Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1958-05-09 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1958). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2037. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2037 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xavier University Li" ·· ~. Jmrirasa See Story On Fareipell And . Good Luck To The Seniors of '58 Page 3 XAVIER UNIVERSITY . NEWS Student lew1p1per of the Oldest Catholie Colle11 in the lorlhwe1t Territory VOLUME XLll CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1958 NO. 20 Ken Sclineider Day Hops Urged To Wins Council Clef Club Returns Presidency Attend Family Day by Denny Doherty, News Associate Editor From Spring Journey by Wayne Fehr by Paul Ritter "I certainly am happy! But In a little over a week, the Xavier campus will drop ·the I am also surprised. Those last The Xavier University Clef Club returned Thursday routine of classes and assignments to take on a holiday atmos­ few ballots really made my evening from their annual trip which took them, this year, phere. The families and friends of Xavier students will con­ stomach kick." These were the to Bardstown, Springfield, and Louisville, Kentucky. verge on the campus for an .occasion that has become one of emotions of Kenny Schneider, The Club gave a concert Wednesday night at Nazareth the high spots of· the social calendar-Family Day. new president of the Student College for Girls in Bardstown. The performance was preceded Saturday, May 17, will· be Dan Stevens as "concert band at Council. by a dinner and followed by a The highlight of ·the club sea­ crowded with activity from morn- its finest, with music for every dance in the College Assembly son will be their annual concert ing till evening. Visitors will . taste." · Hall. and dance to be held on -May· rn Concerts were given Thursday in the Netherland Hilton's ·Hall Rev. John H. Reinke, S.J., morning at St. Catherine and of Mirrors. The concert features guest piano soloist at the concert, Holy Rosary High Schools in songs from "Oklahoma" and "The will play Gershwin's "Rhapsody Springfield and Louisville. King and I." in Blue." Two production num­ Mr. Bens, in his seventeenth The Bobby Keys Orchestra bers from the hit shows, "The year as director of the Clef Club, · will furnish the dance music fol­ King and I" and "Li'l Abner" has announced a concert to be lowing the concert. Patrons for will feature Misses Cathy Guarin given this Thursday, May 8, at the final concert will be solicited and Joy Glueck. Miss Bonnie Villa Madonna College in Cov- at $5.00 which will include a Heimann, Xavier's Honorary Ma­ ington. ticket to the concert and dance jorette, will also be on hand to An added attraction of the Clef and your name on the evening's demonstrate her skills. Club's 33rd season will be an program. · Following ·the band concert, an appearance before the Annual Tickets for the concert and informal dance will be held in Dinner of Christians and Jews on dance combined may be pur­ the Fieldhouse, to the music of the 19th. The gathering will pay chased from any club member at Rev. Edward J. O'Brien, S.J. Chris Christensen's Orchestra. At tribute to Charles P. Taft, former $3.00 per couple. Admission to have a chance to see and enjoy the same time, there will be mayor and acting councilman of the concert alone will sell for much of the life of the univer­ bingo and card games in the Cincinnati. $1.00 per person. Armory. In addition to Ken's election, sity, including an exhibition drill Teny Lautenbach was elected by the Pershing Rifles, a base­ At the dance, the best couple president of the senior class, Dick .. ball game between the Muske­ in the waltz contest will receive O'Donnell received the secretary ··;:.: •.-;···1 teers and Villa Madonna College, prizes. At midnight, the Princess post, and George Haas became 1Y:· ·- ->~ a special program by the Masque of Family Day will be selected by the :qew treasurez:. ... , Society, and a visit to the Shririe a panel of judges, . along with a • ~,,,' Officers for the Class of '60 are ~. ... :.:.· . :',. ~ :' of Our Lady of _ Victory. Any retinue of four attendants. The . spare time in this busy schedule lucky girl to receive this honor as follows: Tom Frank, presi­ dent; Jim Tasto, vice president; :.,·~:,. ... can be used to tour the buildings must be escorted by a Xavier ;~ . ·......... :<·. Bob Mallardi, secretary; and Mike and facilities of the university. student, either dorm or day hop. : ,· A faculty reception before dinner Day hops especially are encou- Risdon, treasurer. Andy Odoardi was re-elected president of the Cla~s of '61. His cabinet includes ·Paul Moroney, vice president; Ed Schmidt, sec­ retary; and Ron Bosken, treas­ r urer. For the most part, results showed a fairly close race in each class. The senior class had the tightest run between Schnei­ der and Lautenbach. Ken edged Terry by thirteen votes, 94-81. Approximately 85% of the Class of '59 voted. This year's sophomore crop, the '60 class, had the poorest turnout of votes. However, the majority of . them yoted as they did last year and they re-elected Tom Frank president. Cleffers Zang, Faller, Beile, DuBrucq, and Kopecky Another re-election took place I in the frosh class. The Class ·of '61 re-elected the same men it chose last fall. Only the offices of the Debaters End Season men were chan'.ged, although Odoardi again copped the presi­ Journey To West Point dency. A total number of 770 students The Xavier. debaters reached participating schools this year Mr. Elmer Fenton, Family Day Chairman, and bis son, Don, voted on the two days the polls the climax of a highly successful included San Francisco, Southern check plans for the big day. were open. year two weeks ago at West California, Idaho, Kansas, Mar­ Point. Wayne Fehr and Dan Bris­ quette, Northwestern, Not r c will provide the opportunity to raged to attend the dance, as well lane represented Xavier Univer~ Dam:, Alabama, Princeton, An­ meet the professors and members as the other activities of Family sity in the 12th annual National napolis, Harvard - and M.I.T., of the administration. Day. BULLETIN Debate Tournament at the United among others. Dinner will be served in the The Dads Club Committees, States Military Academy. Thirty. Xavier, with a 3-5 record, was Student Union Building, begin­ headed by Mr. Elmer Fenton, and Room reservations for parents six colleges and univenities from one of the 20 teams to be elim­ ning at 5:30 p.m. Following din· the Student Committees, under and friends of out-of-town s*u· all parts of the country competed inated after the eight prelimin­ ner, an evening of fine entel"tain­ Tom Cavanaugh; have been work­ dents must be made"tbrou1h Paul In the tournament, which was ary seeding rounds. The top six­ ment has been planned, high­ ing long and hard in preparation Haley (Elet 303) or Paul Gildea held April 23·26. teen teams then entered elimina­ lighted by the annual Band Con­ for this year's Family Day. Wi~h (Elet 317) In ordP.r to get special Fehr and Brislane won their tions, which resulted in a final cert in the newly reconditioned the help and advice of Dads Club rates or to 1et reservations at all. berth 'in the "N.D.T." by being debate between Harvard and Armory. Moderator Rev. Edward J. O'· Motels and hotels contacted by one of the top 5 teams · at the Northwestern. '!1he first-p•ace The Concert will be1in at 1:30 Brien, S.J., they have done every­ these two men will not accept District V Qualifying Tourna­ trophy-and an automatic invit"-· p.m., with an overture featurln1 thing possible to make the annual reservations from any sln1le stu· ment, ·held in Cleveland, March tion to next year's tournament­ the 1958 theme of "Galete Parisl­ event profitable and entertaining dent, but only tbrou1h one of 21-22. The nation is divided into was won by the Northwestern enne/' Under the direction of for Xavier students and their these two. 8 such districts, from which a team of William Welsh and Rich­ Gilbert T. Marin1er, the xavler families. Family Day, 1958, prom­ They shouid be contacted •• total of 36 teams are selected ard Kirshberg. Last year's win­ band will provide entertainment ises to be one of the best ever soon •• ·pollible for n1ervatlom. each year to attend the national ner, Augustana, was eliminated chaneterl1ed by bancl president held at Xavier. tournament at 'Vest Point. The (Continued on Pa1e 8) .. PAGE TWO XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1958 ................................................................................................................................. XU Editorials WORDS OF WISDOM THE This is the time of the year when socials reign supreme. STA GEL/GHTS And certainly it is not the place of a newspaper to put the ·trite "wet blanket'' on our social life. It might be worthwhile, CO-ED by Staffortl P. l\looney though, to give thought to a few pertinent points. by Pat Wiechman Beer is the life of a party. But why kill the party by ,.................... , .......................................................................................................... hanging on a damnable drunk? A bad reputation and a moral .Mas•f UC lUagic Shines In ucky For l\'lc" degeneracy flow out of that "one too many." And then there Hi strangers.
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