Gazetteer of India, Arunachal Pradesh- East Siang & West Siang Districts
Gazetteer of India ARUNiD^AL PRADESh East Siang & West Siang Districts GAZETTEER OF INDIA A runachal Pradesh EAST SIANG AND WEST SIAIVO DISTRICTS A runachal Pradesh DISTRICT GAZETTEERS EAST SIANG AND WEST SIANG DISTRICTS By S.Dutta Choudhury Former Editor GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1994 Price : Ks, I70*OD Compiled by Shri C.K. S h y ^ , Compiler (Gazetteers) Arunachal Pradesh ^^ioUmen4 Cover-design and art-ivork^ By SBri (Bagcfu, formtrCy A rt T ^ e r t , (Directorate o f Information and ^uBCic (Relations, Qovemment of Arunacfud ^PradesB. Printed at: Sree Guru Press, Maligaon, Guwahati - 781011, « 570866 TTH 'Mel RAJ BHAVAN ITANAGAR -791tt FOREWORD This is indeed a very happy occasion for me to present the East Siang and West Siang Districts Gazetteer to the people of Arunachal Pradesh. It is a complete document giving physical and historical features of the State. (3 This Volume covers a wide range of Subjects. The development so far in various fields, and changes that have taken place in political, social, economic and cultural spheres over the years in these districts have been reflected in this document. I hope, this would prove useful to the scholars, educationists, researchers and administrators; and all those who are keen to know in detail about the socio-economic transformation which these districts have been undergoing in the recent years. PREFACE X he present volume is the fourth in the series of Arunachal Pradesh District Gazetteers. With the promulgation of Arunachal Pradesh (Reorganisation of Districts) Act, 1980 (Act No.3 of 1980) from June 1,1980, the Siang District has been divided into two new districts - East Siang District and West Siang District.
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