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2012 October for Website.Pub Mindekirken L.E.I.F. Festival COMMUNICATOR Newsletter of the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church - ELCA No. 109 October 2012 L.E.I.F. Anniversary Concert by “Ensemble Arctica” Sat., October 13 at 7:30 p.m. “Heritage” – bringing Scandinavia to the US! A concert that explores the Norwegian and Scandinavian Heritage through poetry and music - performed by four highly acclaimed, professional Norwegian artists coming to Mindekirken Norwegian landscapes; mountains, valleys and the fjords; the Norwegian spirit; and the Scandinavian sound are some of the topics that have led to the program “Heritage” which will be presented at Mindekirken on Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m. A reception follows. Admission $15 ($10 students) Great Norwegian poets such as Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson and Aasmund Vinje will be recited in translated form (English) and through the songs of wonderful Norwe- gian composers such as Edvard Grieg, Halfdan Kjerulf and Agathe Backer-Grøndahl. As it turns out, this is exactly the kind of program explorer Fridtjof Nansen’s famous singer wife Eva Nansen and her close pianist friend Backer-Grøndahl presented to the great- er audience – the “commoners” - outside the Upper Class Salons in Oslo in the epoch of Nation Building in Norway (around 1905). This was a very important time for Norway, as this country had only been an independent nation since 1814 - after hundreds of years of Danish and Swedish occu- pation. And only in 1905 was the union between Sweden and Norway dissolved. Norwegians were fighting to discover and uncover a true Norwegian culture and identity, and the Nansen couple were important participants in this process – amongst many other intellectuals and artists. In this globalized and ever-changing world, the question of identity and cultural roots is still an important theme for Norwegians today – as for many other people around the world. In addition to this very Norwegian program we bring in some beautiful and famous songs from our “brother country” Sweden. Three professional musicians and a professional actor from Oslo, Norway have worked individually and together for years- in various constella- tions and arenas all over Nor- way, as well as in Europe and the U.S. A Concert of The 25th Annual Emma Nicolay Leiv Eriksson Bente Eggum Henrik Rowena Hansen, Lange-Nielsen, International Festival Johannessen, Engelsviken, pianist actor L.E.I.F. — Oct. 5-14, 2012 soprano tenor The Communicator is published monthly (except for July) by the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church 924 East 21st Street, Minneapolis MN 55404-2952 www.mindekirken.org Office (612) 874-0716 2 From the President: From the Pastor: John Mauritzen: Pastor, Visionary, Friend The Bishop and His Legacy — Is Coming The Leiv Eriksson International Festival Pastor John Minneapolis, and, educated as an We are fortunate to Mauritzen joined historian, he eventually solved the have visitors on a Mindekirken as spelling issue - our new festival was regular basis at Min- our Pastor in “Christened”, Leiv Eriksson Interna- dekirken. On Sept. September of tional Festival, or LEIF for short. 16, a busload of 1987. He and people from The his wife Reidun, Sadly, Pastor John Mauritzen died Genealogy Society and children, on September 26, 1990 just days of Norway attended Edel, Fride and before the 3rd Annual LEIF was to the 11 am Norwe- twin boys Thom- begin. We lost a wonderful pastor, gian worship service Orlyn Kringstad as and Johannes a visionary leader, and a great and coffee hour at Pr. Kristin Sundt moved to Minneapolis from Norway. friend. But John’s vision lives on. I Mindekirken. It is Unlike previous Mindekirken minis- always imagined him peering down always interesting to see how our ters, they intended to make Minne- from his loft in heaven and chuckling lives are connected. I had a chance sota their permanent home. It had when in the following year I began to visit with Reidun Mauritzen after been a long time since Min- my first term Mindekirken’s Congre- our guests had left. She shared with dekirken’s Sunday school had grown gation President and Torgeir me that someone in this group had by such numbers and the capacity of Havgar, the visiting guest pastor seen a picture of John Mauritzen on the small parsonage owned by the who presided at his funeral, became the photo wall of former pastors and church at the time, was pushed to Mindekirken’s Pastor. had shared with her that John Mau- such limits. The church “buzzed” ritzen had performed her wedding with new ideas, new life and new The Leiv Eriksson International Fes- years earlier in Trondheim. This per- members. I was a relatively new tival continued to flourish and this son didn’t know that Reidun had member at the time also, having year is celebrating 25 years of hon- been married to John, before Reidun joined only three years earlier. John oring Pastor John Mauritzen’s wish: shared this information with her. and I soon became fast friends. That Mindekirken would lead our community in exploring the values of We are especially fortunate this fall Pastor Mauritzen wanted to add our Nordic roots and bring together to receive a visit by the Presiding younger members to the church the five Nordic countries to share Bishop of the Church of Norway Hel- council. Since I was young then, he those values with our fellow Ameri- ga Haugland Byfuglien. Bishop By- began nudging me almost immedi- cans. That is just part of his legacy fuglien will preach (in English) at the ately to become a trustee. After but it has never been more im- 11 am Norwegian worship service at John assured me that the obliga- portant to share those values than Mindekirken on Sunday, October 7. tions of serving on the council would today as we meet the present day We extend an invitation to the entire not take too much time away from challenges to our world. Norwegian American Community to my own young family, I accepted. I join us this Sunday as well as peo- soon learned what a great vision he Orlyn Kringstad, ple from the Nordic Community as had for the church – and I was com- Congregation President this is the day of the opening wor- mitted! ship service of the Leiv Eriksson International Festival. Leaders of other Christian Churches and Other In his first year as pastor, John was 25th Annual Singing the Faith Faith Communities are also invited. planning a new addition for the Sunday, October 28, 2012 4 p.m. It would be grand to have a fully church and new programming for Featured choir: Valparaiso Universi- packed church on an occasion like the congregation including an annu- ty Chorale, Valparaiso, IN this. al fall festival that would be named Christopher M. Cock, conductor after a Viking-age farmer and trader Followed by a German buffet at named Leiv. John’s vision was clear Interim Bishop Glenn W. Nycklemoe 5:30 p.m. Cost $17 651-641-3419 of the Minneapolis Area Synod enough but it took more time to de- www.luthersem.edu/friends cide how to spell Leiv’s last name preached at our 90th Anniversary proceeds benefit the FRIENDS En- worship service back in January this than to plan the first festival. Fortu- dowed Scholarship Fund nately, a new young Vice Consul year, so two bishop visits in a year is Luther Seminary not bad. named Lars Løberg, arrived at the 2481 Como Ave, Royal Norwegian Consulate in Saint Paul MN 55108 “Pastor” continues on p. 3 3 “Pastor” continued from p.2 DUGNAD / WORKDAY at Mindekirken Sat., Oct. 6, 2012 10:00 am – 3:00 pm As a congregation, we belong to the Volunteers are needed to do inside and out- Evangelical Lutheran Church in side “sprucing-up” at Mindekirken. Please America (ELCA) and are part of the come and join us as we get ready to host Minneapolis Area Synod. Our new the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Nor- Bishop Ann Svennungsen was elect- way and other guests as part of the Leiv ed for a 6 year term at the Synod Eriksson International Festival. Assembly in February. Some of our leadership will have a chance to The tasks that we hope to accomplish on meet her as she intends to visit all October 6 are jobs which are not covered Minneapolis Area churches over the on a regular basis, but who would make a next year. world of difference if we can get to them. An area where Mindekirken differs Please sign up by calling the church office from other congregations in our Syn- at (612) 874-0716 so we know how many to od is the way we call pastors. We count on. A lunch will be provided. are not part of the roster of pastors through the Minneapolis Area Syn- od, since most of the pastors who have served Mindekirken have come Lysglobe (Candlelight Globe) Program by Arne E. Sæther from the Church of Norway. We are Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012 at 1 pm in Fellowship Hall a Norwegian language congrega- tion. We use the liturgy and You may have noticed that a lysglobe (candlelight globe) these hymnbooks from the Church of Nor- days seem to be something you find in every Norwegian Sanctu- way. Even though we feel closely ary you visit. People often light candles during a worship service connected with the Church of Nor- or when they visit a church. We will soon have a lysglobe of our way we have no formal relationship own here at Mindekirken thanks to a memorial gift given to the with them and we receive no finan- church.
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