BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A Internet: Barnsley U3A / Charity no. 1077654 Send info. and photos to:
[email protected] 1 These are very difficult and challenging times for everybody and none more so than for our particular age group. However, despite this and the present U3A closedown, we have been absolutely overwhelmed by your response to our membership renewal process. Over 1,150 of you have renewed your subscriptions. Our concern now, though, is that with such support from our members, we have very little to offer by way of our normal activities. I know that a lot of you are having virtual meetings and using the technology to good effect but this is not what we are really about. The need for physical interaction is what the U3A movement is founded upon. However, video conferencing is a helpful substitute in the circumstances within which we find ourselves, and many members are building up new found knowledge and confidence in the technology, which will potentially also prove beneficial in the longer term. Like many of you, I had never heard of ‘Zoom’ prior to March of this year but now I am logging in to it on a regular basis. The Executive Committee is meeting every two weeks on ‘Zoom’ and we are having regular Coordinators’ meetings. In addition, we have started to run the monthly meetings in this way. The July meeting got us off to a good start with around fifty members joining in. Then, at the August meeting we had over sixty tuning in to keep up to date with the latest news and to listen to a brilliantly interesting and entertaining presentation from two of our members, Andrew and Sue Green.