Defeating Synarchism, and the Sublime
Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 13, Number 1-2, Spring-Summer 2004 continuing Martinist tradition of the French Revolution period’s Mesmer, Cagliostro, Joseph de Maistre, et al., is, once again, a leading issue of the current time. This was, originally, the banker-backed terrorist cult used to direct that great internal, systemic threat of 1789-1815 to France, and to the world of that time. This same banker-cult symbiosis was behind Mussolini’s dictatorship, and behind Adolf Hitler’s role during 1923-45. This was the threat posed by prominent pro-Synarchists inside the British Defeating Synarchism, Establishment, who, during the World War II setting of Dunkirk, had attempted to bring Britain and France into that planned alliance with Hitler, And the Sublime Mussolini, Franco, and Japan—which would, if achieved, have aimed to destroy the U.S.A. itself by aid n his essay “Of the Sublime,” a translation of of that consort of global naval power. That was the which appears in this issue of Fidelio, Friedrich enemy which we joined with Winston Churchill to ISchiller writes: “Great is he who overcomes the defeat, in World War II.” fearful. Sublime is he who does not fear it, even when Since the late 1700’s, the aim of Synarchism has he himself is overcome. ... One can show oneself to be been to prevent the spread of the Europe-engendered great in good fortune, sublime only in misfortune.” American Revolution, and ultimately, to destroy the On April 20, Mark Sonnenblick, a member of the United States through the simultaneous deployment of Schiller Institute and long-time associate of Lyndon ostensibly left-wing terrorists (anarchy), such as the and Helga LaRouche, passed away after a year-long, Jacobin terrorists of the French Revolution, and right- heroic battle for life, following wing fascists, beginning with unsuccessful open-heart the Emperor Napoleon surgery.
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