Appendix a Energy Units Used in Spectroscopy and Solid-State Physics

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Appendix a Energy Units Used in Spectroscopy and Solid-State Physics Appendix A Energy Units Used in Spectroscopy and Solid-State Physics The energy of an electron accelerated by a potential of 1 volt is 1 elec- tron volt (eV), a quantity of the order of magnitude of the energies at the atomic scale. The infrared spectroscopists prefer the wavenumber (the num- ber of wavelengths λ per unit length, usually noted ν˜), specially when dealing with vibrational energies. It is commonly expressed in reciprocal centimeter cm−1 . The phonon frequencies are often evaluated in Terahertz. The ab- solute temperature is often used to measure energy in statistical mechanics. The correspondence with macroscopic energies is provided by multiplying the energies in eV by the Avogadro constant NA and evaluating the result in kJ per mole 1J=6.24151 × 1018 eV . The correspondences between the eV and these units is given below. It is derived from E = eV=hc ˜ν = hν = kBT = hc/λ (the Boltzmann constant is noted kB instead of k). − E (eV) ν˜ cm−1 ν (THz) K (Kelvin) kJ mole 1 λ (μm) 1 8065.545 241.7992 11,604.50 96.48534 1.239842 1.239842 × 10−4 1 0.0299792 1.438781 0.0119627 10,000 0.004135667 33.35641 1 47.99237 0.399030 299.792 8.61734 × 10−5 0.695036 0.0208366 1 0.00831444 14,387.8 0.0103643 83.5935 2.50608 120.273 1 119.627 1.239842 10,000 299.792 14,387.81 119.627 1 In the book, 1 cm−1 is taken as 0.1239842meV. In the visible and UV regions of the spectrum, the nanometre (nm) wavelength unit is used (1 A=˚ 0.1 nm). In the IR region of the spectrum, the μm wavelength unit is mostly used above 2500 nm and below 1 mm. 432 Appendix A Values of Selected Physical Constants Recommended by CODATA (2006) −7 Except for the value for c, μ0 =4π × 10 ,andε0, taken as exact, all the physical constants are rounded. Speed c of light in vacuum ms−1 : 299,792,458 −2 −7 Magnetic constant μ0 NA 12.566, 370, 614...× 10 (permeability of vacuum): 2 −1 −12 Electric constant ε0 =1/μ0c Fm 8.854187817...× 10 (permittivity of vacuum): Electron charge e (C): 1.602176487 (10) × 10−19 Planck constant h (J s): 6.62606896 (33) × 10−34 Planck constant h (eV s): 4.13566733 (10) × 10−15 Planck constant over 2π (J s): 1.054571628 (53) × 10−34 Planck constant over 2π (eV s): 6.58211899 (16) × 10−16 Boltzmann constant k JK−1 :1.3806505 (24) × 10−23 B eV K−1 :8.617343 (15) × 10−5 Bohr radius a (m) = ε h2/πm e2 0.529177208 (59) × 10−10 0 0 e −1 Rydberg constant R∞ m 10 973731.568527(73) 4 2 3 = mee / 8ε0h c Rydberg constant converted in eV: 13.60569193(34) 23 Avogadro constant NA (atom per mole): 6.02214179(30) × 10 −31 Electron mass me (kg) 9.10938215 (45) × 10 − Atomic mass constant 1.660538782 × 10 27 m = 1 m 12C (kg) u 12 Bohr magneton μ = e/2m JT−1 927.400915 (23) × 10−26 B e − eVT 1 5.7883817555 × 10−5 In the atomic units (a.u.) system, the permittivity of vacuum is dimen- −1 2 sionless and set equal to (4π) , while a0, e , me,and are set equal to unity. The atomic unit of energy, the Hartree, is equal to two times the Rydberg constant. Appendix B Bravais Lattices, Symmetry and Crystals 3D space can be filled without voids or overlapping by identical prismatic cells with well-defined symmetries, and their types are limited to seven. These units cells can be defined by the lengths of three nonplanar primitive vectors a1, a2 and a3 and by the angles α, β and γ between these vectors. They generate the seven simple crystal systems or classes, defined by the sets of all points taken from a given origin of these cells, that are defined by vectors R =n1a1 +n2a2 +n3a3 (B.1) where n1,n2 and n3 are integers. Table B.1 enumerates these crystal systems and their geometric characteristics. The other crystal lattices can be generated by adding to some of the above- defined cells extra high-symmetry points by the so-called centering method. Table B.2 shows the new systems added to the simple crystal lattices (noted s, or P , for primitive) and the numbers of lattice points in each conventional unit cell. The body-centred lattices are noted bc or I (for German Innenzentrierte), the face-centred, fc or F , and the side-centred or base-centred lattices are noted C (an extra atom at the Centre of the base). These 14 lattice systems are known as the Bravais lattices (noted here BLs). A representation of their unit cells can be found in the textbook by Kittel [7]. A primitive cell of a BL is a cell of minimum volume that contains only one lattice point, so that the whole lattice can be generated by all the translations of this cell. This definition allows for different primitive cells for the same BL, but their volumes must be the same. The parallelepiped defined by the three primitive vectors a1, a2,anda3 of a simple BL is a primitive cell of this lattice. The conventional unit cell showing the symmetry of the hexagonal system is that of a right prism, whose height is usually noted c, with a regular hexagon as a base. This cell contains three lattice points, hence three primitive cells consisting in a right prism with a base made of a rhomb with one 120◦ angle. The unit cells of the simple P systems are primitive cells. Primitive cells are not unique and most don’t have the BL symmetry, but it is possible 434 Appendix B Table B.1. The seven 3D simple crystal systems. The conditions on the primitive vectors of the unit cells and on their orientations are indicated. Angle γ is taken as the one between a1 and a2 Restrictions for vectors System lengths and angles Triclinic a1 =a 2 =a 3 α = β = γ Monoclinic a1 =a 2 =a 3 α = γ =90◦ = β Orthorhombic or rhombic a1 =a 2 =a 3 α = β = γ =90◦ Tetragonal a1 =a2 =a 3 α = β = γ =90◦ Hexagonal a1 =a2 =a 3 α = β =90◦,γ= 120◦ Trigonal a1 =a2 =a3 α = β = γ =90 ◦,<120◦ Cubic (isometric) a1 =a2 =a3 α = β = γ =90◦ Table B.2. Number of lattice points in the unit cells of the 14 3D Bravais lattices System Simple (P ) Body-centred Face-centred Base-centred Triclinic 1 – – – Monoclinic 1 – – 2 Orthorhombic 1 2 4 2 Tetragonal 1 2 – – Hexagonal 1 – – – Trigonal 1 – – – Cubic (c) 1 (sc) 2 (bcc) 4 (fcc) – to construct a primitive cell with the symmetry of the BL. The recipe is to connect a given lattice point to its nearest neighbours by straight lines and to intersect these lines at mid-point by perpendicular planes. The inner volume defined by these planes is the volume of the primitive cell known as the Wigner-Seitz cell. In particular, the Wigner-Seitz cell for the hexagonal system is an hexagonal prism whose volume is that of the hexagonal unit cell. Real crystal lattices are made from atoms, atomic or molecular entities associated with lattice points of the BLs or of their combinations. For instance, when they are centred at the lattice points of a fcc BL, entities of two same atoms lying along the diagonal of the unit cell of this BL and separated by one quarter of this diagonal generate the diamond structure (when the two atoms are different, the structure generated is that of sphalerite, also called zinc-blende). B.1 The Reciprocal Lattice 435 B.1 The Reciprocal Lattice When dealing with the interactions of crystals with particles that can display wave-like properties, like photons, phonons or electrons, it is useful to intro- duce a reciprocal lattice associated with the real (or direct) crystal lattice. Let us consider a set of vectors R constituting a given 3D BL and a plane wave eik.r. For special choices of k,itcanbeshownthatk can also display the periodicity of a BL, known as the reciprocal lattice of the direct BL. For all R of the direct BL, the set of all wave vectors G belonging to the reciprocal lattice verify the relation eiG.(r+R) = eiG.r (B.2) for any r. The reciprocal lattice can thus be defined as the set of wave vectors G satisfying eiG.R =1 (B.3) The reciprocal lattice of a BL whose primitive unit cell is defined by three vectors a1, a2 and a3 is generated by three primitive vectors a ∧ a a ∧ a a ∧ a b =2π 2 3 , b =2π 3 1 , b =2π 1 2 (B.4) 1 v 2 v 3 v where v = a1. (a2 ∧ a3) is the volume of the primitive unit cell of the direct lattice (the notation u ∧ v denotes the vector product of vectors u and v). It is clear that the ai and bj satisfy condition B.3 as =2πδij where δij is the Kronecker symbol (0 if i =j , 1 if i = j). Similarly, it can be checked that for any vector G =m1b1 +m2b2 +m3b3 (m1,m2 and m3 being integers) of the lattice generated by the bj, condition B.3 is met when R is a vector of the direct lattice. It can be also checked by using expressions B.4 that the reciprocal lattice of the reciprocal lattice is the original direct lattice and that the volume of the primitive unit cell of the reciprocal lattice is (2π)3/v.
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