Interreligious and International World Peace Blessing and Marriage Rededication Ceremony

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Interreligious and International World Peace Blessing and Marriage Rededication Ceremony UnificationUnification NewsNews $2 Volume 21, No. 12 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY December 2002 Interreligious and International World Peace Blessing and Marriage Rededication Ceremony by Rev. Michael Jenkins filled the Marriott Crystal Gateway on blessed the movement of Rev. Moon your brother.” December 7th. and it is focused on Jesus and the Fam- Then a reconciliation ceremony was gain, our True Parents The hall was overflowing with cou- ily. He gave a heartfelt testimony con- held in which representatives of Islam established another incred- ples. Dr. Yang gave a welcome address cerning marriage and family life. He (Imam Elahi), Christianity (Bishop Floyd ible victory for all mankind along with Congressman Matt Salmon and his wife were delighted with the Nelson) and Judaism (Rabbi David Ben through the Interreligious of Arizona. Then the nationally famous Blessing ceremonies. Dr. Hill said, “God Ami) as the sons of Abraham joined and International World pastor and friend of many presidents meant for me to be with you. All races together and embraced and then signed PeaceA Blessing and Marriage Rededi- the Rev. Dr. E.V. Hill gave an inspir- and religions are here. I am meant to the resolution that they would end the cation Ceremony. Over 1200 couples ing address. He said that God has be with you and know you and become see BLESSING on page 7 Ambassadors for Peace Conference Hawaii: Rev. Moon’s Vision by Rev. Tom Cutts he Ambassadors for Peace Conference— “Rev. Moon’s Vision for the Unified Nation of Cosmic Peace”—was held December 9-14, 2002 on theT Big Island of Hawai’i at the beau- tiful Ohana Keauhou Beach Resort in Kona. (“Ohana” means “family” in see HAWAII on page 4 NEXT MONTH’S FEATURE True Family Values Ministry 7th Annual Awards Banquet in Chicago: 1500 Clergy Receive True Parents Historic Proclamation Unification News FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM by Reverend Sun Myung Moon recreate His new Kingdom. God has conducted His providence to establish This address was given at the con- a nation. God cannot accomplish His ference: “Rev. Moon’s Vision for the Uni- will for human restoration without coop- fied Nation of Cosmic Peace: The Role eration from a nation. There must be of Ambassadors for Peace in Korea, a true state that is centered on true God’s Fatherland Japan, and USA,” held December 9, religion. Hence, in the fullness of time, nation.” It means that we must receive I envy nothing of this world. I have 2002 in Kona, Hawaii God established a particular nation and the love of God and True Parents. We no interest in the things of this world. e gathered here togeth- religion, the chosen people of Israel and cannot receive God’s love unless we My lifelong cherished desire has been er with our hearts Judaism. have a nation. This is because only after this: “Shouldn’t I be able to die in a yearning for world What is the character of the nation we have been victorious over Satan’s nation where God can protect me? If I peace. On this pro- that fulfills our fervent desire for the rule over the nation can God’s King- do not bring this about during my life- foundly significant occa- Kingdom of God? It is not like the nations dom be established. time, then will not mine have been a sion,W as the Founder of the Interreli- in which you now are living. Someday, miserable life? I must establish this Desire of All People gious and International Federation for we will have to leave these nations. We nation before I die and live there, even World Peace, I would like to convey a do not yet have God’s Kingdom. A per- We cherish God’s Kingdom. Why is if only for a single day.” message regarding God’s original ideal. son without a nation does not have a this? It is because it is the place where For the sake of that single day, I am The title is, “God’s Fatherland and the permanent domicile, a nationality, or there is true love. It is the place where willing to invest the sacrifices made One World.” the possibility to register as a citizen. we can find a love that is not transito- over thousands of days. You might rest, God has spoken of “His Kingdom and For this reason, we must accomplish ry but lives eternally, transcending time. because you do not understand these His righteousness,” but people living the establishment of God’s Kingdom in Also, it is the place where we can be things, but I keep going. Even if you on the Earth today have not been able the present world. We must construct lifted up, and where our value is rec- cannot do it, I still must do it, even if to find it. It is important to know that the heavenly kingdom on the earth. We ognized to the fullest extent. It is the it requires mobilizing people from other humanity today, as for the past thou- must live on the earth as citizens of place where we can be happy eternal- countries. If one nation cannot do it, I sands of years of human history, has this nation. In that nation we lead our ly. These are the reasons that people must work through other countries to fervently desired the establishment of own families and kin, and inherit the yearn for the Heavenly Kingdom and carry out an indirect strategy. God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. lineage of the true and good parents long to see it. What is the purpose of our faith? It How is it, then, that the Kingdom who love their country and their nation We must travel the path that we truly is that we become citizens of God’s King- and the Righteousness that we have as victorious sons and daughters. In want to travel, and we must build the dom. If we are not citizens of His King- fervently desired remain that way only will we enter the King- nation in which we want to live for all dom, we are not free to relate with pride unfulfilled goals? The reason is that dom of Heaven in the heavenly world. eternity. If we possess riches, they must to all people and the creation, and receive human beings committed the fall. As This is God’s Principle. be only those that are guaranteed to their love. A person without a nation a result of the human fall, God and Only when there is a nation will we belong to the cosmos at the same time is always vulnerable. He stands in a humanity, who originally could have be able to bequeath a tradition that that they belong to us, and to belong pitiful position. He may suffer unjust- formed the center of His Kingdom and remains with our descendants into eter- to the past and future at the same time ly for any number of reasons. This is His righteousness, found themselves nity. Only when there is a nation will that they belong to the present. We why we need to know where to find the in circumstances that prevented their the blood and sweat we shed live on. must also possess the authority and nation of God’s desire, that is, the nation forming a relationship with each other. Only when there is a nation will men knowledge such that when we weep, that will serve as God’s foothold in the Human beings did not know much and women build a monument prais- heaven and earth will weep with us, world. This is the essential issue. about our Father, the center of His King- ing Heaven for God’s work on this earth, and when we are joyful, heaven and Ultimately, we should be able to shed dom or His righteousness. Hence, God and will every trace of glory remain. If earth can share our joy. This is the blood and sweat for the sake of the peo- has labored throughout the course of there is no nation, it all will have been highest desire and cherished hope that ple of this nation, for the sake of build- history to illuminate these ignorant for nothing. This is why we must under- fallen humanity must establish in the ing the eternal heavenly kingdom, and people and teach us about Himself. In stand that the establishment of God’s present age. for the sake of building a prosperous this context, establishing His Kingdom Kingdom is our most important task. True man and woman should be able society for which our descendants will and His righteousness remains our fer- We must live with the constant con- to live in his or her own nation. This is sing praise through all eternity. vent desire and goal. viction that “Our family is protecting an absolute right and requirement Without a doubt, the children of There exist many nations in today’s the nation that is qualified to receive bestowed on human beings. Everyone God’s direct lineage will exercise king- world. Yet, not even one can truly receive the love of the True Parents. So I must without exception must live a life filled ly authority in this nation, based on love from God. For this reason, God be a filial child of the True Parents and with a cherished desire for God’s King- their mandate from Heaven, commands wants to negate this fallen world and fulfill the way of the patriot for the dom and His righteousness.
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