C on tact Us: Jennifer Rae Palmer A&E Editor 523-4921 ntertainment
[email protected] u m b e r ja c k Page 9 Mar. 29 - Apr. 4, 2007 www. JackCent ral .com Teahouse thrives off unique entertainment Idols get nude I would love to sit here and say everyone should be careful when taking scan dalous photographs ot themselves. I really would. I wish I could describe, for paragraphs on end, the dangers of doing soft-core porn or even taking off your clothes for a small role in a movie no one will ever see. I wish I could. But wouldn’t you know it, I just can’t. Ab solutely cannot do it. Not in my right mind. Nope. Not gonna happen. If you’ve been watch ing “American Idol” - and you have, because the damn thing is still on the air - you would have noticed the insanely good-looking Antonella Barba. Perhaps some drool may have even escaped your lips because of the insanely good-look Marcus baoim/Tne LumoerjacK ing Antonella Barba. While not necessarily the most KATIE WIRSING OF Denver performs last Saturday night during the Treetop Southwest Regional Poetry Slam at Applesauce Teahouse. The teahouse talented of the bunch (her hosts a variety of events that range from dance classes and movies to open mic nights on Mondays. rendition of Celine Dion’s “Because You Loved Me” left M IKE REISINGER nights and provides a venue for to the bar. They smell it, they enjoyed her second time at the ing soon.