NATO COllneil Backs No Appeasement In Talks With Reds Suggestions , For Berlin Talked Over 01 owon Sertling The State Universit~ of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit~ Preparations Made For London Meeting c..~lI.IUUSIJ~U III UIIIlI - r I e l..t~ lllS a Copy 1\ 'OCJale(l Press Lease(l Wlrt> aDd WlrelJt\otll" UnIted Pre s Inlernatton II Leased wire lowa city, lowa, Saturday, AprIl 4, L95Y WASij~NGTON <uP]) - The 15- naUon NATO Council wound up its discussion oC Berlin and Germany Friday with a ringing endorsement oC t/le Western Big Four's policy of • no appeasement of Russia in forth­ coming negotiations. At the same time, the foreign Jllinisters and other top represen· a al ama rante syum , ~Dtives of the nations in the Atlan· tic ~liance were reported unanI­ mouS in their support of efforts by the United States, Brilain, Indian Government France and West Germany to seek Mexico Deports Members an honorable settlement with the Soviets. Suggestions advanced by nations Defies Red China other than the Big Four will be Of Russian Embassy Staff forwarded for consideration to the NEW DELHl. India «UPI ) - Moscow radio claimed the reo 4-power Allied working group that MEXICO CITY, tUP!) - two chor~s of demands t~at doplomatic IpOl ·tation of lis naval attache,; India granted political a ylum and bellion had collap cd and "only will meet in London April 13 to members of the Russian Embassy relaltons with RUSSia be broken Capt. Nicolai M. Remisov, and its "respectful treatment" to the Dalai bands of insurgents hiding in the hammer out the West's final bar­ staff accused of fostering Com­ off. sec 0 n d ecretary, Nikolai V. Lama of Tibel Friday in defians mountain" were carrying on the g.g position. munist labor agitation in Mexico The Russian embassy described Ak enov. and denicd th charges of Red China. fight. were deported Friday amid a '1 ... ""orielng g .... up, which In­ as an " unfriendly step" the de- aealnst them. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Other reports received along d*s West Germany, will try Rcmisov, 36, his wife Nelly Nehru announced to a joyous the border said the Tibetans were II lay down the propolll, which Remisova and their 5·year-old son, Parlairnenllhe 25·year·old god·king continuing the baltle on a fairly c of three million Tibetans had large scale, although disease and the Unit.d States, Britain and Alexander, and Aksenov, 40, board­ France will cerry Into the for· Proposed Bill To Increase cros el into India Tuesday night hunger were beginning to take II ed a Canadian Pacific AirHn el,n ministers conference with in the northwe t section of India's heavy toll. the Sovi.t Union, now scheduled super DC-6B for Toronto, on the IAs am tate. Nationalist Chinese intelligence If betin in Geneva May 11. Tuition Killed By House first leg of their return to Moscow. The slight, young Tibetan leader reports received in Taipei said Vnderlying all suggestions at Mexican secret police charged Friday was pushing acro rugged the rebels had turned the Dalai Indian mountain and forests Lama's summer palace south of N.\TO's lOth anniversary meeting A proposed bill to increase tui· raised the yearly tuition of resi· it had evidence that the two Rus· putting distance between himself Lhasa into a strongly-defended was a determination that the West tion of students at Iowa Slate Col· dent students to $250 and of non­ sians had supplied money and would make no deal with Russia lege and SUI 11as ueen killed by residents to $650. and the Communist Chinese army fortress. propaganda to Mexican Commu­ he eluded in a dralm~lic flight from The reports said thet that would smack of appeasement the legislative committee of the Grassley told The Daily Iowan .1,. House that was considering the bill. that there was a need to limit en­ nist labor leaders as part of a his homeland. lome Communist Chine .. troops in efforts to resolve East·West ten­ However, the danller Itill was had turned against the p.iping sions over Berlin, the future of The bill was voted not to be pre­ rollment at SUI and ISC and a master plan to place Mexico's sented· to the legislature. raise in tuition would limit the en· nat over and India took what an regime in Ti"t. Germany, and the whole question organied labor under Communist informld source described as The flight of the Dalai Lama o[ European security. Russell M. Ross, associate pro­ rollment to all but an "elite" control. [essor of Political Science at sm, group who could afford the rai e. "stronll security precautions" on when fully told, undoubtedly will Among the ideas advanced by said there is virtually no chance Stringer told The Daily Iowan RUlli In Embassy pre" at. the frontier to prevent Chinese prove to be one of the most thrill· the Western diplomats was a pro· of the bili now being put into law. that it will become "very difficult tach. Roullan A. Tuchnin read troop. from trying to kidnap the ing saga' of modern times. PQsal by Italian Foreign Minister Ross said a petitIon signed by to find any additional money in an Embassy statement n.wlmen Dalai lima. Nehru, explaining to Parliament Giuseppe Pella that a commission two-thirds of all the members of the future for capital improve­ laying: A report received here late how poor communications with the of West Germans and Communist the House would be necessary to ments." "Akshenov and Remisov had not Friday night said 10,000 Chinese northwest fron tier were, could East Germans be set up to work override the committee's vote. He said those who are receiving engaged in any activity not cor· troops had been thrown into oulh only give a brief ouWne. out closer economic and cultural Such a vote is very unlikely, he benefits from the universities responding to their diplomatic Tibet in a massive attempt to crush HI" said a runner from Tibet had contracts between the two Ger· said. should be willing to pay more of status. For that reason, the Mexi· the revolt. reached the border last Sunday and manys. The bill was sponsored by Rep. the costs than they are at the pres­ can Goverment had no reason to Nehru told Padiament the Dalai announced the Dalai Lama was P"la said such a commission Kenneth Stringer <R-Davenport) ent time. express its d sire that the men· Lama and the 80 followers wilh en route and would eek political could " the first step t_ard and Rep. Charles Grassley (R­ tioned diplomats leave the terri· him could not reach Towang until asylum. tIM .ventual unification of G.r· New Hartford), and would have tory of this country. Sunday night. His mother and Informed source said Ihe Dalai Iftany. "The Soviet Government can· sister were reported to be in his Lama £led his fabled Portala Pal­ German Foreign Minister Hein· Narcotics Ring siders the decision of the Mexican party. ace in Lhasa March 17, after the ri~h von Brentano also assured the Attempt To Free Government as an unfriendly step Towang is les than 20 mile discontent began in the capital but Council at its closed door meeting toward tbe Soviet Union, a step south of the border but it is a ec· a couple of days before the heavy Iraqi Leader .Sun-Times Editor tion of 20 ,OOO-foot mountains and fighting broke out. that there was no basic dlsagree­ Found Guilty which serves those who want to ment betWe1ln his country and the thickly. forested valleys. Nehru aid the Dalai Lama and From Prison Fa ils hamper the development of friend FEATURED SPEAKER at the City Editon' Cortference, '" be held Big Three on their approach to a NEW YORK IN! - A federal Iy relations among our countries." It was deemed imperative {hat eight fonowers reaChed the border BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - A today and Sunday at SUI, will" Karin Walsh, city editor of the eni· the Dalai Lama get out of the March 31. They were joined short· solution of the Berlin and German court jury Friday night found O.mands thlt Mexico sever problems. plot by Iraqi army officers to free rackets king Vito Genovese guilty eago Sun·Times. Walsh will speak to mort than 30 Iowa editors and area as soon as possible to prevent Iy by other Tibetans swelling the Col. Abdel Salam AreC from prison, diplomatle relations with Russia Chines(' troops from crossing the Accprdlng to a NATO spokes· o[ master-minding a multimillion; newsmen attending the ccmferenc •. party to go. where he is awaiting execution as w.re voiced by the Knights of border. The area has appeared on I11llD, Brentano described as "in· dollar international narcotics ring. "When he crossed over into our a traitor, has been frustrated by Columbus, the Catholic Slnar· Chinese Communist maps as Chin· territory he wa received by our accurate and much exaggerated" Found guilty with Genovese quilta Union, the Natianalilt Iraqi authorities, Cairo nldio said ese territory. assistant political officer of the reports that West Germany has were 14 oC 15 defendants In the Party of Mexico Ind a Socialist Friday. Patrick J. Killem and Ajit K. Tawang subdivisIon," Nehru said. protested against what it con· Aref, No.2 man to Premier Ab· 3-month·long trial. The jury of organiatiln known as the Social. President To Deliver Speech sidered the willingness of Britain six men and six women reached Das, United Press correspondents Nehru said he had been receiving del Karim Kassem in the Iraqi ist Groups of the Mexican Re· who have been ranging along the reports on the Dalai Lama since particularly to make unwise con· a verdict after 12 hours of actual public.
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