279 WEST.~..RIDING YORKSHIRE. .SOUTH CROSL.AN D. Burton Benjamin,beer retailer, Hall grn Shaw-Geo. Wm. grocer, Calder grove Lofthouse George, farmer, catpenter &: Cardwell&Leake,blck!lmiths.Calder gro Shaw John, Lord. Nel.~on bone dealer Carr J ames, farmer, Hall green Shirt George, farmer for & manager to Monsaeur William, New inn Clarkson Samut-1, Grove inn The Clitle Coal & Fire Clay Co Stringer Francis, beer retailer Clijfe Coal t Fire Clay Co. (George Smith Mark, beer retailer, Calder grove Shirt, manager) Stewart J ames, calf dt-aler New MilleJ:' Dam. Crigglestone Industrial Co-operatit•e Totty Benjamin, farmer, DPnnington (See also SANDAL.) Society l William Lodge, manager), Torver J ~ph, tailor L!lke William, Sunny Bank house Dennington Waite J~eph Hammond, joiner & Newton J ames Cutts David, farmer, Hollingthorpe builder, Calder grove Wordsworth John, The Vicarage Depledge Thoma~, farmer, Hall green Warwick George, f.•rmer, Hall green COMMERCIAL. Eastwood Matthew, shopkpr.C'alder gro Wood Joseph, farmer & maltster, Brook Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeJkr Fisher Francis, shopkeeper, Calder gro Blackerhall Burton Geurge, shopkeeper Garthwaite John, brewer, Calder grove Wood William, 11hopkeeper, Calder gro Calvert J sph.( Mr:1. },rope & twine spinnr Greenwood Thomas, tanner, Boyne hill Yorkshire Coal t Coke Co. (The) Fisher George, butcher Hall James1 farmer George Loxton, man.), Calder grov:: Haigh Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper Hammond & 8pa.wforth, brewers, Calder Jackson John, plumber & glazitlr Grove brewery Chapelthorpe. M arginson John, shoe dealer HammondThos.BritishOak,Calder gro Charles worth Major Albany Hawke :J.P. Newton James, surgeon Hirst & White, surgeons, Boyne hill Chapelthorpe ball Oxley Edwin Thomas, builder & stone lbbotson Harriet ( :tfrs. ), farmer Cottam George, Gawthorpe hall quarry owner Jacksou Charles, boot & shoe maker Marsh all J oseph, head gamekeeper to Oxley Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper Jackson Henry, boot & shoe maker M 11jor A. H. Cuarlesworth Oxley Samuel, butcher • J agger Henry, shopkeeper, Denningtou Wood Geurge, ageut to Major Albany Oxley William, shopkeeper Jagger Thomas, joiner Hawke Charleswortb Pashley William, joiner LeeFredk. Wm. Bay Horse, Ha11 green Pipe William, Fox~ Hound8 Marsden Charles & Son, paper manu- Dirtcar. Shaw George, butcher facture~, Calder Grove paper mills Be~erley Christopber, Dirtcar house WiliiOn Thomas, shopkeeper North J ames, blacksmith & parish clerk, Boor h Andrew, shopkeeper Wray John, farmer Hall green Brocklesby Richard, farmer Overend & Flint, colliery owners Burton George, farmer Painthorpe. Parkin son Geo. engineer & machine mkr Burton J O"t>ph, farmer 1\licklelhwaite Mrs Pean~on Robert, butcher Dodgson Eli, tarmer r.Iorrell Thomas Pickering John Greenclark, farmer Exley Henry, earthenwa!'e & china c.llr H olroy(l Robert, farmer Priest John, farmer, Birch lane Hall Thomas, farmer Senior J ames, grocer Reynolds Joseph, shovkeeper, Hall grn I Johnson Richard, farmer Shaw Joseph, f11rmer Robinson William, beer retailer Jubb Josevh Ward, farmer W oodpidge J oseph, farmer CROFTON is a pari11h and pleasant village and station the widows residing in the parish, and an annual dole to on the Lancashire and Yorkshire railway, 3~ miles ~outh­ the poor of £2 10s. is paid by the owner of a field on which east from W akefield, in the Southern divh,ion of the Riding, the original bequest of £.j0 was secured. Crofton Old Hall, lower division of Agbrigg wapentake, Wakefield union and the seat of William Hurst esq. ls a modern brick buildi•J!( county c<>urt district, rural deanery of Pontefract and arch­ situatt-d on an eminence, commanding extenshe views. deaconry and diocese of York. The church of All Saints is Crofton Grange is the residence of Nowell L. Fernandes­ a cruciform stone building in the Later English style, con­ ~q. H. L. S. Wilson esq. wbo is lord of the manor, the Earl sistinll of chancel, nave, transepts, and a towfr containing­ of w~stmorland, William Hurst esq. and the rector are chief a clock and 3 hells, of which the large bell js inscribed landowners. The soil is clay and loam; the subsoil is clay. "Vf'nite, A. D. 1663;" the 2nd: "In God is al, quoth The chit-f crops are wheat, barley, potatoes and beans. Tt•e Gabriel;" the 3rd: '' A ve M aria gracia plena; " the 2nd population was (1871) 4921 and the area is 1,520 a~re~ ~ bell is supposed, from the similarity of the inscription, to rateable value £t,666. have come from the same foundry as one of the bells at 0AKENSHA w is a hamlet, where the Midland railway Rylstone: there art' monuments to Sir Henry Wilson and has an extensive goods station, and through which the the families of Mason and M eyer: this church was origin­ Barnsley canal passes. ally in the Ing~, but was re-built on the top of the hill by Parish Clerk, Samuel Stocks. Bishop Flemming about 1430: he was born at Crofton, and was afterwards Bishop uf Lincoln and founder of PosT OFFICE.-Thomas Frohi~her, receiver. Letters Lincoln Cc;llege, Oxford. The register dates from the year arrive from Wakefield at 8 a. m.; dispatched at 5.45 p.m. 1615, and is in good condition. The living is a rectory, Foulby is the nearest money order office yearly value £33! (tithes commuted at £t86), with re.i- Board School, erected in 1~78, is a building of red brick, dence and M acres of glebe, in the gift of the Chancellor of with stone facings, and includes a master's house; John tte Duchy of Lancaster, and held by the Rev. Josiah Glaister, master Samuel Moo~ M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Shillito Clerk to thtJ School Board, T. Leedall, County Court and Mason's Charity, being the interest of £100, and Mrs. office, WakefieM Tew's, the interest of £100, are yearly distributed among Railway Station (Crofton), George Green, station master Fernandes Nowell Luis, Crofton grange Cressey Thos.shopkeeper & wheelwright North Wm. butcher & farmer,Spring bil Hurst William, Crofton Old hall Cullingworth Charle~, farmer Ripley Charles, Royal Oak Moore Rev. Josiah Saml. M.A. Rectory Frobisher Thomas, shoe maker Sanderson Jane (Mrs.), Cock~ Crown Barber Edward, farmer Green William Jame~, farmer Sanderson Waiter, far1uer &: maltster Beaumont Samuel & Thomas, farmers Hampshire Ann (Miss), shopkef'per Smitla Waiter, farmer Beaumont John, farmer, lngs farm Hampshire Harriet (Mrs.), farmer Stakes David, maltster Berry John, miller Hartle~· Robert, farmer, Birkwood Steel Thomas, farmer Berry Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Birkwood Holder John, cowkeeper Townend John1 farn:er Clayton Wm. farmer, Oakeoshaw gra Middleton Hannalt (1\Irs.), t:umer Ward EU,. cowk.eeper SOUTH CROSLAND is a township, small village and from the year 1829. The livw-g is a vicarage, yearly nine ecclesiastical parish, tormed in 1843 out of the parish of £250 with residence, in the gift of the Yicar of Almondhnry, Almoodbury, 4 m les south-west from it, and 3! south­ and held by the Rev. George Coulton of St. Aidan's coltl"ge, south-west from Huddersfield, in the Southern division of Birkenbead. Here are some large quarries and abuodant.e the Riding, upper division of Aghrigg wapentake, Hadders­ of excellent building and flag stones. HenryFrederickBeau­ field union, county court district and rural deanery, arch­ moot et~q. is lord of the manor and principallandownt!r. deaconry ofCraven, diocese ofRipon. Tbt: Meltham branch The toil is strong clay ; subsoil sandstone. 'l'he chief crops railway passes through a tunnel and has a station at Nether­ are oabl, potatoes, turnips and grass. The township contains too. The township is governed by a Local Board of Health 1,834 acres; the eccl&~~tical parish, 1,708; rateable value of 9 membus. The church of the Holy Trinity is a st•me .£10,531; and the population ll871) 2,900, including Ne­ edifice in the Early Pointed style, consisting of nave and tllerton. The population ot the township in 1871, including aisles, with a square tower containing 1 bell: a stained N etherton7 was 2,863; of the ~e<:lesillllticaJ pari'Jh 2,3€)3. window has been placed in the church at a cost of .£:300, ,SCHOOLS:- principally defra,-ed by the pari:!hioners. The register dates National (mixed), Daniel White, master .
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