Masquers Get Ready

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Masquers Get Ready DT EERE ge - 5 x iday, April 23, 2 Reigns Over Festivities— [he Week —— on Vol. 39 Howard College, April 30, 1954 Masquers Get Ready For Tuesday’s Opening Night “John Loves Mary” will open next Tuesday night in the | college auditorium at 8:30 p.m. i The last production of the season, it will run for four nights and will be given in-the-round. I'm afraid that Sherm is going to ' The play will mark : have to ‘apologize for the lack of major, Georjie grad-| the last How- | ard time spent browsing around this Woodlawn Higl. School. perforance for several of the cast Cathie and Jack week, but I've been so infatuated son of Mr. and Mrs. members. Marold Hunt, play- Gravlee. § ing The play centers around with H-Day preparations and the ves of 8021 4th Avenue | the title role of John, has a misun- § derstanding which day itself that I haven't had the been a stand-by in many, Masquers’ arises between Mary time. 1 was elated with B® productions. He has McKinley and her fiance, the won- been seen in John derful day we had _ “Our Town, “Point of No Return,” Lawrence, upon his return and would like from overseas to mention some names for out-} “Outward Bound,” and “The at the end of World Mad- War II. The standing contributions to the suc- woman of Chaillot.” engagement has been . announced, cess of the day—Mervyn and Mary feels that Altman, Other seniors who have Jo-Alice been in they should marry immeditely. Jones, Gloria Tolbert, many of Masquers’ plays are Be- George Hayes, Bob cause of previous commitments, Bob DeWitt, Royce ously unscheduled Baugher and Billie Jean Kinney. Byrd, Proxy base- John is not free to mary, but he Hunt, Bob Baugher, . Bulldogs Baugher has been seen in “The Bar- Quinn Kelley, Wayne Barrett journeyed hesitates to tell Mary the reasons and e State Moaday retts of Wimpole Street,” “The for ‘countless others that space to Late this delay. The resulting confu- will not Christopher Bean,” “Joan of Lor- permit me to list. My hat sion is finally settled with the aid is off to | raaine,” and “Our Town.” you for d pitching of Jas- Billie Jean of John's wartime buddy, Fred a job well done. | has been in “The Heiress” and Taylor. It seems that one of our campus “Point of No Return.” Bill beauties has developed a fan club. Caldwell, Director of the play is Henry C. a senior, is making his first appear- Lindsey, co-chairman of the Speech Barbarann Harrison's picture ap- ance with the peared in a magazine ers. and Dramatic Arts Department. and I hear she Taking the title role of Mary in has received an elaborate letter the production is Bonnie Bolding. from a welter-weight fighter stating |. .She has recently appeared in his se to win her favor. How “Our Shaffer H-DAY QUEEN Town” as Emily, and was seen last To Give about that? summer in a civic theater produc- I'd like to second the Pikes’ se- tion of “Romeo and Juliet” as Juliet. Ruhama Recital lection of Katie Graham as April Others taking major roles in gardenia girl. A more deserving Jennice Jones Crowned | “John Loves Mary” are Talmadge The music department is present- girl would be hard to find. Butler, Lou Jean Porter, and Tom ing Jeanne Shaffer, senior music People like Dot Ramsey are sure- major King. Butler was last seen in “Point from Birmingham, in an ly nice to have around—wish there organ recital Friday night at 8:00, ‘MissHoward’ of No Return” and appeared in were more. : of 1954-55 at the 4EORGE HAYES “Joan of Lorraine.” Lou Jean was Ruhama Baptist Church. When you read this you will have tirst seen in “Our Town.” King has . The program will include Choral- already chosen your president, Crowned Miss Howard Tuesday on the lawn during H-Day Tr —— sy — Improvisation Quiie--Do beén in “Our Town” and “Point of | on “Now Thank We treasurer, and senators at least. No festivities was Jennice Jones, sophomore student from Birming- you know what one All Our God” opus 65, No. ) Hale No. Return.” 39 by matter who wins, Ole Sherm would sided to the other? No, what’ Sigfrid Karg-Elert; Chorale Pre- ham. alte: tr7o to tangle—Unquote. Making their first appearances be- like to see everyone backing them wo" fore Howard audiences (Continued to the hilt. I'm counting on another Jennice was elected from a field of 22 cafftiidates, eight of are ~John on page 4) big year next go-round. : hom were finalists - in the contest, and crowned by Henrie and Adiaissions. £ 0 To Play In be eagerly ch sir a EN “John Loves Mary” n ast year's queen. of Dr. and Mrs. John ber of {He International Relations " Hall Jones, Jannice has been active Club, the ’53 All-Star Volleyball in the Baptist Student Union, and meet team, the '52 Homecoming Court, Speech and Dramatic Arts, playing than one, and the Chapel Choir. roles in “Our Town” and “Point of She was escorted by Bill Karrh. Ist It. No Return.” In the recent Speech | Finalists in the court were Bar- Festival, she won second place in parann Harrison, escorted by Gene Herbert |. the Original Oratory Division. Parks Jolly; Carolyn Adams, Cecil Holla- All-Campus A cheerleader, Jennice is a mem- day; Frances Cassell, Billy Snell; , Mavis Wilson, Royce Ballard; Pat Barnes, Ralph Atchison; Gloria Tol- Box Supper Summer Mission bert, Buddy Ridley;Carol Nunnally, Talmadge Black. The junior class will sponsor an Campus Quota all-campus box supper Monday, May 3rd, at 7 psn. under Sherman FSU Law Professor . y ice Station | He's here, Oak on the front campus. Placed At $250 SOON On aMPpUS ROW The supper will be styled after Beginning Monday, Howard stu- 1o thow you howto... the old-fashioned box suppers held New AKPsi an opportunity to Installs at the beginning of the century. All dents will have give to the State Summer Mission Dr. W. C. Harter, head of the de- ecrn over ‘| girls are requested to bring box | Program which will send Frank partment of business law and in- SRR $5000 suppers which will be auctioned to ayear... | Wells, senior ministerial student, to surance at Florida State University, the highest bidder. ’ . Jamai€a for 10 weeks service under and district counselor for Alpha eosanbecoms officer After supper, there will be stunts. § the Home Mission Board. Kappa Psi, national business fra- and singing. In case of rain, intheairforce..« § skits, ternity, visited Howard last Friday, the supper will be held in the " Other student missionaries spon- be Mor- April 23. get a head start m. £. : ! sored by the program will gan Moore, University of Ala, to} One of the purposes of his visit in jet eviction... General chairman for the event is to Birmingham was to establish a Buddy Ridley. Talmadge Butler the mid-west; Willene Clark, Troy, be apart to a field in Ala; and Alice Need- chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi at Bir- of a great will be auctioneer for the bidding mingham-Southern. : ‘on the suppers. Committee chair- ham, API, alternate to Alabama. flying ferm Officers of the Howard chapter, eee Howard’s quota for 1954 is $250. ——— men for the event are Gloria Frank- Fred Nichols, Ralph Atchison, and ET Tolbert, Boxes to receive offerings will be as on Aviation Cadet. lin, program; Gloria 1 food; Billy Joe Deason, accompanied Dr. placed in the Treasurer's Office, | See him while you can. Bob Hunt, publicity; and Talmadge Harter to Southern and will aid in the Co-op, and { Butler, finance. Registrar's Office, sister chapter. Fist Lt Herbert L. establishing the © Perks All proceeds will be donated to Pine Lodge. “ on ee and Aviation Ca- Activity Building fund Morning Watch programs next ; de! Selection the Student Team 302 for the new campus. week will be built around subjects IRC To Elect, Hear i ar: staying in the lobby related to the fields of service. : of Old Main all day Ratna Murthy Speak § Wedne sday He will be ¢ available | Bob Park Elected ern is faculty advisor. Miss Ratna Murthy, Indian Ex- between the at: Alabama College, « hours ACS is planning to publish a change Student | those 3 am. to 5 pm. to ‘| newsletter entitled “Technique.” It Montevallo, wil speak to the Inter- desiring further New ACS Prexy Relations Club Tuesday || information on will be sent to alumni of the Chem- national career affiliate of the Ameri- fecal Department, and will be com- night, May 4 at 7:30 in Pine Lodge. i opporiunitios in the The student Afr ‘can Chemical Society elected of- posed of local news of the depart- Her subject will be “India and the . Force. Wor ” . week ficers at their April 22 meeting. ment. Editors will be Bertha Brown ; b Maxwell Air Force ¢ are| Elected were Bobby Park, presi- and Wayne Johnson. - : Cathie, as the| dent; Lee Roy Summerlin, vice- © The group will have its annual | mary’s president, and Vannish Baldwin, spring picnic tonight at one of the city. parks. wm hig Samford University Library Tay | rE THE HOWARD CRIMSON Friday, April 30, 1954 Friday, April 30, 1954 — Journalism Student Se woo The Howard ten Picker Flashback Sells Article, Photos Memorandum 20 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK AT i? A CRIMSON Sometime ago there appeared in . pam by HOWARD . * "BETTY KATHRYN PRATT the Crimson some photographs of At special exercises eight co-eds aa Bditor cats in unusual situations.
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