香 港 科 提升國際影響力 技 大 Making a Global Impact 學 年 報 HKUST ANNUAL REPORT 2004-2005 HKUST ANNUAL REPORT

香港科技大學 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

大學發展與公共事務處出版 Published by the Office of University Development and Public Affairs © 2005 2004-2005 www.ust.hk Annual Report

File: UST-ARcvr1Final Date: 22-12-2005 提升國際影響力 Making a Global Impact

香港科技大學 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2004-2005 Annual Report 校董會主席前言 05 Chairman's Foreword 校長報告 09 President's Report 提升國際影響力 15 Making a Global Impact 2020願景 22 2020 Vision 成就斐然 28 High Achievers 改變世界 38 Transforming the World 拓展視野 48 The Wider View 開創未來 56 Building the Future 大事紀要 64 Calendar of Events 附錄 Appendices 顧問委員會、校董會及教務委員會 69 Court, Council and Senate 校董會會議出席率 73 Attendance of Members at Council Meetings 學術顧問委員會 73 Academic Advisory Committees 財務 75 Finance 目錄 Contents 06

2004-05年報(2004年7月1日至2005年6月 科大《2005-2020策略發展計劃》為大學未 30日)概括了香港科技大學成立以來的第 來的發展制定了框架,目標是將科大的成就 14個年頭的發展。對於科大來說,過去的一 推向更高的水平,令科大成為全球學術領 年甚為重要,大學總結了過去的成就,思考 袖。到那時,科大將成為吸引全球精英學者 未來的目標,並確立今後的發展路向。 及傑出學生的中心,由此創造出來的新知識 將促進香港、亞太、以至全球的經濟和社會 2000年,大學校董會通過了將科大辦成“在 的發展。 國際上具有深遠影響,而又致力為本地服務 的優秀學府”的願景。在2004-05年度,大 科大全體同仁都勤奮且幹勁十足,令科大的 學因成功邁向此目標而廣獲認同。 學術水平迅速提升。在過去一年間,當我們 確定未來路向的時候,這一特色再次得到印 科大在一系列的全球排名榜中,位居世界頂 證。我謹藉此機會感謝全體科大人所表現出 級學府之列。科大的教研人員持續不斷地取 來的服務精神。 得具國際水平的突破性成果,開拓在本地和 內地的發展機會。同時,我們的學生和畢業 基礎已經奠定,我們準備好建設未來。這是 生的成就也獲得了本地及海外的推許。 一項要求很高而時間又很急迫的任務,不過 對於科大來說,沒有甚麼比迎接挑戰更具意 然而,我們生活在一個快速變化的時代。 義了。 05 隨著全球化步伐的日益加快,對我們的學 生、教授以及香港來說,在世界水平上進 憑藉我們的創新精神、高瞻遠矚的發展計劃 行競爭的必要性更形重要。在整個年度, 以及香港社會持續不斷的支持,我確信,我 科大前瞻將在本地教育界出現的變化,也 們在新一輪的挑戰中將取得成功。 注目世界動態,以制定出涵蓋未來15年發 校董會主席前言 展的宏圖大計。 Chairman's Foreword 08

The Annual Report 2004-05 (1 July 2004- A series of global rankings has placed Under our Strategic Plan 2005-2020, we We have already laid an excellent foun- 30 June 2005) covers the 14th year since HKUST among the world's leading univer- intend to propel HKUST forward to the next dation. Now the building of the future is the establishment of the Hong Kong sities. Our researchers continue to level of achievement by creating the ready to commence. And while it is a University of Science and Technology. It achieve international breakthroughs, framework that enables the University to demanding task given the short time- has been an important year, during opening the way for exciting develop- become a world academic leader. With frame we have set ourselves, there is which the University community has ment opportunities both locally and such status, the University will serve as a nothing HKUST relishes more than a worthy 07 reflected on past achievements and nationally. And our students and gradu- hub, attracting the brightest minds in aca- challenge. future goals in order to define HKUST's ates persist in having their talents demia and the most outstanding students path for the years ahead. acknowledged at home and overseas. from around the globe. The new knowl- With our innovative spirit, dynamic plan edge we consequently generate will spur for development, and the ongoing sup- In 2000, the University Council adopted a However, we live in rapidly changing economic and social progress in Hong port of the Hong Kong community, I am vision for HKUST as“a leading university times. As the pace of globalization Kong and beyond. certain that we will succeed in our new with significant international impact and quickens, the need to compete at endeavors. strong local commitment”. During 2004- world-class levels will assume growing The hard work and dynamism of each 05, we have received welcome recogni- importance for students, faculty and member of the University have rapidly tion of our success in moving towards this Hong Kong alike. Over the year, the advanced HKUST to its high levels of goal. University has therefore looked ahead to accomplishment. Over the past year, as the changes anticipated in the local we have determined our future course, education sector, and to the world at this dedication has once again been large, to create an enterprising much in evidence and I would like to roadmap for development over the next thank the University community for show- 校董會主席前言15 years. ing such commitment. Chairman's

校董會主席 Chairman, University Council 陳祖澤博士 Foreword Dr John C C Chan 邁向未來

10 2004-05年度,我們為科大取得的成就而深感 政府提出的“三三四”方案:中學六年制,大 根據策略發展計劃,我們精選納米科技、生物 自豪,因國際上的期許而受到極大的鼓舞。根 學四年制,將給香港的高等教育帶來重大的衝 技術和可持續發展等作為重點研究領域,擴大 It has been an exciting year at HKUST. 據世界各地不同機構公佈的大學排名榜,無論 擊,其結果將促使香港及其高等教育在全球更 科大在全球的影響力。與此同時,我們將建立 以大學整體或是以個別的學院來看,均顯現出 具競爭優勢。 香港科技大學高等研究所,以吸納世界頂尖的 科大在全球的強勢。 學術人才,協助香港逐步發展為國際學術樞 我們一貫支持本科課程四年制。這項改革令我 紐。在國家層面,我們打算增加科大在高等教 09 在這些排名結果中,科大被列入世界 強,顯 們能夠更靈活地給予學生更廣泛的修課機會, 育、研究及開發方面的參與。在本地,我們將 50 示科大正逐漸與其他頂尖學術機構看齊,也證 學生在選擇學習模式和跨學科的課程中,將擁 與企業及社會協同努力,建設以知識為本的香 明科大正在不斷地提升在世界上的影響力。 有更大的自主權。他們可以享受更多的探索知 港社會;用新一代的技能,去裝備我們的畢業 識的樂趣,擴闊社會接觸面,開拓文化視野。 生,使他們成為未來的科學家、技術專才、企 科大世界級的學術成就也給香港帶來了契 我們也打算給本科生提供早期研究的機會,加 業家和社會領袖。 機,比如與在不同領域領先的公司合作,開 強科大的研究文化,我們在2005年推出的本 創嶄新的高科技發展機會。在2004-05年度, 科生研究計劃就是一種嘗試。 全面地訂立了今後15年的目標後,我們力求確 這類項目包括與頂尖的國際生物醫藥公司 保在堅實的基礎上將科大發展成世界大學中的 Geron建立合作夥伴關係,在香港建立生物技 本科教育四年制將使本港與海外的教育體制取 翹楚,並繼續貫徹促進香港和鄰近地區社會及 術公司,開發治療老化和神經退化的藥物。 得一致,有助於科大持續地吸引非本地學生。 經濟發展的使命。 我們還成立了第一個在內地以外的信息技術 在過去一年中,科大在這方面取得很大的進 國家重點實驗室。 展。在社會人士慷慨捐贈的支持下,我們設立 在放眼世界並在全球發揮影響的同時,我們又 了新的獎學金以招攬國際尖子和增加本地學生 協助世界瞭解香港。新的機會不斷湧現,我們 此外,科大進一步加強與工業界的聯繫,以創 的交換機會。我們希望在10年內,全日制非本 一定要把握時機! 新科技改進生活素質。在此,我很高興地告訴 地學生的人數將達到本科生總數的25%。 大家,在過去的一年裏,我們與工業界簽訂了 超過100個研發合同。我們的工作亦繼續得到 在內地,我們開辦了科大商學院北京中心,在 創新及科技基金的大力支持,除其他項目外, 中國快速發展的金融領域提供國際化的高級行 校長報告 科大更獲邀承辦投資4億港元的納米科技及先 政人員培訓。同時,大學也增加與政府、大學 進材料研究及發展中心。 和研究機構的學術聯繫與合作。

科大之所以能取得這些成就,當然離不開大學 科大於2005年6月推出的《2005-2020策略發 的卓越人才。過去一年中,目睹科大的許多教 展計劃》提出這些新舉措,總結科大的成就。 授、學生和職員獲得表揚,令我深受鼓舞。這 這一與時俱進的計劃是在大學內部進行廣泛諮 些榮譽不僅顯示了科大在本地和全球的地位, 詢後擬定的,以科大現有的實力為基礎,勾劃 President's 也鼓勵大學全體成員在今後更上一層樓。 出將科大發展為世界學術領袖的藍圖。

校長 President 朱經武教授 Report Prof Paul Chu 11 The Next Step 12

In 2004-05, we have been proud of our There are manifest benefits to Hong we live, and I am delighted to report honors not only show HKUST's high stand- move will allow us greater flexibility to accomplishments and greatly encour- Kong deriving from our world-class schol- that we have signed over 100 research ing in both local and global contexts; offer students a broader range of pro- aged by the international endorsement arship. Our partnerships with leading and development contracts with indus- they will also spur all members of the gram opportunities, more independ- of our work. The release of a number of companies have spurred new hi-tech trial clients during the year. Our work has University to scale greater heights in the ence in their choice of studies, and more different university rankings based on sur- opportunities. Such initiatives in 2004-05 also continued to receive major support future. interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary veys of institutions worldwide shows include a collaborative partnership with from the Innovation and Technology options. Students will enjoy more oppor- HKUST's strength in a global context, Geron Corporation, a leading interna- Fund (ITF), with the University chosen by The dramatic changes that will occur tunities for intellectual explorations, both as a whole and on an individual tional biopharmaceutical company, to the ITF to spearhead a HK$400 million within Hong Kong higher education social interaction and cultural exposure. School level. establish a biotech company here that R&D center for nanotechnology and were highlighted by the Government's We also intend to provide our under- will help develop drugs to counter age- advanced materials, among other projects. proposed 3-3-4 system, which will see graduates with early research experi- These results, which place HKUST among related and neurodegenerative dis- students attend secondary school for six ence, a move set in motion with this the world's top 50 universities, demon- eases; and the establishment of the first None of these achievements would years, followed by four years in higher year's launch of the Undergraduate strate the value of continuously bench- national information technology key lab- have been possible without the talented education. The effort will make Hong Research Opportunities Program, which marking our achievements against other oratory outside Mainland China. people to make them happen and, in Kong and the tertiary education sector will further enhance the research culture leading institutions and testify to the the past 12 months, I have been heart- more competitive in the global arena. at HKUST. University's growing influence in the In addition, the University has further ened to see many of the University's fac- global arena. strengthened its ties with industry to bring ulty, students and staff receive well- We have always supported the idea of a Another benefit of a four-year degree about changes that improve the way deserved accolades for their work. These four-year undergraduate curriculum. The program is to bring the University in line 校長報告 President's Report 13 The Next Step 14

with other overseas education systems. cial sector, and increased academic ties ment. Simultaneously we will help evolve tions to make HKUST a world leader This will assist our ongoing drive to attract and collaborations with government, Hong Kong into an international aca- among universities, while remaining more non-local students to HKUST. During universities and research institutions. demic hub by attracting the world's faithful to our mission to enhance the the year we have made considerable leading minds through the establishment social and economic development of progress in this regard. With the support All these current initiatives, along with of the Institute for Advanced Study at Hong Kong and the region. of generous donations from the commu- our past achievements, were brought HKUST. Nationally, we intend to increase nity we have established new scholar- together in the June launch of HKUST's our presence in higher education, In looking out to the world and making a ships to increase both the recruitment of Strategic Plan 2005-2020. This dynamic research and development. Locally, we global impact, we in turn are helping the international high-flyers and exchange plan, drawn up after consultation across will work with the private and public sec- world look to Hong Kong. Fresh opportu- opportunities for local undergraduates. the University community, builds on our tors to enhance the knowledge base of nities await. We intend to make the most In 10 years, we hope to see full-time, established strengths and sets out a Hong Kong society, and to nurture grad- of them. non-local students comprise 25% of the framework for the development of HKUST uates equipped with the next-genera- undergraduate population. into a world academic leader. tion skills to become the scientists, tech- nologists, entrepreneurs and leaders of Nationally, we have continued extend- Under the terms of the plan, we envis- tomorrow. ing our impact with the opening of the age expanding the University's influence HKUST Business School's Beijing Center, at a global level in carefully selected In comprehensively setting out our goals which will provide international executive high-impact areas such as nanoscience, for the next 15 years, we seek to ensure training in the country's fast-growing finan- biotechnology and sustainable develop- that we build on our impressive founda- 校長報告 President's Report 15

對於科大來說,過去的一年是廣獲讚譽的一 The past 12 months have proved reward- 年,科大在最高國際水平上的優異學術表現獲 ing ones for HKUST, with the University 得認可。 gaining recognition for its academic excellence at the highest international levels. 在本年度中,一系列的國際嘉獎表明了科大全 方位的實力。科大擁有的國際水平的教授、重 During the year, HKUST's world-class fac- 大的研究突破、以及教與學方面的成功進展, ulty, significant research breakthroughs, 都在全球獲得推許。 提 and successful approach to teaching and learning have been globally 在越來越多的全球高等教育評比中,比如由 acknowledged through a series of inter- 《金融時報》和倫敦《泰晤士報》等聲望卓 national accolades that have demon- 著的報刊推出的排名榜,均把科大置於世界 strated the all-round strength of the 頂級大學之列,涵蓋了大學的四個學院:理 University's achievements. 升 學院、工學院、工商管理學院及人文社會科 學學院。這些排名榜令科大躋身全球學術精 In the increasingly globalized arena of 英之列,而榜上有名的大學多是世界馳名的 tertiary education, rankings conducted by respected publications, such as the 百年老校。 Financial Times (FT) and The Times of 國 London, have placed HKUST among the world's leading institutions in all four of the major areas its Schools encompass: Science, Engineering, Business and Management, and Humanities and Social Science. These rankings set HKUST 際 within a global elite, including universities that have had centuries to build their 影Making a prestigious names. 響Global 力Impact 16 最佳排名 Ranked with the Best 17 在《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》排名榜的全球 極具影響力的《金融時報》排名榜亦證實, Confirming the University's rapid rise to scores the depth and breadth of the In addition, the FT highlighted the effec- 大學200強中,科大名列第42位,證實科大 科大工商管理課程在過去的一年中成就卓 prominence in the international aca- University's reputation and its ability to tiveness of the University's on-going drive 已經迅速在國際教育界嶄露頭角。該排名榜 著。科大與美國西北大學Kellogg管理學院合 demic arena, The Times Higher lead in the areas in which it specializes. towards internationalization. The 是基於對88個國家的1,300位學者的問卷調 辦的行政人員工商管理碩士課程(EMBA) Education Supplement (THES) league Kellogg-HKUST EMBA ranked number table of the world's top 200 universities It proved another outstanding year for one and two in the world for the interna- 查而作出的,顯示了科大受到的廣泛推崇以 躍居世界第六位。科大更是亞太地區唯一躋 placed HKUST at number 42. This ranking, HKUST's business programs in the influen- tional diversity of its students and faculty 及排名所具有的國際標準。 身前十名的大學。科大的工商管理碩士課程 based on a survey of some 1,300 aca- tial FT rankings. The University's joint respectively, while the HKUST MBA (MBA)也攀升到全球第44位,這是從2000 demics in 88 countries, showed the wide Executive MBA program with the Kellogg ranked number one in the international 《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》亦公佈了幾個特 年加入排名榜以來最高的排名。 esteem in which HKUST is held and the School of Management at Northwestern experience category for the fifth con- 提 選領域的排名榜。其中,科大在工程學和資 global standard to which it works. University, US, rose to number six in the secutive year. 訊科技領域名列第20位,在科學領域名列第 此外,《金融時報》高度評價大學持續國際 world. HKUST was the only school in Asia- 50位,在社會科學領域名列第57位。這樣傑 化的努力。Kellogg-科大EMBA課程在學生 THES also published global league tables Pacific listed among the top ten. Our full- 出的表現顯示出科大國際影響的深度和廣 和教授國際多元化的選項中,分別列於第一 in several specific fields. In these, HKUST time MBA program climbed to number 度,亦突顯出科大在上述領域的領先能力。 和第二位。同時,科大的工商管理碩士課程 was ranked 20th for Engineering and IT, 44 globally, its highest position since join- 升 連續五年在國際經驗項目上名列第一。 50th in Science, and 57th in Social ing the rankings in 2000. 國 Science. Such a strong showing under- 18 際 影Making a 響Global 力Impact 為未來奠基 位居世界前列 Foundation for On Top of the World the Future 20

科大在世界上的實力確證了大學創辦人、教 HKUST's strength globally is a testament 授、學生、職員和校友的服務精神和貢獻,以 to the commitment and contributions of 及香港社會各界的鼎力支持。這表明科大訂下 the University's founders, faculty, stu- 高度嚴謹的標準,並清晰地顯示了科大爭創卓 dents, staff and alumni, and the support of the Hong Kong community. It shows 越地位的傳統。 全球工程和資訊科技領域100強 the impressive standards being set at 全球頂尖200所大學排名榜 2004年全球EMBA課程排名榜 《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》 HKUST and clearly illustrates the tradition 我們為達致成功而作出的持續努力得到認可, 《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》 《金融時報》 World's Top 100 Universities in for excellence established at the World s Top 200 Universities Kellogg-HKUST Global Engineering and IT (Times Higher 深以為傲。然而,本地及世界各地高等教育發 提 University. (Times Higher Education Supplement) EMBA 2004 (Financial Times) Education Supplement) 展迅速,科大絕不能固步自封。 While it has been satisfying to receive 位 位 位 在過去的一年裏,科大借重過去的成功和現有 recognition for our continuous efforts to Ranked42 Ranked6 Ranked20 的佳績,開闢一條通往未來更大成就的明晰路 scale the peaks of achievement, the 徑。我們將要在全球的學術界營造更大的影 rapidly evolving environment of higher 升 education locally and worldwide means 響,在香港教育體制即將發生急遽變化中,抓 緊機遇,令大學有能力繼續推動本地及內地的 HKUST cannot afford to stand still. 社會及經濟發展。 Therefore, over the year, the University has drawn on its past successes and cur- 如此,大學在6月推出策略發展計劃。 國 rent accomplishments to establish a 2005年全球MBA課程排名榜 全球科學領域100強 clear path to the next level of achieve- 《金融時報》 《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》 ment, one that will see HKUST maximize Global MBA 2005 World's Top 100 Universities in Science (Financial Times) (Times Higher Education Supplement) its impact in the global research arena, make the most of the opportunities pre- sented by the dramatic changes Ranked 位 Ranked 位 際 planned for Hong Kong's education sys- 44 50 tem, and enable the University to contin- ue to advance social and economic Makingdevelopment locally a and nationally. 影 The result was the June launch of HKUST's Strategic Plan. 2000至2005年度按研究工作 2005年度身定制的非學位高 評定的全球工商管理學院100 管特設課程 《金融時報》 強(德克薩斯(達拉斯)大學) 全球社會科學領域100強 Non-Degree Executive Top 100 Worldwide Rankings of 《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》 Education in Custom Business Schools based on World's Top 100 Universities in Programs 2005 (Financial Times) Research Contribution 2000-2005 Social Science (Times Higher 響Global (University of Texas at Dallas) Education Supplement) Ranked1位 (in Asia Pacific) 位 位 力Impact (亞太地區) Ranked25 Ranked57 願 景 2020 Vision 24 《2005-2020策略發展計劃》以科大在全球取 建立科大高等研究所將強化科大的學術成就。 Using HKUST's global achievements and 1.Nanoscience and nanotechnology 得的成就和卓越的基礎作為起點,為科大今後 這一新建研究所將匯聚國際及本地的學術大 foundation of excellence as a spring- 15年的發展勾劃出一個全面的框架。 師。他們將與社會和企業的合作夥伴一起,把 board, the Strategic Plan 2005-2020 pro- 2.Biological sciences and biotechnology 研究所發展成為全球研究的先驅,進一步彰顯 vides a comprehensive framework for the development of the University over 3.Electronics, wireless and information technology 此計劃建立在科大現有實力的基礎上,涵蓋 香港作為教研樞紐的地位。這些頂尖的學者將 the next 15 years. 了研究、教授招聘及校園發展等要點,並提 作為學生的楷模和導師,亦有助於展示學術成 4.Environment and sustainable development 23 出加強本科生教育,確保學生可得到更切合 就在驅動社會發展中的重要角色。 Building on the University's established 時代需求的技能和知識,成為明日領袖。 5.Management education and research strengths, key initiatives outlined in the 科大也將開設創新與科技管理學院。此學院 Strategic Plan cover research, faculty 在此計劃確立的五個重點研究領域內,科大 將建立在科大成功開風氣之先的科技及管理 recruitment, campus development and 將尋求向國際化和擴大全球影響的目標穩步 雙學位課程的基礎上,發展針對學生需要而 the exciting transformation of undergrad- Such academic achievement will be A School of Innovation and Technology 前進。這些重點研究領域具有重大科學意 設計的課程,打破傳統學科壁壘,並融合科 uate education to ensure the provision of reinforced by the establishment of the Management is envisaged. The School 義,與科大使命一致,擁有深遠的發展潛 大理學院、工學院和工商管理學院的優勢。 programs that equip students with the Institute for Advanced Study at HKUST. will build on the success of HKUST's inno- 力,為香港、珠三角地區以及全球的社會和 該學院的本科生和研究生教學計劃,將因應 appropriate skills and knowledge to play This new institute will become home to vative dual-degree programs in technol- 經濟發展增值。此五個領域為: 全球對跨學科人才的日益增長的需求。 leading roles in a fast-moving world. international and local 'star' scholars ogy and management. Custom-made who, together with public and private curricula will be developed, breaking Five high-impact areas have been iden- sector partners, will develop the Institute down conventional academic barriers tified in which HKUST will seek to forge into a global research leader and further and melding the strengths of HKUST's the way internationally and achieve highlight Hong Kong's role as an educa- Science, Engineering and Business global influence. All are of scientific sig- tion and research hub. These top aca- Schools. Its undergraduate and post- nificance and, in keeping with HKUST's demics will serve as inspiring role models graduate programs will address the mission, have great potential to add and mentors for students, and help to growing need worldwide for employees value to the social and economic devel- demonstrate scholarship's role in driving who can bridge disciplines. opment of Hong Kong, the Pearl River progress. 願景 Delta, and beyond. They are: 2020 Vision 25

為迎接四年制,策略發展計劃為本科生教育定 如此大規模的計劃,以及學生人數的增加, 立了發展架構。通過單元為本和跨學科的課 必須相應加強校園設施。策劃中的新設施包 程,為學生引入更多的靈活性。學生在主修專 括香港賽馬會創新科技中心,容納科大高等 業課程的同時,將學到核心的全人技能和價值 研究所、創新與科技管理學院、行政人員教 觀。本科生的學習經驗與科大頂尖研究實力的 育中心等部門的綜合大樓;還要新建學生宿 深入結合是科大發展的另一個重要目標,我們 舍、學生活動中心、文化中心等,以及擴建 從本年度開始逐步朝向這目標發展,試辦一些 更多教學設施。 新項目。 這一與時俱進、涵蓋廣泛的遠景規劃,展示了 With the transition to a four-year degree expanding the University's impact on development program to furnish HKUST 在內地層面,策略發展計劃要求科大發展成為 科大在逐步建立全球學術領袖地位的進程中, structure, the Strategic Plan sets out an education and technology develop- with enhanced campus facilities forms 大中華地區的教育樞紐。為了進一步增強科大 在各個方面創新的目標中,將付出持續不斷的 exciting framework for the transforma- ment are proposed: the establishment of an integral part of the Strategic Plan. 在教育和科技發展方面的影響力,計劃提出了 努力。 tion of undergraduate education. More an independent graduate school in These facilities will include The Hong 願 兩項新建議:其一,在南中國建立一所獨立的 flexibility will be introduced through southern China to produce high-quality Kong Jockey Club Enterprise Center; a modular programs and interdisciplinary research graduates; and the setting up new complex to house the Institute for 研究生院以培養高素質的研究生;其二,建立 curricula. Students will gain core human of a leading education and research Advanced Study, School of Innovation 一所頂尖的教研學院以便為珠三角地區的經濟 skills and values, while at the same time institute to contribute to economic and Technology Management, and 發展作出貢獻。其教研設施亦將開放給科大的 following specialist majors. Greater inte- development in the Pearl River Delta. Executive Education Center; additional 本科生及研究生作培訓和實習之用。 景 gration of the undergraduate experi- The facility will also open up training and student halls; a student center; a cultural ence with HKUST's leading research internship opportunities for undergradu- complex; and extensions to provide capabilities is another important goal, a ates and postgraduates based at more teaching and learning facilities. move that began this year. HKUST's main campus. The dynamic, wide-ranging vision con- At the national level, the Strategic Plan Such large-scale initiatives, and the tained in the Strategic Plan demon- calls for the development of HKUST's role resulting increase in student numbers, will strates an on-going commitment to inno- as an education hub for the Greater require a new infrastructure to support vation at all levels as HKUST evolves into 2020 Vision China region. Two main initiatives for them. Therefore an ambitious capital a global academic leader. 成 就 斐High 然Achievers 學術榮譽及獎項 Academic Awards

對於科大的教職員和學生來說,過去的一年 郭海成教授(電機及電子工程學系) It has been an impressive 12 months for Prof Nancy Ip (Biochemistry) Dr Irene Man-Chi Lo (Civil Engineering) 收穫甚豐。無論在全球和本地,在許多不同 獲選為國際資訊顯示學會會士 faculty, students and staff at HKUST, Elected a Fellow of the Academy of Awarded the J James R Croes Medal by 的領域中,科大人均廣受讚譽,贏得不少榮 globally and locally. Honors, awards, Sciences for the Developing World and the American Society of Civil Engineers. and winning performances in many dif- recipient of the Outstanding Women 譽及獎項。他們的努力獲得許多組織的推 李忠義教授(工業工程及工程管理學系) ferent fields have brought well-deserved Professionals Award from the Hong Kong Prof Maria Li Lung (Biology) 許,證明科大正成功地提升香港的全球學術 獲選為工業工程師學會院士 recognition to members of the University Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Dr Hong Xue (Biochemistry) 29 中心聲望。 Awarded Croucher Senior Research 勞敏慈博士(土木工程學系) community. Their hard work has been Association. Fellowships, which recognize research 獲美國土木工程師學會頒授 endorsed by a wide range of organiza- J James R Croes achievements by local scientists. tions and ably demonstrates HKUST's suc- Prof Hoi Sing Kwok 獎章 (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 趙汝囱博士(機械工程學系) cess at building Hong Kong's reputation Elected a Fellow of the Society for Prof Lionel Ni (Computer Science), 獲Ralph G Nevins生理及人類環境獎 龍李梅瑞教授(生物學系) as a global center for intellectual Information Display. Dr Zikang Tang (Physics) and achievement. 薛紅博士(生物化學系) Prof Mingjie Zhang (Biochemistry) 張慕聖教授(土木工程學系) 裘槎優秀科研者獎,此獎項表揚成就斐然的本 Academic Awards Prof Chung-Yee Lee Appointed Overseas Experts by the 獲選為加拿大工程院院士 (Industrial Engineering and Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences. 地優秀科學家 Dr Christopher Chao Management) 朱經武校長 (Mechanical Engineering) Elected a Fellow of the Institute of Dr Yu-Hsing Wang (Civil Engineering) 倪明選教授(計算機科學系) Presented with the Ralph G Nevins Received the Hogentogler Award, pre- 獲選為俄羅斯工程院院士 Industrial Engineers. 湯子康博士(物理學系) Physiology and Human Environment sented by the American Society for 張明傑教授(生物化學系) Award. 葉玉如教授(生物化學系) Testing and Materials Committee D18 on 被中國科學院委任為海外評審專家 獲選為發展中世界科學院院士,獲香港女工商 Soil and Rock. Prof Moe Cheung (Civil Engineering) 及專業人員聯會頒授傑出專業女性大獎 王幼行博士(土木工程學系) Elected a Fellow of the Canadian 獲美國測試與材料學會泥土與岩石D18委員會 Academy of Engineering. 頒授Hogentogler獎 President Prof Paul Chu 成 Elected a Member of the Russian 就 Academy of Engineering. 斐High 然Achievers 31 獎項及成就

安楠(電機及電子工程學系二年級) 聖火令隊(由電機及電子工程學系、機械工程 馬堅、沈抖、危夷晨和張欣研 黃志輝(計算機工程學三年級) 吳志昊(生物學系一年級) 學系和計算機工程學課程的9名學生組成) (計算機科學系博士生) 獲2004-05㶅豐資訊科技青年企業家獎香港區 孫越(計算機科學系一年級) 獲2005年度全港大專生機械人大賽冠軍及最佳 2004年度微軟亞洲研究院學者 金獎及東亞區頂尖商業計劃大獎 獲香港大專普通話辯論賽冠軍 工程設計獎 岑崇㶴(物理學系一年級) 王爾威(土木工程學哲學碩士 2004) 陳穎珊(科技及管理學二年級) 李海(電機及電子工程學博士 2004) 獲第35屆國際物理奧林匹克比賽金牌及最佳新 獲2005年度香港工程師學會輝固獎 獲高盛環球領袖獎和朗訊全球科學學子獎 吳詠倫(電機及電子工程學哲學碩士生) 秀獎 獲邀於國際固態電路研討會上報告論文 張凱(機械工程學系博士生) 陳得泰、鍾偉權、羅詠琴和袁詩雅 何建輝(物理學系一年級) 獲2005年度摩托羅拉─電機及電子工程師學 (化學工程學系三年級) 林正輝(科技及管理學一年級) 獲第35屆國際物理奧林匹克比賽銀牌 會元件封裝和製造技術協會電子封裝研究生補 獲恒生創新設計比賽冠軍 香港工程師學會最具工程師潛質中學生獎 助金獎 溫志堅(土木工程學哲學碩士 2004) 工商管理學院三年級學生 盧嘉琪(數學學士 2004) 獲第三屆中日韓結構及機械系統優化研討會頒 科大50名職員組成的團隊 鄭仕奇(財務及市場學) 參與雅典奧運會的香港奧林匹克射擊隊首位女 發青年工程師獎 首度參加2004工商機構運動會,勇奪35面獎 劉祜聖、吳家強(經濟及財務學) 隊員 牌,其中包括25面金牌。逾200個機構參加運 邵瑾(財務及經濟學) 溫庭斌(化學博士 2003) 動會 獲首屆香港財經分析師學會舉辦的大學投資研 獲香港科學會2004年度青年科學家獎 究競賽冠軍 32 成 就 斐High 然Achievers Prizes and 33 Accomplishments

An Nan (Year 2, Electronic Engineering) Year 3 Business students Tommy Cheng Hoi Lee (PhD, Electrical and Electronic Ma Jian, Shen Dou, Wei Yichen Wen Ting Bin (PhD, Chemistry 2003) Zhang Kai (PhD candidate, Mechanical Ng Chi Ho (Year 1, Biology) and Sun Yue Sze Ki (Finance and Marketing), Stephen Engineering, 2004) and Zhang Xinyan (PhD candidates, Winner of the 2004 Young Scientist Engineering) (Year 1, Computer Science) Liu , Gavin Ng Ka Keong Ng Wing Lun (MPhil candidate, Electrical Computer Science) Award presented by the Hong Kong Awarded the Motorola-IEEE/CPMT Winning team in the Hong Kong Joint (Economics and Finance) and Bonnie and Electronic Engineering) Microsoft Research Asia Fellows 2004. Institution of Science. Society Graduate Student Fellowship for Tertiary Institutions Putonghua Debating Shao Jin (Finance and Economics) Invited to present papers at the presti- Research on Electronic Packaging 2005. Competition. Top award in the first Hong Kong Society gious International Solid-State Circuits Sum Sung Fung (Year 1, Physics) Wong Chi Fai (Year 3, Computer of Financial Analysts' University Conference. Gold medalist and President's Award, Engineering) HKUST 50-Staff Team Chan Wing Shan (Year 2, Technology Investment Research Competition. 35th International Physics Olympiad. Gold Medal local winner and "Best of Winner of 35 medals, including 25 gold and Management) Jovian Ling (Year 1, Technology and the Best" regional winner, HSBC Young IT awards, at the 2004 Corporate Games, Selected to receive the Goldman Sachs Holy-Flame Team (9 students from Management) Ho Kin Fai (Year 1, Physics) Entrepreneur Awards 2004-2005. which saw over 200 organizations com- Global Leaders Award and Lucent Awarded the Hong Kong Institution of Electronic, Mechanical and Computer Silver medalist, 35th International Physics peting. Global Science Scholars Award. Engineering) Engineers (HKIE) Prize for Potential Olympiad. Eric Wong Yi Wai (MPhil, Civil Engineering Champion and Best Engineering Award Engineering Students. 2004) Craig Chan Tak-Tai, Victor Chung Wai- at inter-university robotics competition Wan Chi Kin (MPhil, Civil Engineering Winner of the 2005 Furgo Prize from the Kuen, Winnie Law Wing-Kam and Novem Cynthia Lo Ka Kay (Mathematics, 2004) Robocon 2005 Hong Kong Contest. 2004) HKIE. Yuen Sze-Ngar (Year 3, Chemical First female member of Hong Kong's Winner of the Young Engineer's Award at Engineering) Olympic shooting team and a partici- the third China-Japan-Korea Joint Winning team in the Hang Seng pant at the Athens Games. Symposium on Optimization of Structural Innovative Design Competition for HKUST and Mechanical Systems. Engineering students. 34 成 就 斐High 然Achievers 科大榮譽 大學管治 Honors List 2004-05 Governance 36

大學監督於2004年8月20日委任了兩位校董會 The University Chancellor appointed two new members to the Council on 20 Honorary Awards at the 12th Congregation 新成員,即身兼大學顧問委員會委員的霍震寰 先生和立法會議員石禮謙先生。他們將接替金 August 2004. Mr Ian Fok (also a Court 陳啟宗博士 商界領袖及恒隆集團有限公司主席 樂琦先生和李業廣博士。 member) and Legislative Councilor the Dr Ronnie C Chan Business Leader and Chairman of the Hang Lung Group Hon Abraham Shek replaced Mr Roger King and Dr Charles Lee. 陳南祿博士 國泰航空公司行政總裁 校董會委任13位顧問委員會榮譽委員,他們 Dr Philip N L Chen Chief Executive of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 為:鄭漢鈞博士、鄭明訓先生、張永霖先生、 In recognition of their dedicated service 錢果豐博士、周亦卿博士、胡法光先生、金樂 李兆基博士 恒基兆業發展有限公司創辦人、主席兼總經理 and significant contributions to the Dr Lee Shau-Kee Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of 琦先生、郭炳湘先生、劉皇發議員、李業廣博 University, the Council has appointed a Henderson Land Development Company Limited 士、李兆基博士、梁定邦博士及唐驥千博士, further 13 Honorary Court Members from 姚期智教授 計算機科學家及計算機器學會圖靈獎得主 以答謝他們對科大的竭誠服務和重大貢獻。 among former members of the Court Prof Andrew Chi-Chih Yao Computer scientist and winner of the and the Council. They are Dr Cheng A M Turing Award 大學在2005年5月1日委任趙曾學韞女士、郭 Hon-Kwan, Mr Paul Cheng, Mr Linus 丘成桐教授 著名數學家及菲爾茲獎得主 少明先生及丁午壽先生為顧問委員會委員。 Cheung, Dr Raymond Ch'ien, Dr Chow Prof Yau Shing-Tung Renowned mathematician and Fields Medal winner Yei-Ching, Mr Hu Fa-Kuang, Mr Roger

在2004-05年度,校董會及顧問委員會召開了 King, Mr Walter Kwok, the Hon Lau Wong- Professor Emeritus Fat, Dr Charles Lee, Dr Lee Shau-Kee, 杜家磊教授 物理學系 三次聯席會議,討論議題包括制定策略發展計 Dr Anthony Neoh and Dr Jack Tang. Prof Peter N Dobson Department of Physics 劃及籌款活動等。

尤乃亭教授 化學系 The University welcomed Mrs Alice Chiu, Prof Nai-Teng Yu Department of Chemistry Mr Simon Kwok and Mr Kenneth Ting, who joined the Court as Appointed Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching Members on 1 May 2005. 楊立偉博士 土木工程學系 Dr Ben Young Department of Civil Engineering 成 During the year the Council and the Court held three joint meetings to discuss Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal university-wide matters, including the for- for Distinguished Service to the Student Body mulation of the Strategic Plan and 周旭祺 計算機工程學 三年級 fundraising programs. Raymond Chow Yuk Kei Computer Engineering Program, Year 3 就 Appointments 鄭紹遠教授 理學院院長 Prof Shiu-Yuen Cheng Dean of Science

勵建書教授 數學系主任 Prof Jian-Shu Li Head of the Department of Mathematics 斐High

李曉原教授 化學系主任 Prof Xiao-Yuan Li Head of the Department of Chemistry

溫偉德教授 市場學系主任 35 Prof Wilfried R R Vanhonacker Head of the Department of Marketing 然Achievers 改 變Trans- 世forming 界the World 39

科大能在全球佔據一席之地,大學取得的突破 在過去六年中科大獲得創新及科技基金資助 HKUST's breakthroughs in research have tional peers and the applicant's track The University's Technology Transfer 性研究成果起到重要的作用。教授不斷創新知 3.4億港元,成為香港高等院校中主要受益 played an essential role in placing the record. The CERG research grants Center evaluated 32 invention disclo- 識,不僅對科大的研究基礎大有裨益,而且努 者。在同一時期,科大獲2.35億港元資助,與 University on the global map. The ability awarded to HKUST will support projects in sures from our researchers during 2004-05 力不懈地為生活帶來改變。 工業界進行合約研究及合作研發項目。 of faculty to continue creating new engineering, the physical and biological and filed 53 patent applications. In addi- knowledge is a tribute both to HKUST's sciences and IT, among others, and pro- tion, HKUST received notification of the research infrastructure and the ceaseless vide combined funding of HK$88.5 mil- granting of 11 patents. 科大在角逐研究補助金方面持續取得成功是研 2004-05期間,科大技術轉移中心評估了32項 drive of our academics to make a differ- lion. 究實力的證明。按照2005-06年度獲得資助項 由大學研究人員公開的發明,申請了53項專利 ence to people's lives. The HKUST R and D Corporation Ltd 目的百分比來看,科大有61%的項目成功獲得 權,獲頒授11項專利權。 HKUST also plays a leading role in the signed 105 R&D contracts with industrial 資助,而香港八所高等院校獲資助項目的平均 One reflection of this determination is application, development and transfer clients worth more than HK$31.9 million 成功率為38%。 科大研究開發有限公司與工業界簽訂105項合 HKUST's continuing success in the annual of breakthroughs into the community at and eight license agreements for the 約,涉及的金額超過3,190萬港元;達成八項 Research Grants Council Competitive large, these coming in the form of new transfer of intellectual property to region- 研究補助金的分配取決於國際同行評議、申請 將知識產權轉移給本地區公司的授權協議。同 Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) allo- inventions, techniques and perspectives. al companies. Nineteen start-up compa- 課題的素質以及申請者的過往業績。科大所獲 時,以科大的專長及在大學發展的技術成立的 cation. In terms of the percentage of nies, founded with HKUST expertise and 得的總計8,850萬港元的研究補助金,將支持 19家創業公司,還在培育中。 research projects funded for the 2005-06 The University has been allocated technology developed at the University, 工程學、自然科學、生物科學和資訊科技等領 allocation, the University achieved a 61% HK$340 million in funding by the continue to be incubated. 域的課題。 success rate compared to the average Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) of 38% across all eight eligible Hong during the past six years, making HKUST Kong tertiary institutions. its principal beneficiary among Hong 科大在應用、開發及重大科研成果轉移方面亦 Kong's tertiary institutions. The University 居領先地位,這往往表現為新發明、技術和前 The CERG is an internationally peer- has also received HK$235 million in indus- 瞻思維。 reviewed contest, assessed on the quali- trial funding for contract research and 改 ty of proposals as perceived by interna- collaborative R&D over the same period. 變Trans- 世forming 界the World 40 科研前沿 In the Beginning

2004-05年期間,具世界水平的科大教授取得 HKUST's world-class faculty made many significant discoveries during 2004-05:

不少重大發明: Just the Cancer Path Finder Location, Fresh Energy Formula Breakthrough Prof Mingjie Zhang, Location A commissioning test 一個公式 抗癌突破 尋找通道 抗瘧新藥 Dr Mordecai Golin, Dr Shengcai Lin, Department of Dr Qiang Yang and for a co-combustion 計算機科學系高可齡 生物化學系林聖彩 生物化學系張明傑 化學系韓利強教授開 Department of Department of Biochemistry, and his the Artificial pilot plant developed 博士與崇實大學校的 博士及其研究小組 教授及其研究組在 發的抗瘧疾藥物青蒿 Computer Science, Biochemistry, and his research team have Intelligence Group, by Dr Gordon McKay, Hyeon-Suk Na博士 發現了激活腫瘤抑 有關神經訊號傳遞 酮,已完成第二階段 and Dr Hyeon-Suk Na research group dis- made a series of dis- Department of Department of 推 廣 了 K r a f t - 制因子p53的新機 方面作出一系列新 首期臨床測試。 (Soongsil University) covered a novel coveries related to Computer Science, Chemical McMillan不等式,這 理。p53是迄今為止 發現。 generalized the Kraft- activation mechanism neuronal signal trans- have developed new Engineering, took 一簡單公式決定了在 被發現的最重要的 環保能源 McMillan Inequality, a of the tumor suppres- duction pathways. technology to track place in partnership 無前綴編碼中可允許 抑癌基因之一,在 聚焦效應 化學工程學系麥高 simple formula that sor p53, which is locations and activi- with Green Island 的編碼長度。 50%的癌症組織細 科大物理學系的研 登博士與青洲英坭 decides if certain mutated in over 50% Focus of ties of people in build- Cement Co Ltd and code lengths are of cancers. ings. The innovation showed itself to be 胞中存在該基因的 究人員首次演示超 有限公司合作發展 Attention allowed in a prefix- Physics researchers at uses wireless local safe in terms of emis- 變異。 聲波聲子晶體具有 環保熔化系統的試 free code. Decision Time the University have area networks, and sions. 大的負折射,導致 驗設施,並進行了 Prof Chew Soo Hong, demonstrated for the allows for less human 決策時刻 長聚焦深度的聚焦 測試,證明其排放 Department of first time that an involvement China 經濟學系周恕弘教授 效應。 物符合安全標準。 Economics, launched ultrasonic phononic and higher accuracy. Economic 開展一項神經經濟學 a neuroeconomics crystal can exhibit Forecasts 41 研究計劃,首度利用 跟蹤定位 中國經濟預測 research initiative large negative refrac- Healthy HKUST's Center for 大腦圖像技術同時掃 計算機科學系楊強 科大經濟發展研究中 involving a cross- tion, leading to a Development Economic 描中國及美國的實驗 博士和人工智能組 心與清華大學合作建 cultural interactive focusing effect with Prof Richard Haynes, Development is col- 對象,研究跨國文化 開發了跟蹤大樓內 構一個中國計量經濟 decision-making study large focal depth. Department of laborating with 改 決策行為。 部人員位置和活動 的預測模型,其第一 using brain scanning Chemistry, has com- Tsinghua University to 的新技術。這一新 套預測結果已在北京 technology - the pleted the first Phase II construct an econo- first concurrent scan- clinical trial of metric forecasting 技術使用了無線定 發佈。 ning of subjects in artemisone, an anti- model for China. It 位網絡,具有節省 China and the US. malaria drug he has announced the first Trans- 人工,精確度高的 developed. set of forecasts in 優點。 變 Beijing. 世forming 42 界the World 知識用於實踐 Setting Knowledge to Work 43 先進材料 網絡聯繫 最新進展 淨水裝置 Materials Gain Online Links Latest Moves Cleaning Up Colorful Display 創新及科技基金邀請 科大與以美國為基地 科大與本地兩所大學 土木工程學系黃汝常 HKUST was chosen by HKUST and US-based HKUST will co-host the Prof Howard Huang, Prof Hoi Sing Kwok, 科大承辦投資4億港 的高科技跨國通訊公 合辦由創新及科技基 教授使用創新的廢物 the ITF to spearhead a hi-tech multinational R&D Center for Department of Civil Department of HK$400 million R&D WebEx Logistics and Supply Engineering, has Electrical and 元的納米科技及先進 司──網迅公司,成 金資助的物流和供應 處理技術發展了一個 Center for Communications, Inc, Chain Management developed a hybrid Electronic Engineering, 材料研究及發展中 立投資為2,920萬港 鏈管理應用技術研究 混雜生物反應器,可 Nanotechnology and announced the Enabling Technologies biological reactor for has created a novel 心。此中心將利用科 元的資訊科技研究 及發展中心。此中心 以大大減少處理設備 Advanced Materials establishment of a under the ITF, together waste treatment. The color Liquid Crystal 大在納米科技方面的 所,旨在提升香港的 將先行研究無線射頻 的體積及造價。政府 for Hong Kong and the HK$29.2 million with two local universi- new technology can Display using the con- 專長,為亞太地區的 資訊科技研究樞紐地 識別、基礎設施及決 渠務署撥款在大嶼山 region. The Center will Information ties. The Center will significantly increase ventional TN fabrica- 工業界提供最新的商 位,並促進新技術的 策支援技術,旨在幫 興建一座使用此技術 utilize the University's Technology Institute, initially focus on the treatment capaci- tion process. 機,並培育工程師和 商品化。該所由網迅 助香港及內地公司提 的全尺度裝置。 expertise in these fields which is set to Radio Frequency ty and reduce treat- Advantages are 研究專才。 公司、創新及科技基 升競爭力。 to provide the region's raise Hong Kong's Identification (RFID), ment costs. The gov- vivid colors, no color 金共同投資,這是創 彩色顯示 industries with the lat- regional profile as an IT infrastructures and ernment's Drainage filters, simple process- 新及科技基金在大學 電機及電子工程學系 est business advances research hub and decision support tech- Services Department ing and low cost. It 與產業合作計劃下最 郭海成教授使用傳統 and to develop a spe- boost commercializa- nologies to help com- has chosen this can be used in cialist pool of engi- tion of new technolo- panies in Hong Kong technology to build watches, calculators, 大的一筆撥款。 的TN製造過程,創 neers and researchers. gies. It is jointly funded and the Mainland a full-scale plant on game machines, 製了新型液晶顯示裝 by WebEx and the ITF to build their Lantau. among other devices, 置。其優點在於色彩 and is the largest proj- competitive edge. and the technology 生動、無須濾色片、 ect award yet under has now been 加工簡單、成本低 the ITF University- transferred to a local 廉,可以用於手錶、 Industry Collaboration LCD manufacturing 計算器及遊戲機等, Programme. company for mass 目前已將技術轉移給 production. 改 本地液晶顯示製造公 變Trans- 司作大規模生產。 世forming 界the World 44 強強合作 Pioneering 45 Partnerships 46

2004-05年度,科大卓越的學術成就世界矚 重點實驗室致力於計算機科學聯合基礎研究 目,吸引頂尖國際公司以及國內研究所與大學 項目,並培訓研究人員,以提升中國的資訊 進行緊密的研究合作。 科技工業。設置在科大的重點實驗室將發展 三個研究領域:視覺與圖形學、系統和網絡 科大與納斯達克上市的生物藥物公司Geron 及海量資訊處理。這是設於香港的首個教育 Corporation在香港聯合成立生物技術公司, 部重點實驗室。 共同研發與對抗衰老和神經退化相關疾病的藥 物。科大將動用香港賽馬會1.75億港元捐款的 一部分。此合作將有效地促進本地生物技術產 業,推動香港的技術轉移。

科大與微軟亞洲研究院加強科研合作,更獲中 央政府的大力支持,成立科大信息技術教育部 -微軟重點實驗室。

改 In 2004-05, HKUST's worldwide reputation In another major step, HKUST's research for academic excellence led to strong collaboration with Microsoft Research research partnerships with leading inter- Asia (MSRA) gained valuable support national companies and national institu- from the central government, with the Trans- tions. announcement of the establishment of the Ministry of Education (MOE)/MSRA 變 HKUST and NASDAQ-listed biopharmaceu- Information Technology Key Laboratory tical company Geron Corporation jointly at HKUST. established a biotechnology company in Hong Kong to research and develop The Lab seeks to advance the Chinese IT drugs to help counter age-related and industry by conducting joint basic 世forming neurodegenerative diseases. To this end, research projects in computer science, HKUST shall use part of a HK$175 million and training researchers. At HKUST, the donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Lab will focus on three main research Club. The initiative will provide a significant areas: vision and graphics, systems and boost to the local biotechnology sector networking and mass information man- and encourage technology transfer in agement. This is the first MOE Key Lab in 界the World Hong Kong. Hong Kong. 科大的教學一貫推崇國際視野,在2004-05年 度科大以不同的方式貫徹此目標。

發展本科生教育是《2005-2020策略發展計 為尖子提供的加速學習計劃,有助於吸引本 此外,理學院引入一系列實習計劃,為本科生 劃》的重點。在過去一年,大學已開始進行 地、內地及海外最優秀的年輕學子,使科大 提供實踐知識的機會。他們協助香港科學館組 基礎工作,並提出了許多拓寬本科生知識面 校園生活更國際化。 辦展覽、為初中學生設計科學與數學的互動課 的新措施。 程,以及參加科大教授的研究項目。Suzuki 科大已就四年制與大學教育資助委員會作出討 Café獎學金資助此實習計劃。 按照香港教育改革的時間表,從2012年起, 論,其中包括申請修建新的校園建築,以應付 中學生在完成三年初中和三年高中課程後即可 因四年制而增加的學生以及非本地學生人數的 2004-05期間,校園的國際化繼續發展,當許 申請入讀四年制大學。為此,大學設立“三三 增長。 多學生體驗著科大校園生活的同時,近400名 四”專責小組,重新檢視本科生課程及其與大 學生參加了與海外和內地大學的交換生計劃。 學生活其他方面的關聯。 2004-05年度,大學引入本科生研究計劃,令 連同內地學生在內,科大增收的非本地本科生 本科生有更多機會從師學習,參加研究、學術 人數約佔10%。 根據策略發展計劃,創新的學術架構提供更 及創造性的活動。此計劃有助於將研究興趣發 靈活的主修和選修課程,以及更多的實習和 展為事業,擴大香港的學術人才隊伍。計劃獲 隨著更多內地學生來到科大讀書,到內地尋 交換生計劃,學生將可更主動地學習。此 熱烈回應,80位學生與41位教授參加此計 求發展機會的科大學生也越來越多,他們通 外,由於引入跨學科學習、雙主修課程以及 劃,進行課題研究。 過“祖國職情內地實習計劃”認識內地。此 計劃由利銘澤黃瑤璧慈善基金資助50萬港 元,安排科大學生到內地企業參與暑期實 習,有助於了解內地文化、建立人際網絡, 並增進未來的就業機會。2004-05期間,約 拓 240名學生參與此計劃。 展The 視Wider 野View 50

Global49 vision in teaching and learning Under education system changes to In 2004-05, the Undergraduate Research interactive science and maths classes the University's students took the opportu- has always been important at HKUST and come in Hong Kong, secondary school Opportunities Program was introduced for primary school students, as well as nity to familiarize themselves with life in 2004-05 the University was able to students completing three years of junior to enable undergraduates to work participate in research with HKUST facul- across the border through the Mainland strengthen this objective in several differ- secondary school plus a three-year sen- closely with faculty members and to par- ty. Suzuki Café Scholarships has spon- Internship Program. Supported by a ent ways. ior secondary program will be eligible to ticipate in research, scholarly or creative sored the program. HK$500,000 donation from the Drs apply for admission to a new, four-year activities. This sets out to develop interest Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Groundwork for the development of university curriculum from 2012. To pre- in research as a career and thus expand Meanwhile, internationalization of the Charitable Foundation, this program undergraduate education at HKUST, a pare for the "3-3-4" framework, the Hong Kong's pool of academic talent. campus is continuing to move forward. enables HKUST students to take up sum- major focus of the Strategic Plan 2005- University set up a 334 Task Group to re- The move was well received, with 80 stu- In 2004-05, nearly 400 students went on mer training in mainland enterprises, pro- 2020, got underway during the year, with examine its undergraduate programs dents working with 41 members of facul- exchange to overseas and mainland viding greater insight into the working a number of initiatives designed to pro- and their relation to other aspects of uni- ty on projects under the program. universities, with many others coming to culture on the Mainland and helping to vide a broader educational experience versity life. experience life at HKUST. There was also build networks and boost future job for those studying at this level. In addition, the School of Science an increase in the enrollment of non- prospects. Some 240 students joined the As envisaged in the Strategic Plan, an brought in a range of internships to local undergraduate students, including program in 2004-05. innovative academic structure will enable undergraduates to apply what those from the Mainland, to around 10% enable students to take more responsibil- they have learnt in their studies. The of the intake. ity for their own learning, with flexible internships give science students a choices of majors and minors and further chance to help organize exhibitions for While a larger number of mainland stu- opportunities for internships and the Hong Kong Science Museum, design dents came to study at HKUST, more of exchange programs. In addition, the introduction of interdisciplinary studies, double majors and accelerated options for high-flyers will help to attract the best young minds, not only locally but also from the Mainland and overseas, to 拓 bring global perspective to all aspects of the HKUST student experience.

Plans for the four-year degree have The already been discussed with the 展 University Grants Committee (UGC), including proposals for new buildings to accommodate the larger numbers of students that will derive from the conver- sion to the four-year degree and expan- 視Wider sion of non-local admissions. 野View 前程似錦 Better Prospects

科大學生的全面發展反映在僱主對畢業生的評 The value of HKUST students' all-round out- were engineering, marketing52 and sales, 價上。儘管就業市場的競爭環境持續,科大畢 look was reflected by the popularity of accounting, and systems analysis and 業生卻廣受僱主歡迎。根據2004年科大畢業 the University's graduates with employers. computer programming. 生就業調查,截至12月底,1,348名本科畢業 They found themselves in demand across There were 870 Master's and 103 doctoral a wide range of fields despite the contin- 生中超過99%已找到工作、或開創自己的事 graduates from HKUST in 2004. Also on the uation of competitive conditions in the 業、或繼續深造。 postgraduate front, Hong Kong's research 51 marketplace. Results of the University's culture was given a collective boost with 2004 Graduate Employment Survey 科大畢業生的平均總月薪比前一年增加20%, the signing of a Memorandum of showed that more than 99% of 1,348 Understanding by HKUST, the University of 其中最高月薪為49,000港元。約70%的畢業生 undergraduates had found jobs, started Hong Kong and the Chinese University of 受僱於商業機構,其次為製造業、工業和教 businesses, or gone on to further studies Hong Kong to establish a Joint Centre for 育。最受歡迎的工作為工程、市場與銷售、會 by December 2004. 計、系統分析和程式編寫等。 Advanced Study. The Centre is part of a Mean gross monthly salaries of gradu- move to develop deeper collaboration ates were up 20% from the previous year, among Hong Kong research universities in 2004年,科大有870位碩士生及103位博士生 with the highest monthly salary standing order to pool individual strengths and 畢業。在研究生教育方面,科大、港大和中大 at HK$49,000. Some 70% found employ- jointly raise Hong Kong's competitiveness 簽署了關於成立聯校教研中心的合作協議,以 ment in the business sector, followed by at the highest levels of academic 共同促進香港的研究文化。此中心的成立是促 manufacturing and industry, and educa- achievement. 進香港研究型大學深入合作的一部分,旨在集 tion. The most popular job categories 中各校的科研力量,共同提升香港參與國際最 高水平的競爭。 2004 拓 Graduate Employment Status in 2004 3 (0.2%) Self-employment 創業 The 32 (2.4%) Temporary or Part-time Jobs 展 短期或兼職工作 8 (0.6%) Unemployed 待業

199 (14.8%) 1,096 (81.3%) 視Wider Further Studies Full-time employment 深造 全職工作

10 (0.7%) Other 野View 其他 向大師學習 Learning from 53 the World's Best 54

過去一年,許多享譽國際的學者在科大主持講座,加深科大學生對全球 Prof Shiing Prof Paul J Prof Kenneth Prof Andrew Prof Yau Shing- 重要課題的認識,亦鞏固科大作為卓越學術中心的地位。 Shen Chern Crutzen Lieberthal Chi-Chih Yao Tung The late, globally Winner of the Nobel Eminent China scholar Expert on quantum World-renowned math- Over the year, lectures by a number of distinguished international scholars renowned, Chinese Prize in Chemistry. Prof and former Special computation and the ematician and winner gave HKUST students a chance to broaden their views on a range of issues of mathematician. Prof Crutzen spoke on "The Assistant to the US only Chinese recipient of the prestigious Fields global importance and reinforced the University's standing as a center of aca- Chern was the winner Anthropocene: Its President on National of the ACM's A M Medal. Prof Yau's lec- demic excellence. of the first Shaw Prize in Chemistry and Security Affairs. Prof Turing Award, regard- ture, "The Path to Mathematical Climate", a challeng- Lieberthal's lecture, "Hu ed as the Nobel Prize Learning", used Sciences, an award ing look at the increas- in Command: Now for computer science. Chinese classical litera- honoring scientists who ingly detrimental Come the Political and Prof Yao's talk, "An ture to illustrate how 全球聞名的已故華人數學 諾貝爾化學獎得獎者。他 卓越的中國問題學者、前 量子計算專家,為獲得 世界著名數學家及菲爾茲 have made a distin- impact of human Economic Challenges", Expedition into Modern culture can provide 家,為首屆邵逸夫數學科 在科大的演講題目為: 美國總統國家安全事務特 計算機器學會圖靈獎的 獎得主。其演講題目為: guished contribution to activity on the provided insight into Cryptography", out- inspiration for a posi- 學獎得主。此獎項嘉許為 “人類紀:化學與氣候”, 別助理。他主講“胡錦濤 唯一的華人科學家,此 “為學之道”,援引中國古 modern civilization. He ecosystem. the domestic and lined the history of tive outlook on learn- chose to give the inau- international issues fac- cryptography and its ing and life. 現代文明作出重大貢獻的 探討人類活動對生態所產 面 臨 的 政 治 和 經 濟 挑 獎項相當於計算機科學 典文學巨著說明傳統文化 gural Shaw Prize ing China. development in the 科學家。陳教授在科大作 生的有害影響。 戰”,剖析中國面對的內 領域的諾貝爾獎。其演 可以啟迪思維。 Lecture at HKUST, era of the internet and 邵逸夫獎首講,參加者超 外難題。 講題目為“走進現代密 drawing an audience wireless communica- 過700人。 碼學”,概述密碼學的歷 of over 700. tions. 史以及在互聯網和無線 通訊時代的發展。 拓 展The 視Wider 野View 開 創Building 未the 來Future 社會支持 57 Community Support

2004-05年度,科大增強了與本 在過去一年,科大獲得社會各界慷慨的資助。 為了支持國際化,科大獲太古集團慈善信託基 During the year, HKUST received gener- Meanwhile, the Division of Social The expansion of HKUST's facilities, as ous support to fund new initiatives in a Science set up the Center on China's called for in the Strategic Plan, got 地、內地及全球的聯繫,獲得本地 金資助,將建立800萬港元的太古國際青年精 李兆基基金會捐贈的3,300萬港元將用於支持 英培訓計劃。此計劃通過設立獎學金的方式吸 range of areas. Transnational Relations with a HK$1 mil- underway with a ground-breaking cere- 及海外的支持,足證科大在不同領 學術及研究的長遠發展,幫助大學對社會和經 引海外尖子來科大就讀,並資助優秀本地生到 lion donation from the Chan Tseng-Hsi mony in November for The Hong Kong A HK$33 million donation from the Lee Foundation. The Center engages in Jockey Club Enterprise Center. The 域的重要角色,已廣獲認可。 濟作出更多貢獻。 海外著名學府當交換生。 Shau Kee Foundation will be used to research on China-issues that have impli- Center, which will expand research and In 2004-05, HKUST strengthened support long-term academic and cations beyond the country's borders, development, is being constructed with 為答謝羅桂祥基金所捐贈的150萬港元而命名 過去一年,科大發放了524項獎學金,總額為 local, national and global ties and research development and assist the and it provides a variety of education the help of a HK$100 million donation 的羅桂祥醫學圖像分析實驗室,增強了科大的 1,476萬港元。 gained both community and over- University in making further contributions programs including research workshops, from The Hong Kong Jockey Club 研究設施。此實驗室專注於創造和應用工程技 to social and economic development. a summer institute, international confer- Charities Trust. seas support for its work. This 術和醫學圖像的跨學科研究,旨在促進本地及 為實現《策略發展計劃》擴充校園的目標,科 ences and public lectures. showed recognition of the valu- 全球的健康護理。 大香港賽馬會創新科技中心在2004年11月舉 The University's research facilities were The new Visitor Information Center has able role the University has to play 行動土儀式。該中心獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基 boosted by the Lo Kwee-Seong Medical To assist internationalization, the been named the Mr and Mrs Ho Ting Sik in different arenas. 裘槎多尺度模擬實驗室由裘槎基金會捐贈 金資助1億港元興建,以擴展研究開發。 Image Analysis Laboratory, named in University will establish the HK$8 million Visitor Information Center in recognition 100萬港元成立,為高端研究提供設施,並發 recognition of a donation of HK$1.5 mil- Swire International Young Fellows of the couple's HK$2.5 million donation 展高水準的計算方法。 新的訪客資訊中心命名為何廷錫伉儷訪客資訊 lion from the K S Lo Foundation. The Program with the support of the Swire to the University. 中心,以答謝何廷錫伉儷慷慨捐贈250萬港 Laboratory focuses on interdisciplinary Group Charitable Trust. This will foster tal- research that creates and applies engi- ented young people with the outlook 社會科學部以陳曾熙基金會捐贈的100萬港元 元,支持科大的教研發展。 neering techniques to medical image and skills to operate successfully within 建立了中國跨國關係研究中心。該中心專門研 analysis with the goal of improving different countries and cultures by creat- 究中國跨國關係,並提供各種教育項目,包括 healthcare locally and globally. ing scholarships to enable top overseas 工作坊、暑期學院、國際會議和公開講座等。 students to study at HKUST. The program The Croucher Laboratory on Multiscale will also support outstanding local stu- Modeling and Simulation, which facili- dents through exchange scholarships to tates advanced research and develops leading overseas institutions. 開 high-level computational methods, was established with a HK$1 million donation Over the year, the University allocated 創Building from The Croucher Foundation. 524 scholarships totaling HK$14.76 million. 未the 來Future 內地發展 National Presence

59在增強參與內地發展的目標下,科大發展不 科大與北京科技大學簽署合作協議,進一步增 In line with the University's objective to ported by Beijing International Financial To help more of the Mainland's school 同新項目,並穩步在全國各地建立聯繫,從 強與內地的聯繫。按照協定,兩校將在材料科 strengthen its presence on the Mainland, Training Centre, which coordinates exec- students get to know HKUST and what it 南方的深圳、南沙到杭州、上海,一直到首 學與工程、土木及環境工程、化學工程及生物 HKUST has undertaken initiatives and utive development for Financial Street. has to offer, 42 principals from well- 都北京。 工程等領域開展教研的合作。兩校教授、學生 forged ties across the country, from established secondary schools in Beijing Shenzhen and Nansha in the south, to Links were also extended with the signing and Guangzhou visited campus. 及職員之間亦將加強學術交流,並聯合舉辦學 Hangzhou and , to the capital of an agreement between HKUST and Representatives from the Education 2004-05年度,科大的步子邁得更大,北京中 術會議以及學生活動營。 Beijing. the University of Science and Technology Commission of Beijing, Mr Zhang 心在北京金融街的開幕令科大能夠為內地迅速 Beijing (USTB). Under this arrangement, Baoqing, China's Vice-Minister of 發展的金融產業,提供高級行政人員培訓。中 為了幫助內地中學生瞭解科大,北京和廣州42 In 2004-05, HKUST took further such steps the two universities will collaborate in Education, and the Education Bureau of 心將公開招生並對公司提供度身定制的課程。 所著名中學的校長訪問了科大。北京教育委員 with the opening of the Beijing Center on teaching and research in fields including Guangzhou also toured the University. 此中心亦將作為重要基地,為研究內地問題的 會的代表團、中國教育部副部長張保慶以及廣 Financial Street, allowing the University to materials science and engineering, civil 科大學者提供便利。科大的北京中心獲主管金 州市教育局也訪問了科大。 provide international executive training and environmental engineering, chemi- 融街人才培訓協調的北京國際金融培訓中心大 to the Mainland's rapidly growing finan- cal engineering and bio-engineering. 力支持。 cial industry. The Center will offer cus- Academic exchanges between faculty, tomized programs for companies and students and staff will be promoted and programs for open enrollment. It will also the two universities will jointly organize serve as an important base for HKUST academic conferences and student academics to pursue research related to camps. the Mainland. The venture will be sup- 60 開 創Building 未the 來Future 國際視野 61 International Outlook

科大在學術上取得國際矚目的成就,也繼續致 這些訪問建立了科大與世界各國的聯繫,大學 Along with our global achievements in HKUST. Faculty ties with peers in other studies and atmospheric science and 力建立多元文化校園,在大學整體、教授、學 獲益良多。科大和加州洛杉磯大學成功地合辦 the academic arena, HKUST has contin- countries help spur academic progress. provided a platform for students and 生等不同層面,拓展更多海外聯繫。 兩項暑期課程就是例子之一。舉辦聯合課程的 ued its drive to establish an increasingly faculty of both institutions to work in fields 構思,始於前一年加州洛杉磯大學代表團訪問 multicultural campus and to foster In addition, many high-level international of shared interest, while at the same time greater overseas links at all levels of the delegations and visitors spent time on expanding their knowledge of different 2004-05年間,科大與許多著名學術機構簽定 科大。兩項課程為環球研究和大氣科學,雙方 University community: as an institution, campus. Countries represented include cultures. Some 52 HKUST and UCLA stu- 了國際交換和學術合作的協議。科大廣泛的交 學生和教授可以探索共同感興趣的領域,瞭解 among faculty, and between students. Mexico, Kuwait, Ireland, the US, Canada, dents enrolled on the programs, which 換生計劃給學生提供體驗不同生活方式的機 不同文化。兩所大學共有52名學生參加,活動 Korea, Thailand, Austria and Sweden, included classroom-based study and 會,讓他們擴展視野。與此同時,引進海外學 包括課堂授課和參觀訪問。雙方正考慮將此計 During 2004-05, HKUST forged agree- among others. field trips. Expansion to cover more sub- 生來科大就讀亦使校園生活更加豐富。教授與 劃擴展到更多學科。 ments on international exchanges and ject areas is envisaged. 其他國家同行的聯繫有助於促進學術發展。 academic co-operation with a wide Such visits create links for HKUST around range of prestigious institutions. The the world and can have highly benefi- 此外,許多高層次的國際代表團和訪問者亦光 University's extensive exchange program cial results. This was well illustrated by the 臨科大,包括來自墨西哥、科威特、愛爾蘭、 provides HKUST students with the oppor- successful launch of two joint summer 美國、加拿大、韓國、泰國、奧地利和瑞典等 tunity to experience a different way of programs run by HKUST and the University 國的客人。 life and to widen their perspectives, while of California, Los Angeles, following a at the same time broadening horizons on UCLA delegation to HKUST the previous campus by bringing overseas students to year. The programs focused on global 62 開 創Building 未the 來Future 到訪知名人士 Headliners 63 2004-05 Dr Vint G Cerf Prof Jean-Claude Pecker TCP/IP原型的聯合發明者,以“互聯網之父” 法國著名天體物理學家,他的講題為天文學及 之一而廣為人知。 其宇宙觀。 Some of the eminent visitors Co-inventor of the TCP/IP protocols and Renowned French astrophysicist who welcomed to HKUST during widely known as one of the "Fathers of gave a seminar on astronomy and his 2004-05. the Internet". view of the universe. Prof Joel Cohen 安東尼‧司頓斯教授 領先的消費行為研究學者,在市場營銷研究中 Prof Anthony Stones 心組織的講座中作首講。 世界著名雕塑家,包玉剛傑出藝術家及科大駐 Leading consumer behavior scholar who 校藝術家。 delivered the first public lecture organ- World-famous sculptor, on campus in his ized by the Center for Marketing and capacity as Y K Pao Distinguished Visiting Distribution. Artist and HKUST Artist-in-Residence.

Dr Kim Howells 衛奕信勳爵 英國教育和技能部副部長。 Lord David Wilson Minister of State at the Department for 前香港總督、漢學家及英國阿伯丁大學名譽校長。 Education and Skills, UK. Former Governor of Hong Kong, sinolo- gist and Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, UK. 大 事 紀Calendar 要of Events 大事紀要 October 數個內地代表團訪問科大,分別由全國人民代 Calendar of Events 表大會常務委員會副委員長兼北京大學常務副 校長韓啟德教授、天津大學副校長郁道銀教授 及深圳市副市長閆小培帶隊。 The month brought several mainland del- egations to campus. The visits were led September by Prof Han Qide, Vice-Chairman, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Executive Vice- August President of ; Prof Yu Daoyin, Vice-President of Tianjin University; and Yan Xiaopei, Vice-Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal Government November respectively. December

13,000位訪客參加了預科同學日。大學舉辦 多項活動,增進預科生及中學教師對科大的 瞭解。 為了加強與內地的科學交流及聯繫,科大教授 Around 13,000 visitors enjoyed the 在深圳南山區圖書館舉辦了為期一月的週日科 University's Student Outreach Day, which 普系列講座,講題包括納米材料和中美不同的 provided the opportunity for prospective 在第12屆學位頒授典禮上,1,818位本科生、 成就觀等。 students and secondary school teachers 870位碩士生和103位博士生獲頒授學位。科大 HKUST faculty gave a series of weekly to learn more about HKUST. A wide range 專家、議員和學者齊集科大參加由人文社會科 的校友人數已達22,000人。 lectures at the Nanshan Library, of activities was organized on campus. 學學院文化研究中心舉辦的“民主‧國族‧文 At the 12th Congregation, 1,818 Shenzhen, throughout the month to 化論壇”。主講者包括文化評論員梁文道和陶 納米材料技術研發所主持首屆技術顧問委員會 Bachelor, 870 Master's and 103 doctoral strengthen scientific exchange and ties 傑,一國兩制研究中心總裁邵善波及立法會議 以及傑出學者講座。主講者包括前美國總統科 degrees were conferred. The graduation with the Mainland. Topics included nano- 員梁國雄。 技顧問、Rice大學藍尼爾教授和廣島大學奧山 event expanded the ranks of HKUST materials and the difference in US and 喜久夫教授等。 Pundits and politicians came together at alumni to over 22,000. Chinese perspectives on achievement. HKUST for the Democracy, Nationalism The Institute of NanoMaterials and 04and Culture Forum, organized by the NanoTechnology hosted its inaugural July Technical Advisory Committee meeting 哈佛大學數學教授蕭蔭堂在科大對數學之星夏 Center for Cultural Studies in the School of Humanities and Social Science. The and distinguished lecture series. 令營的成員演講,超過100名的香港和內地高 speakers included cultural critics Leung Speakers included Prof Neal Lane of 中學生參加講座。夏令營由國家自然科學基金 科大與成都電子科技大學及新加坡南洋理工大 Man Tao and Tao Jie; Shiu Sin Por, execu- Rice University, former Science Advisor to 委員會數學天元基金資助。 學簽署合作協定,結合各方專長共同進行高科 tive director of the One Country Two the President of the United States, and 技通訊研究,包括無線通訊核心技術和超寬頻 Systems Research Institute; and legislator Prof Kikuo Okuyama of Hiroshima 技術等。 Leung Kwok-hung. University. HKUST signed a collaborative agreement with the University of Electronic Science

化學工程學系慶祝成立十周年,召開國際會 and Technology of China and the Nanyang Technological University of 議,主題是探討未來亞洲化學工程的發展。 Singapore to work together on high-tech The Department of Chemical communications research in combined Engineering celebrated its 10th anniver- areas of expertise, such as Beyond Third sary with an international symposium Generation (B3G) and Ultra Wideband 20exploring future developments in chemi- (UWB) technologies. cal engineering across Asia. 科大主辦了2004年花旗集團國際案例分析比 Prof Yum-Tong Siu, Professor of 賽,有17支優秀的國際商業學生團隊參加 科大校友會慶祝成立 周年;大學合唱團校 “大學學術研究文獻庫國際會議:經驗與挑戰” Mathematics from Harvard University, 10 gave a lecture at HKUST as part of the 比賽,為一家亞洲企業的真實案例提供解決 友會和機械工程系校友會等新的校友組織相 在科大召開。本地和海外的代表匯聚一堂,交 Future Stars in Mathematics Summer 方案。 繼成立。 流學術機構設立數碼文獻庫的最新資訊。 Camp. The camp, sponsored by the HKUST played host to the Citigroup The HKUST Alumni Association celebrated The International Conference on Tianyuan Fund for Mathematics of the International Case Competition 2004, its 10th anniversary. New alumni groups, Developing Digital Institutional Repositories: National Natural Science Foundation of which saw 17 teams of high-flying inter- the University Choir Alumni Association, Experiences and Challenges brought China, was attended by more than 100 national business students compete to and the Mechanical Engineering local and overseas representatives to senior secondary students from Hong provide solutions for a real business case Graduates' Association, were also estab- HKUST to share the latest insights on digi- Kong and the Mainland. 2004 in the Asian region. lished over the year. tal repositories for academic institutions. April 大事紀要 科大和教育統籌局舉辦香港首個資訊科技特訓 課程,培育資優中學生。此特訓課程分為資訊 Calendar of Events 科技和基礎電腦程式編寫增益課程兩部分,為 中四到中七的學生提供有關的入門知識,讓他 們在世界級的研究型大學學習。 HKUST and the Education and Manpower Bureau launched Hong Kong's first IT Enhancement Program to promote engineering among gifted sec- ondary students. The program's two courses, the IT Enrichment Project and Basic Programming Enrichment, provide an introduction to IT-related research and training in a world-class research uni- March versity for students from Form 4 to Form 7. 中國科學院副院長陳竺教授訪問科大。 香港科技大學IEMBA校友會綜合樓在桂林平 Prof , Vice-President of the 樂縣正式啟用。此小學校舍是由科大首個高 Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited campus. 級管理人員國際工商管理碩士課程的校友集 資興建的。 The HKUST IEMBA Building opened in Ping'le County, Guilin. The primary school building was constructed with money raised by alumni of the University's first June International Executive MBA program.

工業工程及工程管理學系慶祝與史丹福大學成 功合辦全球性製造業及物流課程十周年。參與 此課程的科大和史丹福大學的學生攜手合作以 January 解決相關課題。 由米高.克魯校長率領的亞利桑那州大學代表 活動影像專家組織首度在香港召開會議。這是 The Department of Industrial Engineering 團訪問科大。 該組織的第71屆會議,有300多位來自學術界 and Engineering Management (IEEM) A delegation from Arizona State 和工業界的視像及聲頻專家匯聚科大,共同制 celebrated the 10th anniversary of the 科大在香港各區舉辦巡迴展覽,展示最新成就。 successful IEEM-Stanford Joint Global University, led by President Michael Crow, 定及修訂最新的壓縮編碼標準。 A roving exhibition highlighting HKUST's Manufacturing Program, which brings visited HKUST. The Moving Picture Experts Group recent achievements appeared in differ- together HKUST and Stanford University (MPEG) met20 for the first time in Hong ent districts of Hong Kong. students to work on solutions to an indus- Kong at HKUST. The group's 71st meeting try-related problem. 全球首個高樓擺動模擬器舉行揭幕典禮。模擬 saw more than 300 video and audio spe- 器設於科大中電風洞實驗所,由科大工程師設 cialists from academia and industry 俄羅斯工程院院士訪問科大,並首次於香港舉 計及開發,模擬摩天大樓由強風引起的擺動。 gather on campus to define and refine February 辦第六屆國際科學論壇。 The official opening of the world's first the latest encoding standards. 由清華大學校務委員會主任陳希教授率領的代 Members of the Russian Academy of motion simulator to reproduce wind- 表團訪問科大。 Engineering visited HKUST during the induced motion of skyscrapers took Prof Chen Xi, Chairman of the University Academy's Sixth International Scientific place at HKUST's CLP Power Wind/Wave Council, Tsinghua University, headed a Forum, held for the first time in Hong Tunnel Facility. The motion simulator was delegation to HKUST. Kong. designed and developed by HKUST May 由計算機科學系合辦的首屆青少年機械人世界 engineers. 工學院舉辦校友聯歡晚宴,教授、校友及工業 盃香港區公開選拔賽在科大舉行。來自45所中 界伙伴匯聚一堂,慶祝科大在《泰晤士報高等 學的89隊學生參加了這項挑戰機械人編程技巧 在優異學生嘉許典禮上,180多名優異本科生 教育特刊》的排名成績。科大工學院在工程和 的競賽。 獲表揚。他們在連續三個學期的學習中,至少 資訊科技領域名列全球第20名。 The first RoboCupJunior Hong Kong con- 兩度名列院長嘉許名錄。 05The School of Engineering held a reunion test, co-organized by the Department of 由謝繩武校長帶隊的上海交通大學代表團訪問 Academic excellence was honored at a dinner bringing together faculty, alumni Computer Science, was held at HKUST. 科大。 ceremony celebrating the achievements and industrial advisors to celebrate the 89 teams representing 45 secondary A delegation from Shanghai Jiao Tong of some 180 undergraduates commend- THES ranking, which saw the School schools participated in the contest, University, led by President Prof Xie ed on the Dean's List at least twice in named among the world's top 20 univer- designed to challenge students' robot Shengwu, visited HKUST. 2005 three consecutive semesters. sities in engineering and IT. programming skills. 附錄一:顧問委員會、 校董會及教務委員會 Appendix I : Court, Council and Senate

夏利萊博士 Dr Hari N HARILELA, GBS, JP 簡基富先生 Mr Keith Graham KERR 顧問委員會委員 Court Membership 胡法光先生 Mr HU Fa-Kuang, GBS, JP 任期至2005年1月31日止 until 31 January 2005 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 郭孔演先生 Mr KUOK Khoon Ean 當然委員 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS 金樂琦先生 Mr Roger KING 任期至2005年1月31日止 until 31 January 2005 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 郭少明先生 Mr KWOK Siu-Ming, Simon 主席 Chairman 郭炳湘先生 Mr Walter P S KWOK, JP 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 鍾士元博士(副監督) Dr the Hon Sir Sze-Yuen CHUNG, GBM, JP ( Pro-Chancellor) 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 林光宇先生 Mr Albert K Y LAM, SBS, JP 69 劉皇發議員 The Hon LAU Wong-Fat, GBS, JP 劉華森博士 Dr LAU Wah-Sum, GBS, JP 大學校董會主席 Chairman of the Council 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 利承武先生 Mr Marcus C W LEE 陳祖澤博士 Dr John C C CHAN, GBS, JP 李業廣博士 Dr Charles Y K LEE, GBS, JP 梁國偉先生 Mr Winston LEONG Kwok Wai 任期自2004年11月12日起 from 12 November 2004 李國能博士 Dr the Hon Andrew K N LI, SC, JP 大學校董會副主席 Vice-Chairman of the Council 李兆基博士 Dr LEE Shau-Kee 羅啟妍女士 Ms Kai-Yin LO 張建東博士 Dr Marvin K T CHEUNG, SBS, JP 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 羅康瑞博士 Dr Vincent H S LO, GBS, JP 蒙民偉博士 Dr William M W MONG 羅友禮先生 Mr Winston Yau-Lai LO, SBS 大學司庫 Treasurer of the University 梁定邦博士 Dr Anthony NEOH, SC, JP 雷禮權先生 Mr William L K LOUEY 雷添良先生 Mr Tim LUI Tim-Leung, JP 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 呂志和博士 Dr LUI Che Woo, MBE, JP 邵逸夫爵士 Dr the Hon Sir Run Run SHAW, GBM 馬墉傑先生 Mr Maximilian Y K MA 大學校長 President of the University 任期至2005年5月15日止 until 15 May 2005 麥蘊利爵士 Sir Gordon MACWHINNIE, CBE, JP 朱經武教授 Prof Paul C W CHU 唐驥千博士 Dr Jack C TANG 龐廷先生 Mr David Teng PONG 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 丁午壽先生 Mr Kenneth TING Woo-Shou, SBS, JP 學生會會長 ' President of the Students Union 徐展堂博士 Dr TSUI Tsin-Tong, GBS, JP 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 袁益霆先生 Mr Dicky YUEN Yik Ting 葉謀遵博士 Dr Geoffrey M T YEH, SBS, JP 王忠秣先生 Mr Ben WONG 任期至2005年5月5日止 until 5 May 2005 楊敏德女士 Ms Marjorie YANG 嚴元浩先生 Mr Tony Y H YEN, SBS, JP 校友會主席 President of the Alumni Association 委任委員 APPOINTED MEMBERS 邢李 先生 Mr Michael YING Lee Yuen 林景昇先生 Mr Sean LIN 榮智健博士 Dr Larry C K YUNG 陳裕光博士 Dr Michael Y K CHAN 榮智權先生 Mr Lincoln C K YUNG, JP 教職員協會會長 Chairman of the Staff Association 陳啟宗博士 Dr Ronnie C CHAN 林乾禮先生 Mr Kin-Lai LAM 鄭家純博士 Dr Henry CHENG, GBS 任期至2005年6月2日止 until 2 June 2005 鄭兆權先生 Mr Herbert S CHENG, Jr 教務委員會 APPOINTED SENATE 朱力徑博士 Dr Lijing ZHU 鄭海泉先生 Mr Vincent H C CHENG, OBE, JP 委任代表 REPRESENTATIVES 任期自2005年6月2日起 from 2 June 2005 張敏儀小姐 Miss CHEUNG Man Yee, SBS 趙曾學韞女士 Mrs Alice CHIU, JP 鄭紹遠教授 Prof Shiu-Yuen CHENG 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 任期至2004年9月13日止 until 13 September 2004 榮譽委員 HONORARY MEMBERS 蔡冠深先生 Mr Jonathan K S CHOI, JP 雷鼎鳴教授 Prof Francis T LUI 周振基博士 Dr Stephen CHOW, BBS, JP 吳嘉名教授 Prof Ka-Ming NG 鍾逸傑爵士 The Hon Sir David AKERS-JONES, GBM, JP 周亦卿博士 Dr CHOW Yei Ching, GBS 譚嘉因教授 Prof Kar-Yan TAM 陳曾燾博士 Dr Thomas T T CHEN until 30 April 2005 任期至2005年4月30日止 袁銘輝教授 Prof Matthew M F YUEN 鄭維志先生 Mr Christopher CHENG, GBS, JP 鍾郝儀女士 Ms Cordelia CHUNG 任期自2004年11月1日起 from 1 November 2004 鄭漢鈞博士 Dr CHENG Hon-Kwan, GBS, JP 方鏗先生 Mr Kenneth H FANG, GBS, JP 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 霍震寰先生 Mr Ian C W FOK, JP 鄭明訓先生 Mr Paul M F CHENG, JP 馮華健先生 Mr Daniel R FUNG, SBS, SC, JP 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 馮國綸博士 Dr William K FUNG, JP 張永霖先生 Mr Linus W L CHEUNG, JP 馮葉儀皓女士 Mrs Yvette Yeh FUNG 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 胡曉明先生 Mr Herman S M HU, JP 錢果豐博士 Dr Raymond K F CH'IEN, GBS, JP 許浩明先生 Mr Herbert HUI Ho Ming, JP 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 葉錫安博士 Dr Simon S O IP, CBE, JP 周亦卿博士 Dr CHOW Yei Ching, GBS 捷成漢先生 Mr Hans Michael JEBSEN, BBS 任期自2005年5月1日起 from 1 May 2005 70 卜誼隆先生(行政及總務) Mr P A BOLTON, Administration and Business 校董會成員 Council Membership 錢大康教授(研究及發展) Prof Roland T CHIN, Research and Development

主席 Chairman 理學院 School of Science 陳祖澤博士 Dr John C C CHAN, GBS, JP 鄭紹遠教授(院長) Prof Shiu-Yuen CHENG, Dean 葛惟昆教授 Prof Weikun GE 副主席 Vice-Chairman 葉玉如教授 Prof Nancy Y IP 張建東博士 Dr Marvin K T CHEUNG, SBS, JP 高錦明教授 Prof Robert K M KO 郭宇權教授 Prof Yue-Kuen KWOK 大學司庫 Treasurer of the University 勵建書教授 Prof Jian-Shu LI 雷添良先生 Mr Tim LUI Tim-Leung, JP 李曉原教授 Prof Xiao-Yuan LI 彭筱明教授 Prof Benjamin H PENG 大學校長 President of the University 錢培元教授 Prof Peiyuan QIAN 朱經武教授 Prof Paul C W CHU 沈平教授 Prof Ping SHENG

副校長 Vice-Presidents 工學院 School of Engineering 陳玉樹教授(學術) Prof Yuk-Shee CHAN, JP, Academic Affairs 陳正豪教授(院長) Prof Philip C H CHAN, Dean 卜誼隆先生(行政及總務) Mr P A BOLTON, Administration and Business 李德富教授 Prof Khaled BEN LETAIEF 錢大康教授(研究及發展) Prof Roland T CHIN, Research and Development 張慕聖教授 Prof Moe M S CHEUNG 招捷達教授 Prof Mohamed S GHIDAOUI 院長 School Deans 高可齡教授 Prof Mordecai J GOLIN 雷明德教授(理學院) Prof Michael M LOY, Science 李忠義教授 Prof Chung-Yee LEE Prof Ka-Ming NG 任期至2004年9月13日止 until 13 September 2004 吳嘉名教授 鄭紹遠教授(理學院) Prof Shiu-Yuen CHENG, Science 倪明選教授 Prof Lionel M NI Prof Li QIU 任期自2004年9月14日起 from 14 September 2004 丘立教授 陳正豪教授(工學院) Prof Philip C H CHAN, Engineering 沈志汶教授 Prof Helen C SHEN 陳家強教授(工商管理學院) Prof K C CHAN, Business and Management 余同希教授 Prof Tong-Xi YU 鄭樹森教授(人文社會科學學院)(署理) Prof William TAY, Humanities and Social Science, Acting 工商管理學院 School of Business and Management 陳家強教授(院長) Prof K C CHAN, Dean 71 Prof Gary C BIDDLE 72 教務委員會學術成員 Academic Members of the Senate 白國禮教授 白國禮教授 Prof Gary C BIDDLE 陳家樂教授 Prof Kalok CHAN 沈平教授 Prof Ping SHENG 鄭國漢教授 Prof Leonard K H CHENG 余珍珠教授 Prof Angelina C C YEE Prof Sudipto DASGUPTA Prof Sudipto DASGUPTA 雷鼎鳴教授 Prof Francis T LUI 伍仕明教授 Prof Shu-Ming NG 非公職人員或 Members Not Being Public Officers or 譚嘉因教授 Prof Kar-Yan TAM 非大學僱員成員 Employees of the University 溫偉德教授 Prof Wilfried R VANHONACKER 歐肇基先生 Mr Alexander S K AU 周雪光教授 Prof Xueguang ZHOU 史美倫博士 Dr the Hon Laura M CHA, SBS 施偉傑教授 Prof Rami ZWICK 陳有慶博士 Dr Robin Y H CHAN, GBS, JP 謝建中先生 Mr Donald CHIA, JP 人文社會科學學院 School of Humanities and Social Science 霍震寰先生 Mr Ian C W FOK, JP 鄭樹森教授(署理院長) Prof William TAY, Acting Dean Prof Yanjie BIAN 任期自2004年8月20日起 from 20 August 2004 邊燕杰教授 黃嘉純先生 Mr Lester G HUANG, JP 高辛勇教授 Prof Karl S Y KAO 簡基富先生 Mr Keith Graham KERR 余珍珠教授 Prof Angelina C C YEE 金樂琦先生 Mr Roger KING 任期至2004年8月19日止 until 19 August 2004 教學人員選舉委員 Elected Members of the Academic Staff 郭孔演先生 Mr KUOK Khoon Ean 張東才教授 Prof Donald C CHANG 李業廣博士 Dr Charles Y K LEE, GBS, JP 韓隸教授 Prof Mounir HAMDI Prof Danny H K TSANG 任期至2004年8月19日止 until 19 August 2004 曾憲國教授 陸恭蕙小姐 Miss Christine LOH Kung-Wai 石禮謙議員 The Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-Him, JP 教學人員增選委員 Co-opted Members of the Academic Staff Prof Albert Y LO 任期自2004年8月20日起 from 20 August 2004 盧汝立教授 單仲偕議員 The Hon SIN Chung-Kai, JP 鄭少輝教授 Prof Shaohui ZHENG 蘇海文博士 Dr Helmut SOHMEN, JP 尚有一席待定 1 vacancy 黃至剛博士 Dr Lawrence T WONG Directors 王冬勝先生 Mr Peter T S WONG, JP 主任 王英偉先生 Mr WONG Ying Wai, Wilfred, JP 羅慶琰先生(資訊科技服務中心主任) Mr Lawrence H Y LAW, Information Technology Services 宋自珍博士(圖書館館長) Dr Samson C SOONG, Library 黃兆光先生(學生事務處處長) Mr Luke S K WONG, Student Affairs 教務委員會委員 Senate Membership 楊家強博士(應用技術中心主任) Dr David K K YOUNG, Applied Technology Center (根據2005年6月30日的紀錄) (as of 30 June 2005) 袁銘輝教授(技術轉移中心主任) Prof Matthew M F YUEN, Technology Transfer Center Student Representatives 主席 Chairman 學生代表 Mr Enrico LI Lok-Wai, Undergraduate Representative 朱經武教授(校長) Prof Paul C W CHU, President 李諾韋先生(本科生代表) 尚有兩席待定 2 vacancies 副校長 Vice-Presidents 陳玉樹教授(學術) Prof Yuk-Shee CHAN, Academic Affairs Prof Edward S YEUNG Prof Peter Y YU Distinguished Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor 附錄二:校董會會議出席率 Department of Chemistry Department of Physics Iowa State University University of California, Berkeley Appendix II: US US 73 Attendance of Members 工學院顧問委員會 School of Engineering Advisory Committee Prof Alfredo H-S ANG Prof Mildred DRESSELHAUS at Council Meetings Research Professor Institute Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of California, Irvine US US 校董人數 出席人數 出席率 Prof Timothy W TONG 會議日期 Prof John R BIRGE Total number of Number of Percentage of Dean Professor of Operations Management and Date of meeting Council members members present members present School of Engineering and Applied Science Neubauer Family Faculty Fellow The George Washington University Graduate School of Business US 2004年11月12日 The University of Chicago 29 21 72% US 12 November 2004 Prof Benjamin WAH Prof John M DEALY Robert T Chien Professor of Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 2005年3月4日 Professor of Chemical Engineering 29 23 79% McGill University US 4 March 2005 Canada

2005年6月24日 Prof Stephen W DIRECTOR 29 21 72% Robert J Vlasic Dean of Engineering 24 June 2005 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor US

工商管理學院顧問委員會 School of Business and Management Advisory Committee 附錄三:學術顧問委員會 Prof Michael A GOLDBERG Prof William PIERSKALLA Former Dean Former Dean Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration Anderson Graduate School of Management University of British Columbia University of California, Los Angeles Appendix III: Canada US Prof Stuart GREENBAUM Prof Claude RAMEAU Academic Advisory Dean Professor Emeritus and Former Dean John M Olin School of Business Vice Chairman of the Board Washington University, St Louis INSEAD Committees US France Prof Donald P JACOBS 理學院顧問委員會 School of Science Advisory Committee Dean Emeritus J L Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University Dr Donald M ANDERSON Prof Roger E HOWE US Senior Scientist Professor Biology Department Department of Mathematics Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Yale University Massachusetts US 人文社會科學學院顧問委員會 US Prof Shin LIN School of Humanities and Social Science Advisory Committee Dr Richard A ANTHES Professor of Development and Cell Biology President School of Biological Sciences Prof Cho-yun HSU Prof Nan LIN University Corporation for Atmospheric Research University of California, Irvine Professor Emeritus Institute of Sociology Colorado US University of Pittsburgh Academia Sinica US US Taiwan Prof Hung-Wen LIU Prof Bjorn ENGQUIST Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Prof Ambrose KING Prof Shu-Hsien LIU Chair Professor of Pharmacy Senior Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor Institute of Chinese Literature & Philosophy Department of Mathematics George H Hitchings Regents Chair in Drug Design The Chinese University of Hong Kong Academia Sinica The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Austin Hong Kong Taiwan US US Prof Lawrence J LAU Prof Elizabeth PERRY Prof Edmond H FISCHER Prof Horace H LOH Vice-Chancellor Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine Frederick and Alice Stark Professor; and The Chinese University of Hong Kong Harvard University Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry Head of Pharmacology Hong Kong US Department of Biochemistry Department of Pharmacology University of Washington University of Minnesota Prof Leo Ou-Fan LEE Prof Ann YUE US US Professor Emeritus Department of Asian Languages & Literature Harvard University University of Washington Prof Myriam SARACHIK Prof Stanley C FROEHNER US US Distinguished Professor Professor and Chair President of the American Physical Society Department of Physiology and Biophysics Prof Yih-yuan LI Department of Physics University of Washington Yu Kuo-hwa Professor Emeritus City College of New York US National Tsing Hua University The City University of New York Taiwan US 74 附錄四:財務 Appendix IV: Finance 76

新的財務報告準則 綜合開支 New Financial Reporting Standards Consolidated Income UGC-funded Activities 為配合國際財務報告準則,香港會計師公會發出新 本年度綜合開支為22.037億港元(2003-04年度 For the purpose of alignment with inter- Consolidated income for the year was UGC grants accounted for HK$1,533.7 million national financial reporting standards, HK$2,381.7 million (HK$2,772.4 million in or 96% of government subventions, 的“香港財務報告準則”並適用於2005年1月1日或 為23.451億港元),其中,16.356億港元(74.2%) the Hong Kong Institute of Certified 2003-04): HK$1,591 million (66.8%) from including recurrent block grant of 以後開始之會計年度。大學已經提早採納新的財務 為學術及研究活動,1.179億港元(5.3%)為管 Public Accountants has issued new government subventions, HK$476 million HK$1,199.2 million and earmarked grants 報告準則來編制2004-05年度的財務報表。 理及一般事務,3.318億港元(15%)為校舍及有 Hong Kong Financial Reporting (19.9%) from tuition and program fees, for housing, research, capital works and 關費用,1.184億港元(5.5%)為其他項目。 75 Standards (HKFRSs) which are effective HK$42.6 million (1.8%) from interest and rates and government rent refunds 全年營運情況 for accounting periods beginning on or investment income, HK$82 million totalling HK$334.5 million. 本年度綜合營運盈餘錄得1.814億港元(2003-04年 教資會資助活動 after 1 January 2005. The University (3.4%) from donations, HK$134.5 million 度為4.305億港元)。2003-04年度之額外巨幅盈餘 本年度教資會撥款為15.337億港元,佔政府補助的 chose to adopt the new HKFRSs for (5.7%) from auxiliary services, other The recurrent block grant together with 主要來自教資會等額補助金計劃下所籌集的等額撥 96%,包括整筆經常撥款11.992億港元,為房屋、 incorporation in the financial statements income accounting for HK$55.6 million fees and other income totalled 款及相關捐款。此外,由於政府削減10%經常撥 研究、建設工程、退還差餉及地租而設的指定撥款 for 2004-05. (2.4%). HK$1,528.2 million for the year, and 款,2004-05年度的收入亦受影響。儘管如此,大 共3.345億港元。 related expenditure amounted to 學在自籌資金項目上獲一定的收益,加上一系列縮 Operating Result for the Year The lower income in 2004-05 as com- HK$1,469 million. The surplus of 減成本的措施,大學仍成功保持一定的盈餘。 整筆經常撥款與來自學費及其他收入總額為 The consolidated operating result for the pared to that in 2003-04 was mainly the HK$59.2 million was transferred to the year was a surplus of HK$181.4 million result of reduced UGC grants and dona- General and Development Reserve. As 15.282億港元,而教資會資助經常開支為14.69億港 (HK$430.5 million in 2003-04). The surplus tions and a lower realised investment at 30 June 2005, the reserve balance 綜合收入 元,5,920萬港元盈餘已轉撥至一般及發展儲備。於 in 2003-04 was unusually high due to extra income, partly offset by a growth in stood at HK$873 million. 本年度綜合收入為23.817億港元(2003-04年度為 2005年6月30日,儲備餘額為8.73億港元。 donations and matching grant raised tuition fees from self-financing programs. 27.724億港元),其中,15.91億港元(66.8%)為 under the UGC Matching Grant Scheme. 政府補助,4.76億港元(19.9%)為學費及課程收 Apart from this, income for 2004-05 was Consolidated Expenditure 費,4,260萬港元(1.8%)為利息及投資收入, affected by a 10% reduction in the UGC Consolidated expenditure for the year 8,200萬港元(3.4%)為捐款,1.345億港元(5.7%) recurrent grant. Notwithstanding this, the was HK$2,203.7 million (HK$2,345.1 million 為輔助服務收入及5,560萬港元(2.4%)其他項目 University has successfully maintained a sur- in 2003-04) with HK$1,635.6 million (74.2%) 收入。 plus through the generation of additional for Learning and Research activities, income from self-financing programs and HK$117.9 million (5.3%) for 2004-05年度的收益較2003-04年度為少,主要是 a reduction in expenditure by cost-saving Management and general expenditure, 因為教資會撥款及捐款的減少,及較低的已實現投 measures. HK$331.8 million (15%) for Premises and related expenses, and HK$118.4 million 資收益,但自籌資金項目的學費有一定增長,抵銷 (5.5%) for other items. 部份跌幅。 綜合收支報表截至2005年6月30日止年度 綜合資產負債表2005年6月30日 Consolidated Income and Consolidated Balance Sheet Expenditure Statement as at 30 June 2005 for the year ended 30 June 2005 2005 2004 2005 2004 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 非流動資產 收入 Non-Current Assets Income 物業及設備 3,342,567 3,444,444 Property and Equipment 政府補助 1,591,057 1,896,818 Government Subventions 証券投資 0 900,627 Investments in Securities 學費、課程及其他收費 475,987 431,420 Tuition, Programmes and Other Fees 持至到期日財務資產 188,651 0 Held-to-Maturity Financial Assets 利息及投資收入 42,598 120,942 Interest and Investment Income 可供出售財務資產 813,887 0 Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 外界捐款 81,967 149,490 Donations and Benefactions 於聯營公司權益 37,939 36,719 Interest in an Associate 輔助服務 134,526 133,861 Auxiliary Services 於合資企業權益 239 0 Interest in a Joint Venture 其他收入 55,611 39,844 Other Income 4,383,283 4,381,790 2,381,746 2,772,375 流動資產 77 Current Assets 開支 78 Expenditure 存貨 398 449 Stock 學術及研究 Learning and Research 應收賬款及預付款項 58,037 42,720 Accounts Receivable and Prepayments 教學及研究 1,411,730 1,508,528 Instruction and Research 現金及現金等值 1,215,871 1,107,699 Cash and Cash Equivalents 圖書館 74,314 82,750 Library 1,274,306 1,150,868 流動負債 中央電腦設備 62,630 63,090 Current Liabilities Central Computing Facilities 應付賬款及應計費用 166,798 162,203 其他教學服務 86,896 88,947 Accounts Payable and Accruals Other Academic Services 教職員福利撥備 72,043 82,155 1,635,570 1,743,315 Provision of Staff Benefits 校務支援 Institutional Support 遞延收益 320,205 310,953 Deferred Income 管理及一般事務 117,875 123,512 Management and General 559,046 555,311 校舍及有關費用 331,772 356,015 流動資產淨值 715,260 595,557 Premises and Related Expenses Net Current Assets 學生及通識教育服務 84,958 86,312 資產總值減流動負債 5,098,543 4,977,347 Student and General Education Services Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 其他活動 33,527 35,903 Other Activities 非流動負債 Non-Current Liabilities 568,132 601,742 教職員福利撥備 40,385 42,882 2,203,702 2,345,057 Provision of Staff Benefits 本年度營運所得盈餘 178,044 427,318 資產淨值 5,058,158 4,934,465 Surplus from operation for the year NET ASSETS 所佔共同控制個體的經營業績 (52) 0 遞延設備基金 2,853,217 2,953,007 Share of Result of a Jointly Controlled Entity Deferred Capital Funds 所佔聯營公司的經營業績 3,399 3,215 限定基金 850,190 741,280 Share of Result of an Associate Restricted Funds 本年度轉撥前盈餘 181,391 430,533 其他基金 1,354,751 1,240,178 Surplus for the year before transfers Other Funds 轉撥至: 基金總和 5,058,158 4,934,465 Transfers to : TOTAL FUNDS 限定基金 119,768 84,851 Restricted Funds 其他基金 61,623 345,682 Other Funds 181,391 430,533