Dr. Lin Yutang Keynote Speaker for Institute
WELLESLEY, MASS., OCTOBER I, 1942 ew Staff of War Chemistry Dr. Lin Yutang Keynote Service Fund Lecture Topic Speaker For Institute Officers and Members of Miss Seikel When the noted author-philo opher, Lin Yutang speaks to Chosen. for this Year night at the Welle ley In titute on the Far East, he will open a Demonstrating· chemical agents four day all college conference on Oriental Life and culture. At Final election has been made of used in war, Miss Margaret Seikel 8 p.m. in lumnae Hall, Dr. Lin will discu on "Ea t and West." officer and committee members of the Chemistry Department will Lanting Thur day, Friday, aturday, and unday from who will work together in the Ser lecture before the Sigma Xi So 0 tober 1-4, the Institute repre ent the combined effort of eight vice Fund Dl'ive and through the ciety at its open fall meeting Tues ~college departments and the year. The officers for the year in day, October 6, at 7:30 p.m., in major tudent organizations. clude: Head Faculty Advisor, Miss Room 105 Pendleton. Miss Seikel Legenda Although ome of the lectures Charlotte GoodfeHow; Senior has taken a special course recently are being given for the particu- on the various poison gases and Chairman, Ann Campbell '43; Agents Named lar benefit of ce1~tain specific methods of handling them. Junior Chairman, El ie Pavitt '44; Carol Steiner '43, Head of Le college clai:: e , the whole stud nt Head Canvasser, Cornelia Jones In her lecture she will discuss genda's Circulation Staff, assisted body will be welcome at all of '43; Secretary, Betty Freyhof '44.
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