ILHS Newsletter 4
APRIL 2010 VOLUME II, ISSUE 2 PoorPoor house,house, poorpoor farmfarm Idaho’sIdaho’s poorhousepoorhouse LawsLaws the U.S. as the county poorhouse system was well established in first session of the Idaho Territorial Uç à{x Ätàx DLà{ vxÇàâÜç y of caring for the poor to its county a means of caring for society’s indigents. The very nt, cost effective ways to provide relief to Legislature in 1863 assigned the legal responsibilit of the bad habits that were thought to have commissioners. Poorhouses were planned to be efficie special authority for poor farms, the first the poor, as well as an opportunity to reform them led them to poverty. Four Idaho counties were givensed an act requiring Ada County to purchase a of which was Shoshone County. e of the poor in Ada County: In 1883, the Idaho Territorial Legislature pas he Poor-farm poor farm of 80 to 160 acres to provide for the car se. The said farm when so purchased shall be known as t of Ada County and the house thereon as the Poor-hou The 160-acre Ada County Poor Farm was established in a rural area in what is now northwest Boise, north of State Street. Poor farm occupants originally worked there to repay Calendar their debt to society. ILHS History Display As time passed poorhouses became May 24, 2010 primarily nursing homes Open House: Chambers of Idaho County’s poor farm. for impoverished elderly Judge Randy N. Smith, S people. OVER THE HILL TO THE POOR-HOU E Over the hill to the poor-house I'm trudgin' my weary way--- Pocatello, Idaho For example, the I, a woman of seventy, and only a trifle gray--- Twin Falls County poor July 15, 2010 I, who am smart an' chipper, for all the years I've told, farm, that operated from As many another woman that's only half as old.
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