DOUBLE with Repreaenutlvda O F the Hoiiae Faction Over the Verdict

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DOUBLE with Repreaenutlvda O F the Hoiiae Faction Over the Verdict PAGE FOURTEEN TUESDAY, JULY 2SS, 19rJ ■i \ jHanrlipatpr lEu^nlns !SftaIb Average Dally Net Press Run Per the Week Boded Th« Weather . dime 8, 19S7 The Manchester Olrl Scout get to Hartford imd whan wa ar­ PerMSUt e f D. (L WcatlMr Burs— Council will hold a special meeting rived you can Imagine how freth Aboilt Toi tonight at 8 o’clock at the home of Supreme Court Will Hear Scouts Home • we looked. 12,540 CI«or M id <eool tonight, Insr Mrs. Herman Petersen, Bolton "We all had t wondAful time CONSULT US ON YOUR The • weekly meeUltg of the Notch. r Member o f the Audit 50-55. 8111107 M d little efcaog* JudgeM p Case Tomorrow After Week and we are already looking for- a v tl Atr P»ti?^^(C A P t will V ird to our reunion in the fill." . BUILDING PROBLEMS Bureau of Olreulation In tompermtnre Tbnmday, High be held at the^meHcan Legion Malcolm Robertson is the 13- Our Honest, Expert Advice Will Save You Money Manchesler— A City of Village Charm neor 80. Home, a t , jSW p.m,, tomorrow. The minor court judgeship case, year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. All memMra are urged to at­ affecting courts' in Manchester, At Jamboree tend aiKBiial plane are to be made Weddings Joins PracticR Malcolm Robertson of 452 Adams Hartford and Meriden, kill be St. He was one of 20 Manchester VOL. LXXVI, NO. 250 In pcmiectlon with attending the As the Fourth Annual National MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24,. 1957 and reception in honor of heard by the State Supreme Court youths attending the*Jamboree. Joseph Rosseito (Clabalfled Advertisliif on Page 32) PRICE FIVE CENTS Boy Scout Jamboree at historic I — ------------------------------ ^ y — 'ih e Israeli cadets to be held in GnricO'I.Androche of Errors tomorrow morning at 10 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY New Haven Sunday. Miss Eileen 'Landroche. niece of o'clock. Valley Forge, Pa., came to a close 'P gsru rm A l m idaw At* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Plynn. T9 this past weekend. Malcolm Rob- * O I lU M e r 58 DELMONt STREET— Ml 9-0308 Broad St. and Aldo Enrico, son Opposing counsel in the dispute ertaon, local Scout attending the House Unit Watei: Ban On Members of Anderson Shea exchanged printed briefs yester­ of Mr. and Mrs. Sominick Enrico. affair, made this final report of For Miss Tea^e Rekidentiai and Industrial Construction Post. No. J046, VFW, AuxUtary 595 Tolland Tpke.. were united day, setting the stage for the hear- Jamboree activities to The Herald planning to go on the myster)' ride I ing. There will be no ' reply in marriage June 29. and ita readers; A surprise personal bridal show­ In Manchester tonight should meet at the poet Mrs. William McNall was ma­ 1 briefs. "The end of this greet Jem- Kills Hells home at 0 o'dock. Atty. Jay E. Rubinow of Rubl- er In honor of Emily Teate, 73 tron of honor and William McNall boree was nearing a close and we Waddcir Rd.. who will be married More than 24,000 Manches­ was beat man. 1now and LaBelle will appear for would have to part with all the Judge Jules Karp of Mkncheater on Aug. 3 to Henry H. Peck of this ter residents were forbidden to­ Harry Maidment will report on A reception for the immediate , friends we had made., town, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Canyon day to sprinkle their lawns or families was held at the VT*W' and the three 'other new Judges "A clbaing campfire was held on his trip to Lucerne. Switxerland named by Governor Rlblcoff to Havens Peck of West Hartford, j CHEVROLET wash their oars. and the International Rotary Con­ Home. Thursday night to officially end waa given Saturday night at the An expected ban on outaidn Interim appointments beginning the Jamboree. This night was one Washlngtonj.^Iy 24 (JP)— vention at the meeting of the Ro­ Since returning from a tfip to j July 1. home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, TRUCK SPECIALIST uee of water for customers of tary Club tonight at 8:30 M the Cape Ood, the couple la residing ; thfct-we will never fofget. Each of 141 Adama St. ' I The HouseTmerior Commit­ Atty. Ernest McCormick of the countries with Scout groups the town’s water system was the Country Club. ' *■ with the bridegroom’s parents. The shower was preceded by a •k ★ ★ tee today^^foted 16-14 to kill annoimced effective Imme­ Both graduated from local! Hartford will apeak' . for Judge was represehtpd bv their flag ac­ picnic supper, featuring a shower : Wesley Gryk of Mancheist'er and companied by a flare. a biU io^uthorize federal con­ diately. schools. cake. Afterwards they went in- • Pick-ups 0 PancLs The ban applies at all hours. ; the three other judges who were "A s the.v entered the stage the doons while the bride-elect un­ struction of a high Hells Can­ (appointed in 1955 knd are now flags and flares were placed on the yon dam in the Snake River. It forbids use of watei^ for wrapped her gffta. Decorations • Tanks . lawn or garden sprinkling or ; FRESH CANDY I challenging the governor's righ t' edge o f the stage making a boi-der were pink and white. Two Democrats—Reps. Shuford Personal Notices I to replace them. of colorful lights. • Dumps • Vans (NC» and Haley (Fla)-Jotned the for private or rommerrial ear Kept la Refrigerated Cases The court will have to 'decide "But the most" impressive ac­ / 14 committee ^publicans in vot­ washing and any other hose fndtmaa — S^raft — PAS whethpr judgeship vacancies ex- tivity that night was the candle­ • Tractors ing against the bill. use, „ o The ban was declared after State Loss “ Card o f Thanks Isted that enabled the governor to light ceremony. Flickering yellow The action was taken on a Houm E I wish 10 ihsnk all of the doctors ami appoint new judges, in the Man- flames from 50.000 candles lit up • Cab and Chassis water department authorities bill introduced by Rep. Pfost (D- Chester. Hartford and Meriden' Scoutlng's arena of world friend- | Idahoi, It left alive In a subcom­ found that the torni’s four res- HospitJKl for th^ wontif rful earf I ta- j ^ourta ship. I • Body Change-over Arttar Drug Storus j erlvrd In my r»cont stay Iharrr I would i' DEVELOPING mittee a second bill already paaaed ers'olrs have lost 50 million Seen N ear also- ilks to thank all those whn som Besides Judge Gryk. the 1955 "A voice from Antarctica led us ^ Trades Welcome by the Senate. gallons of water since the first Iho boauliful flowors and cards. , i appointees lighting to retain their in the scout oath for the grand : Project Termed Dead of this month. Mrs. Alien Fsritn. i positions are Harry G. Kaminski finale of this, the Fourth National However, opponenta of the pro­ Relief will come only when a .rt J » , ! of Hartford and Selig Schwartz Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of ject said today's vote means It la • steady, heavy , rain falls, ac­ ^lO M iU ion Lard of Thanks and Paul McMahon of Meriden. Dr. Dat id M. Caldwell Jr. America. Carter . dead. cording to Water Department LECLERC Wo wish to thank all of our n»l(ih- The Judges who were named to . "This Jamboree was now offi­ Chavrolat Co., Inc. They described the lack of ac­ Superintendent Fred ThalL Boston, July (A ^M ulti- bors. Irionds and rolstivra for Iho many ronisro thon. vr— Dr. David M. Caldwell Jr., M.D., cially closed and the next day tion on the Senate-approved bill aa FUNERAL HOME arts of klndhoss and sympathy shown. ‘ OPi&ce mem are Karp in Man­ son of Dr. and Mrs.' D. M. CaM- #®IMlKIFBiyJ3] million dollar aifriqattural us I* our rsernt borravomrnt. iV* Chester. Boce Barlow in Hartford manyg)f the Scouts would -Je leav­ 1229 MAIN ST. a technicality. They said a meet­ sspwriaJly thank all ihos* who ssni ih- and William Jacobs and Francis well of 11 Richard- Rd., (a now ing, for hoiue tb share their ex- ing of the full committee'a irriga­ losses in drought - patched boautmu florsl Irlbuiss snd loanod the O'Brien In Meriden. associated tflth his father in the.| perlencee•II with■ ‘ fai■ ily and friends MANCHESTER TOM DUFF tion subgroup probably would be southeast New England — FUNERAL US* of cars. practice of surgery and gj-necol-»; "But for uii Iwys from Manches-. U.S. to See Mrs. Joseph Kulas snd family. A decision In the case is expected railed shortly to postpone Indefi­ from southern New Hamp­ ogy. ter Saturday was the departure ^ffTAM/WeP I8«« nitely any action qn that measure. SERVICE I by Aug. 11, the date on which Chief 1 Uf- Caldwell Jrr recently com- shire to Connecticul>-^rote In Memoriam • Justice Patrick B. day. It was quite a thing to see Prior to acting on the bill, the Walter N. —one day thousands and thou­ committee voted unanimously to rapidly today with a further LecIerC in loving memory of Tsofit reacncd Ute mandatory ««rem e“ , ‘ n S r ' ? i t h ‘ lhe“ *Ne‘i^^ Uuinn’s Damage to who passed aw.y July « . ,!l».4 : i Y orr^ u S ly fr'su i '^"^st-grld^.U sands of tents and the next dav expunge from the record remarks sharp upturn indicated by a three tor only scattsred patches of tents by Rep.
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