West.~..Riding Yorkshire. .South Crosl.An D
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279 WEST.~..RIDING YORKSHIRE. .SOUTH CROSL.AN D. Burton Benjamin,beer retailer, Hall grn Shaw-Geo. Wm. grocer, Calder grove Lofthouse George, farmer, catpenter &: Cardwell&Leake,blck!lmiths.Calder gro Shaw John, Lord. Nel.~on bone dealer Carr J ames, farmer, Hall green Shirt George, farmer for & manager to Monsaeur William, New inn Clarkson Samut-1, Grove inn The Clitle Coal & Fire Clay Co Stringer Francis, beer retailer Clijfe Coal t Fire Clay Co. (George Smith Mark, beer retailer, Calder grove Shirt, manager) Stewart J ames, calf dt-aler New MilleJ:' Dam. Crigglestone Industrial Co-operatit•e Totty Benjamin, farmer, DPnnington (See also SANDAL.) Society l William Lodge, manager), Torver J ~ph, tailor L!lke William, Sunny Bank house Dennington Waite J~eph Hammond, joiner & Newton J ames Cutts David, farmer, Hollingthorpe builder, Calder grove Wordsworth John, The Vicarage Depledge Thoma~, farmer, Hall green Warwick George, f.•rmer, Hall green COMMERCIAL. Eastwood Matthew, shopkpr.C'alder gro Wood Joseph, farmer & maltster, Brook Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeJkr Fisher Francis, shopkeeper, Calder gro Blackerhall Burton Geurge, shopkeeper Garthwaite John, brewer, Calder grove Wood William, 11hopkeeper, Calder gro Calvert J sph.( Mr:1. },rope & twine spinnr Greenwood Thomas, tanner, Boyne hill Yorkshire Coal t Coke Co. (The) Fisher George, butcher Hall James1 farmer George Loxton, man.), Calder grov:: Haigh Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper Hammond & 8pa.wforth, brewers, Calder Jackson John, plumber & glazitlr Grove brewery Chapelthorpe. M arginson John, shoe dealer HammondThos.BritishOak,Calder gro Charles worth Major Albany Hawke :J.P. Newton James, surgeon Hirst & White, surgeons, Boyne hill Chapelthorpe ball Oxley Edwin Thomas, builder & stone lbbotson Harriet ( :tfrs. ), farmer Cottam George, Gawthorpe hall quarry owner Jacksou Charles, boot & shoe maker Marsh all J oseph, head gamekeeper to Oxley Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper Jackson Henry, boot & shoe maker M 11jor A. H. Cuarlesworth Oxley Samuel, butcher • J agger Henry, shopkeeper, Denningtou Wood Geurge, ageut to Major Albany Oxley William, shopkeeper Jagger Thomas, joiner Hawke Charleswortb Pashley William, joiner LeeFredk. Wm. Bay Horse, Ha11 green Pipe William, Fox~ Hound8 Marsden Charles & Son, paper manu- Dirtcar. Shaw George, butcher facture~, Calder Grove paper mills Be~erley Christopber, Dirtcar house WiliiOn Thomas, shopkeeper North J ames, blacksmith & parish clerk, Boor h Andrew, shopkeeper Wray John, farmer Hall green Brocklesby Richard, farmer Overend & Flint, colliery owners Burton George, farmer Painthorpe. Parkin son Geo. engineer & machine mkr Burton J O"t>ph, farmer 1\licklelhwaite Mrs Pean~on Robert, butcher Dodgson Eli, tarmer r.Iorrell Thomas Pickering John Greenclark, farmer Exley Henry, earthenwa!'e & china c.llr H olroy(l Robert, farmer Priest John, farmer, Birch lane Hall Thomas, farmer Senior J ames, grocer Reynolds Joseph, shovkeeper, Hall grn I Johnson Richard, farmer Shaw Joseph, f11rmer Robinson William, beer retailer Jubb Josevh Ward, farmer W oodpidge J oseph, farmer CROFTON is a pari11h and pleasant village and station the widows residing in the parish, and an annual dole to on the Lancashire and Yorkshire railway, 3~ miles ~outh the poor of £2 10s. is paid by the owner of a field on which east from W akefield, in the Southern divh,ion of the Riding, the original bequest of £.j0 was secured. Crofton Old Hall, lower division of Agbrigg wapentake, Wakefield union and the seat of William Hurst esq. ls a modern brick buildi•J!( county c<>urt district, rural deanery of Pontefract and arch situatt-d on an eminence, commanding extenshe views. deaconry and diocese of York. The church of All Saints is Crofton Grange is the residence of Nowell L. Fernandes a cruciform stone building in the Later English style, con ~q. H. L. S. Wilson esq. wbo is lord of the manor, the Earl sistinll of chancel, nave, transepts, and a towfr containing of w~stmorland, William Hurst esq. and the rector are chief a clock and 3 hells, of which the large bell js inscribed landowners. The soil is clay and loam; the subsoil is clay. "Vf'nite, A. D. 1663;" the 2nd: "In God is al, quoth The chit-f crops are wheat, barley, potatoes and beans. Tt•e Gabriel;" the 3rd: '' A ve M aria gracia plena; " the 2nd population was (1871) 4921 and the area is 1,520 a~re~ ~ bell is supposed, from the similarity of the inscription, to rateable value £t,666. have come from the same foundry as one of the bells at 0AKENSHA w is a hamlet, where the Midland railway Rylstone: there art' monuments to Sir Henry Wilson and has an extensive goods station, and through which the the families of Mason and M eyer: this church was origin Barnsley canal passes. ally in the Ing~, but was re-built on the top of the hill by Parish Clerk, Samuel Stocks. Bishop Flemming about 1430: he was born at Crofton, and was afterwards Bishop uf Lincoln and founder of PosT OFFICE.-Thomas Frohi~her, receiver. Letters Lincoln Cc;llege, Oxford. The register dates from the year arrive from Wakefield at 8 a. m.; dispatched at 5.45 p.m. 1615, and is in good condition. The living is a rectory, Foulby is the nearest money order office yearly value £33! (tithes commuted at £t86), with re.i- Board School, erected in 1~78, is a building of red brick, dence and M acres of glebe, in the gift of the Chancellor of with stone facings, and includes a master's house; John tte Duchy of Lancaster, and held by the Rev. Josiah Glaister, master Samuel Moo~ M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Shillito Clerk to thtJ School Board, T. Leedall, County Court and Mason's Charity, being the interest of £100, and Mrs. office, WakefieM Tew's, the interest of £100, are yearly distributed among Railway Station (Crofton), George Green, station master Fernandes Nowell Luis, Crofton grange Cressey Thos.shopkeeper & wheelwright North Wm. butcher & farmer,Spring bil Hurst William, Crofton Old hall Cullingworth Charle~, farmer Ripley Charles, Royal Oak Moore Rev. Josiah Saml. M.A. Rectory Frobisher Thomas, shoe maker Sanderson Jane (Mrs.), Cock~ Crown Barber Edward, farmer Green William Jame~, farmer Sanderson Waiter, far1uer &: maltster Beaumont Samuel & Thomas, farmers Hampshire Ann (Miss), shopkef'per Smitla Waiter, farmer Beaumont John, farmer, lngs farm Hampshire Harriet (Mrs.), farmer Stakes David, maltster Berry John, miller Hartle~· Robert, farmer, Birkwood Steel Thomas, farmer Berry Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Birkwood Holder John, cowkeeper Townend John1 farn:er Clayton Wm. farmer, Oakeoshaw gra Middleton Hannalt (1\Irs.), t:umer Ward EU,. cowk.eeper SOUTH CROSLAND is a township, small village and from the year 1829. The livw-g is a vicarage, yearly nine ecclesiastical parish, tormed in 1843 out of the parish of £250 with residence, in the gift of the Yicar of Almondhnry, Almoodbury, 4 m les south-west from it, and 3! south and held by the Rev. George Coulton of St. Aidan's coltl"ge, south-west from Huddersfield, in the Southern division of Birkenbead. Here are some large quarries and abuodant.e the Riding, upper division of Aghrigg wapentake, Hadders of excellent building and flag stones. HenryFrederickBeau field union, county court district and rural deanery, arch moot et~q. is lord of the manor and principallandownt!r. deaconry ofCraven, diocese ofRipon. Tbt: Meltham branch The toil is strong clay ; subsoil sandstone. 'l'he chief crops railway passes through a tunnel and has a station at Nether are oabl, potatoes, turnips and grass. The township contains too. The township is governed by a Local Board of Health 1,834 acres; the eccl&~~tical parish, 1,708; rateable value of 9 membus. The church of the Holy Trinity is a st•me .£10,531; and the population ll871) 2,900, including Ne edifice in the Early Pointed style, consisting of nave and tllerton. The population ot the township in 1871, including aisles, with a square tower containing 1 bell: a stained N etherton7 was 2,863; of the ~e<:lesillllticaJ pari'Jh 2,3€)3. window has been placed in the church at a cost of .£:300, ,SCHOOLS:- principally defra,-ed by the pari:!hioners. The register dates National (mixed), Daniel White, master .