. \. '.•'•* J COMMENCEMENT! HIGH SCHOOL- JUNE 15 Seventh War Loan ERAID Buy More Bonds 57»h YMr, No. I SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1945 Elb WI Honor 13 A riA* , CENTS Amazing Power m AfpHcoriM <* $100,000 i. War Ion* Emphasis on E Bond Indifference The flag Tonight; h School Estimate Lincoln School at I To Meet the Quota Of Voters Marks Summit Lodff* 1245, Benevolent SaysMaxwelLester Toe CpwatoH Council goes oa Here of $765,000 Tuesday's Primary and Protect!v« Order of Ellts, liaa record as wianiawmtly voting for llembera of the Summit War Tuesday's primary election here, completed arrangement* tor the any appropriation approved by the i Kinani-e Committee, who have ; in common with other communl« Flag Day observance, an lyinual Board of School Estimate, eves j been •pprthfn»ive about- the K ties throughout New Jersey, was and obligatory service with the though the Council disapproves, I bond »«!e», according to Harry marked by a pronounced indiffer- cider. •aid Maxwell Lester, Jr., repre- | W. Kilgar. chairman of the bank- ence of the electorate. Only 807 This year, owing to the fact that senting the council ia the absence , ing commute* lor war bonds. > or 10.67 per rent of Summit's the "Mighty Seventh" War Loan U of iu president. Rome A. Belts, have been active addressing local ».2tS registered voters bothered to on. the Summit Lodge has consent- before the Council of Social Agen- groups to acquaint trading bu.ii- go to> the polls, ed to giving a part of the tine of cies* annual meeting. Jane 11. This ne*» men with the situation. Councilman lx>ui* G. Dapcro on the observance to the War Finance Is the moat ^B"^| set-up in his Special talks wrre given la thethe Republican ticket won the Committee and Robert J. Davld- experience, he said, and the Board Rotary Club, Kiwdnlt Club and only semblance of it contest. Me son, chairman of the committee, af School Estimate is the most un- Club with the idea in mind handily won his renominatlon will be the principal speaker of usual Board. The greatest power that the*e local business lenders < with a vote -ot 31» to 12tl for Kujen* , the evening. Iks in the hand* of the mayor, who ran supplement the rffoiu »f the ' F. Daly, whA was running inde- The program, iu addition to that baa the deciding vote between the Bond Drive workers. aiu.L-.ea'cour pendently. The Democrat* had announced in last week's Herald two member* of the Common age the sale of E boifiua in thi* no candldatei for Summit offices. will include piano selection* by Council and the two members of community, reported John N. May, Their candidates for State and co-chairniHn of the Summit War Mia. LouU Seveatre and the read- SOT. ANTHONY J. LASMNA the school board who comprise the county offices in no instance ing of "Americanism," by LouU Board of School Estimate. If the Finance Committee. polled higher than 2? votes after being a prisoner of war nine Mallei, Jr., the eaaay which won three members of the board de- 'The E bond in the best mer- throughout the city. him the prize offered by the Sum-months has been released from a cide OB a mitlion-dolUx school pro- chandise offered for. salt- today," Lester, Jr., who has mit American Legion Auxiliary in ierman prison camp, hi* father, I Use council ba* to raise the stated Mr. May. "Instead of ; served 10 years on Common CounV a contest conducted by the Aux-Francisco Laspina of Orchard j money. depreciating with- time, it appre- cil from the Kir si Ward, ran welt: illary. Later Louis won the county dates in value." ahead of the whole G.O.P. slats street, has been notified by the I Other* who spoke on the'topic, Efforts will be t-!iuiiixe<l tins in polling 714 votes to gain ttltt contest with the aame essay. He ___•_.. _ ' *-if—Kw . \r__ r*._ *•*»_ . «._ War Department. Last August j »* <*** Government, It* week with the participation of nomination for mayor. Krneat S, i is in the seventh grade at St. Services and limitations,* were Teresa's school. word came Sgt. Laspina. 28, waa the Summit War Finance Commit- Hirliok renomlnated HS counctl- musing in action. A month later representatives of the other gov- HualJ I'lmlo—ttoidnn Rolli. Short Hills. tee in the Klk.8 annual Flax '*»y man-at-large rnn a dose second J. J. Brodbeck, president of Cibft Pharmaceuti- During the evening motion pic- it was learned he was a prisoner. ernment Boards of Summit who War Finance Committee Headquarters, Hill City services commemorating the birth with 678 votes. C. I'litfTp' Dean cal Products, Inc., filing the application (right),, lures will be shown,/the feature He haa been in service four years. outlined their functions. William Savings and Loan Association offices at 32 Maple j of ,ne Am<ric8n j.'lag. This event with 30* votes rnn ahead" of th« being "My Japan." Short four-min- A. Ktncaid. school superintendent. ! *rd Robert J- Davidson, chairman of the Summit street. The application was mad* last Friday night. , , \ , , Thursday rv*. i tickrl in the first wurd Sgt. Laspina was in the infan- ls o be uid hS gaming ute pictures will also be thrown said that the schools are not a i War Finance Committee, accepting same at the and ia the largest so far received. ' try at first, but later transferred j ntnit. June 14. in Lincoln School the nomination for Common on the screen. function or agency of the Httaici- ! to the Air Corps and became an j auditorium nt S u'cliKk. mui I'oh-Ooumil to HID cord Councilman, The Lodge has sent Invitation? patity. but that the authority of f aerial gunner. Before entering the Hetirs Art Changed ; rrt J. Davidson, chairman of theL*«l«T. to the PAR, SAR, American Le- Army he waa employed as a route- the School Board stems from tbe Formei r Executive | Summit War Finance Commit lee, KepublicuiiA clcctfd mi incoin- gion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, man by Canoe Brook Dairy. He state, according to court decisions. A* it* Ciry Hall St. Teresa's Pupils | will be the principal •pc-akri. plctr lint to tlic county committee Red Crass, Mayor Cullis and Max-has A brother, Carman, an appren- Tbe powers are delegated to A more encouraging showing a» follows: Ward 1—district i, well Letter of Defense Council. In groups of people residing within Effective as of July 2, 1945, the was made I ait week in the -,*:«• t Ixslie Hurii'll; dintrict 2. John tice seaman training at Bainbridge, Of hottra of business at the City Hall Win Three Prizes; .vldition, the general public la in- a given area. In support of this • » « a ~1, of K bonds according to » com- Kamella. Dorothy A Norton; dis- Md. will be from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 1 vited to attend. mittee report of total sales of j trict 3, Katherint- M. Card. E. I . p. m. on week-days and 8:30 a. m. *—»•—•*•—regional high ichonif — In Massachusetts slightly over $."WO.0O0. If tliU pace j Rcavey: district i, Thomaa V. President Truman, in answer to to 12 m. on Saturdays. Report to Treasury the report of the Grand Exalted The library Board is dependent ' Funeral service* were held In an Americanization essay is continued, the cominittre fcrLi Munroe. Ethel S. Watson: district This schedule will replace the that Summit will reach the K bond <A Karl O. Klaren, Ijonisr E, Cade- Ruler of the Biles of the Elks war Display of Flag on the city for its fund*. Tuesday afternoon in Orleans, present 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. hours contest sponsored by the Ameri- r quota of $765,000.' Total sales of i busch; district 6, (Juy Bates; dig- activities, said: Dr G Hartley Berry, speaking Ma , ^ c K, gl 4g and will be tried out for the sum- can Legion Ihe following pupils "It is appropriate that a great for the Board of Health, «a;d i , ., , from Saint Teresas School re- all issues of bonds w $:'.228.O0O. tricl^T. Uernlit H, Young defeated former mer months, National organization like the And Service Rag; that ita ftueUoaa fail into two «<^«rtuung manager of ceived prizes: Louis Maffei, a pupil The committee again empha- Stephen Kent. .1-1. Ward 2—di»« Should thc new schedule prove sizes the tprcial V-M.n] Oitilicntr {Continued on page 2* Benevolent and Protective Order classes, real and To the weekly newspapers in this vicin- to be more convenient to the citl- of the seventh grade, was awarded of Elks should deliver a report of former belong such things as safe- ity. He died Saturday in Cape fir.st prize in the district and also which may now he ohtaiut'd HI Die Use Same Rules wi|, made nent three bankj, twa loan a.««nclntion.s, (Continued on page 2» guarding the purity of water, milk. Cod Hospital. Hyannis, Mans. He .second prise fur the county Today is Flag Day and the and the I'o.-t Office. Tint \-Miiil (Continued on |ige 2i had been In poor health since lust award. Martin Conant. an eighth Fourth will soon/be here. Many fall. Mr. Kingsley and his family grade pupil, won second prixe. of the bond mny brWomen Voters S.A.R. and D.A.R. homes have servie* flags for their had resided in Green Villafft^wad, Langston Hughes The subject was, "Thomas Jef- directly to the man or members In the different service*.
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