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>• ED I T I o ik / OF THE Through the 4th Annual Award of

i University Scholarships folr - y-y}^^y4.:^yy}m-§^^^ •y-ym^mMM High School Graduates •/••-y^ymlMm April 1, 1943 For Tuition MAY 3, 1943~JUNE, 1944, at O. i U. on the basis of • ^ j Competitive General Examinations Our lN[ew Churchi Camping Crounds Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bourne, the pa­ The purpose of the scholarships is to give opportunity to stu­ rents of Mrs. Stella M. Crockett, have : ' - .-y-.:J^'^y:iL-\-y^\ii -^--^f dents with real ability. given our church a site for a camp ^-•:-,mymmm§:< grounds estimated to embrace about The examinations will be conducted by Dr. John W. Raley or seven acres of. land. This is near the Mr. John Hall Jones during April, 1943, in district competitions Bourne Dairy on Grand Boulevard, northwest of Lincoln Park. We are • ^y-'-.'r. at central locations. Applicants meet in the Young People's De­ planning a recognition of this gift at : -y '•-•'^^m^mm'm yyyy^ the evening preaching service Sunday, I -' y. >r-: partments of Baptist churches at 2 P. M. during the Baptist W. . M.U. District Meetings as listed below: H evening, April 4. i'yyy_ One week later we plan a dedication service for the camp grounds on the .•' -y- '-'^•'k''^y-'dj:&pty- Place Baptisi Church grounds themselves. [We thank Mrs. •y:'yw^mr^ y& Crockett for her kindness in securing .?yy'- Sulphur, First April 6 yyy wmm Many cam-pus' ^Aprk this splendid gift for' the use of our y-yM-Mmm X-awton, Central April 7 people. Let us make this a great re­ Frederick, First April 8 assignments are [also ligious camp ground and plan an an­ '-'y^ nual camp meeting thereon. Sayre, First April 9 We are indeed grateful to Mr. and

I'y .:'• •>-'. Guymon, First Mrs. Bourne for their interest and their --yf'.- available for interest- April 12 splendid gift to our church for this Woodward, First April 13 m outing and recreation c^enter. We must Enid, Calvary April 14 ed youth in the Cafe­ not turn the social life of our young '- i-yy: people ov^r to the irreligious world. Oklahoma City, Kelham April IS This is one phase of ojir church's pro­ Seminole, First April 16 teria, Press, Shops, gram in a Christian interpretation of Mrs. E. W, Bourne the social life under Christian direc­ E. W. Bourne Tulsa, Immanuel April 19 tion. I Miami, First Offices, Radio Stu­ y y April 20 Next Sunday! Muskogee, First On the Front 2000 in Sunday School April 21 dios, Library, afid on HEAR THE PASTOR: \y)ti McAlester, First The following message- was received Will you join the Sunday school com­ April 22 from Townsend McClure last week: \yyi'-y Durant, First mittee, the Bpard of Deacons, and the 10:55 - L 'The Voice of Pity" April 23 "Yesterday I went to Olivet Church Sunday school officers and teachers in the 'Campus. \ j^ 8:00 __- "The Voice of Authority" Shawnee, OBU April 23 ^ which is a regularly organized church. reaching 2000J regulariy for our Sunday . It meets in a re-modeled residence in school ? i Last Sunday there were two great Secure application card from ^f^y^r.^ -c , i ' the oriental section of town and the It can be done! Each class going jcongregations, the choir was at its best, congregation was an eye-opener: Ev­ after its members each week will • get lhe messages were given in power— W.M.U. Presidents or Pastors \ ery dark-hued race—Japanese, Chiriese, the job done,} Come next Sunday praying? / Filipino, Negro, in the same pews, in REMEMBER, WE WANT 2000! • front and back. .Mrs. Koon said it vvas 1 I^r Further Information, Write Dr. J. W Raley, President truly a melting pot. They were most cordial when I told them before .the Change of Time New Sund4y School ^?^5 I I service that I came from the Old First. Beginning ' Sunday, April 4, our Members They are certainly carrying on a igreat Training: Unions and the evening wor­ i:^^-f -' piece of work. ,. .had 248 in Sunday •X / ship will begin 30 minutes later. The Twenty-five new Sunday school mem­ school. That was the time you expect­ new time will be: Training Union, 6:45, fcTC* Q-Ammm h?tm iJ bers joined our ramks last Sunday. We ed 5000 and ha^ Dr. Billy. Howjl en- / Shawnee Evening Worship service, 8:00. vij? you the opportunity of seeiiig ev- are averaging! albove 20 per Svmday. If S crprone and hearing him. Finall^r, Mr. an example of the Spirit to see these we keep thdsQ already enrolled and Koon preached 6n "Home Missions" and under-privileged people make an offer­ add these tb our present enrollment, e\en took an offering to send to the ing for the foreign element in the Unit­ 1 • • - • ; Mission Board |)n the Mainland.- What ed States." we can soon have 3000 enrolled.

yyi&yM:^^^M..t^-^.y . t, ..:,. -__ Page C BAPTIST MESSENGER -y.'ay-^' Pasre B BAPTIST MESSENGER f am April 1, 1943 Alford Bible Class Foursquare Class it:y Local Church Missions We were richly blessed. Sunday by Opportunities for the Week Alathean News ;The Alford Class opened the hour by J. B. Rounds having Mr. E. N. Sanders bring our Sunday, AprU 4, 194S CirclQ April 9 -on your calendar for by having a song service. devotionai on the Gospel of John, usipg 9:30 A.M. Sunday School this i$ the date for our annual Alathean Next Sunday night we will have ,a The devotional on prayer, as given by the "Themq of Love."i We are always 10:55 A. M. I •••:;;-•" Moming Worship banqyek.. See or call Dorothy Berry Recognition Service in honor of Mr. Mrs. DeAJV^itt' made us know we can clad to havb Dub witK us. Then in- the 6:45 P.M. Training Union for ypiir tickets, soon! Let's all enter find helpj in our daily lives. 8:00 P. M. and Mrs. E. W. Bourne, whose generous id helpi in bur daily lives, \ b^"^ -- —•• . - -^; i?.yy -.<<•>%' li^ Evening Worship, followed by Fellowship Hour into tiie serving of this and really^ mal^e gif^ of a camping site will be received Mrs. Alford read an interesting let^T^sence of our teacher, Mr. Howard it one? to be remembered. Plan to. bring publicly through the courtesy of their ter she has received from Mrs, Hebe(t\ gwt taught the lesson from John 20. Tuesday, April 6, 1943 your ilhusband. I?? 10:30 A. M. W-. M. U. Ad\Tsory Board daughter,! Mrs. Stella M, Crocketjt. The who is residing now in Washington, D. h~wHole t arise witalwayh us s delighteand bringd swhe uns sucMrh. 12:00 Noon W. M. U. Enlistment Committee Meeting Sun'day morning Mrs. Gray made us warmer weather is now apprcjaching C. I inspirationaHnit is witl hlessons us an. Hd ebring broughs ut st osuc ouhr 1 • •.'. .•:• 12:00 Noon Eunice Class Meeting, Mrs. John Jameson, 2336 NW 13 feel keenly the necessity of Christ in anc these grounds will become jjopular We stood in silent prayer a few min­ minds the "Joy of being home mission­ 8:00 P, M, Adult I Training Union officers' meeting in the home of Mrs. Will ourt hves. If Christianity is real in our for over-night camping by groups who utes while our teAcher prayed for Mr. aries, on' being privileged to love our •''..*.•.-••• S. McCraw, 2771 NW 17 . lives we must have Christ. We find '. > -• }~-y enj^y such recreation. Wahl's family. We will remember Mrs. Christ, and sharing Him and our r Chrisit where we look for Him. rhe revival is now in progress at the Wahl and her fanjily in our prayers in church with others." Wednesday, April 7, 1943 Keit Sunday the following will go 6:00 P.M. Sunday School Conference Dinner Marantha Mission. Come when jyou can her bereavement. { ' '--. We were happy to have Mr. and Mrs, 6:45- P. M. to the Mission: Roberta Hadley, Emma We welcomed Mrs. Story after a long Dwight Baird as new members together Sunday School Conferences ! Groncs, Mildred 'Amos, and Loraine and encourage Brother Moore jand the 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting ! forces there in this endeavor jfor the absence. We werq sorry to hear about with 14 visitors and 46 members. Ev­ 8:30 P. M. Diehr^. Choir Rehearsal Loijd's glory and the salvation of the Mrs. Kitchen's boj* having an operation. eryone enjoyed !the party fpr the class -}'-'y, W^e^were happy to have a number of Mrs. Kibler prayed for the sick ones. y':l: lost!. The building was opened last Sun­ Friday night. We are looking forwaurd t - i • Thursday, April 8, 194S visii:ors with us Sunday. day! with open house and prospects are The lessoh on Missions was amply to seeing our teacher next Sunday and 7:30 P.M. Fidelis Class Reception, Progressive Class Room AJice Hibbai'd and Billie Miles are given and mucH - enjoyed. j many more new members, j in the hospital. May we remember theni splendid for a new development in that Friday, AprU 9, 1943 mis'sion endeavor. ' ^- M Sorry to hear of the death of IVIi's. Let's take Mr. Holt's adyice and do as ue pray. Webb's father in Mississippi. 7:00 P.M. Alathean Class Banquet, Church Dining Room Fifteen met Wednesday evening in The Arcadia Mission will begui; a re­ more singing, praying, andj missionary vival April 18. Pray for that work. It We .welcomed Mrs. Marrs as a visitor work in our class. \ Saturday, AprU 10, 1943 our rclass room for prayer. We are is beginning to take on a bigger vision to the diss. • '^'yyimm^^^m^ B. S. U, Retreat, Bill Marshall, speaker, First Bapiist Church having somd mar\-elous experiences and yi •-^iP^slHlill ans\\;ers to prayer. Make a special ei- and new people are coming now tq the A Star of Gold forl to be with us. Also remember oui services. il Flriendship Class Men' Bible Class Choir to Have Vestments 10 o[clock Hour for prayer each morn- Two most important events were cel­ It could not be. William Preston yy y\-^yyy:^^y^-^yh^^yiyyy (Bill) HoUingsworth must be alive some ing. ^ i ebrated in Friendship Class Sunday We rounded out the month of March The choir is to have vestments by Adult Dept. No. I where—a prisoner, perhaps^ but alive. ^:y'---y ^m-y^y:^M$ 'Vy^ with a good attendance for our teacher. Easter Sunday, April 25. There arc a M\ich fine; work is being done by our morning. president, Ozelle Shipman, and her Ksi- A group of Adult I members have And so, though word came several Judge Gray. Brother R. K. Holcomb number of friends who have provided First: In honor of Mary \yhittington, * - -••' •• '• yy\y-'y?.ihy^. ,i^- -; i ••:>-.- ficers. Keepiup the good work and lot's been enjoying a fine seasori of fellow­ months ago that he was ''missing in led our singing-^and did a fine job.. the funds individually. our outgoing president, and the untir­ action," and later a telegram stating have a large number at Sunday school ship each Wednesday evening during ing efforts she has put forth during the Warren Sherman presented Miss Hazel One young man, not in the choir, recent weeks. The group dines togeth­ that he had been ''killed in action," . • -y..-. .v-^*-y-:y^^:^\yiA^ i^-y^^ Wingate of O.C.U., outstanding cornet- next Sunday. Mrs. Gray I is bringing past six months, the class sprang a sur­ brought $125 and said, 'Tf this will lis such beautiful lessons each Sunday. er during the dinner hour in the we, together with iiis mother, waited, • --''•-y:^M^':$^mM ••>'.?•.•;) ist, who presented a wonderful number, prise on her and had what we were help to get robes for our choir. I shall We are indeed very fortunate in having churcii dining room and' theri goes into a hngering hope in pur hearts. But the - acconipanied by Miss Noba Ogle. S. M. give it gladly. I have never belonged pleased to call "Mary Day," which was silence deepened, l)roken only by the * "' * - '^ r']-v^ -*-'T^» -"•?'--"il . [?• >"• :: j-H--.i': such a splendid teacher. the department room for a business •-' -y y-JXy-^'-^-.iy^i--^^-- McMurray presented Mrs. J. T. Spivey. to a church where the choir was not session. Upon conclusion of this, all a big success and, we believe, a real arrival of the official award of the wlio, with her two sons. Bob and Gay robed." Other givers joined in and thi». present attend Prayer Meeting, sitting surprise to Mary. Following a short, Purple Heart, a decoration created by to-the-point lesson by our teacher. Terry, gave a splendid program of vocal robes have been ordered. Progressive Class togcthei: in the auditorium. All mem­ General George Washington in 1782 and Blanche Terrell took charge and read bestowed upon order of the President and instrumental 'music with accor­ Last year the church voted to buy **Has Olir faith increased as we s ud- bers and visitors are invited and urged to Ijoin this group each "Nyednesday, be­ a beautifully-worded original poem in riecognition of military merit and the dions and reading- by Mrs. Spivey. The vestments but for some reason it was ied this bospel?" was the challeng­ written by Mrs. G. C Barbee and dedi­ not done. This year it was not included ing query; of Mrs. Frank Merrill, our ginning with the dinner at .6:00 p.m.; supreme sacrifice in defense of our moming prayer was led by Rev.' Clyde in the budget. cated to *'Our Mary," and then present­ country. beloved • tqacher, as she brought tho ed a lovely gardenia corsage to ^ler E. Buchanan, of Amarillo. Texas. We Vestments are far mdre democratic. last of the scries pf studies from John. Twenty-four years of age, a son of W.M.U. Biard Meeting from the class, along with a mounted Mrs. Virginia Holiingsworth, graduate were happy tb see Mrs. M. M. Ayers Some in the choir are able, to dress Graphically she described the appear­ copy of the poem. and her two soldier sons, Mabry, Jr. better than others. Embarrassments ances of Jesus after the resurrectioji. The advisory board meeting for the of Central High School, active Chris­ Second: A beautiful candlelight in­ tian and worker in our church, BiU and Vernon D., in the class as visitors. are removed. Robes prevent too wide placing special emphasis on the loving Women's Missionary Union will meet^ stallation service for the incoming of­ ministrations of the women in His last was scoutmaster of Troop 66 at the a variety in colors and clashes in colors Tuesday at 10:30 p'clock in the Pro-i ficers was conducted by Mary Whitting­ •-: y: Last week an error occurred in con­ days. "Olir LORD always deals in­ time of his enlistment in the Army Air that sometimes appear. gressive Class rooni with Mrs. L. W^ ton. It was a very worthwhile and im­ nection with Brother E. H. Rishel's Robes will enable the choir to render telligently with honest doubters," she Corps, November 10, 1941. One year birthday mention. He celebrated his said, in discussing -the cautious and ICiblcr, president, in charge. All circle pressive ceremony, and Mary is certain­ and two days later. Bill, now a first better service and already the prospect ly to be complimented and praised for 90th birthday on March 19, instead of of getting them has aroused, great in­ doubting Tliomas. leaders are urged to be present for this Lieutenant and pilot of a bomber, lifted Prayers were led by Mrs. C. E. Kings­ meeting, which is of special importance, the gracious manner in which she pre­ his wheels from a runway in England his SOth, as stated. Such a full life terest. Sixty-five wore present at the sided over the installation. The service ton. Mrs. J. D. Cook, and Mrs. Wayde Following the board meeting, Mrs. and set his course toward jthe East. He is indeed an honor, especially when last rehearsal. was closed with a dedicatory prayer by H. Gray, a pleasant visitor from Birm­ Vernon Snell, general enlistment chair­ did not return. ] . characteri2ed -Jby the long and useful Mr. E. V. Mashbum, our worthy super­ ingham. Again Father Time |innounced man, will hold a meeting with all mem­ Such the brutal cost of war. Such the Chi'istian service of a man like Brother Fidelis Class another birthday for Mrs. Rose Cliism. intendent. air too brief and tragic I story of a bers of this committee. Pie and coff^je There were 31 present, including six. '.--.i- Rishel. And just preceding this oc­ Mrs. J. D. Curre'^thers, Mf-s. L. M. splendid American boy, typical of the With the rationing of coffee, sugar, will be served to this -group. Please visitors. Each girl went away from casion by two days was the birthday , meat, and t-his-and-that, one is Davis, and Mr. V.: G. Early, husband thousands who have already died and of our Mrs. Early, They brought of­ be at the church at 12 o'plock. that service feeling that she has been the unnumbered thousand) more whose of another great-soldier of the Cross. kept busy counting points. But do on "Holy Ground" almost and that it know, there is no rationing in presenta­ ferings for the class. blood must turn red the waters of many Brother J. T. Hawkins, who celebrated New members welcomed were: Miss w^as good to have been there. oceans andithe soil of many alien m-y tion of the Sunday school lessons by Vota Vita Class Next Sunday begins a new era. girls. •^lils 89th birthday on March 17, We feel Mrs. Tryon. They are full of inspira­ Lucile Maddox, Mrs. Feathers, and lands. ; m^ -Hy: i y Let's be out in large numbers to help :eptionally honored at having these tion for the coming weeks. Do be with Mrs. LaurcP Hudson. Last Sunday we had a fine class and Bill, your course was toward the East 'o outstanding Christian men on our us next Sunday. \ Our alert and capable chorister, Mrs. our new officers get off to a good start. a good lesson taught by Mrs. J. M. See you in Friendship Class next Sun­ The plane you so skUlfully piloted may class, roll. They are an inspiration to Myrtle McCoy is having a good timt J. H. Bolmger, provided another ti^at for us in - the special number by Mr. Sales, i : r • day, i have crashed to earth, but on new wings us. in Ponca City this week-end and Ethel you flew on in a glorious dawn, the Savoy has returned from vacationing R.. K. Holcomb. He sang "Saved. Now that spring is here, we hope Judge Gray brought a splendid lesson in Arizona. Saved" and was accompanied by Mr.s. t fhere wiU be no more bad^v^eather. All Adult II Training Unions dawn that never grows .dark. We shall on the subject of **Two Appearances W. E. Price. Another gi'oup of cap­ miss you here, but we shall see you We were happy to have Mrs. Henry tains WIS introduced by their major, :NOU members who haven't ibeen to Sun­ Officers of the five Training Unions of. Christ to His Disciples after His C. Gallup as a visitor Sunday. again. As a true scout, you were "pre­ yyyi Mrs D. C. Woods. Mrs. Tom Earii. day school lately had better hurry back of Adult n department are invited to '•'' -.--..' .^ Resurrection" as" i-elated in the 20th pared." ; You did your "good turn" for ~; • (* Fidelis is plannmg a reception for who has charge of the nevv membcr.s and see what you have been missing. to meet in the .home of Mrs. Will S. !.' -./ ^ N ' . - •• !:• chapter of John. Doubting Thomas be­ new members on Thursday, April S. also introduced the twenty who were We were glad to welqome a new McCraw, 2771 N. \v] 17, Friday eve­ your country, your fellow man and your \^-y^M Keep this date open and make your came a staunch believer arid "was able received.I by us this past quarter niember to our class, BilUe Louise O'­ ning, April 2, at 8 o'clock. GOD, Farewell, and" may the Great to say: *'My LORD and my GOD!" plans for a big evening's entertainmdnt Mrs. J. D. Curreathers donated Plans for the next quarter's work Scoutmaster of all good scouts, be with Hara, and our visitors, Mrs. J- H. Mor­ •••--•:^:'iy.. and we'll guarantee that you will he another !week's salary for the Victor will be discussed and all officers are Hear another great lesson next Sun­ glad you came. gan and Anita Anquoe. ^i of you be us till we meet again. Koons. \ urged to attend. sure to come back next Sunday, III day! See you Sunday! One litindred and sixty were present. t >?fa^ \ -.•i.-yy- ^tt^^J^^gtg'ST^^tT5«ri xjjj-aftysaKFKaiaaagiaii^aio^^^ifrJCe-t^gHM^ TrKS^SJr^f^JRUiiU^ity'^'*' S^y^'y. •VRfl