credit to our State. All *orts of ex­ ft 001) ItfVEIl TIMES pedients have been resorted to to raise | * NOTICE. RAII-Et. . money and to get work done. There is no denying that unusual business Milwaukee, F tb r u a x y 1£>, 1389. FHIDS?...... M ARCH 8. >(ts» tact o f a certain kind has been dis­ played, but it has not been of a cred­ To All to Wliom This Shall Coma: This is to certify that Mr. William J . Knight itable sort. Too many men have THE CABINET. has been appointed tho general superintendsnt SECURITY been ruined by trying to fulfill con­ and manager of all the property of the Champlain President Harrison has sent in to tracts and too many times men have Mining and Prospecting Company. B oarding S chool the Senate the names of the members lmd to shave their vouchers down to And all persons having in possession any of the a low figure to get something for hard property of said company are hereby directed to of his Cabinet. They were promptly forthwith surrender the possession thereof to him. labor performed for this cotnpanv. confirmed, as follows: And allot the employes of this company are They hail little else to work with but hereby directed to look to Mr. Knight only for Girls Young Ladies Secretary of State. — Janies G. not overvaluable laud grants and over­ instructions, and to follow his direction In all o f Blaine, of Maine. sharp wits, and these they have made the business of this company, so long as they are SALT LAKE CITY. In its employ. Mutual Benefit Society Secretary of the Treasury.—Wil­ the most ol and with such apparent success as the world seldom sees. The No one but Mr. Knight is authorized to contract liam Windom, of Minnesota. any debts for this company. Healthy location overlooking tho city. Times intimates that the Chicago Mr. Knight is hereby directed to proceed forth­ Superior teachers of experience from the East. Secretary of the Interior.—John & Northwestern Company will prob­ with and take possession of all the property of W . Noble, of . ably take possession at an early day, this company, including the lands, mines, mill, Thorough work in the Euglish and »olid Secretary of Agriculture.—j. j,j a consummation most devoutly to be buildings, machinery, and personal property, b ra n c h e s. wherever situated. French and German by native instructor*. wished. There is no enterprise more Iu testimony whereof the Champlain Mining and Rusk, of Wisconsin. Music under the charge of Prof. Redcliff*. Secretary of War. -Redfield Proc- important to than the Oregon Prospecting Company has caused this Pacific railway running through the instrum ent to be signed by its Freni- W ell-ventilated rooms. Good table. tor, of Vermont. middle of our State, and with the [SEAL.] dent and attested by its Secretary, and NEW YORK Advantages equal to Eastern schools. Secretary of the Navy.—B. T. Chicago & Northwestern in charge its corporate seal to be affixed, the day and year above written, Tracy, of New York. wo may expect that the work will be H. C. TODELL, President. F o r te r m s apply to Postmaster General.—John Wan- rapidly pushed to completion. A tte st: ( Incorporated December, 1881) namaker, of Pennsylvania. J. C. IVERSEN, Secretary. f20w ldA w * BISHOP LEONARD, St. Patrick’s Ball iu Broad ford. OR Attorney General. — W. II. II. Mrs. French, of Broadford, will Rev. G. 0. B. Miller, Miller, of Indiana. OltDER IN INSOLVENCY. -OFFERS- give a St. Patrick’s Ball and supper jlw m G SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Some disappointment will perhaps at her hotel in Broadford, the night In the D istrict Court of the Second Judicial Dis­ he felt at the fact that the Pacific trict or the Territory of Iduho in and tor the of the 15th inst. The people of Wood county of Alturas. Coast failed to obtain a place in it; River are cordially invited to attend. In the mutter of the petition of George but aside from this the Cabinet should B. Mill to be discharged from his debts and liabilities. give general satisfaction, as it is com­ Upon reading the. petition of the LIFE INSURANCE AT COST. posed of eminently practical men above-named George B. Hill, on tile iu who, with a single exception, are ^ u u - w e i o z /F the above-named court, and it appearing therefrom that said petitioner is insolv­ IIAILEY, IDAHO. well known. PURE ent and is willing to surrender all his estate and effects for the benefit, of his creditors, and that his indebtedness ex­ SILVEU TO BE LOOKED AFTER. ceeds in amount tlie sum of Three —Sole Agents for the sale of— There is some disappointment ex Hundred Hollars, and that he desires to FEATURES: be discharged from his debts and liabili­ pressed in the mining regions because ties. And- said petition being accom­ 0* p R i c r $ panied by a schedule of bis indebtedness President Harrison did not, in his Its perpetuity and security are guaranteed by a contract for 48 years: and inventory of his estate, both real inaugural address, urge the remone and personal, as required by law, it is with IheAgenoy Security and Guaranty Company, which is also iiicorpor fixation of silver; but there does not hereby ordered, adjudged and declared ated under the stringent unlimited liability laws of the State of New York, A Maryland Rye, distilled in the most careful CREAM that said petitioner, George B. 11111, is manner of the be^t selected rye grown only in seem to be any reasonable grounds Insolvent ; and it is further ordered that and is composed of some of the most substantial citizens of the metropolis Maryland and on the eastern shore of Virginia. for this. The President twice the Sheriff of Alturas county, Idaho Under that contract no debt or liability whatever can be incurred by the ferred to mining, and really gave to Territory, do take possession of all the estate, real and personal, of the petition­ SECURITY MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY, as the agency company is that industry the place of honor in er except such as may be by law exempt to bear all expenses. his closing paragraph. From this it from execution, and all of his deeds, vouchers, hooks of account and papers, Its assessments are limited to the actual needs of the Mortuary Fund— is evident that he is fully alive to its and to keep the same safely until the hence there is no large accumulation of funds to be wasted or stolen. appointment of an assignee. And it is Dorn's: Pure: Clam: Juice, importance and that he will, therefore, A natural remedy for all disorder* of th* stom­ further ordered that the payment of any Members are subject to no restrictions as to traveling. ach Its components are closely allied to Tho strive to assist io its development in debts to said petitioner and the delivery gastric juices and have more essentials for build- every way, along with our other pro­ of any property belonging to said pe­ ONLY MALE RISKS are accepted. ing up a worn-out system than any known sub* titioner, to him, he forbidden, and the sta n c e . ductive industries. In doing so he Only men of steady income are eligible to membership. Miners, and Take no brand but DOXfiEE’8 if you want to same is hereby forbidden. be sure of netting the genuine Clam Juice. will naturally be compelled to re­ And it is further ordered that Mon­ others handling a large quantity of explosives (except in stores), railway If consumptives or those suff ring from pul­ day, the 18th day o f M arch, 18S!), lie monary troubles will ta‘e a glass of Clam Jute* habilitate, or take steps that will lead Its superior excellence proven in millions of brakemeu and others in risky occupations Hre not eligible. first, hot or cold, and follow it by a little Buck­ homes lor more thsn s ijusrter of a century. It is appointed as tho time, and the court­ ingham, they will find the most agreeable and to the rehabilitation of, silver, which used by the United States Government, fhidorserl house at Boige City, in Ada county, as All losses are usually paid as follows: One-half upon presentation of healing results. If unable to eat. add the yellow by the In ads of the Great Universities as the tiie place for the meeting of the credit­ of an egg, sugar, lemon and a little milk to the is one of the most valuable products Strongest. Pnrret, mid most Healthful. Hr. ors of said petitioner to prove their proofs of death; and the remainder within 30 days. whisky, sufficient to fill an ordinary-sized goblet. Price's ('ream linking Powder does not contain Shake well together; the result will be strength. of the country. Ammonia. Mine, or Alum. Sold only in caus. debts and choose one or more assignees It is the CHEAPEST AND BEST Life Insurance Association IN appetite, and health. From what is known of the per­ I'ltlCK BAKING POWDER 00. of the estate of said petitioner. Anil T H E W ORLD. nkw yonk. due publication of this order as required Smith & Johnson, sonnel of the administration, it may by law in the W o o d R i v e r T i m k s , a be confidently expected to be exceed- newspaper published in the said county Alturas Hotel, of Alturas, is hereby ordered, and ail ingly favorable to silver. REPORT OF THE CONDITION proceedings against said petitioner a"e HAILEY, : IDAHO. 1 I —O F T H E — hereby stayed. ! THEN AND NOW. H aled F eb ru ary 6, 1880. QlIDOTHTIHli II. W. WEIR, A story is going the rounds to the Judge of the District Court of the ACTUAL COST OF A $5000 POLICY. Second Judicial District, of Idaho ■effect that when, some 10 or 12 >e«r» Territory. f9 I ho following table shows the cost for assessments to a man 40 years of ago, Hon. R. Z. Johnson and Hon. At Hailoy, in the Territory of Idaho, age in the Associations named, for carrying $5000 insurance during the Ht th e close o f b u s in e s s , F eb. 26, 1669: past three years: John Hailey were in the Council to- RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ...... Number of gather the latter wished that body to 00,019 P3 Notice.—Timber Culture. Asuebsinente. A m o u n t. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. . . . 1.388 63 continue in session an hour or two U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation ...... 35,000 60 \\ ashington Beneficial Endowment Association 30 5292 50 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages... 13,002 53 V . 8. L a n d O f f i c e , H a il e y , I d a h o , 1 New England Mutual Aid Society after midnight, the last day. But One from approved reserve agents.... 71,181 <8 February 25, 18-9. } 47 211 50 At Cloverly Ranch, two miles above Due from oilier national bunks ...... 1,814 10 Complaint having been entered at this office bv New England Relief Association Mr. Johnson, being in the minority, Duo from Stato banka and bankers ___ 41 184 50 22,562 10 John C. Cunningham against William McCornick Massachusetts Benefit Association Hailey, a few choice Real estate, furniture, and fixtures ___ 10,073 50 for failure to comply with law as to timber- 24 184 80 claimed that no action taken after Current expenses and taxes paid ...... 3,863 16 culture ent/y No. 146. dated August 13th, 1884, Mutual Reserve Fuud Life Association 24 P re m iu m s p a id ...... 1>73 44 upon the S of the bW <»f section 3, township 172 80 midnight would he legal. P ointing Checks and other cash item s ...... '" ’ 5,379 H7 American Legion of Honor B ills ot o th e r b a n k s ...... 3 south, range 39 east, iu Alturas county. Idaho, 57 182 40 KEvV MILCH COWS 160 00 with a view to the cancellation of said eutrv- to the olook Mr. Johnson is reported Fractional paper currency, nieklea and Knights of Honor - 6(5 165 00 c e n ts ...... *...... contestant alleging that the said William McCor- Royal Arcanum Also, will furnish the best of milk as saying: “ Wheu the hands of that S p e c ie ...... * > ni. k has failed to break or cause to be broken 30 124 20 five acres of ground or any otiier amount on said time-piece point to the hour of 12, I Logoi-tender mites ...... tract of land up to the present time, and has Security Mutual Benefit Society 16 118 4 0 and cream at regular rates. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer tailed to plant any trees on said land, the said Mr. President and gentlemen of the (5 per cent, of circulationJ ...... panics are hereby summoned to appear at this Apply to Office on the 28th day of March. 1889, at 30 0 YI0 k Council, no power on earth can pro T o tttl...... $279,002 54 a. iu., to re-pond und furnish testimony concern­ LIABILITIES. ing said alleged failure. I. T. OSBORN. long our session. It will be adjourn­ Capital stock paid In ...... $ 10 0 .0 0 0 00 C. O. STOCIvSLAGER, Receiver. u n d iv id e d p ro tits ...... 8 ,0 1 3 06 ed by limitation of law!” National Bank notes outstanding ...... 2 2 .5 0 0 00 ASSESSMENTS Individual deposits subject to cheek. 122,682 38 Mr. Johnson was then trying to Demand certificate of deposit...... 20,408 vl Notice for Publication. Tho only l:nown specific for EpnepMc Ft*, -r-,. prevent the passage of an obnoxious Due to other Lationul banks ...... 4,558 89 Also for Ppasms and Falling Slcknow. Nerrona T o ta l L and O f m c e at H a iif . y, I d aho,! Weakness It Instantly relieve, and cure.. Cleanaea measure, it is true; but the lapse of ...... ira.oi-.a 51 blood and quickens sluggish circulation. Nentra- Territory of Mainlalio. County f Alturas, as.: J a o . 3, 1889. } N o tio is her. by given that the following-named llzcs germ, of disease and saves sickness. Corea years cannot have caused him to al- ' bank M c“ ln of the above-named 1,ns tiled nuts', of hts iutention to make It iu n ly B\vt ht that the abo-e statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. finnl proof In support of liis claim, ami that said ter his opinion in this particular. p ro o t Will tip niadp before the Reglater and Ite- •L M. BURKETT, Cashier, bnbticribed an 1 sworn to before me thin 7ih (lay ctiTcr at Hailey, Idaho, on March 99. irkh, viz : flTSKEPTlQ SAID) of M arch , 1889. . \V. ii W ATT, Anna H Becker, for the NK I, XE \ Section 2 1 , Are made according to age at date of admission and amount of Township 2 north, Kanfte 18 east. She names the ——The disorderly conduct of Notary Public, Alturas Co. ugly blotches and stubborn blood sorea. Correct—Attest: following Witnesses to prove her contlnuoua rest- benefit, as follows: Eliminates ■the Pennsylvania troops, at Washing A. WILL MAN. ) deuce upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Bolls, Carbuncles and Scalds. CTT'nrmanently and John Crosslin Samuel Johnson, D. L. Gray ami P. A. REGAN, J Directors promptly cures paralysis. Yea, It Is a charming and ton last Tuesday, indicates that, ere H. Dunham, all of Haflrv, Idaho. Ago. O n $tooo J . M. K INN E A R .) O n fsooo O n $3000 O n $.'>000 On $10,000 healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula end Kings Evil, 11. 6. BILLINGS, Register, twin brothers, i hanges had breath to good. rexnOT- many more years pass, volunteer or­ IS to 21 51.00 52.00. 53.00 55.00 510.00 ganizations will liHve to he denied a 25 1.07 2.14 3.21 5.35 10.70 30 place in the inaugural parade. Notice of Forfeiture. 1.18 2.30 3.54 5.90 11.80 LIFE INSURANCE 35 1.31 2.62 3.93 6.55 Disorders often increase rapidly un­ 13.10 * To F rank M c G u ir e , or Ida heirs or assigns 40 1.48 2.93 4.44 7.40 14.80 less checked at the outset; and this, lou are hereby notified that I have expended 45 1.70 3.40 5.10 8.50 the sum of four hundred ($400) dollars in labor 17.00 hi? the Tier'sN billons latendeuclee v and it f 50 2.00 b-»ides tho natural deviltry lurking ana improvements upon th« 4.00 6.00 10.00 20.00 clear complexion. Lou&litd by none In the delirium in the system of every able-bodied TIGER 55 0.50 0.75 16.35 32.50 o. fever. A charming resolvent and a — *~hlrra ACTUAL COST. Lode Mining Claim, situated on thm East Fork of 0 0 4.50 9.00 13.50 22.50 lass tve. It drive. Kick Headache Ilk, thTwtnd! man, will cause excesses that will ------— ~ i Wood River, in Mine-al Hill Mining District. 45.00 a rc o u u u ^ no drastic cathartic or opiate*. Relieve# No applicant over 60 years of age accepted. have to he stripped. Persons desirous of obtaining lif e insurance at T lfrlto ry *a *“ o rd e r to h o ld ac‘u.1 «... should write tor to “*“ * | Ktf. C ST aJSS S (Tjg BilEITl ------An ass in the Canadian Parlia­ Security IUutal Benefit Society, fP°£ J portion of the same Is two hundred ($200) t*ol- ment gravely proposes to absorb the 2 3 3 B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k . Im i . being one-half. or fifty ($50) dollars per an­ num for the years ending December 31, I)e, ® llX illiS |i New England States. He partly TltU Society claims that for six yeara the coat 1 p » « ' “ ‘>er 31 1886 »m l D e c e m b e r ; th the e brainhreta Cfof morbid fancicafaneio. Promptlyo . ______cures Bheu. i member of middle. ape ....Las V t.ecu ..» '■"« « « coal I JI. 1887, reflectively. And if within ninety (9n) Considering the elements of safety and permanency which our bases his advances in that direction | ‘*»J» *">»> *te service of this notice, or within 90 Society e ' “ Cy-r>J'n;'’‘3 ft- Restores llfo-glvlng proper, Less than $12 per Year |
