) - 'rwo Us'. AII' d when their B'57 red off the rUbwa .. ile landing at JOh:', Base near Tokyo ai owan .ervlng The State Unlversitu of I0W4 and t1ul People of Iowa CUy ------~~------~.~••ft~ftla~ted~:p~r:-~.Le~ft~~ft~~w:lr~e~-~-~:w:lr~:~PM~~~:~u:m:ted:::~~u~~:~::~~ti:OA:~~L~~:I~::~w:lre~~~------~~------~----~I~o:w:a~c;i~~~.~IO:w:a~,~Sa;;.t~;;da;,y~.~J~~: . :~~· - Established In 1868 - Five Cents a COpy .....- ".... ~ ..... ______

So. Dubuque 11 So, Clinton !9 So. Dubuque 'Atlanta Schools Are Ordered Herter Accuses IS • LAUNDRY to Il1'ifiate Desegration Plan ' ATLANTA. (uPIl - A two­ judge Federal Court Eriday or· dered Atlanta to desegregate its E. German Reds public schools "within a reason· Jlble ·time." . The court swiftly issued a de· cree granting an' injun~tlon to Ne­ gro p1aintifrs against discriml­ .' MUon in admitting pupils to schools here on the basis of race or color. And it told the Atlanta onage School Board to present an inte­ Of Espi gration plan that "wUl not dis­ criminate" against negroes. No specific date was . set. but the court instructed that the in· Karl King Cites Cases tegratlon plan be presented "with­ Attempt To Dynamite Train In a reasonable time." The city Soviet Sub Surfaces Off Iceland ierved notice of appeal immedi­ To Conduct ately_ THIS PHOTO, released by the Navy in Washington Friday, shows a Soviet 5Ubm.rlne si,hted on the .ur· Under Investigation In DM. Of Spying, Hearing of the historic Atlanta ·f.c. in the Atlantic, louth of Iceland at 1:26 p.m. on May D. It is identifi.d a, On. of the Russian lone school case toc>-k ollly one day. and ran,. "Z" ciasl subs modified by an .nlar"ment of it, super,tructur•• Th. photo was m" fr"" a SUI Concert DES MOINES "" - Authorities 5Uitca.. with • fu.. a"ached. the decree was handed down short­ Navy patrol plane engaged In exercises in the arta. - U.S. Navy Photo via AP Wirephoto. were trying to piece together Fri­ was placed between the tr.ck•. Kidnaping ly after the hearing was concluded. One of the top men in lhe band day night bits of evidence thal A dozen federal. st

CIIUII08 .rl.. .."I... ,,. ,.. U • ••• • PI CII"~ 1111 ...... Uh'U", . ~L ·O•••• L vI ... 'er ,..1' 1... 1. ... rrM~" - ...... Page ....THE "AlLY IOWAN-rew. eify, ' ••-Sa'urdav, jun. I, 19S' Yankees Continue Surge, Overpow'er Indians 11·2 , J Tribe Loses SAVING FACE FOR BUeS • By Alan Maver British Champion Tiger Littler Keeps I$25,000 Bond Cancelled; I 6th Straight; Holds Calhoun To Draw Carbo Returns To· Jail NEW YORK IA'I - Dick Tiger. on all three orriclals cards, Cal· Eastern Open the British Empire middleweight houn managed to gain the draw. CAMDEN, N.J. t!PI - Ex·con· ence on the sport of boxing." 8th Of Last 9 champion. 'and Rory Calhoun, mus· Judge Bill Recht scored it G-3-1 vict Frankie Carbo, reputed un· Carbo was arrested Memorial cular While Plains, N.Y., mauler, for Tiger , Judge Bill Frost 5-4-1 derworld boxing czar. went to jail Day trying to sneak out the rear battled to a draw Friday night [or Calhoun and Referee Mark Lead With,67 Friday while he fights extradition door of a friend's home, while po. ChiSox, Tigers Win; to New York on conspiracy in a bitter lO·round bout at Madi· Conn 5-5. The Associated Press BALTIMORE (.4'1 - Gene Litt­ lice knocked on the front door. A ( Keep Ahead of Yanks son Square Garden. Calhoun weigh· had it 5-5. charges. magistrate first denied bail. Later ler carved five more strokes off 1\ ed l63IA , Tiger 163 ~. It W.IlS the American debut of Tig· Judge Dzick fixcd the $25,000 fig. Carbo. 54, and gray·haired, sat f CLEVELAND IA'! - The New Calhoun took an early lead, Tig. er, a 29-year-old Nigerian who par 72 at stormy Pine Ridge Fri­ unsmilingly beside his attorney as ure. York Yankees. playing like world er moved out Cront in the middJe won the British title last year by day and was 12 to the good of the Carbo. long a fugitive, was in­ l' Judge Benjamin Dzick cancelled S champoins onCe again, routed rounds and Calhoun closed with a knocking out Pac McAteer. course standard and one ahead a $25,000 bond and remanded him dicted by a New York grand jury leveland 11-2 Friday night on a rush. By winning the last round There were no knockdowns al· last July 24. He is accused of con­ 8 of his nearest competitor halfway to jail. ( bli. tering l7-hit attack that fea­ lhough both men wobbled as the spiring to participate in a boxing tured home runs by Gil Mc­ through the Eastern Open. A New York City prosecutor, l lead changed back and forth . seeking prompt extradition, de­ match as a manager and maten· Dougald and Elston Howard_ Calhoun concentrated on body Ed (Porky) Oliver, the 44·year­ maker without a license. The largest crowd of the season Hillsdale, punching in the early stage while scribed him as a "most corrupt, ( old jolly man of golf, stuck te· corrosive and degenerating influ- in the American League - 51.395 Tiger proved to be a head hunter. naciously to the heels of Littler, 11 - watched as the Yanks sent the Rory switched to the head in the r star of this year's professional ( Indians reeling to their sixth Royal Orbit sixth. tour. Littler. 28, goes into loday's KEEP COOL straight defeat. Art Ditmar pitched With Calhoun sliU banging away third round with 132 strokes Sugar Ray Still t a strong seven-hitter but lost his ·to the head, Tiger was able to to Oliver's 133. i houtout bid when Billy Martin !?oY rOILEO outfight him in the seventh and Champion Says , with a f smacked . an eighth inning home ON!..Y 13 Run Today eighth. Each went around the 6,820-yard C INNINGS run. Rocky Colavito added the fin­ Royal Orbit and Hillsdale, two In the ninth Calhoun again began course in 67 strokes Friday des­ t al Cleveland run with his 14th ROY IN TH£ to come on and Tiger appeared pite tricky conditions caused hy Ring Magazine t 6 GAMES of the hottest class horses in the Carrier in the ninth. country, are favored to pick up to be tiring under another heavy rain and wind accompanied by FACE. IN Wltlell lightning. NEW YORK IA') - Sugar Ray The lndians now have lost eight more gold and glary today in lead· body barrage. Robinson still is the middleweight of their last nine games, while OF 7'/1£ liE WA~ Littler, however, had started CR£{)17EO ing races at Belmont and Holly· champion as far as Ring maga· Weathermaker! the Yanks won their seventh in the PITT S BURGH wood. out with a one·stroke edge on Oli­ ;zine is concerned. 6 Wlrj{ #15> lost eighth. The 11 runs were the P IRA7IS, o,c,c An tllY whlMr in the Preak· Bulla, Sweeny Top ver by virtue of a blistering 65 The National Boxing Association We invite you to come In most scored against Cleveland 'TO socII A FAS7" FIRS! 6 In Thursday. and see our fine selection of WIN5- ness aft.r finishint fourth the stripped Sugar Ray of his crown this season. $iARrIlE /;fIGlli K.ntucky D.rby, Royal MIt American Entrants Fred Hawkins of EI Paso, for not defending it on time but the Carrier air conditioners. We Howard , Bill Skowron, Hector IN 195'7 dr.w only thr.. rivals for tht BECOME A 20- h'E Texas, held on to third place al­ New York Athletic Commission. have many models to choo .. Lopez and Norm Siebern each GAME JWIY#E/? I#' s£r $25,OOO·.dded p.ter Pan at Btlo In Britisl; Open though he lost ground to the lead· after holding hearings, maintained from ... flame cooling units, A /IJAJO/? mont Bark. This milt and an drove in two runs. Every Yankee RELlE;: - SCORE!) ST. ANDREWS, Scotland IA'! _ ers. Hawkins was at 135 on rounds its recognition of Robinson. window models, and the in the lineup got at least one hit, tEAGtJE .ighth f.atur. is the final prep 6 OF rllEIR PRsr RECORO 8Y Johny Bulla and Amateur Bob of 67-68. Ring, in its monthly ratings re­ new portable for room·to· except Mickey Mantle who drew for the mil. and a half Belmont leased Friday. listed Robinson as Ihree walks. Tony Kubek had four 1/f1Jl/1j/5, GIJ//,tJIe 111.11 PlrclllNIS 11/ Stake. n.xt Saturday, Sweeny head a list of 17 Ameri. Henry Ransom, 48, of St. An­ room comfort. The series A CARRY-OPEl? /1"//1 9 CM5liCtJTIVE cans entered in the British Open d~ews, Ill., moved up to fourth the champion with Carmen Bascilio ranges from superbly effici. hits. Royal Orbit, owned by Mrs. and Gene Fullmer the first two 110 202 ltO-11 17 0 SIR/tYG O~ II sr/?/lIGltr. GAMeS. G 0 I f Championship, beginning WIth the best round . of the day, ent Y2, 1, and 1 Yz ton models New York ...... Halina Braunstein, will carry top contenders. Cleveland ...... 000 000 011- 2 7 0 weight of 127 pounds including June 29 at Muirfield. 66, on top of an opemhJ! 70 . to the new powerful 2 ton Dltmll' and Howard; Bell. Podblelan 01 Lightweight champion Joe Brown '71. Clcotte (8) . Garcln (9) and ------Jockey Willie Harmatz. He will The tournament for the first Bunched back _ 111m at 137 Room Weathermakers thot Nh'on. L - Bell «(-5). of New Orleans and Houston was took his sixth deCeat against four Johnny Antonelli and his succes· give away plenty of weight to the time in years does not include the wer.e Don .W h J. t t of Borrego have a coaling capacity of Home runs - New York, McDour.. name of a topline U.S. profession. Sprmg~ .. Caltf., Billy Maxwell and named Ring's "Fighter of the old 11). Howard 171. Cleveland, Mar. victories. The triumph went to sol'. Al Worthington. other three, aU Belmont eligibles. 20,800 B.T.U.s. tin (6). Colavito (14). al. Bo Wmmger of Odessa. Texas, Month" (or his ninth round tech· Dave Sisler, the third Tiger Son Francisco ...... 000 001 001- 2 3 0 They are Bagdad (118. Bob Us· Cincinnati ...... 001 005 10x- 7 10 0 sery) Black Hills (113 Eddie AI" Bulla is a veteran teaching pro and Dave Ragan of Chattanooga, nical knockout of Paolo Rosi at Now you can get famous pitcber. Antonelli. Worthington 161. Zanni' .' Washington Wednesday night. Carrier quality in an air con· ChiSox 5, Red Sox 2 Washington ...... 202 200 000- 6 10 1 181. Shipley 18! and Landrith ; New- ' carol and The It'Jshman (109, John· who dropped off the circuit years Tenn . CHICAGO ~ - Pinch-hitter Detroit ...... _ . 041 100 AlOI- 7 8 I combe and Dotterer 15-4). L - An· ny Ruane. ditioner at a reasonable Pascual and Naragon; Davie. Mor. Conelll 17-3! . W - Newcombe . . ago. Currently registered from -jiiiiiiiii•••• iiiiii .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Harry Simpson's 3·run ltan (31, Stster (7) and Bcrbe,·et . W - Home runs - San }·rnnclsco. Kh'- The Peter Pan wJlI be telecast Phoenix, Ariz., he won the South· price. Only $169.95 & up. broke a 2-2 tie in the eighth and Sisler (]-1 I. L - Paacual (4-61. land (6). Cincinnati. McMillan 171. (CBS) Crom 2 to 2;30 p.m. (Iowa ern California Open at Palm Come in and see us todayl Home runs - Washington. Allison 2 Temple .31. time). enabled the Chicago White Sox to (12) . DetrOit. Harris 161. Springs Jast December_ FREE estimates. .J widen their first·place lead with At Hollywood Park, Hillsdale will Sweeny, Palm Beach, Fla., so· J a 5·2 victory over the Boston Red Cubs 10, Pirates 5 Orioles 6, A's 1 concede from 6 to 20 pounds to daUte, won the British Amateur • Sox Friday night. PITTSBURGH (.4') - The Chicago seven rivals in the $5O,OOO·added title in 1937 and was runner·up to ,J Simpson smashed his bases· KANSAS CITY IA'! - Young Mill Cubs lashed out 17 hits Friday .<;8' Argonaut Handicap. Arnold Palmer lor the U.S. Am· • loaded clout off the fourth Boston Pappas pitched a rive-hitler Fri· night in a free·hittlng game with C. W. Smith', 4-year·O/d lead. ateur crown in 1954. Dial 9681 - i hurler, Leo Kiely. and settled day night and beat the Kansas the Pittsburgh Pirates that Chi· ing handicap racer in the natiob The first two days of play at I what had been a tightly pitched City Athleitcs 6-1 as the Baltimore cago won 10-5. The loss snapped a will be s ••king his seventh stak.. Muirfield will be devoted to two Bond Stamps I A college home for your car, . I game. Orioles moved into a virtual tie for six·game winning slreak for the victory of the year. Hillsdal. al· 18-hole qualifying rounds which just a block south LAREW CO. Frank Malzone hit his seventh second place in the American Pirates. r.ady is the leading money win­ wiU reduce the field from 284 to homer in the second Cor a 1-0 League. , The Cubs' hitting attack was n.r for 1959 with $270,250. 100. The 27-hole tournament prop· of the library I Across from City Hall Boston lead. The 20·year·old righthander had highlighted by home runs ocr the er is scheduled July 1·3. The defeat was charged to Mur· a shutout until two were out in bats of Dale Long ad Ernie Banks. ray Wall, who had started thc the ninth when Bill TuWe tripled Long's blast came in tl:!e first Indians Get Jones eighth and proceeded to yield a and scored Joe DeMaestri who had inning. Banks' got his 13th homer single to Earl Torgeson, then been knicked by one of Pappas' of the season in the second. From Philadelphia pegged wildly to second an an at· pitches. The Pirates garnered 14 hits oCf tempted sacrifice and filled the Pappas had no trouble except Two Cub purlers Dick Stuart PHILADELPHIA IA'l-The Phila­ ba es with an intentional walk to (or occasional spots of wildness as smashed a 457-foot home run over delphia Phillies Friday traded Jim Landis. he won his fifth game against a the center field wall for two runs third baseman Willie Jones to Simpson's bases· clearing blow pair of losses. He walked six and in the first inning. The blast was the for Qutfield notched a victory for the second truck out the same number. the first ball to clear that point er Jim Bolger and cash. White Sox pitcher, Gerry Staley, Gus Triandos hit his 12th homer of the wall in the 50·year history Jones, 33, has been the Phillies who pitched to only four batters oC the year and scored what proved of Forbes Field. regular third baseman since 1949. for the decision. to be the winning run in the third Glen Hobbie, who started for Ute He is hitting .269 Utis season with Boston ...... 010 000 OJOo- 2 7 0 inning. Gene Woodling hit a more Cubs, was on the ropes in almost three home runs and 24 runs batted LEAVING Chicago ...... 000 100 13,,- 5 t.o 1 in. BOllmann. Monbouquette (5). Wall productive homer in the ninth for every inning in his seven-inning ,81. Kiely (8) and Daley ; Wynn. Baltimore. His rightfield shot tour of duty. But with the help of Bolger, 27, came to the major Staley 181 . Lown (9). Arias (9) and relief hurler Don Elston, Hobbie leagues in 1950 with Cincinnati. Romono. Lollar (8). W - Staley Cound Willie Tasby and 'Bob Boyd 12-11 . L - wan (1-4). on base, both hit by errant pitches got credit for his sixth victory of He played last year with the Chi­ Home run - Boston. Mal zone (7). of Tom Sturdivant, second A's the season against five defeats. cago Cubs and hit .225 in 84 SUI? pitcher. Chlcalto ...... :340 1(1() 002-10 17 0 games. He was dealt to Cleveland Plttaburgh . . .. 200 010 110- 5 a J , . Baltimore ...... 101 000 01:1- 6 11 0 J7) S . during the winter. Tigers 7, Senators 6 000 001- 1 5 I Hobble. Elslon and Ta ylor; KonM8 City ...... 000 Law. Blackburn (2), Smith (9), Jack· DETROIT IA'I - Al Kaline's Pappas and Triandos. Ginsberg 13); ROn un. Williams (9\ and Burgess, single drove in the winning run Garver. Sturdivant 181 Herbert (9) and Kravitz (8). W - Hobble 16-5). L - House. W - Pappas 15-2) . L - Oarver Law (5-3) . World Javelin R,cord Friday night in the ninth inning (4-4). Home runs - Chicago. Long (7) . as the Detroit Tigers edgcd Wash· Home rUns - Baltimore, Triandos Banks 1l3). Pittsburgh. Stuart (7). Shattered At Compton (12). Woodling (6). ington 7-6. COMPTON, Calir. IA'! - Al Can· Kaline's hit scored Eddie Yost, Dodgers 5, Braves 1 tello, a husky Marine from Quan. who led oIe the inning with a Reds 7, Giants 2 MILWAUKEE (.4') - The Los tico, Va .• bettered the world jave· single against his old teammates ClNCINNATI IA'! - Big Don Angeles Dodgers continued their lin record Friday night in the first and went to second on a sacrifice. Newcombe, working his curves and long·lime hex over Milwaukee's event of the Compton Relays. Pitcher CamiIo Pascual gave changeups to perfection, tamed Warren Spahn Friday night as Cantello threw the spear 282 feet, Charlie Maxwell an intentional San Francisco Friday night on Johnny Podres spaced seven hits 3',2 inches on his third toss. This walk to pitch to Kaline. three hits, leading Cincinnati to a Cor a 5·1 victory over the Braves. bettered the mark of 281 feet 2% The Tigers had to ovcrcome a 7-2 victory. The , Dodgers rapped Spahn for inches set by Norway's Egil Dan· pair of tremendous home runs by The 33-year-old righthander tired nine hits and (our of their runs in ielson at the 1956 Olympic Games Bob Allison for the victory. Alli· in the last inning, but hung on the seven innings that he worked. in Australia. son drove in four of the Washing· and completed his victory. The Dodgers, the only team with Meet officials said Cantello's ton runs with a pair of upper 'deck The Reds banged 10 hits oCC a life-time edge over Spahn, have toss will be submitted [or a rec· blasts, and added three ringing three of four Giant pitchcrs, in· defeated him 27 times While losing ord. singles for a perfect night at the c1uding homers by infielder John· only 14 down through the years. plate. ny Temple and Roy McMillan. Spahn dropped his second ' There were 11 walks, one hit Big Newk struck out six and straight decision of the 'season to batsman, two errors and two walked two while taking his fifth the Dodgers while famng to get Poetry, feUows, passed balls in the game and four victory in nine decision. his 254th National League victory. of the Detroit runs were unearned. The Reds found the range in Podres struck out five while says it best ••• Pascual hung on throughout and the fifth inning and routed both walking only one in registering his sixth victory against two de· feats. We cut hair great, The Dodgers wasted little time And that's no gag, getting to S'pahn, scoring a run If you're going to your first job after in the first inning; two in the sec· Cause we don't zig and and a fourth in the fifth. The Braves tied it in the first When we should zagl graduation or home for the summer . .. AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE on a double by Casey Wise, an W. L. Pct. O.B. W. L. Pd. O.B. infield out that got Wise to third Chicago ...... 28 21 .571 MJlwaukee ...... 30 19 .612 and a sacrifice fly by Hank Aaron. , Cleveland ...... 25 21 .543 II'. San Frs nciSco •. .. 28 22 . .560 2 1,'2 Baltimore ...... 27 23 .540 11'. Plttaburah ...... 27 23 .540 3'1. The fourth Los AngpJes run came Kansas City ...... 23 23 .500 3Vo Loa Angele. _. ... 27 25 .5 19 41'. on doubles by Charlie Neal and Gil Detroit ... .•...... 23 25 .479 41'. ChlcOlo ...... 25 25 .500 5~ Strand New York ...... 22 24 _471 41'. Cincinnati ...... 24 28 .480 6\0 Hodges in the fifth. TAKE THE DAILY IOWAN WITH YOUI Washington .. _.. .. 23 27 .460 51'. st. Louis ...... 19 29 .396 lOOk Los Angele...... 120 OW 001- 5 11 0 2t .383 11 BARBER SHOP ; Boston ...... 20 27 .(21 1 Philadelphia ...... J8 Milwaukee ...... 100 000 000- I ,7 2 • J Podres and Pignatano, Roseboro (8); FItIDAY'8 RESULTS FRIDAY'S RESULTS Spahn, Ja y (8) and Crandan. W - Next to Strand Theatre New York 11 . Cleveland 2 Los Anieles 5. Mllwaukee 1 Podres- (6-2) . L - Spahn (7-6). Wherever you go, The Daily Detroit 7. Washlnston 8 Chlca,o JO. PIUsbur,h 5 Chicago 5, Boston 2 Clnelnnati 7. San FTaneisco 2 Iowan can follow you there BaJUmore 8, Kansas City 1 st. Louis at Pblladelphla (rain) CAN SAVE THE ONE HOUI TODAY'S PITCHEItS TODAY'S PITCHERS AI'RSTIC aEANING WAll • . . to keep you pOI ted on Boston at ChlcBgo - Wills (1.0) VI. Los Angeleo at Milwaukee - Koufax Moore (J·3). (I- I) vs. Rush «(-0). Odorl.. , Mothproof New York at Cleveland - Turley San Francisco at ClncJnnati - S. what's happening here at the • I (4-6) vs. Ferrarese (4-2). Jones (5-5) vs. Purkey (5-6) . CINnln, Circulation Department, Baltimore at Kansas City (N) - Chl.cago at Plttsbu.rah - Hobble (5-5) Brown (S-11 VI. Daley (f-3). vs. Daniela (3.3). I Th. Dally Iowan, university: Complete cover­ Washington at Detroit - Kemmerer St. Louis at Philadelphia - Blay· Iowa City, Iowa 14-5) VB. Foytack (3-11). leek (3-34) VI. Roberta (3-4) • age of sports news, adiviti•• .======. GRADUATESI H.... I, my order for 3 months subscription to The Daily Iowan. I en· of social and school organiza" Meet your friends elou $3.00 to cover .ntire cost of mailing. Please mail tOI New I. the time to a",a"" for tions, and all the newl of the at the Annex. mevllll your houllhold ,oods. Nam • ...... , ...... , ...... ,...... , ...... , I faculty and your friends stili Let Them,..., Transfer & Ster­ Addr...... ' ...... , ...... ,., ...... I' Beer just naturally ... anllt you In makl.,. you mov•• One Hour I attending SUI. You'll want to tastes better at City and State • FREE ESTIMATES • 'Doc' Connell'sl • EXPERT ADVICE keep in touch! • NO OBLIGATION LA,liJlic ~------~--~------~----~------~ Pho,nt 21~1 aEANlNG THOMPSON TRANSFER The Annex & STORAGE CO. WE CLEAN ON 529 So. Gilbert 415 •• aURLINGTOII 16 •• coIr ... 114 SO. CAPITOL 1he-'1)aily Iowan A.. nt for SATURDAYI North American Van LInn