Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1957-08-31
r ~ Warm The Deny 1__ wRI ... ,...Ith T.....t.y, S........... 3. and The MQ schHuied puWk...... I, W..... y, ..,.. .... , 4. Humid 01 Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ~sta6liShea m 1868- liember of Associated Press AP Leased Wire and Photo Sen;ce Iowa City, la., Saturday, August 31, 1951 Check Kiters Get Prison Sentences Congress Closes "Up Shop DES MOINES IA'I - Livestock dealers Eldon Viers, f:lrshalltown, and Merle Mersman, Colo, received federal prison sentences Friday Cor what the government termed the largest check kiling scheme in his· Southerners tory. Report Ike .Is Glad Federal Judge Henry N. Graven sentenced Viers to 30 months and Mersman to 15 months. Both were gran\;ed until Nov. 1 to start their Hit Thurmon~, sentences. To See Them Quit Woman First Viers, 44, and Mersman, 32, were convicted July 30 by a Federal Praise Russell Iy DO. UGLAS I, CORNELL I"the President need nat be disap. Court jury on a 12<ount indict· WASHINGTON ~n,re ad· pointed." journed at 4:Z2 p.m. Friday with By Johnson'l count, M,. EI ..... ment charging use oC the mails to Talkathon Stirs Demand Victim of Labor defraud by exchanging checks with· a final nourish oC oratory, action how., rn.de 155 ~mend.- out sufficient Cunds in banks on To Curtail Filibustering and conoroy. tionl to C......... mere ....n half which the checks were dr:lwn. House and Senate quit In quict w.... palNd .nd ....." .......ady WASH! GTON (,fI - Southcrn ruccession with little of th usual for p .....
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