The Shillito Family


Scotland, Ireland and America


Five hundred and t,venty descendants of George and Agnes Miller Shillito listed in seven generations and 243 marriages.

Compiled by SAMUEL MILLER SMITH Beaver, Pa., in 1931 At the age of eighty years. Sole survivor of fifty-one grandchildren.

The Shillito Family

The .ancestral home of the Shillito famiiy ,vas in Scot­ land, whe1~e the name was spelled Shillitoe. The family lived in Scotland until about 1745-48, vvhen they migrated to the North .of Ireland during the Scottish revolt against the Episcopal Church. The Shillitos were Covenanters, and it ,vas to thtow off the heavy yoke of the Episcopal Church that the migrati·on to North Ireland \Vas made. · · It is believed that there \Vere three brothers of the Shil­ lito family who came from Ireland to Am~rica. Of these George and- Samuel are known to have remained in this country, while a third brother is thought to have settled in York County, , and may, perhaps, have re­ turned .to Ireland. The first of the f ami1y of ,vhom any definite record has been obtained is George Shillito, Sr.. father of the three brothers mentioned previously. He was married and_ the parent of a s·on, George, Jr., born in 1762. \Vhen th!s chilrl ,vas eleven years of age, or in 1773, the family emigrated from Ireland to America, and settled near Germanto\vn, Pa. Soon after the Revolutionary War broke out George Shillito, Jr., s-ho\ved his love for his adopted country by making application for enlistment into the army, but \Vas rejected on account of his youth. He vvas later accepted as a·substitute at the age of 1~ years, or in 1778. He served as a private to the close of the war in the Cumber1ancl Conn ty Militia. First Ba ttaUon, commanded by Col. James Johnson. His ,var record can be found in Pennsvl·vania .. ~ Archives, 5th Series, Vo1. 6, page 196. 4 'I'he Shillito Family

Samuel Shillito, one of the three brothers who came to America, served in the vVar of 1812. At the close of that struggle he \Vas married to Nancy lvliller. ...~fter his mar­ riage he- and his wife went do,vn the Ohio River and set­ tled near Cincinnati, ,vhere some of the descendants founded _what is no,v the John E. Shillito Co. Department Store. Some time· after the Revolutionary vVar, George Shil­ lito, Jr., was married to Agnes Miller, daughter of Sa1nuel Miller of Mt. Pleasant To;vnship, '\Vashingto~ County, Penn­ sylvania. They located in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, \Vhere eight children were born to them: Samuel, John, ElizabetI:i, G~orge, Jane, James, Ebenezer or Eben and Mary. In April, 1812, they came from Allegheny County to Beaver Oounty, and purchased a tract of land on Service Creek, Raccoon Tovvnship, from the estate of David Redick called "St. Clair," containing 420 acres; bounded on the east by Frederick Hubley, on the nol'th by Frederick Kiehr, and on the south by John Graff.. The price vvas $500.00. It ·was located one-half mile up the creek from Service Church. This particular location vvas selected on account of its prox­ imity to Service Church, and the desire of the family for a home in a Christian community. George Shillito \Vas familiarly kno,vn in the community of Service as "Grandaddy" Shillito. His homestead ,vas located at the foot of the hill just across Service Creek fl'om where lo\ver Service school house no,v stands. Here he 1vas a near neighbor and loyal friend of Rev. Dr. Anderson. the first pastor of old. Sevice Church, and the founded of one of the t\vo first Theological Seminaries on this continent. The Shillitos ,vere early members of and prominently identified ,vith old Service Church. Service, named from the creek on vvhbse ,vaters it is located, and it in turn named from the service-tree \vhich gTO\VS in the vicinity, dates its origin fron1 the year 1790, although prior to that time and up until the year 1793, the-congregatio:n ntet-fo1~ ,vorship in The Shillito Family 5 the log cabin homes of its members. The first extant record is that of a meeting of the session of Mill Creek (the name of Service Church until 1800) on August 11, 17no~ In that record t,vo ruling elders were identified: James Ingles and John Nelson. No mention is made of Dr. Anderson until 1792, when he is represented as the m,oderator of the ses­ sion. His date of call, acceptance, and installation as pastor. are alike unkno\vn. In conjunction ,vith his pastoral duties at Service, he was also pastor of Harmon Creek Church (no'\v Frankfort Springs). Dr. Anderson is described as being sligtly over five feet in height, possesseed of a high, shrill voice, and ,vith a dic­ tion so slo,v that a.s\vift penman might have taken down his sermons in longhand. The first meeting house at Service, a log cabin, was erected in 1793. In this building the congregation ,vorshiped for ten or t\velve years, vvhen a second church building vvas erected on the site of the present edifice. This latter ,vas of he\ved logs, chinked \Vith yello,v clay, perhaps 25x30 feet in dimerisions, and vvith one door and f e\v ,vindo\VS. In 1794 the Presbytery of Pennsylvania established a Theological Seminary and appointed Dr. Anderson professor therein. Since his services as professor \Vere to run concur­ ently \vith his duties as a pastor, Service \vas selected as the seat of the institution. Contiguous to Dr. Anderson's log­ cabin home a t\vc-storied log structure, ,vith floors of rough­ he,vn logs. and clapboard roof, \Vas erected to serve as the Seminary building. Some of the Seminary students ahvays roomed and boarded at the home of George Shillito. One of the students came home one day very angry and hurt at a sharp rebuke administered to him by Dr. Anderson, and VO\ved he \vould never go back there again. "Never mind," said "Grandaddy" Shillito, "if Dr. Anderson ,vas hasty ~nd unjust to you he \Vill never let the sun go do,vn on his \Vrath." 6 The Shillito Fan1ily

Sure enough, as the Shillitos vvere eating their evening meal on the back porch facing Service Creek nearby, they sa\v Dr. Anderson coming across the meado\v. There ,vas no foot-log across the creek. Dr. Anderson took off his shoe_s and socks, ,vaded the creek and then put them on again, and ~ame up to where they ,vere eating. He spoke kindly to the student: "Young man, I spoke unjustly to you this after­ noon. I am very s•orry. I came. here to ackno\vledge my wrong and to apolgize to you. ·Will you please forgive me?" The student went back to the Seminary . . Dr. Anderson served as p1·ofessor of the Seminary until 1821, when the .institution was transferred from Sevice to ·Canonsburg, Washington County, Pa. He served as pastor of Service Church until his death April 6, 1830. Between the death of Dr. Anderson and the installation of Rev. William J\i. 1\'1cEhvee in 1833, George Shillito was installed as a ruling elder. Samuel Shillito Family 7

The Samuel Shillito Family

.SANI:UEL SHILLITO, eldest child of George and Agnes J\'L Shillito, was born August 31, 1793. He served in the War of 1812. He was mai·-ried February 26, 1829 t-o Eliza Sn1ith, ,vho ,vas born September 24, 1805, and died April 3, 1875. Samuel Shillito died July 16, 1865, and they were buried at Service. They had seven children: James, Nancy, Voi! et, Cynthia Jane, John, Eliza Jane, and Lucinda. Samuel Shillito ,vas of medium height but strong and ,viry in build, active and energetic, quick in manner and sententious in speech, but ,vithal the soul of gentleness and kindness. He was by vocation both a farmer and miller. The family lived on part of the old Shillito homestead which included the mill and mill site (no,v kno,vn as C·otter's Mill) kno\vn for years as Shillito's Mill. He and his family were devout members of old Service Church. He was universal1y respected for his high sense of honor and honesty. James Shillito \Vas born in 1828 and married 11artha Conley on November 25, 1858. He died in 1917. at the age of 89 years. Nancy Shillito \Vas born 11:arch 28, 1831, and died May 3, 1887. Vio1et Shillito v::as born September 10. 1833, and died Decemher 27, 1888. She married \Villiam Sterling on Octo­ ber 1, 1856. They had five children: Herman, Harry, Clara,

Ida rvI. and Lora Frances. Violet 1.vas buried,. at Service. Herman Sterling was born in 1.857, and married Stella Cullen, 1.vho died September 2, 1930. He died January 16, 1917. They had three children: DeVere, Ed,vard and Harry. De Vere Sterling married Elmyra O\very. They hnd one child: Gale Sterling. 8 San1uel Shillito Family

Ed\vard Sterling married Lucy Martsolf and they had t,vo children: Jack and Wilma. Harry Sterling, ,vho \Vas born in 1863 and died Decem­ ber 28,, 1924, married Catherine Small, who died January 101 1925. They had t\vo children: Ho,vard and Austin. ~ Ho,vard Sterling married Blanch Simpson. Austin ·sterling married Helen Hatha,vay. Clara Sterling was born August 27, 1867, and married J\12rch 17, 1891 to Joseph ·Colbert;\\rho ,vas born in 1862 and died in 1921. They had three children: Willard E., Gladys Violet and Joseph Sterling Colbert. Willard E. Colbert was born April 24, 1894. Gladys V. Colbert ,vas born December 29, 1897, and ' married in 1914 to Lamont H. Marvin. They had four chil- dren: Elizabeth J., Robert H. Catherine and Jack C. Elizabeth J. ~l.farvin was born June 24, 1915. Robert H. Marvin ,vas born October 14, 1916. Catherine Marvin was born June 3, 1920. Jack C. Mar,rin was born June 4, 1923. Ida. 1\'.L Sterling \Vas born in 1871 and married Samuel Hunter. They had three children: Robin S., David A. and Raymond Hunter. Lora F. Sterling ,vas born ],'1arch 24, 1874 and died February 19, 1931. She married Horace Couch on February 27, 1897. They had three children: Donald D., Ada G. anrt Anna E. Couch. Donald D. Couch married Janet Duncan. They have one child: lanet Couch. Ada G. and .A.nna E. Couch ,vere born December 3, 1907. Anna E. Couch married Eugene Hardesty July 11, 1931. Eliza Jane Shillito ,v-as born December 30, 1840, and married Charles Obney August 24, 1886. Charles Obney died February 12, 1898. His ,vife died in 1928. Buried at Service. Cynthia ShiJlito \Vas born 1\iarch 8, 1836, and married on August 18, Hood, ,x.,.ho-1.v2S-born in 1829. Samuel Shillito Family 9

She died September 15, 1902 and her husband"in 1865. They had three child1·en: William, Samuel and Mary Lucinda. William Hood was born in 1859 ·and died in 1887. Samuel Hood ,vas born in 1861. lVIary Lucinda ,vas born in 1865 and married in 1896 to John Fleming. John Shillito \Vas born July 5, 1838. He died December 29, 1912. He married Belle Hall who was born in 1843 and died April 28, 1917. They had four children: Kenneth, Ina R., Benton and Clara. Kenn~th · Shillito \Vas born in 1875 and died in 1921. Ina R. Shillito \Vas born l\1arch 16, 1877, and married Harry Ed\vin l\'.Iiller on N oven1ber 18, 1914. He \Vas born February 23, 1873. Benton Shillito was born September 21, 1879, and mar­ ried Edna Gibbs April 29, 1904. She was born August 20, 1880. They had four children. John Lee, Nao111i Jean, Ruth and Le Miron Shillito, born June 18, 1906. John Lee Shillito vvas born February 14, 1905, and mar­ ried Hazel Lunis of Canonsburg on November 24, 1925. He died September 13, 1928. They had one child, Barbara Lee, born February 5, 1928. Julian L. Shillito, Jr., sJn of 0. B. and Edna Shillito, \vas born June 16, 1906, and died ...~ugust 24, 1906. Naomi J. vvas born June 27, 1907. She mari'ied U. G. Doak, Jr., March 23, 1928. Isabelle Ruth Shillito \Vas born May 13, 1918. Clara Shillito \Vas born October 14, 1881 and n1n1-ried John Th1cElhany7 'Who died October 15, 1914 .. They had foul' children: Erla, Lee, Gladys and 11:errill. Clara Shillito \Vas married a second time to Calvin Cald\vell. Erla l\lcElhany married · Clifford Gamble. They had t\VO children: Gail Alma and Alton Clair. Lee 1fcElhany married Emma E\ving in May, 1925. · Gladys lvicElhany \vas born November 26, 1899. She married Floyd '\V. Payne vvho \Vas born July 25, 1S90. They 10 John Shillito Fam~ly had three children: Floyd, Jr., born in 1920 ; Betty Jane, born May 22, 1922, and Verna Mae, born October 16, 1925. Lucinda Shillito was born in 1844 and died in 1852.


The -John Sl1iilito_ Family

JOHN SHILLlTO, seeond child of George and Agn_es M. Shillito, was- born in 1795. He ,vas married in 1821 to Jane Biggert, of vVashington County, Pa. They had six children: Mary,· Nancy, Samuel, James Biggert, Eliza and Murdock. After his marriage John Shillito and wife settled on a farm near Burgettsto\vn, vVashington County, Pa., where they resided the rest ·of ~heir lives, and \Vhere their children were all born. John Shillito was a fairly tall man and well propor­ tioned. He· and his f a1nily vvere members of the Burgetts­ to\vn U. P. Church. The family· burial ground is at Bur­ gettsto\vn. n.iiary Shillito \vas born January 6, 1822 and 1narrie-d J ohn Keys in 1849. She died rviarch 18, 1~18. He died some years before her. They had five children: Agnes E., born in 1850; Margaret 1\1., born in 1852; .i\lbert 11., born i!l 1854, and died July 9, 1930. He \Vas married in 1887 to Cynthia Brockman. Clara and John Keys \Yere born in 1856. John died when a young man. Albert J\1. Keys and wife had t\vo children: John D. Keys, born in 1888, married Adda Thon1pson in 1920, and had one child, John Albert Keys, born in 1922. Alvin 1\1. Keys, born in 1892, married Claudia Brough, and had t\vo sons: Robert l\L I{eys~ born in 1925, and Rich­ ard Keys, born in 1927 .-- . ----···· -· -·- John Shillito Family 11

Clara Kays ,vas born in 1856, and was married in 1884 to Patterson vVea ver. They had t,vo children: Mary L. and Patterson Weaver. Mary L. Weaver \Vas born in 1885 and married in 1905 to James F. Grubbs. They had eight children: Helen L. Grubbs, born in 1906,. married Harold Davidson in 1926. James, born in 1908; Ruth, born in 1910; Jean A., born in 1912; Richard W., born in 1913; Mary Shillito, born in 1915; Edith Anna, born in 1917; vVagner, born in 1917. Patterson Weaver ,vas born in 1887 and married Roxy Davidson in 1910. They had three children: Roberta, born in 1913; Billy. bo1·n in 1918; Betty Jane, born in 1923. Nancy Shillito vvas born December 25, 1824, and died April 1, 1905. Samuel Shillito was born in 1826 and married i1argaret Galbraith September 9, 1847 .. They had tvvo children: Jane Isabe1la and William Galbraith. · Jane Isabella Shillito was bo1·n August 30, 1848, and married John S. Easton on December 28, 1869. They had t\vo children: Margaretta and Jeanette. Jane is still living at the age of 83 years. iVIarg-aretta Easton married Richard J. Donaldson, ...L\.ug­ ust 14. 1901. She vvas born in 1870. Thev· had one son, ~ J an1es E., born September 22. 1906. Jeanette Easton marrierl John F. Vance, August 26. 1914. _She vvas born September 27, 1873. No children. William Galbraith Shi11ito \Vas born January 26, 1850"' and married Rebecca Proviance on l\'Iarch 23, 1872. She died July 26, 19-26. They had three children: lVIaggie Be 11, James P., and Samuel Reed Shillito. ]{Jaggie Bell Shillito \Vas horn July 23, 1872, and dier1 in 1893. Jan1es P. Shillito \vas born July 23, 1875. He marrien Carrie Park in 1905. They had one child, Rovve11 Shillito. born November 18, 1907. Carrie Park Shillito died in 1909 and James P. Shillito married Blanch Pyle in 19~1. 12 John Shillito Family

Samuel Reed Shillito was born September 27, 1877. He married Cassie E. Scott September 3, 1902. They had t,vo children: William Scott Shillito and James Reed Shillito. William Scott Shillito, born September 3, 1904, married Frances E. Montgomery August 23, 1927. James Reed Shillito married Ruth Colteryahn Novem­ ber 24, 193-0. James Biggert Shillito was born April 23, 1832, an

The John Robertson Family

. ELIZ.A.BETH SHILLITO, third child of George and Agnes -M: Shillito, was born in 1798, and married in 1823 to John. Robertson, farmer, of Hanover Township, \.vho \Vas born in 1796 and died in 1866. They had seven children: Allison, Nanc·y, Samuel, Louis, W.allace, 1\'Iargaret, and Jane .. The f arnily lived and died on the old R·obertson home­ stead in Hanover To\vnship, Beaver County, near Mecllan­ icsburg. Elizabeth Shillito \Vas short of stature and light of build, and of a quiet but friendly disposition. Both she and her family \Vere members ,of Service U. ·p_ Church, in ,vhich she ,vas an active ,vorker. She died in 1885. and both are buried at Service. Allison Robertson \Vas born September 24, 1824, and married in 1848 to i1argaret Calhoun, ,vho \Vas born in 1830 and died October 9, _1918. Allison Robertson died May 12, 1912. To this union \Vere born four child~·en, hvo of ,vhom

Allison Eldon Robertson vvas born June 28, 1838, and died September 15, 1908. Louis Robertson was born in 1825 and married in 184G . . to Eliza Littell, who was bo1n in 1825. They are buried at Servi~e. They had nine children: Josephine, William, John, Cassie, George, Cynthia Jane, Lizzie, Jessie and James H. Josephine Robertson \Vas born June 28, 1847, artd died

October.: 16. 1890. · William ~obertson ,vas born March 11, 1849, and mar­ ried Margaret Craig, born September, 1850. vVillia1n Rob­ etson · died August 6, 1890. They had five children: John, Pearl, Roy, Carl arid Louis. John· Robertson \Vas married and had f ctn· children: Wilbur, Floyd, Margaret and Lida. This John Robertson was a son of \Vi1liam Robertson. John Robertson was born in 1850 and died san1e year. Gasse Robertson was born in 1852 and died in 187 4. George Robertson ,vas born in 1854 and died in 1865. Jessie Robertson ,vas born in 1862 and died in 1880. Cynthia Jean Robertson ,vas born in 1857 and married March 15, 1881, to lVIilton Shillito, ,vho \Vas born in 1840 and buried in Beaver Falls cemetery. To this union ,vere born five ch i1dren: Curtis, Harry, Clal·ence, Zulu and lvierta. l\'1il­ ton Shillito died in 1918, and Cynthia J., died in 1928. · Curtis Shillito ,vas born l\1ay 25, 1882 and married ...L\.da Dicks. They had one child, Devere. Harry Shillito \Vas born April 15, 1884, and married May 21, 1907, to Mahel Ed\vards, \Vho ,vas horn November 1, 1886. They had t,vo children: Helen and Ed,vard. H.elen Shillito \Vas born in 1909 and married in 1929 to Carl Wilson. They have t·wo children, Peg; and Barbia Jane, born in June, 1931. Ed\vard Shillito ·was born October 12, 1913. Clarence Shillito ,vas born April 13, 1886, and married

"."I Ho\t•e '"f""h f'.\"{~ 'h t"I d--ol'l O ,,hi1d l\if 'l l"J. 01·1· Q Bel·t},aL• t • ..., ...... '-'.,," ·&.&.:A. a.,....,"'"' J.• , ••.a.."---• v ...... ,. •. John Robertson Family 15

Zulu Shillito ,vas born in 1890 and married Harry Greer in 1911. They had one· child, Louis, born in 1912. Lizzie Robertson vvas bo1·n in 1860 and married James Shane in 1897. James Shane \.Vas born in 1847. They had t\vo children: Hester and Raymond. Hester Shane married Roy J. Boner. They had three children: Jessie, Mina, and John. Raymond Shane married Sulvice Diffold. They have three children : Clarence, Elsie and Beulah.. Jrunes H. Robertson was born January 4, 1865, and married Lizzie Schilling in 1918. They had four children: Beulah M., Louis H .. Lila D., and Alma M. Nancy Robertson \Vas born September 23, 1826, and married in 1851 to James M. E\ving ,vho was born May 18, 1827. Nancy Robertson E\ving died in 1865. They had six children: Wellington, William IVI., Samuel L., Oliver Frank­ lin, Elizabeth Jane and Alvah Allison. This family lived in Raccoon Tovvnship, McCleary P. 0., Beaver Co., Pa. . . Wellington E\ving \Vas born in 1853 and died in 1856. . . . vVilliam 1T. E\ving married Olive J\,Iiller of Steubenville, Ohio, ,vhere they resided until "his death March 23, 1931. Wil1iam lVL E\ving is bur'ied at Steubenville. They had one daughter, Emma. Samuel L. E"\ving married Rebecca Berkstresser of Buda. Ill. They live at Pent\vater, Tuiich. To them eight children were bor_n: Alma, Willis (both deceased), Ray. Frank. 1Ierle, Delbert, Cora and Glenn. Ray is married and lives at Malden, Ill.; Frank lives at Detroit, Mich.; l\ferle lives in California; Delbert, Cora and Glenn all live in lvrichigan. Oliver Franklin E\ving \Vas married in 1902 to Emma McLaughlin, ,vho died in 1909. In 1911 he married Millie Webb. She died in 1926. He resides in Houston, Texas. Elizabeth Jane Ewing married Thomas Rogers of Bea­ ver Falls, ,vhere she still resides, her husband having died 16 John Roberts.on Family in 1890, and is buried in Beaver Falls cemetery. .They have one son, Lloyd Rogers. Lloyd Rogers married Helen Deal of State College. They live in S,vissvale, Pa., and have one son, ·Thos. Deal Rogers. Alvah Allison E,ving married Emma Hanley, of Buda, Ill., where they reside. They have two children: Ralph and Myrtle. . Ralph Ewing is married and has one daughter, Evelyn . . .Myrtle E,ving is married to Carl Gestrine. They live in Chicag·o and have one daughter, Dorothy. Ma1·garet Robertson ,vas born in 1827 and married Hugh McI{nig-ht in 1849. He ~Nas born Decen1ber 3, 1827. She died October 22, 1877. He died October 15, 1892. They had eight children: Alice Mary, John, Jessie, Lizzie, Joseph, \Villiam, Cora B., and Le,vis W. the latter died at the_ age of t,vo years. Alice McKnight \Vas marrie

Samuel Robertson \Vas born in 1833 and married in 1861 to Nancy Shillito, who was born in 1836. Samuel died J anu­ ary 18, 1907, and Nancy died February 7, 1907. They had three children: Elmer, Eva and Sterling. Elmer R·obertson ,vas born January 19, 1862, and mar­ ried August 27, 1890, to Rose Heckathorne. They had tvvo children: Ina and Romaine. Ina Elizabeth Robertson ,vas born September 10, 1891, and married September 14, 1910 to Earl S. Reed. They had one child, Lyman Robertson Reed, who was born August 5, 1911. Rosa Ron1aine Robertson \Vas born October 11, 1902, and married October 22, 1920, to Floyd Shane. They had three children: Harry Ne,vton, James Edward and Eliza­ beth· Marie. . Harry Ne,vton Shane was born May 11, 1921. James Ed\vard Shane was born June 15, 1923, and died January 23, 1924. . Elizabeth l\Iarie Shane ,vas born June 16, 1927. Eva Robertson ,vas born ·July 24, 1866, and married John Strouss on June 30, 1891. They had three children: Ellie A., Nina Marie, and. Lena Irene. Ellis A. Strouss ,vas born April 16, 1892, and married l\1ary E. Shay, June 12. 1918. They had four children: John Norman, Wayne Duval, Anna Jayne, and Richard Lo,:vell. John Norman Strauss ,vas born July 10, 1916. \-Vayne Duval Strouss \Vas born July 16, 1921. Anna Jayne Strouss ,vas born August 15, 1924. Richnrd Lowell Strouss \vas born October 16, 1931. Nina 1'!arie Strouss ,vas born March 6, 1894, and mar- ried vVilliam R ....~nderson. They had three children: Don­ ald Eugene, vV. B. Jr., and l\Iabel Laurine. Lena Irene Strouss ,vas born October 29, 1898, and mar­ ried J. \V. Calhoun on December 31, 1921. They had three children: Norma Ruth, Doris Marie and vVilliam James. Norma Ruth Calhoun ,vas born February 2~ 1923. 18 John l1obertson Fan1ily

Doris Marie Calhoun was born March 6, 1926. William James Calhoun was born October 31, 1929. R1obert Sterling Robertson was born August 5, 1873, and married Anna B. Marquis February 14, 1906. They have no children. Jane Robertson was born January 13, 1840, and mar­ ried November 24, 1859 to John Houston Johnston, 1,,vho vvas born February 28, 1828, and died December 1, 1900. Jane Robertson Johnston died J\1arch 30, 1900. They had eight children: Eva Mary, John Ells\vorth, Lora Luella, Lillie Albula, Lenora Ubertas, Agnes Zoetta, Bernard Dvvight and David Carson. Eva Mary Johnston \vas_born August 27, 1860, and died March 31, 1922. J-0hn Ells\vorth Johnston, M. D., ,vas born J\fay 9, 1862, and died January 7, 1907. Lora Luella Johnston was born July 27, 1865, and mar­ ried to Mr. l\filne. Lillie Albula Johnston \Vas born September 4, 1867, and died in infancy. Lenora Ubertas Johnston \Vas born January 3, 1869, and died December 16, 1928. Agnes Zoetta Johnston ,vas born lviay 18, 1871. Bernard D·wight Johnston ,vas born June 7, 1876. He is married and has seven children. David Carson Johnston ,vas born June 7, 1876, and died in infancy. Georg-a Shillito Family 19

The George Shillito Family

GEORGE SHILLITO, fourth child of George and Agnes lVL Shillito, \Vas born in 1799, and married in 1830 to Eliza­ beth Anderson of Hanover To_yvnship, Beaver County, Pa., ,vho ,vas born in 1803 and died in 1896. They had six chi1""'. dren: Benjamin, John, Alice Mary, Robert C., an infant born in 1838 and died the same year, and George. The family resided on a f aim near Bocktovvn, Indepen­ dence Township. _On this farm all of the children ,vere born, and here George Shillito died in 1868. His wife died at the home ·of her son, Robert Shillito, at ·B-eaver,. Pa. George Shillito vvas a little over medium height and of heavy build. He and his family ,vere members of the Clinton U. P. Church. The family burial ground is at Clinton. -Benjamin Shillito ,vas born in 1831 and died in 1857 . .Toh.n ShHlitQ ,vas born Novemb_er 5, 1832, ~nd marriecl lVfary S\vearingen on October 1, 187'1. They had one son, ------I Nicholas. She died in 1926 and he died about 1897•r..lt8. 9 a Nichoias Shi11ito \Vas born in 1872 and ID2!Tied Ger­ trude Elizabeth Tuiarhoff er. They had one child. Louise ~Iary. Afte1· the death of his first 1.vife he marr~ed Geneva. Cox. Dr. NichoI~s Shillito died October 18, 1931, at the age of 60 years. ~ ·~- Louise Mary Shiilito married I{arl I{oilkebeck. They had one daught~r, /?1-1 o o ..VE s-o t/, · Alice Mary Shillito ,vas born in 1834 and died in 1848. Robert C. Shillito \Vas born in 1836 and married Eliza Dixon in 1876. They had one child, born in 1877. \vho died in infancy. Robert Shillito died December 28, 1917, and his \vif e l\'Iarch 1, 1914. Robert Shillito and his brother John ,vere for. many years merchants in Beaver. - Robert "•·· ,~,.J ... f /'(C~f - , D i ~ (f_ 20 David Littell Fan1ily

Shillito and his ,vife were buried in Clinton cemetery, \Vhere his father and mother were buried. John Shillito and his ,vife ,vere buried at Hebron, Pa. George Shillito was born in 1840 and married Kate Baum. He was a physician in Pittsburgh and died in 1916. His 1;vife died in April, 1931.


The David Littell Family

JANE SHILLITO, fifth child of George and Agnes M. Shillito, W?s born in 1801 and died in 1885. _She was mar­ ried in 1824 t,o David Littell, of near Mechanicsburg, Han­ over To\vnship, Beaver. County. He was born in 1801 and died in 1865. They had eight children: George, James, Be­ linda. Lizzie, William. Agnes, David, and Robert. The family lived on a farm located on the Beaver­ Frankfort road, and which adjoined the farm of John Rob­ ertson, \Vhose '\vife Elizabeth Shillito Robertson \Vas a sister of Jane Shillito Littell. Jane Shillito ,vas the tallest of the famflv. ab:-l1t six feet tall and slender of build. She vvas of a kindly dfsposi­ tjon, lively and very companionable. She and her husband Jived and died on the home farm, \vhich farm is still in th,~ family name. The familv \Vere members of Service U. P. Church. in \vhich the mother ,vas an active \Vorker in all depa~·tments. The fami1y burial ground is at Service. Geor~:e Ijittell \Vas born ,January 24. 1825, and marrierl to l\farv., Ann T.,einer jn March 5. 1857. ,vho \vrs born Novem- ber 15, 1829, and died lvTarch 15, 1893. He died .January 12. 1912. They had nine children: Joseph, Frank H., E1ln, David Littell Family 21

James Harper, David, William Archibald, George, John D., and Robert. . Rev. Joseph A. Littell ,vas born February 14, 1858. He was married to Qlara Munger. He died October 30, 1925. They had four children: Ed\vin, George, Jerome. Norman. 1Dr. Hugh Franklin Littell \Vas bo1:n January 4,. 1860. He married Evaline E. Eicher. They had one daugh te1·, l\Iary. Their residence is 1431 East Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio. Ella Littell i.vas born October 20, 1862, and died June 16, 1907. Rev. James. Harper and David W. ,vere born April 1, 1864. Harper married J\'Iartha Kingsberry. They reside at Lyndhurst, Ne\v Jersey. Rev. \Villiam A. Littell ,vas born lviay 14. 1866. His first \Vif e \Vas Ag!].es Adams. They had one son, William .A.. His second ,vife vvas Adena Englis. They had t\vo children: Andre,v and Adena. They reside in Denv~r C-::lorado. George Littell ,vas born July 19, 1868, died 1n infancy. John S. Littell \Vas born September 3, 1870. He mar­ ried Grace Longcore, vvho \Vas born December 3, 1879, and died lv1ay 23, 1929. Rev. Robert R. Littell ,vas born N 0vembcr 12, 1872. He 1narriecl Lena Douds. They have no children. He is pastor at Tioga Presbyterian Church, , Pa. James D. Littell, a son of Jane Shillito and David Lit­ tell, \V~s born 1\-'.Iarch 24, 1826, at Service, Pa. IIe married St:sanna Griffin l\tiay 6, 1856, _at Service, l\1oni-o~ Co., IO\\·a. She ,vas born nlay 17, 1832, at Fairvie\v, Ohio, and died August 11, 1919, and he died 1'Iarch 28~ 1890. They had six children: Clara Littell, born l\1arch 30, 1858, at Promis City, lo\va; l\fary Helen Littell, born December 27, 1859. at Promis City, died Decembe1: 11, 1900; Jennie Littell, born August 22, 1862 at Promis City; .A.gnes Littell, born August 25, 1864, died N·ovember 10, _1865; Lizzie Littell, born l\iiarch 23, 186G, died .August 9, 1867; David G. Littell, born ~'larch 8, 1872, died :\iarch 8, 1875. 22 David Littell Fan1ily

Clara Littell married vVilliam Anderson, born l\'Iarch 11, 1856. They \Vere married April 4, 1889, at Allento\vn, Io\va. They had seven child1·en: James V. Anderson, born Febru-­ ary 14, 1890; Bess Anderson, born March 30, 1892; Samuel Anderson, born July 20, 1893; Archie Anderson, born Jan­ ua_ry 16, 1895; Susanna Anders-on, born August 2, 1896 ; David Anderson, bo1:n August 17, 1899_; Mary Helen An­ derson, born Augu_st 16, 1901. James V. married Flay Dugan, l\farch 20, 1918. at Pa\vnee City, Neb. Their children: M2ry J✓Iaxine, bo1·n lvioy 22, 1920; Kenneth J., born April 22, 1923; Reed and Reeva:­ t,vins, born April 11, 1929. Samuel Anderson married Laura J. Pot'terfield June 28, 1928, at Council Bluffs, Io\va. David is teaching in Sioux City; Bess is principal of the S.idney schools; Susanna is in Clarinda, and i1ary Helen is principal of the Ne-iv Market schools. The Littell family ,vere members of the United Pres- byterian Church. · Belinda Littell ,vas born at Service, Pa.. in 1828 and married John l\ifcKee in 1860. John ~1cI{ee, born in Ireland, c:ime to the in 1858. From this union four children ,vere born: David Carson.... L\.nna Jeannette, En1nu1 Ellen and Lizzie \Vi!s

November 27, 1888. · T\vo children ·we1·e born of this union : John Carson and \Villiam J. John Carson ,vas born N-ovem­ ber 21, 1889. He is clerk of Courts of Carroll Gounty, Ohio. William J. \vas bo1·n .i.\.pril 1, 1896, and married Marie Huiless on August 23, 1921.. To them were born three children: Dorothy Marie, Ruth Naomi and Billy. William J. Myers is a \iVorld ·War veteran, serving in the Medical Department. He ,vas ,vith the A1·n1y of Occupation \Vith headquarters at

Coblenz, Germany. 1 •-1.1 i Elizabeth Walker Littell ,vas born July 22, 1931, and married September 26, 1867, to John Parkinson, \vho \Vas born April 15. 1838, in Hanover To,vnship. She died .A.pril 22, 1915, and he· died June 18, 1922. They lived in Beaver Falls and ,vere buried in Beaver Falls cemetery. They had t,vo children; LeMoyne Littell Parkinson, ,vho was n1arried t,:vice. He had t\VO children: Paul Phillips Parkinson by first marriage, and Doris Elizabeth Parkinson by second marria~e. Cora Agnes Parkinson vvas married July 10, 1920, to \Villiam z,ook Replogle. They live at Topeka, Kansas. ,:\/i11iam Frazier Littell \vas born at Service, Pa., in 1831 0nd died in 1879. He ,vas married in September, 1863. to :i\1ary Jane Sharp. She \Yas .born January 15, 1838. c.1.nd died December 24, 1896. Their children \vere Harry Blair Lit­ tell nnd Echvarrl Shillito Littell. Ha1Ty ,vas born July 16, l8G 11, and die

Margaret George was born in 1864, not married. Jessie George was born in 1866 and Married Thomas A. Blazer; three children: Howard, Helen and Christine. Ho,v­ ard Blazer married Miss Rader. Christine married Homer Herrin ; one child, Catherine. l\1artha George \Vas born in 187 4 and married George 1\fartin. They had b.vo children, Robert and George lVIar­ tin, Jr. Rev. D. S. Littell ,vas born in Hanover To\vnship, Ser­ vice, P. 0., Beaver Co., Pa., in 1836, and married in 1872 to Julia Barr, of Zenia, Ohio, who was born in 1846. They had four children: Rev. Chas. Theo. Littell, David ....\., Clara M. and Jan1es George. Rev. D. S. Littell died in 1915 and Julia Barr Littell "in 1919. Rev. Chas. Theo. Littell \Vas born in 1874 and married in 1900 to Bertha Black, ,vho ,vas born in 1874 and died in 191'2. They had three children: C. T. Littell, Jr., David S., an

The Ja.mes Sl1illito Family

J Al\iIES SHILLITO, sixth child of Geol'g-e and .L\.gncs l\f. Shillito, \Vas born Oe.tober 30, 1803, anrl married April 6. 1830, to Violet Smith, ,vho ,vas born September 1, 1807. They had eight children: vVashington, E. rvialvina. Nancy, Violet Ann, George 1\1:ilton, John L., Amanda, and Maria l\L James Shillito vvas a tall man probably six feet in height, ,vell proportioned and grave arid dignified in his man­ ner of speech, especially in his later years, but a genial and kindly man. By vocntion he ,vas both a farmer and a tanner. He ,vas for years a member and from 1840 an elder of o1d Ser~.rice ChurcJ! undei-the pastorates oi-Dr:-\·V1i1inm Tvic- James Shillito Fan1i1y 27

Ehvee and Dr. D. W. Carson.. He was reckoned as a prudent man of excellent judgment and a \vise counsellor, and \Vas generally consulted on all matters relating to the we] fare of the comn1unity and of the church. James Shillito died November 11, 1864, and his \vife died October 18, 1892. They ,vere buried at Service. vVashington \V. Shillito _,vas born September 16, 1831, and married Jane Reed in 1858. He died March 6, 1920. She died a f e\v years before him. . E. l\'Ialvina Shillito ,vas born September 28, 1833, and mar­ ried Robert Sterling in 1860. He ,vas born Novembe1· 14. 1835. She died February 12, 1902, and he died in 1915. Nancy Shillito \Vas born December 1, 1835, and married in 1861 to Samuel Robertson,\vho vvas born in 1833. They had three children: Elmer, Eva, and Sterling Robertson. Nancy Shillito Robertson died February 7, 1907, aged 71. Her husband died January 18, 1907, age 75. Elmer Robertson ,vas born January 19, 1862~ and mar­ ried on August 27, 1890, to Rose Heckath~rne. Th~y had t,vo children: Ina and Romaine. Ina Elizabeth Robertson ,vas born September 10, 1891. and married September 14:, 1910, to Earl S. Reed. They had one child, Lyman Robertson Reed, who was born August 5, 1911. Rosa Romaine Robertson \Vas born October 11. 1902. and married October 22, 1920, to Floyd Shane. They had three children: Harry Ne,vton, James Edvvard and Eliza­ heth il'Iari e. Harry Ne,vton Shane \Yas born May 11, 1921. James Ed\vard Shane \Vas born June 15, 1923, and died January 23, 1924. Elizabeth Marie Shane \Vas born June 16, 1927. . - . Eva Robertson ,vas born- July 24~ 1866, and married John Strouss on June 30, 18~1. They had three children: Ellis A., Nina Marie and Lena Irene. Ellie A. Strauss \vas born April 16~ _1892~ and married 28 James Shillito Fan1ily

Mary Shay June 12, 1918. They had three children: John Norman., Wayne Duval and Anna Jayne. John Norman Strouss ,vas born July 10, 1919. V/ayne Duval Strouss was born July 15, 1921. Anna Jayne Strouss \vas born August 15, 1924. Nina l\farie Strauss ,vas born 1farch 6, 1894, and mar­ ried William R ....L\.nderson. They had three children : Donald Eugene, W. B. Jr., and Tuiabel Laurine Anderson. Lena Irene Strouss was born October 29, 1898, and mar­ ried to J. W. Calhoun on December 31, 1921. They had three children: Norma Ruth, Doris Marie and William James Calhoun. Norma Ruth Calhoun was born February 2. 1923. Doris lVIarie Calhoun \vas born March· 6, 1926. William Calhoun \vas born October 31, 1929. Violet Ann Shillito \Vas bo::.:n Jannary 26, 1838, and died April 13, 1913. George Miltan ShillitJ ,v2.s born June 8, 1840, and m?,r­ ried Susan Cotter. They had nvo sons: John and Frank. Susan Cotter died and l\,1ilton Shillito was married to Cyn­ thia Jean Robertson on 1\,farch 15, 1881. To this union five children ,vere born: Curtis, Harry, Clarence, Zu1a and rriesta. George n1ilton Shillito died December 14, 1918 and Cynthia Jean Shillito died December 4, 1928. =-John Shillito ,vas born in 1872 and married Florence Lloyd. Frank Shillito ,vas born March 11, 1874, and married in 1911 to Olive Hardy. ,vho ,vas born Jannary 22. 1878. They had t,vo children: Virginia and Thelma. Virginia Shillito ,vas born August 5, 1912. Thelma Shillito ,vas born June 7, 1914. Curtis Shillito ,vas born lviay 25, 1882, and married ....\da Dicks in 1913. They have one child, DeVere, born in 1913. Harry Shillito ,vas born ...~pril 15, 1884, and n1arried )label Ed\vards on_ l\Tay 21, 1907. They had t,vo children: Helen Echvard. James Shillito Family 29

Helen Shillito was born in 1909 and married in 1929 to Carl '\rVilson. They have t\.v10 children, Peg and Earbia Jane. Ed\vard Shillito was born October 12, 1913. Clarence Shillito \Vas born April 13, 1886, and married Bertha Ho\ve. They had one child,. Marjorie. ~Iesta Shillito \vas born in 1888 and died in early youth. Zula Shillito vvas bo1n in 1890 and. married to Harry Greer in 1911. They had one child, Lois, born in 1912. John L. Shillito ,vas born Augtist 11, 1842, and died ,vhile young. Amanda Shillito ,vas born August 8, 1844, and married vVilliam B. Hall, born in 1848. They had nine children: Elizabeth, Laura, En1mett, Elta M., Della, Myrta, Alma, Le­ Roy and Mildred. Amanda Shillito Hall died December 9, 1910. vVilliam Hall died in 1916. Elizabeth J. Hall ,vas born April· 7, 1864, and married Le,vis VV. Reed vvho vvas bo1n lviarch 25, 1857. They had three children: Guy, Vera and Helen. Elizabeth J. Reed died i\pril 1, 1927, and Lewis W. Reed died April 23, 1907. ·Guy Reed ,vas born January 10, 1883, and married in 1908 to Catherine Gilmore, ,vho \Vas born in 1888. They had one ·child, Catherine.. Catherine Reed ,vas born i\.ugust 21, 1909. Vera Reed ,vas born November 26, 1886, and married Paul L~ugh1in Andre,vs on December 5, 1906. Paul ...1-\.n­ drei.vs \Vas born July 17, 1888. They had t\vo children: Marg~ret Laughlin and \Villiam Ree

John Reed Jackson was born 11:arch 30, 1917. Jane Hall Jackson ,vas born December 1, 1919. Laura Hall was· born October 27, 1867, and married William Ray Todd,. who \Vas born November 20, 1862. They had seven children: · Ernest LeRoy, Jennie l\'Iay, Clifford Clare, ~1:yrta Rachel, Emmett Sterling, Le\vis Shillito and Ruth Olive. Wm. Ray Todd died November 16, 1924. Ernest L'eRoy Todd was born October ·26, 1886. He married Myrtle McGinnis, They had one child, Robert Haley Todd, born November 17, 1907, · and died October 22, 1910. He later married Beulah Davidson. Jennie May Todd \Vas born November 21, 1888, and died when but a fe,v years of age. · Clifford Clare Todd \Vas born September 29, 1890, antl married Pearl Johnston. They had t,vo children: Th1yr~a Jean and Clifford Clare, Jr~ . Myrta Rachel Todd was born October 22, 1892. She married James Braden Jamison. ·They have one child, James Braden Jamison, Jr. Emmett Sterling- Todd was born April 6, 1895. He mar­ ried Bertha May Lutz. They have t\vo children: Jack Ster­ ling and Martha Jane. Le\vis Shillito Todd vvas born April 6, 1895. He mar­ ried Gladys lvI. Fornier. Ruth Olive Todd \vas born l\'1arch 15, 1897, and married Leander Dean Berry. They have two children: Ruth Olive and Dean Dixon. Emmett Hall ,vas born February 11, 1870, and \Vas mar­ ried to Hannah D. Curllyn. They have one son, Donal_d. Donald Hall ,vas born in 1903 and married Beatrice Rall in 1930. They have one daughter, Donna Lou, born October 12, 1931. Della Hall ,vas born June 9, 1872, and married on Aug­ ust 22, 1896, to-Jarnes-A. Osborne, \Vho--,vas-born February James Shillito Family 31

15, 1873. They have two children: Lewis Randall and Ruth Thyra Osborne. Le\vis Randall Osborne was born September 29, 1899, and was married on June 2, 1921,. to Helen Kirkpatrick, ,vho died February 22, 1923. He married Ruth Wood on Novem­ ber 1, 1928. Ruth Thyra Osborne \Vas born September 23, 1902. Elta l\i. Hall \Vas born August 29, 1874, and married on July 23, 1894, to Clarence B. Courtney, \Vho \vas born April 6,. 1873. They have three children: Paul D., Joseph E., and Grace lvl. Paul D .. Courtney was born December 2, 1896, and mar­ ried February 8, .1918, to lvlartha Blatchford, who was born May 17, 1899. They have one son, Paul D. Jr., ,vho was born January 13, 1919. Joseph E. Courtney was· born December 26, 1899, and married on December 31, 1924, to Virginia ·Short, ,vho was born November 17, 1907. They have one daughter: Vir­ ginia. G., who was born October 22, 1925. Grace M. Courtney was born November 8, 1901, and married on October 15, 1924, to Fred McDo,vell, \vho \vas born July 7, 1900. They have one daughter, Marilyn Grace, born .A.p1·il 3, 1931. 1.1yrta Ann Hall ,vas born October 5, 1876, and died September 22, 1891. Albert LeRoy Hall \Vas born April 26, 1881, and died December 6. 1883. Amy Alma Hall ,vas born April 7, 1885, and died Aug­ ust 16, 1886.

liildred I-Iall ,vas born lv1ay 26, 1883, and married on Sep4 t tember 4, 1906, to Earl Conner. She died April, 1908. Maria 11. Shillito ,vas born November 8, 1846, and mar­ ried Harvey Christy. · She died November 30, 1926. EBENEZER or ABE:rvI SHILLITO, seventh child of George and Agnes M. Shillito, was born in 1806. The date of his death is unkno,vn. 32 David Smith Family

The David Smitl1 Family

MARY SHILLITO, eighth child of George and Agnes M. Shillito, was born on ~larch 5r 1808, and died ..L\:ugust 29, 1889. She \.Vas married on January 2·5, 1831, to David Smith, a farmer of Raccoon Township, Beaver County, Pa., who was born March 5, 1804, and died August 2, 1~71. They had nine children: Nancy A., William L., Mary B.: George, David; Murdic W., Elijah S., 11artha lVI., and San1- uel Miller. · The family lived on part of the old David Smith home­ stead, located on the Beaver-Frankfort road, near the Smith school house. Their children ,vere all born on this farm. ],'.fary Shillito was of medium height and heavy of build. She had dark hair, a characteristic of all the older genera­ tion of Shilli tos. She \Vas kind and cheerful, and actively identified 1-vith church and community affairs. The family \Vere members of the Service U. P. Church. The family burial ground is also at SerYice. Nancy ....!\. Smith, born November 18, 1831, married July 4, 1876, to David l\1cNary of Pigeon Creek, '\i"\rashington Co., Pa. She died in l\fay, 1902, several years after the death of her husband. Both are buried in Pigeon Creek Cemetery. \Villiam L. Smith, born August 31, 1833, married (first) Eliza Jane l\-1oore, born February 24. 1838. died October 7, 1880, no children; (second) Alice I(. Elder. born May 6.1849. T\vo children \Vere born by this marriag-e. \"Villiam d;ed July 30, 188n. Their children ,vere David Elder Smith and Ro­ maine Smith. David E. Smith, born October 4, 1882, married Octobe1· 4, 1909, to Clara E. l\{ills. They had three children: Gel'­ trure TJ. Smith. born l\'Iay 26, 1912; \Villiam L. Smith, born ') 1916. T "H~oll -1,,,.~ 11 .... '-'01 ~--~e ...... +-~~be1· 9 9 s....,..;~~ 1.,~.L.L.&. ... , October -, 1 .1 :vu vu-- i'rl..1u:::; UJ.J. t.u, ·· V ,. .1..1. v t.J David Smith Family 33

1924. William L. Smith died at the age of seven months. Romaine Smith, born August 14, 1884, married Decem­ ber 24, 1902, t,o Scott l\'L Hendrickson. They had five chil­ dren: Alice A., Verna Romaine,, Ruth Olive, Ross ~I., and Eleanor Jean. Alice Hendrickson, born December 1, 1903, married on September 11, 1926 to Char.~es Schaughency, born April 7, 1903. They had one child, Robert Charles Schaughency, ,vho was bo1n July 27, 1929. V~rna Romaine Hendrickson, born January 28, 1906. married on July 9, 1927, to Donald Morris, born November 4, 1904. Ruth Olive _Hendrickson, born May 16, 1908, married June 29, 1931 to Pierce Miexell, born November 15, 1906 .

. Ross M. Hendrickson, bo1n June 24, 1909.

Eleanor Jean Hendrickson, born December 17, 1912, married Oct·ober 20, 1931, to William J. Bre\v, born Aug­ ust 17, 1908. :i1ary B. Smith, born September 23, 1835, married An­ dre\v Adams on January 16, 1862. She died December 22, 1862. They had one child, ~1ary B. Adams, born December 14, 1862. l\'1ary l?. Adams married in 1890 to Harry Simcox. They had one child, born December, 1891, who died a f e\v days later. The mother died about the same time. This family a1~e all buried at Hanover, Beaver Co., Pa. George Smith, born September 7, 1837, died April 7, 1838, aged seven months. David Smith, born September 25, 1839, died January 29, 1844, aged four years, four months and four days. Both are buried in Service Cemetery. Murdic Smith, born September 6, 1842, married August 22, 1874, to Elizabeth Boyd, who ,vas born May 19, 1843. He died Janu~ry 11, 1889, and she died April 22, 1922. They had one son, David Boyd Smith, born March 27, 1878, mar­ ried on June 16, 1913, to I{atherine Arnistrong, \Vho ,vas 34 David Smith Family born October 16, 1886. They had one child, Mary Elizabeth Smith, born November 10, 1919. Murdic Smith and ,vife, Elizabeth Boyd, vvere buried at Pigeon Creek U. P. Church Burying Ground. Elijah S. Sn1ith, born _January 23, 1845, married April -15, 1869, to S~rah Ann Ir,vin, vvho ,vas born January 30. 1848, and died May 8, 1896. He died August 2, 1931.· They had three children: Alice Vie11a, Mary J\Iay and Ethel. . . Alice Viella Smith, born February 24, 1870, died Octo- ber 8, 1890. Mary rr'.Iay Smith, born January 2·3, 1871. Ethel Smith, born May 27, 1885, married July 7, 1923~ to Lester L. Baker, who \vas born October 10, 1890. Elijah-S. Smith served in the Civil '\,Var (5th Pennsylva­ nia Heavy Artillery Co. H). Family burial ground at Ser­ vice, Pa. l\Iartha. Smith, born September 14, 1848, married No­ vember _10, 1898, to George Currie of Butler Co., Pa., who died March 1, 1921. She died October 26, 1930. Both are buried at vVest Liberty B-urial Grounds, Butler Co., Pa. Samuel 11. Smith, born July 19, 1851. married (first) on May 15, 1884, to Jennie Woods, \Vho ,vas born February 21. 1852. There \vas one child to this n:iarriage, born December 2,. 1885, died in infancy. Jennie 1L Woods died .l\.pril 29. 1885. Samuel ~I. Smith ,;,vas married (second) to Alice K. Elder Smith, ,vho ,vns born May 6, 1849. and died December 6, 1928. They_ vvere married in 1888. There was one chil

The Will of George ·s11illito

Date of Will-February 9, 1847. In the Name of God, -Amen, I George Shillito of Raccoon To\vnship, and County of Beaver, and State of Pennsylvania, being infirm in body but of sound mind and judgment ( th9-nks to God for His mercies) calling to mind the cer­ tainty •of death but the uncertainty of the time of it, in order to settle my \Vorldly concerns that I may be the better pre­ pared to leave this vrorld when it may please God to call me hence, do make and ordain the f ollo\ving to be my last will and tes·tament and revoking all former \Vills, viz: 1. After payment of all la\vful debts and funeral ex­ penses, it is my \vill that the yearly profits of the balance of my land exclusive of the parts heretofore laid off for my sons Samuel and James, and the part laid off on the upper end of the tract, "vl-tich will leave about 250 acres. be applied to -i::he maintenan~e of my beloved \Vife Agnes and n1y son Ebenezer during the natueal life, and afte1· her decease, I allo\v my said land to be sold by my Executor to the best advantage and the amount. of the sale disposed of in the f ol1o\ving manner, viz: The interest of $700.00 annually to be applied to the maintena.nce of Ebenezer during his natural life -and in the meantime the bal2.nce of the sale to he equally d!vide


The Will of Samuel Thiiller

Dater December 26, 1817. I, Samuel l\iiller, of 1iount Pleasant To,vnship, County of vVashington,State of Pennsylvania, farmer, being of sound n1ind and memory, thanks be unto God the refor, calling· to mind the mortality of my body_. and kno\ving that it is ap­ pointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this to be my last vViII and Testament, that is to say: First ,of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God ,vho gave it, and my body to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial and as to·uching such ,vorldly estate ,vhere\vith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life; 1s1-. I allo,v and \vill that all my legal debts and expenses he paid; 2nd, I give and bequeath to my grandchildren, James Thfl­ Ier's son San1uel, Thomas Love's son Samuel, George Shil­ lito's son Samuel, Richard l\Ioore's son Samuel, \,Villiam :Th-1-oore's son Samuel, David ~diller's son Samuel, Robert l\Iil­ ler's son Samuel, vVilliam l\.TcCracken's son Samuel, Samuel Miller's son Sa.rnt!e1, .thirteen do!!~rs ~!!d-thirt.y-thrce cents. V✓ ill of Samuel l\iiller 37

Pennsylvania currency, each person to be paid out of my estate, to be given to such as are of age as soon as conven­ ient after my decease, and for the others it is to be kept at interest if convenient till they come of age; 3rd, I will and bequeath t·wenty-six dollars and thirty-six cents to purchase Bibles for the aforenan1ed grandchildren; 4th, it is my ,vill that-the ,vhole remainder of my estate, real and personaL be appraised and sold; 5th, I leave and bequeath to my son Isaac ~Iiller, or his legal iss,ue, one hundred and six dollars and ·sixty-six cents, provided said Isaac Miller or his legal issue shall come for,vard afterwards each •of the after named leg2tees shall pay their respective quota of the one hundred and six dollars and sixty-six cents; 6th, the \vhole of the remainder to be equally divided among the follo\ving persons, viz: My sQn, John Miller, by daughter, Jennet Love, by son, James l\·filler, my· daughter, Agnes Shi11itoe, my daughter, liary l\ioore, my son, Samuel Miller, by son; Robert Miller, my son, David Miller,, my daughter, Elizabeth McCachren, my daughter, Martha Moore; 7th, and I do hereby consti­ tute, make and appoint my son, James Miller, and my son, Samuel l\ii11er, to be executors of this my last Will and Testament. In ,vitness ,vhereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this t,venty-sixth

Some Facts About Samuel Miller, Sr., and llis Descendants._

Samuel Miller's parents lived in Scotland but came to Ireland about 1714 on account of the insurrection. _Samuel Miller, Sr., was born in Ireland in 1717, an4 lived there until sometime in 1748 or '50, ,vhen he emigrated to America. While on shipboard coming to America he be­ came acquainted \vith a lady whom he married som2time after his arrival here. After his marriage he and his ,vifc resided near Hickory, Mt. Pleasant Township, Washington County, Pa., \Vhere their t\velve children ,vere bo1n. During· the \Vhiskey Insurrection, in 1794, General Lee made Samuel Millel''s hon1e his headquarters. Samuel lvli1ler lived in Mt. Pleasant To\vnship until his death \vhich occurred in 1819. CHILDREN OF SAl\iIUEL lVIILLER Isaac Miller. John :Wiiller. Jennet :Wliller, \Vho married Thomas Love. James lv1i11er, born in 1764, died j\iiay 30, i847. He can1e to Beaver County in the spring of 1798 and located near n-1ill Creek. He \vas married in 1792 to Polly Russell, daughter of Andre\v Russell, Sr., of lVft. Pleasant To,;;vnship. She \Vas born in 1767, and died January 15. 1841. Agnes Ivliller \Vas born March 20, 1768, died May 3, 1858. She married George Shillito in 1791. He ,vas born in 1762 and died December 8, 1848. 1'Iary Miller, ,vho married Richard lvioore. S2m ue] Miller. Robert l\:Iiller. David J\iiller. \Vho married Elizabeth l\i1cCreight. E1i~abeth lVIi1ler, \\rho married \'.Vi1Ii1m l\fcCracken (l\-Tc- Cachern). Samuel Miller, Sr. 39

Martha Miller, who married William IYioore .. Nancy Miller ,vho married Samuel Shillito.·. (Nancy is not mentioned in the vVill.) CHILDREN OF JAJ11ES. MILLER Son of Samuel lviiller, Sr. Samuel l\1iller, \Vho married Elizabeth Morrison. Andre\v Russell Miller, born · Octobe1· 31, . 1797, died October 30, 1891. He purchased 77 _acres of land in 1836 from Sam Carson, on the Beaver and Frankfort -toad, ,vhere his grandson Ed. Miller still lives. He \Vas married to Jane McCullough, who _,vas_ born in 1800 and· died June 6, 1852. His second ,vife 'o/aS Mrs. Eliza McBurney Harper, wido,v of Maj,or James Harper. John Miller, who married Amelia Ramsey. After her death he married. Mary Henderson. Ramsey -Miller \Vas a son by the first marriage, and was a physician. He moved to Hamilt·on, Illinois, ·and later his father· and· step-mo the-~.. f ono,ved him there, \Vhere they both died~ · Ramsey Miller married Eliza Kennedy of McCleary, Beaver Co., Pa. They had eight children: Dr. Auston, Angeline, Homer, 1\1:a~rgie, Emma, Rev. Albert. Clara.. Romanna. He had four brothers and one sister. The sister married Dr. John l\i!cCarroll. Both she and her husband died at Wellsville, Ohi~. James Alexander Miller, who \Vas married on December 21, 1837, to Eleanor Cresvvell, of Colliers, Va. They made their home at the Torrance mill on Little Traverse, Hanover Twp., until .A.pril 1, 1853. Here their ten children vvere born, seven of \vhom lived to maturity. In 1853 they removed to Calcutta, Columbiana County, Ohio, and at a later date they moved to New Conc·ord, Ohio, where they spent the remainder of their lives. James A. Miller died November 21. 1883, aged 72 years and three months. His \vif e died the fo11o,ving June, at the age of seventy-three years. Of these godly people it can be truthfully said: "They ,vere all right... eous before God, walking in all the commandments cf the 40 Samuel ~Iiller, Sr.

Lord blameless." They \Vere truly -children of the covenant. They had the pleasure of seeing their children all claim the covenant promises for themselves. Four of their five daugh­ ters married and live~ useful lives in th-eir various locations. May _Miller taught at Muskingum College and else\vhere. -The t\vo sons-James Russell and Robert Johnson, the old- . ~ . ·- est and the youngest of the family-_both became ministers and both ,vere called -to the editor's chair:--the former as editor of the Sabbath school literature of the PreJbyterian Board of Publication, in Philadelphia. He served as editor for thirty-t\vo years~until his death, which •occurred July 2, 1912. He was the ~uthor of many devotional books, \vhich found their ,vay into all parts of the ,vorld. Robert J·:hn­ son Miller has filled a similar position with the United Pre:s­ byterian Board of Publication a}?.d Bible School W·ork, in Pittsburgh, Pa., for more than half a century. Of these t\vo sons, James Russell \Vas the father of two sons and one daughter, all ncnv living in Philadelphia. His son, Russell King 1'liller is a well kncnvn musical composer. In addition to the children of James .....\.Iexander Mi11er designated above, there were four daughters ,vho married. These \Vere (1) i\!Irs. Belle V. Chisholm, v1ho \Vas the mother of t\v·o

Donald. She had six children, four daughters and two sons. Their homes are in New Concord and Zanesville, Ohio, and in Denver Col·orado. Rev. Robt. Johnson Miller, son of James Alexander Mil­ ler had three sous. These are (1) Henry Russell lVIiller, of Ben Avon, Pa. ·He married Jean Leitch and they have one daughter, Helen Jean. (2) Earl D. 11:iller, a minister, of Lake\vood, Ohio. He married lVIary Rebekah Grier, and they have one son, James Grier Miller, and one daughter, Eliza­ beth Shepherd lVIiller. (3) Raymond Shepherd l\Iiller, of Flushing, Long Island, tfe\v York. He married Isabel \Voods, and they have one daughter, Anna Shepherd 1\iiiller. Isabel Miller, ·\vho married a Wilson. Elizabeth l\1iller, who married Hugh lviorrison. Jane l\'.liller. Nancy Ann l\iiller. . Mary JYliller, vvho married Samuel Allison in April, 1825. l\1argaret Miller, \vho married Charles Dobbins.

CHILDREN OF ....\NDREvV RUSSELL JYIILLER, SR. Elizabeth 1Iiller \vas born June 5, 1825 and died ~larch or April, 1900. lVIary l\filler \Vas born April 10, 1827, and died Feb­ ruary 16, 1830. James r.Iiller ,vas born October 25, 1829. Soldier in tl:.e Civil \Var. He died October 28, 1864, at Fort Schuyler, Ne\v York. George l\Iiller vvas born N oven1ber 10, 1831. J\farried liargaret Ann Hunter. He died March 5, 1902. She died July 10. 1879. . A daughter \vas born January 18, 1834 and died Feb­ ruary 4, 1834. v\lillian1 :viiller ,vas born September 10, 1835, and died in 1900. · Jane lVIiller vvas born April 11, 1937. Married '\Villiam Green. She died November 21. 1899. 42 Samuel ~Iiller-, Sr.

Andre\v Russell Miller, Jr., was born August 6, 1840. He married in 1872, Isabel Craig, ,vho died July 9, 1900. He died in 1924. They had one son, Harry Edmund Tuiiller, who \Vas born February 23, 1873. He ,vas married on No­ vembei- 18, 1914, to Ina R. Shillito, \vho ,vas born March 16, -1877. T1ney live on the old Miller farm bet,veen Hanov~r and Fl'a.nkfoTt~ Beaver County, Pa. Margaret l\1iller ,vas born July 7, 1842, and died Octo­ ber 21, 1843. Samuel Miller was born December 23, 1844, and died Februa1·y 14~ 1846. An interesting incident connected ,vith the Andre,v Russell Miller, Sr., mentioned above, has been preserved. It seems that when Andre-\v \vas six months of age, his father, James Miller, Sr., moved to Tomlinson's Run from the oln home locality near Hickory. Up until Andre\v \Vas fifteen years ·of age the old grandfather, Samuel Miller, Sr., had never visited the family· in their ne\v home. In that year (1812) Andre,v ,vas sent to Hickory, riding one horse and leading another. The old grandfather made the round tr~p on horseback and had a good visit. Considering that the g-r~n

CHJLDREN OF REV. JAl\lES H. 11ILLER. l\fa_rg-aret Hunter Miller is pub1ic speaking instructor, Do1·n1ont, Pa. Dorothy Hazen l\Iillei, is teacher of hon1e economics, Mt. Lebanon. Pa. George and Agnes Shillito Descendants 43

Rev. James Kenneth Miller is pastor of the United Pre~­ byterian Church at Boston, Pa. Katherine Lois Miller is a student at I{indergarten Training School, Oberlin, Ohio. The descendants of Mrs. 1\'Iary Allison and of ·Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison, sisters of Andre\v Russell Miller, Sr., are rather numerous in vVashington County, Pa. Such names as Allison, l\1cCalmont, Ray, and Manson are borne by them.



2nd Generation 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Amt. Mar. Samuel 7 12 30 6 56 27 ····················· ;.. John ...... 6 10 10 17 44 20 Elizabeth •...... ••..•...• 7 42 49 44 5 146 63 Geo1·ge ...... 6 2 1 1 11 7 T . e.; ane ...... 8 30 49 38 12 138 60 James· ...... ~ ...... 8 19 32 29 89 46 Eben ...... 1 Mary ...... 9 9 15 1 35 20

8 51 124 186 136 17 D.... 90... 243




INDEX Page. Gene1.. al Histo1·y ...... 3 Samuel Shillito ...... 7 John Shlllito ...... 10 Elizabeth Shillito Robertson ...... 13 George Shillito ...... 19 Jane Shillito Littell ...... 20 James Shillito ...... 26 Ebenezer Shillito ...... 31 Mary Shillito Smith ...... 32 Will of George Shiilito ...... 35 Will of Samuel Miller...... 36 Descendants of Samuel 11iller Sr...... 38 George and Agnes l\1illel' Shillito Descendants ...... 43