Miss Verna E. Weber, BERGEN, Alta.


Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


Land Of Supposing (Page 2) * Edmund Hockridge (Page 3) * Variety Time (Page 4) * English Composers (Page 5) * Sir Basil Brooke (Page 6) * PEECII anu dr;lmatirs ha"e been BETH S LocIU:l\DII::'!> (."()n~llll1in~ intf.'TE"SlS since her girl. hood days in Regina. and she wa~n't far into her teens when she ht>gan applying her skill to radio work in Calgary and \Vinnipcg. SIlt' went to in 1946 and h currently heard as "~Iom" in Alan and .\le. and IIdl'n ~Ianning in Bract' \'oljage. * * * Beth Lockerbie. on our ('O\er this wt.'ck, has onf' of tIle wannl'St voit.'t's in Canadian mdio. a thor· ough Unin''TSity training in speech :md dramatics, and a \Va)' with chiJdH'n. So it is not surprising that her current acth·ities should inc,.'luul:' the widely contrasting roles of "Mmll" in thE' wt"t"kly family drama series Alan and Me, and thl' young heroine of the ~10nda)--to-Frid:lY Jaytimf' drama BrULe \ ·oyage. She also appcl.lrs frequently ill the Stage series, Bllckingham 1'1lealre und Forel Theatre, and Toronto theatre-gm'rs have seen her in the sta~{(' productions of various drama grullps. Beth Lockerbie She has been interested in all phases of dramatics sinec her childhood in I\egiua, enrolling Thert~ she clividt'd lll:'r time hctwL"{'n l!ipeech classes, nipeg chool of Radio" Dramatics-~hrough which in the drama :\nd speech COurse at Regina College, stage work with amateur groups, and organizing she produc(.'d student.;' radio features for three and continuing at Emerson College in Boston, n and directing one of the first radio schools in the ye-ars. well-known institute for dramatic training. West. For 6"e years she {.'Onducted a program called Equipped with a Bachelor of Literary Inter­ Her ned move was to 'Winnipeg, where she \Vomen'" Radio Digest, in which she interviewed pretation diploma, she rchlmed to the Canadian devised and directed talks and interviewS", and visiting celebrities. interpreted current e\'ents and West to become director of the speech and mamn worked as an announcer and producer. There she magazine articles for women, and rf'ported on cluh d4.'partlllf'nt nt },Iounl Royal College in Calgary. fonndf'd her st'COnd radio training centre-the 'Vin- activities. SIlf' mo\'ed to Toronto in ]946. Page 2 CBC TIMES Prai,.ie Region

The C BeT11\1 ES (WESTERN EDITION) Sunday, May 7th, 1950 J'uhlhhtd \1"el'kly by the Canadlln DroldcuUnlil CorJ)OrI!lon a~ H. l'ulrle Re;,hm lfeadquuterl. 500 Telephone BuildIng. Wlnnlp";,, Mlnltoba. r:(lltor: C. E. I.'A:'>II. ~IANIT08A SubJ~'flullon nate: $J.f)() ller ~ur Alithor17...'{1 u l'crollll ('llU~ "hI!. I'o~l omn Del·arlment. Otta....l. C8W, (990 Kc.) (COT) POftmllter: Plelle return If not dellt'ered ..Ithln the dan. 8:55 Musical Proqram 1:00 CBC News 8:00 Stage 50 9:00 CBC Naws I :03 Capital Report 9:00 CDC Notional News 9:03 Weather. Interlude 1:30 Religious Period 9:10 Weekend Review HELIGIOUS PERIOD this story, including the character (Jf 9:15 World Church News 2:00 Invitation to MUJ:!ic 9:20 Our Special Speaker Rev. C. J. Killinger, Trinity Carroty Kate, was taken from authen­ 9:30 Sunday School of the 3:30 Church of the Air 9.'0 B 11 t M. Air 4:00 Land ot Supposing . a: e. USIC Lutheran Church, , Ontario. tic gypsy histories discovered by Miss 10:00 CBC News 4:30 Critically Speaking 10:00 Winnipeg Sunday 1:30 p.m. 12:301""1. 11:30 a.m. Grannan in last summer. The 10:02 Neighbourly News 5:00 John Fisher 10:15 Prairie Gardener 5:15 eBC News 11:00 Organ Recital second tale, on May 14th, will be The 10:30 Recital 5:17 Clearing Up The 11:30 Siring Seal Woman, a story based on folk­ 11 :00 Home Street Weather Orchestra INVITATION TO United Church 5:27 Weather. 12:00 CBC News Recorded program. Classic.'\l Sym­ lore of the Orkney Isles, Other titles 11:59 Dominion Time Signal 5:30 My Uncle LoUIS arC' Desbarollda, the 'Valtzing ~'Iouse; 12:00 Alan Mills 6:00 Sunday Evening Hour 12:10 Weath~r phony (P r 0 k 0 fie f 0, Philadelphia 12:15 Just Mary 6:45 The Old Songs 12:15 Canadiana Orchestra with Eugene Onnandy con­ The Colden Silence; O'Clannigan's 12:30 Way 01 the Spirit 7:00 Slartime 12:30 Vesper Hour ducting; interview with ~1r. Ormandy; Chost; The 'Vicked \V h a I e who C8K, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MDT) Mr. Ormandy conuuding Variations \Vasn't "Vicked; The Princely Pig; antI 8:55 Weather I :00 Invitation to Music 8: 10 Weekend Review on a Theme by Haydn (Brahms); The Lazy Dragon. From Toronto. 9:00 CBC News 2: 30 Church of tho Air 8: 20 Our Special Speaker excerpts from Die Go(·tterdaemme­ 4:00 p.m. .'3:00 p.m. 2:00 p,m. 9:02 Noighbourly News 3:00 Land of Supposing 8:30 Ballet Music 9:15 Prairie Gardener 3:30 Critically Speaking 9:00 Winnipeg Sunday rung (Wagner), New York Philhar­ 9:30 Recital 4:00 John Fisher Concert monic with Leo pol d Stokowski 10:00 BBC News 4:15 CBC News 10:00 Organ Recitol BERGEN AND McCARTHY 10: 15 World Church News 4: 17 Clearing Up The cOlHluding, and Metrop()litan 10:30 Harmony Harbour Weather 10:30 Voncouver String Dinah Shore will he the guest of Orchestra stars; interview with Hel('n Tranbcl; 10:59 Dominion rime Signal 4:27 Weather Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. 11 : 00 Alan Mills 4:30 My Uncle Louis 11:00 CBC News excerpts from Tristan rl.nd Isolde 11:15 Just Mary 5:00 Sunday Evening Hour 11:10 Weother ("Vagner), Or­ Dom, 6:00 p.m. II :30 Way 01 the Spirit 5:45 The Old Songs II: 15 Canadiana 12:00 CBC News 6:00 Startime 11:30 Vesper Hour chestra conducted by Fritz Busch. J2:03 Capital Report 7:00 Stage 50 12:00 Prelude to Midnight with Metropolitan Opera stars. 12: 30 Religious Period 8:00 CBC National News 12:55 CBC News THE OLD SONGS 2:00p.m. l:OOp.m. 12:0011001'1. The Four Gentlemen will sing On (MST) CllX, AL8ERTA (1010 Kc) 'Vings of Song; Forgotten; 'Vho Is 7:10 Weekend Review 7:55 Musical Program 12:00 lnvitotion to Music CHURCH OF TilE AlH Sylvia? and The Trek Song. From 8:00 CBC News I :30 Church of the Air 7:20 Our Special Speaker Rev. L. Campbell, 3rd Avenue 8:02 Neighbourly News 2:00 Land of Supposing 7: 30 Ballet Music Toronto. 8:15 Prairie Gordener 2:30 Critically Speoking 8:00 Winnipeg Sunday United Church, Saskatoon. 8:30 Recital 3:00 John Fisher Concert p.m. 6:45p.m. 5:451).111. 4:4511.m. 9:00 BBC News 3:15 CBC News 3:30 p.m. 2:30 :30,UII. 9:15 Music lor Meditotion 3:17 Clearing Up The 9:00 Orgon Recital 9:30 Hormony Harbour Weather 9:30 Vancouver String STARTIME 9:59 Dominion Time Signal 3:27 Weather Orchestro LAND OF SUPPOSING 10:00 Alan Mills 3:30 My Uncle Louis 10:00 CBC News Tntended for Starting this week Startime will 10:15 Just Mary 4:00 Sunday Evening Hour 10:10 Weather originate in until the end of 10:30 Way of the Spirit 4:45 The Old Songs 10:15 Canadiana listeners of all 11 :00 CBC News 5:00 Startime 10:30 Vesper Hour ages, this new July, Neil Chotem, pianist-composer­ II :03 Capital Report 6:00 Stage 50 11 :00 Prelude ·to Midnight conductor, will direct the orchestra in 11 :30 Religious Period 7: 00 CBC National News 11 :55 CBC News series of drama­ tized fantasies music ranging from hoagie to the C8C DOMINION (MDT) has been com­ lighter classics and will also be respon­ 3:30 Aldrich Family 5:30 Amos 'n Andy I 7:30 Bod's Scrapbook sible for many of the orchestral 4: 00 Roy Rogers 6:00 Bergen and McCarthy 8:00 Contented Hour piled by Mary 4: 30 Our Miss Brooks 6:30 Enchantment 8:30 Don Wright Chorus Grannan; }. arrangements. Guests will be French 5: 00 Alan and Me I 7:00 Opera Concert 9:00 Dominion News F ran k Willis, Canada's "Miss Radio 'SO," diseuse Muriel Millard, who will be making For Corrections and Late Program Notes for Last Week·s producer; music Times-See Page 8. by LOll Snider. her first national network appearanee; Mis s Grannan tenor Jean-Panl Jcannote; Mar i c drama written by Earle Grey. The has included losch, a twenty-year-old musidan who «« NOTES» » became the first harpist of the Mon­ pby retells the parable of the prodigal Mary Grannan stories based all RECITAL son. nupert Caplan, producer. From authentic folk­ treal Symphony Orchestra at the age Stephen Kondaks, violist. T h r e e Montreal. lore as well as several originals, There of sixteen; and Jean Belland, 'cellist. movements fro m Suite for Viola Muriel Millard: Les Bahobabs, a 12:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. will also be an adaptation of a tale by (Ernest BloelJ)-In the Jungle, Night Neol Langley, author of Edward, My samha; Temptation; Pour Lui. Jean­ in Java, amI Sun Country. From Mon­ Son, and The 'Vizard of Oz, Today: Paul Jeannote: Ma Caravane, an air treal. CAPITAL REPORT The Gypsy's Prediction. Listeners will from Rabaud's opera, Marouf; Ich 10:30 lUll. 9:30 lI.m. 8:30 a.m. Max Freedman from \.yashington, meet the notorious Canoty Kate, the Liebe Dich (Grieg); La Jota (De Matthew Halton from London, and leader of a band of brigands who Falla); Marie Iosch: Clair de hme WAY OF THE SPIRIT Hugh Boyd from Ottawa, plunder a castle and steal a baby boy (Debussy); and Enlre'acte from Doni­ The Fatherhood of God, a religious 1:03 p.m. 12:03 p.m. 11:03 a.m. for ransom. Much of the material for zetti's opera Lucia di Lammermoor. Orchcstra: C'est si bon; Tik Tak Polka (Johann Strauss); Rondino and Gigne (GonIon Jaeob); Sheep antI Goat 'Valking to Pasture (Guion); Rumanian Danee (Bartok). Patricia FitzGerald, producer; Lamont Tilden, announcer. 7:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 5:00p.m.

STAGE 50 May is the final month of Stage 50, and producer Andrew Allan plans to produce - a new original Canadian radio play on each of the four Sun­ days. Tonight: The Last Caveman, by Elsie Park Gowan of Edmonton-the aUlhor~ adaptation of her own stage play, all about some people who find a situation in the Alberta foothills which is in fact a microcosm of the tortured world a r a u n d us, From Toronto. The Daniel McIntyre Alumni , conducted by LOLA Sl\IITH ~\'rCQUARRle, will be heard with the 'Winnipeg 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Stmduy Concert on Sunday, May 7. (See program /lote Page 7), (Cont'inued on page Prairie Region CBC TIM ES Page 3

HERE AND THERE <:ommunity. Keith ~dorrow, producer. Monday, May 8th, 1950 \\lith the change From Toronto, Next week's pro~ram ~ to Da),light Say· will be Immigrant Farmer, a histori­ ing Time, Norman r-al script about the immigrants from CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CDT) ~IcBain's poplllnr the British Isles who settled un fanm 6:4.5 Manitoba on Parade 11 :30 Sugar 'n Spice 5: 15 Adventures of Peter program of inter­ in C1.1<1da during the nineteenth 7:00 CDC News. Weather II: 59 Dominion Time SignaJ Radisson 7:03 Manitoba on Parade 12:00 Rhythm Highlights 5:30 International views and talks century. 7 :30 CBe News. Weather 12:15 The Happy Gang Commentary mm'cd last week 9:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7 :40 Family Worship 5:40 Divertimento 7:45 Manitoba on Parade 12:45 Musical Kitchen 6:00 Betty Phillips to this new after­ 8:00 CBe News 1:00 CBC News 6: 15 Edmund Hockridgo noon period, and ONCE OVER LIGHTLY 8:05 Weather I: 10 Weather, Messages 6:30 CBC News 8:07 Jock Wells. Sports I:15 Farm Broadcast 6:40 Weather is also extended Greek mythology provides the in­ 8:15 Breakfast Club 1 :45 Saddle Rockin' 6:45 Sports Report to h:l.lf an hour. spiration for Alan King's tongue-in­ 8:45 Weather. Manitoba Rhythm 7:00 My Favorite Husband Norman intro­ March Posl 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 7:30 Music on ¥our Menu cheek dramas heard at this timc on 9:00 CBe News 2:15 Ma Perkins 8:00 Radio Theatre duces many in­ Mondays. Tonight, the script will hf' 9:10 Interlude 2: 30 Pepper Young 9:00 eBC National News teresting people Norman McBain about Theseus, benevolent King- of 9:15 Kinderqarten of the 2:45 Right to Happiness 9:15 News Roundup to his d a i I y Air 3:00 Musical Program 9: 30 Summerfollow Athens, who delivered. his people from audience, and also supplies many 9:30 Allison Grant 3:15 School Broadcast 10:00 Alberta Ranch House the sway of a horrible monster ca lied 9: 35 Morninq Devotions 3:30 Bernard Braden 10:30 Here Comes the Band newsy items about programs, among 9:45 Here and There 11:00 Gypsy Strings the ~Iinotaur. The main characters 3:45 Cooking with Herbs other things. He always has the latest 10:00 Road of Lite 11:30 Come tn To The (~lichac1 10:15 Big Sister 3:56 Women's News Parlour 3nnoum:ements about community cam­ are Theseus Kane), Ariadne 10:30 What's Your Beel? Commentary 12:00 CDC News (Alice Hill), Diona (Mona O'Hearn) 10:45 Laura Limited 4:00 Here and There 12: 10 Weather p.1.igns. From "7innipeg. 11:00 BSC News 4: 30 Concert Hour 12: 15 Wally Wicken 4:00p.m. and Cleon Uaek Anthony). From 11: 15 Aunt Lucy 5:00 Brave Voyage 12:30 Music of Canada Toronto. EDMUND HOCKRlDGE CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MDT) Dom. 9;30 lJ.m. Edmund Hockridge's program today --- 6:45 The Clockwatcher 11:45 Musical Kitchen 4:45 Trois de will be presented from \Vinnipeg. ~1r. 7:00 CDC News 12:00 Kindergarten of the 5:15 Un Homme et son Hockridge, his wife and young son, ALBERTA RANCH HOUSE This to; an anniversary for Ameen 7:05 Weather, Air Peche are on their way to Vancouver and 12:15 Timely Tunes 5:30 New Mother Goose Ganarn and the Alherta Ranch House 7:10 Sask. Hopper Fight 12:30 Road of Life 5:45 Don Messer during the trip, he will continue his 7: 15 The Clockwatcher 12:45 Big Sister 6:00 Show Business boys. The 6rst Ranch House })road­ 7:55 Family Worship 1:00 CBC News 6:30 My Songs For ¥ou regular broadcasts. lie will broadcast 8:00 CBC News 1:10 Weather 6:45 CBC News his May 15 program from Calgary, C:l.st went on the air on May 9, 1947, 8:05 Weather, Interlude 1:15 Form Broadcast 6:55 Weather and from May 22 until the end of and the program heard on that date 8:15 Breakfast Club 1:45 Saddle Hockin' 7:00 Gypsy Strings will he repeated tonight. Sons of thl' 8:45 Musical Program Rhythm 7:30 Here Comes the Dand June he will bc in Vam:ollvcr. 9:00 CBC News 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 8:00 CBC National News 6:15p.m. 4;15p.m. \Vpst: Cowhoys Reel; Alberta Stomp 9: 10 Weather, Interlude 2: 15 Ma Perkins 8: 15 News Roundup (Ameen Ganam); Tavern \Vnltz; Smile 9:15 Morning Music 2:30 Pepper ¥oung 8:30 Summerfallow 9:45 Laura Limitod 2:45 Right to Happiness 9:00 Alberta Ranch House SPORTS REPORT Polka; Blue Prairie. Trio: 'Vhen My 10,00 BBe News 3:00 School Broadcast 9:30 My Favorite Husband Blue i\loon Turns to Gold Again. 3:30 Musical Program 10:00 Radio Theatre A program 10:15 Aunt Lucy 3:45 Cooking with Herbs 11:00 CBC News growing steadily Jerry Forbes-At the Rainbow's End; 10:30 What's ¥our Beef 3:56 Women's News 11 :10 Weather Dick Taylor - Hagtime Cowboy Jot'. 10:45 Morning Commenl Commentary 1I:15 Wally Wicken in popularity is 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 4:00 Brave Voyage 1l:30 Music of Canada G cor g c Kent's Fr(..d Diehl, producer. From Edmon­ 11:00 Morning Devotions 4:15 Bernard Braden 12:00 Collector's Items S p 0 r t s Report, ton. Il:10 Interlude 4:30 La Chanson Francoise 12:30 To Be Announced 11:15 The Happy Gang 4:40 Radio Journal 12:55 CBC News heard on CBW 10:00 p.m. 9:00 p.lI!. 8:00 p.m. at this slightly CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc) (MST) ad\'anced tim e, HERE COMES THE BAND 6:00 F For Freddie­ 11: 15 Timely Tunes 4:15 Edmund Hockridge beginning wit Ii Orchestra conducted by \Villiam J. 7:00 CBC News I I: 30 Road of Lile 4:30 New MOlher Goose the Daylight Sav­ 7:05 Weather, Interlude II :45 Big Sister 4:45 Don Messer })ark: Victor Klassen, tenor. Orchestra: 7:15 Breakfast Club 12:00 cac News 5:00 Show Business ing change last Rcpctc (J. Vejvoda); At the Old "il­ 7:45 Sports Reporter 12:15 Farm Broadcast 5:30 My Songs For You w("(·k. The Npws 7:55 Family Worship 12:45 Saddle Hockin' 5:45 CBC N8'WS lage Barn (Bob Ross); Rh'crside (tm­ 9:00 cac News Rhythm 5:55 Weather and "\feather fe­ dilional); Lordags-Valsen (traditional); 8:10 Weather 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 6:00 Gypsy Strlnqs porto; which pre­ 8:15 F For Freddie I: 15 Ma Perkins 6:30 Here Comes lhe Band George Kent Sylvia (Homan Gosz): Ilol.alUction 9 :45 Laura Limited 1:30 Pepper Young 7:00 CBC Nalional New," cede the Sports Schottische (traditional); l'\atej i\'asi 9:00 BBC News Report daily also move down, and the I I :45 Right to Happiness 7:15 News Roundup I Porci-On Our Porch (Henry Junc- 9:15 Aunt Lucy 2:00 Alberta Memos 7:30 Summeriallow half-houf block of News, "'eather and 9:30 What's Your Beef 2:30 Musical Program 9:00 Alberta Ranch House m ..'ln). Victor Klassen: 1m Bohmemald 9:45 Morning Comment 2:45 Cooking with Herbs 9:30 My Favorite Husband Sports will now be heard at 6:30 to (traditiona!); Czech Dance Song (tTa· 9:59 Dominion Time 2:56 Women's News 9: 00 Radio Theatre 7:00 p.m. on cn,,,, instead of 6:00 Signal Commentary 10:00 CBC News clitiona]); Vienna Dreams (Dr. Rudolf 10:00 Morning Devotions 3:00 Brave Voyage 10:10 Weather to 6:30 as before. 10:10 Interlude 3:15 Bernard Braden 10:15 Wally Wid:en 6:45 p.m. Sieczynski), Alfred Parr, producer. 10: 15 The Happy Gang 3:30 International 10:30 Music of Canada From \Vinnipeg. 10:45 Musical Kitchen Commentary 11:00 Collector's Items OPPORTUNITY K 'OCKS 10:30 p."'. 7:·30 p.rn. 6:30 p.m. 11:00 Kindergarten of the 3:40 Divertimento 11:30 To Be Announced Johnny nird, a boogip-woogie pian­ Air 4:00 Belty Phillips 11:55 CBC News ist from Swift Current, Sask., was a CRC DOMINION (~!DT) runner-up in the third \lontreat series GYPSY STRINGS Orchestrn conducted hy Car d n 9:30 ¥our Women's Editor 5:15 Jack Smith 8:00 Opportunity Knocks in this program. The grand prize win· ~Iaya, medl~y (9: 30 a.m. COT, Man.) 5:30 Club IS 9: 30 Monday Magazine ner W3..o; ).farie-C'.eml:l.ine Leblanc, a Smalley; vocalist. A of 10:30 Your Women's Editor 9:00 Dominion News (Soak. and Alta.) 7:00 Ja= Unlimited coloratura soprano from ~Ioncton, four Czardas dances; a Roumanian 9: 15 United Nations Today 3:00 When a Girl Marries 7: 30 Hawaii Calls X.B. :\lorman Bnxlks, ~I()ntreal pop Oriental Gypsy Dance; The \Vay I'm 3:15 Portia Faces Life 7:45 Provincial Affairs 9:30 Once Over Lightly Looking At You. ~taya: a Russhn 5:00 Beulah (Alberta) 10:30 Ralph Norman singer, was also a funner-up. Oppor­ tunity Knocks goes tll Toronto this folk-song, Korobooska (The Peddler); For Corrections and Late Program Notes for Last Week's week. )'fiss Leblanc will be heard a Hungarian melody, Lillie 1 Care Times-See Page 8. shortly on a CBC network program. For Comely Blondes; a R u s s ian '''inners in the two previous .Montreal lament, 0, Why \Vas That Nighl So series w ere Marthe Letourneau, Beautiful? From Vancouver. « « NOTES » » WOMEN'S NEWS soprano, and Kalle nuusunen, bnss. 11:00 p.l11. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.111. COMMENTARY Dom. 8:00 JJ.m. BER ARD BRADEN The Status of "'Dillen COllllllis~ion COME INTO THE PARLOUR Surprise, by ~larjorie Jordan. of the Unitcd Nations will be in ~es­ SUMMERFALLOW A pro~ram of tlw songs, IlIc1OlJil'''' May 8th will be an important day 3:30 p.m. 4: 15 p.m. 3;15 JJ.m. sian this week at Lake Success, nnd and dances of Ireland, all the numbers news from thc meetings will be for Bill Martin, a sheep rancher near bring madf' for the Irish amI about presented by Mnltie Rotenberg of .Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. Not only the Irish, and some of them actually COOKING WITH HERBS Toronto. Monday to Friday. will he be ce1ebrnting his seventieth hy th(' Irish thelllsc!vl.'s. These musi­ hirthday, but he will also hear his Iife­ 3:56p.m. 3:56 p.lIl. 2:56 p.lII. cal shows come from the nnC\i Bd­ The second of five talks by Eustella story dramatized on this program. The fast studios, and the BAC Transcrip­ Langdon on the use of herbs. Today's broadcast, The Shepherd of the Sand tion Service has rpconll'll a munher of Us~ Duri,,~ 1948-49. CBC'6 Stnl{f' 48 l;rogram: FrE'sh Herbs in Summer Hills, was written hy Orlo )'Iilln. A thelll. The regulars in the parlour art' -Sut'C('~sion amI SUrge 49 flrul/Ia ser;('lf prest'IItf'd of Ravotlrs marks chang­ cast of Toronto "etors, headed by D:wid Curry and hi.s Iri~h Rhythms, ~lonlre~t1. 35 olie-flQur play•. 14 original nml ing season. From ~Iartin, Eddie Shaw and his band and 21 adaptations. Budd Knapp as Bill will play 3:45 p.lII. 3:45 p.m. 2:4.5 IJ.m. the parts of real people in the western (Continued on page 8) Page 4 CBC TIM ES Prairie Region

how he wns helped to overcome his Tuesday, May 9th, 1950 mental problem. From Toronto. The Prairie Gardener Dam. 9:30 p.m. CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (COT) Summary of Broadcast of April 6:45 Manitoba on Parade 11:15 Aunt Lucy 5:30 International SCIENCE REPORTER 30, 1950. 7:00 eBC News. Weather 11:30 Sugar 'n Spice Commentary Continuing his series of talks on 7:03 Manitoba on Porade 11:59 Dominion Time 5:40 Divertimento The GroWing of Gladioli 7:30 CBe News, Weather Signal 6:00 Meet Gisele crime and criminals in Cannda, J. Alex 7:40 Family Worship 12:00 Rhythm Highlights 6:15 Tony the Troubadour Edmison will denl with fedeml penal Prior to 1925 relatively few gladioli 7:45 Manitoba on Parade 12:15 The Happy Gang 6;30 eBC News were being grown in the pmirie 8:00 eBC News 12:45 Singalong 6:40 Weather institutions, He will explain how they 8:05 Weather }:OO eBC News 6:45 Sports Report operate and outline some of the region but since then the popularity 8:07 Jack Wells. Sports 1:10 Weather, Messages 7:00 Henry Morgan important changes that have been of this flower has grown by leaps nnd 8:15 Breakfast Club 1:15 Farm Broadcast 7:30 Plough in the Desert bounds. Today there ~re gladioli fans 8:45 Weather, Manitoba 1:45 Musical Program 8:00 Bob Hope made since the Archambault Report. March Past 2:00 Life Can HI!' Beautiful 8:30 Fibber McGee and aLnost everywhere and many prairie 9:00 CBC News 2:15 Ma Perkins Molly From Toronto. cities have organized Cladiolus Sod­ 9:10 Betty Moore 2:30 Pepper Young 9:00 CBC National News 10:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m, 9:15 Kindergarten of the 2:45 Right to Happiness 9:15 News Roundup eties affiliated with the Cnnadian Air 3:00 Much Binding in the 9:30 Mystery Theatre Gladiolus SOCiety, This year's Cana­ 9:30 Allison Grant Marsh 10:00 Science Reporter VARIETY TIME dian Gladiolus Show is being held in 9:35 Morning Devotions 3:30 Bernard Braden 10:15 Nation's Business New talent program from Van­ 9:45 Musical Program 3:45 Allison ,Grant 10:30 Calgary, Alberta, August 18 and 19 10:00 Road of Life 3:56 Womens News 11:30 Variety Time couver featuring vocalisl.;, instnllnent~ under the sponsorship of the Calgary 10:15 Big Sister 4:00 ~~:m~~~athere 12:00 CBC News alists and other entertainers, selected Gladiolus Society. 10:30 What's Your Beef 4:30 Concert Hour 12:10 Weather fro m auditions, To accommodate 10:45 Laura Limited 5:00 Brave Voyage 12:15 Miscellany For the benent of beginners, in­ 11:00 BBC News 5:15 New Mother Goose 12:30 Leicester Square candidates, auditions are held several formation on growing gladioli is sum­ times a week, if necessary.. Those marized as follows: CHK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MDT) chosen to appear on the program nre 6:45 The Clockwatcher 12:15 TimE!'ly Tunes 5:30 Adventures of Peter 1. Beginners should choose early or 7:00 CBC News 12:30 Road of Life Radisson p.."1id at prevailing rates. CBC pro­ early mid-season varieties. Number of 7:05 Weather. 12:45 Big Sister 5:45 Western Five ducer Normnn Campbell presides over days from planting to blooming is nn 7: 10 Sask. Hopper Fight 1:00 CSC News 6:00 Henry Morgan 7:15 The Clockwatcher I :10 Weather 6:30 Yesterday's Songs the nudition room. Rny Mnckness of importnnt fnctor in success. Late vari­ 7:55 Family Worship 1:15 Farm Broadcast 6:45 CBC News the CBC is master of ceremonies nnd eties must he started indoors. Visit 8:00 CSC News 1:45 Musical Program 6:55 Weather 8:05 Weather. Interlude 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 7:00 Melachrino Strings musical nrrangements are by Ricky Rower shows to lenrn names of other 8:15 Breakfast Club 2:15 Ma Perkins 7:30 Fibber McGee- and Hyslop, who directs the orchestra. good varieties. B:45 Musical Program 2:30 Pepper Young Molly 11:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:00 CSC News 2:45 Right to Happiness 8:00 CBC National News 2. To avoid diselffle and thrips buy 9:10 Weather. Interlude 3:00 Sch~ol Broadcast 8:15 News Roundup corms from recognized and reputable 9:15 Morning Music 3:30 MUSical Program 8·30 Leicester Square MISCELLANY 9:45 Laura Limited 3:45 Allison Grant .. sources. 10:00 SSC News 3:56 Women's News 9:00 SCI~nc~ Rep~rter The Skipper and Sea-GOing Guests, 3. Good corms are high crowned 10:15 Aunt Lucy Commentary 9:15 Nahon s Busmess hy "Viii Dawson. In this story those 10:30 What's Your Beef. 4:00 Brave Voyage 9:30 Mystery Theatre nnd plump. Volume rather than 10:45 Morning Comment 4:15 Bernard Braden 10:00 Bob Hope who go down to the sea in small ships diameter should be considered. -as guests-sail a difficult course. 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 4:30 La Chanson Francaise 10:30 Variety Time 4. Soil should be lonmy, frinble nnd 11:00 Morning Devotions 4:40 Radio Journal 11:00 CBC News Their host who was, on land, just one 11: 10 Interlude 4 :50 Yvan l'Intrepide II:10 Weather rich in decayed organic matter. It II: 15 The Happy Gang 5 :00 Courrier des Radio. 11: 15 Miscellany of the boys, changes personalities as must be well drained but plentifully 11:45 Singalong parents 11:30 Plough in the Desert completely as Jekyll became Hyde supplied with moisture, Rotted cow 12:00 Kindergarten of tbe 5:15 Un Homme et son 112:00 To Be Announced and vice versa, The mysteries of this Air Pecha 12:55 CBC News manure is a good general fertilizer but metamorphosis and the reasons for it must be thoroughly incorporated into CBX, ALHERTA (1010 Kc) (MST) wiII be explained. Ross McLean, pro­ 6:00 F For Freddie 11:45 Big Sister 4:45 Western Five the soil. Corms should not be in con­ 7:00 CBC News 12:00 CBC News 5:00 Henry Morgan ducer. From Vancouver. tact with manure, Use a moderate 7:05 Weather, Interlude 12:10 Wenders incJud­ in,l{ two British companies, and the 11. Staking is necessary in witldlj submission of J\larconi's \Virdess Tele~ cOlmtry cspcdally since rather shallow PLOUGH IN THE DESERT IN SEARCH OF MENTAL graph Company, Limited, was the planting is used. The best time to HEALTH best This television equipment, the stake is when spikes begin to emerge. The story of Jewish-Arab co-opera­ nrst to be ordered by the CBC, apart 12. Thrips m tI s t be controlled tion in Ismel will be told in tonight's Script by Len Peterson, describing from the two transmitters heing during the KTOwing season. Spray brondcnst of LIoyd Bochner's docu­ the case of a male patient in the provided by Canadian finns, will be regularly with DDT according to mentary series. The broadcast will Toronto psychiatric hospitnl who suf­ mad e according to specincations directions. A.;k till' ne:nest Dominion include a recording made during a fered from extreme anxiety about n drawn up for operation under Caml­ Entomological Laboralory at Brandon, ceremony murking the end of hoslili- physical disability. The script tells dinn standards and conditions. SaskatIX)ll or Lethhridge for guidance. Pmirie Region ene TIMES Page !i

Pleas..'\nt Valley and Malabar Fann. Manse. The short story was the vehicle Wednesday, May lOth, 1950 have been best-sellers. chosen by Hawthorne to relate tales 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:30p.m. of ew England in Puritan days. lie was particularly interested in the CIJW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (COT) legends, allegories, and moralistic 6:45 Manitoba on Parade 11:15 Aunt Lucy 5:15 Maggie Muqgins ENGLISH COMPOSERS themes which were p.ut. of the New 7:00 CDC News. Weather 11:30 Sugar 'n Spice 5:30 International CBC Orchestra conducted by Ettore 1:03 Manitoba on Parade 11 :S9 Dominion Time Commentary England background. In Young Good­ ~faz7..0leni; Do~zormenyi·Nagy, 1:30 CDC New$, Weather Signal I 5:40 Divertimento Deb. man Brown, the author recreates the 12:00 Rhythm Highlights 6:00 Jimmy Shields 7:40 Family Worship 12:15 The Happy Gang pianist. Two imp

bag of tricks to help the feel Thursday, May llth, 1950 the mood of the play. Sometimes a very rough set is constructed in the broadcasting studio-a room of cer­ CBVI', MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (eDT) tain dimensions or a succession of areas, like rooms, corridors, or open 6:45 Manitoba on Parade 10:45 Laura Limitod 5:00 Brave Voyage 7:00 CBC News. Weather 11:00 BBC News 5: 15 Adventure Story spaces through which the action 7:03 Manitoba on Parade 11: 15 Aunt Lucy 5: 30 Sir Basil Breoke extends. 7:30 esc News, Weather 11 :30 Sugar 'n Spice 6: 00 CBC Opera .Stars 7:40 Family Worship 11:59 Dominion Time Signal 6:15 Ed McCurdy Esse Ljllngh of CBe Toronto once 7:45 Manitoba on Parade 12:00 Rhythm Highlights 6:30 CBC News used this lrick in a play concerning a 8:00 eBC News 12:15 The Happy Gang 6:40 Weather 8:05 Wealh~r 12:45 The Girl Next Door 6: 45 Sports Report hospital. lIe curtained off a corner 8:07 Jack Wells, Sports 1 :00 eBC News 7:00 Talk of the studio for the patient's ward, B:lS Bmoklest Club 1:10 Weather. Messages 7:15 Pipes of Scotland 8:45 Weather, Manitoba 1:15 Farm Broadcast 7: 30 Arthur Godfrey and placed a therc. He March Past 1 : 45 Musical Program 8:00 John and Judy put another microphonc at the end of 9:00 CBe News 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 8:30 Wayne and Shuster a long, narrow space marked off with 9: 10 Interlude 2:15 Ma Perkins 9:00 CBC National News 2:30 Pepper Young 9:15 News Roundup ehairs for a corridor, leaving it turned 9:15 Kindergarlen 01 the 2:45 Right to Happiness Air 9:30 Eventide on while actors were walking down 3: 00 Much Binding in the 10:00 CBC Round Table 9:30 Allison Grant Marsh 10:30 Winnipeg Drama the corridor, and then sw"itching on 9: 35 Morning Devotions 3:30 Bernard Braden II :00 BBC Bandstand the ward mike when they reached it. 9:45 Musical Program 3:45 A Book I Like 11:30 Vancouver Concert The rcsult, Mr. Ljungh says, was a 10:00 Read of Life 3:56 Women's News 12:00 CBC News .\tIUHIEL MILLARn, diseuse of mdio Commentary 12: 10 Weather very convincing effect of space, 10: 15 Big Sisler fame in Quebec, who will be heard 4: 00 Here and There 12: 15 Focus vVhen the script involves a scene at 10:30 What's Your Beel? 4: 30 Concert Hour 12:30 Dance Time on Starlime, May 7. a bridge table, Mr. Ljungh find<; that CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MDT) if often sounds more realistic if the CANADIANS AT WORK 6:45 The Clockwatcher 12:00 Kindergarten of the 5;15 Un Homme et son actors actually sit around a table, with 7:00 CBC News Air Peche A River of Paper, the story of pulp the microphone on a boom overhead. 7:05 Weather, 12: 15 Timely Tunes 5:30 Adventure Story and paperrnaking at the largest pulp The same applies to breakfast scenes, 7:10 Sask. Hopper Fight 12:30 Road of Life 5:45 Western Five 7:15 The Clockwatcher 12 :45 Big Sister 6:00 Talk plant in North America, the Powell in which a script lIIay be propped 7:55 Family Worship 1:00 CBC News 6: 15 Pipes of Scotland River Company at Powell River, B.C. against a teapot as if it were the morn­ 8:00 CBC News I: 10 Weather 8:05 Weather, Interlude 1:15 Farm Broadcast 6:30 Musical Program Bill Herbert, CBC special event<; cor­ ing paper; and when the actors rise, 6:45 CBC News 8: 15 Breakfast Club 1:45 Musical Program respondent, will bring to the micro­ they can push their chairs away from 8 :45 Musical Program 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 6:55 Weatber 2: 15 Ma Perkins 7: 00 Sir Basil Brooke phone some of the people who arc the table with a realistic scraping. 9:00 CBC New!; 2: 30 Pepper Young 7:30 Wayne and Shuster employed at the plant to have them 9:10 Weather, Interlude 2:45 Right to Happiness 8:00 CBC National News In a kitchen sccne in Juno and the 9:15 Morning Music 3:00 School Broadcast 8: IS News Roundup describe their job. Sounds of the huge Pfl!lcock, a CBC Wednesday Night 9:45 Laura Limited 3:30 Musical Program 8:30 Eventide machines will be heard. From Van­ production last year, Mr. Ljungh 10:00 BBC News 3 :45 A Book I Like 9: 00 CBC Round Table 10:15 Aunt Lucy 3:56 Women's News 9:30 lohn and Judy couver. arranged to have sausages cooked 10:30 What's Your Beel? Commentary 10:00 Arthur Godfrey Dam. 10,30 p.m. beside the microphone when the script 10:45 Morning Comment 4:00 Brave Voyage 10:30 Vancouver Concert called for the sound of Sizzling. The 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 4: 15 Bernard Braden 11:00 eBe News -- 4: 30 La Chanson Francoise II:10 Weather actors said afterwards that they were 11:00 Morning Devotions 4:40 Radio Journal 11: 15 Focus BBC BANDSTAND ll:IO Interlude 4:50 Yvan l'Intrepide 11:30 Winnipeg Drama hf"lped greatly (though in a most II:15 The Happy Gang 5:00 L'Entr'aida 12:00 To Be Announced The second of a series of programs tanlalizing way) by the smell and the 11 :45 The Girl Next Door Universilaire 12:55 eBC News featuring British brass bands. To­ sound. night's broadcast presents the Drig­ CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc) (MST) 1fr. Ljungh feels that a script can house and Rastrick Band conducted he a handicap to an -keeping 6:00 F For Freddie 11:15 Timely Tunes 4:45 Weste-rn Five by Eric Ball. March, County Palatine 7:00 eBC News II: 30 Road of Life 5:00 Talk his mind on turning pages and read­ 7:05 Weather, Interlude 11:45 Big Sister 5:15 Pipes of Scotland (Johnstone); Divertimento-March of ing lines may detract from a natural 7:15 Breakfast Club 12:00 eBC News 5; 30 Musical Program the Serious Young Men, Interlude, 12: 10 Weather 5:45 CBC News interpretation. Several years ago, when 7 :45 Sports Reporter 12:15 Farm Broadcast 5:55 Weather The Passing Years, Dance of the he was producing in the eBe vVin­ 7::>5 Family Worship 12:45 Musical Program 6:00 Melodic Moods Happy Old Gentlemen (Eric Ball); nipeg studios, he gave his cast a taste 8:00 CBC News I :00 Life Can Be Beautiful 6;30 Wayne and Shuster 8:10 Weathor 1: IS Ma Perkins 7:00 CBC National News Edward German Melodies (arr. Stan­ of what it will be like working in tele­ 8: IS F For Freddie 1 :30 Pepper Young 7:15 News Roundup ford Robinson). From the BBC vision. He required the actors to 8: 45 Laura Limited 1 :45 Right to Happiness 7:30 Eventide Transcription Service. thei~ 9:00 BBC News 2: 00 Alberta Memos 8:00 CBC Round Table memorize lines, keeping their 9; 15 Aunt Lucy 2: 30 Musical Program 9:30 John and Judy 11 :00 p.m. scripts handy for self-prompting. The 9:30 What's Your Beef? 2:45 A Book I Like 9: 00 Arthur Godfrey 9: 45 Morning Comment 2 :56 Women's News 9:30 Vancouver Concert scene involved a chess game between 9:59 Dominion Tima Signal Commentary Orchestra a criminal and a detective, and doing 10:00 Morning Devotions 3:00 Brave Voyage 10:00 CBC News Raclio-clrama Notes 10:10 Interlude 3:15 Bernard Braden 10:10 Weather away with scripts greatly improved 10: IS The Happy Canq 3:30 Sir Basil Brooke 10:15 Focus the timing. 10:45 Tho Girl Next Door 4: 00 CBC Opera Stars 10:30 Winnipeg Drama Catching The Mood II :00 Kindergarten oj the 4: 15 Ed McCurdy II :00 To Be Announced One of radio' assets is its power to Ai< 4:30 Adventure Story 11:55 CBC News m 0 vet h e emotions-parocularly CBC DOMINION (MDT) through drama productions. But unlike Mail Bag 3:00 When a Girl Marries 7: 00 Suspense 9:00 Dominion News- other media-the stage and the film­ 3;15 Portia Faces Life 7: 30 Moonmist 9:15 United Nations Today it must do this with sound alone. The Not Sentimental About Battleships. 5:00 Beulah 9:00 To Be Announced 9: 30 Court of Opinions radio-drama producer i<; like a con­ 5:15 Jack Smith 8: 30 Chuckwagon 10:30 Canadians at Work I see where some radio speaker hal> 5;30 Club 15 / \ ductor directing a symphony of sound been getting sentimental about the old involVing the actors' voices, sOllnd Aquitania liner, and a while hefore For Cor.,'cctions and Late Program Notes for Last Week's eITects, music, and the actual space Times-See Page 8. they w{:rc weeping over a bunch of in which they all occur. Although his old battleships that had been senl to job is difficlllt, it has one great advan· SUSPENSE the seraphcap. 'Veil, it's O.K. abollt « « NOTES » tage over other forms of production: the liner, which may have been some it gives the audience's imagination BERNARD BRADEN »1 John Lund in The Shortest \Vay usc, hut as for the battleships, I say Home, an original play by Christopher free play. In the radio producer's the heck with them. The thing is Divergencc, by Jack Crainc. Davis. From CBS Hollywood. favour, too, is the fact that the ears ridiculolls. Next thing, you'll have 3:.'30 p.m. f!:15,J.m. 3:15 p.m. are probably the most easily deceived Dom. 7:00 p.m. somebody mooning over the remains of all the Sf'nse organs. of an exploded H-bomb. For me, they SIR BASIL BROOKE All a clever radio actor has to do is can keep that stuff. 1 have no senti­ let a quaver come into his voice, and mental feelings about battleships or The Prime Minister of Northern CBC ROUND TABLE emit sounds of pain, and immediately lI.homhs. All I wanl is never to see IrdanJ, Sir Dasi! Brooke, will addrpss Issues discussed at the Canadian to his audience, he's a suffering old or hear about either of them again. the Canadian Club in Ottawa today; Theatre Conference in Calgary will man-though in reality he may he 11 And that goes for aeroplanes and his spcech will be recorded and broad· be reviewed tonight. The broadcast spruce and spry twenty-five in the lanks and submarines and all the rest cast at this time. Sir Basil will be will come from Calgary, w her e pink of health. All this is achicved of their war-making rubhish. I'd heard again on May 21st on the pro­ authorities on the drama from all withoul the the aid of lights, make-up, rather get senlimental about an old gram, Our Special Speaker. parts of Canada will have gathered. wigs or other properties. disc-harrow.-S. M. MeR, Saskatooll, 5:30p.m. 7:00p.m. 3:30p.m. 10:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Each drama producer has his own Sask. PmiTie Region CBC TIMES Page 7

Your Eyes. Alfred Parr, producer. l\'IlL"dc, Deat the Drums (Scottish). FI'iday, May 12th, 1950 From \Vinnipeg. The Daniel McIntyre Alumni Choir, 6:00 p.m. 4;00 p.m. organized in ]947, includes graduates who were associated during their CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (COT) TALES OF THE MINSTRELS school years with the choral groups 6:45 Manitoba on Parade 11:30 Sugar 'n Spice 5:30 International or Operatic Society at Daniel McIn­ 7:00 CDC News. Weather II : 59 Dominion Time Signal Commentary The Ballad of Robin Hood will be 7: 03 Manitoba on Parade 12:00 Rhythm Highliqhts tyre and who wished to enTry on their 5:40 Divertimento sung and dramatized. Producer J. 7:30 CBC News. Weather 12:15 The Happy Gang 6: 00 Seaborn Serenade choral work. The conductor, Mrs. 7:40 Family Worship 12:45 Musical Kitchen 6:30 CBC News Frank Willis briefed himself for the 7:45 Manitoba on Parade 1:00 CBC News r..-lcQuarric. al

TIME FOR MUSIC CORRECTIONS l' h c second Saturday, May 13th, 1950 FOR esc TIMES DATED APRIL 3D· MAY G. program of a 1950. new Saturday CIlW, ~IANITOIlA (990 K••) (COT) c\-ening series Peneil these Corrections 6:45 Manitoba 011 Parade 11:00 BBC New. 5:25 Weather presented into Program Lists. Last 7:00 CBC New., Wealh.... 11:15 Sports CoUeqe 5:30 NBC Sprinq Concert through the Week's TiDies. 7:03 Manitoba on Pcuade 11:30 esc Stamp Club 6:30 Sporta Report 7:30 CBC News, W.ather 11:45 The Answer Man 7:00 Music trom FilDd transcriptio n 7:40 Family Wonblp 11:59 Dominion Time Siqnal 12:00 Rhythm Hiqhlights 7:30 Share the Wttalth service of the MONDAY, MAY 7:4$ Manitoba on Parade 12:)5 Junior Clubs 8:00 cac National News BBC. It features CBK 7:10-1:55 a.m. 8:00 CDC News -12:30 Musical Prog-ram 8:10 The Commodores the Midland Cancel: Present Il.tinqs. 8:05 Weather 12:45 CBe News 8: 30 Soire.. a Quebec 1:10-7:J5 a.m. 8:07 Jack W.ll•• Sports 12:55 Weather, Messaqes 9:00 cac Square Dance Light Orchestra Schedule: Sa!ilk. Hopper Fighl. 8:15 Manitoba March Past 1:00 Folk Song Time 9:30 Prairie Schooner of lhe BBC 1:1S--7:55 a.m. 8:4.5 Weather. Manitoba 2:00 esc News 10:00 Summer Romance Schedule: The Clockwatcher. March Paat 2:03 SChader MC9a:J:ine 10:30 Ray Norris Quinte-t under the direc­ MOKDAYS TO $.AT11UIAYS WEDlJ,.Y_ 9:00 CDC New. 3:00 Saturday Serenade 11:00 Mama's Family tion of Gilbert 9:10 Interlude 3:30 London Studio 11 :30 5aludos Amiqos Gilbert Vinter THURSDAY, MAY 4 9:20 Monlinq De?otiolU Melodies 12:00 esc News Vinter, On to­ caw 12:30-1:00 a.m. 9:30 Doorway in Fairyland 4:00 Ballet Club 12:10 Weather night's program, the orchestra will Cancel: Waxworks, 10:00 Callinq All Children 5:00 Tbla W_k 12:15 Dance Orchestra Schedule: Dance Time 10:30 To B. Announced 5:15 cac News 12:30 Dance Time play SE'villana, one of EIg..u's earliest T'JruasDAYS AIfD PJUDAYS Wa::XLY. works, and Songs of the Irish, an Dom. 7:30-8:00 p.m. CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 K ••) (MDT) Cancel: Prom Concert. arrangE'ment of traditional airs. From 1:30-8:00 p.m. 6:45 The Clockwatcher 10:30 CDC Siamp Club 5: 30 Mama'. FamUy Toronto. Schedule: Moonmisl. 7:00 cac News 10:45 The Answer Man 6:00 Music from Films 8:00-8:30 p.m. 7:05 Weather, 10:59 Dominlon Time Siqnal 6: 30 Sports CoUeq. Dom. 7 :30 p.m. Schedule: To Be Announced. 7:10 Sask. Hopper Flqbt 11:00 Morninq Devotions 6:45 Music for Modems --- MAy 4th, 11th, 18th. 7:15 The- Clockwatcher 7:55 Family Worship 11: 10 Interlude 1:00 CBC News WHAT'S TIlE ANSWER? 8:00 CBC New. 11: 15 Musical ProqTClO1 7:10 The Commodor.s The PrO\'ince of Alberta will be Monday Hotes 8:05 Weather, Interlude 11:30 Melody Roundup 1:30 Soirees a Quebec featured. in questions put hcfore the 8: 15 Saskatchewan on 11 :45 esc News 9:00 Summer Romance (Continued from 1XJge 3) Parade 11:55 Weather 8:30 Saludoe Amigoa panel of experts. The guest will be 12:00 Folk Sonq Time 9:00 Share the Wealth 8:45 Musical Pr09ram 9:30 Ray Norris Quintet Mrs. Irene Baird, information offieer the Parlour Singers. In addition, guest 9:00 cac News 1:00 cac News 10:00 CSC Squate Dance for the Department of NlI.tional Re­ 9:10 Weather, Interlude artists are heard in each program. 1:03 Saturday Maqazine 10:30 Prairie Schooner sources and Development and the 9:15 Hits and Encores 2:00 Satwday Serenade 11:00 CBC News 11:30p.m. 9:30 Bulletins 2: 30 London Studio 11:to Weather author of three novels-John, 'Vaster d'Wormalion Melodies II: IS Dance Orchestro 9:33 Yvan l'Intreplde 3:00 Ballet Club Heritage and He Rides the Sky. 9:45 Notre Franca.. sur Ie 4:00 This Week II :30 Armdale Chorus Dam. 8:00 p.m. CDT; 10:30 11.m. MUSIC OF CANADA ViI 4:15 CBC News 11:45 John Sturgess 10:00 BDC Neows 4:25 Weather 12:00 To Be Announced MDT. The second program "in this series 10:15 Saddle Serenado 4 :30 NBC Spring Concerl 12:55 CDC News will be devoted to chamber music by PRAIRIE SCHOONER the Toronto composer John v"einz­ CBX, ALIlERTA (1010 K.) (MST) Orchestra conducted by Jimmy weig-String Quartet Nos. I and 2­ 6:00 F For Froddle 10:15 Musical Proqram 5:30 Sports College Cowler. Selections: Echoes From 1:00 CBC News 10:30 World Church News 5: 45 Music for Moderns petformed by the Steinherg String 7:05 Weather, Interlude 10:45 CSC News 6:00 CBC, National News Forest Garden (Reel); Zikino Kola Quartet. Members of the ,b'TOUp arp 6:10 The Commodores 1:15 Musical Proqram 10:55 Weather (Serbian Folk-danL'C); SextllT (Dan­ Albert StE'inberg and Eugene lIud"on, 7: 45 Sports Reporter 11:00 Folk Song Time 6:30 Soirees a Quebec ish folk-dance); La-La-La Polka 7:55 Family Worship 7: 00 Summer Romance violins; Harold Hogue, viola; and 12:00 esc News 1:30 Saludoa Amlqos (American); My Violin (Swedish 8:00 CBC News 12:03 Saturday Magazine Deszo Mahalek, ·cello. Robert AII.:II, 8:00 Share the Wealth Waltz), Dig John ~lcNeil (Reel): 8:10 Weather 1:00 Saturday Serenade 8:30 Ray Norris Quintet producer. From Vancouver. 8: IS Hits and Encores 1:30 London Studio 9: 00 cac Square Donee King Robert the Bruce (Scottish 8: 30 Alberta Memos Melodies 9: 30 Prairie Schooner ~1arching Air); Boston Belles (Horn­ 12:30 a.m. 11 :30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 9:00 BBC New. 2:00 Ballet Club 10:00 CBC News 9:15 Saddle Serenade 3:00 This Week 10:10 Weather pipe). Announcers: Russ Carrier and 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 3:15 cac News 10:15 Donee Orchestra Ken Dougan. Producer, Bernard Dea­ 9:45 The Answer Man 3:25 Weather 10:30 Armdale Chorus School BroadcaSIS 9: 59 Dominion Time Sitnal 3:30 NBC Sprinq Concert 10:45 John Sturqe.. dUe. From '''innipeg. In the scripts commissioned for 10:00 Morning Davolions 4:30 Mama's Family II :00 To Be Announced 9:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:10 Interlude 5:00 Music from Films 11:55 CBC News School Broadcasts I detect from time to time a tendency for the mere facts CRe DmUNION (MDT) SALUDOS AMIGOS ~Iusic in Latin American style relating to a given subject to leap 4:00 Cuckoo Clock House 6: 30 Latin American 8:00 Dance Orchestra into \Indue prominence. In other (5:00 p.m. COT. Man.) Serenade 9:30 Saturday at played by Bob Lyon and his orches· 5:00 Juke Box Jury (1:30 p.m. COT. Man.) Shamrock tra, with songs by Faye Thorn. From words. a tendency for certain School 5:30 Cuckoo Clock House­ 1:00 Tweoty Questions 9:00 Dominion News Dro.'ldcasts to duplic-.tte a job which (Saak. and Alta.) Edmonton. (Sask. and Alta.) 9:30 Latin American 5:30 Musical Program Serenade 11:301}.m. 8:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. can be done quite well by a mediocre 16:30 p.m. COT, Man.) 7:00 What's Ihe Answer (Sask. and Alta.) textbook or a mediocre teacher. Now 6:00 Twenty Questions (8:00 p.m. COT, Man.) 10:30 What's th. Answer (7:00 p.m. COT, Man.) 1:30 Time For Music (Sask. and Alta,) AR1>IDALE CHORUS surely radio should be employed Girls' ehoir L'Onductcd by Mary rather with au eye to the peculiar, the For Corrections and Late Program Notes for Last Week's Dee Girroir, Tea for Two; Your Eyes unique eontribution it C~1ll make to Times-See This Page. Shine in My Own; You're the Top. the educational process. It is a con­ From Halifax. tribution of the greatest importance; « « HOTES » » some of the well-known Ivcs inter­ 11;30 p.m. 1O:301}·m. for radio, through good scripts abl" pretations, such as The Big: Rock pcrfomlCd and produced, can teach DOORWAY IN FAIRYLAND Candy Mounmin, The Foggy Fn~1iO' by emotional impact lessons that can nC\'er be taught in the schools. Th~ Dramatized stories for the children Dew. Dublin City, The Blue Tail Fly, ILate Program Notes I amI I'm Sad and I'm Lonely. From moral? Don't let scripts bog down in by Lyn Cook. Today, a make-believe WEEK OF APRIL 30· MAY 6, 1950 an excess of routine facts; let radio trip to Belgium. From Toronto. Toronto. SUNDAY. APRIL 30 Otqon Recital. John W. Clarke, Mus.B., ha\'e its head, let it stimulate the 9:30a.m. 1:00 p.1II. 12:00 noon 11:00 a.m. L.T.C M., otganist at All Salnta' Anglican imagination; let it do what it can do Church, Winnipeg. Prelude - Toccata (Gabriel Pierne); A Fancy (Hugh Ban­ uniquely and so well.-Robert Mac­ croft); Sketch No.2 (Schumann, arr. John Dougull, on eRG. CBC STAMP CLUB SATURDAY MAGAZINE E, Wesl); Pavane (William Byrd); Jeru­ salem, Thou High Built City (Sigrid Korg· -- The story of the Channel Islands One of thc items on this week's Elert); Gavotte in D Minor, from 3rd on as told in postage stamps will be broadcast will be reconI(·d highlights Sonata for Harp!ilichord or Organ (Padre Canadians BBC of thc Dominiun Drama Feslival. Martini); Concert Toccata in B Flat (Alfred A note from England: BBC Light heard today. From Toronto. Hollins). Bernard DeavUle, producer. From 2:03p.m. 1:031'.111. 12:03 p.m. Winnipeg. Program listeners recently heard the 11:30 a.m, 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m first of a series called Leave Ymlr MONDAY, MAY 1 Name and Number, in which the Morninq Devotions. Rev. J, Carey Camp· comedy adventures of two Canadians FOLK SONG TIME MUSIC FROM FILMS bell. of First Church of the Nazarene, Ed­ monton, will bo heard on CBX. in contemporary England are dis­ The story of Burl Ives, with script The film music critic nnd writer, 10:00 a.m. closed. The Canadians are Bernie by Edith Fowke based on the famous Lawrence Morton, will be henrd inter­ THURSDAY, MAY 4 Suspen.se. Joon Bennett alara in The Braden and his wife, the actress balladeer's published autobiography, viewing Johnny Green, a popular Statement of Mary Blake, an oriqlnal radio Barbara Kelly. The scripts are by Eric called The Wayfaring Stranger. The L'Omposer. play by Shirley Gordon. From CBS Holly­ Nicol who, like the Bradens. is from wood. program will include recordings of 7:00 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Dom 7:00 p.m. Vancouver. This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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