Who Benefits? China-Africa Relations Through the Prism of Culture
3/2008 3/20083/2008 3/2008 Call for Papers Call for Papers China aktuell – Journal of Current Chinese Affairs is an inter- ChinaCall aktuellnationally for – Papers Journal refereed of academicCurrent Chinesejournal published Affairs isby anthe inter-GIGA Institute nationally ofrefereed Asian Studies,academic Hamburg. journal published The quar terlyby the journal GIGA focuses Institute on current 3/2008 China aktuell – Journal of Current Chinese Affairs is an inter- 3/2008 3/2008 3/2008 of Asiannationally Studies,developments refereed Hamburg. inacademic Greater The quar journalChina.terly publishedjournalIt has a focuses circulation by the on GIGA currentof 1,200 Institute copies, developmentsof Asianmaking Studies,in Greaterit one Hamburg. of China. the world’s ItThe has quar amost circulationterly widely journal ofdistributed focuses1,200 copies, onperiodicals current on 3/2008 makingdevelopments it Asianone of affairs,the in world’sGreater and mostChina.reaches widely It hasa distributed broada circulation readership periodicals of 1,200 in oncopies,academia, Asianmaking affairs,administration it oneand ofreaches the and world’s businessa broadmost circles. widelyreadership distributedArticles in shouldacademia, periodicals be written on in administrationAsianGerman affairs, and or businessEnglishand reaches and circles. submitted a Articlesbroad exclusively shouldreadership tobe this writtenin publication. academia, in German or English and submitted exclusively to this publication. administrationChina aktuell and is businessdevoted
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