Acta Histriae 22, 2014, 3
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UDK/UDC 94(05) ISSN 1318-0185 Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Koper Società storica del Litorale - Capodistria ACTA HISTRIAE 22, 2014, 3 KOPER 2014 ACTA HISTRIAE • 22 • 2014 • 3 ISSN 1318-0185 UDK/UDC 94(05) Letnik 22, leto 2014, številka 3 Odgovorni urednik/ Direttore responsabile/ Darko Darovec Editor in Chief: Uredniški odbor/ Gorazd Bajc, Furio Bianco (IT), Flavij Bonin, Dragica Čeč, Lovorka Comitato di redazione/ Čoralić (HR), Darko Darovec, Marco Fincardi (IT), Darko Friš, Aleksej Board of Editors: Kalc, Borut Klabjan, John Martin (USA), Robert Matijašić (HR), Darja Mihelič, Edward Muir (USA), Egon Pelikan, Luciano Pezzolo (IT), Jože Pirjevec, Claudio Povolo (IT), Vida Rožac Darovec, Andrej Studen, Marta Verginella, Salvator Žitko Urednik/Redattore/ Editor: Gorazd Bajc Prevodi/Traduzioni/ Translations: Quality Constructs Ltd (sl./angl.), Irena Lampe (sl./it.), Angelika Ergaver (sl./angl.) Lektorji/Supervisione/ Language Editor: Quality Constructs Ltd (angl.), Irena Lampe (it.) Stavek/Composizione/ Typesetting: Grafis trade d.o.o. Izdajatelj/Editore/ © Published by: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko / Società storica del Litorale Sedež/Sede/Address: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria, Kreljeva 3 / Via Krelj 3, tel.: +386 5 6273-296; fax: +386 5 6273-296; e-mail: [email protected]; Tisk/Stampa/Print: Grafis trade d.o.o. Naklada/Tiratura/Copies: 300 izvodov/copie/copies Finančna podpora/ Supporto finanziario/ Financially supported by: Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije / Slovenian Slika na naslovnici/ Research Agency Foto di copertina/ Picture on the cover: Immixtio manuum. Miniature des Archives Départementales de Perpignan représentant un hommage médiéval. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. File: Hommage au Moyen Age - miniature.jpg Redakcija te številke je bila zaključena 24. oktobra 2014. Revija Acta Histriae je vključena v naslednje podatkovne baze / Gli articoli pubblicati in questa rivista sono inclusi nei seguenti indici di citazione / Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in: Thomson Reuters: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Social Scisearch, Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), Journal Citation Reports / Social Sciences Edition (USA); IBZ, Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur (GER); International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) (UK); Referativnyi Zhurnal Viniti (RUS); European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH); Elsevier B. V.: SCOPUS (NL) ACTA HISTRIAE • 22 • 2014 • 3 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS Darko Darovec: Cum lampulo mantelli. The Ritual of Notarial Investiture: Example from Istria ..................................................................................................... 453 Cum lampulo mantelli. Il rito dell’investitura notarile: l’esempio dell’Istria Cum lampulo mantelli. Ritual podeljevanja notarskega privilegija: primer iz Istre Savo Marković: „Per discharigo della consciencia”: Testamentarni odrazi medievalnog imaginarija barskog patricijskog roda Natalis (Nalis) ............................ 509 „Per discharigo della consciencia”: riflessioni testamentarie dell‘ immaginario medievale di lignaggio patrizio Natalis (Nalis) d‘Antivari „ Per discharigo della consciencia ”: Testamentary Reflections of Medieval Imagery of the Patrician Lineage Natalis (Nalis, Nale) from Bar Ozren Kosanović: Sudac Kvirin Spinčić iz Kastva, istaknuti građanin Kastva i Rijeke iz prve polovine 15. stoljeća ........................................................................... 551 Il giudice Kvirin Spinčić di Castua, eminente cittadino di Castua e Fiume della prima mettà del XV secolo Judge Kvirin Spinčić from Kastav, Distinguished Citizen of Kastav and Rijeka in the First Half of 15th Century Irena Benyovsky Latin: The Venetian impact on urban change in Dalmatian towns in the first half of the fifteenth century ......................................... 573 L’influenza di Venezia sui cambiamenti urbani delle città dalmate nella prima metà del XV secolo Beneški vpliv na urbane spremembe v dalmatinskih mestih v prvi polovici 15. stoljetja Marija Mogorović Crljenko: The Abduction of Women for Marriage: Istria at the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century ...................................................... 617 Il rapimento di donne a scopo di matrimonio: l’Istria agli inizi del secolo XVII Ugrabitev žensk za poroko: Istra na začetku 17. stoletja Petr Kaleta: Adolf Černý in njegov prispevek k spoznavanju Slovencev v Reziji v češkem okolju ............................................................................ 633 Adolf Černý e il suo contributo alla conoscenza degli sloveni della Val Resia nell’ambito ceco Adolf Černý and his Contribution to Czech Scholarship on the Slovenians in Resia ACTA HISTRIAE • 22 • 2014 • 3 Dagmar Hájková & Pavel Helan: The Quest for Balance: Attitudes of the Czechoslovak Independence Movement Abroad to the Adriatic Problem During the First World War ........................................................................... 661 La ricerca dell‘equilibrio: l‘atteggiamento del movimento cecoslovacco all‘estero in merito alla questione adriatica durante la prima guerra mondiale Iskanje ravnovesja: odnos češkoslovaškega gibanja za neodvisnost v tujini do jadranskega problema med prvo svetovno vojno Tamara Scheer: The Perfect Opportunity to Shape National Symbols? Austro-Hungarian Occupation Regimes during the First World War in the Adriatic and the Balkans .................................................................................... 677 L’occasione ideale per formare simboli nazionali? I regimi di occupazione dell’Austria-Ungheria nell’area adriatica e nei Balcani durante la prima guerra mondiale. Popolna priložnost za oblikovanje nacionalnih simbolov? Avstro-ogrski okupacijski režimi med prvo svetovno vojno na Jadranu in Balkanu Gaetano Dato: Lineamenti storiografici, memorie pubbliche e mitologie all’origine del sacrario di Redipuglia. La fondazione di un tempio della nazione ....... 695 Historiografske poteze, javni spomini in miti kot izvor kostnice v Redipulji. Oblikovanje nacionalnega svetišča. Historiographical Features, Public Memories and Mythologies at the Origin of the Redipuglia Shrine. The Foundation of a Temple of the Nation José Díaz-Diego: La tierra en el puzzle rumano de entreguerras: razones, modos y consecuencias de la reforma agraria rumana de 1918/1921 ........................... 715 The Land in the Romanian inter-war puzzle: reasons, procedures and consequences of the Romanian agrarian reform of 1918/1921 Zemlja v romunski medvojni uganki: razlogi, postopki in posledice romunske agrarne reforme v letih 1918/1921 Katarina Zajc: Independence of Judiciary in Slovenia: economic and historic perspective ................................................................................................ 741 L’indipendeza guidiziaria in Slovenia: una prospettiva economica e storica Neodvisnost sodstva v Sloveniji: ekonomska in zgodovinska perspektiva Jaka Cepec: Corporate Insolvency Law – A necessity of market economy, lessons from history and Slovenia ................................................................................ 765 Diritto fallimentare (delle società commerciali) – Un bisogno di economia di mercato, lezioni dalla storia e dalla Slovenia Korporacijsko insolvenčno pravo – nujen element tržne ekonomije, nauki iz zgodovine in Slovenije ACTA HISTRIAE • 22 • 2014 • 3 Rado Bohinc: The Judge‘s Tenure. A Historical and Contemporary Overview .......... 791 Il mandato del giudice. Il quadro storico e contemporaneo Sodniški mandat. Zgodovinski in sodobni pregled Navodila avtorjem ....................................................................................................... 809 Istruzioni per gli autori ................................................................................................ 812 Instructions to authors ................................................................................................. 815 ACTA HISTRIAE • 22 • 2014 • 3 ACTA HISTRIAE • 22 • 2014 • 3 Received: 2014-01-14 UDC 347.961:94(497.472) Original scientifi c article CUM LAMPULO MANTELLI. THE RITUAL OF NOTARIAL INVESTITURE: EXAMPLE FROM ISTRIA Darko DAROVEC Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Humanities, Dorsoduro 3484/d, 30123 Venice, Italy Institut of Nova revija for Humanities, Gospodinjska 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Based on the study of several documented testimonials concerning the dispute be- tween the inhabitants of Piran and the Capodistrian bishop in 1201, that also include statements describing the investiture of the notary, this article uses the comparative and (re)interpretative method to study the ritual of notarial investiture as it was exercised from the 12th century onwards in the area of the upper Adriatic and in the neighbouring Italian territories. The study is not only focused on the question of the notarial investiture but also ven- tures comparatively into other secular social spheres of the European medieval investiture rituals and states, showing that the rituals were conducted in accordance with the unifi ed, three-part inner structure as described by Galbert of Brugge (1127): homage, fi des, inves- titure. Although the investiture ceremonies for special social spheres differed one from an- other with regard to symbolic gestures, objects and words (phrases) and were transformed in accordance to social