. \. '.•'•*



57»h YMr, No. I SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1945 Elb WI Honor 13 A riA* , CENTS Amazing Power m AfpHcoriM <* $100,000 i. War Ion* Emphasis on E Bond Indifference The flag Tonight; h School Estimate Lincoln School at I To Meet the Quota Of Voters Marks Summit Lodff* 1245, Benevolent SaysMaxwelLester Toe CpwatoH Council goes oa Here of $765,000 Tuesday's Primary and Protect!v« Order of Ellts, liaa record as wianiawmtly voting for llembera of the Summit War Tuesday's primary election here, completed arrangement* tor the any appropriation approved by the i Kinani-e Committee, who have ; in common with other communl« Flag Day observance, an lyinual Board of School Estimate, eves j been •pprthfn»ive about- the K ties throughout New Jersey, was and obligatory service with the though the Council disapproves, I bond »«!e», according to Harry marked by a pronounced indiffer- cider. •aid Maxwell Lester, Jr., repre- | W. Kilgar. chairman of the bank- ence of the electorate. Only 807 This year, owing to the fact that senting the council ia the absence , ing commute* lor war bonds. > or 10.67 per rent of Summit's the "Mighty Seventh" War Loan U of iu president. Rome A. Belts, have been active addressing local ».2tS registered voters bothered to on. the Summit Lodge has consent- before the Council of Social Agen- groups to acquaint trading bu.ii- go to> the polls, ed to giving a part of the tine of cies* annual meeting. Jane 11. This ne*» men with the situation. Councilman lx>ui* G. Dapcro on the observance to the War Finance Is the moat ^B"^| set-up in his Special talks wrre given la thethe Republican ticket won the Committee and Robert J. Davld- experience, he said, and the Board Rotary Club, Kiwdnlt Club and only semblance of it contest. Me son, chairman of the committee, af School Estimate is the most un- Club with the idea in mind handily won his renominatlon will be the principal speaker of usual Board. The greatest power that the*e local business lenders < with a vote -ot 31» to 12tl for Kujen* , the evening. Iks in the hand* of the mayor, who ran supplement the rffoiu »f the ' F. Daly, whA was running inde- The program, iu addition to that baa the deciding vote between the Bond Drive workers. aiu.L-.ea'cour pendently. The Democrat* had announced in last week's Herald two member* of the Common age the sale of E boifiua in thi* no candldatei for Summit offices. will include piano selection* by Council and the two members of community, reported John N. May, Their candidates for State and co-chairniHn of the Summit War Mia. LouU Seveatre and the read- SOT. ANTHONY J. LASMNA the school board who comprise the county offices in no instance ing of "Americanism," by LouU Board of School Estimate. If the Finance Committee. polled higher than 2? votes after being a prisoner of war nine Mallei, Jr., the eaaay which won three members of the board de- 'The E bond in the best mer- throughout the city. him the prize offered by the Sum-months has been released from a cide OB a mitlion-dolUx school pro- chandise offered for. salt- today," Lester, Jr., who has mit American Legion Auxiliary in ierman prison camp, hi* father, I Use council ba* to raise the stated Mr. May. "Instead of ; served 10 years on Common CounV a contest conducted by the Aux-Francisco Laspina of Orchard j money. depreciating with- time, it appre- cil from the Kir si Ward, ran welt: illary. Later Louis won the county dates in value." ahead of the whole G.O.P. slats street, has been notified by the I Other* who spoke on the'topic, Efforts will be t-!iuiiixe table and \ Kived the I'resident authority to resident of Newark. public auditorium, in the chancel. Committee, s: b*« been learned where he was vice-president, and equality today. T Ii e Soviet tray favoi." ami IL'-'i candy and nut i lower tarifls by .Ml', from the IWft that a very urgec: need for waste- Union in the only place in the. Needs $75.00 rii!«'s The be used "The .Ships Service llmni-h of mentst with other nations. H» i Carver, new president of the he faces the congregation or audi- j paper is needed to make cartons the Jew shares thn.se rights," said . H^ Ki:uit-i i>n the Fourth of the circulation department of the the Navy l«enj(ue urgently needs f to ship vital b!ooi p'luna. medical Langston Hughe.n to an audience I 'could reduce- duties by ,">Q>, bind i State Society, will speak. Rev. ence, with the service flag at his Newark Star-Eagle and had been ,, . , .. ., $7S in order to purchase a radio supplies and food to our armed of fiOO in the High School audi- Since hi cxifitinK rules iiKiiinut increase > George A. Liggett, pastor of the left. in newspaper circulation promo- n.st September the pupils i . , . ._ . forces. toiiuiii, on June 7, nn and Madison Auxiliarv I'o- .six field nmhulnnccs at n coo-t of mittee of the Navy league wan ! Mr. Hughes' account nf the, for thice yi'iiis with the addition- conduct the annual memorial serv- the right of the congregation or 1 carefulfy and place it on the curb ljc<. Sl.itJO each nnd fin aerial camera held Wednesday morning nt the very beginning of his career as a ! In haiKainiri); power proviiltd for ice. Dr. A. Lloyd Reid, a member the audience as they face the not later than this Saturday night, Mr. Kingsley leaves his wife. costing JoOO. home of Mrs. Truslow, Wnldron poet amused his hearers. He said : in the flmrwlnifnt. of the chapter, ia head of the ar- chancel or platform, with the June 16. so Uiat not one scrap will Mrs. • Slaridoan Kingsley; three They have reported to the Treas- avenue, to decide ways ano means . he1 went to a little town in the In reply to •> letter from Mrs. rangements committee. service flag on the left of the con- be missed. children, Robert. Jr.,'Judy Ann, ury Dc|mi tment, "Mission a< coin- of raisinn money for tins project. 1 mid-west when he was in the j Kenneth A. Baldwin, president of,;. gregation or the audience. Quite * rivalry bas sprung up and Frederick, and his niot$Pr, pli.shcd." , Xumernus recreational articles The congregation of the church : eighth grade. All the children tin- Summit league of Women Against a wall with the flag of between the North and South Sides Mrs. Eva Kingsley of East Or- re now w n is celebrating the 200th anniversary wore white except one other child, j _ -» \LM\ J /•! ' ' • " • ' R collected an Truslow and her committee ex- the views of tl><* Hummit League,-•'; United States will be on the right, ers the larger amount From the the anniversary of the battle at neither of the Negro children ex- On mid Hftor Monday, July 2. the ! |MM,tt « • ve all the articles r dy .Senator Smith unnvvered that he the flag's own right, and its staff very fine return on the JCorth Side Sunday's services. pected to be chosen, but, down at .slump and pnrcel po.st windows at : bv ju|y4 before thc destroy, r Is «iul<>rsi-ii the extension of th« ) will be in front of the staff of thelast week, the :o-.a! of which waa Mias-Hazel Lcber win be at the , the end of the list of officers was i the Summit I'ost Ofifice will cloae ji commissioned. present Flccipiocal Trade agree- r service flag. J5 tons. Southsiders are striving organ for the prelude nnd the Camp Canundus that of class poet, and no one was at 6 p. m. instead of 6:30. except; Mrs. Truslow ask* won- eon-mrntx Act, lint- tliinUd that "it isr, On the same halyard with the to reach the goa! of 100 lbs. from imposfiilil" at this moment to de- recessional. Walter H. Van Hoe- nominated, an the qualifications Sat urdays, when all window* will : tributions for the radio victrola, flag of the United State.*, the lat-every home. termine how we should contlriuo;. sen, a past-president of the New were beyond them, so someone dose at 1 p. m, mate* I). J. Fits-1 pne of the ntost important items ter will be at the peak. When Catt the Americas Legion. Sum- YMCA Home Camp ' the reciprocal trade policy In the Jersey Society, S.A.R. will lead suggested Langston Hughes. He Patrick, po.m master. The money! for morale. Anyone who wishes flag.s are flown from adjacent mit 6-2621 if you cannot wrap your post-war period ... It seems to the pledge to the flag. Donald : thinks their reasons were instinc- order window will close at 5 p. m. • to make a donation to help to- staffs, the United States Flag will wastepaper. Someone will call at me w i s e, therefore, that no ' Flerncr has been announced ns tive, ns they must have reasoned ns usual, except Saturday*. The j ward the purchase of this radio, be hoisted first and lowered last. once to help not on3y wrap your Opens on July 2 change ihidiKe .ihnuld be made at.? soloist. "Less We Forget" is Dr • ( Continued on page 2> lobby will remain ope;i until 7 j please tend it to Mrs. .lohn K. The service flag will never be dis-paper but take it to the curb for Camp Canundus, the .Summit the moinent in the present situa- ! Ward's announced topic. The pub- p. m. rVery day except Sundays for j Harper, treasurer. 34 Hobart HVC- fContinued on page 2> you. tlon." • lic Is invited to attend. Y.M.C.A. Home Vacation Camp for to lock boxes. nu«». Boys, will open for its tenth .rea- The uroup meetlnc with Mr»,, The Weather- Baldwin disa«ree|!:' Lowered Slightly, Of Rammed Hospital Ship Camp Canundus headquarters torrid days of March. Temper- I For $800,000 in War Bonds snid that '"In view of the fact thaljj are located in the YMCA. build- iiture.i jumped to a high of 90, and \ mighty push toward victory ; he added '"we want to aj.l in the Continued on page 6) if, A delayed Associated Press dus- | Concord. Mas.«, in charge of hos- ! ll'i humidity was the same; Tuesday given the 'Mighty Seventh* HUCCMS of the Sewnth War Bond " • " " , •; -s" •, Helps Final Result pital corpsmen. said. ing, and are centered about its fa- patch from Guani, released ye-J hi h w de e an d U Bond Drive when Cib* Phar- ' Drive in tin* community. It must from the ciUtien with most of the activities «•"-' « " ",. *1™ " , \ War Bond Drive Owing to the last minute re- tcrday. tells of the transport Napa. "We got the word w m crwnt hllrnld: Lotest Indwctos ., carried on out of doon< In bad «« P VScdnes- mBceutlca, Produ, ts. Ihr,. filed the go over the skipper of whom was Combridg- e to prepare to abandon »hij» dal y was sSsS Wt withh sllt>wer)showers latclater r iinn poinlVd out- that Selective Service Board No. 3 |f duction in the quota of blood re- weather full use is made of the ' fln-t corporate nppllcation amount-, Mr mander Guido F. Forster of Sum- and in 10 minute* our corpsmec quired of the Summit piood ! rlub the day. ing to $800.0<>0 worth of bonda in \ ,ni;l ,,,,.,.i.»] drive fnr coijiotntions \ of Maple street, has listed tMj| mit, being rammed by another ship bad every patient ia a life jacket gymnasium, swimming po. : ; Bank, held at the Y.M.C.A. on The din of" the 17 year locusts (|nvc for corporations--• — , ''•to f){,ti-h»st- thw•• e -- •—begin * on following registranta as havin|||,; rooms and games. thc ^^i^ t f June 5 and 6, the number of don-of the U. S. Fleet. Commander and out on deck. Our life boats been inducted May 31: Army-#g were! gone, so we were ready to The Junior Camp takes boys nf drowns out the birda in some parts | untr|, uot,(,rt .1, Oitviihon. ' jltl)«. IH nnd <-xtriulJi thiouxh .lunr ors was sufficient to make the Forstcr, a former Mayor of »Um- 1 of town, sounding somewhat j , r | Summit War. no. The fallowing wmifs are avail- Kaymond 'Kosol. Ashwood avefj;J 7 and 8 years, while .tin. Senior ( hajtmil|) o ile mit, who has been at the St. Af-,! drop)j;b« patienjs "over ihe *idc. like a thousand soft-pedalled rivet- . c,,irimittre. B,,jr- nue; Hefmon N. Mosc», 8ayr#| final result satisfactory, said VV. "TragedJ, y was averted, however. Camp takes boys of 9 and over. Finanrt bnns Navai Hospital for a check- cis somewhere overhead, with, like xlcr r Gilbert Baker, chairman. This by quick* work of the Xapa's re- ' Both camps are conducted Monday "Ciba has alway, been a heavy,. T,v. ,„,, one-half per cent "f«»: «^e R. B» '»» <| waa accomplished by taking all up, could not be reached for com- Heaven, no exact locale. To thepurchaser and strong supporter , , Bond* of WT-72. «vpn«J(l- «nd All«list J" Marinafe,, pair crew and by the skipper of through Friday. Senior* from 9 to Tr MIiry cio. Beauvoir avenue. Joseph CSJi Who came. ment. The AP dispatch follows: Weather Man, the birds seem to the ship that had done the ram- *, Juniors from 9 to 12. Wiir Bond drives." Mr. Twn 8n(, ont.quarter per cent Mandntto of Park nvenue wai in- On Tuesday, 186 pints were tak- GUAM (API—'Delayed)—Tales b(1 W. Gilbert Baker, chairman of trying to out-sing the looms. I Davi(jHon ,.,),,. ;In fBct, Ciba ha.. Trea,ury Bondj of 1959-62. ducted into the Marines. || en, and on Wednesday, 190 pints. wheh n ming. who pulled alongside to »up- bi'ing unusually vocal this yenr — been the biggest buyer of war Seven-eighths per cent Treasury Tile committee thanks all who the even in the bond.* in ihi.« community." untst the cargo Certificate* of Indebtedness, Sc- Library Hours helped in facilitating the work of her Vide, brought 2 M ao dcr the supervision of J. Bindley J. J. Brodhcck. president of the " fight to Guam ana the transport WM hack The summer schedule for the mobile unit, including the from the Iwo Jima Hoff. Refuge* Workroom* Ciba Company, visited Mr. David- even keel again. son at (he War Finance Commit- ; One .ml one-half P«r «nl Suwit Public Library will hril Motor Corps. Canteen, Nurse's hospitals for treatment. Further information mny bp .se- "Our hospital corpsmen were [Treasury Bonds of 1S50. !hij| wek and conlinue till ( Aides, Staff Assistants and Junior Skipper of the Napa is Corn- Open Mornings tee headquarter* in Maple street, I Treasury Bonds of 1*». !hu wek and conlinue U1, jl .~ Lieut. Baldwin said. cured from Edwin G. Lincoln, boys' i o.. ._ ,. Treasury Savings tember 15. The library will Red Cross. mander Guido F. ~ former ''The Refugee Relief Work- and on malting the application for ' Serif; * (*. -••-..- ^,._ ,,, „,,,, J^g stood forgot all about their own programs secretary at thc Y.M.C.A. rooms will be closed afternoons , ; closed RII d«y Saturday*. Otbfl The doctors who gave time to mayoyorr of SummiS t Ciba, was impressed with the e(A- ' Notes, beginning Monday, June IH until ...„ „ XT' \m\r lias hern | hours remain the same. Dati|§ their essential part of the program the end of the gangway today i safety and even gave their life — : ~~ cieniy of thc headquarters, report-' jj,e gtnfli jackets to the patienu. further notice. They will be open were: Dr. R. S. Milligan, Dr. H. th..e. patient..,.t:^r,(=s hnbhlehobbled Oorr we*WC'fc (i, ed Mr. Davidson. available during the entire period \ from 9 tn 6 Open Monday, Wtdjj as worked like Where To Find It mornings from Sti.iO lfntil 1 drive. «nd inrporationa ! nr>tlay snd Friday evenings fl P. Denglcr, Dr, S. W. Eason, Dr. «rrltd off the ship, shaking the i "Those crpsmen "The people at home have a I Dates .. f dosed all day." ' ' Davis, Dr. M. J. Scalessa, Dr. H. Traveling in thc black of riigflt ilhU fl«ht through to the ftnUh „„ empb«»i«ed th, fact that now , Church 10 N n other ehar No mlnl W. Christennen and Dr. J. L. Sly.off Iwo 20,21 SIMONIZIN'G-VVP Inatall CUS- and back up our fighting men. ,, the time Tor corporation* t* buy I **- Ciba want--•--•* to Invent- a« much1- nn-. jiBn yon< .,.•!ar n\i. o. f .•.'..thene_ Uxuea, . j hnUnce required. Open your TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY, bloody, ' .<. V. Borough , '8 TOM TAILORED SEAT COVERS, count todny at The Firit Ni bBvy anothesnovner shipv of ,j se_ e yo_u _throug p^j^oojh a summe, r Hof Ifun. . uny make car. Ottn Schmidt, Jr.. in the*e securitiei s > Bank and Trunt Company of phone Summit 6-8040—Edward A. A R N. P. Township tf. §9 of the CT-ARK CABLE, ROUTE 29, Butler, Realtor, t Beechwood 115 r. Roaa. between the L^ric Theatre M*'ltrand and UM Station. — adv. Lieut. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, I94S cookie, cleaning the dough from and all it stands for. The order ly good for lifting cookies chs side of the bowl and in count- never be u*ed a* a ecuverlnr, (or a Too to bt of Elks la distinctively Amerlcaa the board to the baking sheet ,5 i statue or monument, Langsfon Hughes Amazing Power less other ways. The second type for removing them from the hmll * (Continued from page 1) In Inttftst «f War and every member of the Order Display of Rag When displayed with the United may well be proud of its activities (Continued from page 1) it spatula is broad and is especial* aheet after baking. ^ ^Continued Iron psg« 1) 8Utea Flag, tbt latter will not be subconsciously that Negroes could HCy i *lng «id dance, therefore they A tea will br gtww by Mr. during tbe present war. ice, and food; plumbing; com- played above or to tat right of the dipped to any person or thing, but I understand that since 1M0 the United Btates Flag. tbe atrvic« flag will be dipped at could write poetry which la a Charles 8. Bobbins of Llewelyn municable dUeases; vital statis- the United combination of the two arts. Park, West Orange, iw 18, »t Order has raised by voluntary tics, etc, and garbage collection, Witt) tlit flag of a of honor. contribution, |sT«,7sU« to be used «Utw, the etrtict flag will be of WiU never be displayed upside Mr. Hughes read some of hit *:30, in tbe interests of the Nation- an almost vanished function, be An Unusual Bedroom Value wide War Emergency Campaign for the men in service. Such, aa ac- added. In the latter belong such approximately equal »i*t but ntvtr down. poem* at illustration* of hla ex- of the American Bible Society, complishment speaks for iUelf. activities as pre-natal clinics. The loagtr. *# Will ntver touch anything bt- perience* in life, which included a year in , where he ar- Park Avenue, Newark. This so* With a membership of over 750,000 board is fiscally dependent upon Backed AM Usual By Doyle's From * ataff projecting (tertian* ntatb it. iuch a* the ground, the rived with W; found a job in a ciety plans to supply 11,000,000 among whom there are, President the city. tally or at an angl» from a window floor, water, window ailt. or mer- «ill, baloccy, or (root of • building, restaurant kitchen; went to Ven- scriptures to the Armed Forces in Harry 8. Truman, M0 Congressmen Karlan & Kennedy, recreation chandise. wt Uu United State* Flag will be ice on bi» vacation to "see the liberated areas. and U. & Senators, M former and director, gave a eomprehetutve plactd at the ptak of the staff If WUi sever carried Hat or horl- water and gondolaa for himself"; Dr. J. Chapman Bradley, one of present Governora, PoasesslBg lontaJly, but alwaya aloft and fret. outline of the accomplishments on the same halyard, or to the waa relieved of his money and the executive directors in the bonds to tbe value of 134,000,000 is and future plans of that side of right the flag's own right, if dU- Will never be used ** drapery, paaaport while aaleep; slept in a metropoUta* area for the cam* a record for any fraternal organ* sever fwtoontd, drawn back, nor community life, and streesed the placed on adjacent staffs. "flop hou*e"; and worked hit way paign, will be tat guest speaker. atioft to be proud of. importance of maintaining a alga Otherwise than by betaf flown up in fold*, but always allowed to home, no wages, with » cento in AsaiiUng Mrs. RobUna, who is I congratulate tbe Order of Blsts fall free. standard of recreational opper> from a staff, it will be displayed hit pocket. 71M color line hag the cc-chalrmaa for Unkm and on their eoming meeting with Pres- tunitles. The cost of recreation is Aat, whrther indoor* or out When Will never be fastened. 4U* about diaappeared la the mer- other N. $. counties will be: Mrs.ident Truman on JVUM Uth, sad played, uaed, or stored in such a 4301a cents out of each ttx dollar, displayed either horisontally or chant marine today. Thia did not David Burke, whose husband is know much good will come el It be said. nestitr a* io be aaaily torn, sollid, the Preaideat of tbe Bible So- vertically afatiut a wall tat Hag coma about fust out of goodwill, Fraternally yours, For the City Planning Commie, trill b« placed «o that tne one or daxaaged. ciety; Mrs. RAM* Betta, Mm. Kea- but out of a atronge union, b# O. HARRY CULU8. •ion, Fred Mort, Its secretary, aaid point of th« atar la uppermost, WIU never be wed at • covering conuneoted. nath Oordon, Mra. J. Chapman Mayor. that their governing body nay to an open ire* it will be im- for a ceiling. He made a trip to Africa, Bradley; Mra, Harry W, Jtosen- pended vertically. Will never have placed upoo It, where lit aaid the nativaa were grant, regional director of the make the final deelsios) ea any C«utlont—Tbt Service flag: nor on part of it, nor attached to friendly and hospitable, dean and United Council el Church Women matter relating to the city. They Will form a distinctive Nature it any mark, insignia, Utter, word, beautiful physically, with great of N. J.; Mia. H. Walter Riland, Indifference have the collaboration of a Ctti- at unveiling exerciaea but will figure, dacign, picture, or drawing racial dignity. Segregation baa Mrs. I* A. Norton, Jr, Miss James (Continued from page I) sena* Advisory Committee, which of any nature except thoae pro- penetrated Africa, the horn* of Bnead, Mra. Wra. Ward, wife of is net mandatory, The Planning vided for in the approved da»!gn the Negro, and everywhere are Or. Ward, who is the Chairman trlct 1, Lee Haaes, Edith Kama; Board also acts as • Zoning Board, Will never be uaed at a recep* •Igna, "for Europeans only." of the campaign la Bssax county; district % Gifford Leece, Mra. whose general purpose is to nuke A Testimonial tacle for receiving, holding, carry- Ships loaded with the wealth pro- and Mrs. Robert Watt Castles, Elsie C. 8. Decker; district 8, recommendation for the develop- ing, or delivering anything. duced by the Negro In Africa field secretary for American Bibls Guatav Fischer, Beatrice BpiUlt; ttent of the city. "It might b« of interest to Will never be uied for advertif leave her aborts, and the work* Society. district 4, Leonard Parkin, Ger- Mrs. Kenneth Baldwin, who pre- you to know that four yean Ing purposes, nor ebroldtred on era at* paid little, he Bald Color trude Reinman; district ft, John sided, spoke briefly of the Welfare cushions, handkerchief* and the prejudice la used to keep African Formichella, Elisabeth Brenn, dis- Department ago, overnight, my sources trict «, none; district 7, Ben like, printed on paper napklm, divided and afraid, he added. The These officers were elected: of Inspiration took away boxes or anything designed for Negro waa brought to thia coun- BksWH Honor Scheppe, Mary Freeden; district (Continued from page D 8, Andrew A. MeNamare. President, Mrs. Perry T. Iterant; from me the desire to use temporary uie and dUcarded, nor try for economical reasons, and vice presidents, Carl Forsberg and 3 Piece uaed ai part of a costume or ath- segregation la one way of keeping Its war activities oa flag Day. Mr. McNaxnara received the un- tobacco and coffee in any opposed election as justice of the Rev. Dr. Jacob Tmpp; treasurer, letic uniform. Advtrtlalng aigni them from bettering tbemaelvea "What you have done needs no form whatsoever. We have peace for a five-year term. Harold T. Graves, Jr.; secretary, will not be faatencd to a itaff or ilnoe slave time*. praise from me. Tbe report speaks Mrs, Richard KUnck; executive never touched either one of halyard from which the service Bit poetry baa been written aa tor itself. It Is the inspiring story Democrats elected an incom- plete list to the county commit- committee, N. Hamilton McGlffln. Mahogany Bedroom Suite them since that time, and flag la flown.. a reflection of hit thoughts oa of the efforts of seven hundred Albert Blennan, Miss Mary 8. When It U In euch condition! Negro Ufa aa he has observed it thousand American eltliens la the tee as follows: Ward 1—district certainly have feft much 1, Marjorle Par cells; district 3, Welles, Mrs. Amos Htatt. that it U no longer a fitting «»• war, of the eighty thousand of Ml** Edna Dawion, Hiss H. P. blem for display, will be destroyed dishonorable cauiej, the star rep- John Mannion, Jane Mannion; better for having eliminated them who have actively served our Day, Edwin Dederer and Oscar • DRESSER in a dignified way, preferably by reienting that Individual will have Nation on land and sea and in the district 7, John McCarthy, Kath- them." burning. superimposed thereon a gold star erine L. Murphy; Ward ^-district Dennis are the continuing mem- sir, of the thousand and more who bers of the committee. •CHEST Rev. B. L. W. If the Individual symbolised on of smaller sUe so that the blue have made the supreme, sacrifice. 1, George H. Hufnall, Dorothy Westervelt; district 0, one vote SEE PAGE 4 a flag la killed or diet while In forms a border (Handbook, new That is a shining record—a record service, and the death l» aot from par. 2M.) of which the Order of Elks and each for David Hanlon for male Kinds of Spondos member, Hilda Hanlon; district 6, '119 the whole Nation can be proud. There are two kinds of spatulas Other matching pieces available. You won't find a Frank Colarusso; district 7, J. M.' which are convenient in making "The story, of course, will not be Mitchell, Mrs. Caroline Montuori; cookies. A narrow, lond spatula price thia low on Mahogany Furniture of comparable complete until the remaining evil district a, John, E. Neville, Mary forces of aggression are destroyed. with a limber blade la good for J, Smith. leveling off excess Ingredient on quality. All drawers of dovetail construction front The report breathes your deter- Ths tabulated result* will be mination to see this fight to the the cup or spoon when measuring, and back with center drawer guides and dust proof ># found on page 6, in spreading the spread type of finish. Carry ott! thruout An out of the ordinary value in better Governor Walter E). Edge, In his message to the Elks, aaid: furniture that we are proud to offer. "I would appreciate it very much If you, as Grand* Evaltsd Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Or- "Extra Care" SIMMONS MATTRESS der of Elks, would extend my con- FREE! gratulations and best wishes to If you want to be assured of a«d COO. STUNG .. 35 your fine organisation for the very quality dry cleaning, send your effective work it has done around clothes to us for we take extra 1 tbe Nation, in the sale of war (Mtn's or Loditt ) bonds and in other activities aid- care to preserve the original fit. ing in tbe war effort. The Bene- volent and Protective Order of LIBERTY Elks in New Jersey has done much to provide entertainment and small CLEANERS & DYERS luxuries and comforts for service- Bonunlt MS01 , men, and I know that on a nation- SWEATER CALL AMD DBUVEBY SERVICE wide scale your organisation has made a contribution of which. Its neat Office: M9 Morris ATenue of tbe Chamber of Commerce of Summit, N. t. Dry Cttontd cntd Prttstd members may well be proud." J—Branch Stores—*. * . Mayor O. Harry Cullis sfnt tbs ••• w - % * '* Phone SU. 6-1510 Summit, N. J. following letter to the Grand aS|> Springfield Avenue Lstckawanna BJB. Depot Exalted Ruler of the Elks, Robert 465 8pringfWd Ave. (next to Strand Theatre) S. Barrett: June I, 1945 Mr. Robert 9. Barrett Grand Exalted Ruler 404 Duke Street Alexandria, Virginia Frankly folks, this is simply a get acquainted offer. Dear Mr. Barrett: The Benevolent Order of Elki of the United States of America bas always had a definite out II standing place in our communltj We have opened a beautiful new store at 350 Spring- " as a patriotic organisation, and a Mayor of our City, I heartily en dorse their annual celebration o DON'T JUST THINK ABOUT BUYING BONDS field Avenue. Flag Day in commemoration o our heroes that have made the su preme sacrifice for our countr; Our many satisfied patrons in Summit andvicin- I ity have mad1 e thi« • s possible•• a .

We are very proud of our new location and invite BUY MORE IN you, one and all, to pay us a visit and find out for your- THE selves the fine work we do. ~ "MIGHTY SEVENTH" Just clip out the coupon below and bring it to us Jimnxl* /ingle Say it Me thinks that pies most WAR LOAN with a sweater. WE WILL DRY CLEAN AND PRESS grow on trees To be an fresh and sweet IT FREE OF CHARGE. as these.

Today's Suggestiont COUPON BUY EXTRA "E" BONDS NOW AND HELP FRESH APPLE This coupon IntMot btortr ffo Hit Dry Ckonina of Ono Swtottr Frto (Men's or Pies . . . 35c SUMMIT GO OVER THE TOP Laditi*) of HDIRAL CUANIM BANANA LAYER SWWHIT Sffotv Oily Coke . * .50c

RAISIN CUP Cokes . die 35c 9he SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY ASSORTED Federal Cleaners Rolls . di. 24c ESTABLISHED 1891

Member Federal SHIRT LAUNDERERS-TAILORS Member Deposit Insurance A~'~ Federal Reserve juti-r** Corporation FUR STORAGE System .

MAJESTIC BAKERY ra-W- Summit MOWS 1lCMAI»C.SIlltl.«WNII • • • ^ I THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, INS 1 Service Men Who Recreation For the G4. In Army Are At Home Hospital Explained to Kiwanls Recreation is-T>rsvided to suit; the recreation program cu-rfed f on in th THIS SUNDAY _ the needs of the G.l. in Army hos- * hospital* had medtcsl pitals. This was explained Tues- approval. Miss Jackson defined Long sleeve sport shirts f recreation tor the convalescent day to Summit Kiwanis at its Bf McGregor • B V.D. On Leave luncheon in the Hotel Beechwood G. I. as a tool to reeducate him JUNE 17th The foUowinf men and women b .M i L. . — to return to his livelihood in Manhattan have rtftotorwl at Uw local "Y" by Miss Luella Jackson. Summits dcmocrtllie society. ,nd the R»ti«» Board; assistant director of recreation, Edward Lincoln of the YJCC.A. to $10.00 who spent two and a half years«xcnl&rM gtafl WMtMt «tt«d into Expires as a professional recreation work-; membership by President William gtusrt Lodtrtfik, Sl/a er with the Red Cross in Army gaVagc Levos avenue hospitals at Camp Lee and Fort; A TOoment of silent prayer was e-17-45 , Knox. • , ed for Robert C. Wngaley, a Charles D. Roger*, 174 offer «-22-45 The speaker said the convalcs-; former member, who died Ssvtur- 115 MM* •»«** cent G.I. could find any kind of | day in the Bay State. William S Jpl. Virgin** CGrady recreation without going off his I Bedell spoke feelingly of Mr. Baltusrol mtd ,__«-28-45 post, tucb as dancing, libraries,; Kingsley and of his work in this l. DA. WMueda Cp and competitive sports. She said community giving special refer- 75 Broad street 7-22-45 ence to his being advert is ia-g U Edwin D. Frost, Jr. •75 Broad street _—_-,-6-30-45 manager of the Herald. 126 Prospect street 8-7-45 Mid'm R. H. Sprtnce kharles V. Ueydel 99 Beech wood road 7-5-15 Mental HyqltM Group go Hillcrest avenue _-.._-7-12-45 Paul R. VaaMiiter, Jr. You wii eniiaKt «*y oHt you oKre Dad a U. Stanley A. Bradley 14S Beechwood read . 7-5-45 Speak to Medical Society Springfield avenue, New The May meeting of the Sum- foM by tw*h»f a War lead in Hit Providence ^ •_ 8-15-45 Lt- Comdr. T. S. Deland, Jr. mit Medjcat~«octety Was! turned 165 Hobart avenue „__._ 6-jy-15 . <-" - package. Give him the preseat with a fHture Lt. Hulbert A. Reiter Herbert M. Collins, BMlc over to the Mental Hygiene So- 1 ciety of Union County, and its 50 Deforest; avenue ..,..«-18-45 10 South street _^ 6-21-15 and at Hie same time help p«t the Mighty various aims and phaaes were William J. Kennedy, Jr. Lt. Comdr. Fred Huey BOJC IS! Springfield avenue, . presented by Dr. Helen Yarnell, over the top. 37 Edge'wood road, 6-30-15 psychiatrist; Mrs. E. Louise Ham- New Providence ...6-14-45 Robert Harney. SKV3/c Joseph W. Mudge, A. S. ilton, psychologist; and Miss 133 Mountain avenue 180 Summit avenue -I—^6-15-45 6-16-15 Catherine Baschnagel, executive Cpl. Michael Pannullo • Frederick C. Bchwan director. 64 Railroad avenue - 133 Summit avenue _._•._.7-3-45 7-9-15 The meeting, the last one ot the Harry Brewer, Merchant Lt. Henry T. Dougherty Marine season, was held at the Ciba / 180 Summit avenue _. m So, Maple avenue, -7-U-15 Pharmaceutical Products. Inc., on Capt. James S. Wfaytal Springfield .-— 8-5*3 May 29. The society* membership 25 Springbrook road, has increased by six during tfe Sgt. William T. Pope Springfield _. ' Liberty street, Berkeley — 6-28-15 past year. Heights „.—.„.,_,„ .._7-13-45 1 Sgt. Joseph L. Samxaro | • 27 Chestnut avenue 7-1245 JiUKU.Y Of TnflDITIflll Sgt. Anthony EL Zangara Livingston avenue . 6-29-45 We have a complete luu* from 1 Michael I* Zangara, Fl/c Livingston avenue , 7-13-15 %\m to $5.00 Jamse M. Brown, Sl/e 14 Laurel avenue 9-5-15 Max L. Relmer, CMl/c 98 Larned road „_ 6-20-45 Give him a Cpl. Electa A. Black 7 Park lane, Springfield 6-16-15 Prince Gardner Registrar Pvt. Milton R. Winn The billfold that's twice aa" convenient! 304 Mountain avenue, Springfield .'_ .1. 6-24-15 Frank W. Becker, Jr. $2.50 to §10.00 2i Liberty atreet, Berkeley Heights 6-13-45 Ens. Charles S. Williams, Jr. 107 Hobart avenue 7-10-45 Sgt. Perry C. Adams 883 Springfield avenue 6-21-45 Sgt. Eugene Prince Berkeley Heights - 6-30-15 Clarence Sargeant PHM3/c AU Wool 52 Meekes street, Spring- Kavy, Miiroon. field 6-15-15 Brut. Charles S. Williams $1.50 and $5.50 317 South Mcyler street, San Pedro 7-10-45 Lt. Arthur G. Pilley Union avenue; New Providence . ... -8-5-45 Lt. John W. Schweikart 17 Baltusrol place _.„ _ 8-7-45 Sgt. Cornllius C. Frldln 958 Springfield avenus 7-1-45 Sgt. James E. Kerrigan 358 Springfield avenue .7-22-45 Sgt. Harold Ft. Randall • would liKe to u,i ,..J patient* 317. Morris avenue, the full truth about the seriousness of their condi- Springfield „_._.' i-28-45 tion. For he knows only too well how many people Sgt. William R. Buctell arc unprepared for the inevitable, especially in re- 169 Mountain avenue, gard to leaving their financial affairs in order. But Springfield 6-28-45 in many cases he cannot do this without jeopard- Cpl. John H. Lee 6-21-15 ising the patient's recovery. ... It is far better to 361 Springfield avenue make a will while you are well, and to provide for LEISURE Pfc. Wilfred LaPierre Springfield avenue, its capable administration. If you have neglected Berkeley Heights ... T-4-45 this matter, today is the day you ought to see a Pvt. Lawrence G. Petty lawyer — and talk with us about the management COATS 24 Orchard street ._.. 6-11-45 of your estate. Pvt. Milton R. Winn. /' 306 Mountain avenue, Springfield ... 6-24-45 Lt. H. W. Branigcr. Jr. %Jir$t National iBank ALL WOOL 180 Summit avenue 6-20-45 Sgt. Louis P. Nigro TWO TONE AND PLAIN COLORS Gantner 7 Laurel drive 6-24-45 anii (|rust (jfumpmuj of Summit WtKHS John O'Mahoney $|£.95 anil 'S'l^.tS 25 Overlook road _- 7-1-45 UEMUhlll KEDEIIAL.'DEPOSIT INSURANCE COHPORATION If. Diyucclo D. A.




Botany, maker of millions of yards of men i si..r, fabrics, ,., ond by Hickok, Genuine cowhid* creates the Botany Wrinkle-Proof Tie in Planned Patterns

belt.. . two-tone initial buckb . .•:, i to go with your suits. And the miraculous fabric springs

back to fresh newness when hung up overnight. $1 each.

Botany Regence Ties Jl 50.

OPEN DAILY 6 Except Wednesday 4 Saturdays SUMMIT. N. J SUMMff HjJUUD, U JUNI 14, II4S til* # a3 • number of cUwrs NMc itim* tot UWUKH b art werkiag la Of War$r«mf>» c#{)ac;r in Summit tad other*

of War Bon it and Saving* ^ in Summit public #ciKW»l» School U*t mestfe far the Smote War j Leas driv* totalled I&MWS.T3, it r«s*rtt4 Tuesday Right to tht o! education by SuJ*riBt*5a« At HfoliMt PL J. $»«*• at Sdioola WUliaia A- Kta- »bakt»p»ar« Garden : c*-4 J Biadity Hoff, principal ftf Park, Pl*infi«ld. p«rt of and School! far tlie Coonty B«rk qrrte&t, u in bloom sow, and thJi u the Mar to vMt it The

the been istniM of approximately flS prr to to tht or t^hooi MJW of 17^46-51. an in- tor. W. Richmond Tracy ««**t o< »f>f>rojum*tely fO p*r ceat picture* of torn gard«n to B wu: XJLJ. so. "Tt* f Be- Sti4es^ is -ne Kobman, Navy. The other members of the ! Florence Lewis, Magdalene Lou- formed ud aware of what is going on around us. Perhaps will b« in teijion % da.y» to Au- the greatest waste has been caused by the wholesale and in- KNOCKABOUT SHOES gust 4 icc'.ujtve, daily aeuioui be- claaa wiil a!! appear on th» pro- vi3. Rob«rt Long. Yale Manhall, creasing cutting of timber tor lumber, paper pulp and tanning fiB-iicf *£ 8:34 a. m. and cioiing' gram. Miu Steebefa subject will John Oakley, Charles Peterson. cxtracta without planting new trees to maintain climatic at n.20 p. m, A studeat ia re* be "The Importance of Scientific Marion Reed, Theresa Romano, q'jlred to attend only the ciaat or Research ia the War Against Dis- John Stapleton, Pauline Under- conditions and protect the soil from erosion. Another great claiiu for which he \% re^utered. ease." wood .Theodore Wehe, and Her- loss is ia the fertility of the soil caused by the constant de- Ca« tion due to rains, wind, freezing, heat, oxidation and the acid meet two hour* a day,- five dayi guage, *cience, history, in general, Director Bartholomew spoke as tL1 MacGregor gaset and soot from burning oil and coal presents major prob- a week for ajt weeks concluding any subject that a number of stu- followi: 1 lems. Food products not only require protection from the Augiut 10. A atude&t »'.H receive dents require. > • "The Honor Society of Summit \ Awarded Citation above elements but are also subject to attack by light, bac- full tem«t«r credit in each couwe, Unless they have begun the work High< School was established in i teria, insects, rodents, etc. EsgUth IV; Problems of American of the second semester boys who June 1&21, by the Student Council: Democracy or American Hktory, become 18 years of age are induct- for that year, The purpose was | By Univ. of Chicago Among the valuable contributions to progress that has Summit Hardware & Paint Co. each the aecond iemejiter'» work ed into the armed services before ! to institute an honor, to be con- j helped to make the machine age a success has been the con* i ferred upon thosi Seniors who > Lawrence J. MacGrtgor, presi- servation of the life of metals through protective coatings ;a the »;jbj«ct He will cotaplete they cemplete the high school dent of Tae Suajcait Tru*t Com- 351 SariaoficM Attw* T ill 442U the year'a work in each *ai>ject ! have contributed the most to the and by the development of new alloys to prevent wear and course. For this reason the Board pany or. leave to act as head of the by taking the flrat eemeater of school in scholarship, service, and I oxidation. of Education for the past two Lisbon Office oi the American each iiibject trom September to character. The class of 1921 and year* has maintained summer Friendi Service Committee, LU- : February. There is no tuition each succeeding ctasa has had its' Since people are more Important than things, more thought school for these students. This bos, Portugal, r.aa one of 33 alumni ; chirgt for the accelerated since it program makes it possible for this quota of students thus honored. should be given as to the conservation of human life: how to of the University of Chicago ui jporjored by the Board of Edu- group of boys to work out their The preient rules provide that j make the human mechanism last longer aad give better awarded cita:isos cf merit at the C4t;on. Rejutration for the. ac- program to the end that they may the number chosen shall be ten; service. Aiuoant Assembly Saturday, June i. celerated prograni clones June 22. in full standing in Janu- per cent of the number of grad-! uatei; and that each atuder.t cho-! The citations, established during Just as there are forces of destruction that are destroy- for the tuition ary before being inducted 1 sen shall be publicly presented; the university * fiftieth annlveriary ing or seeking to destroy what man creates and needs tor a ! with a gold letter "S." \ ce'.ebration in 1M1. are given Sn satisfactory existence, so there are forces at work pulling recognition of public service to the j The present plan provides that down the physical, mental, spiritual, social and economic SCHOOL ^.„ community, the nation and hu- SALE each eligible Senior shall receive status of man. The most destructive of these forces that i three ratings, The first rating ia: manity. Since *.heir establishment man has demo as'.rated the ability to overcome is the toxic Country Day and Boarding Accessories— , purely scholastic. The second rat-! four yeara ago, citation! have been effect of caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and drugs. ing shall be the number of votes I awarded 218 univeraity Mumoi. Superior College Preparation Vases, figurines, ash trays, cigarette boxes, • given by*^h%, meinbers of the This June nice women and 24 men The greatest problem of our day is the conservation of received citations. To prejxwe yew boy for the /»/«« «• waste baskets, pictures, mirrors: appropriate ; Senior Class, '"fhe" third rating mankind by overcoming the use of all addictive*, such aa develop hiss properly now. ; shall be the number of votes giv- Mr. MacGregor. whos« resident liquor, tobacco, coffee, tea, chocolate and colas. You can eas- for your summer hostess. Many at half price. i en by members of the faculty. address in the States is Ard Coille, ily prove for yourself that your health is better, your mind At Cttritrtt your boy it giwn tktM Eutntialt: Chatham, was graduated from the (It Helpful aptitude tent. (2) Faster reading ability; I The sum of the three ratings con- clearer, that you save money and create will power when i stitutes the total score for any University of Chicago in 1916 and you exercise self-control in freeing yourself and helping others greater eomprehention. (3) Pertonat and Vocational Floor Lamps— waa elected to Phi Beta Kappa, gutAtin*.*.. (4) Small clau ditcuuion (ttrtut large group • individual. The candidates shall along this road to success and true happiness...Try it and do Only four left. Good for summer homes. ; then be listed by score rank from |highest national honorary society your part in the conservation of our greatest National asset. rttii/ttt'jn). ($i Prttrnbe.d body building exercitet. for students in the arts and. sci- Regularly $25.00, now $12.50 j the highest to the lowest and the POST TE KR FRF.P^R ATIOV itr***e* Phyiitt, Ch'miltnr, Malta- ences. j first 10% shall constitute the j HOWARD B. BISHOP. •nnui*\. $w,e.nl l*tintf\ It rt^trrV, and indutirul leader*. Drill j membership of the Honor Society Having served with the A. E. F.. Powderene— ! for that class. base hospital 13 in Limoges in "Students and teachers are In- World War I. Mr. MacGregor haa tnHiii4it4l MfMWron |iv«n iiii(Mi of Fijcholojiit. Regular $1.00 tiie, now 50c j tute a rating in service and char- as chairman of the War Finance Human Engineering Foundation ftmt lwt%t frtti'.i it «<»!l

162 Cubs and Dads 7F.I.4S. JACKET-With wtim hack, iipptr front. SISM J6 !• 46. Ortitr hv Tfltunit* t* Mr/y •• Saturday at Reid 1.10 A. M. .Wonrf floor 6.91 Fathers of the nearly 60 boys in . . Does Fop look m though he's in the old clothes Braytbn Cub Pack 162 have a. date WV R4YOX SLACKS — I'M. next Saturday afternoon at 4:30 btattMss when he gets into his relaxing duds? brotm tr blur. Situ 30 10 42. IS9 p. m. to frolic with their sons at Teltt*rtirm or mad ordtrn «e» Memorial Field, weather permit- That old blazer he wore when he was cheer ctpfd. Sttonii Floor 6SS ting. After a program of sporting Under at Yale may evoke fond memories for COTTOy KSIT T-SHIRT —lot* events by the cubs, their dads will of /mttrrnt to rhnott from. Small, try to take them over in n game him, but the neighbors only see the threadbare' mr^ium, kr$*. (frdrr by Tttfitri- of eoftball. Early returns indicate ir* n» *irh tit ».« .4. V. Str*rt that a large enough contingent of elbows. And those pants that Were half of fathers will be on hand to provide •* ~ --~ ~i---_z/"-- " -fi, ~ the ncce&sary substitutes for the "the best suit he ever had" (vintage '29) could expected victims of charlcy horse, base-sliding and commuters* give way to a really good pair of slacks. In cramp. Some fathers hare re- cently been noticed practicing fact, Bambergers Men's Store has a collection throws and bending over to Held grounders with questionable re- of casual and sport clothe* that uill alienate sults. the. affections of any man from the ripest old Following the games there will be a picnic supper, a campfire relics in his repertory. So, this Fathers Day ceremony and presentation of awards. Mothers, sisters and surprise Pop nith the comfortable, casual brothers of the cuhs. are also in- 7 vited to be guests. clothes that uill make him look like the hand- In case of rain the meeting will take place on June £3, same time, some guy he is. same place. BUY BONDS FOR VICTORY

BOXER Sr/M TRVMtS-Ctl*. n«M kttukskin. Sand or tan. Sis** 30 lo 44. Slrtet Floor 5.00

REACH ROBE—Cotton and rayon htach cloth, t'ty well tailornl. Blue, natural. Ian or yrllou: Smell, medium, largt, 2nd Floor I3.9S '. W IXRATIOyED SANDALS — Whtat or brown cotton fabardint frith *»nrrfr plattic toltt. Sizes 6 to 12. Men't Shorn, 2nd Floor 3M

Ordtr fcr Trlnrrric* mi emrly m* By to md" i« 1.30 A. M. Iwhat people tay lof th» Ha* York IHBRALD TRIBUNE..... lit typt.ii I and r#*dal>l* ••»••••

Xt§ V TWO.TOSt JACKET-fr3u*i* front *' L mnd berk yah*, wool tttimd fc«rfc, toU tm- «"rf tteeitu SUM W to «. A'» Xt»* •dittd to give Tf/»»«fi'ife nr ,m*il order: Men't , «, I, ftf. OIL Sporlmo*, Suoni HOOT J9SS yott «li * 1 I*itho\it 9PORT HH!FT-Wool and rasm Im hani»«mt »/«wrf« or 10HA pam*l>. TM— ooco rIMS NW r«tfir. Small, mrdium. lar$». rt» [nit i« • Tatimrirm m mail «

th» HERALD lEin ,fl*V" uff MX

.*, employed is Summit by tk* Pmrktr k Durye* of 8t*BheB>"]alu*r Oowpaasy of Hits* strw*. New York. Tafcrfefetf flesuHsor * Teesdoys M*^'lteffa» J» Swnmtt •ell place for a number of year*. Burrivlag a» hU w»f., WAftDD FVneril Mrvtcs* were held at Tuftj h^ aad thm l0 WAKDI ' ' '••• , ' Gmsri the Burroughs Fuaeral Ham*,, tot V. Stale of l f » ftttl awHst B. Pwl, ^ W ivm It, at t o'clock, th* Rev, *e«k, mud RofWf |>uat Of Jterie CutUf of Of*** Memorial Fmactoco. H 111 M M 0 3t 21 in •a Chuich orflrtattafi Interment Thomas, R. — If U M 41 IT m M by THT CARWR FOWJQWmO It tl n 2* 2» 114 took plies at Wmnm, Sussex J. J. Muir, a M M 41 tt IT If sit a it tt n M If it n 22 Sit 4*9 eouaty, tats moral**. The twnl of Joseph J. H T *«* ft-^t, New Jane* 0*44**, a -- U B » m II IN et m M M tt • m It it 21 U Mt tit Mr. E*pu* U wrvtved by hi* brujd of Prospect atrtet wu Brescher, R. _ 15 tt 40 «f a Jt m tlwnday morning la St *, St m n it at it IT 19 i 14 1M 2M UUrlch. a *- t U If st M is IT Cburca. Burial was la Bay View 10 it u i« 4t it to it tt 14 10 tu hi* mother. Grtffla, R „ S m » I t m OemtUry, Jersey CSty. Mr. Hilie. l i it t 4 I t 4 27 Morton, D. — 1 I 3 44 brmod, who wss bora In Brookiy6 I t 4 x I 4 s*abttsb*4 ThU Young, D. « 1 t 4 at 4t •ft yews ej». n«4 lived in Summit 1 t 4 I t 4 t t D.Nflb Huaovai, P. - 1 i 1 * at 44 22 ye«s. He was sal«wuuug« f i I t 4 i t 4 m Mxfta Ftaue, to, a r or Coarogr, D. _.• 1 t u 27 44 former resident ef Stnansit for a the IT^esflised Rubber Co. of Baek ««»*« *t 10 e«rtj «*& Turk. Ht died June «. 0T 111 tl U tt 34 14 m no attober ef years, lor the past few Bauer, a — It U a S3* Mr. BUlebfaad leaves hU ife OAftn t© M lOt M at K> tl 28 M m Ml years ef Mew York aad Content- lUUgtoa, Ceseral Mews Rigby.R.--^ 16 It 40 w it 114 iln. Freld* HJU»br*nd, and & i%- 88 107 it 21 30 U n m US ment Island, COWL, dUd in th* t A. Rowland, a - U It a M tt Stf n Ut, Wto Margaret Hillebrand a It SO t 19 11 4 4 » US Stanford Hospital oa Friday, o( Oregory, a - 7 14 IS IT If ft Jun* &, Be was a member of th* Wwtveod. Be waa a former mem- ma, a wooDsms ...~~-*<« T u T It f ce 10 XI 8 10 t 4 u its t I 3 m m law Arm of Spanee, Hotchklat, btr ol the B Prtwtdenoe Township, AavsrtisiBf Ban, a .. 10 f U 10 it 11 M a 4 t 44 Bradley, D. -J T • to 3 t 1 t 47 Haefaer, D T I 4 n 2 a 1 4 4 D. „ i t * to a i 1 a 44 24 Ifs Time #o Send Culliwuw, D. S FORBES —- 40 17 23 28 413 714 |HP V «aw - Ma*****, Job L*HV, a W 127 §f«RQUSON V. BASS Publisher a B&WIN CARTER ftt-L*rge 471 Your Rugs to , JTCNK 14,1MI Mckoit, a — n 22 M N 4t N 57 1M »T SS 83 IS It Omunea Council Deu, a 20 22 SI tt if M POLICY EXPLAINED N tot 329 Daptro, a --. .. 4« at 43 «9 M 24 31 24 This past week we received a letter from t reader com- 128 Daly, R, w .. IS 15 10 t IS 4 1 136 plabiing'that The Summit Herald has no editorial policy and 61 Bedrosian •art i that it doesn't take sides in controversial matters. ToUl Vet* 28 •4 tM et M tl •tt As it has been stated in this column at least four times 148 to the last four and one-half years, it is our editorial pM- For Cleaning t losophy to present both sidea of all subjects political, religious, Geddes Nominated LETTERS DEATHS League flada itself lit company ! racial, and other controversial matters. VflRIS w*P»A» Jomti J. Honkn with th* Board of Directors of the AND I We believe that this policy is very important to the n Assembly Four, (The following letter, which UJ9. Chamber of Commerce which Funeral services were held Sat- proper use of a newspaper in a town such as Summit. This peak* for itself, ha* been sent to unanimously approved the Recip- urday from the Pinneran FuneraJ I letter made reference to the fact that we had taken "an un- Senator H*wk*« by the writer,— rocal Tr»de Agreements Act with Home, East Orange, for James J. Mrs. Griffin Loses Hanlon, 79, »t that city who died fair and most snide attitude" toward a man who made a com- Bd.> the amendment to give extra Summer Storage AMernblywoman Irene T. Griflln, bargaining power. Acting; Secre- Thursday. Burial was la Whip- plaint before the City Council. We deny thti and alto deny ly^woman ever elected to state Hon. Albert Hawk**, tary of State Joseph C Grew has pany. Mr. Hanlon, a native of or county office In Union County, that at any time have we taken such an attitude toward any- Washington, D. a been quoted, as saying (N.Y. Summit, lived here until About to one regardless of whether we have believed in his position. was defeated for the Republican yeari ago at which time he moved enomtn*tion Tuesday in one of Ify dear Senator: Times, June 10), that "mere ex- tension of the law would be an to Hoboken, About 10 yearc ago Your rugs will come back to you in the Fall looking This evidently is a successful policy and one to make peo- the lightest primaries in county On Thursday, June 7, the sub- he moved to East Orange. Besides hlttory, and in her place the vot- ject for discussion at Town Hall empty symbol of our hopes for like new with their original beauty and luster ple in Summit believe in; for The Summit Herald, which in cooperation with the rest of the hi* wife, Margaret Hanlon, he 1941 had 1,800 circulation, today hat a total circulation of r* choie former Aaeemblyman Meeting of Utc Air wa* "Mainte- leaves three ions, James, John, restored. Charlea R. Gedcle*, of Union, who nance of Frice Control during Po*t- world in the economic Held." ever 7,000 papers per isiue. and Stephen; two daughters, Mar- served la«t in 1938. War Reconversion." Listeners were Un. Baldwin iayi: "After th* first World War we planned a po- garet aad Elisabeth, and a. broth- Of this amount almost 4,000 go to the homes right here There were, at a generou* e*ti< requested to write to their repre- er, John, of Summit in Summit, and as there are barely that many families, it mate 15,000 votes cast in th* 1S3 entatives In th* Congress, giving litical League of Nations and neg- lected the economic consequences The house of BEDROSIAN haa earned Ita reputa- sterns logical to believe that the hews coverage and editorial oting districts—a pittance com- their views on the subject, which is ared to the county average of of the peace. This time, perhaps, Monjortt Hqnogon tion for SAFE and.thorough cleaning by giving policy in general are suitable) to the community, why I tun again inflicting a letter 60,000 and the high of more than on you. we ate realising that then can Miss Margaret Flanagan died individual and meticulous care to every floor cover- At the same time there are many subjects which we will be no peace in a hungry world, 80,000. Observer* attributed the To begin with, I cannot see that Wednesday at her home, 15 Lin- ing entrusted to us. try to take leadership in, if in our opinion, it is for the good ack of public interest to preoccu. in a jobless world, In a world at coln avenue st the age of 69. She reconversion can begin very soon. odds over economic rivalries." !of the community. We do not feel, however, our opinion patlon with the war and the ab- We still hav* Japan to beat, and bad lived in Summit for 60 yean. * . ' ence of real contest* in moat lo- this will require more men and Survivors are a brother, John should be one "out of a hat" and we would like all our caltUe*. more supplies than did the war In Flanagan; three nieces, Mrs. Mary Phone l» Today — Summit 6-0500 t readers to remember that we value their opinions moat highly A* far a* incumbenU were con- DATES Palmer, Mr*. Catherine Sharp and (and wish to be guided by them as often as possible. Europe. It pussies me, therefore, JUNE erned, Mrs, Griffln'* defeat waa that any of our war Industries Mrs. Margaret Hanlon; a nephew, he only untoward incident in ft Edward Flanagan, all of Summit; SCHOOLS ABE CLOSING hould abut down now. Calling for 14—Thur*.—Flag Day. primary that ran according to form ncreased bond purchasing in face and a nephew, Frank Flanagan of June is not only the "month of brides." It is also the otherwite. Nominated with Oedde* 14—Thurs. — Summit Story MorrUtown. of apparent reduced need for sup* League Picnic toftOADLOOM "month of the sweet girl graduate." were Aasemblymto O. Clifford les doe* not seem very logical. Services will be held from her Thomaj of Elisabeth, Thomas M. 14—Thur*.—Kent Place School CARPITINO Many of the private schools are cloud already as are home, Saturday morning at 0:30 Muler or Plalnfleld, blind de&n of As for the conversion period— Graduation. with a solemn high mass In St. when that really comes-^nly the also many of the colleges. News of the graduates is and has the state Legislature, and Joseph 15—Fri, 8:15 p. m.—High School Teresa's Church. Burial will be been published in each issue of the Herald. L. Brescher of EllMbeth. trlctest control of prices can pre- Graduation. In St. Teresa's Cemetery. sent inflation. It la very sad that | Tomorrow night will witness the commencement exer- A alxth candidate for nomina- IT—Sun,—Fathers' Day. tion, August C. Ullrich, HilLslde our sense of responsibility to our cises of'the Summit High School, with 167 boys and girls ellowman and to our country dis- IT—Sun., f.SO p. no.—Exhibition Hflfry CttofMt Ffjpnk 1 attorney, wa* defeated. (16 in absentia), when diplomas will be bestowed upon them. Thomas waa high with 13,430 appears so readily when there is Tettnia Tournament — Y.W. Funeral service* were held Mon- iMany of these have completed what might be termed the votes. Mulr had 12,243, Oeddea 10,- a chance of financial profit. It is C,A, Courts. day evening In the Haeberle and Jjfirst lap in their education for they will be going on to col- 917. Breicher 10,819, Mra. Grifttn quit* true that profit 1* the driv- IT—Sun., »:S0 p. m—Annual BAR. Barth Funeral Home, Irvlngton, ng force in all things, that all for Harry Charles Frank, 63, of DOMISTICS leges of varioua types of learning. 8,046, and Ullrich 7,901. DAB Service In Old Spring- ORIENTALS The three incumbent Preehold- human progress ia th* result of a field Church. Pine Grove avenue, who died Sat- % From these will come our lawyers, doctors, dentists, ra—Charles L. Bauer, Jr., of Elis- desire for profit. But—profit 1* of urday In Overlook Hospital. Bur- {scientists, councilmen, mayors, governors—up and down the two kind*; profit in things spirit- lt-Mon., g p. m. — Y.W.C.A. ial was Tuesday morning in Fair- abeth, B. Story Rowland of Plain- Board Meets. Igamut of professional, political and diplomatic life. They field, and Lee S. Rigby Of Sprlng- ual and profit in things material. mount Cemetery, Newark. >will be the leaders of our thought for community, state and flelil— were renominated, turning It seem* a* if th* desire for th*' 1»—Tues., 8:30 p. m.—Regular A native of Newark, Mr. Frank 428 Springfield Ave., Summit, N. J. back Joseph -W, Gregory of Union, latter far outweighs that for the Meeting Council—Municipal graduated from Barrlnger High '^national life—for peace or for war—for a better way of living; Mayor Louis V. Ebert of Roselle former, that the worship of th* Building. School and later earned degrees •for a more democratic state. Park, and Charles V. Ball of Golden Calf has not abated much at Columbia University, Cooper 23—Fil.—Public Schools Close | Here's to the graduate of today from the High School Scotch Plains. since Aaron's day. Union, and Stevens Institute of for Summer Vacation. Technology. Six years ago he re- r {and to the future graduate from the colleges. May they carry The totals in this race were: Senator Taft asks for a slight Bauer 12,593, Rjgby 11,776, Rowland 35-Kon.--D»lly Vacation Bible signed from the faculty of Stevens us on to the Utopia that has been dreamed of by many through increase In th* price ceilings so 11.143, Gregory 4,400, Ebert 4,284. there may be * profit to spur on School atari*—Neighborhood to take a position as a research \J the ages—may their lives be of unbounded benefit to man- and Ball 4,141. Industry. Is thare so little appre- Koiu*. engineer with the General Cable Jrind and to themselves. Democratic candidate* for As- ciation of what America stand* corporation' of Bayonne. flembly and Board of Freeholders for, *o little sense of responsibility (•CMC Httt Mr. Frank Is survived by his POTPOURRI were unopposed, although all re- to our country and to our fellow Funeral services will be held to wife, Mr*. Mildred Oertrude Wastepaper collection on the South Side this coming ceived a substantial complimentary cltiten* that only a financial profit day at th* Riverside Funeral Frank; a SOD, Robert Henry Frank; his father, Charles F. •unday. Paper is still much needed for conversion into pack vote. The Assembly ticket is will Induce us to do the obviously Chapel, New York City, for Isaac headed by Joaepb/T. Conroy, 11th necessary? Frank; two sisters, Mrs. Alex ige wrappings. There will be collections on July 22 and He**), to, of Springfield avenue, Ward councilman, who w&s ousted However, profits In material who died her* Tuesday. A haber- Schmachtenberg and Mr*. Ralph fuly 29—after which there will be a lay-off until the end of from the County Board of Taxa- things should not come from price dasher In New 7ork, Mr. Hess re- Dodd, both of Mapl«wood, and a itember. But get all you can in the collection Sunday, tion after a diipute with State alone. They should com* from in* tired )0 year* ago. He has been a brother, Sgt Arthur R. Frank of [ills can still utc all that can be picked up, Sen. Herbert J. Pascoe. creased production and from ia realdtnt of Summit since 1911. He Summit, sow in th* Army. Hi* fellow candidate* are City creased sales. In a true economy leaves a son, Alfred Hew of Wal- F.H.A. Cniissioner Abler H. Fergi There are two interest! attached to the celebration of Clerk Samuel R, Morton of Rah- the purchasing production should dron avenue, and two grandchil- nWslnVTII M Battle of Springfield this year. First, of course, to Sum- way, Russell A. Young of Wlnfleld bring about reduced unit cost; re dren, Knalgn Emmltt Walter Hess, Kenneth Depue, M, of Russell and Joaeph A. Hunoval of Union of the USNR, now on duty In the it is that of the anniversary of the battle, which has been duced unit cost should mean low- place, died on Sunday, June 10. Reports lo tie litin! Freeholder nominee* are Le*te er prices to the consumer, and Pacific, and Merrill Stanley Mess, He was (he son of Mora Bensley observed and participated in by Passaic Valley Chapter Simandl, Linden attorney; Milton this means an Increased volume in a student. and th* late Roy Depu* and had C. Bradley of Ptalnfleld and Frank FHA fan intured komm loam aggregating 1A.R. and Beacon Fire Chapter, D.A.R. for many, years tales. This has been proven In $8^00,000,000 under att phase* of it* second interest is found in the 200th anniversary of the Haefner, city chairman of Hillside manufacturing again and again; The defeated Republican Free operations..... ration of the Presbyterian Church, It was from this therefore, we need price control holder aspirant* were backed by and reduced prices to the consum* durch it will be recalled, that Parton Caldwell took the the newly-organized Union Coun er in the conversion period and More than 6,000,000 American families hai* liymn books and admonished the Revolutionary soldiers to ty United Republican League, after it too. bought, built, or improved their home* ive 'em Wattt, Boys; Give 'em Watts!" whftae president la Frederick A. through this program ..... Brodeaser of Linden, former atate Therefore, my dear Senator."! hope you will vote for continua- Children should not forget that Sunday will be Fathers' purchailng agent C1BA NEEDS MEN The league oppoaed the incum tion of the O. P. A. for an indefi- For S years the FHA has paid all its expenses Jay. Mother has had her innings and now it is father's turn bents on the premise that IS of the nite period, or at least until true out of income derived chiefly from premiums father it quite an important cog in the machinery of th county's 21 municipalities were un competition, aa shown in quality Advancement Opportunities and feet We hope the youngsters (and the oldsters as well) represented on the board and that Combined with price can establish the election of league candidates itself. I would like to see even not forget. stricter enforcement of price ceil* IN addition, it has accumulated reserves &f from three of tho*e municipalities WtfiOGfiOO in Us inmring funds to meet ings by making the buyer equally for men In our enemies! manufacturing dspsrf- And do not forget that local telling institutions still have would he a step toward more rea possible futures losses sonable representation. liable to punishment with the sell- C" Bonds for sale. Get one today. There it a quota to meet Bauer, a Board veteran; Row er. That might arouse some sense ment. Apply it one*, If you art looting for of decency in the alt too many NOW it is able to announce the first distribu- land, recent successor to Jame intt-rsstin* work, in s modern, busy plant. The and votid Incorporation ol Ackerman of Plainfleld, and Rig that now pride themselves on be- tion of dividends to a group of 13,000 homo the society. by, a former sheriff, were support ing on the preferred list of some Our Neighbors black market racketeer. > production of medicine is extremely vital to *«y«" »*« P«U off their mortgages in full HILLSIDE-MI* L. C. Roberts, ed by their *lx fellow Freeholder* tit RIDOBWOOD—Wnst Is so raw through the throat," Lieut. Said i* so. We believe, however, that SUMMIT, N. J. la 1868, showing the namsa sa a day In Jun«T asked the Ridge win said. "He was doing his the issue lUelf is too important JERSEY MORTGAGE COMPANY all property owner*, and fc wood Herald-New*. On June 5, breathing through a tube. I aaw to be decided on that bast* and BUS It FOR SUMMIT STOPS AT OUR directory in an inset. The the coldest such date on record, him up on deck and asked him I we feel we have a right to ask ROBERT F, GCUJJSUY, KrmUm* was W. V. Bayr«. aohoola were so cold that feverish he waa all right. Me knew and Xour representative* to consider It WHO Rulei Obierveft CARTON 8. STAIJARO, S«..Tnm* MNF1ELD—The New Jersey work could not get up enough knew that if he had gone over the solely from the standpoint of th* I NORTH BROAD STRKET, ELIZABETH (teal Society elected offl- atesm to hold an afternoon sea* aide, he would have drowned im- beat Interest* of tht country and r#f#j»A

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' ^' J1..'' • ,!>£b_tf^ -4- .'•_ 4 "'yt ^ta^^.^Ogt _ . .^.f^-.. )*?_*., aaj^. S^J^^UJ, if -.^^Wl you now :•'•••' • He's-an American hero. After fighting bloody battles on Iwo, just after he had led his assault team to the edge • • • In the Pacific, he was home on leave two years ago. of an airfield we needed desperately. HERE'S WHAT UNCLE SAM • • • You may remember seeing his picture. His name is WANTS YOU TO DO: THE. John Basilonc, Marine Gunnery Sergeant. He traveled all Select your Individual quota ia the 7th over America, urging every American to buy more bonds. War Loan according to your income- MIGHTY then meet it! • He said: "You d^n't know—you can't know—how Jf your Average Income much it means to the boys out there when they hear the Per Month is: Value) folks back home have just put another War Bond Drive $250 & \>p $187.50 over the top.'' 225-250 150.00" 210-225 131.25 200-210 • • "'• They gave him the Congressional Medal of Honor 112.50 > • • We can't let him and all our other fighting heroes 180-200 93.75 and offered him a commission. He didn't want it. "I'm a down. Remember, last year we had two War Loan Drives 140-180 75.00 100-140 37.50 plain soldier," he said. "I want to stay one." by this time. The Seventh is our personal call to arms—two Under $100 18.75 drives in one. That's why our quota is large. v • • Well, he stayed a plain marine—like Joe and Bill and Let your dollars join the fight in the the fellows down the street. He can't ask you to buy bigger '• • • We must meet it—we will meet it—for the hero of MIGHTY SEVENTH WAR LOAN! bonds during the Seventh. He was killed a few weeks ago Iwo—for Victory—for pride in America. ! • * • Bay BIGGER so ftps tn THE MIGHTY SEVENTH THIS SPACE IS A CONTRIBUTION TO OUR COUNTRY BYi The Citizens Trust Company The First National Bank and Trust Company Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation • Member of the Federal Deposit Innuranc* t'omnmUnr. • # The Hill City Savings and Loan Association The Summit Trust Company Member of Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation 'imtrance Corporation Member of the Federal Dt>po*lt Insurance Corporation 1" Summit Federal Savings and Loan Association Member of Federal Saving* & I/oan Insurance Corporation

is inofficial V. $> Tkm*ury adverthement-prtpareJ under tht tmphet of Treaturj Department and War AivetiUing Coimff' THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 14. 1945 t Poland. U basis' is .his- tory for any sack and now agais Given Bi. Degree; "Life of Edison" a«?r boundaries will have tp be CG. Commission; Also Poland Talk h** betn lib- The Oli Guard «aw a film T>,- the goicrcuient fe»s Married on June 9 Life of Edison," Tuesday inwsung, t;. tr.e jgi-stiy. ci by the June 12, featured by the Gine-al j fcu\* c?un (orac from Kicctric Company. It sfeo.wei t lie :.'-•.r ;r»t.-.. Tat *>*,:>n.'±* have boy Edison as having enjoin* {^r i.>r .Jr.J ar. j have • ability. At, one time he ehi-.fi a y.oobn off ber nest and tried to A own. &* jil uf it batch U»e eggs binueif. siua»ni-atr sj la a r them in the process. His firs: ;:;: Guard be*i Frank LET'S RAISE THE FLAG! >n the electric Jield wts hw af- i 1 pointment 'aa a telegraph -elevator. the at 22. after he had savtd tlw i * e • After the terrific bank for I wo, no American can doubt that .•if a railroad director's chiU. He became a persistent experiment the price of victory comes high. That's why today, we at ho&e in electricity. His ouuianth:^ A Plea for More achievement was the invaniiv^c; rr. are engaged in the greatest War Bond drive of the war... the lamp in October, l»7i>. Tik> ru-i mighty 7th! It will take more bond purchases than ever to put lamp wai made by hand, bui Ui»y Bond Sales Heard were soon turned out by ntn'.-ri-- it over the top. Let's all answer our country's rail m buy hnnrU He collaborated with M. Su::;> to the limit—and do it now. jm'tfc Edison U creJlud »v,h By Rotary Club many inventions which have revo- Jahn'N. May. Jr.. repio.itr.ting lutionized the operation of . Kl :ic Y.XT ComnuUi-e, prc- AU OUT PO* THf NHOHTV UVINTH-BUY MOM BONOS KbUiiaius on Monday RAISI THAT VKTOtV fLAO - KU» IT nVINO The birthday group iru'ujr,,' the Seventh War Loan Dr.ve as —Off!, f*. G. Plwlo. Roy M. Baker, Edward H. LuuC ii sict-'d ai that time. : EN'S. MORGAN L. DRING »«l GKAf AIUkMIIC 4 MCUiC «A CO. Charles N, Thorp and Arthur W:- Mr. May expressed the opinion I Easign Morgan Lee Dring, son hams, adjourned to Bottle K;!i that tr.e -.alt of the general bonds , of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Dring Tavern. Madison, for lunch -.vis j .-ocitding along conventional ; of Durham, N. Y., was awarded ttoftmts No fbmts Thirty-three men attended, t\\e of Isntjs aud that the quota would be "his Bachelor of Science degree and Prune Juice 23c Campbell's WXllVJ. *zh whom were guests from the i'iain- mt'.. What he Is conct-rr.ed with a regular Coast Guard commis- iield Old Guard, is the apparent lagging of the "E"'«»« at the 60th graduation exer- Prase Juice *>«"" 25c Van Camp's ,^t:V.i, \'.v12e Edward Montchyk, Bo::j jsaics. notwitiutanding the of the U. S'. Coast Guard Prue Juice MutuL 24c Ann Page Beans"Ir." '::9« and a native of Warsawa whmembero ha, sefforts b«ing put forth by the torn- '' Academy, New London, Conn., mutce to stimulate'the *-.»!«. He long lived in this • Wednesday, June 6. The ensign's U'» the season of plenty for fresh fruit* Prone Juice »»«'« 28c Ann P>se Besit *,^? r 10t said tb;«t it is very ae«j=ary that [father, au engineer, u employed t the Summit meet its quota in this drive and vegetable! and A&P has gone "all Apple Juice "">"•* *t»- 20c B&M Beats . <>^«<«15fi • by the Bell Telephone Labora- out" to bring you the pick of the spring crop* at thrifty price* I u: the niji Carrot Juice »(*<*» ««. 15c Spaghetti e ! class academicallyy,, was a coin* Sun-Ripened Beauties! s PULLETS 52.00 lar^t.SE quota of "E"' Bonds that t pany guide in the permanent or- Lemon Juice :,Ki\, r 8c Tenderonl tne area has been faced with se!l- j ganization of the Battalion. CAJX OR WRITK Molasses WSff -18c Spilt Peas ing—$765,006—$165,000 more than \ He won a varsity letter in wree- •rn* ir'wHm for the iast drive. -Fer e F WENDELL S. STILL h i tling as manager of the 1945 team, Heinz S°. Soup Air. May said that this area had which did well in dual meet com- WATERMELONS LDKN (UON'O !SU\.Nt»» Km' Jl about 25,000 people' and it should petition with Columbia, Yale, POINT FRIE! POINT FRIIt not be too hard to raise from two Brooklyn, Tufts and West Point Sweet... Juicy! <4 h-i'f to three minion dol- and placed third in the Eastern They're ready to ORANGE JUICE APPLE JUICE He stated that the house- Intercollegiate* behind Annapolis chill and serve! 18or OC. 46oz RED CHEEK 4 Of) JITTERS ' • caava-ss had about been and West Point. The young ofli- C CAUStD 't.cdaad urgtd thai efforts be ! cer was also active in , 2 en J3 car, Brand bo!. 1 CHAFING to sell an exna "E Bond: I Ensign Dring, whose favorite urge any contemplating j courses at the Academy were Red Ripe RELIEVED carton 2°^1Tt m July to buy in June in- | signalling and seamanship, be- •s Ready to Slice of 4 or 5 NC*«E He ako said that Summit lieves deck duty and an assign- TOMATOES Sunnyfield FLOUN i:»i not failed jvt afcd should not ment with an Air-Sea Rescue Unit M MI From ,rl6c Campbell's X fail no-.v. Mr. May called atten- would prove interesting phases of >U AT tion to the V-Certifeate that has a Coast Guard career. Nearby Sunnyfield S 10c Armour's Vltalox « bttn devised to send to those in The ensign, who is a jeweler by STRING BEANS Farms Pure Honey «"^« ^ 28c Gravy Master " ti i H<. *ugg*?.sted that hobby, attended Public School No. Miiallar'e UACAIIONI* be >vi»t to those now in the; 21 and Hawthorne Junior High Beehive Honey . Home <» -28c 13t HrawlaollllMlfttm nt line to shoiv that we echool in Yonkers, N. Y. In 1939 at Grown Kara.aa Syrup i*«^15e 19* C*at> KUtHlvt Jifn «iik f Rotary Arthur f. nual competitive examinations and Tumbo Puddings . -7tCut Beets J^ entering the Academy in the sum- NEW CABBAGE so.* 2O •» writ* H.u o.i \V. Christensen an- mer of 1942 he attended New Junket Rennet Powder ** 8c Mixed Vegetables * ,rl8« MIT* lAIORATOKlU nounced t'.mi a challenge for a York University, 1939-41, and the r J* golf match with Kiwanis had been University of Newark in 1941-42, FRESH RADISHES received: game to be played June The newly-commissioned officer, 27 on the links of the Eaat Orange Who was president of the Young CALIFORNIA Golf C;ub- Dr. Christenscn is People's League at the Summit rounding up players. Methodist Church, was married on Vbitors were,Roy Staple. Ber- June 9 to Miss Elizabeth A. Bou- r.irtLviilo: Jerry 'Reich. T. Edgar lard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Every cake 1 made with le»t^ ;'• Wilson. B. Aldcrbcrt, Hillside; W. Alfred T. Boulard, 83 DcVVitt ave- tor-quality ingredient* by AS Kc'ton Evirts. Madison: Frank D. nue. Belleville. The ceremony took (.killed baker*. They're attra, Mursroo. Verona, introduced by H. place in the Reformed Church, Dnn-iIU Holmes.* Belleville. ively priced ,.. and ration free! Ensign Dring. who was a pre- Nofbmts 21b. To The Summit Herald: modical student before entering $ I jtiM havl a very p!c.is:int and the Academy, has two brothers in Pickled Beets DunrieeCake 44 wolcome .«tirpri.'-c i»'h«n 1 rcfeivcd service. They are Monroe W., Minced Clams fZ " the Herald. It has been a long radio technician, third class, USN, F t.nie coming because I have been stationed at the Naval Research Snow's S; Chowder Pastry Ring ,tr;:n>ferrcd from my old ship onto Laboratories, Wctshinffton, D. C., N 5 this one. All my mail has been and Mansdcn J. a private, first Ceci Peas SK Pound Cake mixed uj» becau;t> of this trans- class, with the Army in Germany. White Rice -*- fer so I f^pecialiy welcomed the STRAINFO VEGETABLES nt-wj. from the old home town: The To The Summit Herald: Libbv's ForQablei Crumb Loaf . * 20< I just found out what a smalt 'e STRAINED FRUITUI S things which surprise me mtwt arc S rorBabirb d the r r.givjerncnts and inrirriages of world this really is. I was standing y Breakfast Sweet Rolls tl;r kids I u.-i'd to po to MJJOO! with. quartermaster watch at the gang- 1 Heinz KS RAISIN STREUSEL c O Boy 1W5 a.fferenf! 1 ?Uf>^ t'fir.gs :irt- rc-.i!lyrigmng to way of my ship last night and at 00 13rf iinqf tisti trijAfens vf a Chili Dinner ^"' »<••* 14c Vanilla Loaf ^^^^ « 30 be <;;'ftrtnt vv!i< » I get b.uk, but the same time reading the Herald. Dairy Products Are «n economic*) SQUARE 21< nw»/ Rich in important l/i/jmi/i "C I'>n r< i • v !» i:\ce ;«n.y ohansc.'. I finished with the pnper and laid SweetPickles^NBAUAN;: 24c source of good nutrition ... WlEYJ 109J It's bour.U in fci- a !at hi '.ter than it down on the hatch. The O. D. MA TflN use more of them dnily! it s< nvt-r h»-r<- in the I'hilijtpines. (officer of the deck)' picked it up Dill Pickles K - 22c _ T1 inks ;-i-;,«if] (dr the i>.ipcr. I and wanted to know to whom it Domestic WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED Bku Cheese (12 points Ib.) 49c 35« .-'^;.- ii:.jf :.".!• re-; catch nj( soon. belonged. I told him it was mine, 3 i-'"*'" YiHir-. .'•:m't>rc!y. and he in turn; told me that he Kraft Pimento ES?:;19c ORANGE MASMAlfcOt lived in Short. Hills, Hi.s name is Cream CheeseKS, ^. lie '' TED KKOST, GM 3 C. MILK-a 4r,36° CH s p s Lt. Berry and he has visited Sum- Each pint contain! 400 Units oi BI«eMooB S P S 2^28c mit many times. It took the Herald Cream CheeseS£l2t 'Sunshine" Vitamin D. CH 6 Vroft LIMBUR6ER SPREAD 5 oz. \ "J, to bring this meeting about and I Pabst-Ett r;Sr ri8e Hi dll (plui 1H pointil I jar* IIC knew you would be interested in Colonel Bob's c r knowing about it. W" Liederkranz p,us KntJ, PVfl 26e DUlQCll S plui 2 po.ntu wej *. I C I'm slowly but .surely seeing the Ragu 3 rh9tO9ll CHEESE BORDEHS 8 or OO world aboard my ship, and when Dei Monte Tomato Sauce Camembert 5SPS PO ,29c mail call comes and the Herald is lihhu'c SWEET PICKLE ,. Ncarly there, it makes me feel happy and UDOy S TOMATO RELISH "0I 23e PRPQH Mil K ^ chases the blue feeling away. 4 1 COTTAGE CHEESE 15c I'm quartermaster aboard ship SweetRedPeppers^Y," ':,: 18c Buy ft in bur meat deptrtnent rnLOn IVIILIV Perfect Food! It's •» tWtf pratccUvi food, uic more ef It! and I intend to keep on with that Heinz White Vinegar -•••9c Remember, fUh comparea kind of work after the war. White Vinegar^, 8c112c favorably with meat and June 1 I was advanced to S 1/c poultry in food value, and and before long I hope to have a t Cider Vinegar •»«»•» *•"- 14c it'i grand eating! Try one crate. My two buddies Bob Hycr of theie selections today! and Ray Fittercr are somewhere Morton's Saira^ 2 &:.15c out here and I hope to run into Durkee's «« »«"27e m FRESH CAU6HT them soon, Shredded Wheat ^° * 1 tc Mason Jars • . fOINTS Thnnk you for sending Uie French's Mustard > > 9c [io] Sliced Apples Herald so promptly and bringing Corn Kix . . . »>°12c Ideal Jars . . MACKEREL Ann Page Mustard -3c fot. 19c [to, Apple Saucer." me back to Summit every time I Kellogg's Corn Flakes X 5c A-Penn CTS 2 Just right «.e. receive it. A NATIONAL FAVORITE Sunnyfield Corn Flakes;:: 5c A-Penn Dry Cleaner for Broiling! lb I VB I remain yourn, 14c EMIL C CATTANO.. S 1 C NECTAR TEA Witeaties 11c 15c Machine Oil <"- J FLOUNDERS 17c i 6c 120! Plums 21c Force Cereal . . -•» 11c Octagon Soap Powder WEAKFISH >^ 2277 c int Apples to Garnish £34- 14c Wheat Flakes ^NYMELD ^ 8c Octagon Cleanser 2 WHITING 12c The Sunday Roast Lamb Sol ?9c 14c '' A roa.^t U'p of l.'tmb for Sunday Puffed Wheat Sparkles Ui 9c Kirkmn's Cleanser 3 PORGIES 19c ofltrs more than just a wonderful Sunday dinner—as tlicre arc so many wonderful things to be done FLO-WAX I with the left-overs. Such being the Gibb's Tomato Soap CM W case—and not wanting to discour- Chocolit* It's QUICK! It'* EASY!.. to get lo«l> FlsvoredSyru* floo»and woodwork «iiU « i . o!; >um hn»h m m 1lbi>*341c they'll go easy on the meat. So, If ."""." " * 1/ 11 in Unit Starch >...*. 11« 120]Snlder'sCatsup--18c McCor*ick your Sunday dinner \» built around Hartley s Marmalade ','i 23c ReiiogKelloggg s Pe Pepp tX27e |2O!eilllSaice»»«-*^20e Wiwlck'i -KV& K?»" that leg of Inmh—scrvr Ann Page •«&•," —27--c Post Bran Flakes • 01 l>3 JJC Brillo . . WE SELL Mint Applffi "*»21c Spratt's .«^14e (2o:Heinz Ketchup -22c Lummis n^Utn •"•"«* 1 cup AUKRr Welch's Grapelade -22c WALL FINISH pig 11c ,K..^.8c i2o;HeinzChiliSauce ;t'2Bc Orbit Oumw«,BuT, 2 ^ J 'a. cup water Grape Jam •»«« ^ 2UShredded Ralston Green vpHctnblc coloring 12oi P*P 14c 24c 120! Chili Sauce TO t:M8« Pepsi-Cola £2* t^m eI Grape Nuts BUY WAR BONDS •2.cupa mint nnvorlng Apple BUttfir HOUM " » 13c 4 small ti\iplt>» --• —. Liquid Htiiehld Clemer LUX SOAP Uoil jsujrfir and wntrr togt'thiT PALMOLIVE SOAP LIFEBUOY SOAP lib. 3lb. for 5 minutes. Add 11 lew drops of ( c ZERO :;;:i& jar vegetable eolnririK HD'1 flavoring. 24< 3 u, 20 10 (wli-n »w Pure; npplrs. Urrplnfr them whole, 3 cau. 20 All you need It a cloth »nd Zero. u P}ncv in pan with syrup nnit cover tightly. Simmer itlowly until i»{i[ile.M t^^^msmxwMi i «r*> ju»t Sender. Serve tin iv., SUMMIT AVENUE and WALNUT STREET I for the rout lamb. Servos 4, 10 THIT SUMMIT HEUAIP. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, t?4S Elected « Trustee . I I IIHIf IV1MJM Sterling A. Brown Robert ft. Diefeadorf Of \Vm ' Leonard V Bfc Last Youth Raly ridge road, a partner in the K, " The Bible Speaks Hear? Ok York stock exchange ii ; * »:» a. m.—The Church School j r n Speaks on Negro Dlcfendorf, Sanders & Ward n To the Orient Servfc. : This Saturday will convene. been elected a trustee of i^Z Th» sacrament of Infant Bap- '• 11 a. as.—Tbe Rev. Jesse L. Lee University, Mittison. Uast and alatf the Communion will be the gue*t minister. He is { In American Arts The family has been a*sr. Bucch- Tbe con- Church sad the vice-moderator of i "The Bible Speak* to Aa Aw«k» man will preach on tte aubject, WE TRAIN FOR TOMdRROW 'Llring Victoriously." There l Graduation. Launching into life. The future brightly «n*»f Oflent" mm the topic of Dr. be ft nursery to take car* ol litti* Committee the non. wu»«««g «»« •"- l f - ,;." • ' IrrancJj C. SUflef* radio interesting of the MrtM, and cer- 11010,, witha Po Sterling A, Brown, That is what many young pfople are facing thes«,» « children during the worship serv- Uon." d ulty in beckoninbeckoningg. That i* wbat many young pp g on June 1L tainly the mott lively, said AI ice. 3:30 p. m.-Ttoe Lend-a-Handj professor,of EngU»guesn ta t speaker.Howard; The new trustee it day*. God ble** them with their voi thful ambitions and Fmpl* U Qm to Cfcaf«e»f*! A. Pott, of tbt it University, as a When I uy that the Bible 1* oa *r- Club will present the Rev. Harold of Wcsleyan University, Connect. ideals. May they keep a dear vision and have the moral cour- the world* greatest Book I am not One of the largest delegations rangemenu. Tbe evangelist, Wai* Ciark of th« Calvary Bapttat Prof. Brown spoke on the Negro ter MatDonald demonstrated bis in American culture. The junior k=ut. He in viee-preslik>nt the age to keep on. which fats ever aitoadtd the Church, Mormtown. His church Board of Managers of the . or tne IDWVMUW V.«..M«. „« ~~ indulging In a glittering byper- Bl&iratown Youag Peoples Con- right to the nick-name, "Hippy and choir have been Invited to choir of St. John's Lutheran bok: SI U uUn on af mmt Mac," and both in leading tire Church, the young people's" league lyn New York Hospital cemeThd ewith church, or ,ktweste or the dindividua in, the leduci Christ daotun l thaprograt is mno otf conthe- * * * * *• ference has registered from tiie participate in this service. trustee of the John Street d l f the (acts there local Presbyterian Church. Mont singing sad in his remark* gave 8 p. M.-Ttu Rev. Alexander of the Central Presbyterian community and nation has failed in one If its most important •*••«* ^"""^ ««u tbtrt u. convincing testimony of bis joy Church, and the junior choir of dist Church, New York. 1 the oldest book in of ttwiw delegates will Uave MOB- Lewi*, minister of the Union Bap- Fountain Baptist Church partici- Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ditftc. privileges and opportunities. Our entire educational system, commo* n *u*e. It u in common u*c day morning, June 18, and will! in his work, Tbe attendance was tist Church of Elisabeth, will be from kindergarten to university, is a chit t of the church. The spend seven daya in the confer- average, and gave tne Com- pated in the service. dorf presented Drew Theological more wide than any other book. the gue*t speaker. The Rev. Lewis Eeminary with a $1,000 graduate ence Thowj woo will attend arc: mittee encouragement for the last This series of "Our Neighbors" church needs to walk hand in hand with he educational work also serves as the finance com- fellowship in teligion and health It appears In more languages than George Brodley, David GrUwold, meeting of the series to be held teas has been in progress since of the yotmg people. There was i time v hen education often mittee chairman of Tbe State two years ago, to provide j.( any other book. It has Influenced Hlbbert Moss, Nancy Lombard, this Saturday night in Masonic March 11. The student council a( B. T. U. Congress. His Mrnton vaneed clinical training annually meant merely training for material suaess, without regard Robert Hartman, Larry Luce, Hall, Mr. Pott added. topic will be: "Stand Up to Life." of Fountain Baptist wanted to do to thc need of a moral and spiritual chara ter-building to con-other book. Itglie* behind tat po- This week's speaker is the Rev. something to help bring sympa- for a young minister uiwn the Robert Heavey, Wednesday—Prayer and PrsUe completion of h'a • general theo- trol and guide the life of the youth. We r sjoie* in noting that litical structure, the literature, tfw Paul Vanflant, Dorothy OaUander, George E. Fisk, who has bees, a the church .school thy and understanding between missionary to Borneo for several the people who make up the city. logical study. today there is considerable recognition of the inner character, art, the *ocial custom* of the Ann Hubart, t«|a Hudson, Janet leading. world'* mo»t promising natlotu. KibJfren, Lois Kthlgrtn, Jane yean. During the last few .days These people are of many racial, and of the church's share in that work. Without going into The Bible ta Increasing in popu- Kritmer, Elisabeth Flanagan, Borneo turn been (baring the bead cultural, and national back- detailed discussion, we would dare sugg :st that the church larity today beyond anything it Elixabeth 8mity. Nancy Forsbery, line* in our advance in the South grounds. The council believed that must increase its activity in this directio i, that there should ha* ever enjoyed before. Unknown Florence Leece and Lincoln Gris- Pacific, Our boys have come to Outline of Bible if they could bring to the mem- be a much closer union between school and church, where for centuries outside of Europe, wold. appreciate the work of tbe mi*- bers of the community an appre- the middle Eaat and North Africa, sionariea, and many letters haw ciation of some of those back* each recognizes and grants to the other its rightful and Rev. Henry Htrtmann, the as- it followed hard on the heel* of sistant minister at Central been written home telling of the Presented Sunday grounds, more tolerance and un- LETTSJiS needful place in the more rounded education that will pro- the dtacoverer* of the new,world Church, will lead the delegation friendly attitude of natives when derstanding would result, and duce a citizenship of full moral character. in the ltth century. It was car-and will also serve as a member hostility had been expected—all mea could live together with God ried to India, China, Black Africa of tbe faculty. because of the self-sacrificing By Church School and each other, WHEREVER Youth is on the march, literally and fi juratively. It needs and the Island* of the Sear work of soldiers of tbe Cross. Mr. the church to direct and sustain it. The :hurch needs it for Large Attendance «t Children's The young people and children Prof. Brown discussed the con- This book—already for centur- Day Flak's work was among tribes of the church school took entire tribution of the Negro particular- reinvigoration. the church wants it for a 'nation under God, ies the world's greatest, stand* to- The Children's Day exercise* that, practiced head hunting, the charge of the morning worship ly in the popular arts, such as YOU LIVE., dedicated to the proposition that all men ire created equal." day on the threshold of a new which marked the close of the wealth of the native being mea-j service at the First Baptist Church rauaic and the dance, wrjere the era of popularity and use, i..t e,.»^ r i •. « i J L • rauaic and the d ALFRED A. FANT,' current church school for the sured by the number of heads be i been - The Indications at present are callastl tSundayo worship. Leig, thhe Benneinvocatior lend an thed ) Negro>3 jnfluence Pastor, First Lutheran Church. summer was well attended last had accumulated. Mr. Fisk will mative. Mr. Brown traced the Bank that with the return of peace to Sunday. Despite the rain nearly tell of the transforming: power of; the responsive reading. Members musical influence from the imita- the OHent the demand for the 900 persons were present. Mrs. I the Word of God, in the lives of j of the senior high class acted as tion of Negro melody and text in St. John*! Luth»r«1 Church Christian Scripture* there will be Herbert Noxon, superintendent of ' these natives of Borneo, and will j ushers. The junior choir, com- , Stephen Foster's compositions, Ulnnian, Ph.U. so enormous that, if we can help the cradle roll, presented roses to by mail illustrate his talk with motion , posed of girls from the junior and j tHrough the genujne folk music Women's Division them meet it, there may easily be the children on the roll who were pictures he took in that country, j junior high departments, sang "O jn t(le spirituals, reels, bullada a far greater distribution in China Bible School present. Mrs. Thomas L. Smith Lord, Most Holy." by Franck for and blues, down to the forthcom- You may DEPOSIT IY alone year after year than the 9:45 a. m. Bible School, Wm. F. led the beginner's department in the offertory anthem. ing opera with score by William Of Church Council whole world has known before. MAll and you may open j Tlioele, Supt. ?Thlg will be theiclos- two special songs for Children's Methodist Church The theme of the program was Grant StH, and Ubrett0 by Uing. What are some of these indica- j ing Ie&so;n-se4*iion for the school Day. Mrs. Edgar Cooke, superin- "OurTextbook: The Bible."Mem- ston Hughes. AN ACCOUNT BY MAll. tions that the Bible ia speaking bers of the church school reviewed Entertains Groups •S year. The following Sunday there tendent of the primary depart- Prof. Brown is a graduate of with new authority to the awak- the work of the year in a presenta- Jutt write us and send On Thursday afternoon. June 7. will be no session of the Bible ment, then presented a dramati- Crusade for Christ Williams' College, Phi Beta Kap- ening orient? . there gathered in the parlors of thej School but (he Children's Day sation of the world-wide interest j tion entitled "The Bible Comes to pa M.A. from Hurvurd Univer- your funds. The MAR Consider India. The problems of children in people of other Life." Margaret Samuel, the read- youeg Women's Christian Associa- ! program at IQ:3O a. m, sity; author of ''Southern Road," and the MOMUSTOWN there are colossal. Some of Chris- lands. "The Boy's Friend," a To Increase School er, gave an Introduction to the tion about one hundred of Sum- >Iorniii(c Hervire a book of poems; "The Negro in tianity's, chief rival faiths have dramatization of a synagogue An .increase of 2,000,000 in the study of the Bib,Ci followed by the ItUST wilt do the rest. mits church women, to be intro- 10:30 a. m. AVoMhip. Sermon, American Fiction," literary criti- their greatest strength in India. school in Palestine and written enrollment of Methodist church naming of the books and divisions duced to a new group-one that is concluding a Series from the Book He is co-editor with Ar- India's poverty and social unrest by Mrs. Ralph Weber, was then schools to a total of 7,000,000, is of t|le being organized not to duplicate ; of Acts, Old Testament 'Mobbed in a Temple." are, maybe, unmatched anywhere. presented by members of the one of the alms of the "Crusade ' th* work of others, but to tie to- Job Morgan, ' Mrs. Louise Wumford will sing The clash of races in India is ex- Junior and High School depart- for Christ," as formulated in an! MOSIIIISTOWN fether and supplement the activi-' Gaul's contralto , "Eye Hath the Torah, described a visit several ! if writings by American Ne- ceeded only by the confusion of ments. advisory council meeting on May jo f the church schooi students had tie* of the church women of Sum- ; >jot Seen." groes. He is a contributor to TRUST COMPANY tongues and dialects which her 2*- '• made to a synagogue service in ! sail. The guejis were the leaders New Members people speak. Translations of the "What thc Negro Wai " eiiu.:<: | MORRtSTOWN, H I, Of the women'* circies in all the At the service last Sunday Don- Scriptures have been made already Neighborhood Hous« bic by Riiyford Logan, and will soon member churches of the Summit «MIMBI1 |II>ttAl BI^OIli aid Arthur DsUiser, infant son of \ into all the great languages spok- Bey. Wm. M. Hunter j the supreme vaIue of Christian !r _ v, be at work on "A Negro Looks at Council of Churchee. \he Old Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dauscr i en there by teas of millions of peo- Church School was concluded j education, lest false philosophies j Q'^ the South." He will be visiting Mrs. Frank D. Talmage, chair- (Samuel >, the of Springfield, was baptized. Mr.! pie. The Maharajah of Travan- degrade the importance of the in- professor at Vassar College in f man, in opening the meeting for the summer last Sunday, with j of Poetry i David>, the Ma- dividual, undermine the founda- called on Mrs. Norman Kershaw and Mrs. Daus<|r and Mrs. Rudolph | core, said, "Of one thing I am con the Children's Day exercises and jor Prophets • Daniel* and the AAT/Sr'S NOTE: - tions of brotherhood in our land, (Fountain' Baptist) to lead in H, Fries of Chatham were re- vinced;. do what you will, oppose promotions Minor Prophets (Micah> were and imperil all hope for peace in j THIS IS A PICTURE prayer. The chairman gave a short ceived into membership by letter. it aa we may, it is the Christian Saturday Clubs represented by John Baker, Gor- account of the organization of the The June issuj^ of "St., John's in Bible that will sooner or later There will be only two more the world," was a resolution pre- don Lenci. Kenneth Giles and Dick United Lutheran OF DAD WHO JUST council. She urged the necessity the Service" vfaa Issued at the work out the regeneration of our meetings of the Six-Shooters' Club sented. Giles. land." OPINED THE FATHER'S of cooperation in all the churches close of the service. and the Voutb Canteen before sum- The place of the Apocrypha and rather than leadership by a few. rientp Supper But the Bible's prospects In ! mer. this Saturday and next. The Ev. Lutheran Church itd u.'-e in various churches was Annual Convention DAY GIFTS HIS FAMILY Mr*. Ralph D. Weber (Presbytc Sunday afterjioon both the Lu-China—oh friends! Here la a na- \ Six-Shooters' Club meets at 1:30 Rev. Alfred A. Psnt explained by the Reader, and Jean GOT FOR HIM FROM ther tion comprising at least one-lifth rian) gave an inspiring picture of > League and the Young I'eo- p. m., and the other at 8 p. m. Friday, June 15-The board of i?U rcaread Ba "electioselectionn frofromm ththee work throughout the world that j pJ«'» Society viill gather at UUeof the people in the worla. Their Both are open to the publfo of any administration will meet at the' Apocrypha. Linda Ridings recit- Calk For Action uninterrupted cultural history of FEIBUSM has been accomplished by the unit- Surprise, They will meet at the age. church at edd thth e the Encouraging the Church to pre- approximately 5,000 years has uni- p. m. «d effort of church women. She church at 3:30 p. m. Future Plans mcW and sent Christianity in action to the PHARMACY fied them to a remarkable extent. Sunday, June 17-Sunday School < »>» primary department mentioned as the general objec- There are available some of the san world, the Rev. Dr. Frederick R. Although they speak many dia- will meet at 10 a. m. This will be 8 "I Think When I Read That tives of the coming year <1> TheChristicm Science Church plans for the coming year in re- the closing session of tbe season. Sweet Story of Old" and Tell Me Knubel. president of the United lects, I am Informed that they World Day of Prayer; <2> a united "God the Preserver of Man" Li gard to religious services and clubs Morning worship will be held at the Stories of Jesus." Lutherav Synod of New York, set have a written language common study of mission work in home and the Lesaon-Serimon subject for at the House, according to Rev.11 a. m. Topic; "The sick man's The Story of Jesus 1 njirsery for young children in the eternal Father fr|m whom all pa- the older boys' club this coming are classes for ail ages. Rodney Why Stand committee of fifteen, all Chineee, ' 8 p. m. Board of Deacons will Cfohjmiinity House during tiie ternity la deriveij in heaven and season, and. a boy scout troop will F. Johnson, superintendent. to work with the Bible Societies. ! hold their regular monthly meet- Ctburch service. on earth; and |pccial blessings be available to meet on Friday Youth Fellowship China is too vast for one to speak ing at the church. \VTiursday, June 21—Poetry Hour will be petitioned for families nights. Youth Fellowship meets at 7 of in generalities. But this much Board of Christian Education in Long Lines? at\ 8 p. m. in the Community throughout our country that homes The American Women's Club p. m. The readings of a chaptel r la sure. Her rulers, not only Gen- •-• - — "* " -"»»' « ill also meet at the church. JJIouse. Dr. Trapp will discuss and may be blessed with the true spir- will continue meeting at the usual W eralissimo and Madame Chiang but of the Bible with a contest on ques- r WHK.V PAVIX« RILLS OR TAXES, ^ read \ from the poetry of Thomas it of Godliness |hat makes for time, Thursday nights. the new Premier and other persons tions and answers is part of the * The Y.\V.C.A.. has two clay ten- ** *(r. Everyone is cordially in- peace and union. Other girls' and women's will high.,in Government circles, both program. All young people are nis courts, bows and target for IT'S Ml «H KASIKH TO MAIL to attend. meet on Wednesdays. urged to share this hour of wor- The public blea ing of the out read and live the Bible. The Bible archery, badminton net, croquet Activities for all young people ship and fun. door ahrlne of Our Lady of Fatima is enormously popular among the balls and mallets, and quoits. will be provided on Saturdays, this Official Board announced for lael week had-,to be student cla.is. Before the war They are for use. postponed on acount of the in- coming y£ar, with something for The regular monthly meeting of Personalized Checks HNAL SPRING crippled Bible work, China's com- the little tots in the morning, older the official board will be held on Children are more affected by clement weather. It is hoped that mon people absorbed about 10,000,- vow SAVK c.tftf-.tftfV, nn*: boys and girls In the afternoon Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. the direction we take ' ourselves the ceremony may take place dur- 000 copies of the Scriptures annual- and high school young people at than by the correction we give ing the Holy Hoir on Fathers' ly. The future for the Bible in So lharge for tmpnntiug, RALLY night. them. Day. A rosary pr< cession will be China Is bright indeed. Rev. R. Kenneth Sfroehon j u.imt and ttalbir lull el formed from the A loration Chapel But there is another light in To Speak Here Sunday j to the grotto whire the solemn Youth For Christ which we must look at this glow- Th« Mtthofjist Church The Rev. R. Kenneth Strachan, blessing will be gi\en by the Rev. ing prospect. China's millions are . Otto Carl NeUon, Th.D. director of thc Latin American i in Summit C. G. Moore, O.P. J.C.B. Devo- being wooed by those who have no Mission, is to be the speaker at a j tions will close w th benediction Bev. George E. Flak, the - use for the Bible. Already the 11 a. rn. Worship service, The service to be held this Sunday SUNSPOTS of the Most Blcsj^d Sacrament. pastor will take for Us sermon fog missionary to the head forces of totalitarianism are evening, June 17, at the home of All are Invited to a tend. boaters of Borneo win tell or strongly entrenched in China. Un- topic "Sons of Your Father," Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Marshall, | NOW it th* tiitu I* the trmnvformimr power of the til the war Is won, and for a long Couplet Club 28 De Bary place at 7:30. praltct your •/•• \ W«r4 «f Cod In th*. Uves of Wallace Ch AME Zlon time thereafter, our country must The annual picnic and final Mr. Strachan is known in Sum- < egatntl tht inn. If y«u «p»nd any smtjhrea; IDnstraled with motion Florence Randol K Supply keep China going, with our tech- meeting of the season for the Cou- mit, and his brother-in-law, the tint* •» all in the •pin, SUN GlASifS Rev. Ernest ples Club will be held Saturday at Rev. W. Dayton Roberta, also or* • n«c*»ity. KCEGAN, Gyild Op- nical skills, our Implements of ( tician, will fill your Ey* fSytlcion't 9:45 a, m. Sundaj School. Sun- war, our food, clothing, medicines, 0:30 p. m. at tbe home of Mr. and with the mission in Columbia, was i and Mrs, Allison H. Hearn, 25 (M. D.) pr««criptitn. l»n«i «r« freund Write a check and mail it. Anytime, day or night; to iuMptntton day will be Consec ation Day at our capital, and our cultural per- for several years in charge of the otcurottty and fitted la your n**rf«. Wallace Chapel. suasion. And along with these Tulip street. young people's work in Central Of y»u many bring in yawr prtitnt anyone, anywhere. Open a Special Chcckinj; account Good Singing 11 a. m. Morning Service. "Per- things we must give her our Bible Woman's Society Presbyterian Church. The Mis- |lai(«( anil heva yaur wiih as little as 55 (cither intlivitluiilly, or jointly for Spiritual Power sonal Work in Soul Winning," by without which our democracy Sections one and two of Group don, with hendquarters in Costa lun gloiie* meti* te a • /g-n\ husband and wife). Dr. Randolph will b i Interspersed could never have survived nor can 10 of the Woman's Society of Rica, conducts a seminary, runs limifar ar«Kri»tion. • (•«•' with appropriate son 'fi by the con- hers mature. Christian Service will hold a com- f hospital and nn orphanage, and Dealer for No monthly service ch.lr^c. bined meeting at 8 o'clock on the m gregation rtnd chol There is no greater obligation carries on evangelistic work. Costs only 10c per cluck issni'. Mabel Hlckok will play. W. O. 40 tercut In the Bible till she ls call- Hrmemkrr tht Xmmm 7 p. m. Young PeopI s's Hour. The ing for tens of millions of copies Group 6—Mrs. H. W, Spooner, Rev. E. I*. NATIONAL NEWARK & ESSEX topic for dtacuasloi, "Freedom a year. leader, will hold a picnic Tuesday, Services at Calvary Church on Masonic Hall Bought With a Price June 19, at 1 p. m.. at the home of June 17, Third Sunday after Trin- Banking Company Auspices: 8 p, m. Rev. ErnpstjDIxon'.s sub Due to a breakdown In the local Mm. Christopher Story, 215 Spring- ity, will be Holy Communion at ject will 6e "The Crl water supply, the town of Dublin, 8 a. in., and Morning 1'rnyer and 744 IftOAD SfRllr III ation Story NtWARK IIS tmi STRIIt IS) Christian Business Men's In a Scientific Age." Virginia, made n connection with Sermon by thc Rector at 11 H. m. onUi »!*»'•! tfitftt Sri'tM Committee Wed., June 20, 8:30p, m. Spe- the new River Ordnance Plant Red CroM sewing will be held On Thursday, June 21, there will 33 Ctntral A vs., Ntwark 2 water system to obtain water on in th* pariah bouse from I to 12 \m m celebration of the Holy Com- , Miirt#n s i\n •• *usm>it N. J. cial prayer service fopowed by a brief members' mcctir • temporary basis • on Wednesday morning munion lit 10 a, m. T* 1 r. M. itTt'ROAf 1 the disease appear. If we ,caa THi SUMMIT HERMP, THWSPAY, JUNE f4> I14S II fosomel impreas evtrybedy with these »lm-, and the may not receive credit (or pie truths, said Mr. Bobit, "tht such wages on. aer social security live* of at least 90,000 cancer vic- Report account, the loss of which could ive Contributed tim* la the &aUon, 2,000 of them in mean smaller or perhaps no bene- New Jersey, can be saved each Change to Social fits to her or to her survivor*. year," When any worker wishes to change IN CO-OPOATIOH WITH THE CHAMICR OF COMMERCE Cancer Fund Contribution* to the cancer the names used on the social se- campaign may b« given to mem- Security Board curity records, a form OAAN-TO0* should bt obtained from a Social Vu arosd a*nr- bers of local committee*, tent to War marriages are a cause of Horace K. Corbln, state treasurer, concern with local Social Security Security Board office. U you visit sad at the Fidelity Union Trust Com- offices because brides, Including the local office at 1143 East Jersey some In the Union-Somerset Coun- street, Elisabeth, dally, l:*0 «. a. The Following *•*• •** *•«*••• aad pany, Newark, or addressed to "Cancer, Postmaster," Md mailed ty srea, have failed to change their to 5 p. m.; Room 4 of the Post anywhere. names on the social security rec- Office in Plainfleld, 10:80 a. m, to contributed to ords, Leonard F. Sawvel, manager 2 p. na. each Tuesday; Room 3 of campaign M* to Its closing of the 8ocltl Security Board in the Post Office in SomerviUe, each a *8,0Q0,W fund u» Elisabeth jtated. Thursday 10:30 a. m. to I p. m, ceneer ia tte United States Home Extension "The name on the social security representatives of the Board will th» coming yaw. account number card of a worker give you this and any other as* is nlffcly &ruB*tt« and ,mov slstaace. SUMMIT MERCHANTS •hguld be thf same as the name iB."" *»ld Xlnwr H. Bobit of Mont- Has 15th Birthday the employer tues on his payroll,' cliir, a member erf tilt executive Mr. Sawv«l explained. "When a Lens OMttts from committee and chairman of the worker change* the name she uses At least 100,000 fewer life in- Jersey Division of the Amerl- NeW Homemakers Help at work, she should also have her surance policyholders died front , Cancer Society, which U con- a A special program participated name changed on her social se- tuberculosis in 1844 than would Will Be Closed ALL DAY beting the campatnga "that men curity card. Until she advises the have died under the death-rate ar« risking their live* in the in by more than JtOO county home- makers and special guest* waj Social Security Board of her new from this cause applying in 19Q0, mo*t urriblet war the world has name, the company will be report- held at the Court House in Elisa- the Institute of Life Insurance deeply Inter- ing her wages under a name and says, reflecting the savings in beth oa May 15, to celebrate the |ested, aa thstp^attens show them number which do not correspond lives from health Improvement be, in *• drift to control can* 16th anniversary of the opening with the Social Security recced efforts. of the Home Economics Exten- Several letters from battisfronts sion office is 1930. EVERY WEDNESDAY pad* public today by Mr. Bobst Among the outstanding penoas iviDce thlsj interest. A seaman who spoke on the program were 0B the UBS Charger, writes 'Td Dean William H. Martin, of the rtainly f«tl fooUsh coming bonne College of Agriculture, Rutgers ter tula war to find that a coun- University; Katherine FUher, di- y )lk« America, big enough to rector of Good Housekeeping In- fight a two-front war, wasn't great stitute; and Eva Lewis Smith, con- Beginning May 30th to August 29th hdusfre enough to fight an equally deadly sulting psychologist from New enemy on a third front at the York City. -me time." Dean Martin, who is also direc- -'••Ill forwarding a cheek for $170 tor of the Mew Jersey Extension from 167 men In 'the 408th Infan- Service in Agriculture and Home tary, Captain Joseph Terranova Economics, said that the admin- wrote, before Germany's surren- istration at the college takes pride We have been doing pur best to serve you der; "Though at present engaged in the work that is being carried | in the business of extermination, on by Mrs,, Mary W, Armstrong, file are fundamentally peace-lov- home demonstration agent, and in spite of a shortage oi merchandise and man- ing cltisens Interested in the prea- others of the staff. He expressed «rvation of mankind." appreciation for the cooperation A part of the fund, said Mr. of the County Extension Council IfFITD ftflAI CONSERVE ENERGY FO* power. Now we ask you to please help us by Bobst, will be used in a nation- in Home Economic! and for the tlUr VUVIs• • -WARTIME PRODUCTION! support of the Board of Chosen ide campaign of education, PREPARE Afdwt *>t»lbU Fuel Shortage tkb Whiter A third of the 167 or more lives Freeholders. He pointed out that taken by the disease annually can research work carried on at the You'll b* cool**, aUejp batter, work better Iniummer planning your shopping accordingly. College of Agriculture benefits not be saved if everybody can'be made •.. you'll b« weumtr and cut fuel bilk M much M to understand this fact Although only agriculture but the home* of the total number of deaths from the state, and he illustrated this 30% in wintar... whan your Horn* is inauUtod with ancer increased last year, there statement by speaking of research work being carried on that may more than 40,000 cures re- assist materially in the treatment ported, and the, number of cancer and prevention of tuberculosis. THANK YOU deaths among white women showed t decrease, said Mr. Bobst WOOL NOME INSULATION The simplest description of can* cer is that It la a cell or a number DRINK Don't "put tt oil" . . . halp younalf mh$ htlp your of gangster cells in the body tie- country raliavo it* fual and transportation prob- juea that go wild, grow out of pro- lams by insuUting now! We insulat* old homos portion to normal cells, and spread without muss or fuss. Call us for fraa astimata. Bab's Shop Junure House to other parts of the body unless checked. Their growth can be •topped by surgery, X-ray and ra- dium, if it has not lone too far. EASTERN FUEL W. L Baker, Inc. Lincoln Food Station "In its) education campaign the American Cancer Society seek* to HOME INSULATION DIVISION familiarise everybody \\Jth the SCHMAU DAIRY FARM James Long & Son, Upholsterers facts about cancer, and to induce rhc*4pUtnfi*U 233 Iroad St. Su. 6-0005 Bedrosiaa Rugs them to go for medical examina- sfiUJsffewK tion when the first symptoms of Beechwood Tailoring Company Manser's Hardware Brown's Book Shop Mantel's Dept. Store Busch & Sons Maple Hardware ft Paint Company In accordance with the laws of the State of New Carians, Jeweler McEkjunn's Men's Shop Jersey, the undersigned banks will be dosed Mills & Grayer Shoe Store Columbia Cleaning S Dyeing all day Saturday ON ALL SATURDAYS Nee-dell Red Cross Shoe Store FALLING BETWEEN JUNE 15th. and Cullis & Lewis Noel Phonograph Record" SEPTEMBER 15th., 1945 De Leon Shop V. Pizzi. Tailor & Furrier Delia of London The exact dates are as follows: Public Fruit Exchange Doyle Furniture Company JUNE 16 AUGUST 4 Root's Dept. Store JUNE 2) AUGUST 11 JUNE)0 AUGUST 18 Eastman's r Roof s Men's Shop JULY 7 AUGUST 25 JULY 14 SEPTEMBER 1 Endicott Johnson Shoe Store L Rosenstein, Jeweler JULY 11 SEPTEMBER 8 JULY 28 SEPTEMBER 15 t L fitterer, Linoleum B. L Schlosser, Cleaner & Dyer FormkheHa's Dept. Store Sears Roebuck & Company r THE SUMMIT CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION 6. H. Frumkin, Inc. Siegel's Stationery Shop

L Fulton Sea Food Market Station forcemeat Market The Citizens Trust Company Style Shop The First National Bank and Trust Company George Brothers, Rugs The Summit Trust Company Rars Shoe Shop Summit Hardware 4 Paint Company

MEMBERS FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Hill City Paint & Wallpaper Co. Summit Sewing Machine Service MEMBERS FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM^ Jeanette's Summit Wallpaper & Pamt Company L Jung, Watchmaker Joseph WaHjuamery, Tailor Of Franklin P.T.A. Mr*. Edward Wag****: St. Teresa's School Mm Ltiabnaa Wm^ The sew executive board of the M«u George Borrows. Franklin School P.T.A. for 1M5- Wl Graduate 29 1M6, met at the home of the presi- Real Estate Summer Session dent Mra, J. C. Fackiner, Friday •ioa of Howe Mum evening. Jua« 8. AND HfSMESS Friday, June 15 Tuesday aad Friday w State Teachers Saint Teresas ^School will grad- The new officers arid committee when Ml*. Betty sfcrn, uate twenty-Bin* students on Fri- chairmen are as follows: presi- via* fro. Monday day evening. June W*t s o'clock. dent, Mrs. J, Calvin Fackinar; 8rat day tro« »:30 t t CofcgeJuH The exercise* will be Held la Sain* vice-president. HIM Sarah Cadoo; 5:» and S Teresa's Church. second vice-president, William I*. Tfeer. w On July S tilt Vtw Jersey fit*t« Shepnard; correspondiag secre- Tttcneni CoHcf* «t Newark will The program follow*: game*, crafu. tary. Mr*. Goorge Garbacs; re- a futl prognua »f opta its doors on It* tenth «umn»er PROGRAM cording aecretary, Mr*. Carl An- the wumntr. Hik^ station tor ttftcbtri'lg-feiriec and Processional—"F © » P *** *•*** iU fourth for students la the ac- d«r«m; tr«aaurer, J. Galvin Fack* aounced in thia paper - cuniatances" Miscba Elgar iner; program chairmaa, Mr*. ctkerstcd. profrwa who will earn' "Sacred Heart of Je»us plete their requirtmenU for th» Herbert Pease; publicity, Mrs. Nicola A. Montaai George Covalt; hospitality, Mrs. Bachelor of Scitnte dtgtem la edu- Novena Prayera cation in three cikodar years, It WM unBOuncfd by Or. John B. Act of Consecration to the Sacred Dtmgaii, of Ashland road, prejl- Heart DECKES dent of th» eefeft. Said Dr. Announcement of Awsurda Of Mr. and Mrs. George B. I Doug»ll, "The impact of tht war i Reverend John A. Kelly Dicker of Pine Grove avenue was U ctUl with us, with a continued Conferring of Diploma* said among the 125 boys who gradu- j A. Thonison & Son critical staortag* of teacbtn on th* daughter of Mr.,and Mrs. Henry Awards ated June 3 from The Hill School j fiarbosch of Laurel avenue, grad- Reverend John P. Leaioan Potutown. Pa. This was the »4th j elementary school level. The cum- Veni Sancte Spiritus .••• mer session baa beta planned with uated front Centenary Junior Col- annual comnaettcenient at The Hili. I this fthorttge in mind. Emphasis lege at its seventieth commence- Reverend ELCa*w»lI A student for the past three, has been placed oo courses lead- ment exercise* last Saturday after- Address to the Graduates year*. Decker ha* participated in ing to certification la the field* in noon, June 9. She received the Reverend Edward J. Fleming a number of activities. He was which tht need for teacher* W Junior college recognition of as- Ave Marts Stella. Edward Grieg captain of the championship var- J moat acute." sociate in arts. Benediction of the Most Blessed sity track team, president of the i Plumbing-Heating-Roofing Sacrament .... Mr" and Mra. J Lf WiHard have sold their property »t Ntf. 14 The aix weeks' program for Misa Harboacb has been a mem- dramatic club, a member of the ; teacher*-in-»ervk« will close on ber of the Dlokosophian Sorority. Adoramus, Te Panero Coelitum... KeCHWOOD iOAO. SUMMIT. N. J. C«* B«MJ tc Mr. Mrs. John J. Cordner of Cwnfwd. glee club and choir, the spring! M«ifit*in. WiiitmorW e & Johnson,- n.rtBbm of the Sumnut R«J August 10.—The t«n weeka' pro- She has also been & member of P. J. Van Damme term dance committee, the ath- j B»rd" wer* the broker*, _ gram for accelerating students will the Centenary chorus during her The Graduates' Prayer letic association committee aad Tel. Summit 6-142S-64387 end on September t. two years there. This year she waa Tantum Ergo O. Rasaaello A. A. movie club, E. A. C. He j Course offering* are planned the property committee for theHymn for Peace " plans to enter the combat airman! Beating Specialints Metal Booting not only for those seeking a de- dance. Her name was among Sister M. Donatus program shortly. L D. West Leaves gree, but for the following: Ele- others who made the first semes- Star Spangled Banner Planning—Engineering Leader and Gutter Work On lts mentray principals, elementary ter honor roll. She, is a Summit Recessional—"Cantata Omnis Quality Service Kentodeting—Reimring FetalA I Common Sfock supervisors, elementary kinder- High School graduate. Terra". «r, Mary Frances Talty, Marie The directors of the Citizens garten — primary, fine arts, and Seventy-eight young women grad- Nicola A. Montanl Jean Tacrmina, and Anthony Jos- Trust Company have declared ft industrial art* teachers, teachers uated President Hurst Robins An- Among those in the graduating eph Zotti. ' RlfcjtlfV dividend OK the common stock of of mentally retarded children, derton delivered the farewell mes- class are: nCCHIJ the institution of twenty-five -cenU secondary teachers dealrtng cer- sage to the graduates and made the Marie June Bontempo, Giulio Livingston D, H'est, 'A Canoe a share for th* six month* period tification in the elementary field, announcement of the annual Vincent Botto, Ana Lillian Brun- Brook parkway, who died in a from January 1 to June 30, 1945. former teachers who in the pres- awards. Diplomas were presented do, Nicholas Joseph Campana, 2itw York hospital, May 26, left This is utthe rate of Vk% perent emergency whn to return to by Charles E. Lotte of Pateraon, Louise Frances CianciulU, Martin 4« estate valued at 1150,000 and annum on the par value of the the profession of teaching, others, president of the board of trustees Leonard, Conant, Grace Vita Co- itatty at jJ-sJte Mohawk, it was outstanding capital stock. not necessarily teachers, who are i viello, Ross Joseph De Ua, Ann Scanted Saturdaa y when a daugh- interested in cultural offerings. • Marie Doherty, Ruth Regina ter. Card W. WU-kel, of the aame w s f h Summer seasion faculty mem- Burns j Duffy, also Maureen Ellen Ford, additat, « appointed admini- Teacher's Will bers will consist of regular resi- Never fill pots or pans too full Stella Barbara Frasca,' John taratnx by Surrogate Charlei A. dent college staff and representa- of hot water. Handle especially ; Francis Gelson, Ralph John Gl- Otto- ' ' V. . tives of other educational institu- carefully and use a pot holder. Be i nocchio, Thomas Anthony G{leco. The appointment was made Leaves $30,000 tions, in about equal proportion. sure to place pan m a balanced Rolanda Lorraine Leveaque, Lo- lie widow, Ethel C. West, Visiting instructors will include: position, especially If you are ri tta Regina Luria, LouU John her rights to be execu- work on a ladder. Be especially To Railway Niece Dr. Beatrice LeCraft of the ; Madonna, Herbert Anthony Mar- trix und*r the terms of the will. Jersey City School system, Mes- careful of cleaning solvents. Read dany. Robert William McTernan, Sfee i* tfa« sole beneficiary of the The late Annie M. Merritt, 82, re- It is just right to sow lawn srs. P. Myers Helgea, Fred Lan- and follow directions carefully. , also Anthony Salvatore Natale, «ttale. Sir. W«st, 62, and a grad- tired Staten Island, N. Y., school Keep bands out of poisonous solu- teacher who died at Summit, May dolphi and Paul H. Oliver of the , Gloria Valentine Pannullo, Fran- seed now. while soil is damp. uate of Cornell University, waa an Newark Public Schools, Dr. Eu-tions. Put solvents out of reach cfednc&l engineer and retired in 21. left $30,000 to a niece, Florence ; cis Joseph Patikowski, Luke An- M. Merritt, (60 Seminary ave., gene E. Wilklnt, principal of the of children and pets. Do not dryj thony Percario, Gloria Tereaa l**0 from being vice-president of Short Hills and Glenwood schools, clean at home. 1 Utility Management Corp. of New j Rahway, according to her will, Sansone, Richard Dennia Scber- i probated by Surrogate Charles A. and assistant to the superinten- Y*irh. He was a direet descendant dent of schools of Mlllburn, Miss ef Benjamin West, the artist. j Otto June 5. The amount ii free j of all taxes. Nora Way, Director of Child Guidance of Summit Schools BIT BONUS i The will provides that the resid- - uiuy estate, including atoeit in Morris Frankel, chairman of the Announcing * Department of Social Studies of * the A. H. Bull Steamship Co., THE OPENING OF A should be held in trust with the Clifford Scott High School, East net Income beneficiary being her Orange. brother, William H, Merritt, or the Railway address. The niece Is theNo Spmct lt*r first contingent heir of the resi- | Ready Mix Concrete Plant duary estate. Wlllard A. Kiggins, For SoMtot New Jr., of Scarsdale, N. Y., and One item in the diet of the sol- TO SERVE THIS AREA Evelyn Kiggins Leathern of Sum- diers of General George Wash- mit arc the next contingent heirs. lngton does not appear in the Kigginn is the executor and Er-otherwise vastly more varied fare Ready Mix Concrete DUNLAP GARDEN HOSE SUPERFINE GRASS SEED nest F. Leathern, Jr., of New York, of the American soldiers of today, Fire Brick — Refractories Finest quality green garden hoae. ^»" This superfine mixture contains a high trustee. - It waa disclosed today at the Sec- centage of permanent grasses, which arc Ken- ond Service Command's Bakers Inside diameter. S layer construction. - Miss Merritt died at the home and Cooks School on Governors tucky Blue Grass and Astoria Bent of her cousin, Mrs. Willard Kig- Island. gins, Essex road, where she lived F. F. Phillips, Inc. That Item la spruce beer, a fer- 25 Ft. 3Lh. 'V for the past 15 years. mented mixture of spruce twigs, Plant Foot of Orchard St. ?" — '67' PERSONAL LUXURT molasses and yeast. It may have Su. 4-3223 Summit, N. J. um.*> BUNGALOWS | DEEDS been known aa the Spirit of '75. DRICONURE Natural dehydrated fertilizer so Lb. DESIGNED for FAMILY NEEDS The following transfers of real LAKE and WOODLAND VISTAS estate from Summit have been re- to Irene F. Dodson, foregoing property. BUY.YOUR SITE NOW corded in the office of Registrar NOW IS THE TIME Bauer at the court house, Elisa- Warranty Building and Loan Sf«ir« a POST WAR priority Association Liquidating Corpora- GARDEN MASTER SPRATS KEEP beth: to buy Hurt lot. Don't delay! Wt rtceat* Harry Hawkins Ames, widower, tion to Mr. and Mra. Salvatore CREST ACRE REALTY to Mr. and Mra. Victor L. Dod-Mestro, property known as Nos. immd 100 foot frontage in restricted stctioa JI3 Summit Ave. Summit 6-1029 123, 125 and 127 Summit, Summit. INSECT PESTS UNDER CONTROL! son. property in the northerly for $2,800. S«« sideline of Brook court, 141.42 Mlllburn Building and Loan feet from Blackburn road, Sum- Association Liquidating Corpora- tion to Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. RAYMOND W. STAFFORD Everett I Spinning r. and Mrs. Victor L. Dodson Herren, property in the northerly to Hannah M. Mayhcw, property sideline of Mountain avenue, at THE GLEN-OAKS AGENCY INSECT DUST Nicotine in the northerly sideline of Brook the southweat corner of lands of Insurance McGovern, Summit. Rotcnone bearing insect dust. Sulphate court, 141.42 feet from Blackburn UAITORS INSURANCE 65 CnioB ffaixv Summit, N. J.road. Summit. Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin B. Kcp- Leaves no poisonous residue. TeL So. 641177 Hannah M. Mayhew, unmarried pcl to Mr. and Mrs. Ludwlg Evers, 100 AiUmd Rood TtL Summit 4-2025 UmmH. N. X property in Glenalde avenue, 454.- An excellent insect control. 64 feet from Stiles road, Summit. Simply dust on plants, nothing We solution , of nicotine sul- Mr, and Mrs. Ludwig Even to Christian Best, property in Glen- to mix. phate. Kills many chewing in- side avenue, 572.94 feet from PLUMBING AND HEATING sects. Abo makes an excellent Stiles road. Summit. Sales and Service poultry dip. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Prins to S Li). Bag 95 Theodora F. and Katharine L. AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATERS Large Bottle #*# Mallaby, Joint tenants, property in the northerly line* of Badcau Boilers & Radiators GARDEN-M ASTER OPPORTUNITY avenue, 205.86 feet from Bellevuc Eliminate Crab Grass avenue, Summit. DUST Mr. and Mrs. John H. Staplcton Protects SHARP PLUMBING CO. WEED Have a knocks \ to Mr. and Mrs. Franci* H. Stil- GEORGE J. SHARP plants. Kills man, property in Mountain ave- KILLER and controls nue, intersected by dividing line 444 Springfield Ave. ,. A-2tS1 chewing, or smooth, vel- of lands of Stony Hill Realty .sucking In- vety lawn Corporation and lands of Alfred Kills weeds along walks and sects and De Fraites, Summit. fungus dis- Easy to use Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Mcr- driveways. 1 gallon makes 40 eases. Handy kcl to Mr. and Mrs. William It. Protect Yourself Against the Damage Suits gallons of solution. du a t c r gun Bennett, property In the easterly pacRSgeT"1 side of Hobart avenue, 253.68 feet Which Could Arise from the .60 from Springfield, avenue, Summit. liaL 98 Sadie Cheringal, widow, and 1 If you have a business opportunity others to Joseph Cheringal, right, 44' title and Interest in property in Personal Activities the southeasterly line of Aubrey JUST ;IVE street, 318 feet from Morris ave- of yourself and family; such as: Golf, Horseback that requires cash — consult this nue, Summit. ' Riding, Falling Trees on Neighbors' Houses, People Adjustable to 5'x8* Falling on Your Property, etc., through STRETCHERS $£98 Rust Resisting Pins 6 bank about the necessary loan. COMPREHENSIVE WIRE RUBBISH BURNER Personal Liability insurance Heavy Gauge Steel Wire. AH You can have all this for Welded Construction $1*8 Annaat PMMIISPr«mlnI $10,000 Bodily Injury and $10,000 Property Damage Includes Medical Payments of $350. $10.00 fitTIMKSONIASYIflMS TYPEWWTERS PLAY SAFE — INSURE NOW Most Standard Sizes in Stuck. $1 90 Citizens Trust From I'

Company Spencer (It piaben 335 Springfield Ave. OPEN DAILY t>. N * C i l I


Atftnd Summit Art Awoci«ti«n Gardtn Pirty | the saoat houxs on Thursdays and oleum block printing and Know Your Ordwowo 57 Awarded : Friday* during Augiut. Classes for ing, Summer Program i beginning and advanced swim- RegiitrsUoa for *ny ef !h« suiri- U. S. Troops are supplied >nU| 1 mers are scheduled *» we'l at narr activities nay bf made by a caliber .45 automatic pisUd. Kent Place School "plunge*' each week. Ticket* for calling MLS« Janet Lincoln, (iiri This u a light weapon for short Al YWCA Features participation in the YWCA. Reserve secretary of the Y.\y.C A , lances. It weighs 2 pounds four ) Swimming program will ton 12 Summit 6-6-61. in.lr F* and is (i httle OV«r i mctw* Diplomas Yesterday for July and II for August. Thus in Ungth. The pistol has a 7» Kent Place School graduated 57 Sports, Arts, Crafts j ticket aduuU the owner to one New Jer»ey in a mte of homes round magazine and u«es ball mor thlia last VMUr at and homeowners. *vhere I out of ammunition. It is particularly guis, •»• * Mrs W W. Siaplin, chairman of : ichcduled »wim each day. Tickets every 5 own their own homes effective in i!c»»e-tn house-tO-BOUS* tJte Slat commencement oa the the Girl Reserve Committee of the ' are not transferable. All swim- • Jft'f. of its residents*. : fighting unit in jungle warfare. catnpa* yasterday at 5 p. «. Dr. Y.W.CA. has announced that ar- ' men ar« required to have a physi- Herbert Davis, president of Smith rangements are fast being com- j cal examination. pleted and details tettled for the College, ww the principal speaker. ' Instruction Is available in tenm*. Summer Progiam for Girls at the Tt»e graduating class includes: j archery and badminton. Girls Y.W.CA which will begin July 2 Susan Bachman, Mary Jane t may take part in any or ail of and continue through August 24. gcrg; Betsy Boland, Elizabeth ! these activities on the Y.W.C.A. AH girls between 12 and 18 years i ground* for the fee of fifty cents Bow lei, Nancy Brewer, Patricia of age ire invited to participate in flyer, Mft1** Ounce, Jacquelyn | a month. The schedule of these any or alt of the scheduled activi- j classes may be obtained at the Cocbraa, Maribel Cochran, Claire ties in which they are interested, Correll, Essene De Cozen, Sally I Y.W.C.A. Wr.wwlTOw.ViHi*". developing skills In sports, arts I Mr*. Merrill D. Booker will be Doggett, Patricia Dunkel, Ada and crafts is to be the keynote of Carey Fellows, Kathryn Flindell, | the instructor for the arts and the season. Miss" Ruth Kirk will : craft classes. Classej are ached- /Un Follinger, Sarah Kordtiam, supervit« sports activities. Barbara Foster, Frances Headley, I uled for Monday and Tuesday •i mornings from July 2 to August m. Barbara Hillas, Kathleen Holt, Through a special arrangement ! 7. The fee will be 75 cents for a •m Jeanne Israel, Elsie Lee, Shirley with the Y.M.C.A., tri Y.W.C.A. will use the pool from 1 to 3 o'clock j **rie» of three classes. There will Lend. Barbara Leonard, Marjorie Ann* Elisakcrtt L-indgrove, Dana Linn. on Mondays, Tueadayi, Thursdays j be dasse* in day modeling, le»th Marjorie Lithgow, Mary Anne 1 • . I'hoto—John Briggs and Fridays during July and for ' *r craft. costume accessories, lin- to Loblein, Marguerite May, Ann Kenneth Cranstoun, Mrs. John ; Mr. and Mrs. George N. Lend of the Art Association's "grateful ap- Marion Milligan, Carolyn C. Leathern and Mr. and Mrs. | Hill Crest avenue. preciatlon to Mrs. Lend for open- Jacque C. Frost were among those After supper wu served,in the Of Special Interest for June Release nir Needle*, Lucy Palache, Sarah ing her beautiful home and gar- Parker, Arleta Paul, Sheila Phil- who attended the garden party of garden the sixty-nve members and COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS PRESENTS • •/• ips, Muriel Phipps, Marjorie Prit- the Summit Art Association on j guests were greeted by Mrs, Cur- dens for the party." Crediting to cliard, Margaret Reiner, Susan Saturday, June S, at the home of j tig Prout, president, who expressed Berry's "tireless efforts EZIO PINZA j Rippel, Marcia Roberts, Erdice throughout her three years in In Scenes From :•:•'tf"" Distinctive wedding announcement* Rockhill, Joan Schaeffer, Vera office" the present status of the Bo Peep and Jack and Jill to the Jt »t home cards.. , corri-ct in form. .. in our Strotnated, Alan Summersby. Elea- nursery tunes and rocked imagi- association, Mrs. Prout, on behalf BORIS G0D0UN0V nor SwarU, Diane Tomlinson, Na- Esther Ann Nursery nary babies to a lullaby. The two of the group, extended thanks and WithTht new ''Oameili*" tlrsiyn, an exclusive %\\ !e of ts!i« Veit, Virginia Walters, Jane Senior groups danced a garden appreciation for her work, to the METROPOLITAN OPERA CHORl S engraving executed by skilled craftsmen in our Ana Wells. Marilee Wilcox, Anne retiring president. Miss Berry. story. The aun, complete with a (Sung in Italian) own workshop. Just one of many smart styles available.: Scbuyler Williams, Faith Williams, School Graduates" hat of golden cellophane rays, who was also guest of honor -at WM563-5 12" Records — $5.50 Plus Tax Maxlne Williams, Shirley Williams roue from behind the playhouse. the gathering, thanked the board WeJtliug Announifmeim ,, . 9 liiiri, JM.M) \>er liiimlrrj and Mary O. Wilteon. Gayly flower hatted children members for what she described PLACE VOIR ORDER NOW WITH At Home Or«U ... 5 !inc>, $l'>.Mi i>rr luinJird Thirty-Three as "your whole-hearted coopera- Among the activities held dur- skipped in the warm sunshine. Authorised Dealer—Columbia—Victor—C*pltol tion and support during my term ing graduation week were the Graduation Day at the Esther Suddenly the tun was obscured by ISUIUSHlD 1110 baccalaureate service in Central Ann Nursery School, 200 Kent a storm, as other children came of presidency." Presbyterian Church on Sunday place boulevard, was Thursday, with cellophane rain falling from Mrs. Frederick S. Oouchcr and with the Rev, Howard C. Scharfe, June 7. Bad weather had forced a their bracelets. The »hower was her daughter, Betty, of Short Hills, Hod Record and Appliance Shop BL'ACE, STARE &SOEHAM pastor of First Presbyterian and postponement from the preceding soon over, the sun appeared again sang Old English dialogues and 10 Rood Summit, N. J. t(N1*M AVtNUI, day. Thirty-three white-gowned WHITf Trinity Church, South Orange, and a swarm of bee-hatted danc- Mrs. James Lender of Blackburn Summit i-St!7 NtW YO*K officiating. Monday evening the and capped girls and boys re- ers dipped to tuck honey from the road played selections on the pi- seniors were entertained at sup- ceived diplomas from Mrs, Ksther blooms. Night time ended the per, and Tuesday, Class Day was Ann Norton, director of - the play with setting sun and sleep- observed. school. The graduates were: Lee ing flowers. The school rhythm Berry, Linda Blanchard, Michael band, playing triangles drum- Bryan, Judy Burrows, John Bush, sticks and cymbal* played led in Carol Butcher, Susie Carter, Jos- turn by Judy Nelson, John Bush Chairmen Named eph Cornell, Jimmie Daly, Joan and Joan Dickinson. Donald and r Dickinson, Vickie Gilbert. John David Johnson carried in two Harper, Penny Haskcll, Harriet flags and the children sang a sa- Ntwrnt For Fall Book Sale Higgins, Roger Holt, Ann How- lute. School will continue in sea ard, Marty Holmes, Donald John- sion until June 20. son, David Johnson, Beryl Joiner, AtRecentLuncheon Nini Lenz, Joyce Mantel, Ann Vassar Alumnae Tea On Wednesday, June 13, Mrs. Matshall, Lullie Nash, Judy Nel- Joseph V. Quarlea, Jr., entertained son, Anita Oziaa, Robby Porter, To Form Association at luncheon at her home in Haw- Barbara PlaU, Terry Slack, San- A tea will be held for Vasaar-j (fif thorne place for the College Ciub dy Stropp, Teenle Van Houten, alumnae and former students at . Book Sale Committee. Luncheon Karen Woefle, Betsy Wyman. the home of Mm. Harold Torap- kins, 160 Oak Ridge avenue, on


/ nii <

suburban cottons


...WITH ©OlD iOND GYPSUM WAUIOARD Girl* from the Orange* and Montclafr, you up: matrons PERRY T. BROWN from Klizabeth and Summit and C'aWlwcll will rome into Big, sturdy panels of Gold Bond Radio—Gas and Oil Hahne'ft for these tailored cotton drensen. They'w per- to up in • jiffy... right over old, fect for casual suburban or country lift1, wfth their I cracked wall* and ceUinga or di- Summit 4IS Springfield Avt. rectly to framing in new work. fine striped and checked fubriis, their easy lines, .lust And with the Gold Bond Per- Summit. N. J. slip a cardigan or a tvvml mat over them when ever foratcd Tape Syftem, joints are j you go Into town. completely concealed . .. walls , V are made smooth and seamiest, j C. Multi-color atrip*. (>rny, i>lur,. tan. 10 to *20. 8.98 ready for paint, wallpaper or any | ether type of decoration. ] COKFLf Tt HUE INSPECTION D, (irrtn, red or brown checks, pique trim. 1 !-iO. R.fll Let us show youhow easy and j • B. Cherry, limp, aqua strips wfth fly rront. 1110.8.9t inexpensive it i* to modernue t Mrnt with fireproof, no* warping Gold j wm ntmm A, Fine hroun, blue, aqua ntripfH. Bond Gypium Board. Pay for j I'M 8. the work on our Budget Plan. H<>«r Moalrlair Stephens-Miller Co. HAHNIS CO^NIWAaK. OHH WIWM1D*« m » OXIOCK

Mater** /•rTfe Horn* «»*»<*•» TIRES

- M MMMHB rteM BomniHi N. *• 14 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THUESPAV, JUNE U, f»45 Summit High School and attended fin* * State! 11* Rutgers College and the Univer-' sity of EBnois. A volunteer officer Deep in Germany" W^h Hospital Group candidate, n» entered service In June. IUX trained at Camp Lt. Everett T<* Story of Uberatioa Pickett,- Va., asd Caxlule Bar- Responsible for setting up andEoglish aod French. rack*, CariUle. Pa_ after whka Services "T/osiiorrow 2*11 be was- stationed at Fort Leonard administering « 60&-bed baipiUl for liberated ABltd j>risce*r*, phis tag ail this together 1st* Uw baiid- Wood. Mo. He weat overseas in gupenrlsiog • group <* *«** <*•** ing and getting it tat ttp. la two January: IW4, lima* Starlit*! man army hospitals bousing «,000 days w. aaouU bsvv* it* vfaaie Lt Everett hat sent home a disillusioned Nasis, Ftr»t Lt Wli-first floor is ahape aad curing tot number of war trophies, which A wanted liaat G. Everett of StimaUt It on*patients, la tea days w* ought to may be seen in tht windows of AcHonVi. Sub of tbe Yank army of occupation have. MO bed* aad tbm jritob works The Citisen* Trttft Company in working mao&hiy. To* can see Mapk street Some were shown Lieutenant Commander • Fred j for whom VE-Day ha* meant more work Instead ©f It**- ^ that sUrtiag a hospital from at the lasViueetini at lit* Rotary fluty, USNE, of Edgewood road, scratch would b* «ttit« a JOB. Club oa Jfitoaday, Juae «. as cozamandlag officer of the de< Somewhere d#ep Inside the con- "Also, we are so d*tp is Ger- atroyer escort US8 Hsyttr of tbe quered Reich, U. Everett's ptm- many now that w« have been find- Atlantic Fleet, has beta awarded cat ' assignment climaxes 1* ing prison camps by tb« down and Ovtf Gtrmay the Legion of Merit "tot meritori- mouth* of overseas service as a Just getting out tbe AnuericsAs aad ous service while engaged in of- medical corps administrative offi- British i* more man w« can do. fensivs actiott against an «ee*ay cer, during which bis company "Her. is • typical case. Our submarine." has cared for thousands of wound- armored advance spesu-head re- The award by Admiral Jonas H. ed GI's is the American advances ported a prison 'hospital eoatsia- Ingram, USN, Commander lo Chief through France, Belgium, Holland ing British and American piison- Pint lieutenant of tbe Atlantic Fleet Presectatioa and Germany. *n. I took IS ambulances acd was made at special ship eeretno- WILLIAM G. EVEKETT LT. ALLAN 8BA W 8Q IC 8HAW Tbe 28-year-old Summit man went there, arriving before the for three major nie* on tbe quarterdeck of the USS wju the nret U. 8. Army officer to husband and wife, who entered the ««^igcpg i acd- main body of armor Aid—two day* Combat Infantryman'« badg , another destroyer escort, by reach the German prison "hos- after tbe spearhead nat passed look at them!' armed forces from Summit have j Rear Admiral O. M B«ad, Com- llbsb . SShah w was • Speciaihp t *t* mm ***• tralia, New Guinea and the Philip- 4 cape Mgw Stt «as« Ngar even bigger sacrifices for victory! tan chairs advertised, pines, Pfc. Brunger la authorised Heavy flyrap and Immediately resolved to wear the Asiatic-Pacific Ribbon t copa star* 1*1 eapa Kara BUY BIGGER WAR BONDS NOW- WAR LOAN to replace his old back- with two battle stars and the I cap* wgar 8tt esipa Mgar Philippine Liberation Ribbon with CHERRIES, RED SOUR breaker with an ultra- two bronie stars in addition to the IN THE MIGHTY SEVENTH WAR LOAN I comfortable model Good Conduct Medal. Pfc. Brunger j Median Synrp participated in the Initial landing ft* em* water It* emm water THIS SPACE A OONTRIIH TION TO OVR COUNTRY BYi on Leyte Island in October, 1W4. Hi caps Kara 1*4 caps Kan He also participated in the assault SV4 cap* Mgar S landing at Lac, Mew Guinea. The Heavy Synp RIGBY'S 4U cat* water 4I» . PULVERIZING MACHINERY CO. Meritorious Service. Plaque was 1H eapa star* SUk evpa Kat» TbM Store for Summer awarded his unit, the 287th Signal it* ea»« mar «H «•» -*•* SUMMIT, N. J. Furniture Company of the 2d Engineer Spe- Call tfce inn 8#rrke HepwrtKUH f«r •ttor cial Brigade, tor their outstand- WL Morris An. Springfield ftetlttt far eaMslag tnH «MI ttg«UMta> ing work during the Leyte Com- IOMSMIL * Phone Mllitmra f-MM paign, 6M« Itaaay MoratRjn • Krtry Pfc. Brunger entered the Army JERSEY CENTRAL POWER 4 LIGHT (0. Xml»t Ksrtpt wJanMd in April, 1M3. THE SUMMIT HERAlD, THURSDAY, JUNi M. If

Staff Officers United St*tt» Gout Guard Auxi- Hary FiotiU* 330 awiouncea the foiiowiaf wm •*•* officers: Commander, Ray Heufaaw, Chief Boatswain* Matt Short Hill*; Vice Commander, Robt. Cowen, Boatswalno Mat* 1/c (T) Sum- ]Uit, Junior Commander, W. A. Gibbioa, Chief BoaUwaini Mate ,T> w«at Oraafe; Peraoaael Of- ficer, W. & Kimber, Boatawaioa Mate 1/c (T) Summit; Training Officer, George Gale, Boatswains Hate 2/e Short Hllta; Finance and Welfare Officer, J. L. Parsons, Chief Boatowaina Mate

Government to Receive r Your War Bonds Are llkt Bids for Kindling Wood RtAVY CASH Bids for kindling wood will be ] opened by the Atlantic Overseas ! War lends ar* yMr tof**t inv*tt> Air Technical Service Command m«nl. Saf* in orinctnal... >of• in return. You gat $4 for «vtry $3 .with headquarters at Newark yau invM>, at maturity. Army Air Field at 3 p. m. Satur- day, June 16. Bids are sought for \ WAR LOAN a three-months' period, with about 5.000 cubic feet of wood available 1 monthly. Interested persons ehould tele- j phone MArkct 3-5211, Extensions ' "93 or 572, for further information. '. This Space Is A Contribution To Our Country By:

BEDROSIAN RUG COMPANY GEORGE BROS. JOHN W. BROWN, Electrician OTTO SCHMIDT, JR. 426 Springfield Ave. Linen* * RUK» I Beechwood Road Dodge ft Pljmouth Dealer 339 Springfield Ave. 306 Broad Street BURSTEIN'S PHARMACY LARRY MAY, Roofing STEPHENS-MILLER COAL t, LUMBER 16 Sylvan Terrace 430 Springfield Ave. GINOCCHIO'S CONFECTIONERY STORE 38 Rutiell Place 2 Ashwood Ave. CHARLINE'S CUT RATE DRUG STORE LIBERTY CLEANERS & DYERS SWEET-KLEEN LAUNDRY, INC. 529 Morris Ave. 419 Springfield Ave. GLEN OAKS AGENCY 15 Industrial Place 100 Ashland Road . LOUVIS & CO., INC. SUMMIT HARDWARE A PAINT CO. foreign editor of DELIA, OF LONDON .the New York t'onftctlbnery 359 Springfield Avt. 346 Springfield Ave. HAHN'S MARKET kerald Iribune i« ••• 361 Springfield Ave. 47 Maple Street SUMMIT DINER JOSEPH BAIHBS • EASTERN FUEL CO. MILLS-GRAYER SHOE STORE . Summit Avenue and Union Place ' 233 Broad Street HILL CITY PAINT & WALLP'R CO., INC. 413 Springfield Ave. Barnes1 experience, 487 Springfield Ave. A. TEDESCO, TAILOR 11 EASTMAN'S BOOK SHOP II Maple Street khi* "feel of *h*t RILLO'S FOOD MARKET 380 Springfield Ave. HILL CITY WINE AND LIQUOR l&ewt «•*»••••••••••* 97 Park Ave. TROST'S BAKE SHOP 24 Maple Street 427 Springfield Avenue one reason E. L. FITTERER, Linoleum ROGERS COAL AND LUMBER CO. 20 Beechwood Road THE WINDOW SHOP mre praieing s S. E. ft E. G. HOUSTON < 269 Broad Street i HERALD TRlB&Wt Real Efltftte & Insurance 35 MapU Street B. H. FRUMKIN, INC. \foreign coverage 12 Maple Street ROSS RADIO SERVICE tf 408 Springfield Av«. ^ WHITES AUTO SUPPLY 'these dayi«"* 97 Summit Ave. IANNALLA MARKET I 84 Summit Ave. FURMAN'S TWO BARS Reid the 41 Park Avt. 'V^^^,- ROBERT H. STEELE, Red Estate WULFF'S CLEANING * DYEING HERALD TRIBUNE Wnlter A. Sihinlillln, Prop. » You 95 Summit Avenue 387 Springfield .yourself* *' Springfield, N. J. J. H. NELSON & SON f Jappreole.te «*• J, HI. Nrlnfiii, Prop, ' . •'/:::;'.>">y::\:"-. ~ SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. JOS. ZEIGNER, INC., Mtflwt GEDDIS TAXI SERVICE t foreign — 335 Springfield Ave, Springfield Uersawanna Dopot 4 Bank Street V THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE M, IM5 u : Need Is Pressing 1 Eastman, BOROUGH-- Community :— Z HIM M. Petto y Vacation Bible School, an annual project of the borough, For Wastepaper I Completes Wedding Robert ScMchting, will begin Monday, June 25, in the Presbyterian Chapel Details wiU be announced next week. In June 24 Drive Borough Plans for June 17 U5JUL Betrothed BOROOGH-The borough BOROUGH - Miss Ettwl M. BOROUGH— ceUeeticm of wastepaper pianart Petto, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. | '""Mt.-wdMtt. C I* Etstmaa of for Sunday, June 24 from £ t " Jofaa B. Petto of Livingston •*•- Mountain mattt, Murray Hill, aa- SmaH-WorU Story p. m. finds a greater need for ^ JP Uncoh School nue. Murray Hill, will be married nouact the engagettttat of their wastepaper you have collected duT ^ Sunday, June 17 at 4 o'clock to daughter, Ruth King, to Midship- ing the past several w«ks th' Frank P. Mea, son of Mrs. BOM man Robert R. ScMichting, USNB. FromEn^and srer. . . To Graduate 23 Idea of South street. New Provi- *on of Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Borough Boy Scouts, wha u dence, is tbe Laay of Peace Scbllchting of Laurel drive. making the collection, urged , Church by the Rev. John P.,Fal- Miss Eastman is a graduate of ByQM3cDampman borough resident to get every . Tuesday Night lon. An informal buffet supper Summit Kigb School and was grad- BOROUGH - QM 'amara, Conjetu Mandate Alex- j (|y returned to duty in the Pa- worked there in some mines. cen Judge John L. Hughes ha* been Saturday, June 23, beginning mper Madonna and Robert Muir. j cific area gft!er visiting with, his asked to submit a legal opinion at It takes the memories of older Junior industrial, Albert Psu- j wife ^ ,on at the home of his tonight's session of Borough Coun- about 3 o'clock. residents to recall copper mines in tore, Patrick Annelli and Charle* j p&renu, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert cil on whether Michael DeCorso Refreshments, including no the Deserted Village outside Sum' Fuse©. Thrombiey of Denver, CoL Mr*, of Uvingjton avenue, owner and meat, will be provided by the Sun- roit many years ago. Friends in John D Blitz, president of F. C. Thrombiey U the former operator of the Summit-New Prov- day School. Fireplaces will be Summit whom tbe Cornishraan Board of Education, will present Marianne Capp of Murray Hill. idence Bui CO., is liable to the available, and members and par- asked QM 3/c Dampman to look the diplomas. Lawrence Radtise MM 3/c Thrombiey U on th« U-8-S. borough for franchise taxes for a ents are invited to share an out- up seem to have disappeared too, will-play a corm-t «-o!o, El!«n Wal- Lamar and has taken part in four period dating back as much as door supper. but at least the Lavina court man ter* the xylophone and Radtke, major invasions the latt of which ten years. had the fun of meeting someone Verle Walters and David William- was Okinawa. who knew his home town way son will play » cornet number, Until this year the bus company E-Bond Sobs has been operating under a license back when. *O, Solo Mio." Radtke'i solo will Log, Totob H*rt Incidentally QM 3/c Darapman be "Corr' Back to Erin." issued by tbe borough under the provisions of an ordinance. Tbt Top $30,000 saw an example of English gen- Tbe school band will perform Badojey Upsets erosity during his visit with rela- augmented by former members fee for this licenat was only a BOROUGH —The borough has nominal amount whereas the tives. When he refused an egg and interested citizens. In the BARBARA ANN TRIES passed the $30,000 mark in the Gay For Council amount that would have been re- sale of bonds for the Seventh War with his tea, his Cornish hosts possible absence of Director Wll- brought forth not one but three lard Wolfe because of an opera- j BOROUGH-Mr. and Mm. Her- ceived under the State franchise Loan drive. This is indicated by bert P. Trie* of Springfield an tax law would have greatly ex- the large thermometer at the four soft-boiled eggs and insisted 00 tion at Overlook Hospital. Suni-1 In Boro Primary his eating them. mit, the band will be under the i nounce the engagement of their ceeded in recent yeans the amount corners. The sales have been pre- di rec f ,j,f>,?j,.,,»f • Miss lledelelne BOROUGH — Robert Badgley daughter, Barbara Ann, to Ser of the license feet. dominately "E" bond*. QM 3/c Dampman, a graduate o French, supervisor ol music and of Murray Hill running in opposi- Councilman A. G. Harms has PVT. FRED. C KAHNT, JR. Although Inclement weather has Summit High School, entered thi 1st LT. JOHN KO6SELET tion for Borough Council against geant Albert L. Brass, Jr., son of Navy shortly after his graduation Supervising Principal Allen W. Mr. and Mrs. Albert I* Bros* of procured figures from the Public hampered the efforts of solicitors BOROUGH — Matthew Mac- number* j Councilman Loren Gay of Union in June, 1943. Adams of Philadelphia has been Robert*. Among other Lavlna court. Miss Tries, a grad- Utilities Commission on DeCorso'a for more than two weeks, the avenue defeated tbe latter by a advised that his nephew, 1st Lt the band will play "Activity uate of Regional High School, earnings which he says indicate Son Wounded, workers are making up for lost March." and Bennett's "Military tally of 188 to 1M. Councilman Mr. DeCorso owes the borough "a time realizing that many more "E" Fellowship of Prayer John U. Rosselet, 26, an infantry- will attend Rutgers University this Escort," and "Safety." E. R. Hansetl was rcnominated considerable sum." Council held bonds will have to be sold here in BOROUGH—The Fellowship of man, who joined the Army from "Pomp and Circumstance" will with 231 votes to 169 for Louis fall. Sgt.. Brojse, a graduate o an executive session having to deal Brother Killed, order to meet the borough's quota Prayer for all in the armed forces the borough, was killed in action be the processional aa the clasa, Napolitano. The Democrats bad Summit High School, attended Co- with the baa situation on Monday, for this denomination. will be held on Tuesday, June 19, May 2 in Germany. Lt. Roase!et'« no candidates for local office. lumbia University, and the Art Stu- at 1:15 p. m. in the Presbyterian In caps and gowns, the boys in June 11. j News Received "Time enough to buy bonds," li parents, Mr. and Mrs. John U, blue with gold tassels on caps, and The above tally does not include dents League, New York. He La Council la alao expected to take j the appeal made tbU week to resi- Chapel. Rosselet are dead. He leaves a the soldier vote which shows 12 BOROUGH —Marine PvL Fred tbe girls in white with gold tas- now stationed with the Army Medi- action tonight on the two petitions dents who have not subscribed There will be a Bible meditation; brother, S 1/c Allen J. Rosselet of each for Councilman Hansell and C. Kahnt, Jr., was wounded In ac- sel* on caps. Mr. Roberts will in- cal Corps in the South Pacific, on which there was a hearing six during the Seventh War Loan and further study of God's New the Navy who recently returned Mr. Badgley, 9 for Councilman Gay tion on Okinawa with the 6th Di- troduce the class to President weeks ago. . One of tbt petitions drive. Social Order—"And the Redeemer to San Francisco after a tour of f Blitz. Presentation of the class and 1 for Mr. Napolitano. Conse- asks for a rerouting of buses down vision on May 22, his family has Shall Come to Zion," Isaiah 59:20 duty In the Pacific. Lt. Rowekt "< fift will be made by Herbert En-! quently Mr. Badgley still wins the Central avenue, west on Falrvlew been advised from Washington. before entering the service was get Robert Mazucca, class presi- nomination by a margin of 3 votes. Firemen, Pacca avenue, and South on Union ave- His wife la Helen Kahnt, and bis Garden Club Picnic Four Generations Here associated with the Firemen's In- parents are Mr. and Mrs. F. .C dent, will make a speech of wel- Howell C. Boice, chairman of nue. The other petition asks addi- BOROUGH - Mrs. Alma Sten- surance in Newark. Kahnt, Sr., all of Lavlna Court Luncheon Planned come. The Rev. C, rL Yerkes of the Republican County Committee, tional bus service: an added run holm of Brookville, Fla., and Mrs. the Preibyterian Church will of- was re-elected, defeating Robert Club Post Wins Pvt. Kahnt is in a naval hospital BOROUGH — The New Provi- leaving Summit some time between dence Garden dub has planned a Laura Hoiloway, of Evanston, 111., fer the invocation, and the Rev, Webster, 87-60. In a write-in vote, in Hawaii, With a wound In the 7:35 and 8:55 p. m.. and a bus 12:30 picnic luncheon for Mon- are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. P. Dabinett of the Methodist Jane Farcells In tbe first district thigh, which just missed the bone. leaving Summit after 11:45 p. m. day, June 18, at the home of Mrs. Prescott of Floral avenue, Murray Church, tbe benediction. defeated Florence Blstt, 7-6, for In Softball Loop Mrt. Kahnt, Sr,, also received a Discussion' at the hearing and Clarence Eastman; Mountain ave- Hill. This visit brings four genera- Wanted Class Day will be held tomor- membership on tbe G.O.P. com- telegram from the war department, BOROUGH — Last week's New at subsequent council meetings nue, Murray Hill. Election of of- tions to the family together, as row morning. On Friday tbe class mittee. Mrs. Florence Fischer and saying that her brother, Sgt. LouLs Providence Softball League game* points to no action being taken at ficers will be held. Mrs. Stenholm is Mrs. Prescott's made its annual Hudson River G. R, Vanderhoof were returned saw th« Firemen pick up ground J. Gordon, who was reported miss- thi« time on the petitions. On the Hostesses will be Mrs. C. H. grandmother, and Mrs. Hoiloway is trip to Poughkeepsle. to the committee without opposi- when they won games to gain sec- ing since May 7 in the Philippines, USED CARS matter of the extra bus service Yerkes, Mrs. G. E. Sawyer, Mrs. her mother. The Board of Education will tion. The committee will meet ond place and crowd the loop lead- had been dead since July 19*2, hav- testimony adduced shows wartime C. M. Blackhall and Mrs. H. A hold its June meeting next Thurs- Monday night for organization at ing Pacca Club. June 5 the Varlsty restriction* the big obstacle. On ing died in a Japanese prison. He which time it is expected Mr. Boice Sllveira. Sunday School Board day evening. Schools close June Club fell prey to tho onruahing the question of rerouting, Mayor had lived with the Kahnts before BOROUGH — The Methodist Self Now 22 for the summer vacation. will be re-elected chairman. Firemen, 11-2. Thursday night the John W. Oak wood and council has entering the army. Sunday School board will hold its While Prices Are Edward Miller, unopposed, was West Aggies felt the Firemen* Indicated a desire to extend bus Sr.-Hi Fellowship meeting at the home of Guion renominated for tax collector run- fury, 13-5. service on Union avenue to Kline Red Cross Sowing Compfire Picnic Fountain, Fairmount avenue, Still High ning ahead of the whole Republi- boulevard thua going further In New Providence can ticket. The Pacca Club on June 6 Group Holds BOROUGH - The Sr.-Hi Fel- Chatham, Monday evening, June squeezed out a 6-4 win over the improving ecrvice than asked for Annual Picnic lowship of the Methodist Church 23, to make Anal plans for the Vote for members of the General in the rerouting: sought. will have an outdoor campfire Assembly: Republican — Thomas fast-slipping West Aggies. BOROUGH - Th« Sewing Group summer session. OTTO SCHMIDT. JR. Churches to Mark 300, Muir 252, Geddes 249, Breach- JUNE 5 GAME of the American Red Cross held picnic Sunday, June 17, at Twin er 236, Ullrich 146, Griffin 130; tarrity Clab Wins More Honors its third annual picnic Monday last Falls, whose fireplaces are to be Listed for Jury Duty Dodge and Plymouth Democratic—Morton 24, Young 20, Maintain. Sh _ ".'3' j j at the home of Mrs. A. Q. Harms, used. The young people will meet BOROUGH — Mrs. Charles 4-H Club Sunday Hnoval 20, Conroy 21. Freehold- Mazzuccu, llj 3 0 (i borough chairman, in Union ave- at the church at 3 o'clock and go Brereton of Clinton avenue is list- Truck*—Car* BOROUGH-June IT will be ob- Muir, ZU 3 0 (i to the picnic grounds together. ed on the fourth panel of petit ers: Republican—Bauer 253, Rig- AnnelH, us 3 0 u nue. The following attended In- SM Broad 8*. So. *IM3 served in New Providence as He(k«r, i> 3 it u cluding Mrs. Kathleen Krayer, Activities for the afternoon and jurors who will serve in county by 241, Rowland 239, Gregory 98, Kusco, If „ „.. 3 0 0 Rural Life Sunday, with special Ebert 70, Ball 80; Democratic— Alexandrr, c „ 3 fl 0 Mrs. Harry Schlichting, Mrs. A. evening have been planned. courts from June 18 to 30. emphasis placed on the 4-H Club •Sharp, vt „.... 2 O 0 G. Balcom, Mrs. 0. Adams, Mrs. liradley 20, Haefner 18, Simamll Hart, rf „.... 2 0 0 groups. The Methodist, Catholic Kerncr, sf „ [ 2 11 Linden Adams, together with the and Presbyterian churches wPI Mesdames Robins, Kundberg, En- each have a group of 4-H Club Totals 27 Kir* mm nis, Marchie, Osborne, Burton, Lav- members attending in a body. The Ab. II. crty, McAlluter, Lee, Rellly, Black- Catholic group will attend the 8 DiParisi-Mandato \V. Osborne, lb I l hall, Eastman Webster, Irving, FIELD HOSPITALS La Saplo, 31) -1 3 o'clock mass. Aduruii, VH j 2 Polling, and Phair. After lunch- The projects of the 4-H Club Vlgi\ali, If _ 4 1 eon a game of baseball was played. Wedding Is Held Webster, c ;? ' 2 are carried on during the school 1.. onborne, c( ( 1 Refreshments wer« served at 4 season in school hours; the sum- Shannon, Jb 3 1 p. m. Shutwell, rf a l mer the members are divided in- In Local Church Jli-hte, »f , .,.. 2 D a to groups, under the direction of BOROUGH — Miiis Olympia 3 Picnic Supper volunteers. This summer one of Barbara DiParLsi, daughter of Mr. Totals 11 13 For Birthday Party these groups will in charge of and Mrs. Peter DiParisl of Liv- Mrs. D. B. Ryerscn, assisted by JirNKBOAME BOROUGH- George E. Saw- ingston avenue, was married Sun- I'arCB Club yer, Jr., of South street, celebrated Mrs. F. Parker, and the other will day afternoon in Our Lady of .A I). H. his ninth birthday by entertain- be in charge of Miss Jean Porter. Carlui'd. p ;t nI. 1 Peace Church to LouLs Mandato, Mazzwvo, 2\> 4 •) ing some friends at a picnic sup- The final meeting of the 4-H Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Z<.lti. lb 4 I per, yesterday. They were, Ronny Clubs for the school season will Amivlll, 3lj 2 0 0 Mandato, Sr. of Marion avenue. Ouei-t>, c _ ,1 II 1 PFC. JOSETH CIRELU Hart, Wayne McAllister, Doml- be held today at Lincoln School, The Rev. Joseph P. Fallon, rector Cir»!ll. If „ 3 0 0 BOROUGH — Pfc. Joseph Ci- nlck Borrillo, Billy Barrenborg, when plnn* will be made for sum- Pi-MariM, »f n 1 1 of the church, performed the cere- Liinlfarili, cf 3 (1 relli, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ci- Lud Stecka, Ernest Carlson, Bob- mer activities. mony. A reception followed for a i*, rf 3 ol\ 1 1 relli of Floral avenue, has been by Rollenhagen and James Sy- bridal group of SI at the Hotel S. IlltlUlYOtU , *8 3 I 1 awarded a citation and the kora. Beechwood, Summit Totals 31 6 9 firome Star Medal for heroic Conning Lessons W«»t Agglt* Dotes Announced Mies Anna Mizzonl of this place Ah, R. ir. achievement while on military St. Luke's Ref. Episcopal was maid of honor. Bridesmaids Prelot, us 0 duty in France. <, For 4-H Clubs KiirriKiiu, "b 1 ii Bishop Howard D. Hijrglns, A. were Miss Carmella Montuori of Howard, ni> Pfc. Circlli holds five campaign M,, D. D., of the Reformed Episco- BOROUGH — The members of Summit and Mrs. Tessie Grace of Klwcher, nt II i stars and the Purple Heart, Ihe pal Church of New York City, will Chatham, sitter of tbe groom Oarno, rf 0 i the 4-H Clubs of New Providence Kfserum, lb 1 ^ latter for wounds received No- come from Flushing, L. I, to occu- will have the opportunity of at- Flower girls were Frances DiPar- Hhlthl II n vember 9, 1944. He haa been in py the pulpit Sunday, June 17, In isl and Anna Carlone, both of the Uaye. If II ii tending a series of four canning Hlonpy, p II II combat 11 consecutive months in the absence of Rev. Frank Rop- lessons this summer. Miss Ruth borough. William AnnelH of Mar J InnaoconcI , c „ 3 « 1 Gen. Patton's 3rd army, attached pelt, who has not returned from Kibbe, of the home extension Ion avenue, Murray Hill, was best to this 315th Engineers, C Battery, Totals 30 his wedding journey. service, Elizabeth, will be the in- man. 10 BOth Division., <,, structor. JUNE 7 GAME The bride wore a dress of white West Aggltn He has had many narrow es- r The dates of the lessons are: chiffon. She carried a bouquet of Ab. K. If. capes, he writes, and considers Carver Garden Club "PHE GOAL of our "That They Shall Live" campaign is the sale of white roses decorated with stream- FliH'lu-r, *f 4 himself lucky to be wounded only June 28, July 12, Aug. 9, and Aug. 1'reltit, ss - ™ . i Takes Post Office Space 16. They will be given In Lincoln en. The bridesmaids wore gowns 1». Uurrio, rf 4 1 3 i) (» slovakia. He is now in VVerdcn, Hchlk'htlns/. 2b —._. 2 0 1 Office. Daniel Word has used the Stoney. i» . ~ 3 0 2 Germany, and docs not know space for the past four years and our "Keep Pitchin' Slogan" Contest. It closes midnight July 7. Matheson, cf 3 0 0 where he will be sent next. will continue to use part of lt this Total* 33 5 10 Before being inducted, in 1943, year and to plan for the use by Firemen Ffc. ClrclH was employed At Ab. K. II. other gardeners of the whole plot First prize $100 in War Bonds* W. Oobome, lb 4 2 2 Diehl's in Findern as a drafts- Both flowers and vegetables have Fourth, Fiflb and TOPS AAam», »* 4 2 5 man. He has a .brother, Pfc. Roc- been planted this season. One of Second prhe 75 in War Bonds* Sixjj> prizes $25 each in War Bonds* I I and a brother, Ffc. Bnymomi Ci- schoolboy. third priit 50 in War Bonds* Seventh to Fifteenth I,, usbornc, cf -_ * !» 2 relli, recently discharged from I'arcells, 2b 4 1 3 •Maturity Valut. prizes iucliHbe..$lO each in War Stamp* Muimon. »f „ 3 0 1 the Marine Corps. Shannon, rf S 0 0 Various Groups Cox, p „ 3 2 _t Presbyterian Church Give Fire Chief Totftln „.,.„..„ ^,...... 3? 13 15 ll«v. C, H. l'rrke* Birthday Party Jane 11 HlandlMan 10 a, m.—Sunday School. BOROUGH - The membership V. I,. T. 11 «. m.—Sermon Topic, "A of Hose Company No. 1 and their Pacca Club « 3 1 Natural Growth," A group of 4-H Klrenwi ~ 6 <"' wives, borough ofllclaU and friends Weit AeKlrii 4 fi Club memberi will attend this all united Thursday night to give V«r»lty Club 3 SI service In a body. a birthday surprise party in honor COMIN'O (JAMES iunr 14 3 p. m—Intermediate Christian of the birthday of Fire Chief Wwil Aggirt VII. P.KWA flub Elmer G. Ayers at his home In innp li Endeavor. NOW...All TOGETHER/ P"(r«m«ti v». Viivulty Club fl:4& p. m.—Christian Endeavor. Mountain avenue, Murray Hill, inn* It There were 78 present. A band A-ttMl Wt»t AftlM vjn. Flrsmtn 8 p. m.—Union Services In the P#ptl-Cota Company, tons; Island City, N, T. Jvnt ft furnished music, frMKtuttS Bottler: Peptl-Cola Bottling Company of New Jersey Facea Club v». Vnritiy Club Methodist Church. THE SUMMIT HIIALO, THURSDAY, JUNI |#, JUS If ww^P^I^W i ww(H"|p\ ^WP^I^wWWi Special Sales lownship Of Bonds Give $1254)00 Lift 25 From Township U*ttd « Casnohy TOWNSHIP - S»;et *«• iy mar3t:».f.c«iBiii' Charles TOWNSHIP — Twenty-five boys For the- S»»r.h drive. Chairman and girl* from tht towruhip were Mom.'j rrfo.'U that Gilbert Butch- among tht graduating class of 197 i»ff trie- to* r.*s:p> *i*r war bond who rtcttvtd diplomat Friday ».t:e»aiKn. " h« 4ai»«' it again."' The night from Regional High School, *t,itf mt'.r. r»f,:,» to Mr. BiscbotTa Springfield. Included among the '.r.t fourth iaitaac*aold graduates from the township are Was- Bo?i4 to an three who art in the armed forces, |>ur«,hJLs,«r tram l who received legislative diplomas. • *'.ip. . , A diploma WM awarded poat- At tu l^tie * »«-i.ag ih aiujj,, Coainuttfe auia«rtie4 pur- bumoualy to George; Coppola, who ! was killed in action. ih***- of fid.oCO tn Treasury 2 » la the absence of Ted Sadow- i iirr cent boed*. Tiie township now aki, senior claw president who U hald» $&>.**) in »*r boad*. • i C;ii:rm*a Momc* »:*<* report* in the service, the welcome was Bilfj at f*tz t'lXfti ;;i war bonds extended by the claw vice-presi- ' at Coiumb.* School He **ys the dent, Pasquale Capone. »i op* of ih« hOii«*-io-b«uM can- The Rev. Otie E. Moore, of Ken- VAS3 for E" band sates is being ilworth gave the invocation, and intensified, the g^ai. is that field the benediction was pronounced TOWNSHIP-Prerident Joseph not having b«en reacb« father. series of varied field events Sun- ciation. his son, Pfc. James Del Duca, 31, ter row, left to right—Ida Calleo, accompanied the statement. This Julius Swccdloff, same address, to day afternoon at Kdlers Grove A pageant, entitled 'Our J with the "fifth Division on Okinawa Gloria Delia, Joan Andrus, Jean was hot accepted pending final make the necessary arrange- starting at 2 o'clock and ending School," was presented by the had been killed May 6 in action Verotuki, Thomas Hughes, Leslie disposition of the matter. ments for- the new . taxi business. up with an old-fashioned picnic graduating class. The pageant, against the Japs. Sawyer, Edward Straub, Albert! The suggestion to table action A communication was read from dinner. written by members of the class, Pfc. Del Duca had been in the Lajuenesae, Marilyn Morgan. Lil- on accepting taxes from.the bus Corporal Joseph Mondelll, now In Each member of the troop re- wu under the direction of Miss Army over three years. Another lian Michel, and Ernestine Dam- operator was made by Township the armed forces in Germany, cently received n General Eisen- Katherine L. Johnson, art instruc- brother, Joseph Del Duca died last man. ' Back row, left tb right— Attorney Judge John L. Hughes, asking for the committee's aid in hower Award for collecting 1,000 tor. winter as a result of injuries suf- Doris Sergeon, Paula Morgan. | who pointed out that New Provi- assisting him to be released from pounds or more of waste paper denCc the service, because of his past Is the following list of gradu- fered on the West coast while he Supervising Principal Leo G. I Borough was following a during March and April, The training as a farmer, The request ates, from the township, those was serving in the Army. Fuchs, David Hansen, Robert j similar procedure. The possibility troop will also receive a trophy was referred to Kred Osnian, marked with an asterisk <•) are Besides his parents, Pfc. DelErny, ' Dominick Imbimbo, An- that the township may collect bus for It-s award. in the armed forces: Duca leaves two sisters, Mrs! Peter thony Chiarletto, Hugh Dunn, and franchise taxes from the time the Union County agricultural agent, Sunday's program will open with Mrs. 01 ga Curtis, tax collector, Genevieve Anderson, William Sicoli of New Providence Borough Mrs. A. S. Morse, class teacher. law was enacted was pointed out, patriotic exercines including the and the m Ue was reported receipts in taxes and Beatty. (•> Frank Becker, Marilyn and Mrs. Carmen Barbato of Chat- Subjects of various members of » r referred to raising of the flag. Field events ] the or proceeds from a tax sale in May Capozzoli, Agnes Carobreee, Rob- ham, and these brothers: Michael, the class were: Mus" Eich, "The «» n«y 'or investigation. include the following: 25-yard dash netted $23,948.29. Other reports ert Curtis, Mildred Damman, An- Theodore, Robert and Angelo Del Universal Hope for Peace"; Miss <• Township Committeeman An- by Cubs; live-saving contest by ton c were received from Township gelo Del Duca, Anthony Delia, Duca, Jr., together with Ralph Wenman, "The Achievement of i - Swenson waa reluctant to Scouts; running broad jump by alon with th Committeeman Angela M. l>el-o Cubs; fire-building contest by Eleanor Finken, Ruth Finken, Giacco, a half-brother. Freedom"; Miajr Veronski, "The ! £° & e idea of tabling 1 Mr Duca, Anton C. Swenson, H. M.Scouts; - horseshoe' ttthtfst by Ex- <•> Walter FiUgerald, Frank Fran- Pfc. Del Duca was associated Promotion of Prosperity '; Mr. ! - DeCortos statement. He ex- Kent, Charles M. Monica and plorer Post members; high jump olich, Ronald Geredien, Onalce with his father in the greenhouse Hughes, "The Prevention of War"; I 'pressed the belief such action would Chairman George Robbins, Jr. by Cubs; flint and steel exhibit by Johnson, (•) Franklin LaSaaso, business before entering-the. Army, and Miss Palomba, "Peace Is Pas- | "fleet upon previous ac- Scouts; potatos race open to-all; aibie." tions of the Township Committee Michael Mauarisi, Marion Maz- He is a graduate of Columbia r\m, hop, skip, and pump by the zucco, Harry Neumueller, Marie School. over the, years in relation to its May Building PtrmiH previous policy of issuing bus li- .Cubs; ball-throwing contest by Perillo, Richard Prince, Hazel Ser- Regional P. T. A. Total $10,510 members of Explorer Post; water- geon, Harold Sullivan, Walter censes to public conveyance op- TOWNSHIP - New officers in- TOWNSHIP — Building Inspec- boiling contest by ScouU; a tug- Wodtke, Marilyn Wojtech. erators at an annual fee of (3 per Swenson High stalled at the recent meeting of j vehicle. The committee recently tor, Salvatore DelDuca has report- of-war by the three groups. ed to the Township Committee the Yci, your Castles Dealer brings yon tiro outstanding the Parent-Teacher Association of ; voted to revert to the franchise Special events will include M the Regional High School are: procedure of revenue. issuance last month through his half-mile cross-country run by treats... the Sealtcst Village Store Radio Program every office of building and alteration No. of Patients Vote Getter President, Mrs. Charles Bautnann Another bus, line operated by members of the Explorer Post, aryi Thuruiay night and Sealtest Ice Cream e«ery day in the of Springfield: First vice-president, , the Strang Bus Company also permile totaling $10,510. The larg- a double-header of softlmll, three est new construction .permit'wan Mrs. E. Georges of Kenilworth; , wou|d be affected if such action is innings between the Cubs nrul week. This is the ice cream that millions prefer for its In Twsp. Primary issued Berkeley Engineering & At Bonnie Bum second vice-president, lira. J. ' taken. their dads and five innings be- purity, qualify and delicious fla%or. For Koth real enjoy- TOWNSHIP —Township Com- Young, Mountainside; third vice- ' Action on charges that the Ber- Manufacturing Co. in amount of tween the Scouts and their dads. mitteeman Anton C. Swenson, un- president, Mrs. H. J. Dunn of New | unopposed, polled 75 votes. whcn it nOther permits issued: Charles ^ASTLES m M en rep rt Of Dr Joh E officers were installed by MM. ' company had applied to the . A!* t °! . . - l ; Since there were no Democrats Runnells, Superintendent. This Charles Ferguson of Fanwood, ] Board Q running for Township Committee, key and feed house, $600; Mr. nu^« included 32 boys, 31 girls.!--—- president of the Union County» hearing. Monica arc Burgntiller. eight turkey housca Bids to Carry Mail 344 men and 105 women. i Council. j it was pointed out that the From April 21, 19« to and In- ! a" R at $70 each; B. Sazor, Roger* ave- TOWNSHIP—Postmaster Mlch- . Olga Curtis, unopposed G. Results of a recent written driv- i Township Committee failed to eluding May 19. 1945, 20 adults , nur. porch conversion, $200; Henry j ftel Nigro of Berkeley Heights re- — O. P. candidate for tax collector er's test given at the Regional High j concur in the action taken by the were admitted, 12 men and 8 worn- \ Grant, Princeton avenue, addition j ports that he i* receiving bids j received 89 votes. Republican School by State Motor Vehicle In- ] adjusting board in granting an en. Their respective conditions! to one car garage, $150. Erich j until tomorrow for carrying mail County Committee members elect- spectots show that H4 of the Sen- j exception to the company, on the were reported as follows: far ad- Wiehl was given a permit to de- beUycen the D., L. & W. utation Alt* t*» Own* ed included Arthur W. Werner, ior Class passed the examination. grounds that the board failed to vanced, 10 men and 4 women; mod- ; molish' the Klimber residence in here and the postoffice. Anyone Charles La Sasso, Mildred E. Shaf- This was the climax of the Safety stipulate the hours in which ma- /«M tit fm m tit Us* lisrit - Stmllt* VUUfg S*#« ant* /«* UslrK erately advanced, 2 women; non- j Emerson lane. interested in bidding is urged to fer and Mildred Vcnczio.^all unop- Education Program taught as part chinery may operate in the plant. ! WliF, f W P.«, TtanJsrt * tuberculous, 1'woman; non-pul- | Mr. DelDuca reported receiving contact the postmaster immediate- posed. of the Problems of American A "Uggestlon by the Township, permits. ly. monary tuberculosis, 1 man, and i Committee that the company file if • minimal, l man and 1 woman. No Democrats were listed for LECiAL ADVERTISEMENT local office. a new application with the Board \ Twenty-two adults were dis- of Adjustment was ignored for I Vote for members of the General TAKE NOTICE lliat Charles La I charged in the same period—17 Assembly; Republican — Thomas P.ISM) and Catherine i.;iSaK5o inteiiJ several months, it was brought men and 5 women, whose condi- r to apply to Hie Township Committee out, and legal action had been ,. . , ,86; Muir 8, ), Geddes 6. Brcscher uf N«w I'rovid.-nctf Township, S. .1.. YOUR COOPERATION IS A VITAL PART OP NIW JERSITS TUIPMONI SERVICE for a I'I on a ry Hetall Consumption li- started to bring results. Salvatore ttons were reported a* improved, jw > UUrkh 59 Griffin 35; Dem0. QUi CCntl 1 iciise for premises situated at SprinK- DelDuca, building inspector, re- " ! crat—Morton 8, Young 8, Hunoval firld and I'luinfield Avenue.*, Xew woman; and non-tuberculous, 6 ported that such an application 8, Conroy 8. l'lDvidcme Township, N. .1. men and 1 woman. Twelve deaths Objivtion.", if any, should lie mad** had been filed and would be Freeholder vote: Republican- were recorded, 9 men and 3 wom- Immediately in writing to William heard this month. Bauer 86, Rigby 77, Rowland 77. Kusso, Clink ,>f the Township of New en. ProvitfiTKe. s, .j. Gregory 22, Ebcrt 21, Ball 17; Regulations governing the Issu- During this same period, 3 chil- (Signed) CATIIBIUNK LaPASSO. Democrat -BrucUey 8, Haefner 8, t'H.UtLK.S LaSASSO. ance of licenses to taxi operators dren were admitted, 2 boys and 1 Da led : Jun« 7, ViH. Simandl 8. Coroner—Cullinane 8, and the control of such vehicles girl. They were classified as: pri- was adopted. Annual foes will be on Democratic slate, SOTICI: mary infection with demonstrable I T.VICK NOTICE that Dominiik Paul $15 for each taxi and a license lesions, 1 boy and 1 girl, no tuberc- ' Delia Intends tn nvvly to the Tovvnuhip costing $1 will, be required of Berkeley Heights i ConiniittHe of New j'rovidenoc1 Town- culosifl, l boy. ship, N. J.. for a I'lmary IJctnll Dis- each cab driver. Parking stands One child was discharged—one Softball League I tr'ittutlbu license for promises sit- and the inspection of the vehicles uated in Plalnflpld Avenue, Sew boy, who was classified as im- June II Stamilnirs Providence Township, N. .T. will be under the direction o( the proved. W. I.. Objections, if any, .should bi> rnadi" Police Department. According to Iii'lia's Hume Supply y in wrilins to William the schedule, the rate which the On May 19, there were 313 pa-Kir.- i* p.uiy . ••- 2 II Hussa. clerk of (,lie Township of Xew tients in the Sanatorium, 33 boys, 4 1 J'rovidi'iico. X. .1 operator may charge ranges from l (SlffliMt) UO.MJ.Viriv PM'U DELIA 25. cents per passenger for any 32 girls, 140 men and 108 women. 1 li!,^ Ti^"l' Dated : June 7, 1!M5 The daily average for the month I i-v>si ssns.\ ,'ij-l Fff.i—ST.-10 distance up to a mile; SO cents for has been 311.4&-«6.26 for children I n^Htrx'11'.'1 M>TICK ttfMtltt «>' !'«*< W>fh TAKK NOTICK that .lamfs J. Mon- and 245.22 for adults. i lea, trndinic «» I'1"1' Trei" Inn, Intends Blue Mt. fauns U', I'im- Tree Inn l* made Immediately In writiiuf to William lowa: two arreated for being dis- miKity 1 Kunsn Township Clerk, Berkeley Thoughtful New Jersey people orderly, 18 police calls received June IS vs. Ksspx Height*. N. .1. (Signed) JAMES J. MONICA, »nd attended to; aerved one sub- Hume Supply rv.ite: .lunn II, 1!M.1 J-2—Keos—IS.10 Firo diiiipnny Chrnilft. poena; received and attended to >OTICE arc making each call count— three dog warden calls: received On Petit Jury Panel TAKE .NOTICK that .lane K. I. , and answered to three fire calls in Sn-la Inlemls to nppl.r 1" ttie Town- | TOWNSHIP - C. Walker Gem- ship Committee of the Township of • person, and one ambulance ('all re- New providence for i\ KpriiiRflcId Avenue, Squad. The police car was driven a fourth panel of petit jurors who T«wn»hit» of New Providence. will serve in county courts from Objection, U nny. ntiriuM Ix* made ! calls, and making each call 1,610 mile* laat month in the line Immediately In writitiR to William I of duty. June 18 to 30. Ittie.fii, Township C'leik, Berkeley j Height", N. .1. shorter—because they know (.Sinned) JANE I-V SECUA, Diitrd: .hmc It. 1!M'>._ 1-;—Kri»»-»;l.ft)t . ' sofiri; this helps everyone get TAKE XOTICK that Marjrnret Kel r ,. I:,r tradlnn rt' Kellar's Tavern nnd t IMMEDIATE CASH tinive, iiiKiuli to npply to the Town- , ship Committee, New Prov|n« lo Rath Me* unA NIW JIRSIY IILI TILIFHONI COMPANY, d«» trntJIn!JI ! M Hulphur HitrliiHitriK T«yy- I* All Tr»*« Of l ern! Intr.mlii to npplly to ththe TownshiTnhi p Committee of N*«w Providence ' own- Rlilp N .'., t»r a I'lPnary Itetnll EMPLOYEES roimuinptloii- license for premise sli- uated «t NprliiKfield Avenue atidHH- erslde l>rlve, New Providence Town- PERSONAL LOAN 60. 860 SPKIfiCSriBLD AVE. nn*, If any, tn»ull * Summit I hloek from Luck R,H. SI*. ely in writ Um to William Townihlft Clerk, llcrkelej UK. /V«. 794, ft«f« t%% • ' on mn. M. fSlBn^l'i "MICHAEL AMOOBfJ, Dated ."June 1«, 19*5. 1--J-Fec»-H52 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, IW Dolly Vocation liblt School H Need Is Pressing helM. Petto Ruth K. Eastman. BOROUGH - Community Daily Vacation Bible School, an For Wastepaper Robert Schfichting, annual project of the borough, Completes Wedding will begin Konday, June 25, in the Presbyterian Chapel. Details will In June 24 Drive Borough BOROUGH-TJi, borough-wlfi, for June 17 ILSM. Betrothed be announced next week, BOROUGH- callectioa of wastepaper p]ari •"g^pTTfftfflPBWrMrW"MTTTrnW n—j-« i mi ••!! OH - Mias Ethel M. Mr, and Mrs. C L. Eastman of for Sunday, June H from ! to' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mountain avenue, Murray Hill, an- p. m. finds a greater need for tu B. Petto of Livingston ave- nounce toe engagement ot their Smafl-WorW Stay wastepaper you have collected duT Lincoln School llurray Hill, will b« married daughter, Ruth King, to Midship- ing the pest several weeks thin , June 17 at 4 o'clock to man Robert R. Schlichting, USNR, From England ever. a To Graduate 23 P. Vf ta, ton of Mrs. Row son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Borough Boy Scouts, who South street. New Provi- Scbllchting of Laurel drive. making the coljtctton, urged in the L*dy of Peace Miss Eastman is a graduate of By QM 3c Dampman borough resident l» get every tit by the Rev. John P. Kal* Summit High School and was grad- — QM 3/c Allan th Tuesday Night An informal buffet supper BOROUGH QM 3/c Allan of paper out on the curb tied neat' uated from Lastll Junior College, Dampman of Lavina court, for- ly in a bundle so that nothing win BOROUGH—A class of 23 will held at to« Hotel Beech- Auburadale, Mass., on June 4, be graduated next Tuesday eve- at r o'clock. merly of Summit, sends a be missed when the trucks where she majored in merchan- worW* story from England, The around. 8iaf from Lincoln School. A one- Ihidic of Fords will be the dising. act play, "Elmer," will be pre» son of Mr. and Mra. Harry Damp- According to the scouts, old mat of honor, tad Susan Mea. Midshipman Schlichting gradu- HI8SECTH KING EASTMAN seated under the direction of Miss of the groom, and Louise man, on shore leave from hit de- Mines and newspapers make thi ated from Summit High School stroyer, journeyed to. Cornwall, to Kathryn Tressler, Ninth Grade will be tht bridearamlds. beat contributions to these collec. and completed one year at Rutgers visit the Bernard Hughesea' rela- faculty adviser Toe graduates Petto is a graduate of the Uooi. Packed and. wrapped \n baIt| University before enlisting in tht tive* of his grandmother, Mrs. of 25, 80 or more, they ld i help. are: State Trtfninj School PETTO a n urtes ta Baltimore Navy. He was sent to Tufta Col- Sunday School Sydney Thomson of Paasaic ave- ing to meet the borough's quotj. College preparatory, Robert lege in Medford, Mass., for out nue. ' -••••.- Alexander, Sue Allen, Dolores Old books and encyclopedias, c*/. year and is now stationed at Fort Young Dampman itepped into tons from you* grocsry store pur. i Beatrice, Charles Behie, Thomas Schuyler. N. Y, whtr* upon th* Annual Picnic Cunningham, Esther and Herbert To Get Opinion a compartment where a fellow chases, and any form of clean"* stagcl, Mary Louise Long, Frank completion of Mi coarse he will traveler was a grizzled old man.wastepaper Is welcome. Mandate, Robert Maiucco and receive bis commission as ensign At Twin Falls Seeing Damproan's American uni- Xvonne Rutiler. • About Bus Owner's la July. form, the native inquired in his General commercial course, Pa- BOROUGH — The Sunday Cornish dialect If the Lavina court Kffl«d In Gtrnioiiy tricia Adams,Wilna Genung, An- BOHOUGH — Machinist Mats Wounded h Action School of the Methodist Church man had ever heard of a little town drew Becker, Graham Irving, Ed- 3/c Frank c -H,^,^ of wood- Franchise Taxes will hold their annual picnic at called Summit in New Jersey. He n ward McUowan, Darnel B Me , Murray Bill, has re- land avenue BOROUGH — Borough Attorney Twin Falls, on the afternoon oi said he and hit brother had r ceIltl r turned to worked there in some mines. andef r* Madonn« V"'a an5d Rober^ t Muir.t 7" ;i y^ « dut,y J Judge John L. Hughe* has been Saturday, June 23, beginning ciflc afUr vW{ asked to submit a legal opinion at It takes the memories of older Junior industrial, Albert Pas- about 3 o'clock. wife and son at the home of hi* tonight's session of Borough Coun- residents to recall copper mines in tore, Patrick Annelli and Charlea parents, Mr. Gilbt cil on whether Michael DeCorso Refreshments, including no the Deserted Village outside Sum* Fuseo. Thrombley of Denver, Col. of Livingston avenue, owner and meat, will be provided by the Sun- mlt many years ago. Friends in John D. Blitis, president, of F. C. Thrornbley h f operator of the Summit-New*Prov- day School. Fireplaces will be Summit whom the Cornishman Board of Education, will present Marianne Capp of Murray Hill. idence Bus Co.. i« liable to the available, and members and par asked QM 3/c Dampman to look the diplomas. Lawrence Radtke MM 3/c Thrombley U on the U.S.S. borough for franchise taxes for a ents are Invited to share an out up seem to have disappeared too, will play a cornet solo, Ellen Wal- La mar and has taken part in four period dating back as much as door supper. but at least the Lavina court man ters the xylophone and Radtke, major invasions the list of which ten year* had the fun of meeting someone Verle Walters and David William- was Okinawa. Until this year the bus company E-Bond Sales who knew hi« home town way son will play a cornet number, back when. «'•• "O, Solo Mia" Radtke's solo will haa been operating under a licens Loq. Totab Here Incidentally QM 3/c Dampman be »"Corr- Back to Erin." issued by the borough under the ! The school band will perform Badgley Upsets provisions of en ordinance. Th Top $30,000 saw an example of English gen- i augmented by former members fee for this license was only f BOROUGH—Th« borough ha erosity during his visit with rela- tives. When he refused an egg * and interested citizen*. In the BARBARA ANN THUS nominal amount whereas th passed the $30,000 mark in tin i possible absence of Director Wil- Gay for Council amount that would have been re sale of bonds for the Seventh Wai with his tea, his Cornish hosts ]ard Wolfe because ot an opera- BORCJUGH-Mr. and Mn. Her- celved under the State franchise Loan drive. This is indicated b; brought forth not one but three tion at Overlook Hospital, Sum- bert F. Tries ot Springfield an- talc law would have greatly ex< the large thermometer at the fou soft-boiled eggs and insisted on in Boro Primary 1 his eating them. mit, the band will be un'der the nounce th« engagement ot tbeir ceeded in recent years the amoun corners. The sales have been pre QM 3/c D'ampman, a graduate of direction of Miss Mcdelelne BOROUGH — Robert Badgley daughter, Barbara Ann, to Ser- of the license fees. dominately "E" bonds. PVT. FRED. C KAHXT, JR. Summit High School, entered the French, supervisor of mosic and of Murray Hill running In opposi- geant Albert L. Broas, Jr., son of Councilman A. G. Harms ha Although inclement weather has 1st LT. JOHN ROSSELET f tion for Borough Council against Navy shortly after his graduation BOROUGH — Matthew Mac. Supervising Principal Allen VV. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Brass of procured figures from the Publi hampered the efforts of solicitors Councilman Loren Gay of Union in June, 1943. Adams of Philadelphia has been Roberts. Among other numbers Lavina court. Miss Tries, a grad- Utilities Commission on DeCorso'* for more than two the the band will play "Activity avenue defeated the latter by a earnings which be says indicate Son Wounded, workers are making up forlost advised that his nephew, 1st Lt March," and Bennett's "Military tally of 188 to 1M. Councilman uate of Regional High School, Fellowship of Prayer John U. Rosaelet, 26, an infantry* will attend Rutgers University this Mr. DeCorwo owes the borough "a time realizing that many more "E" Escort," and "Safety." E. R. Harwell was renominated considerable sum." Council hel BOROUGH —Tht Fellowship of man, who joined the Army from fall. Sgt, Bros*, a graduate of bonds will have ta be sold here in "Pomp and Circumstance" will with 231 votes to 169 for Louis an executive session having to deal Brother Killed, order to meet the borough's quota Prayer for all in the armed forces the borough, was killed in action | Summit High School, attended! Co- b« the processional as the class. Napolltano. The Democrat* had with the bus situation on Monday, for this denomination. will be held on Tuesday, June 19, May 2 in Germany. Lt. Rouseleta * lumbia University and the Art Stu- In caps and gowns, the boys in no candidates for local office. June 11. "Time enough to buy bonds," is at 1:15 p. m. in the Presbyterian parents, Mr. and Mrs. John U. blue with gold tassels on caps, and The above tally does not include dents Leiigue, New York. He is Council is also expected to take News Received the appeal made this week to resi- Chapel. Rosselet are dead. He leaves a BOROUGH—Marine Pvt. Fred the girls in white with gold tas- the soldier vote which shows 12 now statUfned with Use Army Medi- action tonight on the two petitions dents who have not subscribed There will be a Bible meditation; brother, S 1/c Allen J. Rosselet of sels on caps. Mr. Roberts will in- each for Councilman Hansell, and cal Corps "In the South Pacific. oo which there was a hearing six C. Kahnt, Jr., was wounded in ac- and further study of God's New the Navy who recently returned lon on Okinawa with the 6th Di-during the Seventh War . Loan troduce the class to President Mr. Badgley, B for Councilman Gay weeks ago. One of the petitions drive. Social Order—"And the Redeemer to San Francisco after a tour of j Blitz. Presentation of the class and 1 for Mr. Napolltano. Conse- asks for a rerouting ot buses down lslon on May 22, his family has Shall Come to Zion," Lsaiah 59:20. duty in the Pacific. Lt. Rosselet gift will be made by Herbert En- quently Mr. Badgley still wins tht Central avenue, west on Fairview been advised from Washington. before entering the service was gel. Robert Mazucca, class presi- nomination by a margin of 3 votes. Firemen, Pacca avenue, and South on Union ave- His wife is Helen Kahnt, and bisGarden Club Picnic Four Generations Here Dissociated with the Firemen's In- dent, will make a speech of wel- Howell C. Boice, chairman of nue. The other petition asks addi- parents are Mr. and Mrs. F. .C surance in Newark. Kahnt, Sr., all of Lavina Court Luncheon Planned BOROUGH - Mrs. Alma Stcn- come. The Rev. C. H. Yerkes of the Republican County Committee, tional bus service: an added run holm of Brookville, Fla., and Mrs. the Presbyterian Church will of- Pvt. Kahnt is in a naval hospital BOROUGH — The New Provi- was re-elected, defeating Robert Club Post Wins leaving Summit some time between Laura Holloway, of Evaruton, III, fer the Invocation, and the Rev.Webster, 87-60. In a write-in vote, n Hawaii, with a wound in the dence Garden Club has planned a 17:33 and 8:55 p. m., and a bus 12:30 picnic luncheon for Mon are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. F. Dabinett of the Methodist Jane Parcel Is In the first district leaving Summit after 11:45 p. m. thigh, which just missed the bone, Church, the benediction. defeated Florence Blatt, 7-6, for Mrs. Kahnt, Sr., also received a day, June 18, at the home of Mrs, Prescott of Floral avenue, Murray In Softball Loop Discussion at the hearing and Wanted membership on the G.O.P, com- elegram from the war department, Clarence Eastman, Mountain ave- Hill. This visit brings four genera- Class Day will be held tomor- BOROUGH — Last week's New at subsequent council meetings mittee. Mrs. Florence Fischer and saying that her brother, Sgt Louis nue, Murray Hill. Election of of- tions to the family together, as row morning. On Friday the class Providence! Softball League games points to no action being taken at G. R. Vanderhoof were returned J. Gordon, who was reported miss- ficers will be held. Mrs. Stonholm Is Mrs. Prescott's made its annual Hudson River saw Use Firemen pick up ground thi« time on the petitions. On the to the committee without opposi- Hostesses will be Mrs. C. H. grandmother, and Mrs. Holloway Is GOOD USED CARS trip to Poughkeepsie. when they won games to gain sec* matter of the extra bus service ng since May 7 in the Philippines, tion. The committee will meet Yerkes, Mrs. G, E. Sawyer, Mrs. her mother. The Board of Education will ond place atad crowd the loop lead- testimony adduced shows wartime had been dead since July 1942, hav Monday night for organization at C. M. Blackball and Mrs. H. A. hold its June meeting next Thurs- ing Pacca Oltib. June 3 the Varisty restriction* the big obstacle. On ng died In a Japanese prison, H which time it U expected Mr. Boice Silveira. Sunday School Board day evening. Schools close June Club fell prey to the onrushing the question of rerouting. Mayor had lived with the Kahnts befon Sell Now will be re-elected chairman. BOROUGH - The Methodist 22 for the summer vacation. Firemen, liJ-2. Thursday night the John VV. Oakwood and council has entering the army. Edward Miller, unopposed, was Sr.*Hi Fellowship Sunday School board will hold ita While Prices Are West Aggltw felt the Firemen's indicated a desire to extend bus meeting at the home of Guion renominated for tax collector run- ftiry, 13-5. service on Union avenue to Kline Red Crass Sewing Campfire Picnic ning ahead of the whole Republi- Fountain, Falrmount avenue, Still High New Providence The rac«a Club on June 6 boulevard thus going further in Group Holds BOROUGH — The Sr.-Hi Fel- Chatham, Monday evening, June can ticket.,' . ttfl-T.'-" ••• ••;.,,..,;. • squeezed oi^t a 6-4 win over the improving eervice than asked for owship of the Methodist Church Vote for members of the General Annual Picnic 25, to make final plans for the fast-slipping} West Aggies. in the rerouting sought rill have an outdoor campfire summer session. OTTO SCHMIDT. JR. Assembly: Republican — Thomas BOROUGH — The Sewing Group icnic Sunday, June 17, at Twin Churches to Mark 3O0, Muir 252, Geddes 249, Breech- JClp>E S (JAMB of the American Red Cross held fsrslty tub 'alls, whose fireplaces are to be cr 236, Ullrich 146, Griffin 130; Wins More Honors its third annual picnic Monday last Listed for Jury Duty Ab. R. used. The young people will meet BOROUGH — >lra. Charles Dodge and Plymouth 4-H Club Sunday Democratic—Morton 24, Young 20, Mawrato. 3b ,U 3 1 at the home of Mrs. A. G. Harms, at the church at 3 o'clock and go Hnoval 20, Conroy 21. Freehold- Mazzucou, 1b ..... 3 ~ ,...„ 3 0 the picnic grounds together. ed on the fourth panel of petit ers: Republican—Bauer 233, Rig-Annelli. ss „._, 3 .0 nue. The following attended in- Activities for the afternoon and 306 Broad St. §«. M6M served in New Providence as Decker, t> j, 3 I) cluding Mrs. Kathleen Krayer, jurors who will serve in county by 241, Rowland 239, Gregory 98, Kunco, If „... _... 3 0 vening have been planned. Rural Life Sunday, with special Ebert 70, Ball 80; Democratic- Alexandpr, c .*..... _ 3 f> Mrs. Harry Schlichting, Mrs. A. courts from June 18 to 30. emphasis placed on the 4-H Club Sharp, cf i „„ 2 Bradley 20, Haefner 18, Slmandl Hart, rf , : 2 G. Balcom. Mrs. O. Adams, Mrs. groups. The Methodist, Catholic 19. Kerner, *t .» .'. 2 Linden Adams, together with the and Presbyterian churches will Mesdames Robins, Kundberg, En- Totals •. 27 each have a group of 4-H Club > Ir •!>!«• D nis, Marchie, Osborne, Burton, Lav- members attending in a body. The Ab. n. erty, McAllister, Lee, Reilly, Black- Catholic group will attend the S DiParisi-Mandato W. Osbornc, Ib - 4 1 hall, Eastman Webster, Irving, FIELD HOSPITALS IAI Sapio, lib ...,+. _ 4 1* o'clock mass. Adarns, MI 4 „ . J 1 Polling, and Phair. After lunch- The projects of the 4-H Club VlKiiall. If \ _ 4 0 Wedding Is Held Webster. <,- i _ S eon a game of baseball was played. are carried on during the school J.. UBbornc, ct < 4 i Refreshments were served at 4 season in school hours; the sum- Shannon, ib <, „ 3 1 fhotwell, rf i - 3 1 p. m. mer the members are divided in- in Local Church Hi'hre. ».f , 2 to groups, under the direction of BOROUGH — Miss Olympia Cox, p j :; Picnic Supper volunteers. This summer one of Barbara DiPnrlsi, daughter of Mr. Totals 1 35 For Birthday Parry these groups wilt in charge of and Mra. Peter DiParisl of LIVT Mrs. D. B. Ryerson, assisted by jr.v'p OAMK BOROUGH- George E. Saw- Ingrston avenue, was married Sun- yer, Jr., of South street, celebrated Mrs. F. Parker, and the other will day afternoon in Our Lady of Club H. ! Car!ui-c!, p R. his ninth birthday by entertain be in charge of Miss Jean Porter. Peace Church to Louis Mandato, 1 1 r Mazzuciv, 2b - f ing some friends at a picnic sup- The final meeting of the 4-HJr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis XA>UI, 1b Annelll, 3b per, yesterday. They were, Ronny Clubs for the ichool season will Mandato, Sr. of Marion avenue. I'uceo, 0 5j PFC. JOSEPH CIRELU Hart, Wayne McAllister, Domi- be held today at Lincoln School, The Rev. Joseph P. Fallon, rector dri-lll. If 1 S HeMarisi, tt o! BOROUGH — Pfc. Joseph Ci nick Borrillo. Billy Barrenborg, when pl.->ni will be made for sum- of the church, performed the cere- l I cr M j relli, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ci Lud Stecka, Ernest Carlson, Bob- mer activities. mony, A reception followed for a i'ami>»Ti>> l', relli of Floral avenue, has been by Rollenhagen and James Sy- bridal group of 81 at the Hotel S. inn.'UToti'.-, ?s' 21 awarded a citation and th kora. Conning Lessen* Beechwood, Summit Totals 31 Bronze Star Medal for heroi Mies Anna Mluoni of this place Wn\ Atflu R. H achievement while on military St. Luke's Ref. Episcopal Dotes Announced was maid of honor. Bridesmaids 3 M: Pretot, m I t duty in France. - Bishop Howard D: Hlggins, A. for 4-H Club* were Mlsa Carmella Montuorl of Kerrigan, :'b —\ r. 1 1'fc. Cirelli holds rive campaign Summit and Mrs. Tessie Grace of Howard, 3h 1 » (> ' M., D. D., of th« Reformed Episco- BOROUGH — The members of Fischer, nt 1 :i n i | stars and the Purple Heart, Uv pal Church of New York City, wil the 4-H Clubs of New Providence Chatham, sister of the \ groom. Oarno. rf ...„ i V; latter for wounds received No-.l. Flower girls were Frances DiPar- Kperum lb come from Flushing, L. I. to occu- will have the opportunity of at- Schllchtingr, ef aj-vember 9, 1W4. He has been in py the pulpit Sunday, June 17, in tending a series of four canning isi and Anna Carlone, both of the Daye. If : Ntoney, p 1| combat 11 consecutive months in the absence of Rev. Frank Rop- lesson* this summer. Miss Ruth borough. William Annelll of Mar- J. Innaocone. c I— 2 t j Gen. Patton's 3rd army, attached ion avenue, Murray Hill, was beet pelt, who has not returned frorn Kibbe, of the home extension Totals 1 30 to tl\c 315th Engineers, C Battery, his wedding journey. service, Elizabeth, will be the in-man. 90th Division. structor. The bride wore a dress of white JUNE: t GAME He has had many narrow es- The dates of the lessons are: chiffon. She carried a bouquet of Wil Ab. n. ir. capes, he writes, and considers Carver Garden Club HE GOAL of our "That They Shall Live" campaign is the sale of Fischer, «f June 28, July 12, Aug. 9, and Aug. white roses decorated with stream- Fwtot, 83 ~..l , « j j himself lucky to be wounded only Takes Post Office Space 16. They will be given in Lincoln ers. The bridesmaids wore gowns I\ Oiirno, rf I 4 « : once. He fought through the In- The George Washington Carver Tenough War Bonds to purchase ten field hospitals. Buy a bond School rooking room, and will be of pink marcoiett and the maid of Howard, .1t» .... ••' vasion until V-E Day, which J. Inniicronf*. c „ !..... » s Garden Club has taken over the from 9 a. m. till 12 noon. honor, green marcraett fl. Unriio, It ... i j found him somewhere in Czecho- space bacft* of the Summit Pos' at any Public Service office or from a Public Service employee and enter l>aye. Hi slovakia. He is now in Werden, Ht'hllvhtlng, 2b 1 2 Office. Daniel Word has used th' Stoney, p ™_L . 3 Germany, and does not know space for the past four years and our "Keep Pitchin' Slogan" Contest. It closes midnight July 7. Mathcson, cf 1 3 where he will be sent next. will continue to use part of it this Totals • .,,. I 3: Before being inducted, in 1943, year and to plan for the use by Pfc. Cirelli was employed nt H. It other gardeners of the whole plot First prize $100 in War Bonds* Fourth, Fifth and W. Onbornc, Ih „...!. 4 Dichl's in Findern us a drafts- Both flowers and vegetables havi Adsmni", »s |. 4 2 man. He has a brother, Pfc. Roc- been planted this season. One o Second prize 75 in War Bonds* Sixth prizes $25 each in Wat Bonds* TOPS 0 . if :...... I t T co Cirelli, stationed in Naples, the plots is being worked by Webgtcr. s L 4 it and a brother, Pfc. Raymond Ci- schoolboy. Third prize 50 in War Bonds* Seventh to Fifteenth .i relli, recently discharged from U Oibornp. cf ™L. 4 i prizes iW/wme..S10each in War Stamp! »»nrco)l», Jb 1 4 0 i the Marine Corps. •Motwity Volut. Munsoii, if „ 1 3 n 0 Various Groups Shannon, rf * 1 Cox, p .„ Presbyttrian Church Give Fire Chief , Totnli ...... 13 13 Rev. C H- Yrrkes Birthday Party 1- 10 a. m.—Sunday School. BOROUGH - The membenhip I.. T. Pacca Club 11 a. m.—Sermon Topic, "A of Hose Company No. I and their PVBUC®SERVIGE Flrem«n Natural Growth." A group of 4-H wives, borough officials and friends %Ve»t Ag*l<>B .:. Varsity Ctub dub members will attend this all united Thursday night to give COMIXO service In a body. a birthday surprise party in honor Jsnr 1) of the birthday of Fire Chief Wi**t Agglcit VB. * club 3 p. m.—Intermediate Christian Jane 1>, Endeavor. Elmer G. Ayers at his home in NOW...ALL TOGETHER! riremon v». VitrnUrf Cluh 6:45 p.,m.—Christian Endeavor. Mountain avenue. Murray Hill. Jiinr If «VIMMI . Wttt Allies vs. Fit •men 8 p. m.—Union Services in the There were 75 present, A band Fepil-ColB, Company, Lonr Island City, N. t, Jin* * Methodist Church. furnished music. - Bottler: PepU-Cola Bottling Compsny of N«w Jersey Club v». rai iltjr Club THf SUMMIT HERALD, THUB5PAV, JUNi 14, H4S 17 Special Sales township Of Bonds Give H Us** $125,000 Lift s 25 From Township TOWNSHIP - S»U» totaling • more than $125,000 in bonds dur- ing th« Seventh War Loan drive Receive Diplomas »«r« announced this w«*k by . Township Committeemaa Charl«j ' M Monica, chairman of the town* •• i: From Regional ' ihip drive committee. TOWNSHIP — Twenty-flw boys For the fourth drive, Chairman and ctrla from th» towiuhlp were ! Monica reports that Gilbert BUch- among th« graduating clau of 197 off, the township's mr war bond Ii who received diplomat Friday I salesman, "has done it again." Th« * nijht from Regional High School, j Ualement refers to Mr. BUcholT* •n SprtngfUKI. Included among the i having for the fourth irutanctaold i • iraduatet from th« township are a $100,000 War Bond to in uniden- 1 i three who Are in the armed forces, tified purchaser from tha town- who received legislative diploma*, aliip. A diploma waa awarded post- ; At it* June 6 meeting the Town- hiimoiuJy to Gfeorg* Coppola, who I ship Committee authorized pur- was killed in action. chase of"jlO,0O0 In Treasury 3!i In the absence of Ted Sadow- |ier cent bonds. The township now aki, senior cluu president who is hoids JW.000 In war bonds. in the service, the welcome was Chairman Monica nUo report* extended by the chuu vice-presi- sales of over $5,000 in war bond* dent, Pasquale Capone. at Columbia School. He taya the The Rev. Otla E. Moore, of Ken- I srope of the house-to-house can* vass for "K" bond sales i* being i I worth gave the Invocation, and PFCL JAMBS DEI. DUCA intensified, the goal In that Acid the benediction waa pronounced I, not having been reached. by tbt Bev. Charles F. Peterson, TOWNSHIP—President Joseph pastor of the Methodist Church in Mulholland of the Board of Edu-1 Jamei Knox Polk, eleventh ; . ^ Me Del Duca cation presented diploma* to the jAction Tabled on Accepting Bus The ne v world won { built Springfield. • Field Events and President of tlie United States.! j,y letting George do it. George I* class of IMS of Columbia School Diploma* were awarded by Jo- died June 15, IKiK. lie was born | ]«aving it to us. at the annual graduation exercises Taxes; Zoning Problem to fore November 2, 1795. He served one seph Mulholland, of Berkeley Killed in Action TOWNSHIP — The Township a distance of one to three miles; held last night In the Church ot Picnic for Scouts term. He was a native of N'orth Heights, president of the Board Committee at its June 8 meeting and tt for any distance exceeding the Little Flower. Carolina. His politics was Demo- (Additional Township of Education, and Warren W. refused to take action on a grots three miles. On Okinawa Members of the class: front row, cratic. News on Pag* 14) Halsey, supervising principal pre- left to right—Annette Palombo, receipts statement filed by Mi- First applicant to file for a taxi Sunday at Kellers sented the awards. TOWNSHIP-Township Com- Betty Lou Eich, Gwendolyn Wen- chael DeCorso, owner of the Sum- license was Harold Swerdloff of TOWNSHIP-Boy Scout Troop Parent-Tea cher Association mitteeman Angel o M. Del Duca man, Alice Monahan, Elise Phil- mit-New Providence Bus Line. Emerson lane, who is now in the No. 68, Explorer Post No. 68 and awards were made by Mrs. Charles received a telegram Sunday night lips, Jerry Festa, Charles Head, Mr. DeCorso's bus line operates armed services, but has granted Cub Pack No. 68 are planning a BaumanB, president of the asso- from the War Department that George Kolb, and Sam Delia. Cen- in the township. A check for $157 a power of attorney to his father, series of varied field events Sun- ciation. his son, Pfc. James Del Duca, 31, ter row, left to right—Ida Calleo, accompanied the statement. This Julius Swecdloff, same address, to day afternoon at K«Uers Grove A pageant, entitled "Our with the 77th Division on Okinawa Gloria Delia, Joan Andrus, Jean was not accepted pending final make the necessary arrange- starting at 2 o'clock and ending School," was presented by the had been killed Way 6 in action Veronski, Thomas Hughes, Leslie disposition of the matter. ments for the new taxi business. up with an old-fashlonod picnic graduating class. The pageant, against the Japs. Sawyer, Edward Straub. Albert The suggestion to table action A communication was read from dinner. * written by members of the class, Pfc. Del Duca had been in the Lajuenesse, Marilyn Morgan, Lil on accepting taxes from .the busCorporal Joseph Mondelli, now in Each member of the troop re- was under the direction of "Miss Army over three years. Another lian Michel, and Ernestine Dam- j operator was made by Township the armed forces in Germany, cently received a General Eisen- Katherine L. Johnson, art instruc- brother, Joseph Del Duca died last man. Back row, left to ulght— '< Attorney Judge John L. Hughes,asking for the committee's aid in j hower Award for collecting 1,000 tor. winter as a result of injuries suf- Doris Sergeon, Paula Morgan, !w ho pointed out that New^Provi- assisting him to be released from j pounds or more of waste paper In the following list of gradu- fered on the West coast while he Supervising Principal Leo G. ! dence Borough was following a the service, because of his past j during March and April. The ates, from the township, those was serving In the Army. Fuchs, David Hansen, Robert j similar procedure. The possibility training as a farmer. The request troop will also receive a trophy tlv marked with an asterisk (*) m Besides his parents, Pfc. DelErny, Dominiclt Imbimbo, An- i at the township may collect bus was referred to Fred Osman, for its award. In the armed forces: Duca leaves two sisters. Mrs. Peter thony Chiarletto, Hugh Dunn, and ! franchise taxes from the time the Union County agricultural agent. Sunday's program will open witlt la% was Genevleve Anderson, William Sicoli of New Providence Borough Mrs. A. S. Morse, class teacher. ! >' enacted was pointed out. Mrs. Olga Curtis, tax collector, patriotic exercises including thr and Mrs. Carmen Barbato of Chat- Subjects of various members of alui »he matter was referred to reported receipts in taxes and j raising of ttte flag. Field events t Beatty, (•) Frank Becker, Marilyn the a l Capozzoli, Agnes Carobrwe, Rob- ham, and these brothers: Michael, the class were: Miss Eicb. "The ' "°« ney 'or investigation. proceeds from a tax sale in May include the following: 25-yard dish Theodore, Robert and Angelo Del Universal Hope for Peace"; 'Miss Township Committeeman An- netted $23,946.29. Other reports by Cubs;, livetaving contest by ert Curtis, Mildred Damman, An- ton c Duca, Jr., together with Ralph Wenman. "The Achievement of - Swenson was reluctant to were received, from Township Scouts; running broad jump by gela Del Duca, Anthony Delia, alon with the ea oi Glacco, a half-brother. Freedom"; Miss\ Veronski, "The " B° K W tabling Committeeman Angela M. Del-Cubs; fire-building contest by Eleanor Finken, Ruth Finken, Mr (•) Walter Fitzgerald, Frank Fran- Pfc. Del Duca was associated Promotion of Prosperity"; Mr. - DeCorso's statement. He ex-Duca, Anton C. Swenson, H. M.Scouts; horseshoe contest by Ex- Hughes, "The Prevention of War"; i pressed the belief such action Kent, Charles M. Monica and plorer Post members; high Jump olich, Ronald Geredieo, Onalee with his father in the greenhouse would rcflect u on Johnson, (•) Franklin LaSaaso, business before entering the Army. and Miss Palomba, "Peace Is Pas- ' P Previous ac- Chairman George Robbins, Jr. by Cubs; flint and steel exhibit by Mjchael Maitarial, Marion Maz- He is a graduate of Columbia fllble." • ttons of the Township Committee Scouts; potato* race open to all; rucco, Harry Neumueller, Marie School. , ; over the years in relation to its May Building Permits run, hop, skip, and pump by thr Perillo, Richard Prince, Hazel Ser- Rftdionol P T A previous policy of issuing bus li-Total $10,510 Cube; ball-throwing contest by « , ; censes to public conveyance op- members of Explorer Post; water- geon. Harold Sullivan, Walter TOWNSHIP — Building Inspec- TOWNSHIP - New officers in- . boiling contest by Scouts; a tug- Wodtke, Mwllyn Wojtech. ertttorg al an annua! fee of $3 per tor Salvatore DelDuca has report- Swenson High stalled at the recent meeting of | vehicle. The committee recently of-war by the three groups. ed to the Township Committee the Yes, your Castles Dealer brings you two outstanding the Parent-Teacher Association of * franchise Special events will include ft voted to rcvcrt to the Issuance last month through his the Regional flph School are; " procedure of revenue. half-mile cross-country run by treats... the Sealtest Village Store Radio Program e»«ry office of building and alteration No. of Patients Vote Getter President, Mrs. Charles Baumann Another bus, line operated by members of the Explorer Post, ami permit* totaling $10,510. The larg- Thursday night and Sealtest Ice Cream every diy to the of Springfield; First vice-prcsidcnt,^he Strang Bus Company also a double-header of softbalt, tlirre est new construction permit was Mrs. E, Georges of Kenilworth; j id be affected if such action is innings between the Cubs nml week. This is the ice cream that millions prefer for its In Twsp. Primary wou issued Berkeley Engineering & At Bonnie Burn second vice-president, Mrs. J. itaken. their dads and five inning* be- Manufacturing Co. in amount of purity, quality and delicious flavor. For both real enjoy* TOWNSHIP - Township C<£jjj,-; Yountr, Mountainside; third vice-! Action on charges that the Ber- tween the Scouts and their dads. $8,000 for an industrial building in mitteeman Anton C. Swenson', un- "pfesident, Mrs. H. J. Dunn of New'keley Engineering and Manufac- Adviser to the Explorer Post in meat and food value, insist on Castles Sealtest Ice Cresjru Remains Stable i Snyder avenue. B. H. VVhitcmore opposed, ran ahead of the Republi- Providence, fourth vice-president. turing Company, Springfield ave,. W. Floyd Taylor; Stanley Eaton TOWNSHIP — Patients present of Summit avenue was given a can ticket here in Tuesdavjs pri- John Keith of Springfield; fifth was operating in violation of the of the Cubs, and O. C. Walling, at Bonnie Bum Sanatorium here permit for a temporary industrial mary, polling 95 votes.. Tiwiuhip vice-president, Mrs. J. Cordes of township zoning ordinance and scoutmasttr. F. W. Becker Is con- in the township, on April 20, 1945, building annex in Summit avenue Committecman Charles M. Monica, Clark, and sixth vice-president, State labor laws, was voided tributing the service of a public numbered 312, according to thealso unopposed, polled 75 votes.. Mrs. R. O'Lcary of Garwood. New in amount of $1,000. most'recent report of Dr. John E. when it became known that the address system. Since there were Ho Democrats officers were installed by Mrs. htompany had applied to the Other permits issued: Charle.i [CASTLES Runoells, Superintendent. This running for Township Committee, Charles Ferguson of Fanwood, | Board of Adjustment for a new"Burgmiller, Plainfield avenue, tur- Post Office Se«k$ number included 32 boys, 31 girls, Mr. Swenson and Mr. Monica arc president of the Union County hearing. key and feed house, $600; Mr. 144 men and 105 women. as good as elected, Council. T» • . J i .u i .i I Burgmiller, eight turkey houses Bids to Carry Mail J From April 21, 1945 to and In- It was pointed out that the a**"•»"t $7 eac " h:• B s* Or cr ave TOWNSHIP—Postmaster Mich- Mrs, Olga Curtis, unopposed G. ResulU of a recent written driv- j Township Committee failed to i ° u 1 - « - «°* « cluding May 19, 1943, 20 adults ...... ; nlla»P t?fnortl eachhh convCM R RnzOr. Kos7er2(W: Hen« ave- O. P. candidate for tax collector er'•s tetesnt given at the Regional. High Ij concur in the action taken by the | "•»• ^ ^"version'°»- , *$200; Henr" y | ael Nigro of Berkeley Height, re- _- 1 were admitted, 12 men and 8 wom- ports that he i.i receiving bids ICE CREAM received 89 votes. Republican R^hnnSchooil hvby stntStat«e Mototininr, VAI,^IVehicle. In»«_'- I! adjustin.J;...,, g boaru dj :i_n grantini: g an , Grant, Princeton avenue, addition en. Their respective conditions to one car garage, $150. Erich until tomorrow for carrying mail County Committee members elect- spectors show that 144 of the Sen- exception to the company, on the were reported as follows: far ad- Wiehl was given a permit to de-between the D., L. & W. station ed included Arthur W. Werner, ior Class pa&sed the examination. grounds that the board failed to Alt* MaVart •» Maftlt l«« &••• vanced, 10 men and 4 women; mod- molish the Klimber residence in here and the postoffice. Anyone Charles La Sasso, Mildred E. Shaf- This was the climax of the Safety stipulate the hours in which ma- erately advanced, 2 women; non- Kmerjson lane. interested In bidding is urged to /•M lit In m Ikt Jtm Ott-ii -\nltiil VilUu Sfrt, wilh Jttk lUUh fer and Mildred Vcnezio, all unop- Education Program taught as part chinery may operate in the plant. KIAP, 9.10P.M* tuberculous, 1 woman; non-pul- 4 Mr. DelDuca* reported receiving contact the prostmastcr immediate- posed. of the Problems of American A suggestion by the Township monary tuberculosis, 1 man, and $33 in fees for the above permits. ly. minimal, 1 man and 1 woman. No Democrats were listed for LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Committee that the company file local office, , a new application with the Board Twenty-two adults were dis- NOTICK Vote for members of the General TAKB NOTICK th.H Charles I..i of Adjustment was ignored for charged in the same period—IT Assembly: Republican — Thomas S.i.s.M) and Catherine l/.iS-.issu Intend several months, it was brought men and 5 women, whose condi- ki apply to the Township Cnmnittlre 1 out, and legal action had been 86; Muir 85, Geddes 6, Brescher tit Saw I'rnviuVnci Township. N. J., YOUR COOPERATION IS A VITAL FART OP NIW JIHSEY'S flLIPHONI SERV1CI tions were reported as improved, 67, Ullrich 59, Griffin 35; Demo- for a I'liiuuy tlvtail Consumption II- started to bring results. Salvatorc 1 man; quiescent, 1 man and 1 i fiisc for urnnl.iivi sltuatod at SprinK- crat—Morton 8, Young 8. Hunoval firld and I'lainfieUJ .\venue*\ New DelDuca, building inspector, re- woman; and non-tuberculous, 6 8, Conroy 8. l'tovkU'iue Tuunship, N. .1. ported that such an application men and 1 woman. Twelve deaths* . Objections, IT any. .should lie made had been filed and. would be were recorded, 8 men and 3 wom- Freeholder vote: Republican- Innucuiiitcly in wrlliiiK t(i WUIiani Bauer 86, Rig by 77. Rowland 77, Itusso. Clirk lit the Township ot Sew heard this month. en. I'rovUIenei1. N. .1. Gregory 22, Ebcrt 21, Ball "17; (Signed) C.VTHKni.VK liaSASSO. Regulations governing the is.su- During this same period, 3 chil- Democrat—Bradley 8, Hacfncr 8, CHAIILKCH.VHLK.S LSLJSASSO*S . ance of licenses to taxi operators dren were admitted, 2 boys and 1 Simandl 8. Coroner—Cullinane 8, Dated: June 7. l»4J. _ | and the control of such vehicles p r < girl. They were classified as: pri-on Democratic slate. .*." **T -'i . j was adopted. Annual fees will be mary infection with demonstrable NOTICK TAKH XOTICK that Dominlek Paul $15 for each taxi and a license lesions, 1 boy and 1 girl, no tuberc- Delia Intends to apply to tlie Township costing $1 will be required of culosis, 1 boy. Berkeley Heights Committal! of Now Providence Town- ship. X. J,. for a i'lonary K>-tnll DiK- each cab driver. Parking stands One child was discharged—one Softball League tribiitlon- lii'onso for i>romisps sit- and the inspection of the vehicles uated In Plainfleld Avenue, New boy, who was classified as im- June II Mantling* Providence Toivnshlp, N. .1. will be under the direction of the it proved. \V. I. Objpctlons, if any. sliould \>c niadi! Police Department. According to 0 |ii'lia'.< Hume.Supply •• 4 Iniinctliatelv in ivritiiiK to W'ilMnni the schedule, the rate which the On May 19, there were 313 pa- Kir*- I "(iiniiaiiy « II ItusKo. clerk of tlio Township ot New X SUJ ij^VL/... tients In the Sanatorium, 33 boys, itluo Alt. Kitrins 4 1 J'lovidfiice, N. .!. operator may charge ranges from KIXCIIP Si|im (KlBtiMl) UO.MINICK r.Vft* DELIA 25 cents per passenger for any 32 girls, 140 men and 108 women. I'liif Tier Jtm- Hated: June 7, 1945 The daily average for the month 1'ost 6SBS.\ ;L'i IV$I:U distance up to a mile; 50 cents for KstSfX Kkrtniiik'S has been 312.48—66.26 for children XOTICK I'hcnitcx TAKR XOTU'K that .lamest J. Mon- and 245.22 for adults. h»sut«« (if l'a«t Wfck ica, tnuliUK as I'lno 'fro*. Inn,'Intends TJlue Ml. l'iiriiis 11', J'lue Tree Inn to m>|>ly ID the Township Committee Pellet Chief Reports ItfSriic Kqliail iff.'iPost 6J USA 1. of the Township of Now Providence nine Mt. I'VIHIK ", llfsiue S<|iiflil 3. for ii Plenary Uetall Consumption li- Need A Loon? TOWNSHIP—Police Chief D. V. J'inc Tien fun 2", I'ost fi-1 USA V. I'prme for premises situated at SprinK- Russo, Jr., has reported activities COMINti r.AJIKS fleld ami Snyder Avenues, New l'rov- itlrnce Township. of his department for May as fol- June II I)p|i;i'» I'loine Supply v«, C'bciut«x. Objection*. If nny. uliould 1>» made | lows: two arrested for being dis- Kiie romiwtiy vs. ('licmtcx. Immediately in writiiiB to William Ittl., Township Clerk, Berkeley orderly, 18 police calls received Jnne IS nolln> • Home *atc : .limn 14. VM:> J-:'—Keen—J.l.SO poena; received and attended to l-'lro Company v.«. Clifintfx, • MJTICE are making each call count— three dog warden calls; received TAKE XOTICK that Janp K. I-a and answered to three Arc calls in On Petit Jury Panel Sooln liitrnds to apply to the Town- TOWNSHIP - C. Walker Gem- ship Committee of tlic Township of person, and one ambulance rail re- New Providence for it Plenary He- making fewer unnecessary ceived and turned over to Rescue mill of LaSccIa place Li listed on tall Consumption License for pnpm- I a fourth panel of petit jurors who IKPS situated on SprinRfleld Avenue,! Squad. The police car was driven TuwMMhl|t uf New Providence. 1,610 miles last month in the line will serve In county courts from Objei'tlon, If nny. should tie made calls, and making each call June 18 to 30. Immediately in willing to William of duty. rtii-sn, Township Clei'k,.. . Berkeley j PlK VS'lKiirdi" JANE T.A SEC LA. shorter—because they know Dated: JUIIA H. l!M."r. I--—K'-es—l,'.M NOTICK TAKE XOTICK that Mnnrarft Kel- this helps everyone get lar, trading as Kellar's Tavern and Urore, IntPiids to apply to the Town- IMMEDIATE CASH ship Committee, New Providence Township, BerHoley HclRhlit. N. .).. better service these busy days. for A Plenary Retail Consumption II- renso for premises located at Camp- Jutf CWlt MR. BBOZBT •! For Your Diamonds town drive, llerkeley HelRhts, N. J. Objection.", If. any, should be made OLD GOLD ft SILVER Irnmcdl-ately In writing to William Su. 64120 Russo, Township Clerk, Berkeley Pick up $25 to $300 "(HlKn'wi)1 MARCAnKT KEUUAn rutted ; .Itino 14, 1!»4:.. )-'-'—»t» WITHIN >N HOUR! XOTICK CtmfUtmUal T\KK XOTICK that Michael ' l.mn* to ftolH Mca •«< Wonra dw li;rtdliis ns Hulplmr .Spring Tav- In All Tjr»t* ol KBiplo/"t»l NIW JIRSIY ern. InU'iulu to npply to t)s« Township Cornliilttep of New Providence Town- ship, N*. •!.. for o Plenury UeiBlt EMPLOYEES ConrnJinpllon liretme for premises »ll- uated at Srirltidfield Avenue and Itlv- ernlde Urlvf, New Providence Town- PERSOMIL LOAM CO. SM BPKINGFIELD AVC imdprmtiic*. It's tkt umtm»itii%tnk, md >/*« *«• •

Don't miss seeing the light oak and Prlma Vera bedroom furnt- ture at the Doyle Furniture Store. These modern smart creations are perfect for the bride and groom GRADUATION or others looking for. beautiful bedroom suites. —adv. DAY




We Have Many Suitable Gifts For DAD Get the most out of your play COME IN AM) LOOK AROUND period—enjoy it to the fullest I For example—these full pleat- ed sharkskin shorts (with or without bib) and smart basque shirts make a good set up. (C) checked cott*n In rtd er blut wMi All sizes. to 4.99 Jeuieler "The Friendly Jewelry Store** SVITIAMS I 412 Springfield Avenue THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. JUNE 14, I+4S AHIM Garden h Cewty Parks

fl» development a&4 planting m a* M Aaalea Garden at Warinanco Park, Elisabeth and Hostile, itn. aertakea ttus sorts!, fa expected to became U» • I ew years «» «C UM outstanding hortieulttral fea- tures of the Union County Park System. ThU t«»d" U located sJoaftae p«rtl»lly wooded slept BortliwMt

S THE tempo of war in- at maturity $4 for every 93 you New Regulations Ai creases... as the lines of invest... that they safeguard communication grow longer your future security ... and Announced For ... as the need for new guns, that you can cash then in on m tanks, planes grows more ur- •Mmeat's notice hi case of gent ... the cost of the war la emergency. So let's go. Anted- Mailing Papers at an all-time high. canst Buy (Wfger bonds and! New rulea, designed to conserve awrt of them! •hipping apace, and effective July That ia reason Numher 1 why every American must back 1, have been announced to govern " '; .3?" mailing of newapaper* and other this MIG11TY 7TH War Loan periodical to Navy, Marine Corps Drive beyond all limita of and Coaat Guard personnel over- what he thinks he can afford. seas. Individual copies offered for Reason Number 2 Is that mailing by publUher*. addreaaed this la really two drives in one* via fleet pott offices In New York By this time hut year, you sub* or San Francisco, will be accept- scribed to two War Loans. ed only when they are aubaerip- tlona or renewal* requested in writing by tb« addresaee. Pub- BUY MORE llahera must present auoh reqUeata .' \- at the post office of mailing for AND BKttft BONDS the postmaster's inspection Yet, the need is greater than Relatives or friends may pay ever before. And YOU . . . for the aubacrlptions, If the ad- fWDYOUt QUOTA... AMP/WAirjffl everybody ... must invest a dressee haa requested the paper greater portion of your in- or periodical be aent. Complimen- M vnaat *M*A0I YOWraSONML MATUOTY come ... of your cash reserves tary copies, those paid for by the WMBONO VAUIIOf advertisers, and those sent under ... in War Bonds Now! Study QUOTA Mi rn WAKIOAN the chart on this page. Figure any arrangement in which the re- HI aKWln m (CASH VA1UE) •ONDSIOUOHT quest is aolicited, will not be ac- out your personal quota—and cepted for mailing. Unexpired sub- $ue 911730 $a» make ill scriptions wilt continue to be sent 3tS4ae 1S0.M 300 until the subscription expires. 3I04SS, 131^3 US You know that War Bonds Publishers mailing copies In ac- joe-ii(/ 11130 ISO are the safest investment in cordance with the new regulations 1M4W nn 12S the world... that you get back must Include with the address a ie>iM 75.00 100 certificate reading: "Mailed in T0O-I40 37J0 M conformity with Order No. 27851"

AMY MCDOWELL SHOP DE LEON SHOP, SPORTSWEAR MABEN AGENCY, INSURANCE SIEGELS STATIONERY SHOP Wearing Apparel 436 Springfield Avenue 24 Beechwood Road f B««chwood Road =^>394 Springfield Avenue DOYLE'S FURNITURE CO., INC. MAJESTIC BAKERY DABS SHOP STITZERS DRESS SHOP 420 Springfield Avsnuo 465 Springfield Aven us 371 Springfield Avenue 412' Springfield Avenue ' BALDWIN'S MT. PIEASANT FARM. INC. EDWARD A. BUTLER MANSER'S HARDWARE Livingston, Naw Jtrtay Real Estate A Insurance 431 Springfield Avenua SUBURBAN HOTEL 7 Beechwood Road BAKERS MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR 470 Springfield Avenue MARTEN'S CONFECTIONERY 424 SprSne^fieitd Avtnut FORMICHELLA'S DEPARTMENT STORE Btt4U**t otrry felly 388 Springfield Avenue SUMMIT FIREPROOF WAREH'SE, INC. eridenoe that th« BEECHWOOD 89-91 Park Avanua • 66 Railroad Avenue Suit plan to go 13 D« Fonwf Avenut McELOUNN'S MEN'S SHOP tHBBtGBOUHD »•»••••••• HALL'S SHOE STORE Springfield Avenue at Maple Street BROOKDAII DAiRT A DELICATESSEN 44 Maple Street SUMMIT SHOE SHOP John toy Curlton 445 SprinffltM Arenua iWtti Me nfw G. I. McNEIL ^ 414 Springfield Avenue I BRAID THIBUKS CARROU'S DEPT. STORE HILL CITY DELICATESSEN Interior Decorating .. 26 Maple Street strip.••••• 435 Springfiald Av«nu», 55 Union Place THE ENGLEMAN-GOODHELD CO. JEANNE BEAUTY SHOPPE ftett COLUMBIA CLEANERS AND DYERS MISS NELLIE SHOP TtieBeat In Fueb" Morris Avenue hut Chatham Road Women's Apparel 16 Maple Street THE FASHION STORE j if an CULUS 1 LEWIS 19 Beechwood Road tdrenture ooalo atrip Oreeera : -• ' ; , JEANETTE'S CUMren'a Wear ""' '/': '••'y'.l-T':.'- NEE DELL RED CROSS SHOE SHOP 425 Springfield Avenue v ^ *lth a DIFPBIBNCB. * • * 451 Sprinfrritlej AVMIIM 42 Maple Street 396 Springfield Avenue O JOHNS-MANVILLE HOME INSUUTION DAVES WINE AND UpUOR STORE THE STYLE SHOP ' .. _ ;•':' -8|f |v' *— 25 Union Plac. 76 Union Plac* : ROOTS STORES 377 Springfield Avenue ;I ' '^t full of 402 ft 410 Springfield Avenue C. P. DEAN, INC. JUVENILE SHOP It lm tt» Electrical Osfttractera CMMrea'a W*«r B. L SCHLOSSER, CLEANERS Ir DYERS THOMASON BROTHERS ^WM': 7 Union FUca 371 Springfield Av«nu» 37 Union Piece Auto IirnKloii Esperts ^ -.- '•••>,-i i-Swi' ^'' • .308 Broad Street . • ..\vs*0%$$r&fr '•'

eJWal«V.1.1r^ie»* tftJtrmipUtt ef Trtsitny mU Wsr Adnrtidmg CsawA j .aJSiSSfiSiSisS&IBiliS^S TriE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE M, 1945 1| HBU> HELP WAMTMO-tm* FOR SALI LEGAL ADVEBTlSBlfBIiT TRICYCLE. In good condition. Suit. XOTICK orsrftLKXBRir able for »-*-ynr-01d. IS New Kng- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Tlml Avntu, Su. »-0<)ll-J, the account of th* subscribers, of the l"t Will and Ttstament of Caroline MAHOGANY chest of drawers. Call M. Phraner, dec*aaed. will be audited BUSINESS 'OPERATORS and stated by th* Surrogate, snd re- ported for vettlement to «!»• Orphans' •TROUD baby grand piano; ft lults Court off tthe County of Union, aod overcoat, man's. If. uilorniad*. Exptrienced on Singer sewing machine... outgrown, Msdlson s-0141. u*l' it* t MODERN American Ut, compiit^ Uth/lM*.%L DIRECTORY Mt. li volurans. ltathtr bound, %t$. D»t*d Ma PHMANKR f All l»M*N»lBt». Bprlnrfleld Mt««nt working conditions. Good salary. FRANCS PHMANKR , New PmMWMse. Plalnflelo fraut" ** • *^ * ™- THE SUMMIT TRUST BOUtiUT *m4 BOLD 25 MEN COMPANY, Ettcutor*. JOSEPH OB LUCA esMBfc atoBMt Park, WHITE enameled caromlum trim- SCHMID * BOURNE. PwtorL GKORGSTS AUCTION med refrigerator: pre-war, Whitney Sfl Springfield Ave., Summit, N. J. Conuwtor WiUiQlMne. By 5 WORK IN baby carriage, 111. Phone after 7 •S Summit Av*nu» APPLY AT ONCI 4»-l—oaw&w Fo«»—$5.:» Brick and umtat work, p«Ufc« P. It Su. i-Mf»-W. JIOTICK TO tBEDITOlS Sumnit MM* ESTATE Of ALBERT 1». BALDWIN. tug or any kind of maaea wtrk. LOCAL INDUSTRY , REKD stroller, excellent condition; Deceased. 5553358S3533B55353i5£™«w--i^—M,™ water color painting Sls.ll; auto- THE HiJIBERT QAlXERTt Summit i-4260 Steady post-war employment. On Pursuant to th* order of BRUCE MFG. CO. matic .» caliber rifle; single bar- CHARLES A. OTTO, JR., S«rrog«t« 101 8vtamtt Avtnii* ESTATI FOB MLB route 70 bus. Apply I to J P. u. rel It gauge shot gun; call after T WILLIAM MATTEO of tn* County ot Union, mad* on the Summit »-3»7 I? Cedar Street P. M. Aptrtra«nt A 441 Springfield first day of June A. D.. 1»IJ, upon Mason.... Builder Millburn 6-060O Summit, N. J. Av*., Summit. th* application ot th* undersigned, as STARCK'S Summit 0-0533 ' FOUR burner Oriole ga* range, in- Executris of th« cstat* of aaid> do- sulated automatic oven control. ceased, notice I* hereby given to the 7« Main Street, ChaUww Fandango Mills WMCRulu Obwrvtd Good condition. 8u. «-4

If yon cannot slack aad wrap 6-2621 Forward wit/i t/ie Mighty 7TH WAR LOAN! Vour He/p /s Neecfecf NOW! aad someone from the Leghw wffl be at «am to help yom. Bemem- her, 100 lbs. of wastepaper from yonr heto aaro •oai THE AHBBCAH UEOON SUMMT POST Ho. 138 UtMttUUUM tmm JMD QKUTB BY IM AMBUCAN SKMttS COMPANY