Pl i t


Cesena Final Learning Log

Transfer Network BeePathNet

Marzo 2021 • BeePathNet Final Learning Log•







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• BeePathNet Final Learning Log•

1. Cesena Online Survey

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• BeePathNet Final Learning Log• 2. Learning Experience Infographic

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• BeePathNet Final Learning Log•

3. Our Transfer Story


Getting to know the world of bees has been a turning point to deepen my awareness about human pressure on the environment, given their capital role in human life while being extremely sensitive to its consequences. Bees let us open discussions about climate change and biodiversity: two vital issues provoking a critical evaluation of our economic system and the society we want to build, calling into question the very sense of our actions. My awareness on the unbalanced connection between human actions and the environment has grown over the years, working on urban environments and urban regeneration issues. The necessity of a new ecosystemic approach appeared to me to be ever more urgent, where humans would assume a different role than the one of a parasite. In BeePathNet I found an opportunity to enhance my project design skills in relation to this kind of approach, and in particular, the good practice of Ljubljana was of great provoking inspiration.

LEARNING PROCESS/ From the Ljubljana strategy to the building of Cesena Transfer Plan: knowledge and understanding to find new actions/

The Ljubljana Good Practice

The Boot camp that took place in Ljubljana in April 2019 was of great relevance for me. The strategy the city of Ljubljana decided to follow could be defined as a down/up approach, focused on using all the available spaces to increase the number of apiaries within the city as much as possible. This approach includes the identification of green urban spaces on the ground level (down) and flat roofs, on the sky level (up), as spaces adequate to house beehives. I have learnt which are the main characteristics that both the locations should have. Since I am a trained architect, this new awareness and knowledge (even if basic) gives me the possibility to support the technical urban offices of the Municipality working together with the ULG members. Moreover, in Ljubljana the close connection between apiculture and society is very evident, as demonstrated by the time beekeepers dedicate to the schools and also by the fact that many teachers are also beekeepers. In fact, simply introducing bees in a city is not enough to have a real urban apiculture: to reach different goals and cover different fields, a network is needed. This is the way to truly raise awareness in the people and in the future citizens: the network is the fundamental starting point to build and to share knowledge and mindfulness, since bees represent a chance to talk about so much else.

City Visits

How urban spaces can become real biodiversity havens supporting city pollinators, but also means to engage and actively involve the citizens, strengthening their relationship with the PA, appeared evident also during our City Visit in Budapest, led by the Hegyvidék district’s team.

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• BeePathNet Final Learning Log•

In Bydgoszcz, the focus was on the “Education” theme, thanks to the diffusion of projects for all ages, aiming to share knowledge, thus building an ever-growing awareness. Starting from the BeePathNet educational journey destined to elementary schoolers, then the Botanical Gardens Casimir the Great, hosting several beehives as teaching tool and for the production of honey, thanks to the efforts of a polish beekeeper and ULG member, and finally the urban apiary installed on the University rooftop, heart of an educational and employability training project for adults.

Transfer: the objectives of Cesena To transfer the Ljubljana and partners Good Practice, Cesena chose to focus on the strengthening of people’s awareness and eradicate the distorted perception of bees as a threat, still so engraved in society, by emphasizing the fundamental role that pollinators play in the ecosystem (also in urban environments). The techniques borrowed from Ljubljana to widen the network, engage and educate the citizens with a new scope on the territory, pass also through the valorization of apiary products and the promotion of a different kind of . On this journey, the exchange with the partner Cities is an opportunity for dialogue, finding shared solutions to local issues.

ULGC: growth of the culture of collaboration Being the BeePathNet ULG coordinator let me put my expertise and organizational skills at the service of the group, supporting the collaboration between the members to:

• identify new contacts and widen the network; • facilitate the rooting of a deeper awareness about the importance of collaborative actions in creating new opportunities;

• promote the growth of new project designing realities able to evolve independently. To reach these goals, it is essential to get into relations with the people forming the group, to get to know each other and make individual skills and expectations emerge, therefore facilitating the team building. To this end, a simple on-line questionnaire submitted to the group at the beginning of our path, has been very useful and even brought out a common will to share expertise, knowledge and experience, especially on the local level.

TRANSFER PLAN AND WORLD BEE DAY / From personal awareness to a shared Action Plan and event organization/

Action Plan: Methods To turn ideas and visions into a “Cesena Bee Path”, the ULG group has been divided into sub-groups dedicated to specific themes and activities, identifying ideas potential development, possible synergies, and local, regional and international funding sources.

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• BeePathNet Final Learning Log•

As a tool to turn concepts into actions, a “Navigator” has been devised: an instrument supporting the sharing of ideas and proposals while enabling their discussion, useful for reaching shared conclusions and choices about the actions to be included in the 2019- 2020 Action Plan. It also enabled the group to be constantly up to date on the work progress, offering a clear visualization of the results. Due to the lockdown, and its consequent necessity to rethink the means of collaboration, the Navigator had to be turned into a digital tool. That was overall a positive occurrence, since the new tool adopted maintains the original effectiveness while offering a wider feature potential.

Action Plan: the Map The exchange with the City partners has brought up the value of the Bee Path as a common platform for the dissemination of awareness and knowledge about apidology, but moreover, for the promotion of a new kind of beekeeping-driven tourism & production, a concept that is materialized in the realization of a thematic map. The map of Cesena was designed with the City center and the territory connection in mind, while promoting all realities related to bees and bee products. The choice to issue an open call to collect and select the points of interest has been an opportunity to widen the project reach. In the words of Martina and Enrico, beekeepers of the Società Agricola OrtiCà: thanks to the map, “anyone who wishes to get to know the world of bees and the products they give us could use it. I’m thinking of professional cooks, patissieres, ice cream makers with whom a network of multidisciplinary relations could, hopefully, be created, which is a goal for this project but also something we seek and wish to realize, and eventually translates into the valorization of the territory”.

Action Plan: the WBD (on and off line) On May 20th, 2019, our first World Bee Day, proclaimed in 2018 by the UN thanks to the city of Ljubljana, took place in Cesena. It was a beautiful day, we took a walk through the places of the city that speak of beekeeping, respect for biodiversity, and respect for pollinators. It has been an impressive occasion of sharing and participation, and discovering of places and people. Bees once again prove to be a powerful vector of messages, concerning respect for nature, the protection of biodiversity, the need for a healthier relationship between man and the environment also, and above all, in the urban context. The 2020 World Bee Day found us in a full lockdown, but we couldn’t possibly renounce such a relevant opportunity for exchange and dissemination, so a different approach was needed to host the event. The lead partner and all the realities involved came up together with the concept of an online event, which has been a

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• BeePathNet Final Learning Log• challenging opportunity that brought out many positive features and contributions especially from the ULG members. The co-planning process and the commitment of the ULG members and local network has been invaluable for the celebration of the first Cesena WORLD BEE DAY entirely on-line and the creation of a series of new digital contents for schools, families and citizens has been a relevant contribution to the project diffusion. All contents were presented from time to time on the event facebook and youtube page and on the dedicated municipal 0TUwebsiteU0T . Of course, given the obstacles and difficult circumstances, the outcome of the day could not reach the expectations of a off-line event, as brought up by the ULG beekeepers. In fact, if, on one hand, the digital tools let us reach and involve a larger and younger public, on the other hand the face to face experience is invaluable to really get to understand the bee world. Nonetheless, the ULG participation and great collaborative approach has been a great success and left me very satisfied.

CITY VISIT IN CESENA / A successful participatory process through shared storytelling/

Due to the global pandemic, on May 23rd and 24th, 2021, the Cesena’s City Visit took place online. As our partners could not be here to visit the city, we decided to offer them a virtual tour: using our Bee Path Map as a base, we designed a tour of the city specifically for the occasion. Starting from the city center, the ULG Coordinator guided the partners through the many locations of the project, briefly yet captivatingly presented thanks to the short video contributed by the ULG members and linked to the map. The tour comprises a series of realities involved in the project, such as a patisserie and an ice cream shop, start-ups offices and co-working spaces, a green high-biodiversity area recently re-forested, urban and traditional beehives, the Agrarian Institute and a veterinary clinic, which corresponding video shows how bees health check-ups are carried out. The tour then follows the “strada dei vini e dei sapori” (wine and dine route), following the local culinary traditions and products while carrying the spectators out of the city and through the hills surrounding Cesena. The virtual tour has been one of the many occasions in which the great heterogeneity in the ULG was brought into light, as well as its great enthusiasm, and the collaborative spirit grown throughout the project. In fact, the key to a successful participatory process is creating a self-propelling and proactive group, able to contribute to the territory’s change and development. The means to reach this goal is to create a shared storytelling, as we did starting from collecting every point of view and actually listening to all the needs and wants, then putting everything together so that all ULG members could find themselves depicted in the collective story and in the wide scope of the actions planned. This not only creates a sense of belonging that leads to add the group’s collective aims to the individual ones, but also provides a focus to decide on common objectives and related actions going forward.


On the local level, as well as on the transnational one, the enhancement and wide spreading of collaboration skills is a pivotal issue. Learning the culture and tools of collaboration is necessary to get different worlds to communicate, to identify common goals and create networks and project design

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• BeePathNet Final Learning Log• realities able to evolve forwards. The BeePathNet is a golden opportunity to achieve just that. In fact, not only the results of the project can become the core for further project designing opportunities, but also, the great availability, enthusiasm, and will to collaborate of the Cesena ULG members throughout the project duration let forecast future collaboration possibilities: as well as the preparation of the city visit virtual tour was a cohesive moment for the group, the Bee Path Map will be a tool to build on and to reach the future envisioned in our Mid Long Term Plan, keeping the group together in a shared narration well beyond the BeePathNet.

3.1. The BeePath Map

Within the BeePathNet project the Municipality of Cesena realized an ambitious map in a digital and paper version, with information about apitourism and where to find products and experiences linked to bees and bee products. In this context, apitourism is an alternative way of sustainable tourism, focusing on bee’s role for biodiversity, on beekeeping and on bee activities in urban areas and surroundings. The map started with an open call launched by the Municipality and reached about 30 requests of participation from various stakeholders: ice cream maker, bars and restaurant using local honey, beekeepers, bee farms, environmental associations, beekeepers associations, start-ups, high schools, gardens, etc. The Cesena map is the first attempt to create an experiential tourism led by the BeePathNet project, a real path with tastings, sightseeing and flavours within the urban area of Cesena and surroundings. The map is currently available Uat this linkU, while the final version will be published and printed during the upcoming months (spring 2021) and will be distributed during the WBD 2021 (20th May 2021).

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BeePathNet: APIARI MONUMENTI Enriching the Urban Jungle with Bees Apicoltura Amaducci Oberdan offre produzione e vendita diretta di miele, ma si 1 Abbazia di Santa Maria del Monte conserva la collezione più antica e com- occupa anche del servizio di impollinazione per colture sementiere e frutteti. Per organizzare 14 Questa mappa è stata realizzata dal di Cesena nell’ambito del Gli amici delle api pleta di tutta Europa di tavolette votive! 704 ex-voto che testimoniano la devozione popo- una visita in azienda puoi contattare A.F.A - Associazione Forlivese Apicoltori. progetto BeePathNet, finanziato dal programma Urbact III. L’obiettivo lare per la Madonna del Monte. Per scoprire il legame tra ex-voto e api leggi l’opuscolo. Info e contatti sul sito: Info e orari sul sito: del progetto è stato quello di creare una rete europea di città amiche in città 2 Azienda Agricola Nori Piero a conduzione familiare da tre generazioni. Situata sulle delle api, che possano riconoscere il valore del ruolo degli impollinato- Una mappa per scoprire e conoscere colline di Cesena con produzione di miele, polline, cera, propoli e frutta biologica certificata. 15 aperta nel 1454 è l'unico esempio al Biblioteca Comunale Malatestiana ri nel rispetto della biodiversità e come strumento utile all’agricoltura Puoi raggiungerla anche in bici, seguendo i percorsi mtb. Per saperne di più visita la pagina mondo di biblioteca umanistica perfettamente conservata nell'edificio, negli arredi e nella il mondo delle api e dei loro prodotti Facebook: dotazione libraria, con manoscritti e antichi libri a stampa che testimoniano l'immagine e al benessere delle persone. a Cesena e dintorni delle api e dell'apicoltura nella storia. Per saperne di più consulta l'opuscolo. Info e orari Apicoltori Giuseppe e Sabrina Moretti se vuoi approfondire i temi legati all’api- 3 sul sito: L’esempio della città capofila rappresentato da Lubiana in Slovenia, coltura esplorando il territorio, vai a trovare Giuseppe e Sabrina. Potrai riconoscere l’importanza pioniera in Europa nell’ambito dell’apicoltura urbana, è stato trasferito delle api come sentinelle dell’ambiente e scoprire come utilizzare tutti i prodotti dell’alveare. Li 16 Cattedrale di San Giovanni Battista. Il Duomo di Cesena, nonché Cattedra- trovi la domenica, dalle 8.30 alle 18, oppure puoi contattarli all’indirizzo: [email protected] su scala locale in cinque città partner: Cesena (Italia), Amarante (Por- le della Diocesi di Cesena-, è dedicata a San Giovanni Battista, colui che si nutriva 4 Apicoltura Torri di lunga tradizione, da tre generazioni. Nel punto vendita azien- di locuste e miele selvatico e, per questo, viene considerato il primo custode delle api. togallo), Nea Propontida (Grecia), Hegyvidèk (XII distretto di Budapest, dale ,aperto tutti i giorni, è possibile acquistare il miele prodotto dagli alveari di proprietà Scopri le curiosità che legano il Santo alla città e ai suoi apicoltori nell'opuscolo. Ungheria) e Bydgoszcz (Polonia). ed estratto nel loro laboratorio… oltre a tutti gli altri prodotti delle api! Se vuoi organizzare una visita scrivi a: [email protected] 17 Museo dell'Ecologia uno scrigno di tesori naturali custodito in pieno centro. Per promuovere l’apicoltura urbana a Cesena è stato creato un Gruppo Info e orari sul sito: Il Campo dei Fiori una fattoria didattica che offre visite guidate e laboratori di Lavoro Locale (chiamato ULG: Urbact Local Group), formato dai 5 Per saperne di più leggi il nostro opuscolo. creativi, alla scoperta del mondo delle api e del loro legame con l’agricoltura. Se vuoi principali stakeholder del settore e impegnato in azioni concrete per organizzare una visita con laboratorio e merenda contatta Marco e Orietta! Trovi tutte le favorire lo sviluppo di una consapevolezza nuova intorno ai temi legati informazioni necessarie sulla pagina: all’apicoltura e alla tutela della biodiversità. Hanno contribuito concre- 6 Istituto Tecnico "Garibaldi-Da Vinci" è il luogo in cui i “giovani apicoltori crescono”. Per scoprire le attività della scuola leggi l’opuscolo o visita il sito: tamente all’ULG, oltre alle realtà rappresentate in questa mappa, anche l’Università di , l’AUSL della , l’I.C. , 7 La Via del Colle Soc. Agricola, un'azienda totalmente biologica che si occupa di miele, vino e di agricoltura sostenibile. Nel punto vendita puoi scoprire e assaggiare i loro pro- ART-ER e l’Associazione Lenostre api. dotti, per visitare gli apiari, invece, prendi appuntamento! Info e contatti qui:

8 Maggese 201. Villa Cutrì con il suo ’apiario urbano’ è uno spazio in continua evo- luzione, in cui Maggese 201 sperimenta e promuove progetti che favoriscono lo sviluppo di SUPPORTER SERVIZI creatività e imprenditorialità in un’ottica intergenerazionale. Scopri attività e collaborazioni sul sito: 18 Babbi cafè. Regalati una pausa nella splendida cornice offerta dal Palazzo del Ridotto. A A.F.A. S.A.C.- Associazione Forlivese Apicoltori, offre servizi agli apicoltori e Potrai gustare ottimo gelato, deliziosi semifreddi, originali dolci e drinks, gli inimitabili Wafer supporto per la distribuzione dei prodotti dell’alveare. Per saperne di più leggi l’opuscolo e Maggiori informazioni 9 OrtiCà Soc. Agricola, una piccola azienda biologica sulle colline, tra i Castelli di Sor- vista il sito: rivoli e Monteleone. Martina ed Enrico hanno iniziato con api e miele ma la loro attività è in Babbi e potrai addolcire tutto quanto con il miele locale. #ilovebabbi, anche a Cesena i volontari del WWF si impegnano continua evoluzione! Scoprite tutti i prodotti e le attività sul sito: B Associazione WWF Forlì-Cesena 19 BEEing è un’azienda innovativa che offre soluzioni all’avanguardia e tecnologiche per per tutelare la biodiversità e realizzare con i cittadini azioni condivise. Scopri le attività sul terri- promuovere e diffondere l’apicoltura urbana, tutelando le api e creando città più sostenibili. torio leggendo il nostro opuscolo e visitando la pagina Fb: Vuoi saperne di più? Visita il sito e contattali direttamente! C Casa Bufalini - Laboratorio Aperto, uno spazio collaborativo aperto alla città che 20 C.A.C. - Cooperativa Agricola Cesenate è una delle principali aziende sementiere promuove e organizza momenti di incontro e supporta la nascita e lo sviluppo di idee e progetti del territorio, prima in Europa per volumi e tecnologie nella lavorazione del seme! Sono grandi innovativi. Scopri di più leggendo il nostro opuscolo. Info e orari sul sito: AREE VERDI utilizzatori delle api per impollinare le loro coltivazioni di sementi. D Cesenalab è un incubatore ed acceleratore di startup innovative, è una community Visita il sito: ancor prima che un luogo, nella quale le idee prendono concretezza e i sogni consistenza. Scopri di più leggendo il nostro opuscolo. Info e orari sul sito: Area a sfalcio ridotto - Rotonda della Secante. Seguendo il corso del Fiume 10 21 Gelaterie Leoni. Oltre al gelato “miele urbano” potrete assaggiare il gelato a km , a piedi o in bicicletta, incontrerai una delle prime aree “a sfalcio ridotto” create dall’Uf- G.E.V.- Guardie Giurate Ecologiche Volontarie Cesena ODV, associazione impe- zero, con frutta coltivata e raccolta nel Podere Leoni, il gelato con i formaggi, con spezie e E Comune di Cesena ficio Verde Pubblico per favorire la biodiversità e creare un ambiente urbano sempre più acco- gnata nella tutela dell’ambiente e nella promozione dell’educazione ambientale. Puoi scoprire distillati e... tanto altro! Esplora tutte le possibilità offerte dai tre punti vendita delle Gelaterie, gliente per le api e i pronubi in generale! Per saperne di più leggi l’opuscolo. le attività sul territorio leggendo il nostro opuscolo e sul sito: anzi Gelatterie, Leoni. Per info e orari visita il sito: 11 Boschetto del Parco Ippodromo - Area ad evoluzione naturale orientata. F Mercato del Lungo Savio. Mercato dei produttori agricoli lungo la riva del fiume Savio, su Contatti Una passeggiata al parco ippodromo ti permetterà di visitare il Boschetto realizzato con il 22 Osteria Michiletta. Tutto alla Michiletta racconta una storia, che si confonde con Viale IV Novembre. Non potevano mancare miele locale e prodotti dell’alveare! Scopri di più leggendo il IAT - Ufficio Turistico Cesena nostro opuscolo. Info aggiornate su: supporto dei volontari del WWF... un'oasi naturale in città! Per saperne di più leggi l’opuscolo. quella della città Malatestiana. Lo Chef, Rocco Angarola, insieme a Johanna Rapberger, vi Piazza del Popolo 9, Cesena aspettano per accogliervi e farvi trascorrere una piacevole e gustosa sosta. Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori dei Colli di Forlì e Cesena e.t.s., un’asso- . Creare un Frutteto Urbano significa avere al- G Tel. +39.0547. 356327 12 Frutteto del Giardino C. Darwin Per scoprire i piatti a base di miele visita la pagina Fb: ciazione nata per promuovere e valorizzare i prodotti enogastronomici del territorio. Sapranno beri in città che, con la loro fioritura, attirano e nutrono le api e gli impollinatori e, con i loro frut- accompagnarti con gusto alla scoperta del patrimonio storico, culturale e ambientale! [email protected] Angelini foto di Lorenzo Pasini • In copertina Simona studio grafico grafica Progettazione ti, diventano cibo condiviso da cittadini e animali! Per visitare il frutteto, nato dalla sinergia di Per saperne di più leggi il nostro opuscolo e vista il sito: varie associazioni e gruppi di cittadini, contatta i volontari del WWF: 13 Giardini Pubblici, uno spazio verde in pieno centro che è anche un Museo all'aper- to dell'arredo urbano in ghisa. Cornice ideale per festeggiare insieme il World Bee Day… e non solo! Scopri cosa c’è in programma sul sito:/ secante forlì a14 bo-an v A B CDforlì EFcesena GH.boscon IL ponte pedonale e45 roma fiera v.xxv aprile 20 10 1 e55 LEGENDA dell’ippodromo v.monte e ca parco tini v. xx e 21 3 4 ippodromo 12 v apri impianto fiume sa atletica leggera l .cerves (fuori Mappa) APIARI o e v

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v t visconti

forl t san martino i a giard io Mappa) v. fi nio da P i da a v.ex ti ta f i z v. .

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.a.saf o . m.caporal

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e p. ceput

v v.


q v. .l.sostegni c.m si u .ri at v

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e i

.adige .manfred .boit ro

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on t i lani

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v p

. . v mont il o

g v.r.zandonai .

v 20 C. A. C. v.g.rossin 14

(fuori Mappa)

to g.minz .don v.

v a. a r i toscani r (di cui uno fuori Mappa) e 21 Gelateria Leoni

n 2 5 .add sott .comunale v

t n v 7 e i v.p.m c ascagni v.arno e s v.delle clarisse u ti roversano ol 6 7 v. i at a a 22 Osteria Michiletta

p o


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sa v 7 g . v.don ceresin v.del monte v me onca v.g.bertozzi e fiu P v .a.bogoni .r.l v parcheggio scambio v cimitero .don i P g.minz cin oni uc P


v i parco

e ch celincordia c parco del cesuola IAT - Ufficio Turistico Cesena 8 8

adre g.geno p Piazza del Popolo 9, Cesena

v. ponte abbadess ponte

v. cordia in Tel. +39.0547. 356327 v.cel [email protected] A BCDEFGHIL • BeePathNet Final Learning Log•

4. ULG Progress Infographic

The URBACT Local Group (ULG) from the City of Cesena () was formed as a “regional” network from the start with partners from neighboring cities like Forli and Bologna joining its core from Cesena. In the 2nd year it spread even further, all the way to cities like Turin and Rome. Its members are an interesting mix of beekeepers, teachers, farmers, entrepreneurs, various NGOs and associations, but also researchers and private companies. With 47 ULG members it is a medium sized, but “a very active” ULG – with a high number of 30 “active members” from 2019 and 15 “new members” joining the ULG in 2020, bringing additional fresh ideas. Only 2 members left the ULG and its 11 “observers” maintain their level of involvement. A constant increase in the level of cooperation between ULG members can be detected on the Diagram 3; visually demonstrating the effects of a continuous and goal-oriented work with ULG members, benefits of a constructive and creative ULG environment and achieved mind-change. However, two characteristics and contradictory processes become evident, if you pay attention to the distribution of ULG members in December 2019 and 2020 (orange and green columns) – a clear formation of “the core team” with an obvious buy-in and high level of cooperation, as well as a clear

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formation of “the observer group” with a desire to remain in the ULG, but assume a less active role. Loosing 2 and adding 15 new members shows an exciting ULG growth potential. Both “polarization” and “fluctuation” in the ULG is normal and expected in such voluntary working environments where ULG members are driven by their own ambitions, as well as actual capacities for active cooperation. This is why “observers” in the ULG should not be neglected, but rather understood as important future potential. Diagram 4 breaks the ULG members into four “cooperation progress types” – their distribution further confirming above conclusions linked to “polarization” within the ULG in Amarante: • “Jumpers” – most active ULG members, reaching a high level of cooperation in the 1st year in the ULG. • “Growers” – active ULG members with less turbulent, but constant 1-2 level progress per year. • “Freezers” – ULG members who have already reached the desired level of cooperation within the ULG. If it is high (levels 3 to 5) they should be understood as active members, if it is low (levels 1 and 2) they should be understood as observers. • “Doubters” – a group of ULG members whose level of cooperation within the ULG has deteriorated – they are less active. Overall, the ULG in Cesena reached the highest cooperation progress within the BeePathNet project, with 1,68 level progress achieved by “an average ULG member” in Cesena - partially due to low initial level of cooperation. In this ULG, progress for both “active members” and “observers” was fast in 2019, which left little room for further growth in 2020, so it slowed down. Progress of the “new members” on Diagram 6 is deceiving, as many of 15 new members joined the ULG just recently. However, it is the clearly formed “core team” led by the ULG coordinator Saveria Teston, reinforced by impressive number of new ULG members, which confirms the “active” character of the ULG in Cesena and its bright future.

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THE EVOLUTION OF THE ULG IN CESENA written by Saveria Teston, the ULG coordinator in Cesena

The Cesena ULG group was born in 2018, thanks to the BeePathNet project. At the beginning the core group was composed by the Cesena European project office staff and the BCity project team: an initiative started by the Lugaresi Institute, together with Maggese 201 Association, that one year before installed 15 hives at Villa Cutrì and started the first production of urban honey in Cesena. From that starting point the ULG grew. The provincial beekeepers’ associations (AFA) have been included and always showed an active involvement in the ULG, the Agrarian High School, with a very active professor, was included too and hosted the 1st ULG meeting organized during the Cesena phase 1 final project meeting. Some beekeepers have been involved too, brought from the AFA to the ULG. Beekeeping was starting to be seen not only as a way to understand the environment where we live in, but also as a way to create new services and products, jobs and start-ups. Therefore, a start-up that produces innovative beehives was involved, such as the Cesena start-ups incubator, a seeds company, a local ice cream artisan and other private stakeholders. In light of the biodiversity aspect one ULG meeting was organized at the Natural Science Museum, involving Environmental Associations, such as WWF and GEV (Ecological Voluntary Guards). The touristic aspects were also taken into account and a tourist consortium for the valorization of enogastronomic products was involved (Strada dei vini e dei sapori – Street of wines and tastes) with the aim of working at the map and promoting local honey. The World Bee Day 2019 was the tangible result of all these collaborations and synergies put into places: honey tastings with local cheese, honey ice creams, seeds distributions, beehive visits, bee hotel laboratories and exhibitions, conferences and seminars…all these activities put together from the ULG, it was a great success. World Bee Day 2020 was held online, but was again the chance to collect everybody’s contributions and materials: someone prepared melliferous plants infographics, some others a pollinator slideshow, a presentation, etc. Even this time with all the difficulties of not meeting in presence, the collaboration was real and gave its results. The ULG motivation has always been present as a constant from everyone; many ideas have been proposed and also during the pandemic crisis, the ULG held its meetings and continued his work. Since we were approaching the final phase, ideas are becoming more and more real and concrete. We are trying to install beehives in public buildings, we started bees’ educational modules, we are finalizing the apitourism map in Cesena, we have some green areas with reduced mowing to let bees howling, we are trying to create some bee friendly gardens, and many more activities will come. We are aware that all these results have been made possible thanks to the time and effort put-in from our ULG members and due to their passion. The aim now, is to guarantee the ULG to continue also after the project ends and to see the birth of all great initiatives still waiting on paper in our minds.

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5. ULG’s Vision Words Cloud

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