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Volume 24, No. 7 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY July 2005 NOW IS GOD'S TIME ‘God's Peace Kingdom is Our Eternal Homeland’ Four-City US Speaking Tour


NEW YORK WASHINGTON See pages 2-11 for reports 2 Unification News July 2005 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM NOW IS GOD'S TIME SPEECH • God's Peace Kingdom is The Eterna

by Reverend must prepare for the day when we will through a certain process before we can us. Of our own accord, we bow our heads make the transition into the next life as bear fruit. No matter how long it takes, in Your presence. This is the text of the speech given on Your liberated children, inhabiting a realm or how stormy the environment, we can- Truth the 4-city tour. of freedom there. Just as a child must be not allow our inner self to be invaded. We Respected leaders of the United States, et me begin my address by read- healthy in the womb for it to be healthy must continue a course of steady devel- what is the first attribute of truth? It is ing an excerpt from a prayer during its life in this world, we must lead opment. This is the only way we can reach that it is eternal and unchanging. If I truly that I offered forty-seven years wholesome lives in this world if we are to the next spring as a mother's body for a have received the anointing of Heaven as ago. The year was 1958 and I be healthy and complete after entering new life, a mature seed ready to be sown the Savior, Messiah, Second Coming and was a 38-year-old single man. Heaven. Nevertheless, the world in which in the fertile soil. True Parent, who appears on the earth LThis prayer is recorded in the Cheon we live today is under the dominion of "Though we may appear shabby and to communicate Heaven's truth and save Seong Gyeong, a collection of passages evil and therefore is full of contradictions. wretched, we must not forget that we are humanity from the hell of the human fall, from sermons I have delivered over the Thus the only way that heaven and earth people whose internal form is as a crys- then the word that I teach must not course of my ministry. can support us in our endeavors, and the tal, capable of gathering the infinite life change. There should not be even the "Loving Father, thank you for the grace only way we can harmonize with the force to be planted as life-bearing seeds slightest difference between what I teach by which You have protected Your hum- dynamic ebb and flow of the universe, is in the infinite world. I beseech You that today and what I taught 20 years ago or ble son, who has fought since childhood if we are victorious over ourselves to the we always remember, in the face of diffi- 40 years ago. so that Heaven may not suffer humilia- extent that we are ready to give our lives. culties, that the more pitiful our exter- I received Heaven's call at the youth- tion and insult. "Loving Father, You have toiled through- nal appearance, the more significant and ful age of 16 and have dedicated my life "Even the finest things of this earth out history to create a new springtime of substantial is our internal value. of over 80 years to the task of accom- are worthless when measured against hope for us. Let us recognize that, in order "We know, loving Father, that anyone plishing God's will on this earth and sav- the original heart by which You act. Con- to greet the new spring, our lives must whose heart is not overflowing with long- ing humankind. My teachings do not sidering this, we should feel boundless be bound to Your life. We must assimi- ing to attend You and bow down before derive from my own knowledge or per- longing to stand in a position where we late ourselves completely into You and You will be unable to bond with You in sonal philosophy. The words that come can connect to Your heart. A person who be absorbed in You. Allow us the certain that eternal world. Let us open our hearts from my mouth, whether 50 years ago, encounters Your true love could lose the knowledge that this is the only way to now, so that we may feel Your heart. Let at this moment, or at any moment in the entire world and not miss it. receive Your spring and break forth as us hear Your voice today as it wells up future, are truth given by Heaven to "Beloved Father, we must now estab- Your beautiful blossoms. within our hearts, so that we may estab- humanity. They are the heavenly doc- lish the ideal world, our original home- "Help us to also understand that just lish our lives in your truth. Let us appre- trine that humanity should uphold and land, where Your love saturates every per- as a tree that blossoms in spring must ciate with our whole heart the tragic course live by forever. Even if all six billion peo- son's life. During our earthly lives we pass through summer and autumn before You walked as You struggled behind the it bears fruit, so too our lives must pass scenes of history to reclaim each one of ple on earth were to oppose me, my words JULY 2005 Blessing for Registration in Cheon Il Guk, Revolution of True Heart and True Liberation and Complete Freedom (2004) Ahn Shi Il • 3rd, 11th, 19th, 27th Father's Release from Danbury (1985) 1 Chil Il Jeol: Declaration Day of God's Eternal Blessing 22 In Jin Nim's Birthday (7/18/65) (1991) 23 Hwa Jung Nim's Birthday (7/19/77) Day of the Celebration of Victory (1973) 25 30,000 Couples' Blessing (1992) 2075 Couples' Blessing (1982) 360,000 Couples' Blessing (1995) 3 Interreligious and International Blessing and Rededication 28 Federation for World Peace (1991) Ceremony (2002) 31 Pal Jong Shik: Day of the Settlement of 8 Stages (1989) 4 Shin Kwang Nim's Birthday (5/28/01) SEPTEMBER 2005 Religious Herald Established (1971) 13 International Blessing of 400 Million Couples, Fourth Phase Ahn Shi Il • 5th, 13th, 21st, 29yh (2003) 1 Cheon Bu Ju Hwi: Declaration Day of Heavenly Parentism Company Established (1984) (1989) 16 Shin Ha Nim's Birthday (6/11/98) 3 Shin Ji Nim's Birthday (7/30/94) 18 Sung Jin Nim & Dong Sook Nim's Blessing (1973) 5 Shin Joong Nim's Birthday (8/2/93) 19 Kook Jin Nim's Birthday (6/14/70) 6 Young Jin Nim & Hwa Jung Nim's Blessing (1997) 20 Sun Jin Nim's Birthday (6/15/76) Hyung Jin Nim & Yeon Ah Nim's Blessing (1997) 24 124 Couples' Blessing (1963) 8 Sa Sa Jeol Declaration (1998) National Parents' Day (1994) 9 Hyung Jin Nim's Birthday (8/6/79) 26 5th Phase of the 400 Million Couple Blessing (2004) 99.9 Jeol: Heaven and Earth Unification and Liberation Cere- Youth Federation for World Peace Inauguration (1994) mony (1999) 27 Hye Jin Nim's Birthday (1964) 10 3.10 Jeol (1999) AUGUST 2005 14 Interrreligious and International Blessing and Rededication Ceremony (2002) Ahn Shi Il • 4th, 12th, 20th, 28th 15 Hye Shin Nim's Ascension (1971) 1 Hee Jin Nim's Ascension (1969) 18 Soon Ju Nim's Birthday (8/15/72) Day of Returning to the Home Country (1993) Chusok -- Korean Thanksgiving (8/15) 4 Hye Jin Nim's Ascension (1964) Foundation Day (1976) 7 Unification Theological Institute (1971) Ultimas Noticias Established (1981) 11 Chil Pal Jeol: Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic 27 Day of Dispensational Transition Point Toward Unification Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth (7/7/97) (1988) 29 Hwa Yun Nim's Birthday (8/26/77) 16 Shin Goon Nim's Birthday (7/12/83) CALENDAR

Shin Kwon Nim's Birthday (7/12/89) ue to the manner in which the lunar calendar corresponds with the solar calendar, Un Jin Nim's and DYun Ah Nim's birthdays are celebrated twice in 2005. If there are discrepancies, please feel free to Il Sung Il: Total Victory Day (1985) contact me. A lot of work and effort goes into this calendar's creation (annually for the past ten years)-- including learning Japanese to be able to read an accurate lunar-solar calendar source, and gaining an 17 Declaration Day Jeon-ban & Jeon-neung (1999) understanding of the workings of the lunar calendar—Kathryn Coman [[email protected]] 20 Declaration Providential Age of Salvation by Love (1989) July 2005 Unification News 3 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM • FOUR-CITY US SPEAKING TOUR al Homeland for All Blessed Families are still the eternal and unchangeable ty will cease to exist. role. We find that we need proportional- God established various religions, suit- truth. Nothing can be added or taken As people of faith, it is good for us to ly greater determination and driving force ed to each peoples' diverse cultures and away, not even one iota. dream of the eternal, but it is even more in order to conclude each day of our lives traditions, to guide humanity. Religion, As I prayed 47 years ago, so too today important that we understand how to with victory. The days add up to become however, only trains people to acquire the I pray that you will open your hearts and eradicate evil and advance goodness in months, then years. Ultimately, they add qualifications. To actually bring us to this experience the heart of God. Please lis- the context of our own life in today's real- up to form our entire life. higher dimension, God is now leading ten to the voice of God that wells up from ity. In other words, what you should fear Ladies and gentlemen, while living on humanity above and beyond the cultur- within the deepest recesses of your own most is not the judgment that will come this earth, neither we nor anyone in his- al backgrounds of the various world reli- heart. Please do not ever forget Heaven's in the Last Days, gions, towards a wondrous will and love, which have guid- but whether you single unified reli- ed my footsteps back to America even are living each gious world. after I thought I would never return. moment of your The Goal of daily life in one- One Moment and One Lifetime Life ness with God's God created us to be born in love, raised Will. You should All religions in love, live our lives in the midst of love, be concerned teach their follow- and then die in the arms of love. So every- about how your ers to live for the thing-our birth, our life, and our death- life intersects sake of others should give rise to gratitude. with the course because their pur- From birth we find ourselves sharing of God's Will. pose is to prepare in the lives of our parents. We become their people to live participants in their lives. Our parents The Path to in the original conceived us in love; in us they planted Our True homeland. Living the flag of their love. We live our entire Home for the sake of lives in accordance with the banner of The truth is others is the our parents' love. We should wave this that the circum- essence of true banner each moment of our lives by lov- stances of our love. To train us ing our parents and our siblings. families, soci- in this way of life, The person who ignores the value of eties, nations and religions give high- each and every moment to love will lose world do not est priority to the what is truly precious. Whether we win align with our practice of meek- or lose is determined in a single moment. will. Therefore, ness and humil- Every historical victory and every heav- we find ourselves ity. They teach us enly victory was determined in a moment. dealing with all to place other peo- Therefore, a great person lives his or her manners of difficulties, and we struggle tory can escape the confines of time. Indi- ple above ourselves and to live for their life constantly aware of the precious value back and forth across the turning point viduals, families, tribes, peoples, nations benefit. They teach sacrifice and service. of each moment, for every particular between good and evil. Every single day and the world move within one realm of Ladies and gentlemen, what is the ulti- moment is uniquely special. Such a per- we prepare and struggle to triumph over time. Each person has a certain purpose mate goal of life? It is to possess God's son can be included in the ranks of the our circumstances. Even in terms of our to fulfill during the course of his or her love completely. To reach that final des- saints, and even become a divine son or daily schedules, we often experience that life. A person will strive for ten years, tination, a man and a woman must trav- daughter in Heaven and on earth. we cannot do all the things that we planned twenty years, or an entire lifetime in pur- el the road together. They may encounter From this perspective, it is vital to to do in the morning. This is all the more suit of this purpose. The larger the pur- life-threatening situations dozens or even understand how to live in relationship the case as we take on a greater public pose, the stronger must be the per- hundreds of times, or even die on the way, with God's will, in the contexts son's internal resolution and ded- yet that is the path of life that leads them both of daily personal life and of Washington ication. To accomplish his or her back to God. historical time. Before we talk purpose, a person must possess an What is the ultimate human desire? about our hope that God's will be internal determination strong enough It is to possess God's love completely. done and His Kingdom come, we to overcome any adversity. True love is the core of God's being. You need to assess the degree to which You may not understand about may possess God's attention completely, we are living in oneness with His the spirit world. But through God's yet God will not be your God unless you Will. special grace, I came to know that possess God's true love. On the other The Bible records a 4,000-year unknown world with certainty. hand, if you completely possess God's Providence of Restoration that Looking at the fundamentals of true love, then you will not mind even if includes Noah's family, Abraham's that world, I saw that it operates God is not with you. You enter a state family, Moses' family and Jesus' on a simple principle. When people where everything that is God's is yours, family. We see that the mistakes cross over into that world, those and everything that is yours is God's. the members of those families com- who lived for the sake of others Then for the first time, the internal and mitted were not events extending according to God's heavenly laws external will be one. The place filled with over a decade or several decades. and principles will enter Heaven, such love is the ideal Kingdom of Heav- Those who erred did so in a sin- while those who lived selfishly and en. Once you reach this state, you will gle moment, and the error of that only for themselves cannot avoid perceive beauty in all beings in the world, one moment fated them and their going to hell. What is heaven? Heav- and everything in the world will live for descendants to a path of indem- en is a kingdom of peace. It is where your sake. nity extending over a thousand the original ideal of creation that And yet, ladies and gentlemen, because years of history, and caused peo- God purposed from the beginning of the fall of the first human ancestors, ples and nations to fall into a bot- is completed. It is the true home- all people without exception have inher- tomless pit of destruction. land all human beings must seek ited Satan's false love and were born with That reveals the seriousness and find. Satan as their parents. Satan's lineage and importance of each moment We are descendants of Adam and has been passed down to you through of our lives. Even the eternal King- Eve, who were expelled from the your mother and father. This is the pic- dom of Heaven cannot exist apart original homeland as a result of the ture of who you are here today. Our begin- from the single moment. Eterni- Fall. Therefore, it is our destiny to ning was in error because false parents ty does not begin when a person return to and re-enter that original abducted us; therefore, we must go back dies; it begins when a person comes homeland. However, we cannot enter and begin again in the lineage of the True to know Heaven's will. If even a there by human effort alone. It is Parents. single moment should ever be possible to enter only because God This is how deadly serious our lives skipped, or if there should be even has worked through history to enable are. You must inherit God's love, God's the smallest hole in time, eterni- fallen human beings to go there. see GOD’S TIME on page 4 4 Unification News July 2005

the value of perfected love is always equal. his or her conscience, which speaks become naturally one when they resonate GOD’S TIME through the spirit mind. with God's true love. Intermediaries between the from page 3 We are now living in the Age After the Spiritual and Physical Worlds Lords of Creation Who Can Coming of Heaven. This is an era when life, and God's lineage. It is possible only Inherit God's Kingdom Next, let us look at the process of God's your sincerity, your dedication and your through the Holy Blessing Ceremony. creation. When God created the universe, sweat will bear fruit. The founders and Ladies and gentlemen, it is a law of This ceremony is not a religious rite of first He created the natural environment saints of the great religions, accompa- the universe that for every particular being the alone but grace and then on that foundation He created nied by myriads of good ancestors, have or central core, there will always be a sec- from God. You were dying because you human beings. In the beginning, God was descended to the earth and are partici- ond being that revolves around it as its were pricked by Satan's poison-tipped the center of everything. In the end, He pating in the works of the Providence. partner. The relationship between God needle, but through this ceremony you desired that human beings establish equi- and human beings is an expression of will be revived. the same principle that causes elec- The Purpose of Creation trons to revolve around protons. The human mind, like an electron, forms Then, let us look from God's view- a relationship with and interacts with point at the reasons He created human God's mind as if it were protons. By beings. There are three. First, God cre- this principle God carries out His Prov- ated human beings with material form idence of Restoration. in order for Him to be the Parent of all Indeed, as you delve into the words material existence. God, being invisible of truth, you will experience how God's and without material form, cannot have life energy and love commune with dominion over things that have mate- one another. As the Apostle Paul said, rial form. In other words, God needed it is because God loves us as His chil- to exist as a being with form: that is the dren that we shine as lights unto the form of a Parent. God wished to become world. one with Adam and Eve and through The truth is eternal and unchang- them to act as the substantial Parent ing. But how in this evil world can to all humanity. you distinguish between good and evil Second, the invisible God cannot pro- in order to travel the path of truth? duce children of His perfect image by The answer is this: turn away from Himself. A vertical line perpendicular Los Angeles the pursuit of self-aggrandizement to a horizontal plane cannot move beyond and place yourselves in a low, hum- the single point where it intersects that librium and unity throughout the natu- ble position. The Bible says, "Whoever plane. There is no reproduction in the Now is the time to flee from this world of ral world. Thus, human beings would be humbles himself will be exalted." (Matthew spirit world. The spatiality that is neces- anxiety, fear and confusion, and follow in the central position-with the spirit 23:12) The essence of a human being is sary for reproduction to take place is cre- the teachings of the True Parents to estab- world relating to the mind and the phys- spiritual. When people die and go to spir- ated only when there is a horizontal deploy- lish God's Kingdom of Peace on earth. If ical world relating to the body. Humani- it world, they understand much more ment from the perpendicular axis trac- you, the citizens of the leading nation of ty has a mission: to serve as the inter- clearly that essentially human beings are ing a sphere through 360 degrees. God the democratic world, cannot do it, God mediary between the spiritual and phys- created to live for the sake of others. needed an organic process by which to will accomplish His will nonetheless, even ical worlds. Nonetheless, we have not been able to produce citizens of the Kingdom of Heav- by educating atheists in formerly com- Look at the natural world in which we escape from selfishness and individual- en, and so He created this horizontal munist countries to do so. live. It contains two axes: one visible and ism because we still are yoked to Satan earthly world. When a man and woman the other invisible. The Earth, as an object The State of Resonance by the shackles of his fallen lineage. meet and form a couple through conju- partner, revolves around the sun, its sub- Ladies and gentlemen, how can we You should now eat spiritual food. gal love, they create a sphere through ject partner, at the same time that it become intermediaries who can unite Between spiritual food and physical food, their give and take action, and become a rotates on its own axis. Likewise, our body with the will of heaven? We should enter which do you think should be tastier? If channel by which to produce citizens of revolves around our mind by following a state of resonance with God. In nature, you are to survive and stand on the side the Kingdom of Heaven. God's desire was the mind's directions at the same time resonance occurs when two objects vibrate of God, you should prefer the taste of to multiply so many people of the King- that it also engages in its own rotational with the same frequency. Sound waves spiritual food. This means that you should dom of Heaven that there would be more motion that enables it to exist and func- of harmonic frequency create resonance. prefer a life based on spiritual strength than enough men and women to fill the tion. I am trying to illustrate a universal The resonating objects no longer vibrate rather than a life based on physical ideal world He envisioned. This is the rea- principle, one that illuminates the path independently, but begin to move around strength. son it is impor- one center. In the It is said than human beings are the tant for hus- same way, when a lords of creation. Yet a person does not bands and person's spirit self become a lord of creation simply by virtue wives to bear and physical self of being human. To be minimally quali- and raise many resonate with each fied, a person must not live mainly for children. other and begin to him or herself. They are rightly called Third, God revolve centering lords who live for others and serve the created human on God's true love, whole. God is trying to accomplish His beings in order the person's spiri- will through such people. God is not build- to establish tual cells and phys- ing the Kingdom of Heaven for Himself. and maintain ical cells begin to By having such selfless people build the an eternal part- function together. Kingdom, He wants it to belong to them. nership of love. His or her physical God created human beings to live for- When God cre- eyes, for example, ever. But if we were unable to cast off the ated Adam and will vibrate in step yoke of this evil world during our sojourn Eve, He intend- with their spiritu- of one hundred years or so on the earth, ed that they New York al eyes, and they how would our life be superior to that of would become will be able to see an animal? Because we are spiritual His eternal partners of love. But they were of restoration that leads to the salvation not only the physical world but also the beings, we should differ from animals. It not the only ones. Once God had estab- of fallen humanity. complete reality of the spirit world. turns out that the reason human beings lished Adam and Eve in His partnership Human beings have a body that revolves For the same reason, when we reach can be lords of creation is that our hearts realm, it was His intention to likewise around the physical mind. The physical the state where our spirit self and phys- never grow old. Nature is always chang- establish their children and all their mind revolves around a higher center- ical self become one by the explosive force ing. Even a rock, a symbol of permanence, descendants in a world where everyone the spirit mind, and above the spirit mind of true love, we will resonate with the cannot endure forever the effects of ero- would be His direct partner of love. In is yet a higher center-God. Human beings earthly world, the heavenly world and sion. Only the human heart was created this way, God created human beings to are complete only when they are com- even with God. What is the force that can with the potential to remain unchanging maintain the world of love's partnership pletely one with God. Yet, a complete move our mind and body into a state for eternity. Hence the title, "lord of cre- for eternity. human being, though he or she may where they resonate 100 percent? It is ation," cannot be awarded based upon If Adam and Eve call God "Father," appear to be an insignificant individual, not God's wisdom, efficacy, or power. Only one's money or knowledge. It is not based then should their children call Him "Grand- represents all of history and all relation- His true love can do it. on power. It is only based on the true father?" No, they would also call Him ships of the future. That person's value Every human being has a dual struc- unchanging love-God's love. "Father." God is the vertical center. From is equal to that of the entire cosmos. If ture, consisting of mind and body. Each God's perspective, all the partners of His Becoming Original Human Beings we wish to attain such cosmic value, we man and each woman has a mind and a love are equal. Each partner of God's love will let our spirit mind lead the way as body. So when a man and a woman come Ladies and gentlemen, what are the possesses equal value transcending time we go about our life. This is heavenly law. together, it could be said that there are ties that will bind original human beings and space. After all, each is produced The time has come when Heaven will judge four entities present. If they are not unit- to each other? Original relationships when God's vertical love is extended hor- whoever goes against the promptings of ed, it could be chaos. But these four involve sharing joy and exhibiting the val- izontally on the same plane. This means see GOD’S TIME on page 5 July 2005 Unification News 5 Now is God's Time — Welcome! by Dr. Chang Shik Yang ny; to restore the sancti- where families live in love with ty of marriage, family, and God’s Blessing. For that mis- Welcoming Remarks to the True Par- parenthood; and most of sion, Father and Mother Moon ents Speaking Tour, 2005 all, to recognize that God have given their entire lives, and am honored to welcome each of you has blessed America not at 85, Father is more serious today [this evening] to a truly his- for its own sake, but for and urgent than ever. torical event. We gather at a criti- the freedom and prosper- Brothers and sisters, you will cal moment in our nation’s histo- ity of all humankind. not find any who have loved this ry, to hear a message to America Reverend Moon is nation, shed tears for this nation, Ifrom the heart of Heaven. It is a time of known throughout Amer- stayed awake nights for this uncertainty for many in this country: ica, but he is understood nation, more than Father and about our economic future; about the by almost no one. He has Mother Moon. For their achieve- security of our jobs and our retirement; been ridiculed, investigat- ments throughout the world and about the safety of our soldiers and our ed, imprisoned, and mis- for the lives they have changed, borders; about the future for our chil- represented in the media. they have been honored as the dren. Politically, America seems as divid- But nothing could deter King and Queen of Peace, the ed as it has ever been. But one thing is him from his commitment True Parents of Heaven, earth clear: the future of this nation is bound to awaken this nation. He and humanity. But what they together with the future of the whole of knew that God had pre- long for is that you and I stand humankind. And as the world’s one super- pared America as the elder up with them, becoming true power, America has an unavoidable son amongst the family parents ourselves… kings and responsibility to the world. of nations. He proclaimed queens through the quality of We gather to hear an urgent and time- that this country has the our lives, our families, and our ly message from Reverend Sun Myung responsibility to be a moral example and Ambassadors for Peace here today [tonight] love for humanity. Moon, who has invested 40 years of his world leader, to alleviate the suffering represent the fruit of that investment, Let us be grateful tonight, that we are life to awaken this nation to its God- and advance the freedom of the human and we are here to receive our mission called to participate in this moment of given responsibility. God first called him family. He poured his heart, soul and and calling to fully revive the nation God history. Let Father and Mother Moon to America in the era of Vietnam, Water- resources into this country, and laid his loves. Now is the time to end the con- know that we are with them 100%. Receive gate, and the struggle for racial equali- reputation, family and life on the line. flicts that are tearing our world apart; the message with your whole heart, and ty. He confronted the immorality, fami- To all those who have misunderstood, now is the time to rebuild our families, it will become a seed of new life planted ly breakdown, and racial divisions in this criticized or scorned, he has returned restore our communities, renew our deep within, that will blossom in your country head-on. His message did not only love. Many here tonight have wit- nation and the world; now is the time to family and your lineage. Most of all, let make him popular, but he never hesi- nessed Father and Mother Moon’s 40 leave behind the history of suffering and us return our love, joy and gratitude to tated to speak out. His challenge to Amer- years of total investment in this nation… begin a new era of peace. Now, says the True Parents who have loved us first, ica: to restore its founding spirit of faith, and can testify that it was all love; all Father Moon, is “God’s Time! Time to loved this nation more than us, and loved sacrifice, and heartfelt responsibility. make the earth a Kingdom of Peace where God most of all. May God Bless you, and family and freedom; to become a model O of interracial and interreligious harmo- The Blessed Families, clergy and God is Lord and sovereign; a homeland may God Bless America. Thank you.

we are now entering a glorious age. The and South, as well as North America and dead-end street. People are beginning to GOD’S TIME Kingdom of Heaven on earth, God's ideal Russia geographically. I propose that a realize the significance and the hope in from page 4 of creation, is being established before bridge be constructed over the Bering my teachings of "true love, true life and your eyes. This is the Peace Kingdom. In Strait, or a tunnel be dug under it, so true lineage" which are the pivots of build- ues of praise and respect for each other. my life of more than 80 years, I have that it will be able to connect the world ing a world of peace. As the power of Heav- Above all, they manifest perfect true love walked a lonely path. Heaven called me super highway starting from the Cape of en sweeps down upon the earth, even within the realm of God's absolute love. to walk that path, countries and Thus, original human beings are to soaked with blood, peoples that encapsulate the harmonious oneness of sweat and tears. appear strong all relationships in heaven and on earth. Now, that effort is today will run This is the very reason we have both an bearing victorious out of options invisible mind and a visible body. If we fruit for the sake and will sur- had preserved the relationship of mind of all six billion peo- render. and body that God had intended, then ple of the world. The choice the mind and body, though distinct and In more than is now yours. different from each other in terms of func- 180 countries, The Will of tion, would be eternally united and whole. Ambassadors for Heaven does Please consider your own life. I don't Peace have inher- not change. think you can deny that your mind and ited Heaven's will The teaching body are often fighting each other. How and tradition. They that I received much longer are you going to allow this are working hard, in prayer 47 fight to continue? Ten years? A hundred day and night, pro- years ago is the years? Or will it not end even when you claiming the val- same message die? There is a definite order designed for ues of true love and I am giving to all beings in the universe. This means true families. They are moving forward Good Hope in South Africa to Santiago you who are living in the twenty-first cen- God did not create us to exist in the imper- with full force to establish world peace. in Chile, and from London to New York, tury. The power and fortune of Heaven fect state in which we now find ourselves. In the Middle East, one of the world's tin- making the world a single community. I gave me the victory. Will you join in step Your task now is to empower your mind derboxes, Jews, Christians and Muslims would call this, "The World Peace King with Reverend Moon as I rise, and work and subdue your body. The grace of Heav- have found the resources in my philoso- Bridge-Tunnel." Ladies and gentlemen, with me to establish true families, true en will be with you in this effort. phy of peace to engage in a new dimen- to succeed with this dramatic and his- societies, true nations and a true world In the relationship between the mind sion of dialogue for peace. Unification toric project, the United States of Amer- on this earth? Or will you continue as and body, the mind is the more impor- Thought played an important role in end- ica, Russia, Europe, China, India, Japan, Satan's captive behind the wall of your tant of the two. The body persists for ing the Cold War. I am now playing a deci- Brazil and all the nations and religions religion, the wall of your culture, the wall about a hundred years and then passes sive role behind the scenes to bring about of the world should work hand in hand. of your nationality and the wall of your away, but the mind, or spirit, will live for the unification of my homeland, Korea. With the complete success of this proj- race, and spend the remainder of your eternity, transcendent of time and space. But ladies and gentlemen, that is not ect, humankind will be one step closer life in agony and regret? Heaven is sum- You may spend your days on earth eat- enough to satisfy me. I began my life's to the Peace Kingdom on earth where moning brave generals who will turn this ing and dressing extravagantly, but some- work at the command of Heaven. I have there is no more division and war. world of evil upside down and establish day you will die, and then what? You are come as the True Parent of humankind Heaven warns us that we can no longer a new heaven and a new earth. better off setting a good spiritual stan- with God's anointing, and I am deter- tolerate separation and division. So let Today I have delivered Heaven's mes- dard and then harmonizing your physi- mined to keep my promise to Him to cre- us really bind the world together as one sage. Please inscribe it deep in your hearts, cal life to that standard. Make of your- ate a united world of peace. community, tear down the walls of race, and become wise leaders who will set new self a person of integrity and wholeness As I stand here today on this platform, culture, religion, and nationality, and coordinates for your lives. embracing both spirit and flesh. I would like to make a truly important establish a world of peace on this earth. I pray that God's abundant blessing Building the Peace Kingdom historic declaration to humanity. For This has been God's fervent desire. There will be upon your families and upon your thousands of years, Satan used the Bering is no other way. Humankind's current nations. Thank you. O Respected leaders of the United States, Strait to separate East and West, North course of conflict and selfishness is a 6 Unification News July 2005 Now Is God's Time • True Parents’ Four City Speaking

by Rev. Michael Jenkins moving. About 8 minutes long, it cap- tures Father's ministry in America. he New York Block Father came out to thunderous gathering at the Jacob applause. He spoke very deeply at Javitz, June 25 , the beginning, guiding the audience 2005, center was New York with love. bursting at the seams Dr. Peter Kim translated in an withT people. The lobby and sur- almost simultaneous translation rounding overflow rooms were packed but from the stage. Father's mike as well as every seat in the arena. was lowered and Dr. Kim's mike True Parents are very happy this raised perfectly for a resonance and morning as they cut the victory cake. cadence that gave the full power of We are here in NY with about 500 this historic sermon and message. VIPs, Ambassadors for Peace, cler- Then Dr. and Mrs. McGhee, the gy and members to celebrate. cocoveners of the ACLC of New York, Father's clarity and commanding presence captivated the audience. We are so grateful to New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Boston. When the Boston participants called out, there was a roar !! So many from Boston !!! New Jersey also. We especially thank all brothers and sisters throughout America for your unchanging faith and attitude of attendance as filial sons and daugh- ters of our True Parents. America is rising, and we will fulfill our God - given destiny. Holy Wine Ceremony: The pro- gram was beautiful. The Prelude led by Rev. Daugherty was very uplifting, featur- ing David Bratton and the Spirit of Praise. Then Cindy Yokpore, presented the "Tree of Life" to Father Chris Allen Derflinger, Moon. Minister and Mrs. Jay Walk- Treena Hill, and LaLeh er and Mr. Joe Bisson, a Korean lifted our hearts. War veteran, presented the Statue Then Bishop Pugh of Liberty to True Parents. gave a beautiful invo- The Ambassadors for Peace cation. appointed by True Parents were: Rev. Wyatt Tee GOD'S TIME. THIS IS GOD'S TIME," Senator Lois Snowe Mellow. Dr. Walker's son, Minis- he said so strongly and slowly that you Elyanne Condon, Dr. Flowers, Dr. Frey, ter Jay Walker, and could feel heaven and earth shake. Father Crozier, Bishop Rosario, Imam his wife Michelle per- appointed and approved. Then Imam The video " This Is God's Time" was Salahuddin, Dr. Khan of Pakistan. formed with their daughter Jaychelle. Salahuddin testified that True Par- Dr. Lonnie Mcleod gave a very Minister Walker testified that the three ents have fulfilled the prophesies of powerful call to action! He said highlights of his father's ministry were Muslim Scripture. that we must fill the hole in the the ordination in ministry he received Archbishop Stallings went beyond. boat. He also testified that as a from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the He testified deeply to True Parents as John the Baptist was speaking visit of Nelson Mandela and the fact he introduced forth across town and doesn't that Father Moon came to Father. He has know the hour, the real story of Canaan Baptist Church and grown so much history is being written here with gave the Word of God. in his path to Father Moon. Dr. McLeod testi- They were also the rep- support True fied that Father Moon is indeed resentative couple for the Parents. He tes- the anointed and the messiah. special Holy Wine ceremo- tified so clearly (Dr. McLeod and Bishop Stallings ny for the Blessing. All the and deeply that fulfilled the John the Baptist role). audience participated. Rabbi this "IS the one Dr. Voni Johyn gave the final Waldman repeatedly asked who is to come. prayer as the Voices of Praise sang God that True Parents, This is the time "Let There Be Peace on Earth." Father and Mother Moon, - for family, this Brothers and could live for 120 years "Say is the time - for sisters, the Peace Amen," he kept saying. Rev. healing, this is the Kingdom is real. Jesse Edwards testified that time for the Peace We are grateful Father Moon is anointed, Kingdom, THIS IS beyond measure to our True Par- ents' trust for us. Thank you, Amer- ica, for your heart to respond in a "minuteman" style to this dis- pensation of Prov- idence. O

ADVERTISE IN THE UNIFICATION NEWS July 2005 Unification News 7 Tour • God's Peace Kingdom is Our Eternal Homeland

by Rev. Michael Jenkins central leader of all Christians. I believe that. I believe that God is calling all he Washington rally Christians and especially Church lead- on June 26 was real- ers to understand Father Moon's teach- ly great. The spirit of ings and his plans for peace." the event was over- Washington Rev. Ed Harris: "I believe that Rev. whelming, as Father Moon is the second coming and Mes- spokeT for two and one half hours. It siah. He is the only one that has a was such a blessing from God. clear and workable plan for world The event was held at the Reagan peace. I am going to do all that I can Federal Building which is the same to make sure that people find out location that we held on February 4, about and understand Rev. Moon." 2004, the Coronation of Jesus. What Dr. Vernon Jordahl: "All church- a magnificent place to have witnessed es should learn from what Rev. Moon this central moment in history. Rev. is doing. He isn't just talking about Dr. Walter Fauntroy stood and gave how nice it would be if we could have a very deep pledge and commitment peace on earth; he is doing some- to the work for Peace that Father thing about it. I want to help him Moon is doing worldwide and espe- more." cially in the Middle East. It was a Rev. George St. Crosse: "As I shared great moment in history. He stated from the podium, I believe that Father that Father Moon is realizing the Moon should win the Nobel Peace dream of Dr. King he said, "I see in Prize. I really believe that we should Reverend Sun Myung Moon the ful- start a campaign to make that hap- fillment of the ideals and pen. God is vision I first learned from showing me Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." many signs that The Reagan building atri- Father Moon is um was jammed and the who he says he stairs and the balcony were is." teeming with people. Mean- Dr. Rubin while in locations through- Haupt: " It is so out the country live stream- good to see ing was done with the Wash- Father Moon and ington event, which was to hear his mes- webcast worldwide. sage. This was the best one I've In Georgia a report was heard so far. filed by Rev. Tom Cutts, who What a beautiful gathered hundreds togeth- place for Father er,"What an incredible DC Moon to speak, speech. We managed to get but next he the "streaming" program live should speak on during our Atlanta event. Capitol Hill to a Our minister guests busily joint session of underlined critical passages, Congress. His and took copious notes when speech would be True Father much more diverted from important and the printed text. helpful than even They also par- the president's ticipated with speech. Another the speech with thing that makes applauses, me happy is 'Amens' and Father Moon 'Yes'and 'No' at looks so good at the appropriate ing. I was at the New 85. I am 81 now places in the York event and and so by watching Father Moon who speech. We Father was strong, is 85, I can feel hope for myself. Father served a light but in Washington, makes me feel like a young man again. dinner after the Father was even I can see I have a lot of work to do." speech, and Wash- more powerful. The people were right (Congratulations to Rev. Hong, Rev. during our conversation, one Presby- ington event. (Washington, D.C. (Shad- there with Father and they knew that McCarthy and Rev. Francis and all the terian lay minister who went with us ow) Senator Mary Pendleton: "Rev. Moon they were receiving a providential mes- Washington community. True Parents to Israel in September 2004 comment- is amazing and I always learn some- sage. Everyone was especially excited are very uplifted. Let us prepare for the ed, 'I don't know why some Christian thing new when I hear him speak. If about the Peace King Bridge Tunnel next step in building the Peace King- leaders in the past have persecuted someone else speaks even for 10 min- O Project." dom. Rev. Moon. If they really knew Jesus, utes, it is boring, but Father Moon spoke Rev. Dr. Arnold they wouldn't have. From what I under- for two hours and it felt like 10 min- Howard: "Never before stand, they are negative because Rev. utes. I wanted him to speak more. ..espe- have I seen Father so Moon says he is greater than Jesus. cially about the spirit world and the uplifting and full of But Jesus told integrity of uniting our spirit. One lady next us to do greater mind and body. I to me couldn't believe works then he though it was so funny that Father was 85 did. And that is when Father Moon years old. 'HE LOOKS just what Rev. would say, :"if you don't SO YOUNG!!' she kept Moon is doing.'" believe me, you can saying. How could he Here are tes- die and find out," NOW have so much power timonies that THAT'S CONFI- and energy at 85? Rev. came from some DENCE!. .Rev. Moon Moon is truly a man of the Ambas- knows he is speaking of God was her con- sadors for Peace the truth." clusion." and religious Bishop C. Phillip Bishop Clifford Bay: leaders at the Johnson: "Father's power was overflow- "Father Moon is the 8 Unification News July 2005 Now Is God's Time • True Parents’ Four City Speaking

by Rev. Michael Jenkins the holy wine (holy juice) and chose one representative couple, in this ust a couple of weeks before case Rev. Carl Rawls and his wife the rally on June 27, Bish- Marilyn, pastor of Hopewell Baptist op Ki Hoon Kim was in a Church from Alabama. Pastor Rawls terrible car accident, in is on the ACLC National Executive which his vehicle rolled over Chicago Committee of ACLC and has also threeJ times on Highway 90 going become one of the main toward O'Hare Airport in lecturers at the Divine Chicago. He had a frac- Principle convocations, tured spine that required teaching the chapter on four hours of surgery, but the Fall of Man. The other luckily no other injuries. day he shared so deeply The doctors anticipated at East Garden that 2-3 months for recovery because he understood with a neck brace and that the fall was a misuse orders not to move. But of love, he could under- just a week afterward stand that God's heart is Father's direction came grieving, that He didn't that we would go to four want His children to fall. cities, including Chicago. How beautiful it was to What happened in Chica- see Rev. Carl Rawls and go is definitely a miracle. his wife completely com- Because of Bishop Kim's mitted, standing there to situation, the ministers be the representative cou- pulled together centering ple to receive the holy wine on Rev. Barrett, Rev. Wes- and share the cup. My son and several other key wife Reiko and I together clergy. respond. It's a beau- offered the prayer to seal Over the years Bishop Kim has invest- tiful thing. this special holy wine cer- ed so much in serving the clergy and our True Parents emony, calling for each Chicago members have done so much to arrived in Chicago early couple to pledge fidelity help churches in the community. ACLC and spent almost two in marriage and faithful- was virtually birthed out of Chicago when hours talking with ness and purity, pledging Father came there in December 2000 for Bishop Kim in detail not to commit adultery, the True Family Values banquet, the first about the clergy devel- never to divorce. event in the history of True Parents in opment, and Dr. Yang Next the welcoming which they came to a city because they and I arrived shortly remarks were given by Dr. were invited by the clergy. Immediate- afterward. There was Chang Shik Yang, and the ly after that event Father was so inspired a luncheon meeting, clergy shouted as Dr. Yang that he asked Dr. Yang to organize the and so many testi- concluded with "Now is 50-state tour. Truly the ACLC move- monies were given the time." Mrs. Tokiko ment of clergy is deeply rooted in Chica- about the healing that Richardson, head of WFWP go. The Chicago tradition of having a has been happening. When the in Michigan, performed prayer breakfast every month for the last revelations from spirit world about "God Bless America." five years has borne so much fruit as a Father?s role in history were pub- The three Abrahamic faiths were movement of the heart. lished, many prominent Chicago represented by Rabbi Waldman, Forty clergy met two days after they clergy turned against our move- Imam Salahuddin and Rev. Jesse received notice of True Parents' tour and ment, even taking out a full-page Edwards. On this occasion Imam seriously discussed how to achieve the ad in the major Christian news- Salahuddin gave such a deep and goal of 12,000 attendance. The venue paper condemning this revelation. stirring message that he truly sees was selected and everything was set in Even our main co-convener, Pas- the Koran teaches that the Mahdi motion immediately. Because there's tor Barrett, could hardly stand. will appear, the messiah. 'Not from been such consistent ongoing activity Many of his congregation truly just feeling but from the facts of the with the clergy, it wasn't as though we wanted to disengage from the fel- scripture and the life and the fruit were suddenly asking them to come to of the work of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung lowship because the bishop of their gram began with a prelude by a number our event. We've been working with them Moon, I have come to believe that he is church had condemned any association of Chicago's great choirs. Rev. Consilla for years, so naturally when True Father the messiah." Then he asked the audi- with the ACLC and had personally con- Hudson Gilliam, pastor of a Baptist calls there's a feeling that they want to ence, why not? And everybody shout- demned Pastor Barrett. Since that time church, and her choir lifted our hearts. ed, Amen. a lot of healing has occurred Also the True Family Values ensemble Archbishop George Augustus Stallings and that condemnation has performed. The invocation was given by lifted our hearts with a testimony about lifted, thanks to Pastor Bar- a prominent ACLC clergyman, Rev. Dr. the scriptural call to judge them by their rett's faith. Paul Swanson, professor emeritus at the fruits, and that he has experienced and The beautiful testimonies Lutheran School of Theology. His prayer witnessed the fruit of the movement of at the luncheon were of was most meaningful as it truly signi- True Parents, and that they truly are the Bishop Kim loving these fies that mainline thinkers and sincere True Parents, taking responsibility not people even when they pub- religious leaders step-by-step are com- just for one nation or people or family, licly criticized us, of Bish- ing to appreciate Father Moon's role in but actually for the whole world, with op Kim giving donations to history and how he has been anointed the heart to save and heal everybody, their churches and serving by Jesus. When this finally becomes them. One by one they all more clearly widespread and see CHICAGO on page 15 came back. One of the most established, Christianity is going beautiful was to see Rev. to be fully supportive of our True Dr. Maxine Walker, whose Parents. heart is really with As always, Rev. Bruce Sutchar ACLC again, coming has been amazing in securing back and receiving proclamations and letters of greet- the Ambassador for ing from public officials. In 48 Peace certificate and hours he got a letter of greeting appointment from from Governor Rod Blagojevich, True Parents. God and also a proclamation intro- was truly working duced by Alderman Joe Moore through the Chicago and signed by Mayor Richard M. movement. Daley. The June 27th pro- As in all of our events, we gave July 2005 Unification News 9 Tour • God's Peace Kingdom is Our Eternal Homeland

by Rev. Michael Jenkins thing to fulfill God's will. That's why when Father stood up on the he Los Angeles experience, stage he said, "Umm... There are June 28, was captivating. so many people here..." It was not The hall for the Ambas- only overflowing with people, but sadors for Peace seminar Los Angeles the magic ingredient that makes with Mr. Jim Flynn was an event "sparkle" before True Par- jammedT with Ambas- gave me great spir- ents is the heart, sacrifice and prayers sadors for Peace and itual power by going of the members who are united as one. new candidates for until we dropped. We Father could feel it. Everyone was pulling the appointment. 57 gave everything we for the victory. And the victory came. new Ambassadors for had. I had power The press conference was organized Peace were estab- from these few hours by Kimiyo Anceny, Bob Spitz and lished from very of total outreach that Women's Federation board member diverse backgrounds. lasted for the whole Norma Foster. It was well done. Rev. Professors, women's tour. Thanks, Rev. Schanker did a masterful work at com- leaders, clergy - all Tengan and Naoko municating and guiding the press. (He kinds of leaders. - you are bringing has an enormous gift to teach people. Just 9 days earli- great victory for heav- We are so grateful for Phillip.) We did er I had a previously en. (Naoko is the one a live drive- time radio interview with scheduled engage- who continuously the top LA radio station, KFWB Chan- ment in LA for an the visited the renowned nel 98. Think about it. Drive time in LA Ambassadors for pastor the Rev. Dr. literally means millions heard it. They Peace program and E.V. Hill until he were most interested in Father's pro- to give the Sunday completely joined the posal for the World Peace King Bridge Service. Rev. Ku and Blessing Movement and Tunnel linking America and Russ- I had a very serious and testified to ian across the Bering Strait. Amazing. discussion about how Father Moon.) Also interestingly the Chinese media deep was Father's direction for When I gave the Sunday serv- (3) major media came out. Also, media 12,000. (Actually it was quite a ice in Los Angeles, the brothers from Japan and Korea were there that strong, Korean- style discussion, and sisters will confirm, God called were not from our movement. Also the with lots of heart. He understood on them to give it all. The Los Ange- Spanish press was represented. Rev. that I was coming from days of les family is diverse and power- Daryl Gray, (former communications Hoon Dok Hae at East Garden. ful. They also let go of everything director for the Southern Christian This is not personal; we have to and caught the fire of the East Leadership Conference - founded by do what Father wants. Though the Garden Hoon Dok Hae. (After one the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ) odds were great, we had to make week with Father everyday, your led the press conference. Rev. Dr. Amos every sacrifice.) spirit is on fire, and that's the fire Brown of Third Baptist Church of LA Rev. Ku was sensitive to Father's the brothers and sisters caught). gave an incredible interview, stating heart. He completely changed all Rev. Ku completely let go of every- that this work is absolutely on the plans for a banquet and did every- ground and real. He is the most well- thing possible to open up as many known San Francisco clergyman and seats and go for it!! That heart long- time civil rights leader and elect- was very moving. He felt Father's ed member of the County Board. He urgency and gave himself up to was very firm in his support for Rev. it. Rev. Ku has diligently worked Moon. Rabbi Waldman and Imam to set the standard in LA and even- Salahuddin demonstrated the incred- tually transfer it to those who can ible power of this ministry in that Jews, inherit the serious heart for True Muslims and Christians are one in the Parents. Rev. Ku gathered Kimiyo spirit of peace. Imam Bundakji, who Anceny, Rev. Henning, Mrs. Sheri opened the doors of the Muslim hearts Reuter, Rev. Mark Tengan, Naoko, in Middle East for the IIFWP, gave such Rev. Godwin DaSilva and a few a powerful interview. He said, there is others and had a serious meet- only one man and woman in the world ing on how to push way out of that deserve to be called the King and the box for victory. Everyone unit- Queen of Peace. That is Rev. and Mrs. ed. It would be on Tuesday night, Moon. They love Muslims, Christians, fighting Los Angeles traffic. They and Jews without discrimination. would only have refreshments Our beautiful choir from San Fran- and reception style food from 5 cisco sang to open our program. They pm. No dinner. They made up were great. San Francisco brought 472 their minds, and victory was sealed people from 6 hours away. (Rev. Kim, at that meeting. I felt the heart of Rev. Thompson, Rev. Bento Leal and Los Angeles, trusting that if they Rev. David Rosenblum. That was all- stood with Fathe,r God would out.) Arizona, Oregon, Seattle, Denver, work. Rev. Ku asked if I could San Francisco and LA regions should stay because to fulfill this effort be lifted up in your prayers. It was not in a few days would take a mir- simple after NY, DC and Chicago suc- acle and he wanted to know if I cesses to close out the tour so magnif- could really give the Word for icently. Also Sunday. With Dr. Yang's bless- Father Moon had ing, I canceled plans to go to invited the top Washington. leaders from Then I immediately asked if I Korea and Japan could go to the front line with to observe True Rev. Mark Tengan and Naoko. Parents' founda- From 5 pm to midnight we visit- tion and victory ed key church leaders. We saw in America. (This Rev. Gambell, Rev. Jarvis John- demonstrated son (son of Bishop C. Phillip John- Father Moon's son) and we knocked on the door incredible confi- of Rev. Gaston at 11 pm. (No con- dence in us - that cepts.) I could see the incredible in one week we power of LA clergy outreach see LOS ANGELES through Mark and Naoko; they on page 11 10 Unification News July 2005 Now Is God's Time • True Parents’ Four City Speaking

r. Yang and I for profound wish to interaction express our between all the sincere grat- clergy across the Thank You! country. itude for the Dtotal support and sacrifice This single for the Four City Tour. It one week effort was a great success. Each city went support, through donations, through ing that he can see that the clergy are brought the best way beyond their past efforts and all inviting guests and taking care of chil- understanding Father's mission and of our allies and Ambassadors for Peace was accomplished in a little over 7 days. dren so others could go to the front ministry and therefore America will together and all of our Blessed Fami- The attendance was magnificent and line and supporting the events lies. The Second Generation did the satellite sites that received a web- in each city. Our efforts togeth- a great job and inspired Father cast produced very beautiful testimonies er in unity with True Parents' everywhere he saw them. It gave and helped complete the offering. heart and sacrifice secured this Father a renewed hope for the Father and Mother were deeply moved, important providential victory. nation. We sincerely thank Guyok- first by the attitude and heart of the We especially thank the EG la and the Native American fam- American movement. It was great show security. We cannot mention ily for supporting True Parents all of confidence that Father would give names but they will be forever the way. such a goal with so little time to fulfill recognized by history for their We thank in particular the three and then invite the 12 key leaders from unsung heroic sacrifices to pro- Abrahamic faith leaders Rabbi Korea and 12 from Japan as well as 3 tect the True Family and all of Waldman (Judaism) who blew the from each continent to tour with him us. shofar signaling the time of the to "witness" Father's foundation in We also thank Mr. Jim Flynn Messiah, Imam Salahuddin (Islam) America. He trusted us and together who co-directed this effort with who proclaimed that the Messiah we fulfilled. I personally want to thank me handling the education of had come and Rev. Jesse Edwards Dr. Yang for his trust in us and the the Ambassadors for Peace, (Christianity) who confirmed it. flexibility that was given to choose the along with Mrs. Karen Smith Also, words cannot describe the best possible venue for each city. His in New York and Dr. Frank Kauf- impact of the expression and heart communication with Father is very hon- mann in all four cities. They of Archbishop Stallings in his John est and sincere. He has absolute faith all did excellent work in the two The Baptist Role. He has fulfilled in True Parents gives no resistance to days of education that was an enormous responsibility in Father's direction, whatever it is. This offered to our core Ambassadors for soon change as they become more and receiving the blessing and developing heart of filial piety allows Father to Peace. This strengthens our resolve. more bold and courageous. with Sayomi san a blessed family. receive a steady stream of direction Rev. Joshua Cotter - President of Mr. David Eaton brought his expert- Dr. McLeod, Bishop Nelson, Rev. from heaven (which of course is con- CARP and VP of FFWPU fully engaged ise and skill in production to every city, Rawls, Bishop Pugh and many of the stant) while being able to give this direc- our youth movement and with me direct- and played a key role in assuring the National executive committee taught tion to us knowing that the opportu- ly attended our True Parents. He knows quality and effective execution of the and spoke well of the coming Kingdom. nity that it brings won't be missed. Father's heart and his comittment is program at each event. Rev. Rawls, Rev. Gray, Rev. Willis and Though we are not enough and never total. This helps to surround True Par- Mr. Michael Balcomb - President Bishop Pugh came early and did perfectly fulfill, the heart of fil- of SFP USA led our Media effort. "advance" work. The national travel- ial piety and total commitment Much thanks. It was a good ing team were there every morning at internally can and does bridge beginning. A number of good 5 am in each city. They were amazed the gap so that our offering can stories were created. at Father's real lifestyle. be accepted by heaven and pro- Particularly of interest was Rev. Daryl Gray of Canada chaired tected from accusation. This is Father's proposal for the World the press conferences which included the way Dr. Yang relates with Peace King Bridge and Tunnel Rev. Fauntroy and many other promi- Abonim. I am learning this way. to cross the Bering Strait from nent clergy. He said this is the most It is the way of the heart. Alaska to Russian allowing the important movement in the world at The American movement is continents to be connected. this time. growing immensely in this way This got a lot of attention. One of the greatest experiences was - the heartfelt support of our The staff should be com- to travel with Hyung Jin Nim, Yeon Ah family is the critical condition in mended - Rev. James Stewart, Nim, Alex and Sun Jin Nim and Shin the offering. Such a broad and Rev. Mark Hernandez, Mr. Chris Jeon (True Parents Grandson) Their widespread support for True Par- Stein and many others helped attendance and the heart to heart ents was manifested from Blessed the national traveling team. exchange they shared with the clergy Couples. We are inspired and Joe Leonard and George Kaza- exemplified how much True Parents energized. kis supported the internation- teaching of True Love is real as it extends We sincerely thank all the Regional ents with American leaders who have al group of 42. through their family. One particular- and Vice Regional Directors and the the same heart as our Korean elders, Our Ambassadors for Peace and Cler- ly moving moment was when Hyung AFC leaders in particular for being the no concepts and no barriers. We can gy have grown so much. They are rap- Jin Nim sincerely thanked Rev. and backbone of each event. and will fulflll the heavenly providence. idly, with the support of the spirit world, Mrs. Edwards for paying the indemni- The success of the speaking tour Mrs. Alexa Ward - President of coming to understand Father. The devl- ty necessary to allow the white clergy was accomplished through the efforts Women's Federation for World Peace, opment of the clergy, Jewish, Christ- to come forward. Hyung Jin Nim deeply and leadership at each city with the VP of FFWPU played a key role in the ian and Muslim was profound. The appreciated them and was very sensi- complete support of the block: in New NY VIP outreach and the support of civic leaders support also was outstand- tive and well aware of their suffering York, Rev. In Hoi Lee and his leader- women leaders throughout the coun- ing. True Parents gave beautiful ties course and immense persecution. Thank ship team, including Rev. Bruce Grod- try. to each of the national support team you Hyung Jin Nim and True Family! ner and Mr. Alan Inman; in Washing- Rev. Phillip Schanker - VP of FFWPU members of clergy that did interviews America is secured on another level. ton DC, Rev. John Hong along with and Education Director, brought Father's and stood in total support. This allowed Let us begin from this moment to mul- Rev. Kevin McCarthy and Rev. Randy life story to light with the video tiply the intense True Francis; in Chicago, Bishop Ki Hoon (thanks to Simon Kinney). love for America that Kim supported by Mr. David Rendel, Rev. Schanker also played a was initiated through Rev. Bruce Sutchar and many others; key role with extensive media this tour so that Amer- and finally in Los Angeles, Rev. Baek outreach. ica will now rise up with Joong Ku with Rev. Tim Henning, Rev. Rev. Levy Daugherty - VP incredible love and Godwin D'Silva, and the great team in of FFWPU and Secretary Gen- embrace all of Russia, the Western Block. Father was very eral of the ACLC, organized Asia, the Middle East very joyful on the final morning in LA. and educated the National and all the world. He asked all to thank and clap for Dr. Executive Committee Support With love and confi- Yang for the success as the Continen- team of 15 clergy. Their atti- dence that the Elder Son tude of faith and heart to Father Nation has come of AGE tal Director. O Thank you to every blessed family deeply inpired True Parents. !! that answered the call - through prayer Father commented one morn- July 2005 Unification News 11 Tour • God's Peace Kingdom is Our Eternal Homeland

"Praise the Lord, tin Luther him- LOS ANGELES everybody. I said, self was there from page 9 Praise the Lord. !!! (Here I We come here to Stand). The could successfully conduct four major proclaim that clergy are rallies, some of them the biggest in those there is one God standing. cities' histories. Today all the 12 Kore- of Islam, Chris- The video an leaders testified to Dr. Yang and the tianity and featured Imam American movement in Alaska). Judaism. Jesus Bundakji Minister Blinky Williams, director of has anointed this prominently the Hollywood Choir, lifted our hearts hour and chosen talking about and history was ready to be made. Rev. Rev. Moon to how Father Daugherty did a magnificent job lead- stand as the Moon cares ing the program. We have done so many anointed one of not only about events as a team - all four blessings in this age - that's Korea or Amer- 2004, the speaking tours of True Par- right the anoint- ica, but also ents and major events throughout the ed one - meaning about the Mid- ACLC history. This was his finest hour. the Messiah, and dle East and His heart, mind and soul completely he wants every truly wants to poured out to touch the hearts of the fied how Susan Munsell and Rev. God- one of us now to receive this anointing win DaSilva brought him to the move- see peace there. Because of this heart, people and unify them as one. He under- and become the Messiah to our fami- he and Mother Moon are truly the True stands Father's heart and is one with ment. Imam Bundakji's wife, Heuda, ly, to our community and even to Amer- said to me the next day, Dr. Jenkins, Parents for Humanity. The video shows Dr. Yang and me. ica !!! This is the day that the Lord has that Father Moon went through a path Affirmations: From teh Representa- this program was awesome, I never made. Jesus is rejoicing in this hour!!!!" imagined that this could ever happen. of persecution and suffering but now tives of the Abrahamic Faiths It was amazing. This is history. One there is deep and vast support. It is just Rev. Nicolas Benson, pastor of the I am grateful to Allah. day this will all be recorded and under- The chairman of ACLC of Southern a matter of time before the world comes Summit Evangelical Church, is Presi- stood as the turning points in history to understand. Always, central to the dent of the Ministers Alliance of Pasede- California is the Rev. Dr. William John- in which the people of God received the son, who is superintendent for the Chris- message, marriage is strengthened na. He gave a beautiful scriptural read- anointing and became one to receive through the blessing and grafting into ing and invocation. tian Methodist Episcopal Church. His written testimony will be also the True Olive Tree. Origin, The Sadoc Christian Archbishop George Augustus Stallings Singers (Rev. Milsap's daugh- seen as a major turning point in history. It was a written Jr. has fulfilled a most important role ter Magdalene and nephew Keith in history. He stood through the highs are the lead singers) performed scholarly summary of his tes- timony and journey in com- and the lows and against many trials Peace, Shalom, Salaam Alaikam. and tribulations to testify to True Par- It was written by Ricky Joswic ing to understand the work of God through Rev. Moon. He ents. His testimony in LA took the audi- and Barry Fasman (former pro- ence into the heart of Father and Moth- ducer for the noted Fame TV is a mainline Methodist leader with hundreds of churches er Moon and deeply moved people. Many show) based on the Israel pil- came to me after the event was over grimages and our Peace, Shalom under him. Years ago his denomination, not understand- and said, the Archbishop's testimony Salaam Alaikam marching song. changed my life, it was like a wall came It was unbelievable. They have ing the work, discouraged min- isters from working with Rev. down and suddenly I could understand gone to another level. It turned who Rev. Moon is without feeling fear the atmosphere upside down. Moon. He didn't like what he had heard about Rev. Moon or any threats. The Archbishop testi- Then my wife Reiko and I fied that this is the Messiah and we called upon all to stand and and pretty much agreed that such a bad movement should should look no further. Messiah, Sav- receive the blessing of the Holy ior, returning Lord are all summarized juice. Rev. Dr. Bennit Hayes of Glory- be stopped. Then he met Jack the coming of the True Parents and Ashworth. He testified about how through by one title : The True Parents of Human- land Baptist Church in Houston Texas together build the Kingdom of God. ity. That's what they are. They are deter- and member of the National Executive persistence over the years he came to Then Imam Bundakji, with his great understand that God was with this mined to love all people and carry all Committee and his wife Minister Ethel courage and faith, stepped forward. He of humanity on their backs step by step Hayes of the ACLC Women in Ministry, movement. Then he began to under- brought over 50 representatives of the stand and study the Principle and saw until the Kingdom comes. came as the representative couple to Muslim community to hear the mes- The Archbishop is standing upon the receive the blessing and to affirm their that it was of God. He decided to be the sage. He testified that Father Moon's Co Chairman of ACLC confidently, foundation of over 30 years of ministry marriage before heaven and earth. Rev. ministry is the one that is truly bring- and having a blessed family. He was Hayes has blessed 12 key couples in because he is standing on biblical truth ing peace in the Middle East, that Mus- and the confirmation of testing the incredible. He went on: "Now is the time his congregation went on to hold the lims know when they hear this mes- for peace. Now is the time for the King- blessing for hundreds of couples. He waters. He testified to Rev. Henning, sage that this is the teaching of the Rev. Ku, Dr. Yang, Rev. Daugherty and dom, Now is God's tme; now is God's and Bishop Nelson are leading the ACLC Koran. This is a great day for all faiths Time. It's time for the Rev. Dr. Sun in the Blessing movement, showing to come together. Then he led Myung Mooooooooon. The True thousands of pastors across the coun- the way for all the faiths to Parents." try how to "Bless" the marriages under embrace. Again, these steps True Parents have been the anointing of Father and Mother that are being taken are not affirmed by Heaven and earth Moon and bring the realization of Jesus' simply on the stage. The Ambas- and confirmed by the religious teaching that "what God has joined sadors for Peace, in spite of dif- leaders and civic leaders of the together, let no man put asunder." ficulties, misunderstanding world as the King and Queen (Matthew 19: 4-6.) and even sometimes persecu- of Peace. This has been sealed The Abrahamic faiths were repre- tion for advocating the oneness forever. But what was so pleas- sented by Rabbi Waldman, Imam of all believers, are working ing to True Parents on this tour Salahuddin, Cantor Esther Leon and together off the stage, march- was to see the movement the Rev. Jesse Edwards. Imam Salahud- ing through the streets of NY expanding rapidly as so many din offered a beautiful prayer; Rabbi to the streets of Al Azaria (in new clergy are breaking through Waldman offered a blessing for the gath- the West Bank) to the streets myself and all the leaders of movement. as Archbishop Stallings has. ering and prayed that Father and Moth- of Gaza to the streets of the Old City of They know the truth. With the power er Moon will live to be 120 (as Moses He told how his journey unfolded until Jerusalem. This is real. These leaders finally he was sure. He now stands of truth and love, nothing will stop this did). Then he blew the shofar, proclaim- have put their lives on the line with spreading of the Holy Spirit. This fire ing that in each of the four cities a mir- tonight to testify that this is God's move- Father Moon only to find more abun- ment and he has opened his mind and will spread until America is healed and acle has occurred that the children of dant life flowing down from Heaven. a new America rises up for Family, Faith Abraham could come together as one heart to the new understanding that Imam Bundakji was accompanied by Jesus is bringing forth. He said with and Peace. and save the people. He blew the sho- Sheikh Qazwini, who is one of the most Father spoke with incredible power. far proclaiming, that this was a sign great power that sent chills up and prominent clerics of the Muslim tradi- down our spines, "No longer will I allow People are shocked. He is like he is 40 that the time of the return of the Mes- tion in America and is regularly fea- years old. He said with absolute con- siah has come. anyone to tell me who I can and can- tured on Al Jazeera. He said to me later, not associate with. I will associate with viction, "I promised God that I would Rev. Edwards, in less than three min- I am very happy with the program and heal and unify this world and end all utes, unleashed the Holy Spirit's power, those who God would have me be with. honored to work together with Father Here I stand." It was a feeling as if Mar- war. .. I will not go to the Heavenly realm and the audience was totally touched. Moon for peace. Imam Bundakji testi- see LOS ANGELES on page 12 12 Unification News July 2005

DR. FRANK KAUFMANN Father's Four-City Tour guided my footsteps back to America this relationship. These valuable tools tent generally brought the presenta- Dr. Kaufmann is the director of the Office for Interreligious Relations of the Interreligious even after I thought I would never for a healthy life, and several more tion time to approximately two and a and International Federation for World Peace return. comprised the 40 minute text. half hours. In Chicago, Father Moon Indeed, June 15 was a morning for In addition to these vital guidelines promised to be shorter because “he surprises. But we could not complain for eternal life, Father Moon also spoke was scolded” for going so long the day ather is a man on the move. that we were being given directions to of matters of international and geopo- before. I doubt he was scolded after Rarely is he in one place for set up speeches for a total of 50,000 litical significance. Most alarming from his 2.5 hour Chicago speech. very long. He travels con- listeners in 4 cities in 4 straight days among these analyses and proposals Although Father Moon has spoken stantly. There are many rea- with just 10 days notice? Father Moon was his revelation pertaining to the across America often in the past, there sons for this, including his was caught off guard even worse than Bering Strait. was a unique element on this tour. Fmission to lead a complex, internation- us! We were in this together. As I stand here today on this plat- Each city’s visit was slated as a two- al movement with several major cen- June 18 departure plans for Father form, I would like to make a truly impor- day education seminar. The seminar ters for operations. Moon were scrapped, and at 86 years tant declaration to humanity. For thou- consisted of: On June 11, 2005, Father Moon stopped in New York for a week, • A series of lectures expounding scheduled to leave after a few days the essential teachings of Father Moon for Kodiak, Alaska. Kodiak is home (God’s ideal, marriage and family, to an expansive and prominent principles of peace) given by lectur- maritime enterprise founded and ers during the day prior to the evening guided by Father Moon. speech On June 13 something of note • The speech itself happened during his daily, 5 am • A three hour study and teach- public devotions. The first passage ing session lead by Father Moon at read was a prayer Father Moon 5 am on the morning after the speech uttered in 1958, 47 years ago. After o And a post-breakfast wrap up listening he said, “This 47 year old and planning session concluding by prayer, is my very same prayer noon the second day. today.” It’s a typically long prayer Father Moon managed to give close (Reverend Moon’s prayers are long.) to 6 hours of personal teaching to In it he prays: "A person who 1000’s of people in 4 cities in 4 days, encounters Your true love could from sea to shining sea, travel time lose the entire world and not miss notwithstanding. it. Beloved Father, we must now One can never guess what goes establish the ideal world, our orig- through a man’s heart, but there inal homeland, where Your love surely must have been something saturates every person’s life…" there as he sang a final song and On June 14 a second interest- sang a long Good-bye, as he waved ing thing happened during morn- farewell to the 1,000’s waving back ing devotions. Father Moon depart- in Los Angeles at 8 am. “I don’t know ed from the tradition of progressing old it was the streets again. “Heaven’s” sands of years, Satan used the Bering if I will ever do this again,” he often through the devotional book of Blessed obligation. He had no choice. The tour Strait to separate East and West, North explained to audiences in all 4 cities, Families (Chung Song Gyeong, mean- was named, NOW IS GOD'S TIME: and South, as well as North America cities in the country he served so far ing “Heavenly Scripture”) and had the Rebuild the Family, Restore the Com- and Russia geographically. I propose for 34 years, a country that persecut- prior day’s passage, re-read. He want- munity, Renew the Nation and the that a bridge be constructed over the ed and unjustly imprisoned him, the ed us to hear the prayer again. World. Bering Strait, or a tunnel be dug under country where he raised his family, On June 15, at 04:00 as Father A straight reading of the speech text it, so that it will be able to connect the and where many of his children now Moon dressed for public devotions his runs approximately 40 minutes. It con- world super highway starting from the raise families of their own, the coun- Kodiak departure plans were sudden- tains guidance in such areas as what Cape of Good Hope in South Africa to try which he begged this time, ly interrupted. He received that he must moments are historical, and how we Santiago in Chile, and from London to “Please do not ever forget Heaven’s speak to America yet again. He tells of catch them or miss them, the cycles New York, making the world a single wondrous will and love, which have this surprise commission in the speech in our daily life of trying to improve community. I would call this, "The guided my footsteps back to America he later gave on the tour itself. He ourselves and overcome evil, the nature World Peace King Bridge-Tunnel." even after I thought I would never beseeches his hearers: of God’s love, the relationship between The delivery of the speech never last- return.”O Please do not ever forget Heaven’s the physical and spiritual worlds, and ed a mere 40 minutes though. On aver- wondrous will and love, which have the practical, daily-life application of age, additional exposition of the con-

Denver, and former state representa- self continue to protect and support America to bring peace. A new day has LOS ANGELES tive. him and open the way for the path to dawned; the clergy understand and feel from page 11 True Parents left with great support. go up and up. totally responsible. Rev. and Mrs. Rawls Then we sang, "Let there be Peace On He gave strong direction and deep got a special picture with True Parents, until this is accomplished. Mark my Earth," and Rev. Daugherty closed it love at the conclusion. He took the giant as did one other key clergy couple. Mrs. words..." It is the power of true love. It out. ship's wheel (by himself - it is quite Rawls wanted Father to know that she is a revolution of love and heart to heal The next morning at Hoon Dok Hae heavy) and gave it to the young people knew who he was;she approached True humanity. Father was excited. The hall was jammed who were jammed in the front. He asked Parents with heart and great humility Flowers were presented by Rev. Dr. with 1,000 blessed families and VIP's us to congratulate Dr. Yang as our Con- and said, "Hello, Messiah." True Par- Gambell and his wife, Dr. Gambell. Dr. !!! Father was very, very happy. He tinental Director and asked Dr. Yang ents laughed and heaven and earth Gambell is a most important religious enjoyed so much the children's choir to sing. Rev. Ku supported him. Then wept. leader in LA and his wife a prominent from San Francisco. It was beautiful. Hyung Jin Nim sang and touched every- Thank you, LA Block, Rev. and Mrs. physician. They are a blessed couple Rev. Ku and I danced on the stage with one's hearts. Ku, Rev. Henning, Rev. Da Silva and and faithful to God. joy that victory was secured and True Father got up and sang and Bishop all block, regional, and vice- regional Imam Bundakji, Dr. William John- Parents could victoriously guide us to Stallings, Rev. Edwards, Rev. Gray and directors. Thank you, Blessed Fami- son, Dr. Amos Brown, Cantor Leon and the next providence. a few others joined on the stage as we lies. You brought the final and sub- Bishop Bless presented a huge ship's Father gave the clergy incredible danced with great celebration as Father stantial glory to God and to True Par- wheel to True Parents from the Ambas- guidance. This was their final city. The sang. Finally, sadly he said GOOOOD ents. Los Angeles is truly the "City of sadors for Peace and ACLC. It was beau- National Executive committee was deeply BYYYYYYYYEEEEE. The Angels". tiful. They called Father the Admiral of moved. Father testified that though he The core clergy went to Father's room The Day of the Lord has been received God's Ship. carries this huge mountain of the respon- and greated True Parents, thanking by the people prepared by God. Now it Then Ambassador for Peace Appoint- sibility to save humanity and bring them for the incredible outpouring day will rapidly expand to encompass all ments were given to the renowned Dr. peace to the world on his shoulders he and night to give God's love and strength humanity. Rise up, America. Now is Cecil Murray, Rev. Betty Tataljawski of continues to go step by step barely get- to America. True Mother gave ties to God's Time. !!! Arizona, Dr. William Jeffery of Seattle, ting his foot to the next step but the all the clergy and special gifts to the Thanks, America. God loves you, Dr. Amos Brown of San Francisco, Bish- secret is that he just keeps obeying representatives of the Abrahamic faiths. America. Let us prepare for the next op Bless of the Lutheran Evangelical heaven and taking the steps so that They pledged before heaven and earth adventure - it begins today!O church, Imam Qazwini, Dr. Bebeau of heaven, the saints, Jesus and God him- that they will save America and guide July 2005 Unification News 13

REV. MICHAEL JENKINS Happy Birthday, America

Rev. Jenkins is the internal foundation for America to stand America became internally secure and made a covenant in a meeting with Dr. President of the as God's nation. Those conditions are strong. It was also through this process Yang and I at the Sheraton in late July, American Church connected with the fourth of July. that the Second Israel could be sent to 2002. They said, it is either true and On July 4th 2002 Father Moon pro- Holyland to restore the First Israel. we have to proclaim it or it is false and claimed that this day was not only Amer- Why, was it God's Independence Day? we have to fight it. One by one these uly 4, we as Americans gath- ica's Independence Day but also, God's Because the chosen people who reject- three men of God proclaimed that the ered to celebrate and give rev- Independence Day. This came on the ed Jesus 2000 years earlier had now revelations were true and they would erence to those who coura- foundation of the 144,000 blessing of been recreated through Christianity as stand with the coming Lord. They were geously signed the Declara- Christian clergy (144,000 took the Holy a "new" chosen people and now instead confident that Jesus had confirmed this tion of Independence. This Wine - sealed through the blessing of of rejecting the True Parent, who was in their hearts. They said, "As for me dayJ became America's Independence 1200 representative clergy couples on commissioned by Jesus and anointed and my house we will serve the Lord." Day as it was the declaration of the break April 27, 2002 in Washington D.C. ) and by God, this time they set the condition Joshua 24: 15. They shed their fears with oppression and the calling for a the subsequent "second generation cler- of accepting him and his bride. To "seal" and history went a different direction. new nation that would secure the rights gy" blessing on July 3rd of that year. this historic foundation a test would Slowly the ACLC rebuilt the foundation of man that were endowed by God. Because the engrafting and blessing of come from the testimonies of the saints based on these three pastors. Now on It is well documented that the sign- the Second Israel was secure God could called the "Clouds of Witnesses." Father the Four City Tour three years latter, ers of the declaration suffered greatly - be liberated and his "Independence Day" Moon made it clear that this wasn't his the last of the thousands clergy that many would sacrifice their lives for this proclaimed. personal teaching; but that he confirmed left has returned !!! The foundation of commitment. On this day we thank substance is absolute. The judg- God for creating and preserving Amer- ments of the Lord are true and Right- ica and we honor the signers and patri- eous altogether. ots who secured the foundation of our Strengthening the resolve of the liberty. We offer our gratitude to all clergy after the "Clouds of Witness- the generations of patriots and saints es" could only be found through the who came after them fighting to pre- Divine Principle conferences in Ocean serve America and fighting the evil of City. Then, I could see, a new Chris- immorality, racism and injustice with- tianity arose, one that is standing in this nation and throughout the clearly with the lineage of heaven. A world. This is a day when we thank new day has dawned a new spring- God and all those who sacrificed that time has emerged. Now three years this great nation could stand as the latter, on the four city tour we could lighthouse to the world for Peace, rec- see more and more key clergy includ- onciliation and harmony among all ing Rabbis and Imams "grafting" into peoples, races, nations and religions. the Kingdom of Heaven we could con- In the Declaration of Independence firm that this foundation is rapidly our founding principles were carved expanding. Again, it was a most in stone and became the basis upon beautiful sight to see that one of the which President Abraham Lincoln and strongest opponents of the "Clouds" the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proclamation came back and once could call upon this nation and its again became a leader of ACLC in people to correct and hold true to its Chicago. Bishop Kim continued to course for goodness. America stands love the clergy that left. Eventually as God's hope and leader for recon- their hearts could open to a new dis- ciliation and peace because God instilled We do not fully comprehend the sig- its validity and that it did come from the pensation. With love and patience even- in her founding Principles that become nificance of the "engrafting" conditions saints. It was now our responsibility to tually the fear dissipates all can come the essential basis for equality, freedom that occurred through these blessings. discern it. This became the instrument to understand. and justice. The Declaration reads, We do know that on March 1, 2002 in of "Judgment" in the last days to sepa- On the foundation of this historic July "We hold these truths to be self-evident, Hawaii just before the 5 am pledge serv- rate the sheep from the goats. 4th Independence Day for God we also that all men are created equal, that they ice that Father Moon was awakened with On July 4th after the 144,000 and saw the clergy take down their crosses are endowed by their Creator with cer- a feeling of grave urgency. He received Second generation clergy couples bless- and build a significant and central peace tain unalienable rights that among these a special message from heaven that ing a great celebration was held with movement in Israel. They, together with are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Hap- 144,000 representing Christianity must True Parents and many of the clergy in Rabbis and Imams in the Holyland in piness." make the condition of engrafting through Washington. We didn't know that dur- May, 2003, created the Jerusalem Dec- To secure this commitment and set the Holy Wine.Without this, Christian- ing this celebration the next test would laration which led to the unity of the the condition that heaven would move ity and America could be lost. He received be launched. In that morning celebra- first, second and third Israel(Korea). On to support this effort a pledge was made that it could reverse the failure of Chris- tion I was asked to read this new doc- August 20, 2003 the Fourth Israel was by the signers - an absolute pledge. tianities' rejection of the Lord after World ument, "The Clouds of Witnesses" that established calling forth a new "chosen" "And for the support of this Declara- War II. was received in Korea. people that had "engrafted" into the King- tion, with a firm reliance on the protec- The American movement, with the The "Clouds of Witnesses" document dom of God through another covenant tion of divine Providence, we mutually help of the Japanese Missionaries and was published in of taking the Holy Wine. This Fourth pledge to each other our Lives, our For- National Messiahs from Korea, went to and subsequently the major newspaper Israel is composed of all faiths and peo- tunes and our sacred Honor." all 50 states and by April 20th had given in each of the 50 states. At first there ples who have been "grafted" into the With reliance on Divine Providence the holy wine to 144,000 clergy. Then were some mild rumblings and signs of True Olive Tree. and total commitment to give their lives, the blessing was sealed by True Parents trouble as paper after paper published On this basis, in 2004 ten thousand fortunes and sacred honor, people of on April 27th. This created a Founda- the content of the revelations which bold- Ambassadors for Peace from all conti- faith and character have always deter- tion of Substance between the chosen ly proclaimed from Heaven that Rev. Sun nents could then come to the Holyland mined the direction of God's nation. So people or the "second Israel" and the Myung Moon is the Messiah, Savior and and witness the reconciliation of Chris- it is today on July 4th, 2005. People of returning Lord and also secured the returning Lord. However, as the news tians, Muslims and Jews. Yes, as it has faith and great character are now rising internal foundation for America. (Cer- spread more and more it created an been here, it is very stormy in the Holy- up to set the same condition to "create" tainly we can see that when the Phar- incredible trial for those very Christian land. God's providence is never smooth a new America as was set in 1776. They isees rejected Jesus, the internal con- leaders who were strongly advocating however the key conditions always reside are the central religious leaders, Ambas- dition to secure Israel was lost and just Father Moon's role in history and the with a small number of people who "rep- sadors for Peace and Blessed Couples 70 years latter the nation of Israel, which power of the Blessing of Marriage. Whole resent" whole religions, races and nations who have been "picked" by God to deter- had lasted for 2000 years, was scat- congregations turned against their pas- just as John the Baptist and Moses as mine the direction for America. The tered to the four winds. The internal tors and huge numbers of pastors, who individuals represented all of Israel. As Four City Tour demonstrated that the condition is essential.) Through the just weeks before, were boldly proclaim- John or Moses went so did the nation. central leaders chosen by history to stand 144,000 clergy blessing and the sub- ing the "anointing" of the "messiah" on This time however the John the Bap- with the Providence at this time, once sequent second generation blessing. the stage and throughout America, now tists are unshakable. again courageously fulfilled the covenant The Second Israel restored the failure proclaimed that they "never knew him." Therefore the "representatives" we see that was required. of the first Israel being able to offer rep- Many, many fell away. However out standing on the stage with True Parents The background of the covenant and resentative support from "chosen" rep- of that pruning process emerged a body may not "appear" to be the most famous "testimony" of key leaders at this time resentatives of Christianity to engraft of religious leaders that overcame the Christians, Rabbis or Imams in the eyes goes back three years ago to Indepen- into the True Olive Tree through the "trial". Bishop C.Phillip Johnson, Arch- of the world, but we know that what dence Day 2002 in Washington, D.C. Holy Wine ceremony. It was through bishop G. Augustus Stallings and Rev. matters is who they are in the eyes of Clear conditions have been set and con- this process that the Second Israel of Jesse Edwards rose to the challenge and tinue to be tested that have secured the see BIRTHDAY on page 14 14 Unification News July 2005

by Scott Simond Nim (A Bald Head and A Strawber- ry) to greet the VIPs and tell him im Caron and I Tour Testimony what he's doing. He explained that brought two Ambas- he's studying religion in a Master's sadors for Peace from together with only a few days advance ing his call to action at the end of the program at Harvard Divinity School. Maine to New York Saturday. notice. The APs went by shuttle bus speech. He has to learn 8 languages to study Several other families from to the Jacob Javits Center in the after- Besides the core content - God's original texts. Father asked him to sing MaineJ came with guests by bus. noon. Our bus wasn't sure which design for men and women, the role of a song - he wanted him to sing and One AP is State Senator Lois Snowe- entrance to use, so it ended up circling the messiah, unification of religions Elvis Presley song, but Hyung Jin said Mello. She's been active with us through the complex three times. Rabbi Wal- and Christianity etc. - Father proposed he didn't know any - his brother knew AFC for several years now. She went dron was on the bus with his shofar, a new project: that a highway be con- those songs. The exchange between to MSG when the four saints were so we had him blow it as we were cir- structed connecting North America to Father and son was really precious. blessed and went to Israel twice. The Russia through the Bering Father embraced all the VIPs into the other AP is a Somali Muslim, Straight. Several UN ambassa- heart of his family. It also became clear an elder in the mosque, and dors were there along with IPC how broad Father's thinking is and how social worker for the City of representatives. This looks like the next generation will develop it in Lewiston. A highlight for Jim a project that would engage world professional circles. Hyung Jin Nim is and I were the conversations leaders in a global project. That going to Italy with Bishop Stallings in we had on the trip down and proposal may also get some media a couple of weeks to visit a monastery back. Omar was in Somalia traction. Fox was there. over there. when it was controlled by the That evening we drove to Tar- Father also talked about how the communists for ten years. He rytown and stayed the night at Clouds of Witnesses caused a great shared many stories about that. the Tarrytown House Hotel. Tar- deal of controversy - in the spirit world. When the Somalis came to Maine rytown House is located a stone's He said the saints were upset that he from Atlanta Ga, their sheer throw from East Garden, almost proclaimed that they were all following numbers but a lot of stress on directly across the street. It used him. So he spent 43 days in SW world the City of Lewiston, and a flap to be two private estates. It's a meeting with them one by one. He arose with the mayor that got very nice conference facility, nice posed questions to them that they could- national attention. The "diver- rooms, and reasonably priced. n't answer, but he could. Because of sity" people blew the issue out cling the center. No one even knew it existed before this that, he got their support and they are of proportion and exploited the oppor- Father did a magnificent job, depart- event! You can't see it from the street now working with their followers. He tunity to promote their agenda. The ing from the speech several times. The because it's set behind a hedge row also explained that God and Satan are Somalis had never been exposed to the John the Baptist figures all testified to and a stone fence. In fact, we drove enemies. Neither one or the other can gay movement before, and didn't under- him in no uncertain terms. Rabbi Wal- right past it while looking for it. resolve that. A mediator has to bring stand what was happening until later. dron was the last of the three repre- The following morning, the APs gath- Satan to the point where he voluntar- Omar really appreciates Father's posi- sentatives of the Abramic faiths as the ered at East Garden for 5:00 am HDH. ily surrenders to God. That person has tons on communism, marriage and "elder brother". He went on a little Dr. Yang read for about an hour about to work with all of Satan's minions - family issues. The senator said that beyond his allotted time, but he really SW and Resurrection. Omar felt right Hitler, Stalin etc - and bring them to when we were demonstrating during warmed the hearts of the audience. at home, because our members were submission. Then, Satan will have no the Nixon era, she read about it and Several times when he mentioned "Rev. seated on the floor, divided between where to go. It's astonishing that any- wanted to join at that time. But did- Moon" he said - "may he live to be 120 men and women. It was just a mosque, one could even conceive of bringing n't know how. - say amen". When Father spoke, he (except the men and women were side Satan to voluntarily submit to God and We attended the pre-event AP con- was full of power and energy, what a by side instead of the women in the grasp what that would entail. Yet, ference at the New Yorker. That con- contrast to the departed leader of the back - my comment, not his) There Father did it. sisted of presentations about the Ambas- Catholic Church and the ailing Billy were tables and chairs set along the Anyway, I feel cleaned up and renewed. sador of Peace movement. Frank Kauf- Graham, who was making his last side for VIPs. Jim and I sat there with Ready for the next leg of the journey man made one of the presentations. appearance in NY at the same time. our guests. Father commented on the up the mountain.O Alan Inman did a good job pulling that Lonnie McCloud made reference to dur- content of HDH, and invited Hyung Jin

laid the foundation for complete recon- profess the coming of a New Kingdom, Peace are uniting in Principle and Heart BIRTHDAY ciliation between Christians, Muslims one that is not political, but one that is to realize that Now is God's Time. The from page 13 and Jews and Palestinians and Israelis. based on the Culture of the Heart. Kingdom is coming like a rushing mighty On February 4th this was brought to wind. We are now assembling the great God. It matters who has been chosen The Peace Kingdom. America and Jesus received his crown American business leaders and Philan- by God. (Rabbis have shared with me on the world level. This was then the They are becoming Ambassadors for thropists and the Civic and Communi- in Israel that John the Baptist was not basis for the establishment of True Par- Peace representing God himself. Not ty leaders throughout this nation so that known or important in Rabbinical cir- ents as the King and Queen of Peace. through emotion, but through logic, prin- they might understand the power of this cles at that time, and wasn't it David The ten thousand Ambassadors for ciple and then practical experience lead- hour. who was laughed at when Samuel came Peace that came from each continent of ing to Heart - as they witness that power We sincerely thank God and all the to Jesse's house to anoint the future the world to the Holyland ( members of of the Peace Kingdom in bringing recon- saints of heaven and especially the Amer- King? 1 Samuel 16:7 - "But the LORD parliament, professors, Non governmen- ciliation in the worlds central vortex of ican patriots from the past and the pres- said unto Samuel, Look not on his coun- tal organization leaders, youth, women the tensions between the Abrahamic fam- ent who currently stand to made the tenance, or on the height of his stature… and religious leaders) could be trans- ily. The Ambassadors for Peace are now supreme sacrifice to "secure" America so for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; formed through a "supra-religious" expe- bringing their nations in alignment with that this great nation could secure with for man looketh on the outward appear- rience - that is an experience with God the Culture of Heart and the Peace King- love and by peaceful means the "Peace ance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." and his Scriptural principles in action, dom. One in which war will no longer Kingdom". A Kingdom for all faiths and ). while going beyond the boundaries and be used in an attempt to resolve the con- all peoples. These representatives who have the walls of denominations and religions. flicts between peoples but rather a King- "Respected Leaders of the United States, "heart" that God is seeking make the Therefore they experienced the "Culture dom in which we will sacrifice and live we are now entering a glorious age. The "conditions" that determine the destiny Of Heart". for the sake of others in such a way that Kingdom of Heaven on earth, God's ideal of nations and peoples. That's why God This "Culture of Heart" experience is even our worst enemy can become our of creation, is being established before could rejoice on July 4th as his Indepen- bringing an incredible transformation best friend. your eyes. This is the Peace Kingdom... dence Day because the "representatives" both in heaven and on earth. The "Cul- America is in the prime and central I have come as the True Parent of that God identified, successfully grafted ture of Heart" is based on the love that role. The Clergy and Ambassadors for humankind, with God's anointing, and into the True Olive Tree. The rejoicing develops in our blessed families and when Peace who joined the Four City Tour and I am determined to keep my promise to expanded as they passed the judgment such True love is extended to all so that stood with True Parents did so with a Him to create a united world of peace… of the "Clouds of Witnesses" and then we all become "one family under one profound resolve in their hearts for the As the power of Heaven sweeps down became the vanguard of God's dispen- God.". I have witnessed hardened jour- Kingdom that is multiplying exponen- upon the earth…. Heaven is summon- sation to reconcile the first and second nalists as well as tough, old and stub- tially. The warm heart and welcome in ing brave generals who will turn this Israel. The forth Israel formed and on born professors who were agnostic at the Four City Tour from America and the world of evil upside down and establish that basis the Abel UN was created to best (generous description) become out- expansion of the foundation of substance a new heaven and a new earth." "God's lead the way to the Peace Kingdom. As spoken "preachers" for the importance by the clergy and Ambassadors for Peace Peace Kingdom is the Eternal Homeland representatives of the forth Israel and of the spiritual dimensions required for lifts America up to another level of spir- for all Blessed Families" June 25 - 28, the Abel UN we marched with the faiths Peace in addition to the pragmatic and itual power to fulfill her destiny. Now New York, Washington D.C., Chicago, of Jerusalem and secured the founda- secular dimensions. I have seen these America is ready to stand as the nation Los Angeles Rev. Moon . (Delivered dur- tion upon which Jesus was crowned as hardened individuals take the stage and "chosen" to lead the nations of the world ing the Now is God's Time !!! - North the King of Israel on December 22, 2003. in both the written and spoken word into the Peace Kingdom. American Four City Peace Tour) O This removed the curses of history and Now the Clergy and Ambassadors for July 2005 Unification News 15 With Parents in Kodiak

by Rev. Bruce Sutchar we were touching down at Anchorage forgetting about International Airport. Then early the lunch and dinner fter a whirlwind 10 days of next morning we hopped aboard a lit- until it was well past campaigning, True Parents tle puddle jumper to go from the main- time to go to sleep. came to Chicago, on July land to Kodiak Island. He talked about the 9,spoke before a sold- out True Parents were there awaiting our eternal importance International Ballroom at arrival. They had called a group of 72 of the blessing and theA Chicago Hilton and Towers, shared representatives from all over the world- how we must offer their hearts for 2 ? hours during morn- two from each of the four cities they had everything to God. ing Hoon Dok Hae and flew off into the spoken in; continental leaders from every In the next 7 days, next day's sunset toward Los Angeles. continent; many of the 45 that had trav- he would go from Four cities in four days--only our True eled with True Par- topic to topic, just Parents could have ents to the four cities; sharing in the most pulled that off so suc- and many of our intimate of ways, so cessfully, just as they worldwide leaders. many personal keeps the hook that she used to catch had so many times What was to transpire aspects and lessons from his life. a 613-pound tuna off the coast of Glouces- before. As we returned over the next seven The next morning was July 1st, for ter during Ocean Challenge 1984. But home, I remarked to my days was to be one of many of us, the 23rd wedding anniver- I was determined to do my best. Amaz- wife that the only way the deepest experi- sary of Madison Square Garden. Father ingly, I caught the very first fish of the to maintain that level ences of our lives. shared the meaning of this historical tournament-a good-sized silver salmon. of intensity was to keep True Parents greet- day and gave deep internal guidance But of course, the first fish is an offer- traveling with our True ed us at 8 pm. We filled about how to come face to face with God. ing, so we would have to go on from Parents. Well, no soon- the small living room He then went on to share some equal- here. er had I uttered those and prepared for ly deep internal and external guidance Over the next three days, I caught very words than a call evening Hoon Dok on how to be a successful fisherman. about eight rockfish --a funny looking, came from Bishop Kim Hae. Father began by After four hours, he concluded and pretty good eating, strong fighting fish, asking us to join our stating that individu- we cut the celebration cake, with just which, of course had no value in the True Parents in Alaska alism never works-- enough time to eat breakfast, put on tournament. We fished every day from for a seven-day fishing we must work togeth- our yellow rain-suits and shuttle down about 10am until 4pm. Then we head- tournament. Two hours er as one family. He to the docks and prepare to stalk the ed home, showered, ate dinner and pre- later, I was on my way then proceeded-real- tournament prizes. pared to meet with Father every evening. to the airport, literally making my reser- ly for about 6-8 hours a day for the next There would be three categories: king With the exception of the July 1st vations on my cell phone as my wife did seven days, to share both about his life salmon, silver salmon and the mighty and July 4th holidays, Father shared the driving. No problem. I was able to and the lessons that he has learned in halibut. deeply into the night. On those two occa- jump into the last remaining seat on the the past 85 years. On a personal note, my wife is the sions, Father would ask each and every plane; just as the clock struck midnight, He shared about teaching from 8am, true fisherman in our family. She still see KODIAK on page 18

secured many guests for the conference. so humble and enjoyed True Father's many ministers. One alderman from the CHICAGO The ballroom was overflowing, to pro- speech. Being a spiritual woman dedi- city was there as well, a prominent and from page 8 duce the largest event on the tour in cated to the work of God, she was total- influential civic leader, long-time elect- terms of numbers of guests. ly in tune with Father's spirit and mes- ed official, and also a minister of a major with no walls and no barriers. Father spoke passionately from his sage. She smiled many times during the church. We were amazed to see the pas- The video presentation was shown, heart. Father could feel the support of speech. Father spoke in English and tors coming in the door at 5:00 a.m. The which always stirs everyone's hearts to the clergy. Coming off the inspiration of Korean, and the feeling of oneness was ACLC national executive committee got realize that True Parents' work in Amer- New York and Washington, Father was so strong. Sister Claudette called us later a full dose of who Father really is. He ica goes back 34 years. It includes scenes lifted in a special way because he could and expressed how much she felt at home had poured out his heart for 2.5 hours from 20 years ago of Sen. Hatch's testi- feel and touch the fact that Ambassadors and uplifted by Father Moon's word, min- the night before in DC, for 3 hours in mony that America made a big mistake for Peace, scholars, religious leaders and istry and message. She also brought a Chicago, and then that morning he spoke and violated the constitutional rights of others are finally coming to understand feeling of love for True Parents and Bish- for 3 hours, testifying that there is no Rev. Moon by pursuing a case that had the mission and the ministry of Rev. Sun op Kim and our family movement. other way but to understand how essen- no merit. Also shown are the meetings Myung Moon. Father began to pour out Flowers were presented by Paky and tial it is to build the Kingdom of Heaven of Father Moon with Kim Il-sung of North his heart about how serious this time is. Mi-ae Fontaine. Pastor and Mrs. Bar- in pairs. Mind and body must be unit- Korea, and with President Gorbachev, We have to understand that there is no rett offered special gifts to True Parents, ed; the pair of man and woman must be scenes giving witness that even though other way but to follow God's way, and a heartistic gesture of gratitude that the united. There is no other way. Our hearts the communist rulers had tried to destroy God's way is inclusive - including Islam, Barretts' marriage was healed based on must be united as one. Therefore, God Rev. Moon because of his rejection of Christianity, Judaism. God's way is based True Parents? guidance and prayer dur- has brought us forward at this time to communism, he still overcame through on our overcoming and perfecting our- ing the time of the 50-state tour. really be bound together in heart. It was true love. The scenes from the trips to selves by unifying our mind and body. This moment in history concluded difficult for Won Ju to read hoon dok hae Middle East by leaders worldwide show Father's written speech begins with with an incredible send-off from Chica- as she was frequently interrupted. For that True Parents? efforts for peace have his prayer from 1958, and in that prayer go. All the clergy were there: Bishop example, one pastor kept yelling out, "I never subsided. Father determines that he will ask God's Ernest Hamilton, Rev. Hampton, thou- love you, True Father, I love you, True Because of Pastor T.L. Barrett's long- support and he pledges to God that he sands more. I was especially moved Father." standing support for True Father, his aid will create a new world and perfect him- because I felt as though really we had True Parents left Chicago with a feel- in helping to begin the ACLC, and also self and bring forth a new age for human- been welcomed by the family that I grew ing of incredible hope that every time the support of his Life Center Church, ity. What's so amazing is that Father's with during 20 years of working in Chica- they tour America the movement is grow- he was called upon to introduce Father words from 1958 have no less meaning go. It was a beautiful to see them wel- ing, which can be seen especially because Moon directly and welcome him on the today. As they are being read, no one come the 12 Koreans, 12 Japanese, the Father raised the numbers required for stage. The ACLC national executive com- can distinguish his words from 40 years 18 representatives from six continents, attendance at each event. Press confer- mittee of 15 pastors who traveled from ago from today, because they are words and the national executive committee ences were held in every city. Articles city to city with Father Moon came for- of truth. Just as Isaiah is as relevant who were traveling with Father Moon. were written by AP, UPI, the Chicago Tri- ward to make a welcoming processional today as he was 3,000 years ago, so also When the evening concluded with Rev. bune, and we had much radio coverage. line to attend Father?s entrance to the is the teaching of Father Moon. It will Gilliam's choir, everyone was signing and Word is going out that Father Moon is stage. Pastor Barrett testified many great be relevant forever because it's not based dancing. I can't forget the scene of Mrs. totally determined to create America as preachers have come out of Chicago, but on a reaction to the false history emerg- Lan Young Moon, president of WFWP God's unified nation of all races and peo- it was Father Moon that touched Chica- ing from the fall of man, but is actually International, dancing with such happi- ples, to end the destruction of families go in such a way that began the unity of establishing God's true direction to rebuild ness, and remembering how much our and to build through America a new world the body of Christ. Pastor Barrett said, the family, restore the community, renew Korean family suffered in the 1950s to of peace. 'I believe with all my heart and soul that the nation and the world, to bring forth bring forward this movement at this time. We're very grateful for the Chicago Father and Mother Moon are the True absolute faith, love, obedience, and to America is secure because Ambassadors family being what it is, the vanguard of Parents of humankind.' make true families based on true love, for Peace and clergy are stepping forward the movement and the body of Christ. Pastor Barrett's Life Center Church true life, true lineage. to say yes to True Parents. All the members and families of Chica- brought over 120 people. The Nation of Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad, The next morning at hoon dok hae it go and the surrounding regions did a Islam had a large contingent of members representing Minister Farrakhan, sat was stunning to see almost 1,000 gath- wonderful job. O who have become like family. Over 100 with my wife in the front row. She was er from the Chicago bloc, including so churches from around Chicago directly 16 Unification News July 2005 UTS 2nd Generation Blessing Workshop

by Jennifer Barry than once through the advice session. 2. Have participants understand the attempting to take notes as to what Essentially the goals of the workshop value of the Blessing exactly my job was. I realized that I t was a hot and oppressive evening were broken down into three parts, no 3. Give participants the chance to wouldn’t even be able to glance down as we began the Blessing Work- less massive however. confess sincerely to sneak a peak at the time for lunch shop, June 10th – June 12th, at 1. Allow participants to find their These objectives were printed neat- without being reminded of what our UTS. A heavy heat hung about the identity as 2nd Generation ly across my schedule, where I had been see UTS on page 19 air that was about as daunt- Iing as the issues we were set to tackle during the course of the weekend. As the banner at the front of the lecture hall stated, the theme of the workshop was “Finding My True Self.” I found myself glancing at it more than once as staff members briefly tried to coach me on how to go about emceeing the opening evening. “How in the world are we going to accomplish that?” I found myself wondering more Pasadena: 2nd Gen. Blessing Workshop by Tomiyuki Kuramoto did MC/staff in the 2nd genera- tion blessing preparation work- shop that took place from June 17th to 19th at the Pasadena house. I didn’t feel I was ready to take Isuch an important role and I seriously didn’t have time to prepare because I was stressed with studying for finals, getting ready to move out of the apart- ment, and preparing the paperwork and other logistics so that I can move to Michigan for work, and the hardest of all, my wife had gone to New York in the middle of this confusion. I strong- ly felt that the workshop was able to start off because of the enthusiasm and solid support of the participants and their parents who came to give all the support they can provide. The workshop officially started on a brief and simple dinner together with June, 17th after participants enjoyed staff. Once the dinner was finished, the workshop orientation started. Uncle Keith McCarthy, father of Shawn McCarthy and four brothers and a sister, gave the welcome note to start, and introduced the staff. Rev. Inguk Seo, the director of 2nd Generation Blessing Department, gave the intro- duction, and gave us a short testimo- ny and guidance for the blessing. The main lecturer for the workshop, Rev. Phillip Schanker wasn’t to arrive in time to speak at the kick off orienta- tion. However, as soon as he arrived, he shared all the time he could afford with staff and gave us encouragement, guidance, and warm smile. Honest- ly, I was feeling overwhelmed before, during and after the orientation because see PASADENA on page 18 July 2005 Unification News 17 CONNECTING TO OUR WORLD'S GREAT RELIGIONS Hyung Jin Nim's Pilgrimage to Italy

by Dr. A. Guerra Hyung Jin nim also led the way in serving the sisters at the convent, fter touching down at initiating on the first day there a the Rome airport, Hyung cleaning campaign of its grounds as Jin Nim was met by well as of the immediate environs. Mrs. Song, wife of the This and the genuine appreciation European continental by Hyung Jin nim and the four other director,A and Giuseppe Cali, pres- brothers impressed deeply the sis- ident of the Italian FFWPU. The ters. At the end of his stay, Hyung leaders reported the current situ- Jin Nim gave a present of a video to ation in Italy, and Hyung Jin Nim the sisters that showed their daily shared his advice on how best to devotion and life as well as the beau- develop a positive relationship with ty of the buildings and grounds. the Catholic Church. Right after dictine convent where cloistered Catholic Hyung Jin Nim instructed that this this meeting, Hyung Jin Nim traveled nuns pay their devotion. At the con- video have no footage of himself or the south more than 400kms to a Bene- vent, Hyung Jin Nim carried on his other members of his entourage (unlike daily routine of spir- the video on this website) as its pur- itual practice, begin- pose was to show the value of their ning at 2:30am. Arch- good religious life and be a selfless offer- bishop Stallings, Dr. ing from our group. Anthony J. Guerra, On the last evening of this pilgrim- Rev Doo and Andreas age, Hyung Jin Nim stayed at the Ital- from the Italian move- ian FFWPU headquarters and the next ment, who were morning led Hoon Dok Hae, including accompanying him, a reading of Aboinm's recent 4-city also joined in the spir- America tour speech and shared with itual exercises. the members about the purpose of his Hyung Jin Nnim journey to Italy as well as other planned shared with his group pilgrimages to Greek Orthodox, Hindu, about the precious- Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Protes- ness of the Divine tant sites. Breath, Walking with Hyung Jin Nim also spent about one God meditation prac- hour answering questions from eager tice, and other mind- Italian Family members.O body unity practices. New Eden Center Witnessing in NYC by Rev. Chen Lawrence Fong ll glory and praise be given to Heavenly Father and the Par- ents of Heaven and Earth, Heung-Jin Nim andA Dae-Mo Nim, and the saints of the spiritual world. With grat- itude to Rev. In Hoi Lee who took the New Eden Center initiative. Without their leadership and sup- port how can the New Eden Cen- ter exist and thrive? This July, from Monday through Thursday, weekly in the 'Big Apple' a team of determined brothers and sisters routinely do cosmic battle in Gotham's belly (midtown Manhattan). They meet the pub- lic one by one, as True Father once did, creating a heartistic I can proudly say that the New Eden Region FFWPU, Rev. In Hoi Lee. The Fong are the directors. Since last year, foothold victory for Cheon Il Guk. Our Center for Learning and Healing is the witnessing force is comprised of Mobile 10 new members joined. During the location is called New Eden Center at hottest place in town, at least from Education Team(primarily) Spanish):21, last 21-day witnessing condition of NY 43rd Street, the old national headquar- God's viewpoint. It is the witnessing Ambassadors for Peace missionaries:2- region, Kodan sisters of the region joined ters building. The big dragon is begin- and education effort of full time and 4 and members of the local church. in the effort. ning to have problems of indigestion. part time members sponsored by NY Mrs. Ayako Heller and I, Rev. Chen In the movie, 'Field of Dreams' that see EDEN on page 19 18 Unification News July 2005

bered how my kindergarten classmates and respect. I know quite few people group. PASADENA looked like. It was somehow extraordi- both outside and inside the church who We received a few lectures in the morn- from page 16 nary because everything I wanted to were raised in the broken family envi- ing and had each group prepare and per- remember just popped up in my mind ronment. form a short skit about the blessing after so much responsibilities were given to with details so clearly. I wasn’t sure why The relationships with the parents Tadakimi Takashima, the youth minis- me. I was expected to manage the work- this was happening to me in the middle are unique for everyone, but during the ter in Los Angeles area, and I shared our shop in terms of its atmosphere, sched- of the night which continued till the next group discussion after the lectures we blessing testimonies. I decided to share ule and logistics, and I felt this role morning. It didn’t quite figure out the started to identify how the experience my experience with my father before and required far more than my whole heart, reason until I heard lectures by Rev. with the father is very similar among us. after I received the blessing as a main brain and humor, than I can offer. How- Schanker later that day. I was a group leader for the group of point, and I don’t remember what else I ever, I started feeling lighter spiritually His lecture for the first day was about brothers who are not participating with shared that night because I was over- and felt a lot more focus and clear after the Blessing with emphasis on the prin- their spouses or are not blessed yet. whelmed with giving the testimony. the meeting with Rev. Schanker. I did- ciple of creation, the three blessings and Most of us shared the feeling of resem- The last day of the workshop includ- n’t really know him before because I had the four realms of heart. When I heard bling their father in the way we didn’t ed another lecture by Rev. Schanker. only seen him few times from a distance about the four realms of heart, some- want to resemble. I was struggling exact- He was originally asked to speak to the and never spoke with him in person. thing hit me inside. I realized how close- ly with this issue and had numerous parents about the blessing during the The meeting was somewhat main Sunday Ser- brief but it made us realize how vice at the church, important this workshop is for but he declined the the future of our 2nd gen. broth- request so that he ers and sisters!! Rev. Schanker can stay with the proposed to have another meet- workshop partic- ing with all the group leaders ipants as much as and staff members to unite the he can. He con- workshop atmosphere and the veyed the value of spirit. After the meeting was blessing and was over, I was thinking about the very intense and blessing testimony that I was emotional. I will told to give later in the work- not get into details, shop. I have given testimonies but he shared several times in the past, but about one broth- none of them really had clear er who fell. The or substantial points that I could Blessing is the convey. I haven’t really faced major milestone in big challenges in terms of the our life that deter- blessing and the marriage. From mines the future my perspective, the relationship so overwhelming- with my wife, Mitsy Anceney, is ly. working out relatively well and steady ly the experiences of the childhood impact arguments when I used to live with my After the lecture, each participant with just a few slight ups and downs, the way you relate with your spouse and parents in Miami, Florida. I once thought wrote a confession. After that, the work- however, I am sure that my wife feels even friends and neighbors. I am fortu- this was unique to my family, so it came shop concluded with the participant’s differently even when we experience the nate that I experienced a multi-dimen- as a surprise when we started discussing testimony, prayer and Oku Man Sei. As same thing. sion of love since I have both brother about our parents and the struggles we a staff, I regret that I couldn’t organize Usually I have hard time sleeping and sisters, and because I grew up with faced. My father and I had argued a lot the workshop as well as I thought it when I staff for the workshop and this a bunch of people of different national- in the past but, after I moved to LA and should be. Also, comparing with the time was no exception. I didn’t sleep ities including Japanese, Korean, Amer- started family, things were getting bet- blessing preparation workshop I attend- throughout the night thinking about my ican, French, and Chinese as far as I ter. We were able to share more deep ed in Japan, there are few more things blessing testimony. I was blessed in can recall. My parents weren’t there contents without forcing each other’s I wish I was able to deliver during the July of 2003 and have started family with me all the time, instead, Japanese opinions. The relationship is still under workshop. I just hope that this kind of since September of the same year. It sisters took care of me and other kids major reconstruction, but it certainly workshop can grow fast enough to facil- seemed I had so much to share, but at together. I started feeling the deep appre- improved after I had spent time with my itate the understanding of the blessing the same time, none of them were intense ciation to my parents, brother and sis- wife’s father. My wife also supported me and to cover the needs of future bless- enough to be the testimony. Instead of ters, and everybody else who I came to greatly to improve the relationship with ing participants. I am really grateful trying to recall the blessing experience, know at some point of my life. It is very my father, and I can’t appreciate enough that I was able to join and participate in I started remembering the past includ- unfortunate that not everybody can grow about this. During the discussion, I this workshop and I hope that I can be ing my early childhood. It was very up in the family that is filled with love shared about this experience with the involved in the next one. O detailed and thorough; I even remem-

a 45" king salmon and was in third place succeed. ered champion catches back home in KODIAK in the silver salmon category. Meanwhile On Day 4, I hooked my first king the lakes of our native hometowns. from page 15 two of the Japanese sisters had hauled salmon; 37.5" long and I was on the Not to make light of our fishing prowess, in huge halibuts (a flat, strong fish usu- board--fifth place, with three days to go. many of the real lessons that we learned member to offer a song-to some of us a ally feeding at the bottom of the 100' foot However, each day more and more kings were not from sitting in the boat in the challenge much greater than catching deep ocean bay). were caught; although my joy remained middle of the ocean but rather were from fish. Every morning and every evening the same, my place in >the tournament sitting on the floor in the middle of the Father would share with us many of Father continued to pour out his heart slipped slightly out of contention. room with our True Parents. his visions for the future-the Bering and soul to us, talking about eating right, One Korean leader shared with me True Parents continued to give--and Straits project, the helicopter project, exercising, sitting up straight and walk- the importance of catching these king to give and to give. On the sixth night, cars with jet engines, a 7-lane highway ing straight. He demonstrated how to salmon. He noted that in some previous Father asked to make sure that there going around the entire perimeter of the exercise, even when sitting on the floor, tournaments, very few, if any, kings had would be Hoon Dok Hae the next morn- world, fish farming and his desire to how to massage the right side of the body been caught. But here and now, after ing, before he left for Korea. He was look- solve each and every major problem in with the left hand and vice versa. He the success of the four-city tour, we were ing at the world, looking at the future the world. His hope is always to align shared about his prison experiences and hauling in an abundant number of these and doing his best to help us to assure the entire universe into balance. asked Mr. Kamiyama to share about his warriors. that it would be a peaceful future. We My reflection is that True Father is experience in Danbury. He also asked The intensity of the days was immersed had no newspapers; we had no idea what someone who has studied every aspect Mr. Kamiyama to recite parts of the Divine in the love and the presence of our True was happening in the London subway. of life: the actions of a deer, the move- Principle by heart--which he was able Parents. We celebrated July 4th-Inde- But Father was trying to do everything ments of a fish and the deepest desire to do. pendence Day. We drank in more and and anything possible to ensure that for the unity of the mind and body and Then Father began to share about the more of Father's guidance and love, and world peace would become a reality. He the heart and soul of every human being significance of the Bering Straits bridge we fished and fished. And we got better has a timetable until 2012. But most of as the son or daughter of God. Father project (note the end of Father's 4 city and better. On Day 7, Franklin Fortune, all, he is doing everything possible to warned us to "not look back" as Lot's speech where he talks about how Satan a Guinean brother from London, caught guide each and every one of us to devel- wife did. He also tried to inspire us to separated the East and the West through six king salmon, standing barely two feet op our spiritual lives to insure that we understand that, as true sons and daugh- the Bering Sea). And Father set a three- away from me. will be able to have the deepest experi- ters of our True Parents, there was no day condition. Eight people, led by True I hauled in one beautiful 35" King and ence and relationship with God that is longer anything that we could not accom- Parents on Day #1 would make the three- later would wrestle in a beautiful 47" 50 humanly possible. plish and achieve if we only set our mind hour flight to the Bering Sea, spend one lb. Halibut from 100 feet below. Thank you, True Parents!O and our heart to it. hour praying and spiritually claiming Yes, in seven days, many of us had As the tournament progressed, Rev. the land, and return home the same day. become real fisherman. We were releas- Sun Jo Hwang took over first place with All this as a condition for the project to ing fish that would have been consid- July 2005 Unification News 19

poor image. But after viewing our intro- ment to 4-hours periods 21-days made We're all in the same boat, aren't we?. EDEN ductory video, 'In Search of An Ideal' our place humming with activity. The Our Regional Director, Rev. In Hoi from page 17 at the NEC, many were quite impressed cooperation between elder and younger Lee was on fire to get this witnessing with our efforts for peace, family and first generation built up the witness- on a fever pitch this summer. It took wonderful phrase, 'If you build it, he unification. Even more impressive, ing confidence of the young members. over a year of investment to build up will come.' kept repeating in my mind. some viewers think True Father is cool. Now there are signs of hope at 43rd to this point. The spirit world was no It was the sign of what was to become. They respect True Father's legacy, for Street for a pregnant growth of our less as poised and ready for the kill. Thanks for fundraising effort of the full his suffering life and leadership course membership this year. We at NEC have learned to make a con- time MET members and the generous under so much persecution. If they Do you remember how daunting it certed effort dealing with full time and contributions of certain individuals went through some counseling head- was to dive off the diving board for the part time realities of members. The NEC is operating in newly renovated ed by Mrs. Ayako Heller and John Arias, first time? CARP 2nd generation had guests are signing up for seminars and ground floor rooms of 43rd, where it with help of the ancestors would the their leadership workshop at 43rd dur- joining. It's making a difference to every- occupies a store-front space. This past impressed ones commit themselves to ing the same period. They were getting one's lives. January, NEC formally opened its new study DP. Many visitors say they feel their feet wet about the witnessing spir- In keeping with the spirit of our age facility establishing a public visibility good coming to NEC and they keep it. In the beginning many them stared through our literature and graphic dis- unprecedented in our move- plays, NEC is declaring True Par- ment's history in America. ents as the Second Coming and Because of this new store front the spiritual leaders are family 'Welcome Room' visitors feel True Family Life in the spiritual world because at ease meeting with us. Con- Divine Principle and True Par- fucius said that a picture is July 2005 ents brought them together. It's worth ten thousand words. A an up front huge television monitor proj- approach. Others can say, 'I'm ects images of our movement gay and I'm proud.' We can say out to the busy pedestrians. 'God is proud of us because we NEC also has a little cinema are proud of our True Parents!' type theater where first time Amen? visitors view a short introduc- As for results of this 21-day tion of our movement. It pro- condition, 142 'Guests' were vides an strong impact to the those who have visited the NEC introduction of who we are. for the first time. A high percent- It still exists as decades age of these Guests went on to ago, Satan's children make sign up and pay for introducto- the pilgrimage to the hot ry study. Therefore, 33 of them Roman capital of the fallen became 'Friends' of NEC. A high- world. But can you believe it? er percentage of Friends signed Thirty-nine million people vis- up and paid for further study ited NYC last year. Many des- becoming 'Students', 15 of them. perate souls are pondering It was amazing. During some life's purpose as they gaze witnessing days all the possible into their laptops sipping Star- rooms were used for lecturing bucks, sunning on the Bryant DP. NEC had 20 guests for a 1- Park lawn, lusting after women day seminar being taught in or men, whatever, or sitting Spanish, English and Russian. on the library steps waiting NEC also supported a Chinese for lightning to strike. But language seminar. NEC had 12 God's fateful hand do strike attending 2-day seminar anoth- the lucky ones. They stum- er weekend. Half of those will ble across our sidewalk book continue for serious study 7-day table suddenly facing a ban- and 21-day. Unprecedented is ner with portraits of Jesus, the high retention of those con- Confucius, Buddha and tinuing to be involved. We, the Mohammed and a blow-up team of NEC is optimistic in spir- display of a message by Jesus, itual parenting many more newly dated 2001. Guess what the born spiritual children in NYC. spiritual leaders want them The witnessing field of the belly to know? But can the man returning for more of something they at the shark-infested waters but even- of the dragon is quite heavenly! on the street see the handwriting on can't put their finger on. tually they took the plunge, started to Yet we as previous times of front line the wall? His destination is Times We completed a 21-day witnessing bite back at the sharks and caught work can appreciate more support of Square, Rockefeller Center, to work or condition. During this period what some nice fish. They began to break- funds and manpower to enhance the fun. But he couldn't hide the fact for impressed me was the mid-aged Kodan through and started to relate to the effectiveness of this great salvation long. They will admit this to us. There Japanese wives working together with NEC education activity. Several con- work of God. We still need the most are many destinations but they are the MET younger brothers and sisters tacts of the second generation will con- basic of education materials, literature clueless about one's true destiny home- confidently inviting an unprecedented tinue to study DP. I was impressed by and updating of equipment. ward. number of guests to come into NEC's the second generation trying to street If True Father had not asked how Happily for us, nowadays, there is Welcome Room. Also, there were local witness working together with the first our membership growth was doing in just a trace of that satanic lie infect- members helping in the effort, espe- generation in educating their contacts. NY Region last year we would not have ing their oh-so-smart NY Times-washed cially those families who made special For me to witness the older and younger made a concerted effort. I believe we brains symptomatically revealed by the donation for this time period. Espe- first generation working together and are given a second chance to grow our 'I know you' facial disdain when they cially, these sisters who made a com- the first and second generation coop- membership in New York. My deepest were approached by a 'Moonie' mitment witnessing 21-days contributed erating together as well, can you pic- gratitude to Rev. In Hoi Lee, the staff devotee. Time changed. Little do the a spirit of motherly-elder sister love ture this? The Unification movement and MET members of NEC, church younger generation know of Sun Myung helping to increase the number and is truly practicing its own philosophy supporters of the region. O Moon and the Unification movement's quality of participants. Their commit- of unification! Sometimes we forget.

where in the very near future, others of us assembled through the course of deep guidance, if we chose to take it UTS were curious about what the workshop the lectures, laying the tools we need- in. In the end it was clear to me that from page 16 had to offer, while others were only ed for a successful Blessing at our feet. my role mattered very little in accom- there at the request of their parents In Most importantly he said, more than plishment of those greater goals. In purpose was . It was like a clear bea- all it felt like a very broad audience to once, that the Blessing is not about reality it is one’s personal domain to con saying that, more than emcee; my try to instill such objectives into in having the right person, but being the share with God. It’s our own thoughts, job was to help the staff accomplish such a limited amount of time. right person. Question was did we have choices, and actions that determine these goals. But how? George Bernard Shaw famously said the courage to take up these tools and whether or not our lives produce peo- Workshop though it was, this gath- “Life is not about finding yourself. Life implement them into our lives? ple who are secure in their own true ering was, by and large, obligatory for is about creating yourself.” Through Two days is hardly sufficient to pre- selves. More than anything this work- a majority of participants. It was an the course of the few days we were in pare one for the Blessing, much less shop was a start down the road to just assembly of the pious, the naïve, the Barrytown I realized how much truth guide someone to find or create their that, a beginning point to find the true prodigal, and everything in-between. there is in that statement. Rev Schanker “True Self”. However there was a pow- essence of who we are.O Some had plans for the Blessing some- poured his heart and spirit out to those erful message given to us there, as well 20 Unification News July 2005 ONE HEART CAMP • CALIFORNIA 2005 A Heaven of a Good Time

by Kevin Thompson amp Seeley in the San Bernardino Mountains once again hosted our middle school and high school camps for the Cwest block from July 3-16th. This year the camps were proceeded by a wonderful leadership semi- nar for college age and older high school age kids to prepare them for their responsibilities in the upcoming workshops. This was particularly powerful as the staff then felt much more prepared and united. I am sure that this is why such a wonderful atmosphere was created which lasted throughout. This year we made a deter- mined effort to allow, promote and support our 2nd Generation to take more responsibility. Kenrit- su Yamamoto, Youth Minister of bay Area Family Church was appointed as camp director. His assistants were Tadakimi (Youth Minister for LA Family Church) and Mitsy. Together they did a phenomenal job of creating a camp that was spiritually nourishing and uplifting for all. We had par- ticipants from Korea, Italy, Norway, ward and assume greater roles than camp ever. sure where I should contribute. It would New York, Tennessee and all western ever before. The harmonization was Also this year we had for the first have been a lot easier personally to just states of America. The 1st Generation wonderful and I could clearly see that time all 2nd generation lecturers. I have give the lectures myself. However I real- youth ministry teams of Northern and this made the internal condition for given the lectures for the last 12 years. ly want the Divine Principle to not be Southern California provided many protection and safety of all who came. At the end of camp 2004 I announced in the realm of the 1st generation only. months of planning and support for This year we had fewer difficulties to that I would not be giving the lectures The lectures quite frankly were a mixed our 2nd generation leaders to step for- deal with than in many a year and most in 05 and that the 2nd generation would bag. Some were wonderful and some people agreed that we had the best be taking over. I assigned one lecture were challenging. However each of those to each person who who gave a lecture grew a lot and had was to be a lecturer to think long and hard about what and gave him or her Divine Principle really says. Also the one-year to prepare. younger brothers and sisters could see I am sure many their elders teaching Principle and many thought that I was younger ones commented to me that not serious and they would like to give a lecture in the indeed in the weeks future. The best way to learn how to leading up to the lecture is to be put on the spot and give camps there was a a lecture. lot of scrambling tak- The atmosphere created in the ing place to get lec- camp was tremendous. The singing, tures ready. My rea- the dancing and the “Joy breaks” were son for doing this was a touch of heaven. After all our kids because each year are faced with the temptations of eth there is always an fallen love on offer in society and they assumption that I need a taste of “Heavens love” in these will give the lectures get-togethers which often has to sus- and honestly speak- tain some kids for a whole year. They ing I enjoy doing that. have many of their own songs that they In fact this year I felt sing but also many of the old favorites out of place and not see CA CAMP on page 21 July 2005 Unification News 21

by Mark Brann e have just received the Result of True Father's long awaited decision in True Father's Appeal hearing of March 14 last and I am happy to Immigration Appeal in London tellW you that it contains some very good news, even though it is not the out- the way for a negotiated settlement in chy of the court system and that to in the decision to exclude Father is thus right decision ordering that Father be ways which it may not be helpful to go have taken a decision in Father's favour made quietly obvious. allowed to enter Britain, that ideally into at this point, but which we will on this point would have meant sug- This decision opens up the real pos- we would have wanted. It is, though, definitely pursue. gesting that several decisions by courts sibility of some kind of a negotiated set- a huge step forward which opens up To understand where the judges are higher than itself were wrong. Such a tlement which would bring the litiga- the real possibility that True Father coming from and where their decision course would have taken real boldness. tion to an end. You will understand will soon be able to come. This needs leaves the whole matter, it is necessary It is for this reason that David Pannick, that it might not be helpful for me to some more detailed explanation as it to go back and remind ourselves of Father's advocate, has always warned go into any level of detail here which is not totally straightforward. So please what the key issues in the case were. us that it might only be in one of the could prejudice delicate negotiations. bear with me. You will probably recall from previous very highest courts (such as the next Additionally, I would ask everyone to The judges said they did not feel able explanations that there were two key level, the Court of Appeal) that this be both wise and discrete about dis- to order that Father should be allowed issues that needed to be resolved in point could finally be decided in our cussing the case so as not to risk prej- to come only because they did not have the case. favour. udicing the possibilities of a speedy the legal power to do so due to techni- The first issue was the purely tech- The second issue concerned the actu- resolution. cal limitations on the jurisdiction of nical one of whether the Human Rights al merits of the case and whether it had The key point is I think that we sus- the tribunal. However, they stated plain- guaranteed by the European Conven- been properly and fairly decided. On tain our focus, keep up our "cheong ly that had they had that power they tion that defines them applied to some- this point the judges decided decisive- sung" in whatever form we are guided would have exercised it in True Father's one in Father's situation - who was at ly and strongly in Father's favour, say- to do so by our leaders and renew our favour and would have ordered that he all material times outside of Britain. ing that both the government minister strong determination to bring ultimate be allowed to enter Britain. They also All kinds of technical and creative argu- responsible and the first judge had got victory through continuing to build a made clear that both the Home Secre- ments were considered that might have it badly wrong - preferring old, out of strong European foundation. Ultimate tary and the judge in the first appeal enabled the judges to find that in spite date anecdotal testimony from anti- victory is surely now in sight provided had made serious errors in the way of Father not being in Britain when the cultists to that of leading objective aca- we do not lose our focus. that they had looked at the case, to decision against him was made, the demics like Prof. Eileen Barker and Dr I want to offer my truly heartfelt such an extent that this was one of the Convention on Human Rights could Bryan WIlson, who were real experts, thanks to all of you who have con- very rare cases in which the judiciary still have applied. However, in the final well informed and up to date. They also tributed to our getting to this point would be justified in interfering in a analysis the tribunal did not feel able said that the first judge had shown far through your constant conditions and government minister's decision. Final- to find that there was jurisdiction to too much deference to the government unrelenting support on so many lev- ly, they pointed to a way in which the apply the Convention and therefore minister who had taken the original els, including your generous financial matter might be resolved in Father's Father could not claim its protection. decision. This is a very embarrassing contributions, so many of which came favour by initiating a separate legal This is a very complicated and difficult decision for the government in that it from countries other than Britain itself. case based on violation of the mem- legal point and the difficulties it pre- makes clear that the government is jus- As I have said before, it is really all bers' rights in preventing them access sented the court were real enough and tified in excluding Father only by a tech- of you who have made the foundation to their leader rather than, as previ- not born of any hostile attitude. Also, nicality and not by anything he (or we) for the progress and you who give hope ously, violation of Father's own rights. it needs to be born in mind that this are alleged to have done wrong. The of the ultimate victory that is surely Very likely their decision was crafted tribunal is relatively low in the hierar- prejudice and discrimination inherent now but a heartbeat away. O with the unstated intention of opening

erable talents to the kitchen crew. Nancy and Randy we all felt so much hope for our future. CA CAMP made such a team, supported by many others, that Our 2nd generation is God’s hope and they are from page 20 they produced some of the best food you could ever also the forefront of Satan’s attacks. Lets continue wish to eat. 5-star dining was had by all and the kids to do everything to support them and help them to that their parents all sang in workshops 30 years were happy campers. reach their potential for heaven. O ago. In High School one night we The 1st generation staff worked so hard behind all slept outside under the stars. the scenes with organization, nursing, art work, gen- Of course some kids were afraid eral affairs and perhaps especially kitchen duties. and thought they heard bears every- Feeding hundreds of hungry teenagers and keeping where and some were very excit- them satisfied always is a huge task. So many par- ed. However this experience helped ent volunteers were needed and deserving of great many to bond together. The shar- thanks. I wish I could put all of their names here but ing before going to sleep were par- let me point bout two representatives. Nancy Hewitt ticularly deep and poignant. Each was in charge of the kitchen and Nancy is a dedicat- workshop also had a final evening ed servant to willingly sacrifices for these camps year which concluded with a 21 minute after year as well as church activities year round. prayer. The testimonies which fol- She is really a Unification saint. This year Randy lowed were so deep and powerful McFarland stepped forward and added his consid- that many of the 1st generation listening were in tears of joy and 22 Unification News July 2005 Science vs. Religion TIME OUT by Richard L. Lewis tion of the electron]: if you were to meas- deity is experiment. For no matter how iments that they had to explain did not ure the distance from Los Angeles to elegant, mathematically-sound, politi- involve bullets and criminals but to the Perhaps all those folks shouting at New York to this accuracy, it would be cally-correct etc. a theory might be, if it scientists shooting electrons and atoms each other in the Great Debate between exact to the thickness of a human hair. contradicts experiment it is crumpled at detectors through slits, they might Religion and Science, Evolution and Intel- That’s how delicately quantum electro- and into the wastebasket. just as well have been. ligent Design, etc. should take a time out. dynamics has, in the last fifty years, Just to put things in perspective, I This is, in essence, is what was observed For the believers are attacking, and the been checked—both theoretically and would like to give a feel for the shock- in the slit experiments performed by the non-believers are defending, a scientific experimentally.” horror these poioneer scientists felt when pioneers. Can you feel how horribly per- worldview that are as outmoded as is The concepts and theories of quan- they saw the extraordinary experimen- plexed they were trying to digest such the Flat Earth concept. The debate is tum physics are so exquisitely success- tal results that insisted that all their a phenomenon. The experiment violat- pointless without an understanding of ful in dealing with such a wide range of preciously-won-since-Newton classical ed all expectations on the most funda- the radically-new science. phenomena—including the furnace of theories about reality had to be thrown mental of levels. This is an excerpt from my new book, the Big Bang, the graceful aging of our into the dustbin of history. Try yourself, using the physics you Do Proteins Teleport in an RNA World, sun, the nature of the elements, and the To do this I will tell a short story that picked up in high school, to come up that examines the emergent science of workings of DVDs—that they have no will scale things their experiments to with a reasonable explanation for noth- the coming age. serious contender. everyday size. ing acting like steel. Don’t spend a long The success of the new physics makes time at it, however, genius has tried and Weird Execution: he conceptual framework with it unlikely that its concepts will be com- endlessly failed. which physics started out, pletely replaced by future theoretical In the Big House, four executions are One thing was clear. There was, and and the one that is still in use developments. It is, of course, possible scheduled to take place by firing squad. is, no way to explain such a thing with in the biological sciences, is that they will suffer the same fate as the The squad, all armed with machine- the “commonsense” notions at the heart described by many adjectives: Newtonian concepts—and they were guns, is in one room, and a post to of Newtonian physics. Newtonian,T classical, nineteenth-cen- equally successful in their own day— restrain the prisoner is in another. The path of science history from these tury, old-fashioned, orthodox, conven- and turn out that they are artifacts of Between the two rooms are two very first puzzling slit experiments to some tional, etc. It can be epitomized for T- a much deeper and sophisticated real- large windows in the wall that can be sort of confident understanding spanned shirts as: “All is matter in motion respond- ity. covered with heavy steel shutters. almost a century. To say that scientists ing to forces.” Quantum physics also graciously On a whim, the warden decides to were “forced” into the quantum descrip- This conceptual framework was aban- explains why treating atoms as solid lit- use the shutters to test his classical tion is not hyperbole. doned—except tle balls—which they are not—and expectations. He was pretty certain as The transition from the old to the new as a useful, if things made of atoms as solids— to what would happen but was prepared stretched over many decades and, even gross approxi- which they are not—was a very to test his theories against experiment: in these enlightened times, there is still mation—with workable and use- The first exper- debate about ‘what it great reluctance ful approximation. iment had both all means.’ The quan- in last century Classical physics shutters closed. tum revolution was because it was does very well in This ‘control’ lived indeed a most reluc- found to be its domain and the up to expectations. tant revolution. utterly, and classical approx- The shutters over In case you had not totally, inade- imation is still use- the holes stopped noticed, the 20th cen- quate. The more ful. the bullets from tury was a time of tran- sophisticated The classical reaching the pris- sition in a great many replacement, concepts, so use- oner and his life walks of life, including the one physics ful for billiard balls, were totally was spared. science. For the clas- currently embraces, is also multi- impotent to describe the atomic phe- The second and third setups had sical model of the monikered: post-Newtonian, New Physics, nomena being explored by the pioneers just one hole shuttered—first with mechanical universe quantum mechanics, twentieth-centu- at the turn of the last century. Some- the left open, then with the right. became untenable and ry, modern, way-out, totally weird, etc. thing had to change, and change it did, This experiment also “lived” up to the- began to be modified by a patchwork of As Prof. P. W Atkins noted in Quan- slowly. oretical expectations: The prisoners were rules involving the energy quanta intro- ta, “In a sense, the difference between Each concept along the way had to each shredded by the hail of high-veloc- duced by Planck in 1900. classical and quantum mechanics can win acceptance against powerful oppo- ity bullets streaming through the void It was with great reluctance that sci- be seen to be due to the fact that clas- sition—oftentimes the previous gener- of the open window. entists faced up to the implications of sical mechanics took too superficial a ation of theorist because each concept It was the fourth setup that violated these changes: that their description of view of the world: it dealt with appear- was so counter-intuitive and bizarre. all expectations. With both windows objective reality was horribly inadequate. ances. However, quantum mechanics The new physics is, indeed, so radi- open, no bullets reached the prisoner. Finding the truth. However, is one thing; accepts that appearances are the man- cally weird to the classical mind that it Not a one of the mighty hail of bullets following it is quite another. As Dr. Philip ifestation of a deeper structure … and is very difficult to accept the basic con- reached the deafened and terrified pris- Stehle noted in his: Order, Chaos, Order: that all calculations must be carried out cepts. As one wit put it: not only is real- oner. Just to be sure, the warden kept The Transition from Classical to Quan- on this substructure.” ity stranger than you think, it is stranger the gun firing extra time. tum Physics: The search for a more comprehen- than you can think. And we are stuck He found it hard believe his own eyes. “The quantum era had arrived but it sive explanation that could deal with with the weird quantum view, which has Two voids stopped the bullet; while just did not bring an end to controversy. The the experimental challenges to the clas- gone from one success to the next. It one open window did not. Two empty interpretation of the new quantum kine- sical view took physicists deeper into pays, as always to be humble, as Dr. J. openings were as effective a bullet shield matics was, and still is, a source of both the nature of objective reality. McFadden put it in Quantum Evolution: as two steel shutters!! conceptual discussion and experimen- The new physics reached its apoth- “Perhaps, someday, an experiment The warden just had to know what tal exploration of its consequences in eosis in the sum-over-history method- will be performed that contradicts quan- was going on so he repeated the both- places where it contradicts deep-root- ology perfected by Richard Feynman. tum mechanics, launching physics into window open execution, but this time ed intuitions of physicists and others, This perspective is also called quantum a new era, but it is highly unlikely that knocked holes in the walls so he could especially for questions of physical real- electro-dynamics (QED), the official name such an event would restore our clas- see in to watch the magic of ‘nothing’ ity and causality. So far, all the exper- for the theory that describes the behav- sical version of reality. Remember that stop bullets like solid steel. imental tests have decided in favor of ior of electrons and photons in terms of nobody, not even Einstein, could come Ratcheting up the warden’s total stu- the quantum kinematics. More than that internal probability. QED is extraordi- up with a version of reality less strange pefaction and torment, however, this cannot be said.” narily successful and accurate. Feyn- than quantum mechanics, yet one that time, as he was watching, the bullets Scientists are compelled to accept the man modestly stated in his QED: The still explained all the existing data. If behaved as expected. They poured through quantum view—sometimes with pro- Strange Theory of Light and Matter: quantum mechanics is ever supersed- the holes and the prisoner was shred- found discomfort—because it always, “The theory of quantum electrody- ed, then it seems likely we would dis- ded very, very quickly. without fail, agrees with experiment namics has now lasted more than fifty cover the world to be even stranger.” Revolution Step by Step while the classical view, just as consis- years and has been tested more and To say that pre-twentieth scientists tently, does not. more accurately over a wider and wider were content with Newtonian physics, The astonishment of the warden at To Order “Do Proteins Teleport in an range of conditions. At the present time, chemistry etc. is an understatement. this unexpected result and the mental RNA Word” send $25 to: I can proudly say that there is no sig- Scientists were, almost literally, dragged gymnastics he went through trying to nificant difference between experiment kicking-and-screaming into accepting digest this result gives you a sense of Richard Lewis c/o UNews and theory! … To give you a feeling for the quantum worldview because the only the state of physics at the start of the 4 West 43rd St. the accuracy [of the quantum descrip- deity in science insisted upon it. That twentieth century. To be true, the exper- NY NY 10036 O July 2005 Unification News 23 Science in the Era of Spirit

Believers often get irritated with science—witness the debate over Evolution. But the science that is being criticized is a straw man; it was discarded a century ago. The quantum revolution introduced a whole new conceptual framework to the scientific description of our world; a way of thinking that atheists are not comfortable with; which is probably why you have not encountered the new science before. Now you can.

To order your copy, send $25 to: Richard Lewis c/o Unification News 4 West 43rd St NY NY 10036 24 Unification News July 2005

he Bible records a 4,000-year Providence of Restoration that includes Noah’s family, Abraham’s family, Moses’ family and Jesus’ family. T We see that the mistakes the members of those families committed were not events extending over a decade or several decades. Those who How Then erred did so in a single moment, and the error of that one moment fated them and their descendants to a path of indemnity extending over a thou- lenged our faith can also logical counseling. We met with the boy’s bring me closer to God. parents. We went to court when she got sand years of history, and caused peoples and nations to fall into a When our older daughter in trouble with the law. We even accept- bottomless pit of destruction. That reveals the seriousness and importance was just fourteen—and I ed the totally unacceptable reality that of each moment of our lives. Even the eternal Kingdom of Heaven cannot did get permission from her she was not going to make it unscathed exist apart from the single moment.” Sun Myung Moon, God’s Peace to speak about this—we in her teenage years, she would not get Kingdom Is The Eternal Homeland for All Blessed Families -- Washington woke up to the nightmare matched to a nice boy of our own faith, of her falling in love with a and go to the Blessing. And, we sat in DC, June 26, 2005. boy almost five years older church week after week listening to ser- than she was. We might mons by people with children younger have been ready for such than ours about how ESSENTIAL it is by Dan Fefferman Some of us lose our spouses and even our children to death through accidents a thing at age sixteen, but things like that we train our children properly, This is from a sermon given July 3, and disease. Many of us face situations this rarely happen when you are ready because the worst thing in the world that 2005 at the New Hope Family Church in with our children not inheriting the faith for them. We blinked, and the reality hit can happen to them is that they “fall.” DC. tradition as we hoped they would. What us square in the face. In our church, You can imagine how inspiring church such relationships are not supposed to services were for us in those circum- n the reading, Father Moon tells us happened to the Ideal? happen. But it did. stances! that to avoid failure in the provi- How do we keep our hope and faith In such a situation, what can a par- dence, we need to live in the moment, alive in the face of such challenges? How Knowing God’s Heart do we live with God in the moment, as ent do? We know from the Principle that to be aware of the importance of There was really only one consolation Rev. Moon said, and thus overcome any children have free will and even God every single instant of our lives as for us in those days. That was, that we challenge or temptation that Satan places couldn’t force Adam and Eve not to fall. Ihuman beings who were created by God. came to realize that God had gone through in our path? What do we do if we, or a When children are in that rebellious He mentions several instances of prov- this too. He too had experienced a bro- member of our family makes a tragic stage, all the parental advice in the world idential families who came to grief by ken heart as the result of his children mistake? One could speak about mak- is to no avail, no matter how good your failing to live in the moment before God. rejecting the ideal he held for them. He ing a Foundation of Four Positions on communication skills are, or how faith- With regard to Noah’s family, one too had experienced the agony of his the individual level. But then what do fully you prayed for them and taught thinks of the mistake of Ham’s son in daughter getting involved with someone you do if your spouse isn’t keeping up them. And of course, each of us knows spreading a shameful attitude to his who wasn’t intended for her. And he too his or her end of the bargain? And what that we were not perfect parents. So we brothers about Noah’s nakedness, fol- had no choice but to keep loving her no do you do when your children, despite also tend to blame ourselves, which only lowed by Noah’s own action of cursing matter what. One day after listening to your best efforts as a parent, use their makes the situation all the more diffi- Ham’s descendants. Concerning Abra- a particularly painful sermon in church, free will in exactly the opposite way you cult. ham’s family, Reverend Moon probably I told Susan, “We have come to know an hoped they would and trained them to But you have to try. So we advised. refers to Abraham’s failure in his sym- aspect of God’s heart that the pastor do? We put her in a private school. We got bolic offering. In Moses’ family, Father hasn’t begun to experience yet. And let’s One thing that has helped me and the police involved when she ran away. Moon speaks of Moses’ mistake of strik- hope he never does have to understand Susan in our own course is to realize We faced the fact of her involvement with ing the rock twice in anger rather than it.” that every seeming tragedy that chal- drugs. We got her professional psycho- holding an attitude of hope for the Israelites. So to those of you who are suffering With regard to failure in Jesus’ fam- with your children, or who are strug- ily, several possibilities come to mind. gling in your marriage, or who have One is the opportunity that Joseph lost a love one, I say, you too are and Mary missed to have Jesus edu- blessed. You may not be blessed in cated among the greatest minds of the way God originally intended or Israel when they discovered Jesus, the way you thought you would be. as a young adolescent, among the But your suffering can bring you clos- teachers in the Temple. er to God and to understanding His I’ll return to these examples later. heart. For now I’d like to turn to the more In our Bible study group we’ve been immediate question. Our theme in reading the prophets lately. One of the New Hope Family Church for the them, Ezekiel, experienced the death coming month is “How then shall we of his wife and saw this as God’s way live: The Family.” of having him represent what God Most of us here joined the Unifi- experienced when Jerusalem was cation movement in large part because destroyed. (Ezekiel 24:15-25) of the vision it provided us about The prophets often express God’s God’s ideal of the family. The Divine agony because of Israel’s lack of fideli- Principle provides a unique insight ty in terms of the heart of a husband into how each of can complete our with an unfaithful wife. In that respect, relationship with God by realizing even an adulterous spouse can pro- the three Great Blessings God gave vide an opportunity for a person to for fulfillment on the individual, fam- understand God’s heart more deeply. ily and world levels. God reportedly even commanded the On the individual level one fulfills prophet Hosea to take an adulterous this ideal by uniting his or her mind woman as his wife as a qualification and body centering on God. On the for the prophet to represent God to family level, the ideal is realized as the people: man and woman unite to form a fam- When the LORD began to speak ily and multiply children. On the through Hosea, the LORD said to him, world level the blessing is realized as "Go, take to yourself an adulterous humans realize a relationship of har- wife and children of unfaithfulness, mony with the Creation. because the land is guilty of the vilest That ideal inspired many of us as adultery in departing from the LORD." we went through our 20s, sacrific- So he married Gomer, daughter of ing our individual desires for the Uni- Diblaim, and she conceived and bore fication movement and training our- him a son. (Hosea 1:2-3) selves to be good husbands and wives, Jesus spoke of loving your ene- fathers and mothers, to realize God mies. centered families. As we finally reached You have heard that it was said, adulthood and established actual 'Love your neighbor and hate your families, however, we discovered that enemy.' But I tell you: Love your ene- it is not quite that simple. We all still mies and pray for those who perse- struggle in our relationship with God cute you, that you may be sons of as individuals. We all have difficul- your Father in heaven. (Matt 5:43- ties and challenges with our spous- 45) es and children. Some of us divorce. July 2005 Unification News 25 The same ilies in society. But a family can’t con- is true for tribute effectively to society if it’s dys- those adults functional on the family level. If the par- in our com- ents are always going to church meet- Shall We Live? munity ings and not spending time meeting the whose mar- physical and emotional needs of the chil- riages have dren, things are bound to fall apart. It Notice that Jesus says that loving your a young man we felt very good about failed. Is there a place in our communi- is a question of balance. enemies is the way that you become a from the moment we met him, and they ty for those whose marriages fail? I don’t Going back to the examples Father son of your Father in heaven. In other plan to include the holy wine blessing in know if many of you saw the article in talked about in our reading: Noah got words, it is the way that you inherit God’s their wedding ceremony. Sometimes she the other by one of drunk, fell asleep naked and woke up character, as his child, for God too for- tells Susan: “Mom, I’m so sorry for what our members, Renee Watabe shared about cursing his own son’s lineage. This is not gives his enemies. I put you and Dad through back then. her feelings as she faces the prospects the way we should live. I’ve often felt that That wasn’t me. I don’t even know that Forgiving the Enemy of Love of divorce. Recalling how she felt at the instead of drinking all that wine by him- person.” time of her blessing she said: self, Noah should have had a big party It’s easy to forgive your enemies when So like the Father in the story of the There was an undeniable sense of holi- with his wife, sons and their wives. I pic- you don’t know them personally, such Prodigal son, we now have our daugh- ness about the whole endeavor. …Was I ture them all dancing around the camp- as when they are members of another ter back. But it wouldn’t have happened brainwashed? I sit here writing this, 18 fire together, Noah and his wife getting nation. But it’s difficult to forgive an if we had cut her off, or if we failed to tipsy, then sleepy, and enemy who is intimate with you or who find the strength to love finally dozing off while has harmed you personally. The most her even when she was watching the young cou- difficult enemy to forgive — and the most being unlovable. I can ples dance. After that important one that we struggle to get to testify now that it’s pos- the younger couples, not the point of forgiving — is the one Rev- sible to come closer to sleepy at all, would head erend Moon calls the “enemy of love.” God through the very of to be fruitful and mul- Even Rev. Moon has struggled with thing that seemed to tiply, big time, with God’s this challenge. In one speech he said that shatter what I thought complete blessing! the enemy of love could not be forgiven: was God’s ideal — that Abraham got tired “There are many enemies in this world. it is possible to learn to and failed in his sym- The worst one is the enemy of love. Don't love the enemy of one’s bolic offering. After that you think so? God has a teaching. It is love at a very personal Isaac and Ishmael were to love your enemy. Why could God not level within the family. disqualified from fulfill- love Satan? Satanic men can be forgiv- And I can testify that ing the foundation to en and loved by God, but not Satan him- even the worst night- receive the messiah in self. Satan himself destroyed the root of mares end. their generation. If he love and cannot be forgiven. had succeeded, perhaps http://www.unification.net/1990/900327. The True Family’s Hagar and Sarah would html Course have been able to rec- But in another speech Rev Moon said Some people wonder oncile with each other. that God indeed must come to love even why there have been Abraham should have Satan: problems in Reverend spent time helping them What is the definition of the true God? Moon’s own family. We unite. Perhaps Ishmael Again, the same definition applies to both call him and Mrs. Moon would have been a good people and God. God has an enemy who the “True Parents,” and we call their fam- years and three children later, on the elder brother to Isaac instead of having stole His love. Satan made himself God's ily the “True Family.” Yet several of their verge of divorce. Did he and I finally fail to be sent into exile to prevent another worst enemy by stealing God's love. That children, too, have married outside the after all we've been through? We certain- situation as when Cain killed Abel. And was the worst crime against God. If some- faith or are leading less than exemplary ly haven't turned out to be the ideal pic- perhaps today, there would be no such one abducts the one you truly love, he lives. If they are the True Family, in what ture-perfect family we set out to be. Even thing as a Middle East crisis or Islamic destroys you completely because he takes ways are we supposed to emulate them? so, I still find Reverend Moon's vision a militancy. away your entire universe. Now we know This used to bother me quite a lot actu- beautiful one, this path remarkable, this Moses struck the Rock in anger instead that the perfected true person and the ally, and I’m sure it bothers many of us. project admirable. It's just that my hus- of bringing hope to his people. Perhaps perfected true God are the ones who can These days, the way I look at is that we band and I didn't know how hard and if he had invested some time during that forgive their worst enemy who stole their cannot expect, as we once did, that things gritty the path would be. 40 years in the wilderness taking an love. If you asked God what kind of per- will go easily for the next generation. In the next paragraph, Renee provides anger management course and had learn- son He would like to live with, He would And so, it is only natural that Rev- an important insight that I believe we ing to love himself, he could have given reply that He wants to live with the kind erend Moon’s family will face all of the can all benefit from, even though hope- his people hope. And then there would of perfected person who has the capac- challenges that our families face. We fully our path will not end where hers have been no condition for the people to ity to forgive the very enemy of love. With know it was not easy for him on the indi- has: reject the messiah later on. Whom Shall I Live? 2-6-83 vidual level. He was imprisoned, tortured, Finally I came to understand what And if Mary and Joseph had put their So which is it: should we forgive the failed in his first marriage, and was was missing. The religious call to love child’s welfare first, instead of focusing enemy of love or not forgive the enemy betrayed by close disciples. Yet he per- your enemy included loving that enemy on their own emotional needs (Luke 2:48) of love? Remember when the young schol- severed through it all and was ultimate- as you would love yourself, and I didn't and dragging him back to Nazareth, per- ar asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” ly victorious. Perhaps it was naïve of us love myself. In all the sacrificing I'd done haps they could have arranged for him Perhaps a more important question is to believe that there would be smooth for marriage, children and world peace, to stay with the temple elders to learn “who is my enemy of love?” And when is sailing for his family after all. And per- I'd lost a sense of who I was and what I from them. He could have spent his youth it appropriate to forgive them? Actually, haps some of the difficulties he has faced wanted. winning the respect and loyal friendship Reverend Moon speaks of coming to for- with his own children will open the way Do you remember that old Whitney of the greatest teachers of day instead give the “enemy of love” in several speech- for our own children to be reconciled Houston song, “The Greatest Love of All?” of being in a position later of being opposed es, especially recent ones. So apparent- with us when they make mistakes too. I remember feeling that it was too self- by the religious establishment. ly we have our answer. Perhaps not uncon- We are entering a time when many of centered: “Learning to love yourself is So it all comes down to being secure ditionally, but eventually we have to get our second generation are approaching the greatest love of all.” Today I think and mature within ourselves, and on to that point. the age of marriage. Some of them have differently about it. To the degree that that foundation being able to go beyond One more thing about our elder daugh- already been blessed. (Could I ask those we have unresolved feelings of poor self- ourselves to live for the sake of others. ter: Although she rejected the idea of young people in the congregation who esteem, we are really hampered in being Eventually we even have to learn to for- being matched by us, she retained a fierce have been blessed to stand?) It’s all well able to live for the sake of others effec- give, love and unite with the ones who commitment to the ideal of true love, as and good that we celebrate our blessings tively, and we are almost completely crip- have hurt us most deeply. she understood it. She stayed with that and encourage our children to inherit pled when it comes to the ideal of loving “An unhappy family,” says Reverend young man for seven years. And yes, we that tradition. But we also have to acknowl- our enemy. Moon, “cannot make up a happy nation.” eventually came to love him. We can actu- edge that so far, that a disturbingly low Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. This is ally say that we came to the point where number of our children of marriageable Doing it Right something to think about as we enjoy the person who was the enemy of love age have even gone to the blessing, let So in the final analysis, the question our picnics and fireworks with our fam- for us became the person we were ready alone establish successful families. We of how we should live in the family comes ilies. And if we are not enjoying some to adopt as our son-in-law. Shortly after need a way to embrace those of our chil- down to a paradox. We can’t succeed in time with our family this weekend, maybe that, our daughter realized he was not dren who have stumbled on the way, or living for the sake of others without spend- it’s time that we do so. O really the one for her, and they broke up! who simply do not want to go the For- ing at least some energy and time on our- She was well on her way to becoming a mula Course of the matching and bless- selves. The same is true when we think responsible young adult even before that ing. The question is: how do we do this about how the family relates to the soci- happened, but today she really is a fine without at the same time lowering our ety. Just as we should live for the sake ADVERTISE IN THE young woman, and a good daughter that standards to the point that we fail to of others within the family, so the fam- UNIFICATION NEWS we are proud of. Today she’s engaged to uphold our own principles? ily should live for the sake of other fam- 26 Unification News July 2005 Seiko Lee Sings to North Korea by David Eaton NY on June 14. The Korean ambassa- points but I see that their motivation meaning of those songs. They don’t like dor to the UN and other VIPs were in is resentment, hatred or jealousy. Every any western music too. I couldn’t see ack in February of 2003 at attendance and we had the chance to person is ready to fight for unification any hope. Chung Pyung Lake in Korea, meet many of them after the concert. with the philosophy of Kim Il Sung who But miracle happened. I had Seiko Lee approached me Also, the Peace Cantata that Israeli is a God in their country. Oh my good- learned one N. Korean song when with the idea and inspira- singer David D'Or and I are working on ness, I saw many speechless phenom- I sang at the concert in NYC. I tion to produce a CD of the is going forward and our plan now is enon. Only thing I can say was “What sang that song at everywhere Btraditional Korean arts songs that are to perform a portion of this music in shall we do?” when they asked me to sing. so beloved to the Korean people. Her Jerusalem with the Ranana Sympho- The first night I felt God visited I sang it at the school, I motivation as a Japanese woman mar- ny in September as part the next big me in my prayer at the humble room sang it at the hospi- ried to a Korean man, was to demon- MEPI pilgrimage. It's a time of great of Pyong Yang Koryo Hotel which tal, I sang it on the strate the heart of loving hope for the three Israels is one of the best hotels. I under- mountain, I sang the enemy in an attempt and art and music are at stood how God misses them. God it in the car from to use her talent and the the center of it all. She loves them same as us even the bottom of CD to assist in the reuni- wrote this when she though they deny God. He may my heart. fication of communist returned: love them even more than us. You And finally North Korea and the dem- know, if one of your children has when I sang Testimony ocratic . The a big problem, your heart will it at the diner CD was finished in March Thank you for your focus on him. I felt God really meeting place but her ultimate goal was prayers. I came back yes- wants to save them through any- with one of to go to North Korea to terday night as we planed. one, anything. He wants to visit this the top leaders who is working for the present a concert of these It was an amazing trip. I country with any condition so when I government, he hugged me so strong- songs. realized so many things pray for God, he came down immedi- ly and said, “Now I decided to have you Well, on July 2, Seiko very deeply. ately and shared his heart like as a at our concert for the future”. is planning to fly to North They treated us well child. I hope it will happen. I know still its Korea as a guest of a spe- as a V. I. P. since they The thing we can do is try to make not easy. The next possibility to visit cial delegation of Korean want us to have good any condition or foundation for TP to there and perform is April. They have businessmen who have impression about N. Korea open the gate. They have no hope with- a big celebration of Kim Il Sung’s birth- ties to the North Korean (then we can tell other out T.P’s teaching. I couldn’t stop tears day at that time. Government. She and her husband will people) even though they hate Ameri- at that night. I believe it was God tears. I received a huge N. Korean song- research the possibility of doing a con- can and Japanese so much. They are It was so painful because TF is so old book as a gift. More than 8,000 songs cert there in the future. This is huge trying to make their best impression to now and there is little time. We have to are there. I will start learning N. Kore- and evidence that God is working in a treat guests well but you can see the hurry! an songs. Maybe another CD? very powerful way to use art and music food is very old and poor. They are so As I mentioned to you, in there eyes My conclusion is that “Music” can foster reconciliation. We ask that you united to build their kingdom centered the Japanese are their eternal enemy. open their heart. If they want to listen pray for their safe and successful jour- upon Kim Jung Il with the teaching of It is impossible for Japanese to stand to only their music, why not, we can ney to that troubled country. Dr. Yang Kim Il Sung. We see the word of "Uni- in front of them at the public place. Of love them with their own music at the has reported all this to True Father and fication of N. and S. Korea", "Strong course, our offer to have a concert was beginning so they open their heart. It it seems that Father is very intent on determination", "Victory" or "Unite our strongly refused. They didn’t want me is a study. “If you want to go to N. Korea, this being a fruitful and successful. hearts as one" everywhere on the wall to sing at all. Also, the songs of my CD you should learn N. Korean songs.” It’s As a prelude to her trip, she per- or on top of the building. Actually they are South Korean Songs so they didn’t very true! O formed with the Uruek Symphony in are so similar to us (UC) with many like it even though they understand the Selig Tribal Crown of Peace

by Bill and Donna Selig about our family’s history, so on that from the census reports, we traveled I spoke about our True Parents and foundation, we were inspired to create to New York and visited the apartment their vision and lifetime activities. I he Selig clan held a Tribal a PowerPoint presentation and use that building where my great-grand par- talked about their tireless efforts to Crown of Peace ceremony in as the lead-in to the ceremony. ents lived and even the house where I bring people together regardless of race our home in Rockville, Mary- The first Selig to come to America was born. and religion, and about our work in land, on June 9, 2005. It Besides pictures of family mem- Korea, Germany, Europe, America, and was attended by my par- bers and census reports, we supple- most recently in the Middle East. ents,T Joseph and Janet Selig of Flori- mented the show with period shots I testified to the pilgrimages these da, and my brother and sister-in- of the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of past two years and the coming togeth- law, Barry and Judy Selig of Mary- Liberty, Ebbets field, a photo of my er of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. land. dad’s first car (a 1928 Whippet that As peacemakers who’ve sacrificed so My family has never been espe- he bought with two friends for $50), much, I declared, Rev. and Mrs. Moon cially religious. Their attitude toward and a movie poster of “Gone with the have earned the title King and Queen the movement has been supportive Wind,” which my parents saw on their of Peace. but standoffish, so we’ve always ago- first date. Following their example, and as a nized how to bring them closer to The presentation, along with nar- Blessed Central Family, I declared that the Peace Kingdom. They’ve accept- ration and music, followed our fam- the Selig clan has now entered the ed the Holy Wine Blessing in the ily’s path from New York to Peace Kingdom as a King and Queen past, but we wanted to bring them when I was 7 years old. There were of Peace at the clan level. Everyone to a higher awareness. photos of aunts, uncles, cousins, our agreed enthusiastically and toasted to The perfect opportunity came in blessing in 1982, and Hannah’s birth true love. the form of our daughter’s graduation was my great-grandfather, Herman in 1987. (She is the first Selig female Did we use crowns? No. My parents from high school. My parents made Selig, who emigrated from Germany in since 1914.) The last slide said, “Not would not have been able to fathom the long trip to Maryland and stayed 1869 at age 22. The following year he the end.” It was a total success, and that, but I prayerfully used the lan- in our home, giving us the chance to married Amelia Forkish, who also came everyone loved every second of it! guage and spirit. In relating to my fam- attend them. Since they’re now in their from Germany. We therefore had 136 Tribal Crown of Peace Ceremony ily, we’ve tried to follow Father’s atti- mid-80s, we know clearly that time is years of territory to cover. Hannah served the Holy Wine and tude when he says. “America belongs no longer on our side. Donna and I Donna has done extensive research then I gave a toast (a lengthy one), to those who love it the most.” Like- made a determination to go through on the Internet and found census thanking our ancestors and the Prov- wise, by doing all the research and with the ceremony; the question was records dating back to the turn of the idence that brought them to America, prayer conditions, my family recog- how. century. She spent time at the Mor- and my parents for their 64 years of nizes that we are the spiritual leaders Spirit world gave us the answer mon Family Research Center in Mary- marriage. The groundwork was laid and owners of our clan. almost immediately. The past few years, land; through the Internet, she made and the spiritual atmosphere perfect, We offer this testimony in the hope in trying to clarify our position in the contacts with fellow genealogists from and so I launched into the speech I’ve that other families in a similar situa- liberation ceremonies for Cheongpyeong, Europe and Israel. With information carried in my heart for 30 years. tion may follow this model.O we’d asked my parents and relatives July 2005 Unification News 27 Third Oceania Parliamentarians for Peace

by Paul Saver Thirdly, almost every participant came and spoke frankly about the pre- the Korean Parliament building. without exception felt richly blessed by ciousness of the sexual organs as the Sixthly, the seminar had a strong ifty five Members of Parlia- the “Morning Devotion and Keynote Palace of True Love, True Life and True emphasis on teaching the Divine Prin- ment and government offi- Address” at the beginning of each day, Lineage. This culminated in the Holy ciple directly which included the procla- cials from eleven island nations by Dr. Chung Sik Yong, the Oceania Blessing Ceremony. One participant mation of True Parents as the Messi- of Oceania gathered May 18- Chair of IIFWP. His main topic was the testified seeing a vision during this ah, administering the Holy Blessing 24, 2005 in Seoul, Korea for attributes of true love with an empha- event, that confirmed True Parents’ and reading out the “Messages from Fthe Third and final Oceania Parliamen- sis on practising good self governance Messiahship. the Spirit World”. Dr. Yong said that tarians for Peace Seminar and Tour. in the context of our relationships. Many Fifthly, each of the three delegations because of this sixth point, it became After successful programmes in March participants felt moved and guided by were officially welcomed through a recep- possible for True Father to invite the and April, a total of 131 dignitaries rep- the Holy Spirit. tion hosted by the Speaker and Vice entire Third delegation to his residence resenting 16 nations attended. The Fourthly, Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak Speaker of the national government at at Han Nam Dong. There we listened theme of each seminar and tour to True Father’s speech and was “Universal Values and Last- were welcomed into True Par- ing Peace:Toward a New Model ents’ world of heart through of Good Governance for Nations True Family Life the intimate sharing of Father in the 21st Century. These three July 2005 and Mother which included successful seminars/tours have singing and dancing and Father set the stage for a victorious Sec- interacting personally with indi- ond Oceania IIPC Conference vidual participants. Later we which has metamorphosed into were treated to a banquet out- the Sixth World Summit at the side on the lawns overlooking end of June, in Tokyo, Japan. the Han River and the Seoul In each of these three semi- skyline. At the same event, nars/tours, participants could True Parents invited some very have unforgettable experiences. highly respected Korean dig- For most it was the first time to nitaries and two prominent visit Korea, with it’s culture root- singers. This was all organised ed in the world of heart. on the spur of the moment Secondly, participants were causing True Parents to put always surrounded by Japanese on hold their activities in Yeosu sisters and the Korean staff mem- (southern tip of Korea) to make bers, whose mission it was to ‘love a special trip back to Seoul. bomb’ them through constant Truly the Oceania delegation smiles and attitude of attendance. of Members of Parliament were The Japanese sisters listened to richly blessed. At the end, the all the participants concerns and Melanesian contingent sang took care of them as they would several songs and everyone their own mother and father. In posed for photographs with this way, the theory heard in the True Parents.O lectures could become real to them. NGO Offers Fresh Perspective on UN Reform

by Kathleen Hwang extremely dangerous and explosive," Ste- Millennium Summit in 2000. He did not need for communities to retain their local ingrimur Hermannsson, former prime elucidate what the criteria would be for identity while at the same time partici- ixty years ago, the 50 original minister of Iceland, told the group. "Cap- selecting delegates to the council, nor pating in the larger global community, countries of the United Nations italism has replaced socialism in much what principles would be applied in judg- balancing the interests of both. signed in San Francisco the of the world, but market economies have ing the ethical behavior of nation states. In a videotaped message to the con- charter of the organization led to greed and frustration. Also we are He did propose that the views of men ference, Annette Liu, vice president of that promised to "save suc- not sustaining the environment." and women of faith and character, who Taiwan, called for a "soft power" approach Sceeding generations from the scourge of Hermannsson called for more under- serve as spiritual and moral guides to to global problems, advancing human war." standing and tolerance, as well as aid, their communities, might elevate debate rights, democracy, peace initiatives and Six decades later, with small wars from Western countries toward devel- at the United Nations above the level of technological progress. "No democracy raging like bush fires across the planet oping ones. He called on the United national interest, to that of the interests has ever gone to war with another democ- even as the intractable Iraq war grabs Nations and the big powers to endorse of humanity. racy," she pointed out. daily headlines, discussions are under- the proposal for a Peace Council that Six summits on leadership and good At the same session, Li Qing Zhao way in many quarters about the need would bring non-political voices to bear governance held in various cities around from the Institute of International Strate- to reform the organization that has failed on issues of war and peace. the world since 2000 have attracted a gic Studies in Beijing said that China to carry out this most fundamental of Wesley M. Johnson, vice chairman of surprising range of politicians, religious had 3 million informal non-profit organ- its responsibilities. Liberia's national government, called for leaders and NGO activists ready to work izations, many of which were prepared Formal proposals for reform, espe- a "New International Ethical Order" in on shaping the concept into a viable pro- to play a greater role in helping address cially two on enlarging the Security Coun- which an organization such as the pro- posal for presentation to the United regional and global problems. He described cil, will be debated at the General Assem- posed Peace Council would set stan- Nations. China as being in the "primary stage of bly to be convened in New York in Sep- dards of good governance and hold nation Participants have included represen- civil society," and said he felt that inter- tember. states accountable for actions deemed tatives from all the world's major reli- national groups were needed to set stan- At the same time, non-governmental unethical by the council. He called on gions and from every region of the world. dards that would help shape develop- groups are putting forward their own the conference participants to muster Interestingly, they have also included ing societies. proposals, some of them with radical the collective political will and moral people from both the left and the right At the end of the three-day meeting, new elements that are attracting a grow- courage to implement the proposal for on the political spectrum. the delegates from 82 countries passed ing amount of interest. the development of humankind. At a working session Wednesday Karen a resolution calling for "bold reform" of One such proposal was discussed by "Political and economic power must Judd Smith, director of the IIFWP's Office the United Nations, including urging it some 200 representatives of govern- always be tempered by the moral sense of U.N. Relations, explained that the to establish a non-political, interreli- ments and NGOs at a conference in of society," agreed Dr. L.M. Singhvi, sen- organization saw itself as neither right- gious body to help resolve conflicts. Tokyo from June 26-30. Sponsored by ior advocate at the Supreme Court of wing nor left-wing, but rather as bal- The "Tokyo Commitment" also asked the Interreligious and International Fed- India. "That is where the charismatic ancing different views and pointing the the United Nations to engage "non-state eration for World Peace, the conference vision of Rev. and Mrs. Moon come in. global debate in new directions in a actors," or NGOs, as active partners in examined a proposal that the United It is not the wisdom of the past we need, process for which Rev. Moon coined the its work, and committed the IIFWP's Nations create a Peace Council compris- but the wisdom of the present and future." term "head-wing." global network of Ambassadors for Peace ing religious leaders and representatives The Peace Council initiative was the In the same spirit, Koji Kakizawa, for- to work on local and regional levels to of NGOs that reflect the moral and eth- brainchild of Rev. Moon, who first pro- mer foreign minister of Japan, coined augment and assist the preventive peace- ical voices of their communities. posed the idea at the United Nations the word "glocalization" to describe the building efforts of the United Nations.O "The situation in the world today is 28 Unification News July 2005

by Bento Leal Uplifting Parents’ Day Awards n Saturday, July 23, 2005, a beautiful Parents’ Day Awards Ceremony was held Ceremony in N. California at the Bay Area Family Church (BAFC) in San Leandro, CA. OSome 120 people gathered to honor the by proclaim Sunday, July 24, 2005, as appointment today, but I would have come ‘Are you David Brown's daddy?’ I said, 14 couples and individuals who were Parents’ Day. I encourage all Americans anyway, because family values are very ‘Yes, I am.’ She then said, ‘Though your selected to receive a “2005 Excellence in to express love, respect, and apprecia- important to me. I am so surprised actu- son is an actor in Hollywood, he is not Parenting Award”, the featured agenda tion to parents across our Nation. I also ally to hear the words of the Ambassador like the other actors. He's for real and for for this month’s Community of Faith call upon citizens to observe this day with for Peace certificate. In Milpitas, we have what matters. You should be very proud breakfast meeting. appropriate programs, ceremonies, and started something new since 2004 – we of David Brown!’ In closing, I’d like to say Rev. David Rosenblum served as emcee activities.” have made many sister city relationships that I truly appreciate the founders of and welcomed Next, the 2005 Excellence in Parent- with cities in other countries. We believe this great effort, Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung everyone on this historic and spe- cial day of hon- oring outstand- ing parents the day before Par- ents’ Day, a national holiday established in 1994 to be observed the 4th Sunday of every July. After an opening prayer by Rev. Dr. Betty Hendricks of Richmond, we enjoyed a sump- tuous buffet breakfast of sausage, potatoes and eggs loving- ly prepared by a heavenly staff of volunteers led by Ms. ing Awardees were called one by one to in respecting the values of others in our Moon, for their incredible leadership, for- Nancy Asmundson. the stage to receive their special recogni- diverse community. This kind of organi- titude and love to pull people of different After breakfast, a contingent of 25 tion, framed certificate, applause and be zation, which honors and uplifts tradi- races, religions and ethnicities together. members of the BAFC International Choir photographed with presenters Rev. Bento tional values and good parenting, is so That is the only way to heal our nation representing 12 nations sang three inspir- and Kimiko Leal and BAFC Pastor Kevin important to hold together the fabric of and world. And they’ve been so misun- ing songs under the supberb direction of Thompson. The awardees are: society.” derstood. But if you go against the tide, choirmaster, Mrs. Zita Peruffo. The atmos- • Mr. Kris & Lisa Gudjohnsen of San Next, Dr. Amos C. Brown, one of the the tide won’t like it, but that’s what you’ve phere was set for the festivities to follow. Lorenzo parent awardees and Pastor of Third Bap- got to do. So, thank you, Dr. Moon, for Rev. Bento Leal, Regional Coordinator • Rev. Derek & Shirley Guyton of Nova- tist Church in San Francisco, and also a pushing ahead, and I’m with you!” of the American Family Coalition and the to local ACLC leader, gave appreciation (applause). Parents’ Day Council of Northern Cali- • Drs. Clinton & Betty Hendricks of remarks. In closing, Rev. Rosenblum asked for fornia, was introduced as the keynote Richmond He said, “This award is really for Jane everyone to make one large circle and speaker. He gave a 15-minute PowerPoint • Mr. Rahin & Anissa Khan of San Jose Brown (his wife), because she did most sing “Amazing Grace”. Mother Mary Ann Slide presentation explaining the origin, • Dr. Amos C. & Jane E. Brown of San of the parenting responsibilities. As a Wright of Oakland, one of the first local history and importance of Parents’ Day, Francisco busy pastor and civic leader it is easy to Parents’ Day awardees in 1994, gave the and the many kinds of Parents’ Day events • Mr. Ching-Ming & Betty Chu of Hay- neglect first base. So, thank God for my closing prayer. We then had a group photo that are held nationwide each year. He ward wife! (applause) The greatest testimony, of all the awardees. specifically highlighted Dr. Stephen Covey’s • Mr. Wen-Yun and Man Yun Chen of though, was one I heard last week in Mil- Special thanks to all who helped make explanation that parents are vital in their San Jose waukee at the NAACP national conven- this event such a success! Again, special children’s lives in their roles as models, • Mr. Yeh-Ping & Kwang-Hwa Wang of tion, of which I am a National Board mem- appreciation to Ms. Nancy Asmundson mentors, organizers and teachers. Milpitas ber. Three ladies were in the reception and her team for preparing the wonder- Rev. Leal also read a congratulatory • Mr. Hsieh Wu & Lu Ping Wang of San room. One told me that she was a Spell- ful breakfast, and also to Mrs. Yukiko letter from Governor Arnold Schwarzeneg- Jose man College graduate. I mentioned that Zinke, Mrs. Emiko Osaka and Mrs. Yukiko ger who wrote in 2004, “On behalf of all • Mr. Parminder Singh & Tripat Kaur my son, David, had gone to Morehouse. Townsend who worked several hours the Californians, I am pleased to offer my of Hayward [ed note: they are nearby each other in night before making the lovely rose cor- greetings as you celebrate Parents’ Day. • Mr. Henry and Saeko Nakamura of Atlanta]. She then with wide eyes said, sages given to each awardee.O Parents nurture, challenge, and inspire San Jose their children. They care and teach; influ- • Mrs. Fatima Hotaki Salimi of Fre- mont ence and lead; protect and encourage. lowed. The ministers had many ques- • Mr. Kader & Zohra Keshawarz of Anti- NC Their abiding moral principles shape our tions, especially about the existence och families, our communities and our nation- from page 29 of evil and the temptations of Satan, • Mr. Dwayne Brown & Sophia Omar al life. Society will be forever grateful to spirit world and the eternal kingdom. Brown of Mountain View all three Lamsons have become known those parents who remain committed to It was very interesting. We went almost Several of the awardees have been mar- as the “Three Musketeers.” their children by setting an example that two hours over the planned schedule. ried for more than 50 years! In many I gave the announcements about guides them in truth and integrity. I Of course some ministers had to depart cases, these couples and individuals raised the upcoming ACLC local schedule, applaud your outstanding efforts to rec- before the official closing but a good their children in hardship and yet pre- the National Parents Day, the trip to ognize and honor parents who have the group of core ministers were there to vailed with love and determination to cre- Korea and the marriage blessing, and incredible responsibility of raising the the end. ate loving families, and children who love the pilgrimage to Israel on September next generation of Californians and Amer- Mrs. Caroline Sampson led us in a and respect them and their values. Truly, 7. icans. Please accept my gratitude and pretty African closing song, and Rev. these parents are a shining example to We were now ready to view the movie best wishes for every future success.” Harry Milner, pastor of St. John’s Apos- all parents, and a blessing to our nation. “In Search of an Ideal.” It is truly a Rev. Leal also read an excerpt from the tle Church, gave the benediction. After the award presentations, con- powerful movie. Many participants had Parents’ Day 2005 Proclamation by Pres- It was a great blessing to be togeth- gratulatory remarks were given by Mayor never seen it – so it made a deep impact ident George W. Bush: “On Parents’ Day, er again with the ACLC ministers. I Jose Esteves of Milpitas (population on the ministers. we recognize the boundless love and gen- was challenged in my faith. As late as 68,000), who was also appointed this day Rev. John Pace gave the final pres- erosity of all parents, including the fos- the day before the event, Monday morn- as an Ambassador for Peace. entation. He shared in PowerPoint ter and adoptive parents who demon- ing, I had no confirmations but it turned Mayor Esteves said, “I’m honored to Divine Principle Chapter 7, entitled strate the compassionate spirit of Amer- out to be a good program. Hallelujah!O ica. We honor parents for their dedication congratulate these outstanding parents. “Christology.” His presentation was so to providing our Nation’s children with I was told that I was being considered as stimulating and thorough that a long the love and support they need…I do here- a nominee for an Ambassador for Peace session of question and answers fol- July 2005 Unification News 29 Archbishop Stallings in Seattle, WA

by Rev. Mary Anglin them a sense of pride as children of God. They couldn’t wait until the ow do you report on a tor- afternoon session to hear more. nado that blew into town, The afternoon crowd was educat- stirred things up, and flew ed with thr special words “love, life off with a wave and a smile? and lineage” and “God is unique, Archbishop George Augus- unchanging, eternal and absolute. Htus Stallings, Jr., cannot be summa- Men and women are created in the rized on paper. But I’ll try. image of God and should be ‘mar- Archbishop Stallings arrived in Seat- ried’ to God.” Archbishop Stallings tle on Saturday afternoon, June 11. clarified the meaning of the Firstt On Saturday evening he addressed a Blessing as individual maturity and group of 60 people at Windermere perfection. And he told a very enter- House. Guests included Family Fed- taining story to illustrate the mean- eration members, Christian ministers, ing of the miracle of the fishes and a Jewish rabbi, a Nation of Islam min- loaves. Was it the physical multipli- ister, and several of his members. cation into many fishes and loaves? Archbishop Stallings began his talk Or was it that through a young boy’s by warmly embracing the crowd as his unselfish example and willingness family. From that point he expressed to share, that every heart in the the divinity of man and the potential crowd was opened? The miracle was for us to be like Jesus, like God. “When caught up in the sym- perhaps the change of heart. That He created us in the divine image and bols but we don’t want is what is necessary – the willing- likeness He put His essence in us. The to walk as they did. We ness to live for the sake of others. reality is that we’ve forgotten that we’re are Heavenly bound but Stallings’ exhortation to the con- related to each other. No beginning and no Earthly good! We gregation to support their minister no end. We are eternal. We are of God,” embrace the creed but in his God-given vision truly won the he said. we don’t want to hearts of the minister himself and But soon came the challenge. To BECOME the creed. We the crowd, as it affirmed for them “exorcise” religion, “We play church. walk the path of least the vision by which they are work- We get high on the smoke. We’re dis- resistance. So are you ing. tancing ourselves more and more. surprised the world is Seattle Family thanks Archbish- Moses, Jesus, Muhammad – we get in the shape it’s in?” op Stallings, as well as all national Whew! The crowd ACLC ministers and our own nation- him to his church to hold a week-long al headquarters for their great sup- was hopping! There were some tough O questions asked, especially when the revival! port to the field. God bless you. archbishop told us we won’t be walk- That was just day one. The follow- ing on streets of gold when we “go to ing day, Archbishop Heaven.” But none better than he to Stallings spoke twice at answer tough theological questions. Rev. Dr. Robert L. Jef- Those in the crowd who seemed frey’s 19th Anniversary to be affronted by him ironically raced Celebration. In the Sun- up front at the end to buy his book. day morning sermon, he And the most challenged minister, won the hearts of the con- or so we thought, actually invited gregation by instilling in ACLC Prayer Breakfasts Winston-Salem, NC

by Rev. Burgi Hutcherson one was given by Sun Niles, FFWPU her work in Africa, member of the Triad Family church; especially the work n Tuesday, July 12, the the second one was offered by Caroline with women and North Carolina ACLC Prayer Sampson from Raleigh, North Caroli- youth. Her great con- breakfast was held at the na. She is the president and founder cern is the rampant Golden Lamb AIDS epidem- Rest Home in ic and the lit- OWinston-Salem, NC. Bish- tle support op Davis, Jr., Pastor of the coming from Christ Rescue Temple, was the Cameroon the host pastor, but he could government. not be there in person this Viveka had time. Ms. Tracy Hairston, just returned chief cook of the rest home, from Africa 2 represented him well. We days’ prior for were blessed by a gather- a short visit in the USA. The Also Ms. Shirley McClain spoke. She ing of 18 leaders, pastors, ministers, of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Task- ministers showed quite significant inter- had attended both events with Ms. Car- Ambassadors for Peace and FFWPU force of Cary, North Carolina. She is est and concern for that situation in oline Sampson and our brother Mike staff. also a very active Ambassador for Peace. Africa. Lamson, national messiah for Cameroon. Minister Willie Muhammad, minis- We had then three wonderful testi- Ms. Carolyn Sampson gave the sec- She said that these events and the ter of the Mosque # 92 in Greensboro, monies: Mrs. Viveka Lamson, nation- ond testimony. She came all the way incredible care she experienced from North Carolina, and assistant director al messiah for Cameroon, spoke about from Raleigh to share about her expe- our brother Mike Lamson transformed of the Midwest Region, gave rience at the IIFWP conference enti- her life, and she is making plans to go the welcome on behalf of tled: “Transforming our World to God’s to Africa to help in his mission there. Bishop Willie Davis, Jr. Kingdom of Peace” at the What a great testimo- Then Rev. Mike Lane, Ronald Reagan Building in ny to true love! She said founder and pastor of “Place Washington, D.C. on June “I am now 60 years old of Praise” in Lexington, 26th and 27th, 2005 and and I want to do some- North Carolina offered the the ACLC Convocation in thing useful, God has opening prayer. Phoenix, Arizona, from July given me the answer We all shared a good 5th – July 8th. Her grati- through these trips.” breakfast together, which tude about being able to After Shirley’s testi- Tracy had cooked. When attend national events to mony I asked brother all our physical needs were grow her understanding Mike Lamson to share met, we were blessed with and enlarge her mind was some thoughts; since two moving songs. The first very evident. see NC on page 28 30 July 2005

DON The Challenges and Opportunities SARDELLA of Being a UTS Alumnus Don is a member of the New Jersey Family Church or at least have seriously thought about that I think (hope?? -? align with the istry fields, world religion fields, phil- it and are pursuing further training to much greater view of God’s Providence. anthropic disciplines or from the pro- oing back to the year of develop/hone/polish those gifts. I envision that you, the reader, do too. fessional development arenas. 1978, when I received the The Vision Thing, as it has been Or at least you are feeling the need for So for now, without being too call and the invitation to dubbed - for me, in my personal rela- it or are actively in process, sorting it grandiose, what might I next suggest study at UTS, I am remind- tionship to God and for the we do as UTS Alumni?? To begin, ed of key themes – for me, greater human communi- I think it is a good idea to get Ga time for deep prayer to develop a per- ty. What it is?? Recently, our lines of communications sonal relationship with God – the chance I responded in writing to freshly going. A current inven- to part of a life-long fellowship with fel- some key questions, to tory and total update of our low-travelers on the Providential path newly consider what that database. Get a monthly e – the challenge to serve in central lead- might be at this point in mail newsletter going, sim- ership roles during this uniquely his- time. Such questions ilar to what is being present- torical time period – the life-time & included: ed here. A vehicle for cele- ongoing commitment to be the West What is my life going bration, activity updates, Point version of leadership for God’s to look like in the year exchange of best ideas/best Providence. 2007 if I am really living practices, innovative ways Here we are, over 25 years later, with my life the way I want to to further strengthen our a variety pack of situations amongst live? personal and public foun- ourselves as alumni. What do I want in my dations, etc, etc, etc. So now what do we do?? Given some life that I do not have right I, for one, would be happy level of field/life experience and after now? What do I want to to chip in to help make that talking with a number of other UTS have more or less of? happen. I see it as an oppor- grads in recent months, I want to offer As Helen Keller once tunity to freshly connect our a few ideas for your consideration as said, “Worse than a life with- dots and discover new energy part of the growing alumni forum that out sight is a life without vision.” in fellowship and mutual service. seems to be actively unfolding. Of course, we have the shared, assumed- out for yourself and those around you. I suggest, and will support, self-fund- The meter is running, so to speak, ly understood upon, global, cosmic, So now what to do?? ing the Alumni Association, so that it and virtually everyone I know wants to historical Providential vision. And for I know that for me, the biggest chal- serves as a plus, not a drain. Part of do all they can to make the balance of me, the question is, in light of that lenge I find is to first model what I seek what I see is possible here is how we their earthly life effectively count and much greater Providential circle, what to advocate, be it God’s True Love or can better understand each other, for to be as meaningful as possible. I under- is my personal, from-the-heart, no kid- an effective leadership training pro- real, and how we can help each other stand that the core UTS leadership ding, personal vision, values and game gram. In a classic “mind/body, mind become more successful. Maybe put team is working as hard as they can plan, at least for the next few years? over mattress” sense, to make myself an interactive UTS AA website into the to craft an attractive/relevant vision, Again, from talking with other alum- the pilot project that I think might be mix?? from which to draft and execute a viable, ni, and especially in light of the increas- expanded to serve the greater whole. I am confident that our exchanges sustainable game plan. From my pro- ingly rapid pace of change in today’s I am inspired by ideas that I am and synergies can be an increased fessional work in the field, this is no world and in many of our lives, many hearing from other grads about sys- source of inspiration and tools, not only small task. It’s an ownership taking of us are discovering that it’s either tematically developing “vitamin-sup- for each other, but also for the greater process that almost parallels the writ- time for a check up from the neck up plement” type Institutes for Spiritual good. Enough from me – what do you ing of the Constitution and then work- or even time for a completely new re- Self-Mastery, Healing, Marriage, Fam- say?? ing to cultivate an authentic culture write - certainly a process. ily, Parenting, Leadership Development, All The Best To Your Providential that makes it real. I am happy to say I have some ideas Effective Ministry, Global Service and Success Don Sardella, email: lead- So what can we, as UTS Alumni, so on. I envi- [email protected] do to make the most of our gifts/tal- Useful Internet Addresses sion that these ents/passions and offer that up for Unification Church: unification.org can all, in some God’s Providence and celebrate/enjoy Family Federation: familyfed.org form or fash- the process? I suggest that part of IIFWP IIFWP.org ion, add to the GIVE A UNIFICATION NEWS that is determining what we really Blessed Family Dept. familyfed.org/bfd main menu of feel called by God to do and pursu- Matching, 1st Generation firstgenmatchmaker.com UTS, Family GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO ALL ing it whole-heartedly. I sense that Matching 2gen Website: bccandidates.com Fed and many have been quietly doing that HSA Bookstore: hsabooks.com beyond. 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