:N KILLED ) - 'rwo Us'. AII' d when their B'57 red off the rUbwa .. ile landing at JOh:', Base near Tokyo ai owan .ervlng The State Unlversitu of I0W4 and t1ul People of Iowa CUy ------------------------------~~--------------------------~.~••ft~ftla~ted~:p~r:-~.Le~ft~~ft~~w:lr~e~-~-~:w:lr~:~PM~~~:~u:m:ted:::~~u~~:~::~~ti:OA:~~L~~:I~::~w:lre~~~------~~--------------------~----~I~o:w:a~c;i~~~.~IO:w:a~,~Sa;;.t~;;da;,y~.~J~~: . :~~· - Established In 1868 - Five Cents a COpy .....- ".... ~ ..... _______________________________________ So. Dubuque 11 So, Clinton !9 So. Dubuque 'Atlanta Schools Are Ordered Herter Accuses IS • LAUNDRY to Il1'ifiate Desegration Plan ' ATLANTA. (uPIl - A two­ judge Federal Court Eriday or· dered Atlanta to desegregate its E. German Reds public schools "within a reason· Jlble ·time." . The court swiftly issued a de· cree granting an' injun~tlon to Ne­ gro p1aintifrs against discriml­ .' MUon in admitting pupils to schools here on the basis of race or color. And it told the Atlanta onage School Board to present an inte­ Of Espi gration plan that "wUl not dis­ criminate" against negroes. No specific date was . set. but the court instructed that the in· Karl King Cites Cases tegratlon plan be presented "with­ Attempt To Dynamite Train In a reasonable time." The city Soviet Sub Surfaces Off Iceland ierved notice of appeal immedi­ To Conduct ately_ THIS PHOTO, released by the Navy in Washington Friday, shows a Soviet 5Ubm.rlne si,hted on the .ur· Under Investigation In DM. Of Spying, Hearing of the historic Atlanta ·f.c. in the Atlantic, louth of Iceland at 1:26 p.m. on May D. It is identifi.d a, On. of the Russian lone school case toc>-k ollly one day. and ran,. "Z" ciasl subs modified by an .nlar"ment of it, super,tructur•• Th. photo was m" fr"" a SUI Concert DES MOINES "" - Authorities 5Uitca.. with • fu.. a"ached. the decree was handed down short­ Navy patrol plane engaged In exercises in the arta. - U.S. Navy Photo via AP Wirephoto. were trying to piece together Fri­ was placed between the tr.ck•. Kidnaping ly after the hearing was concluded. One of the top men in lhe band day night bits of evidence thal A dozen federal. st<lt and coun­ might lead to the arrest of th ty officers. aided by several rail· At the outset. the court held it business will be gue t conductor person who made an unsuccessful road d t cti ve , had joined in the Gromyko Replies Is "bound" by U.S. Supreme Certain Types Adenauer Gets Party Nod at the Commencement Band Con­ attempt to blow up a Rock Island inv ligation. With Counter Charge. Court decisions to hold school cert Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Rocket passenger train with 99 Polk County Sheriff Wilbur HlI­ segregation in Atlanta unconsti· the east lawn o( Old Capitol. sticks o( dynamite. dr lh said they hila no Immediat GENEVA (UPIJ - Secretary of tutlonal. Karl L. King. compo er. con· There were 2M PlllOII,,'" on hot leads on the Identity of the stale Christian A. Herter char&ed Since public schools in the Military Aid To Remain As Chancellor the Chica,o-bound train at 2 a.m. per on responsible. He caUed a Friday that the East Gffman Com· ductor and former bandmaster of Georgia capital are segrCjgated by Friday when It passed ever • meting of all officers workine on munl ts have or,anlz.ed more than race. the court said. in effect, the Questioned BONN, Germany (uP}) - Kon­ reversal may have been caused by such weH-known ensembles a the spot on the outllllrt. of D •• the case al his office aL 9 a.m. 200,000 spies and inlonners to only question was w.hen integration rad Adenauer Friday overrode growing sentiment in support of Barnum and Bailey Circus Band. Molnts where the dynamlt., In a today. achieve "complete OV rthrow" of must begin. It said in the prelimi­ WASmNGTON, (UP£) - The angry objections from leaders of Economics Minister Ludwig Erhard will take the podium at the con. Wheels of the eastbound train freedom in West Berlin. West Ger­ nary ruling that thls did not ne· House Foreign Affairs Committee his ruling Christil;n Democratic as Adenauer's successor as chan· cert to conduct the SUI Symphony cut a lighted fuse leading to the many and the free countries cessarily mean that it wllUld order Party to win their unanimous cellor. sultca full of explosive in pass­ beyond. complained today that u.s. Mili­ Erhard may yet try to reform the Band in five selections. including racial mixing in the classrooms tary aid has at times bolstered dic­ agreement that he remain Chancel· An Education ing over It. Herter coupled his indictment of lor oC West Germany until the opposition and try to force Ade- . four of his own march composi. immediately - or by the start of tatorships, strained foreign econ· Apparently the would·be dyna­ Ea Germany at the Foreign the 1959-50 term next September. 1961 general election. nauer out, they speculated. Er· lions. miter was in the back,round Ministers Conference with the omies. and disrupted relations be­ The party executive's endorse­ GeOrgia law provides for closing tween non-communist nations. hard is presently in Washington Karl King began his musical Costs More, w.itin, for the .xploslon which declaration that Russia's plan to ment oC his decision not to run did not come. For a second at. of schools Immediately upon court The committee aired its com­ but has been kept advised on studie at an early age, and was turn West Berlin lnlo a "free city" for president averted - at least developments by telephone. It wa tempt was m.de an hour later to is a bold attempt to what the orders to integrate. .' plaints in a report to the house on for now - a wide open split in the announced that he would cut short only 17 when his rirst band compo· ,ain its approval of a $3 billion foreign Survey Says dischar" the dynamlt.. Till. Reds could not achieve with their The desegregation orders by the party. But the threat remained. his visit to Washington by one day sitions were accepted fOr publica­ time It burned down to the det. aid bill for the 1960 fiscal year. 1946-49 Berlin blockade. Federal Court were the first di­ Adenauer said that the interna­ and return next Tuesday. on.tin, cap but it did not ."plode President Eisenhower requested WASHINGTON. (uPU - The rllcted against Georgia, ODe of the tional situation had worsened since The agreement came in an for soma un.xplained r.alOll. His ~ minute weceb at Friday's $3.9 billion. cost oC a coUege education has seml-publLc session on the mln! - die-hard segreeation states of the he announced in April that he hours· long stormy meeting of the ~ One th ory being explored by the ters was the Wesrs answer to S0- NIA deep South in which there has Funds for military aid and de­ would seek eiection as president. executive. summoned into emer­ jumped about 33 per cent over the investigators wa thal th attempt viet Foreign l.finlstl'l' Andrei A. been no public school integration. fense support bore the brunt of the He said West Germany needed gency sessIon aCter Adenauer's su~- past lour year and will rise by was the work of a " crank" who Grornylto's charges of Western :NED committee's slash. him to guide it through the prise announcement Thursday ' had a grudge against the railroad, Atlanta Mayor Williatn Harts­ about the same amount over the spyin, and subver ion In We. t Ber· The committee said it was con­ "critical" times ahead. night that he had changed his mind heriff Hildreth said. field immediately appealed to the vinced that continued military as­ next four, a governm nl report lin. Georgia Legislature. doo¥nated by But some observers believed his about stepping down as chancellor Another possibility, he said. was istance was "absolutely essential" -~---------­ showed Friday. It also represented a major segregationist rural · lawmakers, to run for the figurehead post of thaI the perpetrator might have DUPE to the security of the free world Tuilion and stud nt (ee rose Western bid to break the sudden to let "Atlantans decide the fate president. heavily insurcd some passenger on and many nations, especially those On his return to the chancellory Soviet freeze at the conference. of their own schools ana the future Three Break-Ins, 33.5 per cent in public colleges th train. which appar ntly was ordered by in Europe, tbe Far East. and after the meeting, Adenauer t..&d Hildreth r~alled that ill Denver of Ith~;Il .dtildrell." ., ami unlveJ'li~ duling the 4·,yeal' the Kr.mlln wbIJe Nlklta S. Southeast Asia. newsmen that "everything was In 8 year ago a man placed dynamite Nettihg $349, period. The Increase wa 8.8 per Khrushchev plots new strategy. If Atlanta is permitted to make But it said it was "especially order" for hlm and his party. aboard an airplane to kJll his moth· Its choice between accepting inte­ disturbed" about the effects of Reported Friday Adenauer's decision touched off cent during the past year alon . er whom he had in ured. Gromyko denied Russia wants to gration and closing its schools, he armed shipments to underde­ a wave of anger. consternation. dis­ Similar charges in privately sup­ In addition to the dynamite In annex West Berlin. He said there said.
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