HIKING Fall Is Prime Time to Hit NW Trails

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HIKING Fall Is Prime Time to Hit NW Trails WWW.MOUNTAINEERS.ORG SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 • VOLUME 107 • NO. 5 MountaineerE X P L O R E • L E A R N • C O N S E R V E HIKING Fall is prime time to hit NW trails INSIDE: 2013-14 Course Guide, pg. 13 Foraging camp cuisine, pg. 19 Bear-y season, pg. 21 Larches aglow, pg. 27 inside Sept/Oct 2013 » Volume 107 » Number 5 13 2013-14 Course Guide Enriching the community by helping people Scope out your outdooor course load explore, conserve, learn about, and enjoy the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. 19 Trails are ripe with food in the fall Foraging recipes for berries and shrooms 19 21 Fall can be a bear-y time of year Autumn is often when hiker and bear share the trail 24 Our ‘Secret Rainier’ Part III A conifer heaven: Crystal Peak 27 Fall is the right time for larches Destinations for these hardy, showy trees 37 A jewel in the Olympics 21 The High Divide is a challenge and delight 8 CONSERVATION CURRENTS Makng a case for the Wild Olympics 10 OUTDOOR ED Teens raising the bar in oudoor adventure 28 GLOBAL ADVENTURES European resorts: winter panaceas 29 WEATHERWISE 37 Indicators point to an uneventful fall and winter 31 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS October Board of Directors Elections 32 BRANCHING OUT See what’s going on from branch to branch 46 LAST WORD Innovation the Mountaineer uses . DISCOVER THE MOUNTAINEERS If you are thinking of joining—or have joined and aren’t sure where to start—why not set a date to meet The Mountaineers? Check the Branching Out section of the magazine (page 32) for times and locations of informational meetings at each of our seven branches. the Mountaineer would like to thank the Moun- taineers Foundation for its financial assistance during the redesign of both this magazine and www.mountaineers.org. The Foundation operates On our cover: Tyler Mitchell, professional outdoor photographer, as a separate organization from The Mountaineers, which has received about one-third of the Founda- catches a hiker showered by the sun on Yellow Aster Butte in the tion’s gifts to various nonprofit organizations. North Cascades. 2 the mountaineer » sep/oct 2013 tyingin The Mountaineers is a non- profit organization, founded in 1906 and dedicated to the Financial fruits of our hard work are being seen responsible enjoyment and protection of natural areas. As you read this, I will be approaching the end of my BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS four-month tenure as interim executive director and Martinique President Gavin Woody, 2012-14 Grigg will be returning from maternity leave to retake the helm President-Elect Dan Lauren, 2012-14 VP Properties Tab Wilkins 2012-14 with her much-missed effervescence, optimism and vision. VP Publishing Lisa Berntsen, 2012-14 I’m pleased to be writing the “Tying In“ piece for this issue Treasurer Steve McClure, 2012-14 Secretary John Ohlson, 2012-14 because as director of finance and operations, I can share with you DIRECTORS AT-LARGE a first-hand view of how far The Mountaineers has come financially Lorna Corrigan, 2011-14 Rich Draves, 2011-14 and how bright our financial picture is due to bold, vision-based Lee Fromson, 2010-13 actions taken by the board of directors and executive leaders Chloe Harford, 2012-15 Leah Schulz, 2012-15 during a three-year turnaround plan culminating this fiscal year. Kara Stone, 2012-13 Built on the foundation of hard work from 2010 to 2012, we are outperforming many of Matt Sullivan, 2010-13 Tom Varga, 2012-15 our three-year estimates. Following are just some of the advances in the past 12 months Gene Yore, 2011-14 that have accelerated our financial turnaround as we look toward 2017 and beyond. BRANCH DIRECTORS Ken Small, Bellingham • Fundraising: We saw significant growth in fundraising and community awareness due Evy Dudey, Everett to the popularity of Peak Society and the success of EVEREST 50, our first fundraising Gerry Haugen, Foothills Jimmy James, Kitsap event. We also continued to receive significant support for new programs from REI Henry Romer, Olympia Bill Deters, Seattle Foundation, Eddie Bauer, Mountaineers Foundation and the National Forest Foundation. Jim Feltus, Tacoma • Community Engagement: We expanded our community by exceeding 10,000 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR members, developing a presence on social media platforms, and growing our Martinique Grigg EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER conservation Currents e-newsletter subscriber base 75 percent to over 14,000 subscri- Helen Cherullo bers. Our prominence in the outdoor recreation community increased with partnerships DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS on the Vantage Toilet Fund project and with 5,000 volunteer hours of stewardship work at Mary Hsue trails, lookouts and climbing crags. MANAGING EDITOR • Technology Development: We are deep into implementing our technology project. Brad Stracener PROOFREADERS • Youth Programs: We significantly increased the impact of our youth programs, Brian Futch, Craig Miller, Suzan Reiley achieving five-year goals in just three years. Our Mountain Workshops, Teen Program PHOTOGRAPHERS Tami Asars, Chris Badger, Teresa Dicentra- and Summer Day Camps—guided by new staff members—have initiated new community Black, Rob Casey, Mickey Eisenberg, Jason partnerships with youth organizations and have allowed us to expand youth programs to Hummel, Barry Kellems, Manisha Powar, David Todd, Mike Warren the Tacoma and Kitsap branches. The Mountaineer (ISSN 0027-2620) is The results are nothing short of exceptional. We expect to continue the published bimonthly by The Mountaineers, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA trend and finish the fiscal year stronger than planned with a surplus in operating income, 98115. 206-521-6000; 206-523-6763 fax. outperforming both our budget and the three-year plan. Members receive a subscription as part of their annual dues. Approximately $12 of In the coming year, we are focused on implementing programs and projects to further each member’s annual membership dues goes to print and mail this publication. strengthen our organization, with a focus on developing volunteer infrastructure, launch- Non-member subscriptions to Mountaineer ing a new technology platform and website, expanding youth programs and implementing magazine are $32. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and additional mailing a membership and marketing strategy to grow our community. It’s an exciting time to be offices. a Mountaineer, with a bright and solid future ahead of us all. Postmaster: Send address changes to Mountaineer magazine, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily Leann Arend represent the views of The Mountaineers. Director of Finance and Operations www.mountaineers.org 3 editor’snote WHEN SELECTING A TENT FOR YOUR NEXT TRIP… It‘s true: goodbye is the hardest word to say On a Saturday evening in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood, Our staff—on their own free time—and 33 volunteers from our CHOOSE WISELY. I am standing outside in the rain at the entry to a parking lot. I membership ranks, on their free time, pulled off an extravaganza see across the block my fellow staffers, Jeff and Vito, guiding unprecedented for The Mountaineers. And with aplomb. A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP can mean the difference be tween a great trip and a miserable one, so choosing the guests into their assigned parking lots for our Mountaineers event, We turned a corner in our history with Everest 50. right tent is crucial. For years, Hilleberg has been making the highest quality “right tents” available. Conceived but not just any event. It is Everest 50. It is about Jim Whittaker It was more grand, more entertaining, more inclusive and more and developed in northern Sweden, Hilleberg tents offer the ideal balance of low weight, strength, and comfort. and Tom Hornbein and all that is glorious about American productive for our educational programs than any banquet, film Hilleberg categorizes tents into Black, Red, Yellow and Blue Labels, with each Label representing a performance mountaineering, especially the inspiration it provides anyone who production or wing-ding ever hosted by The Mountaineers— range based on materials, construction or both. feels the tug of outdoor adventure in their veins. especially any I have attended or covered as The Mountaineers’ I am seeing faces of all kinds, and I am seeing many of them in managing editor for nearly 20 years. Black Label tents, such as the Nammatj in the photo, are Hilleberg’s strongest, most adaptable, most comfortable attire that I otherwise would never see a Mountaineer in—ties, suits, The spirit and dedication of our staff and volunteers have all season tents. They are the ideal choice for any trip, anywhere, in any weather condition and in any season. For dresses, oxfords, heels, dressy overcoats and not a shadow of just never waivered over my precious time here, whether we were more information, visit www.hilleberg.com, and order The Tent Handbook. coming off the trail or mountain, barring one or two. moving to our new program center a few years ago, presenting I finally capitulate to my umbrella and as soon as I do, one of the OutdoorsFEST, an annual banquet, a Banff film production or a incoming guests says with a wry smile, “What’s that for?” gear swap. However, on the evening of April 20 in Fremont when At this point many of the faces I see passing are mysteries. I am achievements of yet a greater sort were being duly celebrated, too busy making sure guests have a stall in which to park next to I noticed something. The volunteer and staff commitment had the event venue, Fremont Studios. strengthened.
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