Miss Verna E. Weber, BERGEN, Alta. PRAIRIE REGION SCHEDULE May 7·13, 1950 Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME III No. 19 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG. APRrt 28 !Ie PER COPY SI.OO PER YEAR This Week: Land Of Supposing (Page 2) * Edmund Hockridge (Page 3) * Variety Time (Page 4) * English Composers (Page 5) * Sir Basil Brooke (Page 6) * PEECII anu dr;lmatirs ha"e been BETH S LocIU:l\DII::'!> (."()n~llll1in~ intf.'TE"SlS since her girl. hood days in Regina. and she wa~n't far into her teens when she ht>gan applying her skill to radio work in Calgary and \Vinnipcg. SIlt' went to Toronto in 1946 and h currently heard as "~Iom" in Alan and .\le. and IIdl'n ~Ianning in Bract' \'oljage. * * * Beth Lockerbie. on our ('O\er this wt.'ck, has onf' of tIle wannl'St voit.'t's in Canadian mdio. a thor· ough Unin''TSity training in speech :md dramatics, and a \Va)' with chiJdH'n. So it is not surprising that her current acth·ities should inc,.'luul:' the widely contrasting roles of "Mmll" in thE' wt"t"kly family drama series Alan and Me, and thl' young heroine of the ~10nda)--to-Frid:lY Jaytimf' drama BrULe \ ·oyage. She also appcl.lrs frequently ill the Stage series, Bllckingham 1'1lealre und Forel Theatre, and Toronto theatre-gm'rs have seen her in the sta~{(' productions of various drama grullps. Beth Lockerbie She has been interested in all phases of dramatics sinec her childhood in I\egiua, enrolling Thert~ she clividt'd lll:'r time hctwL"{'n l!ipeech classes, nipeg chool of Radio" Dramatics-~hrough which in the drama :\nd speech COurse at Regina College, stage work with amateur groups, and organizing she produc(.'d student.;' radio features for three and continuing at Emerson College in Boston, n and directing one of the first radio schools in the ye-ars. well-known institute for dramatic training. West. For 6"e years she {.'Onducted a program called Equipped with a Bachelor of Literary Inter­ Her ned move was to 'Winnipeg, where she \Vomen'" Radio Digest, in which she interviewed pretation diploma, she rchlmed to the Canadian devised and directed talks and interviewS", and visiting celebrities. interpreted current e\'ents and West to become director of the speech and mamn worked as an announcer and producer. There she magazine articles for women, and rf'ported on cluh d4.'partlllf'nt nt },Iounl Royal College in Calgary. fonndf'd her st'COnd radio training centre-the 'Vin- activities. SIlf' mo\'ed to Toronto in ]946. Page 2 CBC TIMES Prai,.ie Region The C BeT11\1 ES (WESTERN EDITION) Sunday, May 7th, 1950 J'uhlhhtd \1"el'kly by the Canadlln DroldcuUnlil CorJ)OrI!lon a~ H. l'ulrle Re;,hm lfeadquuterl. 500 Telephone BuildIng. Wlnnlp";,, Mlnltoba. r:(lltor: C. E. I.'A:'>II. ~IANIT08A SubJ~'flullon nate: $J.f)() ller ~ur Alithor17...'{1 u l'crollll ('llU~ "hI!. I'o~l omn Del·arlment. Otta....l. C8W, (990 Kc.) (COT) POftmllter: Plelle return If not dellt'ered ..Ithln the dan. 8:55 Musical Proqram 1:00 CBC News 8:00 Stage 50 9:00 CBC Naws I :03 Capital Report 9:00 CDC Notional News 9:03 Weather. Interlude 1:30 Religious Period 9:10 Weekend Review HELIGIOUS PERIOD this story, including the character (Jf 9:15 World Church News 2:00 Invitation to MUJ:!ic 9:20 Our Special Speaker Rev. C. J. Killinger, Trinity Carroty Kate, was taken from authen­ 9:30 Sunday School of the 3:30 Church of the Air 9.'0 B 11 t M. Air 4:00 Land ot Supposing . a: e. USIC Lutheran Church, London, Ontario. tic gypsy histories discovered by Miss 10:00 CBC News 4:30 Critically Speaking 10:00 Winnipeg Sunday 1:30 p.m. 12:301""1. 11:30 a.m. Grannan in England last summer. The 10:02 Neighbourly News 5:00 John Fisher Concert 10:15 Prairie Gardener 5:15 eBC News 11:00 Organ Recital second tale, on May 14th, will be The 10:30 Recital 5:17 Clearing Up The 11:30 Vancouver Siring Seal Woman, a story based on folk­ 11 :00 Home Street Weather Orchestra INVITATION TO MUSIC United Church 5:27 Weather. 12:00 CBC News Recorded program. Classic.'\l Sym­ lore of the Orkney Isles, Other titles 11:59 Dominion Time Signal 5:30 My Uncle LoUIS arC' Desbarollda, the 'Valtzing ~'Iouse; 12:00 Alan Mills 6:00 Sunday Evening Hour 12:10 Weath~r phony (P r 0 k 0 fie f 0, Philadelphia 12:15 Just Mary 6:45 The Old Songs 12:15 Canadiana Orchestra with Eugene Onnandy con­ The Colden Silence; O'Clannigan's 12:30 Way 01 the Spirit 7:00 Slartime 12:30 Vesper Hour ducting; interview with ~1r. Ormandy; Chost; The 'Vicked \V h a I e who C8K, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MDT) Mr. Ormandy conuuding Variations \Vasn't "Vicked; The Princely Pig; antI 8:55 Weather I :00 Invitation to Music 8: 10 Weekend Review on a Theme by Haydn (Brahms); The Lazy Dragon. From Toronto. 9:00 CBC News 2: 30 Church of tho Air 8: 20 Our Special Speaker excerpts from Die Go(·tterdaemme­ 4:00 p.m. .'3:00 p.m. 2:00 p,m. 9:02 Noighbourly News 3:00 Land of Supposing 8:30 Ballet Music 9:15 Prairie Gardener 3:30 Critically Speaking 9:00 Winnipeg Sunday rung (Wagner), New York Philhar­ 9:30 Recital 4:00 John Fisher Concert monic with Leo pol d Stokowski 10:00 BBC News 4:15 CBC News 10:00 Organ Recitol BERGEN AND McCARTHY 10: 15 World Church News 4: 17 Clearing Up The cOlHluding, and Metrop()litan Opera 10:30 Harmony Harbour Weather 10:30 Voncouver String Dinah Shore will he the guest of Orchestra stars; interview with Hel('n Tranbcl; 10:59 Dominion rime Signal 4:27 Weather Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. 11 : 00 Alan Mills 4:30 My Uncle Louis 11:00 CBC News excerpts from Tristan rl.nd Isolde 11:15 Just Mary 5:00 Sunday Evening Hour 11:10 Weother ("Vagner), Metropolitan Opera Or­ Dom, 6:00 p.m. II :30 Way 01 the Spirit 5:45 The Old Songs II: 15 Canadiana 12:00 CBC News 6:00 Startime 11:30 Vesper Hour chestra conducted by Fritz Busch. J2:03 Capital Report 7:00 Stage 50 12:00 Prelude to Midnight with Metropolitan Opera stars. 12: 30 Religious Period 8:00 CBC National News 12:55 CBC News THE OLD SONGS 2:00p.m. l:OOp.m. 12:0011001'1. The Four Gentlemen will sing On (MST) CllX, AL8ERTA (1010 Kc) 'Vings of Song; Forgotten; 'Vho Is 7:10 Weekend Review 7:55 Musical Program 12:00 lnvitotion to Music CHURCH OF TilE AlH Sylvia? and The Trek Song. From 8:00 CBC News I :30 Church of the Air 7:20 Our Special Speaker Rev. L. Campbell, 3rd Avenue 8:02 Neighbourly News 2:00 Land of Supposing 7: 30 Ballet Music Toronto. 8:15 Prairie Gordener 2:30 Critically Speoking 8:00 Winnipeg Sunday United Church, Saskatoon. 8:30 Recital 3:00 John Fisher Concert p.m. 6:45p.m. 5:451).111. 4:4511.m. 9:00 BBC News 3:15 CBC News 3:30 p.m. 2:30 :30,UII. 9:15 Music lor Meditotion 3:17 Clearing Up The 9:00 Orgon Recital 9:30 Hormony Harbour Weather 9:30 Vancouver String STARTIME 9:59 Dominion Time Signal 3:27 Weather Orchestro LAND OF SUPPOSING 10:00 Alan Mills 3:30 My Uncle Louis 10:00 CBC News Tntended for Starting this week Startime will 10:15 Just Mary 4:00 Sunday Evening Hour 10:10 Weather originate in Montreal until the end of 10:30 Way of the Spirit 4:45 The Old Songs 10:15 Canadiana listeners of all 11 :00 CBC News 5:00 Startime 10:30 Vesper Hour ages, this new July, Neil Chotem, pianist-composer­ II :03 Capital Report 6:00 Stage 50 11 :00 Prelude ·to Midnight conductor, will direct the orchestra in 11 :30 Religious Period 7: 00 CBC National News 11 :55 CBC News series of drama­ tized fantasies music ranging from hoagie to the C8C DOMINION (MDT) has been com­ lighter classics and will also be respon­ 3:30 Aldrich Family 5:30 Amos 'n Andy I 7:30 Bod's Scrapbook sible for many of the orchestral 4: 00 Roy Rogers 6:00 Bergen and McCarthy 8:00 Contented Hour piled by Mary 4: 30 Our Miss Brooks 6:30 Enchantment 8:30 Don Wright Chorus Grannan; }. arrangements. Guests will be French 5: 00 Alan and Me I 7:00 Opera Concert 9:00 Dominion News F ran k Willis, Canada's "Miss Radio 'SO," diseuse Muriel Millard, who will be making For Corrections and Late Program Notes for Last Week·s producer; music Times-See Page 8. by LOll Snider. her first national network appearanee; Mis s Grannan tenor Jean-Panl Jcannote; Mar i c drama written by Earle Grey. The has included losch, a twenty-year-old musidan who «« NOTES» » became the first harpist of the Mon­ pby retells the parable of the prodigal Mary Grannan stories based all RECITAL son. nupert Caplan, producer. From authentic folk­ treal Symphony Orchestra at the age Stephen Kondaks, violist. T h r e e Montreal. lore as well as several originals, There of sixteen; and Jean Belland, 'cellist.
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