Elb WI Honor the Flag Tonight
. \. '.•'•* J COMMENCEMENT! HIGH SCHOOL- JUNE 15 Seventh War Loan ERAID Buy More Bonds 57»h YMr, No. I SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1945 Elb WI Honor 13 A riA* , CENTS Amazing Power m AfpHcoriM <* $100,000 i. War Ion* Emphasis on E Bond Indifference The flag Tonight; h School Estimate Lincoln School at I To Meet the Quota Of Voters Marks Summit Lodff* 1245, Benevolent SaysMaxwelLester Toe CpwatoH Council goes oa Here of $765,000 Tuesday's Primary and Protect!v« Order of Ellts, liaa record as wianiawmtly voting for llembera of the Summit War Tuesday's primary election here, completed arrangement* tor the any appropriation approved by the i Kinani-e Committee, who have ; in common with other communl« Flag Day observance, an lyinual Board of School Estimate, eves j been •pprthfn»ive about- the K ties throughout New Jersey, was and obligatory service with the though the Council disapproves, I bond »«!e», according to Harry marked by a pronounced indiffer- cider. •aid Maxwell Lester, Jr., repre- | W. Kilgar. chairman of the bank- ence of the electorate. Only 807 This year, owing to the fact that senting the council ia the absence , ing commute* lor war bonds. > or 10.67 per rent of Summit's the "Mighty Seventh" War Loan U of iu president. Rome A. Belts, have been active addressing local ».2tS registered voters bothered to on. the Summit Lodge has consent- before the Council of Social Agen- groups to acquaint trading bu.ii- go to> the polls, ed to giving a part of the tine of cies* annual meeting.
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