1 VOL. VI. DOVER, MOREIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1870. NO. 38 TJIR (jnmu or Urattr. ican eontwil; ami, ua tut wnges, Archer ynuht's boat, pnllod up ut the jetty, am determined to multe a good sweep. Aftei Kline's VBUIIJ. jTHE IRON ERA Business Cards. POETIC, would him; [a\4 tivti hundred ponuda thoir master Htood on laud bisfore his many preliminary compliments, huasltuc Wlitm I sfjL' ju tho titieut u cuilaiu lather thuu nail with such an impudent lordship. All tlio tuomiug hu purauud, with nnuiroE uiisotievioiiq, freudliueas A ttEBMAH I.EOEND, a Evr.nr SiTuniur rr K. A. BENNETT, M, 'D, geat noblnmiiu, vary native, vnry tlior- vugubjnd, SD our Yuukeo wont ovor ou foot or in gharry, rofliiectful Lut all- J "How can u mau fry two trout in BENJ. II. VOOT. EC OMCEOI A. THIC IK MUa. O. MNN^KB tllHltS. ough, and, nhovo nil, very m:inlv,it in no the aide witli 1111 nir mingle J of respect surd. Archer was not a man to utaut] three pans an that a trout may lay in The vfluity of tho fair sex, it is said, mom and no icsn than Daturul ttiut I iud reitiguatiun. Tho captain handed this eort of thing in the temperate zone; eituh inn V" is of the Hume age as the ser itself. A EDITOR AHD pnOBIEIOE. A bridal robo should bo think of bin ntkoLtures in auollicr PHYSICIAN &SURGE0N, A Arnet to be iTdrn for I lift il^J ; liiin Iu Ins CODHUI, give him 11 liberal tale outyonilcr it would uoou havo killed Ko ono could nnswer this, and on clever writer, in defending this trait of Offlw on Hcrris Strait near BlutardL -&tugo uf huiug." Ho n-uuli] mnilu a lit- o[ tloUars, nnd ruturucil alone, him witb rage.
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