NOVEMBER/DECEMER 2010 Volume 58, Number 6 THE TEXAS HILATELIST PThe Journal of the Texas Philatelic Association Uncertainty Disquiets Mexican Bicentennial 1830-35 Events Set Stage for Texas Revolution Pay Dues Promptly and Claim Your Discount! Park Cities Stamps Byron Sandfield 6440 North Central Expressway, Suite 316 Dallas, Texas 75206 e-mail:
[email protected] For Appointment: (214) 361-4322 QUALITY POSTAL HISTORY Folded letter in German dated May 24, 1872, Matamoros, Mexico tied with Scott #148; Browsville, Texas, to London, England. Price — $300.00 Also, well-stocked in U.S., Classics, Revenues and Locals Please visit me at the Mid-Cities Stamp Expo and at stamp shows and bourses in Texas and beyond! contents THE TEXAS PHILATELIST FEATURES 3 Trustees alter Texas Series Award criteria, revise bylaws Arthur P. von Reyn 8 Scott Monthly Journal ends 142-year run Arthur P. von Reyn 11 1830-35 events set stage for Texas Revolution Arthur P. von Reyn 18 Uncertainty disquiets Mexican bicentennial Jerald A. Floyd 22 Barbara Jordan gets postal tribute in early 2011 Arthur P. von Reyn 26 Houston show gives visitors a splash of orange Jonathan Topper DEPARTMENTS 2 President’s Message 4 Your Letters 6 Editor’s Notes 16 Texas Connection 24 Calendar of Events 29 Texas Cancels 30 Chapters in Action NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 Volume 58, Number 6 33 Crain’s Corner THE TEXAS PHILATELIST (ISSN 0893-2670) 34 Membership Report is published bimonthly by the Texas Philatelic As- sociation, Inc., 3916 Wyldwood Road, Austin, Texas ON THE COVER 78739-3005. In 1910, Mexico issued a set of POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: 11 stamps commemorating the TEXAS PHILATELIC ASSOCIATION centennial of independence, 3916 Wyldwood Rd.