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START ALPHABETICAL INDEX of BIRTHS REGISTERED in Newton for Tile TI:AR •• 1917 CITY OF NEWTON,MA BIRTHS 1917-1919 START ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF BIRTHS REGISTERED IN nEWTON FOR TilE TI:AR •• 1917 .. ..J:. ..1L (oont) .Q.. (oont.) ~ (cont.) Abbott (Stillborn) Bo1ay,Emma Louise 84S Cohen, Esther DiCarlo, Paollna /Sn Abbott, Oolbe Paige BonA.Ooi, Orazio lj.36 Oolella, Luigi Diokerman, Virginia Louise 869 Abbott, Gordon Edward ~onaooi, Mary Teresina 790 Ooleman, Dorothy Louise Diokie, Rhoda 102 Aokerman, Rohert Bird '~ontempo, Oarmela 689 Oolgan, Katherine Rose DIG1andomenioo, Llaria 133 Ad.BlDs, Linooln Bontempo, Nioolena 699 0011e11a, Alexander DU1, Janst ISll Adoook, Charles Gilbert Borroto, Frano~s EliS$ 900 Co11el1a, Costantino D1Lof!1, Aida Ahern, Florenoe Theresa BOBworth, Carl Osoar SOdergren 55 Oollier, Charlotte Marie Dineen -- 41a Ahern, William John (Jr) Boudrot, Bernard Oharlos 252 Oollina, Olive Mildred Dineen, (Stillborn) 501!. Albano, Doris Boutilier, Wendell ~~os 171 COllinn, Thomas Patriok D'Innooenzo, Giorgio 850 Alden, John Sawyer Boutilier, William Barnard 266 Collins, Veronioa Olaire D'Innocenzo, Nunzio 301 Aldrioh, (Stillborn) Bowlby, RUBsell Oritohett 931 OOl11ahal'L Lulu Grace r1Hucoio, Alioe 921 Alexander, Phyllis Barbara Bowser, LaVerne lj.27 Colozzi, ~eresina Dio, Frank John Jr lj.85 Allen, Bruoe Buokner Boyoe, John Raymond 326 OOlIV011, Marion Dodge, Virginia /SgO Allen, John Leiper yj!rady, Beatrioe Theresa 695 ,2onley, Thomas DOherty, James Russell llj./S Allen, lLargaret Brash, Elsia Josephine 11S9 Connelly, Mildred Anna Dohoney, Alic e 1S72 Allen, Raymond Wade Brayman, Charles Edward Jr 95lj. Conners, Franoes Donahue, Char10tto Lee 556 Allen, Robert Earl Sherlvin Bremner, Elizabeth Ritohie 320 Oonners, William Donovan, Helen Graoe 255 Amondola, Maria BPGIl1R, Je aeph,4tV X e3 Oonnolly, Oatherine Mildrod Dorr (Stillborn) 91Q. Anderberg, John Gottfried Brookln an, Banj amin lj.1!lj. Conrad, Dorothy Mario Doraey, Edl'l\1'd Thomas ~6 Anders, Paul Wentworth BrQwn, Oonstanoe Gertrude 1S3lj. Oonrad, Muriel Marie Dorsey, Robert Bra)'ton Ander~on, Albert William Jr Brown, Riohard Irvin~ lj.5 ODnrod, Franoes Louiee Douoette, Franois Gorman 61!.~ Anderson, Barbara. Harte Brolm, Rlilbert Gordon J: 1S63 Cookson, Helen Edna .Dowd, Leona 1S20 Andereon, Betty Alberta .Bryant, Virginia 1007 Ooombs, Barbara Love Duke, Lillian 520 Angino, Julia Buokley -- lj.9i Oooper, Carol Sa',or Dunham, F10renoe Marion m Annese, Maria Burko, Marie Amalia 25 Oooper, Olifford Jlarenoe Jr Dunn, Marguerite Adeline 950 Anthony, George Burke, Sarah Elizabeth 6~ Cooper, Jacob Uyer Dupuis, Alioe A 2Q.3 Antonellis, Eleanor R. Burke, William Jlmes 71S1! Oooper, Lilli~n Annie Durkee, Marjcrie Belle m Aroeso, Ellel' Burns, Beatrioe 571 Oooper, Martha Helena , Durkeo, Robart Arduini, EleL .lor Burns, Edward James 637 Oorooran, Thomas Joseph DuVal Dorothy May 2~6 Argento, Humbert Augustus Burns,Frederiok William Jr 96lj. Oormier, Helen Pwyer, Riohard John 991 Armstrong, Edith ~arion Burns, Mary Madelino 957 Oormior, Joseph ~'fA-' p~/-J <R. /tJ~~ Arnold, Edna Mary Burns, Miriam Gleason 661 Cosgrave, Mary Rose Arnold, Riohard Fenelon Burns, Robsrt 99lj. Oostel.lo, Joseph Ashforth, Dorothy Susan Burrill, Franoes 2lj.6 Cotter, Oornolius Joseph Atkinson -- 'I· Blirrouo;h, Arnold Hurd lS1 Oott1ns, RogBr Atk1nson, DoniS Winifred Bushnell. Sarah H'lmll ton 3110 Ootton -- E , Auooin, Mary Ceo11ia Butler, Alioe Louise 7lj.3 Ora1g, Marjorie Susan Earle, Ralph Waldie Azn~voorian, Aznavoor Butler, Janioe 71lj. Oronin, John Joseph Eaton, Eloise f.}V(!D/'1 , l1"t~ol/lf Il!J{LE Butterfield, John Arthur llj.7 Ore ok, Mary Louise Ebel, Gertrude Butterworth, Arthur Wilfred 9lj.l Crosby, Dorothy Edmonds, Noel Frank Bonnett, AndreI' Oharles 1\>21 Orosby, J'ustina Ootter Eggleston, Anne Martina B Oro osley, Donald ROSH Elk,\nson, Graue Isablllle Bacoari, Antenotte. :~l£t!~~:,J.-, /O:~: Orolv1ey, Agnes Elliott, Alberta Irene Bacoari, Pasqualo ~~§)'~, a; r"'" ;, /0 '1-/ Oryan, Janet Marion Elwell, Riohard Dennison Bachraoh, Loui s Fabian Jr Cummings, Uathe:cine Ely,' -- Bacon, Mary Hodges ~~§,CaddY, Arl1neGraoe . lj.3/S Cummings, Jean EnegesB. Norman Leonard Badger, Esther Nathalia 2950ady, Lillian Mary j. 951 Cummings, Margaret Eng, Dorothy Bagley, Riohard 158 .Oady, Sarah 927 Cupoll, Vinoenza Enos, Joeeph Bail, John Henry ,69 'Oall, Roger Edwin 3lIS Currie, Alan Barrington Ensign, (Stillborn) BaHey, Eleanor 2lj.5 1·,Callahan, Vinoent Joseph 20 Currie, Donald James Ernst -- Baker,W11l1am Brooke,Jr. 1006 O{illllpbell, Deborah IYiloon 836 Curtis, Marion Ann Ernst, Catherine Barbara Balboni, Edna Emilia 319 ,',Ojlmpbe 11, Harry David 1153 Oushmln, Darb.ara Esty, Frederiok Spare Jr BallOU, George Gordon 660 il:dampbell, Rita Winifred 1019 Custeau, Florenoe Evans, Elizabeth Banoro~t, Jane S6 1;',Oannon, Paul V1noent glj.5 Cutler (Sti1lbotn) Evsejohik,Wladek Walter Banker, Bax-bare. 9lj.7 liOapello, G10vanna Elizabeth 719 Oenter,Oharles Sayward Ewing, 01inton Stilwell Barbati, Evelyn, E.L. 3lj. 7 "Oapire 11i, Nioolena glli &.e" (rM-\.t.ov C, Barberio, J.;.)ui s 265 iCapone, Rina110 Adolfo 656 Barbo, J anni e ~12 :. 'Oaponi, Amerioo lj.05 Barhano, Raffaele Domenioo SOl! li"Oarey, Helen 210 .JL F BarkM, P.~ul John 55lj. .' Oarmody, John 273 DaddeSiO, Luoia Fahey, M~ry ~garet ~', Barkas, Ph1l1p John 555 ·,Oarpenter, Irving Franois Jr 536g~ Dale, R10hard Edllard ( 961lj.~ :,Oaraon, OhOster Grover 6 Da1oe, Lois Holden Fallon, Marguorito ! . Barker, Marion Franoes Fanning, Martin J'1IIes " Barner, Oharles Thomas .. 'Oarter, Barbar~ (8tillborn) 15136 ,J?al1oandrO, Vi ttoria Barniole, Paul Daniel 1 20 i0o,rter, Nanoy Vir~inia Daniels, Barbara Elizabeth Farrell, ~leanor Puroell Barrett, FrRnois 215 10arter, sylvia lj.39 D'Apioe, Rita Fay, Loretta Franoes Barry, Helen 918 Oeruno, Frank Antnony 25lj. Darraoh, Vera Lois Feeley, Gnrtrude Irene 236 i Oaruso, John 560 Davonport, Martha Feeley, James William Bartlett, Marie Elisabeth Feeley, Mary Edna BartrBID, Ann ~lizaboth 91!7 I Oaoe, Paul 90lj. Davies, Walter Konneth Batey, Ruth Isabella 970 OatuB, Robert 26lj. Davi s, Harriet WenSer Feeley, Rose Edna Beale, George Walker 19S Oavallo, Maria 91i Davis, Leslie Winsor Feeney, J1ioe Psuline Be11ofatto, l!iohelena 75lj. I.. OedroM,M~ria 626 Davia,Lester Tripp Jr Feeney, ~ary Catherine • Belsanto, Antonette. !l60 Oesarono, Giovannina 732 Day, John Sidney Fennelly, Ohassley Roseline Bennett, !larry R10hard li2 Ootrone, Gerard1ria e/S Day, Kathar1ne Gardner Fennelly, Edward Bennett, Miles Lansingh 363 Chamberlain, Danial TOIVer 97 6 Deagle, Laura Louise Ferreira, Rita Benoit, Oharles Franois 530 Ohampagne, Joaep" Franois 330 DeAngeliS, Charles FerriS, Jane 9lj.3 : L~o Deoatur, Joan Forzaooa, Helene. Benson, Ethel Georgetta Fish, Adaline Sewall Beraldi -- 355 : Ohapin, Bet ty E, I 7 Deoker, Raymond Henry Bergen, Joseph Leo 195 .1: Chapman'lDorothY .Va1l1 ~nt J01Ji. DeCoste, Edward Henry Fisher, Albert Louis Bergeson, Lloyd 211 ,' .. ': Chapnr!\n, John Da ,id 76 Delahanty, !I!\ry Fisher, Helen Virginia Bernier, Gertrude Josephine 120 : ,.' Ohartier Kennet 321!. Delaney, 01are Fiske,Oharles Parker Jr 13 1\ Ohase, J hn Kenn :th 675 Delanoy, Mary Rita Fitzsera1d, Dorothy Bertrand, M~ry Laura Fitzgerald, Mary Elizabeth Bettenoourt, Mary Bllen Ha:. I Qhhoohib., Loret 'a 611 DeLosa, 71 .. 'Chioruo, Annie 567 DeLuoca, Amato FitzsimmonR, Elizabeth BibbO, AntoniO Fleming, Thomas Francis Bibbo, Em11i~o 93 Chute; Neville EVerott 231 DeLuoo, Louise BibbO, Giuseppe 810 Oiarlo -- I! 6~lj. DeMaio, AntoniO Flynn, Gsorge Frana1s B1okford, Horace Mann 3rd 9lj.·' 01nootta, Angel1!na 6 7 DeMaiO, Luisia Foote, Robert Thaddeus lj.19· 01noot ta, Frank*, I!. DeMiohe1e A1ioe Pellegrino Foran, Franois James Billings, Albert william l Foran, Mary Agnes Binnall -- ],25 Ui vetta, Pasqua 222 Demp sey, ~Iary Blackmer, Gordon Wellman 625 . 01 vetto, Giovan a Maria 71 DeniO, Julia Winohester Forgeron, Reta M~ud Blake, Barbara 70~' Olark, Margaret i ' 582 D'Eroo1e, Elviero For 8yth, Mildred Phoebe Blakeley, Robert Verrill 233 Olark, Margery Jlloqueline 11972 DeRusha, Paul Joseph Forte, (stillborn) i Blakley, Emerson Jr 629 .. Olark, Robert Bllpsett 2~ DeStephano, Gerardo Forte, Peter Bland, Louise Burgess 995' Olayton, Helen ' 90 Devine, James Ohr1atopher Foster,Norman Dougla.s Blodsett, Abbott Warren Jr 6Q.. Olayton, Mary , 30 DeWolfe -- Fowler, Barbara RUBsell BloOd, Niokeraon 72'6 I Ooan, DorriS , 94S DeWolfe -- FOVller, Mary Rita 7~2 :' Oobb, Mary TOIVll~ey 572 Dezotell, Mnry Eli zabeth Fox, Frederiok Alexander Bloom, Philip Franoione, Louise Boate, Charmion Isabelle 251 ' Oobb, Theodore ~arl 199 D'Henin (stillborn) 377 . Ooen, loIartin PAtriok 226 D'Henin, Maroeau Fraser, Oharlotte TIatAon Boooabello, S~ntino Cogswell, Laura' Katherine 397 (,L.- , J ... ta: ~"Nlt" \-., .. • Shows omi "Ai on to be found +-_________-;- ___~---------r------------ ----,------------ ~ F (oont.) ....l!-(cont. ) M (oont.) Frazer, Done.ld Arthur 6911- Higgin Lane, Oatherine Franoes MaGrath, Fredsriok Thomas Freohette, Joeeph Alphonse 3~8 Higp;ins,dic)hn Lane, Robert Alexander MOGrath, Marjorie Omsr Higley, . Langell, Doris May MaoGregor, Harriet Margaret Freohette, Marie Elizaberh e275 Hill, Langill, Edwin Franois MoGuire, teo Mansfield Fri tuohy, John Edward ren 227 Hill Lanno, Marie Alioe MoHale, Jo seph Frost, -- 312 Hirt Laporte, Loretta MOHugh, Philip John Furlong, Dorothy Allene 759 LaRook -- Molntosh, Allan stewart LaRosa, Luigia Maokay, Helen AUoia Lauriat, Charles Emile 3rd MoKenna, Timothy G .Jaw, Margarot Geraldine lIoKl nney, Louise G~lbraith,Riohard William Jr Leatherbee, William Holt MoKinnon, Dorothy Viola
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