Religion and National Security: the Threat from Terrorist Cults
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Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 13, Number 1-2, Spring-Summer 2004 What Ashcroft Would Prefer You Not To Know Religion and National Security: The Threat from Terrorist Cults The Synarchist threat from the presently continuing Martinist tradition of the French Revolution period’s Mesmer, Cagliostro,Joseph de Maistre, et al., is, once again, a leading issue of the current time. This was, originally, the banker- backed terrorist cult used to direct that great internal, systemic threat of 1789-1815 to France, and to the world of that time. This same banker-cult symbiosis was behind Mussolini’s dictatorship, behind Francisco Franco’s dictatorship, and behind Adolf Hitler’s role during 1923-45. This was the threat posed by prominent pro-Synarchists inside the British Establishment, who, during the World War II setting of Dunkirk, had attempted to bring Britain and France into that planned alliance with Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and Japan—which would, if achieved, have aimed to destroy the U.S.A. itself by aid of that consort of global naval power. Synarchist history (counter-clockwise from top left): Spanish Inquisition, auto-da-fé, Spanish Inquisition, torture chamber. Grand Inquisitor Tómas de Torquemada, Count Joseph de Maistre. Fall of the Bastille, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. Napoleon Bonaparte, Viscount Castlereagh, Congress of Vienna, Friedrich Nietzsche, Adolf Hitler and Hjalmar Schacht. H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Prints and Potographs Division, Library of Congress. Montagu Norman, Martin Heidegger. Francisco Franco, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, National Archives. Henry Kissinger, EIRNS/Stuart Lewis. Blas Piñar. Felix Rohatyn, EIRNS/Stuart Lewis. 1980 Bologna train station bombing. Leo Strauss. Paul Wolfowitz, DOD Photo/Helen C. Stikkel. Richard Perle, AEI website. Dick Cheney, EIRNS/Stuart Lewis. John Ashcroft, EIRNS/Stuart Lewis. © 2004 Schiller Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Security: Terrorist Cults by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Aug. 19, 2003 uring the 1511-1648 interval, religious warfare ry, the detonator of deadly internal threats to the secu- in Europe had been orchestrated by the Venet- rity of European civilization has often been the Dian faction of opponents of that Italy-centered provocative roles assigned to relatively small religious European Renaissance which brought forth the mod- cults, such as millenarian, freemasonic, or other nomi- ern nation-state republic. This Venetian faction was nally Christian or Jewish denominations. These latter, represented then chiefly by the Habsburg dynasty of dangerous sects have often included elements of the Vienna and Spain. Since the rise of the Anglo-Dutch sexual freakishness which were typical of the quasi- and French “Enlightenment” of the Eighteenth centu- Judeo-Christian varieties of their Manichean, Cathar, and Grail predecessors. ____________ Since the Paris events of July 14, 1789, orchestrated by This Presidential policy study on the subject of “Synarchism British agents Philippe Egalité and Jacques Necker, and as a terrorist cult” was issued by the LaRouche in 2004 cam- until today, the greatest overt internal threat to the con- paign committee. tinued existence of modern European civilization, has 5 come from the recurring public eruptions of a hybrid, power. That was the enemy which we joined with Win- quasi-Phrygian-Dionysian freemasonic religious associa- ston Churchill to defeat, in World War II. tion, known as the Martinists, which originally emerged The continuation of that Synarchist effort from dur- during the closing decades of the Eighteenth century. ing the World War II period, is not only the continuing These Martinists have operated together with the net- connection behind the fascist insurgencies of 1921-45, but work of family merchant-banks, which used them as is that thieving, international financier syndicate behind instruments of political power. Britain’s Lord Shelburne, today’s role of Vice President Cheney and his Enron, then the leading political representative of Barings Bank, Halliburton, and similar accomplices, which orchestrated was a key figure behind the unleashing of the Terror of the Enron-led swindle of California. That is the syndi- 1789-1794, for example. This is the inner aspect of that cate which has pushed the freak-show candidacy of an recurring threat to civilization known to history books “Elmer Gantry”-like confidence man, the United States’ and newspaper headlines by such names as Jacobinism, imported Austrian Arnold Schwarzenegger, as a pro- Bonapartism, Synarchy, and as the fascist regimes which posed head of state. proliferated in post-Versailles Europe of the 1920’s Since long before the Eighteenth-century threat from through 1945. The extreme right-wing Synarchist net- the Martinist cult, the most notable forms of earlier intel- works left over from the fascist regimes of the pre-1945 lectual combat against the influence of similar pro-terror- period, figured in crucial roles in the European terrorist ist cults, had come from theologians such as Philo wave of the 1970’s, and are still active in Europe and the (Judaeus) of Alexandria, Augustine, Cardinal Nicolaus of Americas today. Cusa, Cardinal Mazarin’s role in the crafting of the 1648 Although the terrorism motivated by today’s Synar- Treaty of Westphalia, and Moses Mendelssohn. Like chists is presently the leading subversive form of security Cusa and Moses Mendelssohn, the best insight into this threat to U.S. interests, I am, so far, virtually the only problem’s continuing role within modern European civi- candidate for the 2004 Presidential nomination who has lization, has been expressed by certain devoutly religious exhibited both the will and knowledge to address the figures who have argued, like Pope John Paul II today, explicitly religious character of this specific quality of for an ecumenical peace of religions; as opposed to those present threat in a systematic way. There are admittedly forces, such as today’s Synarchists, which are seeking to potential political risks, from the deadly Synarchist return to a medieval, ultramontane syncretism which had cabals, for any leading candidate who points to these been derived, typically, from such ugly precedents as the facts. Fear of those personal, as well as political risks, Roman pantheon and Olympus cult. would tend to frighten most candidates away from However, after taking the importance of the theolo- bringing up this political threat from weird religious cir- gians into account, the most efficient form of weapon of cles such as those of Texas’ Tom DeLay or typical Eigh- defense of the institution of the modern nation-state from teenth-century-style Martinist ideologue Newt Gingrich; corruption by such terrorist cults as the modern Martin- but, under present conditions, anyone who lacks the ists, has been that mode of separation of church from courage to do that, would not be competent to become state which was instituted within the context of the U.S. the next U.S. President. Federal Constitution. At an appropriate point of this The Synarchist threat from the presently continuing report, I shall show why that is the case. Martinist tradition of the French Revolution period’s The Martinists were always a religious form of con- Mesmer, Cagliostro, Joseph de Maistre, et al., is, once spiracy, which, like their one-time champion, the Emper- again, a leading issue of the current time. This was, origi- or Napoleon Bonaparte, were determined to destroy nally, the banker-backed terrorist cult used to direct that actual Christianity, but were also determined in their great internal, systemic threat of 1789-1815 to France, efforts to take top-down control over the Catholic and and to the world of that time. This same banker-cult other churches, from outside and from within. Their symbiosis was behind Mussolini’s dictatorship, behind intent was, and is, to impose their rule, and their creepy Francisco Franco’s dictatorship, and behind Adolf religion, upon the churches and others, to create a pan- Hitler’s role during 1923-45. This was the threat posed by theonic, ultramontane, imperial form of religious authori- prominent pro-Synarchists inside the British Establish- ty above the nation-state. This intent, to become the ment, who, during the World War II setting of Dunkirk, emergent pagan religion conquering, subverting, and had attempted to bring Britain and France into that superseding all other religions, is key to the mystical reli- planned alliance with Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and gious trappings of the Martinists and their present Synar- Japan—which would, if achieved, have aimed to destroy chist successors. the U.S.A. itself by aid of that consort of global naval At this point, some readers will ask: “What has this to 6 do with catching the individual terrorists who are out to trolled at the level of secret operations of an agency of one hurt the U.S.A, right now?” The reader has yet to under- or more governments, or is a sociological phenomenon of stand what terrorism is, how it works, and how to prevent, deniable connections to government or similar agencies, in or at least control an actively ongoing terrorist operation. the latter case as part of the fostering of a seeming array of Take the case of the kidnapping-assassination