UnificationUnification NewsNews $2

Volume 17, No. 2 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY February 1998 RYS Service Project Pure Love Rally and in Bangladesh March at WCSFIII Japanese Second Generation Play Key Role

by Rev. John W. Gehring—NYC throughout its countryside. The Unification movement has in ural education in developing the last two decades worked in rural countries often suffers from Bangladesh largely through social and a lack of concern and mate- interreligious outreach programs. The rial support. Low levels of International Relief Friendship Foun- by Claude Aubert—Washington, DC and several more music acts followed. Reducation and inadequate school facil- About an hour-and-a-half later the dation (IRFF) has for nearly a decade riday, Nov. 28, the Pure Love ities act as a hindrance to future supported the building and develop- crowd doubled in size, due to the Alliance started its rally and healthy development. Bangladesh, a ment of rural schools in Bangladesh arrival of many WCSF guests from march at 12:30 PM with music nation known more for its widespread in an effort to promote educational Japan and Korea. by the band “Wave.” About poverty, dense population and dis- uplift. Recently, the Women’s Feder- After a great performance by the F1,000 people were gathered around astrous floods than for its rich cul- ation for World Peace-Japan (WFWP- Winans Sisters (Debbie and Angie), the stage near the reflection pool by ture and warmhearted populace, cur- J), in cooperation with the IRFF, has the audience was led in the recital of the Capitol building. Several speak- the Pure Love Pledge. Then the rally rently suffers from the underdevel- see RYS on page 15 opment of its educational infrastructure ers addressed the rally participants, see PLA on page 14 Blessing ‘Brainstorming NYC Family Federation Session’ held at UTS Holds Ministers’ Luncheon

by Bill Lay—NYC was to come up with some ideas and guidelines for the American and Cana- n response to an invitation from dian contributions to the next round Dr. Tyler Hendricks, a meeting of Blessing events, slated for June of Unification representatives from 13. a variety of walks of life took place One participant commented, “The New York afternoon, participants Iat the Unification Theological Semi- by Eric Holt—NYC meeting was a first and, I sensed, began arriving at the catering facili- nary over the weekend of February somewhat historical. I was told by pproximately 200 ministers ty, which was ornately decorated with 7-8, 1998. Elders of the American one American UC historian that such and community leaders gath- boats and ocean-faring parapherna- and Canadian movements, who have a meeting of westerners had not taken ered at the beautiful Bridge- lia. The banquet hall afforded a breath- worked in just about every area of place since the early ‘70s. In my view, waters Restaurant in New taking view of New York Harbor. the movement, participated. The YorkA City’s South Street Seaport on it was unlike any meeting I have ever After some spirited warm-up piano meeting was a sort of Unification attended. The dialogue was frank, Saturday, January 24, 1998, to par- entertainment by a local clergyman, brainstorming retreat. It was attend- open and somewhat bold. The hard take of the culinary graces of God and emcees Edner and Juanita Pierre- ed by about 75 persons (about 15 of questions were being asked. Of course, to address the theme, “A Stable and Louis opened the program and invit- them women). The stated purpose see UTS on page 4 Secure Family Culture”. On this crisp see MINISTERS on page 6 2 Unification News February 1998 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM

This is a translation of the Blessing Prayer given at RFK Stadium, Eashing- ton, DC, on November 29, 1997 Blessing Prayer at RFK Stadium ur most beloved Heavenly We know that the first ancestors made families, centering on you, Heavenly cross the final battle line at which you Father! Today, November a mistake of one moment, which gave Father and True Parents. This is so that can allow the Blessing, which Adam’s 29, 1997, we have gathered birth to billions of sorrowful years wit- we might inherit again the tradition of family failed to bestow, to be given to all at RFK Stadium in Wash- nessed by you, the Parent of Heaven. the heavenly blood lineage. humankind. ington, DC. We are deeply We also know that to reverse that mis- Today, 39.6 million couples are gath- Please, Heavenly Father, take direct Ograteful that we could hold this 3.6 Mil- take, saints and sages have walked the ered to receive the Blessing. This is a dominion over everything from this lion and 36 Million Couples Blessing path of suffering, sacrifice and offering, time of glory for Heaven, pride for Earth, moment on, as we press forward toward with you, Heavenly Father, our Creator! leaving behind a history of woe. and liberation for humankind. We are the final goal. I beg you to establish your Dear God, we thank you that we could Jesus Christ came as the Messiah, grateful for this. Through the Blessing reign of goodness. Reign from the posi- bring these couples together in a bond as the second Adam, to fulfill the mis- of marriage, Heaven and Earth are able tion of both right and left, with Heav- of true love with true parents in our sion of True Parents. However, because to dwell together on Earth. Through this en’s dominion and realm of victory at hearts. Thank you for allowing us to the people did not unite with him and ceremony, God is able to establish the the center. Engage the entire cosmos to have this Blessing ceremony. Here we care for him, the mission was left unful- realm of the Sabbath on Earth and per- complete the purpose of creation. filled. Although Jesus is the Messiah, sonally dwell directly with us. Also, can establish a new beginning by Proclamation of the Blessing bequeathing the blood lineage of true he did not complete the responsibility through this ceremony, the world of God our Father! You are the origin of parental love. of True Parents and did not establish a angels and the world of saints and sages all things in the universe and the source This place is the focus of the whole family to extend the messianic mission can dwell on Earth. of true love. Today, together with the world: the nations represented by these to the nation and the world. He had to Through this, all families of the world True Parents, you are connected from chosen men and women and the entire take up the cross, leaving behind his are empowered to become your tribe by this RFK Stadium to the entire world. spirit world. We are truly, truly, truly promise to return. weaving together, one family after anoth- Through the Holy Blessing, these 3.6 grateful that you have given your per- God promised to send the third Adam, er. In this way, they are able to estab- million and 36 million couples want to mission for this Blessing of Marriage to the Second Coming of the Lord. He comes lish the one family and return joy to create true God-centered families which be held at this place. Heaven and Earth to restore the 2,000 year history in which Heaven by cutting off Satan’s blood lin- can live eternally as models of true love. are in harmony here, and through the humankind failed to perfect the family eage. We are truly grateful for your per- Heavenly Father, please come and per- True Parents these true children can and nation worldwide. Beginning from mission to have this eternal moment. sonally direct this ceremony and bestow inherit God’s family tradition. the position of perfected third Adam and Now, by completing 39.6 million cou- your eternal blessing of true love. ❖ We recall the history of humankind. standing in the position of the True Par- ples on Earth, and by being liberated ents, I have formed the history of blessed through the grace of the Blessing, we C ALENDAR True God’s Day Midnight Prayer FEBRUARY This is a translation of True Father’s Midnight Will. 2 Father's 78th Birthday Prayer on True God’s Day 1998, in Punta del Este, I know very well how sorrowful You are to face Mother's 55th Birthday Uruguay. this sad day. I also know the sorrow of True Parents who had to work hard until the fulfillment of their 3 Choongmo-Nim's (Father’s mother) eloved Father! Today is the very first hour responsibility which was to establish the victorious Ascension to welcome the new year of 1998. Today foundation in 185 nations centering on Korea, cen- we sent off the year of 1997 and wel- 8 1800 Couples' Blessing (1975) tering on Japan, centering on America, and center- comed the new year. In the world of your 11 16 Couples' Blessing (1978) ing on Germany in forty years. heart, every plan beginning from now on With this victorious foundation we have today, 12 Shin Jung Nim's 15th Birthday Bis for the liberation of all families of the world. I am beyond the watershed of the Blessing of 3.6 million 16 Kwon Jin Nim's 23rd Birthday really thankful that we can have a new year in which couples and 36 million couples on the worldwide 20 In Jin Nim & Jin Sung Nim's Blessing we can march forward to attend Heaven. level, and centering upon the Blessing of 360 mil- Last year, the foundation of the blessing of 40 (1984) lion couples, the completion of the family identical million couples was accomplished, upon the 3.6 mil- Heung Jin Nim & Hoon Sook Nim's to Adam’s family in the realm of human liberation lion couples, the 36 million couples connected to occurred through the public hard work of heaven- Blessing (1984) the growth stage victory. From today, toward the ly Parents and earthly Parents, thus gaining approval 21 74 Couples' Blessing (1977) remaining 360 million couples, the families of all of this time period of blessing. I am really thankful humankind should settle down centering upon 22 430 Couples' Blessing (1968) for Your grace and permission to connect this to absolute sex, which is God’s ideal of creation, and humankind. MARCH the couple’s relationship which is centered on absolute From now, 1998, to keep the final vertical peri- love. 8 Shin Won Nim's 10th Birthday od, centering on all humankind and with the Bless- Due to the loss of the ideal family throughout the 16 Jin Sung Nim's 36th Birthday ing of 360 million couples, we want to march for- many processes of history, towards the fulfillment ward to accomplish this life-or-death mission, to go 25 Shin Chul Nim's 6th Birthday of the religious aspirations throughout the Old Tes- over the peak of Han to accomplish Your final wish 28 TRUE PARENTS' DAY (1961) tament Age, the New Testament Age, and the Com- in the providential history of salvation which is the pleted Testament Age, for the restoration of the stan- Sung Jin Nim’s 51st birthday cutting off of the blood lineage of the satanic world. dard of the original family through the path of indem- 31 Hyun Jin Nim & Jun Sook Nim's The spiritual world, which has been helpful until nity, God has walked a historical path of recreation. Blessing (1987) now, the angelic world centering on God, the ances- For the reasons above, all human beings cannot tors who stand in the position of saints which rep- avoid but begging for Your mercy. APRIL resents the angelic world, everyone absolutely must There was a foundation of tens of millions of years become one with the “Declaration of the Realm of 7 Shin Hwa Nim's 10th Birthday of persecution and of public fighting in order to send the Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth” True Parents to a chaotic world. Therefore, we received 42 Couples' Blessing (1989) which can bring resurrection to earth, thus You can True Parents on earth. Centering on the victory of 138 Previously Married Couples' appear on earth. I am really thankful for the grace the realm of Christian Culture after 2,000 years, Blessing (1989) through which we can receive the whole body, the centering on the year of 1945, after World War II the entire directions, absolute power and authority, and 57 Single Blessing (1989) circumstances represented the spiritual situation omnipotence in this time period in which we can 10 1265 Couples' Blessing (1992) of the Eve nation, Abel nation, and Cain nation. At completely liberate and indemnify the Han of the the same time, the external Eve nation, Abel nation, 11 Un Jin Nim & Jin Hun Nim's Blessing Fall since history began. and Cain nation had been confronted so that the (1986) Please grant that all families which were blessed victorious foundation could be retained and Jesus 12 True Parents' Blessing (1960) within a heartistic relationship centering on True was able to rule over the spiritual world. Parents may be one, and they should be an absolute 36 Couples of the 2nd Generation On this foundation, the third Adam came and object before an absolute subject, which is what Blessing (1986) indemnified everything and tried to start the fami- Heaven desires, with absolute faith, absolute love ly level of the world. But because Catholics and 16 Kwon Jin Nim & Hwa Yun Nim's and absolute obedience. Thereafter, as Heaven wish- Protestants could not make unity and because of Blessing (1995) es, they can establish the victorious Kingdom of the opposition of Christianity, centering on the Uni- Heaven in the heavenly world and the earthly world. Sun Jin Nim & In Sup Nim's Blessing fication Church, this forty-year history of restora- We are grateful to welcome this day centering on (1995) tion was a bloody one. True Parents, who were sent all men and women on this beach. We are grateful 17 Nan Sook Nim's 32nd Birthday to the people who did not know anything, had to go to come to the central place of the workshop on this through a suffering course. We had become such 21 Jin Hun Nim's 35th Birthday people You could not even imagine according to Your see GOD’S DAY on page 4 28 Shin Bok Nim's 16th Birthday February 1998 Unification News 3 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM Farewell Remarks at Closing of WCSFIII by Reverend for parents and children. Once we are love. to unite them. Also he is working to truly united with God, nothing can sep- The origin of God’s absolute love and uplift America, so that America can This speech was given at the Closing arate us as husband and wife, parents human love should be one point. Absolute overcome communism and its residue. Banquest of WCSFIII, Washington Hilton and children. Such an ideal couple goes and absolute meet at one point. The Communism influenced Christianity. and Towers, Nov. 29, 1997. The inter- to the Kingdom of God on Earth and Bible calls Satan the father of fallen Christianity should be the bride’s posi- preter was Rev. Peter Kim. These are Heaven. Godism is the way of the Gar- man. and king of the fallen world. He tion. Democracy is to show humankind unofficial notes taken by Tyler Hendricks. den of Eden with no fall. took everything from God; God has no the right way, centering on God through possessions. What did God lose? Love. the Messiah. The right way is through ome of you probably are see- Created for Our Partner ing me for the first time, and Human beings lose love because we good parenting, through all people hav- The worst disease is to not know God. had heard that I am a mon- have two fathers. We have the wrong ing a parental heart toward others. The symptom of this disease is com- ster with horns. But as you lineage. Lineage is the line which comes Developed countries must embrace munism, humanism, the common lib- look at me, you see I am a through life and love. We inherited false the undeveloped countries. If I had been eral thinking. What is the medicine to Shandsome man. You may not think I life and love, hence we inherited false received after World War II, then the cure this? Knowledge? Money? Power? am handsome, but God thinks I am. lineage. If Adam and Eve had commit- human race would be in good shape God does not need these. Therefore He gives me a mission to deal now. But Christianity reject- What does God need? God with the world’s problems. The orga- ed Rev. Moon. has life, love, lineage and nizations’ representatives gave me gifts, Headwing will unite and conscience which He can- and as you remember, our goal was 39.6 lead the world. The base not activate by Himself. million couples, but we reached 70 mil- is our families. To take He needs the love partner lion. This was by God. back what we lost and to help Him activate this In reality, there is no difference between restore the youth. Center- force. Is the partner a mon- you and me. The only difference may ing on Godism and Head- key? Is it material? be that I have a direct connection to wing, Rev. Moon has been Why are we born? Man God. There have been many historians working his entire life to is born for women, and and leaders, none of whom have been restore the true family and woman for man. No one successful. But if we connect to God, change the blood lineage disagrees with this, because we can solve all the world’s problems. from Satan to God. We this is God’s teaching. Uni- And yet, have you seen God? have to reverse it. To prac- versal law takes away those We all have love, life, conscience, and tice Godism, invest and who disagree. Homosexu- sperm or egg within us to bequeath our forget about yourself, just ality is a problem bigger lineage. Have you seen any of these as God did when He cre- than war because its uni- things? We have them, but don’t see ated humankind. If you versal practice will destroy them. Where is God? How can we ask lose your life, you will be humankind in a genera- that, if we cannot see these other things saved. Invest everything tion. but know they exist? What is God? He to recreate yourself. This Man and woman have is the origin of love, of life and of lin- is greater than a parents’ nothing belonging to them- eage. The origin of the conscience is love for their children. selves. To whom do the God, too. To find God, we must pour To sacrifice for your fam- woman’s breasts belong? out every ounce of our life, love, con- ily is filial piety. To sacri- To the children. Women usually have science for others. Then we find God. The “mansei” at the conclusion of the fice for your nation is to be a patriot. well-developed hips and they shake celebration of True Parents’ birthday in To sacrifice for the world is to be a saint. Godism them. These hips exist for the sake of Seoul, Korea To sacrifice for heaven and earth is to The purpose of religion is to find God, their children and future generations, be a divine son and daughter. This is so religious people should be sacrifi- so that your baby in the womb will have the same message Jesus taught. I do cial, living for others. Why? It is because a comfortable life there. Your womb ted some crime other than the misuse not give in order to gain recognition. you cannot feel your own life, love lin- belongs to your children. of love, God could have married them Those who practice extreme selfishness eage and conscience, and if you enjoy Your face’s soft skin is liked by your first, then sent them out. will benefit if they understand all that these by yourself, people consider you husband, not yourself. Also the unique God lost His beloved son and daugh- I have been saying. I am giving a warn- crazy. It is only in relation to your part- organ that man doesn’t have is for your ter. The fruit is a symbol. They fell as ing. I want to liberate the young people. husband. What is your own? Every- youths. Therefore, immorality has spread ner, that you encounter these hidden The Purpose of WCSF essences. In fact, they will emerge and thing is there for your husband, verti- all over the world among young peo- explode with you both together. Then cally, and looked at horizontally every- ple. This is the family of Adam all over You can grow to become as God. God you become one, uniting together. You thing is for your children. Do you men- the world, full of free sex and homo- wants to bequeath to someone on His can explode and become one with your struate for yourself, because you enjoy sexuality. If you follow this, your coun- level. Living for others is Godism and partner. You need them all mobilized in doing that once a month? It is so you try will be doomed to perish. If the first Headwing. Why did Rev. Moon spend order to become one with your partner. can change your blood, and replace it love is lost, all kinds of social crimes so much money on the WCSF? To edu- Will your love, life, lineage and con- with new blood. So, a woman who tries result. cate you about this. If this succeeds, it science demand that your partner give to live cut off from others will perish. All of us desire to reach the top. It is worth it. These meetings are set up their love, life, lineage and conscience You all need your nation. A nation is has never been fulfilled. Have you seen in order to create true families and a to you, or will they leap out to your born not on the basis of individuals but free sex animals or homosexuals? This true nation. The purpose of the Bless- partner, rushing forward head first? of families. Without Americans under- is a warning. Man’s symbol belongs to ing is to cut off Satan’s lineage. There Have you experienced that? They rush standing that their nation was born on his wife. If you misuse it, your are a will be no trace of hatred and immoral- forward all together and your partner the foundation of families, this great thief. God is absolute love, absolute sex. ity, and we will live with each other in cannot resist. Amen. Once you experi- nation will perish. This is Godism; it is the eternal reali- peace and freedom through God’s true ence these things in God, then you will Then who owns your sexual organ? ty. If you really understand this, then love lineage in True Parents. The lin- always be hanging around God, glued Your spouse. If anyone disagrees, show your trip here was well worth it. With- eage was switched before the fall, so to Him. You will have no choice in this. you hands and I will ask you a ques- out this, all the conferences are not God could not intervene. It was as if a The root of love, life, lineage and con- tion. No hands. It means you all are worth anything. bride was on her way to meet her hus- brainwashed by Rev. Moon. Do you feel band but ran away to meet Satan. science is our parents, and our ulti- Headwing Unites Left and Right mate parent is God. On that point, we bad or good? There is only one key to The Blessing solves problems of right can be united. Even Adam and Eve will your sexual organ. It is owned by your The second thought is Headwing ide- and left, race, economy, culture, and be totally united with us. I am the fruit absolute, unchanging and eternal spouse. ology, which unites left and right. God so forth. This is because of God, not should have been on right, but fall pushed Rev. Moon. When you return home, of all the unification of my parents and The Human Condition ancestors. If I unite with God, then they Him to the left hand side. Adam and inspire your nation. I am establishing We all are broken machines, no mat- all and the universe will follow me. Begin- Eve went left instead of right. Cain was many organizations for world peace, ter how handsome we may be. God ning with God and Adam and Eve, all left and Abel right. So God hated Cain, including martial arts and literature. never found an ideal man, therefore, no the saints and sages are here. This is although He originally wanted to work As communism followed democracy, ideal family or nation exists yet. The Godism. Godism is that God teaches us through the first son. God fell to the bot- democracy will follow Godism and Head- fall resulted in the loss of God’s family how to unify man and woman as such. tom and worked through second son. wing. and nation. If there is Satan, will he Through what can we unite them? The division of left and right in the Please apply these ideas fully. Please want what God and human beings want Through Godism. That is the teaching modern world started from Jesus’ cru- work hard to build the true family, coun- most? He will go after the treasure most ❖ of Godism. cifixion. The right hand thief was the try and world. May God be with you. valuable to God and human beings. Do husband and wife want to be unit- first to go into paradise. Rev. Moon has What is it? It is God’s love and human ed, not separated? [Yes.] It is the same fought communism, not to kill them but 4 Unification News February 1998

cannot be achieved by our current transition problems in our movement edged that point, but expressed with UTS membership going out door to door had been pretty well aired. (Other tears and words her great concern for from page 1 or at sign-up tables." speakers on high-level out- blessed couples who are having diffi- the answers to all questions were not The afternoon sessions reach, including Phillip culties. She said that her son had said provided, but I don’t think anyone were broken down into six Schanker, had plenty of to her, “Mom, sometimes I see parents attended with that in mind.” areas: Blessing 98 Pro- hands-on experience at who don’t seem to love their children.” Another said, “For myself, it was a gram Design, High Level it prior to RFK.) When my turn came, I could feel myself most refreshing meeting and I realized Outreach, Financial Plan- Essentially all of the being overwhelmed by emotion. A big that at least there is a consensus about ning, Youth, Singles and serious issues which I picture of True Parents was in my line the questions we are all asking.” Matching, Media Strate- feel need to be looked of vision in the front of the room. I The conference opened with remarks gies and the Education at were raised at the blurted out that I was glad that peo- by Dr. Hendricks and Dr. Theodore of Blessed Couples. In meeting. These issues ple at the meeting were being honest, the evening are not amenable to sim- and that was all I had to say. And I we heard ple resolution, summaries but I regard the from each group meeting as a first leader. effort to bring a Sunday morning we thoughtful yet passionate had pledge, followed by “democratic” approach to bear the reading of Father’s on the movement’s challenges. words, and then we had As another participant group discussions. observed, “Participants, Rev. Ki Hun in my view, did not Kim of Chica- hold anything go — who back. The frank- has ness of all in achieved attendance was noteworthy very refreshing success building con- and I attribute Shimmyo. Farley Jones served as the structive relationships the unusual openness to started sniffling and getting teary. master of ceremonies, and brought a with Christian ministers the format of the meeting. When the group urged me to say more, wonderful spirit of recognizing the value — then spoke at Sunday I was impressed by the pas- I expressed more of my frustration with of each person’s thoughts and contri- Service. The meeting con- sion, boldness and honesty the apparent dissonance between real bution. Two plenary meetings on Sat- cluded with reports by the of the many wonderful indi- change and growth of human beings urday morning followed. The first, Sunday morning group lead- viduals I shared this weekend and the offerings of numbers which we focusing on reflections from RFK, was ers and final observations. with. I felt strongly that these peo- are asked to make. I concluded by say- presented by Neil Salonen, Tom Ward Throughout the conference, two ple, who I call my brothers and sisters, ing that I always felt that I was so clear and . After questions recurring issues seemed most promi- are some of the best people the world about things, but now I was in what I and answers and short discussions, a nent: has ever known. Collectively regarded to be a crisis state, and I view second plenary discussed Evangelism 1. What is the relationship among us there were centuries crisis as a wonderful opportunity for and Marketing the Blessing, with pre- between HSA and FFWPU? of effort and experience.” serious advancement. sentations by Sheri Reuter, Go Ezaki, 2. What approaches are I should say that many Certainly one man’s emotional expe- Dan Fefferman and Mitch Dixon. acceptable in giving the approaches to life and the rience, or even the thoughts of a group Some very interesting areas were blessing? UC were on display over of sincerely dedicated people, does not explored. For example, Dan Fefferman I was personally asked the weekend. For exam- solve real problems. As a Unification- to speak on ple, the viewpoint “high-level that there are no outreach”. I problems, we just pointed out need to buckle to the orga- down and believe, nizers that I did was voiced by some. no high-level out- Another viewpoint — reach for the RFK that the only real prob- blessing, and in fact my lem is that we are all so dis- overall outreach experi- tant from the level of Father ence had been limited. — was voiced. However, It was suggested, those were not the only however, that I views expressed, talk about my and there was an CAUSA expe- abundance of riences, and I appreciation for agreed to. I very real issues. ist who was not there but heard about shared with us that America's goal of thought that I would be a Let me close by relat- the conference commented, however, 40 million couples, taken as a per- radical voice, since I intend- ing the very emotional “Such concentrations of hearts and centage of all married couples in Amer- ed to raise the issue of the experience I had during minds, where mature members can ica, represents a greater market share current transition of the the small group meet- engage in honest discussion of the than that of Coca Cola. (Perhaps even Unification movement. How- ing that took place on problems, can lead to some radical greater than Microsoft, I thought, or ever, I need not have been Sunday morning. The first conclusions, as people discover that the U.S. Postal Service.) Dan pointed anxious about that, since by person in our little group their perceptions are widely shared. out that this kind of market share only the time the first round of speak- expressed a view that if we all The difficulty comes in trying to imple- gets achieved through "a serious com- ers had finished, the current state of buckled down, miracles could ment changes afterwards.’’ ❖ mitment to mass marketing. It simply what I perceive to be confusion and occur. The second person acknowl-

and ask of You. body, the entire direction, absolute one can leave the seed which can con- GOD’S DAY Such a blessing from God, to wel- power and authority, and omnipotence. nect 365 days to the Father’s glorious from page 2 come the new year of 1998, at the time Father, bright 1998 came to us. I fer- day. 31st True God’s Day in the midst of of the 31st True God’s Day, with the vently ask and desire Your permission Father! I fervently ask that the bless- nature, receiving this water which can accomplishment of the blessing of 360 that everyone can be victorious soldiers ing of this year that came with a promise connect Heaven and Earth. We are also million couples, bringing the liberation and determine their minds, stretch out can fully pour out the realm of heav- grateful for this grace that can hold this of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, their bodies and embrace the universe enly victory in Heaven and on earth. I memory in Heaven and on earth as the which can cut off the satanic blood lin- with all their hearts, so that they can wish Your permission that this moment condition of grace through which your eage. Please grant the appearance of engraft the whole universe to the love- can be the time of the declaration of heavenly blessing can be one with earth the Kingdom of Heaven where we can ly original palace, with filial piety before congratulation for victory in the name and can be connected to all humankind. praise the victory and glory of the realm God, together with all things, children of Parents and in the name of God and, We are having rain at this moment, over of the fourth Adam. I fervently ask and and parents. at the same time, can bind together the 5 oceans and 6 continents, to which all desire Your permission to establish one As we receive this glorious New Year, continuity of grace. I declare and pray land and water in the world can be con- victorious way for the Unification sol- we start a new day and, at the same this in the name of True Parents. Amen! nected. Please pour down abundantly diers who can march forward looking time, start a new year. I fervently ask Amen! Amen! ❖ the unification grace, I fervently desire for the grace of blessing with the whole and desire Your permission that every- February 1998 Unification News 5

REV. JOONG HYUN PAK Have a Heart of Gratitude Rev. Pak is the Continental given compassion and encouragement our homes, we express physical love comes to live among us on the Earth. Director of the Church when we have failed. in many ways; but this in itself is not We become God’s partners of True Love. in North America. God always takes care of us. We need enough to reach perfection. It must be In all seven points of our Family to grow up. Children, for example, stop combined with unselfish True Love Pledge, we say “centering on True Love” crying and fretting when parents sat- within the community and beyond. not “centering on love.” In the past two bove all else in this year of isfy their desires; this is how they show In Pledge #2 “Our family pledges to years, True Father absolutely has given 1998 we should have the appreciation to their parents. Very sim- represent and become central to Heav- us the opportunity to go out and put attitude of deeply appreci- ple. But as adults, we should not need en and Earth by attending True God True Love into practice. For this we are ating the True God; to love to receive in order to express appreci- and True Parents; we will perfect the grateful. Him, to be proud of Him ation. Rather, we should make offer- dutiful way of filial piety in our fami- Vertically, we appreciate God and andA to accomplish our mission of bless- ings of sacrifice for our parents, com- ly, patriotism in our nation, saints in True Parents; horizontally, we appre- ing 360 million couples. This is our forting their hearts and bringing them the world, and divine sons and daugh- ciate and can be grateful for brothers privilege and honor and for this we can hope. This is a mature way of showing ters in Heaven and Earth, by center- and sisters. Without each other we can- have a heart of gratitude. appreciation. And this is how we prac- ing on True Love.” How can we become not accomplish our responsibilities. In For this reason, we should appreci- tice True Love toward God and toward filial sons and daughters in the fami- everything we do, we depend on each ate the Trinity of the True God and the all others. ly, patriots in the nation, saints in the other. We need each other. We can help True Parents, because they have pro- world and divine sons and daughters each other, encourage and appreciate Influence of Spirit World vided for us this great opportunity to of God? By practicing True Love. each other. play a part in history. They have allowed In the Exposition of the Divine Prin- At Chungpyung Training Center now, us to participate in this great period of ciple, it says that “God and the The new generations time; they have afforded us the chance good angels and good spirits We also need to appreciate our to offer dedicated hearts and sacrifi- will bring us a sense of peace Second and Third Generations. cial service and they have truly given and the sense of righteousness We are always sacrificing them us the chance to taste victory. We have “ (p. 71). When we feel these in order to serve others. For the to feel deep gratitude to them for this. things, we naturally feel a joy- most part, they are uncomplain- At the close of 1997, seventy million ful response to God. On the ing. They live a pure lifestyle. They couples had been blessed worldwide! other hand, if evil spirits are gave blessings with us. They know That means 140 million people took a influencing us, we will not feel we are providing for them a safe stand for marriage and family, against any appreciation and joy toward and pure atmosphere, free from a selfish lifestyle. This turning point is God; rather we are more likely Satan. They are saviors for us. a great miracle and a great victory. to feel anxiety, fear and self- We have to appreciate our chil- What is the meaning of “gratitude”? ishness. dren. They hold the keys to our It means “appreciation”—to be so sin- This year, we can expect our kingdom. For our physical love cerely appreciative toward someone for restored ancestors to come down (eros) our spouse holds the key. what they have given to you, done for to Earth and work with us. As We most certainly must appreci- you or been for you that you just long this happens, it is best for us ate our spouse for this reason. to give something in return and can- to have have right attitudes and For those couples who accept- not rest until you do. That is gratitude. right hearts—hearts of appre- ed the blessing from us, we are If we receive love, protection and ciation, hearts of peace, har- grateful. How would we have had benefits, whether it be from God and mony and happiness. St. Paul the opportunity to practice True True Parents, our family, our commu- said in the New Testament “the Love? And how else could we have nity, nation or world, we naturally rec- fruit of the spirit is love, peace, fulfilled the 3.6 and 36 million iprocate with our appreciation; the atti- patience, kindness, goodness, Cutting the cake at True Parents’ birthday couple Blessing without them? tude of appreciation is very important. faithfulness, gentleness and celebration in Seoul, Korea We should always look for the This is our responsibility. And we must self-control...” (Gal. 5:22); all of things for which we can be grate- have a joyful attitude. True Christians, which create a good attitude. These are participants are able to see their own ful. True Unificationists, true believers of attributes which are evidenced in our internal spiritual personality. Each per- With tears we show love for God and all faiths should always have a joyful lifestyle, our character and personali- son can see his or herself and how poor True Parents and express how truly we attitude. We receive so much True Love ty. and miserable they might really be in grateful we are for them. They are steer- so we must learn and practice how to I try to show appreciation to my wife. spirit. It is an awakening call to quick- ing us in the right path to build the express a heart of gratitude. Sometimes I bow to my wife in order ly liberate ourselves and to become Kingdom on Earth and in Heaven. Christian example to express all my gratitude to her. more united and obedient to God’s word. When we see the movie Titanic we Between husband and wife, they must see all the people on this gigantic, beau- Two thousand years ago Christians Heaven is trying so hard to make us each think: “without him, without her, divine sons and daughters. tiful ship eating, drinking, dancing, lov- underwent such fearful persecution I am only half a microcosm; with him, ing, with no idea that just moments from the Roman Empire but they always In our tribal messiahship, we rep- with her, I am a complete microcosm. resent Adam and Eve’s position, true away their destiny would change com- maintained their joyful attitude. Today, My perfection comes from my spouse.” pletely. Some on board were happy, since we are given so much benefits of parents’ position, king and queens’ That must be our thinking. Through position, ancestors’ position. God and some had problems; some were high the age, it should be our natural response our eternal mate, we experience True society on the higher decks, others were to serve and attend with joy; to have True Parents have given us this honor Love. “Without my spouse, I am com- and position. We become a central fam- lower society on the lower decks; but an appreciative attitude that we are so pletely handicapped.” when the ship hit the iceberg, they all privileged to be living in this day when ily. Through a central family balance God, indeed, gives us the chance to comes, from all directions, north, south, met the same destiny! Heaven and Earth are coming togeth- practice True Love through our part- We might compare the Titanic to er and that we can play a part in the east, west. The central family practices ner. We can grow up through our spouse sacrificial and dedicated love toward America. What is going on right now history of it. to reach perfection. on this gigantic, beautiful ship Amer- Jesus Christ always expressed appre- others. This is vertical love. True Father uses the words Love As true tribal messiahs, we love the ica? Who is really concerned with this ciation to God. He always demonstrated and True Love in a different way. From ship America? The captain of the Titan- his deep gratitude to God. Whenever family; we love our nation and conti- Greek, we get the word eros. From God nent, and love this world, beyond race, ic was spaced out; his pride and ego God answered his prayers, Jesus was we get true eros, not satanic eros. To got in the way of his good sense and so appreciative. At the Last Supper, religion, and culture; and we serve peo- experience True Love we serve, sacri- ple and live for the sake of the people wisdom. Is the leadership in America before he gave wine and bread to his fice and dedicate ourselves without self- spaced out? God and True Parents are disciples, he gave appreciation to God. by giving the blessing to the people. We ish motives. If we simply experience do not refer to ourselves as saints, but not spaced out. And those who value So we can say that Jesus Christ was love without true love, it might be God and True Parents are not spaced a man of true love and a man of appre- future generations will. They will say immoral and selfish. But as we learn “Saint so and so did so and so.” out either. Some are trying to save the ciation. by giving without thinking or giving ship. True Father has always taught us We strive for the highest crown: to and forgetting—agape love—between become divine sons and daughters of American people are amazingly cre- to appreciate God, and he himself has all human beings, we move to the God- ative. The same people who can pro- consistently, without fail, demonstrat- God. To be a divine child is to be one centered level of physical love—eros— in Spirit with God; to feel His joy and duce such a powerful, technically bril- ed this appreciation to the Heavenly -to be enjoyed between husbands and liant, expensive movie as Titanic can Father. Any victory which has ever been His pain as the True Parent; to be in wives. harmony with Heaven and Earth, His surely also find creative, interesting achieved, True Father has given the and exciting ways to bring God’s bless- credit to God, always honoring the Family Pledge creation; and to taste the sweetness and wonder of familyship with Him, ing to millions of people. We have much Father. When we recite the Family Pledge, work to do. Let our hearts be joyful and And True Father has always appre- even becoming His friend as we grow all seven verses are centered on “our older. We become engrafted into God’s let our hearts be eternally grateful for ciated us. He has always rewarded vic- family” and “true love.” Through this what we have and what we can do. ❖ tory and success, and he has always Lineage. We become True Children of True Love, we reach our perfection. In God. God becomes our True God and 6 Unification News February 1998 SPORTSFEST … by Claude Aubert—Washington, DC had just decided to donate $20,000 to leading Team had 5 strong young men hosted by singer Johnny Gill. Among this marching band, with the wish that throw five young ladies in the air and the players of “The Legends” were for- he SportsFest start- they may become the best marching catch them again over and over. mer Harlem Globetrotters Tyrone “Hol- ed at 10 am in the Wash- band in the country. The highlight of the entertainment lywood” Brown and Curly Neal. Some- ington DC conven- was Duo Design. These two Polish how David Eaton from the New York tion center on acrobats were awesome. While one City Symphony had also ended up in November 30. The acrobat was balancing on one arm this team! 10,000T capacity hall was almost with his hand resting on the head of All in all the SportsFest was excit- full. the other acrobat, the other acrobat ing, though, with some real highlights MC Mike Balcomb kicked off slowly changed from a sitting posi- during the entertainment of the morn- the opening ceremony with the tion to standing up. And more unbe- ing, and an excited, youthful spirit of Entry of the Sports Fest Ath- lievable stuff like that. It was really all the local and international partici- letes, and the Flag Parade of something. pants. ❖ the Nations, World CARP Pres- The Pure Love Finale was a per- ident Jin Hun Park introduced formance of Pure the founder Rev. Sun Myung Love kids danc- Moon. Father spoke in English ing and acting about the WCSF, the impor- while a narrator tance of chastity and purity, explained short- as well as the importance of ly about the goals the 360 Million Couples Bless- of the PLA and ing. Father speech was followed the PLA summer by his cutting of the victory tour. cake for the WCSF and the SportsFest. Step Africa! gave local youth a chance Then the first Then the audience was treated to to demonstrate their step dance tech- part was over and some delightful entertainment. The niques, while the DC Double Dutch there was a lunch Eastern High School Marching Band League introduced the audience to the break. The second which had already performed at RFK art of double Dutch (rope jumping). part consisted of the day before, again inspired the audi- Five or six different teams of Martial “The Game of Leg- ence, and as they were marching out, artists displayed their techniques, and ends,” a celebrity an announcement was made that Father the George Mason University Cheer basketball game

of his speech, 29, 1997 at RFK piece of which is the Blessing. On June MINISTERS Rev. Sharpton Stadium – Bless- 13, 1998, 360 million couples all around from page 1 presented an ing ‘97. Then, uti- the world will rededicate their mar- ed participants to begin a sumptuous award from the lizing Biblical riages. New York City will be one of lunch. Coalition for themes (Revela- the locations where this will take place. A little while later, Fannie Ladybird Harmony to Rev. tion 22, in par- Rev. Pak exhorted those religious lead- Ray, a former NAACP woman of the Pak ticular), he ers present to join forces to bring this year, introduced Barney Webster from Linda Haft, a explained why great moral revolution to New York. the Dance Theater of Harlem. Barney representative only “true fami- Later, several community leaders delighted everyone with his creative of Free Teens, lies” can enter the from Harlem were recognized for their dance interpretations of “I Believe I an abstinence Kingdom of God. contributions to their communities. Can Fly” (Rev. Al Sharpton’s theme program for God is love, and Harlem notables Ann Bradshaw, Ruby song) and “Amazing Grace”. teens, offered an love exists in a Kitchen and Preston Wilcox received Before his speech Rev. Sharpton overview of a relationship. God handsome wooden plaques from the received a Family Federation Leader- two-part slide wants to live with Family Federation. ship Award, presented by Rev. Joong presentation. us and to experi- The luncheon concluded after all Hyun Pak, continental Director of the Afterwards, sev- ence love with and participated in a toast of Holy Wine in Family Federation for Unification and eral clergy through us. Joy which married couples pledged absolute World Peace. Rev. Sharpton, alluding signed up for a and happiness fidelity to one another, and singles to the recent scandals plaguing the presentation in come from the pledged sexual purity, preserving them- White House, cautioned clergy to “look their churches. give and take of selves for their future marriage part- in the mirror” before rushing to judge In his keynote address, Rev. Pak love – fundamentally in a family. The ner. Everyone was urged to bring this the President. He urged those present reiterated several themes from his family of God is the multi-colored love- marriage rededication Blessing to their to work for resurrection of the family recent message to the Board of Direc- race. Rev. and Mrs. Moon, through local church and community.❖ in New York by participating in Bless- tors of the National Baptist Conven- the inspiration of God, started the True ing ’98 in New York. At the conclusion tion. He reminded the audience of the Family World Movement, the center- history-making event on November

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For me, Fest was a crazy whirlwind of my CARP standard-issue the first few precious minutes were of stress punctuated by many, 1 1/2-in. thick sponge bed, usually spent trying to get in touch many ringing phones. My unable to withstand one with God in a deep “meditation.” The responsibility for the event more second of the Oldman’s key word is: trying to. As soon as my Fwas to put together a women’s soccer “fatherly love,” another full eyes close, the Oldman is on top of me team for North America and to make day of complete self-denial again, giving me some more of his “mod- sure they won. For a while, I thought had already begun. Half- ified Chung-Pyung treatment.” that this was the most important thing longing to jump back into Actually, I never blamed him—none I had to accomplish. As the team’s cap- the carefully body-warmed of us did. In the past two Han Ma Dang tain, I was responsible for making sure bed everyone got to the practices, got to despite the games, had the right equipment, the Old- and had the right attitude. man’s This wouldn’t have been so hard to by Hoon Pal Joo unceasing naggings, accomplish if all of the girls on the team I gave myself up to were Second Generation or members ome on, Oldman, just my uncomfortably of CARP. But of the twelve of us who five more minutes…” My strong conscience played, over half were high-school stu- tired body betrayed me and was met with dents from and . as such evil words of Shinji-san’s (our Cen- Many times, these girls were unin- mind and body disuni- tral Figure at DC spired in prac- ‘C CARP) tice, or reluc- usual evil tant to com- grin and a mit to some “Good morning, brothers and games, Korea and Japan had domi- specific sched- sisters....” nated the volleyball event. The pres- ule. They had Now, every morning God sure was on, especially since none of to be pushed and Satan duke it out in a us had any actual organized-volleyball and cajoled fierce divine battle on my playing experience, except Masaki-san into partici- heavy eyelids as I try to keep of course. pating as a awake during our Central The vigorous practice was followed team, and Figure’s (Shinji-san) “inspir- by three hours of WCSF promotions, were told time ing” morning service. A half followed by a lecture again by our inspir- and time hour later, relieved, as I claim ing CF Shinji-san, which was in turn again to focus. yet another victory for the followed by a two-hour DP study/lec- Some always Man Upstairs, we finally reached the ture practice. After closing meeting, arrived late, most liked to wander off ty were carelessly muttered out of my “thank you, let us pray....” But the day lights out at midnight. when unsupervised. If I didn’t keep my mouth towards my sudden attacker had just started warming up.... So what’s the whole point of me list- eye on them, they would disappear who jerked me from my sweet slum- From there, we grab a quick break- ing our arduous, seemingly-almost during half-time and wouldn’t show ber. fast of bare onion bagel on-the-go. Then unfair daily schedule? Am I complaining up until after the third quarter. “What do you mean, ‘Come on’? Get to any should who would I desperately wanted the SportsFest up, you spoiled kids....” care to listen, about my to be a good experience for them. I was Came the sharp reply lost hours of precious really worried that our program might from the dark figure shak- slumber? Or am I even seem unorganized or unsophisticated. ing me ever so violently trying to gain some unde- There were many nights when I seri- as if trying to get rid of served applause and atten- ously told myself: “Why don’t you just my evil spirits with a mod- tion from our Unificationist tell your central figure that the soccer ified Chung-Pyung treat- clan for our silver medal? team isn’t ready to play and it’s better ment. The broken Jang- No, and no. My only wish just to cancel that event?” I didn’t even lish was unmistakably in sharing with you today know if the girls would have fun. that of my WCSF volley- my timeless experiences But I didn’t realize the power behind ball coach, Masaki-san, as a WCSF participant is this type of endeavor. I had heard Jin whom I, more often than to convey to you readers Hun Hyung Nim speak to us about how I probably should, refer one life-changing lesson we were trying to create a global fam- to as the “Oldman.” I learned from this event: ily where young men and women from The time was 6 o’clock, that of disciplining my literally around the world competed at the crack of dawn, an mind and body so that I together as athletes, friends, and even- unusually late wake-up can become an absolute tually brothers and sister. Jin Hun call for us selected “lucky” convoy to God’s love, will Hyung Nim had said that the Sports- and strength. That of Fest would create powerful memories. learning to think and That the thing you would remember work for the benefit of most was not the games you played my fellow brothers and but the people you met. sisters, not just for I watched the team as the event myself. I have not only started. By the end of the tournament, learned but lived the all of them were really enjoying them- ideal of everything this selves. I could see them spread out movement stands for: across the sidelines, laughing and talk- the value of self-sacri- ing with people who came from coun- fice for the sake of God- tries we could barely spell, much less centered unity. Looking find them on a map. The North Amer- back, I am forever ican team did end up winning the soc- indebted and grateful to cer event. We swept the tournament, God and True Parents undefeated and unscored upon. But I for this lesson and will believe that these girls left with a lot gladly take up the sac- more than a gold medal around their rifices again if given necks. another opportunity. ❖ 8 Unification News February 1998 PROVIDENTIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF HOON DOK HAE

by Prof. Taek Young Oh—Barrytown, NY mic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Adam, the life of attending True Par- and traditions. The Israelites who entered Earth on August 9 (July 7 lunar) given ents is more important than knowing into Canaan guided by Joshua, aroused This is an excerpt from a Korean arti- on True Children’s Day November 1. the Divine Principle. On September 14 God’s wrath because they were influ- cle translated by H. Sakai and edited These characteristics are: the time to at Belvedere, True Father emphasized enced and absorbed by the culture of by B. Lancaster. Dr. Oh is a professor freely receive True Parents’ words, the many times how important it is to attend the Canaanites and stained their blood at the Unification Theological Seminary time to become one with True Parents, the True Family and to live together through their relationship with them. Barrytown, New York and the establishment of the ideal world with them. This speech has the longest The culture and tradition of the Unifi- n September 1, 1997, at centered on the blessed families. title in history: “Let cation Church are neither something us (1) believe True Parents; (2) know that goes along with the conventional the celebration of the ninth Providential Background anniversary of the “Procla- True Parents; (3) live together with True culture and tradition, nor can they Since the Declaration of the Realm mation of Heavenly Par- Parents; (4) become one in True Love compromise with the culture. The cul- of the Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of entism” at Belvedere, True with the True Family; and 5) start to ture and tradition established by True Heaven and Earth, God’s providence OFather proclaimed a “New Start.” He live a life in the Kingdom of Heaven on Parents, are totally new. They are being instructed all blessed families to set Earth.” As expressed in this title, we established from the position of Adam aside one hour each morning from 6:00 have to experience the heart of True and Eve before the fall, True Father is to 7:00 to recite the Family Pledge, then Parents both internally and external- expecting us to know deeply the fun- read Blessing and the Ideal Family; ly as if it were our own, and “to start damental spirit of this culture and tra- Way of God’s Will; and the three prov- living a life in the Kingdom of Heaven dition through the Hoon Dok Hae. identially important speeches: “View on Earth as the way that all blessed The standard to evaluate how deeply of the Principle of the Providential His- families who live in the Age of the Realm we are one with True Parents is the tory of Salvation,” “In Search of the of the Fourth Adam should practice” Words of True Parents, especially the Origin of the Universe” and “True Fam- (True Father, Nov. 11, 1997, Belvedere). most recent ones. True Parents empha- sized many times that the only words ily and True Universe Centering on Becoming one with the Word True Love.” we have to teach (even to those who The tradition of becoming one, cen- On October 3, in Uruguay, True are pre-blessed) are the Words of True tered on True Parents’ Words, began Father added the speech “True Fami- Father that are written in Blessed Fam- with the True Family. At East Garden, ly and I” and God’s Will and the World ily and the Ideal Kingdom (True Father, centering on True Parents, they start- to the selected material to read. On Sept. 21, 1997, Caceras, Brazil; Nov. ed reading the Words from the end of October 13, True Father named the 1, 1997, International Leaders meet- August 1997. Through this reading, daily morning reading session Hoon ing, East Garden). This is the sole stan- True Parents began to educate the True Dok Hae. He also emphasized many dard of life for blessed families. This is Children directly. Until that time, True times the importance of Hoon Dok Hae because the Words of that book are Parents were not able to educate their at the International Leaders’ meeting, based on True Parents’ life (True Father, children directly because of the prov- which was held right after the cele- Sept. 13, East Garden). idential reason that they had to love bration of the 38th True Children’s Day The fact that True Parents have Cain children first. Now it has become on November 1. emphasized the importance of the Hoon possible for them to teach God’s Words The reason why True Father has Dok Hae and decided that the Words directly. emphasized the importance of the Hoon we should read are Blessed Family and Father, on his Hoon Dok Hae tour of True Parents and True Children have Dok Hae is that since the Declaration the Ideal Kingdom, is related to the Korea, speaking at Pusan. established the tradition of becoming of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath providential transformation from the one, centered on the Words. True Par- for Parents of Heaven and Earth, the age of the Holy Spirit Association for has been progressing rapidly as if one ents are expecting every blessed fam- direction of God’s providence has shift- the Unification of World Christianity day was equivalent to a thousand years. ily to inherit this new tradition which ed from the Age of the Divine Principle to the age of the Family Federation for After that declaration, True Father held began in East Garden and go the way as the utmost priority to the Age of Liv- World Peace and Unification. Since the a special meeting for 200 pre-blessed to becoming one with True Family. In ing Life with True Parents being the age of the Unification Church was, in couples in Alaska, emphasizing the order to do this, we must get rid of our highest priority (True Father, East Gar- one sense, an age of theoretical bat- essence of faith, and that faith “should past conventional lifestyle. True Par- den, Sept. 13, 1997). tles, a logic for those battles was required. not simply end with just believing and ents always think of something new, Reaching the point where all The necessary logic for those theoret- knowing, but it should flower into a create new things, and require us to humankind will become blessed fam- ical battles was Divine Principle, Uni- life of attending God.” live a proper life corresponding to these ilies, True Father desires to build the fication Thought,, and Theory of Vic- True Father, after ideal world centered on these blessed tory over Communism. declaring the “New families. He is expecting every blessed The age of the theo- Start” at Belvedere on household, through participating in retical battle has come September 1, said the Hoon Dok Hae, to realize the new to an end, however, and “Even though people tradition which True Father has estab- the age of constructing do not know, we have lished, and to live a life of oneness with the Kingdom of God on already entered into the True Family. Earth has come. The God’s direct domin- True Father’s thought in the Hoon most important mis- ion,” beginning with Dok Hae, will remain as a new tradi- sion of True Parents, the Holy Wedding cer- tion in every blessed family and can be ultimately, is not that emony of Young Jin understood through examining the of becoming the victors Nim and Hyung Jin characteristics of God’s Providence from in the theoretical bat- Nim on September 6. the Declaration of the Realm of the Cos- tle, but that of build- Following that, at 7 ing the Kingdom of God o’clock on the morn- on Earth and in Heav- ing of September 11 en, in other words, the Announcing at East Garden, the Ideal World, which is Age of the Realm of APPLICATION DEADLINE the Will of God. To do the Fourth Adam was this, the most impor- Study in Korea, GOP declared. This decla- tant thing that we can Sun Hwa Middle School ration became possible because of the The overflow audience in Pusan. do is read the Words of True Parents Holy Wedding of Hyung Jin Nim, the that are based on the contents of True youngest son of True Parents. new things. If we keep our past con- MARCH 21, 1998 Parents’ life course, and establish a The Age of the Realm of the Fourth ventional lifestyle for even one day it new tradition in our daily life like that Adam means that the True Family will be difficult for us to understand of the life of True Parents. Applications available for 1997-98 restored the same position as that where True Parents; it will also become painful sixth & seventh graders Adam and Eve could receive the Bless- to accept the Words of True Parents, Centering On Blessed Families ing, reaching their perfection without and it will be more difficult to live accord- True Father instructed that every E-Mail: [email protected] the fall, and that every blessed family ing to those Words. Moment by moment, blessed family should participate in Fax: (914) 734-1678 must attend the True Family, and prac- we must deny ourselves, and contin- the Hoon Dok Hae between 6 and 7 Mail: tice the heavenly way of life in order to ually nurture ourselves in order to o’clock every morning. According to accomplish the original ideal family return absolute faith, absolute love and True Father, the reason we start at 6 GOP C/o BFD which Adam and Eve were supposed absolute obedience. a.m. is because God created humankind 4 W 43rd St. to realize through receiving the Bless- In order to become one with True on the sixth day. The reason we con- NYC, NY 10036 ing. Parents, we should not be influenced tinue to 7 a.m. is because we must In the Age of the Realm of the Fourth or drawn into surrounding cultures see HOON DOK HAE on page 9 February 1998 Unification News 9 RYS & WFWP to Co-sponsor School Project in Guatemala

by John Gehring—NYC from the America’s together to provide The sponsors of the American Friend- the RYS is accepting applications for service, share friendship, culture, ideals ship Project include the Religious Youth those who would like to participate in decade ago, the World Stu- and faith. Service (RYS) and the Women’s Fed- this project. We look forward to involv- dent Corp worked to con- The first American Friendship Pro- eration for World Peace. (WFWP). RYS ing an increasing number of students struct two schools in San- ject was hosted in Haiti, 1996 and was was initiated in 1985 as an interna- and young adults in these exciting tiago Atitlan in a moun- followed by projects in Honduras and tional service project that has involved adventures. This project, as all RYS tainous region of Guatemala. in the Dominican Repub- tens of thou- projects, depends on the generosity of InA 1998, one of the schools is in des- lic. The 4th AFP being held sands of young people like yourself. perate need for expansion because of in Guatemala will involve adults from 4th America’s Friendship Project the growing demand from poor villagers fifty youth from more then over 90 nations seeking a basic education. a dozen nations in an effort in active ser- Guatemala, May 14-23, 1998 (ten- On May 14-23, the 4th American to deepen links of friend- vice and reli- tative dates). Theme: Sharing True Val- Friendship Project will be held in ship and promote a future gious cooper- ues through Educational Uplift. Spon- Guatemala and it will include sub- of peace and cooperation. ation. sors: The Religious Youth Service, stantial construction work on the expan- The Guatemala AFP pro- RYS has Women’s Federation for World Peace. sion of the one of the schools in San- ject will focus on a theme sponsored Participants: Ages 18-28. Qualifica- tiago Atitlan. The crowded five room of, “ Sharing True Values nearly 70 ser- tions: Good health, excellent morals. school house now can fit 50 students through Educational Uplift”. vice projects in Language: Either English and/or Span- but an equal number of poor local stu- The project will begin with twenty seven ish. dents are currently seeking admission. a two day orientation in nations. For more information and applica- As a result of this demand the RYS and Guatemala City on May 14 The WFWP tion for the RYS, or if you are able to WFWP are joining together with friends and will be followed by five was inaugu- make a monetary donation to support in Guatemala to help construct a sec- days of work service in Santiago Atit- rated in 1992 and is a UN registered the project, please contact us at: ond floor to the school. lan near beautiful Lake Atitlan which NGO with chapters in over 180 nations RYS, 4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036. Fax 212 869-6424, Phone America’s Friendship Projects is between three volcanoes. worldwide. The WFWP has had numer- 212 869-6023 ext 429. e mail at: (AFP): Participants will work together to ous peace activities, promoted service help construct the 2nd floor of a rural and educational outreach globally. The [email protected]. Donations by check The RYS and WFWP have been spon- school house. Immediately following WFWP has cooperated with the RYS in should be made to IRFF or the IRF with soring the American Friendship Pro- the project participants will be offered sponsoring American Friendship Pro- a note that it is to be used for the jects which began in 1996 in an effort an optional two day sightseeing adven- jects since 1996. Guatemala project. ❖ to bring students and young adults ture. If you are from 18 - 28 years of age

fore, True Parents desire that even The reason True Father emphasizes blessed family will freely receive the HOON DOK HAE embryos in their mother’s womb drink the importance of studying Korean is Words of True Parents which are the from page 8 the holy wine and be cut off from Satan’s because He deeply desires to realize the source of Eternal Life, beyond the bound- indemnify humankind’s mistake, which lineage. The goal of the providence dur- unification of languages which were aries of race and nation, by attending made God restless even on the seventh ing the next two years is to “cut off divided into many different languages the Hoon Dok Hae. day, that being the day when God, the Satan’s lineage” and to establish the at the time of the Tower of Babel. Mem- Through their attendance, all blessed Creator of Heaven and Earth, was sup- “Blessed Family and the Ideal King- bers of the Unification Church accept families have to become completely one posed to rest (True Father, Sept. 14, dom.” international marriages very easily. with True Parents and True Family in True Father worries that if three gen- Heart. And through offering the time Belvedere). Hoon Dok Hae in Korean Humankind, after having been cre- erations in a row have international between 6 and 7 every morning, every ated on the sixth day, should have On November 1, 1997 at the Inter- marriages, such big families will have blessed family should invite God and become the embodiment of God, achiev- national Leaders meeting at East Gar- difficulties communicating with each True Parents, who created humankind ing individual perfection according to den, True Father directed all National other because of language problems on the sixth day and wanted to rest on God’s purpose of creation. They should Messiahs to translate Blessed Family whenever all families of three genera- the seventh day in our mind and heart have realized an ideal husband and and the Ideal Kingdom into the lan- tions gather. In that case, they will agree and let them dwell there. Furthermore, wife relationship through being ideal guage of their mission country. How- on speaking True Parent’s language in by letting God and True Parents settle spouses and then established the ideal ever, soon after that instruction, he order to solve this communication prob- within our families, the ideal world will family (True Father, “The Significance said that every blessed family must lem, and that language is Korean. He be established based on those families. of Celebrating July 1”, July 1, 1997, read the Words in Korean. He also said said that every blessed family must be This is the desire of True Parents. Salo Boro Hotel, Brazil). In this way, that those who do not understand Kore- able to speak Korean because True Par- True Parents, with these same things all humankind, all families, must allow an should be able feel the Heart of True ents expect them to speak that lan- in their own minds, absolutely keep the True God to come and rest in the Parents who have emphasized the impor- guage . this time without any exceptions. They tance of Korean through the sound of think that the time of the Hoon Dok family as His true place. It is True Par- New Tradition ents’ desire that we learn how to real- the reading, and that they also must Hae is the most valuable time in a day. ize such an ideal through the Hoon Dok feel the spirit of True Parents which is The Hoon Dok Hae is a new tradi- To follow this new tradition established Hae. contained in those Words. tion which True Parents established for by True Parents with a joyful and grate- It is apparent that the unification of all blessed families, responding to the ful heart is the way that we, all blessed Through the Hoon Dok Hae, we read ❖ True Father’s Words again and again, languages through the Hoon Dok Hae providential shift from the age centered families, are supposed to go. even thousands of times, until we digest is in True Father’s mind. True Father, on the Principle to the age centered on all the words which are in Blessed Fam- who has stressed the importance of Life. True Parents’ desire is that every ily and the Ideal Kingdom (True Father, Korean for the last 13 years, has used Nov. 1, 1997, International Leaders every opportunity in order to encour- meeting, East Garden). Based on this age us to study Korean. vBJbjzGvBJ foundation, blessed families will become On the occasion of the Internation- enabled to live naturally and auto- al Leaders meeting on June 6, 1997 Come Fly b matically according to the Words. True which was held right after the True Day B Father said that after the “Proclama- of All Things, True Father spoke for 30 the World with tion of the Cosmic Sabbath of Heaven minutes on the importance of Korean. J j and Earth,” the theme of the prayer of Later, on August 10, He said that lead- blessed families should be: “True Par- ers who did not speak Korean could GO WORLD, INC. not attend International Leaders meet- GO WORLD, z ents! Please enter my mind and dwell b Your international AND MULTILINGUAL travel service! there” (True Father, Sept. 28, 1997, ings. On September 1, True Father said that studying Reverend Moon’s speech- Japanese, Spanish, French, Filipino, Corrientes, Argentina). The content of G such a prayer has to be expanded to es which were not taken directly from j Korean and English spoken. the levels of husband and wife, fami- original language has no value. On November 1, He made it very clear that Specializing in low-cost fares to the Pacific, Africa, South ly, clan, tribe, nation, world and cos- America and Europe. v mos. although international marriages will z The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth be allowed from the third generation of New Yorker Hotel, Suite 522 • 481 - 8th Ave. the True Family, candidates to become B will start from the point where Satan’s G New York, NY 10001 • fax (212) 629-3648 lineage is completely eradicated. It is spouses of the True Family members ☎ ☎ must be able to speak Korean. In fact, (212) 967-8080 (800) 327-3667 impossible to establish the Kingdom of e-mail: [email protected] J Heaven on Earth if there remains even True Parents have not wanted to use v a small part of Satan’s lineage. There- any translation at any International Leaders meetings since August 9, 1997. bjzGvBJb 10 Unification News February 1998 Addition to Family Pledge at Leader’s Meeting in Korea

n February 3, about 2,000 people includ- The meeting began with the entrance of True Par- acts without knowing becomes a servant." ing National Messiahs and leaders from ents. First came reports by President Joon Ho Seuk, Following this, True Father added the eighth verse Japan and Korea attended an International President Jeung Og Yu, and Chief Director Chung of the Family Pledge as the condition of faith in the ❖ Leaders Meeting in Chung Ang Training Hwan Kwak. Rev. Kwak reported that at that moment, Completed Testament Age. OCenter, Sutaek Dong, Korea. 55 million couples have been blessed by virtue of the activity of the Northeast Continent and Africa Con- tinent. In his report, he Family Pledge Number 8 also emphasized that the Blessing Ceremony of 360 Our family pledges, as we enter the Completed million couples will be Testament Age, to achieve the ideal oneness of God held in 12 major cities around the world on June and humankind in love through absolute faith, 13. Then Father spoke, cen- absolute love and absolute obedience, tering on the theme "God exists from before eterni- thereby perfecting the realm of liberation of the ty to the present," and "while one who acts with Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, by knowing becomes a sub- centering on true love. ject (the Lord), one who HSA PUBLICATIONS

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Essays that catch at least a Call (with a credit card) or mail your glimpse, and hopefully an check/money order (US$ only). inspired vision, of the far- Michael Breen, who was the Seoul reaching implications of correspondent for Unificationism and its HSA PUBLICATIONS and The Guardian, spent years tracking applications • $12 down and interviewing people who knew 4 West 43rd Street, NY, NY 10036 Sun Myung Moon as a young man. This book is based on what they told him. A must read for all Unificationists • $14.95 212-997-0050 ext 250 February 1998 Unification News 11 Testimony to RFK Aired in Bahamas

by Bishop Missick—Freeport, Bahamas we have got young girls 20 years old girl and then she has to go nine months, jail up there—and his hair turned white already with three or four children, and and then another 18 years before that overnight. So everyone is faced with This testimony was given on the Bish- so we need someone to each them how child is enough to help him/herself. So separation when they’re starting off a op’s radio program. to deal with that. A young girl goes and we need people to teach on these impor- ministry. oday we are thankful to God gets pregnant and then she has prob- tant matters, Amen! So I’ve learnt a lot, I always say if it’s for God it will for having just returned from lems raising that child on her own, Amen! stand, but if it’s not for God it will come Washington DC attending a needing money, training and educa- Now we also saw the wedding cere- up today and be gone by tomorrow. conference with my wife. tion. We can’t have a world of peace mony, too, Glory be to God! We have Jesus said, “Let them all grow togeth- Truly we thank God for His whilst these sorts of things are going seen so many people, black, white, er until the reaping day, and then the goodnessT and Blessings, for what our on. If the family can keep together we brown, yellow, red—Rev. Moon believes tares will be separated from the wheat.” ears have heard and our hearts have can have peace within the world. in mixing the races, not in segregation. Jesus will come by the grace of God, felt. We attended the Inter Religious The conference meeting on Satur- So we saw black marrying white, brown if you’re wrong you’re wrong and if Federation for World Peace, and the day was led in prayer by a bishop from marrying pink, all kinds of colors and you’re right you’ll get paid for whatev- address was given by the founder, Rev. the Church of God in Christ. We had races. er you do. So, let’s all stand for holi- Sun Myung Moon and his wife. We don’t ministers from all over the world This seven days spent in ness! Without holiness no man shall know his church so much but we give who came to Washington DC to Washington attending the con- see the Lord! I don’t care what any thanks to God because we learned a support Rev. Moon in the work ference, thanks be to God, has man’s got, I don’t mind what they have lot of things, and we have seen a lot of of this Inter Religious Federation been a great experi- or what they’re offering you, Amen! things. for World Peace. For ence. Jesus was with You hold on to God and Jesus’ hand. Now, some folks say that the Rev. Jesus said, “Peace I give his disciples one day You may not agree with the fellow, you Moon only believes in God and doesn’t unto you—through my when they started to might not like his religion—there are believe in the Son, but the problem is Word.” We may be separated grumble: “Look, these peo- many religions in the Bahamas we might we have a lot of churches in the Bahamas by our different religions. ple are using your not like—but we can’t do anything about which preach only about Jesus rather In Bahamas we have name and yet they it, because here in Bahamas we have than about God. We understand that all kinds of religions are not with us!” but according to our if the Son set you free you’re free indeed. right now: the Church of God, Jesus rebuked them, saying constitution and until that is changed You might not believe in Rev. Missick Seventh Day Adventists, Angli- “Let them be!” we have to allow people to come and but if you come to my son for some- cans, Catholics, Baptists. When We can’t help Rev. Moon, help us in this country—we need the thing and he tells you can get it, then the Baptists just started they because he has already gone gospel to be spread. I’m not going to say you can’t have it had problems, because that’s so far. On Saturday that stadium I registered at the conference as the when my son just told you that you the reason we have “Meeting Street” was packed with people. 40,000 Holiness Church of God, so they know could. We might not agree with Rev. today—because that was their meet- of them and just 15 or so demon- I stand for Holiness, and the next min- Moon’s religion, but at this conference ing place and they had to hide. So strating outside. We had many ister registered as the True Faith Church I saw such a lot. There were people it is like this every time you come events take place with religious of God, and the next as Church of God from over 100 different countries rep- up with something new. Jesus leaders from all over the world, in Christ and everybody registered their resenting over 100 different religions came to set us free. He told us to and this was transmitted live religion. That is why it is the Inter Reli- from all over the world and I didn’t go out into all the world and on 56 different channels in gious Federation for World Peace. know we had that many different reli- preach the gospel. the U.S.A. and across the Everyone has to be at peace with gions. Every year there seems to world. Therefore, it has spread one another, you can’t argue with one We were addressed by many differ- be a new religion, a new leader, so far, all you can do is stay another, we’ve got to come together. ent religious groups including Catholic now this, now that—but it and serve the Lord. We can’t have strong families if the wife and Protestant. The chairman of this seems to me it’s all the same, Jesus is coming so, is separated from the husband or the particular meeting was an Anglican because you know you regardless of what reli- husband is separated from the wife and from California. believe that Jesus came gion you are, hold on to the children in that situation. If it is We gained a lot from the address to save us after Adam your faith, and sec- like that, we can’t have a strong church. given by Rev. Moon. Some people say our forefather took us ondly, have a strong So we want to pray, we want to love that he says he is Jesus, but he never into darkness. family. If we have one another, Amen! claimed such a thing according to the Jesus came to give strong families we God created us to be together not speech that I have here. He told us us life and that we might have it more can have a strong nation. We have segregated. At least in the U.S.A., things about how Jesus came into the world abundantly—therefore you have been strong belief that God sent His son to have changed far from what it was in and made his presence felt, and how born again—you don’t have a different die that we might have a right to Life. the ’50s. You used to go in the hotel he had to leave his work to his disci- religion, yet we understand and agree Jesus spent 33 years and then left his and you would see a black sign and a ples. Rev. Moon claims to be one of his with Rev. Moon that God made the fam- disciples, died on the cross, laid out white sign and we had to go different disciples and doing all he can for the ily. his life. Many will come and go, but ways. Today, all those signs are down, sake of people, preaching to the young God wants families to be together thank God for Jesus. everybody is one. So, all denominations people, which is good. He’s trained and then everything will be all right. If Stay with God. He promised to be were there in Washington DC and I give young people around the world, trying we are mixed up in the family there is with us, to keep us, Amen! So hold on God thanks that I went and gained that to teach young girls to stay out of the no peace in that family. If we are mixed to your belief! Glory be to God! experience. I’m going to talk about it way of getting pregnant, and that mar- up in the home, there can’t be any I remember when the Church of God for a long time and so may God bless riage comes before sex. I think he’s get- peace. came to the Bahamas they had prob- this morning and may I have said some- There are so many mothers, where lems. I am thinking about that old man, thing which will wake something up ting his message across very well. We ❖ need that in the Bahamas, too—because a man dropped his seed and left that Mr. Rolle, in Exuma, who was put in inside of you, today! True Parents’ Big Web Site Officially Open!

by Gary Fleisher—Denver, CO For instance: just by typing “Bill Clin- Rev Ahn’s 40 Day Workshop, The Words archive of Unificationist material. Only ton” into the search form, abstracts of of Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak, Expo- a small part of this material has pre- rue Parents’ Birthday her- 13 articles are listed. These articles sition of the Divine Principle, Divine Prin- viously been available on the web. Most alded the official opening of included speeches by Reverend Moon, ciple 1973 (Black Book), The Words of web sites lease space, and cannot afford www.Tparents.org, a world Reverend J. H. Pak, Hyo Jin Moon, and Professor Taek Yong Oh, and Outline enough space to put the content of the wide web site of True Par- articles from the Unification News. The of The Principle, Level 4. HSA-UWC BBS on line. However, ents Organization. About Unification News articles recorded Pres- You can find exactly what you want, www.Tparents.org owns its own Inter- 20,000T items about Reverend Sun Myung ident Clinton’s support of Unification including logos and photos. Entering net Server, making it possible to hold Moon, his family, his faith, his follow- Church activities. “RFK” in the search form leads you to the whole HSA-UWC BBS and contin- ers, and his teachings along with thou- Typing in “Aaron” into a search form articles, speeches and photos of the uous new additions. sands of graphics and hundreds of pho- listed articles from: The Tribal Messi- blessing. Entering “WFWP” in the search www.Tparents.org contains endless tos are now available 24 hours a day, ah , by Reverend Sun Myung Moon, form finds articles, speeches, and logos information about the ministry of Rev- every day. Joy Pople’s Bible Stories, articles for that you can copy onto your comput- erend Sun Myung Moon, his family, Despite its massive size, it is easy to the Unification News, A New Revelation er. and his followers. Email contributions find exactly what you want at www.Tpar- for Mormons at Christ’s Second Advent, www.Tparents.org began testing in (files not money) to Gary_Fleisher@Tpar- ents.org. The first page you see after Holy Bible, Revised Standard version September 1997. www.Tparents.org is ents.org. When you visit, please leave entering http://www.Tparents.org into (Old Testament, New Testament and the continuation of the Unofficial HSA- comments or suggestions. Tparents your browser has an easy to use menu Apocrypha), World Scripture, The Holy UWC BBS. The BBS, founded in 1986 wants its web site to work for you. ❖ bar and simple search form. Bible, King James version, Notes on by Reverend Moon, contained a huge 12 Unification News February 1998 MARRIAGE RENEWAL AND THE HOLY HONEYMOON by Dr. Tyler Hendricks—NYC we offer the following affirmations and his wife, three times. Next, the wife chas- The 40 Days of Purification and encourage you to think deeply upon tens her husband, three times. As we Renewal This is an unofficial document, which them: do this, we determine never to hit each Forty days is six weeks, with the final you may find helpful. A lot of people have 1. Affirming the necessity of sexual other again. “week” being five days long. We offer the worked on it. I offer it until something purity for my spiritual growth, I will following series of themes for your prayer, more official is set forth. Commitment for Renewal refrain from all sexual relationships meditation, conversation and activity on By your participation in the Blessing en and women are meant before marriage. a week to week basis. The questions are for world peace, you are part of an his- to become true parents, 2. Following my conscience, when it intended to be a guide for personal reflec- torical event together with millions of giving birth to sinless chil- is time for marriage, I will respect my tion. It helps to write down these reflec- couples all over the world under the love dren through godly true parents’ and/or spiritual elders’ guid- tions in the form of a letter to your spouse. of God. It is the first step toward a des- love. But we are not one ance in choosing my marriage partner. It is also valuable to maintain a personal tiny in marriage greater than we ever Mwith God, so we are incomplete parents, 3. I will serve as a good example in journal. We urge you to develop this out- dreamed. What are the next steps? How giving birth to imperfect children. We this for my brothers and sisters, col- line with the resources of your faith com- do we really grow spiritually over the suffered as children who never received leagues and friends. munity and personal exploration. long term? How do we strengthen the true love from our parents, and we pass 4. I will encourage others in these Week 1: To Remember spirit, resist temptations, and become our difficulties on to our own children. ideals, beyond race, nation and religion. Recall and reflect upon your marriage true spouses and true parents? In our hearts, we long to separate from For unmarried youths and single, from the first time you met until the time We encourage couples to invest the this lineage of immaturity and selfish- partaking of the holy wine represents of the Blessing Ceremony. Remember forty days following the Blessing for the ness. Through Reverend and Mrs. Moon, one’s commitment to these affirmations. the good and beautiful, and the bad and sake of spiritual renewal. The number God is now bestowing the chance to sep- unhealthy. Explore the meaning of your Holy Wine (Nectar) Ceremony forty represents purification and offer- arate from this unhealthy inheritance common path as a couple, and be will- We then partake of a spiritual grace ing. Just as Jesus began his mission on and begin completely fresh in our mar- ing to learn from your marital history. for the Blessing through the Holy Wine the foundation of forty days of fasting, riage. This means that we can eradicate On a larger scale, recall and reflect upon (Nectar) Ceremony. couples who have received the Blessing the lineage of the strife-filled world and the history of your country, people and The Holy Wine (Nectar) represents are asked to make a financial offering create a healthy society, nation and religious faith. God’s love, the original love of the world, and offer a period of sexual abstinence world. We find that health, personally 1. What situations in our marriage which is the root of the lineage of good- for forty days. Let us consider the pur- and socially, begins through the per- do I remember that built a strong lov- ness. God’s love infuses new life into us pose of this. We live in an era of exces- fection of marriage. This is why the com- ing relationship between us? as a couple. We are reborn as true par- sive permissiveness, justified by saying mitment to love each other truly with- 2. What situations in our marriage ents, inheriting the love, life and lineage that human beings cannot control their in marriage, family and community is caused us pain and alienation? of God. This is the redemption of our sexual desires. The Family Federation the universal value shared by all reli- 3. How did we meet and develop our bodies, as husband and wife together. rejects this demeaning view of the human gions and ethical systems. love? Following the Holy Wine or Nectar, being. Human beings differ from all other It is time to recover the original bless- 4. What would I do differently if I had pray in gratitude for separation from creatures because we are endowed by ing of love. We believe that this is ours the chance? any wrong-doings of the past, from the our Creator with the capacity to post- to have today. From that inner renew- Week 2: To Repent evils of this world and its broken histo- pone sensual fulfillment for the sake of al of ourselves and our marriages, we Repent for what was bad and ry, and for the chance to begin anew. a higher ideal. This capacity for self- can set a foundation for God’s blessings unhealthy. Strive to feel remorse for hav- restraint allowed the great men and to multiply upon our nation and to the Holy Blessing ing caused grief and pain because of women of history and the world’s great entire world. Today, we can take the all- your failings and insensitivity toward A sprinkling with Holy Water repre- civilizations to emerge and prosper. important first step to receive this Bless- your spouse. Take personal responsi- sents your renewal as a husband and Civilizations collapse when self-indul- ing. What follows is a simple and basic bility; do not blame. Know that through wife standing together as a Blessed cou- gence rather than self restraint becomes explanation about how to receive the the love of God and your spouse, for- ple. Again pray, for the new life of your- the norm. The Family Federation laments Blessing. giveness is yours. Build the power to self, your couple and the world. Joyful- that America, as a nation, is falling into forgive your spouse and to accept for- Affirmations of True Love ly honor the true love you are given to a life style of self indulgence. We believe giveness from God and your spouse. enjoy and take responsibility for as an that one way we can respond to this is Our undertaking begins with a com- On the larger scale, repent for what eternal husband and wife. through showing exemplary commit- mitment to marriage and its ethical and was bad and unhealthy in your coun- Chastening Ceremony: Repentance ment of husband to wife, wife to hus- moral requirements. We invite married try, people and religious faith. and Forgiveness band, and parents to children. couples to support these affirmations of 1. How do I discover an objective view In the Blessing, married couples can Putting our beliefs into practice, we true love and practice them appropri- of myself in my marriage? cleanse the sin committed between men married couples who have joined the ately. 2. Am I able to make fundamental and women. In man-woman relations, Family Federation show a concrete exam- 1. Affirming the eternal true love of changes? Can I accept my spouse as to some degree, we all have erred, as ple of self restraint to our children and husband and wife, we rededicate our he/she is, and look for the problem in have our ancestors. society by voluntarily refraining from all marriage to God. myself? To end the resentment, guilt and sexual relations for the 40 days which 2. We will be faithful in marriage for- 3. Realizing my weaknesses, can I yet shame within us, we repent and forgive immediately follow the Blessing. We real- ever. find the power to love? What is the source? each other. We symbolize this by gen- ize that this sacrifice is small when we 3. We will teach our children sexual Week 3: To Rediscover tly and with love striking our partner’s consider the exemplary followers of the purity. Rediscover what was good and beau- backside or shoulders three times. Carry great religions, who lived their lives in 4. We will support all people to uplift tiful. Strive to bring to light an under- this out with a light spirit, grateful for celibacy out of their commitment to God. sexual purity and marital fidelity, beyond standing of our original potential as God’s mercy and your spouse’s under- It is also small when we think of the race, nation and religion. human beings before God. Develop a standing. First, the husband chastens many young people who willingly gave For unmarried youths and singles, sense of gratitude for your spouse. their lives for their country without ever On the larger scale, rediscover what having the opportunity to marry or have was good and beautiful, and develop a a family, so that we might enjoy the sense of gratitude for your country, peo- blessings of freedom. We make this sym- ple and religious faith. bolic offering in respect of that tradition 1. What are areas of improvement in and in a sense of commitment to pos- Sunshine Flowers Corp. our marriage? terity. 2. What are some issues or behav- The forty days also is a step in the iors where I could make some positive process of transformation and renewal. changes? It can be a time to re-evaluate, reflect 3. In what respects could my partner upon and rebuild from the ground up. Toll Free: change for the better? Even the strongest of marriages can get 4. What did I see first which I loved? better, for we are people of love, and love Week 4: To Respect is infinite. But the fact is that most mar- On the foundation of gratitude, devel- riages have suffered the stresses and op a greater appreciation for your spouse. 1-800-786-8062 strains of life in the world. This time to 1-800-786-8062 Based upon this, come to respect your focus on renewal can help every mar- spouse as you would respect the most riage. Couples can treat is as reliving noble and cherished person. their time of engagement, sharing that On the larger scale, develop a greater Full Service excitement and anticipation. Marital appreciation for your country, people problems often work out during this and religious faith. time, which is an opportunity for spir- Fresh Flowers and Supplies 1. How can I develop a sense of awe itual and marital growth. We offer the following plan for your consideration. see RENEWAL on page 13 February 1998 Unification News 13 First Ever ‘Voice of Unity’ Broadcasters Conference held in the Philippines

by Rev. Lloyd Howell—Manila, Philippines cast. Couples are informed about the The first day also included a working ry of the program. existence of the programs when they session wherein broadcasters listened Rev. Howell gave a special presenta- o celebrate the one year receive the Blessing. Each blessed cou- to and evaluated sample programs of tion titled “The role of the media in God’s anniversary of the radio broad- ple is given a leaflet with the station ID their fellow broadcasters. Through this providence” and Donna Howell spoke casting providence in the Philip- and time of broadcast and informed that we discovered that we had some dynam- on “communication skills” and how to pines, the Philippine FFWP they can learn more about the Blessing ic, professional-sounding disc jockeys apply them to radio broadcasting. sponsored what we believe and creating a true family Later a brainstorm- mayT be the first “National Unification- by tuning in to the program, ing session was held ist Broadcasters Workshop” ever held. called “tinig ng pagkakaisa,” wherein a list of 40 pro- The Philippines began the radio prov- (voice of unity). gram themes emerged idence as a way to educate the steadi- The broadcasters’ work- as a basis for develop- ly-growing number of blessed couples shop was designed to eval- ing 1998’s broadcasts. in the country now reported to be around uate and improve our broad- Out of this session some 13 million. Mass education requires casting and determine the of the participants real- mass communications and radio is an next step for the project. ized the importance of effective mass communicator in the Organized by Eric Niduasa, joining local broadcaster Philippines since many people do not assisted by Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd associations and com- have television. We have also found that Howell and Fe Miranda, this mitted themselves to do local radio shows are more effective than workshop, held Dec. 27 & so. national shows because of the many dif- 28 outside of Manila, had Our task ahead is to ferent languages which are spoken in 21 participants represent- determine how large an the country. Through a local show, the ing 10 of the 14 stations audience we are reach- broadcaster can speak the language of presently broadcasting in ing, how effective the the locality to directly reach the local the nation’s various provinces. programs are, and just communities. The hands-on conference who is listening. If any The radio project has expanded’ over consisted of several segments dealing in our ranks. readers have ideas for measuring these the past year, from one station in Mani- with both the spiritual and physical Several lectures were also given dur- criteria, or need information on begin- la, the capital, to 14 stations through- aspects of radio broadcasting. partici- ing the two-day forum. A professional ning a radio project in your country, out the country. The shows vary in length pants offered ideas to expand the con- broadcaster discussed “The role of radio please contact Lloyd Howell or Eric Nid- from a half-hour to one-and-a-half hours tent and improve the technical aspects in the Philippines,” and General Flo- uasa at e-mail: [email protected]. ❖ and are produced in the native languages of production and also practiced mock rencio Magsino (ret.), one of the founders of the provinces in which they are broad- broadcasts. of our radio show, described the histo-

ditions that will allow us to make mar- of your body, your sexual organ exists izes the man reaching true maturity to RENEWAL riage building a joyful daily activity? to bring joy to your beloved, and in that assume his proper position as the lov- from page 12 4. How do we define a clear vision for sense it belongs to your spouse more ing head of the family. To renew his dig- and respect for my spouse? What does our marriage? What is in my opinion a than to yourself. nity as a Son of God and a true husband, it mean to honor my partner? deeply satisfying marital relationship As you are about to pray, greet each the wife supports him and respectfully 2. How do I increase my appreciation that would display our God-given origi- other humbly and respectfully in remem- follows his leadership in both the prayer for my spouse? nal nature? brance of the great commandments given and the act of love, from that moment 3. How can I show gratitude for my Week 7: To Re-create by all religious and ethical teachers, to and for always. Through the ceremony, spouse? Through the final week, which is rep- “love the Lord your God with all your both husband and wife receive a new 4. How can I develop an awareness of resented through three days, bring this heart . . .” and “love your neighbor as commitment from each other, centering the God-given qualities in my partner? process to a climax in which you re-cre- yourself.” Begin with a prayer such as on God. 5. How do I detect situations of dis- ate, and are re-created by, your spouse. the Lord’s Prayer or holy words of your After their holy union on each of the respect towards my spouse and how can The period of celibacy is complete and faith. Then offer personal prayers of three evenings, the couple offer prayers I avoid those situations? we renew the act of love as a re-creation thanks and determination to create an of thanksgiving that this most intimate Week 5: To Restore of joy and holiness and of your very being eternal family centered on God’s ideal of relationships is now centered com- Through appreciation and respect, as husband and wife. for husbands and wives all over the world. pletely on God, bringing joy to God, Heav- restore the original excitement, idealism On the larger scale, pray deeply for After the prayer is a time to enter into en and Earth. We thank God for having and hope of your marriage. Acknowledge your country, people and religious faith, the most intimate and precious rela- taught all of us to become True Parents the need for healing your relationship seeking God’s guidance for the world. tionship of sexual love that only a hus- in our families centered on Heaven. At as a couple and for turning healing efforts What follows is an explanation of this band and wife brought together by God the conclusion of the third evening, dry into positive patterns of behavior. Cap- three day’s spiritual and physical cele- may experience. The union of man and your sexual parts with your Holy Hand- ture your original love. On the larger bration of true love between husband woman was meant to be sacred and joy- kerchief. Do not wash it, but store it safe- scale, restore the original excitement, and wife. ful, but the sinful world has taken its ly as representing your eternal love life toll on our marriages. Through this sacred together. Please pray and reflect upon idealism and hope of your country, peo- The Holy Honeymoon ple and religious faith. union, you can renew the feeling of puri- the meaning of this beautiful ceremony Having completed the 40 day period, 1. How can I revive our love for each ty in love by coming together centered of love, and follow your heart and wis- we are ready for the final step of the other? on the True Love of God. The husband dom in creating through it the most holy, Blessing of marriage, a three day cere- 2. How can I re-romanticize my mar- should help his wife experience a new refreshing and powerful new birth in mony so joyful that it has been called riage? sense of self-esteem as God’s Daughter your blessed marital life. The whole three the holy honeymoon. 3. What new behavior will bring heal- and a Heavenly wife. He humbly encour- evenings should bring Glory and thanks- Jesus said, “But when you pray, go ing to past wounds? ages her to take a motherly leadership giving to God in the Highest. Amen! into your room and shut the door and 4. What conditions need to be accom- role in the prayers and in their sexual pray to your Father.” For three consec- Conclusion plished to indemnify past failings in our relationship during the first two nights. utive evenings, blessed husbands and During and following the forty days, marriage relationship? A husbands’ identity as a man is strength- wives should meet in the privacy of their we encourage you to do something for Week 6: To Re-determine ened and renewed by a true wife. The own bedrooms or a favorite place to offer the sake of the public. For example, it is Determine to work from that point of key for healthy families is for women to a special prayer of thanks. a wonderful time to speak to your chil- original love forward, avoiding the mis- have a position of esteem and respect in The two handkerchiefs given you are dren and friends about your renewed takes which you committed before, and the household. For this reason, on the a souvenir gift of this Holy Blessing. They commitment as a couple and about your building upon the successes and strengths first two evenings of the ceremony, the are color-coded with a pink spot for the experiences of renewal. Your married of your marriage. Develop a sense of high- husband should be beneath the wife dur- wives’ and a blue spot for the husbands’. friends may also want to participate in er purpose for marriage and strive to be ing the love act. Through this gesture, They represent the purity of God’s True the Blessing. If the opportunity presents motivated constantly by the assurance the husband indicates his recognition Love. During the holy honeymoon, hus- itself, consider sharing with adolescents of God’s blessing upon your marriage. that his own spiritual growth and the band and wife each use his or her hand- at the local schools about premarital On the larger scale, determine to build family’s prosperity come through his rela- kerchief each evening when bathing as purity and marital fidelity. Too often stu- upon the successes and strengths of your tionship with his wife. She is not only in a purification to prepare for a prayer of dents hear about abstinence but from country, people and religious faith. the role of wife towards her husband but thanks. You should view this cleansing people who have never intentionally prac- 1. How can my love for God be applied also in the role of mother. Most men hold with the handkerchief as cleansing of ticed even one week of celibacy. Let them in my love for my spouse? their mothers in awe and they should the mind and body of past misconduct. know that love is worth waiting for! 2. How can I develop my faith that do precisely the same with their wife. On Thank God for His gift of sexuality, which Congratulations and welcome! ❖ God desires to be present in our mar- the third evening the husband and wife enables you to become one body with riage relationship? consummate their marriage with the your beloved. More than any other part 3. How can we agree upon daily con- woman beneath the man. This symbol- 14 Unification News February 1998 Pure Love Alliance March at WCSFIII PLA from page 1 participants were orga- nized for the march. With police cars clearing the way ahead of them, all participants marched down Pennsylvania Avenue, chanting and waving colorful placards (“Condoms can’t protect your heart” was the text of many creative slogans advocating sexual absti- nence.) Around 3:30 the march reached the Ellipse behind the White House, and it seemed to me that the crowd had become ing a true family, healthy society and bigger. My estimate is addressed the audience but PLA a world of peace for future generations. that there were between president Robert Kittel. Once that love is consummated, it is not 2,000 and 3,000 people After three cheers of Mansei, the to be broken. gathering at the Ellipse, rally participants invited to go to Therefore I commit myself: almost all Unification- the Kenny Lattimore concert that • To refrain from all sexual rela- ists. A few more people was to start at 6 PM at the Wash- tionships before marriage; gave testimonies, speech- ington Convention center. I couldn’t • To respect and honor the ideal of es, and sang songs. There make it there myself, but I can imag- purity in myself and others; was an announcement ine that it turned out to be quite a • To learn how to practice pure love earlier that the founder unique event. as a child, friend, spouse and parent; of the PLA would be the The Pure Love Pledge • To dedicate myself to absolute fideli- last speaker, but when The pure relationship of love ty within marriage; the time for the last between a man and woman is a • To encourage others to do the speaker had come it sacred gift from God, to be cherished same.❖ wasn’t PLA founder Jin and honored for the sake of build- Hun Park Moon who see page 16 for two testimonies of the PLA March in Washington February 1998 Unification News 15 RYS Service Project in Bangladesh RYS from page 1 Japanese 2nd Generation Play a Key Role sponsored the construction teers grow as fathers and tion failure of elder son of Jaigeer Primary school in Sengair mothers and children of Cain. Cain told God in Thana, Manikgonj district around 40 all ages found ways in a mistaken denial: “Am km. from Dacca. which to team up with I my brother’s keeper?” In order to facilitate the construc- the RYS members and These young people were tion of the primary school in Sengair contribute to the work, clearly saying and show- village where the IRFF had previously the morning prayers, the ing God that the second build a small school, the WFWP-J and spontaneous singing and generation is determined the International Religious Foundation general good-natured to be their brother’s keep- (IRF) jointly sponsored an international sharing. er. Religious Youth Service (RYS) project Among the interna- Unification second from December 22-December 30. The tional participants were generation members were international RYS project involved forty ten Japanese second gen- an active part of the larg- five volunteers from eight nations and eration students who used er RYS community of was largely organized and run by the opportunity of winter faith. By joining with like Bangladeshi RYS alumni. break to experience first minded peers they could The international project was the hand the life of people in receive hope and spiri- fifth time since 1991 that the RYS has a country whose external tual stimulation in the held a major service project in Bangladesh situation is vastly differ- knowledge that God has but this project marked the first time ent from their own. For been preparing a rem- that many other nations took part. The each of these idealistic nant from all the world’s projects success stemmed largely from youth, the experiences of working with stared at it face to face, their was an faith and cultural traditions. This diverse the involvement and cooperation of men, women and children of the vil- even stronger insight and image gained body of prepared youth comes willing many of the RYS Alumni Association lage helped create a bond of empathy from by international participants dur- to accept the challenges that face our who have formed active chapters in and add a touch of uncommon wis- ing the Bangladesh experience. That troubled world. They come prepared to Dacca, the capital city and in Chit- dom. Individually and collectively each separate experience served to provide join together in a new spirit of cooper- tagong, a major port city. Since the RYS Alumni Association began in 1995 they have also sponsored and organized numerous activities and seminars in dif- ferent parts of the country and pub- lish a newsletter. Second Generation Share as a Com- munity of Faith The RYS is a lead- ership training that promotes moral and spiritual values through education could grow to understand more clear- ation to help create the long awaited programs, interreligious sharing and ly some aspects and challenges that a hope and a dream for each of the par- dream of both God and humanity, the work service. The RYS host nation of their peers face daily while growing up ticipants. Kingdom of God on Earth. Bangladesh is a predominantly Mus- in “the third world”. The other image, an image that stands lim country but it has a significant Villagers Moved by RYS Example Despite the shock of massive pover- in stark contrast to the biting poverty Hindu, Christian and Buddhist popu- ty that people came to realize as they of the sprawling slum, is an image that One village leader commented on lations, all of which were represented was built through the living memo- the efforts of the RYS, in this project. The Bangladeshi ry of personal experience. It hap- “We are very much moved by your participants were joined by inter- pened as a result of each participant unselfish dedication for our poor vil- national participants who were developing a relationship with the lage. You taught us how we should help largely from the Unification tra- children of the local village in each other unselfishly and the impor- dition. All those involved worked Bangladesh who each day faithful- tance of cooperation” . together on creating a commu- ly joined them in working side by The comments of the Bangladeshi nity of harmony dedicated to peace side in the construction of a new pri- village leader are very much the ful- and the service of humanity. mary school. As one participant stat- fillment of the vision of RYS founder, Part of the RYS education expe- ed in his reflection, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s vision. Rev. rience included a visit to a des- “My image about Bangladesh was Moon shared at the inaugural RYS pro- perately poor slum in city of Dacca. so much changed by looking at the ject in the Philippines in 1986: Many of the participants were bright and joyful face of village chil- “Man’s unity with God is not a mat- deeply moved when they visited dren”. ter of beliefs and doctrines in the mind. the habitats for they had a chance The work that these RYS young see RNS on page 17 to deeply realize the difficulties people offered serves as that the everyday struggle for food a way to contribute to the and subsistence presents to so dreams of the Bangladesh many of the world’s people. children while the people The physical work of con- of Bangladesh helped structing a school side by side remind the international with local villagers was the cen- participants of what is of tral action that brought this diverse real and lasting value in group together to form the “RYS life. family”. As each day passed, the The second generation news spread throughout the vil- that took part in the pro- lage community about the peo- ject can take satisfaction ple who had come from different in the fact that their countries to their village in order actions are a reversal of to build the new school. Each day a pattern set up by the saw the numbers of local volun- original second genera- 16 Unification News February 1998 Love Comes Alive for PLA Marchers

by Miho Yoshida lent speakers and eye-catching local by Steve Schneider how we got to the White House as entertainers, had drawn a modest but planned. ne love! One life! One energetic crowd of a thousand people. he march itself passed by When we got to the Ellipse, it was man! One wife!” The crowd kept getting larger and larg- like a kind of dream. I was a breathtaking sight. There were peo- Chants like these filled er. I could see everyone having a good concentrating so hard on ple milling all around, too many for the the usually unevent- time, dancing to the beat of gospel trying to keep an even pace eyes to focus on any one. Somehow I ful surroundings as a music, crooning over the life-sized danc- and keep everyone in line ended up helping them carry the ban- string‘O of around 8,000 people, many ing STDs. They were drawn in by the soT that I didn’t have time really to see ner to the front of the stage, and there carrying pure love placards, marched a cappella group from Howard Uni- what was going on all around me. I we stood, waving and singing, staring down Pennsylvania Avenue. Cars versity and the many distinguished remember the way our voices sound- out onto a sea of faces. Staring direct- honked, answering the “Honk for puri- speakers, including the mayor’s wife, ed shimmering off the buildings that ly out at those thousands of people ty!” placard, and people stuck their Cora Masters Barry. I really could was a moving expe- fists formed into “thumbs up” signals see how important each felt the rience, especially see- out of the windows. All of the passers- issue was and how enjoyable it ing the way they by gawked at us in awe. With the police could be. The march was a huge responded to the escort, we knew we were, for that one success. We blocked traffic for chants we were call- moment, the center of attention of the miles, and the whole city of Wash- ing out. For the first whole cosmos. Our cries for purity and ington could hear the echoes of time I could see the family would affect many different peo- our call for family values. The result of our collec- ple all over the world. To know that young and old, black, yellow, brown tive efforts manifest- this was happening filled me with a and white, were all devoted to this ed on that one day. silence and awe. It was fun and inspir- issue of bringing peace and break- Looking out at ing to participate in the Love Alive event. ing down barriers of race and reli- those thousands of Bringing so many young people gion so our children can be free people, I could real- together really helped to make certain of broken marriages and sexual- ize what a profound the urgency of the problem of sexual ly transmitted diseases. impact a group of indi- immorality. It also helped me be more The day concluded with a con- viduals can have optimistic about our future. I could see cert given by Washington’s own when they unite how many young people actually do Kenny Lattimore, the up-and-com- together. I really felt care about family values and I could ing R&B artist. He really put so much day.... I remember the shouts, the like this event was the beginning of the be assured that the world was not going heart into his singing, touching all chants, the clapping.... I turned around healing of the moral problem in this to fall down the drain of immorality. members of the audience. It was sad and could see hundreds of picket signs country, and in the world. ❖ Coming together on this issue of fam- to see the adorable girl stricken with bobbing up and down, off into the dis- ily also helped raise the pride and con- HIV whom Kenny dedicated one song tance..... As we went on, more and COMMUNICATE WITH THE fidence of many young people who were to. His concern for family values was more people were getting caught up able to see that there were many sup- inspiring. The facade of false love and into the excitement and joining the UNIFICATION COMMUNITY THROUGH porters. free sex will fall and be diminished march ahead of us; so our position in The afternoon was clear and brisk. while true love will dominate the world the front of the march slowly started THE UNIFICATION NEWS The Love Alive rally, packed with excel- and last for eternity. being moved toward the middle. Some- Space for Rent

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For more information and appointment, please call: Abdel Mesbah, Building Manager at (212) 997-0050 ext. 288. February 1998 Unification News 17 EUROPEÕS SECT WARS: A CURE WORSE THAN THE DISEASE by Dan Fefferman—Washington, DC the government’s claims to be patent- offices nationwide to educate young In Switzerland, the city government ly false. Meanwhile, the Dutch govern- people against organizations on the List. of Geneva has recommended making wave of legislation, investi- ment took the unusual step of stipu- Critics say the French report is rid- “mind manipulation” a federal felony gations and outright dis- lating that Reverend Moon is welcome dled with unsubstantiated rumors and crime, funding anti- groups, and crimination against religious to visit the Netherlands, despite Ger- false information. According to an analy- creating a government body to oversee minorities is sweeping across many’s listing him as an undesir- . Western Europe today. able. Austria too has published a list AThe cause of the current fear of “sects” The UN’s Special Rapporteur on of dangerous “sects.” Children of is complex. Part of it, no doubt results Religious Intolerance has taken a minority religions hear their teach- from concern that the tragedies of the strong interest in the German sit- ers in public schools ridicule their Solar Temple and Aum Shinreko not be uation and has recently concluded parents’ religious beliefs and prac- repeated. Part of it is due to organized a fact-finding tour. A report will be tices and face derision by class- lobbying efforts of the anti- cult move- forthcoming. mates as a result. Listed groups ment coupled with sensationalized media are not allowed to incorporate or France accounts. And part of it seem to been own property. In effect, they must rooted in old patterns of intolerance of A French Parliamentary report operate as underground organiza- things new, foreign or different. What- published in 1996 listed no less tions. ever the causes, the new European Sect than 172 dangerous “cults” in France. In Greece, the special status of Scare is widespread, and it’s for real. Although the report has no official the Orthodox Church results in legislative power, it has nonethe- German Sectophobia severe limitations for minority groups. less been quoted as authoritative Smaller religions complain that they The German government seems to in several court cases and has result- are denied official status and can- be at the center of the European anti- ed in widespread consequences for not legally hold meetings, conduct sect hysteria. especially with regard to members of minority religions. worship services or own property. the Church of Scientology. The gov- Observers report a “severe anti- Non-Orthodox children are required ernment has officially placed the Church minority-religion climate” has result- to attend Orthodox religion class- and its members under police surveil- ed from the report and media cov- es in public schools. Until recent- lance. Scientologists are banned from erage of it. ly, attempting to convince a person joining the ruling Christian Democra- A member of the Jehovah’s Wit- to change his or her faith- even with tic Party. They are even forbidden to nesses was fired from a public school that person’s permission-was a become dentists. Literature published after years of honorable service criminal act. In addition, any new by the Christian Democrats caricatures apparently for no other reason than place of worship could not be opened the church’s religious symbol by trans- that he was a member of one o the without the approval of the Ortho- forming it into a skull-and -crossbones. listed groups. At least one bombing dox bishop. The European Court It’s not just the Scientologists that has been linked to this atmosphere of Human Rights, however, has receive the brunt of German intoler- of hate. Shortly after a Paris news- HANDBOOK OF HATE: This book, InSects, No declared these two laws void. ance. A pamphlet published by the paper responded to the Parliamen- Thank You, published by Chancellor Helmut Pan-European Actions Christian Democratic Youth, entitled tary report with a headline to the Kohl’s part, depicts minority religions as “InSects: No thanks!” features a cover effect that “Something Must Be Done” insects to be exterminated. Both the European Parliament illustration of a huge fly swatter squash- about the cults, the headquarters of and the Council of Europe are con- ing a variety of mosquitoes and other the French Unification Church were sidering actions to control minori- in-”Sects.” Among those sects singled bombed. sis by the academically-oriented Cen- ty religions. The European Parliament out by the ruling party’s youth arm to Despite the protests of a number of ter for the Study of New Religions (CES- has voted to investigate “sects” across be treated as vermin are Jehovah’s Wit- French Catholic bishops, the Report NUR), the French Report “was com- all of Europe. The Parliamentary Com- nesses, Unificationists, Hare Krishna even includes a Roman Catholic the- pleted without reference to any number mittee on Civil Liberties has appointed adherents and Scientologists. atrical group on its list of “dangerous of easily acquired resources that could a Rapporteur to prepare a draft report The German government went so far cults.” The troupe, Office Culturel de have corrected the misleading infor- on cults. Whether the Committee will as to publish at taxpayers’ expense a Cluny, has been denied the use of pub- mation utilized by the commissioners.” live up to its name is another question. booklet attacking the Unification Church lic theaters for its shows and is report- Following a recommendation in the {The EP draft report turned out to be and has placed the church’s founder, edly nearly bankrupt as a result. Report, the government has now estab- fairly responsible. However, it faces an Reverend Sun Myung Moon, on the The French Ministry of Youth and lished a national Observatory of Cults, amendment process in which it can be Schengen Treaty list, effectively ban- Sport now employs anti-cultists to speak with two extreme anti-cultists report- substantially altered.} ning him from entry into most Euro- to youth organizations and athletic edly appointed as “experts.” Meanwhile, the Council of Europe, pean nations. The church won a court groups about the evils of minority reli- comprised of representatives of all Euro- order preventing distribution of the gions, and Time magazine reports that Reports on a Rampage pean nations, approved in May a rec- booklet after it demonstrated some of there are plans to fund hundreds of The poor scholarship evident in the ommendation that each country create French Report has not stopped it from a cult oversight body and draft appro- setting a trend for other countries in priate anti-cult legislation. Although ICRF now has a web site: Europe. In Belgium, a parliamentary the Council is a purely consultative commission on cults released its report body with no juridical authority, it is on April 1997. It outdoes even the considered to be very influential among www.religiousfreedom.com French report both in sheer numbers Europe’s smaller nations. of “cults” listed and in the types of Europe today is witnessing a wide- organizations it considers spread trend toward controlling minor- dangerous-among them ity religions. While fears of a repeat of ity in the inner heart of the people. the Catholic Charismatic the Solar Temple and Aum Shenriko RYS RYS is a wonderful project to seek for spir- Renewal, Seventh Day tragedies is understandable, European from page 15 itual unity and extend service to needy peo- Adventists, Quakers, the legislators apparently did not adequately ple.” It must be expressed in actions of love and Amish and (believe it or consider the consequences of various RYS has for twelve years been providing a service to others.” not) the YWCA. governmental reports on the liberties model of peaceful cooperation that is based Through young people of all faiths com- The Report, which was of innocent people who hold uncon- on unselfish love. Through its efforts in near- ing together and serving this village, the adopted by the Belgian ventional religious beliefs. Could this ly thirty nations it is seeking to model the essence of religion was displayed in the form Parliament minus its be another case where the cure does true spirit of religion and provide a substantial of a spirit of loving cooperation. A model of embarrassing list, rec- more harm than the disease? training for all young people who are willing “True Religion” is being provided, this model ommended that “mind con- to be their brother’s and sister’s keeper. This is reprinted from the newsletter is essential for a world growing in skepticism trol” be made a crime pun- For more information on RYS or if you of the International Coalition for Reli- and moral confusion. The RYS is in a way ishable by law. It also stat- would like to help organize a project or con- gious Freedom. ICRF is still looking for providing a bridge that provides a patterns ed that a US Hasidic group, tribute to RYS please contact our office. correspondents who can help develop a for peaceful transition into the 21st centu- the Satmars, was engaged RYS, 4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY religious freedom information network ry. in kidnapping Christian 10036. Phone 212-869-6023 ext. 429 Fax worldwide. We especially need help for Yoshiko, one of the young Japanese par- children-a charge which 212-869-6424. Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the ticipants shared these reflections, would be ridiculous if it email [email protected] smaller nations fo the former CIS. IF you “Despite language limitations, we realized were not eerily similar to Rev. John W. Gehring is the Director of RYS can help, please contact us at the possibility of unity among different races previous patterns of Euro- International. ❖ [email protected]. ❖ and religions. I could discover more similar- pean anti-Semitism. 18 Unification News February 1998

by Rick Swarts—Montevideo, Uruguay have had much opportunity in the past few months to experience fish- Fishing in a Foreign Land ing in a foreign country — specif- ically the Pantanal area of Brazil. tify. Unfortunately, there is another fish realized that it was no longer exciting of nine boats were still there, but my The Pantanal is the world’s largest called Piraputanga, which is also a rich, to hold each one up proudly to the other keen eye spotted an opening in the Iwetland, and a virtual cornucopia of golden color, and which likes to jump fisherman, and motion to them where upstream part of the group. I knew this exotic birds, spectacular flowering plants, a lot when it is hooked. How to tell the they can fish to get a lot of great Piran- was my lucky day. And this was just and myriads of aquatic reptiles and difference? Well, a Dourado has to be ha. Usually, they moved away from me such a day where my skills in the art mammals. It is the home to the jaguar, 55 cm, while there is no minimum with pretty fast. of non-verbal communication came in the cougar, the caiman, the giant river Piraputanga. Right away I know that if Well, I was out fishing by myself the handy. otter, and the anaconda. And it is also a fish I catch has a rich golden color, last Friday of September — my fishing Deftly maneuvering my boat into the home to myriads of fish, which grow and likes to jump, it must be a Pira- guide not showing up due to some freak area upstream of the spot and setting very large and attract fisherman from putanga. occurrence where mosquitoes attacked my anchor, I settled back and relaxed all over the country and the world. When one does not know the lan- him in mass, and the other guides not and let the current drift me exactly into I have been working in the Pantanal guage, it is helpful to have non-verbal available due to the vast numbers of the narrow gap between the boats. Well, doing ecological studies, and have been communication skills. Luckily, fishermen in the area. Not being able a solar flare must have affected the cur- learning a lot in my spare time about that is my to catch any Piau, Dourado or Pinta- rents just then, because I missed the the art of fishing in a foreign strong suit. do, I began to closely observe the other location by a few boat lengths. Other- environment. I have also been I can illus- fishermen. I noticed that one group of wise, I would not have banged into this learning a lot about mos- trate how nine boats, packed against one bank other boat, with its three Brazilian fish- quitoes, as part of a per- that skill of the river, were having marvelous fish- ermen, whose intense fishing was dis- sonal experiment for my broth- works with ing. They were catching Piau after Piau tracted only by their obvious admira- er-in-law Wally Kieselowsky. You the following true after Piau. And not one Piranha. How- tion for my seamanship. Another less see, Wally developed a special accounts about my recent ever, they were so tightly bunched that knowledgeable person might have inter- concoction out of his backwoods fishing experiences. I was not sure I could get my boat in preted their glaring and strong words home in Pennsylvania that he It seems that during late September, there. However, I was wrong. An oppor- as criticism for our unexpected meet- claims repels mosquitoes. Not the Curimbata like to migrate up the tunity presented itself, and I smoothly ing, but my skills in non-verbal com- exactly approved by the FDA, Miranda river, where I normally fish. worked my boat right into the middle, munication allowed me the insight that and being personally concerned The Curimbata is a bottom-feeding fish, and prepared for the greatest fishing of they were just kidding. How else to inter- about the effects of DEET found which gets to be up to 20 inches long. my life. pret the courtesy that the fishermen in the normal insect repellent, When they migrate, there are so many After exchanging a few pleasantries, extended to me in reaching out full- I decided to conduct my own field of these fish, that they surround your and unhooking two fishing lines that length over their motor in order to sup- tests. After all, the Pantanal is boat and you see a literal sea of fins had stuck in my motor when I moved port my boat? also renowned for the size and mass- sticking out of the shallow areas. There into the area, I settled down to fish. Well, I decided that we were a little es of its mosquitoes, whose huge black are so many fish in fact, and they are That is when I began to notice the other too close even by Curimbata fishing swarms sometimes obscure one’s vision. so active, that the river has plumes of fisherman were staring at me. What is standards. Fortunately, my seasoned And I could get many bottles of the stuff fountains everywhere. However, the wrong? Am I still bleeding from that boating mind quickly grasped that I for free. When I told a local here that I Curimbata themselves are not a sport- Piranha bite? Finally, in a flash it dawned could leave my anchor intact and maneu- had an all-natural insect repellent that fish, since they don’t seem to take any on me: everyone was using crabs while ver the back end of the boat to the half- would not cause cancer, he looked at bait (and you only need to reach I was sitting there with fillet submerged tree and tie it there. I knew me sideways, and muttered something down with a hook and you of Curimbata for bait. I couldn’t just use the oar to get there about “it better work”— because the can catch as many as you It dawned on me when against this current, by now affected choice down here is between cancer in would like). Fortu- people started saying by rip tides, since I tried it three times 20 years or death in one day from hav- nately, with the Curim- “#&%$#@ fillet %$#@!” and kept banging back into their boat. ing all the blood sucked out of you. bata migration come numer- Fortunately fillet is the So I fired up the motor and proceeded At any rate, I would like to pass on ous sportsfish, like the afore- same in English and Portuguese. to the submerged tree, a plan hindered to you my acquired knowledge about mentioned Dourado and Well, the next 30 minutes was one only by the fact that by the time I shut the art of fishing in a foreign land, and Pintado, as well as the of my more event-filled and thrilling the engine off and reached out for the specifically Brazil’s unique and eccen- Piau, all of which like to fishing experiences. I caught Piranha tree, the current (influenced by now by tric fishing customs and etiquette. eat the Curimbata. after Piranha after Piranha, which seem El Niño) had pushed me back into a Actually, it is not necessary to have Now, normally one is to love fillet of Curimbata. I was wrapped meeting with my colleagues in the other to speak fluent Portuguese to be part fishing in virtual isolation around everyone else’s line. I got caught boat. of the fishing community here. Yes, it in the Pantanal. The Pan- twice in my neighbor’s anchor line. I By now we were having a lot of fun. is certainly true that a few, well-cho- tanal is itself as big as the country of would no sooner throw my line in the They kept acting like they were angry sen expressions are useful. I have gained France, with numerous rivers, and so water, then a Piranha would grab it. I and the more I laughed at their funny the greatest use out of three: (1) “Eu one pretty much has a large section of thought this was simply amazing, since antics the more they pretended to be nao falo Portuguese (“I don’t speak Por- the river to himself or herself. Howev- only moments before I arrived I didn’t angry. Finally, I worried that I was tuguese”— which is useful when some- er, when the Curimbata migrate up the see anyone catch any Piranha at all. encouraging them too much and they one rambles on and on in Portuguese, Miranda, the fishermen migrate with However, for some unexplained reason might tip their boat over with their hilar- as if you understand what in the world them. Somehow, all the fishermen in (I couldn’t understand the Portuguese), ious, exaggerated movements, so I head- he’s talking about); (2) “Os Peixes estan the vast Pantanal are able to fit into the it didn’t seem that the other fishermen ed out for the tree once more. This time picando?” (“Are the fish biting” — usu- area with the Curimbata, which is about were sharing my bubbling enthu- I had the correct speed, angle and ally the prelude to having the person the size of two football fields. This results siasm. vector, and I had accurately rambling on and on in Portuguese), and in a little overcrowding. Those fisher- To complicate mat- adjusted for solar flares, rip (3) “Como tiro o Piranha de meu dedo?” man who like their peace and tran- ters, it was also about tides and El Niño. And I darn (“How do I get this Piranha off of my quillity and who can’t stand crowds, that time that the first results well would have made it had it finger” — usually ... well, never mind). tend to keep their distance, maybe 10- of my Wally Insect Repeller not been for my anchor line getting It is also important to know some- 15 feet from another boat. However, the experiment began to come caught up in my motor. The fellows in thing about the fish you are going to vast majority like to crowd one boat in and I began to notice the other boat sure looked happy to see catch. You have to know which species with another. That way they can share that it had an interesting me, having by now decided to discon- is which, in order to meet the fishing their fishing nets, trade hooks, and get side effect. It seems that tinue fishing and focus all their atten- regulations. Here the fishermen are pro- a close look at the size of monofilament the Wally repeller attracts tion on their new friend. vided with a yard-long, white ruler the other is using when they untangle mosquitoes rather than repels them. Well, it is not easy to disentangle an labeled with the minimum size the their lines. My boat swarmed with mosquitoes, and anchor line from your motor, especial- species must be. Take Jaú for instance. Curimbata migration or not, the first I nearly slipping into unconsciousness ly when trying to engage in good-natured The ruler lists the minimum of this day I went out I could not catch any- from slapping myself. I decided to move banter in a foreign language with your species as 90 centimeters — about 35 thing but Piranha. Now, mind you, the on. Anyway, the Piau had mysterious- fishing colleagues parked alongside you. inches. Right away, I know that I don’t first few Piranha are very exciting. They ly stopped biting anyway. And I felt I Complicating matters in this case was have to worry about what Jaú looks are a fierce-looking fish, have good size, needed to get back and warn my fish- the fact that by now my anchor had like — I will never catch anything that and they dart every which way when ing guide about the Wally Repeller, since somehow got tangled up in their anchor big. Likewise, Pintado have to be 80 cm they are hooked. But the Piranha will I had given him five bottles of the repel- line, causing both boats to slowly drift (31 inches). Again, I know that what- also eat anything you throw into the lent, and apparently he already has past the other nine boats whenever I ever I catch cannot possibly be a Pin- water, and is considered a junk fish as some kind of natural attraction to mos- had to lift my anchor. tado. That brings us to the famous far as sportfishing is concerned. I quick- quitoes. A man less learned would have thought Dourado. Dourado has a rich, golden ly recognized that not everyone was Well, the following Saturday I made I had shot beloved Aunt Ramona or color, and it likes to jump a lot when it sharing my enthusiasm for this fish. sure that I had crabs, and headed out something, the way my new found ami- is hooked. That should be easy to iden- After about my 50th Piranha or so, I for this prime fishing area. The group see FISH on page 20 February 1998 Unification News 19 DIVINE PRINCIPLE STUDY THE ORIGIN OF CONFLICT AND SUFFERING

Volume Two • Part Three related to Eve. A real tree would mul- Obviously, this was no ordinary ser- The Serpent and Satan tiply by its fruit, which contains the pent. First of all it was capable of tempt- The Book of Revelation reveals who enesis tells us that in the seed necessary for producing the next ing and lying to a human being. In the “serpent” symbolizes: “And the Garden of Eden, God cre- generation. Comparably, mankind mul- addition, it was aware of the existence great dragon was thrown down, that ated Adam and then cre- tiplies through the fruit of love—specif- of God and of the commandment He ancient serpent, who is called the Devil ated Eve to be his spouse. ically Eve’s love. Thus Eve was repre- gave Adam and Eve. Genesis reports and Satan, the deceiver of the whole If the Tree of Life standing sented by the Tree of Knowledge; and him as saying: world—he was thrown down to Gthe Garden symbolizes Adam, the Tree eating the fruit represents experienc- “Did God say, “You shall not eat of the earth and his angels were thrown of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, down with him.” (Rev. 12: 9) which stood next to the Tree of Life This passage brings together (Gen. 2:9), must symbolize Eve. the last book of the Bible and the It is not unusual for the Bible to first. According to it, the ancient use the symbol of a tree to repre- serpent, the tempter of Eve, was sent a human being. Jesus at times “Satan,” and this has been the spoke of himself in such terms: commonly accepted view within “I am the vine and you are the the Judeo—Christian tradition. branches. He who abides in me, But the question is, “Who is and I in him, he it is that bears much Satan?” The word itself comes fruit, for apart from me you can do from the ancient Hebrew, where nothing.” (John 15:5) it meant “the adversary.” It sig- In Romans 11:7, Paul refers to nifies the Biblical affirmation that Jesus as an olive tree: there is a force in the universe “....and you, a wild olive shoot, which is in active opposition to were grafted in their place to share God. the richness of the olive tree... Since we know that in Gene- In a similar fashion, Adam and sis the “serpent” represents Satan Eve are represented by two trees. we can discover who the “serpent” To assert that there was a Tree was by discovering who Satan is. of Life and a Tree of the Knowledge ing Eve’s love. any tree of the garden?” (Gen. 3:1) According to the passage just quot- of Good and Evil in the midst of the In other words, this serpent had the ed, Satan was once “thrown down to Garden does not mean that there are The Serpent as Adversary ability to comprehend God and His will. the earth.” If we contrast earth and two literal trees in the geographical In addition to the Tree of Life and As we know, snakes are not recog- heaven, Satan must have been origi- center of a literal garden. Rather, the the Tree of Knowledge, Genesis tells us nized for their spiritual capacities. An nally in heaven before being thrown symbols mean that the two people, of a serpent that came to Eve in the actual snake, which has no spiritual down to earth. Thus, the “serpent” Adam and Eve, were to be the center garden and tempted her. According to comprehension, could not be capable must at one time have qualified for and nucleus of God’s ideal of creation. the scripture, he was a talking animal, of such spiritual knowledge as was dis- heaven. We may also surmise, in light God’s entire ideal of creation is to be more clever than any other beast of the played by this particular “serpent”. We of the principle of growth, that although fulfilled through man and woman. field, who subsequently became a crawl- must then conclude that the serpent this being was created good, later he When we see that the Tree of the ing creature as a consequence of his is a symbol of a spiritual being who fell and became Satan. ❖ Knowledge of Good and Evil represents temptation of Eve. Again there is the successfully tempted Eve to sin. the woman, Eve, we can also imagine question of how this serpent is to be that the fruit of this tree is somehow understood. Is it literal or symbolic? TRUE PARENTS’ HISTORY FOR CHILDREN A House Built Beside a Rock by Linna Rapkins “Yes, Father,” answered Won Pil Kim, people. They prayed. Then they climbed wooden boxes to be found. “I can understand why.” the long hill in the summer heat and Once, as they were building, the e must get a place “We will build a house right here,” worked on their little house. Many weeks house fell down. Twice, it fell down. of our own,” said announced Father as he pointed to a they could only build it on Sundays But Father never even frowned. He just Father one hot sum- huge rock rising out of the rough, rocky when they were off from work. figured out what was wrong and began mer night. “We have ground. He did not look at his again. Finally, on the third try, been in Pusan for young disciple’s surprised face it grew into something resem- almost‘W six months now. If we contin- but continued sharing his plans bling a house—a shack, real- ue living in this tiny room, we will never enthusiastically. “We will gath- ly. On clear nights Father and be able to get people to join us. There er stones and wood and any- Won Pil Kim would be able to is no space to teach. No freedom to thing else we can find for our admire the stars through the invite guests in.” building. But first we must level cracks in their roof. In wet Won Pil Kim nodded his head in this spot off. I already found a weather, rain would drip agreement but without much feeling shovel and a sack. We can fill through and turn their dirt of hope. As he wiped the sweat from it with dirt from over there, dump floor into mud. But they were his brow, he thought to himself, “Where it here and pack it down tight. so eager to move in! would we ever get enough money for a That will be our floor.” One day in September, they place of our own? And where would we He had already picked up an were able to stand back and even find a place? Every dwelling in all old shovel and a big cloth bag admire their finished handi- Pusan is surely full to overflowing.” from their hiding place and was work. Their very own home! Father didn’t seem to notice the heat, walking to the place he had Here they would be able to as his brow formed a thoughtful wrin- pointed out. Won Pil Kim fol- stretch out to sleep. They would kle. “I want to show you a place tomor- lowed him and soon found himself hold- Father and Won Pil Kim gathered be free of the landlord’s questioning row, Won Pil.” ing the bag, while Father shoveled dirt stones from everywhere. They carried eyes. They could cook their own meals. The next morning, Won Pil Kim fol- into it. When it was full, Won Pil Kim them, a few at a time, to the chosen They could breathe fresh air. And most lowed Father up the steep Pom Net Kol carried it near the big rock and dumped spot and piled them carefully on top of of all, they could invite people in when- hill where Father had mediated and it into the holes. By the time he returned, each other. They stuck smaller rocks ever they wished—for this house was prayed so many times. They climbed Father had more dirt already dug up and handfuls of soil in between the not just for themselves. It was for doing beyond the city to a place where only to shovel into the bag. After awhile, rocks to hold them in place. The rocks God’s work. a cemetery and one house stood. they changed jobs. Father worked so formed the lower part of the house. The Before they even thought of moving “The Pusan people tell a story,” said fast, however, Won Pil Kim couldn’t get upper part was made mostly of wood- their few belongings in, however, they Father, “that on this hill a white tiger very much dirt dug up before Father en boxes, but in some cases, they even knelt down to pray. They thanked God once appeared. For that reason, no one was back for another load. used cardboard boxes. They knew that for their new home and dedicated it to wants to live here. They are so super- All through the month of August, when it rained, these boxes wouldn’t Him. This humble hut of boxes and stitious.” they went to their jobs. They visited last very long, but there weren’t enough stones was God’s most holy house. ❖ 20 Unification News February 1998 Reality, An Effective Discipline for Children by David Kasbow—Detroit, MI They use: to be Christ’s disciples. ily Together When the World is Falling 1) A clear set of fair laws agreed upon The key to making it work is for par- Apart, suggests it be used from the magine a person going way over by the community ents to have the willingness to not pro- start. When the child is an infant, par- the speed limit as he races down 2) Actions, not words, to enforce the tect their children from reality, to not ents can get a baby sitter once a week the road. Suddenly the driver looks law bail them out. Of course, loving one’s and go out together. It’s good for the in his rear view mirror and sees 3) Enforcement that is respectful children is to have a clear set of expec- child to know he or she is not the cen- the police. He pulls over only after but decisive and consistent tations for them, but just as impor- ter of the universe; and Mom will be a Ibeing followed a long distance. He then The policeman doesn’t tant, loving them is giving them the better parent after some time to recu- protests he didn’t do anything wrong, nag or scream: “Don’t you freedom to experience the consequences perate. that everyone is driving fast. The police- know you could hurt of their decisions about following A favorite battleground is the din- man says nothing but just starts writ- someone out here?” or these expectations. To be blunt, ner table. I had a couple come in to ing out a ticket. The man starts to cry “How many times do we it is to let them fall on counseling who would actually bring that it’s not fair and, besides, he doesn’t have to tell you not to speed?” their face some- food with them when they went to visit have the money to pay for a ticket. The or “What am I going to do times. This is quite relatives because their eight-year-old policeman keeps writing. The man takes with you? You’re hopeless?” anxiety-producing child was such a picky eater. They were the ticket, tears it up and throws it on He just writes out a ticket for some parents. more like servants of a little princess the ground. Now the policeman takes and the system in place It’s hard to let John- than parents. Every mouthful was dis- out his book and writes another tick- backs it up with ever- ny walk to school when cussed and debated. The child wal- et for littering. The man screams he increasing levels of action. he sleeps in late and lowed in constant attention. Parents hates the police and threatens the offi- If the ticket is not paid, the misses the bus. But it’s don’t have to go through this. They cer. Now another car pulls up and the fine goes up. If the person gets just this kind of expe- have the right to cook what they want man is taken away to jail. multiple tickets, his license will rience which builds to eat. If it happens to be something In this scenario, the man in the car be taken away. If he drives after Johnny’s self-respect that Suzie does not happen to like, let is of course acting like a child. Chil- that he ends up in jail. All of and self-esteem. When reality come into play: just don’t set a dren use all the above tactics, and this is done quite calmly. No he can take respon- plate out for her. When she asks what’s more, to get their way with their par- emotion is involved, no excess sibility for his failure going on, simply inform her that you ents. The police officer of course is in energy is wasted. and get himself where knew she does not like this dish, so the position of a parent, in this case a This model I think can be of he needs to be, when you didn’t set out a plate. She will either healthy, confident one. With too many benefit to parents. Kevin Leman calls he needs to be there, he has united his go hungry for one meal (which will not parents, the childish strategies used it “reality discipline.” The theme is that mind and body centered on the truth. kill her) or decide the stuff isn’t so bad above are unfortunately effective; par- in the real world there are numerous Goodness is the result; he is an active after all. ents give in to the child’s tactics or realities which we all must face to get responsible citizen. If he is bailed out Through these kinds of experiences engage in a power struggle as they bat- along in society and the closer the par- by being driven to school time-and- children learn to cope with the real tle back. ents model the real world in their fam- again, he does not gain this victory over world. By the time the really frighten- Why are the police so effective while ily, the better off their children will be. himself. And, treating Johnny in this ing realities of driving, dealing with the some parents are not? It’s because the For ideas on setting up such a model, way shows him more respect than nag- opposite sex and the temptations of police use certain basic principles of see Richard and Linda Eyre’s book, 3 ging and yelling at him to get up in the drugs come on the horizon, the child discipline effectively. Steps to a Strong Family. morning. Furthermore, nagging and has developed a sense that some seri- It is important to note that dis- then driving him when he gets up late ous consequences can come from his FISH cipline is not punishment. The dic- causes him to lose respect for his par- or her behavior. They will have inter- from page 18 tionary describes discipline as “train- ents. He learns that their directions nalized the Biblical direction of Proverbs ing which develops self-control, char- are not serious, that he is in control. 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he gos in the linked boat were acting. But I acter, etc.” It comes from the word How early in a child’s life can a par- should go, and when he is old he will knew everything was all right when one of “disciple”. This is an excellent way ent start using reality as a discipline? not depart from it.” ❖ the more entertaining fellows started mak- to think of raising children; they are Leman, in his book Keeping Your Fam- ing thrusting motions toward me with his fishing knife, an obvious non-verbal com- munication of “It’s all right to cut our anchor rope if that will help.” And frankly it did help. Unfortunately, by this time we had drifted through the fishing spot with the other nine boats, all of which had actors and comedians every bit as talented as my new friends. Apparently, acting angry is a Brazilian way for fishing buddies to com- municate. As they courteously offered advice, no doubt helpful, I didn’t have the heart to say “Eu nao falo Portuguese,” so I just politely smiled, resulting in more of the animation. When I finally got my anchor up, I looked up and noticed that a boat had moved into the spot vacated by my new-found friends, who by now had drifted quite some dis- tance away. I thought the fellows in the other boat would have been displeased to have lost their spot. However, I knew they were good sports when they began waving their knives toward me. Obviously show- ing a person how to fillet a fish is a Brazil- ian way of saying “You’re welcome any day. Come back again soon.” Nonetheless, I decided not to stay and fish in the area, since all the commotion of the other fish- ermen had probably scared off all the fish. I fished some distance away the rest of the day. As you can see, I am learning a lot dur- ing my stay here in Brazil. Already I am building a reputation for myself. I cannot wait for my wife, Lourdes, a native Brazil- ian, to come down here from the States and see how all the fishermen stare at me when I go by, like I’m some kind of super- fisherman or something. I am sure she will be impressed. ❖ February 1998 Unification News 21 MONEY AND THE UNIVERSAL PRIME FORCE

by David Burton—New Haven, CT take action, which then serves as the individual of course, then expands through we are not automatically connected to UPF acting within the unified or multi- family, tribe (or clan), race (or people), God’s purpose. So that as UPF is multi- This is from a sermon given at the Con- plied bodies initiating the next level of nation, world, cosmos, and God. I have plied through us it depends on us to con- necticut Church, 2/1/98. relationship. the hardest time clearly understanding nect it to God’s purpose. Only if we con- hen we look at the phys- UPF is therefore the unifying force the stage of race (or people). Also, Father nect ourselves to that purpose can the ical universe we can see both horizontally and vertically. Through often misses this stage in his speeches. UPF (money) flow along both vertical and there is a vertical and the action of UPF the smallest particles Still, where it is mentioned, there is a horizontal axes without break and we horizontal order. The ver- right here at the bottom are connected clear understanding that passing from can begin to see the emergence of God’s tical order begins with through this unbroken vertical line to race to nation involves an expansion of world and plan. theW smallest particles, the quarks, elec- the largest scale the macrocosm. That size or scale. Additionally, it is essential that we, trons and neutrinos, and ends with the the smallest particles are intimately con- Again, as in the physical universe this as individuals, be connected all the way whole physical universe. Unification nected to the largest levels of physical vertical and horizontal order is all held along this vertical line. Just as in the Thought calls this the “macrocosm”. We existence as part of this largest existence together by give and take action and UPF. physical world we can see that the small- do have to be careful how we use the is actually quite amazing. The relationship between vertical and est particles are completely connected terms vertical and horizontal; they can Additionally, in Unification Thought, horizontal, identity maintaining and devel- to the largest scales by the unbroken mean different things depending on the UPF has both an internal, emotional com- oping quadruple bases can most clear- vertical line, and the action of UPF. One context. Vertical can mean internal, or ponent, that contains or conveys God’s ly be seen within the family. Here hus- part of that connection is allowing the spiritual, and horizontal can mean exter- purpose for the physical universe, and band and wife engage in give and take unbroken flow of UPF (money) in both nal or physical. Vertical can be lineage an external energetic element. action that has more than one result. horizontal, and vertical directions. We and horizontal a single generation, or Now modern science recognizes four On the one hand the relationship mul- can see this at the level of the family. history vertical and the present hori- forces that hold the physical universe tiplies children. This is our traditional Say I have a family, I take care of the zontal. Here I am defining the vertical together. These four forces operate at dif- explanation of the second blessing (which kids, paint the house, do the washing direction as an increase in complexity ferent scales along this vertical line. The I had a hard time with for quite a while). up (occasionally), but use my money only and/or scale, and horizontal as similar- strong and weak forces operate at the On the other hand the same relationship for myself what happens to my family. ity of complexity or scale. level of the fundamental particles. The causes the family to come into existence If I earn money, put it in my bank account, The vertical thus begins with the small- electromagnetic force operates at inter- at the next stage. I was not able to rec- and only spend it to buy myself food and est least complex things, the elementary mediate scales up to the level of heav- oncile these until I read some Unifica- clothes, what happens to my family? In particles, and continues vertically through enly body, and gravity operates at very tion Thought and understood that a sin- this situation I am stopping the vertical a series of stages that I will represent by large scales. I believe that these four gle give and take relationship can have flow of UPF and the family cannot exist, atoms, molecules, materials, planets (and forces represent the external energetic both identity maintaining (creation of it dies. Of course this is not the only thing sun), solar system, galaxy, and macro- aspect of UPF in the physical universe, family), and developing (multiplication that makes a family, but what I am get- cosm. At each vertical stage there is also because they literally hold it all togeth- of children) aspects, i.e. the vertical and ting at is that this is an essential part. a horizontal order among things of a sim- er. horizontal are completely united within Breaking this vertical line means that ilar quality, i.e. at the level of the heav- Additionally, scientists have discov- a single give and take action. the larger levels cannot come into exis- enly bodies, centering on the sun, the ered something of the way these forces The question then becomes “how is tence. operate. Specifically they have found that UPF represented in this vertical and hor- planets have a very clear horizontal order Break the law that together gives rise to the solar sys- these forces operate through the subject izontal structure?” tem. There is similar horizontal order at and object exchanging other types of par- Now we are dealing with human beings We can see this clearly by looking at each vertical stage. ticles. To show an example of how this of course things have become a bit more the physical universe again. Say we were From Principle we understand that works let us take a common example of complicated. Not the least of which is able to break this vertical line so that the universe can be seen as a single enti- give and take action given in Principle that we now have to deal with the spir- the solar system does not form (we do ty, a single individual truth body, that lectures, that of the proton and electron. itual world, because we all have a spir- something to gravity on this scale), then exists as a unified whole. The question The proton has a positive charge, the it. Love, or True Love is one possible way the galaxy cannot form, and the macro- then arises as to how that unity is achieved? electron a negative charge. to view the action of UPF, cosm does not form. The larger levels are Of course the answer is that unity is There is therefore an but I believe that this is all lost. Additionally, however, the plan- achieved through give and take action, attraction between the more a force related to the ets lose all their horizontal order too, so and the four-position foundation. When two that results from the spiritual world. Here, I am the horizontal level is thrown into chaos. we read Unification Thought we see that action of the electro- primarily dealing with the Breaking the vertical line not only pre- several different kinds of four position magnetic force. This force physical world. vents the larger levels from coming into foundation, or quadruple base are rec- acts because the proton We can begin to answer existence, but also creates chaos on the ognized. The two that are of significance and electron exchange the question by looking at horizontal level. This is also true in the for today are the identity maintaining another type of particle, existing human society. If structure of human society too, and of and developing quadruple bases. the photon. This exchange we look at the level of the our place in God’s plan. If we do not In the identity maintaining quadru- of photons initiates and intermediate stages in the maintain the vertical line God cannot ple base subject and object centering on maintains the relationship between the vertical line we can see entities that in claim the horizontal either, and God’s some purpose enter into give and take proton and electron. a sense have independent existence some- will is frustrated. action that results in a unified body. In other words my contention is that where along this line. Such things as The same is also true for the family Where that unified body contains both the external manifestation of UPF in the businesses, colleges, charities, local gov- too, if at the family level we do not con- subject and object and has a higher degree physical world is the exchange of parti- ernments, etc.. For these entities one of tinue the vertical flow of UPF then the of complexity. It exists on a larger scale. cles between subject and object. This the biggest factors holding them togeth- next levels cannot come into existence, In the developing quadruple base, how- holds together both the vertical and hor- er, allowing them to exist and develop, and God cannot claim our family. We all ever, the give and take action results in izontal order I have been describing. is the exchange of money and goods What know that we are supposed to organize I am trying to get at is that the exchange our own tribe, but for many of us that a multiplied body. Where that multiplied Society body is of the same degree of complexi- of money is one expression of the action is only at a formation stage. In a very Now let us move on to human soci- ty as the subject and object. In other of UPF in human society. Remember our real and practical sense, however, our ety. If we use the same definition of ver- words the identity maintaining quadru- proton and electron exchanging photons? local church community is our tribe. tical order as I applied to the physical ple base represents the vertical order in Here our dollar bills (fifties, or hundreds Look around, this is our tribe here in universe, namely an order defined by the physical universe, and the develop- if you are rich) are the particles exchanged this room. This is our Connecticut tribe, increasing complexity and size, then we ing quadruple base thus represents the between subject and object, that initiate and we have our tribal leaders, elders can also see a corresponding vertical and horizontal order. We can therefore begin and maintain give and take action. This and councils. That tribe has an existence horizontal order in human society. The to see how this whole vertical and hori- then is the major conclusion of this part that we should all feel connected to. We essential vertical order is simply the eight zontal structure holds together. of the sermon; namely that money rep- are part of something larger than just a stages that Father talks about. (Note: - resents the external aspect of UPF act- family, and just as the family cannot Universal Force the eight stages can be viewed as either ing within human society. Maybe this exist if the vertical flow of UPF (money) Now I would like to look briefly at the horizontal or vertical depending on the will not be true in the ideal world, but is blocked at the individual level, the forces holding all of this together. In Prin- context. Here I am viewing them verti- now it is. Money is a unifying force both tribe cannot exist if the vertical line is ciple universal prime force (UPF) is rec- cally.) vertically and horizontally at certain lev- blocked at the family level. The tribe ognized as a fundamental force acting I had trouble determining exactly what els. needs the participation of each family, within the four position foundation. Uni- all eight stages were. Eventually I went Viewing money as UPF has many inter- but if the UPF is blocked at the family fication Thought expands on this a lit- to Damian Anderson’s web page and used esting ramifications, the first of which I level the tribe dies. tle. Here, UPF is seen as acting within a the search page to search all the on-line would like to look at is the internal pur- A couple of weeks ago we started to subject and object to create an attrac- speeches for “eight stages”. Even then it pose element. In the physical universe publish in the bulletin the names of the tive force between them that initiates, was not so easy, because where Father God’s purpose is automatically conveyed families who had contributed the week and maintains, the give and take rela- talks about the eight stages he rarely to all things. There is no action of free before. Afterwards I heard a comment to tionship. This force is multiplied from mentions all eight. Finally I was able to will on the part of atoms. In human soci- the effect that this was wrong and would the relationship as the force of give and get an idea of each stage. It begins with ety however, until we perfect ourselves see MONEY on page 22 22 Unification News February 1998 Jin-A Children Continue Tradition of Giving

by Sara Ribble—Clifton, NJ around the world. In caring for the community, hildren at the Jin-A Child children from the pre-school and Care Center at 77 Jay kindergarten are making their Street in Clifton, NJ have 8th annual visit to the mayor been eagerly collecting and city hall employees to sing canned goods for their Christmas carols. This year, chil- Cannual charity project. This year dren made a huge Christmas the recipient was Bishop Joseph card for the mayor in gratitude Robinson from the Assembly Holy for the service he and city employ- House of Prayer in Paterson, NJ who ees provide year ’round for the will in turn distribute the food to city of Clifton. Jin-A Child Care needy families. Part of the school’s Center is serving the communi- curriculum is to teach children about ty by providing quality child care caring for the not so fortunate and for almost 90 children. ❖

caring for their community. Bishop Robinson joined the children at their annu- al Christmas party on Dec. 19, where he was present- ed with the donation. Dur- ing the holidays the focus is on religious harmony. Chil- dren learn about the deep- er meaning of religious hol- idays such as Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza and True God’s Day. After the cele- bration, children and par- ents joined in a candlelight prayer for needy children

say the national level then our connec- er rudimentary) the horizontal expan- multiply God centered UPF vertically. MONEY tion along the vertical line is not com- sion of tribes centering on Fathers tribe. That also allows God to claim our hori- from page 21 plete. Now Father has created national messi- zontal level too. We should try to meet only cause division. That tithing was a Today, what are we being asked for? ahs, representing horizontal expansion these goals, but in reality we may not private matter between the individual I think each family is being asked for on the national level, but we do not as actually be able to meet them. Even if and God. Based on what I have been try- $2000 for the Blessing in June. This yet have a nation. God’s nation was lost we cannot meet them it is still important ing to explain, I disagree with that posi- incredible Blessing of millions of cou- 2,000 years ago in Israel when Jesus to offer something at each level, with the tion. Tithing is a matter between the indi- ples, largest ever, is clearly at the world was crucified, and from that day till now heart and desire to offer more. With the vidual and God, but it is also between level. Also we are being asked to donate there has been no nation that God could correct heart I believe God can accept the family and God, and the tribe and substantially to Korea, based on the num- claim. For the realization of God’s will it the offering, and we can be connected at God. If we really feel part of a larger whole, ber twelve. For a couple the suggestion is essential that we break through to the each level. our tribe or community, it is not wrong works out at $2400. This I would place national level and gain a nation. Father This is the reason I choose the Bible for that community to know who is con- at the national level. Finally in our local sees the current financial situation in reading today. In Israel at the time of tributing to its life. community we are asking that families Asia and particularly in Korea as an Jesus the widows’ lot was particularly Of course we cannot stop at the trib- donate $40 a week, and students $5 a opportunity, why? miserable. With no income or property, al level any more than we can stop at the week, at the tribal level. This is quite a We can begin to understand that if they often lived in poverty. So even though individual or family level if God’s will is lot of money, but the purpose is to con- we realize that Satan has already estab- the amount of money the widow offered to be realized. Thus we can begin to see nect us along the vertical line at each lished his own vertical line. Even at the was extremely small, (much less than how we can be connected to world level level. time of Jacob and Esau, God’s first sub- the offering of the rich people) two of the stantial victory on the family level, Satan smallest coins, because the heart of the events. To be connected to the larger lev- Connecting it all together els there must be an uninterrupted axis had already established nations. Satan’s offering was completely pure. She was of UPF acting vertically. One aspect of It is relatively easy to see the signifi- structures are also held together by the offering money out of what she really that therefore is to donate money at these cance of the Blessing, but what about action of UPF, the flow of money, where needed for her own existence; not just different levels, representing the vertical the donation to Korea? I believe we can the purpose element has become cor- giving from what she had left over. God flow of UPF. Remember a few years ago begin to understand that in the context rupted because people have become cor- could accept it and use it more than the when Father announced that the goal of the structure I have been describing. rupted. Money, in the fallen world, there- larger external offering of the rich peo- for tithing was thirty percent, and we Lets look briefly at the process of restora- fore represents Satan’s power. The finan- ple. Because the purpose element of UPF had tithing cards where our donation tion. Father, we know has passed through cial difficulties in Korea can then be seen offered by the widow was connected to was divided into three? The division of all eight stages, but that is like an arrow as a weakening of Satan’s power at the God, God could use it more than an offer- three was for local, national and world. shooting vertically without any horizon- national level. If a big enough dose of ing where the purpose element was not Ten percent for tribal, ten percent for tal expansion. For the structure to stand God-centered UPF can be injected there, connected. national, and ten percent for the world there has to be a horizontal expansion i.e. sufficient money from brothers and Traditionally of course in the Judeo level, and then we can be connected at at each level. Father began working with sisters around the world representing Christian tradition it is ten percent of each level of the vertical line. We must individuals, then was able to give and God’s individuals, families and tribes, our income offered vertically that is the be wise in our donations. To be connected receive the Blessing. Here we begin to then maybe the whole situation can just condition for God to accept the rest hor- at each level we need to donate at that see horizontal expansion of people try- flip over and the breakthrough to a God izontally. Maybe you cannot even offer level. Each horizontal stage must be taken ing to fulfill these first two levels. Then centered nation may occur. The unity of ten percent. It is however, extremely care of too. If we gave all our money at a few years ago Father created tribal mes- north and could be achieved. important to offer something. We must siahs, and we can begin to see (howev- Again, when we look at our goals make some kind of conditional offering for each level, the total is a lot of vertically. Your heart in the offering is This ad is our attempt to fulfill promise #6 of the Family Pledge, (i.e., “...convey Heaven’s blessing to our community...”) money. The purpose of these exter- what is important. Additionally when you WANT IMPROVED HEALTH and an INCREASED LIFE SPAN? A 20% to $40% longer, nal goals is of course to connect us do offer something, offer something at at each level along the vertical line. each level. I believe it is a mistake to offer (ABSOLUTELY HEALTHY), life span IS HERE TODAY!!! By sharing this However, as with all our use of money all at one level because then we are not BREAKTHROUGH with your community, you will EMPOWER YOURSELF by (in fact for all that we do), it is our connected to an unbroken vertical line. GIVING others something they will be grateful for. In the paperback, we suggest you first internal quality of heart that is of cen- There is no connection top to bottom. So read pp 201-7 and 151. Then pp 3-10 and 236-8 and 262. Order this book today! tral importance. I haven’t talked about yes, we do need to make an offering at THE SUPERHORMONE PROMISE, by Regelson from: heart, yet it is the quality of our heart the world and nationals levels, but do Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, NY NY 10020. that determines if we are acting in not forget the tribal community. With- No money or other compensation is received from this ad, except by the publisher of this book. accordance with God’s will or not. It out its existence we lose our connection is the quality of heart behind our offer- vertically. ❖ Paperback $6.99 • 1-800-223-2348 /2336 ing that determines if it really is con- nected with God’s purpose and can February 1998 Unification News 23 Becoming the Kind of Father You Really Want to Be

reviewed by Bob Selle children, the dear enly Father, and at Jesus Christ, Intellectual maturity means having products of our the perfect image of God. a good level of education, one which eing a father involves much procreative Jesus well describes God’s will allow the father to guide his chil- more than just having sex endeavors, have nature in his Sermon on the dren through the many challenging and siring offspring. Dr. become the Mount. There, God is depict- areas of the educational system and Emma S. Etuk, a Nigerian- unpleasant casu- ed as allowing His sun to shine the rest of today’s society. American history profes- alties of our on the just and the unjust. Financial maturity involves keeping Bsor who lives and works in the Wash- free-for- all, God is liberal and good. He a stable, decent-paying job prior to ington, D.C., area, makes that point insatiable sex- is loving, tolerant, patient, having children. over and over again in his little 97- ual appetites. Fatherhood is Not kind, and forgiving. This Spiritual maturity means being thor- page book. [Emma is a male name in “Father- is the way a father should oughly and deeply grounded in God’s Nigeria]. hood is not for For Babies be, Etuk says. truth and in prayerful relationship with In it, Etuk, who is also founder of babies. It is for There are four require- God. Nigeria for Christ Ministries, draws mature by Emma S. Etuk, Ph.D. ments to being a good father: All in all, Fatherhood Is Not for Babies heavily from the Bible to construct a adults.’“ 1) physical maturity, 2) intel- is a good read—inspiring and con- model of the ideal father. His assump- Since chil- lectual maturity, 3) finan- science-rousing. It can be bought for tion is that you can’t be a good father dren are “God’s precious gifts to us,” cial maturity, and 4) spiritual maturi- $7.95 by calling 1-800-325-9492 or 1- without approaching the ideal through each child needs as good a father as ty. 800-688-4986. ❖ the Word of God. possible. To be physically mature involves not “In America today, fatherhood is So how do we become a good father? just sexual maturity but sexual puri- highly sexualized,” Etuk writes. “And Etuk asks us to look at God, the Heav- ty.

KIM KORMAN BROWN Monogamy is Not a Game by Milton Bradley

attractiveness. Brothers went through cookie. (Milano, Bordeaux, Libido...) won’t have to suffer as much as we several steps of hair shearing. They It’s a challenge for people to go from did. Here’s to the worldwide blessings! generally started out with the woolly not even sitting on the same van seat Kim can be found at web site: mammoth look of Jerry Garcia. The with someone of the opposite sex, to “http://futurerealm.com” and has oining our church used to first trim gave them the “Sgt. Pepper actually sleeping with a husband or email address: be like joining a convent or Beatle look” — a haircut with bangs wife. Even after witnessing the birth [email protected].❖ a monastery. The nature of and a mustache. Then the mustache of their own children, some brothers the commitment affected went and they looked like “Spock” from still don’t feel comfortable snug- every aspect of life. Single Star Trek. (Pointed ears were option- gling next to their wives at the membersJ lived celibately until blessed al.) Many struggled, wondering how movies. Together in marriage, and in many cases, many inches of sock to show between Being attractive to a mate remained celibate for years after that. their pants’ hem and their sneakers. was a topic we were not sup- for my wife Not exactly a typical marital path from When a clip-on tie was added to the posed to think about years ago. the world’s point of view. I remember haircut and outfit, the final outcome After being matched, we had Someday, when we’re old and leathery, my husband and I shaking hands on looked a lot like Pee Wee Herman. Both to sort out what was attractive Perhaps when we’re two hundred and five, our first anniversary, commenting on sexes were encouraged to wear clothes or unattractive. For example, Or more antique than that, our first year of ‘marital bliss’ while liv- made from the ‘pilly polyester’ family. Father had spoken many times We’ll move to spirit world ing in two different states. As a young Identifiable markings to distinguish to us about becoming cham- And take up residence. member, my jaw unhinged when I found male from female were removed as pions. He said that we should out that our church employed the much as possible too. Sisters looked attempt to break an existing There will be a white stone castle ancient custom of arranged marriage. like “Zelda” from Dobie Gillis or like record, even in one small cat- On a seaside cliff Things have changed as the providence Haley Mills in “The Parent Trap.” Sis- egory. Many brothers, without That rises from a moor. has moved on. It’s great that the gate ters could be identified from brothers even realizing it, were con- has swung wide open, welcoming cou- primarily by wearing their purse strap tenders for first place in the Facing toward the west, ples from all over the world to partic- slung diagonally across their shoulder “Smarmiest Unwashed Male” And each day’s painting of the sun, ipate in the Unification blessing cere- like the Beatles’ song, “Lovely Rita, category”, or “Wearer of the It will beckon us to walk through rooms mony. Meter Maid. (“...made her look a little Least Washed Shirt” category. Filled with sunlight. When I joined in 1975, we didn’t like a military man...”) Some newly matched wives know what to expect in our marriages. Unification sisters believe that they were inspired to familiarize We will live there, with our children We lived like monks and nuns. This started a fashion trend popular in the their husbands with the mar- And our children’s loved ones, afforded us a beautiful foundation of 1970’s and 80’s. Professional women vels of a daily shower or the A clan that lives to love others faith in God, but stunted us a little in started wearing crew socks and sneak- use of a washing machine. And bring them to our castle terms of preparation for family life. ers with skirts, as they walked city Many sisters struggled in Of warmth and heart and love. With all the beautiful elements of streets during their lunch hour. UC the climb for the “Dowdy Queen” faith a person can gain, there are still sisters were wearing socks and sneak- crown. One day I was in the Art and music and growing things drawbacks to the monastic lifestyle. It ers with our skirts long before it was New Yorker Hotel lobby and Will fill the rooms, is a stretch to adjust to what might be way cool. We were on the cutting edge saw Debbie Grodner walk past Expressing how much we value called ‘normal life’ after a few years in of fashion without even knowing it! me. She looked like an anchor The chance to give and serve and love. the collective. Making money, paying We went against the fashion tide of woman for a major network — bills, paying taxes, and dealing with the 1970’s. Of course, looking back at beautiful hairstyle, tasteful Our castle is waiting for us, all the details is a bit of a shock at first. the fashion tide of the 1970’s, one can makeup, well-coordinated out- To live in its walls and dance with the We pass through phases. Since join- see that this is further proof that Father fit. I thought, since when could world. ing our movement, I went from being is the messiah. His fashion vision alone sisters look like women? She It will never change. a noodle-headed hippie (pre-member), saved us from bell-bottomed pants and was gorgeous. Its walls will never crumble. to novitiate ( young member), to (hope- platform shoes. White members were By this writing, in the year fully) a normal, well-adjusted wife and saved from shag haircuts, a la the Brady 1997, most sisters have learned My love for you is stronger than our castle. mother (blessed member). Most of us Bunch. Black members were saved how to uncap a tube of lipstick, If, on the way to the spirit world, in this last phase are still in learning from gigantic afros. Thank you, Father. and have figured out what Lore- You found that your home was to be mode. Once we went through the match- al hair color is, if they need it. A darkened hole of regretful muck, Twenty two years ago, when I joined ing and blessing, brothers and sisters Many brothers can now match But mine (through a clerical error) the church, new members went through became husbands and wives. I am sure their clothes. We used to be Was still the castle, a sort of neutering process. Sisters that many of us really struggled to geeky, twenty year old mis- You need not worry. were frequently given “Moe, the Stooge” adapt. Years of celibacy and commu- sionaries, and now we look like haircuts, or we wore weird little hair nal living made it difficult to figure out our parents! (“We are the mid- I would live with you in ooze, clips that removed any proclivity toward how to establish healthy marriages. dle-aged, soldiers of the truth”— Cleaning our swamp together, By the time we started our families, It doesn’t rhyme anymore!) Until our castle welcomed us many sisters probably thought that Hopefully, with all the changes SUBSCRIBE TO THE And watched us dance with the world. ‘libido’ was a type of Pepperidge Farm we’ve been through, our kids Peter F. Brown UNIFICATION NEWS 24 Unification News February 1998

PAUL CARLSON CONSPIRACY THEORY 1) A powerful, clandestine organi- KGB records vindicate Joseph Also, many unpredictable factors zation, whether large or small, covert McCarthy—and this has hardly been influence society and its development. or partially known, ancient or relatively reported. (However, there was only a Various disasters ruin companies and new. (In such matters, anything less communist agent behind every other nations, and fads sweep the popular would be ineffective.) bush.) culture. With the advance of technol- s this article goes to press 2) Selfless people, at least on an intel- Someday, historians will catalog a ogy this is now doubly true. there is much talk about lectual level, acting beyond their own shocking panoply of ugly (and perhaps Further, the leading ideology changes conspiracy. Certain liber- narrow interests. (As opposed to seek- even deadly) goings-on related to var- over time, and with it, the goals of the als are in the headlines, ing individual wealth or power.) ious present State and Federal officials. current “elite.” In America, over the speaking darkly of their per- 3) A self-perceived elite, acting bold- course of a century, racial slavery/seg- secutionA by a “vast right-wing con- Truth or fiction ly and outside the law. Regarding them- regation and unbridled industrializa- spiracy.” Conservatives answer that selves as divinely, or satanically -or Fiction writers have done much to tion have given way to egalitarianism they’re busy fending off an “arrogant otherwise- appointed. (Otherwise they’d popularize conspiracies. Anton Wilson and environmental rhetoric. (The bondage left-wing power grab.” be as bland as other people.) writes extreme, mocking novels. Umber- is now more subtle and the pollution It is difficult to be up-to-date in this 4) Non-democratic, even amongst to Eco pens intricate European tales. has been moved to the Third World.) monthly forum, but we can certainly themselves. No serious dissent would David Morrell’s thrillers often top the In reality, most Captains of Indus- speak of wider trends and topics. Now be allowed. (Few public dissenters have charts. Jon Land and many others fol- try seek to build “empires of service.” and throughout history, few topics run ever appeared.) low suit. Some view their customers as sheep to deeper than con- 5) Long- Many of these works are based in be sheared. spiracies, real term plans actual history, carried forward into a A few politicians are statesmen, seek- or imagined. and determi- modern, James Bond-ish world. The ing their people’s long-term gain over For decades nation. (Oth- fictional bad guys often include secret short-term popularity. Most try to wrest the American erwise the pro- religious orders; holders of some talis- all the control they can . . . Left has decried ject’s focus man: ancient scrolls, the Grail, the a wealthy “mil- Reality would die with Tomb of Jesus, etc. itary-industrial its founders.) Both conspiracists and fiction writ- If potent Conspiracies do exist, they complex.” Recently, 6) A large-scale pro- ers commonly trace such movements will be encountered as God’s Providence the Right has warned of a cozy “gov- gram and goal. (Small ones are simply to ancient roots: Egypt’s Dar al Hikmat expands. It’s going to be hard enough ernment-media complex.” Both are uninteresting, and likely to be over- (House of Knowledge), Solomon’s Tem- dealing with known power centers! (See alleged to be marching together toward whelmed.) ple, or legendary ancient China. Into the Mainstream, July 1996 UNews.) diabolical goals. 7) Regard themselves as hidden— Riding the growing wave of New Age Hopefully, any hidden powers will see It is said that “some people make what? Guardians of society? Long-term movements and “pop spirituality,” many the wisdom of God’s Principle. things happen, others watch what hap- opponents of . . . who or what? Shep- pseudo-leaders are claiming these plots Vast, long-term undertakings assured- pens, and some wonder what hap- herds of the masses? Rulers to be? for themselves, giving them an ersatz ly do exist, but they have spiritual, not pened.” The more informed and involved reality. These include “Egyptian” and human, roots. God we are, the harder we try to understand Organizations “Hebrew” and Satan are why things happen. Then we begin to The sheer variety of alleged con- priests, “God- the real con- realize just how many factors shape spiracies is impressive. dess” wor- spirators. They the course of events. In addition, there Some patently false ones suppos- shipers, “Aztec” are master- may well be seemingly random factors, edly involve: Jewish elders, bankers (as revivalists, minds with or influences unknown to most of us. a class), British royalty, space aliens, “doomsday” very different Conspiracies are often tied to events etc. prophets, and so styles, not to like the JFK assassination, which is Many real organizations have been on. They range from mention goals. the subject of numerous books. Many tagged as “more than they appear.” merely foolish to quite In the past, few prov- of these books can and do make mince- Amongst the spiritual: the Vatican, dangerous. idential figures understood their true meat of the government’s “case,” and Masons, Rosicrucians, etc. And from place in this great effort. Certainly, no Challenges raise disturbing, unanswered ques- the secular: the Council on Foreign mortal ever explained it to them. Even tions. Unfortunately, the answers the Relations, Bilderbergers, etc. Could any such Conspiracy really so, some knew they were following the books try to provide are often contra- There are historic entities alleged to pull it off? Probably not. past masters. For example, it is said dictory at best. (Similar books are now continue in existence: The Knights Tem- To do so, their children and heirs that Charlemagne’s son Pepin the Short being written about the controversial plar, Illuminati, Ninjas, etc. Also, rem- must carry on the secret plan. But in felt a close affinity with King David. deaths of two high government offi- nants of annihilated groups such as reality children seldom do such things, Just like known leaders, any and all cials.) the Sect of the Assassins, and Nazi whether they’re the offspring of activists, conspirators (no matter how powerful) Conspiracy theories abound, and in holdouts in South America. plutocrats or dictators. Without the will ultimately be judged by their sup- Talk Radio and the Internet these have Some conspirators allegedly pull support of a commonly accepted cul- port of, or opposition to, God’s Provi- found a vast new forum. But are they strings from within the centers of power, ture, it would be especially difficult. dence. true? Are any of them based in reali- as dramatized in the “X-Files.” One The deepest trends of history are ty? author posits an overarching “Com- guided by regular people, men and Analysis mittee of 300.” New Look for women of good will. People empowered There are persistent rumors of gen- by their closeness to God. Parents, Let us examine what an actual Con- erations-old, plain-folk-appearing heroes, patriots, saints—and beyond. spiracy would have to consist of. satanic cults. This author has heard the Unofficial Further reading sincere reports of such in Las Vegas (from a liberal minister), Oklahoma About changing ideologies: The Tempt- (first-hand, from a local Unification- HSA E-Directory ing of America by Judge Robert Bork. HEALTH & ist), the Deep South (from various by Peter Wettstein—WWW An alleged real conspiracy: The Naked authors) and in Petaluma, CA (on local Capitalist by W. Cleon Skousen. FINANCES talk shows). ith a new look for the new A fictional conspiracy: The Delta These latter were scoffed at, even year, the E-Directory is final- Decision by Wilbur Smith. ly up-to-date again. The pages IMPROVE THEM BOTH WITH by this author. Then they got eclipsed Some current worries: The Strange by news of the Polly Klass kidnap- load now also much faster. Death of Vincent Foster by Christopher However,W there is a trade-off: Your brows- ™ ping. Next, by the capture and mur- Ruddy. ❖ MANNATECH der trial of the contemptuous, utter- er needs to support frames. If you are still ly depraved Richard Allen Davis. He using a browser that does not support THE WORLD’S PREMIER had been observed hanging around frames, please let me know. town for quite some time . . . You can access the E-Directory at Give the gift that http://users.aol.com/hsauwc NUTRACEUTICAL COMPANY Sometimes the theories themselves lasts: are evil, and have lead to terrible vio- For European members, there is now CALL TODAY! lence. The “Protocols of the Elders of a mirror site on Paul Ettl’s server at A Subscription http://www.euro- GERHARD & PAULETTE WIESINGER Zion” hoax has been around for tongil.org/misc/hsauwc- decades. The new “the IRS is a real- to the emaildir.html ly private British corporation” hoax UNIFICATION 1-888-859-9039 has proven quite resilient. which should give you faster access. Thank you all for your patience dur- E-mail: [email protected] On the other hand, some true the- ❖ NEWS ories have had great difficulty gain- ing the reconstruction work. ing acceptance. Recently unsealed February 1998 Unification News 25

DR. TYLER O. HENDRICKS Dr. Hendricks is the THE VIEWS President of the Unification Church of America A Unificationist Perspective on Religion and Society

ne day, everything was U lous. We enter upon the third and fourth Don’t Mess with Families peaceful. The next day, the generation of opinions about opinions, What was it about that book? In my papers were covered with spin applied to spin. Somewhere between humble opinion, it was that the book massive headlines; televi- EMONS D the 300 front-page headlines and the depicted, in heart-wrenching ways, how sion and radio is running articles that read like legal briefs, we slavery breaks up families. It separat- Oamok. It was the Bill Clinton-Monica lose track of that which outraged us at ed husbands from their wives, children Lewinsky scandal. It was as if a nat- the outset. Our moral sense withdraws from their parents. Of course, the book ural disaster had hit. In fact, one Eng- into that still, small voice. Too still, too conveyed more than that, but this was lish commentator writing in the Wall small. the core emotional pull. It put slavery Street Journal did comment that our OF In the process, we fail to note what in the human perspective, its impact president’s pants should be declared is really happening. There once was a on the family. a national disaster area. marriage between the American peo- We cannot but be impressed with The allegation stretched the nation- ple and our Presidency, sealed by the Bill Clinton’s agility. He has something al shock envelope a bit further. It seems oath of office. The man pledged to be that I observed in Mick Jagger when I that there was an affair in the oval faithful to the ideals for which we stand. saw the Rolling Stones in 1966. It struck office, and official advice to lie about To those who believe in these ideals, me that Jagger’s major quality was not it. This is it, we think. Clinton’s had it; DEMOCRACY the Clintons represent a blatant viola- singing talent or dancing talent. The the toughest teflon can’t protect against tion. To those who, with the Clintons, power of him as a performer was noth- this dirt. We await a forthright state- have transcended (to put it kindly) these ing other than his all-consuming love ment from the White House, as if we ideals, there is nothing to violate. In for being in the spotlight, and his abil- expect Mr. and Mrs. Clinton to share know that if they don’t blink, we won’t either case, the Clintons are cheating ity to include the audience in his ego- our dismay, our sense of disgrace. want to be like those who judged Hes- on America. trip. We enjoyed watching him enjoy Then we witness the demons of ter Prynne. Hollywood has presented A Jules Feiffer cartoon in the New being a star. democracy set in. We hear the careful the proper attitude about the big scar- York Times said it well. A small boy is Likewise, Bill Clinton, in my mind, denials–as one columnist put it, the let A. The spacious skies quickly cloud watching the television news. Out of has demonstrated no real ability to “lawyerly responses.” “No, I didn’t have over; the light of the world does not the boob tube comes incessant refer- push our nation forward, to craft pol- a twelve year affair” (it was eleven and stay focused on adultery. Why? Because ence to sex and the president. “Sex–the icy, to elucidate issues, to inspire courage. a half years). The accused finds no need we are honest in the 1990s. We can- President. Sex, sex–the President. More The power of Bill Clinton as a presi- to comment, other than “Let the whole not deny that we all have a weakness sex, more sex, more and more sex–the dent is that he loves being in the spot- story come out.” for it. The national arm’s not strong President.” Mom enters the room, and light. And he is able to include us, or Okay, fair enough, we think, as all enough to cast that heavy stone. picks up her son. He asks her, “Mom, some version of us, in his spotlight, the president’s men turn the spotlight A substantial number of Americans what’s a president?” with him in the center. His greatest around. “What did she really say? When have committed adultery, with no appar- strength is that he looks like what we did she say it? to whom? why did she ent great harm done. Almost everyone Instant President want our president to look like: tall, say it? What was that again? What’s entertains adulterous thoughts occa- Even Mr. Feiffer, a voice of the left, handsome, friendly, honest, open and in it for her? Hey, we’ve got a country sionally, like… everyday. The thought is moved by this president’s disregard sincere; a good guy. to run here; do we really want to waste occurs; the eyes stray; no one can con- for the family. Clinton has a showcase He lacks gravitas, seriousness. Even our time on all these rumors? We’ll trol it. It is amazing how adultery turns family, his big-screen daughter is in though he says he’s working hard, cooperate; everyone is cooperating with from repulsive to banal. Analysis and college now. Vernon Jordan was quot- somehow we don’t believe him, and we what these kooks are coming up with. repetition dull the moral sense; we tire ed, early on in the scandal, saying how don’t mind. We’re with him; life hap- We’ll give them their day in court. Due of the endless chase for Brer Clinton. he had known the Clintons since the pens after hours, at the local pub, the process. We feel just as terrible about Let him go; it’s not worth it. Let him early days, and how he visited their softball field, the golf course, the bar- this as anyone. See you in six months. govern the country; somebody has to home one morning after Clinton had becue. Pull out the sax, Bill, even though Next!” do it. lost the Arkansas gubernatorial race. you can’t play worth a dime, it’s great And Mr. Jordan described baby Chelsea The Scarlet A Let’s Change the Subject to act like a rock star for a night, ain’t climbing on his lap, and Hillary cook- it? Let the policy folks take care of busi- In my humble opinion, what gave We are glad to allow ourselves to be ing instant grits. Ignoring for a moment ness; they’ve got their computers, they’re the Lewinsky story steam was one sim- distracted from the real question: is the question of, what the heck are doing fine. He has his weaknesses, so ple word: Adultery. Our initial response adultery a crime? Is adultery right or instant grits, it must have been a love- do we all, and we can identify with his. was guided by the moral sense, not by wrong? We are soft on this; it is an ly morning. “My, my, Miss Hillary, but This presiden’s greatest strengths reason, not by the details. The very fact unpleasant subject. Why? because we these instant grits taste great!” may be his weaknesses. Ironically, that a credible young woman had revealed personally cannot solve it. Some of our Now, I spent several years in the while Clinto is often identified as a an extensive story about her adultery best friends are adulterers. We almost south, and I had lots of grits. But instant child of the sixties, his presidential with the President turned our collec- cheered when Rose committed what grits? It must be something like instant style is more akin to the fifties—crus- tive stomach. It pricked our collective amounted to adultery in Titanic. Some- mashed potatoes. Yuchh. And who ing down the highway of life of peace conscience. Adultery. Our President. times, we let ourselves think, love is would remember, twenty years later, and prosperity, complacent at the top We once looked up to that office, and bigger than marriage. how they were at someone’s house, and of the world. All we’re lacking are the to the individual who occupied it. His So we are relieved if someone changes the wife was there making instant big tail fins. ❖ job, at the least, was to keep the office the subject by bringing up all the sub- mashed potatoes? It’s almost as if there’s clean. sidiary questions. We blur the act of an instant Chelsea climbing on his Bill and Hillary Clinton and the cul- adultery into a hundred editorials and knees. Somehow, the Clintons’ actions ture they represent know that the accu- a thousand personal profiles. Opinions undermine the believability of their sation of adultery does not stick. They range from the sublime to the ridicu- family life. It’s something like an instant Declared by Rev. Moon family. as a witnessing tool Sooner or later, those who under- for the providence! Martial Arts Federation for mine marriage and family will fall. Consider an event as devastating as the American Civil War. Presi-

World Peace dent Lincoln, who was in a posi- TODAYÕS tion to know such things, stated, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, CONTENTS: he MAFWP has a new web page at: “So this is the little lady who start- Rev. Moon’s Speeches - English/Spanish T ed this big war.” What was it that Internal Guidance Stowe had done? She had written National Messiah’s Testimonies http://www.erols.com/mafwp/index.html a book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Chung Pyung Lake Testimonies Lincoln was stating that her book Beautiful Color Photos They can be contacted at email: had, beyond all the political, eco- FOR MORE INFORMATION & FREE SAMPLE nomic, religious and social action, Contact: Giovanni, Accord Bookstore ignited the north to fight. Phone/Fax: (212) 714-9175 Email to Editor: [email protected] 26 Unification News February 1998

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by Richard L. Lewis—NYC dent of the NBC, and his family and staff. ev. Joong Hyun Pak took They understood the the providence a great step crucial role of the fam- forward as a keynote speak- ily for the future of er at the National Baptist America, and the Convention (NBC) held Jan- necessity to strength- Ruary 19–22, 1998, in Los Angeles. This en the family through Convention is one of the largest asso- marriage rededication ciations of Baptist churches in Amer- and True Family Val- ica, including some 33,000 churches. ues. Speakers to the Convention this year Dr. Lyons was con- also included Rev. Jesse Jackson and cerned that the larg- singer Stevie Wonder. er body of clergy might Rev. Pak was invited to speak to not be completely some 2,000 clergy, including the NBC state presi- dents of 50 states. His speech was receptive to a message from a ment in Danbury and the work of the entitled, “True different denomination, but in Coalition for Religious Freedom. He Families and the spirit and wisdom of Dr. then outlined the True Family Values the Kingdom Martin Luther King, who was Ministry and the role of the Blessing of God in a member of the Convention, in rededicating families to a God-cen- America.” he invited Rev. Pak to speak. tered marriage. He spoke of his admi- Prior to the Rev. Pak was the first Asian, ration for Dr. Martin Luther King and speech he was by the way, to formally address his efforts to bring religious and racial able to have a the NBC. harmony. constructive Rev. Pak first thanked the The wisdom of Dr. Lyons’ ecumenism meeting with NBC for their support during was vindicated when Rev. Pak’s speech

Dr. Henry

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