January 09,1880
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"‘ .. ~ '" ... -, r-:;njjyrrr 9 PER IN ADVANCE. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 0, 1880. WAgSS®i£l TERMS MM ANNUM, , vnl,1> >1„-„. Lll Ji ...Tm,1AIJJ. 11.^ PORTLAND, i.filAIililIvUr.U *">! -—— --- —mmmmmipm———— ^1^^i ..1 |-n as was done last summer. Xo one strove to The fusionists threaten to deprive Eugene Uncle Remus s Folk-Lore. MISCELLANEOUS. i 1 I I ; PRESS. seat. There is no law nor color THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS._ excuse the disfranchisement of the city of Hale of his a But that Published every dey (Sundays excepted) by the Portland on the ground that it was a main- of law for such proceeding. Brer Babbit Again Grossly Deceives Brer 9. FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY doesn’t matter. have found out that PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Great Sale of Manufacturers’ Swallowing tenance of the principle of local self-govern- They Fox. that like Jim is an awkward Portland. ment. It was rightly reasoned Mr. Hale, Bludsoe, AT 109 Exchange St., Every regular attacks of the Press is furnished he himself. A man in a and are determined to To mail subscrib- who excuses accuses row, they Terms : Eight Dollars a Year. with a Card certilicate signed by Stanley T. Pullen, [Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution.] in advance. ers Seven Dollars a Year, if paid critic have found fault, rid themselves of him. POISON * Editor. All railway, steamboat and Tiote managers captious might When the little boy, whose nights with Un- will confer a favor us credentials it is have the PRESS upon by demanding true; might questioned cle Remus are as outertaining as those Arabi- THE MAINE”STATE CATARRH IS THE MOST PREVALENT Wingate Gibbs, the notorious assistant of every person claiming to represent our journal. of over the had finished \ at a COTTONS! propriety placing legend an ones of blessed memory, supper Tin;itSDa Morning $2.50 OF insidious and s REMNANTS It is gen- clerk of the last published every of any known disease. House, contemplates getting if in advance at $2.00 a year. “By the Eternal, our Federal Union must the other evening and hurried out to sit with year, paid to be incurable. SWAL- out a revised edition of Manual, erally pronounced We do not read anonymous letters and communi- Cushing's the se- and shall he the of the his venorable he found the old man in of Advertising: One inch of space, the viscid preserved” portrait decisions. The patron, Rates sale of MANUFACTUR- LOWING. WHILE ASLEEP, cations. The name and address of the writer are in with novel and startling a STAPLES announces a giant was length of column, constitutes “square.” HORATIO POISONS THrt Presidential candidate nominated on a plat- groat glee. Indeed, Uncle Remus talking first week; 7o cen.s x»er Bleached Cotton, Unbleached Cotton cretions of catarrhal colds, all cases indispensable, not for publica- most noteworthy is the ruling that a motion $1.50 per square, daily ERS’ REMNANTS of Cotton, necessarily and to himself at such a rate that the or continu- form which declared the w-r for the preser- laughing ffcolc after; three insertions less, $1.00; Flannel, Cambrics, Figured Summer Lawns, Ac. LUNGS and from thenco undermines every tion but as a guaranty of good faith. to is out of order. other after first week, 50 cents. Fancy adjourn little was afraid he had company. The um every day sense of taste, We cannot undertake to return or com- vation of that Federal Union a boy or 7o function of the system. The preserve failure; Half square, tliree insertions loss, cents; truth Uncle Remus had heard the child week after. Unbleached Cotton, the BREATH tnat are not used. also the of latest official act was the is, one week, *1.00: 50 cents per One immense Jot of REMNANTS, yard wide, smell and hearing are impaired, munications might have queried propriety Garcelon’s additional. and when the Special Notices, one-third and of an career. His most coming, rosy-cheeked chap put and “Auction G cents a yard. BECOMES DISGUSTING, breathing hanging on the wall the portrait of the only fitting crown ignoble Under head of “Amusements” a mono- Inser- his head in the door, was engaged in Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three through tlio nostrils is rendered impossible. THE BLACK LIST. man who ever tried to buy the Presidency remarkable exploit is the enrichment of the extra standard Unbleached tho burden of which seemed to bo: tions or less, $1.50. One great pile of REMN ANTS, heavy Pol- for logue, inserted in the Maine State SCROFULA, DEAFNESS, Bronchitis, is the list in black the men of the United States. It occurred, too, to language by a synonym theft. Advertisements 7 Cents a Here letters of English “Ole Molly Har’, a in part Cottons yard. are the natural Press” (which has large circulation every ypuses and Consumption lcgal- not a that the most tribute that The of is under- What doin’ for first insertion, in im- few, fitting meaniug ‘•Garceloning" you dar, of the State), for $1.00 per square cies. SPURTS OF PUTRID MUCOUS up- who, by an unhappy accident being Settin’ in de cornder ? for each Eubsequent inser- 7 ceaits a could be to the of the staunch stood in this land. and 50 cents per quare One smaller lot Bleached Remnants yard. in paid memory everywhere Smokin’ yo’ seegyar?” tion. on the tonsils or from the nostrils, crackling portant official positions, have deliberately old enemy of nullifiers would be a condem- As a matter of course this allusion re- Ad<lress all communications to of the nose or over a vague Cottoaa Flaaanels 8 etjiits a tlie head, pains at the side, The story that anybody would give PUBLISHING CO. Oaie large lot Remnants stout yard. abused their trust, perverted the laws which nation of the nullification of the will of the minded the little of the fact that the wick- PORTLAND within the are ex- boy Flannels are worth 12 1-2 cents a yard in the piece.) the eyes and pressure chest, thousand dollars for Mose Ilarrimau, pro- (These it was their sworn to execute and people effected by the late Governor of this ed Fox was still in pursuit of the Rabbit, and perienced when neither THE CAUSE NOR duty justly vokes the broadest of where Mose is grins his in the in 5 are and in- State and sustained by the men who now he immediately put curiosity shape ENTERTAINMENTS. Gate lot Remnants Figured Slimmer Lawns, stylish designs, THE FEARFUL CONSEQUENCES impartially according to their spirit best known. Put him on the block and you of a a of A REAL claim to compose the Legislature of Maine. question. cents yard. dreamed of. The discovery who have to down to Mrs. Toodles tent, sought by wicked trickery couldn’t knock him “Uncle did the Rabbit have to CURE for Catarrh and Hay Fever by Dr. Wei But we should not ask too much of men just Remus, go this Remnant sale we are offering great thwart tlie will of the as at for a pewter half dollar. clean when he got loose from the Tar laa connection with great Do Meyer of Now York, is second in import- people expressed become virtuous, and a great deal may be away which we have a fuller stock thaai ever. com- in Black Silks, of o dis- Baby?” Class in WALTZING and the GERMAN bargains ance the discovery of a preventative the polls and who have not only brought pardoned to the indiscreet zeal of recent con The Democrats of this city were firing onl^to “Bless dat he didn't. mences The facts and of the work grashus, honey, Who? no obli- small-pox. proofs themselves but have smirched verts. it be that the in minute over Garcelon’s coffin last Call and examine these and by examining you incur grace upon Indeed, may speeches guns Yo’ dunno nothin’’t all ’bout Brer Rab- Evc»iu^, Jaw. 6(h. goods, done WEI DE MEYER’S CA- Him? Taasday that ladies attend tlae sale in the being by of the of the and Whether or not the ammunition gation to buy. We would suggest the fair fame of the State whose officials they glorification rights people night. bit ef dat’s de way youse im down. six lessons: Gents, $3.00; Ladies, TARRH CURE are set forth in a gwineto’put Terms for as there will be a great rush in the afternoons. pamphlet, the freedom of the ballot were intended as House is close of this term, wil be early forenoons, came from the store in the State a fer? He mouter $2.00. Ladies, at the The are. Their names and W’at iie g.vl.u vay stayed for the balance of h which is forwarded gratis to any address. unfortunately places entitled to an assembly ticket covert condemnation of the sin of Garce- yet to he learned. sorter close tweil de pitch rub off’n his ha’r, season. Assemblies Thursday evening. testimonials therein contained are unuuestion- every should be known of ail men that they loning—the judging it discourteous but t’wan’t menny days fo’ he was looin’ up en jau3 medi- speakers same ez and I dunno _._ ahly the MOST REMARKABLE upon Garcelon stock is talked up for Governor, down de naberhood ever, may receive the just punishment of being to call names. If that be the case, the re- dan befo'- cal record. Cases of five, ten and twenty though Smith’s friends claim that the contract cf he wan't mo’ sassier 3 Classical Concerts citizens buke to Executive was adroitly should be fully carried out.—Argus.