The ·Ramavana (Con,.)
Hinduism IndianReligions The ·Ramavana(con,.) Hearingthis, S ita said she would join her husband. Thed angers of the forest, she proclaimed, would benothing compared to living without herhusband. The loyalty of Laksbmanaalso compelled� to join his brother. So, withoutmalice or regret, Rama clothedhimself i n thero beof an ascetic,.blessed thethrone for Bharata, and leftfor the forest with Sita and Lakshmana. Deep into the foresttraveled the threecompanions. But it wasnot long before they received a visitor, Bharatahimself. Having learnedof Rama's exile, Bharatacame to his brother in distress, asking Ramato return to Ayodyaand assume his roleas king. But again Rama stood firm:it was most importantthat their father's pledge to Kaikeyi remainunbroken. He would remain inexile. Bharataunderstood, proclaiming thathe would ruleon Rama's behalf. As a symbolof his elder brother's true authority, Bharata placed Rama's sandalson the throne. AfterBharata R�departed, Sita,and Lakshmanafound a peaceful spotby a river. Therethey built a cottage. Living"in harmony, the trio wasesteemed by the sages of the fqrest. These ascetics were also thankfulfor the protection which Ramaprovided. Sincehis arrival,many Rakshasas were slain. As news of Rama's might spread, thedemons became angrier. Infury, theygathered an anny of fourteenthousand andattacked, swearing to defeattheir nemesis. At once, Rama orde�Lakshmana and Sitato take refuge in a nearby cave. Then, single-handedly, hedefeated the massive demon army. However,the evil Akampana escapedRama's arrow and flewin his carriageback to his ruler,Ravana . • King of theRakshasas, the demon Ravanahad ten heads and twenty arms, standing giantand powerful. Learning thatRama had slain histwo brothers andthousands of otherdemons, Ravana swore vengeance.
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