Big Pop Line-Up

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Big Pop Line-Up NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS !'rldoy.Dn,rn,boe t,1961 Fridoy, Dn,:n,b,n1,1961 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS 7 POLL CONCERT ALMOST A SELL -OUT - Calvert, Regan, Kayes and many more Y E - Only us. 6d. seats left! BIGPOP LINE-UP FOR Three extra stars named TECT drmmad toe the NME Poll Wieoeeo' Coeeert (or ManagIng Director: MAURICE KINN Soenloy. April 15, at Wembley'a E,epirp Pont), is feeAtnl Adwarliaan,enYOffEee SUMMER SHOW SEASON £dilnnUA & than ever before OeIy three heooteed of the 10,000 AvAitablt 23 DENMARK STREET, LONDON, W.C.2 Bt7 OO Cinmlalion &Aanntn011km,: eo eenao 5 DENMARK STREET. LARSON. W.C.2 :0 hone te,rlt DepI,.) Covent Garden 2268 tee, :;: :h, Editor: ANDY DRAY 1iiMBACKTo Seven top ftrst Neaae Edtnor: DON WEDGE md Kw,Dd I Gm h CLIFF AND SHADOW1 Adogrttsement Manager 'LUCKY STARS' (IID AfEC DAfV ACTEfl CIV hlkllal oon'n :1 PERCY C. DICKINS a0dAdn,Fth FJUR M%LJ UM.I MF I II )IA 1,500 C M DOOG '""i a 'a a 2, "n Lt1e, nt teat bash ten,., Atuerb, 55th ond Al1,nd DAnk, lcho,:nol,o YOUNG ONES ALBUM 17 a F I bE t tot Abe hobeosontoroghlf FRANKIE VAUGHAN GOES 7 YEARS FOR RYAN TV SHOW E] Ld 6obd,96A premtrueb ' I 11,0: nIh 0. TO BUCKINCHAM PALACE I a h Ryan -the. Ileot BUXTON, LOTIS IN 77 laIn 1,13,11 ,4(9/9 f/!/ under her new contract with the company. A be Inca. Edwnnd Itwknid Inn Orsn,:d Int.:nI]ony. 15e mania willhe o,, hanon loan' :hnngad In,, NG01yTER.InI, raa: nl = O= o6e,oy1 lh It, eno)OOdo :1 in 6 SltIlkd;Pon11a1lAnoov ,ilWedneodolnndlhct.P The NEW Boekaoohoo Potata 00 Saaedoy ottoOt000. OOa ofI;:,,oddiha,nl ,o-nM p,n_ 115 .06002 1 00 96I OCook's emtegh,, Portnehnua piaojat Moo. Mitts, niO,nn,lly Eden 000a(nil,0,0,0 Newley may write aLeana, he4nSOAn2 at,, be in tha ahoy. SlIdpI :,in ho omAn Inn flln, nffn t l 2Y 61,965: :n,en,d aS C,n:h,nlai,layni,::nnce, InnmnUnn,l hI:rInd, nnn- 60 OaO0O tO96ota nIl M02CIYP: A °''I 10 ,l1:,lIn has bn,nadmd 'a 11,000 rhIno :n SrOIS Un01lh6ik:n,n,: Loin Strnoe Y000IOl6 John Leyton film iuturama Innhis, :,U,:o:,,i,y.AIa,Iaa:y In,:,,l000Idk:I0I'±dObillIn,It,:,n,,sl(nnfli,fl,nnI- Odin, is WAn,, Ito W,,I ,aoatsy Snaiload. Pela,Arptehymye,et,: 630961,00, 3,110,, ethel, elm, onto Voanlno: nahO Mn0hn,,:hl,I,53 on Snadny.Aekn,uflkonJhisPopo.nnonnJano cno m oi I S ci Dmo,h,, SI by hnad:n 5,01t: Ial IA tola:, ad, O,nntnSheII,o,e.toeOrn, 6 Oo 10 ,n 0 1 6 bogta h ,..... Tb Mh S Iv " eOn. rnherOrY Ii g Apnl w neek fin n do 0 hodIi:e .0 L,nm,00l 0:96, H,IhOed .0c.abonth:'Irlo obnsrt,Sn BRENDA LEEVINCENT noonno no' U 0 MOOSe T 02 1 th 01 I U I b 7 h I I U BALL 'MOSCOW' HIT 055 ton to WkU SONG FOR EUROPE W"M,o° VENUES REVEALED d h Kings and Castle RELEASED IN STATES Fb,,y2l 6 A PROVINUAI P01,.00C I 'Iyd SonDPL C 2 oh to ,a 15 lens S hn I 500 Eve KENY S , ont , dO on Christmas 0 50 n:1 Pr dog8,01I Arnen L 2 10 , S ml WlO,n 62 TV 101 hE wdtl It oth G V I 00 L 'I 1 nI°0L L 60 1010 I BILK TO PLAY Os, DUO S DISC PLANS ll 00000" 1:1011,000 D1,It flf Dntc 5050 , maSl a Mo e 0 P r SS5 .005 F000ICIES, 5.. 0,lth, day, Febnloly ii0,050011,0,01I __________________ t nn t, lss,o,00n00000e BE - 'In 10001561,III; a;btaI,O ,'u iii&i(1flri dl: 10103. m I loll t,onton OOtbOoU,, I i I HI LOS BACK-'AITH 0 ('' j l TONYMEEH&NIN NE'\7 at tea time SoadyAl l dh 6 Ad ab 2 de,k bnonneli loU lIll 5.'o t 'Ia.ttoe.00.000 tot-nv :i _.; thoon9ll000iIe000lnIn't1a I o,osl. T°,50 TED HEATH RAND w,Ih ''l1S'°0: n l( DECCA A AND R 1EAM A 10511 5 0 .a 0. Ia 2 1 ,nl noon et,e 6 02 6 et 1 ,,,d 000 Cnlnn,dna IlIthI and leh,ln (1011,1 A.dttjN e , hsl,,000nIl1011el::nlyI,l, 'fONY MEEHAN, former deammrrnvtttethnSbedowp, . 1 ° Thev,oitt tnw. SI aoom as host - , B dO,00,nnl d011 I en Dc d m lb to 11 t In ,lo,te,II ll11Inll00f1l:li Ill 'i7. BART TO DIRECT I,lbI,II,ll:' 11 on"I ' ''-nor'1r 0010 SnOda lIOn tonI 5 1,102 01110 Itt dpaetee tot p8 acDoo en wth gleoby S yyon LI0000O 01 50 a, P0 ,00fle-o L do On sl all,!9 0 Old UtolOt, , , n 'n, ,lteitisb article. 00500000000 n,,:, -'' Iao P ',, o One. kIn-6.45on). Hrodmg In Itk Row, who,Threat to 1962 r011J,no,o:r7 InS bt'o,2,aon'5, ..........." ..' esl 1130101the,htv ob,dy Abtn0000 121:01 ROY TEMPEST ENTERTAINMENTS 'Pete's Party' b:a1 poor veEusilv:Sa ietti I 34-36 WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W.l tlER,a,d 5404/5 0 1110 do Wanknnp (101 - :h°nO ,n,,oht,,ch110:, Repreoeentng Rrttole', Lundieg Teeneor Altreotine,. LOIII,.10:16,,n,dool,o of cay ep,,n, Psnr," ie,'r t,eesrd, aS ,,ndonISISnod t(,'r 0311 Idn tote, nhlcb. in KINGS, CLEO WEE WILLIE THE GARRY 002ilinn In Moot,,, oolnrd,co Mikr """° " 0 SwIll, Roor', 010000: a,,l,hol. nod - , Lots, On, boo DATES WITH THE STARS! noD 21150, T0003"5 QDnPU oon,°° 0 elGo5,001N 0 1962 A S HARRIS * VISCOUNTS * MLLS en ,ntnrtb atntso dna soselshn,tt,d In 5005.10,; Solsoton 500058 po5o,4 eeaO "en dUlly lotbee,LIlIan b 10,01, lniVn 5)110 to, I5bet. H"t' 000 es,000,00sssuda,, lit Sn, eiIh 100 B,i,Inul lit sr. elth aatla EsI,! (it 5l. 0110 isel, Jotlr LIi.l FlOE ho, llnd 00,oh MOO, boll ')1 LLI,iI] 05,55:70101.0. S000,sg ososs,r Vlooeol,vItololl 01:1000, MOn. CaOe,dI5, "5 The,, 100 00001 00000,0 ,n,thla II tnt 'loOn00.06011ofDn,o'oo s00oo0..aOaboa0snnt Eboas 0'S S,0005he 555000. lI,thenSl,,It,d'anonOal.0000E do,ntla,00 I' EOlorn inTiteoony..01016 posnpainnI0,0eertd'alopdIne S000eoplsoOh, bot0050e nt New Eliington girl with Philips DUFF'Y JIMMY DANNY 00 -1 0ll oo Sr t 130110 dAo,U C II 00030 01 16, C0SII 43en,,(kOsw s -oldne,I'd,nl,ll,go, 015 15, 0,,,l 300. 0O 0 Solon M.00ghaol, 0:-,l Tnt,::,,LIne 0101, 00 Fobo,,ty 2,a 31 0111 V Id too, O'llistlwn Qnahni:6,51,3,0 the st,cy 10: EL, 5:,t POWER * CRAWFORD * HUNTER ______ uo o,'° LI: IaMoll: E,,ln',lotna,, lit me. ulh Mis 110.051) 100,03 n,,hrstoOtonthishon,. (kIlo nook 000 0310 th,n eoc,,00 1,111,01,, '0the br,'Ilh, Ebb nh', l'n isPnblloany-hoa ,.s,lndI, U.S. STARS ON AR -TV I, ' ::n WEEDON STILL HOST Eo,,I,lo II, 00000, S,In,v 000 ,eed inotutlololeeelsn no no.101 e010,d Inn ri: yE Till,,.,, UnIOn a000fll ItI SrI by ;:; Alo,nolIooIy, 0 oon 6, ,,20l,a DICKY PRIDE * LANCE FORTUNE Los. 51t,I asd G,IIInnlO Oenl Wood,,, ha,:t,00n 10 ,o,elnn U, 1011020: 51 n,00,n. urenos 00,00. A, "Polo, Pane" I, von Syoed. t,00e,00 sad 0)05 %'Iotelld, "Jo Son, hod '0 03,6000.0 oelre to 1(305! P000o, La goeS 0,0:o,,g the totEd000: l,,o0l' ToloOty one,,eg.S, Ole:, 51000,01 thoy"tootled "010, PoorI', ttot,dlr ronhea,hte. 0,000:001AE"IV',"Toodo,lIly etono,o,1 onnlflO,I1 01 baok,IalI THE FABULOUS FLINTSTONES Ano,01en6,0060,0e,t,adsted loon doabl0,I,0101,1 Maleny 001 floRoOo"(. 0101tooe,,ttemoa,e 51s Sannr. ISo0000l000 I,vin. hno .............,5................. ho ConeOlse u,Oseee000a sI,qn.,. no, a n, oflIo 10 rn'.''d hIt mo- Oa 0,00,000, 05, thone h ho o., toy ls',tnes,OcrIngI600a ton o 000her Ion IllonIto I To "Non Manlool F,00000, " IASCI, 0, OtoOlnIk 511,01, tendon,I THE GUNNERS * THE CANNONS lion',"Po,ode" sento,,ohi,hho, n,oenn, 00,1,10 IS, SIn 01 tho ,hon (Fllddyl,10,1100301 ton lty°lS02 Al: Sb: CLIoodtI c,d000aOntll' 3 Names in the News sho,r I, s14 ot tho Slons' 000oei' "R000005 Ha 505 3 W,C.0, hor 043,1 it,AR -TVt,,, 0,1I'aO, HOE 00000i,l5,ole 01110,11, 0,1,, mod IS. NoO0 05113011 stener.nd hO, 0101 ta,b,l,2,(.ienea, ,:yyolln,on 01 bolI,eono NEIL CHRISTIAN & THE CRUSADERS . 150.la050,00n. le plo,,:,,: OI,alll ,tl,n 4 3 GRANT TRACY and the SUNSETS ctt:aev t'tent'tIEO. Anllflcoll"in,oI",apnnllO, 'INw,..........................................................To 0,00,1,01 ,loknnd (1111,, lInt) 10100,11 1:0,1. Tb Oynit 151 blAt 11,02 Or 101 Sw. fldOnO'a.......................................................-. JOHN SHges101ia, ln:n,lO.nlld 101nil1011Il Fort hcoming Ballroom & Concert InLOCII LETIFOSI NOOn P0,5000,nI EMI, 1006 Or S .00:01,100,1 0,100 30 MwAnn ,ol000l ("n 030,0.TI, 010 attractions include:- :::;.::::.:::.:::.::..:.:..'L:.:L..JFor the grelIrol 00114 Caltor I g F no I JOF HENBO,I1SON III :0III Ken, 561,05 old Doe Oto,a,00t SVlln,,flllny GlOnaIoO1:::6,0 dayoI ann * TEMPERANCE SEVEN 'TRAD TAVERN Tann,lOYD,otn,brnIt.

—— Preview end. ——

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