Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Plant List

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Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Plant List Pipestone National Monument Plant List Herbarium Scientific Name Minnesota DNR Common Name Status Acer negundo box elder Achillea millefolium common yarrow Actaea rubra red baneberry Agalinis aspera rough false foxglove Agalinis tenuifolia slender-leaved false foxglove Agrimonia striata roadside agrimony Agrostis gigantea redtop Agrostis scabra rough bentgrass Alisma subcordatum heart-leaved water plantain Allium canadense canadense wild garlic Allium textile white wild onion Alopecurus carolinianus Carolina foxtail Amaranthus albus tumbleweed amaranth Amaranthus retroflexus redroot amaranth Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed Ambrosia trifida great ragweed Amelanchier sanguinea sanguinea round-leaved juneberry Amorpha canescens leadplant Amorpha fruticosa false indigo Amphicarpaea bracteata hog peanut Andropogon gerardii big bluestem Androsace occidentalis western androsace Anemone canadensis canada anemone Anemone caroliniana Carolina thimbleweed Anemone cylindrica long-headed thimbleweed Anemone patens multifida pasqueflower Antennaria neglecta field pussytoes Anthoxanthum hirtum sweet grass Apocynum cannabinum American hemp Apocynum sibiricum clasping dogbane Aquilegia canadensis columbine Arabis pycnocarpa pycnocarpa hairy rock cress Arctium minus common burdock Artemisia biennis biennial wormwood Artemisia campestris caudata field sagewort Artemisia frigida sage wormwood Artemisia ludoviciana ludoviciana white sage Asclepias incarnata incarnata swamp milkweed Asclepias ovalifolia oval-leaved milkweed Asclepias syriaca common milkweed © 2016 MinnesotaSeasons.com. All rights reserved. Herbarium Scientific Name Minnesota DNR Common Name Status Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed Asparagus officinalis asparagus Astragalus agrestis fieldmilk-vetch Astragalus canadensis Canada milk-vetch Astragalus crassicarpus crassicarpus ground plum Astragalus racemosus racemosus racemose milk-vetch H Atriplex patula spearscale Bacopa rotundifolia water-hyssop T Beckmannia syzigachne American slough grass Boechera grahamii spreading rock cress Bolboschoenus fluviatilis river bulrush Bouteloua curtipendula side-oats grama Bouteloua gracilis blue grama Bouteloua hirsuta hairy grama Bromus inermis smooth brome Bromus japonicus Japenese brome Bromus pubescens hairy brome Bromus tectorum cheatgrass Buchloe dactyloides buffalo grass SC Callitriche heterophylla larger water starwort T Callitriche palustris spring water starwort Calylophus serrulatus toothed evening primrose Calystegia macounii Macoun's false bindweed Calystegia sepium hedge bindweed Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's-purse Cardamine bulbosa spring cress Carduus nutans nodding thistle Carex backii Back's sedge Carex bicknellii Bicknell's sedge Carex brevior short sedge Carex duriuscula spike rush sedge Carex emoryi Emory's sedge Carex gravida heavy sedge Carex inops heliophila sun-loving sedge Carex molesta troublesome sedge Carex sprengelii Sprengel's sedge Celastrus scandens climbing bittersweet Celtis occidentalis hackberry Cerastium arvense field chickweed Cerastium brachypodum short-stalked chickweed Ceratophyllum demersum common coontail Chenopodium album white lamb's quarters Chenopodium berlandieri pitseed goosefoot © 2016 MinnesotaSeasons.com. All rights reserved. Herbarium Scientific Name Minnesota DNR Common Name Status Chenopodium berlandieri zschackei pitseed goosefoot Chenopodium pratericola desert goosefoot Chenopodium rubrum alkali blite Chenopodium simplex maple-leaved goosefoot Chenopodium standleyanum woodland goosefoot Cicuta maculata spotted water hemlock Cirsium altissimum tall thistle Cirsium arvense Canada thistle Cirsium flodmanii Flodman's thistle Cirsium vulgare bull thistle Collomia linearis linear-leaved collomia Comandra umbellata umbellata bastard toadflax Conyza canadensis horseweed Cornus racemosa gray dogwood Cornus sericea red-osier dogwood Corydalis micrantha micrantha slender fumewort Crataegus chrysocarpa fireberry hawthorn Crataegus macracantha large-thorned hawthorn Crepis runcinata runcinata incised hawk's beard Cuscuta coryli hazel dodder Cuscuta pentagona bur clover dodder Cyclachaena xanthifolia marsh elder Cyperus acuminatus short-pointed umbrella sedge T Cyperus odoratus fragrant cyperus Cyperus squarrosus awned umbrella sedge Cystopteris tenuis Macay's brittle fern Dactylis glomerata orchard grass Dalea purpurea purple prairie clover Delphinium carolinianum virescens Carolina delphinium Descurainia pinnata brachycarpa pinnate tansy mustard Descurainia sophia herb sophia Desmodium canadense Canada tick trefoil Dichanthelium leibergii Leiberg's panic grass Dichanthelium oligosanthes scribnerianum Scribner's panic grass Digitaria sanguinalis hairy crabgrass Draba nemorosa yellow whitlow grass Draba reptans Carolina whitlow grass Echinacea angustifolia narrow-leaved purple coneflower Echinochloa muricata microstachya rough barnyard grass Echinocystis lobata wild cucumber Elatine triandra three-stamened waterwort SC Eleocharis acicularis least spikerush Eleocharis engelmannii Engelmann's spikerush W © 2016 MinnesotaSeasons.com. All rights reserved. Herbarium Scientific Name Minnesota DNR Common Name Status Eleocharis macrostachya large-spike spikerush Ellisia nyctelea ellisia Elymus canadensis nodding wild rye Elymus canadensis canadensis nodding wild rye Elymus repens quackgrass Elymus trachycaulus subsecundus unilateral wheatgrass Elymus villosus downy wild rye Elymus virginicus Virginia wild rye Elymus virginicus halophilus Virginia wild rye Epilobium ciliatum ciliatum American willow herb Equisetum arvense field horsetail Equisetum laevigatum smooth scouring rush Equisetum x ferrissii Ferriss' scouring rush Eragrostis cilianensis stink grass Eragrostis pectinacea tufted lovegrass Eragrostis pilosa pilosa Indian lovegrass Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane Erigeron strigosus daisy fleabane Erysimum cheiranthoides wormseed mustard Erysimum inconspicuum small-flowered wallflower Euonymus atropurpureus wahoo Euphorbia cyathophora painted leaf Euphorbia glyptosperma ridge-seeded spurge Euphorbia maculata prostrate hairy spurge Euphorbia serpyllifolia thyme-leaved spurge Euphorbia spathulata prairie spurge Euthamia graminifolia grass-leaved goldenrod Euthamia gymnospermoides great plains goldenrod Fallopia convolvulus black-bindweed Fragaria virginiana common strawberry Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Galium aparine cleavers Galium boreale northern bedstraw Galium obtusum obtusum obtuse bedstraw Gaura coccinea scarlet gaura Gentiana andrewsii andrewsii bottle gentian Gentiana andrewsii dakotica bottle gentian Gentiana puberulenta downy gentian Geranium carolinianum Carolina cranesbill Geranium maculatum wild geranium Geum triflorum prairie smoke Glyceria borealis northern manna grass Glyceria grandis tall manna grass © 2016 MinnesotaSeasons.com. All rights reserved. Herbarium Scientific Name Minnesota DNR Common Name Status Gratiola neglecta disk hyssop Grindelia squarrosa curly cup gumweed Hackelia deflexa americana nodding stickseed Hackelia virginiana Virginia stickseed Hedeoma hispida mock pennyroyal Helenium autumnale autumn sneezeweed Helianthus grosseserratus sawtooth sunflower Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian's sunflower Helianthus pauciflorus pauciflorus stiff sunflower Helianthus rigidus stiff sunflower Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke Heliopsis helianthoides scabra ox-eye Heracleum lanatum cow parsnip Hesperostipa spartea porcupine grass Heteranthera limosa mud plantain T Heterotheca villosa minor hairy golden aster Heuchera richardsonii alumroot Hibiscus trionum flower-of-an-hour Hippuris vulgaris mare's tail Hordeum jubatum foxtail barley Hordeum pusillum little barley Hypoxis hirsuta yellow star-grass Isoetes melanopoda prairie quillwort E Juncus interior inland rush Juncus torreyi Torrey's rush Kochia scoparia scoparia summer cypress Koeleria macrantha junegrass Lactuca canadensis Canada wild lettuce Lactuca ludoviciana Louisiana lettuce Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce Lappula squarrosa two-row stickseed Lathyrus venosus intonsus veiny pea Leersia oryzoides rice cut grass Lemna turionifera turion duckweed Lepidium densiflorum green-flowered peppergrass Liatris aspera rough blazing star Liatris ligulistylis northern plains blazing star Liatris punctata dotted blazing star Liatris pycnostachya great blazing star Limosella aquatica mudwort SC Linaria vulgaris butter-and-eggs Lindernia dubia anagallidea yellow-seeded false pimpernel Linum sulcatum grooved yellow flax © 2016 MinnesotaSeasons.com. All rights reserved. Herbarium Scientific Name Minnesota DNR Common Name Status Lithospermum canescens hoary puccoon Lithospermum incisum narrow-leaved puccoon Lolium multiflorum Italian rye grass Lomatium orientale desert parsley Lonicera tatarica tartarian honeysuckle Lotus purshianus prairie trefoil Lycopus americanus cut-leaved bugleweed Lycopus asper rough bugleweed Lycopus uniflorus northern bugleweed Lysimachia ciliata fringed loosestrife Lythrum alatum alatum wing-angled loosestrife Maianthemum racemosum common false Solomon's seal Maianthemum stellatum starry false Solomon's seal Malva neglecta cheeses Malva rotundifolia round-leaved mallow Marsilea vestita hairy waterclover E Medicago lupulina black medick Medicago sativa alfalfa Melilotus officinalis yellow sweet clover Menispermum canadense Canada moonseed Mentha arvensis canadensis common mint Mirabilis albida hairy four o'clock Mirabilis nyctaginea heart-leaved four o'clock Monarda fistulosa wild bergamot
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