![[Relief of Citizens of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington.]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 12-14-1893 [Relief of Citizens of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington.] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.ou.edu/indianserialset Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation S. Rep. No. 110, 53d Cong., 2nd Sess. (1894) This Senate Report is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 53D CONGRESS,} SENATE. REPORT ,'Jd Session. { No.110. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. DECEMBER 14, 1893.-0rdered to be printed. Mr. MANDERSON (on behalf of Mr. DAVIS), from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted the following REPORT: [To accompany S. 743.] The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 743) for the relief of the citizens of the States of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington, who served with the United States troops in the war against the Nez Perces and Bannock and Shoshone Indians, and for the relief of the heirs of those killed in such service, having duly con­ sidered the same, respectfully report: This biJI is identical in terms with the amended bill before the com­ mittee at the last Congress, and which, as amended, received the favor­ able report of the committee. Thatreport, hereto annexed, is readopted and the passage of the bill is recommended. · 2 RELlElf O.lf CITIZEN& OF OREGON1 IDAHO, AND WASHINGTON. Senate Report No. 559, First session, Fifty-second Congress. The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 876) for the relief of the citizens of the States of Oregon, Idaho, and Washingtoh, who served with the United States troops in the wa1 &gainst the Nez Perces, Bannock, and Shoshone Indians, and for the relief of the heirs of those killed in such service, and for other pur­ poses, having duly considered the same, respectfully report. A bill similar in its provisions was introduced in the Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, and Fiftieth Congresses, but no action by Congress seems to have been taken thereon. The object of this bill is to provide compensation for those persons who performed military service in conjunction with the United States troops during the Nez Perces, Bannock, and Shoshone Indian wars in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho in 1877-'78, who furnished supplies to said troops, who lost horses therein, who were wounded, and for the heirs of those who were killed in battle. The act of Congress approved March 3, 1881 (U. S. Stat., Vol. 21, p. 641 ), provided for the relief only of those citizens of Montana who served in conjunction with the United States troops in the wars of 1877-'78 with the Nez Perces, no prqvision being made therein for citi­ zens of Oregon, Washington and Idaho who served in the same wars. From sundry correspondence, attached to and submitted with this report, it will be seen that the volunteers provided for in the bill now under consideration served with the regular troops of the U. S. Army under the command of Gen. 0. 0. Howard, U.S. Army, in said wars, and the omission to provide for them in the Montana act must have been a_n oyersight. The amended bill herewith reported,. seek~ to ~o equal Justice to those volunteers not included or provided for rn said ac~ and_ thus ~lace them all on .!ain equal footing. The bill a rntroduced, however, gives to the beneficiaries a much grea~r mea ure of relief than was afforded to the Montana volunteers by the a-0t above referred to. Your committee recommend that the bill be amended by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting the following: That each volnntee:r who joined the forces of the United States from the State of Or gon or from the Territories of Washington and Ida.ho during the wars with the ez Pere , annock, and ho hone Indians in such Territories and the Territory of ~ontana, hall be p~id one dollar per day during the term of such service, from the ~e ~t he l ft his home until he wa returned thereto, includin~ all time spent m h_o p1tal under tre tment by such a.a received wounds or other urjuries in such aerv1ce. RELIEF OF CITIZENS OF OREGON, IDAHO, AND WASHINGTON. 3 SEC. 2. That all persons who were wounded or disabled in such service, and the heirs of all who were killed in such service, shall be entitled to all the benefits of the pension laws, in the same mann~r and to the same extent as if they had been duly mustered into the regular or volunteer forces of the United States. SEC. 3. That all horses and arms lost in such service shall be paid for at their act­ ual value: Provided, That no payment sha,ll be made for such losses or for such service!! as a volunteer except upon the statement of the commanding officer of the United States troops, or such other officer of the Regular Army as might be in con­ trol of the volunteers at the time of such loss or service, or upon record proof thereof now in the Departments and such other proofs as may be required, to establish the fact that such losses were made in the service of the United States. This amendment is substantially the same with the act of 1881 for the relief of the Montana volunteers, except that in this act the Ban­ nock and Shoshone wars are named in addition to the war with the Nez Perces. The committee recommend the passage of the bill as amended. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, March 26, 1890. Sm: I return herewith Senate bill 87, "For the relief of the citi~ens of the State of Oregon and the Territories of Idaho and Washington who served with the United States troops in the war against the Nez Perces and Bannock and Shoshone Indians, and for the relief of the heirs of those killed in such service, and for other purposes," which w~s referred to this Depa,rtment by your indorsement of the 7th instant, and !nvite your attention to the inclosed reports of the Adjutant-General, dated the 22d mstant, and of the officer in charge of the Record and Pension Di vision of this office, submitting the lists of such citizen volunteers from Oregon, Idaho, and.Washington wh? performed military services during the Nez Perce, Bannock, and Shoshone Indian wars of 1877 and 1878. In view of the many calls upon this Department for the information herewith fur­ nished, I recommend that these papers be printed. Very respectfully, REDFIELD PROCTOR, Secretary of War. Hon. WM. M. STEWART, Subcommittee of Committee on Military A.ffairs, U. S. Senate. ' ' LtBt, of names of Idaho and Washington Territorie, Volunteer, in Ne# Perce Indian war of 1877, M. BRA.YMAN, Governm· and Commander-in-Chief Ida.ho Volunteers: I herewith submit my report for Company A, Idaho Volunteers. BOISE CITY, IDAHO, July 7, 1877, No. Rank. Name. Days in No. of service. horses. E~penses on trip. 1 Captain............... 0. Robbins .............. 18 2 From Indian Valleyto:Boise, $25. 2 First lieutenant ....••. John Hailey·····-········ 18 8 Second lieutenant ..••. John S. Gray .. _•••. __ ... _. 18 1 Horseshoeing, $5. 1 First sergeant ....•••. Chas. Himrod. -··•·. ···-.. 2 Second sergeant •••••• James Stout·--··········· 18 Third sergeant ..••... Elias Downs.·-········--· 18 1 Flour, ferriage, and horse­ shoeing, $6, ' Fourth sergeant .••••. D.L. Green···-··········· 18 1 5 Second corporal . .•••.. E. R. Leonard ..••.. .•.. ~_ . 18 1 '6 Third corporal ..•••••. Joseph Joyce.·-·········. 18 1 7 Fourth corporal •.••.. John Paynton ·-····-····· 18 1 8 Private ............... E. B. Gaylord ..••••• _••.. 18 9 •.•... do ............... Isaac B. Cleek······-··--- 18 1 10 .••... do •.••••.•••..•.. Owin Thompson·--······· 18 11 ·--, •. do .••••.••••.••.. John Campbell·--··--···· 18 12 ···-·-do ..••.•••••••... Charles Nels on •.••..••... 18 13 ..•••. do····-·········· Harry Russell ••••••• __ .,. 18 ··-· .. i. u •••••. do ............... E. A. Hollister ......... -,. 18 ......i. u •••••• do ................ A.Jewell ................. 18 4 RELIEF OF CITIZENS OF OREGON, IDAHO, AND WASHINGTON. Lists of names of Idaho and Washington Territories Volunteers, eto.-Continued. Days in ·No. of Expenses on trip. No. Rank. Name. service. horses. 16 Private .............. H.Mures................. 18 17 ..•.•. do .•••••••••••••. T. S. Beebe............... 18 18 .••••• do ..••••••••.•... August Smith. ........... 18 1 19 .••••• do .••••.•••••••.. E. B. Comley . • • . • • • • . 18 20 •••••• do ..••••••••..... W. H. Oglesby . • . • • . 18 1 21 .••••• do ..•••..•••..•.. .A.. Rosse . ................ 18 22 ..•••. do .•••••••••••••. B. Frere.................. 18 .. .... i. 23 •••••• do .••••••••••••.. Chas. Green.............. 18 24 •••••• do ..••••••••..•.. Geo. White .....•••.•••• ". 18 1 25 •••••• do ..••••••••..••. Peter Carne:y............. 18 26 •••••• do .•••••••••••••• M. T. Dowlmg........... 18 .. ....i. 27 •••••• do .............. T. E. Logan . ............. 18 28 •••••. do ••••••••••••••• .A.. P . '.l'urner . • • • . • • • . • • • . 18 .. .... i. 29 .... .. do •••••••••••••• • J.M. Munden............ 18 30 •••••• do .•••••••••..••. George lfayley............ 18 31 .•.•.. do ...••• ~ •••..••. Thomas B. Smith......... 18 1 32 •••••• do .•••••• •••••••. E. W. Beemer . • . • • . • . 18 1 33 •••••• do .•••••••••••••. G. W. Gess............... 18 2 34 •••••• do .•••••••••••••• C. J. Small............... 18 1 35 •••••• do .•••••••••••••• Jo. Rill................... 18 1 36 •••••• do .•••••••••••••. 1 37 •••••• do . •••••••••••••. ~~r:::ii alif!~~~~ ~:::::: ig 38 •••••• do . •.•••••••••••. Nelson Walling........... 18 1 39 •••••. do .•••••••••••••. L . S. Owens.............. 18 1 40 •••••• do ..••••••••••••. J. H. Porttock. ....••...•. 15 1 '1 ...... do .•••••••••••••. Wm. Hammersley . • • .. • • . 15 1 Joseph Perault .•••.••••.......••. 1 1 ~~~rs~i:it: ::::::::::::: :::::::: 1 J. D . .A.gnew ..•••••....•.......... 1 ORLAND ROBBINS. Captain Company A, Idaho Volunteers. 0Fll'ICE ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, Boise City, Idaho, July 18, 1877. A trne copy, G.
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