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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-46076-8 - The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume VII c. –c. Edited by Christopher Allmand Index More information INDEX Note: concepts such as army, monarchy and trade Agricola, Rudolf 228, 270 are indexed as general concepts and also under agriculture individual countries and regions. arable 107–8, 112–13, 114, 117, 154, 421, 571 crop rotations 119 Abelard, Peter 262 industrial crops 114, 119, 154 Aberdeen University 221 n. 4, 234, 530 intensive husbandry 117 Absentee Acts, Ireland 499 and nobility 117–19 absolutism pastoral 107–8, 112–13, 114, 117, 118, 508, 571, growth of 407, 408, 644, 837–8 609, 673, 780 and law 19, 81 and population decline 107–12, 157, 369, 421, ‘mystical’ 418–19 671 papal 78, 83 productivity 119–20, 157, 421 and taxation 417 regional variations 110–13 Acceptatio of Mainz (1439) 72 sharecropping 112, 158 Acciaiuoli, Angelo 565 smallholdings 110, 112, 117, 759 Acciaiuoli, Donato 252 subsistence 757 Accolti, Benedetto 251–2, 257 and trade 113, 154 Achaea, Latin principality 780, 801–2 see also landholding; peasants; transhumance Der Ackermann aus Böhmen 279 Agrippa of Nettesheim 313 Act of Accord (1460) 474 aides (taxes) 399, 403, 417, 436 Act of Revocation 527 Ailly, Pierre d’ 13 Act of Union (1536) 532, 546 geographical treatise 184 Adalbert of Brudzewo 746 and Papacy and councils 66, 79–80, 83, 85, 329 Adolf VIII, duke of Holstein, count of Alamire, Pierre 326 n. 22 Schleswig 680, 684, 687, 689 Albania, and Ottoman Empire 716, 810, 819, 821, Adolf I of Cleves 440, 442 824,
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