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1876-09-02.Pdf 1 VOL. VI. DOVER, MOREIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1870. NO. 38 TJIR (jnmu or Urattr. ican eontwil; ami, ua tut wnges, Archer ynuht's boat, pnllod up ut the jetty, am determined to multe a good sweep. Aftei Kline's VBUIIJ. jTHE IRON ERA Business Cards. POETIC, would him; [a\4 tivti hundred ponuda thoir master Htood on laud bisfore his many preliminary compliments, huasltuc Wlitm I sfjL' ju tho titieut u cuilaiu lather thuu nail with such an impudent lordship. All tlio tuomiug hu purauud, with nnuiroE uiisotievioiiq, freudliueas A ttEBMAH I.EOEND, a Evr.nr SiTuniur rr K. A. BENNETT, M, 'D, geat noblnmiiu, vary native, vnry tlior- vugubjnd, SD our Yuukeo wont ovor ou foot or in gharry, rofliiectful Lut all- J "How can u mau fry two trout in BENJ. II. VOOT. EC OMCEOI A. THIC IK MUa. O. MNN^KB tllHltS. ough, and, nhovo nil, very m:inlv,it in no the aide witli 1111 nir mingle J of respect surd. Archer was not a man to utaut] three pans an that a trout may lay in The vfluity of tho fair sex, it is said, mom and no icsn than Daturul ttiut I iud reitiguatiun. Tho captain handed this eort of thing in the temperate zone; eituh inn V" is of the Hume age as the ser itself. A EDITOR AHD pnOBIEIOE. A bridal robo should bo think of bin ntkoLtures in auollicr PHYSICIAN &SURGE0N, A Arnet to be iTdrn for I lift il^J ; liiin Iu Ins CODHUI, give him 11 liberal tale outyonilcr it would uoou havo killed Ko ono could nnswer this, and on clever writer, in defending this trait of Offlw on Hcrris Strait near BlutardL -&tugo uf huiug." Ho n-uuli] mnilu a lit- o[ tloUars, nnd ruturucil alone, him witb rage. IIin pride of place did nfler uu other gave him atwelve-kreutzc tlio fomiiiinu ehui-acter, has said that it Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts,, TIICD lalil *aidi) with nil jidTiinms ma-, tle, and color a good dcul, to reincralier him good stead for once, mnce it alone TSnUS OF SUDSCDIFTION A troamiso la pmnl wJlli lifubnK enrr, JSultnii of Uniniflhuwcd aa much piece. And when the niutb desired thai constitutes ild grcateat charm: that (Opjiomto Dover Dank,) • * buwbiugapore fuughed at him fiftfion ieti to his uristocrntio visitor, aa protected tbe l'unkea from a puraonal lie aliould solve tlio riddle, he rocked tc without it tho eci would lo** half its iKuuinLa tx ADMKCE. A relic furcviir and nyo. yearn ago; to ruweuiber, I uhould nay, thai extri'mdy barbarous pittentnte asiiuult. Hia lordnliip paid visits where and fro, rolled bis eyes and shrugged attraction ; uud iu support of thie theo- DOVEII, K.J., what cause of merrinmnt he t^ave, for :'t [U.c'.in of Wotim ami Children, and or tlii And uuiLTiuijaiiurufly known. A Miylav cauuot uuderntand ho woulil not have dreamed of setting Ins shoulders. ry thero is the old quuint story of tliu uno r«»t, ------- 8100 that Limfl ho was nuiah ton high in [lie foot—bruukfiistcd actually at a "gn German maiden—J. hintorv which 1a so Ejo ma Ear spcdaltio*. • Bhouia Biilly ilH'lulicBlc >v ; nobility uthtir tliun iliat ol royalty,. 'I urn a pour Jew," ho Huid at last. 9il Jtonllu, 1-00 OmreI!onnt:7t,lOA.M.,Hoaand7to8P. H. air to catch tho leinurKs of a tmtliug 1'licy called Archer 'Tungania," aud down," called ut others, nnd drove to tender and prttty that it is worth rescu- TLo bridt'i laxt rolio in licr maiduihuudl community. A friend who bus oust his Tunglin, Tho pursuer waited hero and 'What has that to do with it ?" said ing from tho fnrgnttoii legonda of the I Inreo montlu, 50 lft30d Blioiilil rtiinin an pnrri'ut, jnirf, aril %nm\ BJVH him u wdiito of ono hundred gun*. tho rest. "Give us tbo answer." lines in Colorado, ami finds itivpleaaant tio pitflKcd us brother of the Qjuen, aud there nnd everywhere, finally galloping Fatherland. J.L,. LA WHENCE, Aft tvlion it nas dmiiicd I trmv. lilace, lately aaked mo. witb indignation, after his victim in a Imck-gharrv to the You must Ukc it nmiss," said th tu tiuvL' coiuniiJititod this idea would on- Jew, *'for lama poor Jew." A umidea lived on tho lianka of tho PASSAGE TICKETS . whether tho story I Imve on lay pen euuly lmvo emitted bunpiciou und general suburb, uttendiug his leisure there, and Forever » diiinly typo liusaiuly be tmc. ilo suys that n weal- returniug uflur him to tho very man- At last, Efter much persuasion, and Rhino with her futhcr, Iho miller, Now BURVE T O R iHvitwardiie.HH. Besides, if truth he told, the maiden, whose name wua Elsie, was TO AHD TIO* Of lKtrcliaviity pure nnil niilic; thy neighbor boantu hiniaolf the horo of Archrr HkeJ it; liked itaa tlioBD only rujios of hia yneht. The next dtitvu many promises that ho would do him no Folded tip liko a roK" in thn bill, it. I don't fleo, for my own part, thut fonud him noitud ID the eampau, wliero harm, 'io thruat his band into bis nockot uot pretty, and tiho wan croaa aud fret- Uverpojl anti Queenstown, Surveys, Levels and Grades &m uaduiKtnud—not being Slarlayn ful, for elie grieved for her own. lack of T'trfrctiou liidJun, but niiil^raioml there isnnytliing to lm prnnu nf ; but who have ohaervud that tUo fotixhir.ui ... bo |ay tlio day before. toot out oua of tbo twclvc-kreatzer n>- nil wlin cnl.l iblnli nil^ht. poor huu.au boiugs will iiml glor.v in piecea be had won, laid it upon tha beaufy, and thought that none would nn tho following Stomuhip Until: iBdefoTPunljaaiidFrlvatoIroprnViimoutB. iiriHtucnicy bus uo such hot believers m ever care for hor on account of tho few Tat rroiu thu iiinrrinBo morn, cinch uiipruiuising uuoltu and coruora. the uiistijurjitfl tliemselvcs. Lord Aroher wanted to set sails nt Ublo aud eaid: "I do uot know tbe /iMUAJV, WHITE STAR, OFPIOK: HUS3EX BTIiBBT, In KM Bilcuci) tu speali tliro1 ilfi', Aa for tho tale, it is quitci curi'cct, uud ucc, but hiri cup taiu dared not fucc answer uuy more thuu you. Here ar nature had givon to hor ; BO aho i>u« could mil grudge nn uitcniy lim Iri- tha Ohiaa Bonn without a thorough over- jmy twelve-kreutzers." did not even try to plcnso, aud yet her [Near Uio Canal Srldgu.] Of iliiIIM, put nn with every fiilil; Amongst other civilities,'hid High- NATIONAL, umpli iu it. neas the Hultou of Bruni bugged u paa- hauling. Then, na tbe days passed, aud heart wua very largo and very kindly.— Tu chungc that life's mlvor into (,'Qlil, When tlie others board this they She spent half her time in front of her Drnrti* oa England and Hoy a! Bunk of Imlnnd r DOVER, X. 3. tiU'jo ou the yuoht for i'ungarua Mudahthis intolerable nuis&nco suffered no opened thoir eyus, aud unid this WHS the lowest rttci. If luie link Inba hiiHband nn<\ tvidi, 1 ill cull our English peer Lord Ar- Itajislui, his uncle, us far na Singainre. ubutcmnnt, ho proposed to end his trip, Iookiug-g[us9, lumcutiug her pluinnees, scarcely accuriliug to ngrceraent. But and thiukiug how iniposaiblo it was that . E. LlHDSUiY A SON, Agont>, .T. M. BASSETT. And not till Dnatti eliiuti'l uili oher, if yon |I1L*UHO, With half a doeon Ttiut high and well-horn chief was cimrg- und return by the P. nud 0. alono ; but as thoy could not coutrol their hiiigliter, fiienils ho urrivudat Hiugajjore on hiptid to virotest uguiust the demoralizing to that bis friends objected. Then ho Carl would, ever Jearn to lovo her, while Bhtckwcll Btreut, Dovoi, tf. J. Tlio tried wifi! to It» brlilril bid, aud were good-natured and wealthy met), Grolchen, who was RO fair n«d pretty Civil Engineer and Surveyor, jouriipy rounu ttio world. Whilst tboro, syfliem o[ tho fjuruwak government, took legal udvico, but. tha authorities, and as tho Jew bad helped them to while ii. U7u«ral iJtUlifr.rhliwU WrakwM, Bbimid Ilial wtijl-«aved toll" aguin l>c tvuru Ho undertook nn eipodltiou againab tho thutaho was called "Tho Daughter of U brop*|r>iid icantT ™»tim.*, . • whioh caused thuuaanda uf tax-paying cuavulHcd with laughter, could givuliim uway tha time from Saint Ynlt to Or tho ornngu-wriiitti nRuin aduni ulcplmiiU tmtlio Joliorerivor. Return- iiu aid. Singapore WAS aa muou amus- Spring," dwelt near her. E iw waa not .... Dr. P. A. HARRIS, HOOK A WAV, N. J. DyukH t4i Rinlgratd from Hruni every Bl!nmpi( they let it puns. Tlio aiilmrn or fnow-wliltn liomf, ing from tlio Johore, ho laid his yacht year. After the salute and the compli- ed by tbe story that it mado water pic- loved foraho hud never tried lo gain ,. PIIVBICIAN and SUKGEON, love. Bho always ffliic.ci] tliat it would ALL ORDEBS PIIOMITLY ATTENDED ,TO. And onlvwifo win. kH|»i oppouito tlio timber ynrda of Ibo Tunmu- taeutH, Arcticr could not well refuse tlie nics to observe persecutor and persecu- 10-9 guug, n groat putoututo ovor vouder.— requoMt. Aud tbu pruceodingsof a great ted. Tilings could not go on thus. Extraordinary Submarine Aditiilure bo in vain to endeavor to please, in vain . DOVE11, N. J. An ii[H)lto8pi lior life an Imr (iroHH, Due day, n[ior Imiuhing witli the chief to be kind nud thoughtful nnd loving.
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