V- \ ■ 'V . TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 19M Arcragt Ouiljr Net P rtu Rnnx Tht WtaUicr FACE SDREElf Fa r Um Waak Baton Fateaaa* HV.U. WaaOwr Oam a HmtrliP^r lEufttins ^ Jaaa It. IN t iieauttful gifts while PWr toalght, lew aeaw tt. f t t t Surprise Shower neath a large' *hlte bell, with 12,065 eemfortaMe temperature*, lew Til* family pot luck aupper of I Billwell, Murphy | AbHcnleeiftm High EmcrK^ncy Doctor* ahowera of pink alreamera and the choir member* of Emanuel. (erand Knight Maaahiar * t «ka A atit heaiMIty Theratoy. Rigli aeer M. AboutTown ' Lutheran Church u ill be held For Miss Miller miniature rainbow umbrella*. Wcdneaday. 6 p.m.. at the home of To Allend SchoolIn Typing Class Physicians of the Menrhpster A feature of the delicious lunch­ M anchester— ‘A .C ity o f Viflttga Charm Mr. aiid Mr*. Everett «Tohn«on, Medical Assn., who will re-* eon served by the hoatesse* waa a Vtr. iM i Mn. WlUlun F. Tag* spond to emergency calls to- Mias Lonl Mtller.'^47‘ ». Oiarter shower cake, mkde by Mr*. Hell- g ilt. *T1 Atom * St., w*r* vt*it*d Beelzebub Bd., South Wlndeor. Raymond Bldwell and Joaeph A serious amount of absenteeism ntorrcAv afternoon and evening Oak St., waa honored with a eur- stix>m and decorated writh tiny um- (deeaUlei AtoerOaiaf ea Pege M) tht* w«ek«iid by their »on, Sttort, Murphy, employe* In the office of among typing students marked the ' piisa mlecellaneou* shower Sunday ■ YOU UCX\% NO. n s (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1<5< PRICE nVE CENTS The midweek eervice* e*ch| Tax Asaesaor Henry Mutrle. will first day of Manchester ' High are Dr. Nicholas MacZlalo, tel. hi* wife. SUrr. *ad their children. 9-1616 snd Dr. Wllllam'Stroud. in honor of her approaching wad- f Surtln* *nd Norm*, who are liv­ I Wedneeday 7 ;30, at the Covenant ; attend the 12th Annual. School for School's summer program ye;ter- Guests were present from Michi­ tel. 9-4706. ding, Aug. 4. in Zion Lutheran 7 ing in OUlf. They returned Sun- Congregational Church will be in ; Connecticut Asseising Officer* at day. I Church to Donald Mastrahgelo of gan. Brooklyn. New York Q ty, charge Of the deacon* during the Officials warned that If those toy. bringing John Taggart. Mr. j the University of Connecticut from East Hartford. The parly was Rocky Hill,. East Hartford and And irs More Fun ahernce of the Rev. K. EJn»r; July 8 to 12, Mutrle announced to -: students who signed up for typing and Mr*. William Taggerf* *on. The piogram, ^-hlch laila six ' given at-,the home of ber aunt. thta town. with them for a two njontht vialti Rank, who 1* on vacation. d*>v 1 slriictlon fall to appear by to­ Estes Fails To Read ll Aloud! morrow they will be dropped. weeks, will end Aug. 3. Stm’ents ' Mr*. Frederick Schneider. 47 Murphy, who recently became a Charter Oak St., who was assisted' William U Zimmerman, asalft- GFS Sponaor* of St. Mary'*' Over 200 students had Indicated attend classes five days s week member of the office ataff. will fi-om 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The sum­ I by Mrs. Melvin R. Helletrom, Tacoma, Wash., June 27 4PI ant to the treaiairer of the Saving* Episcopal Church plan a picnic' take the beginner* course. Assess-' a desire to study typing under the. To Capture §teel mer school faculty consl^ita of cousin of the bride-elect. —Delegate* to ths National Bahk of Mancheater will be the supper for Friday at 6:30 p.m. at ment Procedme. Thst course in­ aumuier program, but more than ! the Columbia Lake cottage of Mf". 40 per rent qt these failed to at-' seven tea<-hers. Mies Miller unwrapped her latared Agaiatl Conference of Teacher Educa- apaaJcer at the Kiiyami meeting cludes lectures on laws controlling | ■ tlon and Professional fltan- -I ‘n uratoy, 12:15 p.ni. at the Coun­ Viola Trotter. Meipbers are re­ tend the first day's classes. assessmeijt, the market value con­ darda were asked to punctuate try Club. quested to bring their owm dishes cept. the'discovery, listing and Officials said that thoae stu­ VACATION RAIN? Home State and silverware. j. dents still absent tomorrow will THE NEWEST MODELS OF this sentence to make It make pricing ojf real and ,personal prop­ ^^Eliubeth ArdM sense: A *oa wa* bom Sunday in Hart­ erty. and'similar basic problems. be replaced by applicant* now on ELECTRIC RANGES If Rof, eoR ford Hoeptial to Mr. and Mr* Ed­ Bldn-ell w-ill attend the advanced a waiting list. Thera la a waiting ■y n iB ASSOCIATED PRESS That that is is that that is 179.95 UP not it not-but that that is not ward W’iereWrki. Another Recital ^ course, I which Includes work on list of atmut 45. ^ Co$metief * LEE M. SILVER5TEIN Forces of 'Gov. Frank ImprovM assessment administra­ Beside* typing atudenti, the ARE AT Clemtnt and Sen. Ebtes Is .not that that la no- la that TTw aon bom Thuretoy. June 21. tion. the assessor's place In munici­ aummer program includes about Ml 9.0431 that la that that i* not. By Piano Pupils Pettsrtoii's Kefauver (D-Tenn) reached How would you do It? Not In Hartford Hoeplta! to Mr. and pal government, exemption prob­ 13.5 taking mekeiip courses and 33 ISO CENTER ST. Mr*. Eldon W. Nenlle. 1*86 r>eep- lems, new methods snd systems. taking dri-er training. an agreement today whereby many of thet teacher* w ould, woed Dr., ha* been nam«d[ Thorn** The second in the aene*“bf re­ Tennessee delegates to the either. It was admitted later. Earl Nrvllle. ntal* by the piano pppil*. of . Joseph J. <iratell Democratic nationhl conven­ But this I* the correct way. Frederic E. Werner and .Paul A. (they laid): ' Joseph J. Graven wa* installed tion will go uninstructed. That, that is, is; that-, that Act to Stdl Mr*. Marjorie W. Smith. 143 Chetelat wa* prcaenled Isat night Supporter! of KefetiVer'a bid for in the vealry of Tcmjile Beth last evening a* Grand Knight of ie not. la not; but that, thab. Beaton 8t-. .»* pree*«Oy on the an endorsement of hie candidacy . Eileen Burr ahow, Channel 30. Sholom. A varied program o f 31 Campbell Council, No. .573 Is not. ta not that that Is; f o r ' the presidential nomination ‘ tVedneaday* at 1 p.m . demon- mimbera waa preaented. Knights of Columbus. He siiceeds nor Is that, that Is, that that have agreed they will not iniiat on Saturday’ s gtratiag “ allmnaatir*." Tonight, another group of atii- Joseph Oeri’al*. la not. R E D T A G an outright endoraement of Teif- jdenta will give a program at 8:1.5 .Grand Knight Grsvell was in- I at the same place. l stslled by District Deputy Robert neaaee'a aenior Senator. Pupils who participated ip laat j Schevnell of tasl Hampton. Gov. Clement tea instated all Big Strike H O L L Y y ^ O O D ! Tdght'a recital were Beverly A. Past Grand Knight Charles J. along that Tennetaee haa 82 votaa President Du^ ' Raiitenbcrg. Roxanne Angell, McCarthy was the toastmaster at SPECIAU In the national co.iventlon. I Michael T. Kearns. Christine M. the banquet preceding the installa­ Stat* Deitocfatlc Chairman H. New York, June 2T (4*)— Bissell, Sandra J. Robinson, tion. n e S. (Hub) Walters of Morriatown, Out of Hospital The nation’s Big Three steel W M iuctaii Thomas C. Craft*. David !>. Other ofllcera installed along a political friend of the Governor, Crafts, Linda A. Smith. Cecily 1. with Grand Knight Grsvell were said he would offer the resolution :’irm8 today laid a new con> England. Cynthia C. Post. Norman. Stanley S. Choman, deputy grand to tomorrow's state convention. By Saturday ;ract proposal before the verted (tom B. Fish. Caj-olyn M. Mahoney, knight; Francis Mahoney, chancel­ The resolution will say that the United Steelworkers Union in H U R R Y!! delegation should be "uninstructed rear-wheel to Dennis D. Keith, Patntla E. lor; Hebert J. Carvey, recording Washington. June 27 Pre*t- u i effort to.head off an Indus'- froDt-whcel Ballard, Julie Anna Evgn*. Pa­ aec^etary; Frank J. Philopena, So as to enable th^m to support and Gov. A. A. Rtbicoff, laft, o f Connectlcu\, and Gov. Dennis J. east TenneMce'* vote* for luch di^nt Eisenhower today signed into t'ry*wide strike at midnight pcopcUiog. oc tricia A. Dorn, Linda L. Ellia. warten; Joseph McCarthy, inside, Roberta o f Rhode Island, go Into a aide huddle at today's Na­ law eight bill, passed by Congress to all $-incb Judith E. Lawreno*,. Ddlorea M. guard; Dr, Jean I.om* Hebret, out­ Limited nomination for any Tennessean tional Governors' ConfSrenc* in Atlantil: City, as they started a Saturday. -- who has an opportunity to be nomi­ mostly minor ones land sat up Thtro waa no Immediat* infor­ ■Vork. Gloria M.. Trukaa, Meredi­ side guard; Charles J. McCarthy, New England campaign to win the Deihocratic vice presidential in bed for an hour-long conference ths A. Dutton. James A... Russl. treasurer; James P. Tierney. II- nated'* for either Preaident or 'Vice mation M to what the new pro­ $72.00 nomination for Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy of Massachu- with / his chief aide. Sherman Donnamale E. Dutton.-Donald T. nancisl secretary: Atly. John J. President. aetta. posal contained, but.lt was believad Bouffard.
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