香 港 科 提升國際影響力 技 大 Making a Global Impact 學 年 報 HKUST ANNUAL REPORT 2004-2005 香港科技大學 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 大學發展與公共事務處出版 Published by the Office of University Development and Public Affairs © 2005 2004-2005 www.ust.hk Annual Report File: UST-ARcvr1Final Date: 22-12-2005 提升國際影響力 Making a Global Impact 香港科技大學 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2004-2005 Annual Report 校董會主席前言 05 Chairman's Foreword 校長報告 09 President's Report 提升國際影響力 15 Making a Global Impact 2020願景 22 2020 Vision 成就斐然 28 High Achievers 改變世界 38 Transforming the World 拓展視野 48 The Wider View 開創未來 56 Building the Future 大事紀要 64 Calendar of Events 附錄 Appendices 顧問委員會、校董會及教務委員會 69 Court, Council and Senate 校董會會議出席率 73 Attendance of Members at Council Meetings 學術顧問委員會 73 Academic Advisory Committees 財務 75 Finance 目錄 Contents 06 2004-05年報(2004年7月1日至2005年6月 科大《2005-2020策略發展計劃》為大學未 30日)概括了香港科技大學成立以來的第 來的發展制定了框架,目標是將科大的成就 14個年頭的發展。對於科大來說,過去的一 推向更高的水平,令科大成為全球學術領 年甚為重要,大學總結了過去的成就,思考 袖。到那時,科大將成為吸引全球精英學者 未來的目標,並確立今後的發展路向。 及傑出學生的中心,由此創造出來的新知識 將促進香港、亞太、以至全球的經濟和社會 2000年,大學校董會通過了將科大辦成“在 的發展。 國際上具有深遠影響,而又致力為本地服務 的優秀學府”的願景。在2004-05年度,大 科大全體同仁都勤奮且幹勁十足,令科大的 學因成功邁向此目標而廣獲認同。 學術水平迅速提升。在過去一年間,當我們 確定未來路向的時候,這一特色再次得到印 科大在一系列的全球排名榜中,位居世界頂 證。我謹藉此機會感謝全體科大人所表現出 級學府之列。科大的教研人員持續不斷地取 來的服務精神。 得具國際水平的突破性成果,開拓在本地和 內地的發展機會。同時,我們的學生和畢業 基礎已經奠定,我們準備好建設未來。這是 生的成就也獲得了本地及海外的推許。 一項要求很高而時間又很急迫的任務,不過 對於科大來說,沒有甚麼比迎接挑戰更具意 然而,我們生活在一個快速變化的時代。 義了。 05 隨著全球化步伐的日益加快,對我們的學 生、教授以及香港來說,在世界水平上進 憑藉我們的創新精神、高瞻遠矚的發展計劃 行競爭的必要性更形重要。在整個年度, 以及香港社會持續不斷的支持,我確信,我 科大前瞻將在本地教育界出現的變化,也 們在新一輪的挑戰中將取得成功。 注目世界動態,以制定出涵蓋未來15年發 校董會主席前言 展的宏圖大計。 Chairman's Foreword 08 The Annual Report 2004-05 (1 July 2004- A series of global rankings has placed Under our Strategic Plan 2005-2020, we We have already laid an excellent foun- 30 June 2005) covers the 14th year since HKUST among the world's leading univer- intend to propel HKUST forward to the next dation. Now the building of the future is the establishment of the Hong Kong sities. Our researchers continue to level of achievement by creating the ready to commence. And while it is a University of Science and Technology. It achieve international breakthroughs, framework that enables the University to demanding task given the short time- has been an important year, during opening the way for exciting develop- become a world academic leader. With frame we have set ourselves, there is which the University community has ment opportunities both locally and such status, the University will serve as a nothing HKUST relishes more than a worthy 07 reflected on past achievements and nationally. And our students and gradu- hub, attracting the brightest minds in aca- challenge. future goals in order to define HKUST's ates persist in having their talents demia and the most outstanding students path for the years ahead. acknowledged at home and overseas. from around the globe. The new knowl- With our innovative spirit, dynamic plan edge we consequently generate will spur for development, and the ongoing sup- In 2000, the University Council adopted a However, we live in rapidly changing economic and social progress in Hong port of the Hong Kong community, I am vision for HKUST as“a leading university times. As the pace of globalization Kong and beyond. certain that we will succeed in our new with significant international impact and quickens, the need to compete at endeavors. strong local commitment”. During 2004- world-class levels will assume growing The hard work and dynamism of each 05, we have received welcome recogni- importance for students, faculty and member of the University have rapidly tion of our success in moving towards this Hong Kong alike. Over the year, the advanced HKUST to its high levels of goal. University has therefore looked ahead to accomplishment. Over the past year, as the changes anticipated in the local we have determined our future course, education sector, and to the world at this dedication has once again been large, to create an enterprising much in evidence and I would like to roadmap for development over the next thank the University community for show- 校董會主席前言15 years. ing such commitment. Chairman's 校董會主席 Chairman, University Council 陳祖澤博士 Foreword Dr John C C Chan 邁向未來 10 2004-05年度,我們為科大取得的成就而深感 政府提出的“三三四”方案:中學六年制,大 根據策略發展計劃,我們精選納米科技、生物 自豪,因國際上的期許而受到極大的鼓舞。根 學四年制,將給香港的高等教育帶來重大的衝 技術和可持續發展等作為重點研究領域,擴大 It has been an exciting year at HKUST. 據世界各地不同機構公佈的大學排名榜,無論 擊,其結果將促使香港及其高等教育在全球更 科大在全球的影響力。與此同時,我們將建立 以大學整體或是以個別的學院來看,均顯現出 具競爭優勢。 香港科技大學高等研究所,以吸納世界頂尖的 科大在全球的強勢。 學術人才,協助香港逐步發展為國際學術樞 我們一貫支持本科課程四年制。這項改革令我 紐。在國家層面,我們打算增加科大在高等教 09 在這些排名結果中,科大被列入世界 強,顯 們能夠更靈活地給予學生更廣泛的修課機會, 育、研究及開發方面的參與。在本地,我們將 50 示科大正逐漸與其他頂尖學術機構看齊,也證 學生在選擇學習模式和跨學科的課程中,將擁 與企業及社會協同努力,建設以知識為本的香 明科大正在不斷地提升在世界上的影響力。 有更大的自主權。他們可以享受更多的探索知 港社會;用新一代的技能,去裝備我們的畢業 識的樂趣,擴闊社會接觸面,開拓文化視野。 生,使他們成為未來的科學家、技術專才、企 科大世界級的學術成就也給香港帶來了契 我們也打算給本科生提供早期研究的機會,加 業家和社會領袖。 機,比如與在不同領域領先的公司合作,開 強科大的研究文化,我們在2005年推出的本 創嶄新的高科技發展機會。在2004-05年度, 科生研究計劃就是一種嘗試。 全面地訂立了今後15年的目標後,我們力求確 這類項目包括與頂尖的國際生物醫藥公司 保在堅實的基礎上將科大發展成世界大學中的 Geron建立合作夥伴關係,在香港建立生物技 本科教育四年制將使本港與海外的教育體制取 翹楚,並繼續貫徹促進香港和鄰近地區社會及 術公司,開發治療老化和神經退化的藥物。 得一致,有助於科大持續地吸引非本地學生。 經濟發展的使命。 我們還成立了第一個在內地以外的信息技術 在過去一年中,科大在這方面取得很大的進 國家重點實驗室。 展。在社會人士慷慨捐贈的支持下,我們設立 在放眼世界並在全球發揮影響的同時,我們又 了新的獎學金以招攬國際尖子和增加本地學生 協助世界瞭解香港。新的機會不斷湧現,我們 此外,科大進一步加強與工業界的聯繫,以創 的交換機會。我們希望在10年內,全日制非本 一定要把握時機! 新科技改進生活素質。在此,我很高興地告訴 地學生的人數將達到本科生總數的25%。 大家,在過去的一年裏,我們與工業界簽訂了 超過100個研發合同。我們的工作亦繼續得到 在內地,我們開辦了科大商學院北京中心,在 創新及科技基金的大力支持,除其他項目外, 中國快速發展的金融領域提供國際化的高級行 校長報告 科大更獲邀承辦投資4億港元的納米科技及先 政人員培訓。同時,大學也增加與政府、大學 進材料研究及發展中心。 和研究機構的學術聯繫與合作。 科大之所以能取得這些成就,當然離不開大學 科大於2005年6月推出的《2005-2020策略發 的卓越人才。過去一年中,目睹科大的許多教 展計劃》提出這些新舉措,總結科大的成就。 授、學生和職員獲得表揚,令我深受鼓舞。這 這一與時俱進的計劃是在大學內部進行廣泛諮 些榮譽不僅顯示了科大在本地和全球的地位, 詢後擬定的,以科大現有的實力為基礎,勾劃 President's 也鼓勵大學全體成員在今後更上一層樓。 出將科大發展為世界學術領袖的藍圖。 校長 President 朱經武教授 Report Prof Paul Chu 11 The Next Step 12 In 2004-05, we have been proud of our There are manifest benefits to Hong we live, and I am delighted to report honors not only show HKUST's high stand- move will allow us greater flexibility to accomplishments and greatly encour- Kong deriving from our world-class schol- that we have signed over 100 research ing in both local and global contexts; offer students a broader range of pro- aged by the international endorsement arship. Our partnerships with leading and development contracts with indus- they will also spur all members of the gram opportunities, more independ- of our work. The release of a number of companies have spurred new hi-tech trial clients during the year. Our work has University to scale greater heights in the ence in their choice of studies, and more different university rankings based on sur- opportunities. Such initiatives in 2004-05 also continued to receive major support future. interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary veys of institutions worldwide shows include a collaborative partnership with from the Innovation and Technology options. Students will enjoy more oppor- HKUST's strength in a global context, Geron Corporation, a leading interna- Fund (ITF), with the University chosen by The dramatic changes that will occur tunities for intellectual explorations, both as a whole and on an individual tional biopharmaceutical company, to the ITF to spearhead a HK$400 million within Hong Kong higher education social interaction and cultural exposure. School level. establish a biotech company here that R&D center for nanotechnology and were highlighted by the Government's We also intend to provide our under- will help develop drugs to counter age- advanced materials, among other projects. proposed 3-3-4 system, which will see graduates with early research experi- These results, which place HKUST among related and neurodegenerative dis- students attend secondary school for six ence, a move set in motion with this the world's top 50 universities, demon- eases; and the establishment of the first None of these achievements would years, followed by four years in higher year's launch of the Undergraduate strate the value of continuously bench- national information technology key lab- have been possible without the talented education. The effort will make Hong Research Opportunities Program, which marking our achievements against other oratory outside Mainland China. people to make them happen and, in Kong and the tertiary education sector will further enhance the research culture leading institutions and testify to the the past 12 months, I have been heart- more competitive in the global arena. at HKUST. University's growing influence in the In addition, the University has further ened to see many of the University's fac- global arena. strengthened its ties with industry to bring ulty, students and staff receive well- We have always supported the idea of a Another benefit of a four-year degree about changes that improve the way deserved accolades for their work. These four-year undergraduate curriculum. The program is to bring the University in line 校長報告 President's Report 13 The Next Step 14 with other overseas education systems. cial sector, and increased academic ties ment. Simultaneously we will help evolve tions to make HKUST a world leader This will assist our ongoing drive to attract and collaborations with government, Hong Kong into an international aca- among universities, while remaining more non-local students to HKUST. During universities and research institutions. demic hub by attracting the world's faithful to our mission to enhance the the year we have made considerable leading minds through the establishment social and economic development of progress in this regard. With the support
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