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Web: E-Mail: Office@Bscc.Bg YOUR CABLE SOLUTION 51 B, Bulgaria Blvd. Office Building Block "B" web: www.bscc.bg, e-mail: [email protected] YOUR CABLE SOLUTION OUR PRODUCTS OUR COMPETENCES High and low pressure injection molding Engineering / Consulting Spiral cables / coiled patch cables Manufacturing Energy Chains assembly Laboratory Control cabinets Trading Signal cables Power cord HOWAG OOD BG-7700 Targovishte www.howag.bg BSCC 2019 BULGARIAN-SWISS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NMENT IRO ENV PROMOTING PARTNERSHIPS TY ORGANISATION PROFILE BILI AINA March 2019 ST SU NG TI UL NS CO TH OW N GR Content: ATIO IC UC OM ED ON Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Address EC Address by the Swiss Ambassador to Bulgaria N About BSCC CS ENTATIO TI ES The BSCC projects GIS LO EPR BSCC Events R Bilateral Activities in 2018 ES BSCC Partners in Bulgaria 4-5 CY RI LI ST DU BSCC Partners in Switzerland L PO OCIA BSCC – Partner in Social Projects 8-9 S MEM IN 6 Bulgaria Facts and Figures P HI CE Success stories of Swiss investments in Bulgaria VI RS NMENT TNE L AD R Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Members IRO PA NCIA ENV NA FI 10-11 Y RG 12 2 N ENE 3 EA CL 13 15-17 14 18-23 24 NMENT IRO ENV TY BILI AINA ST SU NG TI UL NS CO TH OW N GR ATIO IC UC OM ED ON EC N CS ENTATIO TI ES GIS LO REPR ES CY RI LI ST DU L PO SOCIA MEM IN BSCC BULGARIAN-SWISSP HI CE VI RS NMENT TNE L AD R IRO 2019 PA NCIA ENV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NA FI Y Dear Reader, RG N ENE EA Welcome to the new 2019CL edition of the Within this global insecurity, BSCC’ Managing Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (BSCC)’ Board and Secretariat continue their efforts to brochure. On behalf of the Managing Board of promote and develop economic relations be- BSCC, the Secretariat of the Chamber and on tween Bulgaria and Switzerland, to support the behalf of its valuable community of members members of the Chamber and to assist poten- I would like to greet with a warm welcome to tial investors. BSCC continues its cooperation Bulgaria Her Excellency Ambassador Muriel with other local Chambers and the political Berset-Kohen. We all wish Her Excellency all leadership in Bulgaria to improve the invest- the very best during her mandate and thank ment climate in the country. During the cur- her for the great support she has shown with rent year the Chamber will continue as well regard to the Chamber from day one. Sincere its socially oriented activities including, but thanks as well to BSCC’ valuable community of not limited to the successful introduction of the dual-track principles in the Bulgarian vo- members and to all partners and related state cational education system, the support of the institutions in Bulgaria and in Switzerland for Roma minority integration and its longtime their precious contribution to the success of the successful cooperation with the Municipality Chamber. of Lausanne on the Restart Project, whereby 2018 was another year of permanent tension on more than 6000 high quality recycled comput- the global political stage, thus creating economic ers were donated to date to NGOs, orphanages, and social insecurity. The unresolved refugee municipalities, schools and hospitals through- crisis, China’s slowdown influenced by the trade out Bulgaria. disputes with the USA, the spontaneous social BSCC thanks you for your time and attention upheaval of the “gillets jaunes” in France, the and looks forward to welcome you among its Brexit crisis with unforeseeable consequences, fine community of members and friends. the US government shutdown, the lack of growth in Germany (main European engine) and the rise of populism on a global level are warning signs for slowing economic growth, as well as of an international system that is not coordinated anymore and further chaos yet to come. Too many outstanding issues and complete lack of leadership on government, corporate and community level to resolve them. It is difficult Boni Bonev to imagine how the Fourth Industrial Revolution Chairman, will take place under the current circumstances. Managing Board What about tackling climate change and cyber Bulgarian-Swiss security… Chamber of Commerce 2 BSCC ADDRESS BY THE SWISS 2019 AMBASSADOR TO BULGARIA Dear Friends, Did you know that Bulgaria has the highest num- efforts of authorities, schools, enterprises and ber of women working in the IT Sector in Europe? the commitments of BSCC, the DOMINO project is I am sure that YOU are aware that the oldest growing. Last November, the Bulgarian Parliament inhabited city of Europe is Plovdiv - 2019 Euro- adopted significant amendments to the Vocational pean capital of culture - ? Guess where the most Training and Education Act allowing a functioning ancient gold artefacts in the world have been dual vocational system. This is at the same time a produced? Have you ever heard that Bulgaria is great achievement and a starting point! November one of the richest countries in Europe when it 2019 will mark the end of the first Swiss Contri- comes to biodiversity and that it has 70% of its bution to Bulgaria. A second contribution to the protected bird species? Well, I must confess that EU-13, including Bulgaria, is currently considered one year ago I didn’t. Amazing Bulgaria! by the Swiss Parliament and dual education would BG 2020#: Looking at the developments of the be a first priority in case of approval. world’s economy and the areas of interest of Let’s come back to BSCC: one of my first impres- Swiss companies, I share the view that Bulgaria sions of Bulgaria at the beginning of my mandate is ready to join the ongoing digital revolution. IT as Ambassador here was at the nice SwiSSSoirée. I then discover BSCC’s activities and their Code of companies in many different fields from cyberse- NMENT Ethics and in particular the principles of transpar- IRO curity to a wide range of e-businesses are settling ENV down in Sofia. Expert IT engineers, good location, ency, honesty, loyalty and integrity which are ex- good conditions... Digital economy is a real oppor- plicitly mentioned in there. In a country still strug- gling against corruptionTY those principles are a tunity for Bulgaria and initiatives contributing to BILI must. In this sense,AINA BSCC has set a good example. a flourishing IT-ecosystem should be encouraged. ST SU Nevertheless, digital economy is at home every- A touch of #Swissness in conclusion: The Em- where in the world: a promising start-up here to- bassy is here to support Swiss PEOPLE, Swiss day can easily move to the other end of the world PROJECTS, Swiss BUSINESS and INNOVATION in tomorrow... and Bulgaria is not only a country of Bulgaria. And WITH Bulgaria, joined projects for geeks! In some regions and communities even ac- the benefit of its people. Let’s do it together! NG TI cess to education is still an issue. With its ZOV UL NS programme (Health and Education for all) Switzer- CO land is contributing to give more equal chances to TH all Bulgarian citizens. In fact, only a shared pros- OW N GR ATIOH.E. Mrs Muriel BersetIC perity can pave the way to a strong democracy. UC OM ED Kohen ON EC In the meantime, the daily concern of many com- Ambassador N panies is to find the adequate skilled labour forces Extraordinary and CS ENTATIO because they want to grow. I am very proud that TI ES PlenipotentiaryGIS of the Switzerland is helping respond to this challenge and Swiss ConfederationLO REPR contributes to the development of a dual vocational to the Republic of ES training system in Bulgaria. Thanks to the joined CYBulgaria RI LI ST DU L PO SOCIA MEM IN 3 P HI CE VI RS NMENT TNE L AD R IRO PA NCIA ENV NA FI Y RG N ENE EA CL NMENT IRO ENV TY BILI AINA ST SU NG TI UL NS CO TH OW N GR ATIO IC UC OM ED ON EC N CS ENTATIO TI ES GIS LO REPR ES CY RI LI ST DU L PO SOCIA MEM IN P HI CE VI RS NMENT TNE L AD R IRO PA NCIA ENV NA FI Y RG N ENE EA CL BSCC 2019 Mission of the Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce ABOUT BSCC BSCC strives to develop the economic relations between Bulgaria and the Swiss Confederation on a win-win basis by improving the level of skills and knowledge in Bulgaria using Swiss experience and know-how and increasing Bul- garian and Swiss companies’ competitiveness on the international markets. BSCC promotes Swiss values in business rela- tionships such as precision, quality, innova- tion and integrity. BSCC maintains socially responsible business conduct and believes that in such a way the chamber contributes to a better society as a whole. The Chamber organizes regular events for its BSCC Managing Board members, meetings with high ranking officials and maintains contacts with public institutions, similar organisations and private companies in both countries. The Secretariat of BSCC is always ready to provide information about the economies of Bulgaria and Switzerland in general or to produce any specific data upon requested. As of 2016 BSCC is a participant in the UN Global Compact initiative. Boni Bonev www.unglobalcompact.org Chairman Hannes Rosenmund 4 Marcel Staub Theodor Bojinov Vice-Chairman Reto Seiler BSCC Secretariat NMENT IRO ENV Vassil Radoynovski Industrieconsult Ltd. Services TY BILI AINA ST Partner search SU Contacts with institutions and organisations Market information Nikolay Zhelyazkov Visits to fairs, IndustrieconsultNG Ltd.
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