHoN athletic ihlris, — 5 for $2.06 COMPLiTf 901 klain Street ORDINARILY 0 Ixclusiva Traeid Datigit— Proven Tel. MI ir-7442 tee thirti ond knit breori; bla c k SIOBWAkl. I WMITH SIDHWAUI. Sonforiied broodctbth ihorlt in billions of miles of original In our Boyi* Town..»lower floor.,. Sizes to 16 leovlac No foto. i Mil ■ofvlor-No lole *®^CTlON , * wiiR luxury feoturei. _____ Nil' Yen*o M fvNo FrWolae** 1 TromO'da Fcko Prieo looll* SELL UP J O $6.98 equipment Service on Americas “ OP i. , ■ ' TwM TyR# ToOo* Tyqo finest new can. ■ •i‘ ■ I — “B.V.0."TU SHIRTS et4.oo 6ie.4e ALL ORIG. ^ * 40 IS 111 70 6i4.#e * 70 IS nciustvc oyloo'd* f*r l4»|« •«i«r lM«dirin *'*•• *' BOYS’ POLO, SPORT SHIRTS lU Y T W O ' * 70-1S it.*e ISAS ; 7.10-13 34.00 iree • Ixclusiva Body Centfructlen — «CNIC, 1.98 to 2.98 •/ 7 10*15 31.70 7*0-13 39.10 1S.7I Safely-Tensioned Gum-Dipped* lAtRDvSHRUMK^ ter laarteletd MOMttkt «l BREVS 7 *8*15 U7i 1V.2# '1 * 00,-U 31.30 17.M 8 U P P L M J Orig. 1.98 to 2.98, Fine quality short sleeve 6.00'U 17 SI ia.*i 1 * 50 -1* 38.31 ia .u . Cords give extra blowout protec­ knit polos - and saRforixed broadcloth sport * 90-1* 33.30 la.tO : rnyinm step tVORTS i m o w STITCHED at 9*iati el itriie "B.VlD."SANFORIZED TeMoM To*oI096 tion, extra long mileage. ’ - AT shirts. Sixes 4 to 16, SUMMER 470-15 33 11 " 17.** 'i *70-13 3T.1I 11.ea m B^oniim uY siiABAmiB sho« r ^ 7.10-15 . 34 35 le.ae i 7.10 IS 39.70 > >M»r # Uncanditional Lifatima Ouaroii. •IG 7 *0 15 3**0 2i.*0. 1 7 *0-13 ! 33.40 M.re la a — Against defective crafiman- $ ship and materials. e»« adf/ ^ ■ BOYS’SHIRT aad SHORT SEn^^^ 1.69 DRESSES Orig, 1.98, 2.49. ('Ottnn plisse hr hroadetnth — — — i - — JUST 8ECEIVEO! Brow n and White shirt and boxer shorts. Sixes 5 to 6x. .Pumpn ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF OUR lEST JSSLUNG 2 For BOYS’ SWIM TMHKS 3 MIM5 $15 Orig. 1.9M l«r2.98. Nylons, poplins, lastex,. FORTUNA Summer Slacks fitted nr boxer styles with draw string. Sixes Buy one of each or three HGU6IO NYLON ^ 0 8 5 to 16. All colors. of a kind. GIRDLE B«rt*r Quality. Vdu«s to $12.98 NYLON CORDS ' • WASHAILE LINENS •r FOR R/LNTIE • GAIARDINES • SUMMER TROPICAUS ■V . 1^" OUR BESl SUMMER ’■•w. * In our SHOE DEPT....main floor (Reor) Ferfuna nipt in your woiit, " Get Several Pairs Tomorrow/ Sottoni your tymmy and DISCONTINUED MAKE! DISCONTINUED STYLES •leaki your thighs with thii' •t ■ 1 figure-maker of oaty washing DRESSES nylon jetquord powar nat. - FREE ALTERATIONS Chilidren's Shoe* Stride Rite Shoes Exclutiva long-iiri^ « „ y LOWEST PRICES .1% BEST TERMS INjTOWNi Double S & H Green Stamps conitruction, patantad contour VALUES t crotch, doubla Hp aloitic gbriar ■f I Oriq. Oriq. Oriq. holds, front and bock Given With Cash Sales Thursday *.9S, 7:95 Oriq. *.S0 7.S0. 8.95 conMl pdnali, all combine 5.95. *.S0 to mako thit tha parfact YOUR i^irestone gormant for youihJjSmall, 2.99 3.99 4.99 5.49 madium, lorga, axtra lorga. Whita only- STORE IS* MAIN ST. SEE MRS. GLAZIER ^ AND OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY 2 -e^ t k n R T CXIBBETIERK TEL Ml 3.7080 Broken sixes. Infants’. Rlrb’, boys’, ’Sixes to 8, 8'/| to 12, l2Vt to 5. Crow­ AT M EN U 'S SHOPS ing girls’, 4 to 8. Straps in red. brown, CLOSED WEDNESDAY. JULY 4 WE GIVE correctives included. Brown, red, tie* •»a MAIN ST. — W SeO N MHUHNe ^ or straps. All leather uppers, Good­ patent* navy. SuEdes and calf . .. . . OPEN WORLD GREEN year wells. Sizes 5 to 6, 6*/i to 12, Tie oxfords in red only. Boys’ shuaa FORMAL WEAR FOR BiRE STAMPS -Wit h 12'/i to 5, teen 4 to 6. . not included. ALL DAY ALL CASH rRHOHS^SSON J PURCHABBB N*t ovary tiio or wkMi in nvofy stylol O' PARK AT OUR EXPEN SE, . . in Purnell Parking i C . = = E S i' LENORE'S MONDAYS Ifa Only \ 3tfP From OurDoor *31 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER *31 M A IN ST.. MANCHESTER Y f E (ill VE JlW GREEN STAMPS ... I , - l ______. ... l.!f \ . 1-. ■ *• 1 ------r .— I ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 195« PAGE NINETEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 1956 honor long-terM contracts let by PAGE EIGHTEEN ' A n d o t e r * yeu has had to ha poatpoaad haa Board of.Balaetmaa haa dacllnad Bolton Hit Individual towns for actiool 27 Pupils Heard Thorp Seen Unopposed in Bid j naturally caused ma deep diaap- to comment. tuaea. No declalon waa renderad Premier Plans Vse by 1958 President D |ie pointmant,” Nehrii said, “ hut I Grant declined to diacuaa tha Board Studying by the Board since a referendum In Third Recital ■hart your hops' that a further op­ charges beyond saying they Mva T w o B o o k m o b ile T rip s L is te d ; vote In tha towns of the district For 8th District Presidency ^ Steel Companies' Offer portunity may prepanl itaalf tn the been signed "by meet of the -da- Rates for Tuition would be requited to authorise the The third In the serlee of four To’Force* New Set for Some Out of Hospital future for such a masting. partment." establishment of a regional trana- recitals given by students of • Grant said thq compiahita wars porthtldn ayatem. Leon Tliorp, a Director of thc.«dent. He stepped down at the end Library PUuts ^Stdry Hours* Andover, June 27 (Special) Frederic E. Werner and Paul A. of "no conaequanca" adding they The board decided to confine its Clietelat waa prese'nted last night Eighth School anc UtSlltiea, DIs- j of hit second term 10 years ago In New Contract to Union Vote in Iceland Aid Highdays By Saturday Police Ask Ouster were broukht on by "a situation In The "Regional XHstrirt 8 Board of advertising for bids on the $1,950,- favor of Warren, Program Cut Education disclosed at its Monday I the vestry of Temple Beth trlct for moi"e than 20 yean and which the entire department In- other arrangements for early reg­ 000 school bull(}lng contract to Sholom. i prograni of 30 numbers If Thorp ia elee'ed president to­ -Washington, June 27 id*»—Con­ (ConliaiiMl from Paga Oaa) 'bti^lnk Chief Peterson, waa ovar- Bolton,'June 27 (Speclfll—The night nieeting In Marlborough that three days rather than one week, Its president for two terms, la ex­ night, the District will have to (OMtUiMd from r« f« Ome) ny RR.NUT Ik VAM AIJO (UeeMeeed fraan Pag* <>■•) Of Orange Chii^ istration of new pupils. it has received an inquiry from the waa presented, •■ut so varied were R orkrillt gressional sponsors, of the .giant f ------worke Library bookmobile haa acheduled a^ had previously been anno-.mced. *' selection.^ and ao. pleasingly pected to he named the district's h( Id another election »next month WaaMngton. June 37 i^ -IU n . ked." Instructor Missed Qrventry Board of Education con­ «(r»»ment w m r»«rh«l h»(or«- . ^ _ Thora aald he would claim the nighway .-conatructlon bill pre­ groiindt and naval veatela until Orange, Conn., June- 27 (>P| — TeiSJao^TaaTKtaSrfSeTonm two tripa through town thia aunt- John Dormer, water safety In­ 1 The Board vot'ed to install two rendeiYd. almost all from top executive officer again tonight. to replace him on the Board. His George i D-Ob ) cautioned the Sen-, Demo- dicted today the nation's motorists fleet Adm. Ernest J. King is cerning the numl«r of pupils the haad. Members of the Orange Police De­ police X^partm ent alnca Its mer. The first nirill be run Tueaday structor in the local atvlmming private telephones In the school for n.emory, that the recital was any­ No known opposition haa 3-yetr term aa Director haa two may he riding on some of the new burled Friday at Annapolis, Md. regional (listrict might be willing'' use In the admliilatratlve center. more years to run. OUl rlast aummer and phones by the gymnasium and John B.' Orant, Orange .at­ services. Anyone in town who is present time, members agr fourth and final group of students However, one contest Is expected Frank Nackowiki. running for a The meetln** "wtU be held for the Oaorge. chairman of the Senate | ing a new government and new .yesterday and was sent to Presi­ uled retirement of Adm. Felix D. torney said today ha had lieen re­ The action was takm voluntarily, the cry "Where's John has been auditorliini. f'.nni Manchester and surrounding t( night at the Diatrict's annual 3-year term as Director; and How-1 Rockville. June 27 (SpecialI dent Elsenhower. He Is expected Stump, commander in chief in the unable to get to the PuhHc ■. . . would take studetits on .a purpoee of reporting on the itetue Foreign Relatione Compilttee, led, etectlona would have to be railed, tained by Peterson to aid him In aald Grant "aa an hccommoda- year' basis and Would The Board discussed the possi- Jnwns will give a program. At the meeting, which >rii: b6"held In the ard Keeney, treasurer; Joseph | of ateel negouatloni at that time. Varnon'a Finance Board haa placed the admlnlatratlon'i fight to paaa' It would reduce the Progreaalve- to sign It promptly, possibly late Pacific. Stump was dua to' retire anawariiig formal charges brought tlon to the aelcctmeq until this monthlv'wOT • S. C. Olm*'-. ,dvlw« ■bllity of alternqte bids on the site cloae of this recital, Werner will Hollister Street School, startln| Volx, clerk, and Walter Lerlerc, lax ; this week. Jan. 1 al the age of 52 but Elsen­ any enrolled students the privilege th< union aald. Ita atamp of appioval on the a 14.502.000.000 foreign aid bill, in-' Social J>emocrat coalition ’to 21 by department members. The thing can be settled.” of ccmpleting their education which It considered might' result In r'rnounce the studenta receiving at 7:30. * rolleclor, all seeking l-year terms. , EMERGENCY The calling of the Wag; Policy eluding 12.500,000,000 for military i aeata and give the Conaervatlvea Moves Faster Thaa Expected hower retained him In the service a reduction or delay In the coat of town'a propoaed purchaae'of the Hand, bookmobile librarian, or deleRste to Boy» State being con Ihrmigh Grade 12. TJie Board in­ the awArda for the past season. Tltat involves Hayden Griswold Also tonight, the District will be ! committee tomelintea meana an aid abroad. at leaat 22. There has been speculation dur­ because of his ‘•vast experience" I ducted at the University of Con­ various phases. OIL RURNER igreement ia in eight. But M could Tolland County Home property for ing the long, rougii ride of the bill and knowledge of the Pacific. Mrs. Thomas Bentley. dicated that It would not be In­ Yesterday's performers Include and Vincent Oenoveat, who are asked to approve a 3-mlll lax rate In a apeerh prepared for the ^ Septimentsentli In Reykjavik ta that necticut this week and will be on terested In entering Into any long At the Board's meeting Monday Steven M. Herman. Susan J. vieing for the Director’s seat to for the coming year. The Directors' SERVICE 7 ao mean almply that the union , ^ opening of Senate debate on the neww '-vlectlona ^li muat be railed to through Congress that It might Tha President granted the per- A story hour will be conducted the local beach again Monday. evening at 8 o'clock at the An­ m*auita the committee here on a be at least three .years before any for children at the Public Library term contracts. Trotter, Judith A. Seavev, Paul be left vacant at the expiration receittly proposed the rate, a half , The deciaidh, made at a Board rontroveralal_____ meaaure. George told resolve the situation. The dlstrl- aonal rank of minister to Fred­ Supt. W. Christof Helsler was dover Elementary School, bids for H. Wilhelm. Richard L. Trotter, of Dante PaganI's term. Paganl mill Increase over the present levy. | ■tandby baaia. bi'tlon of seats given ln..the elec­ noticeable construction could taka- erick B. Payne of New York. on Mondays thla aummer beglrl- Manrhenter Evening Herald drilling a well at the school site CALL plaice on the 41,000-mile four-lane ning July 9. from '4 to 4:30 p.m. Instructed. to /contact Coventry Carol C. Dennison, Suxadne S. announced yesterday he would not to meet Increased operating coats. -ifhV ' no-member tion results means the new gov/- Payne has been named director of FOR EXPERT Bnllon correspondent, Mrs. Joseph wilt be opened. Smith, Frances M. Poeppelmeler, he a candidate for another 3-year Interstate system, the key pro- It will m planhed to interest chll-1 K'ltalia telephone MItchrl concerning tlu* number of pupils In other matters, the voters will | WILLIAMS ------to he deckled ooo (XKi reduction voted by the ernment would here • to be a the Office of Blc.onbmlc Affairs, that It'might send. The meeting will'also elect of­ Hilda O. Femgold, Linda P. term. 2,000 oalitlon. There teems little yision 6f the bill. U.S. mission to NATO and Euro­ WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING dren Of pre-school age through the 3-.5''l.*...... be asked to approve a $ ap­ OIL SERVICE any "'R"?**'***,**^*^ e -m a hv the votera In a coming apeciaV Hoiiae. New data ^ aed on the latest ficers for the coming fiscal year ’ anlewakl. Elnlne O. Sheldon, propriation to house the sewage I 1 chanct of a atahie one being However. Sen. Francis Case (R- pean organizations. RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING Grade 2 gVoup. Thorp has served the District as lo«n meeting la a provlalon Indud-l. 'I , „ not believe that war la In- arculatlon at the achool library enrollment- figures show . .hat 525 In accordance with statutes con­ John E. Burt. Nancy Ann Fancher, a Dfrector for a period stretching plant shredder, vote on salaries for beganeg»- deriving in the cit.v fOT con j ^ Roard a declalon that the ■ evitable. Indeed there la a chance formed by the contending parties. SDi. who hqs worked on the bill Counting today's action, Elsen- COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE , SAFE ON TOUR cerning the regional districts.. aulUtlon on any- new turn the ear and last, told a reitoi I during the pa.st year was 15.687 pupils fro(n the district will enter Linda J. Fanchr., Carolyn A. Hor- be,,rk over 30 years. In that time, the District officers and approve Ml 9-4548 main building and about one acre I that cnnditioiia may hax’e ao 9t% of f)ualined Veto thi* year and last, told a reporter hower has" signed 80 bills and ve- On July S; the curriculum com gan, Persephone H. Kamhas, Pa­ ■agotiatlona might take The com|)leted official count of . •■we may be Xurpriaed . y bow | toed one since entering the hoapl- volumes according to figures re- Lakie Elmo, Minn. (45—A pair of the regloni-l schixil in 1957-58. The he held two 1-year terms as pre.sl- reports. ^ of land be allowed to be reaold. ; changed In the paat year that our SEE centlj^xcompiled by Mrs. Thomas ^atlmatkl figure presented by the mittee will meet at the Hebron tricia M. Provencal, Carole A. 1 A brief meeting between, jn^icatlona are that a town meet-, rhlldren may be’ able to avoid the hsllota showed the total vote was j speedily the statestea get going on u l June 8. all-thumbs burglars got an effi-1 Elementary School. The meeting si negoUatora for the union and the 52,549. the highest in Iceland's j this.' Bentleyv figtue 1* “"'L'" 3 clency rating of sero in< an al-1 educational consultants, Dr. Cyril Wisnlawskl. Donald E. Besser, ing will not be held next week al-1 horrora of another war .Hllent on Polillca- from the previous year due to B. Sargent and r>r Donald P. Mlt- will also be attended by the re­ Connie R. Moore, Dorothy A. Wil­ 3ig Three" - U.S. Steel. though town offtclala feel certain “But they will not he able to history. About 92 per rent of the ^agerty continued to refuse tempted theft. After loading the , gional board and by Mrs. Xlitohell Bethlehem and Republic broke space probleips. It was necessary safe into a Stolen truck, they lost I cheli one year ago was 525. lard. Evelyn I. Fancher. Sally M. It will be achediiled the following , «vold that danger If we begin In qualified votera went to (he polls. comment on politicals questions. A letter from Clifford Martmex. and Sargent. ’ Brown, Anne D. Poeppelmeler, up with w-ord that both atdea had Ihia bill to liquidate the military The Conservatlve.s, wTth a popu­ CLARKE MOTOR SALES to curtail aenrtr a o K * ’a ‘^JoralHre** w^".dS ' S T w e e i he"’'a’aV.' to reduce the else of our military Hagerty said Elsenhower is doing groups decided to pool resources OUTDOOR FUN ^ ^ on.y_minor adJll.tn«J,^^^ .s.W tm en'^ o f ^ ^ ^ lo- asslatance program, but I doubt “Increasingly mors walking” "and to.proVide this service In the the wisdom of such a move this More Nike Money» Congress in February denouncing Stalin. This was the first publics- spends perhaps three or four hours school. It Was then housed In the year.” a day out of bed. Including the ^^«Oikrthe*oiran^ The meaaure George asked the (Conllaurd from Page One) Mon here of any referencek to that room thVt Is now the school office. speech. ,I time he spends sitting up for From there itx.yvaa! moved to a wouf^h^x^^^ piibUahed to- Henate to approve would aiithoiiae JUST ARRIVED! Our Summer Shipment Of |60« million, mine for military aa- Nike projects and conventional Pravdi also hinted that It con-1 baaenfent classroom when the new antiaircraft facilities in ihlp aidered the version published i The President also has been classroom wing ■ was opened In alatancc abroad In the next 12 a medical O.K. .to have O S A R i M Rn.o.t ““ country and at key bases abroad. abroad as scctirste. The paper! given 19.52. It haa ainq'e been moved to months thsn the House voted, but steak twice a day if he wishe.s. other basement space and during 1400 million less thsn President At the same time It rejected an not only reprinted the Dennis ar­ SteSfmen feel many ciiatomera alao aald he hpd received no re- Air Force request for I19'» mil­ ticle but carried an editorial note Apparently the. President's the past year waa set up at the aa Eisenhower asked 'iTie 'actual T.R«I.C*Y>C«L>E>S ite,en aa earlv laat January to queat to prepa.ie a waining. postponed me.eting With Prime end of the schopl corridor. money will l>e voted latei. lion to develop Ts Ids sites. about It saying: ffiaarvc aunollea Cua-| Acobidlng to the wording of the But the committee also called for "The author has In mind mate­ Minister Nehru 6’f' India Is going School Registration w eTfulIy awS^ of at^^^^^ Board', declalon towna- The 75-yeai -old George, who will to be postponed for some time. Summer Vacalfofi--npt .withstand­ retire from.,the ftenate In January esrly tests to see which mlaafle rial which the State Department ^ I b U l u t r M well aa inevitable ppople will art upon two matter.. gives the better performance. A of the United States has published There was nothlng-^definlte on ing, school officials (lire bujy plan­ ,* .7 . nrice of ateel. Flrat they will decide whether or to become El-enhower'a ambaaaa ning for neit year. Another regis­ SPECIAL almilar demand haa come from the In the press calling it Comrade that, either, however. dor to the North Atlantic Treaty .Mceaage from Nehru . 'h tration aeaaion for new pupils will available eatlmatea are that.! not to “PP!'“’’rt".tMrt5'””* Organisation iNATOl, apoka Renate'a Defense Appropriations Khrushchev's report to the 20th' VARIETY Congreae of the Communist par- .Tha JVhlte House announced last be held at the school tomorrow galnat a back»roi nd of growing subcommittee. FOR 1 YEAR OLDS ii*w id a“?a orh."nS'’,!iVelh"r^ “- ‘O' Nike, designed by the Army. Is ty." r ’■ night receipt of a meaaaga from 'T H E 5 & 10 from 9 to 11:30 a.m.j tween the mills and the flnlahed^or not to allow the main building agitation within both parties for Grade one entrants not yet reg­ being used widely around hay Pravda' did not denly that It i Nehru, urging Elsenhower to take i l l 10" FRONT WHEEL products. But this total tannage, to he reaold. „... cutting oversea:! spending. ' good care of himself but tklpplng istered as well as pupils in other Senate Dsmo( ratlc L,eadar Lyn (•Itlea in the ^ lion 's continental OF THE NORTH END' defense system. The Army ob- "During diaciiaaioB of the work ‘ the matter of fixing a new date grades who will be entering the don B. John.'on of Texas predicts of the 20th Congrcea, which te now I for ,the talk he and the ^President local school for the first time, this sj;:" a final vote tomorrow night or Frl Jer4ed when the Air Force dis­ closed plans for setting up Taloa being carried on mainly . around, were to have had early next WILL CLOSE AT 12i30 September.' should be registered at B. F. Goodrich Pro 4th TRICYCLE dav. Khrushchev's special report, quea-1 month. tht» time. J t will be nece.ssary to I plus of others. Ross V. lirquhert, Ellington, who Proponents of the committee bill facilities at some of Its bases, AdJuaUblt) tent and handle bare. l«rg e ' The canning Industry, for one. contendiQgi this encroached on an tlona about the present Soviet Elsenhower. In a letter to Nehru present birth and vaccination cerr CAMP e a rs •ays It haa been preparing for the Is Interested in purchasing the are reaiating moves for reductions leaders often appear,” Dennis' arti-1 agreeing to postpone the dlscus- NOON EVERY SUNDAY DURIN6 tificates. Anv' information on Im- bucket aent for better bnUnce. building, Mrs. Edwin Pesse. Board ranging up lo i.-'dre than $2 million Army reiponaiblllty, Uma Jhevy M iy- M E A poBrtblllty of a ateel atrlke. A The Navy developed the Taloa cle aald...... [ sions, strongly urged the Indian mtinixatlpns Will be appreciated Msoi i sSiisiosa A -9| 99 ■pokeaman for Continental Can secretary, said today. under the commutes recom.nenda Nothing llkii thtt haa ever ap- Premier to suggest a new date, for school health records. . wm Iasi lot Toots, The msttei has already been dis­ but the Armed Service! Commit­ JULY and AUOUSTthru SEPT. 2 T I R E S A L E Co., said: "If there la a steel strike, tion. tee took note of Air For< e 'jsa- peared Ih the Soviet Preae before. Nehru aid not immediately do so, School administrators empha- -u- wa'll be able to take care o f all the cussed mlth rrsncls J. friichard, however, presumably because of a sl7> that the child need not attend chairman of the County Commis­ aertions that the missile . Is STORE HOURS: naada of our customers for the turn- Japan had 105,000 foreign vial "Ideally suited to support its air Dr. Mamiiel Johnson'e wife was crowded schedtile. the registration session. Parents THAPne UOHY : sioners, who S4T>roved the town's "That a personal meeting with who esnnot appear ■tomp'rrdw are 49 mar pack foi at least eight w-ek. " tore In 1055. defenap mlaalon.” 20 ytara older than he wee. WEEK DAYS— 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. B. F. Goodrich o n ly Would Hurt OH Producera bid several weeks age. SUNDAYS— 7 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. asked to contact thif office to make rrom the heart of th« aouthweal- FINDER •m oil producing country, though, TELEPHONE Ml 9-t191 .. SHOCK AISOIIIKS comes word tlia'. Just the poasibll- TmMU * SMm U tty of a aUike already la curtail­ AatLAHITm wflWMl 10", 12", 14", 16"TRIKES IN 4 STYLES! ing new well start, and deep well DID YOU KNOW? WE'RE OPEN EVERY NltE!!! S Par ChfysIsf.DaSaia, llriMRUif drilling. OH men must have equip­ I PIANO TUNINiB 4 , ^dta. ment on hand when they begin 14 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! diHlllng. t KEMP’S, Inc. j Fesfcas* 6 Patd H Steel producera, studying the ur- r 764 MAIN ST.—511 8-5680 t i l " ncy of order demaniL:, aay that lb A ▲ A ▲''A A A ^ > ^ 5 4 * I th'the oil and cohstruttion Indus­ $15 65 S KAPOK FHXED Reg. $4.66. tries are operating hand to mouth 4 .9 5 i BEACH SAND on available ateel aiipplles. Both 670x15 LIFE BELTS would be pinched by even a abort Kxch. and tax ~ denned and waAbed— 160 Ibe. strike. Any curUllmenl of con- HOUSE’S rfwD-ii-ML' Two alxeat Agee 2-7, Agee 8-14. . atruction wot Id mean immediate F: CASH-NOW D O M U f p unemployment for ihouaandi of 24” »IAMETF,R PLASTIC , . workers. invites you n n x u m A ateel strike would th.'ow a 4 PAY-LATER SAFETY-S BEACH BALLS double-barreled Jolt at the nation's ■ ' ,I * L A N RRG. $1.66 HPF-CIAL! REPAIR KITS railroads. The Immediate effect t o a d d MMklr laitssMIsi would be a drop In fralchib'trafflc '/ TUBELESS l ovos Ooo—Otws Msso In finlahed steeCand rtw materials. Get LtiM you need in Just M rip 49c in $2.98 The other w^uld be further delay tn building nee(*ed freight cars. ' ^^he finishing touch** ^ Gat tha eath you want your ' E ? ^ Jt Pennsylvania Railroad spokes- 1 way and /atf . • • and jsay fator : Heavy DutyINFLATEDPOOLS .V i man said: "Inasmuch as a wneid- ! in convenient monthly amounts. EXTENSION Ur arable part of our business liratfel . t o a s m a r t P lu s 8111 Consolldotlon $ 0rvl< o, YACHT CHAIR AUTO EXHAUST and ateel products- and tbs raw Noflonwldo Crodll, w'ithout obli­ materials which go into manu­ warm w eather Outfit gation. BtHtfriat likn to taV 670x1^’’' /I PIPE > factured ateel, our freight volume "Yes!" For. J-visit loan, phone "•B- , . A 4 9 : 2 RINGS in the event of a steel strike will, first. Write or come in today/ .Exrh. and tax $6.50 Jw»» " f - Reg. $1.49 of course, be greatly reduced and 40" Diointfor. 7" D««p our operations seriously affected. " U mu $25 lo $S0O IIMIT 4 TO A CUSTOMER ' SPECIAL! T \Cemplole line of Deaths EXTRA ATTRACTION ' town Eurnlturo PIRSONAl MNANt.1 tO ' ,REC. John H. Monaghan «l MewelwsI* 6 Tubular Sleet Frame Heavy c h ro ^ plate end new $4,50 John Henry Monaghan, Vernon N 4 nUAIN STREET • Durable Velen Covering fiai-fen design, moke this t real Orcle, Tslcottvtlle, died jal noon 2nd Floor, Oyor Wooltoorth’t ’‘knock-out”. Fits most cars. ' • today in Rockville City HoapiUl MItcholl I'AISS • Manchoslor • Compact—Easy le Fold , Simulated air vcnit. Ask fw Um y e s MANagor' ' after a long illness. I • Born in Belfast. Northern Ire- OPEN THUISDAY EVENINGS UNTIL. Ihoi iiwN )• iMilMrti d sll ntttmoa| (»m ' » land, Dec. 18, 1890, he had been IF YOU OWN ANY CAR-any make, any model, any y ear- A !••« •( IKX) easy United Aircraft Corp. al lU South- to enter; easy to win! Think what you bould do with $50,000 A SERVICE ■ j Ington branch. He was a mem- 670x15 : SPECIAL! Reg. $8.95 S 5 . 9 8 : ■ . ber„of,Talcottvllle Congregational in cash; ENTER TODAY I \ i-. BAR-B-Q Church. TIRE Kxrh- and lax Beaidra hls wife. Mrs. Margsre.l Ral^ brinas axciting* Usual value Dick Monaghan, and hit mother . What • barRam for ■ im i^ Prlcen pluM t«Y and ynur prtpeadahU tire. T .' ' ' , 'Mrs. Arthur Monaghan, both of new mteieri le (4k>I aammec 4 9 5 mm fall of Um! Srurdf, S’- TRIPLE WALL CANVAS A Talcottvllle, he leaves three) sons. (ireiM atioea that fom pU ie a Kn*mctal gnlt foid t mp Arthur J. of Talcottvllle. ®fton Pl'TONEOF cofnpMtir. Ofvet piiMf and John Henry .Ir. of MlM:hes- perfect warm-wealber oulbl.^ THESE TIRES S dU i . o f room w-oo t r i ll •>. ter; a brother, William C'. Mona- Enter Plymouth's $100,000 Solid Gold License Platp Jackpot Toiky^L *1" .DOWN ON YOUR CAR _^.s ifirliei. ueiefImMe See-theae handsome •m d gastJ I ghan of Talcottvllle; four iiisters. Hwrr-i.iMrrn> .wmm Mrs. George Cleveland, Mrs. Ed­ P R iC £..\ .7-'i porouf fabric and leather rombinationa win Kodh. Mrs.” Frederieh Petig, 1st PR IZE I 11 a* 20as Sarah .Monaghan', all'of ,Man‘ 2ii4 priiti * 1 0 ,0 0 0 in Mill 442/othtr.CQsh priies: % that breathe good grooming. I a varies e ‘ Chester; and ayi grandchildren. '•H!* PRICED LOW . • • Funeral services will be held 2 priiM tf *S00 100 iiriMi tf *100 M iJiadea'liiMl tettnrea. from the Holmes Funeral Home Ird p r i M t ^ 5 p O O O Im m e I/ ' o » . 400 Main §t.. .'Saturday al .3;.tn *50,000 10-INCH p.m.. adth burial in Buckland 40 Rriiti of *200 200 priiM *f *S0 «'-• -> ' IHusirated ia the R O A N O K E Hand-Finished Oamelary. ■ ■ ' ' — IM CASH 4th pHm i * 1 ,0 0 0 hi Msh OSCILLATING J Guarcmtnnd for 2 Ynarsl ^ Friends msy caJl si the funeral SUpper-Frtr ITVre Ytmr Foot Bends home tomorrow from 7 to 9,,30 rSayla MBMaM ft.aiinwi a e ro iht hall W iha itM) — pjB.. and I'riday afternoon from Wash in ^ th e time FAN • New Miracle Flibric S:S0 to 5:30 and 7 to"'9:40. a - « . : ' ^,1 . ' 1 • Will Not Mildew or Rot HIRE'S ALL YOU DO: Take your registration certificate'(or any other legal Find out how much cleaner and A« Illustrated • Has Slip Proof Bottom Norman Rohblns Morey proof of owiferjship) to any Plymouth dealer's, register your car’s license Double S&H Green Stamps briehter we can wash your car 13" Sole • Has No Rough Edges Norman Robbins Morey, 132 number (ANY CAR AT ALL, REMEMRER), and complete the simple entry blank. with our .Weaver Automatic Car • All Steel Tubing, Seats and lamoK St., - died suddenly thil Washor. Every car is automatically 4'x3'x12in. DEEP 665e56«« 90 GALS. $ .9.9S l,egH morning at his home. He. was born Nothing to buy! It’s easy! Fun I , , Given With Cash Sales Thursday sprayed srltfa fresh water and mild • Complete with Coupling in Kaene. N. H.. July 29, 1918. the And, if'you’re one of the 446 happy winners, the licen.se piste on your 'detergeot, and thoroughly hand S'x4'x12 in. DEEP .ISO GALS. $11.95 son pf Forrest and Ethel Robbins Drain and (leysei^Shower car may be worth (in' ca.sh) its weight in solid gold, or eveii more! \ou . • p o n ^ and chamoised. We never 4‘x4'x12 in. DEEP 180 GALS. $13.95 Morey.' He had lived in..Manches­ use harsh detergenu that might ter for 11 years. He was employed mat win up tn $50,000 IN CASH I ' injure the fin ish ...o r dirty wash aa a shipping foreman at the Phpe- •F.Goodrich nlx Mutual Life Insurance I'n.. See complete JackpOl rules at your dealer’s now, cnmple,te the free water left, over from a p ^ io u s Hivtford, and was a member ,of entry form, and you’re set to be a Jackpot winner! Do it today! OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY. JULY 2 . r c a r ...o r "hit-or-m iss” assembly FIRST IN RUBBiR - FIRST m tubiliss tha Second Congregational Church line methods. The .automatic op­ We Give ^ GREEN STAMPS and the Mancheaur Grange. I CLOSED WEDNESDAY. JU ^ 4 eration o i A e Washer gets the job HAMMOCK ami STAND Keg. 615.95 $9.95 ' He ta survived by hta wife, Mad;^ done in the time needed for alyn^Jlogers Morey; his mothei' Nurry I Jockpot closts toon i Sm your dealer who soNs manual washing. M n.' Ethel Morey; and hla aunt. Mrs. Maude Stratton. Give yoof ear that "like new" look Hie funeral u-ill be held Satur­ today. Prive' in for our tpoedy, day', 2 p.m.. at the Holmes Funeral •U-point w athjobl Home. 400 Main 81;, with . the Hav. Arnold W. Toxer officiating. ^ MORIARTYv KIDDIE FAIR Burial will be in the Hockanum PHONE Ml 3-UM OimaUry, Hartford. b r o t h e r s IOtB-1019 MAIN STRUT Friande my call at the funeral ItSTORES lUMse Thursday from. 7 to 9:30 and T - 816 C«nter St.—Ml 8-5135 n M a y from 4 to 5:30 and T to WE GIVE AYiCGpEEN STAMPS ‘■.u * •iM. , V ,v r '! \ ,i 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN« WEDNESDAY, JUn V. 27, 19BP PAGE TWEIJTY^NE PAGB TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. 196« Headed for Summer Comfort Oorporal—Tliey aay - that girl Nbw Draftee—That Santa Claus BUGS BUNNY Aniwar to Proviout Punla YVhateeer hla plans are for the W roM flit huN RaMimt you Introduced me to is pretty guy! H * sure messed up this deal. Oritnfol Bit coming holiday week, ha'll feel and hard, eh? Buddy— W hat’s the beef? look "g re a t" In cool, comfortable Porch Cehmmt Sense and Nonsense Sergeant—Hard is . right. It New Drafted—Fifteen yeare ago D Bargains summer clothes from G. E. HOUSE would take a diamond to make an I ' Mm for a soldier suit—and ACaOSB M In s row A SON. Tou’II and n varied, plenti­ VALLEY WELDING CO. impression on her. ' | now I get it I M Shrill n y ful MioeUon of quMity SYVIM- iW Eree Eetimata. Call Children beipn by lovlne their First—Reminds me of cloud* I Orient •0 Biblical high Listed by WBAR. handaomoly ta ilo red Olaatenbnry MB t-tllS perenl*. A» they grow older, they back in South-Carolina Just before i Ruler of priest • W AUONO SHORTS and "air con- jiidRe them. Sometime* they for­ the hurricane struck. Tripoli The Inquirer MATERNITY DRESSES dlUoned" SPORT SHIRTS with Second— Bad was it? CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ai Goedbyo give them. ^ • Droops abort aleevaa In Mb m amall, modl- F^rst— Well. I never had no In­ OS ITndennines «nM SPORTSWEAR ‘ *Lo'^**‘ ^*"«'*03Dimlnutlv# um, large extra large end X X U In Buck* County, TenneylvAni*. tention of visitin' Pennsylvsnla. voice there I* a roadalde. cafe ratted of Timothy is Scsndinavisn Cut flowers ean be put Into (Would we make it up?) Wfnrhle’a 64 Ardor '*A Hitag ef Beauty . . TbMM< *Maka* a Party- a im ia Beauty Israred A iaiitl He who travels over 60 mllas an broiue coin It Fits Parfactly All Y*ar 'Round Circus warm w ater to freshen them. M M i N OUTLET V'Umh Woom. hour la not driving his car— he's The Impreaalve CANIHJCS creat­ Dad won't mind "working like “Helene Curlla" Ultra Spray 14 Short haircut DOWN 11 Agile SSLiOtu* They will last lohger If cut In the 505 E. bllddle YUnipIke aiming It. ed by Mra. John. Ready are a "joy a dog ” on the day o f the picnic. If I N et now comee in a PU R SE SIZE VACATION RAIN? 15 Feminine 1 Apiege 10 Lamprey* 41 Slumbon afternoon on a bright day. Open Daily ■ A J*. to 6 F JL Notice in a restaurant: "Cus­ forever" and If you can bring your- he'a wearing a handsome B A R B E ­ ATOMIZER (with all spraying a p p e lla te 3 Century plant 31 Female ruff 43 Organ of tomers who conside Our waltreir Tongue Twister* eelf to light them, they give beau­ CUE APRON, $1.99, splashed with pep of a big aerosol container) 10 Constalletion 3 Throttle* 33 Vipers hearing Heavy wrapping paper or gro- If net, edl u.iclvlt should see the manaKer.” Susie says shii saw some sim­ tiful radiance, too. A complete line color, pattern, humor. HARRI­ and accompanl.ee a 4-os. reflll can. 17 Nurture ) Servile 34 Accumulbtlon 46 Jennet «ery bags will keep pMnt brushes ______ple seesaws seesawing so safely ia on display at S C A N D IN A V IA N SON'S, 8t9 Main St. has authentic all for 81.85 (a 83.25 value) at end train person 39 Earthenwero 46 Egg-shaped C H EF H ATS. |1 lending an air ,BCHULTZ BEAUTY SALON. 983 clean while they are stored away. U E M. SILVERSTEIN The Hermitaife. ho^ne of Presi­ ahe.soon^t six simple seesaws CRAFT SHOP, 113 Main . St. for »-n U F all- I Medieval pot 49 Speak* of distinction to the chief cook. Main SL It's a non-lacquer spray dent Andrew .Isrkson. was built safely lulfsawing. ahowera, weddinga, 'birthdays, holl-1 Ml 9.0E38 headfenemott military 37 Goddeu of 50 Entreaty Just In time for your holiday en­ that trains your- hair to stay neat Lefa Have ■ Ptcale ^ tw e e n tklB and 1S3I. The his- days. Special orders fo.- person­ SO Agioament engine dawn 81 Raaeue tertaining, summer GLASSWARE (even when ridtng in a converti­ GOODYEAR SBRVIOB STORE. Inrtc dwelling: Is located near Mrs. Annie Dackery, of Parii, alized candles are invited in your between 0 Make a N Living one 82 Lacking ble.! . You'll like it, too, if humid 713 Main 8L helps everyone have Nashville, Tennessee, and both the Tex., has l.S grandchildren, all of favorite color, motif. Talk it over including TALL COOLERS make I states mistake day only robustnee* beverages twice as inviting. Set days lahve your hair limp and life­ fun at their own party, ’by pro- SPECIAL ON President and hla w ife are buried t h ^ boys. Mrs. Mack Burke, by cnUliig Mitchell 9-2949. Blossom, Tex. i t American 7 Irish poet 30 Midday 83 Rotter o f g for 83.99, come in frosted and less. N igh tly pin curia are more vidirtg the PICNIC “AIDa" that there. 84 Kind of diet save time and wrork leaving the humorist, 8 Piercing cry 31 Act . Baron Dressing ■ decorated patterns. FlnF gifts to laating. No bigger' than a lip­ Riiiir Yiir Drinwii Money talk*.' all right. Rut In Edgar 0 Open space 34 Son-in-iaw 97 River in bring a weekend hostees. stick, the cap staya on even while day open for conversation and Gardening Is simply a matter W ith fresh spinach coming' to laughter. Cook for the crowd on a BLANKETS these days a' dollar doesn't have TVilson— > 10 Animal of Mohammed China the produce markets In 'larger bouncing in a handbag. Keep of your enlhupi'asm holdinEiup un­ big, roomy GRILL, ELECTRIC with enough cents to say anything. 53 At sea quantities, here's a suggestion Meat Hhortcake sweet and femiplne all summer; til your back Eels used to It. SPIT, keeping foods and beverages REG. $1.35 54 Independent 1 ! r r r 1 1 r li r for a tempting dressing. Cook A new way to aer\-e liyer is a poof goes perspiration with one as a ------spray of STOPETTE, 60c for a at their tasty best in FIberglaa BUCK M ii^ - IS the only language In diced bacon until criap. add 1 “And" for any homemaker. Cook The trouble with some of to­ on Ice r ~ T H pound sliced liver for about 5 6-mo. supply. Insulated TH ERM O S JUOG. Have TOP day's smart children is that they whtcK you cannot say a r ean or tablespoon vinegar for each 2 NOW Each 36 Conducted tablespoons baton and drippings. minutes in 1 tablcapooii melted fun on the Fourth! And If you don't smart In the right places. .sarcastic thing. Ever serve a rhubarb shortcake ? SULER Sg FToe from iT~ r r H eat and pour over spinach. liid or drippings. Grind livR GET TH6 OBOCERV LIST 43 River (Sp.) - Spires and herbs add a spe­ sOO FOBGOT TO atVK MR, 61TWEL-1..'— HA'it VPOi JAIL p a r t ie s f COMNlCTlOAi FOR ^ 1 C AM P. You'll And absnrbienL LUMBER. INC. IS M \PLE STREET 44 Finish ' cial flavor treat to meats and LAE--NOW r*A BEST AT SOT Atiy-f IGURES ‘ ■ -wiNiCH e m e r v t w o m u r d e r m SI. Paabrolled Bacon no-iron Terry Cloth SHIRTS, cosy 385 OENTER BT. [ UP-w RUN ALL THE , - - '‘V 49 Linger* Muces which give these foods The Inquirer [ r ^ THE NUMBER , . IASTME S E S ? ~ AVAKES Place a sigle layer of bacon in Poplin Ja c k e t s for chiiiy QUIT rack, i d the store 47 Male phessont tmusiial appetite appeal. M ar­ OP pr e t ze l^ MATORiTy. SOONlD r " U P a cool frying-pan. Place over low nights, pturdy, cushioned S N E A K ­ AGAIN.' 41 Orb joram. a sweet herb, with a I1X4SINCHIS c r A c k e p . THE'LOUT? I ATTRACTlV heat. Turn frequently. Drain ex- ERS and well-fltting SO(JKS 93 Go aiundar BT 6 li frash flavor re.sembling sage is s h ip -/ ** ‘On* pint of eofffo eroam, on* half pound of cesi drippings as they accumulate (cotton or wool), protective 99 To the used for flavoring lamb roasts ment, butter, and ona half aa muoh rattling of tna ompty RAINCOATS, and well tailored ahclterod aid* BT B 14 BO that the bottom of the pan is 2377 u and sausages such as liverwurat P A J A M A S plus a complete line botUaar."— 96 Nothing and bologna. The herb, thyme. well-greased. Cook slowly until FREE! Poll Parrot Surprise ‘ jV'^G ? 8306 the bacon la lightly crisped and of SWIMWEAR. Hare It's head­ You'll be treating your little ona Is a member of the .mint family quarters for OFFICIAL BOY PRISCILLA’S POP Full Reverse BY-AL VERMEER and adds a gourmeX'a touch -to I3'A-24H evenly browned. to the ctrcua all year 'roimd with SCOUT CAMPING EQUIPMENT. this cunning quill! You're sure to Package With Each Purchase Of .beef, veal and pork dishea. T ry Designed expressly for the not- '' t h e s e O ' THAT COMES OH_. I THOUGHT , , it in soup, tioo. For W ater F ob enjoy the momenta ipent embroid­ PHOTOS FROM LIVItslO IT CAME FROM < 1' \!\ ! / so-tall woman. A simple, graceful Swimming enthusiasts will love If you keep a bottle of rasp­ ering the moUft. (O r use five de­ AN ACTIVE, STARTING AT THE ) • — *- ' all occasion fiock, plus a jacket berry syrup on hand for ; use in Special eVuise Rates the assortment of flns. snorkels, signs for th* quilt and the .*emaln- VIGOROUS that goes with everything. masks, goggles ( kiddie flippers, summer drinks, use it once in a Ing ones for a set of matching pic- BACK OF THE ^ ' I f you are searching for the No. 8306 is in sizes 1 2 'i, l4>,, SNEAKERS or JSHOES too) al the F A IR W A Y , 975 Main while for fruit de.seerts. Pour the turea ) exotic, contact GLOBE TRAVEL BOOK/ 16':!, 18'j, 20<3, 22<2. 24',. Size Street, all FAIRWAY priced, of syrup over grapefruit sections or Pattern No. 3377 contains hot- SERVICE,. 923 Main St. I Mitchell 14’ 3, dress 3(j| yariis of 35-inch. courae. cubed fresh pineapple, for Instance. iron transfer 9 notlfe; sewing 3-57071 fo r ’ information on 3 yards. ■.A large clear plaatlc bag keepa and embroidery dlrecUoni; color CRUISE RATES AND »A,ILrNGS For this pattern, send .35c In Excelleat 4>pportuaitles food chopper, handle and cutteiji chart.' F B If GIFTI Let us fit on the luxurious "Ocean Moiiarch’’ COINS, your name, address, size When you’re planning to havg all in one convenient place. Send 25c In Ooins, your name, (every room outside with private desired, and Oie P A T T E R N N U M ­ Swiss steak. Mew, meat pie or a Bcjdress and the Pattern Number bath and toilet). You'll be fasci­ BER to ^ e Burnetr: MANCHES­ them right pot-roast, remember that although Fw4 Fre*h a* the Dawn to ANNE CABOT. THE MAN­ nated every minute on a 13-dav T E R EVTSNIN^G h e r a i d . 11.30 these are leea-tendcr buta of meat Summer glamor begins In your CHESTER EVENING HERAMt, CARIBBEAN CRUISE 19325 and Ave. Americas, New York 36, they still contain the tame high own bathtub where soothing re­ 1156 .AVE. A.MBBICAS. NEW up) slopping at Port-ru-Prlnce, N. Y. With nutritive value as the more popu­ laxation treatment can chase that YORK 56. N. Y. Cartagena, Ciistobai. Kingston, Basic FASHION, spring and UNVAS SHOES lar roasts and steak*. jittery, over-worked, ill-tempered Quilt Books now available— .v.M, .• w L-IT lie- AtEANS , the vacation islands filled with srunmer '.36 is a complete sewing ' MflfTMSRS GET ^JRAV >L0N6.« feeling. SUMMER BEAUTY =T M6’ Al beautv and strangeness. Book guide for every women who sews Flower Quilta QlOl; Grandmoth- Drees for Summer S P E C IA LS are on hand al A R ­ er'a Patchwork Quilta—Q102; All- through GLOBE TRAVEL SERV­ for herself end her family. Don't .Make this 4th'of July a glorious THUR DRUG STORE 942 Main Year Quilts—Q103. Each book con­ ALLEY OOP There’s The Picture BY V. T. HAMLIN ICE, specialists in the travel field, w ait—send 25 cents now for your one* for yourself; be brilliantly, St. 4o k*ep you looking and feel­ tains pattern pieces and full direc­ A*k w yeim lb* seal tkse r a y g o t t o a fountain of information based on copy. COTTON WOODS W beautiful in gay SUMMER ing fresh and fragrant. "Dorothy years o f exi>erlence. Their advice tions for maMng tw’clve quilta. yee «*** l» ier sew > INOIt 606^5071 AN* fllliS SPORTSWEAR from BECK'S. Gray" COLOGNE alao many re­ Each Book 50c. and expert cooperation are ypiirs Wt-Nwew"... a wIsleNia' heres th A I>)'niunic Growth Stock 846 Main St. Cool shorts from duced prices on COLOGNE *---*-■«* m i------«-- SHCaiFF to command. Contact GLOBE HYCON MANUf'ACTURING STIC K S and an assortment of NOW. MOM.. $1.98, pretty peda) pushers, skirts, •NWIWtt TRAVEL SERVICE, if you wi.sh to C O M PA N Y is a leader in the rilfec-' sun^ck dresses (from ^.98) popular DEODORANTS Insure Ideal Vacation Paatime MMMATION > SEE YOU. travel economically ind. well. —' Keep the children happily ab­ T iATER r Ironic and guided missile field. sloewIeiSi blouse.-rfm—breie^^com­ your summer daintiness. "Du- Clrculiirs'' available on request. fort from 81.98 and a complete line BARRY" CLEANSING CREAM sorbed and contented with a "Han­ The difference between a pret­ COBURN A MIDDLEURUOK,- of bathing suits from $.3.98 to and SKIN FRESHENER oulWlU dicraft " WEAVING L(X>M, 49c. : f f ; . . ty leg and one that never catches INC. 541 Main St. Mitchell 3-1105 $1.3.98. Y ou'll And plenty of cool, sweltering temperatures.- . , Save from Yarn Department of J. W. an eye Is often-the matter of a crisp WHITE HATS to give you up to SO'.o.i-on "H elen a Rubln- HALE CORP. . Add a bag or two, *%ITTINGIS atraight stacking seam and a Add catch u p, Worcestershire a starch-frhah appearance. Stetn’e BEJtUTY P A IR S that (19c each) of brilliant cotton aimple. becoming shoe. I f you've sauc.e and prepared mustard to solve akin problems (coarse pores, loops (yellow, green, rqd, White.' w S H O E S consistent stocking aeam trouble, those meat-loaf juices for a tangy ■ Lamb and Bacoa Patties age lines, dry skin), help you blue) and alf back to watch the OUR BUSINBSS try seamless hosiery. * gravy. When preparing these s()ecial make , up glamorously and keep useful potholdcrs, place mala, hot 881 MAIN ST — ------patties, broiled pineapple slices will you fresh as a rose. You'll And dish pads that boys and girls can MANCHESTIR B« the l>rcttic«t ’PHible’ on the Phwtic Drop Cloth Is Versatile make an*: interesting addition. summer essentials to TAKE ON turn out. The siiriple yet fas­ *1 Bi-ach The seamleas,' durable 9' x 12' Ground lamb Is shaped into -flat­ VACATION and there are many cinating weaving pr(x;eas gives a Y'ou'll look vour best In a "Rose PLASne DROP CLOTH, 81,69 ties and then wrapped In bacon wonderful glfu that say "thahk desirable feeling of sccompllah- Marie Reid' BATHING SUIT, and 82.98 haa a multitude of uses slicea The pineapple Is broiled at you" to your week-end hosleea. meht. Be prepared to answer charminglv feminine, now- featured all summer long. It's an attractive tifb same Ume the lamb patties are bo see the delightfully packaged "W hat can we do. now ?", a query BOOTO AND HER BUDblES Oh, He KneW*t BY EDGAR MARTIN at CORE'r CASUALS, 887 Main covering for your picnic table, epoking. ' . ■ set of FACE SOAP. that arises often during vacation St. The conplim entary fit can wipes cleaM with a damp cloth, .period. • BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Stuff targe cooked pit^d prune* TEXTILE STORE’S UW «T..?A4^«>..'HOU V70 -JT smooth a hipliue at the same time will not crack, lear, or mildew. Carpeting Make* A Beautiful m u O WYE lATEt, CffOSSlNt COCotA’PQ... with a tiny cocktail aausage and SOU 'C4U70KHI4 uettef .THEY MST I MMTYt MM;8l8|O,00ant It encoiiragc.s a flalferlng curve. JOHNSON P A IN T CO. 699 Main Differenre Some good cooks like to mari­ heat in a buttered baking disli In a UM CUL OWJBOiR, \ O O d L W n TOSH poa catirotNiA, TOO. wunr vouio i AcuiTOMjoa. CiiTtaiw. With' the entire swimming season St. stocks this versatile, water­ MANCHESTER CARPET CEN­ nate hi oiler-fryers (cut lntoplecei)> before us, and the holiday week proof item that can protect your hot oven. Nice with a before- THE tIBTOOR DHU HOU tOOVlVDKn VMt THAT COT, 8Utf i;To«NT*0TierJ>'^ rr,TOO. TER. .308 Main St., always quick In buttermilk overnight. When coming^righl up, try on a "Rose jHirch or lawn furniture. And of dinner beverage. ready to use, drain, coat with sea­ TTWI TEMPORAW I WA91.00WN6 AT to bring you the biggest carpet •JUNE Marie Reid" Y nu ll like what you courae when painting, cover your values available anywhere, hand soned flour and fry in ah*Hp(y fat. OF VALUES I cuvow n THE KMiPtOAf •ee, (and so will everybody else). floor and furnishings with this re­ MAN BYnir. you ROCK BOTTOM PRICES now This I* to' ‘Needle' Vou liable PLASTIC DROP CLOTH. becauae they’ve taken full ad­ Into doing some aummer handi­ Force cookie-press dmigh through, Meat Farts Worth Knowing vantage of a famous MANUFAC­ work from the attractive sugges­ a ribbon disk onto a cookie sheet. A Change of Dress A ll meat sliould be cooked at TURER'S WAREHOUSE CLEAR­ tion* displayed at YOUR YARN Place Jam along the center of eaclr jBKi.- % ■ low temperature . . . A ll‘meat A meat pie is a slew with a ANCE. These are skyroi'keting SHOP, .30 Collage St. You’ll get atrip and bake. C?ut into cookie- top ojf it. So whenever stew ia N-. Is tender if cooked by the right values in a beautiful display of "before and after" pleasure when ■Ize lengths while warm. BEACH TOWELS NOW 89t to $1.88 method . . . Steaks add chops leftover from dinner, make it color and -pattern.' There are E M B R O ID ER IN G a gay luncheon CURTAINS-DRAPES should he seasoned ‘ aftei brown­ into * meal pie' for another WALL-TX)-WALL broadlooms. cloth or a pretty apron, CRO­ ing . . Lamb should be cooked to meal. Tamale pie always has .Swimwear for the FUnlly ' ' WOVE>l BED SPREADS $3.88 room-size rugs. and odd-aisc CHETING a lacy place mat, or. Full or twin sis*. Reg. 84.95. Four colors to choose from. . the- medium or well done stage, corn meal lopping. remnants to fit,your specific needs Outflt the entire family for TATTING a dainty edging. Chrlet- happy splashing all summer In fe a l should always be cooked to and decorating budget perfectly. nias g ifli like these arc doubly ap­ FINE QUALITY '.Hi. Create Your ft im porlani'ciop ? or backyard picnic tog on a green product. possible; brilliant gloss, with a SNORKEL that lets you yard. W orking outduor.s can desirable translucency and lasting 95" wide to- the pair. All and Gold. Reg. 86-98. Our children: Accoiding to proven tree-shaded hilUidei how doe.* this breathe with face under water. beautify your garden but work beauty at a pleasing price to make lengths. Reg. $5.98 experiments, teenagers need from sound to you ? Tender, meaty. The watertight MASKS provide havoc with yotir look.s unle.OCl , progre.sa when you make all your !I Painting your . home during a ning LURES, a glass spinning THE >1«? YOU 5TU OVYE a beautiful, even tan. For spark­ investment will be a set of absorb-, $1.19 SEAM LESS _ ■ " ■’ MIWKG'TOLe L0M6. jewelry serviceable. Let expert F, aummer vacation brings a salisfy- ROD and a spinning REEL. You’ll PKbEON? KNEW.' ling eyes., shade them gentlv with enl terry clblH seat covers. They’re ROUT* F:. BRAY, Jeweler iri the State Ipg feeling of accomplishment In need s spacious ICE C H EST to "Me«h Nylon8^1,1.5 ,* smart VISOK SPORTS HAT and wonderful prelc.cpon for har iip- Tlioiiter Bldg. REPAIR YOUR addDion to saving 88$$. SWP tote your ocean-fresh "haul" aafe- CAFES and TIERS .soothjiig SIT.N’ GLA.«5^1-;.S. Pick up holslery against'wet swim suits S.pairs $.1.2.'> JEWELRRV- and WATCH. Scoop HOUSE FAINT from SHERWIN- ly. All manner of PIC N IC Largest assortment we have at jlALE PRICE a stjmmer supply and aandy towels. up all'your pretl.v nerklarea that W IL L IA M S C O , 981 “ Main St. E Q U IPM E N T is here to make It ever had. beautiful patterns. of fragrant "D E SE R T ROSE aii- , T.0U MUST BEE THESE! SHEER. LACE now lie useless. Pearls restrung comes iri hundred.* of ready-mixed Ihijov OutdiMir Television the heat Fourth of July ever! .H-perspirant, reg $1 now .'lOc. for 7.3c a'Strand. Pi event expensive colors that stay bright looking a G (X>D YEAR .SKRVICJE STORE, $1.68 to $2.98 Run-Proof N.vlons $1.15 Your summer enchantment is as­ loss by having your diamond ring long time, .SWP HOUSE PAINT 713 .Main .St. bring* you a RE­ Vary vanilla pudding by serving .3 palrg |3.26^ - sured. mounting eherked and repaired. 1 L O T ' spreads easily and covers com­ DUCED PR IC E oh G. E. PO R T ­ It with cooked dried anricot*. fresh pletely. Never testing on Its ABLE TELBVISICVN 1 thank* to orange sections mlYieii with alined KITCHEN DRAPES laurels S H E R W IN - W IL L IA M S SeamleM Nylons $1.15 manii?acturer’s summer discount). maraschino cherries or sliced 45” -63". 1 CO. continues W te s l, improve, ad- '• III Now you esn ■ take youi- favorite strawberries mixed with pineapple REDU(?ED TO ^ S pairfl f S.26 , their proffilcts to bring Vou tidbits >/3 PRICE SALE ^ programs to the coolMt spot out­ Kemfi’s RteonI DepartmeRt Suggests: consistently superior paints $1.98 Pr. WATCH FOR the room-lot SALE doors or wherever th* cpoleit WlA- .Seaside Fun REG. 81.25 SHOWER and TOO ClAtSE Ftm C O M F O R T...... Eileen Barton dow breese invites. Lighter than BY WILSON SCRUGGS O F W A jJ .P A P E R in the near For 'everything for fun under the ‘•DRAW DRAPES Sheer Nylons 97c I ASKKD Tin; LORD ...... ,... G. .Ilaerae FUTURE. ever, the G. E, is compactly built sun. you'll be wise to pay a visit to Plain nr floral. 60 gauge, 15 rfertler WINDOW CURTAIN to travel anywhere. The 17" model STKFKT OF l.O\ K ...... ______(he f a i r w a y , 97.3 .Main St . soon REDUCED- TO ____D;^ .Martin reg. $174 9,') la now $164.95. 33ie 3 pairs $2.85 . SETS WH.ATKVKK W ILL Bll, W II.L B F ___ ,.. . l>ori« liny Pork is thoroughly rooked You'll find a complete aasortment $ 2.68 when the color hta changed from 14" style, reg. $149.9.3 la now ef san'l and hnach toy*., plastic Regularly $7.98 WH.VT SIIOI L » ,\ TFKN IIK.XRT IM» John W eber $1399.3. a grayish pink to a grayish white. wsding pools, aje well as aiinbiirn Rugs lOVe off. Finp Qualit.v Nylops 77c All cuts of pork should be rooked preventativea and swimming caps, .31 gauge. 15 denier. Reg. 98r NOW $3.98 Set ■II K.C.A. Vlt^TOK ISAM; O.N RK(ORDIS to the well-done stage. Chicken broth that is not being *nc| of ccinrae the nicest swim 3 pairs $2.25t VOt’R RONES AI-BI M FOR Jl I.Y 18 IN' Cinnamon or slivers of orange (lerved right after it is prepared suit* ahywhere. Girls’ sizes to 14, or lemon rind added to mashed should be cooled rapidly at ‘ room potatoes give* them a gourmet teViperature for no more than half P s irirra n be removed from the touch. an hour and then refrigerated. 3T»e skin with cleansing 'cream. After chilled broth should not be held the cream is nibbed into the for .more than tw o day*. skin, wipe It M f with a clean THE TEXTILE STORE cleansing tissue.. a ; L. SLOCQMB, Prop. Ice cubes repioved from their trays and stored In plastic bags NEARLY 85 YEARS'ON MAIN STREET In .the freezer wrill not stick to- 918 MAIN STREET—NEAR MANCHESTER SAVINGS BANK gethsr and will remain on U P while new trAyz are ftoMn. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN« WEDNESDAY. JtJNE 27. 1>M RAGE TWENTY-THREE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27, 1956 were Intermixed. m<^ IHir UHF channels with tha older VHF The Commission said the trand- operators have found the g < ^ channela, numbered 3 thrdugh 13, tlon period would have to be suf­ difficult. Many have Driver Uninjured When Car Flip* FCC Charting in tfie same community hasn’t ficiently long "to cover the ueeful Hence, FCC made public a aeii« Phillies’ Robin Roberts Brings Milwaukee Out of the Clouds worked out as expdbtcd. life of VHF-only receivers in the of proposals for reshuffling hands of the public" and permit nel assignments designed t« make ^Forgotten fteeks fkioHable CompeUtton amortisation of VHF transmitting commercial televiaion •* Big Switch to Ai an impiediBta curative for oqulpment. samlra. fl. V„ Evai^lle. ^d„ that, the Cornmisslon committed FCC luggeated the shift could Hartford. Conn.. M a^m Wla., VHF Outlets lUelf to a policy of “demlxing" be made on a nationwide basis, or and Peoria and gprlngfleld. 111. Bucky Harrif such communities, where feasible, . Its proposed changes would • By 20 GOP Chiefs in order to equalise station com­ fiy making states ta s t'o f the Mis- ^topf Winning Streak make New Orleans, La. predomi­ Waifiington, June ST (A*)—The petition and gi.ve UHF operators aisslppi River all-UHF, leaving usa Right Out of the Book Given Backing nantly UHF; Prov****""' Federal Communications Commis­ a chance to survive where they of the wider-ranging VHF operas i L G a d o r s : ing South of the Mason and Dixon sion (iTCX:) today charted the tlon to the West's big open spaces. . 8. C., Miami, (Onnllnu«4 from Onr) .• have not been surviving whan con­ Norfolk. Va.. area and Duluth. NalUaal L-axa line. - ^ ■ A couraa of U.8. television toward fronted with VHF competitors. 5M Outlets VHF With Five-Hit Effort Balllax ibaaad■ roa a iSl*lilt *at’ bau) — By Tiger Qub ------1 Democrata. who had no asaured Commercial television was Mlnn.-Superlor. Wls..' predom- #rrd a Nixon rival. **W hr hadn 11 poaalbic axcluaive operation on the '' The proposed general shift to nantly VHF; and Mobile, Ala., all- *«tlay, CJnrInnall, .HU' B-yne. candidate, continued to r.ianeuve.’ cllra high frequency (UHF) chan­ UHF ia a long-term proposal, in­ launched on VHF in 1941. The 70 notuad the Vice Prcairtrnl a name ^for political advantage while pro- UHF. *** New York, June 27 --kWho else but Robin Robert* would' p^tn'burgti. .ut’, Mooa. iT ’uniiii’. Detroit, June 27 ((Pi—Bucky Har­ nels, numbered 14 through 83. volving at least a couple more new UHF channels were not The commission said it will pro­ waa mlaalnR. i teatlng they were not talking created until 1952. The result: b« the to brinr Miiwaukee out of the cioudsT'The big Rum - — -Robmani ■ Clnclnmil -’ ----- aiMl ris had a vnte of player edafidenes PrcMfd on this point. HM* «on-| The shift could change the face years of VCC consideration and, if ceed to deal with other "mixed* ir, it. laailt, 4P; fnMac. Broirklyn, politics at all. of telecasting a decade heiKe. finally approved, a minimum of 10 Of 500 TV outlets now operating, righthander, practicaiiy carrying the Philadelphia PhiUiee and an Improved, though still ceded th at “there were f'cme who i Gov. A w e ll H arrim an of New cities as rapidly as possible. 41; Biaaincam* and Mnnn, 8l. l.a>ala. told me it might make It difficult A commiaalon announcement years of transition in which VHF 400 are VHF; of 37 million TV aets all by himself for six years, may no longer be the best in the 40. shaky position with hla boas tdRay, York, who thinks he may win the in t^MS hands of the public, some Rune baued In—Muelal and Boyer, Kalisaai l,e*ta* to get unanimous approval of the i that It will consider the possibil­ stations might be required to tele­ The United States produced Rational League, but "he's among • ■ ■ ...... 81. lyniia. Mr l.«n|t. Plltebureh, 4>; W L Prl. OSL but hts atUl are document If we mentioned Nixon | Democratic presidential nomina­ ity of eventually putting all ot cast simultaneously on s UHF 30 million can tune in VHF.,pro­ Mllwauk** ...... S.S -■ 35 ,503 - - tion despite the obvious lead A<>- more than a . billion dollaptibl# Lopata. Phlladelptila. 41; Bank*. Chtce- (Jinrinnall ...... 35 35 .574 It, without e victory In 10 games. but 1 never changed my original! moat of TV on UHF Involved an channel, while the public waa grams only. Kobln proved It again l..t bight, I 4i iroPkIyn , ...... :M7 lai E. Stevenson now holda In that In the cities where the channels metal tubes in 1955. Hite—Boyrr. 8l. Ia>ula, U; Aehbum. 34 27 Idea that thla should be only an en-; admiaaton that mixing the newer changing over to UHF receivers. wiimtag hit third piraight ’aftM^ Phlladelplila. Tt; MueMI. 8(. l,mile, Tt; ilteburgb ...... 31 35 .517 5 The best the bewildered Bengali race, had a party for Democratic j St. I*>ul* .. 33 31 515 5 could do laM night waa a 3*2 dead­ doraempul^ Tresident. governors last night. dUturbing four • game losing itraig h t, got t'wo In tha first as IJarh, 8L Ixail*. 74: Teranie, CinctMie- Phiiarisiphla ..y.., 2(i 39 419 U Republican Governors general* ^ by Ranging uf the Braves wumer Mltell, loitni; hli third II and l.onf. Pluibuijh 71. (•hlr**n ...... 34 34 .414 II lock with last-place Washington Five Absent Dnublea—laipMa, nilwdelpbla. 17: ,\*w York ...... 24 ,39 400 13 In a contest called by rain In the Iv ’supported the i All but five of them came. Tfie on a fiva-hitter and snipping I straig h t for a T-ft mark, .ivaHied Muelal. 8l. Ixaile. it: rkirllln. Brooklyn Wrdaecday'a Hrhrdair Nixon’s second place on the j winning streak at 11 games. ' and Bell. ClncInnaU, 14; Dark. m. fifth . absentees Inclrded Govs. Allan the first' three men he faced and Lmta. is. Chlragii at Broiiklyn. 1:3U p m,—Rush Team Captain Harvey Kueim merely had been forgotten In the, Shivers of Texas, Jamea P. Cole­ I k>ss also trimmed fUlwaukee’e (5-31 V* Cralx i5-3i. rush io get out an endorsement of Rt place lead (o lU gamea. dapprted. . < ' yiplee-Maya, New York, I Aaron 81. I.OUI* *r Nrw York P30 p.ni.— and veteran pitcher Steve Oromak man of Mlsalastppi. Phil M, Don­ I Bruton. Milwaukee 7; O’Obnqell. Pohcleky (4-6> v* AnKtorlM (5-51. went to bat for their M-year-old Klsenhower. But Demxyrata had nelly of Miasouri. Geoi^ Bell Congratulated ny Haa'ay Harahmaa Beats Bestoa Mhwaukee and Walle. mueburtli. I. Mllwaiikr* al PbllAdrlphla. 5 p.m.—, Home runs—l..oni,t. - PItlsburi ...... ■ ...... ill and Spahn (5-51 V* Hadrils i5-3>, pilot last night. Both said the some other_ldea.i. 't'lmmerman Jr. of South Caroline low good a Job did Robin do? Harahman, who beat BalUmore Jtoyer, *8i. Uaile, iV; Banke. Chlcaeo ^11 he'a the firat pitcher to go rinrinnail al rillahurgh. 5 15 p.m.— players are "100 per cent behind Democratic G.oy.^John K. Simms and William C. Marland of West in a twin one-hitter hie teat ttipe %nd Roblheoa, OncInnSII. IS; Snider, laiwrrncr i9-0i v* Frlrnd tU-4t. iBucky" and added th at fie is not of New Mexico saWS! ■ that to him Virginia. j , distance against Milwaukee in out, Mve up a fleet Inning rvn that Brooklyn. 15 Ta**day'« ,JI**nU> t (fames. And F red Haney, who ahspped hla scorsleaa Inning Stolen basee—Mays, New York. 15 Brrwtklvu 10. Ohtogh 5 (nighll. to blame for the Ttgers' recent the omission of Nixon’s name from While Harriman hosted all of Moon. Sl.-I.e>ult, (: Temple, riecinneil, Nrw York 3, St. Louis 0 1 night i. fellurea. the GOP resolution ’’mci-ely ex­ the publicly-committed support­ 'n’t lost since ttddng qver as streak a t 20 on s walk and two I; wnile. New York, i* Hoblnaon, Phlladripbla 4. Mliwaukrr 3 (nlghti. presses publicly their private lack Iwaukee manager 11 days ago, | iingles. Jackie Jensen hed two of Brooklyn and. Fondy, Chiraso, Clnrlnnkll *l. rittrburgh. poatponed In a radio interview before the ers of Stevenson and moat of the KING*S Plirhinc (based on S derlekiaa) fame, both pliyeri blamed Injuries rain. of confldenco'in Nixon. Chief execuUvea, he indicated he ught BO much of the perform-' the Bosox hits—getting hte second _____Ixwrenre. . Cincinnati.____ t-O, i.ooorCi _ Tharariay'e Srli*4alr Pem ociatlc Gov. A. B. made little headway In what at Be he walked out to the mouqd and Ixbine, ' Brooklyn. ■ • e-J.B-J. ,760: Friend. Brcoklvn al Nrw York. 5 p.m for the tallsipin that hat Jolted the in the ninth ix Karshi.-ian woq his Buhl, Milwaukee, club's first division hopes and sent Chandler of Kentucky best was pnly a aldellne attempt shook Hbberts* hand after the fifth. Tom . Brewer, 9-3, •"ave Just PlUshurfh, 11-4; Cincinnati al PliKhurih. 5.15 p.m. looks to nie as If Nixon is a diffi­ al o u t S-a. .727. Only ganir* achrduird. dhe Tigers plunging into sixth to line up support for his candl- three hita in hie elx framee but — Friend, PiUsbureb, 7S; Amrrtcaa Ijesga* piece. cult problem to the Republicans. dacy (llwaukee lost only, a half game they all Mme in the second when Roberu. Phlladeipbia, 74: Mliell, St. W I, Pel. O B t I^ule. fa. HaddU. Philadelphia. 71; Nrw York ...... 43 34 .535 — The Tlgeri lost nine In a row be­ Democratic Gov. Ernest W. Mc­ • It waa only a social occasion its lead alnce rain idled nin- ^he .White So.; icored three on Ted I'hicato ...... » 33 .537 IH and no polttlca waa dlacuaaed,' jp Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, Nushall. Cincinnati and Spahn. Mttwau fore the tie. Farland of Arisona said Wiliiems' error and L lie Apaiicto'a kee. S3 (-irvrrajid ...... » 37 ..555 5 Walter O. (Spike) Briggs Jr„ • peculiar’’ to him that the QOt Harriman said. Reporters who third place Brooklyn cloeed two-run double Amerleaa Leaca Roaton ...... 31 .31 ,500 9 State executives should endorse stood In the hallway and Inter- ithtn 3ki games by thumping 'Baiting___ ng (based (based on on 150150” at bate) — Ralthnorr ...... 11 34 .477 TOH tha club’s president, leeued a state­ Yogi Barra, Billy Martin and Joe Mantle. Tteie York.• ' .5*1: Maxwell, De­ Drtroll ...... 27 35 .4X5 15 ment in w hith he said, he h(U no Elsenhower and wrge him to run viewed governora who came out Chicago Cuba 10-5 a s ' At Oolllna homered for the Yankees troit. .35*: Kuenn. Detroit/ .151: Ver­ Waihlngton ...... 97 43 39t I5H generally reached the same con­ a) lyslker drove in six runs non Bolton. .139; I, ,119. Kanoa* I'llv ...... 35 4o 355 Immediate plan- ti fire either the again without even mentioning as Whitey Ford, trilling S-1 after W(4a»cdky'c arkrdal* clusion. a homer, triple end double. Runs—Mantle. New York, SS: Voel. manager or*lhe eoachee. Nixon. two inninn. stuck on*to win hla Washington. 11; MnDnugiYd, New York. Boston at Chlcagn. 3:.30 p.m -sum- Eerllef,. Briggs announced he Several Bepublfcan governora Itsbnrgh .took fourth by a per- ninth. Mifltey ManUe had ode hit 44■* Pleniall, Bmioo anti Slevera,- Wash. van l7-il v* Donovan (4-3l. Nrw York at Kansa* Cily. p.m was "fed up" and criticised what aaid they juit didn‘’^£ think about ‘tage point from the St. Louie in five trips Against loser *Tom ington. 44 10 dinals, who were whipped .3*0 Run* balled* In—Mantle. Ne4ew York. Sturdivant ti-lt v* DItmar tS-7i. he called lack of vfirtt and . Nixon in their hurry to tniortt Cktrmsn and Jack Crimian—end Werfe, Waablnglon at Drtroll. 3 p.m .—Wla- Elsenhower’'to head their ticKet. .jthe New York Gtantq and $7: SImpatm. Kansas City. 51; Irr IJ-41 or Ramn* 14-51 v* t#ary 14-4). He said he would '•mthe a ehenge Growers See wds 1-for-S vs the l«u Boudreau Cleveland. 53: Slevera, Wltfaahington, 50; Balllmoto al nrvrlanrt, 3 p.m. — right now" It the club ware not up B ut some of them th at If en Gomez' three-hitler, efilft. Berra. New York. 4*. . ,Hits—ManUe. New York. 54 ; Slmp- Wight (>-7) v a'S ro r* (5-5) or G arrla for gale. Elsenhower doesn’t run, they are the Am..lean League, first Back - to - bsck seventh - inning aon. Kansas City, 52; Lemon and Ilun- m tU W M U K B M (5-7). not at all sure they would be for Berry Sales IcB'New York retains' Its IH doubles l>y Bobby AvilA and Gene nela, Washington. 77. • ..... Tercday'e Beealt* ne lead with an 8-4, decision Doubles—Pleraall. Bosloniaad KUenn. Chicago 4. Bo*(on I (nigho. Nixon for the No, 1 spot. Woodling scored the i/lnnlng run Detroit. 14: Vernon, Boston, 14: eight Nrw 'York 5. Kan*a* Cltv 4'lnlgbO, THIRD TOURNEY WIN Gov. A rthur Bt Lnnglie of W ash­ Kansas City while runnerup for the Indlant,.s(iio had rallied foT CIrvrIand 4. Ralllmorr 5 (nighit. ___I__ Picking Up |cago made It nin'. in a row with player* lied with 13. . Waabinglon 3. Drtrolt 3 (Ur, called In ington. conference chairman and three in the sixth to tie it. Early Triples—Slnlpion. Kansas City; 9; 5th. ralni Avon, June ,3X KPi—Lorraine the GOP nominaUng convention’s ek Harsllmun’s three-hitter Wynn v’on hie.eighth with a five-' Jensen, Boston. Fox. Chicago and Tharedayr'a Sckedala Lenezyk 6f the Indtln Hill (Country kurksmp Pholn kting Boston 4-1. Third place I.emon and Runnel*. Waihtngton. S. DrIrnK at Kau*a* ihty, 10 p.m. keynoter, said there was "no sig­ strawberry growers in the A. P. Helmer, 41, East Hartford, wga arrested “"f* chaj-ged with CONTINUES WITH BIG TOP VALUES hitter. *—Mantle. New Y or^ 27: Club won her third one-day tourna­ Princeton’s Lelglilon Ford from Only game achrduird. nificance” in the omission of an Manchester area who sell their pveland ran lU streak to seven Berra. New York. 19; Slever*. Waab- Dartmouth College basketball Dow JFInsterwald, who led pro ment of- the Connecticut Weman'a ooeraUng a motor vehicle while under tfie Influence of Intoxicating Both Washington and Detroit player Tom Donahue pitched his endorsement of Nixon. He said he produce at the Charter Oak Held ps—the Tri’oe’s bejt winning protested their fie gai:^e, which Ington. 17; Wert*. Cleveland. 15; Bauer. golPa money winners late In May, Glen Riddle, Pa„ allowed only two Golf Aasn. yesterday. She shot M li^mrs or .drugs by investigating Palrolman Prlmo ^ng since 1954—Ih a comeback New York. 15. fraternity team to the echool’a 1956 didn’t get a chance to qualify for A total of 310,)17 gamea was had been for Nixon as the vice auction mart were reported tpday will have to be replayed from the Stolen base*— Francona, Balllinore., earned runs in 47 2,3 Inninga of bowled In the 1958 American Bowl­ to win Claea A honora while Mrs. to he expecting business to im­ this accldefil early this mosning. He^pler a car went victory over BalUmore. Rain softball title. He allowed four hits the U.S. Open because he was In presidential nominee for » long about 800 feet east of Woodland St., struck one " ‘PPf'V VALUES to 4.9S! MEN'S start, anyhow. The protest con­ 5; Kuenn. Detroit. 7“ Bu*by. r;ievelairf, Bhiatem Intercollegiate League ing CoAgreaa tournament at Robert Ferrle of Clinton led Class prove. . Ited Washington at Detroit at a 5: Rivera. Chicago. Carev and Mantle, and fanned 16 for tha Beta Theta Dallaa, Tex., and had filed hla en­ B with 89. Ume< left aide and slid nearly up to a second,tree, *ho"’n cerned ■Whether Ume was ••In" or New York and Runnel*. Wi*hlng1on. 5. Pt house. try to qualify In Ctnclnnait. pitching thla spring. ______Rochester, n :y . Business at tha marl, which I'U Ue in the fifth inning. '• -outv following A first-inning Plirhtnx (ha*ed on * .4ect»lon«) /»- ■ I Asked what lie would do if Elsen Helmer poated a »200 bond for court appearance here Jnly ». No Squarew Record hower ahould decide not to run opened for the season on Sunday rhubarb. . Pierce. Chicago. 11-2. .544: WII*on, has been poor, with itraw’herrics one was Injured, police reported. Helmer ssld he w’as t^lcagn and Kuck*. New. Yorit, KKJ. again. Danglle replied that "1 oncoming headlights accoiding to Amadeo, who estimated dan|age at SHORT SLEEVE Roberts, squarig ills record at .TOO: Br#w^r. BoMnn, D-S, .750; Bulll- i i going at between 25 and 35 cents a would have to look around." *800. ( Photo by B urkanipy^—______gave up u first-l:ining hit, vtn. Botton. 7**3. .700. GOP Gov. W alter J. Kohler of basket. The bottom was reached ■n retired 17 in a row before the StrlRfoviiii— Bcor». aAv^Jand. 100: Wisconsin said he w as' asked to Monday, when only one buyer ap­ >ves rallied lo Ue it 2-all In the Hilinski Defeated Pifre#. ChirAfo. 75; PafcuaI. WA»hln[t- peared. The mart normally at- Today, Pesce said he expected enth. The Phils, reclaim,Ing inn. 79: Wynn, Cl^vHAnd. 05; FnytACli, sign the Hall petition when he was Juveniles Admit 00. presiding at a Governor’s Confer- tracta four or five buyera, on the five or buyers, provided the place' from the Cubs, came In Opening Round ’------r ’ av erag e., rain Ifial wa.s falling this morping ht back with two In Uie eighth 3-T TIRE SALE! , ence session. He said fie didn’t Today, however, Armando Pesc e JTwo Breaks Here I read the text, but merely took didn’t continue and hurl attend­ loser Ray Crone. A throwlfig Bridgeport June f7 —Tf any­ of North Coventry, a director of ance. The mart opens at 2 p.ni. or by leftficlricr Bobby Thom- Yesterday *9 Stars Hall’s word for what waa In it. the Manchester Fruit anC.Produce one wins this year’s Connecticut Kohler said It Just didn’t occur to The Manchester FruU and ,Pro- i brought the tie-hronker acraes, Market Aasn., which operatci the d'lce M arket Aaan. la composed of Two teenage boys were turned [ner Valo singled' home the State Golf Association Champion­ Pitching- Ruben GomezFGiant* him that Nixon wasn’t mentioned over to Juvenile court authorities SPORT \ auction'mart, waa optimistic. about 50 growers In.Manc'ncater, ncher. ship for the second Ume it’s going — Blanked Cardins!* 8-0 on three W ants Nixon In No. t Hpot - "Business began to pick up yes­ Bolton, Coven’.ry, Glastonbury and after investigation last night ftoherts, who ha.an’t -walked a to be Alpheus Winle,, of Brook- Infield single^ walking one and | , Saying that he is for Nixon for terday.” he aaid. "aiid we expect showed they committed two breaks Wapping. The auction mart season An in 18 , struck .out lawn—he’s the only former champ striking, out five to break per- H I second place on the ticket, Kohler more buyera today.” He said also usually runs .about three weeks. late in May, police ssld today. ken in hlq Iffth aonel foitT-,game losing Streak and added he isn't sure "whom I would that he expected atrawherriCM to Patrolman John Hughes handled third striiglit, Del Ennis, who life In the running. end four'dCAme slump by Giants. be fop if .President Eisenhower bring between 40 and '50 centa a the inveatigatum. He reported the red' the winning Tun, and Stan Former champs Bobbv Grant of Hitting A! (Rube)' Walker, j doesn’t run.'’- basket. Pink Tea Parly . youths admitted breaking into the pats, who ’ scored the other Wethersfield and ffSbV^ Gersrdi of Dodgers -Second string catcher CJOP'Gov. Joseph B. Johnson of Peace haaes his opt'nvlattc fore­ Vvilllanis Oil Service building at |ec, each had fou, Phil hits. Wethe.-rfield went out yesterday, belted first home run of season, Vermont said he was certain in hia cast for thi- Manchester niarkel on Held by Hikers :!41 Broad SI. on the night oFM sy SHIRTS Yalker, subbing for sore- respectively to A.t.. William- of triple and double in four trips to- own mind that omlaslon of Nixon’s the fart that dlheTlBnasS: I” 31, and the Manchester Bosl Shop,' pnbed cafefier Riw Campanella, Brooklawn. 2 and 1, and Billy Booe d-Ive, \rf'_aix ritna in 10-5 vtrtory name "waan": intentional at all." State are short of strawberries. 11 Es.sex ’.St.. May 30.

V HOBBY JEANS 26P-' 3-T SUPER-CUSHION NEEDS y e y m 1 1 1 \ V s ,V ( * • ■ POPULAR 6.00 xJ6 r j Jat black. ) year "bum out" tuarantaa ’ SIZE FOR ONLY bowt. Rubber—tipped removable let*- Nickel plated, revembl* t^ 't Complete GARDEN with barryint or iteratt caia. • ALL FIRST QUAUTY— SIZES S-M-L.! LIMIT ONE TO A.CUSTOMER • POPULAR ELASTIC WAISTIAND! by g o o d / ^ e a r •IDEAL FOR WORK or PLAY! V BELL - Rage $3.95 In black or white gidewalla * 5 * 9 9ays Dtazzling Whlfelbf^^is Not juii another talc on an ordinary tire; it'i s 3-T SALE feaniring gkn Pay as litfle as famous Goodyear Tires gt rock hotiom prices! Built witb 3-T Cortf 'rM .ge.kls Hr. A jJi rtvf and imartntH.te yovi'evideef EVERY thtt's Tripic-Tcmpfred in Goodyear'i ezcluiive process involving. lirisf. lit * intk, lintrt taality W»M. PORTABIE GRILl Lik. ^^ei>!^uq^ a^rfht»e^tilifca^l>tpa4*>t> j|B»LBuia4j p atapaaL. "Com* «nd &«t It." Call tl>« cWldNn $1,25 a week Tension, Tempergnire and Time. Plus famous Grip-Sctl Construc­ A perfect kou**-*(armint t*^- NIGHT Spreads on easily, eovets solidly, wears and wean! For tion! This tilc.is bound to give you more performance aotl greater for f o u r ; ttfety . . . more aaiisfaction for your money! OPEN tlie all-whita dspboard house, there’s nothing to match Dri-Csb* RIFRI6ERANT the perfection of Du Pont 40 Outside White! Keeps CIS ka uMd •>•* isd tnr $6 .9 0 your home Rpnrkling whits long after ordinary paints MORI PEOPIC RIDI ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND, GAL. have become dull and dirty-because it’s se^-cleoning. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE $6,511 (;a1. Du Pont House Paint is also available in a srida range NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE, Inc. In 4 (iai. Lots of stunning colon. v,;. 245 I5 0 A D 5T. — M I3-S17t . 713 M AIN ST. — TEL. M l 9-S390 SERVICE .iW 0#$ MhI 99l4f9p VM **^hoWK** HOLLYWOOD SEIv ICE CENTER TiOii Slivllsv Pvloit • ------»* - a a 1 -A* ■ _ LEHMAN'S ATLANTIC STATION •A grill ikjl fnci, breill. cmH OF J- 342 EASf e S N n a ST. — rHONE M l t - s i 57 «nd V'Ktrtvtr ★ 8«e4it 704 M A IN ST.. MANCHESTER— TEL. Ml 9-5742 * k. you go. Givtl 4-WAY HAAT CONTROL. Iruth wood, cool «r cKcrcccl. Skipping ccHon FREE - DON WILLIS GARAGE doublet Cl eerrying cciCa PLENTY PARKING WYMAN'S GULF STATION Rtg. $12.80 10 1 11'A I fl in. kigk. E. A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. 24 M AIN ST. — TEL. Ml 9-I14S ^ 11 M AIN ST. — JEL. M l 9-4531 BADMINTON Stimulatmt fun end eier- M* MAIN ST. . MANCHISnS ciic cen be yeuri. Set baa 4 beech frame cilk itrunf AT FORMER EHLER'S ATLANTIC STATION KEN'S GARAGjE racket, with rubber toR DelivetY Twice Daily ^ ^ ANDOVER — Pilgrim 2-4227 ET oe handle; a 20et'A ii^ 120 EAST CENTER ST. ported, bound > net: t CHENEY MILLS ebuttlecocb; 1 eat. of l-p«- OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY,' JULY 2 wood poftt. C ^ e t in GRISWOLD'S SERVICE STATION HO" Ikwdy kioe. Rulti Isolodcd. Hartford Rd aHd PiRo JIM'S ATLANTIC STATION CLOSED WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 451 WEST CENTER ST. — PHONE M l 9-i154 174 WEST C E N H R ST. PHONE 3-8459 Stroot, MaRchootor We BILL'S MOBIL SERVICE ED'S ATLANTIC STATION M PEPARTMENT STORE 134 EAST CENTER ST__ TEL. M l 9-1171 2 l i WEST MIDDLE TPKE. — PHONE M l 9-I22S Deliver 84 DEPOT SQUARE M l 9-1274

V ./■ ' f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27, 1956 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE ■ ...... ■ ' ...... ■ ■ ■ 1 ■■ ■!■ ■■■■■■■ !■! '■ 1 ■ ■ ...... ■ 1.1 ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 1958 - FACE TWENTY-rOUl ✓ THE Knights of Columbus Baseball Excursion Trip^ecorded^h^ Hetald Angle Thornton Leads Qualifiers in Club Tourney EARL W. YOST Fires Brilliant^ Sport Scheduio Nassiffs Whip Schoendienst Unhappy, •p«rl>.*a|w ( : 661 Contractors 7-2 MMIB 6UUSKS* |aam at Mancheater High School. Below P ar Taalght OalUat balU findam ttrikef tn Ui« ^ italdt, a UtUa League umpire, Casa Broa. vs Rainbow, 1:80- Wants to Return Badly on the trip home that he paid Bteadlaga •econd («»• of last Sunday’s L Pet. doubltlMidM' at tha Polo Grounds lar attention to the um­ Total:* 7 Details P * F va Naaaiffs. «-Oval. pires'knd picked up a few pointers ----- —' > Templa vs Baptlat, fiiSO-Reb- Police and Fire 0 1.000 ,Ncw York. June 27 (/P)— Red Schoendienst wag sitting in in Ntw York betwaan Uia Giants Bantly Qil .... 1 .750 and Bravaa was Larry Goata, a from tha men in blue which he Billy Thornton w i b the erison. 1 .666 the clubhouse after the New York Gianta’ 3-0 victory over hopes to Apply In hla future Little Naaaiff Arms .. four-ay«d umpire. The ll-y ta r vet- medalifit in the qualifying | Ponticalli'a .... 6 .000 the St. Louis Cardinals last night when Chub Feeney, Vke ' aran of Uit National Ltaguc staff League aaalgnmenta.. Roy Thomp­ round of Club Championship i p son, the former* embalmer who F va opUcnl, fi-WaddMI. Club’s vice-president, came over to ask him how hie arm . Is using rlB***4 Ihifi season for Pushing across a pair of nina e fcit. "1 don’t know,” Rad rsp U ^ ' tha first tima—one-ot several ma­ turned fireman', -wanted to talk Ted competition last weekend at Ansnldi’8 vs 'Aebto, 4-Vcr- r« Williams and Mickey Mantle cn- the Manchester Countr.v Club. planbk. , in each of the fourth, fifth and I can’t feel anything now. Doe * V . / ■ s. '■ jor Itafua arbltera who have sixth innings, Nasslff Arms want stuck a naedia Into It.*’ donned apactvilea while In working route to tha big ciftt. He had taken The former Club Champion Legion, vs. Windsor Locks, 6:18 — Nsbo. on to dafeat Ponttcelh’s 7-2 last Archie Moore . Feanay, who englnaarad Um big clothes—and w«ara them when i exception to a puMUhed article fired a four-under-par 66 for night at the West Side Oval In a g working bablitdithe plate aa well aa ' on Mantis and aaked xifor my re- Methodist vs First NsRonsl, trade «rlUi the Cardinals that the best score posted at the 6:30-Chsrter Osk. Intermsdlata Leagut contcit. It brought Schoendienst to tha Giants 'jff ail tha baaaa. action. In my book, Jllantia la was tha flfti loss for the Contrac­ Ranked Highly p Goats, a black-halrad, blunt-. harder to talk to than the'Red Sox S. Main St. courne this season. Ihnrsdsy, dsns tt two weeks ago, nodded under- He went out in 34 strokes and P A F vs EUca, filChsrtcr Osk. tors sAd the second win In three standingly and said, half-ktddlng. K7 apaaklhg faHoir, looks enough like] alug^r. . A1 Whitney, the^peren starts for the Armamen. nial town tennis champion, ibas a took a- 32 on the back nine. Tiad Normsn'S* va Aceto, 6-Ver- 'New York. June 27 (61—Archie ly and half-sariously; baaeball funnyman Al Schacht to j Don LaPointa want the way “I hope you can get in thara real be hla Brother. However, there la passenger. Although Al doesn’t lay for runnerup honors, each with pisnek. ^ Moore, clalmmt to the world's 72s, wera Stan Tltllnskl and Bob­ Herm’s vs. Green, 6—-Nebo. foi tha Ainnara to pick up his soon, you’ra making ms look bad no humor in Goetz’ makeup. He’s claim to the title as tha No. 1.^ Itlat u’ln of tha young campaign. heavyweight title vacated by by not playing.” ' a hardened Individual who has been baseball -fan in Manchester, he' by LaFrancis. Dtfe.iding cham­ Allied v8. Mcthodlats. 6:30— pion Frank Oleksak did not com­ Robertson Park The slender righthander gave up Rocky Marciano, r-celved top Hat­ "Nobody wants to play any : In the to’igh. umpiring game for perhaps hMda this honor. I aaked niha hits, wniket, o ,e and fanned ing In both the haavyweight and worse than I do,” Schoandianst re­ 8 6 years, having atartad out In Al hla achcdule for tha week and pete. ' Pridny. 6 h m M Telso va. Great Esatsrn, 8:80 at' but pitched strongly in fia light heavyweight classes In Uia plied. "If anybody is on the spot, . IBOO In tha Blue Grass League. he replied. 'Today It wilt be the clutch M tha loaajra left 10 men it’s me.” Known , for hla frinkncsa and Giants and Braves. Monday night Robertson. latMt monthly ,'ankinga of Ring Bank vs. Nassiffs, 6 —C9isrt»r stranded. After Keeney had dapartad, for not puUliig any punches, Ooeu I'll be 4n Jersey City to sea the Csk. Shaddy Fleldl;’.g Hurts Magaaina today. ihaa several times gotten Into hot Dodgers and Cubs. Tuesday and Schoendienst was aaked to explala Moiisrty’s vs: Auto Parts. I Skip Flahar started for Pontl- Tha rankings Haled Floyd Pat- what he meant by being "en the ■ 1 water with players, mai a|cri and Wednesday l i l watch, the Braves Buckley. reilt’a and pitched a good game teraon, conquen of Tommy (Hur- ^w tth league officlali. He Calls a and Phillies In Phlla'del'phia. Thurs­ spot.”' Was it bacattsa Alvin Dark, Ansaldi’s vt. Lawyers, 6—Ver­ allowing seven hits, walked four ricanai Jackaon, the No. 2 man for whom he was traded, was go­ '-'“ Wiadt a spade. I have been In com- day la an open date, as I have a planck. and struck out three. Shoddy among the heav>’welghta and ^ I»any with Larry a number of busy engagement tn Washington. ing like a house afire for 8t. Louis PAF vs. Sosnesr Rubber, 6— fielding hurt the lefthanders t erhard Haeht of Germany aa tha while his sore arm mads Mm ttan* hT* timea In the past decade and 1 bc- Friday I'll see the Red Box play In Waddell. chances. Bob Carlaon pitched to No. 1 ckallangar for Moore'a light Jiave that there isn't a man In laaa to tha GiantaT Baltimore and Saturday I'll ba Ratarday. Jims 66 one man in Oit aixti, to retire tha !.»• vywalght crown. "No.-" said . Red, “I haven’t even A baaaball who knows the rules and !tome. A lla with the Ufa Insurance aids with tha sacks Jammed. Moore, who r'cently stopped » who can vc you an answer on the OpUeal vt. Motors, 6—Waddell. thought about Um trada It nukes Ag;rhcy Management Assn.4 and Bob Fiske paced Nasalff’a .a t­ Yolimde Pompey in London, has no difftranca to mo what Dark u;-’ apot without any hemming and works out 'of the Hartford office. tack with two hits am' two RBI’a. signed to fight James J . Parker hawing on tricky aituationa. dees for St. Louis. And I OoQ’t T -ava Provost colla'lcJ two hits and should na win, as axpactad. feel badly about being tradsA It pi' It sacmad a range last Sunday to Card playing and reading oc­ in three trips to the plats while probably will b< malchad with aas Larry wearing gUasei when Luck of Draw doesn’t matter to ma Bdurt X cupied the time of most peoplt on Eddie Adams had a two run triple. n tterson for tha heavyweight play. It's Just that I want to play {^’ 'calling tne pitches. The tempera- the train to the big city. Train ar­ LaxTy Harsog and Boh CMrlaon championship next fall. ture was nearly 90 degrees and so badly, it hurts.” rived at 10:40. Former Manchester Pairs Golfers gamcrad four uf the Uontractors Leading Cliallenger Had ha any Idea whan bo weuM ’“■'there wasn’t a breesa itirrlng eit High athlete Btan Opalach looked nine bingles. Hie boxing magaalne named ba able to playT ^;>tlM Polo Grounds. Etvcjiy half inning like Scoop Jones of the Mid-Town Tha leaxua will continue tonight Gene Fullmer of West Jordan, "Nona whataoavar,” ha asM "■*c Larry would doff his mask, take Newf . with a camera leading up Sunningdale, England, June 37 with the first place .'oUce and Fire Utah, as the leading challangar shaking hta head sadly. *T sup­ out a handkerchief from his back the ramp to Grand C e n tr a l....! (FI—The luck of the draw ranged nine facing Nasalffa tn a 6:15 for Ray Robinson’s middleweight pose you knew vdiat’s wrong- Th* pocket and reiaove anu wipe the checked in at the Commodore two of America’s finest golfing contest. Slip on Eels title and rated former' champlona doctors found out I had a caMam sweat ami steam off hla apectacles. Hotel, where the Braves stay girls—Barbara Romack and Polly NataIN Araas ID tb r h pn a a rbl with acts aa balL Leo Gar- Carman BaalHo of Syracuaa and deposit In my right ahouMar. They %'>». For practically • th# entire 300 when in New York, aa do moat Riley — against each ether in the Adama, 3b.. caau caught thasa ktng-slaad Tlony DeMarco of DoMon 1-9 be- gave me soma kind of an Injaptlan. * ‘ persona in the Manchester Knights major league teams when playing third round of, the British Uuaialaon aa . ji I ., baas on a lOH-pound last Una h'.id welterwatght champion John­ It’s supposed to (Ussolvs the cal­ “ .'o f Oolunttoua excursion party to Women's Amateur Golf Cham LaPelnte, p ... against the Giants and Yankaca. Bil! Thoraton ProToal, 3n ... near Bristol, R. 1. ny Saxton. , cium. the Polo Grounds it rharked the called Ernie Johnson a t Room pionship today. KacInakI, lb ., ' - first time that any had aver seen 616 but he was out for breakfast The 32-man fie' include- four Their match promised to be the Tarca. I f ...... ■ s major league umplre-in-chlef highlight of the day's play ovsr rtak- c ...... Many of the Braves were In the former champions. Including A. Churllla, cf . k , wear glaaacs. And there wasn’t lobby including Warren Spahn, Thornton (1853). Others arc Art the 9.()02-yard Suiiningdals courss HcAnaany, rf ...... s i i | o n 1 ri . ent vole# heard that cried out to Del Crandall, Andy Pafko, Law Wilkie Jr., (1948). LaFrancis with its exacting par of 36-36—73. Both ths blonde MIsa ftomack ToUla ...... » ~7 *i 31 ”i "j ”< Goetz that he was blind and need- Burdette and Danny O’Connell... (1949-1851) and Do> McKee Paalirtlli’a ok a day off Miilager Rill Rignev (No. l«) and Coach Dave Wih to heart as he watches action on the held at the ex- and from there via the subway" or Sudsvllle decided to give Haney Mike Karpuska vs. Ed Sasri, Hank Mrs. Cudone Inst, 8 and 1.' in the Flahar I : Hits off Flahar 3 for 7 runs are Roy Thompson and Francis Mahoney. Holding and Co. the cold shoulder treat­ first round to Britaln't Dorothea In 5 1-3: Carlson 0 for 0 runs in 1.6: latt Sunday and Ma» part of the Manchealcr kniphtu Hams (No. 1) are ^honn disagreeing vith a decision. , treme bottom right. Three hundred memhers of the taxi, to the Polo Grounds. Five of Haefs vs. Sav Zavarella, Ray Gor­ HBP. Kwaah. AmtrauM (LaPoints): the ( jimphell Council sign arc Dave Schidel; Stan Clio- the six cxcursiont were to New ment by not even going into the don va. Bob Smith. -Stan nilinski Sommarvilla. PB, Ouny; H. Boldue-WIttka; L. Flah- of CoiumbuB baseball excursion party to the Polo Bottom row on the left finds Fred Hanson watching; Kaeeys and their friends made up the annual baseball York, three to Yankee Stadium dugout for the, usual pre-game vs. Otto Lorentzen, Art Stevens va Mlaa Nelson made a fighting a r ;'’nma. J.M. talk. exit in the aecond round losing on Grounds in New York. Naturally, he took along his and two to the Polo Ground!. The Roger BarretL Tom Kelley Jr. vi sixth was to Fenway Park In Bos­ Tom Kelley Sr„ Einar Lorentzep the 18th green to Mrs. Valantine. Michigan Btata baseball coach camcamera era. ^ne anove scenes, ir«m i n , , ------— . ton. Beat seats for any trip were Several of the Milwaukee play­ vs. Mel Hsdfield. In the motnlng, the Indianapolis John Kobe won 13 letters In four at the Polo Grounds the past two ers said that Haney la stricter First Flight girl had gone 20 holes before sports at Haminfk University. Ha years, thaAka to round Jack La- than Charic.v Grimm who "re­ Joe O rina vs. Hal Gigllo. Bill eliminating Phllemena Garvay, competed in baseball, baeketbal, valle of.thc O ^nti’ promotions of signed” one week earlier.. .When Phelan va. Ray Owens, Bill Allen 1955 Irish champion. football and track. flcf. Seats this year were in Sec­ sUrter Steve Rldzik was chased vs. Del Ballard, Ronnie Sloane va. Legion Pins 5-2 Loss on Barbers in Twilight Leagu^pener tions 21. 22. 23. which were Just to the showers in an early inning Sher Porterfield, Walt Ferguson to the right and to the left of home fans saw the dejected pitcher Uke va. George Johnson. Norm Boiivier plate in tha lower elands, . There the longest walk possible Jn the va. Al Ayers. Bob McCann -vs. Paul ICO Starts, Tomorrow, were less women last. Sunday. on majors to the showery. Ihei dress­ Willey. Ray DellaFera vs. Walt the trip than on any previous jour­ ing quarters being in dead center- Rumsey. • - Big Three-Run Frame neys and there was also a no- field, unlike moat parka when a Second Flight Saimond Hurls The CiMissali Story Fishing ticable lack of youngsters on the pitcher can just duck into the dug Art Smith vs. Frank (Jonnorton. Clihic Tonight-at 5:30 excursion train. . There is more out after being shelled. Rldzik Sher Ferguson vs. Joe Madaf, Dick interesting games at Yankee Sta­ looKed more like a fellow going to DeMartin vs. Larry Scranton, Joe Alumni to Win Advisory ,04^ Deeides Fine Contest dium than at the Polo Grounds a funeral in taking the long Handley vs. Ken Woodbury, Russ The nation’s top golf stgre will appear in the annual Pennant for but the Kaeeys have never been w alk...Few fans sta.ved for the Qangwere v», Steve Ketrhum, Vin Insurance City Open at the Wethersfield Country Club, be­ Hsrlford, June 27 tA’< The I.a.st night at Binkley Field able to get decent seats In good second game. Originally, only one Sadoaky vs. J E. McLaughlin, Bill ginning tomorrow and continuing until Sunday. Fourteen AttTMin IXAOV'E INTERNATIO.VAI. I.K.VOI K Weekly Flahing Adyiaory of the Mmiarty ~ Bio.«. managed to ' Standings game was. slated but due to an Stuck vs. Wilber Stevens, Jim K U adlags . HtsSflliigs W. L. P rt. sections from the Yankees in past winners of 20 previous tournainents on the PGA tour will be S ta te Board ^ f Ki.sherte., and ,q|,ppj,p qjii „ 7.6 win ovei a fight- years. . Not once In the six years, early season rainout two - games Brtincrd vs. Peter Naktenla. W I P et; Would Be Maj^r \v 1. Lrgion Niiir lo Play I-cglon ...... 1 0 1 finn were on the dockeUv.Train ride on hand, ss will more than 40 other*- . — — , - ■ .SS.'l G am e; ing Green Manor mno in a ”Nation ' 0 have the Kaceya run into foul Third Flight N s m iS Arms .... .Normsn’s .7 2 71 -i Salt water fishing atiipeis ate Lp^giie gaii^. Mike Reardon's Windsor Locks Tonight Moriarty Bros...... , . ,nno home wSa slower than the dsllv top professionals. The 820,000 .(too 0 ,000 weather on excursion days. This Andy Ferreria vs. B‘ Slrppson, St. Louis Open; Jackie Burke, Jr., E lk s l.*\ vvfr. 7 2 moving in along the Kastern Coast ,„iching alriick out 12 Herm'a Camera ... . , mail. l„eft New York at 8:20 an'd Phil. Russell vs. Al Kapetyn. event Will begin tonight with the .«00 ^ 6 Green Barber ...... 0 1 .OHV) year’s was the closest with the Masters champ; ' Mike Fetchick, A a I ('inciniiati, June 27 (/P)— Should the ama/.ing ( incinnati Sylvester ? r"”'- but are not biting too well yet. ; Gnragemen but he had trouble i American Legion Juniors arrived in Hartford at 11:3.1...Be­ clinic, featuring noted trick shot ‘ Itsnrhester .Trust > 0 0 1 7 “ rsiii coming down hard when the artist Paul Hahn and tha long St. Petersburg Open; Gardner Redlega win the pennant thi.s season it will ^ Ansai.ii s ...... ‘ '•’ j Fi.ah from 2.1 to 4.1 poiinda are re- ,,,, j-o n tr o ir ’.... will meet the Windsor lawks ■’ train pulled out of Union Station fore getting off I talked with band , Police * Fire .... .3 i3 Erupting for*three nm.s in the leader Art McKay* and' he said he driving duel between huge <3eorge Dickinson, Miami Beach Open; Bo .000 be one of the biggest upsets of recent baseball hi.slory. row ■ , ' iHuie'd taken. W ^akfish are pick- M oriarty'a i Iwgion tonight at 6, o’clock at In Hartfqrd at 8:02. SECOND ROUND M.ATCHES First Nsfl Bank . e.KiKrta gave the club any hope of fini.shii\g higher than its Norman's tied the l.jnvyei s for, with Pleaaiiie Beach started to pul on the pressure, Ml. Nebo In a Iwgion Iwague fourth inning. Coach Wally has"handled thcvband bearing his Bayer and, Paul Harney, the 145- Wininger, Hot Springs Open; Don ftisl honors last nlghl behind the Bridgeport reported aa the hot name for nearly .34 years.. .There Wimbledon. England. June 27 pound belter from Worcester, Maas. January, Dallas Centennial win­ iftth plsce finish of last sessoh. A . ------' I Bob Young walked and hit bsts- game. Fortin's American Legion Juniors A threesome that almost didn’ Versatile Chuck Saimond pitched brilliant one hit pitching of Jlm-|gpm. The fish In general are small Dieterle. put two men on. A were many tired people at the (F)—All the top men and four of Gene Llttler, the 26-year old ner; Paul O'Leary, Brawley Open; firat~ dlvlaion berth would repre-| (,B»eman George „('oarh Wally Fortin of the un- rallied to take the lead and then make ths train was comprised of A * 1 to a .decialve S-1 vlctoryi my .Mi.slrelta. combined with 18 ^ repoi'ted four-pounder taken py R,,ger Macione drove in trips end after a full dav of train eight women seeds battled out Californian, who leads the money Billy Maxwell, Azaleao 0|wn wlp- aenl a genuine triumph for that crowe from .Milwaukee for Bob ^ defeated locals will use either pulled away from the Green Lea Frarchla, Joe Calaldi and Phil over Manchester Trust in _the ba.se hits, to route Ansaldi's 20-1 „ff Faulknfir'a Island may mean runs. Frank Filloiamo then Wes Feshler or S«-ott .Mitchell riding, baseball and a look at New second round matches in a star winners for 1956 with over 833,0(>0 ner;.Don Fairfield, Palm Beach, Redlega who have been a chrontr' jjBale, infielder Alex Grammas and at Verplanck Field m the Inter- (.he big fish are not for off. ; singled to drive in two more, B arb er Shop to win .1-2. The Tw 1 Came.v, the former one-man track York Cltv. packed competition at Wimble in prize money, heads tha list of Florida king; and Doug Ford, 2965 Aluftmi LAguB last night at Cliar-, second division outfit for Uie pa.at outfielder .loe Krasier ftom St ag ain st the Invaders. .Maht. League game., played at Ml. .N’eho nalionsl Leagtie. The hapless An- Blackfishlng still is holding well ' Manor's Dave Haskell Chester has seoretl three don’i ivy clad courts todky. Tak stars in tha ICO. Littlar has won PGA champion. ter Oak Park. Saimond gave up 11 years. Louts for Charley Haixiion ami last night wa.s the cir-cuifs lid- saldl'a team now have dropped six , ai| along the shore with fiddlers, ; jj.jp|pj| after there was one put in straig h t, wins In league play. MADE WRONG CHOICE ing a, fest will be reigning queen the Texas Open, the Laa Vegaa Otiwrs to Appear ' four hits, walked two and sent Much credit for the emergence Burgess in a row, j and crabs taking fi-'h. Fluke are | top of the second. Kd Kosak's llfter. • I Louise Brough, perky Mrs. Bever Tournament of C^iampiona and the Other stars of the golf world The favored Barbers, many of Chestnut Seeking 13 down via the atrikeout hia no-1 being caught In ' im reaaing num-: Haskell in and *n er- PitUburgh —, iNEAi Laurin ly Fleitz from Long Beach. Calif, Palin Beach Tournament, besides who will appear In the Hartford afra,lch hers every day as they move into b,.oi,g(u m Kosak for a i whom played for Fortin and Ihe Pepper, the Pirates' bonus pitcher, and Britain's Angela Buxton and finiahlng high In nine other tour­ Junior C3iamber of Commerce- A A 1 built up a T . Other-1 shore waters. Boats off Mnntauk ' ' I.»» ^ „‘ir. nrealdent "I’ Rroiip, a majormajority of four bane knocki 1 «*^^***- f’^loundern Rrf slill b^inR MoriHrlv s .loe PiRolt was re- . in Ihe next fram e on Dave T iirk- venge tonight when he . squares Inning with a double and scored briel Paul ^ them regulars on the Redleg s. aev- St. Mary's broke into the w’ln jugton's single, a sacrifice, another " and ceneral manager of the dub ____i...... ,-in t , The winners practicallv knorted i quantities py M«,.j„ne to halt a rally off against Carmelo Costa m a on a two-base error. and general Planner of ‘h ' < en'of tii?m'are no longer In'the big column last night heating the Cen- single and a perfectly executed lO-round fight at Capitol Arena. anpt. 29. lWi3 when neoi jF And only Sehiinu k can be the rover off the hall Every i *"** small siie. I py the .Manor hoys that s^w them Bate), Btsrta Rally Chestnut, 25-year-old Harlem iBirdiei Tebbetia wbr handed 1 mi nn every day perform-' starter banged out at least one Blue crabj are beginning to ; tie the score .l-.l in,the fourth. Two ter Congos 13-11 at Robertson: double steal, x , ‘; MACHINE SHOPS AHD STORES OPEN SATURDAY Little Larry Bales got things scrapper, currently la unranked, in reinff i * hia' .... I er. base hit with Dave Tiipper getting , show up and should be numerous straight singles by Colangelo and Other-Sports Started for A * I In the first in­ m lscues Park in a Ohurcli Softball League c’ooper^,starting hurler for the •he featherweight dlvlaion. Costa, I power-I'acked .\rray j . ( 'm ill to Tel»l>ells four for five im'luding a triple. ,aoen in all the ealiianea and cose^. McCarthy and two 9 J ning when he was hit hy a pitched )(ame. j B arbers,. oauShd his own downfall a slick combination puncher from- Paul, with hts shrewd trades, and Who la re8pon.slble for li ans- Again Hie weak fielding of An-i Swordfish are showing with one j brought m three runs, ball. A aaenfiee and an error (ol- In all 34 hits were made .with j,e waa touched.for a single And Page 23 , I Brookl>Ti, is rated No. 4 among Tebbetta wih hiff ban- form ing hitherto nietiitH’ie p la y eii jiHlitr* hurl Ihoir vharu'eR of win- -^ver 600 pounds being biought in-, fiam e .found Green St. .Mary's coltecUng 18 and the (hiee straight walks tn the la.st NOW IN STOCK lowed and Saimond singleil home ‘ ‘ ‘ I lo Nianttv. . . Manor moving ahead for the Aral contendcra for Sandy Saddler's ;hrfir.\"run"lTave%lb^^^^^^^ P'"vers. and aleit mto outslandlng performers bat- nm^., Center Gang 16. For .St.. Mary’s,: of the.fourth. Don Simmons eanie title. . Jc^ V^aronltrw a^grovm It'mK.ng on the field, have tr.na- thing for the top _^priie Cn- cot' 'thei»‘’^iinlv run l.lmil l» Six I time as Reardon ieSuba^aflrst on O'deH got four for five. Jim Herdic qq to hull hut three runs had aa^Joe Tisaionlte was group u g , d,ab-looking.’ weak-hit- doiibledly it ,1s when Iheir leus.inff hsii«i-'rvsiir' InlandInland fishing fishing Ba.«s r»n.-. fishing...... ^,, an eiror.eirur, stole second and made And two years ago Costa beat C o m p lfft* ... new business tones In leaiion oauer vnaig nr.nr1s and streams opens a «. a .yilfi thi’ow. Colangelo and Marsliell* each came up w ith i cros.sed the {ilate before lhe end of Cheitnut when the two were pre­ .. Img outfit into one of the. moat has aucceeiled in ifulllng h'" , i'>iVmln.'‘wa\ huTv a”^lit7 h '^stole threes.One of Heidic's was s, triple.' the frame. , liminary boys working their way - ^ a,.,,,...... , __ team ahead 6-.1 Robinson also collected a triple. A single by Dannj’ Renh and a Lint.of New M arsh and G eorge Gordon v.a.s the j thev exhibited under previoua man- ,; the fifth saw John up in New York. 8 Arctic-cool highlight of the aecond inning, m ever assembled. ' ...... ,-2 in ,.p „ Johnnie Brown and A1 Sproul , three-ba.se erior netted the, Floyd Patterson, the heavy­ PALM BEACH* a g cis aim ...... r... aroumt^ to smie. The Lucas 'double to right centerfteld which'the winners syoied thriic. A It Is riiffu .lit to believe tbsl If winners. ,un are aioiind their and two passed bafts brought In eAch''-gol four for '^our for Itv * Juniors another tally in the fourth. C a r te r 's weight rliallenger, is sch-duled to svalk, an infieia hit by .Marsh and' lb,M,.just befoie Oabe look chaige manageiTsay U^s -rebbellAho ne’sis because’ of the late vjL".K' another .Mnnlaity riiii to even up Congos. aod I*’*’ fifth- a walk and Glfnn referee ony of the preltminsries to Summer ToniglU there will be two games' Merrer’s long double drove m the two errora-igave A * I terns num- of the club. It hit ,a ^am total of iightV’ lhe fire under the Re The businessman tiims to the light. . . rtcognimg in our b er fix and seven in the third only 64 home rims. Iii s li,tUe more the usual Wednesday night tele­ theyinev W.w.puld01II.1 beor a different..i.ie.eo. club...... en- , "cored , , . ,, | coves at l^ke Candlewqo“ Tongien, .Itid Gidman and ^ sfi.mch long nine-pounder was Carpenters, Plumbers game pul of second pla. e. ' up ball. Lucas walked to load the nnsiponed Uxt" w eek' rer and Norm'Hohenthal esch'col. .idea in Arctic-cool Palm Beach auits-beaiitifuily styled, 1 .ns, easilv hellering Ihe sll-tlme Tup|>cr...... —■ —each “■ hitting — ‘two...... ' I picked up in Gla.stpnhury last BUIENf.’E.IN B.ASEB.ALL , Next league attiailion will he wilh Ihe leaders, despite their un- bases. Reardon gave up 1 ha ^ Priming and Icd'd « P»'r of hmgles for the Complete Stock of FRAME TRAILER Thuraday night when the . F.lks 'rcis.n l of 2'2l set b\ the Ne\' York I cerlain pitching, i* .’Tehhelta him- Timight Aceto A Sylvealer will . week. Inipiilant walk to Johnny trie to-'between the Allied I riming ana Milwaukee' (NEA) - The exactly correct anJ • tailored with the patented Million I'.iHjnts of 1947 / Braves use oxygen tn the dugout j meet Police * fire, llame time l.« %e\f ' t>e trying to atay in third place Trout fiahing in neneial III' push macross thei..x winning...... Islly...... ,j Nfirtfi. , .Methmllsl^ '.'ll I 1.1 ’ I-exles 4uni..r. t h, |B1 * , ^ ,I til , Pan fishing .continues good ...... MnrUrty.. '* Kiiiwii 4 1 1 4 c R»'iii. n* . . . n 1 i 1 • TwarniiM-'. l b ...... 4 D 1 < ple and Roy .Mc.Millan. p u llc ip a t-, ('lomn. 2h r h I hi KilbT 2h ---- .1 1 1 T ft '» Jlohrmhal. Ih \ 2 • TERRY CLOTH SEAT COVERS ■nlrrr r ...... 4 0 1*1 rtiat diviainn club and a MliHTf-. rf ... 1 0 11 1 J .excellent thrmfgliout the slate for Ib’iilir 2h h 1 .3 4 ti I MHiiFgKtii r 2 I u Rayon, Nylon or Oaeran, Mohair. In moat atylaa. 3b 2 2 I o ' ing in jibe home rtjn deihy Aral diviaion club could easily be­ Tyb.M. cf f. (l a n 11 0 all specie.,. Shad fishing ends ’'"y , 1 nnllitlXMll Ih S 1 3 1ft ft 0 rnwlr.x If .... 2 I d II m TO AVOID HOT WEATHER MOTOK TROUBLE • u Marph pp 4 3 2 1 'Through The first 61 gaires. Robin­ come a pennant winner. A man­ TU|»|mT .. '4 '1 "n 0 “ ll ” 1 \vith fish sliU plentiful in Ihe - Ji 3 Maifthcil If h 1 3 1 1 R h aul " p .., 2 0 0 Gord'>o If ...... 3 .1 1 1 son hit 16 home runs. Post sml K*l»A\Pg4’ «' 3 n 3 0 o "2k 9 o 2 D Autb’li 4 1 2 ft 1 ager a moat important duty to hla FVnhki 3li . (’onnectirut River. , T AlM.’toll 2 KlliSft'Urv if . 4 0 0 1 ft T o ia la ...... 22 5 .7 31 7 2 4 TOBELESS TIRE W o suggest now AC Fuel Pumps, Oil Pilten, Antonio f ...... 2 o o <• . A 2 1 o 0 1 o Mai HlotH .'Hi. V Flnchpr. If ...... '• 0 0 o • Bell 14 each Klusiew'ski and club i* to inatilt belief. Thai a MmIi eitA. p .4 .1 2 D » n ■ 3 'D M odi Fhi'UK**, 2b 2 2 \ 1 1 Barbe r .'4h«ip i l l . .. $35.95, I .4\nnx«> Ih . ah r h a f, rhi ■Uiiri^soii. rf ...... 2 0 o o ' caliber F.d Bailey 13 each and Ray what 1 ve tried to dn. ‘ T'«ngi*-n if . , 4 3 2'""ir-4V 0 .1 i.HhiiTti nf . 1 ft 1 ft II Spark Plugs and AUTO-LITE Battorlos Wint^rp rf ...... o o •> o MaiJotn, If 0 0 0 a n 0 o 1 II ft ft 3 T«.ial* ...... 43 13 Ih 21 13 sHimlirine. 3h/p V..i S 0 0 0 ] ft o : JabloiWkl 12 ■ 1 KlIltilAllli'. If ft, II I'enlei Mk 111 Mothanlt. 4'i ...... 3 0 1 2 0 ft ft HEADQUARTERS rf ,«*.#. n o n o iiftilnian. h ..4 ^ n 2 0 0 1 Last Night's Fights l,lt( AB If . 1 ft ft Only Two Surviiors j l.anoe«>. rf . 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 ft ft ft 1 0 AB ll H r o A i V iI p . *r ...... 3 o ft I 2 i (» i Pi III lutMl (*f . 3 4 3 ft If Ymir Dealer Doesn't Satork Parts, We Invtta Tour Inquiries. Total* ...... > 'fc 21 4 2 Only two players Klusiewaki TKIBI TK TO BABK rn - rf ...... «i ft ft ft I Hn>w n ’ «• ...... 4 a Wojrik c ...... 3 ft ft 4 3 0 ft* Maarkrtl^r Tr«*l TmImIp .... 41 2i‘ lfi IP 3 2 n \ ft ft ft 1* o Hliinco, cf ...... 4 3 3 ti I’fMipf I p If ...... 2*1 2 2 E I ft IN m a n c h e s t e Ii and Temple are survivors of the .G^UeaLon. T ex . Jun e '7 Stockton.' t’alif. Flash F.lorde. Mcnm It . 3 2 S ft Irleh I f 3h. 3 '• u I I t) H all r h |Ni »1 J ,\nili •“'ll, ft ft ft ft 1 (I WllAon. th ...... , 4 Langr Jb ...... 3 o o 1 I team Paul took over in Hie fall of Ko'ity-twb hghledi camileR atop a Ab I h a w •bi 130, .Manila, knocked .out t'eril ft ft ft ft II Matok If ... 2 ft i> II ft K llch* iilhal. Ih .. 2 c 1 fl o ft. >t \ 2b ^ ft ,s PtB4’tl P •...... k ft •1 2 4 ft 0 ft .ft Sw.*#*! 2 h ...... 3 0 0 1 1 1 0 I'19.11 The rest, with the-excep- five-layer cal p . 1 ■r 1 ft Shoonmaker. .121’.^. Los Angeles. 9 t'ohun. c .L .. 1 0 1 .1 Kr*‘* hm i'i h .. o TSILO M ffP G V A A D A m I C099PA 99V raniprtpfo. »* Kvrhtsipki 3ft 41 ft 4 s 3 ft ■ .lollllXTitl 1*4 . 4 ft 1 1 Tillliinirt.III. It. if .. :f I 1 1 ft I i> B)oholpkt. lb . o I tloiis of Hiirh ss Robinson .Mc.Mil- the tribute ol the ni.llon and the Siiiti'r rf ft ft 'ft ft ft ft Miami Bixacli, Fla Lulu Perez, 9 6 Si>i oul 3h* .’.. >: 4 ft 4 4 ft •4 . 3 Toluin , ,.4^ 2.T " Ih X II 3 SALES - SERVICE - VULOANIZINC Lr.v#tt I*, r. , 1 h ' Ian Post. Bailey u d .loe Nu.x- KpoitB world ,t(» Babe •Didrlkaon XnVftk, if • • ■ 1* ft J ft J ft 130, .New York, outpointed Rudy (irrrn .^IniiHr ll I’pWiti rf h ft ft 3 Tola la ...... ft |(. 14 4 2 0 0 3 1 1 ft ■4 Barhi r Shop . __ I'll ixi a rr#». b ...... ' hall, were obtained \na trades w illi /-ahajiaa at a birthday party the liiftjMit) 1’ ... , • • • •. 1 ft ft ft . <• ft ft h 1“' u 1 l>i ' Hunhiu ll. p .. • Pfi^fpon p s noil Maiikfifltl. <’ . 1 ft ' ft ft <1 0 ft 1 O rtega. 127, H avana. 10. ft ft ft 0 phimpa. ir ...... 3 1 1 3 0 0 I..■Xliill OKI :in BUY ON OUR BUOGH TERMS 1 0 II.>» I other major'league clubs. s < « • • }{ithi lau k uopf’i .M'IK'.i !IH. <'iif4pf'i'.' \\ llerrrr. _3b . fanioup woman athlete decKired^o Pylfi? W .... ••At* . 2 ft \ ft ft 1 ft Houston. Tex. Tommy Eldei., Suiupirl vlllr. .th 1 1 ft ft o fn «' s R»jrnolfJ>. rf 1 1 0 0 Bell was acquired from Pitts­ isvnrii. If . . . . 1) ft ft 0 ft 1 1 1 ft 36 11 lfl-2l--g._5 .lluh-nilial 9B, Tmkingt,,n Miiihardr n ft o (I 0 be “the fineat I ’ve ever had or hope ; I “vi 13,1 Cleveland, outpoinled Ray Mortim. lb •• o Totals :e.i 4,n 1 1 3 'V . :1Teli.’ml,al - ' —Simirirtni* lyC»B Smith If . burgh for such nondescript play­ RUkr ... . 1 1) ft ft ft ft ft'i ncani(ji).. p • 1 ft ft 0 MEN’S Hurlburt rf • 0 0 . 0 p o to have. ’ 1 Jf nttlmi r. 21* . ,.i ft ft ft ft 3 ft Rtojas. 136. F o i l W orth. 10. 1 ft 0 ft 0,nip,r' ’ !!:! ■ "; • 16-' '*3 6- 11 Shop 8. I.r’Kion 7- R B I ’ofii. sajorts. rf sv* (I O' 0 0 0 ers as Cal Abrams. (;all Henley Haiikell. r*f .. 4. Simmon* J. nUh*rd 3 SO J MuKf'iitiH*. 2h . ..1 ft ft n ft 1 ft London Joe Lucy, 134. Eng- rolaiiKPh', -rt 3 ft ft ft JB Bii'Wii; 3B llfrdic, ftohin.hi. and Joe Roail. Jablonaki came H^nif'iili rf . n 0 ft 1 1 .3 ft 1 12 ft ft nr ll-rdic (una»«i»l-ni.rti. HrnllrIirjillr ‘ In j3 .'' SmimointSmuDoiij 1 RIrhmd .33 MiM 4-ff, ota4 4 r 1 4 U 4 11 land, slopped Sammy McOarthy, KoBak c .. . n leOB. S i , Owiper 4 fi’kv 3 ru«« in .12-3 innitte^ Nichols Manchester Tire, Inc. -P-* Ml K»ntis,‘ Ih .* 0 0 u 1 0 1 ft ft ft MPY ‘ .! 01 MrOrlhi. If O 'D ^’ll 3. SO. Sim m onjuA for 3 run* m 2.1-T V. \Tt9t- 13S’i, England, 13. Tiimaiako. 2h 0 1 ft 1 Men . S (’OHIO* BB c u t.' __ IKS) ism t I .Staley and a bundle of cash for New York iNEA) When 1 Ik 14 11 'ft t KovI*. I.. OoopFr. > 789 MAIN STREET fJb »Isr,h Gnroiin, Mrrrei . Klhle> ■ Tfilalk ...... RuehnrII 2 2fS IROAD ST. IB. Salmons. Finley 2 .Marsh SAr. F'rank Smith. Murry Dickson of "the Cardinals iNoi .Nomisii msti « ' ., • ft 2 ft 4 J Tiilala ...... » t 7 1« 1 1 2 ill PARK intivr CNURCH CPtNIM 191 aNTM fTRIIT gbrlns' LOP. A. A t a, Trusi h RB, Pitcher Johnivv Khpsteln came | shut oiif Brooklyn 6-0. at Ebbeta AnpsMi AnMliji» 6 1 ft ft 0 ft (V- ,1 Citation Moriany « . . .. SnttIror» | (gj,08b.760) Rnd Nativ* Dgni’Cr .« 1 M l M 1 7 f HAiTfdSr^ .^aairteirD . ' m a n c m u t i * Simond IJ Peterstin S lliu oft. t.meii n,7rdo‘r * D a": S i i J l " l l '" LoS“|ba.M.all. In »v .t 1 2 ^ atty first baaaman hit saven Iv^*. lot I runs In 3 Inmt^, Frierson K Harry Parkowiki. Pitcher Brooke i time the Dodgerji ha!d been blanked , j' n K-nn* 'DR 8'choieki mnae (1785,2401. the three lop money hv l.ovrlt Lawrence cams from St. Louts for at hoinc blnce Dlrkaon, then wmli eiet»m RB Mieirette 4 Miitr^j^ Mnriariv's 11 Green Manor 3; BB. ^ th an tha cntlrs NsUtinal League runs this saaaon for a naw Big itn- T I L N U k i^ 7-1911 YIL UMIaMi 9.2191 H L MIm M R I - S I I I rune I n .4 winners In raring, esjch.won Pim­ y t u . . FB laultf J Rpirer I Jackie Colltim: pitcher H er .faff- 5."Siinr.;',''iia;i;bea"linthe Philllea, Them, by e^’iirn'.fi. ' plfPft t. Minion* ■ 1. R'erdon 3j so, [ jj, ji,,^ raeord. e-MI*Ia L. LnreU: lifnrer. M 3. scprer, A lico's Prtakneai. Pif«ii JO. Macione I. Rtardon la, •T', ■. ‘ Time, 1 40. • , coat fron| Chicago for ReMa •-0. tn 1B54. Wllhame. Time, 1,30. I I

') V'-’ 1 .


' Per Sale 72 He For Sal* 72 W»n)S^ R8R| BstoU 77 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 19M DHyneRdn— W aldiee— Henaaliald Qieeda H Waatsi T» Rsat U H8 Governors to Act on^ibicoff f a c e t w e n t y -s i x ^ Jewtinr 48 DREAM HOME, thro# bedrooma 8H ROOM DUPLEX, centrally lo­ A r tld « For Ssl* 48 ANTIQtnB rURNTTUBE, OlTar, cated. An older house with poest- ‘•YOU” A HOME flolR Wantsd—lUlA M 41 glaao, chiaa, and oaad (undtora' FOUR R o o i f flat, eaatral tewdOML raach. neat and clean. Ceramte THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW ! BY FAGALY and SHORTEN LEONARD W. TORT Jawalar, ra- tlla bath, hot watar heat, full cel­ billtles. Write Box H „ Herald. Plan id Curb Traffic Deaths' Antonobilw for Salt i USED FRICIDAIRES, Just right pain, adjuata watchaa axparOy. .bought and aeld. Furniture .Repelr (or two« Iadults. C ^ 48 flhurch St. FUR SALE? PORTERmeUFS PET SUPPLY, Service. XQ. 8«i448. lar. Neetied In troaa. View, Subur­ FOR SALE—Four rooms, tumaed, BOY OR YOUNG m|ut, muet have for cottage uee, all elsee. ^ e ® haaaanaMa prleea. Opan d ^ y . KXSXRjnVE secretary and har driver's license. Miller Phartnscy, now located at Route S and Chapel ban. Only $13,400. Carlton W. fireplace, attached garage, $7,80V 1M» CHEVROLET convtrtlblt. Rd., South Wtndaor. next to East several good used Washers. Thuraday avanlnga. 136 Spnica MOVING-Muat sail thU waak, mother need 8 room unfurnished Hutchins, Realtor. XU, lrStS3, le next few months offer the sea­ Atlantic City. N. J., June 37 Iff)*' Rtbicoff deacribeddescribed theth Conneetl- Classified 388 Green Rd. Itn a t. xn. *-4867. Coventry PI. 3-7748. GeoO condlUon. MI, t-0I>7, Hartford Drtve-ln ‘Tbaater. Open Kemp’s, Inc. Ml." 3.8880.______Unlvanai alactrtc atova, axcaUant house. Available’ Aug. 1. Reason- 6-4694. son’s bsst aslUng. epportunlUss. —A reeohition drawn up by Oon' cut highwayly lafetysafety jlanjlai ha etartad daily 9-8, Tuesday, Thursday and condition. 640. Inqulra H* Oraaa able rent. Tel. XO. 8-0407. ^ MANCHESTER -Six roome, A - FamIUss will be looking for homes nectlout’a Gov. Abraham A. Rlbi just before: a>e^ e yesjryealr'began, lx to th* IlfV llX iT ? PAINT TIME conference.. BBo' o' farfa / th this year, 28 Advertisement I iM> CADILLAC fewUn, black, baau- Friday nishta T . • p.m. Man­ Part and Peed 4t*A Rd. aftar 6 p.m. 110.800, FOUR ROOM ranch, ex­ rage, porch. Bowers School^cw In Manchettsr to be occupied be­ coff calling for uniform traffic U^ll. low milcafa car. Extra claaii TUlS ^FOT OKI BORING MILL WANTED—By retired couple, 8 or safety lawa throughout the country fewer people have been killed (134 CLASSIFIED ADVT. chester .-^customers esn call JA. Old Dutch outside whHe-T>lA*l'>"* cellent condition. Priced for im­ High School, excellent cesraltlon, fore school atarts In ths fall. Call throufhout. Runa Uka naw, Pouf- WSU.'TWArt 8-1881 and wa will bring order '8 rooms, reasonable rent on buii mediate sale. Contact owner. XO. buy direct. Xn. 8-6661^ , / tha Jarvis Co., fo* a (refS«appralaal goes be(6re (he cloaing gcaalon of compared to ISO at the same time faa , Main 8t. pigmented, regular $6:18. h I* Une. f^onc XII. 8-T376. last year) ' and several governors DEPT. HOURS MIODEM FROM HORIZONTAL home with ue at 8 p.m. to 88 on entire b a l e d h a y tor aala at tha Raid MoAcal inainmeata •386M after 8:30 p.m. rnd quick, '’epcndablt serVlcs. tha 48th annual governors' confer­ 33.48. Liberal discount 18 PHELPS JtD.—L o t^ y colonial ence today. voiced praise for Ribicoff, hia 1»S3 NASH STATESMAN, four Spruce It. ar dalivand. Phona Xn. 6-6646. • S:1S A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Vie w THIS OPPORTUNITY IS FOR paint etock. GULBRANtEN diract blow ma­ MANCHESTER VALUES in excellent ronditlopt'^Uvlng room ThI Rlbtroff reaoltiUon would set plans and the results obtained. door,* (WO tona fraan. Fully VOU CLESM IT A MAN WHO CAN SET UP MANCHESTER PET Center for ell hogany aplnot ptano, $486- Bos For Salo 72 Is 38'xlS’. Tile la ^ o r y and bath. Ribicoff told the governors the equipped Including overdrive. New BUDGET CENTER JARVIS REALTY up a committee to study tha prob­ V-, COPY CLOSING TIME AMO IT COMES FROM BLUEPRINTS AND your pets and pet supplies. S. A Garde»r*Pann- -Dairy Kemp^f, lac. XO. $ ^ . Beautiful aix room split Isvel, Three large bidfmma. Ona car lem. lack of reciprocity waa the big tirca. 35.000 milea. Excellent con­ H. Green Stamps. Open 8 to 8 MI. S-4164 reereatlen room, attached garage, 654 Center Street. Ml. S-4U2 loophole.In the Connecticut plan. OUT UUE OPERATION SHEETS AND Prodoeta 10 Six Miles From Muchester arage. Bx^Ient financing. Oalla for Rpeed OrarltdowM FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. dition. Will aacrUlee. Call PI. Monday through Saturday. Thurs­ WHY PAY XfORE? Accordions large lot. Reduced. Shown any time by appointment. 3-M53. ’ NEW OPERATE. FOR SALE—88 gal. drums, in good 6166.60, (uU sisa, naw, complata Attractive ate room Cape, two RIbIcott yesterday called (or co­ MON. THRU FRI. day night till 8. Free parking. MI. BTRAWBERRIES—Pick your own Elva Tyler/Realtor.l«. 8-4488. BOLTON—Four room horns with operation from surrounding etates 8-4373. Wa repair aquariums, condition. |2.60 each. For further wttli caaa and ona yaar guarantsa. unfiiilthed. Storm sash, dormare, V est Side - Lovely 8 room Cap* Bring containers. New bed, (tret some land. 110,000 to 611,000. lit hla crackdown on apeederi. ThIa NHRR Will Vole 10:30 A. M. DAY SHIFT hsaters, pumps and reflectors. 885 Information call the Herald, phene Cheater Accordion Co., 01 Union amsatta drive, 70’x380’ lot. Land- Cod, 4 finished, opeq etaircaae, 5 : 1»47 CHEVROLET ronvarUbla & picking, R. K. Jonee, Bolton Cen­ Write Box Q, Herald. year he ordered llcenzes of con­ Main St. Ml. 3-6131. 8t. xn. S-S70I. Open Mondaya, acaped. Vary clean, $13,800. fireplace, oil heat, storm windows Lot* For Salo 72 SATURDAY 9 A. M. coupe. Tel. MI. S-saST after 8 p.m. 80-HOUR WEEK ter r S- I victed apeedera auapended for 30 O i l Alpcrl^s Pay Wednaadays, lYidaya and latur- and doors, 3-car garage, lot 85 x LISTINGS WANTED In old and CATS BOARDBID. in m e t Fenros AWNING'FOR SALE. In good cor- days. Our 30th yaar In XIanebea WARREN E. HOWLAND. Realtor 358. Convenient to school and bua. BUILomo loU In Bolton, day*. Safety officiala have pointed ro m i OOOPBKATION WILL IF YOU TRY it you will buy It. •dition. Very reaaoneWy priced. new homes. Buytrt waiting. Soma Boaton, June 37 (ft—New Have* l»48 Studebaker. de -luxe equip­ VISIT THE Sismese Cattery, 'Tunnel Rd., ter. XO. 6-1108 . XO. 8-8003 Immediate occupancy. 5ron. Coventry and Manchea- to Connecticut's decreasing auto BE appreciated MI. 9-8793. NATIVE ASPARAGUS want occupancy now, soma and of Railroad atockholdera are sched­ ment plua overdrive. Ml. 3-T431. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Vamon, H miles off Parkway. All lota are moderately school. T. J. Escott, Broker. XU. death toll. In a period when , the 3irrosB«roKiE Kittens, studs. Rockville TR. TWO USED eptnet ptano bargains, MANCHESTER, Bowers School Charming aix room Otdonial 'priced. Val Flano. XO. 3-4681. We national toll la riling, aa a reault uled to meet July 38 to vote a long, ELECTRIC Refrigerator Intnma- for froozing or canning. 8 bunchta reducsd for sals this week before area, 6 room cape excellent con­ Cape Cod, shed dormer 8 6-7IU. term salary contract (or President 8ISUT SklACW IV 8-9131. cen also build your new home (or of the campaign. Dial Ml 3-5121 tional Harvester, 10 cubic feet, (or $t, also fresh picked strawber­ we close for vacation July 1 dition, fireplace, tile bath, FHA, rooms aEd hath up, dining you. George Alpert. Auto Accesoorte*—Tiros 6 TME K4I00LE ""'f ENN MFG., CO "We have found," aaid Ribicoff, PURE BRED Collie puppies. excellent condition, 390. XO. 8-8818 ries dally—reduced price In quan­ through 10. On# marked down to $3,600 down. Arbor Realty. XU. large kitchen and living m Legal Notic* A proxy statement from New AMD WATCM IT between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. BU ILOm o LOTS in Manchester, that drivera won't slow down to CASINGS needed — Buy naw tirea FENN ROAD Ernest 8, Gowdy Brewster St., tity loU. $835, the other to 6866 thU week 6-8634, Mra. Wellea XU. 3-4738. with knotty pine paneled Hi ■ava th* lives of themaelvea or Haven Indicated yesterday that Al- s p r e a d lime Coventry. PI: 2-784e. only. Goss Piano Company, 317 wall downstairs. Porch, aW ’nlnum near Bolton, Rural zone. Lota 133’ AT A COURT o r PROBATK hol6*n here get 310 for "amoothlea." COMBINA’nON GAS and'Ml Stove, their families, but they will slow pret may receive "not leas tha* A and E Tire Service. Cuatom Asylum 8t., Hartford. JTA. 8-0000. storm windows, garage^-^sutlful xl89’ and larger. XO. 9-5010, ftt OontiFcUcut. within and 360,(XH) a year" as chief execuUva Loot anO Foand 1 GREASE ON A NEWINGTON Magee, good condition, 8 straight FARMER’S OUTLET, for Ihr Dlitrict of rovFtitry, on the down to save their lieenaes.” Recappera, Bolton. MI, t-3133. GRlOOLC Open Thursday night this week, lot. IWh day of June. A.D. 1M4. officer from June 1, 1986, to May FOUND — A place where you can IJvMtoct— YcbideB 42 and 2 'elbow chrome pipes. 8 f l l 'E . Middle Tpke. last night (or aummsr. Goes Piano Building Lots ' rreient Hon. Rlmore Turktneton. He told th* govemora that an 31 1961, after which ha may re­ oacura a complete Una of knitting years old. 350, XU. 9-8546. _____ Company, 317 Aalylum St.. Hart­ • MANCHESTER Exclusive JiniKe. Important part of any trafllr pro­ ceive 638,000 a year for 13 year* WE BUY COWS, calves and beef In Town and Suburban On motinn of Doiie O. HodrMU, gram provides ‘‘that when a. driver yaiua and acceaaoriea, atamped Auto Drivint School 7-A SLATE FI.AGGING, 4 colored. ford, Conn. Monument Itlll, Coventry, ConnecUcui. aa aeverance pay and deferrad. mp ti driver. cattle. Also horaei, Piela Bros. FRANCES K: WAGNER a convicted and penalized in one gooda, ambreridery cottona and Free delivery In Manchester on STRAWBERRIES, pick your own Beautiful Jarvis Built Cape Cod Kxerutiix on the eeuie of PYeaerlrk compensation (or aervicas. Uireada, At Your Tam LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN. Fa Cell Coventry,. PI. 3 7181. Tel, XU. 1-7409. r e a l t o r MANCHESTER J. Boudrenu. late of Coventry within state. It will be ^upheld in other order 100 sq. feet or more. Comer at the Eugene Gagllardone Farm home located oft Middle Turnpike M id dUtriri. deceated. Shop, ao Cottage St. Phone Ml. male Inatructor, haa ability and R o o r u Without Board 59 atatea.” SEASICK NAILORIV DEUOBT Route 8 anh Stony Road, Bolten. Webster I^ne, Bolton. No children West. Seven rooms, full baasment, xn. 3-1157 Call any time. ASSOCIATES REALTORS This Court doth decree that nix e-am. patience to teach you to be • monthn from June il^, 19M. be allowed Oov. Millard L. Simpson of Boaton tJPi —^There la on* ship’s - careful, a)«lUful driver. Day, eve WANTED—Grader operator. Call Articles For Sale 45 allowed. FOR RENT—Fumlehed room for tllsd bath. Owner transfsrred and PHIL HAU-JN and limited for the rreditora ot aald M ill Covsntry. PI. 3-7181. FOUR BURNER apartment else Wyoming aaid he would second the bridge that you can’climb aboard l o s t —Lady'a wriat watch, aquara, nlng, Sunday appointmenU for gentleman. Kitchen privllegei. wants quick sals at $15,800. , BOWERS SCHOOL taction. SU XU. 9-9331 eptate to exhihli ihetjr rlalmx aninat Ribicoff resolution. and laam all about navigation your convenience. M. A M. Driv­ electric stove, 13 cubic ft. deep PICK TOUR OWN Strawberriei, l TO the Mme to the eieif’iitrtx and dlrecta yellow gold. Mack band. Return POWER MOWERS Tel. Ml. 6-7783. 4 CHARLES LATHROP The governors agreed after without any worries about getUng xa. ing School. MI. t-asil befora 10 SHOVEL AND LOADER operator freeze, almost new, T.V. all chan­ 38c quart. Bring containers. SYank maculate condition, garage, es- that rubltc notice be irtven of thia order appradated after 5:30 p.m wantad. Experienced. Nueedorf. nel antenna. MI. 3-8810. Bronkle, Lake St. It you are looking for a tine SU' xn. 9-0384 by adveritalng tif a newapaper havlnf hearing Ribicoff and Gov. Walter seasick. a.m. after 4.p.m. Three famous makes. No Idown TWO ROOM furnished apartment, tahliihed street, picture book EARL ROHAN a rirrulailon In aaid dlatrlct, and by Help Wanted— Feaaala S5 MI. 8-7408. payment, $3 weekly. No payments suitable for two adults. Cell XU, burban home with a large piece ot l»oatinf a copy thereof on tne public J. Kohler of Wlaconsin that they The Boston Sdence Museum ha* Household ScrTices MoTinK— Tntckinf CAMPING EQUIPMENT, two wall ground you .must see this lovely yard, large treea and ahrube. XU. S-7433 NOTICB IS hereby given that Op­ LARSON'S DRIVINO School. until August. 9-3884. Carlton W. Hutchina. XO, 8-6182 - aitn float in aaid Town of Coventry must have uniform traffic laws a ehlp’a bridge Mulppad with all Oftcred 13-A Storase * 20 tents equipped, one 7x7x8H, 3 ft. Fertillscra 50-A 9 room home in the southwest sec­ near,eat the place where the decraaed throughout the nation. the latMt navlgatfon aids such aa tional Share Book No. 4354, iaaued Mancheater’a only trained and WOMAN FOR gsnsral laundry We need used mowers. Trade 9-4694. BOLTON LAKE—Two 80 ft. loU laat dwelt i cerUUed Initructor, For your aale- work. Apply In person. Naw Model PLUMBERS and plumbers helpera eaves, heavy weight canvaa, used BEAUTIFULLY (umiihed, lacl' tion of Manchester. Can be bought Kohler called for a "Mvarnera’ radar, aonar and gyroMopt* by The MancheaUr Savlnga and TRY US FOR reupholsterin|:, slip MANCHESTER — Moving and youn now. ^ overlooking Bolton. Lake, fireplace Certified from Ren*rd, .r ty We are trained to teach proper­ Laundry, 73 Summit St. urgently needed. Call MI. 8-8001. twice, 320. One 5x7x5, two ft. ous room with complete light with or without extra 11 acres. KLMORR TURKINOTON. Judge war against traffic aeddenta.’’ equipment open to viiiten. Loan Aaaociatlon. Inc. haa been covers, drsperiea, rug cleaning. trucking Co. MI. 3-6883. Owned X4ANURE—Any quantity. Call OVERSIZED CAPE COD. over and small building. Telephone loat and application haa oacn ly. Ml. 8-8078. _____ iUDGET CENTER eaves- light weight canvaa, uaed housekeeping facilities available looking naw High School, t bed- Free delivery eervice. All work and operated by Walter B. Per- EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply TRUCK DRIVER for fuel oil de- once, '310; two cote, heavy canvas, xn 8-7878, 609 Keaney St. after 6 p.m. at Xn. 6-9733. AT A COURT o r PROBATR hnldsn iw itf to aaid Aaaociatlon for pay­ . ett Jr., and William J. Pickering. llveriee. Year around employment, Will rent atngle or double, Cen' Excellent 3-famiiy on School St. rooms, 3 full baths, Isrgs living St CoTsnlry, ronnrctirul. wlthln-Sind for CORDNER AUTO Driving School. guaranteed*’ Smith’s Upholstery In person to Center Reitsursnt, GOOD SELECTION used furniture, 36 each. Call XU. 9-9847. tral. Reesonable. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Ih* Olsirirl of Covsnlry, on the l$th ment ot the amount of depoelt. Shop, 343 N. Main St. Ml. 8-4663. excellent working conditione and Five rooms on each floor With new room, dining room, modsm kiteh- Learn to drive correcUy and AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS OO.. local 458 Main St. mostly refinIshed. New. unfin­ Hotischold Goods 51 Arch St. Riaort Property for Salt 74 day « f Junr. A.D. 1554. salely. Individual Instruction by Evenings MI. 3-7287. 'benefiti. Aik for Mr. Quey, Mor aeparate oil heating and hot water . sir, screened porch, attached ga­ Prsienl, Hon. Elmnr* Turklngtoa, and long dUtance moving, pack­ WAITRESS WANTED, Monday tarty Bro4., Inc., 318 Center St. ished desks. 131.85 to 338.86. and •ysteme. Two-car garage. IxH 100 rage. For appointment call xn Judge LET THE AtuMnmctBMDta competent, experienced Inatruc- bookcases, 312 to $14; box springs, Mr. Albert Proves to You PLEASANT ROOM, 1 block from On motion nf Merman F. LeDoyl nf FORMICA coUntere, ceramic wall ing, storage. Call ML 3-8187. Hart­ through Friday, hours 10:30 to 3 Boata and Accaaso'iiaa 46 There is a "Santa aaus” xl$8. Occupancy in 80 - 90 days. A 9-1433. LAKE PROPERTIES tora on dual-control Insured eara. ford CH. (-1433. 831.85; rebuilt mettrese, 312.65 Main St., separate entrance, gen Coventry, Connecllriit. Adminisiralnr WEDDING STATIONERY a epe- Automatic or conventional Milft. and floor tile. Let ua modernise p.m. Apply Willie's Restaurant, DRAFTSMEN Just Pay Monthly! tinman, parking. XO. 3-4734. good buy at $17,300: on the esisie nf Charles E. WSshhum your bathroom and kitchen. For or callI MI. I8-8081. to $15.85. Some antiques. LaBIanc MANCHESTER Boat Co., 10 Easex MONTHLir PAYMENTS EIGHT ROOM house (or aale. Five Isle of Coventry within said district, de­ clalty. BeaifUMl aaaortment. Low MI 8-8010, JA. T-8880. Main (Firat) I.«ke in Bolton ceased. free eatimates call MI. 8-3885, The LAYOUT MEN F5imiture Hospital, corner South St. xn. F-2929. Open evenings, 8 $16.83 rooms down with bath, three cea. Evenibge by appolntmed. PaintHiK—Paperins 21 St. and Vernon Ave., Rockville. If ydti don't see the home ' of --One room "loveneit" for This Court doth deeree that ilv Tile Shop, Buckland. to 9, Saturdays 9 to 8:30. 3 COMPLETE Call rooms upatalri. attached garage, months fi*om Juns 15. 15M be allowed S mpreaa, 8 So. Main St. MI. THREE FURNISHED rooms. your choice listed above give ua a 35.500; year 'round six room CHECKERS TR. 6-2174. Open 9 to 9, Saturdays ROOMS OB BRAND NEW lot 100x200. Shade trees, wonder­ and limited for the rreditora of aaid •-3346. INTERIOR F a in t in g , trimmings, 1955 EVINRUDE 15 h,p. 12 ft. XU. 9-3552. call. We are participating mem­ with hew heating ayatem, and estate to rshllilt their claims against Motorcycles— BicyelM 11 FLAT FINISH Holland window until 8. FURNITURE ful lendecape, storm windows and CO WITH YOU ON VACATION ahades, m ade. to measure. All walls and ceilings, also porches runabout, remote control, wheei,. bers of We Manchester Multiple doors. Leaving town reason for garage for only 313,900; and a the same to the Admintatrator and LAST WEEK ot 3rd anniveraary and acreens. Call MI. 8-6882.'t- wanted for work on tools and ONE ELECTRIC range, 40", very All 100% guaranteed, some in orlg Lletlng System and have many directs that public notice be given nf BICYCLE REPAIRING, all type* metal Venetian blinds at a new boat cover and motor carrier. FURNISHED UGHT housekssplng selling. Call after 4 p.m. all day group of five that offers excel­ this order by advertising In a news­ aale. Save on bedding needa for electro mechanical products. Over­ good condition, 345. Call MI. 9-4430 insi factory crates, with-original Engllih a apecialty. Now open 12 low price. Keya mads while you Excellent opportunity for Phone MI. 9-0858. room. Ladies only. XU. 3-8381. other liatings from $9,600-350.000 Sunday and Monday, xn. 8-8818. lent Inveatment poselbtlltlee for paper having a clrcutallnn In said dla- home or cottage. Howerd’e Sleep time and usual beneflta. Thsaa Joba after 5 p.m. factory serial numbere. to show you. For courteous service Irlr.t, and by posting a enpv thereof on CenUr, B3S Main St. Ml. 8433S. noon to 8 p.m., Saturdays 8 a.m. wait. Marlow's. $38,000. to 8 p.m. Manchester Cycle Shop. Courses and Classes 27 one intere.5ted in variety of b l o n d BEDROOM CENTRALLY located pleasant call Jarvis, today. the public atgn' post In said Town of will be permenent additione to our CHICAGO brand men's shoe roller LIVINO ROOM SUITE Coventry, nearest. the place where the 188 West Middle Tpke, MI. 8-2088, WEAVING of bums, moth holes GLASTONBURY deceased last dwelL 1 WILL CATER for eimple wed TRAIN TO BE a carburetor and general office work. Knowl­ growing Btaff. Call J. B. Mangen— Bulldlnic Materials 47 5 PIECE DINETTE SET front room on (tret floor. Electric Coventry Lake — Six room and torn clothing, hosiery- June, skates with jumbo wooden rollers. (an in room. Bath with shower Certified from Record, dinge, partlea buffeta, or break ignition technician. Big demand edge of typing add figures es­ Size 8. 312 with case. Easy Spin RUGS—LAMPS JARVIS REALTY CO„ ranch overlooking the water.., ELMORE TURKINRTON. Judge. faA at^a fair price. Call Ml GAr Xg E f o r r e n t , corner haifdbage repaired, zipper re­ xn 3-5104. Private home. 38 per week. Ref­ Stone street. Tel. MI. 8-1438 be­ placement, umbrellas repaired, and high pay for men who know dry washer, 330. MI. 9-9847. Dor-O-Matic Garage Door WKSTINGHOUSE REF’R. 654 Center Street 1481 Hebron Avenue winterized, name your own •-3W0. newest scientific trouble-shooting sential. Paid vacation, Blue erences. XU. 3-5033. tween 8:30 and 8 p.m. .men’s shirt collars reversed and Openers. Special—While they EMCmSON TELEV. Call MI. 3-4112. Evenings terms. Only $9,360, .replaced. Marlow’s Llttls Mend­ equipment. I.,eam in spare time. Cross and pension plan; 40 THE NEWTON CO. APARTMENT SIZE gas stove.,also last ...... each 339.50 WASHING MACHINE Write for Free Facta, UtillUes combination sink. Suitable for cot­ DE lAJXE RANGE Ml. 3-7847, MI. 9-6685 PcrSOOBlB ing Shop. Mahogany Doors, eac^ 34.95 and up Apartment»— Flata^ UnuzuAll; good value, this Bridgeport Police 1864 B.S.A. 8.80 C.C. Tel. MI. 8-8842 Eng. Inst., Box F, Herald. hour week, every other Sat­ 55 Elm St., Manchester, Conn. tage. MI. 9-2253. Take your- choice of any of these Columbia Lake—Seven room­ Cellar Sash—3 lite 15x13 each $3.60 Tanenents 62 ■paclouz ree bedroom ranch, er, pgHlally winterized on ton WANTED — Ride from Rolling after 8 p.m. FURNITURE repairing and re fin­ urday morning off. Replacing SERVICE Station attendant, part appliances in addition to bedroom, large, bright >*vlng room, 18 ft. Save Fire Victim ishing: anUquaa rastored. .Fuml- PRACTICALLY new wrought iron Nails 8 and 15d Common — living room dinette, ruge. lamps, ft. lakefront lot. Beautiful. Good Park. Manchaater Green, to Air time or full time. Apply in peraon MODERN FOUR room unfurnished kitchen with formica counter and value at $17,600, craft. East Hertford. Houri 1:18 turs Repair Service, TalcpttviUa. Private Instructions 28 employe who is moving out of dinette set, console table with picked up ...... keg. 39.50 tables, linoleums, dishes hnd other Van’s Servica Station, 437 Hart­ pads, comb.' T.V. phono, and apartment, heat and hot water A BEAUTY. sU room cap four birch cabliieU. Full basement with Bristol, Junp 37 UP)—Leon Swan a.m. to 8;M p.m. MI. 8-8387. Ml. M448. state. ..Contact Miss Ciulow, ford Rd., at the Texaco sign. Aik Prime Shakes 18"—carton items. included. Convenient to shopping hatchway, hot watar, oil heat, t27 Wanted Autoa— RADIO-ELECTRONICS -Television radio, crib, bathinette, child's p a ck ed ...... per ag.'813.50 EVERYTHING ONLY $448 Hnished, two partially t it h e d . ton, 57, of Brfatol, e u ffa i^ first Servicing, "Learn by Doing” at for Van. table and chair, mahogany four- and bus line. Write Box R, 1% baths, two flreplaces. msgni- x329 ft. lot. See and compare this W AN TED-Ride to Pratt A Whit Motorcycles 12 Manchester Evening Herald Mahogany‘ Paneling, per M 3189.00 Free Storage until wanted Frae de­ T. J. CROCKETT. Realtor degree burns todsy In a fire In his nay from Lydall St., ftret ehlft. Building—Contrsctlnc 14 "Connectlcut’a Oldest Electronics poater bed, chest on cheat, ms- Herald. Hcent landscaping, beautiful se­ outstanding buy, 118,300, VA or home. He was tsken to Bristol USED CARS WANTED— We are office. WANTED — Experienced electri­ hogaq.y lamp table. All in excel- Canadian Framing 5M ft.^— livery. Free set-up by our own cluded yard (or relaxing or en­ FHA financing. Ml. 3-5416 or res. ML 9-7751 Phone MI. 9-3883. School’'. New term starting June ONE ROOM (umiahed apartment HospItsI where hla condition waa always Intereatsd in buylM clean PLASTER AND mason contractor, 25. 19M. Enroll now for practical cian, Immediate opening. Apply .lent 'condition. Inquire 36 Milford minimum load . .. . per M 398.00 reliable men tertaining. Oversized garage, com ­ Forbes Manor, Brewer St., East Gaa range and refrigerator. Bath reported as gc|od. cars for top cash prices. Try our horns repairs and new work, fret day or evening class. For free de­ Rd. Lally Columns from ... each 35.50 Phone Me Immediately pletely fenced . in, lovely setting The (Ire waa discovered at 3 a.m. AutonobilM for Silt 4 famous cash five minute buying Hartford. See Walt. Gutter 4x5 las 1st ...... lin. ft. 35e Hartford CH. 7-0358 and shower room. Reaaoneble. In- of lawn, trees and shrubs. All Suburban For Sal* 75 esUmates. MI. ^-1301. scriptive circular phone JA. quire 19 Depot Square, Apt. 4. BLAKE & HENDERICKSON by a. neighbor, Mrs. Busan PInIkas, eervice Open 8-8 daily. Barlow 5-3406, or write New England SALE OR TRADE 20 gal. automa- After 7 P. M. — CH. 8-4890 city utilities. Sacrifice, Call own­ 1883 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook two- PAINTER WANTED.. Experienced, I-et Us quote on your next Job, JA. 2-7108, Evenings and weekend!. who amelled amok* and notiftad Motors, 435 Main St., Msnchestsr. MAX P. COLOMBARO cement and Technical Institute of Conn., Inc., . tic bottled gas water heater, box NEWLY REDECORATED five er. xn. 9-1770. NOW $6,800—buys a 3 bedroom cot­ While vacationing, youTl h&va time to relax and clean man with car for steady trailer. Want cement mixer and See It Day or Night ME. 3-7405 Gleitonbury police headquarters. Police res­ door aedan. Many extraa. One stone masonry contractor, side­ 193 Trumbull St.. Hartford. Conn. WANTED—Woman for general call us. We are speoiailsti on trim, room second ' floor apartment, tage, kitchen and living room enjoy reading the news of the world’and your owner, immaculate automobile. walks, steps, terraces, walls, out­ year 'round employment. Start ■tones. MI. 9-8348 after 5 p.m. A—L—B—E—R—T— S combination, fireplace. 90 ft. front­ cued Swenton, whom they brought laundry work. 5 day week, steady with top wages. Telephone only doors, flooring and windows. Adults only. Available Immediate 813,900 out In an uncontcioua condition. favorite heme town featurea In thia newapaper. You Mcaure PonUac. 373 Main St. door'fireplaces, also cement and work, vacation. Call New System 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD . i SDC ROOM colonial, thrCe up, age. Coventry. E. k E. Agency. Buslneaa Serrtces Offered IS between 8:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port- ly. Write Box Q, Herald. He was revived at the hoepltal. don’t have to wonder what is happanlng at homa, ciniler block construction. Call 'Bonds— Stocks— Laundry, MI, 9-7753. Centrally located aix room Cape three down. OH heat, basement MI. 9-6397 or XU. .8-4480. 1883 PONTIAC convertible, miat Rockville TR. 5-3082. MOVING OUT OF state, must sell, Firemen confined th* blaze to Yor we have complete coverage o f focal news, sporta, M l.,8-6746. 1 NATIONAL LUMBER, INC., FOUR ROOMT apartment, hot and Cod with fireplace, Timken heat. garage. Vicinity of new High graan ftnlab, dark green top. ANTIQUES Reflnlahed. RMairing Mortgages 3l All makes of adding machines ’ ’ refrigerator, 11 cu. ft. With freez­ ANDOVER—Attractive four room the couch end a rug. Damage waa husineaa and social events. Let th* Herald go vaca­ done on any furniture. Tieman, YOUNG LADIES WANTED YOUNG MAN wanted for light fac­ 381 STATE St., cold running water and heat Immaculate condition. Will GI or School. Contact owner. XU. 8-7741. ftydramatlc, radio, beater, power REMODELING or new work. See sold or rented. Repairs on all ing compartment electric stove FHA. Immediate poeaesaion. horn*, on large lot. Fireplace. reported as not heavy. tioning with you! 188 South Main St. Phona MI. CASH IN A HURRY! Fay a'penny tory work. Apply Kaklar Toy Co., NORTH HAyEN. CONN. available about July 1st. Call PI, * steering. Continental epara wheel, Wm. Kanehl, contractor and build­ a month for the use of each dollar For General Fac.to.ry Work. makes, Marlow’s. with automatic timer and deep- NORTH END, 310,500. Six room Screened porch. Fins place (or nearly new whitewall Urea. Many 8-6643. 60 Hilliard St. well, automatic washing machine, 2-8449, or see Mis, Crlckmore er. Tel. Ml. 3-7773. , you borrow for any purpose, Con­ Tel, CHestnlU 8-2147 , High St.. South Coventry. T. J. CROCKETT, RealtCir home, oil heat, work shop. Ga­ children or (or retired couple ether quality extraa. Low mileage. SALE>-33 1-3% oft on ISO pattema all Norge products. In excellent Office x a . 3-5416 or rea. MI. 9-7751 rage. Good lot, Neville Realty, JA. 38.200. Madell;)* Smith, Realtor. THROUGH GI-ASN DARKLY t . CALL CIRCULATION UlRARTMINT RUBBISH AND aahss, rsmoved. necticut Mortgage Exchange, Apply ATTENDANT for Super Esso Serv- in the Blue Ribbon collection book. Juet traded In on a later model BIDWELL Home Improvement Co. condition. 86 Milford Rd., Green 7.7692. MI. 9-1643. Milwaukee, Wl*. —-'A coih General cleaning, cellars, attlca I.«wis St., cor. Gold: CH. 8-8697. icenter opening. July 7th on We also handle texture paint. It WANTED — Refined woman to Cadillac. A car you would be Alterations, additions, garages. Manor. share my furnished home. Refer­ RANCH HOMES In Manchester in­ mittee of the Wisconsin. Mddlcal and yards. ResaonabU •sics. M. Re-siding specialists. Rasy budg­ Open till noon on Saturday. JA. MANCHESTER MODES. Inc. parkway at Manchester. Part and makes old cetlinga look like new. clude 3 new ones under Ill.-OOC, GREEN MANOR, Three bedroom proud to own at Center Motor A M. Rubbish Removal. Ml. 9-55SS evenings. Notice ence*. Write Box V, Herald. Society Is going to peer through et terms. M l 9-6495 or TR full time. Summer help ooosid- Green Paint and Wallpaper Co., one on William St. at 114,500, two ranch, fireplace, hot water heat Ml 3-5121 Sales, 481 Main St. 8-8787. PINE.ST., MANCHESTER erei. Excellent wages plus com­ IN BOLTON the tinted windshield ^sltuaUo* to 6-8109. next to Manchester Knitting Mills Town Advertisement MODERN SEVEN room tenement more new at 114,900; 315,300 (or oil, combination screens storm see whether It can spot aom* poO' WANT TO BUY CAR and had „ Fm mission. Good opportunity for pro­ at the Green. Open from 8 a.m. • A.B.C. SERVICE Company servic­ Busineivi Opportunities 32 SHIRT PRESS operator for new Notice is hereby given that in Notice with garage. Children accepted. the one at 70 Oxford St., $15,800 sash, attached garage, ameslte tributing factors to highway ac your credit turned downT Don’t GENERAL' CAHEENXRV-Altera­ gressive, honest worker. Also ,9 p.m,. MI. 9-6300. (or 86 Milford Rd., another new drive large lot nicely landscaped. 110 acres, old house, vacant. ing Maytag, Blackatone, Hotpoint, cabinet style automatic unit. Ap< accordance with the prorisions of 19 North St. Ten year old garage and barn. cldenta. They plan to determlna iMattrljwter lEu^ning give up, see ‘.'Honeet'’ Dougiaa, tions, additions and new construe- COVENTRY I-AKE. grill, restau­ night man with experience pre one with brick front (or 116,000, Immaculate. Asking $15,900. VA A.B.C. Kitchen Aid washers, dry- ply in person. New Model Laun­ ferred. AD. 3-9213 or XU. 9-3879. BENGAL DE LUXE combination Chapter. 5, Section 4, of the Town Invitation to Bidders Very good deairable investment. whether the, color prevents effec­ 338 Main. Not a tlnanca company Uon. Dormers, porches, garages rant, bathhouses, bathing besch, AVAILABLE • Immediately, (our one in Rockledge at $17,600, and, or FHA. C a n Goodchild Realty era, dish washers, ranges, wring­ dry, 73 Summit St. oil-gas range. 19.54 model. Excel­ Ci.arter. the Board of Directors Many tillable acres. tive vision by drivers. plan. ers and Ironers. Try ua fo^ parts. and rooms flnianed at reasonaele 313,.500. Tremont Realty Co., CH. Proposed Resioral Distiict No. 8 room hot water furnished. Phone close to Buckley School with two Co., Realtor. XH. 3-1207, MI. pricea. Workmanship guaranteed. ALUMINUM DOOR installer, car lent (or heating four rooms. Any of the Town of Manchester will 31 Maple St. Ml. 8-1575. 9-2878 or MI, 3-4201. AVON COSMETICS offers oppor-, and tools necessary. Mdat be con­ Junior-Senior High School MI. 3-7803, acres, for $21,000. We have others, 3-7925. BU. 9-0939. -IN BOLTON 1883 CHEVROLET four door sedan Free eatimates. Robert M. Alex­ tunity for growing Income through reasonable offer considered. MI. hold a public hearing < \ the tenta­ Hebron, Connecticut BO call and we will gladly show de luxe. Radio, heater. Unusually scientious and do quality ; work. 9-6386. tive . Budget of -laid Town of PARKER ST.—Charming oversize CHUCK’S Radio and T.V. Service ander. XU. 8-7716. BUSY LUNCHEONETTE, excellent servicing fsmllies in vour neigh­ References. Call Mr. Liebiirman, you around. T. .1, Crockett Real­ 145 acres, eight room home, A l•adlrio •x«cutiv« sp«akf to privat* butInMtmtn— ahatp. 1881 Ford four door V-8 Service and installatipna. Small location. l>pw overhead. A good borhood, Call xn. 3-519.5. Manchester, for the fiscal year be- • Sealed bids In duplicate for the Business I-diCRtions tor, xn. 3-8416 or Re*. MI. 9-7751. Cape Cod. five rooms and bath aedan with radio, and heater. No V. BELLUCCT, mason ronlraclor, 10 a.fn. to 12. Ml. 9-4533. ONE YEAR OLD Norge automatic giAning A\igu.st 15, 1956, as pub- three car garage, barn, alio, fruit electrical appliances repaired. .money maker. If you want to be construction of the new Regional For Rent 64 first floor, fireplace, outside patio, trees. Frontage on both side* of money down. Center Motor Sales, cement work. MI. 9-5451. ■ 318 (i'ryer, also Easy Spindry washing li.shed hv the General Manager In District No. 8 Junior-Senior High T^bes tested free. 161 No, Main .vour own boss. This Is it. Ideal MAN TO ESTABUSH a milk MANCHESTER hot water heat, oil, attached ga­ road. Only eight milea from Man­ 461 Main. Fern St. Ml. 8-5042. ■ . set up for married couple. For machine. Moving must sell. Tel. the Manchester Evening Herald. School at Hebron, Connecticut, in­ 3400 SQ. FT. of space (or buaineia rage, ameslte drive, open stair­ St. Phone MI. 3-6517. TELEPHONE- route. Apply between 1:50 MI. 3-5024. chester. 1863 .fOLDSMOBILE four door appointment call MI. 9-0425. p.m. ghd 4:30 p.m. Bayer's Milk Said hearing will he held In the cluding the General Construction. offices-or light Induatry. Second Bunce Drive — Ranch styfe way, storm windows. Ijovely large ASHES AND rubbish removed. floor. Centrally located. Parking ' aedan, auper 88. FUlly equipped. Aluminujn Windows Co., 61 Eaton St., Hartford. TAPPAN GAS stove, four burner, hearing room of the Municipal Heating, Ventilating, Plumbing duplex. Three rooms and bath on lot, well landscaped. Space two Lawn mowing, light trucking, $4«ma second floor. Wall to wall VALFIANO 1883 Chevrolet hardtop coupe, and Doors 14-A • , t treea cut, cellars cleaned, papers SERVICE STATION ’ attendant, tion, white. Call MI, 3-8997. AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER­ ceived by the Regional District No. included. Extra rent'‘income will rafpet living and dining room, powetflide, radio: heater. Very, and raga taken awayv free. MI; REPRESENTATIVES STORE FOR RENT at 214 Spruce , REALTY very clean, low mileage. Center TIME part .time. Apply to Boland NOON. at which any elector or 8 Board of Education at the He- pav for your home. Will V.A, or also stair carpet. Excellent condi­ 9-0142. Call evenings. GUARANTEED against all har.- St., zuitable (or any type of-busi­ F.H.A. 311,500. Motor Salee, 461 Main. ards. Aluminum screens and Motprs, 369 Center St. taxpa.ver may have an opportunity 'bron Elementary School. Gym­ tion. $16,300. Call Goodchild Real­ Manche.tter, MI. 3-4551 ,•< MANCHESTER ness. Ml. 9-2997. ty Co., Realtors. Xll.' 8-1207, MI. MANCHESTER T.V. Service, radid ' storm windows ss well as com ­ 'Refilling and collecting money KEMP’S BABYLANiy to be heard? For and by order of nasium until 8:00 P.M., July 31, 1882 OLDSMOBILE de luxe 88 two BURTON’S 18 interviewing salea the Board of Directors o f the 1956, at which time all Proposal.* 3-7925, RU, 9-0939. and T.V. apeclallats since 1884. bination arreen and atmm doora. from our five cent High Grade Niil and office personnel for full time OFFICE SUITE—Excellent loca­ St. Bridget’s CJiurch Area door sedan. Radio, heater, hydra Oiarter members of Telsa. Ml. Call Coughlin. Ml, 3-7707, Interesting, individual contacts EVERYTHING Town of Manchester, (Toqnecticut, " will be publicly opened and read. tion, 351 Center St. Telephone BOCfKVlLLE-^-Slx room overalzed matic. Low mileage, one owner machines in this srea. No selling! and part time positions, store dis­ MANCHE.STER, Bowers School 9-8880 or MI. 3-4607. To qualify for work you must have with customers in pleasant offices. Jacob F, Miller, Sec.retar.v No Propo.sal.s will be accepted af­ MI 9-1680 or MI 9-3549. Two 5 room ranches, pressure breezeway and garage, city water automobile. Can be purchased on counts. pleasant working condi­ FOR THE BABY Board of Directors of the Town seal windows, domestic hm water Area, Six-years old. Six roorn car. references, 1540 cash, secured Face-to-face or by- telephone, Jjan- tions. Apply In person. Burton's ter 8; 00 P.M., July 31, 1956. Cape Cod with fireplace, ceramic and sewerage. High on a hill. See low monthly bank rates. McClure HILLS' TELEVISION Service. of Manchester, Conn. Copies of the Plan.* and Specifi- heat. All public utilities. Oh* ■Work this now at $13,200. E, and E. PonUac, 373 Main St. Roofing—Siding 16 by inventory. Devoting 6 hours a dling' requests, answering ques­ 841 Main St. Ml. 3-5680 tile bath, formica counter, Available at all times. Philco fac­ w-eek to biisiness, youf end on Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ Ciittons. Information for Bidders, Houses For Rent 65 from bus. Conventional 'Or F.H.A. Really. Ml. 9-6297, MI, 3-44*0. tory supervised service,, Tel. XII. tions, making bill adjustments. finances available.. ameslte drive, storm and screens, 1851 BUICK 2-door, fully equipped. RAY’S ROOFING CO...shingle and percentage collections will net up ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER. Ap- cut, this 20lh day of-June, 1956. Form of Proposal and other f^on- i beautiful landscape yard, designed 9-9898. \ trart Documents ma be examined NEW DUPLEX., 5 rooms each; ROCKVIIJ.E—I-arge family home White wall tires. 1850 Oldsmobile built up roofs, gutter anil con­ to 1400 monthly with very good Ages 18 to 35. Business exper­ l.v in person. Beaupre Motors, SCREENT8, Copper, full length. i I-arge living room, picture win­ (or cool, comfortable outdoor liv­ possibilities of taking over full ience helpful but not essential. nc., 358 East Center 8tt MI. Various sizes, good condition. 32 at the office 6f I.ouls J. Drakos, I on good street, just off bus line. club coupe, rocket ‘88’. Black, BUYING PAPER, magaainei, ductor work, roof, chimney re­ f dow. birch cabinet kitchen. Plenty WEST VERNON ST. ing immediate occupancy. Call Four rooms down, foUr up, porch, white wall tires, fully equipped. pairs. Ray Hagenow.,MI. 9-2314. time. Income increasing according­ 3-1131. each. 'Telephone '-fl. 9-1291. Architect, 998 Farmington Aye- ] owner, MI. 9-9769, No agents rags. Junkman’s Junk. Will pick Must have 'tact, poise and good o( closet'space.,CJ*ramic tile bath. six room ranch, I 'l years old. Madeline Smith, Realtor. MI- W ery, very clean. Center Motor up after 3 pfhi. All day Saturday. Ray Jackson, Ml. 3-8S25. ^ ly. P'or interview, include phone in nue, West Hartford, Conn., F. W. Centrally located. HisrThot water, please. judgment. 9 X 10 MAROON RUG, good-con­ 3-Y«or Plastered walls, fireplace, full cel­ 9-1642., a'ea. 481 Main. application. Write Dodge Corp., 20 l.shsm Road, West vofirtian blinds, storm window*, Call Rockville TR. 5-7621. ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. dition. 21” x27" mirror. Reason­ lar. basement garage, aluminum Help Wanteil— APPRENTICE COURSES Hartford. Conn.. F. W. Dodge 1125 per month. Tel. MI. 9-7885. EAST CENTER ST. — Suitable for ROCKVILLE — Three family, BEFORE YOU BUY a used car GONOER'S T.V. Service, available Alterations and additions. Ceil­ For complete Information, come able. MI. S-HIOR. can help voii Corp., 858 Park Scesre Building:*’ storm doors and windows, ’r mile office., and home. Ten rooms, EASh'ER.N DISTRIBUTING CO., Male or Female 37 from Buckley School. Will V.A or 310,600. Carlton W, Hutchins. Xu. aee Gorman Motor Sales. Bulck any time. Antenna converaloos. ings Workmanship guaranteed. lo our employment office at 55 Boston, Ma.sk.. and F. W. Dodge I SIX MODERN rooms, furnish^, steam ' heat, oil, fireplace, two 9-5132, MI. 9-4694. Sales and Service, 285 Main A. A. Pion, Inc., 299 Autumn II N. .Iiiniper Si. GLENWOOD GAS range wlth-Jtas ■Ulin A SECURE F.H.A. bathrooms two-car garage, large Philco factory aupervised service. Philadelphia 7, Pa. heater. Reasonable, MI. 3-7645 Corp.. 119 West 40lh St., New oil heat, bus line, large yard, ga- Street. Xn. '9-4671, Open evenings. Street. Ml. 3-4880. Trumbull Strpet HartfoVd,-. open ADD SUBSTANTIALLY to your range. Adults. Tel. MI. 9-7770. lot. Ample parking. Mortgages ar. Tel. xn. 9-1488. . ^ after 5 p.m. FUTURE York CTty. I BOLTON—On a large lot loaded Monday through Friday from 8 a. present income. Give toy parties ranged. A real bargain. For ap­ with trees *11* this seven room 3951 BUICK convertible, radio, In your spare time. No experience Plana and Specifications will be BOLTON LAKJ*: POWB21 AND, band mowers aharp~ FOR THE BEST Bf Bonded built Help Wai;ited— Female. 65 m. lo 5 p.m. or Call CHapel '^9321. Issued on the followin'- bi.nis: Gen­ JULY AND August, modern 6-room 1 pointment call George L. Graiia- ranrh with attached garage: Has heater, white walls, new top .' ened. Air-cooted engines repaired. up roofs, shingle roofs, gutters, necessary. Must be neat and well furnished ranch home. I-arge lot, j Year 'round six room cape, lake dio. Realtor, MI. 9-5878, a dishwasher and disposal. No dynaflow. power windows and I conductors and roof repairs call eral Contractors only; Upon re­ Pick up and delivery. All work PRESS OPERATOR v^anted. Five spoken. Over 200 brand new excellent location. Tel. 9-4811. front, I-arge atone fireplace in liv­ basement, goaded with extras like seat. WUI accept trade. Call after Coughlin. MI. 3-7707. names of toys to select from. To * Machinist ceipt of deposit of 370 00 per set EAST HARTFORD—Have you seen guaranteed. Ideal Shop. day week, benefits. Must spply in of Plans and Specifications shall ing room. 310,500. Exceptional combinatiori’ 'windows, ■lightning 8 p .m fx a . 9-S398. The Soulhein New England arranjfe interview call JA. 8-2910 sBTROOM DUPLEX. July 1. Cen­ these beautiful five room rqnch 273 Adame. Phone XU. 8-8130, person. New Model Laundry, 73 receive two complete sets. Plumb- price. rods, etc. Immediate occupancy. 3-8979. between 9'’a.'m. and 9 p.m. * Elaetronic Tochnieiim tral. Middle-aged couple pre­ home* on Concord St 7 They ar* BTA’nON WAGONS—1954 Chevro-’ ______Roofini; and Chimneys |6-A Summit St. Telephone Company Ha, Heating, "EleCtTIral Contrac­ ferred. Box L, Herald. Definitely a g<)o repairs, insulationji, oil but-ners, ROOFING — Specializing In repair. over 18 years of age, experience 37.).00 ahall receive one complete or re*. MI. 9-7781. work. Very interesting divers.Kled '* X'our room cape. Fireplace, re­ bedrooma. 'colored ceramic tile • ing roofs of. all kinds. Also new preferred. Call after 7-p.m. Doc'a J«t Engine Mttdfmith SuLurban For Rent €6 . 433 Main. „ . electric motors. 'Kenneth I-Jicoss, work. Permanent position. 5 day, GtRL TO take charge of weighing set. frigerator and stove, breezeway bath, fh e kitchen |s all Youngs­ BOLTON—An executive’s horffe on PreeiilexL Chamber ot t Electrician. PI 24388 after 8. roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys Drive-In. Bolton. f The deposit of $75.00 per .'let of 3863 CHEVktitBT two door. 1851 cleaned, repaired, ?8 years’ ex­ 40 hour week. Should appeal to office Nussdorf Sand and Stone. Ueneral Reqiiirementst - i.riREE heated, furnished apart­ and garage. Two years'old. 310,000. town’ in color With formica count­ South Road. Gorgeous Stone, house o f the Lolled Slalee recenj .high school graduate or MI. 9-7408, Plans' and Specifications la re­ ers. Hot water baseboard “'heat. with attached two-car garage, Chevrolet sedan. Fully equipped, . COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart perience. Free estimates. Call Y ou tihniild be IS to 31 fundable If t,he Plans and Specifi­ ments with garages will be avail­ brand new tirea. Douglas Xlotora, Howley. Manchestcif MI. S-S381. mother that would like to return able July -1st. Tel. Rockville TR Full cellar with large windows cinder block barn, (our acres, R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ CAPABLE WOMAN, care of chil­ years old cations are returned in good con­ VERNON' 336 Main. matic washing machines, electric to work. Apply Noble A West­ -JOIN A GROWING 5-5303, or iinquire 37------Park---- St.~ overlooking a beautiful backyard etc., etc,, etc. IrnfMasIble to de,' brook Co., East Hartford, Conn., dren in my home, MI, 3-1335 dition ta the Architect within ten Immediate Occupancy with tree*. There are only a few scribe with words. The asking ranges,-vacuum cleaners, motors, after 6 p.m. ’ ' e 'i'ou must be. a high M-hool (10) days aTter the closing of the 3864 CHEVROLET.; two door, Heatlnn— Plumbiniio 17 or call BU. 9-2717. COMPiJ^^Y^— - ' graduate or equivalent left so don't mils seeing them. price la 142,500. Replacement cost, small applianrea, - welding, 174 bid. Thr price only $13,300. Small black, radio and heater. Keeney s Mi?n\Tre*;\‘'M r g sSls" SEWING MACHINE operator Bummer Homes For Rent 67 Four room ranch, attache* la In excess nf tlji’l-OOO. Open at Garage, Buckland Ml. 9-8062 ® SALF,SI^DY WANTED 'niesday, In the growing carbide rutting General Contractors and all Sub- breeceway and garage on Route down payment. F.H.A. only. Call your convenience. T. J. Crockett. wanted. Applv Kaklar Toy Co. 60 Please bring a transcript ot O u r country’s prosperity depends upon compounded aemiannuijly, when ■ MOWERS r e p a i r e d and shariirp- PLUMBING and heating-TRepalra Thursday, and Saturday, perma­ . tool industry w« need experienced your HlgS iSrhonI or Trade rontractora wishing additional sets ANDOVER LAKE-Waterfront cot­ *3. 4 miles from Vernon Circle. Builder Ted OixHlchlld. Xfl. 3-434* Realtor. MI 3-5416 or res, MI. 3945 CHEVROLET 1'., ton ra< k Hilliard St. ' ’ . tage, sleeps aix. Call MI. 9-8747 or ened. All work guaranteed. Picick- and contract worn. Call XU. 9-8541. nent position. I‘'ull store benefits. ! machine operators and other types School record with you. of Plans and Specifications may (Corner lot. Owner leaving slate. or MI 9-9.3«7. 9-7761. men like you—and oomimmitiM like held to maturity, body truck. Call MI. 9-2330 or 404 Applv in person. Burton's, 841 | purchase same at the cost of re­ MI. 9-0315 after 4:30 p.m. — up, delivery. US Welle St. XU. WANTED-Sorter, garment presser ' „f industrial personnel. Male and Will sell at 311.500. Will V.A. yourz. The. strong grass roots security of 3. Your investment in Saving* Bond* Wetherell St. 9-170?. .Main St. ^ YOUNG 5IEN, WHO DO NOT production. MANCHESTER—8-8 duplex, two Millinery— Drc-asmakinir 19 and folder for laundry wmk. Ap- ^ SMALL COTTAGE al Weal Beach. car garage, central yst,secluded. Wanted—RcalEatatf 77 •very town in America ia what keeps our I: ply in person. Maple Dry Cleaners , . k j r QUALIFY FOR THEBF, PRO- All checks should he maile pay­ i* liquid—convertible into eaih after, i-DOORS OPENED, keya fyjted, DKNTAL ASSISTANT, experienced tillAMS, 5IAY BE PLACED able to the-Regional District No. Westbrook, (Jonn.. Nice grass yard FOUR ROOM RANCH $1*.*00 Bent and Bent Realtors, 1847 CHEVROLET club coupe Call ALTERATIONS done quickly and and I-Atinderers, 72 Maple St. ; P'V •• office.^ LISTINGS WANTED—Single, two- country’s economy at its present high you have held it 2 month*. copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, preferred but not essential. Five IN OTHER TRAINING t Board of Education. and shade for children to play. BU. 9-0277, evenings Ml. 3-7172. W . 3-7970. reasonably. Dressmaking, detail day week. Write Box"G‘. Herald. Tel. MI. 9-1232. Enclosed breezeway and garage. family, three-family, business 'Mevel. One of the important foundatipn guns, etc., repaired. Shears, COMPETENT WOMAN for house­ COURSE.S OR JOBS. Copies of- Plans and Speclflra- Knotty pine kitchen Immaculaj^e In vn t in Bonds yourself and encourage work. Will deliver if necessary. NELCI) TOOL CO., INC. - CUSTOM 3 bedroom ranch, panel­ property. Have many cash buyer*. I stonce ot this prosperity is the savings 1847 CADILLAC convertible good! knives, mowers, etc., put Into con- work. and care of baby, 5 day tions, Iqformallon for Bidders, SMALL COTTAGE on Niantic home and grounds. Enclosed ing, fireplace, antranca ha|l, ' 8 your friends and neighbors to do so,''*«ls. Braiih- work. See Mr*. Grant, Pine t-enox, week, 9 to 3 p.m. References, fail Form of Proposal may be obtained River. Private beach and boat. breezeway makes a fine laundry. closets,^ breezeway. garage acre George L. Graziadio, Realtor. MI '{ that you—and the people who do bu*i- able, private ownef. Inquire at "'zile. 82 Pearl Street. Weekday's H a.m. lo 4:50 p.m. you are an employer, install the Payroll Pharmac.v, 299 East Center St. XII. 9-6106. at the office of Louis J. Drakos, Week or month. .Call MI. 9-7234. The' ideal home (or a retiring cou- lot, view, trees, suburban. Only 9-5*7* 109 Henry St. neee with you — have invested in Savinp a t y Cab Office, 63 Purnell PI. ! Moving— Trurkiiif Architect, 998 Farmington Ave., Savings Plan in your company.) In this LAWN MOWERS aharpened. New Pl«- $19,500. Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. Bonds. x n . J-4168. I S to ra g e 20 SALES GIRl-R part or full lime,' PRAH a WHITNEY West Hartford, Conn., on or after COTTAGE FOR RENT a) Giant a 9-5132. 9-4694 IF YOU WANT to acll your prop­ wa^ you’ll be encouraging prosperity and used moweeii for sale Tool | Help Wanted— Male 36 Neck Heights, Niantic. Tel. MI. rentals. A, P. Equipment Co , 945 Sleaily 'work. Arthur's Drug, Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 July 2, 1958. t ______— ------erty call Val Flano. Xfl. 3-4S51 for Here are three good reasons why U. 8. 3868 PONTIAC 880 Catalina coupe. | MANCHESTER Package Delivery, Rockville, 1 AIRCRAFT -9-3375. where it counts the most— right in your Center St MI. 9-20,52 ■ PAINTERS and paperhangcra I)lvUI(in of United Aircraft No bidder may withdraw hir VAL FIANO, REALTY MANCHESTER -^-Custom ranch. prompt, efficient action. Serin R Savinp Bonds should be part of .Radio, heater, hydramatir. two-1 l-ight trucking and package deliv­ wanted. Apply Clifford Jarvis at BOXER PUPPIES. A KC. regis­ Corporallon bid within SO days after actual' I-arge rooms, fireplace, cellar, own home town. tone ^ in t. Only S.opp miles. Can | ery. Refrigerators, washers and GIRL, OVER 21, part time work. MANCHESTER, Ml. 3-4551 hot water heat. Lot 150 x 390, high IF r e a d y to buy, sell, exchange •very nnan’s inveatment program; Jarvis Acres. Manchester Grsen, tered. Excellent blood lines, rea­ East Hartford 8, Coan. date of opening thereof. COTTAGE TO RENT, Giant's be purchased at a big savings. stove moving specialty. Foldijig Apply Pete's Grocery, 464 East The Regional pi-strul No. 8 elevation, view. Only 314,900. Carl­ real estate, mortgages arrangtd, Yn, any way you look at ,it—U. 8. X lcaura PonUac. 373 Main St. I Read Herald Adv®. just ,off Vernqn St. sonable. Call JA. g-SISS.’ Neck. Ml. 9-2j30. 1. Your prineipat invtited in Savingn ^ chairs (or rent. MI. 9-0753. Center 8t. Board of Education reserves the COL/)NIAIJl In town feature one In ton W Hutchm*. Realtor. Ml. consult Howard R. Hastings Agsn- Ravings Bonds are good businesat So why Bowers School for I18.900; - Four ^ Bond* is $afa—not iuhject to market -right to waive sny informalities in 9-5132, 9-4994. cy, MI. 9-1107 not start promoting them today? - ■ o r to reject any or all Proposals. A Wanted To Rent 68 bedrqomer on Main St. for $22,100; fluctuation*. BEFORE You Buy a neat one on lot 100x600 on I-ake MANCHE-STER! and vicinity, see ARE YOU CONSIDeTu NG Contractors are required to com- SELUNG .YOUR TROPBIRTYT 2, Your return* from Saving* Bond* .fa r (he big things In yeur life, ^ Ssfitie Tanks Heater or Air Conditioner MIDDLE-AGED couple with 13 St. for $2*.500: Five bedrooms on beautiful Delwood homes built (or ly and conform strictly with the livsbility by Relmer. From Wa wlU appraise your property are lure—cn average 3% interest. be ready .with U.S. Savings lands MALE InatalUUoa apd Repair nformation for Bidders, Bid Pro­ year dd boy desire reasonable Hebron Rd., Bolton for $30,000; FOR LEASE For Your Home Sat the f and a beauty at 33 Bruce Rd. 312,800 up. V.A. and F.H.A. ap­ (reo and without any obligation. SpeciaUat. WANTED posal and Initructiohs contained rent i^ Manchester. XO. 3-7087. WANTED I>-l Stnr.v Frame Building New WESTINGHOUSB > , (Lakewood Circle 1 for 333.500. proved. Also homss of all types Wa also buy property (or cash. therein. WE ARE A working coujilc desir­ Some are vacant, T. J. Crockett from 39.000 up. CaU Tha'EIlsworth Selling or b u ^ g contact , Tk* V. S. Cewmmsiu Jit* Ml pay l*r thii sdMrluisf. Tkt Trtatury Depvtmtnt thanks, LOCAL WOMAN FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK HELP Concrete Floor ^ ^wtrs OlaaiMl Tear Round Air Conditionsr Each bidder must deposit with CLERK-TYPIST ing 3 or 4 ro^m (urniih'ed or_un- Realtor, MI. 3-5418 or ret. MI Mitten Agency, Realtora, XU. a^ANUTYJCY BRAY, Realtor ’ \. far ihtir patriotic gonarion, tho Adurtiting Council and VACATION AND BENEFITS. FULL TIME AND i n s t a l l e d htz bid. a Bid Bond in the amount BURN RkALTY FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK Yumlshed apartment by August 9-7791. 1 3-6930 or Mrs. Meyer, Xn. 9-8334. BRAE-BI CONGENIAL OFFICE IIG 5.000 SQ. FT. 01 five percent (5-1) of the Base I5lh. Writ* Box K, Herald. Ml. 6-8373 WANTED ^GallarsDralnail Bid. MODERN SIX room colonial, fire­ FOUR f a m i l y house at Ul* Cen­ APPLY GROUND FLOOR I APPLY MORNINGS , .John H, Yeomens, Chairman WORKING WOMAN desires 2>i or place, tile bath, garage,. 110' front ter, on Ford etreet. Five rooms WOOD LAND wanted, located In Regional District No. 8 Board f>( 3 room unfuHilahed apartment. age, treM. Bowers school. A res] each and attic. |16,000. James J. XCanchaetar, Vqmon, Coventry or iianttfralrr Surttittg l|rrali) MANCHESTER ” - Present Occupant NORHAN KNTZ Bolten. Give location and price. P. LYDALL A FQDLDS CARTER CHF-VROLET CO. Tawa ami Gauntry Education, Hebron, Conntcli- Reasonable. Call xn. 1-3119 after buy at $15,300, Carlton W. Hutch Rohan and Son, Realtor*. X(T. LYDALL & FOULDS ^APER CO. eut 8 p-m. Ins. XO. 6-8133, XU. I-4894. 1-7433. O. Bok bit, Xfanchsster. PIPE and SUPPLY, Inc. V..... 816 PARKER ST. "Shfft Mdfol Woriis 615 PARKER ST.— MANCHESTER ' Aiiilable for meet nn.r * Draiaata Ca. «4X Adamq Rt.-(Tsl. MI 6-8»8d TEL. MI 9-456.1 SEE , iHisIneea. Call M l •-•684 , 1 or^ S-l?18 , , MR. TOM FLAHERTY’* . PhMM MI 9-4143 V

k ' -f-L WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 19W ) PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT illanrlTPBtPr lEtirnins Manchester Retail Stores Will Be Open Monday, Closed July 4.

Average Daily Net Premi Run The Weather For th* Week Eeded Fereeeat of O. S. Weather Bereee jqM le. laM . Hrettered •how eit or thmider- ■howere this eTeeing. Cleer, onel- 12,065 er tonight. I.ew In a|>per OOe. lEuptiing BpraUi Fhlr, low humidity Friday. High Mrgaber ef the . Audit ' In mid 60s. Bureee et OIreeUttoa Miinche$ter—“A City of Village Charm


One IPound Shivers• r ’t,. • Warns Democrats In Hospital

Washington, June 28 (/P)— President Eisenhower’s dw- tors reported today the Chief , Platform GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH Executive has started to gain weight for the first time since ► ■ his operation. • , CASH SALES, THURSDAY, JUNE 28 Thl* encouraging new* came a* Woinnii, 78, Wauls! the President, after making th* 6rst public appearance of hia hos­ To Adopt Man, 54 Urges States’ Rights; pital Slav, prepared to leave Wal­ OUR FIFTH SHIPMENT OF THESE WONDERPX'L PRACTICAL ter Bked' Army Hospital .Saturday morning and continue' recupera­ Btainford, June 28 i/P) Mrs. LIGHTWEIGHT BLANKETS. BUY FOR GIFTS, TOO COLORFUL Bertha L. Draper, 78. today tion a t hi* G ettysburg, Pa., farm. filed witli Probate Judge John Against Third Party An 8:15 a.ro. EOT medical bulle­ r, Keating a petition for tha tin said: adoption nf Andrei Krlatophar, •The President had a fine night * 54. a professional singer. Keat­ India rest. He slept almost oonllnuously Wiuihinflrton, June 28 (fl’)-i-G ov.^lan Shivers of Texas said Charm ing ing set the hearing date for today that if the nominees and platform of the Democratic for nine hours. Jul.v, 12. “His tem perature Is 98. his pulse Joseph L. Melvin, counsel for national convention are unacceptable to the South “an.v^hinf is 76. hi* blood pressure 116 over Mrs. Draper, said the adnptidti can happen and probably will. Prints 70. his respiration la 18- all of was sought to permit Kristopher In remarks at a National Press Club luncheon, Shiverj^ made which are normal. wminMiuMiiT. to become her legal. heir. Her a plea for States’ Rights and oppo.sed third party movementi For hed.apraada. conch covara. -.v “Hia weight this morning showed hnly -- living relatives, Melvin davanport and chair covara. wall a gain of one pound. ■aid. are cousins. as “undeatrable.” JlMaii* . "Hi* condition continues to 4 coverinaa, throwa, , draaaaa, Under Connecticut law, Mel- He said there is a way out of the party’s dilemma short of « i . . akirta, etc. Only progress satisfactorily. Hta spirits .'.1 explained, an adopted child abject surrender by the South and that is restoration of the and morale are high.” has the samr right* as a two-thirds nominating rule at the national convention. I,aired by ‘.Army Blue’ natural child. < . Shivers, who bolted hi* party to' They certainly appeared high Mrs. Draper la the widow of help Dwight D. Eiaenhower carry First Photo of Ike Recuperating last lUght when the President Preaident Elienhower, recuperating from abdominal aurgery. CItarles Draper, who was an Texas In 1952. said a return tb thq poppea his head through the open official of the New Haven Rail- two-thirdi rule aivould restore the looks out the window of hia room late ylilerday. for thta flr*t window- of hia hospital room and Averell Trying picture of the Chief Executive since he entered Walter Reed Hos­ ' road when he died about 25 pgrty to "• position of broad in­ wa.ved a salute to a small crowd years ago. Kristopher and hit pital. lAP Wlrephotoi, fluence, repreaentative strength and the Army band, which had wife, who died last year, helped and ti-u# moderation." To/Whip Adiai lured him into public view for the Mrs. Draper manage her busi­ Prior to. 1936, a Democratic 'flrsl lime' with a rendition of ness affairs. prealdentlal candidate could b* "Army Blue.” , nominated only by winning two On Rights Issue UMM UT. White House press secretary thirds of the delegate votes at th* flaiiWn4 4M Book on Ike Tells Jam es C. H agerty said in giving party's convention. S(>m* north­ out the morning medical bulletin Steel Industry ern Democrats argued in tho^ Atlantic City, June 36 m layalM Slit that the President Is sending his days that thla gave th* Boulh ”* -.-New YArk'a Oov. Averell H arri- »!.SA compliments to the hand leader, veto" over contendeni for the man appears to be focusing hl« blfl The Inside Story ^MaJ. Huglj O irry, for • "very flne Starts Banking nomination. for the Dembcratlc presidential performance." Ideologtral Hpliater* nomination On the hope that Adlal SMART TAILORED Shivers said since tJie- two E. Stevenoon'a supporter* wlU Wa.shington, June 28 (-P)— • S«P‘- i6.w heart attack Eiaen- (Continued on Page Fourteen) Furnace Fires thirds rul* was' abandoned and th* break apart «n th* CIvtl RighU r ! hower announced hi* decision to unit rul# kept In force (whereb| laaiie. A h4nd»om« printerf-cotlon Close associates of Pi esident, another term on Feb. 29. Harriman made little political New York. June 28 Tlie na-r a state delegation majority oaan Net Eisenhower, called to a secret other high spot aswertion* pf the the entire vote of that state) th* progress on the surface at the 43tk akin to thoaa froni tha land tion's steel Industry began bank­ annual.governors' conferancB Tak« your pic^ of White House meeting theibook include: in g ’ It* flees today after major DemiKratic parly "ha* bean Reds Mav__ Tell which ended Kef* yesterday. But of tha riimha--.lamairal nighto iirh t nfof Jan. Inn 1.3id. got tfot tnethe im- The President the vital "was intere.t* not con- of of compa(iiea and the United Steel­ breaking up Ijriti) ideological IUHST4Mr* aplinters." he pounded away on Kia theme pression at that time he united state* would be best worker* of America rejected each that th* party must taka a strong our fomouf SOWN. Raad-allm aiin-and-walar Curtains About Failure other's proposals to delay a Sat­ Ha said these rulas should stand N«««bl*4 ilMvai. would seek a .second term. served by prolonged non-recogni- or fall tofother becaue* tha nilaa •taivl on Clyll Rlghta, laalad roiron, with hnnlnA urday midnight strike of 650.0UC Drawftrinf KaM. N^' irdning, no atarching. quick Thi* 4a contained in Robert J. Uon” of Red China. liAce 1936 hav* constituted "an The New’'York governor's strata' tna4>faitaaa4. Donovah’a book, "Eiaenhower, the, h Is vexation W'Rh 16e “powerful workers. ^ giata professed to believe that If ROSEBUDS whara it .rounla. Shirrad all drying^ To Curb Staliu Negotiations were not broken Local Girl Riiies Bike for the open invitation to political manl- 1 ' 3-4 u rn . Inside Story,” to be published Sat- fright^ wing’’ of hi* party reached „ Meeetoeiler’a A(v*4|*^ MiUar, left, and Judy Iow a, of W*th> pwlatera." ,, th at iaau* la pvahed to th* fora* lirday. ■ , i *uch extremes in the summer of tha fluny-.«{ front at the (Siicago eonvfntion. to Sl.tS over. Doubla-ahlriad In hark Chatham’s SPECIAL proposals failed la.st night. But ~erafl4h).; tfH t Charlla Robinson, Brookline, Maaa., at tha Char­ In his'remarks, flhivtra did not The book, which it* Jacket »aya 1953 that,for a time he considered By JOHN M. HIOHTOWEIt ter Oak Bridge last night after Robinson'completed the Boston mention any of the Democratic much pr*s*'.:re will be put on 8t*v> Four froih bloueim (hot n««d no oxtro for f\t par aarallanra. 3 color w»» w ritten with W hile Hoii*e co- the idea of a new political party, W ashington, June 26 iA*i—State w'th the deadline neartng,* fires enton he will be forced into a stand liegan. gding out In plants acroas to p c' the T9l\v*n the road "is the man most likely the direction of a declaration for Donovan says one of the most idential (onfereneea. "very greatly weakened.' He told •scheduled for this afternoon, • iFormosani aii. oritles under the mainland. j Jantien Sports Briefs $2.95. Bpth sides worked frantically to gel run ovef." telling points made by MlltOn Ei Donovan took a leave of absence news conference Uie'presenl Lua- United States cannot last for Belligerency Missing ' In making's strong plea- for (Uontlaiied on Page Sixteen)' Figure conliol for your awim aulla and aportawaar. Siaaa S-M.I.-XL. aenhower In amnirrarixing argil- j »* While House correspondent for aian leaders no longer have-Stf Hr.'* long,” Chou said In a speech to the Chou was firm In hia calls for yd. (Continued on Page Nineteen) National People's Cengreas Oo-n- the "liberation" of Formosa, but prcaarvatlon of States Rights. Ihrat qiiality sheer SO gauge Aikwnghl uylona. Summer Jewelry ments for th second term was that | #he New oYrk Herald Tribune to onetime power to "conr.pel obedi­ Shivers described the Supreme Self or dark teams In new aummer colors. Rein­ SPORTSWKAR—SrXOND FLOOR 81 X 10$ ofc. fitted full size. 3.98 If the Preaident was to work ef- write the book, in a preface he ence through terrorism." muniat China'* p a n ia m e n t:— in his word* did not ring with th* Court decision against public, forced heel and toes for extra wear. 'Sieea S'j fectively for world peace It would | says none of the quotations, dl- Many of Dulles' advisers pri­ Peiping. belligerenty of some of hia past ■chool segregation as an "un­ to li ;- - . imported porceilam adjuatahle nacklaraa Also have to be from the While House. ' rert or Indirect, were "manufac- vately feel that theia views are, The speech was broadi aat b>-j pronouncemenla on the National- Tivertly co'loia in wonderful solid color Indian ^ Peiping Radio. |'lst-held If and. warranted invasion" of the power* Bulletins^- earrlnga and bracelet and while or paalal colorcd notOl froiirui retirement.I cm ClilX-IM . ’ •. lured” by...... him. 4t •least x .u to a . byw.T implication, — too optl- UAW Gas Bill reserved to the states under the head for dresses, skirts, sporlswesr. diaperie*. '• "On behalf of the government," , "The Chinese people are deter- anap apart necklacea;^ 72 X 108 or fitted-twin size. 2.98 spreada. slip rovers, etr. The irregularitie* ait The mithor rhvs that aigument Eiaenhower.a attilune towaro^^jgtir about the nieanln;; of what 10th amendment. from the AP Wires was probably ttie greatest single .Sen. . McCarthy' is further II- Is now happening to international Chou said "f formally declare we ■ mined to liberate Taiwan,” the He said he was not attacking ■ J very alight. are willing to negotiate with the Communist Premier said. "Thla Is fsetor in tnfiiieneing the Presidept ^ , communism. . Lobbying Costs the court as an Inatitution or ad­ pr. to seek a second term sfter hi*' (Continued on Page i-ineen) These expert* themselves are Talwxn authorities (the Nationtl- the unshakable common will of _____ ------Jhe 600 million (Chinese peoples. vocating rebellion against its de- PALuMCR USADB ICIO 42 X 38>j Pillow Cases. • not agreed; some think It I* too iatl on S(()e<*iflr steps and condl- claions._but he'-doe# advocate and W’rlhersfield, June Sfl (/P)»~ 99c early to make firm conclusions; Set at $38,762 dion* fpr ‘.he peaceful liberation of "The Chinese (Cjbmmiinlst) gov­ Arnold Palmert ef Latrobe, Pa„ ' ea. some believe that'the great debate- Taiwan and we hope that the Tai­ ernment have repeatedly pointed eserctae the "rights of vigorous Radiatiop Hazards Grow out that the Chinese people would' pnilest." Uanndlaji Op4n UhamplM ami now going on in the Communist Washington, June 28 'Ah—Wal­ wan authorities will send tlieir N«Monal AiOateur litliat of 1M4 Mix or m*trh th**« b*«ul,ful mulU-ilnpe* wuh ■camp is in line with broad policies repreaentativea to Pe.plng to dla- seek to liberate Taiwan by peace­ "We must preserve and reaped - ALL WHITE whit* or *ohd color*. A n*w f«*hlon In » h * e ^ ter P. Reuthcr told Seiiatora flat­ the doctrine of reserved power*.’’ niur$-un4er'iiar with, a S6 wUh : that the So^-lel leadership It.self ly today hia Unitec' ,-ylLutoinobile cuag these tasks wl*h ua." ful means so far as possible. leas than a third of the fMd 4 p««trl ■hade* wov»n m one high »tyl« **’**’;, HOUSEWARES laid down, through pltrhaps the "UberatlQn" la th' term Peiping "At present, the possibility for he said, "and we must preserve PtpDerell Peppered multl**lripeS'' mske Ideal ?afi?"A-Waste Disposal Worker* (UAWI union engaged in and strengthen bur state govein- finished In the first round of.the SPECIAL SALE criticism is more vtoienl than it "lobbying against the natural gas always use* for the. transfer the peaceful liberation 6f Taiwan 5lh 1 ball ranee City Opea rhhm- gift*. No color matching wofrie*, j’ou 11 alwaya anticipated. is increasing. menla to preserve our system.aa a Anklets $1.00 VALUE 3-Pc. Stainless. Steel Barbecue Set. hill which Congress passed and government of law* and not of plonalilp today at the Wethers­ give them what they wanj. ^ Urged MelM'rltIcIsm i Preaident Elaenhowei vetoed. ■'Since v.'e quiied the alogah of field Country Club. ALnXXTASION 2,^Tkie Fork, Carving Knife, Spatula, They note that *t th* 20th Com-, striving to liberate. Taiwan by men." ' ' For children and miaaea. Engliah nb cotton ank- Sci’entific Problem "Our only regret is w«^ didn't peaccfiit means, many Kiioniln- .Shivers said the “Demm'ratli' Long Handles. Gift Boxed. Reg. $8.95^ m untst Parly Congress In Mow:ow get more votes," the unior presi­ leta with nylon reinforced foot for extra wear. Can in Febrnsr.v, parly boss Nikita New^.i^idbits tang (Nationalist |\ military and dilemma" ariaea from the presence GtfKINJN qUITS TIGERS X be worn cuff stylea or atratght up. Khrushchev’ and other* sdvocatjKl dent said. political personnel in Taiwan and in the party of individuals and Drtriilt, June 3$ lA’f—Joe' ttw - —SPECt^L $3.98 (F.IHTOIl'S M>TK: tine of the-pave gone -well fronv the safety Reuther told the special genate ' don quit today on flmt bona •real prnhlems, aasoclaled with standpoint both a* regard* con- more ,elf-crit)cl*m si all party Cullgd from AF W ii^ abioad have expressed their factions who are. poles ap art in Greeting Cards y THURS.. FRI;. SAT. ONLY Lobbying Committee the ' UAW patriotic deairea. their political philoaophlea. , coach of (he Detroit 'Hgers, aad (his .Al^lc .Age is: Whal to do, trolling release of radiation snd ------fought the battle of the consumer the club's president, Walter O, I • * Regular $12.98 and $13.98 with the radioactive wastes from applying available radiation pro- (Continued on Page Fourleea) "We believe that those who wish Strange jBedfellowa pr. for on th*' bill but he declared: "We •• Western-allied Pakialan-and the to promote the peaceful liberation "The Democratic blanket.’’, he’ Hrigga Jr., said he "I* sorry for Birthday, gat wall, ajinjvaiaary. longraUilanon. BtRD BATH $7.95 SPECIAL ‘ ^ atomic Inatalisftlons...... around.....- ■ the lection measure*. had only a pea shooter, whila the .Soviet Union sign their first trade (hr way I have acted In thl* etc. Many deaign* to choose from. Time Running Out of Taiwan and the i-omplete unlA- laid, "ha* been sYrelched to (he ^ Marbleixod plastic. Weighted bottom. world? Here. In the second of a oil and gas industry had 16-Inch sgreecneiil. . . Plane bull.ler Donald' c'atlon of pur motherland will I tearing point in an'. a (te m p l. to whole matter." Briggs, who hoa two'-pnrt report. ki what scientist* But the academy says that time 150 Forest Blazes gun*." \ W. Douglas reported 'in satisfac­ been criUcal of Tiger personnel i.s running out for obtaining new tory condition after emergency Dresses Easy to clean. are up against In trying to figure I He said the UAW ipent 138.762$88,762 ffkiirtiniied on Page iyx,leMi) (UonllniiMl on Page Maleen) In the'cluti'a worst losliig strnak nut a safe way Ip distribute radia­ knowledge to assure maximum ill olllltllW € 8t I directly in an e.'fort to defeat th* appendectomy. since 1953. was reached by M a- SUMMER/ REDUCED TO SUN DIAL $7.95 SPECIAL tion from these soiir€>ea.| protection against increased baa- “ ' > 1 bill, where** one industry-financedindustry Fugitive'* attempt to escape phone In lathe Walee, Flfk box ards expected to develop at least organiaation supporting II has aaid FRI b.v Juipping from train window To match bird bath. Rv FK.X.NK U.XRF.V by the end of the next two de<-ade* Albuquerque, N. M„ June ^ (Ah it put out 61,753.513. foiled . . . Wisaouri Synod conven­ - .Forest Service officials arid an ..\Y TRUST SUITS SET ,\ P'^Science Reporter - as atomic power planta spring up The Senate committee waa act tion In St. Paul recommend $113,- ‘Typical Wise Guy’ Gets Washington, June 26 W ashington, June 28 rfl’. Eng­ in vsetous part* of the world. army of 2,.5<)0 njen today fougfit 1'I0,700 budget for a 6-year period Handbags i.oo . an unprecedented rash of ' about up as an outgrowth of the con-, .Atty. Gen. Brownell today aa- lish cows have eaten grass sprin­ It also mentioned the "continu­ greaalonal debate on the bill and Russia's Foreign Minister Dmitri noiincrtl six antitrust Indict- kled with radioactive elements re­ ance" of H-bomb teals, .but offered 1.50 Ares in the Southwest region, ShepiloY flys into5Mher* to ■}■ jIn, Revare Ware I Vi qt. covered sauce Arizona, and New Mexico. its veto by Eiaenhower last Feb. mrnts again Socony .Mobil OU All white eaay to clean plaatic calf handbag* M ake pan. Stainless steel, copper bottom. leased In atom bomb test* in far no eatlmatra of how long they 17. The Preaident cited vhat he a 2-d*.v "unofficial” visit to Greece. 8-10 Years for Killing Un. and ils New England divi­ .■^ilk and cotton, rayon ahantung pnnt cottons I would go on A* they did. they apprehensive- . . . Edward J. Barrett, industrial Also new draw atring or clutch atylaa in Ijutchar TOILEtRIES Eic. awav Nevada. ..W ...i.v, Iv watched lightning d art from called "arrogant " activities on be- sion manager, charging illegal. P n n l aheer*. , Reg. $5.95— SPECIAL ...... $3.69 While stres.sing that aiich a r* And tnf JOll1 of COmlnE ^^Iln ' ■■ a4ev*»*v« dlsA ha'tfvi.of the measure by some agent for th* New Haven Railroad, linen; Removable covera. , 1 dioactive menu—not restricted to the- ...... L Ik- -.Vi.i.n.. : acatteretf itorm cloud* over the Hartford, June 28 (A5 — A 177-th* Meriden group of you6ia''h*dl Using of retail gaaollne prieas Friendship Garden Bath Powder . . . .St. JO All 8aJ*a*riii«,l I* to tn^ FEdiRtlOn* vast area. MoatMoit of“theof the ACMArea they i elec-led chairman of tne Connecti­ In (he Boston area. ** D^litkasa 4n1#l 4 W a year-old Meriden boy. waa sen-.gone ,’or a Aght with Hntham and I Tracks bossies in Britain alone is far diatr'ibutinn question is one calling were trying to control were Reulher fold th* Senators cut Industrial Development Coun­ 11.00 Tu.s.sy Deodorant Stick ...- ...... fiOc from being at any danger point at cil. tenced to from eight to 12 years In 'two of the later's friends. | caused by lightnin|p and ranged •N'^P POWERS MODEL. AIDe ’ •98 $ 0 .9 8 Genuine AirplaiM Luggage. Light­ thia time, the .National Academy of (Continued on Page Five) (Continued on Page Mlateen) Bridgeport laimche.s a lO-day state prison fur manslaughter to- The two group*, strangers to i niD.N ea. Ban Deodorant Stick ...... 9! to acres. .i . serie* of coraniunlty vents In tri­ Charles Russell Rose, 58; head ef Revlon Living. Lip.stick...... $1.25 your camp uiiiformti and all e s t weighty latest'^Myling, beautifully empha.sise. this |)oint; < bute to showman P. T. Bar.uim . .. "a typical wine gii.v" and "a llllle ; ment In an arcade of the Lake | "Thla ,Is undoubtedly the worst gangster" by .State's Atty, Albert Compounce amutemenl park in the I’uwers Model Agraey la Hazel Bishop Lipstick the gear you need for the SPECIAL SALE lined. Brass hardware. The sea around ua. the air above time we’ve had in region history," Foreign Minister Heinrich Von ua and the planl* and animals of Blood T okI Taken Six Pcrs4»iiK Perish Brentano of .West Germany call* S. Bfll. • Bristol. San Francis«-o, waa kldnspM by, with Compact Powder...... $1.25 happy camping day.s ahead. TAILORED RAYO N ^ ■aid M. H.. Davis, aaslalant for two men this morning, but was 18" O ’Nit# ...... $8.98 the fields hold the answer* to some ester of the on Soviet Union to accept reunifi-. He was Ronald A. Ra'ndall, who Randall palled out a tiny 22-i of the. still-unsolved vsdiallon safe­ Bv Mi«.s Monroe two-atate region. As Train Hits (!!af cation of Germany "In II* own In­ pleaded guilty to nian.slaughler caliber platol of ancient vintage rnacued » short lime later. One WATERPROOF Toni Home Perm anent...... $2.00 (ilK I,a' l>KI‘T. "Our people are getting very fa of the pair waa captured. Ha ty ' problem.* foreseen for the tigued. Fires are breaking out terests.'* 'V charge last week when about to go during the frgcaa 'and fired two Skol Sun Tan Lotion ...... 59c to 98c 21""'tL 1 •**a**a***s4«*«**es . $9.98 world’s growing atomic program. Roxbury, June 28 lA’i Marilyn New York Public Service Com- on trial for Second degree murder. »l>ol* at llolham, the first piercing had robbed Ruse and thca forced HKCO.MI ^'L(M>R almost faster than we can keep Hamilton, Ohio. June 28 i.fb A him l

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